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Today, Peppa and her classmates are visiting a chocolate factory.


Can I try some chocolate, please, Miss Rabbit?


You can, Peppa, but we've got to make it first.


Oh, pepper is very excited to make chocolate.


How do we make it, Miss Rabbit?


With this machine.


Hello, machine. Can you make me some chocolate, please? Thank you, machine.




Now can I try some of it, please?


Not yet, Peppa. We need to decorate it first. Follow me.




Everyone is very excited to decorate the chocolate, too.


You can decorate one chocolate bar each.


It looks like a muddy puzzle.


Yes, but don't jump in it, Peppa.


And you can add whatever decorations you like from the table, as long as it's yummy.


Mine is a carroty chocolate bar.






Mine is a cheesy chocolate bar.


Yum, yum.


And mine is a spaghetti chocolate bar. Oh, because strawberry laces look like spaghetti.


Phew. Scrumptious.


Can I try some chocolate now, please, Miss Rabbit?


Almost, pepper. The chocolate needs to cool in the fridge first.


The fridge is very cold and makes the liquid chocolate harden into bars.


And done.


Can we please try some chocolate? Chocolate now, Miss Rabbit?


Not yet, Pep. Oh, wait. Yes, you can.


Hooray. Delicious.


Is something wrong, Peppa?


No, I just really liked it when the chocolate was all runny like a muddy puddle.


Then it's lucky I have one more treat for you all.


It's a chocolate fountain.


It's just like a giant chocolate muddy puddle.


And lots of nice, healthy fruit to dip, too.


Thank you, Miss Rabbit.


Pepper loves muddy puddles, especially when they're made out of chocolate. Today, Peppa and her friends are going to the sweet shop.


Hello, Miss Rabbit. I'd like to buy everything in the sweet shop, please. Here is my coin.


Peppa and her friends each have one coin to buy a sweet with.


Here is my coin, too.


And mine.


And mine.


Wow, what a lot of money. But I'm afraid it's not enough to buy everything in the shop.


Oh, yes.


One coin is perfect for trying my new sweet making machines, though. Just choose a machine. Pop your coin in the slot and push the big red button.


Strawberry laces?


Nay. But strawberries are fruits, not sweets.


My sweets are made with delicious real fruit. Much tastier and much healthier.


Yummy strawberries. They look like hair.


You're right. I've got a strawberry ponytail.


My turn, my turn.


Emily Elephant has found a rainbow lollipop machine.


For this machine, you have to push the buttons to choose your favorite fruity flavors.




Yellow banana. Oh, you love red apples and pink raspberries.


And blue.


Blueberries and green apple.


You like all the flavors.


So fruity. Look, it's a big binning bowl.


That's a candy floss machine. Why don't you pop your coin in and give it a go?


Whoa. Mmm.


It tastes like coconut. It looks just like you, Susie.


And now it looks even more like you.


What is that?


Only one way to find out.


But I thought this was a sweetie machine, not a money machine. Can I use this to buy some real sweeties?


You don't need to. That coin is a sweetie pepper. It's a chocolate coin.






Pepper loves a sweet treat from the sweet shop. Everyone loves a sweet treat from the sweet shop. Today, Mummy pig has brought Peppa and George for a special visit to the toy shop.




I'm looking for a mummy and two little ones for a special toy shop treat. Have you seen them?


That's us.


Is it? Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go.


Hooray. Oh.


This is where you're able to create your very own special toy. Just swipe through to choose. You could pick a robot or a princess or a silly monster or a yemenite.




I didn't know you liked dinosaurs.


Dinosaur. Dinosaur.


Tiny sauce. George loves dinosaurs. They're his favorite.


I guess we know what he'll be making. Have fun.


Oh, good choice. Lovely.


A spaceman, a monster, a superhero.


Pepper and George love making their own toys. They both like very different things.


Mine is a robot dash.




Fantastic. Now with a little toy shop magic, the machine will make your toys lovely.


Now you just need to pick an outfit for your toys.


There are lots of different outfits to choose from, but Peppa and George think these outfits are perfect for their new toys.




Perfect. In they go.


Oh, dear. The toy machine has put the wrong clothes on the toys.


The machine mixed up their clothes, Miss Ross. Rabbits.


Oh, yes. Oh, well, they still look like fun toys to me.


And very creative.


Light egg is fun.




Wait for us, Peppa.




Wow. What is this room?


This is a special new toy machine. Just stand here in the middle.


Peppa, what is it doing?


Stay still.


What was that?


Ta da.


The machine has made a little toy that looks just like Peppa.


Look, George, I'm tiny wee.


And so are you.


And George love making toys in the toy shop, but George really loves being a toy, too.




Today, Peppa and her playgroup are at a juice. They're learning how juices make.


And this is the fruit squeezer. It squeezes all the juice out of the oranges.


Can I try squeezing oranges, Miss Rabbit?


Of course you can all try.




Everyone is having lots of fun squeezing the oranges, but it is very hard work.


My hands are tired of.


That's okay, because next up, we have the juice stomper.


The stomper has big boots to stomp out all the juice from the strawberries.




Can I try stomping Miss Rabbit?


Yes, everyone can try.




Pop these boots on and stomp away.


It's just like jumping in muddy puddles.


Well done, everyone. Now, follow me. This is where the juice is put into cartons. We have to match the flavor with the pitcher on the cartons. What flavor is this one?


It's red.


Is it strawberry?


Well done, Mandy. Press the red button to fill it up. And how about this one?


It's green, so apple.


Spot on, Susie. And this one?


It's lots of colors.


Well done, Peppa. You've created a brand new type of juice.


It's rainbow juice.


Everyone thinks the rainbow juice looks very delicious indeed.


This is the tasting room. It's where we make sure all the juice tastes scrum diddly umptious. But to make it fun, you have to guess what flavor each juice is.


Peppa and her playgroup love tasting juice.


Yum. This is orange juice.




This is apple juice.


This tastes like all the juices at once.


That's because it's your special rainbow juice.


Yum, yum, yum.


Peppa loves learning about juice, and Peppa really loves her delicious rainbow juice. Today, peppa and Mummy pig are riding the bumper cars at Potato City.


Can't catch me, Rebecca. Oh, yes, I can.


Meow. Come on, Peppa.


We found a new ride. It's a water ride. It's so splashy. I love splashy rides. Splashy.


Mummy pig isn't sure she loves splashy rides.


Why don't we go on a ride without splashes? Like this bench. Ooh, what fun.




We can go on that after. Come on, Mummy.




Everyone has arrived at the new water ride. Celery stick falls. Uh oh.




Oh, it is very splashy.


Very, very splashy.


Adults in the front, please. That means you, mummy pig, right here.


Oh, right. Okay.


Join the ride.


Oh, this is quite lovely.


The ride is going very high up.


Splash, splash, splash.


We all have to splash.


Not everyone loves to splash.


Yoo hoo.


Would you like a small splash, a big splash, or a humongous splash?


A hugmongus splash, please.


Okey dokey. Ready?






Five against, one off.


You go.


The celery stick falls are very fast and very splashy. There we are. Nice and dry. Oh, not again.


Yay. Yay.


That was amazing.


And very, very splashy.


Mummy, what are you doing to.


The splashes were amazing. Let's go again.


Now. Mummy pig loves humongous splashes. Everyone loves humongous splashes. Today is pancake day, so peppa and her family are eating at a fancy pancake restaurant.




I'll be your chef today. I make the pancakes right at your table, and you get to help.


What kind of pancakes can we make?


Any you can think of. We have lots of yummy ingredients.


I'll have this special mushroom pancake, please.


One banana licious banana pancake with extra bananas for me, please.


Coming right up.


Miss Rabbit is good at making pancakes.


Thank you. Now, a little color. Then add the mushrooms, bananas, and extra bananas.




And now for the best bit.


Smelling, eating.


Flipping it.






Miss Rabbit is very good at making pancakes.




Ta da.






Phew. Now, what would you two like in your pancakes?


I would like a chocolatey chocolate pancake with chocolate peas.


You clearly have a sweet tooth. And you, George? Oh, peas and tomato for George.


And pineapple coconut cabbage.




And this?


No, that's red hot chili pepper, pepper.


And George like all kinds of ingredients on their pancakes. And lots of them.


Ta da.




Want to help me flip? Now, on the count of three, we'll give them a gentle little flip. One, two, flip.


Pepper and George have flipped their pancakes very high and onto Mister Bull's plate. Oh, yummy. Mmm.




Very much.




It's sweet and savory. Crunchy and, ooo, spicy. Oh, delicious.


It's a special surprise pancake.




Peppa and George love making super special surprise pancakes.


Looks like we'll have to make another for you two.




But they really love eating them when they're done.


Welcome to the ice cream shop.


It is a very hot day, so Peppa and George are playing ice cream shops.


Here you go, mister daddy pig.


Oh, thank you.


What would you like misses mummy pige?


I'd like a banana split, please.


Hooray. Ooh. What's a banana split, granny?


It's a type of dessert. First, we need to cut a banana in half.


Naa na.


Oh ho ho ho ho.


Now we add ice cream, cherries, and whipped cream.


George likes adding the ice cream.


Careful. Don't squish the banana.


And peppa really likes adding whipped cream.


Don't forget the cherry on top.


Here is your banana split, misses mummy pige.


This looks delicious. Oh, please, could I have a knickerbocker glory?


A knock a nori. What's that, madam?


It's a type of ice cream sundae.


Can you only eat them on Sundays?


Not that type of sundae. You can eat them anytime. I'll show you. We need ice cream. Fruit, meringue and cream, pepper.


And George add all the ingredients into the glass.


And now you can decorate the top.


Then decorate with wafers, colorful sprinkles and sauce.


Here you are, madam.


This looks wonderful.


Now everyone has been served. What kind of ice cream would you two like?




A rainbow.


One rainbow pepper and George use lots.


Of different colored ice cream.


Pink for strawberry, brown for chocolate, yellow for banana nana.


Then they add their toppings.


Let's mix it all together. Oh.


Pepper and George have mixed all the colors together.


We've made a muddy puddle. Not rainbow ice cream.


I'm afraid we don't have much ice cream left. All we have is vanilla.


My favorite.


Peppa and George like making special ice creams, but they love vanilla ice cream the most.


It is dinner time.


But dinner has been burned.


Oh, dear. Do you think we can still eat it?


I think we should treat ourselves to a takeaway.




We choose what kind of food we like and it gets delivered to our house. There's chinese takeaway, indian takeaway or sushi.


Can we have this one, please?


Peppa wants to order chinese takeaway.


Let's have this and this.


And don't forget the special surprise.


Peppa and her family have ordered lots of delicious food.


What happens now?


Well, first the restaurant has to cook the food, and then they'll deliver it.


Oh, but how do they know where we live?


I gave them our address when we ordered the takeaway.


But how will it get here?


Miss Rabbit will bring it on her bike.


Oh, look. She's nearly here.


Let's go and find her.




Peppa and George have gone to the wrong door.


Here's your takeaway, Peppa. I hope you enjoy it.


Thank you.


Doctor. Dash. Lots of food to deliver.


Rice noodles, vegetable rolls and a special surprise for afterwards.


Pepper and George don't know what the special surprise is.




I love rice.




And I love my spicy noodles. Theyre my favorite.


Ooh, they might be my favorite too. Can I try some?


Yes, but just try a tiny bit.




I love noodles. Oh, but they are a bit spicy.


Spicy noodles are not peppers favorite.




Here, try a vegetable spring roll.




Vegetable spring rolls are my favorite.


Peppa and her family have finished their chinese takeaway.


Are you ready for the special surprise?




These are called fortune cookies. They have a special message inside that brings you good luck.




This good luck tastes amazing.


Pepper loves chinese takeaway. Everyone loves chinese takeaways. Today, Peppa and her friends are at a go kart track.


Hello, everybody ready to race go karts?


Peppa and her friends put on their race suits.


Red is my favorite color.


And don't forget your safety helmets. Now let's pick your go karts.




Danny dog has put his helmet on backwards.


Now, the pedals make the go kart go, and the brakes make it stop. And the steering wheel helps the go kart turn.




It's just like riding a bike. Why don't you all give it a try and start pedaling slowly?


I drive a big car all the time. A go kart should be easy.


Whoa. Whoa.


Oh, dear. I think I went a little bit too fast. Now how do I turn around?


The go kart race has begun, but Susie sheep is pedaling backwards.


Try pedaling forward, Susie.








Woo hoo.


Danny Dog is pedaling very quickly.


Remember to use the break, Danny.


Mummy pig is having trouble making her go karthe go.


Let's see. This makes it go backwards.


Do you need help, mummy pig?


Oh, no, thank you, Miss Rabbit. I'm sure I can do it.


My goat cart is too wiggly.


Pepper is driving all over the racetrack.


Turn the steering wheel more gently, Peppa.


Oh, much better.


Tappa and her friends like driving around the racetrack in their go karts.


There we go.




And mummy pig has finally got her go kart moving.




Time savage. Well done, everybody.




But the go kart race has finished.




Peppa and her friends love racing go karts.




Today, Peppa and her family are visiting the arcade.


Well done. You got a high score.


That's because Peppa and I are experts at all of these games.


Look at all these tokens, Pepper. If you collect lots of these, you can trade them in for a huge prize.




A prize.




Look at all these tokens.


Can we play that game next?


Of course, Peppa.


Mummy pig is showing peppa how to play carrot bop. She is bopping the carrots whenever they pop up.


Bop, bop, bop.


Would you both like to have a go?


Yes, please. More tokens. Does this mean we can get a really big prize? Daddy, Daddy.


Daddy pig is playing the dancing game. Daddy pig loves dancing.




I'm a bit of an expert at dancing, you know. Your turn, Pepper.


Phew. That was fun. But is there a game we can play all together?


I know just the game.


Peppa and her family are playing a balloon game. Whoever fills their balloons balloon with water. First win.


Did we get another high score?


Yes. Your score was so high that you have all won the jackpot. Now you can trade in all your tokens for a huge prize.




Let's go.


Hello again, Peppa.


Here are all our tokens. Can we please have our prize?


Of course. With this many tokens, you can get a marvelous, extraordinary, one of a kind pencil.


Hooray. A pencil.


Peppa loves winning lots of tokens with her family at the arcade. And Peppa really loves her brand new pencil.