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Morning, everyone. Welcome along. Different spot for you for a change. We are on 10 left arrivals. We are still on easterly operations. Seymour agent Charlotte Lee. Sean, welcome along. So we do have the big microphone in use. If the wind is a little bit too much for it, let me know and I'll switch to the smaller ones. Sean, we're at the end of 10 left. We'll do overheads on the arrivals. Yeah, Patricia it is. That's what I'm saying. If the wind noise is a lot, just let me know and I'll switch microphones. It's coming from directly behind me today, however, I might not want to switch microphones after this.


No. Being the time of year now, those trees have grown a little bit more than they were the last time we were here. We were. Last time we were here, we were in the Facebook group. Where are you? We're just gonna ignore the taxi man and go into the bathroom. That's what I'm saying, Patricia. If I change down to the smaller microphone, we won't get that noise. So I think we'll just stick with this one for a few minutes and.


See how it goes. Zero left west.


So WestJet max eight coming from Toronto.




Hear the rumble afterwards.




John. Morning.


Ryanair from Brussels. Next. It's a 737 800. May have to go manual. Not much I can do about the breeze unless I take the big microphone down. That's what it's causing. That a little shape. It's quite bad, actually.


First, global air a 380 is en route to Prestwick. Well, IJJ is a new delivery yesterday. Landon and Kerry in the next one to Dublin. About 40, 50 minutes. Yeah, IJJ arrived, I think was just after 01:00 yesterday, wasn't it? So our next aircraft will be f four 5126 coming in from Hamburg. Another Ryanair 737 800. Like I said, I just wanted to try something a little different today. You can probably tell I'm slightly under the weather. Will shared his dose with the whole family. His brother's off work sick, and me and his mom are only starting to feel the effects of it properly. I think agents in the office and may have to duck out now. Issue.


That's it? Yep. Nice. A wheel to share, but your luck will survive. I'm gonna zoom this and I'm gonna focus the best I can.


It's his first day back in school, actually.


Richard. Liam. Morning tears. Brayer E 195. Next. Tap coming from Lisbon, followed by an ATR. Sunny here, too, but the breeze isn't helping that much. The reason I went for arrivals today is because it is actually quite windy and you never know what might happen. So we'll stick with this side. If they do end up going around, we'll get a great view of it from here. You can see this embraer is having a little battle with the wind. That shake is tormenting me. Whatever's causing it, probably the bigger microphone might switch. Ford Prefect. Welcome along. Catcher.


Welcome along, Richard. ATR EI 3391, coming from Leeds, Bradford. Next, tap the like button. Oh, John, two days in a row you've used that 10 left to get.


November 3.


Not that I do be watching these things.


Catherine says, beautiful sunshine. Bryant. Morning to you. Manchester, sunny. Two days on the run. What's happening, Nathan? Morning to you. So we have an a 330. Next, coming from Chicago, EI 124.




That little wobble you're seeing is. You can see here it's the. The big microphone being caught by the breeze. So if you want, I can switch to the smaller ones. Obviously, we're that close. We should still pick up some decent sound, but it won't be as good as this. So it's up to yourselves. Let me know, Nathan. This is Runway ten left, so I'm at the end of the northern Runway. It is a 334 prefecture. We've used this a couple of times when streaming directly to the Facebook group and we've never youtubed it. Someone welcome along. Someone's going to watch this before he does a flight sim. It's the way to do it.


Tech lessons.


EI 603. Next, it's Aer lingus, a 320 coming from Amsterdam. Barry's one month in the Spotters club. Thanks, Barry.




Nathan. I don't really. I haven't used it because obviously, it's very hard to. I'm not on the roof of the van, I'm on the ground. And, uh, it's very hard to, uh. Obviously, you can't see them touched down, which I thought, you know, what's the point? But just. I said I'd try it today because they're on easterly ops. Don't know how long it's going to last someone. Yep. They're 10 l arrivals. Barry.


It is.


And that's why I didn't. I was going to use the roof of the van, which would let us see them touch down, but, uh, it's just that little bit too breezy for me to be stood up there. Plus, I don't think airport ops like it when I stand on the roof of the vanities. But as we saw in one of the Facebook groups. Debbie Ann. Morning to you.


So when I stand on the roof of the van, you can't actually see touchdown. But it's just Debris is coming from directly behind me. So it would be blowing me forward the whole time. I'm just not gonna bother today. Unfortunately, I'm not feeling well enough to do it. JD.




Here, play next. Coming in from Reykjavik. Audrey's back in the spotters club. Thanks, Audrey. Just a stop for some reason. I'll give you a bing bong though. Make you feel better. So this is play or red Airbus. I didn't get blown away. Well, you can see how blustery it is with me standing on the ground. Imagine what it'd be like if I was on the van.




4010 left.


Flights. When you're having fun does, doesn't it? If banana man was under van would a cape. He'd definitely take off here,


Debbie. Thank you very much. Sorry. I have ratchet straps and all, so normally I secure the tripod with a ratchet strap anyway. But it's just. It's me that's gonna get blown around up there, not the gear. Next arrival will be a KLM from Amsterdam. The radar at. But it looks like he's the opposite side. No, no, we're okay. It's fixed itself now. I'm having a moment. You panic there thinking they were gonna go single Runway all the way out there. I meant me. Yeah. Something else they put on a snowboard. The clip in booting. Let's get a set of them. And the only thing that'll be left on the roof is a tripod and a pair of boots after I get blown out. Alan. Darren Bellas. Welcome along.


Where's go?


Dar's home from school sick. Same as will Dar. And he's only gone back to school today. Haven't been off since Friday. Sean's off school today because his brother is sick. Get a wing Walker harness. Richard. Thank you very much. Much appreciated. All I need then, Patricia, is to teach will how to drive. And we can change locations with me still up there, you know. And no. This is our KLM 737.




Are you line. Welcome along,


Sarah Louise. Welcome. So UA 317 EWr, Newark, New York to Dublin. It's the special California livery.


I want you on lock United three one seven concept.


The one that looks like it's wearing sunglasses. Debian, thanks for being here. Talk to you later.


We do have an ATR next. It's about four or five minutes out. The only downside of this spot, there's not really to look at when we're not looking at planes.


To get me November. November 3. Right turn onto the library.


Tom born. And here, Bruno. Thanks for subscribing. Welcome along, John. It's not too bad. It's a. It's bright but it's not. It's not warm. That breeze has quite a chill to it. Richard, thank you very much. So, looking at the weather for folks, obviously me and Will, we're planning to do a few streams over the bank holiday weekend where it'll be completely weather dependent. At this point, it's looking like it's going to be quite a rainy affair. So we'll see what the story is. Just seen a very orange lady walk past my window getting ready for the weekend with tan, you know. JD, talk to you later. Fireworks. Richard's asking, anyone know how Dean is right? I imagine. I think he said it was a. There he is. I think he said it was like 37 degrees.


Dean, didn't you it.


Retro matching oddsaux. Can't escape that thing at all, can it? This is our ATR from Bristol.


Jensen eight one alpha today. Serviceman one 50 degrees.


One four knots.


Runway 10 lift.


He's back to school today. Tom. Put the rest of us now. We're all starting to feel the effects of it. It's 44 degrees now. Having lunch. How the other half live, huh, Patricia? I'd be the same. I wouldn't be able to sit in that chair. I learned that the hard way over in JD's last August. 4142 degrees. Just sitting there going, nope, Sarah, he's in Dubai. Once it gets past 20, I'm a goner. Be some shock to the system now, Dean. The next day you're standing out here doing this. Stefan. Celebrate six months. Thanks, Stefan.


I think that little wobble was them reacting to the birds, was it?


Yeah. If you saw it there. Just as they had that little wobble on approach, a flock of birds came from the left to the right. So I'm wondering where they reacting to that, thinking that the birds were higher than they actually were. Next would be a Ryanair coming in from London, Luton F 4331. I don't know whether many of you watch him or not, but did you see Reed Timmer's stream last night? Very start of the stream straight away. Tornado formed. Literally over his head. It's crazy. One more day in paradise and then back to Dublin. Mad. You left us in the rain and you're bringing it back with you as well. Maryland is four months in the Spotters club. Thank you. Cheryl, morning it.


Ian, welcome back. Tom. Chat to you later. Thanks for being here. Don't work too hard.


Josephine said she's seen Reid's stream this morning. You follow Ryan all y'all as well? No. Reed and Brandon Coppock are the two. I follow.




Sir. I'm a big fan of arrivals. The only thing about it is when they're on the north Runway arriving, there's very few spots where you can actually see happen decent. Like, even where we do the departures on the north Runway, they're already touched down and all before they get to there. So that's why I chose this spot, the overhead spot. I think our last three or four streams have been departures as well, so it's just nice to do something a little bit different, you know, Josephine, I don't think Reed is for everyone. He can be quite loud, especially in. When you're watching in Ireland, it's nearly always midnight or 01:00 in the morning. And his shouting can be quite a bit. He's definitely the ghost when it comes to storm chasing, isn't he? For those who don't know who we're talking about, if you remember a discovery tv show called Storm Chasers from years ago, well, one of the teams that from that were in that team, dominator, Reed Timmer, he is. He livestreams all his storm chases now on YouTube, and he still has that, the little armor tank for driving into tornadoes. Erlingus from Paris.


Good morning. Continue approach.


We have a froggy on the way. Cessna five two five. Citation in next from Liverpool. Being well seen at this stage. Oh, I see it.


Tenants Wales and the Mecca. Contact land. One two five. There's eight. Eight five.


I'll do my best. That's Patricia. To get the overhead froggy shut,


Charlotte's going to be busy in and out of stream with book launch prep. Fingers crossed. Me, Charlotte. Brian onto Azerbaijan.


For straight ahead.


Inbound from Manchester.




up to final number seven. Enter Runway 10 left for inspection. Vacation.


Next up will be Sas from Stockholm. There is a Runway inspection currently. Thank you, Patricia.


55 95.




Continues. And the cape is cross.




Two now. Hot.


There. It should be in. In the description of the video. If you click on the description, it should be there. Lingus from Brussels. Next. So one 50 degrees. They're landing on 10. A few more and it'll be a cross wind. Gulston, 18 knots. Jason.




This is the end of Runway 10 left. We've used this spot a few times just for our members only streams on Facebook. Normally we would be able to see them touchdown, but I'm just not standing on the roof of the van today. I'm not well and I'm just not up to standing from the breeze.


Rook would let us clear those. That little hedge there, that's in the way, just as they touch down. But I'm just not up to standing up there today. I'm sorry. A max nine from Iceland there, coming in from Reykjavik.




EI 153. Next. It's a 320 near coming from heat truck unite. Coming in. And quite a few more. Thanks, Patricia. What do you want to do? Do you want me to leave this microphone on? Is the wind bad with it or do you want me to switch to the smaller one?


Ground north 125885.


This one's all right. Okay, Lana, thank you you very much.


United two two eight. ILS 10 left. United two two eight. Continue, number one. Wind is 1405. Continue 10 left.


Bing bong for you. Welcome to the Spiders Club.


Shaman one five, Mike. Vacation number three. Then turn right on November.


Sorry, that was me. So ua two two eight coming in from IAD 757, Washington.




United to 28.


So, Ryanair from Frankfurt, we're now at 160 degrees, so we're not too far off. A full crosswind.


Global 380 is on the way to Prestwick. That's right, Michael. Someone said that there a little while ago.


I'll survive. We'll see how we go. The plan is to finish up with the two, the Malaga. And there's 2332, about half two, I think, isn't it? Malaga and Lax. So we'll see how we go. We'll see if the parasito bar lasts that long. This ATR is coming in from Southampton and we have the WestJet dreamliner behind it.


Please, I want for now.


Wow, this is close. So WestJet ws six, the dreamliner, coming from Calgary. See, this is what I like about this spot. The downside, like I said, is we don't see touchdown when I'm not standing on the roof of the van, but I'm just not up to it. Sorry, but this is a great spot for overheads. And when you park on the opposite side of the road and stand on the roof of the van, you cannot actually see the touchdown. That hedge is kind of not in the way.




Mark. Welcome along. Ryanair from Poznan next, followed by a Pilatus PC twelve.




Remote control camera that you can control from inside the van. Would you believe it or not, I actually look, because for spots like this, it would be ideal. To be able to just put the tripod up and control it from inside. But, yeah, then I don't get to be outside looking at them, do I? Great for the rain, though. It


kick out the tripod as I moved around at that time. Sorry, just readjusting that after kicking it. Clone. That's our palatus. I could just sit eating a banana. So our PC twelve is coming in from Belfast.


All right.


Good morning.


There's a Gulf stream flying over the two for over the airport. Either if it's red, either you've selected it yourself and you're viewing its details or it's squawk. An emergency.


Of one three.




Why can I not see this next one? Look in the wrong spot. Sorry.


November 4 90. Go three.


Ryanair from Amsterdam.


And then it's right home.


Open the ventricle.


Member three.




you an idea where I am relative to the tower. So this Max eight is the one that was mentioned earlier in the chat. It's the brand new one. Arrived yesterday from Boeing, inbound from Kerry Harry. Thank you very much for being here. No doubt we'll be chatting tomorrow in Simon Stream for his anniversary. Two year anniversary. So this is Eijj, delivered yesterday from Boeing.


From the bicycle.


Got that shiny new plane smell, obviously. EI 551 from Leon. Next. A 320.


Confirm. That's right, on November.


It's a bit mad that that's the second one delivered in a weekend yet. They're behind schedule, isn't it? Yeah. I won't be there at 05:30 a.m. I'm just saying.


Sunday. Montoya.


Good morning.






EI 3551 coming in from Edinburgh.


EI courtly is next.


One. One up maximum. One eight, continue approach.


Dean is back. Next is EI 693 from Dusseldorf. No, DNY, it hasn't arrived yet. I only have a reserved. I haven't ordered it because you. Maybe you weren't there the last day. I don't know what to do. The zoom on it isn't as good as this. Fair enough. It'll be great for low light with the zoom.


In 5000.


Oh, my God.


Where is it? Thanks, Eve. So, Ryanair coming in from Cacasol fo 1985. Another 800.


I love when I get to major. And it says, hi, dad, it's your daughter. I'm like, well, unless one of my two have had a change. But I've got one.


Number one.




Richard, talk to you later. A tweet 30 coming from San Fran. What happens if you reply? I don't know. Some of the scams were that they'd get you to send money. Other ones were that when you replied it was a premium rate number, so I wouldn't be doing it.




Ryanair next. F 4557. This is seven three 7800 coming from Manchester. Dean says meant to be storms and lots of rain tomorrow. All schools close. Closed. You'll be able to swim to the boarding gate, will you? That overhead, Patricia says, was united to Paris Chicago.


Thank you. Sharma, Clyde. North four two five, vessel eight eight five.


It'd be an awful shame, Dean, if you ended up having to. To stay for another while, wouldn't it? Sas from Oslo with another SAS behind it.




Eve says, what's a good stream to watch for JFK? I don't know, because I know Kevin. And from airline videos, live and la flights both travel there. But I've not actually seen a JFK stream outside of him. Another SAS, 320, Neil, this time from Copenhagen. Hagen, Hoogen.


Three nine delta service. Wind 1.0 degrees. One three north, 1 second.


Cali plains goes to JFK as well. There you go. I don't think there's actually any. Is there a streamer based in JFK, though,


James? It'll most likely be a 757 that they're on. Erling is from Frankfurt next.


Day five today.


Give me 1 second, folks. One of our connections appears to not want to be working at the moment.


Ryanair from Bergamo.


Love the 600 Airbus next coming in from Frankfurt. It's an a 321, Neil.


Degrees. 1597 November whiskey. Contact. Round one two five. Decibel. Eight eight five. Connect.


Yeah, I watch jet set. I watch Hori's box. He does fll.


No, Sarah, you haven't run yet.


Doesn't feel like now. Definitely doesn't feel like 13 degrees, Brian, does it?




From Bove? Yeah, the alternate. 1 may today. Max. Um. I said at the start the van is beside me and normally the van clears that hedging behind me. I'm just not well enough to be up there and it's that little bit too windy for me. Unfortunately, Will was sick last week and he has shared it with us all, so you just have to make do. But yeah, normally if I'm here, I do stand on the van.




Like you can hear the wind would be stood on the ground. Imagine what it'd be like if I was still up there. Go back to the house for five when you return to the. Yeah, it's weird, isn't it? I said it before. I think Ireland in particular is getting a very almost american mid west climate, sunny but windy and rainy. And yeah, it won't be long before we have our own storm season and tornado season. You know what I mean?




Euro wings discover coming from Dusseldorf.


Thank you. Good night.


On the van, off the van. Oh, I'm gonna change my name to the womble.


For those that are in the Facebook group, you would have seen previously what a stream from here is like. Stood on the roof of the van. They were on departures that day. We dumped the stream from here, but it was still. You were able to see them coming down the Runway. Actually, Keane was great. He was lashing them on Elvie North EI 507. Next from Bordeaux. Bordeaux.


Welcome along. The only problem with not going to the pillars today, we won't get our follow up with Dubra.


Thanks, Tommy. Ryanair from London. Gatwick. Next. How are you? Like I said, for those that weren't here at the start, we're just doing something a little bit different today. I'm under the weather and I'm not upstanding on the van, so I thought, why not do these overhead arrivals.


Be 10, knock next one seven off Runway 10. Then.


Patricia says, air triple seven is nearly on finals. Thank you, Patricia.


Greg, have you or Jetza, have you seen Hori's box when he does his behind the scenes setup, all the different gear he has and the way he has to? I don't think so. Ryanair from Nims first.




No, it's hilarious watching Cory's setup. He has two carts that he wheels off the stuff on and he brings a camera on one cart, puts the cart in place, and then wheels the next one up. And it's like a seesaw between the two carts.


Thanks for being there. Remember, the Facebook group is all about your stuff, not just mine, it's for you, as opposed to your pictures. Any news you have, anything aviation related or just general once? It's not allowed. Craziness. Making models now. Too fast for me. That time, one of them was on the back wheel


for those who were in the stream the last day, and we were discussing what made me and will start streaming. It was this spot here, and it was the emirates coming in on a day where it was just creating a load of fluff. So, EK 161, it's our triple 7300 coming from Dubai.


Donna. It is. It's a bit of a crosswind as well, but that's why I'm not really on the roof of the van.


Donna set her alarm. Thank you.




Now that I'm not on the roof, for that.


Ryanair from Santander. Next. That's annoying. Sorry. Oh, no. Woman pulled up on her car and Tyler was talking to her.


Patrick, thank you.


That was exactly it for. Yeah, she was looking at me then, like, okay, so then who is. If he wasn't talking to me, who is he talking then she got into her car very quickly and drove off.


Knots Runway 10 left clear.




Ei five nine three. Erlingus from Madrid. Next. John, welcome along. Thanks for joining us. There's a man chatting to the clouds.




iTr entry coming from Liverpool.


Wind from 30 degrees. 10918.


Thank you for subscribing. Welcome along


from Rios. Next.


Confirm. Three nine victor.


Hello, James.


Perspective. They just said they're 6 miles out. That's 6 miles away, man. Phil. Coming from Pisa.


297140 degrees. 10 eight, knock.


10 seven niner.


Um, Michael, I don't know whether you'd make it through because I doubt very much they're gonna let you. Although you wouldn't expect Donegal to be that busy. But I don't know whether you'd make it through back in time through security again, would you? This is British Airways from London Heathrow. I'm just monitoring, folks. Keep an eye. Looks like our signals are having little issues. They just seem to be dropping ever so slightly.


Ryanair from Cagliari.


Keep it. AP four. Contact.




This is Ryanair from Malaga.


A two even contact. One two five. Therefore 888-5850 degrees. One three.


Give me a second. I'm going to check the connections because certainly it's dropping off slightly. Let's back up again. Bit of a yoyo effect going on with the net. Yeah, we're back to strength by the looks of it. Move things around here. You may get a little blank screen for a second, but it shouldn't be too bad.


Roshan, welcome along. Been off the chain. Easy action went just as outsourcks was, you know, going to land.


WbTs. Welcome along. Majestic red retro, matching odd socks. Flight level. Welcome from Connecticut. Thank you very much. You're only going to have banter for the next few minutes now because the next arrival is about five minutes out. Turn around and see what's going out. Departures.




So one eight degree turn on the pressure of enemy children.




So you can see why I got in trouble the last time I was here and I was on the roof of the van. I wasn't in trouble. Just they were checking me out more than they normally would because obviously those are the lights on. Approach to 10 left here and where I parked, I was further down, but I was still to the side of them. But obviously they were just worried that I was in close proximity to the lights.


New approach to ground. Again.


I do not paint them in my spare time. Do my best to try to avoid them. So, EI 333, is there a retro coming in from Bear Lynn? For those asking. So this is the retro schemed air Lingus. When it first had the retro paintwork, it had all white engines. It went out for maintenance and came back with one white engine and one green engine. And as of about two weeks ago, it now has two green engines. That's why it's now retro matching. Sorry, Adrian. Magnificent retro matching hot sauce. Isn't that what it is? So if you have a look at the historical pictures on the radar apps, you will have seen it with white engines, then one green engine and now two green engines. Patrick, welcome.


So it's been given an even newer title. It's now the majestic retro. Matching odd socks with the cute foot nose. Can't see me remembering all though. Dave, talk to you later. So next up, our next arrival looks to be an e 190 Embraer KlM coming from Amsterdam. Just turning on to finals it.


We got our wildlife fix for today.


John writes everything down except the instructions on Facebook streams. Joking, joking. Right, I've seen you right then, though,


KLM looking for a wind check. Jerry, have you a dual? Afternoon,


Carroll. Afternoon.


What day is it? So, John, it looks like we have a bit of a gap now for the next, I'd say ten minutes or so before the next arrival. So by all means, go do what you have to do. There's the California livery United.


So welcome along. Shannon's taking a break from book work. I might join. Actually, I'm gonna have mine now for seven. Michael, I haven't seen no one's announced who's getting the XLR. For those not aware of what we're talking about, unfortunately, last night Erlingus seemed to confirm that they are losing the status of launch customer for the XLR.




Brian says it looks like it's going to Iberia. It's, um. Yeah, it's now. I believe they're not repainting the one that's already in Aer lingus colors. So the talk is that that could still come to aer Lingus in December. But they won't be getting the first XLR, which is what the. The whole launch customer status was. If you ever get to drive airside, that's a cool road just there. Literally drives under the flight path perimeter road south. Spirit plane was on screen. Yeah, Brian, that's right. So there's been a dispute between Aer Lingus and their pilots in relation to pay. And the deadline set by IAG themselves was the last day of April for the dispute to be resolved. Otherwise the XLR would be moved. So as of last night, I believe the negotiations broke down or didn't complete, therefore. All gone.


It'd be interesting to see whether they still get Eixlr.


I presume they'll have that registration reserved anyway. Another thing that was circulating online last night was, is that it actually suits airlings not to get it because of the reduced range that they had to accept with the changes to the onboard fuel tanks that it actually isn't ideal for what Erlingus wanted.


777 inbound from Dallas. This must be delayed. Another hit at Dublin airport. Took yesterday was the announcement that the DFW route won't continue beyond the summer. It was in the news yesterday or the day before that. AA are gonna stop the DFW route for the awesome winter. Yes, this was due this morning. This is a nice little unexpected treat. Landed after a three hour delay. George, I am. I'm down at the, uh. What's it called? Knock mitten Lane. Is that right? That was called. Maybe it's not that. Anyway, yeah, the junction down by keelings. That brings you to the knoll. I'm down at the landing lights there. Set your clocks about five minutes till Tom comes back into the chat.


Speak up because I can no longer hear after that killer east road. There you go. Why, thank you, agent rank up, aviation. Welcome along. Ryanair from Prague. Next. See, I know that using the bigger microphone today creates that little bit of wobble in the breeze. Especially when we're zoomed out like that there. You'll see there's a little shake from the microphone. Shaking in the breeze, bus. It's worth it for the sound when they go overhead. Well, Patricia, I am already officially deaf in one ear, so. Just a good ear. Got a wall at that time.


Low and loud is the order today. Yeah, this spot is great for that. And if I was on the roof of the van, we would actually see touchdown. But not today, Donna. No, Condor does not fly into Dublin. However, there was a tree 30 that had a diversion to Dublin last week. Condor 330, blue and white stripe. Diverted to Dublin for a medical emergency coming in. That's what we like to see. Patricia. This is a 321 neo. It's coming from Munich, operated by Erlingus Baltic rookie number two to land. I missed it this morning. One of the. Was it airbaltic? The estonian flag livery landed at half eight this morning, I believe. As did, by the way, Graham was meant to return just before 09:00 this.




When we have the technology we need. Sniff for today. We were only talking about that the last day when YouTube upgrades to scratch and sniff. Yep. There's pictures on the Dublin airport movements and spotters group. If you're not a member of that facebook, you should be able to find it. It's the woman. About 16,000 members. Dublin airport movements and spotting. And there's pictures of the condor that diverted in there. There's also rumors of a seven four seven landing at 03:00 a.m. On Friday night. Here I am monitoring that.


As of.


Right now, though, however unconfirmed, because you can't believe everything you read in those groups. Aviation fuel candles. You can buy scented fuel candles. Business idea, John Hunt. Here we go. Lx 400 coming in from Zurich. A 200 2300. You'll see it on your tracking apps, as a BC's three said this the last day. That's because originally the design was made by Bombardier 85.


That's it. We've devolved into the Marmite and Bovril conversation.


Hey, if we can get a condor in the Dublin colors, the light blue and the dark blue, it'll be the new channel mascot, you know? And for those, obviously, that aren't from Ireland and have only just realized that the Dubjet logo is actually the Dublin flag colors from crag it.




Six four three, kind of ground. One two five. Defense. 85 45 Romeo, which is.


EI four tweetwee coming in from Milan.




For those who are fond of spotting from Dublin, this is a great spot to stand to experience the downwash off the arrivals as well. Donna, talk to you later. Thanks for being here. Thanks for setting your alarm for the street. Next, from Manchester, bacon and banana sandwiches.


No. 513.


Welcome along from Zurich. You just missed the Zurich arrival. Yeah, John. Very similar to, I would imagine, the day we were in Heathrow with you. We were stood under the arrivals. That was some wash off then. No agent. And I'm gonna remove it unless they send me a message. Just so you know, if you are on any of our social channels, particularly the Facebook or the Telegram channel, do let me know if you're using a different name, because obviously screen names or whatever, but someone signed up to a telegram group there and there's no link whatsoever to who they are, so they're going to be removed unless they let me know who they are. You don't have. I'm not asking you to post the group of people, just asking it to let me know in a message. Falcon four, out. Thank you, Patricia. I'm just going to pretend they were waving there.


Carol. He's back to school today. He's feeling that little bit better, unfortunately. He's left the rest of us all suffering and he thinks it's hilarious. They're talking about marmalade. I don't know how that can have you hungry. From Madrid.


And off limb.


Quite a few hawks training over the Irish Sea. I've seen that. And our own trainers are out as well. If you have a look out over Selbridge direction, Lucan. Bit of a difference, though, between the two jet sets eating ice cream to be cured of the word marmalade. EI five six three. Inbound from Barcelona. Always wanted to put Marmite in Stewart. Yeah. No, I presume you can hear the ATC. Okay. I haven't kind of just raised that little bit higher today on the van. So it picks up the signal because we're further away from the tower. The best downwash you can get. Is that Heathrow just under the 27 arms? Yeah. Michael, myself and John and Will were stood under the zero nine on the. You saw there, our first stream from Heathrow. Where did the pop up? And it was crazy how much we were getting blown around by the aircraft going overhead. This is the engine corrections.


Where are you? How are you doing there? So this is our Dassault Falcon 202,000. Ex. Sorry, coming from Farnborough. Do you know what I seen last night, JD? If I don't know, he's probably not listening now. But, yeah, in case you don't know, my wife, Barrett from Scotland. Haggis and black pudding. It used to be a treat when JD would be visiting from Scotland. He'd bring Haggis with him. And then our return was we'd bring super Quinn sausages over to him when we were going, and we still do when we're going to Spain. Will got pulled in security, looking like he had a load of Semtex in his bag. Rolls of sausages.




I'll do my best with the reverse.




Or angry frog? I don't know what you look like.


Three, then left onto taxi ring.


Silver queen sausages and whiteboard. Ryanair from Copenhagen. Next, inquiring minds to know, Haggis. Yeah, you need to look that one up because if I describe it, you're just gonna go, no. So you're better off looking at 125885. However, I will say I was rather apprehensive the first time myself when JD brought Haggis over. But I tried it and it is actually lucky. Jerry says beat him into submission point to cook lunch. Talking oil, Jerry. But no, actually quite nice. Wait, you see the comments after the stream ends from jet set. Haven't googled what haggis is. Just make sure that ice cream is well settled before you do. Adrian. There's a vegan butchers in town. A vegan butchers? What? Anyway, defies all logic. So if we end up having a dub jet meetup, it's definitely Haggis and black pudding pizza for everyone.


It's not cool.


Continue right onto taxiway in November. Go to number three. And then right onto victory. Right on the three side of us.


I can't see it.


No, there's an overhead there, but it's just too blue. There is gun in there. Unfortunately, Rosie Outdoor says never try proper haggis. But veggie Haggis is great. Say the only thing being butchered in a vegan butchers is your wallet. ATR next in from Glasgow. Thanks, John. Just way out. Captain Sickbag needs to come back for a jet set. Oh, no. I've nothing against what people choose to eat. Each person's their own thing. No one should be able to tell you what to eat. But I just don't get the concept of a vegan butchers. If you understand me. You can buy caulifrowl, steaks and aubergines or kind of sausage shape.


Trying to corrup.


Please lose the will to live without me.


ATR getting caught by those gusts. Well able for. Can you tell what it is here?




Section five is super service. Five inches away. The wind. Check 45, charge exit. Vacate onto November 3. Depth left on taxiway November.


So another froggy inbound coming from Southampton. There's something on the turn in there that is glinting. Rajesh, welcome along. Oh, hold on. Will this work? Probably. No, just surfing the breeze.


It's there now.


You can see it now?


Yeah, we'd be lucky. Rosie, it's.




It's bright, but it's not warm. That easterly breeze isn't helping.


Continue right onto taxi lane. November.


So EI four, all train X from Rome. Fumasino.


Four golf Charlie 10 left.


I'm good, Max. Thanks very much.


Yeah, I was watching Adrian Ted's cone, Ted Coningsby the other morning, and it's definitely convinced me that I want to do a military stream, but I will have to go to the UK for it because there's nothing like that here.




Fell there, as you probably heard.


Right on the web. Four shovel bogo shut the car.






They would be allowed at live shows, but you'd need permission from the organizers. Like if it's a private kind of ticketed event. Yeah, absolutely. Like the bray where it's open to the public, you could stream it.




If you're going to an airfield where it's a ticketed event, you'd absolutely need permission of the organizers.


Talk to you later. Thanks very much.


I'll taxi late November.


Yeah. Again, you'd have to seek permission, I imagine. I know a couple of channels have gotten in bother before for streaming from air shows without permission.


Groundbreaking. One two five. Delta eight eight five today.


EI six six one. Next from Vienna.


6 November.


Going orange lady just walked past the house again.


Left camera.


Vacation number four, if you can make that. Or November 3.


We could be talking about the same channel, John. I know there was talk ages ago with one channel that refused to pay the entrance fee to an air show and streamed from the car park. I don't think that's streaming. Like aviation is a community. Aviation lovers is a community. You would never do anything that should impact that. Do you know what kind of way. And you don't want to burn bridges either. Ride. Harry Davidson's nice.


It's all fitting into place now. I reckon Lana was the enforcer for her Harley Davidson motorcycle. Did you see the birds change direction there?




Correct, Eve. Some people just are beyond, like, even when I'm here, I'm mad worried about causing any interference or anything like that. Even though I'm standing on the ground and I'm beside a road where everyone else can be, I just. You worry about causing any interference now. Fair enough. I work in the airport and I know the airside rules, etcetera, but you still just don't want to be responsible for any interference or anything that affects the operations of the airport. Only went for the quiz night.


They may struggle.


So that's ATC telling rescue that that last aircraft reported the flock of birds and they're not sure whether they hit something or not. I don't think they did, though. Logan here from Aberdeen. Next. Doha Dreamliner on the way as well. Thanks for Christian.




Four five one. Next. Coming in from Naples. Rosie said that flight was delayed a few hours due to fog.


Yeah. Call short of link six. The frequency is 125 decimal eight eight five.


I've only just seen Lana's coming. Sorry. When the birds get into the engines, the cabin smells like roast chicken. Everyone on the flight instantly hungry and they don't know why. So hands up in chat. Would you be awake for a 03:00 a.m. Stream for a 747? Huh?


03:00 a.m. Is dinner time. That's okay because you need someone to find the stream as well. Because I wouldn't be awake. I tell a lie. I'm actually working Friday night so I will be awake. But we'll see. We'll see. I'm going to have a look and see what the departure time is. We'd be better off maybe trying to get it to parrot then land them because 03:00 a.m. Visibility is going to be poor anyway. Oh yeah. No, like I said, given that it's 03:00 a.m. The darkness wouldn't be in our favor anyway. So I'll monitor it's only potential at the moment it's not confirmed. I'll monitor and if it is going out over the weekend then I'll see what I can do. That's right. Tour guide John Walton. On Friday, sights and sounds of Manchester with potato cakes. I presume.




Nowhere safe from the trucks. John has gone for those shots. Ryanair from Riga. Next


sales of potatoes. That's it. John. You're after doing yourself now the way you see inflation on the prices now just because of popularity.




John. Yeah, polarized are class. The only problem is when you're looking at electronic devices or anything like that, depending on the angle, it can make the screen not visible. Like if you angle your phone it's like. Or turn your phone a certain way, you can't see it or even like the screen of the camera here. When they're polarized they just knocks out the imagery. That's why I don't think someone was saying that as the pilots don't have polarized glasses in the cockpit either because it can affect the view of instruments.


Heading west.


Here. November tweet and it's after taxi week.


November Ernair from Verona. Are we talking about potato cakes or are we talking about bananas? Because potato in an omelet is kind of a spanish dish. They have a kind of almost potato based omelet. You can get them sometimes in a little or Aldi.


Bow. Try number two.




Jetblue. Thank you very much. That was the cruiser Spanish on it. The name was so obvious I was afraid to say it. Yeah, I'm the same. So my reaction lens is obviously tint in the sun. And especially when I'm doing this now, I would be almost nearly looking over them because they're tinted and it's affecting the view of the screen. But the biggest downside of the reaction lenses is they don't tint when you're in the car. Heavy in Innsbruck. Welcome along, Wolf. Welcome back, Bruce. QR 17, Qatar Airways dreamliner from Dogen. That's my. My only really complaint with the. With the reaction lenses, John, is the fact that they don't tint when you're in the car. So you see. Still need a pair of sunglasses in the car.


Number one. Now.




Oh, actually, yeah, I might upgrade so with the clip on, sir.


Seven eight Romeo outside.


Welcome along. Another Ryanair from Naples. That's the second one while we were here. New reactions are a lot darker as well outside. Okay, I see. You can get them in gray or black now, you can get them that they tint black or you can get them that they tint gray. Nice. Come for the aviation. Stay for the general advice. We are aging. Patricia, I almost asked.


I think the.


Set I have now revision Express. So maybe I'll go to specsavers and see what the story is.


Bruce, you'll be delighted to know there's a seven four seven due Friday. What time? God knows. No, there's rumor. There's nothing confirmed yet. Ryanair Max eight from Leeds, Bradford Robin.


Left on max 8531-2585 at seven eight from rider two four echo tango one 30, please. At eleven nine. Roommate 10 left in Quebec 1308.




Can find it. Fr one one five. But they always want to add something, don't they? You're never just getting glasses.


Continue right onto taxiway November.




EI one five 9320. Neo Erlingus coming from Heathrow.


Shut up. One five nine. The windshield. One 30 p, not one two nine. Runway 10. Left.




From East Midlands next. Yeah, John. Glasses were only a more recent thing for me. The last bus. Six years. I ended up working heavily with computers and I just found that looking at the monitor all day was affecting my vision. So I went and got glasses for it. Just flew over on the way here. So that's Eidi. That's old rugby, isn't it?


Okay, we'll do that. Thanks.


Give me 1 second. Just need to grab a power bank for the camera.


Ryanair from nice.


Clear to that 50 left.


You'll hear the sound difference when this goes overhead. From the scimitar. There's a more distinct disturbance of the air afterwards. Right? You hear.




Ryanair from brilliant. What I found was working with the computers all day was affecting my vision at nighttime. I was starting to suffer from the glare from cars and stuff like that. People just want to charge extra for everything. Rant over. Don't be scared.


Just old age. Okay? I don't want to say it. Erling is invented. Wendy, welcome. Good to have you with us.


November 93. So this is Eid check is one P 03110 left.


I took inspiration, Wendy, from your sarcastic comment in the telegram group yesterday and went with the overheads, you know, because apparently all planes are overhead. Wendy's first post in the telegram group hit me with a slap down.




Charlotte has to come in for the Rubik from Donegal. Next.


From 6 November 4. November 4. Kilo two, Kilingham four three galaxy one 30. Please don't make 10 left. Clear ground. Clear the line. 10 left temp zone.


Clearly Declan has taken over Wendy's account and is posting his jokes from there. Mark, thank you very much.


From Amsterdam. Next.


You are number two. The windshield. One four three. Continue contact ground one two five. Definitely full short of Hilo.


From Pittsburgh. We'll try go advanced now and see if there's any improvement. Probably not going to be there.


Right now. On taxiway November, contact ground frequency on one two five decimal eight eight five, please. November 16585.


John, welcome along.




Barcelona. Yes, you can see why I was on the manual focus. The great cloud behind our aren't helping.




Clearly not a fan of the dash eight.


Tom, welcome back.


Just as well.


We turned our stopwatches off after the AA arrival.


Six minute break after this one. How many minutes has it been? I'd say it's about an hour and 15 minutes since we had a delayed AA arrival. Tom. We got the triple seven coming in late. Look at that.


Just in time for that on taxiway November 2.


And then ride taxiway November runner four magnum eight eight five, runner.


Emirates. Getting ready to push back.


That was our aa to Philadelphia. The same time that it looks like AA are canceling the DFW route for the winter schedule by just saying it was probably 2 hours ago. But anyway, Raymond and McCrum, welcome along. I'm keeping an ear out for departures as well, so I'll turn around if there's anything taken off while also trying to see if there's any overheads. Can't really complain when it looks like that. Well, I can, but I'm not going. Adrian doing his best to lower the town again, Jonathan, welcome back. Tom Dean's flight is tomorrow. He's on the emirates tomorrow. Few hours ago feels like yesterday probably was for you clear to land and not even see it yet. Yeah. The official tone loring section of Dubjet. He pays on a dub jet stream. Say it isn't so at that point there, that's about 5 miles. The furthest we've gotten today that I've heard is about 8 miles. That's when you can just see about the light. That's about it from Newcastle is what you're looking at. So we should be tracking two a tree turtles. That's what's going to be ended them to stream on. I know one is from malaga.


I think the other is.




It could be lax. They're scheduled for around half two, I think.


So here I can see our faro is EI 493. That's two three out. Our next however is a 320 coming from. How's it going? That's 9 miles.


Hello. Mid check is 1530. Natural leftover.


Yeah. It's been varying between 100 and 2120 degrees and 160 degrees while we've been here. Obviously 10 would be a straight headwind for them.




We can go crazy on the zoom but we tend not to.




Let's not do that again.


That's what the dog does before he needs to have a poo, isn't it? Play zoomies around the garden.




Emirates is about to line up for takeoff. I'm told stand by.




it was.


It really lining up or we just pretending you can hear moving there? I am going to spin around rather quickly because there's a tweet already behind me. Ek 162 off to Dubai. There I was joking. I wasn't reading the common opposite way. So this is an a 330 operated by a lingus coming in from barrel.


Another 330 coming from LaX. So you can zoom quite well. But it just. Every little movement is nuts and it loses that clarity as well.




Jet. I've watched Reed. I was watching Reed Timmer's stream last night and I was saying at the start of this stream and a tornado formed literally over his head. Some of the best footage I've ever seen of a tornado. If you go back to Reed's stream that was live last night, very near the start, he's parked up and this funnel cloud just forms in front of him. That's right, Tom. Yeah. Reed was the original. He was on the Discovery series storm chasers. What I like about Reed though is instead of he could have kept following that tornado last night. But instead, you see, he parks up, there's a house destroyed. And he starts sifting through the rubble to make sure there's no one trapped in the house. So, you know, that's. And you see a lot of storm chasers do that. Yeah, they're there to chase the storms, but when there's damage and stuff, they kick into rescue models straight away. It's great.




That's it. Beach like the most important part is helping with the search and rescue afterwards.


Tom, thank you very much. So, Ryanair from stansted followed by welling. I've queued you up top. Off you go. What time did I say till I was streaming to about three minutes ago.




No, I haven't seen her today. There we go. A 321 neo operated by Vueling, coming from Paris.


North 1258.




There was a rookie in the background. That's why I checked what was on departure but didn't see. Oh, I know what the wookiee was. Insect make an appearance.




It'S gone already.


I think what we heard was the air Baltic operating for Swiss, turning onto the taxiways.




Must be already gone.


Thank you.


One more here.




Golf on became.


I love when you can hear the flight tech instruments making noise on the radio. It's fast, isn't it? Was the air Baltic. That's what I thought. That's what I thought it was. Yeah.


Cruiser is getting closer to me.


Almost invisible in the sky. Oh, wow. Okay, I see it. Gonna have to show you this. I don't know whether it's gonna work or not, but just bear with me. Don't stare at the sun. Look at the rainbow around the sun.


From my limited knowledge, rather limited, obviously. And I believe that's when there's ice crystals in the atmosphere forming a halo around the glow of the sun. Someone can. More meteorologically aware, can tell me. Looks class, though. We go again. Watch your eyes. Look at that.


Patricia. When me and Will. You saw the pictures I put up when me and Will were coming back from Heathrow. We actually got some northern lights. For literally two, three minutes we could see them. That's the picture I put up in the group. Then Patricia's halo is around her ankles and it tells her what time she has to be in the house at. She's not allowed go anywhere without telling people. Is that what she's telling us? Mark? Welcome along banana vape trails. Well, yeah, there you go. So, another British Airways. It's an a 319 coming from London Heathrow. It's glinting in the sun, which is causing all sorts of focus mayhem.


Mark, it has been. Yep. That's why I'm not on the roof of the van. We're just not up to standing up there today. And the wind you're hearing, remember, is through the protector on the microphone in evidence.


So has anyone kept count of how many more planes that was.




Rock number three. Rock number two.


Hamburg next. Oh, my God. John is watching the ping pong off the halo. John has a different kind of halo. His one beeps when he gets too far away from an airport to remind him he can't see planes.


Or they want their left.


If not somewhere.


We have a 747 cruiser coming in off the irish greens. Let's see whether we can see it in a minute. Lofty, almost gone out. Gone into the cloud already.




Catching the bottom side of it now. Look. Ryanair from Birmingham to zero five s at Manchester. So John's out in the garden with the camera. Camera. Make sure it stays on planes, John.




Majestic, odd socks should be in it for I shall be at home at four. A parasito is definitely worth now.




So we've. EI four seven seven coming from Dubrovnikness again.


Ended up seeing what the pilots had for breakfast. Charlotte about to depart. Either that or the comment was five minutes ago and I missed it.




November 4. Right on November.




One two five.


Default biker 200 Romeo win.


130311. Knock.


Someone says there's a tree turkey lined up next. I shall. I should keep an eye on the back of my head. On tree turkey is pushing, as you can probably hear in the background.


That's the traitority to Minneapolis. Slurred the middle of that. Just in case I got it wrong. Yes, correct. It's like in school when you got something, when you got asked a question, you weren't sure you knew the answer correctly, you whispered the answer so no one could hear you say it wrong. Oh, Tom. Yeah? There's been a few froggies overhead. Froggies. EI one six three coming from Heathrow.


Default. Eight eight five.


Ford Prefect. Correct. That's exactly what they were bringing the XLR in for. That was the route they were going to put it on.


Kevin. No. Was announced last night that the XLR is no longer air linkers. Will no longer be the XLR launch customer. So we have a sun express due to land in about four minutes. We'll wind up on that. There doesn't appear to be much else on approach.


See what that is when it gets a little bit closer. Unless I forget about it. Am I sure about that? Yeah, no, I am, yeah. Obviously it's a bank holiday weekend here in Ireland, so me and will do plans on streaming for a bit of it if we can. It will be absolutely weather dependent though because the forecast isn't looking great. Look at you hiding in the clouds. We had Brendan, we had two buzzards on a little dog fight.


1110 left.


Tom says actually need to get going. Boss is getting close. I find if you fit a tracker to their car, you know, when they're coming into work as well, it's quite cool.


Oh no.


The tracker in the mini brap is broken. We need a new one, Kevin. We can only hope. Now, now, I am aware that there is an XLR with the Aer lingus tail. They're not changing that, so that may arrive in December instead. But we can only hope that Iag throw some new treatment. Tom's boss currently out checking the wheel arches of his truck to see how he knows where he is.


Kevin, we were saying the only acceptable way we get a new 330 is if they painted in a retro. Has to be done.


Last one, Sun Express coming in from Izmir. XQ. Eight eight six. This is seven three 7800. Sun Express is a branch of Turkish Airlines. No, no. 380s for Dublin, unfortunately. Nor will there be.


10 nine.


No bother. Michael. Thanks for being here, Patricia. Yeah, it is clouding over. Charlotte. You're most welcome. Thank you very much for being here. Hopefully everything is going well. Keep planning wise for you with the book.


So that's me. Thanks everyone for being here. Thanks to everyone who super chatted or gave the stream. There is nothing else in bound so we're going to wind up. Thanks for being here and we'll see you over the weekend.