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Good evening to you all. Welcome along.


Brian Leemsbody, Dogwood, Richard, Internet editor. Audrey, who did I miss? Nev Adel. Even Tiazall.


Do let me know whether everything's okay. Someone said that had one of the retro cover counties. I wasn't paying attention. Too busy making sure everything's working. Mark, Patricia, evening to you. So we are using the new camera. It's. We're getting there with the settings, hopefully. I'm purposely not going to be super zooming just to keep that bit of stability if possible. We'll see whether that makes any difference. Will I get used to it?


Thanks, Valerie. Hi, Cameron.


Any improvement with the sound there? Now I've changed one of the settings. So inbound there. Ryanair from Nantz. Yeah. So there was a mic limiter built into the camera. So I'm using the large microphone today and I've turned off the mic limiter. Apparently I had it on the last day, which is why when I was, I called, it sounded odd. Jet set. Welcome along. Hello to everyone that was in Dean's stream earlier, vlogging everything was live here at 1030 this morning at the airport. Caught himself a nice hungarian air force a 319 arrival.


Like I said the last day, folks, I'm still getting used to this new camera. It has so many new settings internally, just even to, you know, run a live video and getting used to changing something different every time and finding my way. So bear with me along the way. But we should get there and it'll be worth it for the quality because there's no doubt that this is 100 times better quality than the camcorder we were using.






if the picture is a little dark. I do have a filter on currently. I can turn it off. Do let me know.


Are they on? Zero ado. They should kick off after a little while. They usually take a few minutes to kick in someone's admiring hope in the background. There you go. Our hello runner. Now, this is where it'll be a little get used to it. I do have manual focus on because the lights are pointed directly at me on approach. It's a rugby. Anyway, let's see how we do. Evening, Declan. Welcome along, Julie, didn't see you there. How are you doing? Sorry if I'm missing anyone while I focus on catching the aircraft. Dean's dad jokes earlier with quite bad. Yeah. I wasn't able to read much of the chat, but I was just reacting to what he was saying because I had an earphone in.


Our next arrival will be at Ryanair from Birmingham.


Yep. Snowflake. That's why we like this spot here. We get a lot of waves as they exit on Sierra five taxiway. Unfortunately, when the winds are light, though, the crops don't tend to make it down here that much. They'll exit on Sierra three or Sierra four, but we get a majority of the rest of the traffic here exit in front of them. And evening to you. Liam says Erlingus from Bilbert will be next. Aviation fan. Evening. So, look, folks, this is just a bit of a relaxation stream for the evening. I've just finished. Work was up at 05:00 this morning. Just finished. So we'll do a couple of hours and we'll see how it goes. Graham, welcome along. For those that aren't in the telegram group, Will is heading off with his brother tomorrow to see his granda in Spain. They'll be on EI 580 off to Malaga in the morning, which is lucky for him. An A 330 looks like it's going to be eifng. Richard. Helen, the gang's in, huh? Even if he is all


Rory. I do, yeah, I work in the airport. Malaga.


Yeah. Sean, he's absolutely delighted and he's rubbing it in my face because I've not been on a 330 yet, so he's delighted. He's going on a 330 blickfang, even to you. Welcome along. Just for those of you that are typing in the chat, be careful. Obviously too many capital letters and the bot will mute you for a while. Now, as the sun has gone behind clouds. Getting that little bit darker, I can turn the filter off and see if that makes it bit of a difference. Is that too much or will I put the filter back on? John, evening to you, Tom. Welcome along. Tom's little man. Yeah, so that's too much. 1 second. Tom's a little man getting pumped full of ice cream. My hope after a trip to the doctors


counts are still at zero. I'll have a look at it now. After this aircraft, we have a bit of a gap.


Stand by and I try fix this remotely. I make my promises.


Has that fixed it there now? Agent?


Right, so it's fixed now. Okey dokey. I think I saw John dropping in there. John, evening to you. Patrick, evening to you. Sorry, I was on a different screen so I didn't see her comments.


Ryanair from Liverpool on finals. As you can see,


Alan, evening's here. David. No, not too bad. I'm kind of sheltered here. I'm on the pillars. The trees and bushes behind me are kind of sheltering me. I'll give you the look at the stock now in a second.


As you can see with Soc check, it is a crosswind. It's very light though. Say it's about ten knots. Helen, thank you very much. Is that Declan you talking about? The no separation between the two. Yep. Where's me sock charmer when I need him? Drones and planes. Welcome along, folks. If you haven't give drones and planes a follow, follow. Another great channel from Manchester. Drones and planes. Jetset pointed out to me your nice words about the channel the other day. Much appreciated. Likewise a great stream from yourselves. I'm gonna try to get this, but we'll see.


Thank you. John would be at Manchester aficionado, so he'd be able to tell me all about it. Kirsty, evening to you. Welcome along. Sounds like we have a prop departing on the far side. Possibly, but I have one here. Go with the one I have. So Atr coming in from Leeds, Bradford.




We have to wheel an ATR down to sierra five tonight.


Ryan, chat to you later. Next in isn't it lingus from Amsterdam. Dune is back. Dean had a great stream earlier on. I was only commenting at the start there. Dean. Yep. We were saying we need our sock charmer. All right, Ellie, how are you?


Maria, Katie, welcome along. So Jetta has asked for an experiment. You can take part if you want. You don't have to. But he was asking in the comments the other day because he reckons there's more lurkers from America in the chat then are letting on. So he wants everyone to post? You don't have to be very specific. He'll just be generalized. He wants everyone to post where they're from.


Ada was worried it was gonna be something fatter Jack related. Now, like I said, I still have to filter on because the sun behind me keeps coming out behind the clouds and kind of overexposing things. Not that we're used to that. And we'll see how it goes. I'll turn it off in a few minutes if it stays dark. Now be prepared because Jetset's probably taking mental notes here in between answering the doorbell. Whatever you say can and will be used against you. All right, Jetta. Done. Shockingly, mood snap. Well, not right now. Snap. Lean's body is in fingers vlogging. Everything is in a mix of locations. I like that. Rather non committal of you.


More than two for those who probably aren't aware. Would have been discussed previously, but not more recent. I'm originally from the Blantis town area. Where I grew up and I now live in Glenshotlin county, made as well. Dean was teasing us all earlier on with telling us what he was going to have for his dinner, and now he's just adding insult to injury, telling us it was deadly. Thanks, Dean. ATR coming in from Glasgow. Well, deal was live earlier. There was an ATR coming from Glasgow that abandoned its first approach directly ahead of the hungarian air force. Circled over the Irish Sea once or twice and then came into land. You can see wind isn't too bad at ground level, but the ATR certainly is encountering something there.


Darren, what time is it now? After six. We go to probably about nine. We'll see how it goes, how the light stays with us, weather wise. Once it doesn't rain on me, we're okay. Who do I support? I haven't watched football, I would say, since I was my mid twenties, but I was an Arsenal fan and that was imposed by my father. It was just inherited. 1777,


John says Iberia from Madrid. Next. Thank you, John. My father was an Arsenal fan and my grandfather was a Liverpool fan. So caught between a rock and a hard place, you know.


Boo. Says David. Like all young lads, I was football mad. I'm like, I played football up until I was 18, I was a goalkeeper. But, uh, yeah, just kind of went away from it as light got in the way. Ellie, I was just checking there a few minutes ago. No sign of dub bunny or dub rant just yet, but I'll keep my eyes out. Quickly go off because you're a man united. Ah, don't be. It's no different to the Formula one team. Have dominance, then lose it. They get caught up with, they rest on their laurels, they lose the edge they had cycle. I was convinced for years, especially with the likes of MotoGP, that the dominance by certain manufacturers was organized in order to help their sales. So you'd have Yamaha, for instance, dominant for a couple of years. Years. They'd sell loads of bikes. Honda sell loads of bikes, Ducati sell loads of bikes.


Sarah Louise Dale. Welcome. Christine is there, Dave, evening to you. So none of my atrs are playing ball. Come on.




Right, who is it? Postman. GPO Fr 559 coming in from Manchester.




The only sport I watch now would be MotoGP or Formula one. I don't watch football, I watch the World cup or the Eurofinals when they're on, that's about it. Or rugby. If there's a big game on, I'll watch the rugby, but I'm not a huge fan of it.


Dave Flynn hit the like button so hard as Tomasaur. Thanks, Dave. Right now, probably.


So obviously the south heritage was here.




Picking up again. Yeah, it's a perky sock now, for sure. Game and whip games. Welcome along. Rod Gil. Is it? Rod Gil? Sorry, yeah. Just bear in mind the sun's on my phone, so if I call someone alien instead of Alan, I am sorry. Small gap according to John. Rotation of his chain. You got your retro fix, huh? Hundred and nine likes so far. Thank you very much, everyone. Much appreciated. Adrian goes all Bishop Brennan on me now when I don't refer to it by its proper title. Anthony, welcome along. So on our finals now, we have a Ryanair from Santiago. E I e s t. Too far out at the moment. Want to be careful leemy doesn't come breaking into your house with the model.




Does anyone else's chat keep glitching out or is it just me? Ruby, evening to you.


He has oddsocks locked away now. Safe move.


Safe movement.


Continue. Locker 43,


Ruby. No issue whatsoever. Oh, can we get the dash eight down to sierra five?




I have it. I have stream elements toned back a little bit so it won't get you the first time, but it actually aggregates now. So if you're a couple of times typing in caps in the chat, it will mute you. Just because I didn't want there. People were typing like, obviously, aircraft registrations and stuff, and they were getting wrongly timed out in that. Right. Adrian Long, Wolf, evening tip. John Walton, faster than stream elements. Rain. Rain go away. Eight from Luxembourg. It. Right. There's going to be a dash for the umbrella here. Hang on.


Earphone warning.




Looks dashing. Let's see what you've done. Erlingus from Malaga. Enter in your screens. Might have gotten away with this. Looks like a. It's passing over.


Carol Anne. Evening to you, Alan. There was a wide rail dash eight here yesterday,


lone wolf, during the last storm we had. I think it was Kathleen, wasn't it? The dash eight is the only prop aircraft that landed jordan the storm. All the atrs either didn't attempt it or were canceled. The dash eight landed first time. No bother. Sylvia, evening to you till I get a flash. Flash. Do what I know. Cleaning anyway. FR 1861. Next is Orion air coming in from Bove two ferd that come from. Drop of rain just went down the back. Either that or it was a bird shine star. So we've recently upgraded. We were using a Panasonic, Panasonic VX 980 camcorder and this is our new camera. It's a Panasonic FZ 2000 superzoom bridge camera for those in the states. I think it's sold as the FZ 2500 over there. Or should I say 2500? Whatever.


Richard's away. Talk today to Richard. Anthony Mills. Evening to you.


Thanks, Caroline. Sorry, my chat did glitch again. Just in case you think I'm ignoring you every so often. My chat is freezing. I'm having to restart it. So, Caroline, that there is hot head. Just as you come into Dublin, you cross over hot head most of the time or fly beside it. Those mountains in the background there are the Wicklow mountains.


Television from far away.


I watch Airt cam in Temple Bar. You could not pay me to go in there. I seen at Jordan St Patrick's day, I seen that airtam and it was just. Oh, it's definition of hell.


Oh, absolutely, Dean. It's pure tourist prices. It's crazy. The difference between. You do see some of the social media posts with people with their receipts from buying a round of drinks in the temple bar and they're paying 40 or 50 quid more than they would do if they took the bus 20 minutes out of Dublin. It's crazy. Sara, we were recently at Heathrow and it was my first time at Heathrow and I loved it. I was. I have previously been to Frankfurt and Schiphol.


It. It.


Yeah, we do, yeah. I must. Dean, do you be reading the telegram at all or is it just too much there for you? I won't say where, but there's something in the works.


Telegram link is in the Facebook group. So if you're in the Spotters club on Facebook, have a look at the post there and you get your telegram link.




No hope at this making it down here. Anyway, make sure somewhere on the state is on my list. One of the location, believe it or not, I got a notification there the other day and I said this to you before about the website secret flying Dublin to Halifax with Westjet Direct 94 euro Internet editor. If you want drop me an email. It's in the channel description. The email address is there and I can send you the link to the Telegram group. Yeah, Caroline, they do quite frequently wave here. Yeah, it's very hard for me to see now with the sun, so I can't tell. So four minutes for Orion air coming in from Carcassonne followed by British Airways embraer from London City. We have a beach 200 super king gonna overfly the airport coming from the north and might be able to see it. We'll see. If we get any cool cruisers overhead or near enough to overhead. Do let me know and I'll do what I can. Clouds broken. Now that Ruby has her new passport, she just needs the moneys to be flying. So, folks, you have a moment. You have vlogging everything and you have drones and planes in chat to other streamers.


Make sure to give their channel an out. Subscribe while you're there.


R square one five. Thank you.


I have somehow managed to completely miss the beef skin. Wonderful. There's me staring at the sky like a lunatic for no reason. More than normal. More than normal. We do have an aircraft on finals. Yeah, I watched that as well on Ted's cone. Ted Coningsby channel yesterday. The Red Arrows think he had ten and a half thousand, nearly 11,000 people watching. Now, Caroline, you'll see some lunacy on this route of times as well. I'm just gonna move back. We don't want to be getting someone's face for no reason. Wookiee. Power up in the distance. So on finals is our Ryanair from Turkasol. Sorry to zoom out.


Little bit of wobble,


really need a little dug there. You're good at crocheting you. Our next arrival is the BA Embraer from London City.




So, Stephanie, we discussed this at length on this channel, and a few Ryanair pilots as well have chimed in previously. The approach speed for the Boeing 737 is higher than that of other aircraft, and that's due to instability at low speed, I think I remember correctly. I'm sure someone in chat will be able to correct me if I'm wrong, but there was an accident, I believe, due to low speed and instability. So they increased the landing speed for the 737s.


Another british airways. Wrong way. British Airways depart from the north Runway.






Chat to you later. So we have the Swiss a 220 about to the park on the north Runway. And we have an ATR from Gatwick, two minutes from arrival on this side. Birdie's gonna get me. Darryl Bear wants to jump crochet by Dean. I'm hoping the microphone picked up. That swiss walkie did it. I know, that's what I was saying. He's trying to get me.




Carol. Even tia. My Roxy made an appearance today.






Ryanair from London, Gatwick followed by, I think, air transat from Paris, borhoo from Paris. Orly. 06:00 hotel truck inbound


going back into lurk mode. No bother. Daryl. Something gives me the impression that Adel may make a reappearance when Daryl goes into lurk mode. Welcome back, Charlotte. So this is our Paris Orly. Sorry. Transavia, isn't it? I said air trans. After them.


Erlingus from Geneva.


So Liam is heading away on his holidays next week. Nice. I will be heading away towards the end of July. Myself and herself are going to go on the motorcycle over to the Macnoop in Wales.


Already from far away. Looked heavy. Unfortunately, the Erlingus blocked it, but it looked rather heavy.


Yeah. The only thing about it is she wants to do it on the motorbike. So I don't know whether I'm gonna have room with all the luggage in the luggage, should I say, for stream equipment and maybe I'll just get the camera bump. The thing about it is, though, it's a hit and miss thing. You can go there and see nothing for today or you can go there and be caught by surprise by what you see. So it's not really. And I'm guessing reception is probably quite bad as well. So it's probably not streamable. But if I can get a couple of nice videos, I will. Of course. Liam says this is coming from Santiago. Yeah. She knows well that if we were bringing the car, the tripod and everything being.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Drones and planes and the reality is it could be four or 5 hours of a stream just staring at hillsides with nothing happening. You just don't know what's going to come through. Stand by for ups.


No, I'll be back before that. Back before the birthday. Could be my chance to branch out. Yeah. Live streaming hills ghost player it. However, what would be a cool idea is to set up the stream equipment on the bike and live stream the bike trips, wouldn't it?


Ryanair from Lanzarote, Cameroon. Welcome along. What is pushing on the fireside making that noise? Ryanair. Wow. The breeze is obviously carrying the engine noise quite well this evening, as you can hear.


Ryanair from Birmingham next.


So we're about 40 minutes away from our evening heavy. The Emirates triple seven arrival, aren't we? C five there. We got the wave. Thank you to everyone that has hit the like button. 184. Not bad for an evening stream. Something noisy and property sounding it. Wow.




20 for the triple seven. Thank you. Jump.




So, EI 175. It's an a 320 neo operated by Erlingus coming in from London Heathrow. Richard Inman. Evening to you.




Ryanair overhead. Take free help. Yeah. Ground one to one. Destiny. We're gonna get it. Oh, it's gone. Sorry.




Liam says this is SAS from Stockholm, so in advance. I am off now this week after today I finished up. I'm off for the week. I will try squeeze a few streams in. They won't be long ones though, because I don't like leaving the dogs unattended for two long, especially since I have neither of my two children to mind the dogs. A couple of hours here or there. We'll get a few in during the week. Also, while upgrading the platform on the van to v two, the non creaky version. Graham, thank you very much.


Bring the dag with me. I don't think he'd be calm enough to bring with me. He's a bit mad. Sorry. Wobble the tripod. I think this is coming from Seville.


Brian, chat to you later, yeah, Ruby. The medication seems to have helped him quite a lot. He was somewhat limpy, but they gave him rheuma cam and within 24 hours or so he was back there bouncing around like a lunatic.


Graham says London City next. Another embraer. Yay for dub. We have nailed still by no sightings of dub, bunny or Dubrat. Give the message on streams so someone doesn't try. Ring me three times asking me about my dogs. Yeah. Is that the dash going back out? It is very caratili. Seven echo.




For those that aren't aware. By the way of Tom's reference, someone in the spotters club decided it would be smart to ring me on messenger treatment times in the middle of the night to ask about my dogs. Thankfully my phone was on silent, so on the far side we have f 4116 departing to reuse according to John. Is that right, John? That right? Was that wrong? Beef room.


A whole lot of rain cloud coming this way. Hurry up. Emirates.




Can hear a kitten or something in the. I got it right, John. Yay me people. Is it lamb? I don't know. It sounds like a kitten meowing. Keep in mind, I am ever so slightly deaf and one ear so who knows? If I focus on him, I'll lose focus on the aircraft. So I'm just going to stick with the aircraft. If it's a kitten, 1000% you have to rescue them. Yeah, I don't tend to bring mouthfuls home to my dog. I've not joking. I've rescued cats from bins before. Don't worry, I wouldn't be leaving a kitten around. We're getting that hollow. This is Ryanair F 494 from Madrid. Does it taste like.




Sorry, momentary panic when I realized I forgot to connect something.




200 likes. Thank you very much, everyone.


So our next arrival is seven minutes away. It is that time of the evening where things get that little bit quieter. That's coming from Barcelona. Then we have Orion Air from London, Luton, Gatwick, Stansted. Many, many wonderful aircraft. One. What's that from? What film is that from? I didn't do the accent, though, but I'm not going. Commandant Lassard, there is a dreamliner coming off the sea as well, I believe. Is it Air France? Oh, sorry. A 300 5900 CDG to Toronto. That's going to be coming in over head now in a minute or two. See if I can't get that. I make no promises. There you go. Adol saying the 350 is over the top. Not yet, it's not. I'm sorry, Declan saying over the top. I can't see it yet.


Decent it.


Ryanair rolling for Manchester. Quite loudly, might I add.


Where are you? Tree fitty.


That's our air France 350.


Ryanair on finals from Barcelona. You can hear the 350. No Internet editor. We done the Concorde Tour as well in Manchester last year. Me and William coming in from Barcelona.


No scanners on beside me, just with little traffic. You're not going to hear too much.


Gets it.


Liam says Ryanair London loop next. Thanks, Liam. John, what I want to see in the flesh, the SR 71. That's what I want to go see. That and the 117 Nighthawk were my favorite planes when I remember. But we all know that was a long time ago, because I'm ancient, you know. So where we miss Mount running. Thank you, Liz. Man two. Lf correct, I'll rope will into doing the Smithsonian tour with me. Air and Space museum. I know there's one club closer to home, though, isn't there? Sierra six. I'd say. First aircraft of the stream to hit. Sierra six.


Next. Bible is from Perpignot.


This is from London. Stansted.




You're gonna


phone when I'm turning around. I'd like to keep canceling the chat.


Crafty kitchen, even to you.


From Lisbon


heading back to London City.


Super Cooper evening tip. So, British Airways coming in from Heathrow, just there at the top of your picture. We give it a second to get that little bit closer. Dub bird. We're struggling this evening.


Seen there earlier on in one of the spotters groups. As of the 6 June, which was what, four days ago. All British Airways Iberia vwelling flights are now based out of t two. They're merging all the IAG owned aircraft into t two.


Andrew, welcome along. Break for arrival from Amsterdam, apparently. And then I presume we're not too far off our emirates as well.


Graham, thanks for being here with chat today.




Someone was admiring the mountains earlier on. Look at them now, all lit up in the sun. That's a kite. Don't worry, it's not actually bird and hope is there.




Castle up there? Yeah, sure don't think it's find many terraced houses up in hot head. I want to turn around and show you the kind of the sun, but I reckon we'd all be needing retina replacement, so I might just let it set that little bit more. Plainsborough fan, welcome along. EK 163 is 20 minutes out. Thanks, Liam. John Kelly Cruz, chat to you later. Thanks for being here. Thanks, Andrew. Much appreciated. We have a little bit of a gap now before our KLM arrival and we're 20 minutes away from our triple seven. Our evening Emirates EK 167 tree. Don't know whether we should do this on that. Let's see now. Too much filters. Oh, there we go.


Oh. Arriving in twelve minutes. We have our Ups 767. Nice, nice little conveyor belt of traffic coming across the IRC as well. Keep us busy for the wind now. Ground 1218. Thanks. Rescue one. Vote.




KLM E 75. E 175, obviously coming from Amsterdam. Just hit the ten mile marker on finals. Paul, evening to you. No wildlife, Ruby. Anyway, that's a fact. Dean. Buck, welcome back, Dean. It's where he was timing it for his emirates arrival. A Vulcan and a Concord. Yeah, that's what we mean. I won't take offense, Tom. It's obviously my soothing voice that helps you fall asleep, you know, there was a very nice crowd. Oh, two for.


So that was the KLM from Amsterdam and a Ryanair from stansted behind it that you could see a over Internet editors head a flight level 370. Tommy, much appreciated. Thank you very much. Still getting to grips with this new camera, but we're getting there. You're always up early, Tom. Don't be making excuses. I'm just boring. I know. It's okay.


There's not worse, Tom. When you lie beside them to make them go asleep and you're the end run that ends up falling asleep. I used to do it at bedtime every night when the kids were going to bed. At 08:00 I'd go up and I'd lie beside them for a little while. And then herself would come up and find me about an hour later. El cold. Two kids running around the room playing. Still there. Reiner from Stansted


is passing bray. Thank you. Ema. Next for Ryanair, I believe. Thanks. Drums and planes. I don't know what setup you use, but if you want. Want to drop me an email, I can give you some pointers on what we use to maintain the quality.


Tom drawns and planes is a channel from Manchester worth checking out. And drones and planes. Tom is a flyer of what we call braps. He's a drone pilot, so besties.


Charlotte's still here.




Atr coming in from Bristol.




Right here. That will be our seven six, followed by our triple seven. Ups and Emirates.


UPS will put on a show for Greg now toga. Let's see. He's jumping around in the back in one of the containers. Unstable approach,


Greg. Don't be answering the front door.


EK 163 coming from Dubai, Alex. Thank you very much.


It's, it,


it's, it.


So much going on. Sorry. Another landing as well. Into later. Chat to you later, Claire. Even to you, Jerry.


Just about keeping track of everything going on here. Okay. Ryanair from Amsterdam. Just about. This looks fast. Yeah, that looked very.




It, it.


Right, so we have an ATR from Manchester just approaching the coast. It's about eight minutes away. We will aim to end on that just because we like atrs and you never know, we might get Sierra five. Thank you, everyone, for the 240 likes. Much appreciated. So our ATR is now four minutes away. So that's a little bit better. So, ATr, let's see who it is. EIhdH coming from Manchester as EI 327. So that'll see us out for the evening.


A big thank you to everyone who has gifted our super chat this evening. Thank you very much. Wearing my lorenzo hat again. Like I said, wheel away. Over the next few days, we'll try fit a few streams in here or there. They won't be mad long like they normally are. We just do a few shorter streams and I'll aim for decent traffic when we're doing them. Mods. Thank you as always. John is the new bot nickname streamelements. He's faster than it, but yeah. Don't be looking at me. Knows. See you later.




Peek a paw. Well, I'm going to put that on that. So the next letter comes up, it's going to say peek a pole. Patricia, thank you very much. Thanks, Ruby. Like I said, nice relaxed evening. Of course, as soon as I focus on him, he runs away. Ryanair out to stansted on the north Runway before my ATR gets here.


Potato wedges in the air fryer. Having them with garlic mayonnaise. Yeah. Now I'm hungry. Why did you do that? So remember, folks, if you are a member on YouTube, you are entitled to join the Facebook group. The link is in your perks on the YouTube tab. And from there, if those who are interested, you will be able to join the telegram group. There's not that many of us in it, but we just torment each other all day long. Not really. I'm joking. Chat to you later, Dean. Thanks for being here. Great sausage rolls. Actually, when we went to Manchester. Pick one of them up in the morning in the airport. Paul. Taijin. Shout to you later. All the way down. Come on, Sierra five. Just for the finish. Definitely solve.




It's not happening, is it? Just because I can hear it. Come on.


Too much zoom.


Folks. Don't forget, wheel is out tomorrow. He's on EI 580 in the morning. Hope to try. Grab a picture of them departing before I have to fire back home. See if he puts the light up. He says he will, but we'll see. But anyway, chat to you all on the next one. Thanks for being here.