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Ready or not, here I come.


Today, Peppa's family are playing a game of hide and seek. Mummy Pig is the seeker. Aha. Found you.


Oh, no. I guess I'll help you find Peppa and George now.


I just don't know where they could be.


Let's try in the kitchen. Buy that fresh pot of tea.


We did it, George. We're the best hiders ever.


Peppa and George are looking for a new hiding place. Let's hide in the cupboard under the stairs.


This can be our secret hiding room.


Oh, where could they be, Daddy Pig? I don't think we'll ever find them.


Mummy and Daddy must be looking for us everywhere.


We'll just have to keep looking, Mummy Pig. They'll turn up Biscuit.


Peppa and George stay hidden in the secret room for a little while, and then a long while. And then a really long while.


I don't think they'll ever find us. So we should get some toys so we don't get bored.


Not here. Not here. Here. Or here. Keep looking. Or here. Keep looking.


Pepper and George are getting lots of toys for their secret room.


Come out, come out wherever you are. Oh, where are you?


Whoa. Whoa. Where did this come from? Daddy Pig, are you okay?




Well, it's a good job it's your turn to Hoover up. There.


Much better. Diny, sure.


Where do you think Peppa and George are?


Not under the stairs, that's for sure. Peppa and George must be the best hiders in the whole world.


Everyone loves playing hide and seek, and Peppa and George really love their secret hiding place. Today, Peppa and George have come to play in a special, bouncy maze. We're in a bit of a rush.


So quick as you can, please.Bye, mommy.Bye, mommy. And don't get lost.


The first room has a big, fancy castle inside.


Hello. Sorry, we can't play.


We're in a bit of a rush.


Come on, George. Peppa has gone through the blue exit, but George has gone through the red one by mistake. This room has a soft tunnel with Susie sheep inside. Hi, Susie. Me and George have to go fast because we're in a rush. Bye.




This room is extra bouncy. Hi, Rebecca.


Peppa, is this the way out? We're in a rush.


Yes. It's the way there. Whee. Whee. Hooray.


We found the way out.


Well done, Peppa. But where's George?


I thought he was behind me. Baby, he's lost in the mace.


Lost? We have to find him. Wee.


George isn't lost. He's just having lots of fun.


Do you know where George is? He went that way. Wee.


But Mummy Pig is not as good at bouncing as Peppa.


We're coming, George. It's okay, Mummy. Four Scrolling is just as fun as bouncing. Whee. Whee.


There he is.


We're coming, George. Whoa.


A car.


Hooray. We found you. You.


It's time for us to go home. No.


George doesn't want to go home. He's having lots of fun in the Bouncy Maze.


Well, then we'll have to... Come and get you.


Peppa and George love playing in the Bouncy Maze.


We got I won't ever lose you again. Look out below.


Now we really have to go.


And so does Mummy Pig. Today, Mummy Pig has brought Peppa and George for a special visit to the toy shop.


Hello. I'm looking for a mummy and two little ones for a special toy shop treat. Have you seen them? That's us. Is it? Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go. Hooray. This is where you're able to create your very own special toy. Just A swip through to choose. You could pick a robot or a princess or a silly monster or a...




I didn't know you liked dinosaurs. Dinosaur. Dinosaur. Dinosaur. Dinosaur.


George loves dinosaurs. They're his favorite.


I guess we know what he'll be making. Have fun.


Hoorah. Good choice. Lovely. A spaceman, a monster, a superhero.


Peppa and George love making their own toys. They both like very different things. Mine is a robot.


Dinosaur. Rauw.


Fantastic. Now, with a little toy shop magic, the machine will make your toy.




Now, you just need to pick an outfit for your toys.


There are lots of different outfits to choose from, but Peppa and George think these outfits are perfect for their new toys. Ho-re.


Perfect. In they go.


Oh, dear. The toy machine has put the wrong clothes on the toy.


The machine mixed up their clothes, Miss Rabbit.


Oh, yes. Oh, well, they still look like fun toys to me.


And very creative. La, la, la.


Flying is fun. Wait for us, Peppa. Wow. What is this room?


This is a special new toy machine. Just stand here in the middle, Peppa.


What is it doing?


Stay still.


What was that?


The machine has made a little toy that looks just like Peppa. Look, George, I'm tiny.


And so are you.


Peppa and George love making toys in the toy shop, but George really loves being a toy, too. Today, Peppa and Susie are playing in the tree house.


Oh, hello, Susie. Do come along in.


How awfully, terribly kind. They're pretending to be grownups.


We should have a big, delicious cup of. Gosh, we are having lots of weather, aren't we?


Someone is at the door.


Sorry to interrupt.


Your mommy is here to take you home, Susie. But we were going to have a tea party like grownups. Can we ever sleep over in the tree house, grandpa? Please. Oh, of course you can.


You and Susie can sleep in the tree house, and grandpa Pig and I will camp out here to look after you.


Hooray! Peppa and Susie are very excited to have a sleepover in the tree house.


Here are your sleeping bags, pillows, lots of cuddly toys, and the best bit, a special starry lantern. Wow!




Four I'm finished.


Suppose I don't need these.


Grandpa Pig is excited to sleep in the denny, too.


Or perhaps I do.


Once he has rebuilt it. It is bedtime now, so Granny and grandpa Pig are going to their tent. Good night, you two.


We're just here if you need us.


Look, Susie. My shadow's really big. Mine is a bird. Tweet, tweet. And mine is a butterfly.


Wow. It's really loud. Granny Pig, we need you.


Is everything okay? There was a really loud noise. Gosh.


My goodness. Is it a monster?


No monster's here. Just grandpa pig snoring.


Oh. Peppa and Susie love sleeping in the tree house.


What's all this thing?


Even with grandpa pig snoring next door. Back soon, mommy. Bye. Daddy Pig has to pick something up from work, so Peppa and George have come with him to his office.


Sorry, Mr. Rabbit.


George really likes all the buttons in the lift. Oh, dear. All that button pushing has broken the lift.


Whipsy, George.


Don't worry, George. I'm a A bit of an expert at lifts, you know.


The buttons in the lift aren't working.


Hello. Welcome to the lift.


Is this lift magic?


No, it's voice activated, which means we just have to tell it where to go. Much easier. Oh. Hello, lift. We would like to go to my office, please.


The lift is working again.


Floor two, office of these.


But it hasn't taken them to Daddy Pig's office.


No, not office of bees. Office, please.


Floor six, office, cheese.


I love cheese.


I said, office. Floor.


Floor 16, our fish.


Silly magic lift.


The lift doesn't seem to understand Daddy Pig's voice. I'll try.


Can we go to Daddy's job?


Now arriving at the top.


Not the top.


Daddy's His job, please. Peppa and her family keep trying to get to Daddy Pig's office, but the magic lift takes them to the wrong floors. And spooky floors. Hello. And even party floors. But none of them are the right floor. Until...


My office. Hooray! Hello, Mummy Pig. We just had a little trouble with the lift. Be there soon.


Peppa and George really love the magic lift.


But Daddy Pig much prefers to take the stage.


Peppa Pig and her friends are at the aquarium today. They're all pretending to be fish.


What's that? This is an octopus.


It has eight long, wibbly wobbly legs.


Actually, an octopus only has two wibbly-wobbly legs.


The other six are wibbly-wobbly arms.


Whip-wop, whip-wop, whip-wop, whip-wop, whip-wop, whip-wop. Wow.


I wish I had a rainbow tail. Let's be Mermaids, Susie. But we don't have Mermaids tails.


But we can pretend. Hooray.


Hooray. Peppa and Susie are pretending they are mermaids with long, lovely tails.


Hello, Seahorsies. We can swim around just like you.


Whee. It's so pretty.


What is it?


This is an oyster. It has a pearl inside. A pearl?


What's a pearl?


It's a very lovely, shiny object.


Can we open it and see it?


An oyster only opens when it's ready, so we'll just have to be patient. I can't see the pole.


Excuse me, Mr. Oyster. Can you open, please? We're being really patient. Can you go, ah, like at the dentist. Boo. It's not working.


It's so tickly.


Let's and tickle it open. Mermade Pepper and Mermade Susie are trying to tickle the oyster so it'll open. They tickle and tickle and tickle, but the oyster still won't open.


It's not working. We'll never see the pearl. We'll just have to wait.


It's the pearl. It's Oh, pretty.


The oyster has finally opened. The pearl inside is very lovely indeed. Whip-whop, whip-whop. But I want to see the pearl.


Can't we make it open, please?


No, Danny. We have to be patient.


Everyone knows that being patient can be tricky, but Peppa and Susie know that the very lovely pearl will be worth the wait. Hoorah! Peppa and Rebecca Rabbit are making a pillow fort today.


Careful, don't fall on the fort.


Almost got it.


Whoa. We did it.


Now we need to decorate the inside.


Something else is missing.


Oh, something to eat. Mommy.


What a beautiful pillow fort.


Can we have something to eat, please? Of course.


I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere.


Let's pretend the pillow fort is really big inside. Wow. Catch, Peppa.


Let's pretend the floor is really bouncy, like a trampoline.


It's so bouncy. Oh, no.


The ball bounced over there. Let's bounce after it. This floor is green, so let's pretend it's squelchy. But the ball isn't here.


Maybe over there. This room is blue, so let's pretend it's cold. There's the ball. Hooray.


Let's get out of here. Which way did we come in? Peppa, where are you?


We're lost in the pillow fort.


I'll come get you.


No, mommy. The fort isn't built for grownups.


I can fit through anything.


Mummy Pig, is stuck.




Mommy, your wiggles are breaking the fort.


Sorry. For you.


All that pretending has made me even more hungry.


Good thing I brought you some food. Now, we just need to find it under these pillows.


Four tickets, please. Four popcoins, please. Four drinks, please.


Today, Peppa and her family are at the cinema. Peppa's favorite book has been made into a movie.


Silly George, we're not seeing that scary Ghost movie. Ours is really fun and not scary.


Scary Ghost movies are only for grownups.


Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry.




The seats in the cinema all fold up when they're not being used. But George's seat is folding up when he's sitting in it.


Excuse me, coming through. Watch your toes.


Luckily, Miss Rabbit has a special booster to hold the seat flat.


Thank you, Miss Rabbit.


No problem. Me again. Who spilled popcorn?


George doesn't like it when the cinema gets dark.


Whosh, whosh.


Yay, it's starting.




George doesn't like the loud sounds either. It's the Baddie. Gary.


Oh, dear. George thinks the Baddie in the This movie is a bit scary.


Maybe we should take George outside.


But you can't miss the movie.


Oh. Peppa has thought of a way to make the Baddie less scary for George.


Hello, George, it's me. I'm just pretending to be a buddy for the movie. I'm not really scary. Not scary?




And this magic wand will keep you extra safe.


Wesh! Wesh!


Plus, at the end of the story, everyone lives happily ever after. Hattie! Wesh!


Shh! Sorry.


Everyone Everyone loves going to the cinema, and George really loves movies with happy endings. Hi. Today, Peppa is going to Rebecca Rabbit's Burrow. Bye, mommy. Today, Peppa is already at Rebecca Rabbit's Burrow. She's come to play a new video game called...


Carrot Catcher. Do you want to play?


Yes, please. I'm I am amazingly really excellent at games.


Oh, dear. Peppa doesn't know how to begin the game.


I am amazingly really excellent at games, but maybe it would be more fun if you started the game, Rebecca. Oh, yes, I knew that. First, you pick your bunny. Then you Can you pop around and catch the carrots. Oh, yes.


Peppa is amazingly really excellent at video games, but she might need a bit of help with this one.


How do you catch the carrots, please, Rebecca? This. Yay. I'm good at this. Oh. My turn. Wow.


Rebecca Rabbit is amazingly really excellent at this game. Wow.


You're really good at catching carrots, Rebecca. I've had lots of practice.


Do you want to play together now? We can be a team. Yes. Got it. Here's one. There's one. We.


New high score.


Hooray. Peppa and Rebecca make a very good team.


Rosie, Robbie, what are you doing?


Hi. Hello, you two. Have you seen the twins? They've run off with our lunge. We'll catch them. We're good at catching carrots. And baby bunnies. Found one. Rosie. Got you. Here's another one. Ruby, got it. Still good.


Peppa and Rebecca are very good carrot catchers. Yay!


Hooray. Lunch is saved. For you.


In fact, Peppa and Rebecca are amazingly, really excellent carrot catchers. Today, Peppa and her family are at the supermarket doing their weekly shop. Beep. They're using a special machine to beep their shopping as they go.


We have potatoes, milk, bread. Oh, Whoa. Whoa.


And beans. Sorry, Mr Bull. The supermarket will close in two minutes. Please make your way to the checkout.


We'd better get a move on. This trolley has a very wibbly, wobbly wheel, mommy. Try this Peppa. It's a bit less wobbly. But the wibbly-wobbles are fun. Wibbly wobbly. Well, if you're sure, but I bet mine's faster, I'll race you. Really? One, two, three, go.


And she's off. Wait for us. First, we need some cereal.


Quick, George.


Beep. Got it.


And Peppa and George take the lead.


What's next, Daddy?


Oh, cheese. Found it. Bip. Hats are next.


Beeps. Grapes. Beep.


Frozen pees. Here they are. And the last item on the list is toilet paper.


The toilet paper is all the way at the other end of the supermarket. Hello, shoppers.


The supermarket is about to close. Quickly, everyone.


Look out. We're going too fast.




Peppa's family have found the toilet paper. In fact, they found lots of toilet paper.


Okay, you lot, this store is definitely closed now. Once all this toilet paper is paid for.


Peppa and her family love shopping at the supermarket, especially for toilet paper.