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Today, Peppa and her family are at a science museum. They are very excited to see an exhibit all about magnets.


Oh, these aren't magnets. They're fish.


The fish are made of metal, pepper. So we can fish them out with these magnets.


Fishing rods, just like on grandpa pig's boat.


Just be careful. Magnets can be quite sticky.




Pepper and George are catching lots of metal fish and metal glasses and metal keys and all sorts of metal objects.


Stop. Huh?


May I have my watch back, please?




Sorry very much.


Bye bye.


There we are. Oh, maybe not. Use the magnets to race your magnetic slime to the end of the track. What magnetic slime?


Maybe this button will give us the slime. Splat.


Magnets. Ready?




The slime has little bits of metal in it so it can stick to the magnets.


I'm winning. I'm winning.


And the winner is. Oh. Uh, um. I can't see who the winner is.


What was that?




Look, George.




But what do pictures of us have to do with magnets?


Ah ha.




The board uses magnets and little bits of metal so you can draw on the pictures.


How creative, George.






What do you think, Daddy?


I look great.




Ah, not again.


Everyone loves learning about magnets at the science museum. Well, everyone except Daddy pig. Today, Mummy pig has brought Peppa and George for a special visit to the toy shop.




I'm looking for a mummy and two little ones for a special toy shop treat. Have you seen them?


That's us.


Is it? Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go.


Hooray. Oh.


This is where you're able to create your very own special toy. Just swipe through to choose. You could pick a robot or a princess or a silly monster or a dinosaur. I didn't know you liked dinosaurs.


Dinosaur. Dinosaur. Tiny shore.


George loves dinosaurs. They're his favorite.


I guess we know what he'll be making. Have fun.


Oh, good choice. Lovely.


A spaceman. A monster, a superhero.


Pepper and George love making their own toys. They both like very different things.


Mine is a robot dash.


Fantastic. Now, with a little toy shop magic, the machine will make your toys lovely.


Now you just need to pick an outfit for your toys.


There are lots of different outfits to choose from. But Peppa and George think these outfits are perfect for their new toys.




Perfect. In they go.


Oh, dear. The toy machine has put the wrong clothes on the toys.


The machine mixed up their clothes, Miss Randyeh. Rabbits.


Oh, yes. Ah, well, they still look like fun.


Toys to me and very creative.


Light egg is fun.


Weep for us, Peppa wee.


Wow. What is this room?


This is a special new toy machine. Just stand here in the middle.


Peppa, what is it doing?


Stay still.


What was that? Ta da.


The machine has made a little toy that looks just like Peppa.


Look, George, I'm tiny wee, and so are you.


And George love making toys in the toy shop, but George really loves being a toy, too.


Back soon, mummy.




Daddy Pig has to pick something up from work, so Pepper and George have come with him to his office.


Sorry, Mister Rabbit.




George really likes all the buttons in the lift.




Oh, dear. All that button pushing has broken the lift.


Whoopsie. George.


Don't worry, George. Bit of an expert at lifts, you know. Ah.


The buttons in the lift aren't working.


Hello. Welcome to the lift.


Is this lift magic?


No, it's voice activated, which means we just have to tell it where to go. Much easier.




Ahem. Hello, lift. We would like to go to my office, please.


The lift is working again.




Floor two. Office of bees.


But it hasn't taken them to Daddy Pig's office.


No, not office of bees. Office, please.


Classic office cheese.




I love cheese.


I said a fish.


Floor 16. A fish.


Silly. Magic lift.


The lift doesn't seem to understand Daddy pig's voice.


I'll try. Can we go to daddy's job now.


Arriving at the top?


Not the top. Daddy's job, please.


Peppa and her family keep trying to get to Daddy Pig's office, but the magic lift takes them to the wrong floors. And spooky floors and even party floors. But none of them are the right floor. Until.


My office.




Hello, Mummy pig. We just had a little trouble with the lift. Be there soon.


Peppa and George really love the magic lift, but daddy pig much prefers to take the stage. Today, Peppa and Mummy pig are riding the bumper cars at Potato City.


Can't catch me, Rebecca.


Oh, yes, I can. Meow. Come on, Peppa.


We found a new ride. It's a water ride.


It's so splashy.


I love splashy rides. Splashy?


Mummy pig isn't sure she loves splashy rides.


Why don't we go on a ride without splashes? Like this bench. Ooh, what fun.




We can go on that after. Come on, mummy.




Everyone has arrived at the new water ride. Celery stick full. Uh oh.




Oh, it is very splashy.


Very, very splashy.


Adults in the front, please. That means you, Mummy pig. Right here.


Oh, right okay.


Enjoy the ride.


Oh, this is quite lovely.


The ride is going very high up.


We all have to splash.


Not everyone loves to splash.


Yoo hoo.


Would you like a small splash, a big splash, or a humongous splash?


A hugmongus splash, please.


Okey dokey. Ready?






Five against one.


Off you go.


The celery stick falls are very fast and very splashy. There we are. Nice and dry. Oh, not again.


Yay. Yay.


That was amazing.


And very, very splashy.


Mummy, what are you doing?


The splashes were amazing.


Let's go again.


Now. Mummy pig loves humongous splashes. Everyone loves humongous splashes.








There's one.




Today, Peppa and her family have come to the shopping center.




Perhaps we'll get out here.


I'll park up and find you soon. If I can find a space.


They've come to the toy shop to find a gift for baby Alexander.


There's so many toys.


Now. What do we think baby Alexander will like?




Maybe this basketball. Or this blaster.


Pop pop.


Or this karaoke machine.




These are very fun, but I'm not sure they're right for a baby.


Then we'll have to keep looking.


Hmm. Wee.


Daddy Pig has finally found a spot in the car park. But the parking space is so small, he can't get out of the car.


I'll just have to go around again.






What have you found, George?


It's like the car park we were in.


Car park?


George loves the toy car park.


Up, up.


Baby Alexander does like cars, but I think he is too young for this toy.




What about this ball, George?


No. Up.


Or maybe this cuddly Teddy?


No. Whee.


George doesn't think any of these toys are right for baby Alexander.


What about this noisy rattle?




George only likes the toy carpet.




Look at this. George no see you.


What a perfect gift for Baby Alexander. We'll take it, please, Miss Rabbit. I wonder where Daddy pig parked.




Hello, everyone.


Everyone loves going toy shopping, but Daddy and George really love the car park. Today, Peppa and her family are visiting the arcade.


Well done. You got a high score.


That's because Peppa and I are experts at all of these games.


Look at all these tokens, Peppa. If you collect lots of these, you can trade them in for a huge prize.








Look at all these tokens.


Can we play that game next?


Of course, Peppa.


Mummy pig is showing Peppa how to play carrot bop. She is bopping the carrots whenever they pop up.


Bop, bop, bop.


Would you both like to have a go?


Yes, please. More tokens. Does this mean we can get a really big prize? Daddy. Daddy.


Daddy Pig is playing the dancing game. Daddy Pig loves dancing.


I'm a bit of an expert at dancing, you know. Your turn, Peppa.


Woo. Yay.


Phew. That was fun. But is there a game we can play all together?


I know just the game.


Peppa and her family are playing a balloon game. Whoever fills their balloon with water first wins.


Did we get another high score?


Yes. Your score was so high that you have all won the jackpot. Now you can trade in all your tokens for a huge prize.




Let's go.


Hello again, Peppa.


Here are all our tokens. Can we please have our prize?


Of course. With this many tokens, you can get a marvelous, extraordinary, one of a kind pencil.


Hooray. A pencil.


Peppa loves winning lots of tokens with her family at the arcade. And Peppa really loves her brand new pencil.


I think you're on mute. We can't hear you today.


Mummy pig is on a video call.


Ah, well, let's circle back later in the meantime. Sorry, I'm just going to mute myself for a moment. Everyone.


Hello? Mummy? We're bored. Can you play with us?




I'm a bit busy. I'm afraid I'm on a video call.


Ooo, we want to do a video call.


Why don't you ask Daddy Pig to set one up for you?


Come on, George.


Daddy Pig has set up a video call with Granny Pig and Grandpa Pige.


Hello Peppa and hello George.


I want to be on screen. George.




George, can you hear us? Where's Peppa?


I'm here.


Peppa has joined the call from Daddy Pig's tablet.


Let's circle back. Granny and grandpa.


Circle back?


What does that mean?


Must be one of these circle buttons. No, this isn't right.


Grandpa Pig has turned on a filter.


Your robot. And George is a snowman.


And I'm a spaghetti monster.


There are lots of silly filters to choose from.


That's better. Where are you off to, Pepper?


Now there are two peppers on the video call.


It's making a bit of an echo.


Pepper, let's call. Mummy.


You'Re on mute. Even I know that one.


Sorry, everyone. Where's Daddy?


I'm here.


Diny shoe.


Now everyone is on the video call. And everyone is a dinosaur.


Dinner's ready, everyone. So time to hang up.


Bye, Granny and grandpa.


Bye bye.


Speak soon. Oh, bye.


Maybe that's enough squeaks for today.


We'll circle back later.


Today. Peppa and George have come to play in a special bouncy maze.


We're in a bit of a rush, so quick as you can, please, and don't get lost.


The first room has a big bouncy castle inside.


Nick. Hello, ney.


Sorry we can't play. We're in a bit of a rush. Come on, George.


Pepper has gone through the blue exit, but George has gone through the red one by mistake. This room has a soft tunnel with Susie sheep inside.


Hi, Susie. Me and George have to go fast because we're in a rush.




Oh, George.


This room is extra bouncy.


Hi, Rebecca. Is this the way out? We're in a rush.


Yes. Through there, wheat. Hurray.


We found the way out.


Well done, Peppa. But where's George?


I thought he was behind me.


Maybe he's lost in the maze.




We have to find him.




George isn't lost. He's just having lots of fun.


Do you know where George is? No.


He went that way.




But Mummy pig is not as good at bouncing as Peppa.


We're coming, George. All.


It's okay. Mummy falling is just as fun as bouncing.


Wee wee. Hmm.




There he is.


We're coming, George.






We found you.


Phew. It's time for us to go home.


George doesn't want to go home. He's having lots of fun in the bouncy maze.


Well, then we'll have to come and get you.


Peppa and George love playing in the bouncy maze.


We got you. I won't ever lose you again.


Look out below.




Now we really have to go.


And so does Mummy pig.




Today, Pepper is going to Rebecca Rabbit Bunny.


Bye, Mummy.


Today, Peppa is already at Rebecca Rabbits Burrow. She's come to play a new video.


Game called Carrot Catcher.


Do you want to play?


Yes, please. I'm amazingly, really excellent at games.


Oh, dear. Pepper doesn't know how to begin the game.


Umm, I am amazingly, really excellent at games. But maybe it would be more fun if you started the game, Rebecca. Oh, yes. I knew that.


First you pick your bunny, then you.


Hop around and catch the carrots.


Oh, yes. Umm.


Peppa is amazingly, really excellent at video games. But she might need a bit of help with this one.


How do you catch the carrots? Please, Rebecca.


Like this. Yay.


I'm good at this. Oh, my turn.


Rebecca Rabbit is amazingly, really excellent at this game.


You're really good at catching carrots Rebecca.


I've had lots of practice.


Do you want to play together? Now we can be a team.






Got it.




Here's one.


There's one.




New high score.




Peppa and Rebecca make a very good team.


Rosie. Robbie. What are you doing? Hello, you two. Have you seen the twins? They've run off with our lunch.


We'll catch them.


We good at catching carrots and baby bunnies? Found one, Rosie. Gotcha.


Here's another one, Robbie.


Got it.


Mmm. Still good.


Peppa and Rebecca are very good carrot catchers.






Lunch is safe.


Thank you.


In fact, Peppa and Rebecca are amazingly, really excellent carrot catchers today. Peppa and George are playing in the sand pit. Peppa is playing with toy cars. She has a fire engine, an ambulance, a digger, and.


George. Where's the police car?


The police car is lost in the sand.


Where did you put it? George?


Please, cardinal.


It'S okay. We'll find it together.


It'll be. Aha.


An adventure.


Peppa and George are pretending they are in a big, sandy desert.


Let's take the fire engine.


Peppa and George are using the fire engine to search for sand.




For you. Me, too. Let's have a drink. Wee lucky the hose is full of orange juice.


Peppa and George love orange juice.


Come on.


We still need to find the police car.


Hmm. Hmm.


Over there. That sounds like.


Police car.


I told you we'd find find it.


Yay. Denture.


Now we just have to take it out. Beep, beep, beep. Beep. Beep beep. This is going to take forever.




Where are you going, George? You turned into a giant.


Peppa and George have found the police car.


Beep, beep, beep. Do you know where the digger is, George?


But it looks like they'll have to go on another adventure to find the digger.