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My soul, working all day. Over time hours, bullshit pay. So I can sit out here and waste my life away. Drag back home and drown my troubles away. It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to for people like me, people like you. Wish I could just wake up and it not be true, but it is. Oh, it is.


Living in the new world.


With a whole soul, this Richmond, North of Richmond, Lord knows it all just want to have total control I know. I want to know what you think. I want to know what you do. And they don't think you know. But I know that you do. Because your dollar ain't shit, and it's tax to no end. Because the rich man, don't the rich man.


It's for the women who birth are. Daughters and sons and they nurse are. All of our family while we are traveling, trying to get paychecks and work hard. I don't know how much longer I can take this. Only looks like I got half of my paycheck. How can I explain this all to a baby? I know I read it, the statement you gave me. You're missing a lot. I know you've been working daily around the clock. Got to provide for the family you got. But you laid off, sincerely your boss. I'm sorry. Isn't that sounding outrageous? How about you go home and say Go to your daughter and tell her you broke us when your boss will give you some change, you will take it. I am not one to just take it. I am not one to be lazy. Hearn what I get up put days in.


I am just one more pain. I'm sick of this shit. It's time for a change. They've taken control. They're picking our brains. Our money is earned. We work every day. We pay all our bills out. They're slept in some change. I'm sick of the game, sick of the lies. The rich getting rich while the poor are surviving. I'm on me and their leg for gas in the rise. They pin us against. Creator divide. It ain't about race. If we as the people just starts I'm standing up. They'll never defeat us. Created as equal as me that's the steeple. They pray all the devil, no way in the evil. I'm mad, they're breaking us bad. They're taking away all the raison we had. This country is sad, just knew where we at. It ain't what it was, so let's get it back. They made us this way. We all got to say We've all had another, and maybe one day we'll start seeing change. I'm tired of the games. Got nothing to lose and nothing to gain because everything costs them more than it should. We all have a voice, let's use it for good. I'm sick of this shit.


You all better wake up for us too late.


Lord, it's a dance. You know what I think? I'm thinking it's time that we all unite because if we combine the City Boys with the boys off in the pines and load up our rifles and form us aligned, we're only as weak as the links in the chain. So think for yourself and start using your brain to pit us against one another, my brother. Don't focus on color, quit fanning the flames. We're selling our soul for the fortune of fame. They poison the water, derailing the trains, killing the cattle and taxing the grains. No one does nothing but bitch and complain. It's a damn shame. But people like me will survive. Blue-colored baby, I work to get mine. My people don't stand in a welfare land. Hunting and fishing, they grow in the garden. They're starving your family while feeding you lies. What can a man is that? I don't live while children get raped. I'd rather die. Just give us a licidal button. It's hot, and they'll all be dead by the end of the night. I promise I'll make sure they all see the When I give him the end of my national.


More politicians look out for miners, not just miners on an island somewhere. Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothing to eat. And they're milk and welfare. God, if you're 5'3 and you're £300, taxes ought not to pay for your bags of butt rounds. Young men are putting themselves 6 feet in the ground because all this damn country does is keep on kicking them down. Lord, it's a damn shame. What the world's got them to for people like me, people like you, wish I could just wake up and it not be true, but it is. Oh, it is living in the new world with an old soul. These rich men know the rich men, Lord knows they all just want to have total control. Want to know what you think, want to know what you do, and they don't think you know, but I know that you do because your dollar ain't shit, and it's tax to no end, cause the rich men, don't the rich men.


Anybody give their teammates a push in, no? No. No. No. No. No.


No We need to stick in the window, boys. Did he hit his head? Yeah, bang. All feet are living. All feet are living. Come on, Magic Juan. I don't have a change of finger. What do you say? Magic Juan. What's going on? I'm not going enough to change my finger. Here. No, though. You want to change your finger? No. No, tell him you're the Magic Juan. No. Come


on, Jay. Come on, Jay. You knew we'd make it. Come on. Come on, hit me hard. Come on. Come on. You think boys, you're going to be guessing all of that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


All right.