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Someone wanted you to know this. Do you know that you, exactly as you are right now, are worthy of your greatest hopes, your wildest dreams, and all the unconditional love in the world? See, if you're hearing this right now, someone wanted you to know this today. And if you stumbled upon this message on your own, there are no coincidences. That person just might be your own soul telling you these words are for you. You, exactly as you are right now, are worthy. And I know what you're thinking, who am I to be worthy? If you only knew what I did, if you only knew what I'd been through, if you only knew the mistakes I've made, the times I've let others and myself down, the failures I've had, or the things I've seen. People like me just aren't able to wear that label of worthy. Well, I want you to know That's simply not true. And I understand if you're feeling this way because I have been there. I've seen things and lived through experiences that brought me to my knees. Things that made me feel broken, ashamed, and at my lowest. I've had moments where I couldn't see my own worth at all.


I thought I was worthless, not worthy. But I've come to learn that's simply not true. See, you and me are born fully worthy, exactly as we are. Right now, in this very moment, you, exactly as you are, are worthy. Who you are right now, wherever you are, no matter what's happened in the past, no matter how many past mistakes you feel you've made. And with whatever you're going through right now, you, exactly as you are, are more than enough. But I know sometimes it takes someone else holding space for your worthiness for it to really sink in. So I want you to know the person that sent this to you sees the miraculous, magical, beautiful, and powerful worthiness in you. They believe you are worthy, and so do I. Which is why I want to Just invite you for the next few minutes to have a seat. Drop your shoulders. Release the tension in your jaw. Close your eyes if you are able, and let this message of hope and peace and undeniable truth wash over you. You are not defined by what's happened in your past. The setbacks you're experiencing right now are actually divine set-ups for your future wins.


The things you're going through will one day become the things you've made it through. And the things you make it through become the very things that you can help others make it through, too. You. The story you're living is going to turn into a story that helps others to break generational cycles, move through trauma, and to help them feel less alone and more enough. Because of the path you are walking, you are going to have unique experiences you can use to help others not just survive, but truly thrive. You'll have the empathy, resilience, and understanding to wrap others in love and show them that they are worthy because you have learned that you are worthy. And whether or not you fully see it right now, your future is bright and abundant blessings are headed your way. So get ready. Your beautiful precious life is being divinement orchestrated. And perhaps today is the day you will exhale, worry, and inhale, trust. Try it with me. Exhale all the worry. And inhale, trust. And peace, and a knowing that you are being set up for success. Your steps are ordered. The way is being prepared for you, and your best days are ahead.


And you right now, exactly as you are, are enough. You are worthy. So today, whatever the rest of your day holds and wherever you're headed, I want you to walk into the room with your shoulders back and your head held high. Because in life, we don't become what we want. We become what we believe we're worthy of. And friend, the truth is, you are so worthy. You're worthy of feeling joy. You're worthy of asking for the raise. You're worthy of speaking your truth. You're worthy of showing up as who you authentically are. You are worthy of putting yourself out there. You're worthy of dressing exactly how you want to, of eating the cupcake, of saying how you feel, whether it's yes when you mean yes or no when you mean no. You right now, are fully worthy, and nobody can take that away from you because it is you, the real you. I don't just believe it, I know it. And whether you stumbled on this message on your own or a person sent it to you, there are no coincidences. And we all know the truth for sure. And you'll feel this truth in your soul.


You are worthy. Now it's your turn to own your worthiness and Take it in to the rest of your day. So whatever you're doing and whoever you're doing it with, remember, I see you. I love you. I believe in you. You are worthy. We often see so much worthiness in others. We see their brilliance. We see their light. But we struggle to see it in ourselves. We get to change that together. My ask is that you now pay this forward and share this episode of the Jamie Kernlema Show with those in your life who need to hear this message, those who deserve to feel worthy, those who deserve to know they matter, and they are seen, and they are loved. Those that you know need to hear, they are worthy. Send them the link to this episode, and let's be a force for good together in this world. Jamie Kern-Lema is her name. Everybody needs Jamie Kern Lima in their life. Jamie Kern Lima. Jamie, you're so inspiring. Jamie Kern Lima. Who spend time around is so important as energy is contagious, and so is self-belief. And I love to hang out with you even more, especially if you could use an extra dose of inspiration, which is exactly why I've created my free weekly newsletter that's also a love letter to you, delivered straight to your inbox each and every Tuesday morning from me.


If you haven't signed up to make sure that you get it each week, just go to jamiekernleema. Com to make sure you're on the list, and you'll get your one-on-one with Jamie weekly newsletter and get ready to believe in you. If you're tired of hearing the bad news every single day and need some inspiration, some tips, tools, joy, and love hitting your inbox, I'm your girl. Subscribe at jamiekernleema. Com or in the link in the show notes. Do you struggle with negative self-taught Talk. Living with a constant mental narrative that you're not good enough is exhausting. I know because I spent most of my life in that habit. The words you say to yourself about yourself are so powerful. And when you learn to take control over your self-talk, it's life-changing. And I wanted to give you a free resource that I created for you if this is something that could benefit your life. It's called Five Ways is to overcome negative self-taught and build self-love. And it's a free how-to guide to overcome that negative self-taught to build confidence and develop unshakable self-love so that you can dream big and keep going in the pursuit of your goals.


Don't let self-sabotaging thoughts hinder your progress any longer. It's time to rewrite the script of your life when filled with self-love, resilience, and unwavering belief. If you're ready to take charge of your narrative, build unwavering confidence and empower yourself to persevere on the path to your dreams, you can grab your free guide to stop overth and learn to trust yourself at jamie kernleema. Com/resources, or click the link in the show notes below. Imagine, what would you do if you fully believed in you? I went from struggling waitress facing non nonstop projection to founder of It Cosmetics, a billion dollar company, by learning how to overcome self doubt and believe I'm worthy of my hopes and dreams. And I'm sharing how you can, too, in my new book, worthy: How to believe you are enough and transform your life. If you're ready to truly trust yourself and break through that barrier of self doubt and know that where you come from or even where you are right now doesn't determine where you're going, then worthy is for you. It's time to go from doubting you're enough to knowing you're enough. It's time to step into all of who you are and into the person you were born to be.


And it's time to believe that you are worthy of it. Because in life, we don't become what we want. We become what we believe we're worthy of. Join the worthy movement today by grabbing your copy of worthy anywhere books are sold, then head to worthybook. Com now for free gifts, including my five-part course on Becoming Unstoppable and my 95-page, Worth Workbook Action Plan that teaches you how to implement the tools from the Book into your real life right now. The gifts are going away, but they're all free right now on worthybook. Com. If this episode impacted you and you want more, click here..