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Hello, and welcome to Haunting, Purgatory's premiere podcast. I'm your host, Teresa. We'll be bringing you different ghost stories each week straight from the person who experienced it firsthand. Some will be unsettling, some unnerving, some even downright terrifying, but all of them will my elders, I realized they had so much wisdom to pass down.The key is to understanding yourself, learning to love and embrace yourself.From iHeart podcast, I'm Jordan Gonsalves, and this is. But we loved listen to. But we loved on the iHeartRadio Apple podcast podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.If Charmed got sort of greenlit for another version now with all of us, would. Would we all agree to do it?Speaking of Pandora's reliving Leo, you know, with his dad bod now, it'd be great.You don't have a dad bod.Yeah, you definitely don't need a dad, Bob. You know what a dad bod means? Dad bod means, like, you're like. Like, real.There's a reason I don't show below here.Oh, you're just being self deprecating.It's what I do.Yeah.No one's buying this.No one's buying this soon.No.Whatever.Drew, would you do it again?I would do it 100%. I would have to be. It would have to be with y'all. It could never be anything but this group, I think. Yeah, I know. I think there's so many. It's still so relevant, and there are so many stories that we could explore and tell still. And I even came up with a really interesting way how it would be, like, a revisionist history with your character as well that I think I pitched Holly on when we were in Paris one day. I'm like, I figured how we can get Shannon back where she actually never really left. Right before you died. At the moment of the explosion, there's a rift in time and another dimension, because now what Marvel's done is proven that there's the multiverse. So another version of you comes and basically saves you and pulls you out from that, so you. And then we can do is return you back to this face in time, so. Oh, I think that's part of a.Wait, that's two pros.Yeah, and so. But. Yeah, but there could be two proos. But, like, this other proo is returning you back to our space and time. And I thought that was, like, a really easy, quick solve that. Like, it's not like we're jumping the shark. It is plays. And now in the realm that has been established, like, perfectly through Marvel and a couple other shows, that, like, that space would work, and now, all of a sudden, you're back, and you magic.But that's really good, Drew.Sometimes once in a blue moon, a.Little wine in Paris, and look at him go.One glass of wine. We were leaving the musee d'Orsay, and we were shooting the petite sauvage, and I'm, like, I feel, like, figured out how to save Shannon and bring her back, and it would pick up right where we left off. And then, by the way, that wouldn't replace the. The rose character either. We could still have her. It just makes a lot of sense.So how do you explain the fact that we don't have to go in and digitally, like, make us young again?I think that the show was. The show would actually start with, like, it picks up with you. Like, it picks up from that exploding, like, the explosion, you being pulled, and then kind of this whole thing about it's time to go back. Like, something is happening. There's a rift that's happening in your dimension.Okay. Spoiler, though. Do you know we went through a wall. There was really not like an explosion, but whatever.Well, I haven't seen it yet, but there's a version of this where basically the new version of this starts with you coming back. Right.Yeah, I like. I like that part a lot.Nobody ever really dies anyway.Nobody ever really dies. It's true.I think.I mean, that's interesting is I always just sort of thought, like, she became an elder, but, like, obviously an elder.Didn'T like that rogue.No, because you would.Yeah. She becomes. She becomes a cool elder and she becomes the most powerful elder where she can always be, you know, down with you guys wearing sick, awesome clothing.Hellfire elder.Yeah.No, like, there was a treatment. I gotta dig it up. But I have. It's a. It makes a lot of sense. And then there's a way where, you know, it just. It's. Everyone has kind of gone their own way. We pick up, you know, 15 years later. How long has the show been off?Oh, 18.Okay, so there's been a rift between the sisters. Leo, like, you kind of have chosen the quiet life, you know, but there's.God, can I get a facelift before this show?You have to be authentic. Oh, authentic. 25 years later.You look the exact same. You guys look the exact same.Yeah.Just a little older. No, it's just. It's called a ring light.Yeah.Hey, can someone send me one of those, please?That's what it's called. I'm gonna. I'm gonna get the bigger ring light and put it over here for you.Thank you. I appreciate it, since I now live.Here, so we would all do it. Holly, you would do it? Yes. I know you'd like to claim that you're semi retired, but that's retirement. That's bullshit.Yeah.One last time. One final. One final.One last dance.One last dance. The last dance.I mean, I think if we, like, you know, ever got a return text or phone call from Connie.Right.And we actually, like, went in and had a whole idea and pitched it to CB's. I don't know why they wouldn't do it.I mean, they've done it for other shows.Murphy Brown and so successful. Like, why wouldn't you do it? And bringing us all back with sort of the loud shatter of everybody's dynamic and who got along and who didn't have. I got along with everyone. I think that it would I can't imagine CB's saying, no, I can't. Or at least, like, release it and let us go to, like, Netflix or Amazon. Like, it's such a good show that we should really revisit and do a version. You guys listening to us right now can definitely help us. It's a whole campaign with CB's that we need in order to push this forward. Yeah.The other thing I would say is there's a version of it where it's like, you could do a series of movies to our movies. And Netflix, we could constantly be doing these original stories if they were afraid to commit to a series, although I don't know why they wouldn't be. This is still on in over 63 countries every single day, multiple times a day.And our fan base is loyal, and they're still there. They watch reruns all the time. They watch their dvd sets, and they love the show, and the show is still really meaningful to them. And they always ask us at conventions, would you guys all do it again? Because they really want it. So when you have that loyal of a fan base that you've connected with, which, by the way, is one of the main reasons why, like, once I was like, hey, you know, yeah, I'll do the podcast. Because now I understand what a podcast is. Like, BK. Oh, that's what a podcast. Okay, sure. I'll do mine. Then I was like, oh, this is kind of a cool experience. And once I got us over to I heart, I'm like, yay, I'm on board.But.But, like, it was connecting with the fans through this podcast that had me the most excited about doing it, which I think we would all do with the tv show.Yeah. I mean, at the conventions, it's really telling where people. It's just their comfort show, which is now a term that we have, and it was hard to explain before, but, you know, people who have grown up watching it with their family members, and our convention schedule this year is crazier than any year before. I think I have 24 this year.Yeah, you're slammed with the conventions. I don't do as many as you because I can't. I can't handle it. Not because of the fans, but literally because of health. It becomes exhausting. And then also, it sort of sometimes clashes with, like, very important doctor appointments.So there is that.Yes. Yeah. Like, I don't. I agree with you. Like, you haven't seen the audience drop off. They just seem to become more and more and more invested.It's growing. I've met so many people, even this year, you know, we're on TNT, and TNT is the basketball network. So if you watched any basketball at all all season and through the playoffs, you go to bed with your I tv on TNT, you wake up, it's on TNT. And I've met so many people who wouldn't, you wouldn't consider our normal fan base. You know, they're big, tall basketball player people, you know, dudes. And they're like, bro, yo, I watch that every morning, you know, because they wake up with it, they turn it on, they have coffee, the family watches. And I think through that, it just, it just keeps growing. You know, how many people are like, dude, I'm at the gym, and I got to watch your face, like, well, you don't. I'm sorry, there's other reasons to watch, but keep watching.But that was the ultimate goal, right? This was to kind of, you know, when we go to these, when we travel the world and meet these, these fans and get to connect and interact with everyone, the one constant has been, is there going to be a reboot? Are they clamoring for constant new content? And I think that's, like, the beauty of what House of Hallowell really is. It's to be able to give deeper insights until there is a reboot. And we're not saying no. We're hoping, as we just discussed, that this is going to be something that leads to us actually all being in front of the camera again as our characters. But the next best thing is this kind of really deep dive and insight that House of Hallowell offers where we can give you behind the scenes looks and kind of show you and kind of go through each episode and what we're thinking and feeling and, you know, likes, loves, dislikes, and all the things.In between and having other guests on, like bringing on some of our directors, you know, guest actors, crew members, and really getting into it with them, I think, is something that we're all looking forward to. And certainly we hope that everybody listening is looking forward to it, to sort of not just break down, like, what happened in that episode, but really do go behind the scenes, like, what all was happening there. And, you know, like, when I was watching it, the relationship between the three of us was, like, really good. Yeah, like, really, really, really good. And you can clearly see that on camera. And some of those guest stars were just so phenomenal. And then you look and you're like, oh, you know, that was, I understand now, like, the look and how it changed from different DP's and different directors and who are our favorites. And that's, like, exciting, I think, for all of us to talk about. I know it's exciting for me just to give fans that look behind the curtain and give everybody who is on the show who wants to be on this the opportunity to talk about it.Like, listen, if you had a miserable experience, tell us.Tell me about it. Join the club.Tell us about it. But also talking about our wardrobe and our makeup, because when I was rewatching, I was like, oh, my God, my style is so on point. I was so happy, and I was, like, obsessed with my makeup. And it was from Katherine, who was my makeup artist. And I remember, come on.I would love.Yeah, she's awesome. She was also my scrabble partner, which is why we never lost, because she was really good at it. But little things, like, I was laughing because my makeup was extraordinary. And I remember that we used this makeup that Mac made. It was a certain eye shadow called Apollo. And when they were going to discontinue it, Catherine went and ordered, like, 20 of them so that we wouldn't run out because it was. And I was so pissed this morning getting ready, because I was like, I need the Apollo. Come on, Matt. Remake it.That's what you remembered.You know, I'll bring something different to this podcast. I'll remember all of, like, the small, petty things, like, oh, I remember that skirt. Yeah. And who knows? Maybe I'll actually wear some of my outfits on this thing.Oh, my gosh. Don't get Drew's hope up.I do know I'll be wearing my crown a lot.All right, there we go.Also, I can't wait to go through all baby sweater sets once again.Ugh.Yeah.Yeah. Holly wore a lot of those.Yeah, pastels. Just all pastels.Always pastels.Like, not my choice.I know. I think it was because you were the middle sister that was trying to, like, make everybody happy.The peacemaker.The peacemaker. So they put you in really light clothing in order to. I don't think a fan gave me this at the last convention.Fantastic.Is it?Nothing says peacemaker like pastels, am I right?I mean cuddly.Like cuddly.Yeah, like, it just means you're. You're. I don't know. Pastels are, like, very girly and, like a care bear. Happy and. Yeah, like, whereas I was in black a lot. Care bear.Don't say you don't know what those are.No, I know what a care bear is.All right.He's like, I looked it up real quick. That was before my time.Care bear, rainbow bright, all those things. Well, this is exciting. I've never been more excited to do a project, honestly. This is just right underneath us going back and shooting charmed. For real.Rebooting the rewatch, take two.Rebooting the rewatch.I think it's almost better. Look, you don't have to be up at 530 in the morning and go sit in a trailer.You don't have to put pants on.You know, this is. This is. I'm like, ah, yeah, I love acting. I love being on set. But, you know.No pants, Brian. No pants.No, I'm doing this with no pants. Exactly.You like, look who's come around. Come around the bed.Something about cabinetry. Tune in.Tune in episode five.Yeah, we're so.Hey, I hope you're wearing your tool belt. That's all I'm gonna say.I mean, I love doing the podcast already. Like, this first episode is very interesting to me, but it's better when you.Think he has no pants on, right? Wait till we get to the red underwear part.Oh, jeez.That's not going.But I don't know. I'd rather be on a set with you guys.Agreed.Agreed. Yeah.I'd rather do both. That's what I think would be fun, is if we were on set and then doing podcasts every week about. That's what I always say as we're filming.Like, what?That'd be sick, right?If there was social media when charmed existed.Game over. Game over.All right, well, I think we're all stoked for this.Are you gonna wear the tiara in the next episode?Should I? The tiara is a vibe. Yeah, it really is a vibe.I'll let you borrow it. Drew, dreams do come true. I'll wear your pants. You can wear my tiara.Oh, my God.This already got weird.And then I'll wear the little leather band owl thing that miss Hellfire wore. Oh, Jesus.There's a pod within a pod.Wow.Okay, so, you guys, thank you for letting me join you. Thank you for. I don't know, all of it. It's gonna be really fun. And to all you fans, thank you so much. And we hope that the rewatch of the rewatch of the rewatch of the rewatch.People rewatch it all the time.I don't know. I hope that it brings something different and you learn a lot more about the show, about the behind the scenes.She just wants to direct me again.Yeah. Watch me direct.Holly, do you want to do my wardrobe change, too?Yes, I do your wardrobe change.This is yours.I know. I gave it to you.Thank you.That's yours.I know yours. Not for you, Drew.Anyway, you guys, thank you so much to all the fans. Next week, we go into episode one hash, take two. How's the Hallowell? Bye, guys.Hello, and welcome to Haunting Purgatory's premiere podcast. I'm your host, Teresa. We'll be bringing you different ghost stories each week, straight from the person who experienced it firsthand. Some will be unsettling, some unnerving, some even downright terrifying, but all of them will be totally true. Listen to haunting on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.Guys, we are back. We are so excited. It is season two of your favorite new girl rewatch podcast. We have got a new season. We got a new name. We've got some of your favorite people from the new girl universe. We've got the creator and showrunner Liz Merriweather. We got the Max Greenfield, Olivia Munn.We also have some of your least favorites, like Jake Johnson, Lemorne Hannah. What's up?We do have Jake Johnson, though.Yeah. Listen to the mess around on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.I'm Jordan Gonsalves, and I'm a journalist. Join me on my new podcast. But we loved where queer elders recount the amazing history they've lived through.In the middle of Wall street, they stopped traffic. They were doing a die in.Health care is the right.Health care is the right.And in the process, share little gems of wisdom for the next generation narration.The key is to understanding yourself. Learning to love and embrace yourself.You can listen to. But we loved on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


my elders, I realized they had so much wisdom to pass down.


The key is to understanding yourself, learning to love and embrace yourself.


From iHeart podcast, I'm Jordan Gonsalves, and this is. But we loved listen to. But we loved on the iHeartRadio Apple podcast podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


If Charmed got sort of greenlit for another version now with all of us, would. Would we all agree to do it?


Speaking of Pandora's reliving Leo, you know, with his dad bod now, it'd be great.


You don't have a dad bod.


Yeah, you definitely don't need a dad, Bob. You know what a dad bod means? Dad bod means, like, you're like. Like, real.


There's a reason I don't show below here.


Oh, you're just being self deprecating.


It's what I do.




No one's buying this.


No one's buying this soon.






Drew, would you do it again?


I would do it 100%. I would have to be. It would have to be with y'all. It could never be anything but this group, I think. Yeah, I know. I think there's so many. It's still so relevant, and there are so many stories that we could explore and tell still. And I even came up with a really interesting way how it would be, like, a revisionist history with your character as well that I think I pitched Holly on when we were in Paris one day. I'm like, I figured how we can get Shannon back where she actually never really left. Right before you died. At the moment of the explosion, there's a rift in time and another dimension, because now what Marvel's done is proven that there's the multiverse. So another version of you comes and basically saves you and pulls you out from that, so you. And then we can do is return you back to this face in time, so. Oh, I think that's part of a.


Wait, that's two pros.


Yeah, and so. But. Yeah, but there could be two proos. But, like, this other proo is returning you back to our space and time. And I thought that was, like, a really easy, quick solve that. Like, it's not like we're jumping the shark. It is plays. And now in the realm that has been established, like, perfectly through Marvel and a couple other shows, that, like, that space would work, and now, all of a sudden, you're back, and you magic.


But that's really good, Drew.


Sometimes once in a blue moon, a.


Little wine in Paris, and look at him go.


One glass of wine. We were leaving the musee d'Orsay, and we were shooting the petite sauvage, and I'm, like, I feel, like, figured out how to save Shannon and bring her back, and it would pick up right where we left off. And then, by the way, that wouldn't replace the. The rose character either. We could still have her. It just makes a lot of sense.


So how do you explain the fact that we don't have to go in and digitally, like, make us young again?


I think that the show was. The show would actually start with, like, it picks up with you. Like, it picks up from that exploding, like, the explosion, you being pulled, and then kind of this whole thing about it's time to go back. Like, something is happening. There's a rift that's happening in your dimension.


Okay. Spoiler, though. Do you know we went through a wall. There was really not like an explosion, but whatever.


Well, I haven't seen it yet, but there's a version of this where basically the new version of this starts with you coming back. Right.


Yeah, I like. I like that part a lot.


Nobody ever really dies anyway.


Nobody ever really dies. It's true.


I think.


I mean, that's interesting is I always just sort of thought, like, she became an elder, but, like, obviously an elder.


Didn'T like that rogue.


No, because you would.


Yeah. She becomes. She becomes a cool elder and she becomes the most powerful elder where she can always be, you know, down with you guys wearing sick, awesome clothing.


Hellfire elder.




No, like, there was a treatment. I gotta dig it up. But I have. It's a. It makes a lot of sense. And then there's a way where, you know, it just. It's. Everyone has kind of gone their own way. We pick up, you know, 15 years later. How long has the show been off?


Oh, 18.


Okay, so there's been a rift between the sisters. Leo, like, you kind of have chosen the quiet life, you know, but there's.


God, can I get a facelift before this show?


You have to be authentic. Oh, authentic. 25 years later.


You look the exact same. You guys look the exact same.




Just a little older. No, it's just. It's called a ring light.




Hey, can someone send me one of those, please?


That's what it's called. I'm gonna. I'm gonna get the bigger ring light and put it over here for you.


Thank you. I appreciate it, since I now live.


Here, so we would all do it. Holly, you would do it? Yes. I know you'd like to claim that you're semi retired, but that's retirement. That's bullshit.




One last time. One final. One final.


One last dance.


One last dance. The last dance.


I mean, I think if we, like, you know, ever got a return text or phone call from Connie.




And we actually, like, went in and had a whole idea and pitched it to CB's. I don't know why they wouldn't do it.


I mean, they've done it for other shows.


Murphy Brown and so successful. Like, why wouldn't you do it? And bringing us all back with sort of the loud shatter of everybody's dynamic and who got along and who didn't have. I got along with everyone. I think that it would I can't imagine CB's saying, no, I can't. Or at least, like, release it and let us go to, like, Netflix or Amazon. Like, it's such a good show that we should really revisit and do a version. You guys listening to us right now can definitely help us. It's a whole campaign with CB's that we need in order to push this forward. Yeah.


The other thing I would say is there's a version of it where it's like, you could do a series of movies to our movies. And Netflix, we could constantly be doing these original stories if they were afraid to commit to a series, although I don't know why they wouldn't be. This is still on in over 63 countries every single day, multiple times a day.


And our fan base is loyal, and they're still there. They watch reruns all the time. They watch their dvd sets, and they love the show, and the show is still really meaningful to them. And they always ask us at conventions, would you guys all do it again? Because they really want it. So when you have that loyal of a fan base that you've connected with, which, by the way, is one of the main reasons why, like, once I was like, hey, you know, yeah, I'll do the podcast. Because now I understand what a podcast is. Like, BK. Oh, that's what a podcast. Okay, sure. I'll do mine. Then I was like, oh, this is kind of a cool experience. And once I got us over to I heart, I'm like, yay, I'm on board.




But, like, it was connecting with the fans through this podcast that had me the most excited about doing it, which I think we would all do with the tv show.


Yeah. I mean, at the conventions, it's really telling where people. It's just their comfort show, which is now a term that we have, and it was hard to explain before, but, you know, people who have grown up watching it with their family members, and our convention schedule this year is crazier than any year before. I think I have 24 this year.


Yeah, you're slammed with the conventions. I don't do as many as you because I can't. I can't handle it. Not because of the fans, but literally because of health. It becomes exhausting. And then also, it sort of sometimes clashes with, like, very important doctor appointments.


So there is that.


Yes. Yeah. Like, I don't. I agree with you. Like, you haven't seen the audience drop off. They just seem to become more and more and more invested.


It's growing. I've met so many people, even this year, you know, we're on TNT, and TNT is the basketball network. So if you watched any basketball at all all season and through the playoffs, you go to bed with your I tv on TNT, you wake up, it's on TNT. And I've met so many people who wouldn't, you wouldn't consider our normal fan base. You know, they're big, tall basketball player people, you know, dudes. And they're like, bro, yo, I watch that every morning, you know, because they wake up with it, they turn it on, they have coffee, the family watches. And I think through that, it just, it just keeps growing. You know, how many people are like, dude, I'm at the gym, and I got to watch your face, like, well, you don't. I'm sorry, there's other reasons to watch, but keep watching.


But that was the ultimate goal, right? This was to kind of, you know, when we go to these, when we travel the world and meet these, these fans and get to connect and interact with everyone, the one constant has been, is there going to be a reboot? Are they clamoring for constant new content? And I think that's, like, the beauty of what House of Hallowell really is. It's to be able to give deeper insights until there is a reboot. And we're not saying no. We're hoping, as we just discussed, that this is going to be something that leads to us actually all being in front of the camera again as our characters. But the next best thing is this kind of really deep dive and insight that House of Hallowell offers where we can give you behind the scenes looks and kind of show you and kind of go through each episode and what we're thinking and feeling and, you know, likes, loves, dislikes, and all the things.


In between and having other guests on, like bringing on some of our directors, you know, guest actors, crew members, and really getting into it with them, I think, is something that we're all looking forward to. And certainly we hope that everybody listening is looking forward to it, to sort of not just break down, like, what happened in that episode, but really do go behind the scenes, like, what all was happening there. And, you know, like, when I was watching it, the relationship between the three of us was, like, really good. Yeah, like, really, really, really good. And you can clearly see that on camera. And some of those guest stars were just so phenomenal. And then you look and you're like, oh, you know, that was, I understand now, like, the look and how it changed from different DP's and different directors and who are our favorites. And that's, like, exciting, I think, for all of us to talk about. I know it's exciting for me just to give fans that look behind the curtain and give everybody who is on the show who wants to be on this the opportunity to talk about it.


Like, listen, if you had a miserable experience, tell us.


Tell me about it. Join the club.


Tell us about it. But also talking about our wardrobe and our makeup, because when I was rewatching, I was like, oh, my God, my style is so on point. I was so happy, and I was, like, obsessed with my makeup. And it was from Katherine, who was my makeup artist. And I remember, come on.


I would love.


Yeah, she's awesome. She was also my scrabble partner, which is why we never lost, because she was really good at it. But little things, like, I was laughing because my makeup was extraordinary. And I remember that we used this makeup that Mac made. It was a certain eye shadow called Apollo. And when they were going to discontinue it, Catherine went and ordered, like, 20 of them so that we wouldn't run out because it was. And I was so pissed this morning getting ready, because I was like, I need the Apollo. Come on, Matt. Remake it.


That's what you remembered.


You know, I'll bring something different to this podcast. I'll remember all of, like, the small, petty things, like, oh, I remember that skirt. Yeah. And who knows? Maybe I'll actually wear some of my outfits on this thing.


Oh, my gosh. Don't get Drew's hope up.


I do know I'll be wearing my crown a lot.


All right, there we go.


Also, I can't wait to go through all baby sweater sets once again.






Yeah. Holly wore a lot of those.


Yeah, pastels. Just all pastels.


Always pastels.


Like, not my choice.


I know. I think it was because you were the middle sister that was trying to, like, make everybody happy.


The peacemaker.


The peacemaker. So they put you in really light clothing in order to. I don't think a fan gave me this at the last convention.




Is it?


Nothing says peacemaker like pastels, am I right?


I mean cuddly.


Like cuddly.


Yeah, like, it just means you're. You're. I don't know. Pastels are, like, very girly and, like a care bear. Happy and. Yeah, like, whereas I was in black a lot. Care bear.


Don't say you don't know what those are.


No, I know what a care bear is.


All right.


He's like, I looked it up real quick. That was before my time.


Care bear, rainbow bright, all those things. Well, this is exciting. I've never been more excited to do a project, honestly. This is just right underneath us going back and shooting charmed. For real.


Rebooting the rewatch, take two.


Rebooting the rewatch.


I think it's almost better. Look, you don't have to be up at 530 in the morning and go sit in a trailer.


You don't have to put pants on.


You know, this is. This is. I'm like, ah, yeah, I love acting. I love being on set. But, you know.


No pants, Brian. No pants.


No, I'm doing this with no pants. Exactly.


You like, look who's come around. Come around the bed.


Something about cabinetry. Tune in.


Tune in episode five.


Yeah, we're so.


Hey, I hope you're wearing your tool belt. That's all I'm gonna say.


I mean, I love doing the podcast already. Like, this first episode is very interesting to me, but it's better when you.


Think he has no pants on, right? Wait till we get to the red underwear part.


Oh, jeez.


That's not going.


But I don't know. I'd rather be on a set with you guys.




Agreed. Yeah.


I'd rather do both. That's what I think would be fun, is if we were on set and then doing podcasts every week about. That's what I always say as we're filming.


Like, what?


That'd be sick, right?


If there was social media when charmed existed.


Game over. Game over.


All right, well, I think we're all stoked for this.


Are you gonna wear the tiara in the next episode?


Should I? The tiara is a vibe. Yeah, it really is a vibe.


I'll let you borrow it. Drew, dreams do come true. I'll wear your pants. You can wear my tiara.


Oh, my God.


This already got weird.


And then I'll wear the little leather band owl thing that miss Hellfire wore. Oh, Jesus.


There's a pod within a pod.




Okay, so, you guys, thank you for letting me join you. Thank you for. I don't know, all of it. It's gonna be really fun. And to all you fans, thank you so much. And we hope that the rewatch of the rewatch of the rewatch of the rewatch.


People rewatch it all the time.


I don't know. I hope that it brings something different and you learn a lot more about the show, about the behind the scenes.


She just wants to direct me again.


Yeah. Watch me direct.


Holly, do you want to do my wardrobe change, too?


Yes, I do your wardrobe change.


This is yours.


I know. I gave it to you.


Thank you.


That's yours.


I know yours. Not for you, Drew.


Anyway, you guys, thank you so much to all the fans. Next week, we go into episode one hash, take two. How's the Hallowell? Bye, guys.


Hello, and welcome to Haunting Purgatory's premiere podcast. I'm your host, Teresa. We'll be bringing you different ghost stories each week, straight from the person who experienced it firsthand. Some will be unsettling, some unnerving, some even downright terrifying, but all of them will be totally true. Listen to haunting on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Guys, we are back. We are so excited. It is season two of your favorite new girl rewatch podcast. We have got a new season. We got a new name. We've got some of your favorite people from the new girl universe. We've got the creator and showrunner Liz Merriweather. We got the Max Greenfield, Olivia Munn.


We also have some of your least favorites, like Jake Johnson, Lemorne Hannah. What's up?


We do have Jake Johnson, though.


Yeah. Listen to the mess around on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.


I'm Jordan Gonsalves, and I'm a journalist. Join me on my new podcast. But we loved where queer elders recount the amazing history they've lived through.


In the middle of Wall street, they stopped traffic. They were doing a die in.


Health care is the right.


Health care is the right.


And in the process, share little gems of wisdom for the next generation narration.


The key is to understanding yourself. Learning to love and embrace yourself.


You can listen to. But we loved on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.