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I surrender. I surrender.


We have more tissues right down there.


And I went to my mama and I said, I'm angry at God. I knew that as a black woman that my margin of failure, my margin of error was less than.


And you're going for it. Putting yourself out there saying, pick me.


And he saw Oprah Winfrey qualities. God's delays are not his denials.


Do you ever doubt God exists?


You are going for the jugular. Oh, my God.


I love this.


Jamie, I don't have these kind of conversations. Oh, you're good. Oh, my. You are a pro here. I'm talking about. I. Can I just, for a moment, as a pro, just give you kudos that you've barely looked at your notes, that you have been so. You're so well prepared and that you really want to. It's not about me, and it's not about you. It's about the listener. I'm sorry. I'm just so impressed.


Do you now ever feel unworthy? Ooh.


Oh, gosh. Such a good question, Jamie. You know, I do look up to the heavens sometimes and go, come on, enough is enough.


I have a letter from your wife. A letter from your wife.


What are you doing? You're going for the jugular again.


Would you be willing to share it?


I have not seen this. I feel loved. I feel understood. But I'll never forget how you made me feel today. I will never forget this feeling. It is a gift to be able to talk to a friend the way you have today.


The more we do that, the more our life tastes like freedom. I need shot shots all around.


I need day drinking.


Before we jump into this episode, I'd love to invite you to join this community to hear more interviews and one on one conversations with me and you to help you truly believe in yourself, trust yourself, and know you are enough so that you can become unstoppable in living your best life. I love your support. It's incredible to see your comments and how many of you are sharing these episodes with everyone else. And I'm just so grateful to be here for you and I'm so excited to go on this journey with you. Who you spend time around is so important, as energy is contagious and so is self belief. And I'd love to hang out with you even more, especially if you could use an extra dose of inspiration. Which is exactly why I've created my free weekly newsletter that's also a love letter to you, delivered straight to your inbox each and every Tuesday morning. From me. If you haven't signed up. To make sure that you get it each week, just go to to make sure you're on the list and you'll get your one on one things I want to call out before we move past them because we're talking about success, leaves clues. And I just want to say one of these things that you, this is a granular detail, but I think this is important because you had ESPN on your vision board and because a competitor station wanted to advance in the ratings in Nashville, they send your tape in trying to get you out of the market.Right.Which, by the way, just side note, every day I say this prayer. I pray God brings the right people in my life, has the wrong ones leave, and I pray that any plot formed against me is exposed and revealed and backfires. And what I mean by that is I think God can use even our enemies for our favor.Oh, yeah.And I think about how people that just wanted you out of the market, they send your tape to ESPN. You get a call from ESPN. It's like, thank you.Thank you.So sometimes, you know, the opposition coming against us can really be used for our favorite. I, what I want to call out is this, because to your point earlier, we're in this day and age, right, 2024, where there's no barriers to entry online to being an expert. There's no. People think that if I can just instantaneously have fame, fortune, all the things, and there's a lot of examples on social media that look like that is true. I think we're in this day and age of a lot of people being at risk of being overexposed but underdeveloped right in what they're doing. And I'm grateful to meet so many entrepreneurs and they're just so tempted right now to have everything that looks good on the outside, but they're underdeveloped on the inside. Their infrastructure's not caught up, their regulatory compliance and safety is not caught up, but they're just selling like hotcakes on a certain website. And there's just this moment in time where so many people are overexposed and underdeveloped. And I think that that can work in the short term, but in the long term, if your development doesn't keep up or match your exposure, it can easily all come crashing down.And I just want to call this out because this takes so much discipline, Robin.One the D's, one the three ds, right?That you get a call from ESPN on your whiteboard, your vision board, and you decide to say no. And that you want to get a little more experience before they come calling again. That is scary for a lot of people. But you made this decision. Oh, I want to develop more so that I can get there and be at a certain level. Like, how did you do that?Because I took the time to know me and to know my strengths as well as my weaknesses. And I knew. I knew in my heart of hearts, I knew that I wasn't ready. I knew I wasn't. And I knew that my margin of error was less than someone else. I did not want to be the answer. Bottom line, I didn't want to be the answer to a trivia question. What black woman was hired in 1987 by ESPN and fired in 1988 by ESPN because she didn't know her stuff. And I just think it is so important to take that time. And part of it is also, how do I say this? I don't know. It's risky. It is. I'm not going to say like, oh, yes, I knew that once I said no to them, that they were going to come. I had no idea if they would come calling again. But I believe this with every ounce of my being that God's delays are not his denials.There's so much more coming up in this episode. You are not going to want to miss it. But first, I wanted to share this with you. In life, you don't soar to the level of your hopes and dreams. You stay stuck at the level of your self worth. When you build your self worth, you change your entire life. And that's exactly why I wrote my new book, worthy how to believe you are enough and transform your life for you. If you have some self doubt to destroy and a destiny to fulfill, worthy is for you. In worthy, you'll learn proven tools and simple steps that bring life changing results, like how to get unstuck from the things holding you back, build unshakable self love, unlearn the lies that lead to self doubt, and embrace the truths that wake up worthiness. Overcome limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome. Achieve your hopes and dreams by believing you are worthy of them and so much more. Are you ready to unleash your greatness and step into the person you were born to be? Imagine a life with zero self doubt and unshakable self worth. Get your copy of Worthy plus some amazing thank you bonus gifts for or the link in the show notes below.Imagine what you do if you fully believed in you. It's time to find out with worthy, who you spend time around is so important, as energy is contagious and so is self belief. And I'd love to hang out with you even more, especially if you could use an extra dose of inspiration. Which is exactly why I've created my free weekly newsletter that's also a love letter to you, delivered straight to your inbox each and every Tuesday morning from me. If you haven't signed up to make sure that you get it each week, just go to to make sure you're on the list and you'll get your one on one with Jamie weekly newsletter and get ready to believe in you. If you're tired of hearing the bad news every single day and need some inspiration, some tips, tools, joy and love hitting your inbox. I'm your girl. or in the link in the show notes. And now more of this incredible conversation together.And I know that. And I know that you know this as well with your business, how you were wanting to get on QVC or whatever. And had you done that, when had it happened when you wanted it to happen, you would have failed. But it happened at the right time. And so the same thing with me. And it's very difficult at the time when it's happening. It's easier when you look back and go, oh, but all faith. At the end of the the lessons in this book and the strategies will change your life. You will never be the same again.After you read this book.Janie's book Worthy is a must read. It is going to inspire you, empower you, give you the hope that you need, and the kick in the rear.End that you deserve. Jamie's book Worthy is incredible. The gifts are going away, but they're all free right now on dot. This show is presented solely for entertainment purposes only. It's not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, professional coach, or other qualified professional. I hope you enjoyed this episode and conversation together and I I am so grateful to be on this journey with you. And did you know? For every episode of the Jamie Kern Lima show, there are a set of special prompt questions just for you to help you on your journey of aha moments and revelations in your own life. From each episode, make sure you join my free email to get them sent to you each week. And each episode is meant to be evergreen and packed with timeless life lessons. So you can go back and listen to past episodes you perhaps haven't heard yet, as we are going on this incredible journey of building self worth and living our best lives together.


things I want to call out before we move past them because we're talking about success, leaves clues. And I just want to say one of these things that you, this is a granular detail, but I think this is important because you had ESPN on your vision board and because a competitor station wanted to advance in the ratings in Nashville, they send your tape in trying to get you out of the market.




Which, by the way, just side note, every day I say this prayer. I pray God brings the right people in my life, has the wrong ones leave, and I pray that any plot formed against me is exposed and revealed and backfires. And what I mean by that is I think God can use even our enemies for our favor.


Oh, yeah.


And I think about how people that just wanted you out of the market, they send your tape to ESPN. You get a call from ESPN. It's like, thank you.


Thank you.


So sometimes, you know, the opposition coming against us can really be used for our favorite. I, what I want to call out is this, because to your point earlier, we're in this day and age, right, 2024, where there's no barriers to entry online to being an expert. There's no. People think that if I can just instantaneously have fame, fortune, all the things, and there's a lot of examples on social media that look like that is true. I think we're in this day and age of a lot of people being at risk of being overexposed but underdeveloped right in what they're doing. And I'm grateful to meet so many entrepreneurs and they're just so tempted right now to have everything that looks good on the outside, but they're underdeveloped on the inside. Their infrastructure's not caught up, their regulatory compliance and safety is not caught up, but they're just selling like hotcakes on a certain website. And there's just this moment in time where so many people are overexposed and underdeveloped. And I think that that can work in the short term, but in the long term, if your development doesn't keep up or match your exposure, it can easily all come crashing down.


And I just want to call this out because this takes so much discipline, Robin.


One the D's, one the three ds, right?


That you get a call from ESPN on your whiteboard, your vision board, and you decide to say no. And that you want to get a little more experience before they come calling again. That is scary for a lot of people. But you made this decision. Oh, I want to develop more so that I can get there and be at a certain level. Like, how did you do that?


Because I took the time to know me and to know my strengths as well as my weaknesses. And I knew. I knew in my heart of hearts, I knew that I wasn't ready. I knew I wasn't. And I knew that my margin of error was less than someone else. I did not want to be the answer. Bottom line, I didn't want to be the answer to a trivia question. What black woman was hired in 1987 by ESPN and fired in 1988 by ESPN because she didn't know her stuff. And I just think it is so important to take that time. And part of it is also, how do I say this? I don't know. It's risky. It is. I'm not going to say like, oh, yes, I knew that once I said no to them, that they were going to come. I had no idea if they would come calling again. But I believe this with every ounce of my being that God's delays are not his denials.


There's so much more coming up in this episode. You are not going to want to miss it. But first, I wanted to share this with you. In life, you don't soar to the level of your hopes and dreams. You stay stuck at the level of your self worth. When you build your self worth, you change your entire life. And that's exactly why I wrote my new book, worthy how to believe you are enough and transform your life for you. If you have some self doubt to destroy and a destiny to fulfill, worthy is for you. In worthy, you'll learn proven tools and simple steps that bring life changing results, like how to get unstuck from the things holding you back, build unshakable self love, unlearn the lies that lead to self doubt, and embrace the truths that wake up worthiness. Overcome limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome. Achieve your hopes and dreams by believing you are worthy of them and so much more. Are you ready to unleash your greatness and step into the person you were born to be? Imagine a life with zero self doubt and unshakable self worth. Get your copy of Worthy plus some amazing thank you bonus gifts for or the link in the show notes below.


Imagine what you do if you fully believed in you. It's time to find out with worthy, who you spend time around is so important, as energy is contagious and so is self belief. And I'd love to hang out with you even more, especially if you could use an extra dose of inspiration. Which is exactly why I've created my free weekly newsletter that's also a love letter to you, delivered straight to your inbox each and every Tuesday morning from me. If you haven't signed up to make sure that you get it each week, just go to to make sure you're on the list and you'll get your one on one with Jamie weekly newsletter and get ready to believe in you. If you're tired of hearing the bad news every single day and need some inspiration, some tips, tools, joy and love hitting your inbox. I'm your girl. or in the link in the show notes. And now more of this incredible conversation together.


And I know that. And I know that you know this as well with your business, how you were wanting to get on QVC or whatever. And had you done that, when had it happened when you wanted it to happen, you would have failed. But it happened at the right time. And so the same thing with me. And it's very difficult at the time when it's happening. It's easier when you look back and go, oh, but all faith. At the end of the the lessons in this book and the strategies will change your life. You will never be the same again.After you read this book.Janie's book Worthy is a must read. It is going to inspire you, empower you, give you the hope that you need, and the kick in the rear.End that you deserve. Jamie's book Worthy is incredible. The gifts are going away, but they're all free right now on dot. This show is presented solely for entertainment purposes only. It's not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, professional coach, or other qualified professional. I hope you enjoyed this episode and conversation together and I I am so grateful to be on this journey with you. And did you know? For every episode of the Jamie Kern Lima show, there are a set of special prompt questions just for you to help you on your journey of aha moments and revelations in your own life. From each episode, make sure you join my free email to get them sent to you each week. And each episode is meant to be evergreen and packed with timeless life lessons. So you can go back and listen to past episodes you perhaps haven't heard yet, as we are going on this incredible journey of building self worth and living our best lives together.


the lessons in this book and the strategies will change your life. You will never be the same again.


After you read this book.


Janie's book Worthy is a must read. It is going to inspire you, empower you, give you the hope that you need, and the kick in the rear.


End that you deserve. Jamie's book Worthy is incredible. The gifts are going away, but they're all free right now on dot. This show is presented solely for entertainment purposes only. It's not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, psychotherapist, professional coach, or other qualified professional. I hope you enjoyed this episode and conversation together and I I am so grateful to be on this journey with you. And did you know? For every episode of the Jamie Kern Lima show, there are a set of special prompt questions just for you to help you on your journey of aha moments and revelations in your own life. From each episode, make sure you join my free email to get them sent to you each week. And each episode is meant to be evergreen and packed with timeless life lessons. So you can go back and listen to past episodes you perhaps haven't heard yet, as we are going on this incredible journey of building self worth and living our best lives together.