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Roller Disco.


Peppa and her friends are going to a roller disco.


I love roller disco. Me too. Madame Giselle is in charge. Keep going round and round with your circle, children. Peppa and George have their roller skates on.


Would you like me to walk around with you both, holding your hands?


No, mommy. We are good at skating.


Peppa and George love roller skating.


Are you okay, Emily?


Yes, Daddy. I'm fine.


Simon Squirel and Belinda Bear are doing the music. They are big children.


I wish we could play something grown up.


Belinda Bear is nearly 10 years old. What should we play next?


The Wheel's on the Bus, please.


Oh, I can't seem to find Wheel's on the Bus. Look, there it is. Thank you, Madame Gazelle.


This music is so babyish. The wheels on the bus go round and round, round, round, round, round and round. Hello, mommy and daddy.


Hello, everyone.


Hello, George. Hello, Daddy. Hello, Emily.


This is fun. It's the first time I've been to one of these things. How many times do the children go around?


Hundreds and hundreds of times.


The children love going around in a circle hundreds and hundreds of times.


Hello, Daddy.


Hello, Peppa. Hello, George.


Here is Susie Sheep.


Come on, let's go together. Okay.


Freddie Fox is going the wrong way.


Look out, Pedro. Everyone goes the same way so you don't bump into each other.


The riders on the bus Hello, Daddy.


Hello, Peppa. Hello, mommy. Hello, Randy. Hello, Daddy. Hello, Emily. Hello, Daddy. Hello, Molly. Hello, mommy. All day long. Hello, again, Peppa. Hello, again, Daddy.


Hello, again, Emily. What a surprise seeing you here.


All day long.


Now that baby music is finished, we can play something good. I've got just the one. Can we have one potato, two potato, please?


One potato, two potato, three potato, four.


Five potato, six potato, seven potato, five. We have to be quicker with our own music next time.


Yes, I've got it ready to play. Five potato, six potato, seven potato, four.


Wow, Daddy's going backwards. Five potato, six potato, seven potato, four.


How do you do that? I don't know.


Quick, it's over. Puts our record on. Yeah, time for some real music.


Pepper and Her Friends do not need We know how to skate to this music.


Oh my God, this is my all-time favorite song. When your heels to this, it's a flushing. Skate on down, the disco town. When your heels to this, it's a flushing. Skate on Wow.


That's incredible.


Madam Gazelle is very good at disco roller-skating.


Wow, I wish I could do that. Me too. And me.


All together, everyone join me.


Hello, Daddy.


Hello, Emily. Hello, mommy.


Hello, Andy. Hello, Daddy. Hello, Molly. Hello, mommy. Hello, again, Peppa. This is the best roller disco ever.


Peppa loves roller disco. Everyone loves roller disco.


But The new house.


Daddy Pig is working hard in his work room.


What are you doing, Daddy?


I'm building a new house. It's very small. Is it a house for elves and fairies? No, this is a model. The real house will be much bigger. And this is a drawing of what needs to be built.


I think something is missing, Daddy. There.


Peppa has drawn a swing to go outside the house.


Perfect. Would you like to visit the new house? Yes, please.


Daddy Pig is taking Peppa and George to see the house he is building.


Here we are. But Daddy, there's nothing here. That's because the building work hasn't started yet.


Digger, Digger.


Here are Mr Bull and his friends.


Mr Bull has come to build the new house.


Aren't you building it, Daddy?


I've done the hard bit. Mr Bull just has to follow my instructions.


Hello, Mr Pig. What's it to be? Car park, swimming A swimming pool? Rocket station?


A house. Can you build it exactly like this, please?


But bigger.


Mr Pig wants a house.


Is it going to be built of straw? Or stakes?


Or bricks, Mr Pig? Bricks, please.


Good choice. Don't forget the swing. Don't worry, Peppa.


We won't.


Can I help?


George wants to help, too.


Okay, George, could you put a blob of mortar here?


It looks like squelchy mud.


Mortar is a very special mud that sticks bricks together. Peppa, would you like to lay the first brick? Yes, please. Well done. I'll do the rest. Bricks must be laid straight and level. See? Line after line. That will take ages.


Yes. Will you finish it today? Oh, no.


You can't build a house in a day. It'll be finished George.




Good. See you tomorrow, Mr Bull.


Bye-bye. Bye.


George put the sticky mud down and I put the brick on top.


That all sounds Very exciting. Now, close your eyes and go to sleep.


It is morning.


Peppa and George cannot wait to see the new house.


It's finished.


Almost finished. It just needs to be inspected.


Mr. Rabbit is the building inspector. Very good. But wait, it's not finished. What? You forgot the swing.


Oh, no, we didn't.


Thank you, Mr.




Now, it's all ready for our new neighbors to move in.




Yes, Peppa. We've got new neighbors.


Mr Wolf and his family are moving into their new home. Oh, look, little piggies.


Hello, I'm Wendy Wolf. I'm Peppa Pig.


Thank you for building our house, Mr. Pig. What's it made of?






It's made of bricks.


Let's see how strong it is. I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll... Hmm, that is strong. What's your own house made of, Mr.


Pig? Bricks. So don't even think about it. Oh, a swing.


That was my idea. It's very good. You have a go. Can you push me? No. I'll huff and puff you instead. Bedtime Story.


It is night time. Daddy Pig is reading Peppa and George: A Bedtime Story.


And so the Prince, the Princess, the Budgie, and the Frog all lived happily ever after. The end.


The Bedtime Story has sent Peppa and George to sleep.


Good night, my little piggies.


George is awake.


I saw. George, you naughty piggy. Go back to sleep.


George is not sleepy. George.


Nighttime is for sleeping, not playing. I can tell you a bedtime story. Once upon a time, there was a little pig. His name was George. Georgie Pig, and he was off to make his fortune. Soon he came to a forest. Do you like the story, George? Inside the forest was a little house, and inside the house was a bowl of porridge. Georgie Pig was very hungry, so he ate it all up. Yummy, yummy, yummy. But just as he finished, Baby Bear walked in and said, Oye, did you eat my magic porridge? Georgie said, Yes. Baby Bear said, That was magic, Porridge. It will make you go very big. And then Georgie Pig began to grow. He grew and he grew and he grew until he was taller than all of the trees in the forest. The end. Are you sleepy, George? No. Not even a little bit? No. Okay, I'll do a bit more story. Baby Bear said, there is a box of golden treasure at the end of the world, but it's too far for me to go because I'm too little. Georgie He said, I will carry you there. So Georgie Pig walked to the end of the world.


He walked and he walked and he walked.


Are you sleepy yet? No. He walked through forests, across mountains, across seas. And are you sleepy yet? No. He walked all the way to the end of the world and found a big box of golden treasure. And a big dragon. Yes, a big green dragon with little wings and breathing fire. Luckily, it was a very friendly dragon, and he said, You can have the treasure. But then Georgie Pig began to shrink. He shrunk and he shrunk and he shrunk until he was the same little Georgie Pig as he was before. How will we get back home now, said Baby Bear. I can fly you home, said the dragon. So Georgie Pig and Baby Bear hopped on the dragon's back and flew all the way back home to the little house in the forest. And then It's the end.


George is asleep. Peppa is asleep.


Peppa, what are you doing out of bed? Nighttime is for sleeping, not playing. Night, night, my little piggies. Sweet dreams.


Peppa and George are in their little beds, fast asleep. Bouncy ball. Pepper and George are going to play in the garden with their ball. Whee. George throws the ball as high as he can and catches it.


I can do that, too. Wee. Oh.


Peppa has missed the ball.


This is a silly game.


Here is Peppa's best friend, Susie's sheep. Susie has two tennis rackets. Hello, Peppa. Hello, Susie. Let's play tennis. Yes, that sounds fun. To you, Susie. Oh. Susie has missed the ball. Oh. Peppa has missed the ball. Peppa and Susie like playing tennis, but George feels a bit left out.


Oh, sorry, George. You can't play tennis. We only have two rackets. I know. George can be the ball boy. Yes, it's a very important job.


George is going to be the ball boy. He has to collect the ball when it is hit too far. To you, Susie. Oh, missed it. Ball boy.


Thank you, ball boy. Oh, Ballboy. Thank you, Ballboy. Ballboy.


Oh, dear. George doesn't like this game. Here are Danny Dog, Pedro Pony, Candy Cat, Rebecca Rabbit, and Richard Rabbit.Hello, everyone.Hello.Hello. We're playing tennis. Can we play two? But there aren't enough rackets.


Let's play something else. Let's play football. Yes, football. Girls against boys. We each need a goalkeeper.Me.


Me, me, me.


Pedro Pony and Rebecca Rabbit will be the goalkeepers.


We'll start. Goal.


Richard Rabbit has scored a goal. The boys are winning. That's not fair. We weren't ready.


Hey, that's cheating. You can't hold the ball.


Yes, I can.


I'm the goalkeeper.Go.


Rebecca.go. Goal. Hooray.


The goal is not allowed. Yes, it is. No, it isn't. Yes, it is.


No, it isn't. What a lot of noise.


Daddy, the boys are cheating. No, the girls are cheating.


It sounds like you need a referee.


What's a referee?


It's someone who makes sure that everyone plays fair.


I'll be the referee.


Stop, stop. I'll be the referee. The next team to get a goal will win the game. Hooray.


Where's the ball?


Quick, score a goal. Stop them. Goal.


Richard Rabbit has scored a goal. Hooray.


The boys win. Football is a silly game.


Just a moment. The boys scored in their own goal. That means the girls win.


Really? Hooray.


Football is a great game.


Camping holiday.


Peppa's family are on holiday in their camper van.


Good morning, my little piggies.


Good morning, Daddy Pig.


I love camping.


Since we're in the countryside, I thought we could spend the day looking at nature.


Good idea, Mummy Pig. Let's watch a nature program.


One of the wonders of nature: birds.


How lovely. Shush, shush, little birdie. We can't hear our TV.


Daddy Pig. There's no point being on a camping holiday and just watching TV. We can do that at home.


Good thinking, Mummy Big.


There are lots of fun places we can visit. There's tree world.


What's tree world?


Tree world is a big forest full of trees.


It sounds a bit boring.


Or there's potato city.


What's potato city?


There's a tour of the potato fields ending with a potato tasting.


Sounds interesting.


Or there's duck land.


What's duck land?


It's a wide river full of ducks.


Duck land. Let's go to duck land.


Peppa and George love ducks.


How do we We get to Duckland?


The camper van can guide us.


Hello. Where are we going today? Duckland, please. Follow the road ahead in a straight line.


We're going to Duckland in the camper van.


Welcome to Duckland. How many tickets, please? Two adults and two children.


Enjoy the ducks. Where are the ducks?


Maybe they're on holiday.


Let's have our picnic lunch. The ducks always turn up-When we have picnics.


Peppa and George love picnics.


Look, it's the ducks. Stop, Daddy. We need bread for the ducks.


All right. Hello, Mrs Duck.


Here come more ducks. All their brothers and sisters are here. And here come more ducks.


It's their granny and grandpa ducks.


And here are all the aunties and uncles.


That's the last of our picnic gone. Ducks, say thank you to Daddy Pig. You're most welcome.


I love duck land. It is time to go home.


I wonder what's the shortest way home?


Drive straight ahead into the river. Oh, are you sure? Yes. Drive into the river.


Can we can't drive in the river?


Yes. It's talking nonsense.


Please press the blue button.


The camper van driving into the river. Our camper van has turned into a bunt.


I wasn't quite expecting that.


Welcome to the car of the future.


Look, it's Grandad Dog and Danny Dog.


Ahoy there, Daddy Pig.


Ahoy there.


Failing on the river in the camper van.


Drive up the next hill.


You have reached your destination.We're.


Home.we're home.


Thank you for a lovely holiday, Mrs. Campervan.


Ho, ho, you're most welcome.


It's nice going on holiday, but it's nicer to be back in our own little house.


Good night, my little piggies. Good night.


Sun, sea, and snow. It is bedtime for Peppa and George.


Tomorrow, we're going on a coach trip to the seaside.


We can make sand castles.


I fancy a swim.


Me too. The weather forecast says it's going to be sunny.


Good night, Peppa. Good night, George.


Oh, it is starting to snow. It is morning.


Yuppie. It's sunny. Snow.


A lot of snow has fallen in the night. Snow, mommy. Snow, daddy.


Snow, snow, snow. What?


We are still going to the seaside, aren't we?


Well, let's see how much snow there is.


Oh, where's Daddy gone? It's a walking snow snowman.


I'm cold.


It's a walking, talking snowman. Oh, it's just Daddy.


Poor Daddy. Let's warm you up a bit.


Mummy, Pig, Pepper, and George are warming Daddy Pig up by rubbing him with towels.


That's better. Now we can go to the seaside.


But what about the snow? I don't think the coach will be running today. Oh.


Miss Rabbit's coach has a arrived at Peppa's house.


Goodness me. How did you get through all that snow?


With my big snowplow.


Snowplows push the snow out of the way.


Hello, everyone.


Hello, Peppa.


All of Peppa's friends are going to the seaside, too.


Next stop, the seaside. Mr Bull and his friends are gritting the road.


The grit melts the snow.


Hello, Mr Bull. Boo. Hello, Miss Rabbit. It's taking us all night, but the road is clear all the way to the seaside.


That's good. We're going to the seaside.


Would you like to come along? No, thanks, Miss Rabbit. We've got more roads to grit. Goodbye, Mr. Bull. Bye. Have a lovely day at the beach.


We're all going on a seaside holiday. Track us, swimming in the sunny skies. We're all going on a seaside holiday. Sea and sand and ice cream too. Here we are, the seaside.


The beach is covered in snow.


That sea looks cold.


I was looking forward to having a swim. You still can. The sea's not frozen over. Come along, girls. What are you waiting for?


I can't swim because I've sprayed my ankle.


And I think I might have a cough.


Come on in, Mummy Pig. It's lovely. Are you sure it's lovely? Of course. The sea is wonderful today. Okay, then.


Mummy Pig is going for a swim. Is it cold, Mummy?


It's a little bit cold.


It always feels cold when you first get in. If you keep moving, you'll warm up.


Okay, I'll keep moving. Mummy Daddy Pig has run out of the sea.


Let's get you dry.


Peppa, George, and Daddy Pig are warming Mummy Pig up by rubbing her with towels.


That's better.


Are you going for a swim, Daddy Pig?


Maybe not today.


Who wants an ice cream? Me, me, me. Everyone likes ice creams at the seaside.


I wanted to make sand castles, but the beach is covered in snow.


We can make snow castles. First, we fill the buckets with snow. We turn the buckets upside down, give them a little tap, and, hey, presto, a snow castle.Custles. Snowcastles.


I love the seasides, and I love the snow. I love the seaside and the snow.


Santa's Grotto.


It is Christmas Eve.


Hands up. Who wants to go and see Father Christmas? Me, me, me. Are we going to the North Pole? Not quite that far, Peppa.


But Father Christmas lives at the North Pole.


Lucky for us, he's got a grotto at the Christmas Fair.


Peppa and George have come to visit Santa's Grotto.


Hello, everyone.


Hello. All aboard the Elf train. This way to Santa's grotto.


Susie, what are you asking Father Christmas for? I don't know. What are you asking for? I would like a doll that walks and talks and closes its eyes when it goes to sleep. I'll ask for that too. How does Father Christmas remember what toys everybody wants? He makes a list. His sleigh must be very fast to go around the whole world in one night. It's a super sleigh. Father Christmas is really old. He's hundreds of years old. Even older than my daddy.


Santa's Grotto.


Hello, everyone.


Hello, Father Christmas.


Have you all been good? Yes. Have you all kept Are your bedrooms tidy? Yes. Have you? Oh, of course. Now, come and tell me what you'd like for Christmas. Can I have a football, please?


A xylophon. Tiddlywinks. A magic set, please. Wacing car. Bouncy ball. Boing, boing.


A twain, please. A toy train.


Not a toy train. A real train. One I can drive with real passengers.


I'll see what I can do. Is that everyone?


We haven't seen you yet.


I am sorry. What is your name? I'm Peppa Big. We've met before. Yes. Nice to see you again, Peppa. What would you like for Christmas?


I would like a doll that walks and talks and closes its eyes when it goes to sleep. Please.


The same for me, please. Very good.


You do know where I live, don't you?


Oh, yes. How old are you? I'm hundreds of years old.


I told you. Goodbye, Father Christmas.


Don't forget to leave me a mince pie. And a drink, we know. And a carrot for the rain deer.


Ho, ho, ho.


Peppa and her family are driving back from the Christmas fair.


Daddy, why have we got our bags in the car?


We're spending Christmas at granny and grandpa's house.


But Father Christmas We don't know where we are.


Don't worry, Peppa. Father Christmas knows everything.


Rani Pig, it's nearly Christmas. Yes, and I've got a very important job for you.


Stir the Christmas pudding and make a wish.


Peppa and George are making a wish. Racing car.


Don't tell me what it is.


Here's the mince pie and a drink for Father Christmas.


And the carrot for the rain deer.


Who can that be at this time of night? We're not buying anything.


Very joyful greeting, festive happy cheer. Carol singers. Now it's full in joy, within Christmas time.


Oh, Merry Christmas.


It is bedtime for Pepper and George.


This used to be my bedroom when I was a little piggy.


Father Christmas knows where granny and grandpa live, doesn't he?


Oh, yes. He's been here many times before. Good night, Peppa. Good night, George.


Peppa and George have fallen asleep. When they wake up, it will be Christmas Day.