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Dressing up.


Peppa and George are playing mommy and daddy's bedroom.


What's this?


Peppa has found a box of old clothes. Wow. This is Daddy's hat.


And this is mommy's dress. George, let's Stress up and pretend to be mommy and daddy. Here's daddy's hat. And here's Daddy's coat.


Hello, Daddy Pig.


Now it's my turn. This is mommy's dress.


This is mommy's hat.


Daddy Pig, where are your shoes? I need some shoes. I need some shoes too. Now I need to look beautiful, just like mommy.


Peppa has found mommy's makeup box.


Aha. For some powder. Lovely. Now for some lipstick. What a pretty mommy pig.


Come along, Daddy Pig.


It's time to go to work.


Mummy Pig is working on her computer.


Hello, Peppa. Hello, George.


I beg your pardon.


Peppa, I was just saying hello.


I'm not Peppa Pig. I'm Mummy Pig.


Oh, yes, of course. Hello, Mummy Pig. Hello.


And this is Daddy Pig. George.


And hello to you too, Daddy Pig.


Excuse me, I got a lot of work to do. Hello. Yes. Do this, do that. No, thank you. Goodbye.


Peppa is enjoying pretending to be Mummy Pig, but George is getting a bit bored.


Sorry, Daddy Pig. I'm nearly finished. There. All done. Come on, Daddy Pig. It's time you did some work.


Goodbye, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig. Goodbye.


Daddy Pig is digging in the garden.


Hello, Peppa. Hello, George.


I'm not Peppa. I'm Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. Daddy Pig is here to do some work.


That's very you, Daddy Pig. Now be careful. It's a very deep hole.


I hope you are not digging in your best clothes, Daddy Pig. I want to make big snots, too.


Ice cream, everyone, One.Ice cream. Peppa, George, you must take off those muddy clothes before you eat. I'm mommy pig, and this is daddy pig. Are you sure?




So where are Peppa Peppa and George?


We don't know.


Oh, well, that's a shame because I've got their favorite ice cream here. But if we can't find them, then... Here we are. Peppa, George? There you are.


Yes, mommy. We were just pretending to be you and Daddy.


You really had us fooled. Hiccups.


Peppa, George, Mummy, and Daddy are having breakfast. It is a lovely sunny day, and Peppa and George can't wait to go into the garden to play.


Mummy, please can we go out to play?


You can go out to play when you finish your breakfast.


George, don't drink your juice too quickly.


George drank his juice too quickly, and now he has hiccups. Can we go out to play now, Mummy?


Not while George has hiccups.


But George's hiccups have gone, Mummy. Haven't they, George?


Oh, all right, you can go out and play, but look after George.


Peppa and George love playing in the garden.


George, I'm going to throw the ball and then you have to catch it. George, please stop hiccuping. George. Now you throw the ball to me and I have to catch it. George.


Oh, dear. George's hiccups are spoiling the game.


George, I know how to cure hiccups. You have to do what I say. Rub the top of your head and rub your tummy.




Now your hiccups have gone.


Peppa's cure for hiccups doesn't seem to have worked.


George, you've done it all wrong. I know a better way to cure hiccups. First, jump up and down three times on one leg. Now, wave your your arms up and down and stick your tongue out. And now, close your eyes and turn her out quickly. Three times.


Peppa's new cure hasn't worked either. George still has hiccups. I know.


To cure hiccups, the ill piggy must be given a shock. George, I'm going to scare you, but you must remember, it's only a game when it'll stop your hiccups. Remember, this is just pretend scaring.


Peppa, you mustn't play so roughly with George. He's only little.


Sorry, mommy. I was just trying to stop George's hiccups.


George's hiccups have gone. Here comes Daddy Pig, with two beakers of juice.


George, if you drink too quickly, you will get hiccups again.


I'm not as little as George. I can drink juice as quickly as I want to.


The new car.


Today, Peppa and her family are going for a drive in their red car.


Shall we have the roof down? Yes, please.


Peppa and George love their car.


Is everybody ready? Ready. Then let's go.


I love our car.


Our car loves us too, don't you?


Oh, dear. The car does not sound very well.


What's wrong, Daddy? I don't know.


Let's take it to Grandad Dog's garage. He can fix it.


That's a good idea, Mummy Pig.


Grandad Dog runs the garage. He is very good at mending cars.


Oh, dear Daddy Pig, your car does not sound very well.


Can you fix it, please, Grandad Dog?


Yes, but it will take all day.


We wanted to go for a drive in our car.


Don't worry. You can borrow this new car while I fix yours. Hooray.


Thank you, grandad dog.


Would you like the roof down? Yes, please. I'll just press this red button.


What a clever car.


When you come back, I will have fixed your car.


Thank you, grandad dog. Goodbye.




Bye-bye. Goodbye.


Peppa and her family like the new blue car.


There's so many buttons in this new car.


What does the green button do, Daddy?


Let's see.


Magic windows. Daddy, make the magic windows go down. What does the blue button do?


I don't know. Let's see.


I love this new car.


Can we keep it?


No, we can't keep it, Peppa. We've only borrowed it for today. Oh, no, I think it's going to rain.


Yes, I'll just put the roof up. Now, which is the button to close the roof?




Silly me. Aha. This must be the button.


The new car has squirted Daddy Pig with water.


Silly Daddy, that's What's on the roof.


This button. Oups. Not that one. This button.


Daddy Pig has forgotten which button closes the roof.


I don't think this car likes me.


What's Let's try the red button.




But now it's stopped raining.


Can we open the roof again?


Yes. Which button was it?


The red one.




Grandad dog has fixed the car.


Your car is fixed.


Hooray. Thank you, grandad dog. And keep the change.


Thank you, Daddy Pig.


Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.


Goodbye. Bye-bye.


It's good to get our old car back again.


I like the new car, but I like our old car better.


I think our old car likes us too, don't you? Secrets.


Mummy Pig has made a special box for Peppa.


Peppa, this box It's just for you.


Thank you, Mummy.


It's a secret box for you to keep secret things in.


What things can I put in it, mommy?


Only you can decide that, Peppa. It's your secret box.


I I don't know what I can put in it.


Good, but don't tell me.


I won't tell you or George or Daddy. It's a secret. George, this is my secret box. It's empty. I have to find some things to put inside.


George wants to help Peppa.


No, George. Only I must know what's in the box. You have to wait outside Why will I choose.


Peppa is going to choose some secret things to put in the box.


Now my secret box is full. George, you must not look inside.


George would like to know what is inside Peppa's secret box.


If you like, you can try to guess.


Dinosaur. George thinks Peppa has put a dinosaur in the box.


Oh, George. You always say dinosaur for everything. Anyway, a dinosaur is too big to fit in the box.


George cannot guess what is in Peppa's secret box. Daddy Pig is cleaning a picture.


Daddy, this is my secret box. Mommy made it for me.


It's very nice, Peppa. What's inside?


It's a secret. George Rich tried to guess, but he didn't get it right.


Can I have a try? Yes. Have you put my glasses inside?


No. Your glasses are on your head.


So they are.


Silly Daddy, you must have a proper guess.


Okay. Have you put mommy's shoes in the box?


No. And that's all your guess has used up.


Peppa likes secrets.


Bobby, no one knows what's in my box. Oh, what has George got?


I made a box for George, too, and he's filled it with secret things. And only George knows what's inside. Oh.


Peppa would like to know what is inside George's box.


It's George's toy dinosaur, of course. No.


George's toy dinosaur is not in George's box.


It's too difficult. I'll never guess.


Peppa does not like secrets as much as she used to.


Maybe if you showed George one thing from your box, then he could show you one thing from his.


Okay, but we must do it at the same time.


That's a good idea. On the count of three, you each show what's in your boxes. Ready?




One, two, three.


George has a drum and Peppa has a trumpet.


Oh, lovely.


Yes, it sounds very nice. Do you have any more secret things?


George has a mustard donut. Oh, But Peppa's box is empty.


I've got nothing else.


Luckily, I have. Come on, tuck in.


George, Peppa, Mummy Pig, and Daddy Pig, all like mustard donuts.


I don't have a special box, but I know a very good place to hide my mustard donut. Can you guess where?


Are you going to hide it in the fridge?


No. Somewhere much more special. My tummy. Delicious.


I'm going to hide mine in my tummy. Me too. Musical instruments.


Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have been tidying the house.


Mummy Pig and I found this old box in the attic. Can anyone guess what's inside?


Hmm, no.


It's full of musical instruments. Wow.


They are a bit old and dusty.


This is the violin I used to play when I was little.


Mummy, can you play your violin?


I haven't played it for a long time.


Please, Mummy, please play it.


I hope I haven't forgotten how.




Mommy, can I play the violin?


Hold it like this. Yes, mommy.


Oh, dear. I do I don't think it is meant to sound like that. George wants to try.


Hold it like this, George.


Oh, that does not sound quite right either.


The violin It is too hard to play.


Peppa, maybe you would do better with this tin drum. Thank you, Daddy.


That sounds better. Peppa loves playing the drum.


Oh, lovely. Yes, it sounds very nice.


This is Daddy Pig's old accordion.


I used to play this to Mummy Pig when we first met.


Oh, Daddy Pig. I remember this tune.


George wants to play the accordian, too.


Are you sure, George? The accordian is quite difficult.


George, the accordion It's almost as difficult to play as my drum.


Okay, George. Oh.


Maybe George is a bit too Too little to play the accordian.


Daddy, what other instruments are in the box?


Just this horn. Can I try? You have to blow it very hard.


That does not sound right.


It's impossible.


I think I used to be able to play it.


That really does not sound right.


Maybe it just needs someone big and strong like me.


That does not sound right either.


Papa's right. It is impossible to play.


Never mind, Daddy Pig. Just stick to the accordian. You play it beautifully.


Well, I do play it quite nicely, even if I say so myself.


And I'll play my violin.


And I will I can't play my drum.


Mummy Pig plays the violin. Daddy Pig plays the accordian. Peppa plays the drum. But what instrument will George play? George is blowing the horn.


Mummy couldn't play the horn, and Daddy couldn't play it, and even I couldn't play it. But George can play it.


New shoes.


Peppa and George have been playing in the garden.


Peppa, where are your shoes?


Oh, I've lost them.


Well, I'm sure we can find them. Maybe we should try the garden. Yes.


Everyone is looking for Peppa's shoes. Mummy Pig is looking in the flower bed. Peppa's shoes are not there. Daddy Pig is looking in the wheelbarrow. Peppa's shoes are not there.




Peppa and George look in the flower pots. Peppa's shoes are not there either.




We've looked everywhere, but we can't find Peppa's shoes.


Peppa's shoes are lost.


Now I haven't got any shoes to wear.


Poor Peppa. Your shoes were getting a bit old. We'll buy you a new pair.


Can my new shoes be red, mommy?


Of course they can.


George, I'm going to have new red shoes.


Mummy Pig and Peppa are at Miss Rabbit's Shoe Shop.


Hello, Miss Rabbit. Hello, Mummy Pig. We would like to buy some new shoes for Peppa, please.


Red shoes.


I'm sure we can find you some lovely new shoes, Peppa.


Red ones, please.


Of course, red ones. Wow.


New red shoes.


George and Daddy Pig are playing draughts.


Oh, well done, George.


Daddy, Daddy. Look at my new shoes. They're red.


I say they are red. Mommy, do you like my new shoes?


Yes, Peppa. They make you look very smart.


George, do you like my new shoes?


Everyone likes Peppa's new shoes.


I like my new shoes so much. I don't want to ever take them off.


It is bath time. Peppa wants to keep her new shoes on, even for her bath.


Peppa is in her pajamas.


She still has her new shoes on. Peppa even wants to wear her new shoes in bed.


Peppa, are you sure you don't want to take your shoes off?


I don't want to ever take my new shoes off, Mummy.


Very well. Good night, Peppa and George. Good night, Mummy. Good night, Daddy.


Good night, my It has been raining all night, and now the garden is very wet.


Mummy Pig is wearing her boots. Daddy Pig is wearing his boots. George is wearing his boots. Peppa is still wearing her new red shoes. George is going to play in the wet grass. Oh, dear. Peppa loves playing in the wet grass, but she doesn't want to get her new shoes wet.


I can't play in the wet grass, George. Oh.


George loves jumping in muddy puddles. Peppa loves jumping in puddles, but she doesn't want to get her new shoes muddy. Mummy and Daddy love jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Everyone likes jumping in muddy puddles. Where is Peppa going? Peppa is putting on her boots.




If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. A school fate.


Today is the day of the school fate. Peppa loves coming to the fate. Here are Peppa's friends: Candy Cat, Susie Sheep, Danny Dogg, Rebecca Rabbit, and Pedro Pony. Hello, everyone.


Hello, Pippa.


Hello, Pippa. Hello.


I love the School Fate. Me too. What do you like best? The face painting. I like the balloons. I like the Bouncy Castle the best. I like everything.


A very good choice, Peppa.


See you later, Peppa. See you later.


George, what do you like best?




Oh, dear. There aren't any dinosaurs at the fate, George.


Maybe we can get you a dinosaur balloon.


Are you sure they have dinosaur balloons, Daddy Pig?


I'm certain of it.


Can George and I get our faces painted first?


Of course.


Miss Rabbit has painted Peppa's friends as tigers.


There you are, Susie. Now you look like a tiger.


Thank you, Miss Rabbit. Wow. I like your face, Susie. Are you a pussy cat? No, I'm a tiger.


Peppa, would you like your face painted? Yes, please.


Can I be an elephant?


Oh, dear. I don't know how to do elephant. I can do tigers. Yes, a tiger, please. There you are, Peppa. Now you're a tiger.


I'm a tiger.


George, what would you like to be?


Dinosaur. A dinosaur?


How about a tiger instead? I'm good at tigers. I'm a tiger.


So am I.


Tigers don't say wuff wuff. How do you know? Because tigers are big cats. And I'm a cat. Cat Dee, please get it Can you teach us how to be tigers? Okay. Tigers creep very, very slowly, and then they jump. Tigers like to look They'll make themselves clean. But best of all, when tigers are happy, they purr.


Hello, children. My goodness, you're all tigers.


And I'm teaching them to be proper tigers.


What do you little tigers want to do next?




That's right. We have to find George a dinosaur balloon.


Let's get you all balloons.




Hello, madame Gazelle.


We'd like some balloons, please. Certainly. I've got lots of different ones.


Can I have an elephant balloon, please?


Here you are, Peppa. Can I have a kangoo?


A lion, please. A monkey, please. A parrot, please.


Yes, I've got all those.


Most important of all, we need a A dinosaur balloon for George.


Oh, dear.


I do not seem to have any dinosaur balloons.


Don't worry, George. I've got an idea. Could we have two of the long balloons, please? Watch this, everybody.


What is Daddy Pig doing with the balloons?


There. Can anyone guess what it is? Is it a Is that true? No, it's a...




That's right, a dinosaur.


Daddy Pig has made a balloon dinosaur.


Dinosaur. Now the Bouncy Castle.


Peppa loves bouncing on the Bouncy Castle. Everyone loves bouncing on the Bouncy Castle.


This is the best for fate ever.


Mummy Pig's birthday.


Today is Mummy Pig's birthday. Daddy Pig has made Mummy Pig breakfast in bed.


Happy birthday, Mummy Pig.


Peppa and George have made Mummy Pig a birthday card.


Happy birthday, Mummy.


Oh, what a lovely birthday surprise.


And there are more surprises to come. Enjoy your birthday breakfast. Take your time.




Quick. We have to get everything else ready.


Daddy Pig has made a birthday cake for Mummy Pig.


We've just got to put the candles on. One, two.


Here I come. Mummy Pig has finished her birthday breakfast.


Mummy's coming. Oh, no, we're not ready yet. Who is it?


It's Mummy. Can I come in? No, no. Is there something secret going on?


No, nothing's going on. But you can't come in.


I see.


Mummy Pig, why don't you relax in the sitting room?


That sounds nice.


Well, it is your birthday.


Okay, Peppa. I think I know what the sitting room is.


Here's a nice magazine.


Thank you, Peppa.


And here's some pretty music.


Thank you, Peppa.


We need the same number of candles as Mummy's age. One, two, three. Oh, dear. We haven't got nearly enough candles.


Daddy, how old is mommy?


I'll whisper it in your ear. Wow, really old. You know, I think three candles will be fine.


Mummy Pig's birthday cake is ready. Hooray.


We just have to put up the decoration in the sitting room. Hello, mommy.


Oh, there you all are. I was getting a little bored.


Mummy, would you like to have a nice walk in the garden?


Do I have any choice?


No. Bye-bye, mommy. Have a lovely walk. We'll call you when it's safe to come back in.


I've forgotten what hard work birthdays were.


Daddy Pig, Peppa, and George are decorating the sitting room.


This is fun.


Granny Pig and grandpa pig have arrived for Mummy Pig's birthday.


Happy birthday, mommy pig.


Aren't you coming inside? I can't come in yet. Daddy pig, Peppa and George are doing secret things for my birthday. How lovely. See you later. Bye. Mommy, would you like to come inside now? I'd love to.


Close your eyes. Keep your eyes closed, mommy.


One, two, three. Open your eyes. Happy birthday, mommy. Happy birthday, mommy.


What a lovely surprise.


Blow the candles out and make a wish. Mommy, mommy, open your present. Can you guess what it is?


I've no idea.


Open it and see.


It's a beautiful dress.


You're beautiful, mommy.


Now, you just need somewhere nice to wear it.


What's this?


Two tickets to the theater, tonight.


Thank you.


Mummy Pig loves going to the theater.


And Granny Pig and I are going to babysit the little ones.




What a super birthday. I'm the luckiest mummy in the whole world.


And the most beautiful.


The tooth fairy.


Pepper and George are having their favorite food, spaghetti.


What a lot of noise. Finish.


Now we'll have a bit of quiet. What's that?


It's a tooth.


Where did that come from?


Peppa, maybe you should look in the mirror.


Oh. It's my tooth. It's fallen out.


Don't worry, Peppa. It's just a milk tooth. They're meant to fall out.


Will I grow a new one, mommy?


Yes, you will, Peppa. It also means the tooth fairy will be paying you a visit.


Tooth fairy?


Yes, the tooth fairy. If you put the tooth under your pillow tonight, the tooth fairy will come. The tooth fairy will take the tooth, and in its place, she will leave a shiny coin.


When I grow up, I want to be a tooth fairy.


Oh, and what would you like to be when you grow up, George?




A dinosaur. Quick, George.


It's bedtime. We don't want to miss the tooth fairy.


Before going to bed, Peppa and George brush their teeth.


Peppa, what are you doing?


I'm brushing my tooth, so it's nicely clean for the tooth fairy.


Oh, Peppa cannot wait to get into bed. Peppa is putting her tooth under the pillow for the tooth fairy.


Good night, Peppa and George. Good night, mommy. Good night, daddy.


Good night, my little piggies.


George, I'm not going to sleep. Let's both stay awake all night and see the tooth fairy. This tooth fairy is very late.


The tooth fairy is taking a long time to arrive.


Where is that tooth fairy?


What is that noise? Is it the tooth fairy?


George, can you hear something? Oh, George.


Oh, the noise is George. He was so tired, he has fallen asleep.


George is not very good at staying awake, but I am. I'm going to stay awake and see the tooth fairy. I'm not going to sleep.


The tooth fairy has arrived. But Peppa is asleep. Hello, Peppa.


Would you like this coin in return for your tooth? What a nice clean tooth. Thank you, Peppa. Good night.


Peppa, George, wake up. It's morning. What? I wasn't asleep.


Did the tooth fairy come? No. Let's take a look under your pillow. Look, Peppa.


The tooth fairy has been, and she's left you a coin. Hooray. You fell asleep, didn't you?


Well, maybe I fell asleep just for a little bit. Next time, I will stay awake, and I will see the tooth fairy.


Treasure hunt.


Granny Pig and Grandma Pig are making a treasure hunt for Peppa and George. Granny Pig is drawing the treasure map. Grandpa Pig is burying the treasure in a secret place in the garden.


Grandpa Pig, have you finished?


Pepper and George will be here soon. No need to panic, Granny Pig.


Pepper and her family are here.


Quick, Grandpa Pig.


They're here. Almost done.


Grandpa Pig just finished in time. Granny Pig. We're here. Dandy Ig.


Hello, my little ones. Grandpa Pig. Papa Ig.


Ahoy there, me-hoties.


Peppa, George, we've made you a A treasure hunt.


Somewhere in the garden is buried treasure. Wow, treasure. Where is it? You have to look for it.


Here's a treasure map for Papa.


And George could wear my pirate hat. Ahoy there, Captain George.


The map is a bit difficult. Daddy, can you help?


Of course, Papa. I'm very Good with maps. It is a bit difficult.


Daddy Pig, you're holding the map upside down.


Yes, I thought as much.


It's easy. The Red Cross shows where the treasure is.


But where in the garden are those two apple trees?


I don't know.


Would you like a clue? Yes, please. The first clue is in a bottle. But where is the bottle?


I can see it.


Peppa has found the first clue, a message in a bottle.


Look, everyone. Here's the bottle.


Well done, Peppa. Let's see what the message says. It's a message from a pirate.


Mummy, can you read the pirate's message?


Hmm, this pirate has very That's bad handwriting.


The pirate's handwriting is excellent.


No, I can't make it out at all.


The pirate is clearly written, Follow the arrows.


Follow the arrows?


George has found the second clue, sticks in the shape of an arrow.


Look, they point this way.


Peppa and George are following the arrows.


Look, George, a key.


Peppa has found the Next clue, a key.


Well done, Peppa. Now, you just have to find the treasure chest that it unlocks.


But there aren't any more clues.


Maybe you should take another look at the map. Look, Peppa, the map has two apple trees on it.


Here's an apple tree. And here's an apple tree. So the treasure must be here.


Let's take a look. Oh, dear. There doesn't seem to be anything here. Hang on. There is something here.


Wow, treasure.


Well done. I've got the keys to open it.


Wow, I can't believe it. Gold coins. They must be worth a fortune.


It's better than that. They're not gold coins. They are chocolate coins.


And there's a chocolate coin for everybody. Hooray! Hooray!


Peppa and George love chocolate coins. Everyone loves chocolate coins.


Grandma, grandpa, this is the best treasure hunt ever.




Not very well.


Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have just made breakfast for Pepper and George.


Breakfast is ready.


Peppa has red spots on her face.


Not me. I don't feel very well.


Oh, dear Peppa, you don't look very well.


Don't worry. I'll ring Dr. Brownbear.


Dr. Brownbear speaking.


Peppa is not very well. Her face is covered in red spots.


Put Peppa to bed and I'll come straight round. Dr.


Brown Bear has come to make Peppa better.


Hello, Peppa. How are you today?


I'm not very well.


Stick your tongue out, please. It's not anything serious. Peppa has just got a rash.


Do I need medicine?


The rash will clear up quickly. But if you like, I can give you just a little medicine. Yes, please. I'm afraid it doesn't It tastes very nice. Open wide, please. Eurk. Disgusting. You are a brave little one for taking it so well. Pepper must stay in bed. I'll call I'll come back later to check that she's better.


Can Peppa have visitors?


Oh, yes, she can have visitors. The rash isn't catching. Goodbye.


Goodbye, Dr. Brown Bear.


Baby, can I get up now?


Dr. Brown Bear says that you must stay in bed for a little bit, Peppa. But it's so boring. Dr. Brown Bear did say you could have visitors.


Can Susie Sheep visit me?


Susie Sheep is Peppa's best friend.


I'll ring Susie Sheep's mommy.


Hello, Mrs. Pig.


May Peppa talk with Susie, please? Hello, Susie. Hello, Peppa.


I'm not very well. I have red spots on my face. Has the doctor been? Yes, Dr. Brown Bear was here. He said I wasn't very well and that I was very brave. So are you really ill? Yes, yes. It's not pretend. I have to stay in bed. Dr. Brown Bear gave me medicine that tasted really horrible. I'm coming to see you. I'm going to wear my nurse's outfit.


Susie's sheep has come to see Peppa. Susie is wearing her nurse's costume. Danny Dog and Rebecca Rabbit have come along, too.


Hello, Peppa. Hello. How do you How do you feel? I'm not very well, Susie. I have to stay in bed. What can we do to make you better? You could get me some orange juice. Okay.


Peppa seems to be quite enjoying herself.


Thank you, Susie. Do you feel any better? A little bit. Daddy? Ask my mommy if I could have some ice cream, and it'd be Peppa, could you bring me some flowers from the garden?


Dr. Brownbear is here to see if Peppa is better.


Good. The nurse is already here. How is the patient?


I'm not a real nurse. It's just pretend.


I see.


Would you like me to take a look myself? Yes, please. I say no more red spots. You're completely better.


Aren't I still a bit ill?


How do you feel?


I think I should stay in bed a little bit more.


I fancy a game with this ball in the garden. Who wants to join me?Me, me, me.Me, too.


Well, I never. A complete recovery.




Pepper and George are very excited today. It is snowing outside. Mummy, can we go and play in the snow?


Yes, but it's very cold outside, so you must wrap up warm. Hooray!


Don't forget to wear your hats and scarfs and gloves.


It is It's very cold outside. Peppa and George must wear their hats and scarves and gloves.


Come on, George.


Peppa and George are making footprints in the snow. Peppa and George love making footprints in the snow. Oh, dear.


It's not funny. George, let's play snowballs.


Peppa has made a snowball.


Peppa and George are having a lot of fun.


George, come back, you little piggy.


Oh, dear. Maybe this game is getting a little too rough. Sorry, George. George, let's build a snowman. Kepa and George are making a snowman. First, they make the body.


George, this is the snowman's body.


Now, they to make the snowman's head.


Now he needs arms and eyes and a mouth.


George has found some sticks for the snowman's arms. Peppa has found some stones for the snowman's eyes and mouth.


This is his face. Now the snowman needs a nose.


Peppa has got a carrot to make the snowman's nose. The snowman looks very happy, but maybe he is a bit cold.


The snowman needs some clothes to keep him warm.


George has found some clothes to keep the snowman nice and warm. The snowman is wearing his hat and scarf and gloves. Mummy, Daddy, come and look. Mummy Pig is wearing her hat and scarf and gloves.


That is the best snowman I have ever seen.


Daddy Pig looks quite cold. He isn't wearing his hat and scarf and gloves.


Daddy, why aren't you wearing your hat and scarf Scarf and gloves?


I don't know where they are. I can't find them anywhere.


I think I know where Daddy's hat, scarf, and gloves are.


Daddy Pig's hat and scarf and gloves are on the snowman.


Windy Wendy Castle.


Peppa and her family are going out for the day.


Peppa, George, today we're going to Windy Castle.


What's Windy Castle, Daddy?


It's a castle on a very high hill.


George likes castles.


Windy Castle sounds like a boring thing for boys.


No, Peppa, you love it. There's a great view from the top of Windy Castle. You can even see granny and grandpa's house.


Wow. Let's go.


I'll mapread and mommy Pig will drive.


Are you sure, Daddy Pig? When you mapread, we always get lost and you get grumpy.


We will not get lost and I will not get grumpy.


Windy Castle, here we come. Are we really there yet?


Not quite.




Would you like to play a game? Yes, please. Let's Why I spy? Okay, I'll go first.


Daddy Pig has to secretly look at something, and the others have to guess what it is.


I spy with my little eye, something colored red.


Red. A dress. That's red.


No, it's not your dress.


The car.


That's right. Our red car. My girl.


I spy with my little light, something Pig Blue.


George's Blue shirt.




Is it something in the car? No. Give up.




The sky, the blue sky.


I win.


Daddy Pig, do you know where we are?


I know exactly where we are. Although this road doesn't look the same as it does on the map.


Oh, Daddy Pig, we're lost.


We are not lost.


So how How do we get to Windy Castle from here?


Just give me a moment. I know.


We can ring granny and grandpa.


There's no need to ring granny and grandpa. I'll get us to Windy Castle if it takes me all day.


We haven't got all day.


Hello, grandpa Pig speaking.


Grandpa Pig, we've got a bit lost on the way to Windy Castle.


No, he's Daddy Pig doing the map reading?


Yes, Daddy Pig is doing the map reading, and he's a bit grumpy at the moment.


I'm not grumpy.


This is the best route. Keep on the main road until you see Windy Castle up ahead.


Thank you, Grandpa Pig. We follow the main road and look out for Windy Castle.


As I thought.


Look, is that a castle?


Yes, it's Windy Castle.


Come on, car.


Come on, car, you can make it. Hooray.


Hooray. Peppa and her family have arrived at Windy Castle.


Wow, it's so tall.


Let's go inside. The view from the top is fantastic.




Look at the view.


Mummy, is that ready Is this your grandpa's house?


Yes, it is.


It's so far away.


Let's take a look through the telescope.


Can I look first, please?


Yes, but you must let George look next. Wow.


The telescope makes everything look bigger. I can see granny and grandpa. Look, George. Ganky Ig, papa Ig. George is waving at granny and grandpa.


Silly George. Grandma and grandpa are too far away to see you waving. I know. We can ring them. Hello.


Grandpa Pig, we can see you from Windy Castle. Wave at us.


Grandma and grandpa are waving at us. I love Windy Castle. Fruits are worms and butterflies.


Peppa and George are helping grandpa pig in his garden. Wow. What a beautiful butterfly.


Grandpa, why do butterflies like flowers?


They get their food from flowers.




They have very long tongues.


Look at that, mine. Oh, yes.


The butterfly's tongue is even longer than yours. She uses it to drink from the flower. Wow. Oh, Peppa, the butterfly thinks you're a flower.


I'm not a flower. I'm Peppa Pig. She is so pretty. I want to be a butterfly.


Peppa is playing at being a butterfly.


I'm a little butterfly.


George wants to play, too.


George, I'm the butterfly. You have to be something else. I know. You can be a wriddly worm. Look, look, I'm a butterfly.


Oh, dear. George does not want to be a worm. He wants to be a butterfly.


George, when I was a little piggy, I used to like playing at being a worm. It's very easy to be a worm. I'll show you how. First, you have to lie down on the ground. Then, you wriggle around. I'm a wriggly worm.


George and grandpa Pig are having such fun being Wrigly Worms. I'm a little butterfly. I'm a little butterfly.


Look, look, I'm a butterfly.


Yes, Yes, Peppa, you're a beautiful butterfly. Grandpa, George, what are you doing? We are Wrigly Worms.


I want to be a Wrigly Worm, too.


I'm a Wrigly Worm. I'm a Wrigly Worm.


I'm a Wrigly Worm. I'm a Wrigly Worm. I'm a Wrigly Worm. How do you do? I love you. I'm a Wrigly Worm.


That was fun. What animal do you want to be now?


I don't know. Look, grandpa. There's a little frog.


Why don't you play it being frogs?


Frogs are not as pretty as butterflies or as wiggly as worms.


But frogs do play a game you like.


Do frogs play dolls houses?


Silly, Peppa. What's your favorite game?


Jumping in Muddy Puddles.


Yes, frogs love jumping in Muddy Puddles.


Yes, George. Let's play frogs.


I'm a little frogy.


I'm a little frogy.


The froggies have found a nice big muddy puddle to play in.


Peppa and George love jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.


Butterflies and worms are very nice, but I like frogs the best.