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Gekko's garbage is time to free. Hello, everyone.


We're giving our friend, Vicky, the ice cream truck, a full service. (coughing) Thanks, Kat.


No problem, Geko. I love to help, and I love ice cream, too. (laughing) We.


Just have to repair Vicky's ice cream maker. Let's hurry before the ice cream in here melts. (laughing) With a truck like that.


I could have free ice cream all to myself. We've got Vicky. Oh, no.


Poor Vicky. And the ice cream in here will melt without her. Come on, Kat. Go, go, Tillytoe truck. Icelebrated ice cream. Oh.


Delicious ice cream. I can't wait to taste that cold, sweet, smooth ice pool. Oh. Da.




Wobbling whiskey. Oh, there it is. How can you be an ice cream truck without any ice cream? It must be in here somewhere.


Which button for ice cream?


Oh. (drawer clanking) Oh. Oh.




No. No, no, go away. I don't have any ice cream for you. Or even for me.


Oh, where.


Is Vicky? We need to get this ice cream back inside her to keep it frozen.




Do you hear that? Vicky. Sorry. Oh, excuse me. Oh, pardon. Thank you.


The beach.


It's a dead end. Wasn't me.


I'm no ice cream, Thief. Becky.


Oh, we're so glad you're safe.


Kako, the ice cream. Apurate. Yes.


Let's hurry, Kat. Grab your tools. It's fixing time. And while we fix, we say this rhyme. To move your ice cream maker in a pinch. We'll pick it up with Tilly's winch. With your tasty treats in the right place, you can bring a smile to everyone's face. First, plug it in for the power to freeze.


Then connect the pipes, and.


Serve with ease. All right, who wants ice cream?


Tilly. It.


Until next time, everyone. Goodbye.


Hello there, everyone. Gecko here.


Oh, it's.


A lovely sunny day, so I thought I'd do some birdwatching. Oh, look, it's the twins, Barry and Kerry. Ha-ha. They look like they're having a lot of fun.




No. Barry's crashed.


Quick, mechanicals. We need to help. Go, go.


Tilly, tow truck.


Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Oh, cool.


Don't worry, Barry. We'll soon have you out of there. Blue. Cool. Ha-ha.


Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha. Ha-ha.


Let's get you checked over.




Strange. Your engine won't start. Carrie's come to cheer Barry up. How lovely. I knew there was something fishy going on. That fish must have been stuck in Barry's exhaust. That's why his engine wouldn't start. It's so nice when your friends come to visit. It helps you get better much faster. Cool. The fish is home safe and sound. His friends must have been worried about him. Well, all's well that ends well. We'll see you again soon. Bye. Hello, everyone. Oh, there's a lot of vehicles waiting to use the car wash today. Thanks, Bobby.


Jekyl has more customers than me, but if I break his car wash, everyone will have to use mine.


Baby, Chocolate. What can we get you today?


Oh, spinnings.


Caroo drivers. What's happening to the car wash? We need to switch it off.




No. We've got to run away car wash.


Oh. Oh.


Oh, this is just too funny.


Good golly.


Good gosh.


Follow that cowash.




Away from me. I took a shower last week, thank you. No. No, no, no, no, no. Oh, no.


We have to get in front of it. Mechanicals, we're going in.




Mechanicals, climb up and unscrew that control panel. Now cut the red wire. Not the yellow.


Wire, the red wire.


Oh, not green. Red.


Fish, bash, boss. We stopped the runaway car wash. But how are we going to get this back to the garage? Bye, everyone. Hello, everyone. It's very cold today, so we need to wrap up warm.


What is wrong with you, Sly? Why won't you start? Achoo!


Snippling screwdrivers. I think Mr. Weasel and Sly could use our help. Come on, mechanicals. It's important to look after our neighbors. Oh, Mr. Weasel, you and Sly need some help. Let the mechanical take care of you and I will look after Sly. Go, go, mechanical.


I'm scared of... No, put me down.


It's okay, Sly. We'll take you back to the carriage for a little checkup.


Leave me alone, trash cans. Well, if you insist. I think I need some grapes too.




Said grapes, not grapes. Oh.


First, I have to work out how to open your bonnet, Sly. Which one is the right button? Don't worry, Sly. I know exactly what the problem is. Your battery needs recharging and your water tank is almost empty. What tools do I need? Jump leads, water hose, get co, garage. Time to fix getco's garage.


Let's fix this.


Sly's feeling thirsty and needs a quick drink. Time for a top-up of water, I think. Now connect the jump leads from Sly to Tilly so Sly's battery can charge and he'll stop feeling chilly. Turn on Tilly's engine. That's all Sly needs to share Tilly's power and zoom off at speed.




You're welcome, Sly.


Sly, you're fixed and all better. Take me home, dear sly. No, no, not backwards. Forward. Fine. Thank you, Gecko.


You're both very welcome. Any time. Goodbye, everyone.