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Lemonada. Did you know that less than 2% of the billions of dollars of investment funding goes to businesses led by a female CEO, and that only 10% of venture capital investing partners are women. I'm Lauryn McGraw, a leader at the intersection of healthcare, technology, and innovation, and I want to change that fast.


The time is not only now, we are past the time. We have to not only create our platform, we have to share our mic.


Sharing the mic is what the show is all about. Each week, I'll talk with a visionary guest like Kara Swisher. There is always going to be inherent sexism, period. It's like mold. It never frigging goes away. Andy Slavet. You've got to say, I can grow this thing. And in order to do that, you got to feel that. In order to feel that, you got to have the self-confidence. And Dr. Sheryl Pegas. This is the best time to be in health care as a woman leader. To get their advice, inspiration, and tips to help women launch and lead impactful, successful businesses.


Be prepared. Know your space. You might have to be twice as good. So what? Be twice as good. Open up these doors because this idea that the door is just going to open, the ceiling is just going to break. We have enough of us to start. Fifty cracks might break through. Might break through.


And so that's what we're doing here. We are breaking through and breaking glass and accelerating the crap out of getting more women into leadership. There are genuinely places in the market where only women would understand. This is our time. The trends are here. The women are here. We don't need one more single study to tell us that when women lead, companies are successful. The Inspiring Women Leadership Lab, coming soon from Lemonada Media.