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Today, Peppa and her family are visiting the botanical garden.


This one's too cool. These smell lovely. And that one is on Daddy's head.


Step Look right up to the Very Tricky Hedge Maze. Enter if you dare.


What's this, Miss Rabbit?


This is a Very Tricky Hedge Maze. It's a long winding path with lots of twisty turns. You have to find the big fountain in the middle.


Peppa and George like the sound of the Very Tricky Maze.


I'm a bit of an expert at mazes. I almost never get lost. Good Let's go. Hoorah.


Peppa and her family are making their way through the maze. It is very winding.


Everyone thinks it is very fun indeed.


There's nowhere to go.


Oh, dear. We'll have to go back and try a Another way, Daddy Pig. Daddy Pig?


Over here, Mummy Pig. George and I must have taken a wrong turn.


Perhaps we should meet at the fountain in the middle.


Good idea. Here. Rase you.


Look, Mummy. More tall flowers. And little ones.


Peppa and Mummy Pig are having lots of fun in the maze, but Daddy and George are a bit lost.


Not to worry, George. We'll make it as long as we don't give up. Oh, hello, George.


The fountain is that way. Buy the big leafy flowers.


Hooray. Off we go.


Everyone has arrived at the center of the maze.




Well done. You finish the first bit of the maze very quickly.


What's the second bit?


Finding your way out, of course.


Peppa and her family loved going into the very tricky hedge maze, and they're really going to love finding their way out again, too. Today, Peppa and Mummy Pig are riding the bumper cars at potato City.


Can't catch me, Rebecca. Oh, yes, I can. Come on, Peppa. We found a new ride.


It's a water ride. It's so splashy. I love splashy rides.


Splashy? Mummy Pig isn't sure she loves splashy rides.


Why don't we go on a ride without splashies? Like, this bench? What fun.




We can go on that after.


Come on, Mummy. Everyone has arrived at the new water ride, Celery stick falls. Uh-oh.




It is very splashy.


Very, very splashy. Adopt in the front, please.


That means you, Mummy Pig, right here.


Oh, right. Okay.


Enjoy the ride. Oh, this is quite lovely.


The ride is going very high up. Splish, splash, splash.


We all love to splash.


Not everyone loves to splash. You-hoo.


Would you like a small splash A big splash or a humongous splash? A humongous splash, please. Yeah. No. Okay dokey. Ready? Yes. No. Five against one. Off you Hello.


The celery stick falls are very fast and very splashy.


There we are. Nice and dry.


Oh, not again. Yay. That was amazing. And very, very splashy.


Mummy, What are you doing?


The splashes were amazing. Let's go again.


Now, Mummy Pig loves humongous splashies. Every Everyone loves humongous splashes. Today, Peppa and her classmates are visiting a chocolate factory. Can I try some chocolate, please, Miss Rabbit?


You can, Peppa. Yay. But we've got to make it first.




Peppa is very excited to make chocolate.


How do we make it, Miss Rabbit?


With this machine. Hello, machine. Can you make me Can I get some chocolate, please?


Thank you, machine. Now, can I try some of it, please?


Not yet, Peppa. We need to decorate it first. Follow me.


Everyone is very excited to decorate the chocolate, too.


You can decorate one chocolate bar each.


It looks like a muddy puzzle.


Yes, but don't jump in it, Peppa.


And you can add whatever decoration you like from the table as long as it's yummy.


Mine is a carroty chocolate bar. Screep.




Mine is a cheesy chocolate bar.




And mine is a spaghetti chocolate bar.




Because strawberry laces look like spaghetti.


You. Scrumptuous.


Can I try some chocolate now, please, Miss Rabbit?


Almost, Peppa. The chocolate needs to cool in the fridge first.


The fridge is very cold and makes the liquid chocolate Rabbit, harden into bars.


And done.


Hooray. Can we please try some chocolate now, Miss Rabbit?


Not yet, Peppa. Oh, wait. Yes, you can.


Hooray. Tea, delicious. Scrum, diddly, option. Is something wrong, I just really liked it when the chocolate was all runny like a muddy puddle.


Then it's lucky I have one more treat for you all. It's...


A chocolate fountain.


It's just like a giant chocolate muddy puddle.


And lots of nice healthy fruit to dip too. Thank you, Miss Rabbit.


Peppa loves muddy puddles, especially when they're made out of chocolate. Today, Peppa and George are helping Daddy Pig tidy some old boxes.


What's this, Daddy?


That's my trusty It's called camera, Peppa. You press the button to take a picture. Cheese. And it prints the photo out. Look, I can see it.


Can I have a go, please? Say, Cheese.


Now, Peppa is taking photos with the camera.


This camera is really fun.


Have fun. But there isn't much photopaper left, so use it wisely.


George loves taking lots of photos.


Oh, dear. It's run out of photo paper.


Oh, but I love taking pictures.


Why don't we use my phone's camera instead? It can even add filters to a photo.


Daddy Pig's phone camera has given George a pretend mustache. Come on, George.


Let's take more photos.


Peppa and George are having lots of fun taking pictures. The phone camera has given Mummy Pig a flowery filter.


Say cheese.


And Grandpa Pig has a very fine hat. Peppa, George, and Daddy Pig have come to the park to take even more photos.


Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Bird.




Say cheese, Mr. Bull.




What a funny photo.


Daddy Pig wants to take a photo with Peppa and George by the ducks.


Say cheese, everybody. One, two, three.




Peppa Peppa and George are sticking all the photos from the day into a scrapbook.


Look at this one, George.


But some of the photos are blurry.


The photos don't have to be perfect. They just have to remind you of a lovely day.


Everyone loves taking photos, and everyone has had a very lovely day. Today, Peppa and her playgroup are doing a fun run to raise money for a new school Bell.


Is everybody ready to run?




Okay, on your marks, get set, go.


Oh, dear. It has started to rain, and nobody wants to run in the rain.


Should we do the race another day when it's not so cloudy and rainy?


Except Except for Peppa.


But the rain will make the fun run even more fun. There'll be so many muddy puddles.


All right.


That means on your marks, again, get set, again, and...


Go, again.


The rain has made a small puddle on the running track.


But Rebecca Rabbit is is very good at jumping. I did it. Sorry, Rebecca.


That's okay, Peppa.


Come along, you two. Lots of race to go.


The wind is making it hard for Susie and Mummy Sheep to climb the hill.


The wind is too strong, and the hill is too slippery.


Aha. I know.


Emily Elephant is very good at pulling things with her trunk.


The way down looks very muddy. Yep, so it's fun to slide down.


And Peppa is very good at sliding in the mud.


Peppa and Daddy Pig have arrived at the big trees.


Everyone must crawl under the low branches to finish the race.


That does look fun.


Everyone has made it to the finish line.


We have raised enough money to fix the school bell.




Mr Bull will fix it tomorrow. Hooray! Did you have fun, Daddy? Daddy?


Everyone loves running in the rain.


Come on, Eppa, we're going again.


But Daddy Pig really loves running in the rain. Peppa and Susie are pretending to be police officers.


Police, we'll help you. Yeah.


Thanks, police officers.


You're welcome. Now we must get back to solving crimes.Nino.


Nino.oh, my.


What is it, Madame Gazelle?


I think my special pen has It's gone missing.


This sounds like a mystery. Don't worry. Me and police officer Susie will solve the case.


Peppa and Susie are looking for clues to find the special pen. They're using a magnifying glass to make small things look bigger. Aha, Purple.


That's the same color as Danny Dog's T-shirt. Have you seen the special pen, Danny?


I don't think so.


Well, we'd better take you to the police station to ask you some questions.


Peppa and Susie have made a pretend police station so they can ask everyone questions about the missing pen. It's made from books and pillows.


This police station doesn't even have It's a nice place to read, though.


Peppa and Susie are asking everybody about the special pen. They've brought Candy Cat to the pretend police station.


Candy Cat, can you remember what color the special pen is? Red? No, green. Actually, pink. No, blue. Aha, you've been very helpful. Let's take a big look around. The special blue pen must be hidden somewhere.


Peppa and Susie are searching everywhere for the special pen, but they can't find it anywhere.


I can't find it anywhere. I have an idea.


Now, Madame Gazelle is answering questions at the pretend police station.


When did you last see What's your pen, Madame Gazelle?


Well, let's see. I used it this morning. Then I put it behind my ear. Oh, my.


Madame Gazelle's special pen has been behind her ear all along. We found it. We solved the mystery. Hooray.


Thank you for helping me, Peppa and Susie. I think you would make very good police officers.


Today, Peppa and George are at a fun fair. Hi, Peppa.


Have you been in the fun house yet? What's a fun house?


It's a special fun fair house that has lots of silly rooms and funny hallways.


Can me and George go into the fun house, please? Please.


Hello, Miss Rabbit. Two for the fun house.


To enter the fun house, Mummy Pig must buy tokens from Miss Rabbit. But the tokens cost more coins than Mummy Pig thought.




Thank you, Mummy Pig. Right this way. Hooray. Oh. This is the Rikety-Rackety Bridge. Pass through to see the rest of the fun house.


Peppa is moving very slowly and carefully across the bridge. But George thinks it's fun to go very fast.


Your way is much better, George. Congratulations.


Now you need to follow the arrows.


This way, George.


These mirrors are so wobbly.


The Funhouse mirrors make Peppa and George look very silly indeed.


This mirror makes me look so tall, and you look like you have a very big head, George. That one makes you look really round. Round. And this mirror It makes me look like Miss Rabbit.


That's because I am Miss Rabbit. Follow me to the twisty, turny tunnel.


The Funhouse Tunnel spins round and round. And it's very windy.


Look, after the tunnel, we get to go down the slide. I'll help you, George.


I wonder what's taking so long. I hope they're not lost.


How was it?


The fun house was really fun.


How fitting.


Everyone loves the fun house because the fun house is very... Today, Peppa and her family are at the supermarket. Doing their weekly shop. Beep. They're using a special machine to beep their shopping as they go.


We have potatoes, milk, bread, Good. Oh, careful.


And beans. Sorry, Mr Bull. The supermarket will close in two minutes. Please make your way to the checkout.


We'd better get a move on. This trolley has a very wibbly, wobbly wheel, mommy. Try this one, Peppa. It's a bit less wobbly. But the wibbly-wobbles are fun. Wibbly-wobbly. Well, if you're sure, but I bet mine's faster, I'll race you. Really? Ready? One, two, three, go.


And she's off. Wait for us. First, we need some cereal.


Quick, George. Got it.


And Peppa and George take the lead.


What's next, Daddy?


Oh, cheese. Found it. Beep.


Pat the next.


Beeps. Grapes. Beep.


Frozen pees. Here they are. Beep. The last item on the list is toilet paper.


The toilet paper is all the way at the other end of the supermarket. Hello, shoppers. The supermarket is about to close.


Quickly, everyone.


Look out. We're going too fast.


It happens and her family have found the toilet paper.


In fact, they found lots of toilet paper.


Okay, you lot, this store is definitely closed now. Once all this toilet paper is paid for.


Peppa and her family love shopping at the supermarket, especially for toilet paper.


Today, Peppa and her friends are at the water park.


Hello, everyone.


Hello, Ms. Rabbit.


Before you all go swimming, I have some important rules to teach you.


Ms. Rabbit is telling everyone how to be safe in the swimming pool.


The first rule is no splashing.


No splashings, Mr Bull.


Sorry, Peppa. Sorry, Miss Rabbit.


That's Okay, Mr Bull. The second rule is no running.


Silly, Mr Bull.


No running.


Sorry again.


Mr Bull doesn't know any of the rules.


And the last rule is everyone must have a simply splendid time.


Oh, Have a splendid time, Mr Bull. Right, you're Pippa.


Enjoy the pool, everyone. What shall we do first?


Let's go on the water slide. Hooray!


Everyone is very excited to ride the Water Slides. Hello, again.


Who wants to go down the slide?




Well, you're in luck. There is one slide for each of you. Let's have a race. Good idea. Lucky I brought my flag. On your marks, get set, go. And Danny Dog zooms into the lead, followed by Pepper. Then it's Gerald Giraffe and Susie's sheep coming up behind. It's incredibly close Water slide racing at its best.


Hello, Danny. Hello, Mr Bull.


They're nearly at the finish line. It's neck and neck. Who will come out on top? It's a draw. Everybody wins.


Peppa and her friends love the slides, but they have forgotten the first rule of the water park.


At home.


No, I'm splashy.


Today, Peppa and her family have come to London to watch Superpotato, the Musical.


Goodness. We better get walking or we'll miss the start of the show. Oh, no.


We're going to get all wet.


Not to worry, we can take the underground train instead.


Hooray. The underground train is underground. It never rains underground. And there is a colorful map that shows where all the trains go.


It looks like spaghetti. Ready.


So we are here, and we need to get here.


We can take the blue train first, and then...


Take the red train.


Yes, Well done, Peppa. Off we go.


First, Peppa must have her ticket checked by the ticket barrier.


Thank you, ticket robot. I'm stuck.


Hold tight, Peppa. I'll get you out.


Thank you, Miss Rabbit.


This way, Peppa. Follow the blue line, everyone.


I'm stuck, too.


The train is arriving at the platform from a very dark tunnel. The train is very, very busy. Why is everybody rushing? Excuse me.


They are in a hurry. Everyone on the underground train is in a hurry.


On we go. Watch your step, everyone.


Hello, everyone. Welcome aboard the blue train.


Mind the doors.


Hold on, Peppa. The underground train is very bumpy.


On your left, you'll see under the ground. And on your right, you'll see even more under the ground.


Change here for the red train.


The red train? That's us. Watch your step, George. Hold tight, everyone. We're here, we're here.


The show starts in a few in minutes. We might miss the beginning.


Oh, no, you won't. Follow me. I'll get you to Super potato the Musical on time, or my name isn't. Super potato. Hooray. Big celebrity coming through. Make way for the star. Thank you. No autographs today.


Super potato is in a hurry, too. Everyone on the underground train is in a hurry. Wow. Today, Peppa and her family are visiting the arcade. Peppa.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah. Well done.


You got a high score.


That's because Peppa and I are experts at all of these games.


Look at all these tokens, Peppa. If you collect lots of these, you can trade them in for a huge prize. Wow, a prize. Screek.


Look at all these tokens. Can we play that game next?


Of course, Peppa.


Mummy Pig is showing Peppa how to play carrot bop. She is bopping the carrots whenever they pop up.


Bop, bop, bop. Would you both like to have a go? Yes, please. Bop, hop, hop.


More token. Does this mean we can get a really big prize, Daddy? Daddy?


Daddy Pig is playing the dancing game. Daddy Pig loves dancing. Wow.


I'm a bit of an expert at dancing, you know. Your turn, Peppa.


Wow. Yeah. That was fun. But is there a game we can play all together?


I know just the game.


Peppa and her family are playing a balloon game. Whoever fills their balloon with water first wins.


Did we get another high score?


Yes, your score was so high that you have all won the jackpots. Now you can trade in all your tokens for a huge prize. Wow.


Let's go. Hello again, Peppa.


Here are all our tokens. Can we please have our prize?


Of course. With this many tokens, you can get a marvelous, extraordinary, one-of-a-kind pencil. Hooray, a pencil.


Peppa loves winning lots of tokens with her family at the arcade, and Peppa really loves her brand new pencil.