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So much to learn about. It'll make you want to shout, Flippy.


Watch out. Here comes Flippy. Check it out. Yeah. Here we go. This is bumpy. Look at how fast I'm going.




Hey, it's me, Flippy. Today, I'm here at the Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Florida. Wow. Yeah. Check it out. Yeah, a Speedway is a place where cars go really, really, really fast. Yeah. I'm really excited to see you race cars and learn about how they recycle those tires when they're done racing. Let's go take a closer look.


Check out this race car. Yeah.


Can you believe it? Whoa, we're up close to an actual race car. Yeah, you can call this a race car or a stock car, and you'd probably see it at a NASCAR event. Whoa. Hey, do you notice anything about this race car? Yeah, it's the colors blue and white. Yeah, I really like it because it's blue. Oh, and look, this car has a number, the number 43, four and three. Yeah, you have really colorful race cars with numbers so you can tell them apart when you're watching a really fast race. Oh, and did you know race cars cars like this are super good at being really, really, really, really, really safe. Yeah, because you're going pretty fast on a track with other cars going really fast, it's good to have a safe car. Yeah, look at this. Do you see this metal bar? Whoa, yeah. Whoa, all these metal bars? Yeah. It's called a roll cage. That keeps... It keeps those cars Really, really safe. Hey, look. There's even a bar here on the windshield. That bar is called the Newman bar. Pretty cool. Whoa. Yeah. And... Wait a minute. There's no door handle. That's because there's no door.


Whoa, that's pretty silly for a race car not to have a door, but it's really important so the door doesn't fly open when you're racing really fast.


You see this?


Do you know what this part is called? Yeah, this right here is this steering wheel. You knew that. Steer The steering wheels are so cool because they help you go left or right. And this steering wheel comes out so you can climb through the car because there's no door. Whoa, and do you see this? Check it out. Yeah, it's the real spoiler. Whoa, this rear spoiler is really, really important. Helps the car keep down on the track. Do you see what I see? Where the light should be, it's just a sticker. Again, that's because this race car is really safe. You don't want broken glass to be on the racetrack in case you bump into a car. So instead, you have a nice sticker. Well, now that we know that this is a pretty to have a car to drive really fast, the only thing left to do is to drive really fast. I can't wait to drive like all those cars on the track. But first things first, safety first. Here we go.


Check it out.


I'm in a fire suit and a racing helmet. Now it's time to drive. And remember, we need to climb in because there aren't any doors. Now it's time to get this race car on the track.




Yeah. Yeah. Oh, this is Really fast. Check it out. Yeah. Here we go. This is bumpy. Look at how fast I'm going. Watch out. Here comes Flippy.




That was awesome. Yeah, I need to take off my seat belt. Here I come. Did you see how fast I went? That was so awesome. I wonder what made it go so fast. Look at this. Check out these tires and wheels. Oh, yeah. These wheels and tires look a little different from a regular a regular car. I bet they helped make this car super, super fast. Hey, maybe we can learn more about these tires and how they recycle them. Come on. Peek-a-boo. Tire dance time. Check it out. I can't believe we're close to so many actual, real race car tires. These are so cool. Yeah, they're really heavy, too. It'd be really cool if we had someone to tell us a little more about them.Hi there.Hi. I'm Glippy. What's your name? My name's Justin. Oh, it's nice to meet you, Justin. Nice to meet you. Whoa, do you work with the Goodyear tires?


I do. I get to work with all the tires and all the drivers.


Whoa, and these tires, they look so cool. Do they help the race cars go really fast?


That's the idea behind it is to give them stick so that they can go as fast as they can go.


Whoa, that's cool. And these tires, they look a little different from your regular car. Look at this. Do you see this part of the tire? It's really smooth and some parts are hairy.


That smoothness is on purpose. Oh, really? We know that we're going to run in the dry. We take the pattern off. Then we just have the rubber itself, which is real sticky like chewing gum, and that gives a lot of stick to That's fun.


Well, yeah. It probably helps that it's smooth because you're on a racetrack, not on the dirt or on the road.


That's exactly right. Oh, yeah. That's so cool.


This tire, is it made out of just rubber and metal?


Well, those are the big things. We know that there's rubber and we know that there's metal. But we actually have a computer chip that's in the tire, and we can keep track of where all the tires are at. A computer chip?


Check it out.


Where does this go?


It It sits right here.


Oh, right here. Yeah, there's a computer chip here. Justin, I guess that's so that you know where the tires are.


That's exactly the idea. Well, that's awesome.


Oh, and Justin, I had another question I was wondering. There's so many tires here, even more than there are cars. Why is that?


The tires are designed to only go a certain length, about 100 miles. We have to design the tires so that we have more tires and we have the length of the race.


Oh, that's pretty handy. But then what do you do with the leftover tires?


Well, they're actually recycled, and they can end up in shoes or in roads or even playgrounds.


In playgrounds in shoes? Wait a minute. That means that one day you could be walking along and you're wearing shoes made out of race car tires. I want some race car tire shoes, too.


Well, we'll see what we can do.


Okay. Well, it's nice to meet you, Justin. It's nice to meet you, brother.I'll see you soon.Okay.Bye.Bye. I can't believe that. That was so cool learning all about those tires. But I think it's time for us to explore some more and see what else we can recycle. Come on. Okay. Wait. Did you hear that? Wait, Blippy. Was that you? Yeah, Blippy. I don't want to go to the trash. Oh, yeah. Plastic can be recycled. Yeah. When I grow up, I want to become playground or clothes or maybe some shoes. There are so many things I can become, like a brand new bottle. Oh, okay. Well, little plastic. I'll put you in the recycling so when you grow up, you can be something new. Okay, here you go. Okay, let's keep on putting things in the recycling and the trash. Here we go. Well, wait. Whoopie. Recycling. Whoopie, look at me. I'm aluminum. Looks like this aluminum can could turn into a brand new can. Maybe. What would you like to be when you grow up? I would like to be a can of soup. A can of soup. Okay, here we go. Let's see what else we have in this bag.


Okay. Whoa, look.


Blippy, I'm paper.




I want to be recycled, too.


Yeah, you can definitely recycle plastic and metal like aluminum, but you also want to recycle paper.


I grow on trees, so it's very important to recycle me.


Yeah, maybe one day this paper can grow up and be something amazing. Okay, there you go.


Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble.


Okay, let's keep going.


Trash. Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble.




Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble. Recycling. Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble.




Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble.


What else do we have? Trash.


Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble. Trash. Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble.


That was pretty fun recycling. But now, I think it's time for us to keep exploring the other ways that the Dayton International Speedway recycles and helps this planet stay healthy and happy. Come on. Whoa. Do you see what I see? Yeah, check it out. This right here is covered with solar panels. Yeah, and solar panels are really cool because they're like giant batteries. Yeah, batteries have lots of energy to power things like toys. And these solar panels are huge and power all kinds of things. What they do is they absorb the sun. And then they're filled with energy. Yeah. And once they have all that energy, you can use it to power a light bulb or a fridge or even a big TV. Yeah, you can power all kinds of things with a solar panel. And it's really good to use the sunshine for energy because it's always here. Yeah, you don't have to use up anything like fuel. So sunshine is always the way to go. Hey, do you notice something else? There certainly are a lot of them. Yeah, there are so many solar panels here. There are 7,000 solar panels here. That's so many solar panels.


That's so much power. That's so much superpower. Superpower battery, Blippy. Yeah. Being a superhero is a lot of work. I think I just like being Blippy. Well, that was so much fun today. Yeah, we got to see a real race car. Oh, That was really fun. And drive super fast. We also learned about how tires are recycled and turned into cool things like shoes. Yeah, and solar panels, those are pretty great, too. Well, that's the end of this video. But if you want to watch more of my videos, all you have to do is search for my name. Hey. Hey. Can you spell my name with me and my good friend Recycling McQueen? Okay, here we go. Ready? P-e-i-p-e-i. P-e-i. Flippy. Good job.




Come on, everyone. Let's make learning fun.


Blippy. Blippy.


So much to learn about. It'll make you want to shout.

