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Hopefully find your way.


You can all hear me. Okay, so I was going to set up on Horizon Hill because they're on reverse ops.


Change back to normal operations in the next hour or so. We'll see what happens.


That's great. Land of away one.


I'm a little quiet compared to the plane, so stand by when I know what drives there it.


Right. Let me know if that's any improvement.


I was using the headset, but I don't have it set up. Right. Bruce? Member for three months. Thank you very much.


I wanted to have.


Hang on, stand by.


Let me know if that's any better. I think I had the headset mute by mistake.


It's a day for not enabling things, isn't that right, Dean?


So I should be able to move that microphone back to where it was now in a second to concentrate on the aircraft.


You don't mind it being quiet anyway? You hear too much of me sometimes, so I don't mind. Do you always mind?


Chat is freezing also wonderful.


All right, you can hear me much better now. Vundaber, Helen. Hitting four months. Stand by for bing pong Tom. Evening, Tia, Lana.




What? Overlay is busted, as in it's on arrivals.


Hang on. Oh, there's an error on the radar box. Is there? Roger Dodger. It's gonna be one of those days by the time things all gone.


So give you a look at the sock and you'll see what we're dealing with. I imagine that was probably the last departure we're going to see. Considering the way things are shifting, it shouldn't need to be signed in. So that's obviously something going wrong there. Completely.


I've turned it off for the time being. Pip, welcome along.


Dean's sock is still floppy.


Dean, if you check out the website, you'll see your t shirt. Is there.


No, no more. So I was, believe it or not, initially set up down here, further down that spot we've used before. And the ambient temperature in the air. There you go. Is 24, 25 degrees.


That's what's shown on the van anyway. And the panels on the roof are acting soft, so, yes, I've opted not to stand on that.


Yep. So we have, thanks to Dean, we have two new t shirts. We have the floppy sock t shirt, which is there. And we also have Dean's legendary, legendary quote from yesterday. In reference to the rescue vehicle that scares the birds.


I'll let Dean refer to it by its proper title.


Yvonne has been in the Spotters club for six months. Thanks, Yvonne.


Nothing worse than when it's. It's the wind's fault, though, remember? So I did put up screen grabs yesterday in the telegram group of the two t shirts, but they're actually up now, so you can have a look at them. Yours is ordered, Dean. Be ready for Manchester.


Who's a fan of lrb, I wonder?


Liam, am I right? Um, yeah, just about. I, uh, will obviously has it now as well. And I did obviously share. My darling wife tested positive this morning.


Sorry, Ruth. I do apologize. Tomorrow. Thank you very much for the gifted memberships. It's much appreciated.


So, folks, I set up with an evening one just so it's laid back. It's handy, and we'll see how I go. Because paracetamol is still required to function normally at the moment. But I'm day. Today is day six, so my mandatory isolation ended this morning in advance.


I apologize. My chat is absolutely dying continuously. Every time I leave it to look at radar box or anything like that, it's just not working, so.


And I have an awful phony feeling it's gonna rain.


Just my day, isn't it?




Balance up here. All right. I'm actually glad I'm on the pillars now and not the roof of the van because. Yeah, balance is questionable on the sun express to Izmir. Hope to watch it when I land.


Nice. You know where I am, JB. Welcome along. That. That's exactly it, Tom.


It's more of a case of I've been trapped in the house the last five days up until today, so. Yeah, very much so. Just want to get something from the van. Stand by one.


And I'm back. Just getting a camera. Rain cover, just in case.


I don't know. I don't trust it.


I know it's not meant to, but God knows what will happen.


Proper waves.


Is it gone now or can you still hear that noise?




Yeah. So obviously I put the headset down when I was going to the van, and I reckon I put it too close to one of the other microphones. So they're just reacting with each other, I think.


Presume you can hear ATC. Okay.


John W. Stormy Midwest. I was watching Brandon Coppock last night and Reed timber the night before. Brandon had a proper chase last night.


If you think I need to throw on a filter to. To darken the screen a little bit, do let me know. It looks okay from here, but come back. There we go.


So it's changed from what would be a headwind for the departing aircraft to a crosswind now. As you can see from Z suc 1 second.


So I imagine we're not long for 10 operations. Two eights will resume. We shall see. Be nice to get the evening wave of 330s out here in the next, what, 1015 minutes or so before they change.


ATC is a little low. Okay.


Tom will be right back. I need to find something because this is tormenting me. Where is it going?


Obviously these will have to bear with me because, like, things will be all over the shop for strain back while I'm sick. So I'm blaming the illness. It's definitely not my forgetfulness.


Dean is set for Saturday at 01:00 p.m. grand. Dean, I'll, uh. I can bring this yoke to you.


We can go from there and see what happens on Saturday. So I suppose I can't see where it.


Rajesh. Welcome along, Larry. Liam has two days left of his holiday. Nice little stint for you, Liam.


No limit. Unfortunately not. I won't be around.


Jerry. Evening. So since the last day I streamed EinSF has arrived the 6th 320 neo.


Um, NSF wasn't actually meant to arrive till September. So it's after arriving early.


Oh, yeah, Jerry. I'm not too bad now. It was worse. Um, you know, yourself, it's just a general feeling of meh.


Patrick, welcome along.


Yeah, I don't know whether from my understanding, I was just doing a bit of research online. Obviously, Jordan, lots of spare time over the last few days.


My understanding is they only ordered six neos. Originally. Four upped it to six on the 320 neos. So that's it for the time being, until the XLR comes along.


But with IAG playing the way they are at the moment, will they get any of them at all? Now, this stage.


Nice little bizjet.


Are we gonna get a froggy turn in front of us when they go? Yeah, we are. Yeah, they are froggy.


Shana, you've been legit.


Thank you for making me laugh


again. I'm missing a little thing off my tripod that helps smooth all this out. I am sorry. That's what I've been looking for.


Regex at work. Taking a quick peek, Helen? Sorry, I wasn't looking at the phone. Thank you very much for the gifted memberships.


So I'm not calling these out because if I exit the YouTube app, it freezes my chat constantly. Yeah, who cares? I'll just restart it. Be fun.


So aerlingus to PMI is what you're looking at there. Majorca.


Still getting the sinking feeling it's gonna rain away from the 21.


Stefan. Welcome, Rory. Evening to you. Yeah, that's the. This is the second or third time it's happened to me, Dean, where if you leave the YouTube app, the chat freezes.


I don't know why it's doing it.


Eik and FNH are both pinging. Wonderful. So we may. We definitely will get one of the 330s. Anyway, everyone be on the lookout for our cowl thiefs.


We think it's. It's Dell and gam that have the two retro cowls stolen.


So I was actually looking yesterday on Dean's stream. If those two cowls were put back on the retro, the engines would be back to the way they were when it was first painted. Believe this is after Philadelphia 321. Neil never does it to you. It must be because you have an iPhone.


Yeah, because that iPhone hasn't caused us the world of trouble at all, has it?




forgetful when we started, it wasn't working. For some reason people said so. I have it turned off at the moment.


Now we got the wave fairness. I'm still here begging for operator error. Yeah, Dean owes me an hour of my life. Dub jet tech support.


Steve, I think Lana was on there at the start of the stream. Sure she will. Welcome your kind words.


Close birdie there. Did it make it out or was it just an optical illusion?


So EI 125 off to Chicago is the a 300 3300 in front of you, Peter. Welcome along.


I fix that. Zoom.


Now, let's see. Hello, plane. That's better.


So, folks, quick shout out. As always, Dean also streams from here in Dublin, vlogging everything. You can see him in the chat there. Click on his name, hit the subscribe. Pip Hastings.


Now Pip is living the dream. Pip is traveling and streaming as many airports as he can. He's based in the States. Tom is one of his moderators. He was also in chat there.


Find his name, click on him. I think his goal is 10,000 subscribers. Pretty soon. I think Tom can fill us in, or if Pip's there, he can fill us in on that. But share the love.


Pip's literally living the dream. He lets the the audience guide where he streams next based on. Based on their whims and how much they're willing to fund his trip. So he's doing it his way, and it's great thing to watch. And then obviously, we've drones and planes.


I don't know whether they're in the chat yet or not. This evening, based in Manchester.


Kind of building ourselves up a little network of streamers. We'll just launch a tv station 24 hours nonstop. Airplanes mixed between between the four of us. Watch. Tink Dean.


For those who you may not have seen it, Pip was live in San Antonio the other night. And one of aer Lingus old 757s is currently in San Antonio flying, believe it or not, still in its aer Lingus colors. And Eilbr is the registration. It's in San Antonio to be converted to a tanker currently.


So there we go. Thomas said Pip is looking for ten k subscribers by October. Think he's on five and a half. Five. Six.


There now, Tom, isn't he?


There's a never ending wealth of streams to watch, trust me. What you think I've been doing the last five days while I was in isolation?


Stephanie. Welcome along, Stephanie. General Dwayne, you are your Dun Shockland based.


Just see your profile picture there.


If I said the name Eric, would that mean auntie?


Oh my God. Don't you dare rain.


It is raining. Wonderful.


Hopefully it's a passover.


Let's not take that risk, huh? All right. Stand by. First time using this rain cover. Don't know what's gonna happen.


Probably will wreck the place. I apologize.


It's too big. Woohoo. First time I've had to say that.


Stand by. I do need to get a cover. It's starting to hit quite hard.


That'll have to do us for a minute. Can I get me over one as well?


I don't know. I haven't been able to look. Because of my look. My shot was all dead.


Not much I can do. It should pass over in a minute or two. It's not that heavy looking, but I just had to get the camera covered at least anyway


for wearing shorts in the rain.


So busy covering the camera, I forgot to cover all the stream gear. Genius.


It's going to be one of those days.


I'm going to keep the camera. Kind of point it this way for a moment. You can see where the rain is coming from.


We're moving into a tailwind for these departures. Which means I do think they'll switch to two eight soon enough.


Junior. Thank you very much.


I love it. It's like they know you're watching them. They can sense it. Nearly.


Stefan, thank you very much for the gifted memberships.


I just copped your comment now, Adrian. Where the rain is coming from the sky. Why thank you.


Thankfully the shower is a gone stand by for. Well, no, I'll give it a minute. Because as soon as I take it off, it normally stands. Stars again. Let's not tempt fate.


If I am missing your messages, I do apologize. Chat is Acton and the maggot erb, even to you, it's always one, and it's usually you. Everyone has a niche.


The rain mainly falls on Dubjet. That is true. That is true.


Going through Dublin airport now, anybody used to this drop and go parking? Yeah, it's not a. It's not even improperly at mayhem. That ramp is mayhem. I have to go over that ramp every day to get into the workarpark.


I know the radar box widget wasn't working, but the live view widget and the likes up the top is still working, correct. I could just check myself, you know.


Right. Disposing of rain cover.


Don't freak out. Wipey clotty moment.


There we go.


Yep, still working at the top. Right. Okay, so stand by. We'll do a little trick. A row here and see if it works.


I'm not holding out any hope, though. We can but try.


So put that on, that and that. Now let's see if that worked.


Should be there. Now.


That was set for arrivals because on the cards for half four was a changeover on this Runway, two arrivals, we've made it to what, 05:15? But it's now again, like I said to you, the wind has shifted. This is fully on for two eight again, so I imagine we're going to be shifting to arrivals now in a second.


If that's the case, I will just have to slightly reposition the tripod on the blocks here.


Yeah, your b. Just a little bit. Not too bad.


I had a. Had a cold or something. What? It would have been maybe just before last Christmas. And that was worse.


That completely floored me. I couldn't move for days. This one was just achy, kind of generalized all over. Not wanting to move.


Tom says, looks like the 330 to JFK is still coming towards me. I won't complain, Tom.


See it there now coming round the corner.


So that radar box is shown. Arrivals only, I believe. There's nothing I can do about that for the minute, JB. We'll see how it goes. And there is a.


We have 277 cargo, sorry, 7.67 cargo is due in this evening, and potentially a 757 cargo around half eight ish for the last one. So we'll see how it goes and see how I hold up. It's more, should I say, see how I do when the parasetm all wears off.


Size of this thing ups landing from Louisville Louver. I'll get it right eventually. Tom, don't you worry. I know I say Louisville all the time, but it's Louisville. Isn't there something along that line just from watching the streams, listening to them?




Eil, recently refurbished, was in Bordeaux for a little while, getting a new interior.


Friend of mine was on this this morning, I believe. I think it was eil off too far away.


Bear tramp. Welcome.


So I imagine it's going to take maybe a toga or two on the arrival side with that tailwind now to force them to switch the runways because I can still see there's one lined up coming in for 10 left way out at the moment.


Support yourself.


Take more paracetamol and don't mix them with Dean's pills. Yeah, it's the last thing we need, isn't it?


Oh, my God. Stop it.


Lady Helen, evening to you. See, this is all my comments are going missing, John. Drones and planes. Evening, Diana.


What do we reckon? They're gonna switch it up?


Omer. Evening to you. Donna. Like I said, wasn't ignoring you. Phones acting up on the chat.


Nothing I can do about it. Even when I don't exit it now, it's glitching out for some reason. I might force stop it in a minute and just may as well do it now while I say it. I fear I'm gonna get another blast of heavy rain. But we'll see what happens, right?


First up, new aviation wizard. It


so, like, you don't get much more of a tailwind than that for 10. I imagine they're the lull we have here is because they're switching around.


Oh, I just realized who aviation wizard is. Right. Okay, we can put it to the people. Aviation wizard stole a video from our channel and used Will's voice three times without asking us. You know a child's voice, but thinks it's okay.


That's what they're emailing me about.


Stefan, thank you for being here and thanks for the gifts. Much appreciated.


No, it's not, is it? It.


I have no notification of a change of Runway just yet. However, I see nothing approaching ten left and nothing approaching two. Eight left. So let's see what happens as it starts to rain again.


I seen the picture on drones and playing he put up last night of the young lad milling into the happy meal. Oh, yeah, John, you're getting that now because that's obviously my lads getting that little bit older and his priorities are changing. But that literally is what the airport used to be about. Go. Plane spotting, junk food on the way home.


Everyone, happy rain magnet Paul is working again. Yeah, sorry. Kicked everything. Look at that nasty little cloud over there.


I wouldn't mind. Will still tries that when we're here and we're going home. He'll still ask to get food on the way home. It's just not a happy meal anymore. Wish it was.


Stop eating. Dave Flynn, welcome along.


Living the dream. Not seeing many planes on flight radar, says Tom. Right. I have one. I think I do, I think I do.


Let's see.


Thought I saw something there. And again I could be just imagining.


Yeah, we're back on two eight by the looks of it.


Now we know what usually happens with this. So what we'll do is we will go manual focus. Autofocus assist done.


Now remember, superzoom means not so clear. Oh, look at you.


I heard him say that on the stream that he wanted an indian. And you were like, no, no, you can get that tomorrow. It'll be too late.


And the best part is, it's his expression afterwards. You could probably almost hear his face when he was like, oh. But yeah, he's obviously settled for the happy meal in the end. Knows not to complain too much.


So Tom says, or Ryanair from Athens. It.


Dave, Greg said he is out and about today. He wouldn't be online. And he did. He did put up a comment in the kind of the pre stream chat yesterday for you, saying that he gets to go out one day a month and that's today. So he wouldn't be around.


I've cooked him a chicken karma for after football tonight. He's very happy.


You see, that's where John does it. Right ado. I've always just straight up abused will with the microphone on. Occasionally you hear the crack of the belt in the back of the stream. But no, feels like we've been watching this forever.


Cause we have.


Katie just had McDonald's for lunch, but my kiddo asked for it. Yeah, yeah, blame the child.


I used to do that. Go home and say, oh, no, we had McDonald's. Why did you have McDonald's? What? The kids wanted it.


Liam's having a buffet for dinner. Want to be careful, Liam, that they cook that rye wild. Buffets are hard to catch and they don't often cook them properly.


It's another joke I played on the two brothers. We were having gourmet burgers and I told them, now you better eat them all. You don't know how rare gourmet is to catch. And they were like, what a wild gourmet.


Now, focus will be a little off here when the plane gets close, closer. Just because we're using manual focus for the far out zoom. So it's not focus hunting all the time.


Bring on the waves.


No, no wave.


Dan, thanks very much. Get myself a big Mac on the way home.


Wild Buffett. That's like wild haggis. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


All these fancy words for food.


Yeah, that's it. Now, Tom, next time you see gourmet burgers and you buy them, convince the children that you went out and caught a garment for them. And then you have to find something on your phone that looks like a garment, so they're not too upset when they realize they're eating it. Yeah.


Um, we remember when he still brings it up all the time. My eldest, Eric, when he was younger, he was mad for a pet, and we told him we'd get one when he was 18. We'd get one when he was 18. Like, he already had two dogs, but he wanted all sorts of things, hamsters and all sorts. And we told him for his 18th birthday, he could pick snuffle officus or a fuzzle wizzle.


And he was like, a what? A snuffle officus or a fuzzle wizzle. You can have a. Pick whichever one you want. He was like, all right.


And then, of course, he asked what they look like. And we were frantically on our phones trying to figure out what a snuffle. Well, we know what snuffle up to this looks like because that's from Sesame street. Put a fuzzle wozzle. There you go.


But believe it or not, if you look one up, you will find one.


I think we just showed him the picture of snuffleupticus and said that was a fuzzle wuzzle.


But, yeah, all the way up until he got that little bit older and he realized. He told everyone he was getting a fuzzle wuzzle for his 18th birthday.


Pure heartbreak. The day I told him they didn't exist.


Drones and planes. I'm probably gonna go. Like I said, we've got a couple of cargoes due in. I think the last one's due in about half eight. We'll see how it goes.


See how I hold up, see how the weather holds up.


I wanted to show you, obviously, the effect of the mountain on that cloud. Look how much has expanded in the meantime. Look at that. From a little cloud to the. Obviously being forced over land there and being forced higher altitude.


Patricia, evening to you.


Dan, I just realized I forgot your.


So, again, Dan, thank you very much.


Literally, watch that expand in front of us. Look at that. There's another comment you won't hear on an aviation channel too often, unless we're talking about hot air balloons, of course.


Adoles hitting Dean with the. Remember it's Charlotte that likes the rugby planes.


Dean's stream yesterday was entertaining, though, especially when he doesn't realize he's saying things. That's the best part.


It Internet editor evening to you.


Thank you very much for the gifted memberships. I'll stay with that for a second.


Adrian says it's great when he's in Dean's chat. He doesn't have to lower the tone because Dean does it all himself. Paul. Yeah, so Paul, Dean was here yesterday and he got the privilege triple seven arriving live on stream. You'll be able to find him under vlogging everything on YouTube.


He's not selling that. It's vlogging, not vlogging. And yeah, the privileged style arrived while he was at this spot here yesterday. I think it came in from Faro or Malaga, if I'm not mistaken.


ATR having to point it into the wind. Oh, helicopter. Land them. Sit down.


Oh. Bounce, bounce two. Wow.


If that still makes Sierra four, that is legendary.


It did. Wow.


Thanks, Tom. Much appreciated for that, by the way. Was gonna do it. I knew it.


The newest ATR in the Emerald fleet always say this. It was only added there about a month and a half ago. Two months ago. Ex Garuda ATR 72 600.


It definitely caught a bit of wobble there as they were approaching the last couple of hundred feet. Look at that cloud just exploding. I'm gonna turn this channel into a storm chasing channel. The most disappointing channel ever. Because, like, Ireland doesn't really have anything interesting like that happening.


That started with that ATR. They had a little bit of a sink just around that height there and then. They were correcting after that ever since. But they definitely caught some wobbledge.


That is, I know it's shifted more in favor of two eight left. Like, we're seeing them arrive now, but it's still very much across wind for them.


And thank you very much for being with us and Patricia as well. And six months in the sprap club, Patricia Treeblz thought it was more than that, to be honest with you.


Double wave. Thank you very much.


And now my phone was deciding to say there's no messages in the chat. These are all just being really quiet.


Internet editor. I'm okay. Yeah, you can hear in my voice. I'm a little bit stuffed up still, but I'm feeling better. Yeah.


The fact I can move is a bonus. It's just that weird achy pain. Achy. Oh, oh.


And a bit of a roller coaster.


I don't know what it is about, COVID but your arms and your legs hurt. I don't get it. And the headache, Dave. Five months.


Bing bong, folks. Just in case you think I am ignoring you. It's not the case. The chat is acting up on my phone for some reason, and every so often it just decides to freeze and it's not shown new messages, so I'm having to manually refresh it in between when I get chances. Froggy Ann says I had Covid in May.


It took five weeks to get back to normal. Well, what is normal? Yeah, well, that's. That's more of it for me, really, isn't it?


I'm not the kind of person that will sit around doing nothing. So the last couple of days have been absolute torture. Luckily, I've had many, many, many wonderful streams to watch to keep me busy and occupied, as well as providing emergency tech support for others who shan't be shamed in public.


So if you're wondering why I'm not looking up radar box to call these all out yet, that's also the reason every time I exit the YouTube app, it freezes.


Will I be at Dublin airport on Tuesday morning for the a 350? Um, don't know yet.


Kind of said I'd set this evening as a relaxed evening stream just to see how I do.


Not falling off the pillars here will be an added bonus.


Commandant. There you go. At least someone got it.


That's right, Helen. At least. Yeah, I imagine those people that when Covid was forced to own the rounds, the people that got it there, then we're absolutely. Yeah, you can see why so many people unfortunately didn't make it through. And this is my.


This is only my second time having it. We managed to dodge it all the way up until September 22 was the first time we got it. And, yeah, that was worse. Definitely worse than this time. Can tell you that much.


The only issue is my darling wife, root, is immune compromised. So we've been doing our best, obviously, to stay apart for the last few days. But she tested positive this morning. Obviously she had picked it up before I even realized I had it myself, considering we're around each other so much.


So just in case you're wondering, it is a little bit of a battle here. The breeze, just the angle of it is hitting the lens almost perfectly as I'm panning to the right here. So that's what those little jumps are unfortunately just pushing against the breeze.


Tom says, first time I had. It was a roller coaster. My wife thought I was milking it. Yeah. I have to say, Tom, first time around, yeah, I had it.


It floored me for a couple of days. I felt great afterwards. And then all of a sudden, Elle nowhere floored me again. I don't know what the story was.


Hopefully the smaller words weren't vulgar. I couldn't see.


Mom was kind enough to bring it home from work in the initial way. She didn't get it, but it did. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was it, like. So at the time.


Yeah, I was classified as a frontline worker as well and I still managed to dodge it and I was terrified, terrified of bringing it home because Ruth had only started this medication which was messing with her immune system. Now she's since on a different medication, but she's still. It's still what's not immune compromising. The term is immuno suppressed. Isn't that the correct term, Diana?


Yeah, I seen the announcement. I know they.


They kind of teased it a couple of months ago with just one picture. And then last week. There are a week, two weeks ago now, nearly at this stage, they released the full plans and the fact that they've lodged for planning permission. The initial application they made was rejected, believe it or not, because they had a coffee dock there and Fingal county council rejected same. They were told to remove the coffee station.


So I don't know what happens next.


Patricia says she works in the hospital, so she just had to share. Yeah.


When we were obviously based in the airport and we were terrified because obviously at that stage, we had people coming from all over the world still and you didn't know what was coming in by you and what you were dealing with every day. And then when lockdowns hit, those that were traveling were people that didn't care anyway because you weren't meant to be traveling. So it was definitely. I was definitely, how would I say, paranoid about bringing a home. All right.


And true to form, when it did hit us in September 22, I was the first one to test positive as well in the house. Just like this time.


I imagine as things go on and as strains progress and variants and stuff like that, we'll see that it just. It blends in and it's just going to be deemed like a seasonal cold. Nearly what Dean was saying as well. Particularly will was saying as well. A lot of his friends seem to have it now.


Whatever is going on this time of year, there's a bit of a surge going on in Arrow Village, apparently.


Bring it down. Come on, come on. Sierra five, headphone warning. This is going to get loud.


If I could see where it was.


Breeze going to carry this down straight at us.


Nice waves there from the crew.


Adrian says wife is on similar medication and luckily it was just a cold. Yep. Like I said, it's.


We were kind of lucky in September 22 when we all got it. Went through the house to hold in a matter of days. And yes, she was sicker than us, but nothing severe. And I am hoping it's the same this time. Although she did text me just before I went on and said, I'm actually starting to feel a lot worse now, because she had been saying it was just her throat, so we'll see how it goes.


Thankfully will is there to mind her and tree dogs to torment her. So what could be better?


Ruby. Evening to you.


Going offline for a bit so I don't kill myself while getting off the bus. Yeah, don't kill yourself. You might die.


That's right, Ruby. How. How was your evening go? I won't say I'm just in case you don't want me to, but how did it go?


Those in the telegram group will know what we're referencing. Did you get the hint here, people? You get the hint. Telegram group? Yeah, Liam.


He went UFO hunting. Would you believe or not, he went UFO hunting. Rendles from forest.


I've had Covid four times, never that bad, but now got adult onset asthma. Oh. Like I said to you, it's mad. I don't know what it is, and I'm sure for years to come we'll be hearing about it, but it definitely is something different. Do you know what I'm gonna write?


Like, I know everyone says that's just a cold, but no, because people have had quite a lot of severe after effects. Now you can go away, horse fly.


Oh, yes. And disclaimer for telegram. Turn off the notifications because it. Yeah, it's non stop.


The telegram is for the hardcore people that just want to chat 24/7 Josephine. Welcome back, Internet. The Dubjet telegram group has made me put my phone on silent. You don't have to do that. Just click the three dots and click mute notifications.


There you go. So then everything will still keep coming through. You just won't get bing bonged. Constantly traumatized people with the telegram. Hey, I'm the one that posts the least amount in there.


It's all used. That are not me.


Lana says I got type two diabetes out of it. Like I said to you, Lana, it's amazing how a virus that spreads so rapidly around the world can have so many different effects on so many different people. I.


I have been known to wear a tinfoil hat every now and then, but. Yeah, I just don't know.


Like I know everyone says, oh yeah, it's amazing how the cold and flu disappeared when Covid came along, but that's because everyone was sick from COVID It's a stronger virus.


Internet said. Yeah, but if I mute the notifications, then the FOMo kicks in. Am I gonna miss something?


Katie says never had Covid yet. Or at least never knew if I did. John Walton, evening to you.


Yeah. Liam Leem pop popped up just before the last stream. Before my grandmother passed away on the Wednesday, Leem popped up and I had the sitting room camera on and I showed Liam, the german shepherd, taking apart my sitting room while I wasn't there.


Katie, again, similar to that, I stopped at tree as well. I had the third one in November 21, I think. And for two months from literally about 6 hours after I had it for two months, I had the most horrific headaches in my temples. And I said that's it. I'm not doing that again.


And I'm not anti vax. I just didn't like the way my body reacted to it.


Ford, I'm not on the van. I was going to be, believe or not if you were. For those that were here earlier. I did actually initially set up down there, that little lay by down there for up close. But when I got up on the roof, the pallet base, the plastic pallet base that's on the roof platform started flexing a little bit.


Obviously a little bit too warm for the pallets. Sat in the sun all day. So I opted against it.


Tom says this is coming from nice.


Brian says in and out for next 30 minutes. Making the dinner. No, better. Brilliant.


You see Dave, this happened when my wife was pregnant with Will. Was it? That was the swine flu vaccine they were forcing on a load of women. Do you remember that? And didn't allow to.


The children end up with severe sleep disorders, narcolepsy and stuff like that as a result of it. And yet the vax company were given indemnity. Like I understand that there. It's public safety, I get that. But is it really public safety to indemnify a company if they can do what they want afterwards and have no repercussions?


I don't know. Again, like I say, not anti vaccine, just very much scientifically proven, please. More so than anything else.


Go on, truck, keep going.


You see that? That was where Patricia, that's where I started kind of questioning it. Why make stuff mandatory? I understand at the time it was to protect the vulnerable, whatever like that. But at the end of the day, if I do a certain profession, you can't force me to get something just because I'm in that profession.


Like at the time.


Yeah, John, in typical dubjet fashion, as soon as I set up the sun went away and it rained. Now thankfully it hasn't rained again since butcher like Patricia at the time, obviously you're healthcare based. At the time you were on daily testing regimes. You had to test every day anyway. So what difference would it have made making a vaccine mandatory if you were testing every day anyway and the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission to get me, that was my logical thinking behind it.


Wasn't there anti government stance or vaccine stance? It was a case of, well, if they're testing you everywhere anyway, that's the quickest way to find out whether you have or not, instead of telling everyone to have a vaccine and then wait until you get sick before testing you because at that stage you've already passed it on.


We were having to do that for a while and work a test at the start of shifts just where in circumstances where you weren't sharing a space with others.


John says, it's like the surface of the sun in my house. Can I have some please?


Erb says, Paul, it's Hollywood movies fault how many horror movies they did with this kind of subject. Yeah, yeah, I know Juan, welcome along.


Any divine intervention? I believe I was reading on the news before I came here earlier on that the ER lingus management and the pilots are to meet tomorrow, is that correct? At the Labor Relations Commission. But as it stands, nothing has changed. So the work to rule started today, the 26th.


And they still plan their eight hour stoppage on Saturday morning from 05:00 a.m. to 01:00 p.m. isn't it? Is that right? As he frantically counts the arrows in his head to make sure he doesn't sound silly.


Yes it is, Tom. Thank you for being here. Chat to you later.


Well, John, if it's any consolation, the breeze has changed and it's now blowing it towards you. So enjoy it while you can. Long range forecast has everything cooling down after tomorrow, folks. Unfortunately there's some days there where we could see from. Don't know whether he has.


Follow him on Twitter Carlo weather. He's saying that there could be drops of up to ten degrees some days in the next seven days. And the long range isn't looking like it's going to heat up again anytime soon. Oh, also, Doja has an Instagram account now. Make sure you like it.


I know one or two of you already have managed to find it.


I was joking with Will. Say we're gonna have to set up a remote tripod on the roof of the van for the win. Oh, for the winter, so we don't have to stand out in the rain. We can just control it from inside the van.


Because believe it or not, that's what we're talking about already.


Five right there. Grand 100.


Aviation fan. I won't get dragged into it too much, but I put it this way. So obviously, Aer Lingus isn't an irish airline anymore. So you have IAG, who own Aer Lingus, British Airways, Iberia, vwelling, and I think another one across their other airlines, they've given their flight crews a 24% pay increase.


So the pilots and the other airlines apparently have been given a 24% pay increase. They're refusing to give that to the Aer Lingus pilots. And as well as that, they haven't reversed the cuts that were forced on them to keep the airline afloat during COVID I think that's the crux of the issue. Now, look, they're a pilot, a senior captain. They deserve everything they get.


Look at what they deal with, especially here in Dublin. The storms, they're bringing aircraft in safely. They're going out of their way. I'm not gonna. You're not gonna hear me arguing about it.


At the end of the day, if you're. What's the saying? A fair day's wage for a fair day's work is not the way it works.


And yes, there are a handful of the most senior pilots. 1 second. No, sorry, folks.


Sorry. There are a handful of the most senior pilots in our, in aer Lingus that are on that much. But how many junior pilots are only on 40, 50 grand a year?


And I think that's what's not been covered in the media as much. And you have to actually go digging and finding out about it yourself to realize that IAG owns all of these airlines. Why are some of them getting the pay increase and air lingus not? Why have they. Oh, look at this.


Well, battling with the wind.


Nicely done. Though, in the end.


Like measures were introduced during COVID Cost saving measures, including salary. Why not reverse that at least?


And that's one of the pilots arguments that they're trying to keep these Covid measures in place.


That's not an emergency anymore. Those measures shouldn't be there. It's kind of like what happened to all of us during the financial crisis in Ireland where they introduced the additional social contribution that was meant to be a temporary measure to. To help the country. Here we are, how many years later, still paying it.


Ruby, chat to you later.


And retro, don't get me wrong, if they want to start and that's what the media are doing, believe it or not, it's. You can see the media shifting towards blaming the pilots. Well, no, blame the airline that made 225 million euro profit last year and aren't giving it to the people who are keeping their planes in the air.


Temporary. USC eight. Oh yeah, temporary. How many years later? We're still paying it.


Yeah, no, I agree with you. Maybe they should make it that little bit clearer. Yeah. As here's why we're doing this, not just a case of we'll give us our 24%, but you have to have people who are willing to ask them those questions as well. At the moment we're only hearing one side and things.


And I'm not taking sides, I'm just. Pull it this way. If you were in a job, which the majority of us are, if you were in a job and you found out that the people who employ you employ someone else in Spain for the exact same job, but they give them 24% more, what would you do?


We should all be on the side of the worker, not the corporation. I know that sounds very hippy dippy, but that's not what I mean.


The people at the top of these companies don't have to worry about money, so why should we?


Solidarity with the pilots. No, I know I'm sounding very ranty, but that's not what I mean. You know what I mean?


Every time a certain sector of workers seek pay improvements, they're vilified in the news because I'm sure. Don't they get well paid as it is? Sure.


Let's be fair. Your wages, what now? Is that five years ago? If your wage is the same now as it was five years ago, well, then you're struggling to pay for things. There's no question about it.


So. Yeah. Anyway, I seen another thing and I don't know whether it's true or not, and it'll have to. I think it was on the independent. In 2022, the top executives at Erlingus earned 3 million euro between them.


And that's apparently twelve or 13 people. In 2023, that number was 6.3 million between the same people. So they doubled their wage in a year.


And if that is true, I can understand Rory asking, why is the van out there? Rory, that van is there for bird clearance and Runway inspection. So they sit in that lay by there just at the touchdown zone because the majority of the bird strikes on Landon are just after the flare or on approach to the touchdown zone. We. Dean was here the last day and they had to clear a number of bird carcasses from there after an aircraft landed struck a few of them, forced a toga for a 321 neo coming in from Munich.




like there's very few pilots and okay, fair enough, the academies are a little bit different now and the direction, entry scholarships and cadets are different. But previously, like for instance, and I've given this example before, I had a maths teacher in school who gave up maths teaching and went to America to become a commercial pilot all out of his own pocket. He spent two years over there and had himself fully certified, came back here and now last I know, he's gone back now. I think he's not flying anymore. But he was with Air Aaron at the time.


But like he done all that out of his own pocket.


And there's a lot of people, there's a lot of pilots like that.


I know there's mentorship programs now which are direct entry, which means you don't have that initial outlay, but that's only a more recent thing.


My chat has frozen again, folks. Sorry. While I was.


Lottie, welcome along. Ryanair from London, Luton, according to Liam. I'll stop now because we're just getting ranty sick and ranty.


But the one. Okay, one more. I will say whenever you read in the newspaper about here's how much they earn, they always take the person in there on the highest salary and use them as an example. They don't show you what the majority are or what the average is in the circumstances we're all reading about now, we're reading about a handful of the most senior captains who are probably a 330 pilots and they're in there maybe 27, 28 years.


However, if you look at all the aircraft landing, a lot of the Aer Lingus pilots are a lot younger than that now, which means they don't have that seniority. Seniority. You know what I mean?


Jet set.


Jet set. Dave was asking for you. I did tell him you were out playing today, that you wouldn't be around.


Welcome along.


Give me a second here and I try to reposition my phone so I can see it that little bit better because it's tormenting me.


There we go. I can actually see what I'm saying now.


Sorry. I know I'm after missing that Landon. I'm just trying to fix this before it falls off. Sorry about that.


Iberia in from Madrid.


Another IAg owned airline.


Two for Khan. Welcome along. Even to you. Has to be late where you are.


Sorry if I'm sniffing, though.


We've won with no lights on, do we?




Subconscious advertising on the Iberia for Lanzarote? You bet.


Definitely no lights on whatsoever.


Heat haze from the Ryanair now will play a part


even on to you. Oh, it just turned on his lights now.


Runway to a blaster.


He's gone to see the docks.


Oh, stay focused. Stop moving now, Greg. Is there a warning for more storms now? Is it this evening or tomorrow evening? I think it's this even.


Is it?


And that's right. Yeah. There's two depressions they're already monitoring in the Atlantic ahead of hurricane season. Yeah, no, I'm not. Well, understatement.


I know I'm not fully witted this evening, but what happened to our 767? One two five.


Transavia. Always reminds me of Dracula. An airline. There's an airline that comes in here from near enough to Transylvania, isn't there it?


I need some Manchester son. Soon, John, soon. But then, no doubt, the rain will follow me.


Born to row. Thank you very much.


Jet set says the weather is just a few hours away.


My favorite reverse routine. Clamshell reverses.


Yeah. Lana, I have been doing the old reliable paracetamol and effervescent vitamin C in water just to keep me somewhat normal the last few days.


Milcom there. Close up and not waving.


Manchester son. Is that code for something? It's. Yeah, it's cold for I need to be in warm weather.


The sun only shines on John Walton. You're damn right. Although Simon got a blast of it yesterday, didn't he? Me?


I don't know what that means.


Oh, sorry. Briefing on things.


Whatever happened to flat seven up as a remedy, huh?


Literally cured everything that did.


Brian, chat to you later. Thanks for being here. It


ado. Give me two minutes.


It's starting to rain again.


Thank you very much, agent. I just shouted into the microphone right in front of my mouth. I'm sorry.


Answers on a postcard. How do you pronounce that? Roshan. No cheating.


Lana. Thank you very much for gifting ten memberships. It is much appreciated.


Little over an hour's time we will have our Emirates triple seven arrival, wondering, obviously, how long the cargo seven six is going to be delayed.


Two five and a ride on Paris.


No, seven six seven cargos stand by. And I trickle


it landed just before the Runway change. That's why we didn't see it. There you go. Next one isn't due until half five coming in from.


Sorry, half eight coming in from Shannon. Registration N 363. Up. So we missed the Runway switch. Done us on the arrival of the first cargo.


So we have to wait for the Shannon one. A half eight.


Oh, come on. Camera circumference is next, apparently Eifat or at 72,


the heavy ATR. Huh? It.


Ted, evening to you.


John hasn't even been given planning permission yet, so don't be holding your breath on that one.


Did Dean miss anything other than me, obviously. But anyway, April 20, 60th opens, correct? It Fedex cargo.


It's definitely precariously balanced there that time.


Oh, I know the sound went then. Yes. That's so you didn't hear me blowing my nose.


No coffee. I'm not going, says John. No. So that's. That's the story.


So the initial plan was submitted a couple of months ago, and the Fingal county council sent it back to them saying to remove the coffee station. So they've removed the coffee station from it now and resubmitted the plans. But apparently the most recent I heard was Fingal County Council are now looking for them to put in EV parking spaces. So there's 22 spaces allocated to the, to the new area in the plan. Two of them will be for disabled parking.


And Fingal County Council want three electric vehicle parking spaces added to that. And now Dublin airport have said, well, that's not feasible because the infrastructure isn't there to put in electric vehicle parking, and that would dramatically. It would make it impossible for them to create it. Basically, John says, didn't need to know. Oh, no.


John Walton was telling me the sound went and I was saying why it went. That's all.


Refused to blow my nose. Live on the interwebs.


All right, bud.


But this is the thing now. Everything new has to have ev parking spaces, you know, because that's the future. No, not true.


It's a plane up there somewhere.


Sorry, I did mess with the focus to get the crow. My bad, Richard. Evening to you, Paul. And this has been discussed previously, because I know from when I was younger, and I've mentioned this a few times, I think when I was younger, there used to be a kind of little van there. That done sandwiches and tea and coffee.


And I believe, and it's been mentioned on an online forum that I'm on, that there's an old. One of the old crew of Dublin airport spotters actually has a license to sell tea and coffee in that area, but doesn't do it anymore. And that's what the issue is. But I don't know whether there's any truth to that or. No, no, they're.


What are they called? Hooded crows. I'm sure someone will correct me. Fragis. I called them jackdaws.


Is that right? I don't know.


Here comes the raid again.


Stand by.


Forever putting on rain covers.


Might just move somewhere where it doesn't rain easier, wouldn't it?


The dope jet coffee and banana van. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. But you wouldn't be able to sell it there because you don't have the license. That person does.


Yeah, Paul. So that's what I read on one of the forums. I don't know whether there's any truth to that or not, because it is DAA owned land already, apparently.


So I don't know how someone would have been given permission to sell something on DAA land. There's a bit of a sink in that one, and we're gonna hit the autofocus to fix that. Here we go.


John, I'm in agreement with you. You see, at the moment, the prices, especially secondhand prices of EV cars, are plummeting. The initial popularity wave, that bubble, well, burst. At this stage, John's going to sell cakes. Right.


So dub bus is definitely a venture that we have to look at someday.


Open top bus, view and platform. Upstairs, downstairs, little coffee shop. John's millionaire shortbread all sorted.


Felix, evening to you.


Kind of at the max. I want to be zooming there now for the judderiness.


EV's aren't going to catch on until the charging network in this country is drastically improved. My father has one, and he's in one of the forums for EV owners. And the amount of them that are driving places and having to plan their stops along the way, obviously, because they have a limited range, but then they get to these places that they've planned out thoroughly, where they're going to charge. And the Chargers are either broken or people in ice cars. Ice cars?


Internal combustion engine cars, because that's what they call them. Once you're an EV owner, you have to say the word ice all the time parked in them. So it's turned into a bit of a nightmare for people, and especially the rates at those public charges at the moment are through the roof.


Looks like a falcon from here. Am I right? I can't look on my phone because my YouTube keeps dying.


Yeah, that's the, that's the. That's the second kicker, John, is the EV battery replacement. Now, I have a hybrid and it's the Lexus is. So the battery on them has a ten year warranty, which is great, but yeah, if I ended up having to replace the battery, can't imagine I'd be willing to fork out that kind of money. Probably just have to crush it.


Self charging hybrid is the only way to go. Anything that needs to be plugged in is a waste of time because you're gonna end up having to stop somewhere to plug it in. Woman. I got.


I was right about it being a falcon anyway.


It's pretty.


Why are you stopping at shop?


And Mini. Lockheed.


Yeah. Now, so if the full battery goes. Yes, that is correct. You may as well just scrap the car because apparently it's 15 to 20 grand to replace a battery in an. In an ev.


However, if a cell goes, so they've changed it over the years. There's independent cells in the batteries now. So the likes of if one cell goes bad, that can be replaced. And the cost of that is about 800 euro per cell. So if you lose one cell, you're not too bad.


They can fix it. But if your whole battery goes, yeah, it's pretty much gone. Now, the only thing about that is all these cars have very long warranties. And once you bring them back to the manufacturer, once a year for their inspection, they'll stand over the battery warranty. Some of them are ten years.


So. Yeah, okay, I don't mind that. But it's not for a new buy. For a brand new buy. If you had that kind of money, not a problem.


But if it's secondhand market and you're spending 30 grand on a car and you're told, well, there's only two years or even one year left on the warranty of that battery, are you gonna take that risk? Probably. No.


Oh, I forgot the froggy. Don't worry, I got you. Yeah. Oh, look, it's a sad for froggy with a mustache.


JD evening to you.


Like number one, eight, six, Dmar. Thank you very much.


Patricia and Adrian are at it again. I'm just gonna look away and stare at the planes and nothing's happening. I don't know, erb. At this stage, from all the programs I watched when I was little, we should already be able to teleport what's going on? Cars should be flying and we should be teleporting.


What was that program that used to be on BBC? It was all about future technology. Tomorrow's world. Isn't that what it was called?


They lied to us.


CM. Welcome.


Have to confess, he'd be afraid of using the teleportation machine. Yeah.


Whilst look at the hockey. Just playing. Look, just watching them. It's like air traffic control told them to hold traffic. Crossing 20 left, two eight left.


Should I say even?


And now he crosses class.


Oh, no, Paul. No, that's not what I'm saying. I was just commenting. My father said now he is doing a long drive tomorrow and he is opting to use the hybrid instead of the EV because it's just on the borderline of his range and he doesn't want to be getting to the place where they're going and not being able to charge. So they're going to use the hybrid, the self charging hybrid, and leave the EV at home.


But it's just. And again, that's just from him being on these forums where they talk about chargers being out of action or blocked or not working or whatever.


Yeah, Patricia, I'm the same. I actually was exploring the idea of EV and was going to run the cable under the path. You can actually get these little things now that are caught. They're channels you can put the EV cable through so people won't trip. But a management company refused permission and they don't want the yokes, the ones that hang from the house, that raise the cable over eight foot high over to the car, they don't want them either.


So, like, if you're living anywhere kind of like that, where there's what I would class as on street parking. Like, an EV is never going to be a thing for you because these companies aren't going to let you put charging it. And if you run a cable out from the house, sure, if someone trips over, they're going to sue you.


Yeah, Paul, I got my dad to sign up for something similar. It's a special EV owners race. It's a special rate tariff designed for EV owners where the rate drops to half between 11:00 p.m. and 08:00 a.m. and for three of those hours during the night, it actually drops another ten cent.


So you're charging for twelve cent per kilowatt hour. So that's he got. As soon as he got the EV, I got him to switch to that plan. So now, as well as that, they obviously have the washing machine and dryer as well. And they can put that on Wi Fi.


They can set that up to come on during that low tariff time as well. So yeah, there is savings to be made from it. There's no question about it. It's just very far off. Mass adoption, unfortunately.


Telex machine yet. I know what they are.


We got the wave.


John, that's not very fair. He fell off the roof of his car, so, you know, there's a reason, you know, don't be like that to him.


Yeah, Paul, you can do that. I've been trying to get the farther to explore that you can get. There's a twelve solar panel package, depending on your roof size, that you can get, that will also store and feed back to the grid. So I think this is. I'm not going to guess it's a five or a ten battery in whatever wattage it is.


It's hardly giga anyway. But I don't know. But yeah, there's a battery that will store and then you can charge the EV off that at nighttime or you can feed the excess back to the grid and get paid for it.


Graham, evening to you. Hope you're well, folks. Obviously. Thank you very much for sticking with me this evening. Obviously, I've been away since this day last week.


We were just getting back to things after my nanny's funeral and then I ended up ill. I do apologize. You know, I like being here just as much as you do.


The best I could do during my couple of days isolation with COVID was sit out the back garden and try to get cruisers.


Megawatts. There you go. Five megawatt battery. So you can get a five or ten megawatt battery. Thank you, Adrian.


And that will store during the day and then will obviously feed your house needs at night and also charge the EV. And if you have excess, then you can still feed it back to the grid.


British Airways. Obvious being an embraer. It's in from London City.


Little secret for you, all the LC, London cities and Breyers all have lc in the registration. They're all starting with GLC. It who's doing Botox?


Sorry, I'm too busy staring at the Botox conversation to watch the plane.


Hello, Nigel. Well, that transpires over from another stream, doesn't it? It's mad how all the different terms and mannerisms from other streams all bleed into one another. Like the Nigel is from think planes, isn't it?


And not a wookiee. I like that dean.


The a 220s dean. Or the embraer. The e 190 e two or e 175 e two are the ones that that will give us a wookiee noise. And on occasional an l neo as well. 320 neo.


They're all variants of the Pratt and Whitney fifteen zero zero or 1900 engine. That will give us the l wookie hell. So if we see the Klm e two embraer. And who else brings in an e two here? Wide row sometimes bring in the e two.


I think tap have an e two, don't they?


Joshua, at this moment, I wasn't planning on streaming tomorrow. This is my first day back after having been ill the last few days.


Junior, thanks for being here. We chat to you later.


Helen says, obviously, because Helen has all the 321 facts, and Helen says that the 321 lr with leaps sound like a wookiee from the inside when the trot loop sometimes. There you go.


When am I 43 and next August. I'm 42 this August.


Graham says, gulfstream G 650.


I'm a young pup.


No, no dub bunny or dubrat that I can see. Anyway, now, don't get me wrong, there's plenty of people dumping rubbish here, so they're well spoiled. But, yeah, no sign of them.


And 25, 25 J. Nice.


My first phone was a Nokia 33 ten. See, they have a new 33 ten.


I was threatening to give will one take his iPhone off and we get my 33 ten. Told him that stand weld him if he gets into a fight or if he wants to throw it at a bus to stop it.


My first font was the Motorola. Do you remember when ready to first launched here? And it was the Motorola block.


That was my first phone. I did have a 33 ten, though. I think everyone had a 3310. I actually had the armored 33 ten that had the shell case on it that you could open the shell and it was a normal 3310 on the inside, or there was an armored case around the outside of it. And I was like, now that I'm older and I'm wondering, like, why did you need to armor a 3310 in the first place?


It was already like that.


Am I at the child abuse again?


Well, he has Covid, so he's currently confined to the attic again, living on insulation. You know, John's first phone was a found box.


Flashy lights. Thank you very much.


I know. Yeah, I know.


Believe it or not, Helen, here's one for you. Now, I had the phone from the matrix. That was the Nokia 73 ten or 7910. I think, you know, the one that had the slider that to answer it. You'd press the button on the slide on the side and the front would shoot down from the first matrix film.


I had that phone. There you go.


The Asp. My first phone was an iPhone.


There you go. Adol says the 7710. That's it. Yeah, it was green. It's almost like.


What's it called?


It was kind of shimmered. It was kind of greeny purple. It changed color as depending on the light. And iridium. Nearly.


Isn't that the word? But yeah, that was the one shot. The front shot down on it. And you used to have to make sure that everyone could see you answering it because you'd have to open it out in front of your body and let the front shoot down so everyone knew you had it.


The slider. Yeah. And then, of course, being as cool as I was back then, I had the. The very first. You know, the Motorola that rotated.


The roto motor. Yeah. There you go.


Chameleon. Thank you, Lana.


Jerry's. The same first phone was the phone box. Remember we used to have call cards? Remember people used to collect call cards? Different kinds of call cards, depending on the design that was on them.


Simpler times. Hoax.


The little pull up antenna. Yeah.


I still have my italian 90 call card class.


Sorry, that was me again.




Who's going? Someone says they're going. I don't know.


They were a complete brick, you'll notice. Like, put the emphasis on the be there, Brian. Chat to you later. Thanks for being here. See you over the weekend.


At some stage, I am hoping to give Dean a dig out on Saturday with new tech. All going well, Dean, you know, once we turn everything on, you know, and he's gonna hate me for that one. Yeah, but we'll see how it goes.


Graham says 737 Max BBJ. So that's a private business jet version of the Max 737 over Dunlear. Is that what he said? Yes. Dunlear Runway two eight.


Oh, you'll tell them the story on Saturday, will you? Oh, yeah. That's nice of you.


Here's how I had Paul pulling his hair out for an hour.


Juan, thank you very much. We will chat to you on the next one.


Right, folks, little over an hour to go before our 737 767 cargo is due in from Shannon. That will be the last plane of the evening. I hope my voice hasn't been too annoying while I'm still suffering the side effects. Nse newbie. So NSE and NSF are the two newies that arrived two weeks ago.


NSF arrived, I think, five, six days ago.


At least we're not talking about milk bottles. People used to collect milk bottles as well. My granddad had a millennium milk bottom and a milk bottle and a World cup milk bottle chat here at the weekend.


Ted says he used to be able to listen to peoples on the OA eight network on scanners and they didn't even realize it shows the same used to Bella here. All the emergency services on the scanners as well. That's all gone now.


Milk bottle talk yet, John? Tomorrow is meant to be rather breezy. It's the pick up here tonight, just after sundown. It's. It's already in the west.


It should be already on the west coast, apparently. And it's to pick up here tonight, just after sundown. And then tomorrow is meant to be rather breezy here.


Boss is going to be out for the rest of the day, so you're stuck with me. Oh, no, Tom. What will we do?


Does it feel the same, Tom, like when you're watching because you can and not because you're sneaking? Does it make it better?


Rob Bowden used to get the box of mystery broken biscuits from the milkman. Rob, my mam still goes on about that. The box. The bag of broken biscuits used to be like the best thing ever that they got as children was the broken biscuits. I was like, okay, nice fire and rescue vehicle there.


Skoda enyak, I believe.


Len. No, I will not be live tomorrow.


A guard in Waterford used to give a shout out to all the criminals on New Year's Eve, listening to the scanner class.


Lana's getting a sneaky lurking down the afgalli during a turnaround. Nice.


Tom says wind custom 35 here earlier. Not ideal for the mini brap. In case those that aren't aware, Tom flies drones.


John's out the back sunning himself, ready to run from the rain.


Darrell truck. Daryl's been making a lot of appearances lately.


He's like a hero on the Ted channel now, isn't he?


So, six minutes we have Orion Ayr from Santiago.


That Max has descended Graham to 15,000ft. But it's not coming near us. It's over Mullingar now. It.


Larry. Yes, dhl do fly in seven three seven this evening, I believe is due. And then there's a 757 in the morning times.


Daryl is famous now, but he started out on Dubja. See, we gave Daryl a start.


Tom, that's not a bad idea. A lot of people would actually watch that if it was a decent drone. You know the kind of way, and especially you know, you know what you're doing as well, so you could make it interesting.


Come on, you have to talk a channel. Name FedEx saying hello.


There's Daryl.


Micro brap flights.


Tom braps and beers. There you go, Wayne. Even to you.


So we do have owner aircraft on finals. Finally.


Oh, rain, would you go away?


I said rain, by the way, not Wayne. Just in case.


In 23 minutes, Daryl will be in bed.


It's properly raining now. Again. Thankfully, the COVID is still on, so I don't need to crisp bag you all this time.


Yep. I would have opted to wear shorts in the rain. It's usually a good idea.


KDD is in and out with power elf storms having an effect over there.


Daryl's delivering a new uniform.


Thanks, Rob. Thanks for that. I'm just standing here in the rain in me shorts, doing me hard as not to cry.


It is heavier than the last few.


Patricia. Yes.


I love the rain. That's why I come out in it so much.


I don't know whether you can see it. Can you?


So maybe jumping from my rain jacket now instead of my body warmer.


I can blame Jerry. He put the shorts on and now there's a storm.


It's the truth, though, I want to turn because there's. He's moved. Okay, now facing straight into the rain here. Unfortunately, it.


Oh, just the bare necessities. Oh, my God.




So, folks. Oh, hang on. That can't be right.


By the looks of this, there's 20 minutes nearly till the next arrival.


Um, and that's literally only one on its own, so I don't know what we're gonna do here. We'll see what happens. Especially since I'm not feeling well. I don't want to be stuck here in the red.


Yeah. Rob, it was very sunny here earlier. It was 20 something degrees when I parked up.


Next arrival is from Leeds in twelve minutes. We reckon we can wait. Can we?


That's it. Yeah. None of the planes, though.


Yeah, we'll see what the story is. I had hoped to end on the 767. That's due about half eight, but there's no sign of that. Yeah. Now, obviously, if it's coming from Shannon, it wouldn't even be airborne yet at this stage, would it?


Tell you a joke while you're away. There's a plane coming. There you go.


If charity cuts his hair, we're getting snow, apparently.


Seven six.


I did okay before, Stephen. We let this land. John, this inbound one, it's a max. And we'll see what the story is we see if there's in quick succession after it, we'll be okay. But failing that, yeah, we'll call it evening.


Like I said, it was to be a laid back evening anyway and get me back into the swing of things now again.


If I go home, they're only gonna make me do things. They're all sick. They want a helper. Does that sound horrible? I'm joking, by the way.


I should probably check my text messages, make sure they're all still alive. Yeah, okay. Yeah, there.


Ah, yeah, no, I get that. Yet there's no issue. And we'll hopefully manage to get this max now in the next couple of minutes and we'll see where we go from there once it gets busy. I don't mind, you know, yourself.


Definitely hunting something in that area.


Patricia, thank you very much.


I mustn't sound great if you're all telling me to go home.


Oh, gone.


Oh, he moved. He moved. He moved. Movies over here.


Wouldn't want to be sat in that car.


Stay still. Would you?


Twofer two of them doing it looks now. Next one after the max. Right, so we'll call it on this one. So sorry, folks.


I do still sound somewhat poorly, I know. Yeah, no, I can hear it in my own voice. I'm not as high pitched as I normally am.


Oh, yeah. Tom, 4 July weekend, isn't it?


Roxy? On 50 a day. Sorry, tonight's stream. Sponsored by dubs. Now.


Kleenex. Sponsored by Kleenex. Okay, thanks folks, for being with me. And like I said, we get back into the swing of things now and we'll see how I'm fixed. I know Dean is scheduled for Saturday and I'll be giving him a dig out just with the tech side of things.


So I'll see what I can muster up. If I can do something Friday, I will. But fail on that. I won't stream the same time as dean on Saturday, so probably Sunday.


Husky is the word. Nice, but it is 28 minutes out. Yeah, no, sure. Look, we have another nearly 20 minutes before the next one after this, so there's no point in hanging on listening to me sniffling. Um, we get back proper into the swing of things.


No gear down. Yeah.


Um, you've no gear down. Oh, there you go.


Thank you to everyone who has super chat or gifted memberships during the stream. It, as always, it is much appreciated. And to our mods, thank you for being here to deal with whatever may arise, which are aluminum baseball bats, courtesy of John Walden. He gave everyone upgrades.


Thanks, Rob.


More drugs and plenty of water. Isn't that like the answer to all of life's problems?


Not me, actually. Where's the Emirates are what's going on here.


They're all conspiring against me. This even deciding not to show up.


Graham, thank you very much for gifting those memberships over John at the minutes that far out still. All right, stand by for DHL truck.


Thanks, Greb Nilboy waves so I already got it. Oh, no, it's a bolt, isn't it? Todd? It already had a few marks on it for a brand new plane.


Right, folks, thank you very much for being here. And telegram Facebook groups. I'll update you with the next one. Like I said, dean is down for Saturday and I'm going to give him a jig out because I've set him up with something new. So we'll see what the story is.


I am hoping if I can do something Friday, I will or fail on that Sunday and will may even be out of isolation by then. So you never know. Right. Good night. Thank you very much, everyone.


And we'll chat to you later on.