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Emily Elephant.


Peppa and her friends are going to playgroup today.


The children each have their own hook to hang their coats on.


Today, we have a new pupil, Emily Elephant. Hello, Emily. Hello.


Emily is a bit shy.


Who would like to show Emily where to hang herMe, me, me. We just need one. Peppa, can you show Emily where to hang her coat?


Yes, madame Gazelle. We each have our own coat hooks. This one is for you, Emily.


Emily is hanging her coat on her very own coat hook.


Now, Emily, what would you like to do today? Painting, clay, or building blocks?


I don't know. What Maybe building blocks.


And everyone else, painting, clay, or building blocks? Building blocks.


My goodness.


Building blocks are popular today.


Everyone wants to sit next to Emily Elephant.


Emily, you put one block on top of another, like this. It's better if you put them side by side. No, this way, Emily. This is the right way, Emily. No. No, Emily. This.


You are all being very helpful. But Emily, how would you play with the blocks?


I'm not very sure. I might do like this.




Emily Elephant is good at building blocks. It is play time.




Emily, Would you like to play outside with the others?


Yes, please.


Can someone show Emily where we play?


Yes, madame Gazelle.


At playtime, Peppa and her friends play in the school garden.


Can't catch me.


What a lot of noise. Let's see who is the loudest.


Okay, I'll go first.


That was quite loud. Now it is Zoe Zebra's turn. Now Susie Sheep. Now Danny Dog. That was very loud. My turn. My turn.


My. My turn.


Pepper is the loudest.


Emily, you try. I'm not too sure. Please, Emily. Okay, I'll try.


My goodness, that was loud.


Wow. Do it again.


Emily is not shy anymore.


Emily, would you like to play my favorite game? What is your favorite game? Jump in Muddy Puzzles. That's my favorite game, too.


Peppa loves jumping up and down in Muddy Puddles. Emily loves jumping up and down in Muddy Puddles.


This looks like fun. Yippie.


Madame Gazelle loves jumping up and down in Muddy Puddles. Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.


Emily, have you enjoyed your first day at our playgroup?


Yes, Madame Gazelle.


I see you've made lots of new friends. Yeah, Yes.


Emily Elephant is my friend. And Emily is my friend. And mine. And mine. And mine. And mine. Emily, who do you like best? I like Susie and Danny and Zoe, and Rebecca, and Pedro, and Peppa. Bravo.




George's friend.


Peppa and her friends are at the playground. Peppa, Susie, and Danny are on the roundabout.


Are you all ready? Ready. Then let's go.




Faster, faster.




George is a bit too little for the roundabout. He is playing on the swing. Here is Rebecca Rabbit with her little brother, Richard Rabbit.


Hello, everyone. Hello. Can I come on the roundabout I want to go on the roundabout, too?


Hop on, Rebecca.


Let's go really, really fast.


Richard Rabbit wants to go on the roundabout, too.


If Richard gets on, it means we can't go fast. Richard can play with George.


Richard, would you like to play with George? No. George is a dinosaur just like yours. Let's go and see.


Richard Rabbit is the same age as George.


Richard wanted to see George's dinosaur.




George, can Richard play with your dinosaur?




Richard, can George play with your dinosaur?




George and Richard do not want to share their dinosaurs.


George, it will be much more fun if you share.


That was really nice of George.




George does not like sharing.


Richard, let George hold the dinosaurs now.


Richard does not like sharing either.


What's What's all this crying about?


George and Richard always cry when they play together. They're just too little to play properly.


Can you two big girls teach them to play together?


Of course, we can help them make sand castles.


Good idea. Let's go to the sandpit.


George and Richard love the sandpit.


George, Richard, today we are going to make sand sandcastles. First, we fill the buckets with sand. We turn the buckets over and give them a little tap. Now, we lift the in our own pockets. Hey, presto.


Richard has made a sandcastle.


Hey, presto.


And George has made a sandcastle.


You see, playing together is fun.


Oh, dear. This game has not gone very well.


It was your brother's fault. He broke George's Sand Castle. Your brother broke my brother's Sand Castle first.


Now, now, you two big girls are meant to be teaching Richard and George to play nicely together.


That's right. We're big girls. And George and Richard are too little to play together properly.


I've got an idea. George, what's your most favorite thing in the whole playground?


Seesaw. George loves the seesaw.


Seesaw. It is a bit difficult to play on a seesaw on your own.


Richard wants to play on the seesaw.


Seesaw, seesaw, seesaw, seesaw. Look, George and Richard are playing together.


Seesaw, seesaw, seesaw, seesaw.


George likes Richard. Richard likes George. George and Richard like playing together.


Seesaw, seesaw.


The time capsule.


Peppa and her friends are at their playgroup.


Today, we are going to make a time capsule. What's a time capsule? A time capsule is something that will show people in the future how we lived. How? We'll put special things in this box, and then we'll bury it in the school garden.


Will it grow?


No, Susie. It will remain in the ground for many years.


Now, what things should we put inside?


A comic. Very good, Peppa.




Very good, Susie.


A toy. A coin. Stamps. A carrot.


You do like carrots, don't you, Rebecca? Yes. All those are excellent things to show our daily lives. Madame Gazelle, what will the future be like? What do you think it will be like?


I think in the future, I will live on the moon. And all my friends will come to visit. And I will fly a space rocket.


Hello. Now we'll record a message for the people of the future.


Say hello to the future.


Hello to the future. You're probably all living on the moon now and going on holiday to Mars. And flying around in space rockets.




You It is nearly home time and all the parents have arrived. Mommy, Daddy, we've made a time capsule.


Daddy Pig, you're just in time to help us dig a hole.


Yes, of course.


Daddy Pig is digging a hole in the school garden for the time capsule.




Can we dig it up now?


It will remain in on the ground for many years.


But I can't wait that long.


Peppa, you are just like your Daddy when he was little. Am I? Yes, I remember when I was his teacher.


Did you teach my daddy?


Yes, I taught all of your mummies and daddies, didn't I?


Yes, madame Raquel.


When your mummies and daddies were little, they made a time capsule, too.


Yes, we did. We buried it Next to a little tree.


Can we dig it up?


Yes, I think we buried it over here.


Oh, I thought it was a much smaller tree.


It was a long time ago. The tree has grown a bit since then.


I found something. It's our old time capsule.




I can't wait to open it.


Stand back, children.


Yes, madame Giselle.


What do we have here? An old comic.


That was my favorite comic.


A tin toy? My favorite toy. Music.


My favorite record.


And a very old carrot.


That's mine. What's a good choice, mommy.


And a videotape of your mummies and daddies when they were little.


Who's the little piggy in the glasses?


Oh, that's Daddy Pig. Oh, and that's me.


Hello to the future.


What a squeaky voice you have.


You're probably living on the moon now.


Silly little Daddy Pig.


Making time capsules is such fun, and finding them is even better.


The boat pond.


The ducks are swimming in their pond. They are very happy. Here are Peppa, George, Mummy Pig, and Daddy Pig. Hello, ducks. The ducks want some bread.


Sorry, Mrs Duck, we haven't got any bread today. We've got something much more fun.


Peppa has brought her toy boat. And George has brought It's his toy boat.


Let's wind your boat up, George.


George's boat works with clockwork.


Quick, George, put the boat in the pond before the clockwork runs out.


George loves his clockwork boat.


Mummy, can you wind my boat up?


Your boat doesn't need winding up, Peppa.


Peppa's His boat is a sailboat. The wind makes it go along.


I don't like my boat. It doesn't do anything.


That's because there isn't any wind today.


Maybe it just needs a little help. I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow. Go your boat along.


Hooray. It went really fast.


Peppa loves her sailboat. Here is Peppa's friend, Susie sheep. Hello, everyone. Hello, Susie.


We're playing with our boats. I've got my speed boat. Is it clockwork? No, it has batteries.


Susie's speed boat uses batteries to make it go. What a great speed boat.


Sorry, Mrs. Duck.


Here is Danny Dogg, with Grandad Dogg. Hello, everyone.


Hello, Danny. Hello, Danny.


My grandad has made me this paddle boat.


I say, that's impressive. How does it work?


It's steam-powered. I just push this little lever. Wow. What a fantastic paddle boat. Here is Rebecca Rabbit with her mummy. Hello, everyone. Hello, Rebecca.


We're playing with our boat. I wish I had a boat.


Rebecca Rabbit does not have a boat.


I've got an idea. Luckily, I brought my newspaper along. I just need one page. Which page can we lose? News, sport? Fashion.


Not the fashion page.


Okay, I'll use the business page. When I was a little piggy, I used to fold newspaper like this.


What is Daddy Pig doing?


To make a paper boat.


Daddy Pig has made a paper boat. Sweet.


Thank you, Mr. Pig.


George wants a paper boat, too.


I suppose I can do without the sports page.


Please can I have one?And me.And me.


Of course.


Daddy Pig is making paper boats for everyone. Let's have a race.


Good idea, Mummy Pig. We can huff and puff and blow the paper boats across. Everyone take a deep breath. Ready, steady, blow. We have a winner. Who had the sports page?


That's George's boat.


George is the winner. Hooray.


I like boats, and I like paper boats the best. Me too.


It's time to go home. Everybody has had a great time. Bye-bye.


Bye-bye, ducks. See you soon.


The ducks enjoyed the toy boats, but they quite like having the pond back to themselves again.




It is almost bedtime. Peppa and George are just finishing their supper.


Daddy Pig.


Oh, sorry. I'm a bit tired. It's been a long day.


George and I aren't sleepy at all.


Can we play in the garden? But it's almost your bedtime.


Can we play outside for just a tiny bit? Please, mommy.


Please, daddy. All right. But you must come in when we call you for your bath. I don't know where they get their energy from.


Peppa and George are playing one last game outside before bedtime.


Look, George. Lots of muddy puddles.


Peppa and George are wearing their boots. They are going to jump up and down in muddy puddles. Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. George loves jumping jumping up and down in muddy puddles.


Look, the biggest puddle in the world.


What a huge big puddle.


Peppa, George, bath time.


Daddy, mommy, we found the biggest muddy puddle in the world.


I can see that. Quick, into the bath.


Oh, can't we Can we just play outside a bit longer?


No, it's bath time. Are you and George feeling sleepy?


No, Daddy. We are not even a tiny bit sleepy.


Pepper and George might not be sleepy, but I am. Me too.


Before bedtime, Pepper and George have their bath. Peppa likes splashing. George likes splashing. Peppa and George both like splashing.


That's enough splash.


Let's get you drying into your pajamas.


Oh, can't we just stay in the bath a little bit longer.


Bath time is over. Now it's time to clean your teeth.


Before going to bed, Peppa and George brush their teeth.


Okay, that's enough brushing. Into your beds.


Oh, I think our teeth need a bit more cleaning.


When you're in bed, Daddy Pig will read you a story.


Peppa and George like stories. When Peppa goes to bed, she always has her Teddy tucked up with her. When George goes to bed, he always has Mr. Dinosaur tucked up with him.


Are you feeling sleepy now?


No, Daddy. Daddy, we need lots and lots of stories.


Daddy Pig will read you one story. Now, which book do you want?


The Red Monkey Book.


Okay, I'll read you the Red Monkey Book.


Peppa and George like the Red Monkey Book.


Once upon a time...


Sorry, Daddy Pig.


Once upon a time, there was a red monkey, and this red monkey had a bath and cleaned his teeth. He got into his bed, and soon he fell fast asleep. Good night, red monkey.


Peppa and George are asleep.


Good night, Pepper and George. Sleep well.


Now, Pepper and George are asleep. Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are going to watch some television. Now it's time for The Amazing Mr. Potato.


I've been looking forward to watching this program.


The Amazing Mr. Potato is always ready for action. He runs fast, he jumps high, he never sleeps. It is bedtime for Pepper and George, and it looks as if it is bedtime for Mummy and Daddy, too.