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Here. Uh, remind me to check it out right after this. Got a little failure. Oh, quick. Nope.


I love the, uh, the parachute skin. Oh, that is men.


Don't question. Don't question. Never, never question. Just.


Oh, boy. Okay, okay, okay. Whoa. You are fully gtfoing. I need to taste you.


Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme. Oh, can I also mention one thing? Um, is anyone else's, like, servers doing what my servers are doing?


Gg, bro, this feller. Oh, that's couple dudes good. Yes. Taco seat. Guys, which heli is better?


This one that I'm currently using, or, like, legendary good, because I I only stopped using a legendary heli just because it started getting in the way.


Oh, that just suck.


I mean, can you beat a custom hs 21 26? Okay, hold it.


So what, this is all right with, like, the maxed out version? There's, like, this flame. Oh, my God. Quick nope. Quick.


Nope. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. You're. Oh, my God. Why is quick note the goat?


Why is quick note the goat? Oh, I am moving. I am moving. I'm moving. Okay, dude, I'm, like, trying to go and notice a difference going on with, like, the iron sight.


Also, I am down, down to poosh. You might have been using little sniper Ledora. Yeah, like, the red on that.


You're probably doing a whole lot of third picky good. Oh, my. Through the traces.


The tracers are insane.


Okay, be poosh. I mean, maybe. Guys, this might be a bad take that I'm gonna have. I swear, the tracers, you would think, like, oh, yeah, the tracers are a good thing.


I. Like, I struggle heavy with using the tracers, men. They're intense. Like, it's hard to go in, know exactly where the dudes are. Like, does it make it look cool?


Yes. Oh, my God.


Oh, that. That looks like that smokey. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. That is so close to busting. Okay, we're doing full elimination.


Okay. And right. The death effect is more enhanced with this here, too. I. Oh, he's actually coming back.


Wasn't this dude your thing is busting, Sir Caesar, Mister Cesar salad, should there be anything new going on with. With the inspect?


I think it's just same thing. No, I do also see enemy up over here. That is real, dude.


Oh, that looks like the mythic Odin right there, dude. That gives me massive mythic Odin vibes. Oh, okay, I'm down. Push. We pushed.


This dude has. There is. I'm looking at three traps right now. There's three traps. That is helly.




I could very well be selling this. I could very well be selling this place. Oh, he's like, fully. Is he fully bouncing? He's doing little loop.


Getting place down. Another try. I think he just went in. Oh, no, no. Man's commit.


Ay, yeah. Thank you. Okay, full. Since I do also have the level one. Oh, come back in.


These guys are just redropping right back on their stuff, man.


Oh, I doubt this dude was able to regrab ack his stuff. Caesar. Caesar. Mister salad. Whoa, whoa, whoa.


He probably. He probably thinks I'm extremely sweaty.


Oh, okay, we can do fully limb. Oh, maybe that was me that went by the other loadout. This gun is a wooden. It looks good. I don't even know, like, what, uh, what the build for this actually is, like, here, right?


This is. This is my level one variance, and this is the maxed. Oh, my God, guys. Like, obviously the maxed out variant does look better, right? Maxed out variant looks so much better.


Whoa. It's so much better. I don't know if I would go that far, but you have to keep in mind that the, like, price difference, right? It's like a plus 250 upgrade in order to do that.


Is it? Oh, my God. My man was hoarding on to all of the kinetics at that point. Is it really worth that big of an upgrade? Okay, yeah.


Quick. Nope. I am down to push. Let me. Let me juice.


I am down. Yolo. Yolo. The colors are more vibrant, right? Like, especially in the middle of the gala for the maxed out version.


Like, that red pops out so much more. Oh, this is probably gonna end up being big team y.


That is a shoddy. Oh, my God, I feel like a sweat right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Being quick. No fire.


Holding hands. This dude is okay. Oh, he is. Oh. Whoa, whoa.


Oh. Put that in reverse.


Oh, my.


That is two dudes.


Oh. Oh. And other guys. Other guy just landed right back here. Good.


I push.


That is a suck. Suck. Sucking me, sucking me, sucking you.


Oh. Uh oh. Oh. Quick. Dope.


That is two dudes. Dos, dos and amigo. Dos and amigo.


Bro, this makes me on. Whoa. Oh, good. Like Hitler. Aim, assist.


Dude, no joke. If this is what, like, duo's duo squads is. Life.


Oh, I think I'm done.


Come on. If this is what duo squads is like, I'm actually down to run up more of this, man. Like, this was an actual good, like, populated game. Oh, there is, man with succulent wood. I will get sucked off.


Okay, now I'm actually gonna be. I'm gonna be following this guy's footsteps. I cannot claim. This is insane. Level three is half a moon shape one.


You'll need to try that one and take the tracers off. Okay. All right, quick. Nope, there is. Boom.




Oh, I could see this being like a. Oh, it's not gonna be a massive team here at end. Let's go crazy with the clusters. This dude's right down here.


I feel like you just are shooting blindly with the tracers at range. It just seems like such a pay to lose type of thing going on. Whoa. Are these all solo?


Okay, we're down with babe guys. We are doing a private right after this. By the way, fun pack. The ammo counters on the shoulder eclipsed on the. On the maxed.


On the maxed gun.


Wait, so it's. Is it only for, like, the level? Is it only for, like, the level five iron sight?


Oh, my. Okay, we're gonna have to do fat rotation. This isn't final team. Right? Oh, and we gotta move.


I smoke. Please stop using maxed with the tracers. It's like I'm trying to use the maxed out version just to understand why people would even wanna use the, like, max this out for the tracers in the first place. Like, I'm trying to go and understand, and I'm struggling to understand. Left.


Okay, quick. Nope. I will attempt to win.


Yay. Yes.