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Wow. We're going there today, aren't we? Jeez a destiny to fulfill, worthy is for you. In worthy, youll learn proven tools and simple steps that bring life changing results, like how to get unstuck from the things holding you back. Build unshakable self love. Unlearn the lies that lead to self doubt and embrace the truths that wake up worthiness. Overcome limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome. Achieve your hopes and dreams by believing you areAre you ready to unleash your greatness and step into the person you were born to be? . So that's why, like, I bought a Tesla a while ago. All of a sudden, after I bought this Tesla, I saw Teslas all over the road. It drove Christiana crazy.I'd be like, three lanes over babe red Tesla. She's like, what is wrong with you? Right?Tesla.Those Teslas were always there. Why all of a sudden, am I see them? Everyone's had that experience. I'm seeing them because they're important to me now. Right? Here's the hook. What if your dreams and your ambitions and your emotions that you want are that become the Teslas, and you believe there could be one away? Now, you see things that were always there that you were oblivious to before, and that's the power of having a truth in your life and not being delusional.The d their d delusional. I feel like we are unlearning the lies today, like knocking them down one after another that lead to self doubt. If you're getting value out of this conversation with Ed Milet, oh, my goodness. You are not going to want to miss what's coming up. In fact, it is so good, we had to do a part two. Here is a sneak peek of what's coming up in episode two with Ed Milad.I want to express this so profoundly. I love that you just. It's my favorite topic ever on any show I've ever done, and no one's ever talked to me about this before. I've conflated in my life too many times the difference between significance and love. And so when I was a little boy, actually, when I was a big boy, even now, I felt loved if I did something significant. So if I brought home straight a's, Eddie, we're so proud of you. Or if I hit a home run or I got big muscles, or I made hundreds of millions of dollars, or I had an island or I got a jet or whatever it was, that recognition felt like love, but it's a reduced version of it. So all my life, I've been trying to earn it and earn it. And the truth is, I'm just realizing now, I don't have to earn it. It's my birthright. God gave it to me.I want to talk to you. I want to ask you something I've never asked you before, okay. Not even in our regular conversations. I've never asked you about this before.Oh, whoa, whoa. Well, I've never been asked that one. Wow. Wow, wow. Okay. You're amazing. Now you're gonna make me really emotional. But to just melt back down and cool back down to what I was worth. And I'll never forget the day, because I literally watched my dreams walk out the door. But the moment was bigger than my worthiness in that moment. And, wow, look at you.Literally, athletes, the best athletes in the world. I know that you coach presidents of world leaders. You coach so many different people to overcome their limiting beliefs.Believe it or not, it's their confidence or their worthiness level.And I remember asking you, what is it? And you said that you can see God.Yes.In that person.That's correct.Every single person.Yeah.And that shifted me.See, people think, oh, a gift is, I look like Beyonce or I sing like Beyonce, or I'm strong like the rock, Dwayne Johnson. Those are gifts because they're very visible gifts. But most human beings gifts are subtle and quiet and beautiful. It's their nurturing ability. It's their kindness. It's their intention. It's their humor. It's their intellect. It's their problem solving ability. Right. It's their resiliency. It's their toughness. It's their faith. It's their strength.It is impossible to see God in them and judge them.Amen.At the same time.Oh, I love you.Right.That's exactly right.Right. And I'm watching them all of a sudden not feel judged by you, so now they feel safe. All right, this is gonna get controversial. This is gonna get controversial.Uh oh.You have said one of the most insidious forms of child neglect is a parent that does not go after their dreams. Yeah.I think you're neglecting your children when you don't pursue your dreams and your potential.That's big, what you just said, because a lot of people say, well, I'm really good at loving my kids. That's enough. You're saying, oh, but it's actually caught. It's caught, not taught. And if they don't see you loving.You, say this, because I've never said this on any show before, but it's you, so I'll say it. I can't believe I'm saying this with.You now, for everyone listening, just holding out for hope or for love in their life, would you mind just taking a moment and just speaking into them?And in your life, you're qualified to help anybody that you used to be. And so if you've been in pain and you're in a little bit less pain, you can help people in pain. If you've not believed in yourself for a little while, maybe you believe just a little bit more today, you can help people who need that belief. I've done that good. I've done that really good with my kids, I've done that really good with them. And I would just recommend to everybody, if you have a chance to tell another human being about them, tell them God chose you to change the world. That's what kept my head when we were talking today. That's what I was thinking. It's going to use you a lot of different ways. It's not just the speaking, it's this too. Like, you're doing something here. Like, I've never cried like that. And the only other time I ever cried in interviews when you interviewed me, only two times ever. You need to be doing this. Look, everyone's crying in here.By the way, I have one more thing to share with you. But before I do, if you got value out of this episode, my only ask is that you please share it. Share it with another person in your life who could benefit from it, post it, and share it with others online or in your community who just might need the words and tools and lessons in this episode today. You never know whose life you're meant to change today by sharing this episode. And thank you so much for joining me today. And before you go, I want to share some words with you that couldn't be more true. You, right now, exactly as you are, are enough and fully worthy. You're worthy of your greatest hopes, your wildest dreams, and all the unconditional love in the world. And it is an honor to welcome you to each episode of the Jamie Kern Lima show. Here, I hope you'll come as you are, heal where you need, blossom what you choose, journey toward your calling, and stay as long as you'd like because you belong here. You are worthy. You are loved. You are love. And I love you.And I cannot wait to join you on the next episode. This is the Jamie Kern Lima show. In life, you don't soar to the level of your hopes and dreams. You stay stuck at the level of your self worth. When you build your self worth, you change your entire life. And that's exactly why I wrote my new book, worthy how to believe you are enough and transform your life for you. If you have some self doubt to destroy and a destiny to fulfill, worthy is for you. In worthy, youll learn proven tools and simple steps that bring life changing results, like how to get unstuck from the things holding you back, build unshakable self love. Unlearn the lies that lead to self doubt and embrace the truths that wake up worthiness, overcome limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome. Achieve your hopes and dreams by believing you are worthy of them and so much more. Are you ready to unleash your greatness and step into the person you were born to be? Imagine a life with zero self doubt and unshakable self worth. Get your copy of Worthy plus some amazing thank you bonus gifts for or the link in the show notes below.Imagine what you do if you fully believed in you. It's time to find out with worthy do you struggle with negative self talk? Living with a constant mental narrative that you're not good enough is exhausting. I know because I spent most of my life in that habit. The words you say to yourself about yourself are so powerful, and when you learn to take control over your self talk, it's life changing and I wanted to give you a free resource that I created for you if this is something that could benefit your life. It's called five ways to overcome negative self talk and build self love. And it's a free how to guide to overcome that negative self talk to build confidence and develop unshakable self love so that you can dream big and keep going in the pursuit of your goals. Don't let self sabotaging thoughts hinder your progress any longer. It's time to rewrite the script of your life, one filled with self love, resilience and unwavering belief. If you're ready to take charge of your narrative, build unwavering confidence and empower yourself to persevere on the path to your dreams, you can grab your free guide to stop overthinking and learn to trust yourself at jamiekern resources or click the link in the show notes below.This show is presented solely for entertainment purposes only. It's not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, professional, coach or other qualified professional. I hope you enjoyed this episode and conversation together, and I am so grateful to be on this journey with you. And did you know? For every episode of the Jamie Kern Lima show, there are a set of special prompt questions just for you to help you on your journey of aha moments and revelations in your own life. From each episode, make sure you join my free email to get them sent to you each week. And each episode is meant to be evergreen and packed with timeless life lessons so you can go back and listen to past episodes you perhaps haven't heard yet. As we are going on this incredible journey of building self worth and living our best lives together.


a destiny to fulfill, worthy is for you. In worthy, youll learn proven tools and simple steps that bring life changing results, like how to get unstuck from the things holding you back. Build unshakable self love. Unlearn the lies that lead to self doubt and embrace the truths that wake up worthiness. Overcome limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome. Achieve your hopes and dreams by believing you areAre you ready to unleash your greatness and step into the person you were born to be? . So that's why, like, I bought a Tesla a while ago. All of a sudden, after I bought this Tesla, I saw Teslas all over the road. It drove Christiana crazy.I'd be like, three lanes over babe red Tesla. She's like, what is wrong with you? Right?Tesla.Those Teslas were always there. Why all of a sudden, am I see them? Everyone's had that experience. I'm seeing them because they're important to me now. Right? Here's the hook. What if your dreams and your ambitions and your emotions that you want are that become the Teslas, and you believe there could be one away? Now, you see things that were always there that you were oblivious to before, and that's the power of having a truth in your life and not being delusional.The d their d delusional. I feel like we are unlearning the lies today, like knocking them down one after another that lead to self doubt. If you're getting value out of this conversation with Ed Milet, oh, my goodness. You are not going to want to miss what's coming up. In fact, it is so good, we had to do a part two. Here is a sneak peek of what's coming up in episode two with Ed Milad.I want to express this so profoundly. I love that you just. It's my favorite topic ever on any show I've ever done, and no one's ever talked to me about this before. I've conflated in my life too many times the difference between significance and love. And so when I was a little boy, actually, when I was a big boy, even now, I felt loved if I did something significant. So if I brought home straight a's, Eddie, we're so proud of you. Or if I hit a home run or I got big muscles, or I made hundreds of millions of dollars, or I had an island or I got a jet or whatever it was, that recognition felt like love, but it's a reduced version of it. So all my life, I've been trying to earn it and earn it. And the truth is, I'm just realizing now, I don't have to earn it. It's my birthright. God gave it to me.I want to talk to you. I want to ask you something I've never asked you before, okay. Not even in our regular conversations. I've never asked you about this before.Oh, whoa, whoa. Well, I've never been asked that one. Wow. Wow, wow. Okay. You're amazing. Now you're gonna make me really emotional. But to just melt back down and cool back down to what I was worth. And I'll never forget the day, because I literally watched my dreams walk out the door. But the moment was bigger than my worthiness in that moment. And, wow, look at you.Literally, athletes, the best athletes in the world. I know that you coach presidents of world leaders. You coach so many different people to overcome their limiting beliefs.Believe it or not, it's their confidence or their worthiness level.And I remember asking you, what is it? And you said that you can see God.Yes.In that person.That's correct.Every single person.Yeah.And that shifted me.See, people think, oh, a gift is, I look like Beyonce or I sing like Beyonce, or I'm strong like the rock, Dwayne Johnson. Those are gifts because they're very visible gifts. But most human beings gifts are subtle and quiet and beautiful. It's their nurturing ability. It's their kindness. It's their intention. It's their humor. It's their intellect. It's their problem solving ability. Right. It's their resiliency. It's their toughness. It's their faith. It's their strength.It is impossible to see God in them and judge them.Amen.At the same time.Oh, I love you.Right.That's exactly right.Right. And I'm watching them all of a sudden not feel judged by you, so now they feel safe. All right, this is gonna get controversial. This is gonna get controversial.Uh oh.You have said one of the most insidious forms of child neglect is a parent that does not go after their dreams. Yeah.I think you're neglecting your children when you don't pursue your dreams and your potential.That's big, what you just said, because a lot of people say, well, I'm really good at loving my kids. That's enough. You're saying, oh, but it's actually caught. It's caught, not taught. And if they don't see you loving.You, say this, because I've never said this on any show before, but it's you, so I'll say it. I can't believe I'm saying this with.You now, for everyone listening, just holding out for hope or for love in their life, would you mind just taking a moment and just speaking into them?And in your life, you're qualified to help anybody that you used to be. And so if you've been in pain and you're in a little bit less pain, you can help people in pain. If you've not believed in yourself for a little while, maybe you believe just a little bit more today, you can help people who need that belief. I've done that good. I've done that really good with my kids, I've done that really good with them. And I would just recommend to everybody, if you have a chance to tell another human being about them, tell them God chose you to change the world. That's what kept my head when we were talking today. That's what I was thinking. It's going to use you a lot of different ways. It's not just the speaking, it's this too. Like, you're doing something here. Like, I've never cried like that. And the only other time I ever cried in interviews when you interviewed me, only two times ever. You need to be doing this. Look, everyone's crying in here.By the way, I have one more thing to share with you. But before I do, if you got value out of this episode, my only ask is that you please share it. Share it with another person in your life who could benefit from it, post it, and share it with others online or in your community who just might need the words and tools and lessons in this episode today. You never know whose life you're meant to change today by sharing this episode. And thank you so much for joining me today. And before you go, I want to share some words with you that couldn't be more true. You, right now, exactly as you are, are enough and fully worthy. You're worthy of your greatest hopes, your wildest dreams, and all the unconditional love in the world. And it is an honor to welcome you to each episode of the Jamie Kern Lima show. Here, I hope you'll come as you are, heal where you need, blossom what you choose, journey toward your calling, and stay as long as you'd like because you belong here. You are worthy. You are loved. You are love. And I love you.And I cannot wait to join you on the next episode. This is the Jamie Kern Lima show. In life, you don't soar to the level of your hopes and dreams. You stay stuck at the level of your self worth. When you build your self worth, you change your entire life. And that's exactly why I wrote my new book, worthy how to believe you are enough and transform your life for you. If you have some self doubt to destroy and a destiny to fulfill, worthy is for you. In worthy, youll learn proven tools and simple steps that bring life changing results, like how to get unstuck from the things holding you back, build unshakable self love. Unlearn the lies that lead to self doubt and embrace the truths that wake up worthiness, overcome limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome. Achieve your hopes and dreams by believing you are worthy of them and so much more. Are you ready to unleash your greatness and step into the person you were born to be? Imagine a life with zero self doubt and unshakable self worth. Get your copy of Worthy plus some amazing thank you bonus gifts for or the link in the show notes below.Imagine what you do if you fully believed in you. It's time to find out with worthy do you struggle with negative self talk? Living with a constant mental narrative that you're not good enough is exhausting. I know because I spent most of my life in that habit. The words you say to yourself about yourself are so powerful, and when you learn to take control over your self talk, it's life changing and I wanted to give you a free resource that I created for you if this is something that could benefit your life. It's called five ways to overcome negative self talk and build self love. And it's a free how to guide to overcome that negative self talk to build confidence and develop unshakable self love so that you can dream big and keep going in the pursuit of your goals. Don't let self sabotaging thoughts hinder your progress any longer. It's time to rewrite the script of your life, one filled with self love, resilience and unwavering belief. If you're ready to take charge of your narrative, build unwavering confidence and empower yourself to persevere on the path to your dreams, you can grab your free guide to stop overthinking and learn to trust yourself at jamiekern resources or click the link in the show notes below.This show is presented solely for entertainment purposes only. It's not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, professional, coach or other qualified professional. I hope you enjoyed this episode and conversation together, and I am so grateful to be on this journey with you. And did you know? For every episode of the Jamie Kern Lima show, there are a set of special prompt questions just for you to help you on your journey of aha moments and revelations in your own life. From each episode, make sure you join my free email to get them sent to you each week. And each episode is meant to be evergreen and packed with timeless life lessons so you can go back and listen to past episodes you perhaps haven't heard yet. As we are going on this incredible journey of building self worth and living our best lives together.


. So that's why, like, I bought a Tesla a while ago. All of a sudden, after I bought this Tesla, I saw Teslas all over the road. It drove Christiana crazy.


I'd be like, three lanes over babe red Tesla. She's like, what is wrong with you? Right?




Those Teslas were always there. Why all of a sudden, am I see them? Everyone's had that experience. I'm seeing them because they're important to me now. Right? Here's the hook. What if your dreams and your ambitions and your emotions that you want are that become the Teslas, and you believe there could be one away? Now, you see things that were always there that you were oblivious to before, and that's the power of having a truth in your life and not being delusional.


The d their d delusional. I feel like we are unlearning the lies today, like knocking them down one after another that lead to self doubt. If you're getting value out of this conversation with Ed Milet, oh, my goodness. You are not going to want to miss what's coming up. In fact, it is so good, we had to do a part two. Here is a sneak peek of what's coming up in episode two with Ed Milad.


I want to express this so profoundly. I love that you just. It's my favorite topic ever on any show I've ever done, and no one's ever talked to me about this before. I've conflated in my life too many times the difference between significance and love. And so when I was a little boy, actually, when I was a big boy, even now, I felt loved if I did something significant. So if I brought home straight a's, Eddie, we're so proud of you. Or if I hit a home run or I got big muscles, or I made hundreds of millions of dollars, or I had an island or I got a jet or whatever it was, that recognition felt like love, but it's a reduced version of it. So all my life, I've been trying to earn it and earn it. And the truth is, I'm just realizing now, I don't have to earn it. It's my birthright. God gave it to me.


I want to talk to you. I want to ask you something I've never asked you before, okay. Not even in our regular conversations. I've never asked you about this before.


Oh, whoa, whoa. Well, I've never been asked that one. Wow. Wow, wow. Okay. You're amazing. Now you're gonna make me really emotional. But to just melt back down and cool back down to what I was worth. And I'll never forget the day, because I literally watched my dreams walk out the door. But the moment was bigger than my worthiness in that moment. And, wow, look at you.


Literally, athletes, the best athletes in the world. I know that you coach presidents of world leaders. You coach so many different people to overcome their limiting beliefs.


Believe it or not, it's their confidence or their worthiness level.


And I remember asking you, what is it? And you said that you can see God.




In that person.


That's correct.


Every single person.




And that shifted me.


See, people think, oh, a gift is, I look like Beyonce or I sing like Beyonce, or I'm strong like the rock, Dwayne Johnson. Those are gifts because they're very visible gifts. But most human beings gifts are subtle and quiet and beautiful. It's their nurturing ability. It's their kindness. It's their intention. It's their humor. It's their intellect. It's their problem solving ability. Right. It's their resiliency. It's their toughness. It's their faith. It's their strength.


It is impossible to see God in them and judge them.




At the same time.


Oh, I love you.




That's exactly right.


Right. And I'm watching them all of a sudden not feel judged by you, so now they feel safe. All right, this is gonna get controversial. This is gonna get controversial.


Uh oh.


You have said one of the most insidious forms of child neglect is a parent that does not go after their dreams. Yeah.


I think you're neglecting your children when you don't pursue your dreams and your potential.


That's big, what you just said, because a lot of people say, well, I'm really good at loving my kids. That's enough. You're saying, oh, but it's actually caught. It's caught, not taught. And if they don't see you loving.


You, say this, because I've never said this on any show before, but it's you, so I'll say it. I can't believe I'm saying this with.


You now, for everyone listening, just holding out for hope or for love in their life, would you mind just taking a moment and just speaking into them?


And in your life, you're qualified to help anybody that you used to be. And so if you've been in pain and you're in a little bit less pain, you can help people in pain. If you've not believed in yourself for a little while, maybe you believe just a little bit more today, you can help people who need that belief. I've done that good. I've done that really good with my kids, I've done that really good with them. And I would just recommend to everybody, if you have a chance to tell another human being about them, tell them God chose you to change the world. That's what kept my head when we were talking today. That's what I was thinking. It's going to use you a lot of different ways. It's not just the speaking, it's this too. Like, you're doing something here. Like, I've never cried like that. And the only other time I ever cried in interviews when you interviewed me, only two times ever. You need to be doing this. Look, everyone's crying in here.


By the way, I have one more thing to share with you. But before I do, if you got value out of this episode, my only ask is that you please share it. Share it with another person in your life who could benefit from it, post it, and share it with others online or in your community who just might need the words and tools and lessons in this episode today. You never know whose life you're meant to change today by sharing this episode. And thank you so much for joining me today. And before you go, I want to share some words with you that couldn't be more true. You, right now, exactly as you are, are enough and fully worthy. You're worthy of your greatest hopes, your wildest dreams, and all the unconditional love in the world. And it is an honor to welcome you to each episode of the Jamie Kern Lima show. Here, I hope you'll come as you are, heal where you need, blossom what you choose, journey toward your calling, and stay as long as you'd like because you belong here. You are worthy. You are loved. You are love. And I love you.


And I cannot wait to join you on the next episode. This is the Jamie Kern Lima show. In life, you don't soar to the level of your hopes and dreams. You stay stuck at the level of your self worth. When you build your self worth, you change your entire life. And that's exactly why I wrote my new book, worthy how to believe you are enough and transform your life for you. If you have some self doubt to destroy and a destiny to fulfill, worthy is for you. In worthy, youll learn proven tools and simple steps that bring life changing results, like how to get unstuck from the things holding you back, build unshakable self love. Unlearn the lies that lead to self doubt and embrace the truths that wake up worthiness, overcome limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome. Achieve your hopes and dreams by believing you are worthy of them and so much more. Are you ready to unleash your greatness and step into the person you were born to be? Imagine a life with zero self doubt and unshakable self worth. Get your copy of Worthy plus some amazing thank you bonus gifts for or the link in the show notes below.


Imagine what you do if you fully believed in you. It's time to find out with worthy do you struggle with negative self talk? Living with a constant mental narrative that you're not good enough is exhausting. I know because I spent most of my life in that habit. The words you say to yourself about yourself are so powerful, and when you learn to take control over your self talk, it's life changing and I wanted to give you a free resource that I created for you if this is something that could benefit your life. It's called five ways to overcome negative self talk and build self love. And it's a free how to guide to overcome that negative self talk to build confidence and develop unshakable self love so that you can dream big and keep going in the pursuit of your goals. Don't let self sabotaging thoughts hinder your progress any longer. It's time to rewrite the script of your life, one filled with self love, resilience and unwavering belief. If you're ready to take charge of your narrative, build unwavering confidence and empower yourself to persevere on the path to your dreams, you can grab your free guide to stop overthinking and learn to trust yourself at jamiekern resources or click the link in the show notes below.


This show is presented solely for entertainment purposes only. It's not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, professional, coach or other qualified professional. I hope you enjoyed this episode and conversation together, and I am so grateful to be on this journey with you. And did you know? For every episode of the Jamie Kern Lima show, there are a set of special prompt questions just for you to help you on your journey of aha moments and revelations in your own life. From each episode, make sure you join my free email to get them sent to you each week. And each episode is meant to be evergreen and packed with timeless life lessons so you can go back and listen to past episodes you perhaps haven't heard yet. As we are going on this incredible journey of building self worth and living our best lives together.