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Hello, and welcome to Haunting: Purgatory's Premiere Podcast. I'm your host, Theresa. We'll be bringing you different ghost stories each week straight from the person who experienced it firsthand. Some will be unsettling, some unnerving, some even downright terrifying. But all of them will be totally true. Listen to Haunting on the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hi, I'm Katie Loz.


And I'm Guillermo Dias.


And we're the hosts of Unpacking the Toolbox, the Scandal Rewatch podcast, where we're talking about all the best moments of the show. Mesmerizing. But also we get to hang out with all of our old Scandal friends like Belmy Young, Scott Foley, Tony Goldman, Debbie Allen, Kerry Washington. Well, suit up, gladiators.


Grab your big old glass of wine and prepare yourselves for even more behind the scenes stories with Unpacking the Toolbox.


Listen to Unpacking the Toolbox on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts. Or wherever you get your podcast.


Our iHeartRadio Music Festival, presented by Capital One, September 20th and 21st.


T-mobile Arena here in Las Vegas. Stream live only on Hulu.


Don't miss Big Sean, Camila Caballo, Doja Cat, Dua Lipa, Gwen Stefani, Halsey, Hosier, Keith Urban, New Kids on the Block, Paramore, Shibuzi, The Black Crowes.


Show all to Thomas Red, Victoria Monet, and more. Buy tickets now at axs. Com.


Hello, everyone, and thank you for tuning in to another episode of The House of Hallewell. I'm Brian Kraus. I come to you this evening with a heavy heart, after learning the news of Shannon and Dorody's passing just yesterday afternoon. I know all of us here at the House of Halliwell, iHeartMedia, social media, all over the world are shocked, devastated, too young, too talented, too loving, too grateful, too early. Shannon will dearly be missed We are so honored that she had come on with us or had us along with her on this new incantation of the house of Halliwell. We were lucky enough to record four episodes in the last week or so. Janna was just so motivated and determined to help make this show a success and give all of you more insight into what it was in the making and the fun and the behind the scenes of Charmed. When Shannon wanted to get something done, she got it done. That's something I learned a long time ago, watching her on set and work and be such a professional and so good at what she did. She's had a life long lasting impression on me.


I'm sorry. Bumbling a little. I find it It's hard to say everything I want to say. Perhaps I'll leave you off with this. I know how grateful Shannon was as I was lucky enough to travel with her to many different places and comic cons and go backstage and hear from her the things that affected her emotionally. Joyously, it gave her so much, emotionally meeting the fans and hearing the stories and knowing how much it meant to all of you. It filled her greatly, and I know that she believed in the house of Halliwell to be the little bit that she was able to give back. So all of us here at the house of Halliwell want to honor that, and we are going to continue on in her name. Kick freaking ass because that's what she would do. From us at the house of Halliwell, I love you and we thank you. Please keep Shannon in your prayers and all our family. Take care of yourself, and I hope you enjoy this next episode as much as I do. Thank you.


Hi, everyone. Welcome to another episode of House of Halliwell.


Episode 1, formerly known as the Pilot, Something Wicca This Way Comes, premiered October seventh, 1998. The In the absence of this episode, the series kicks off with the Halliwell sisters back under one roof despite some sisterly drama. Meanwhile, a killer is on the loose in San Francisco, and Prue's ex-boyfriend, Inspector Andy, is on the case. Phoebe finds the Book of Shadows in the Attacks, and all three sisters suddenly have magical powers. When Piper's boyfriend ends up being a warlock in disguise, the sisters come to terms with the fact that life will never be the same.


Holly, I'm going to turn this over to you because you guys are the pros that know how to do a rewatch of a rewatch of a rewatch. I've never done this is like, and I love him more than anything else in the world. That's just family dynamics, right?Yeah. That's what I try to explain to people all the time is the fact that we were so different and we're so independent, not just as characters, but as people, is what makes it more relatable, not less. The fact that we do disagree, we do get along, don't get along, makes it more real, not less. I know it's not a popular opinion, but the scene in the drug store for me, is where Charm came together. That's where it coalesced in that scene as a show for me, as an episode for me. Why? I don't know. That's the scene that's memorable for me, and that's the scene that really is entertaining to me.It was entertaining. I like at the end, you accept. There's an acceptance. How did that feel? You instantly You're like, Oh, that actually felt good. You watch it wash over you. You watch you've been fighting against it, and then all of a sudden, you have this realization. Now, obviously, in the coming episodes, you guys are still going to be fighting against your purpose and what this new life looks like. But in that moment, you leaned in fully, and we see the shift, and it's awesome for an audience member.Yeah, and you also see the shift in the relationship between her and Phoebe. You see that proves almost thankful, in a way, for Phoebe pushing her. It's interesting is that that entire pilot, the first season and everything We all really got along. Yes, incredibly different people, but everybody got along. You could feel that last hug between the three sisters. You could actually feel the love between all of us. It was amazing.We were striving towards the same goal. Because we were all kid actors, we had something to prove as adults, and it was sink or swim.It was your boyfriend at the time in the show, Jeremy, that was the frigging killer.I know.Got you have bad taste.Her picker is broken. Piper's picker is broken. She really does. Piper's picker was broken for a long time.But it got fixed?Sure.Yeah, it did.It's funny. You mentioned the pharmacy. That was the one scene that I was nervous about, not because of performance, but because of the physical effects.Oh, right. I didn't know if that stuff was going to come off the shelves, and if it did, and the take was no good, we'd have to reload. It was going to take hours. Were the grips it?Do you know how they did it? Do you remember?Didn't they have the air puffers behind stuff?They had a combination of air puffers, and they had-String. No, a board that pushed the stuff out, as I remember. There were guys behind the shelf pushing it out. It was manual. There was a combination Yeah.But I remember the air blowers that you hit and it's a huge gust of wind really quick or air. Yeah. I mean, it was actually, again, for that time, it was amazing. Those special effects people who did all that, that's unbelievable. Yeah, it looked awesome. Because I was like you. I wasn't quite sure it was going to work. I was like...Yeah. John gray was the head of effects, and he did a very good job on the pilot, I Yeah. But we got it on the first take, the wide shot we got on the first take, as I remember.I think so. Thank you. I liked getting everything on the first take. All the time. held by, I think it was Phoebe is holding the cat before they all walk inside.Mm-hmm.That would be a very strong direct correlation that these three are... There's something going on about this, especially because the collar has the triquetra.Well, I think Connie was probably laying that pipe, but I don't think there was anything that specifically indicates to me that he's going light bulb their witches yet.Yeah, I also remember in later episodes, he he doesn't really connect the witches thing. I definitely don't think he had any indication in the pilot. Holly's got her own theory.I disagree with it. I think he starts strong. In fact, on this second go-around, because I destroyed Andy.Oh, yeah. We'll get into that.I think during the pilot, in the first two episodes, he's actually on the right path.He's a good detective.He's a very good detective.He's a very good detective.He flounders later.I'm sorry. At the beginning, he's a very good detective.I agree. At the end of the pilot, he asked Pruele. Pruele is very much like my life is a little complicated right now because obviously she's adjusting. And honestly, still, one of my favorite things is that ending where Pru goes up the stairs, turns and looks at the door and shuts it with her mind. Because for me, it's when she finally really truly embraces that she's a witch. And sure, later she struggles on and off. But I always get chills, and yet I smile thinking about that. When I rewatched, I was like, Oh, what a good ending. It would have been good if it was any of us, right? But the fact that Prue was so hesitant to accept her powers, and then you realize that she's accepting them, and you go as an audience member, I imagine that you say, Oh, my God, now they're really the most powerful witches in the world because they've all accepted things.It's a very delicious moment. I think one of the things that makes it delicious is that it's silent, that it's all done on your face. Yes. Didn't they use that shot over and over in the credits or something?In the credits, yeah.Yeah. Well, it's because it's iconic. I mean, it's absolutely iconic. Everything you said about, emotionally, the audience understanding that she now accepts it is absolutely true, and you sold it. I mean, as I said, it was a delicious moment.Well, you shot it. So you're delicious.Yeah.You're delicious. I agree. All right. Well, I think that's it for the pilot. We're going to see you again because at least for the three of us.At least 17 times.I don't I don't know if I'll bring you back for the others. I'm so mad. I'm like, What?I don't know what you're talking about.God, I love you.I have no recollection of that episode whatsoever.But this is fun. I love rewatching and then seeing you and all of us having our opinions about what happened. I think it's very cool. So thank you so much for joining us.Thank you for inviting me. And it was a total pleasure not only to do this, but to see all you guys again, because I love you all very, very much.I love you, John. We'll see you for all the other episodes. If you'll come back. Okay. Thanks. So that's House of Halloweld. Thank you, you guys. Again, And we'll see you for the next episode. Hello, and welcome to Haunting: Purgatory's Premiere podcast. I'm your host, Theresa. We'll be bringing you different ghost stories each week, straight from the person who experienced it firsthand. Some will be unsettling, some unnerving, some even downright terrifying. But all of them will be totally true. Listen to Haunting on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hi, I'm Katie Loz.And I'm Guillermo Dias.And we're the hosts of Unpacking the Toolbox, the Scandal Rewatch podcast where we're talking about all the best moments of the show. Mesmerizing. But also we get to hang out with all of our old scandal friends like Belmy Young, Scott Foley, Tony Goldman, Debbie Allen, Kerry Washington.Well, suit up, gladiators.Grab your big old glass of wine and prepare yourselves for even more behind the scenes stories with Unpacking the Toolbox. Listen to Unpacking the Toolbox on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts. Or wherever you get your podcast.Our iHeartRadio Music Festival, presented by Capital One, September 20th and 21st.T-mobile Arena here in Las Vegas. Stream live only on Hulu.Don't miss Big Sean, Camila Caballo, Togecat, Dua Lipa, Gwen Stefani, Halsey, Hosier, Keith Urban, New Kids on the Block, Paramore, Shibuzi, The Black Crow, Thomas Red, Victoria Monet, and more.Buy tickets now at axs. Com.


is like, and I love him more than anything else in the world. That's just family dynamics, right?


Yeah. That's what I try to explain to people all the time is the fact that we were so different and we're so independent, not just as characters, but as people, is what makes it more relatable, not less. The fact that we do disagree, we do get along, don't get along, makes it more real, not less. I know it's not a popular opinion, but the scene in the drug store for me, is where Charm came together. That's where it coalesced in that scene as a show for me, as an episode for me. Why? I don't know. That's the scene that's memorable for me, and that's the scene that really is entertaining to me.


It was entertaining. I like at the end, you accept. There's an acceptance. How did that feel? You instantly You're like, Oh, that actually felt good. You watch it wash over you. You watch you've been fighting against it, and then all of a sudden, you have this realization. Now, obviously, in the coming episodes, you guys are still going to be fighting against your purpose and what this new life looks like. But in that moment, you leaned in fully, and we see the shift, and it's awesome for an audience member.


Yeah, and you also see the shift in the relationship between her and Phoebe. You see that proves almost thankful, in a way, for Phoebe pushing her. It's interesting is that that entire pilot, the first season and everything We all really got along. Yes, incredibly different people, but everybody got along. You could feel that last hug between the three sisters. You could actually feel the love between all of us. It was amazing.


We were striving towards the same goal. Because we were all kid actors, we had something to prove as adults, and it was sink or swim.


It was your boyfriend at the time in the show, Jeremy, that was the frigging killer.


I know.


Got you have bad taste.


Her picker is broken. Piper's picker is broken. She really does. Piper's picker was broken for a long time.


But it got fixed?




Yeah, it did.


It's funny. You mentioned the pharmacy. That was the one scene that I was nervous about, not because of performance, but because of the physical effects.Oh, right. I didn't know if that stuff was going to come off the shelves, and if it did, and the take was no good, we'd have to reload. It was going to take hours. Were the grips it?


Do you know how they did it? Do you remember?


Didn't they have the air puffers behind stuff?


They had a combination of air puffers, and they had-String. No, a board that pushed the stuff out, as I remember. There were guys behind the shelf pushing it out. It was manual. There was a combination Yeah.


But I remember the air blowers that you hit and it's a huge gust of wind really quick or air. Yeah. I mean, it was actually, again, for that time, it was amazing. Those special effects people who did all that, that's unbelievable. Yeah, it looked awesome. Because I was like you. I wasn't quite sure it was going to work. I was like...


Yeah. John gray was the head of effects, and he did a very good job on the pilot, I Yeah. But we got it on the first take, the wide shot we got on the first take, as I remember.


I think so. Thank you. I liked getting everything on the first take. All the time. held by, I think it was Phoebe is holding the cat before they all walk inside.Mm-hmm.That would be a very strong direct correlation that these three are... There's something going on about this, especially because the collar has the triquetra.Well, I think Connie was probably laying that pipe, but I don't think there was anything that specifically indicates to me that he's going light bulb their witches yet.Yeah, I also remember in later episodes, he he doesn't really connect the witches thing. I definitely don't think he had any indication in the pilot. Holly's got her own theory.I disagree with it. I think he starts strong. In fact, on this second go-around, because I destroyed Andy.Oh, yeah. We'll get into that.I think during the pilot, in the first two episodes, he's actually on the right path.He's a good detective.He's a very good detective.He's a very good detective.He flounders later.I'm sorry. At the beginning, he's a very good detective.I agree. At the end of the pilot, he asked Pruele. Pruele is very much like my life is a little complicated right now because obviously she's adjusting. And honestly, still, one of my favorite things is that ending where Pru goes up the stairs, turns and looks at the door and shuts it with her mind. Because for me, it's when she finally really truly embraces that she's a witch. And sure, later she struggles on and off. But I always get chills, and yet I smile thinking about that. When I rewatched, I was like, Oh, what a good ending. It would have been good if it was any of us, right? But the fact that Prue was so hesitant to accept her powers, and then you realize that she's accepting them, and you go as an audience member, I imagine that you say, Oh, my God, now they're really the most powerful witches in the world because they've all accepted things.It's a very delicious moment. I think one of the things that makes it delicious is that it's silent, that it's all done on your face. Yes. Didn't they use that shot over and over in the credits or something?In the credits, yeah.Yeah. Well, it's because it's iconic. I mean, it's absolutely iconic. Everything you said about, emotionally, the audience understanding that she now accepts it is absolutely true, and you sold it. I mean, as I said, it was a delicious moment.Well, you shot it. So you're delicious.Yeah.You're delicious. I agree. All right. Well, I think that's it for the pilot. We're going to see you again because at least for the three of us.At least 17 times.I don't I don't know if I'll bring you back for the others. I'm so mad. I'm like, What?I don't know what you're talking about.God, I love you.I have no recollection of that episode whatsoever.But this is fun. I love rewatching and then seeing you and all of us having our opinions about what happened. I think it's very cool. So thank you so much for joining us.Thank you for inviting me. And it was a total pleasure not only to do this, but to see all you guys again, because I love you all very, very much.I love you, John. We'll see you for all the other episodes. If you'll come back. Okay. Thanks. So that's House of Halloweld. Thank you, you guys. Again, And we'll see you for the next episode. Hello, and welcome to Haunting: Purgatory's Premiere podcast. I'm your host, Theresa. We'll be bringing you different ghost stories each week, straight from the person who experienced it firsthand. Some will be unsettling, some unnerving, some even downright terrifying. But all of them will be totally true. Listen to Haunting on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hi, I'm Katie Loz.And I'm Guillermo Dias.And we're the hosts of Unpacking the Toolbox, the Scandal Rewatch podcast where we're talking about all the best moments of the show. Mesmerizing. But also we get to hang out with all of our old scandal friends like Belmy Young, Scott Foley, Tony Goldman, Debbie Allen, Kerry Washington.Well, suit up, gladiators.Grab your big old glass of wine and prepare yourselves for even more behind the scenes stories with Unpacking the Toolbox. Listen to Unpacking the Toolbox on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts. Or wherever you get your podcast.Our iHeartRadio Music Festival, presented by Capital One, September 20th and 21st.T-mobile Arena here in Las Vegas. Stream live only on Hulu.Don't miss Big Sean, Camila Caballo, Togecat, Dua Lipa, Gwen Stefani, Halsey, Hosier, Keith Urban, New Kids on the Block, Paramore, Shibuzi, The Black Crow, Thomas Red, Victoria Monet, and more.Buy tickets now at axs. Com.


held by, I think it was Phoebe is holding the cat before they all walk inside.




That would be a very strong direct correlation that these three are... There's something going on about this, especially because the collar has the triquetra.


Well, I think Connie was probably laying that pipe, but I don't think there was anything that specifically indicates to me that he's going light bulb their witches yet.


Yeah, I also remember in later episodes, he he doesn't really connect the witches thing. I definitely don't think he had any indication in the pilot. Holly's got her own theory.


I disagree with it. I think he starts strong. In fact, on this second go-around, because I destroyed Andy.


Oh, yeah. We'll get into that.


I think during the pilot, in the first two episodes, he's actually on the right path.


He's a good detective.


He's a very good detective.


He's a very good detective.


He flounders later.


I'm sorry. At the beginning, he's a very good detective.


I agree. At the end of the pilot, he asked Pruele. Pruele is very much like my life is a little complicated right now because obviously she's adjusting. And honestly, still, one of my favorite things is that ending where Pru goes up the stairs, turns and looks at the door and shuts it with her mind. Because for me, it's when she finally really truly embraces that she's a witch. And sure, later she struggles on and off. But I always get chills, and yet I smile thinking about that. When I rewatched, I was like, Oh, what a good ending. It would have been good if it was any of us, right? But the fact that Prue was so hesitant to accept her powers, and then you realize that she's accepting them, and you go as an audience member, I imagine that you say, Oh, my God, now they're really the most powerful witches in the world because they've all accepted things.


It's a very delicious moment. I think one of the things that makes it delicious is that it's silent, that it's all done on your face. Yes. Didn't they use that shot over and over in the credits or something?


In the credits, yeah.


Yeah. Well, it's because it's iconic. I mean, it's absolutely iconic. Everything you said about, emotionally, the audience understanding that she now accepts it is absolutely true, and you sold it. I mean, as I said, it was a delicious moment.


Well, you shot it. So you're delicious.




You're delicious. I agree. All right. Well, I think that's it for the pilot. We're going to see you again because at least for the three of us.


At least 17 times.


I don't I don't know if I'll bring you back for the others. I'm so mad. I'm like, What?


I don't know what you're talking about.


God, I love you.


I have no recollection of that episode whatsoever.


But this is fun. I love rewatching and then seeing you and all of us having our opinions about what happened. I think it's very cool. So thank you so much for joining us.


Thank you for inviting me. And it was a total pleasure not only to do this, but to see all you guys again, because I love you all very, very much.


I love you, John. We'll see you for all the other episodes. If you'll come back. Okay. Thanks. So that's House of Halloweld. Thank you, you guys. Again, And we'll see you for the next episode. Hello, and welcome to Haunting: Purgatory's Premiere podcast. I'm your host, Theresa. We'll be bringing you different ghost stories each week, straight from the person who experienced it firsthand. Some will be unsettling, some unnerving, some even downright terrifying. But all of them will be totally true. Listen to Haunting on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hi, I'm Katie Loz.


And I'm Guillermo Dias.


And we're the hosts of Unpacking the Toolbox, the Scandal Rewatch podcast where we're talking about all the best moments of the show. Mesmerizing. But also we get to hang out with all of our old scandal friends like Belmy Young, Scott Foley, Tony Goldman, Debbie Allen, Kerry Washington.


Well, suit up, gladiators.


Grab your big old glass of wine and prepare yourselves for even more behind the scenes stories with Unpacking the Toolbox. Listen to Unpacking the Toolbox on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts. Or wherever you get your podcast.


Our iHeartRadio Music Festival, presented by Capital One, September 20th and 21st.


T-mobile Arena here in Las Vegas. Stream live only on Hulu.


Don't miss Big Sean, Camila Caballo, Togecat, Dua Lipa, Gwen Stefani, Halsey, Hosier, Keith Urban, New Kids on the Block, Paramore, Shibuzi, The Black Crow, Thomas Red, Victoria Monet, and more.


Buy tickets now at axs. Com.