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I am finally getting this. And I'm just gonna manually get this here as well. Um, acclaim rewards. I'm getting the scathing fire. I'm hoping this is the right one. Okay, I do want to use this here if I can. I got dus and omegas also, gentlemen. Was on all chat.


Would I grab?


Yeah, yeah. Beat me, beat me. Oh, my go. That man is slippery. Oh, I'm gonna grab. Give me. Gimme.




Oh, that was feet showing up over there. I don't know if that man's actually over there ish.




Oh, switch blade.


The key. Thank you.


Okay, 47 does make me happy. CBR is gonna be good. We predator missile down onto the dudes. Oh, my God, dude. It's so much egg.


It is so much egg.


Guys, guys. Don't you ever, like, oh, guys, is there such thing as ever too much egg? There's gotta be like. At a certain point, you just gotta. There's just ha. There has to be too much egg. Like, what are eggs?








He's getting prime.


Oh, he did who?


I'm stretching.


I am stretching.


I want to run into those other dudes that were talking in the. In the pre game. I want to stay alive long enough for them. Good little baster. Oh, I'm forgetting that I also own key. I'm coming in from the roof.


Sir, watch out.


Hey, I think Tata got stuck running that little sweet spot right there. We're calling. Oh, no, no. Loot.




Daughter Green. That is real.




Watch out. Canine unit incoming.


I am mentally preparing myself. I'm having all the fun that I can until. Huh? Until we get down to business.




The revived flight will arrive in 1 minute.


Oh, my God. You little sussy.




Uh, I think something really. Oh, I love you. I love you. Hey, let's win this game. Oh, odds.


Oh, my God.


Okay, let it cook. Let it cook. Let it cook.




Everything needs to be mantled. Everything needs to be bolted. Everything needs to be gripped. Everything needs to be licked. Everything needs to be sauteed. Anyone want a cookie? Is this a friend?




I don't think that's the friend. Friend.


Oh, brother.


Man, that got scary. Oh, I want to say. Didn't I kill also smoke with the 199.


You're a magician.


Whoa, whoa, whoa.


Hold. Oh, I see him, like, invisible. Oh, my God. That's insane. Okay, little initial shots. That is a savage location. What would have been cool is if I went and pulled for, like, a DLQ. Oh, that would have been the sick play.




How to do this quick.


Oh, come on, baby.


Grippity, grippity. Gravity is real.


The safe zone is collapsing.


Dude, just a little grab. Okay, he is still up.


Oh, yeah.


I don't even know if that guy's using sniper anymore. Come on, bailey. Feel like my boat.


No. Yes. Yes.


Gg wasa. Oh, my. Right. Like, dude, I get maybe I have to reuse the meltdown, but I do get, like, meltdown vibes from this.






He didn't even have, like, a. What is this? Guys, no joke. Is MG with this scope, like, an actual good thing? I thought I saw, like, another guy using this, like, last week. Like, that felt good.


Come on in. Come on in.


That is a cluster strike right on my position. This dude is probably gonna be feasting off that other.


No way.


Oh, what a slide.




I will still have to watch out for the dude up on my back.


Oh, good.


Terminal is almost ready. Airdrop has been delivered.


I don't like this. Um, I think I might go back and look around. I'm loop. I have lupus. I have lupus. I have lupus. Trust.


Oh. Whoa.




That is the cluster strike, dude.


Come on in.


Good. Oh, my God. Uh, final dude is real and authentic. But I was born to throw, though. It's in my DNA. I I have to throw this game. I cannot win this game.


I. Brazil.




Oh, my God. I think I'm actually gonna throw. Wait. I think I do actually throw this in. Oh, my God. I.