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School play.


Peppa's playgroup are going to put on.


A play, the little Red Riding Hood.




All the children have parts in the play. They have to practice at home. Peppa is going to be little Red Riding Hood. Mummy pig has made her costume. Daddy Pig is helping Peppa practice.


Okay, Peppa, what do you say?


I'm Little Red Riding Hood.


Very good. Then what?




I'm going to visit my grandma.


I'm going to visit my grandma.


Bravo, Peppa.


Danny Dog is going to play the big bad wolf. Granddad dog and Mummy dog are helping him practice.


I'm the big bad's wolf.


Try not to laugh, Danny.


You should be a bit scarier. Try it like this, Stani.


I'm the big bad wolf. I'm gonna eat your up. You see?


Yes. That was really scary.


Pedro Poni is going to play the hunter. He will rescue Peppa from the big bad wolf.




I'm a hunter and Pedro is a bit shy.


Nay, you say?


I'm going to chase you away, you big bad wolf.


Um. Go away, naughty wolf. Very good, Pedro.


Rebecca Rabbit is going to be the grandma.


What do I say, mummy?


Let's see. At the start of the play, you get locked in a cupboard by the big bad wolf. Then, right at the end of the play, you are rescued by the hunter and you say. Thank you.


Thank you.


Very good, Rebecca.


Everyone has come to see the school play.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our play, the little Red Riding Hood. First, let us meet the actors.




Please, for the sake of the actors, no photography, please. And now our play begins. Grandma is at home.


But who is this visitor on the big bad wolf?


Well done, Danny.




Oh, dear. Danny has forgotten what he says next.


Grandma, you must go in the cupboard.


Go in the cupboards.


The big bad wolf is pretending to be grandma.


I am Little Red Riding Hood. I'm going to visit my grandma.


Bravo, Peppa.


Daddy, you must not take photos.


Oops. Sorry, Peppa. Carry on.


I'm going to visit my grandma. Oh, you don't look like my grandma. What big eyes you have. What big teeth you have. You are not grandma. You are the big bad wolf. Help. Oh, help.


But look who is here. Just in time. Pedro the hunter.


Help. O. Help.


Just in time. Pedro the hunter.


Pedro is a bit shy.


Pedro, would you like me to come on with you? Yes, please. You are a very naughty wolf. I saved you, grandma. Hurrah. Thank you. Bravo. Bravo, Pedro. You were very good. You are almost as good as me. Sleepover.


It is nighttime Pepper is going to a sleepover at Zoe Zebras house.


Hello, Zoe. Hi, Peppa. Welcome to my sleepover.


Ill pick you up in the morning. Bye. Bye, Peppa.


Bye, Rebecca.


Susie and Emily are already here.


Hello, everyone. Hello, Peppa. Ive got my teddy. Hello, everyone.


Zoe has her toy monkey. Emily has her frog. Susie has her owl tweet. And Rebecca has her carrot carrot carrots. Mister Zebra is watching television.


That's better.


I was watching that, but it was a bit boring.




Daddy Zebra is going to bed now. He has to get up early to deliver the post.


Very well, mummy Zebra.


Don't stay up too late.


Good night, mummy.


Peppa and her friends are getting into their sleeping bath. Zoe's baby twin sisters, Zuzu and Zaza want to join the sleepover too.


The sleepover is only for big girls. Oh, they're so sweet and little. Can they stay? Ok, but you must promise you'll stay awake. We promise. Wow, a piano. I'm having lessons. Listen. Twinkle, twinkle little star. Can I have a go? And me twinkle, twinkle little star. Now I wonder what you want. Shush.


You must be quiet so Daddy Zebra can sleep.




Into your sleeping bags, please.


What do we do now? On sleepovers, there's always a midnight feast. What? A midnight feast? We eat things in secret. Ooh, I know where there's food. But we must be very quiet, Susie. Shh. Pepper. Quiet.


Mummy Zebra has woken up.


We going to have the best midnight feast ever. What's going on?


You'll wake Daddy Zebra. Now who knows a nice gentle bedtime story?


Me. And me. I'll start. Once upon a time, there was a little fairy. Now your turn, Peppa. And she lived in the forest. She was very pretty and she had a fairy wand.




Your turn, Emily. Tell us what happens next. Well, I'm not really sure. Just say anything, Emily. As long as it's not boring. Okay. The little fairy met a big monster who went too scary.


What's all this noise?


Oh dear. The noise has woken Mister Zebra.


Sorry, daddy. There was a story about a fairy and a scary monster and we want to know what happens next.


Very well. The monster lifted up his big hairy paws and walked along on his big hairy feet and he said. Twinkle, twinkle little star how I wonder what you are.


Mister Zebra's song has sent everyone to sleep.


My birthday party.


It is Peppa's birthday. It is very early in the morning.


It's my birthday. George, wake up. It's my birthday. I'm going to have a party. And Daddy is doing a magic show. Quick, George. Let's wake mummy and daddy up.


Mummy pig and daddy pig are still fast asleep.


Wake up. It's my birthday. Wake up.


What time is it?


It's very late.


It's 05:00 in the morning.


Yes, the whole day is going.


Okay. Let's get your birthday started.




Mummy pig, daddy pig, and George are giving Peppa her birthday present.


Happy birthday, Pepper.


Oh. What is it? A doll's dress. I can put it on. Teddy. Thank you, everyone.


You're welcome, Peppa. I didn't know Teddy was a girl. Teddy?


Oh, Daddy. Of course Teddy's a girl. I love my new dress. Thank you, everyone. You're welcome, Teddy. Don't get it dirty.


Do you know what's happening next, Peppa?


Yes. My friends are coming for my birthday party, and Daddy is doing a magic show.


No one will know the magician is your daddy. You will introduce me as the amazing mysterio.


The amazing mysterio?


Yes. The amazing mysterio.


Daddy's been practicing his magic tricks all week.


My friends are here. Yippee.


Are Pepper's friends. Candy. Cat. Susie. Sheep. Danny dog. Rebecca. Rabbit. And Pedro. Pony.


Hello, everyone. Happy birthday, Peppa.


Come on, children. The party is starting.




Daddy pig is going to do a magic show.


Peppa, remember what you have to say. Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the amazing mysterio.


Okay, Daddy. Ladies and gentlemen, uh, it's magic daddy. Hooray.


For my first trick. Abracadabra.


Wow. It's Teddy.


For my next trick, I need a helper from the audience. I just need one. Young lady, you put your hand up first. Can you tell the audience your name?


Meh. Susie. Sheep.


Okay, Susie, here are three balls. A red one, a blue one, and a yellow one. Okay, you have to secretly choose one while my back is turned.




Have you chosen one?




Abracadabra. You chose yellow.




Abracadabra. Blue.




Abracadabra. Red.


Yes, it is red. Hooray. Silly magic daddy, you said all three colors.


Shush, pepper. Don't tell anyone. Would you like one more trick?


Yes, please. Oh.


Close your eyes. No looking. Say the magic words. Abracadabra.




Open your eyes.


Ooh. Hooray. My banana birthday cake.


Blow the candles out, Peppa.


Hooray. Happy birthday, pepper. Thank you, everyone. This is my best birthday ever. Daddy pig's birthday.


Today is daddy pig's birthday. Daddy pig has to go to work.


Daddy, I wish you didn't have to work on your birthday.


So do I. But I'll be home as soon as I can. See you later.


See you later.


While Daddy Pig is at work, we can get all his birthday surprises ready. First we'll make daddy's birthday cake. We start with butter and sugar and flour. Then we add an egg and most important of all, the chocolate bits.


Mummy pig is making a chocolate cake. Daddy pig loves chocolate cake.


I give it a stir.


Mummy, can I stir? Yes.


Peppa pepper loves stirring. George wants a go.


Ok George, thats enough stirring there. Daddy pigs chocolate cake. Hooray. Now we just have to bake it in the oven.


Mummy, can I lick the spoon?


Yes, you can lick the spoon and George can lick the bowl.




Pepper and George love chocolate cake mixture.


Poor daddy Pig. He's missing all the fun.


Mommy, can I ring daddy at work and say happy birthday?


That's a nice idea.


This is the office where daddy Pig works. Hello, mister Rabbit speaking.


May I speak to daddy Pig please?


Someone for you, daddy Pig. It sounds important.


Hello, daddy Pig speaking.


Happy birthday Daddy. Happy birthday.


Thank you, Peppa.


Don't be late home, Daddy. Bye bye.


Bye bye.


Happy birthday daddy pig.


Thank you.


There's just one more thing to do before Daddy gets home.


Yes. Daddy's birthday surprise. Shh. George, remember it's a secret. Shh.


Peppa and George have buckets of water. Mummy pig has balloons. I wonder what daddy Pig's birthday surprise can be?


Daddy's home. Quick, back to the house.


Daddy pig is home from work.


Happy birthday, daddy Pig.


Thank you everyone. Wow, what a lot of candles.


That's because you are very, very old, Daddy. You must blow out all your candles in one go.


I'll do my best.


Hurray. And here's your birthday present.


Thank you. New boots. Fantastic. Let's try them out.


Pepper, George and mummy pig are wearing their boots. Daddy pig is wearing his birthday boots. Daddy Pig has found a little puddle.


Let's see if these boots work.


The puddle is a bit too little for daddy Pig.


Hmm. What I need is a big puddle.


Why not fly over here, daddy pig?


Ooh, what's this?


It's your special birthday surprise.


What are they up to?


A big muddy puddle.


Fantastic. My birthday boots work perfectly. Would you care to join me in my birthday muddy puddle?


Daddy pig loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.


This is my best birthday ever.




Pepper and George are going shopping. Peppa and George like shopping. George loves sitting in the trolley. So does Peppa.


Daddy, can I sit in the trolley too?


You're too big for the trolley, Pepper, but you can help with the shopping.


Oh, goody.


We've got four things on the list.


Tomatoes, spaghetti, onions and fruit.


I'll find it all this way.


Peppa and George love shopping.


Pepper. First we need tomatoes.


Hmm. I can see them. I can see them. Here are the tomatoes, Mummy.


Well done, Peppa.




Now put them in the trolley.


I found the tomatoes.


Well done, Peppa. Tomatoes. That's one thing off the list. What's next on the list?


Spaghetti piggetti.


That's right, George. But it's called spaghetti pghetti.


Spaghetti is pepper and George's favorite food.


I wonder where the spaghetti is.


I can see it this way. Spaghetti. Look, Mummy, here's the spaghetti.


Well done, Peppa. Let's put the spaghetti in the trolley.


Yes, Mummy. Piquetti, George. It's called spaghetti P. Getty.


What's next on the list, pepper?




Crisps are not on the list.


We have plenty of crisps at home.


Pepper, have another guess.


Hmm. I just can't remember.


Can you remember, George?






George, there aren't any dinosaurs in the supermarket.


No, George. The next thing on the list is onions.


Onions. I remember now. Here they are.


Well done.


One, two, three for onions.


Very good. That's nearly everything on our list.


There's one last thing on the list.


A plant. Is that on the list?


Oh, no, George. The last thing on the list is fruit.


Oh, never mind, George. You can choose the fruit. Where is the fruit?


Over there.


And oranges and bananas and a very big melon.


What fruit shall we have, George?


Apples, oranges, bananas, a melon.


This is the checkout where all the food is paid for.


Tomatoes, spaghetti, onions, melon, chocolate cake.


Chocolate cake.


Chocolate cake. Is that on the list?


Pepper, did you put the chocolate cake in the trolley?


No, Mummy.


George, did you put the chocolate cake in the trolley?




Well, I didn't put it in.


Then who did?


I thought it might be nice for pudding.


Daddy. Pig.


Naughty daddy.


Sorry. It just looked so delicious.


It does look rather yummy. Oh, let's pretend it was on the list.


Chocolate cake.






It is almost time for bed. Mummy.




Daddy, pig and pepper are having mugs of hot milk.


George, why you dressed up in that space suit? You should be in your pajamas.


George loves everything to do with space.


Oh, George, take your space helmet off to drink your milk.


Bedtime, little ones.


At night, George likes to listen to his space mobile.


Not space again. It's boring.


Space isn't boring. It's full of space stars.


I can't see anything. It's too dark.


It's easier to see the stars from outside.


Can we go outside now?


Peppa, you're in your pajamas.


Maybe if you put your coats on over your pajamas, we could go outside just this once.


Hooray. Daddy, why are you lying on the ground?


This is the best way to see the stars. Look at these little stars. Imagine you are joining the dots.


That's called the Big Dipper.


Ooh, yes. And the two stars at the end point to the north star.


Wow. North star, north star. Are you near or are you far? Can we get. They're in the car.


No, Peppa, the stars are much too far away.


Are they even further than the seaside?


Oh, yes, but they look a lot closer through a telescope.


Have we got a telescope?


No, but grandpa Pig has a very good telescope.


Can we go to Grandpa pig's house now?


It's much too late.


Maybe we can go just this once, daddy pig.




It is the first time Peppa and George have been in the car at night.


Look, we're following the north star.


North star, north star. Shining with a twinkly glove. Please show us the way to go.


Peppa and George have arrived at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house.


Oh, dear. I do hope Grandpa and Granny Pig haven't gone to bed.


What are you doing here at this hour?


We want to see the stars.


Peppa and George were hoping they could look through your telescope.


I see. Very well. To the top of the house, everyone. Here she is, old Bess.




Grandpa pigs hobby is looking at the stars.


Now, who's for the first look?


Me. Me. Ooh. The north star.


We sailors use it to find our way home.


Daddy used it to find his way here. Are there other things in the sky?




This is a planet called Saturn.


Wow. What are those pretty rings?


They are made of rock and ice. Saturn is very, very cool.


We could build a snowman. George.


Quick, look. Oh, it's a shooting star. You must make a wish.


I wish that when George is old enough to have his own rocket, he will take me into space. Grandpa Pig's boat.


Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are taking Peppa and George out for a day on the river.


Welcome aboard, me hearties.


Pepper, George, let's put your life jackets on.


When Pepper and George are on Grandpa Pig's boat, they must wear life jackets.


On this boat. I'm the captain.


Aye, aye, captain.


Aye, aye, captain.


When Captain Grandpa tells you all to do something, you must do it.


Unless it's something silly.


Captain Grandpa never says anything silly.


Of course not, captain. Grandpa.


George, raise the flag. Peppa, ring the bell.


Aye, aye, captain.


Granny Pige, the wheel.


Aye, aye, captain.


Full sail.


Full sail.


Maybe you should go a little slower, Grandpa pig.


Good idea, granny pig. I don't want to use up all my petrol.


Grandpa, I liked it when we went fast.


Don't worry, Peppa. We'll go fast later.


Look, there's another boat.


Here's Grandad dog. He's taking Danny dog out for a day on the river.


Ahoy there, Grandad dog.


Ahoy there, grandpa pig.


Hello, Danny. Hello, Pippa.


Grandad dog is Grandpa pig's very best friend.


I'm surprised your boat is still afloat, granddad dog. It must be almost as old as you are.




This old boat can go faster than your rusty bucket any day, grandpa pig.


All right, you old sea dog, race you.


Prepare to lose, water hog. Ruff, ruff, ruff.


You two are acting like little children.


Granddad dog called me a water hog.


You called him a sea dog first. Grandpa, you should say sorry only if.


He says sorry first.


Grandad, say sorry to grandpa Pig. He is your best friend.


No, he's a water hog, and my.


Boat is faster than his. Alright, sea dog, let's race to the next bridge.


On the count of three.


One, two. You started too soon.


Catch me if you can, water hog.


Ruff, ruff, sea dog, is that as fast as you can go? Can't catch me. I. Winden.


Oh, dear. Grandpa pig's boat has run out of petrol.


Very clever, captain.


Grandpa, maybe I did go a bit too fast.


How will we get home?


Look, there's grandad dog.


Granddad dog can tow us home.


I'm not being towed by that sea dog.


I haven't offered to tow the water hog.


Will you two ever grow up?


Grandpa, say sorry to grandad dog.


I'm sorry I called you a sea dog.


Granddad, say sorry to grandpa Pig.


I'm sorry I called you a water hog.


That's nice. Grandad dog, would you be so kind as to tow us home?


It would be my pleasure, madame. Catch this, captain.


Aye, aye.


Skip up, granddad dog is grandpa pig's very best friend. Grandad dog is towing grandpa pig's boat home.


The main thing is, I won the race.


Grandpa pig naughty grandpa pig.


Peppa, ring the bell.


Aye, aye, captain. Grandpa, the power cut.


It is evening. Pepper and George are in the sitting room dancing to their favorite song. Daddy Pig is in the hallway vacuuming the carpet. And mummy pig is in her study doing important work on her computer.








Mummy. Daddy, it's gone all dark, and the.


Music is broken, and my vacuum won't.


Work, and my computer has switched off.


Mummy pig tries the light switch, but the lights do not come on.


It must be a power cut.


What's a power cut?


A power cut is when there is no electricity.


What's electricity? Electricity.


Electricity is what makes everything in our house work.


Will the electricity come back again?


Yes, but in the meantime, we need to find a torch.


I think there's a torch in the cellar.


Okay, I'll go and get it.


Will you be okay, Daddy?


Oh, I'll be fine. I can see very well in the dark. Who put that there?


Daddy, are you okay?


Yes. It's just a bit dark down here.


Oh, I just remembered. I think the torch is in the kitchen. Ah ha.


Mummy pig has found the torch.


Can I hold the torch, Mummy?




George, look at me.


Peppa is making a funny face.


Don't worry, George. It's only Peppa. Oh, we'd better tell Daddy we found the torch.


Daddy is still in the cellar looking for the torch.


I'm sure it's here somewhere.


Daddy, we found the torch. Luckily, it was in the kitchen all the time.


What a stroke of luck.


Now we just have to wait until the electricity comes back.


How long will that be, exactly?


Um, I would say exactly a long time.


Oh. But George and I want to do some dancing. I know what we can do. We can watch some television. Oh, it won't go on.


The tv needs electricity, too.


Does it?




Oh. Now what are we going to do?


In the olden days, when there was no television, children would have to make up their own games.


Hmm. I know. I need a cardboard box.


What is Peppa doing?


Mummy, will you cut a hole in this box for me?


What for?


You'll see.


Mummy pig is cutting a hole in the cardboard box.


There you are, Peppa.


Thank you. Now, you all have to sit down there. And George, you have to point this torch at me. I him. Welcome to Peppa Pig News. With me, Peppa Pig.


Peppa has made her own television.


Today, the whole world stopped working when there was a power cut and all the electricity was lost.


Very good, Peppa.


Daddy Pig says that the electricity won't be back for a long, long time.


Oh, the electricity is back.


Great. Shush. I haven't finished yet. Switch the lights off.


Okay, Peppa.


Good. I kim, I have some very important news. The queen has just found some more electricity. Trickity. And says that everyone can now be happy again.


Very good, Peppa.




That starts.


I quite enjoyed the power cut, but she's happy. The electricity is back again. Mister Skinny legs Peppa is playing with her doll's house. George is playing, too. Peppa is making a tea party for the doll family.


Here, George, I'm the mummy and daddy. You can be the children. Children, it's nearly tea time, so you must wash your hands.


George is putting the dolls to bed.


Night. George, why are you putting the children to bed? They're having a tea party.


George likes putting the dolls to bed.


Children, come downstairs right now, or you won't get any cake.


George isn't listening. He's too busy putting the dolls to bed.


George, if you want to play with my doll's house, you have to help with the tea party. Here, George, you can fill the teapot with water. Children, come downstairs right now. Mummy, we're coming.


George is going to fill the teapot with water. George has found a spider in the sink. George wants the spider to be his friend.




George likes the spider. The spider likes George. Pepper loves playing tea parties.


Where are all the chocolate biscuits, Daddy? We had lots yesterday. Oh, I'm sorry, Mummy. I must have eaten them all. Ho, ho, ho. Naughty. Daddy.


George is putting the spider to bed.


Night. George, what are you doing? You have to help me with the tea party. Help. Help. Daddy, there's a spider in my bedroom.


Oh, don't worry, Peppa.


Please, dandy, take it away.


No need to panic. Hello, George, have you seen the spider?


It's too scary. Take it away.


There's no need to be afraid, Peppa. Spiders are very, very small, and they can't hurt you. But don't worry. Daddy will take it out of the bedroom. Whoa. He's quite big, isn't he? Um, I'll just fetch Mummy pig. Mummy pig.


Hello, Mister Skinny legs.


Peppa feels a little bit braver.


He likes being in my doll's house.


Hello, children. I hear you found a little spider. I'll take him out of the bedroom so you two can play.


Mummy, his name is Mister Skinnylegs. Ah.


Mister Skinnylegs is big, isn't he?


Peppa and George like the spider.


Night night.


George is putting the spider to bed.


No, George. He wants some tea. He doesn't want to be in bed. Are you hungry, Mister Skinny legs? Would you like some cake?


Peppa isn't afraid of the spider anymore.


Mummy, daddy, sit down. We are all going to have tea with Mister skinnylegs. Who wants tea?


Me, please.


Me, please. Delicious.


Peppa loves playing tea parties.


Here's your tea, Mister Skinnylegs. What's that? You want to say hello to my daddy? Hello, Mister Daddy Pig.


Hey, that's all right, Peppa. Let Mister Skinny legs drink his tea.


You're not scared, are you, Daddy?


Oh, no, of course not. Well, not so close.


Pepper likes Mister skinnylegs. Everyone likes Mister Skinny legs.


Captain Daddy Pig.


Pepper and her family are borrowing grandpa's boat for the day.


Remember, daddy pig, push the lever forward to go forward.


Aye, aye, grandpa Pig. Forward and back to go back and back. Simple.


And please look after my boat. I've just had it painted.


Oh, Grandpa Pige. What an old fuss pot you are.


Are my crew ready?


Yes, Captain Daddy pig.


Then let's go.


Oh, the boat is moving backwards.




Watch out for the bridge.




Oh, that was close by.


Have a lovely time.


I hope my boot comes back in one peace.


Stop worrying. It will be fine.


Peppa, ring the bell.


Aye, aye, Captain Daddy. I'm a bit hungry.


So have I. Grandpa's left us a picnic in the galley.


What's a galley?


A galley is a boat's little kitchen. Follow me.


Peppa and George are going inside the boat.




What a tiny little kitchen.


Where's the picnic?


The obvious place would be here.


That's not a picnic.


Then it must be here.


And that's not a picnic.


This kitchen has everything in the wrong place.


Wow. Tv.


Daddy pig cannot find a picnic.


It's impossible.


If this was my kitchen, the picnic would be here.


Oh, well done, peppa.


Pepper has found the picnic.




Oh, it's the ducks. Hello, misses duck. Would you like some bread?


Pepper and George love feeding bread to ducks.


Look out. Long reeds ahead.


Don't worry. Grandpa's boat will easily go through them.


Are we stuck?


No, we can reverse.


Now. Are we stuck?




Oh, dear. Grandpa's boat is stuck in the reeds.


I'll just give it a little push.


Do be careful, daddy Pige.


I know what I'm doing. When I say go, start the engine.


Aya. Captain Daddy Pig.




Daddy Pig has pushed the boat out of the reeds. Hooray.


Quick, Daddy. Jump back on the boat.


Oh, no. Daddy pig is being left behind.




Daddy, stop the edge.


What's he saying?


Stop the engine.


Daddy says stop the engine. Oh.


Are you okay, daddy pig?


Yes, I'm fine. But let's head for home before we have any more adventures.


Aye aye, Captain Daddy Pig.


They've been gone for ages. I hope my boat's all right.


I'm. Look.


There they are.




Ahoy, there.


I'll just park the boat.


You park a car, but you moor a boat. I'll show you.


Grandpa pig is going to moor the boat.


The secret of mooring is to do it carefully.


Mind the bridge.




Behind you.


Ah. Oh. I didn't mean to do that.


Grandpa has broken his boat.


Never mind, grandpa. You can have lots of fun mending it.


It is true that I love mending things.


Can I help mend smoke, Grandpa?


Oh, of course you can. Peppa.


At the beach.


Peppa and her family are going to the beach. Peppa and George love going to the beach.


What a lot of stuff. We must be careful not to forget anything when we go.


Sunshade, beach bag, towels, buckets and spades, and a spotty ball.


Good. Now, before you start playing, you need some sun cream on.


The sun is very hot, so Peppa and George have to have sun cream on.


Let's try out this spotty ball. It seems to work.


What a great spotty ball.


George, you throw the ball, and I will catch it. George, catch.


Oh, dear. George is too little to catch the ball.


Never mind. George, would you and Peppa like to have a paddle in the sea?


Yes, please, Daddy.


Let's put your water wings on. There we go. You look very smart in your water wings, George.


My turn, my turn.


Good. Now we can play in the water.




The water cold?


It's lovely and warm. Steady on.


You started it, daddy pig.


Maybe that's enough splashing wee daddy.


I love Pepper and George love the beach. Everyone loves the beach.


Pepper, George, would you like to play with your buckets and spades?


Yes, please, Mummy, Daddy, Daddy, can we bury you in the sand?


Uh, well.


Please, daddy.


Oh, all right.




Pepper and George are burying Daddy. Pig in the sand.


Steady on.


There, now.


You can't escape.


My head is getting a bit hot. Can I have my straw hat?


Well, if you say please.


Please, can I have my straw hat?


Yes, you may, daddy.


That's nice. Oh, maybe I'll just have a little sleep.


George, let's make sand castles.


Peppa and George are making sand castles.


First, we put sand in the buckets, like this. We turn the buckets upside down and tap them and lift the bucket up.


Hey presto, a sand castle. Hey presto, another sand castle.


Pepper, George, home time. Don't leave any stuff behind. Let's check that we haven't forgotten anything.


Towels, beach bag, sunshade, and the spotty ball. That's everything.


I'm sure we've forgotten something.




Of course we forgot the hat.


Daddy. We forgot daddy.


Oh yes. We forgot daddy. Pig.


Eh? What?


Daddy, we almost left you behind. But George remembered you.


Well, I'm glad George remembered me.


School camp.


Pepper and her friends are going on a school camp.


Madam Gazelle, I don't feel very well. The bus is very bumpy.


Oh dear, Pedro. Pony is feeling a bit travel sick.


Poor Pedro. Come and sit in the front with me.




Is that better?


A little bit, Madame Gazelle.


Oh, do you feel sick too, Zoe?


I might feel sick later. Can I sit at the front? Just in case? Can I sit at the front too? And maybe.


Haha. I'm sorry children. You can't all sit at the front. Never mind. We're at the campsite now.




Happy camping everyone.


Bye bye.


This is our campsite. Breathe in the wonderful fresh air, children. Excellent breathing. Now let's. Let's put up our tents.


Peppa and her friends are putting up their tents.


Children, you must each find a partner to share your tent.


Susie, shall we share a tent? I said I'd share with Zoe. Oh, sorry Susie. I said I'd share with Rebecca. Rebecca, you said you'd share with me. Oh yes. Emily, who are you going to share a tent with? Umm. Sewing. Ok. Good. Now you can share with me. Ok.


Now I need sticks to make a campfire.


We'll get sticks. But me and Pedro want to get sticks.


Ha ha. You can all collect sticks.


Peppa and her friends collect sticks for the campfire.




It is nighttime. Peppa and her friends are sitting around the campfire.


Children, let's all sing a song.


Yes, the Bing bong song, please.


Oh, I'm not sure.


Please Madame Godel, sing the bing bong song.


Alright. We're playing our tune and we're singing a song with a bing and a.


Bong and a bing bong. Bing bing bong. Bing bing bong, bingley bongy boom boom. Bingley bongy booze.


Now children, time for bed. Good night, children.


Good night, mom.


Peppa and Susie are in their sleeping bags.


I've got a torch. Me too.


Attention children. No more giggling, please.


What was that funny noise? I don't know. There it is again. Susie, where are you going? Madame Gazelle, I'm a bit scared. Oh.


Would you like to come in?


Yes, please, Madam Gazelle. I think I'm a bit scared too. Can I come in please?


Of course.


I think I might be scared later. I might be scared later too. And me.


Come in, everyone.


Can we have the Bing Bong song, please?


All right. We're playing our tune and we're singing a song with a bing and a bong and a bing.


Daddy puts up a picture.


Mummy pig and daddy pig have a new picture of Peppa and George.


We should put this lovely new picture on the wall.


Leave it to me. I am the DIY expert of the house.


Are you sure you can do it?


Of course. I'll just put a nail in the wall and hang the picture on it.


Very good. I'm just off to visit Granny and grandpa Pig. I'll see you later. And please don't make a mess.








Daddy, can we help adopt the picture?


You can watch, and then you learn how to do it properly. First, I need a tape measure and a pencil. That is where I'm going to put the nail.


Don't break the wall, Daddy.


Now I need a hammer and a nail. Stand back, children, and watch a craftsman at work.


Daddy Pig is going to knock the nail into the wall.


Don't break the wall, Daddy.


Don't be silly, pepper. Easiest pie. Oh, it's not meant to do that.


Daddy pig has made a big crack in the wall.


Oh, Daddy, you've broken the wall.


It's just a tiny crack. The picture will hide it there.


I can still see the crack, Daddy.


Yes, I'll just take the nail out and fill in the crack.


Don't make a mess, Daddy.


Oh, don't be silly, pepper. Oh, it's coming out.


Oh, Daddy, now you really have broken the wall. Do you think Mummy will notice?


Yes, I think she might.


Quick, George.


What are they doing, Daddy?


We can see you.


Daddy Pig has to mend the wall before Mummy pig comes home.


Brick, please.


First Daddy pig fills the hole with bricks.




Next, Daddy pig puts plaster over the bricks.


Easy as pie.


Then Daddy pig paints the wall.


Good as new.


The wall is mended.




But look at all the mess they have made.


Goodness me. We had better clean up before mummy comes back.


First daddy pig quickly washes pepper and joy. Then pepper vacuums the floor, and daddy pige tidies up the tools.




Mummy pig is home.


Mummy, mummy's here.


Quick, pretend nothing has happened.






What have you been doing?


Oh, nothing.


Yes, I can see you've been doing nothing. I thought you were going to put the picture up.


In all the excitement, daddy pig has forgotten to put the picture up.


Oh, well, I'm no expert, but I'm sure it's quite easy.




Hmm. Yes, that did look quite easy.


But when you did it, daddy, it looked really hard.


Shush, pepper. Don't tell anyone.


The coral.


Pepper and Susie sheep are playing. Snap.


Snap. I win.


Peppa and Susie are best friends.


Snap. I win again. You cheated. I did not. You looked at the card. I did not. I don't want to play with you anymore. I don't want to play with you anymore.


Oh dear. Peppa and Susie have had a quarrel. Mummy sheep is here to take Susie home.


Peppa, say bye bye to Susie.


I am not talking to her. And I'm not talking to her.


Oh, I'm sure they'll make it up. They are best friends. Really.


It is not funny. We are not best friends anymore.


Daddy Pig is making supper.


Peppa, George, suppertime. It's spaghetti. What's the matter, Peppa?


Peppa and Susie have had a little quarrel.


Oh, but I do miss Susie a bit.




Let's give Susie a call.


Hello, misses pig.


May Peppa talk with Susie please?


Hello, Susie. Hello, Peppa. We can be friends again if you say sorry. I'm sorry I said you cheated even though you did cheat. Well, I'm sorry you were ever my best friend. Oh, it doesn't matter. I can easily find a new best friend.


It is a lovely sunny day. All the children are at the playground. Danny dog is on the ranch with his best friend, Pedro. Pony George is on the seesaw with his best friend, Richard Rabbit. Susie sheep is on the swings on her own. Peppa is playing mini golf on her own. Here is Emily Elephant.


Can I have a go? Yes. Emily Susie sheep is not my best friend anymore. So you can be my best friend. But my best friend is candy cat. Oh, meow wee. Zoe, if you want, you can be my best friend. But my best friend is Rebecca Rabbit. Oh, weed. Hello Susie. Hello Peppa.


Ah, good. I see you two are friends again.


We are not friends. We will never be friends again.


Hmm. I think it's about time you two made it up. Peppa, say sorry to Susie.


Only if she says sorry first. Only if she says sorry first.


I know. I'll count to three and you can both say sorry at the same time.




One. Two. Three.




Now you can be best friends again.


Hooray. Suzie, let's play mini golf. Good idea.


Peppa and Susie are best friends again.


Me first. My go. My ball went in the hole so I win. But my ball knocked it in to so I win. You're just making the rules up. You are making the rules up. I win. No, I win.


You two are just the same.


That's why Susie's my best friend in the whole world. And Peppa is my best friend in the whole world ever. The playground.


Peppa and George are at the playground with their friends. Candy cat and Pedro pony are on the climbing frame.


Neigh. Meow.


Susie, sheep, Danny dog and Rebecca Rabbit are playing on the slide.




Pepper is playing on the swing.


Mummy, Mummy, push me, please.


Are you ready?


Yes. I want to go really high. Whee. Higher, Mummy.




George wants to play on the swing.


Now it's your turn, George.


Hold tight.


I want to push, George.


Push, George. Gently, Pepper.


Yes, Mummy. Hold tight, George.


Oh, dear. Pepper has pushed George too high. George does not like being up high.


Pepper, you know George is a bit scared of heights.


Sorry, George. Let's play on the climbing frame. Hello, Susie. Hello, Danny. Hello, Peppa. Wee, you were doing it all wrong. This is the proper way to swing across. Stand back. Ready, steady, go. Wee. Look at me. I'm flying like a bird. Oh, I can't get out.


Peppa is stuck in the tire.


It's not funny.


Well, it does look a bit funny. We'll have to pull you out.


Pepper's friends are helping to free them.


Hooray. Thank you, everyone.


George, do you want to play on the climbing frame?


The climbing frame is quite high. George does not like being up high.


Sorry. George. Let's play on the slide.


Yes, slide. Yippee.


Pepper loves the slide. Everyone loves the slide.


Mommy, Daddy, look at me. Ready, steady, go. Whee. Meow. Whee wee.


George wants to play on the slide.


Are you sure, George? It is a bit high. All right, I'll help you up the steps.


Oh, dear. It is a bit too high for George.


Don't worry, George. I'll slide down with you.


Daddy, you're too big to go down the slide.


Don't be silly, Peppa. I'm not too big. Stand back. Ready, steady, go.


Daddy, pig is stuck.


It's not funny.


It looks very funny, Daddy.


I suppose it is a bit funny.


We'll have to push you down. Daddy's tummy is just like a bouncy castle.


George loves bouncing on Daddy's tummy. George isn't afraid of ice anymore.


The toy cupboard.


It is Peppa and George's bedtime.


Goodness me. Why are all these toys on your bed?


That's where they live.


Quickly, put the toys away in your toy basket.


But the toy basket is full.


Oh, so it is. Maybe you need a toy cupboard.


Yes, I could make one tomorrow.


The last thing you made, daddy Pig, was this shelf.


I'm very proud of that shelf.


But daddy, it's all wobbly. We use it as a slide for Teddy and Mister Diancie.


All right, let's buy a new toy cupboard.


We can buy one now on the computer.




Mummy pig is using the computer to buy a toy cupboard.


Ah ha. Now which one shall we get?


Can we have this one please?


That looks perfect.


Mummy pig is buying the toy cupboard.


Congratulations. Your toy cupboard is ordered.


Oh goody.


It is morning. And Mister Zebra the postman has a special delivery.




Special delivery for Miss Peppa Pig and Master George.


What is it?


It's a toy cupboard.


Oh, it looks a bit flat.


Yes, you'll build it yourself. Oh, don't worry, Pepper. It'll be very easy for your mummy and daddy to build. Goodbye.


Bye bye bye. Now what do we do?


Now? We build your toy cupboard.




That's strange. There aren't any instructions.


Maybe it's so easy to build, it doesn't need instructions.


Mummy, can we help?


Yes, first I need a shelf.


Here's a green shelf.


Thank you, Peppa. Now I need four legs.


12344. Blue legs, mummy.


Lovely. We'll have this done in no time.


Here's a red door, mummy pig.


Thank you, daddy pig. There, finished.


Well done, mummy pig.


It's very tiny. How will all our toys fit inside?


It is a little small.


Oh, George has found another bit.


Maybe that's a spare shelf.


And there's all of these bits too.


Oh dear. The cupboard is tiny because mummy pig has not used all the pieces.


We'll just have to take it apart and start again.


Oh no. If only we have the instructions. Who can that be?




I just found this in my van.


It's the missing instructions that will make things a lot easier.




The instructions look very complicated.


It's no good. It's nonsense.


Leave it to me, daddy pig. I quite enjoy putting these things together.


Really? Can we help in any way?


You can put the kettle on. I'll have a nice cup of tea with six sugars, please.


Everyone is preparing tea and biscuits for Mister Zebra.


Tea time, Mister Zebra. Wow.


Mister Zebra has built the toy cupboard.


My goodness, that was quick.


Yes, and I've put all your toys in there too.


Ooh, thank you, Mister Zebra.


But there's no room for these last two.


Oh, poor Teddy and Mister Dinosaur. Where are they going to live?


Why not simply order another easy to make cupboard?


No, I've got a better idea. Teddy and Mister Dinosaur can live on your beds.


But, mommy, that's where they lived before.


Yes, I know. That's why it's such a good idea.


Tidying up.


Peppa and George are in their bedroom playing with their toys.


George, let's play dollies and dinosaurs. What is that? It looks like a horrible monster. Dinosaur. It's a dinosaur.






Teddy Pig is in the sitting room reading his newspaper. Mummy pig is reading her book.


What are they doing?






Pepper. George. What's going on? What's all this noise? Whoa. Help.


What on earth is going on? What a lot of noise. And look at all this mess on the floor. Someone could trip over and hurt themselves.


Someone did trip over and hurt themselves.


Oh, dear. Poor Daddy pig. Come on, children, let's do a bit of tidying up.


But mummy, we're playing dollies and dinosaurs.


You can play again when you've tidied up.


But it's all George's mess.


Is it really? So this must be one of George's lovely dresses.


No. Or maybe some of the mess is mine.


Right. I'll help George Tidy, and Mummy pig can help Peppa, we can have a race.


Girls against boys.


Good idea. Let's see who can tidy up first. Ready, steady, go. We're winning.


No, you're not. There. Oh, what's this? Teddy, I've been looking for you.


Quick, Peppa, put Teddy in your toy basket.


There. Now these books. Lovely.


What do we have here?




That's right. It's a dinosaur book.


It's George's pop up dinosaur book.


This is a Tyrannosaurus rex. Tyrannosaurus rex, that's right. Oh, this is a brontosaurus. Brontosaurus, yes. And this is a triceratops.




Well done, George.


George loves dinosaurs.


Daddy. George, you've stopped tidying up. You'll lose the race.


Oh, yes, the race. Come on, George. Put this back on the bookshelf.


Daddy, you're very slow at tidying up. Mummy and I are going to win.


No, we're going to win. We win.


No, we win.


We all win. Look how tidy the room is. Hooray.


What a tidy room.


Well done, everyone.


Mummy, now that we've tidied our room, can we play dollies and dinosaurs again?


Yes, you can carry on with your game now.


Yippee. Where are my dolls? Where is Mister Dinosaur? Here they are. Grrr. Dinosaur. Ah, it's a dinosaur.






Oh, dear. The room is untidy again.




Oh, well, at least it was tidy for a bit.


Granny and Grandpa's attic.


Peppa and George are playing at Granny and Grandpa's house today.


Hello, Grandpa pig. Bubba, egg.


Oh, hello, Peppa. Hello, George.


Bye bye.


See you later.


See you later. Where's Granny pig?


Hello, my little ones.


That is Granny pig's voice. But where is she?


Granny pig. Here I am, Granny pig. Gangi, egg, why is Granny in the roof?


We're tidying the attic.


What's the attic?


It's where we keep all our old things.


Like you, grandpa pig.


Ha ha. Things that are even older than me.


Can we help?




Granny and grandpa's attic is at the very top of the house.


That's the door to the attic.


How do we get up there?


I have a clever trick.


Hello, my little ones.


It's Granny.


Come on up. This is our attic.


Wow. It's very full.


Yes, it's full of old junk.


Pepper and George are here to help us throw some things out.


Good. Let's start by throwing out this box.


Oh, not that box.


Do we really need this?


That's my ship in a bottle.


And this?


That's my other ship in a bottle.


And these?


They're my other ships in bottles. I need them all.


Well, we have to throw something out.


How about this box?


No, not my hat.


Oh, dear. We can't decide what to throw out.


I know. We'll let Pepper and George decide.


Okay, let's throw away this old case.


Oh, not that one. This isn't just any old case.


It's a record player.




And this was our favorite record.


Can we play it? Yes.


Oh, we haven't heard it for years. Oh, this takes me back.


Come on, Pepper and George. Let's dance.


Mummy pig is here to pick up Peppa and George.




Where are you?


Mummy pig cannot find anyone.


What's that noise?






We've been dancing to Granny and Grandpa's favorite raccoon. Yes.


Granny and Grandpa played it all the time. Ooh. And here's the record I used to play when I was a little piggy.


What is it?


It's called birdie. Birdie. Woof, woof.


Not birdy, birdy woof, woof. You were always playing that.


I thought we'd thrown that out ages ago.


The bird scale.




And the dog scale.


Tweet, woof.


Tweet, woof. Tweet, woof, woof, woof.


The heaps go moo.


And the cows go by moon ba wolf.


Tweet, woof.


Ba moon.


Tweet, woof, woof, woof. Again, again.


The birds go woof, and the dogs.


Go tweet, woof, tweet, woof, woof, woof, woof.


The sheep go mook, and the cows go ah.




Tweet, woof, woof, woof.


That was fun. But we were supposed to be finding some things to throw out.


Peppa, what should we throw out and what should we keep?


Hmm. I think you should keep everything. Chloe's puppet show Peppa and her family.


Are visiting Uncle Pig and Auntie Pig and cousin Chloe.


I expect Uncle Pig will fall asleep after lunch like he always does.


Daddy Pig, you shouldn't say such things about your own brother, especially in front of the children.


But it's true. Uncle Pig always eats too much lunch and falls asleep snoring loudly like this. Uh, pepper, George, forget what I just said about Uncle Pig, okay?




Peppa and her family have arrived at Uncle Pig and Auntie Pig's house.


Hello, Auntie Pig and Uncle Pig. Hello.


Hello, everyone.


Hello, big brother.


Uncle Pig is daddy Pig's brother. Chloe pig is Peppa and George's cousin.


Hello, Chloe. Hello, Peppa. Hello, George. I want to show you something. This is my new puppet theater. My daddy made it for me. Wow. I've made two puppets already. This one is called Chloe. Hello. I am Chloe Pig. And this one is my daddy, Uncle Pige. Hello, Peppa. I am Uncle Pig. Chloe, can me and George make puppets, too?




Chloe paints the puppet's eyes.


Can I do the mouth? Ok. My name is Peppa. George, what puppet would you like to make? Dinosaur. A dinosaur. George always says dinosaur for everything. Okay, a scary dinosaur puppet.


Chloe is making George a dinosaur puppet.


It needs pointy teeth. They're a scary dinosaur girl.


Lunchtime, everyone.


Coming. After lunch, we'll do a puppet show. Hooray.


Auntie Pig has made spaghetti for lunch.


This spaghetti is delicious.


Best spaghetti ever.


You can tell you two are brothers alike in every way.


What do you mean?


We are completely different.


Pepper, George and I are going to do a puppet show.




Call us when you're ready. See you later.


A puppet show. That sounds fun. Have I got time for some more spaghetti?


Could I have some more, too? The puppet show is about to begin.


Hello. My name is Cory. Adorea Pepper. Grrr. It's a dinosaur. A scary dinosaur.


Oh, say, that's very good.


I am Uncle Pig. Hello, uncle Pig. Hello, Peppa. Ho ho ho. Ha.


He looks just like you.


I think they've made my tummy a bit big.


Oh ho. I did enjoy my lunch, uncle Pig, are you going to fall asleep and snore? Like you always do. What do you mean? Daddy says you always fall asleep and snore loudly like this. Ho ho. Your daddy's right. I do snore like this.


Daddy pig.


You shouldn't have said those things about uncle Pig.


I don't think daddy Pig or uncle Pig can hear you.


Daddy Pig and Uncle Pig have fallen asleep.


You can tell they are brothers.


What happened?


Has the puppet show started yet?


Pen pal Peppa and her friends are at their playgroup.


Children, who would like a pen pal?


Me. What's a pen pal?


A pen pal is a boy or girl you can write letters to. This little girl lives in France. Her name is Delphine Donkey.


Can delphine donkey be my pen pal?


Of course, Peppa.




It is early morning, Mister Zebra the postman is delivering a letter to Pepper's house. Pepper and George love it when the post arrives.


It's addressed to miss Peppa Pig.


That's me. Mummy, can you read it for me?


Of course. It's from Delphine donkey, my pen pal.


What does she say?


Bonjour, pepper. Comment sava?


Mummy, why are you saying those funny words?


It's french pepper. It means hello. How are you?


What else does she say?




I'll help. Jame les princesses et jouer avec mise amise.


Clever daddy.


I am an expert at French.


What does it mean?


Daddy pig cleans his glasses so he can see the letter more clearly.


Hmm. It's no good. It's nonsense.


It means I like fairy princesses and playing with my friends.


That's what I was going to say.


I want to talk French.


Maybe you could talk to Delphine donkey.




Her phone number is on this letter.




Bonjour et il possible que pepper parle ad delphine.


Mummy pig is asking if pepper may speak to Delphine.






Bonjour. Um, what do I say next?


Common sava.


Common sava. Bye bye.


Au revoir.


Au revoir.


What did you say?


She spoke French. Bonjour, George. Comme sa vain.


Pepper is saying, how are you in French, dinosaur?


Grrr. No, George, that's not how you speak French.


It is morning, Mister Zebra. The postman is delivering letters to Pepper's house.


Can I have my letter from Delphine, please?


Sorry, Peppa. There's no letter for you today.


I wonder who that could be.


Bonjour. I am Delphine donkey. I have come to see Peppa. It's Delphine. Bonjour. Bonjour, Peppa. Here are my mama and papa and my brother Didiereghe. Bonjour. Here are my mummy and daddy and my little brother, George. Hello, dinosaur.


Do you speak French, Mister Pig? I'm an expert at French. Yes.


Delphine. We could jump up and down in muddy puddles.


Delphine does not understand Peppa.


So they don't live like the Wu.


Pepper does not understand delphine.


Everything's so different in French, Daddy. Oh, come on, Peppa. That's what I was going to show you. We call it jumping up and down in muddy puddles. The girl jumping up and down in muddy puddles.


Everyone in the whole world loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.


Very hot day.


The sun is shining. It is a very hot day.


What a lovely hot day.


Peppa and George are wearing their boots. They are going to jump in muddy puddles.


I love muddy puddles. Oh.


Oh, dear. The sun is so hot that the puddles have dried up.


Mummy, Daddy, the puddles are all dry, and we can't jump it, though.


Never mind, Peppa. It's so sunny. You can play in the paddling pool instead.


Yes, the puddling pool.


First you have to change into your swimming costumes.


Yes, Mummy.


Peppa and George are wearing their swimming costumes. Mummy pig is wearing her swimming costume, and Daddy pig is wearing his swimming costume.


So hot. You need sun cream.


So oily and yucky. Yuck.


Oh, what a fuss about nothing.


Yes, we all need sun cream today.


Oh, come on, George. Let's get some air into this paddling pool.


Daddy pig is pumping up the paddling pool.


Easy as pie.


Pepper holds the hose, and mummy pig turns on the water.


Where's the water?


Peppa and George love their paddling pool.


Ice cream.


Ice cream, Miss Rabbit, the ice cream lady. Ice cream.


On very hot days, Miss Rabbit sells ice cream.


Mummy, Daddy, can George and I have an ice cream, please?


Oh, well, I suppose it is an especially hot day.




Please, can I have one as well?


Everyone likes ice cream.


Hello, Mummy pig, pepper and George. Hello, Miss Rabbit. What ice creams would you like?


Can I have a cone, please, Miss Rabbit?


Of course you may, pepper.


Thank you.


The same for me. And one for Daddy pig, please. And what would young Mister George like?




A dinosaur?


Silly George. He always says dinosaur for everything.


Well, it just so happens that I do have a dinosaur shaped ice lolly.




George, you should eat your ice lolly before it melts.




George loves his dinosaur ice lolly so much, he doesn't want to eat it.


Thank you, Miss Rabbit. Enjoy the weather. George, I really think you should eat your ice lolly before it melts and falls on the ground.


Oh, dear. George's dinosaur ice lolly has melted and fallen on the ground.


Never mind, George. You can share Daddy's ice cream. I'm sure he won't mind.


It is so warm. Daddy pig has fallen asleep.


Daddy pig does look hot.


Let's dip water on Daddy to cool him down.


Good idea, Peppa.


What happened?


You were all red and hot, Daddy.


Pig, so we took water on you.


Oh, I see. Thank you, Peppa.


The puzzles are back. Quick, George, let's get our boots.


Pepper and George are wearing their boots. Peppa and George love the hot day, but most of all, they love jumping up and down in puddles.


Nature trail.


Today, Peppa and her family are driving out to the countryside.


Daddy, what will we see in the countryside?


We'll see birds and trees and flowers and bees.


Dinosaur. No, George, I don't think we'll see any dinosaurs.


This is the start of the nature trail.


We're here.




Daddy pig, don't forget the picnic.


As if I would.


Daddy, how do we know which way to go?


Easy. The map says there should be a sign showing the start of the nature trail. Here.


Well done, Daddy pig.


Oh, dear. Daddy pig has forgotten the picnic.


Pepper, what interesting things can you see?


Just trees and trees and more boring things. Trees?


Peppa, you're not looking hard enough.


Alright, I'll look really hard and I still won't see anything. Oh, what's that?


Pepper has found some footprints.


Whose footprints are these? Dinosaur. Oh, George, they're not dinosaur footprints.


Let's follow the footprints and see who made them.


Yes. Shh.


We have to be very quiet so we don't scare anything away.


Yes, mummy. George. Shh, shh.


Peppa and George are following the footprints.




The footprints were made by a little bird.


She's flown into a tree.




Here. Peppa, look through the binoculars.


The binoculars make everything look bigger.


I can see one, two, three baby birds. Ah, I wonder what they're eating. Ew, they're eating worms. That's disgusting.


George has found more footprints.


Ooh, what little footprints?


The footprints are being made by ants. They're collecting leaves to eat.


Are they going to have salad for lunch?




Talking of lunch, let's have our picnic.


Oh, the picnic.


Daddy pig, you've left the picnic in the car, haven't you?


Uh, yes, but it's not a problem. We'll just go back to the car to eat.


But which way is the car?


My map will show us. This way.




Who put that tree there? It's nothing on the map.


Oh, daddy pig. We are lost, aren't we?


Uh, yes.


How are we going to find our little car?


George has found more footprints.


What? Big footprints? Dinosaur.


Very interesting.


What has George found? Some real dinosaur footprints?


No, these are our footprints.


And if we follow our footprints, we'll find the way back to our car and our picnic.




Nothing can stop us finding our car now. We're home and dry. Oh, I wasn't expecting that.


Luckily I remembered the umbrella.


The rain is washing the footprints away.


How are we going to find the car now?


And our picnic?


It's the ducks. They always turn up at picnics.


Sorry, misses duck, we haven't got a picnic this time.


We can't find it.


I know this is dark. Can you help us find our picnic, please? We're here. Hooray. Thank you, misses Dunc. I love nature trails.


Yes, and I love picnics.


And the ducks love picnics.


And the little birds love picnics.


And the ants love picnics.


Everybody loves picnics. The museum.


Pepper and her family are going to the museum.


Daddy, what is a museum?


It's a place full of interesting things that are very old.


Older than you?


Yes, even older than me.


Oh, really old.


There's one room full of things that belong to kings and queens from long ago.


I went to see the king in queen's room.


And there's another room with a real dinosaur.


Wow. Dinosaur.


Hello, mummy pig. Hello, Miss Rabbit. How many tickets, please? Two adults and two children.




And a dinosaur.


Pepper wants to see the room full of things that belong to kings and queens from long ago.


Wow. Dinosaur.


But George wants to see the real dinosaur.


Don't worry, George. We will see the dinosaur next. Pepper, these are all the things that the queen had a long time ago. This is the queen's special chair. It's called a throne.


It's beautiful.


This is the queen's dress.


It's so pretty.


Look, Peppa. This is the queen's golden crown.


Wow. What lovely things. Mummy, where is the queen's television?


They didn't have television then?


No television. But they did have computers.


No, they didn't have computers either.


What did they do all day, Mummy? If I was the queen, I would eat as much cake as I wanted.


Pepper imagines being a queen.


Mmm, delicious.


Is there anything else you would care for, Queen Pepper?


Yes, more cake, please.


Of course.


Come on, everyone.


Coming, Daddy. Daddy, I'm Queen Peppa. You must bow when you speak to me.


Oh, I'm most terribly sorry, your Royal.


Highness, but what do you do?


I'm your daddy.


Hmm. That must be very interesting.


Yes, it's very interesting.


And what room is this?


This is the dinosaur room.


The dinosaur room? George. This is the dinosaur room. Dinosaur? Where is the dinosaur?


He's somewhere in the room.


I can't see him. He must be very small.


Actually, Peppa, he's very big.




These are the bones of a real dinosaur.


Dinosaur girl.


George imagines being a big dinosaur.




The dinosaur room is George's favorite room.


My favorite room is the king and queen's room.


And it looks as if Daddy Pig is already in his favorite room.


Which room is that, Mummy?


The room with the cakes in Daddy.


Pig's favorite room is the museum cafe.


Come on, tuck in.


Oh, yes. This is a very nice room, Rebecca Rabbit.


It is the end of another lovely day. Peppa and George are playing with their friends, Rebecca and Richard Rabbit.


Home time, my little bunnies.


Oh, but we want to play some more, Mummy.


Maybe tomorrow.


Can Pepper and George come to our house tomorrow? Yes. Hooray. Why is Rachel crying? He's a bit scared of going downstairs. Why? We don't have stairs in our home. What? No stairs? That's right. You'll see you tomorrow. Bye bye. Bye bye.


It is morning. Peppa and George are going to Rebecca Rabbit's house today.


Mummy pig can drive, and I'll do the map reading.


Are you sure, Daddy Pige? We always get lost when you do the map reading.


Ha ha. We won't get lost.


Okay, is everybody ready?


Yes, mummy pig.


Then let's go.


Peppa and George are very excited. They have never been to Rebecca Rabbit's house before.


Daddy, are we nearly there?


The map says Rebecca's house is on the next hill. I don't understand. This should be where Rebecca Rabbit lives.


We must be lost. There's just this garden of carrots.


Where can Rebecca Rabbit's house be?


Squeak. Hello, everyone. Squeak, squeak. Rebecca, do you want to play in my bedroom? Your bedroom? But where is your house?


Peppa cannot see Rebecca's house anywhere.


This hill is our house. It's called a burrow. Ooh. I'll show you.


See you later.


See you later. Come in. We don't have stairs. We have tunnels. Wow.


Rebecca's house is a bit different to Peppa's.


This is our bedroom. Wow. You have a bed and a window and a toy box just like us. Of course I like your house. I wish I was a rabbit. I know. Shall I teach you both how to be rabbits? Yes, please. First, you have to twitch your nose and squeak. Like this. Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak. Very good. Pepper rabbit and George rabbit.


Pepper likes being a rabbit. George likes being a rabbit.


Rabbits like carrots. Delicious. Delicious. Yuck.


George does not like carrots.


He won't even try them. Oh, well. More for us, then. Rebecca, what else do rabbits like? Rabbits like hopping. Come outside, I'll show you. Let's hop.


Rabbits like hopping.


You're very good rabbits.


Lunchtime, children.


Mummy and Daddy rabbit have prepared lunch.


Rebecca has taught us how to be rabbit.


Squeak, squeak, ho ho. You'll enjoy lunch then. It's our favorite, carrots.


Delicious. Delicious. Yuck. George will not eat carrots.


Oh, dear. George, I thought you were a rabbit. Rabbits love carrots.


Squeak, squeak. Hmm. Wow. George is eating a carrot.


And this is our favorite cake.


Carrot cake. Hooray. Mmm. Carrot cake. George is a proper rabbit now. Fancy dress party.


Pepper and George are having a fancy dress party. All their friends are invited. Peppa is dressed as a fairy princess. And George is dressed as a dinosaur.




Here are Pepper's friends. Candy.




Susie. Sheep. Danny. Dog. Rebecca. Rabbit. And Pedro. Pony. Susie is wearing her nurse's costume.


Hello, Susie.


Hello, mister Pig.


I'm glad the nurse has arrived. Have you just come from the hospital?


I'm not a real nurse. It's just pretend.


Very good. My, my. Who have we here?


I'm a pirate. Shovel me timbers. Meow. I'm a witch. I can turn you into a frog. No, I'm a clown.


That's funny. What are you, Rebecca Rabbit?


I'm a carrot.


Fantastic. Come in. There's a fairy princess and a dinosaur waiting to meet you.


Hello, everyone. Hello, Susie. I'm Princess Peppa. You must bow when you speak to me. Hello, your majesty. I'm nurse Susie. Open wide and say ah. Ah. No. I'm a clown. Do something funny, Rebecca. Why are you dressed as a carrot? I like carrots. Dinosaur. A scary dinosaur.


Peppa is admiring herself in the mirror.


Mirror, mirror of the wall. Who's the fairest of them all? You are, Peppa. Meow. Hello, Peppa. Hello. I'm a little fairy princess. I'm a witch. Meow. And I've got a magic wand. I've got a magic wand, too. I can turn you into a frog. And I'll turn you into a frog. Dinosaur. Grr.


Oh, dear. George is scared of his own reflection.


Oh, silly George.




It's you in the mirror. Children, it's time to decide who has the best fancy dress. Costume.




We need a judge.


Me, me, me.


As it's Pepper's party. Maybe she should be the judge.


I'm the judge. I'm the judge. Daddy, what is a judge?


The judge decides who has the best costume.


Oh, goody.


Pepper is going to choose who has the best costume.


Susie, can I see your costume, please? I'm Nurse Susie. I make people better. Very good, Nurse Susie. Now, Danny. I'm a pirate. Shovel me timbers, now, candy. Meow. I'm a witch. I can turn you into a frog. Well, I'm a fairy princess. And I can turn you into a frog.


Children. Children.


Sorry, Mummy.


Who's next?


I'm a clown. That's funny, Rebecca. I'm a carrot. Lovely. And my little brother George, is a scary dinosaur. Everyone's costume is very good. Hooray.


Now you say who the winner is.


Oh, yes. And the winner is. Me.


Peppa, you can't pick yourself. You're the judge.


Oh, can't I?


You have to pick another winner.


Okay. The carrot wins. Hooray. Thank you.


Pepper loves fancy dress parties. Everyone loves fancy dress parties.


School bus trap.


Pepper and her friends are going on a school bus trip.


Let's check that you are all here. Peppa and George.




Rebecca and Richard. Rabbit.


Here. Squeak, squeak, squeak.




Sheep? Here.




Zephyru. Here. Danny.




Dog? Here.




Elephant? Here.


Pedro? Pony?


Pedro. Pony is not here.


Sorry we're late.


Pedro. You almost missed the school trip.


Sorry, Madame Gazelle.


Never mind. You're just in time.


All aboard. Now.


Miss Rabbit is the bus driver.


Full steam ahead.


See you later, children.


Attention, please. Today we are going on a trip to the mountains.




Have you all got your lunchboxes?


Yes, Madame Gazelle. Madame Gazelle, please, can we eat our lunch now?


Peppa, we'll eat lunch when we arrive in the mountains.


Peppa, what have you got in your lunchbox? A red apple. I've got a green apple.






Peppa. Susie, what are you doing?


Susie told me to open my lunchbox. Pepper told me to swap our app.


Oh, that's fine. But please save some food for the picnic.


Yes, Madame Gazelle.


The bus has arrived at the foot of the mountains. The mountain road is very steep.


Come on, bus. You can make it.


Come on, bus. Hooray.


Peppa and her friends are at the top of the mountain.


Look at the view.


Wow. Wow, wow, wow. Who said that?


It's your echo.


What's my echo?


An echo is the sound you hear when you speak loudly in the mountains. Like this. You're laughing. You're leg. Yodelayo.


Him. Yodelayo. Yodelayo. Echoes are fun time for our picnic.


Peppers everyone loves picnics everyone loves picnics.


Where are the ducks? They always turn up when we have picnics. Silly. Pepper ducks don't live on top of mountains. Oh, hello, misses duck. Would you like some bread?


The ducks are very lucky today. There is lots of bread. The ducks are eating too quickly.


Goodness me.


Home time. All aboard.


It's time to go home. Everybody has had a great time.


Let's all sing a song.


Can we have the Bing bong song, please? Oh, please, madam Gazelle, sing the Bing.


Bong song all right. We're playing our tune and we're singing a song with a bing and a.


Bo and a bing bong bing bong bing bing bong bingley longy moo bong bing boo bing bong bing bing bong binge the sleepy princess.


It is nighttime. Peppa and George are going to bed.


Good night, Peppa and George.


Mummy. Daddy.


Yes, Peppa?


I'm not sleepy. Could I have a story?


But maybe George is sleepy and doesn't want a story.


George, do you want a story? Say yes.


All right. I will tell you just one story.


If Daddy pig tells you a story, you must both promise to go to sleep.


We promise.


Hmm. I think I'll tell you the story of the sleepy princess.


Is it a good story? It sounds a bit boring.


It's not boring. It's very good.


Is there a little princess in it?


Peppa, if you keep talking, Daddy pig can't start the story.


Sorry, Mummy. Is there a little princess? It a story, Daddy.


Oh, yes. There is a little princess in it. Hmm. The sleepy princess. Once upon a time, in a castle, there lived a little princess, and she was called the sleepy princess.


Daddy, why was she called that?


I'll get to that later.


Was the sleepy princess pretty?


Yes, she was very pretty. She loved looking at herself in the mirror.


I am so pretty. Who else was living at the castle?


Well, the others in the castle were the small prince, Queen Mummy, and King Daddy.


That's right. They were all living there as well.


Did kid Daddy have a big tummy?


Of course not. He was very handsome, like me. Anyway, there was also a dragon dinosaur. A dinosaur? Oh, yes. It wasn't a dragon. It was a dinosaur. Living outside was a huge fierce dinosaur.


Oh, dear. Maybe the dinosaur wasn't quite that fierce. Daddy pig.


Sorry, George. No. The dinosaur was very gentle. It ate lots of grass.


Daddy pige.


Oh, sorry. I was being the dinosaur.


Daddy. Why is the princess called the sleepy princess?


I'm coming to that. You see, the sun set and the stars and moon came out, and everyone got very sleepy. But the most sleepy of all was the sleepy princess. Peppa, are you sleepy?


No, Daddy. I am not sleepy at all.


But somebody is.


George, wake up. You missed the end of the story.


Well, Peppa might not be sleepy, but the sleepy princess certainly was looking at herself. All day in the mirror had completely worn her out. Let's carry you to bed. Good night. The sleepy princess was so sleepy, she had fallen fast asleep.


Thank you for that story, King Daddy.


You're welcome, queen Mummy.


And our little prince and princess enjoyed it, too.


The dentist.


Every morning, Peppa and George brush their teeth. Today, Peppa and George are going to the dentist.


Peppa. George, are you ready to go for your check up?


I'm too busy for a checkup. I'm having a tea party with Teddy. Yes, we're very busy.


We all need check ups to make sure our teeth are clean and healthy.


Okay, Daddy. George, are your teeth clean like mine?


It is George's first visit to the dentist.


You both have lovely, clean teeth. I'm sure the dentist will be very happy.


Peppa and George are at the dentist's waiting for their checkup.


Waiting is boring.


This magazine's very interesting. It's all about potatoes.


Peppa, George, the dentist will see you now.




This is Doctor Elephant, the dentist.




Peppa, have you been brushing your teeth?


Yes, Doctor Elephant.


Good. Now, who's first?


I'm first because I'm a big girl. Watch me.


George, sit in the chair, please.


Hold. Tighten.


Open wide, please.


Wider, please. Now, let's take a look.


Doctor Elephant uses a little mirror to look at Pepper's teeth.


I hope you haven't been eating too many sweeties, Peppa.


It is quite difficult to speak when your mouth is wide open.


There, all done. What lovely clean teeth.


She takes after me.


Can I have the special pink drink now?


Yes, but don't drink it, Peppa. Spit it out.


George. Now it's your turn.


No, George does not want it to be his turn.


Maybe you can hold Mister Dinosaur while the dentist looks at your teeth.




Very pleased to meet you, Mister Dinosaur.


It's not a real dinosaur. It's made of plastic.


Hold tight. You're doing very well, George. Now, can you show me your teeth?


George does not want to show the dentist his teeth.


George, open wide. Like this.


All done. You have very strong, clean teeth, George.


Are they as lovely as mine, Doctor Elephant?




George is very proud to have clean teeth.


George, don't forget the pink drink.


Oh, but wait. What's this?


What's wrong, Doctor Elephant?


George has clean teeth.


But this young dinosaur's teeth are very dirty.


Oh, no. Doctor Elephant is very cross with Mister Dinosaur.


Not at all, Peppa. It's my job to make teeth clean.


The water jet, please, Miss Rabbit.


The dentist uses water to clean Mister Dinosaur's teeth.


The polisher, please, Miss Rabbit.


This will be a bit noisy.


Doctor Elephant polishes Mister Dinosaur's teeth.


Pink. Pink?


That's right, George.


Mister Dinosaur needs some special pink drink.


Gosh, what shiny teeth you have, Mister Dinosaur.


Dinosaur too scary.


George loves Mister Dinosaur. Especially now he has nice, clean teeth.




Peppa and her family are going camping.


I love camping. We're here, Peppa. George, this is the tent I had when I was a little boy.


Daddy, how are you gonna make that into a tent?


Don't worry, Peppa. I'm an expert at camping. Mummy pig, put the tent on the poles, please. That's it. Easy as pie.


Oh, do these pegs do anything?


Of course. I forgot about the pegs.


The pegs hold the tent up there.


The tent is a bit little.


It was big enough for me when I was a boy. But it does look a bit small now.


That's because you've grown a bit since you were a boy, Daddy pig.


And your tummy has grown the most of all.


Oh, talking of tummies, we should cook supper.


Yes, yes.


First we have to collect sticks to make a fire.




Pepper and George are helping Daddy pig collect sticks for the campfire.


George, I'll pick up the sticks and you can carry them. Collecting sticks is fun.


Good. That's enough sticks. That's a splendid campfire. Now I'll light it.


Here are the matches.


Oh, we don't need matches, Daddy.


How can you light it without matches?


I'm going to make fire the old way by simply rubbing these two sticks together.


Daddy pig is rubbing the two sticks together to light the campfire.


Where is the fire, Daddy?


Nearly there.




Easy as pie.


Now we can heat up the tomato soup.


Ah, listen to the sounds of nature.


What is that sound?


That is the sound of crickets chirping.


What is that?


That's an owl. Look, there it is.


Wow. And what's that noise?


Oh, I'm not sure.


It's Daddy's tummy.


My tummy rumbling is one of the best sounds of nature. It means it's time to eat.


I love tomato soup.


So do I have.


There's another one of Daddy pig's sounds of nature.


Hey. What?


Come on, children. Into the tent. It's bedtime.


We won't all fit in. The tent is too little.


It will be fine. In you go. Move further in, Mummy pig.


Daddy, you're too big for the tent.


Never mind. I'd rather sleep outside anyway.


Good night, Daddy pig.


Good night, Daddy. Night night.


Good night, everyone.


Mummy pig, pepper and George are sleeping in the tent. Daddy pig is sleeping outside under the stars.


Ah, I love camping. Sleeping in the open air with the stars above me. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.


It is morning, Daddy.


It was lovely and cozy in the tent. Oh, where's Daddy?


Daddy Pig has gone.


Poor Daddy pig. He must have been cold and wet. And now where is he? What's that sound?


It sounds like snoring. Daddy pig.




Daddy, you're safe.


Of course I'm safe. I'm an expert at camping. I slept in the car, silly.




I love camping.


The long grass.


Pepper and George are playing in the garden. Oh, the grass has not been cut for a while. It has grown very long.


Come on, George. George, where are you? I can't see you, George. I'm coming to get you.


Peppa and George cannot see each other. Peppa and George love playing in the long grass. Daddy Pig is going to read his newspaper.


What a nice day for doing nothing.


Daddy pig loves doing nothing.


Oh, goodness me, Daddy pig, we've let the garden get a bit out of control.


What do you mean, Mummy pig?


The grass. It needs cutting.


Oh, I quite like it. It's the wild garden.


Look, Mummy, Daddy, come and play in the long grass. It's fun.


Okay, let's all play with this spotty ball.


Oh, where's it gone?


The ball is lost in the long grass.


Now we'll never find it. Hmm.


Maybe it is time to cut the grass.


Yes, Daddy Pig.


I'll get the lawnmower. I'm sure it's here somewhere. Ah, here it is.


Daddy Pig has found the lawnmower.


It's a bit old and rusty.


Nonsense. It'll have the grass cut in no time. It does seem a bit rusty.


Maybe I should phone grandpa pig and ask if we can borrow his lawnmower.


There's no need to phone grandpa. I just need to push a bit harder.


Daddy Pig's lawnmower is not very good.


Oh, I know. Let's phone grandpa.




Grandpa Pig speaking.


Hello, Grandpa Pige. Could you help us cut some very long grass?




Ha ha. Certainly. I'll be over right away. Bye. I think this is a job for Betsy.


Grandpa pig is driving his motor mower over to Pepper's house.


Grandpa pig. Robb. Egg.


Hello, everyone. I hear there's some grass that needs cutting.


And it's just a bit too long for my lawnmower.


Don't worry. Betsy will have it done in no time.


Is your lawnmower called Betsy?


She certainly is.


Hello, Betsy. Grandpa, can we ride on Betsy?


Of course you can. Hop aboard.


Aye, aye, captain. Grandpa.


We'Ll have this grass cut in no time. Hold tight.


Here we go.


Betsy is very good at cutting grass.


This is fun.






Grandpa, you've missed a bit.


Oh, yes. What's this?


Oh, the spotty ball. Thank you for finding our ball, Grandpa.


And thank you for cutting the grass.


Cutting grass is easy with Betsy.


Now we can play with our spotty ball.


To you, Daddy.


The ball bounces very well on the short grass.


To you, George.


Papa egg, catch. Lunch.


Peppa and George have come to Granny pig and Grandpa pig's house for lunch.


Granny pig. Thank you, pig.


Hello, my little ones. Would you like to pick some vegetables from the garden for lunch?


Yes, please. Grandpa pig, papa egg.


Hello, Peppa.


George, this is Grandpa pig's vegetable garden. He has grown all these vegetables himself.


What's this dinosaur. A dinosaur? Ho ho ho ho. Let's chew some vegetables for lunche. Peppa, do you like tomatoes?


Yes, grandpa pig.


George, do you like tomatoes?


No, George does not like tomatoes.


Oh, dear. Do you both like lettuce?


Yes, grandpa pig. No, George does not like lettuce.


Oh, dear. I must have something that George likes. Do you like cucumber?




George does not like cucumbers, and he does not like lettuce. And he does not like tomatoes.


Well, George, what vegetable do you like?


Chocolate cake, silly George, chocolate cake isn't a vegetable.


Maybe George will like the vegetables when they're made into a lovely salad.


Oh, lovely. Fresh tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber. First we have to wash them.


Pepper. And George, help Granny wash the vegetables.


Maybe that's enough washing.


Granny pig has made the tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber into a salad.


Grandpa pig, can you call everyone to lunch?




Granny pig has made pizza for lunch.


And here's some salad made with Grandpa's tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber.


Chuck in, everyone.


George has eaten his pizza, but George does not like the tomatoes or the lettuce or the cucumber.


Oh, dear. George, don't you like the salad? No, George, just try a little bit of this lovely tomato.




George, this is cucumber. Grandpa Pig grew it in his garden.


Try a piece of lettuce, George. It's yummy.


Oh, now, now, George, look what I'm doing. Now it's a dinosaur.




George loves dinosaurs. George is eating the tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber.


Well done, George. Would you like some more, George?


George, are you too full to eat any more? Tomatoes, lettuce or cucumber?


George is too full to eat any more.


George, are you too full to eat anything more?


George is too full to eat anything more.


Oh, well, then you won't want any of this chocolate cake.


Chocolate cake?


My word. George seems to have got his appetite back.


Ice skating.


Peppa and her family are going ice skating today.


This will be fun.


Peppa and George have never been ice skating before.


Now, George, you won't be very good at ice skating, so just do what I do.


I'm sure we'll all be very good.


Yes, especially me.


First, we need some skates.


At the ice rink, everyone wears skates.


Hello, Miss Rabbit. Hello, mummy pig. We'd like to hire some skates, please. There you go.


Thank you.


Happy skating.


Here are Susie, sheep, Rebecca, rabbit, Danny, dog, Zoe, zebra, candy, cat, Emily, elephant and Pedro, pony friends, can ice skate very well.




Peppa wants to ice skate, too.


Hello, everyone. Hello, Peppa. Is this your first time skating? Yes. Shall I show you how to skate? No, thank you, Susie. I'm sure I can already do it. Okay. Come on, then. This is impossible. I don't want to do ice skating anymore.


Don't worry, Peppa. Everyone falls over when they ice skate. Even I fall over. Watch this. Oopsie daisy. Ho ho.


Silly. Daddy.


George, would you like to skate?




George has never ice skated before, and he is a bit worried.


I look after George while you teach Peppa how to skate.


Skating is easy, Peppa. Just push with your feet and glide. Push, push, glide.


See? Push, push, glide. Push, push, glide. This is easy. I can do it on my own now, Mummy. Push, push, glide. Push, push, glide.


Well done, Peppa.


Look at me. I'm skating.


Peppa is doing really well.


Yes, I'm a very good teacher. Slow down, Peppa. You'll bump into someone.


Don't worry, Mummy. I'm very good at skating. Oh. Where are the brakes?


Oh, dear. I forgot to teach Peppa how to stop.




Ah. I can't stop. Look out.


Mummy pig taught you how to skate, but I taught you how to fall over.


Yes, I'm very good at falling over. George, do you want to skate, too? No. Come on, George. It's fun. I'll teach you it, Kim. First, you need to wee. George, come back. I'm teaching you how to ice skate.


What a surprise. George can skate beautifully.


Wow. Look at George. Very good, George. Now you need to learn how to stop.


Well done, George.


You're fantastic, George.


Yes, you did very well, George, for your first lesson.


Come on, let's skate.




Pepper and George love ice skating. Everyone loves ice skating.


Mummy and Daddy taught me how to skate. But I taught George cleaning the car.


Daddy Pig is taking the family for a drive in the country.


Come on. Is everybody ready?




Yes, Daddy pig, we're ready. But the car isn't ready. Look how messy it is.


Oh, it's not too bad. You should see how messy it is inside.


Naughty, messy Daddy.


Naughty, messy Daddy.


Look at all this rubbish. Newspapers.


They're mine, sweets.


They're mine, mister.




Dinosaur. Grrr.


We must clean the car before we go for a drive.


Oh, right you are, mummy pig.


Mummy, can we help to clean the car?


Yes, if you want to.




Daddy Pig has some warm, soapy water to wash the cardinal. Daddy pig is washing the roof. Mummy pig is washing the bonnet. Pepper is washing the doors. George wants to wash the windows, but he is too little.


Poor George. Let me help you.


Oh, dear. George has dropped his sponge in a muddy puddle.


George, you're making the car all muddy again. I will wash the mud off.


Pepper, don't use the muddy water.


Oh, dear, I. Pepper has thrown the muddy water all over the car.


Oh, never mind. We can use the garden hose to clean it off.


Yes, yes. Can I hold the hose?


Pepper holds the hose, and Daddy pig turns on the water.


Where's the water, Dove?


Pepper stalk.


Sorry, mummy. Oh, duff.


Daddy pig, please turn off the water.


Oh, no need to panic.


Oh, dear. Everyone is wet.


At least the car has been washed.


We've all been washed.


You go and dry yourselves while I polish the car.


See you later.


See you later.


Daddy Pig is polishing the car so well. Well, he can see his face in it. What a funny face. Oh, more funny faces. It's Peppa and George and Mummy pig.


What a lovely, shiny car.


Yes, I am a bit of an expert at these things.


Come on. I'll drive today.


Is everybody ready?




Then let's go.


I hope you will all keep this car clean today.


Yes, Mummy pig.


Yes, Mummy pig.


Mummy, now you've made the car all muddy again.


Naughty, naughty Mummy.


Naughty, messy mummy. Cuckoo clocks.


It is early morning. Mummy and Daddy pig are still asleep.


Wakey mummy and daddy.




It's time to get up.


It's much too early. Don't you know what time it is, Peppa?


No, Daddy, our clock doesn't work.


Oh, dear. Let's see if we can mend it. Ah, the old cuckoo clock.


Why is it called a cuckoo clock?


There's a little wooden bird inside called a cuckoo.


I've never seen the cuckoo.


That's because we stopped winding it a long time ago.


The cuckoo got a bit annoying.


Oh. Can we wind it up again, please?


All right, Daddy, pig is winding up the cuckoo clock. There, Daddy. Pig sets the clock to the right time. It is nearly 09:00.


Daddy, can we see the cuckoo now?


You'll see the cuckoo soon.


What does she look like, Daddy?


Now, let me think. She moves her head like this, and she flaps her wings like this, and she says, ahem. Cuckoo.


Cuckoo, cuckoo.


What a noisy little cuckoo you are. George.


Look. It's going to do something. Wow. Silly George, you missed the cuckoo. The cuckoo was really, really brilliant. She went cuckoo, and you missed it.


Never mind, George. You can see cuckoo next time.


But you'll have to wait. Cuckoo only comes out once an hour.


Waiting is boring. Come on, George, let's play outside.


George does not want to play outside. He is waiting to see cuckoo. It is nearly 10:00. George has been waiting for cuckoo for almost an hour.


George, come and play. Mister Dinosaur wants you to play, too.


George has missed cuckoo again.


Never mind, George. Why don't you play in the garden? I'll call you when it's time to see cuckoo.


To you, George.


It is nearly 11:00.




George, time to see cuckoo.


Quick, George, you can't miss cuckoo again.


George is running faster than he has ever run before.


George, did you see cuckoo? Cuckoo. Cuckoo, cuckoo.


Pepper and George love playing cuckoos.


Cuckoo. Cuckoo.


It is nighttime. Peppa and George are very sleepy.




Peppa and George are asleep.


Is it morning already?


Uh, no time to sleep.


Cuckoo is not very well.


She just needs to sleep like you and George.


Good night.


Good night, my little piggies.


George, I know how to make cuckoo better. Wind her up like Daddy did.


Mummy and daddy are fast asleep.






Mummy, Daddy, we've got something to show you. We've made cuckoo better.


It is a lovely sunny day. Pepper and George are having a picnic.


Here's some orange juice for you, Daddy. What do you say? Thank you very much, Peppa. You're very welcome, Teddy. Here's some orange juice for you, Mister Dinosaur. And what do you say? Grrr. You're very welcome, Mister Dinosaur. Would Teddy or Mister Dinosaur like a cookie? We're not very hungry, so pepper and George can eat all the cookies. Thank you, Teddy.


What was that strange noise?


Pepper, George, quick. Come inside the house.


Mummy. There was a loud bang sound.


It's thunder, pepper. It means there will be a thunderstorm with lots of rain. Quick, into the house before the rain starts.


No need to panic. The rain is still a long way off.


The sky is getting darker and darker. There is going to be a thunderstorm.


Pepper, George, did you bring all your toys in from the garden?




Good. Mister Dinosaur is safe.


Teddy. I left Teddy in the garden. He'll get wet.


Don't worry, Pepper. Daddy Pig will rescue Teddy.


You'd better hurry, daddy pig. It's just about to rain.


I know all about thunderstorms. It won't rain for ages. As I thought, plenty of time before it rains.


Poor Teddy. He's soaking wet.


Yes, poor Teddy. Let's get him dry.


Poor Teddy.


There you are, Teddy. All dry.


That poor Daddy. I'm soaking wet too.


Oh, sorry, daddy pig. Let's get you dry. There you are, daddy pig. Nice and dry.


The rain is coming in the house. The floor is getting wet.


Oh dear. What can we do, daddy pig?


Don't worry.


Daddy pig is using a bucket to catch the drips.


Well done, daddy pig.


Easy as pie, eh? What?


Quick, find something else to catch the water.


Well done, Pepper.


Easy as pie. Mummy, the thunderbags are very loud.


It's okay, children. Don't be frightened.


Let's count between each flash and bang.


The higher we can count, the further away the thunderstorm is.


One, two, three.


That's 312345. That's five. The thunderstorm is going away.


The thunderstorm is over.




The thunderstorm has filled the garden with muddy puddles. Pepper loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.


I love thunderstorms. They make muddy puddles. Bush bash, bosh, Bishop zebra, the postman's daughter.


Mister Zebra, the postman is delivering a letter to Pepper's house. Zoe Zebra is with her daddy today. She has her own letters to deliver.


Hmm. Danny dog. Susie sheep. Rebecca Rabbit. Ah. Pepper and George. Just these ones left.


Good. Let's get them delivered.


Yes, dad Post.


Peppa and George love it when the post arrives.


We've got two letters.


This one's for daddy Pig.


How exciting. Dear Mister Pig, please pay your telephone bill.


Oh, what's a bill? It sounds very boring.


Oh, bills are very boring.


Mummy, is the other letter for you?


No, this one's for Peppa and George.


Wow. A letter for George and me.


Please come to my birthday party. Love, Zoe Zebra.


Zoe Zebra has invited Peppa and George to her birthday party.




You need to write a reply to Zoe to tell her you are coming to her party.


Can you help us write it, mummy?


Of course.


Peppa and George are writing a reply to Zoe.


What would you like to say?


Dear Zoe.


Dear Zoe.


Um, I don't know what to say next.


How about. We would love to come to your party. Kind regards, Peppa and George.


What color envelope shall we use?


The red one, Miss Zoe Zebra.


And last of all, the stamp.


The letter is ready to be posted. This is the post box. Here are Danny, Susie, Pedro, Rebecca and Emily Elephant. They are all posting letters. And here is Peppa with her letter.


There. Now what happens?


Hello, everyone.


Hello, Peppa. Did you get my letter about my party? Yes, and I've written you a reply. Oh, goody.


My goodness. So many letters today.


And this letter is mine. It is very, very important. Is it for me? Can I open it now?


It is for you, Zoe. But it must be delivered before you can open it. That's how the post works. Oh, and with so many letters to deliver today, I'd better make a start.


Can George and I come along too?


Hop a ball, Pepper and George.


See you later.


Pepper and George are helping Mister Zebra deliver the post. This is Zoe Zebra's house.


This letter is addressed to Miss Zoe Zebra. Miss Zoey Zebra. Zoe Zebra. Zoe Zebra. Zoe zebra. Oh, all the post is for Zoe.


That's my letter. Can I post it?




Peppa loves posting letters.


Mummy, look. All these letters are for me.


Oh, amazing.


Can you read it, mummy?


Dear Zoe, I would love to come to your party.


From Danny dog, Susie sheep's coming to your party too.


And Rebecca, Pedro, Emily, candy. They're all coming to your party.


And this letter is from me. It says, we are coming to your party. Love and kisses, Peppa and George.


Everyone has arrived for Zoe's party.


Zoe. Wow. So many presents.


You'll be writing lots of thank you letters, Zoe.


Oh, and who's going to deliver all those thank you letters?


You are, daddy. But I can help. Hello, ballet lesson.


Peppa is going to her first ballet lesson. This is Madame Gazelle, the ballet teacher.




You must be young Peppa. I am Madame Gazelle. Hello, madame.


Oh, so sweet. Welcome to your first lesson of the ballet. I'll pick you up later.


Bye bye.


Enjoy yourself.


Here are Pepper's friends. Candy cat. Susie sheep. Danny dog. Rebecca. Rabbit and Pedro.




Children, today we have a new pupil, Peppa Pig. Now, Peppa, run and join your friends.


Hello, everyone. Hello, Peppa.


We begin with Demi plie. Demi plie. Now a little jump. Petit with grace and beauty. Petit jet. Grace and beauty. Petit jet.


Grace and beauty.


The ballet lesson is a lot of fun.


Raise your arms. Imagine that. You are beautiful. Swansea. And what noise do you think a swan might make? Grace and beauty.


Peppa loves dancing. Everyone loves dancing.


Mummy. Mummy. We all danced as swans.


Peppa did very well.


I had to dance beautifully and gracefully.


That's lovely.


Can I show you how I did it?


Let's get home first. Then you can show Daddy Pig and George and me.


Bye bye.


Peppa and Mummy pig are home.


Daddy. George, I'm going to show you how to do ballet.


Is it difficult?


It was easy for me, but you, George and Mummy will find it very hard. First, we need music. Good. Now, George, daddy and Mummy, you must copy what I do. Madame Gazelle used funny words, but really, it's just bending your knees and jumping.


Ah, the petit jete.


Daddy. You know the funny words.


Mummy pig and I used to be quite good at ballet.


Do be careful, Daddy pige.


Our favorite was the pas de deux hoopla. That wasn't quite how I remembered it.


Silly. Daddy pig.


Maybe we should leave the ballet to Peppa.


Yes. I am the best at it. I am a beautiful swan. The cyclade.


It is a lovely sunny day. Pepper and George are finishing their breakfast.


Today is a good day for a cyclops ride.


A cycle ride. Yippee.


Pepper and George love cycle rides. Peppa has her bicycle. George has his tricycle. Mummy and daddy have their tandem.


What's that?


It's our bicycle. I sit at the front, and mummy pig sits at the back.


And we can put these two seats. Seats on the back for Peppa and George.


But we want to ride our own bicycles.


George is a bit too little. His legs will get very tired.


But I'm a big girl. I won't get tired.


It will be a long cycle ride. Peppa, are you sure?


Yes, Daddy. I'm sure.


Okay, are we all ready?


Yes, Daddy pig.


Then let's go.


I'm winning.


It's not a race, Pepper. It's just a gentle bicycle ride.


Yes, Saddie, but I'm still winning.


Now we're winning.


I don't like cycling uphill.


Peppa, we won the race.


No, you didn't, Daddy, because I wasn't racing that time. But now I am.


Can't catch me, you cheeky little piggy.


Hello, duck. We're having a cycle ride.


I'd forgotten how much I love cycling. Oh, I'd forgotten how much I hate cycling up hills.


The ground is getting quite steep.


I don't like cycling uphills.


But look at the beautiful view.


My goodness. This is hard work. Mommy bear pig, you're not peddling.


Sorry, Daddy pig. I was just enjoying the view.


Peppa and her family have reached the top of the hill. All Peppa's friends are here.


Hello, Peppa. Hello. We're going to have a race on our bikes. Peppa, do you want to race, too? Ok, as long as we can race downhill. Ok. Pepper and her friends are going.


To race down the hill.


Are you all ready?




You can start when I honk the horn. Like this.


Pedro has set off too soon.


Stop, Pedro. The race hasn't started yet.


Sorry, mister Pig.


I was just letting you know that the horn sounded like this. Sorry, Pedro. That time it was my fault. The next time I honk the horn, you can go.


Did he say go? I think so. Go.


Go on, Peppa.


But, Daddy, you didn't honk the horn.


Danny dog is in the lead.


Wait for me. Weed. I win. Well done, Peppa. Yes, I'm very good at cycling downhill.


It is home time for Peppa's friends.


Bye bye, Peppa. Bye.


Home time for us, too, Peppa.


Mummy, I'm tired. All this cycling up and down hills has made my legs tired. Can I ride on your bike?


But where will daddy pig sit?


Um, Daddy can ride my bike. It's very nice.


Oh, okay.


I love the tandem. Daddy, do you like my bike?


Yes, Peppa. It's very nice.




Mummy pig and daddy pig are going out for the evening. Granny pig and Grandpa pig are going to babysit Granny pig.


Grandpa pig, granny egg. Papa egg.


Hello, my little ones. Hello, Peppa. George. Into your beds. Quick.


My little piggies.


Good night. Sleep tight.


Good night, Mummy. Good night, Daddy. What?


Little darlings. Now go to sleep, quickly.


Yes, Mummy.


So well behaved.


Mummy pig and Daddy pig are leaving for their evening out.


Peppa and George are so good. They just fell asleep when Mummy pig told them to.


This babysitting is easy.


George. George, are you awake?


What strange noises.


I wonder if we should check upstairs.


Peppa. George, are you awake? Well, I never fast asleep.


So it wasn't pepper and George making all that noise.


I can't hear anything.


I think they really have fallen asleep. Let's watch some television.


Gardening. Today we are talking about roses.


Oh, I love gardening programs.


The kiftskate is a particularly thorny rose. To prune it start by lopping off the head and then snip away the budding shoots.


Granny pig. Peppa.


George, you should be in bed asleep.


George and I aren't sleepy at all. Can we watch tv with you?


Well, I suppose watching a little tv might make you sleepy.


Icelandic roses are a rare treat for the discerning horticulturalist, but they are prone to lobbing in temperate habitats.


This program is very boring. Grandpa Pig, can you play that game where you throw us up and catch us?


Okay, but just one turn each wee. Oh, you seem heavier than before. Now it's George's turn.


Wheed. Hi. Turn wee. Higher. Higher.


Maybe Grandpa pig is a bit tired.


I know. Granny pig, let's play catch. You're it. Catch us if you can. I'm going to catch you.


Mummy pig and daddy pig are back home.


I hope our little piggies are asleep.


Hello? Anyone here? The little piggies are asleep and so are the big piggies.


The baby piggy, Peppa and George are visiting their big cousin Chloe today, as.


Well as seeing Chloe, you are going to meet your new cousin.


Peppa and her family have arrived at Chloe's house.




Hello, everyone.


Hello. Pepper and George.


This is Chloe, Pepper and George's big cousin.


But where's our new cousin? Here's your new baby cousin.


The new cousin is a tiny baby piggy.


Oh, how beautiful.


Is it a girl baby? No, it's a boy. Oh, I wish it was a girl. Me too.


George is pleased. The baby is a boy dinosaur.


I think the baby's too little to play with dinosaurs.


George, the baby doesn't want to play with you. It wants to play with me.


Pepper, the baby is much too little to play ball games.


But if it can't play with a dinosaur or a ball, what can it do? It eats and it sleeps and it does that. Auntie Pig, can I hold the baby?


Yes, if you're very careful.


You can hold Alexander. Alexander?


That's his name.


Baby Alexander.


What a big name for such a small piggy.


It's quite nice, even though it's a boy. Oh, what's that smell? Maybe Alexander's nappy needs changing. Disgusting.


Pepper, when you were a baby, you wore nappies.


I did not. Mummy, can I play with Pepper and George in the garden? Yes. Chloe, is it nice having a little baby brother? Yes, Alexander is very sweet. I wish George was a sweet little baby piggy. I know George can pretend to be a baby piggy. You can go in my doll's pram. That's a good idea. No.


George does not want to be a baby George.


If you pretend to be a baby, I promise to be nice to you forever and ever.


George is thinking, and you can play.


With all my toys.


George is thinking more, and when we.


Get home, you can play with all my toys.


George has decided.


What a sweet baby piggy.


Here are candy cat, Susie sheep, Rebecca, rabbit, and Zoe, zebra.


Hello. Meh. Why is George in that doll's pram? It's not George. It's a baby piggy. Goo goo. It is George. George is a pretend baby piggy. Ah. Is it a girl or a boy? It's a girl. No.


George does not want to be a girl baby.


Okay, it's a boy. I've got some cookies. Would the baby piggy like one? Oh, no. It can't eat cookies.


George likes cookies.


Maybe it can have one cookie. It's so clever and so handsome. It's very funny. It's the best baby piggy ever.


George likes this game. Here is Auntie Pig with baby Alexander.


Wow. A proper, real baby piggy. It's so gorgeous. It's much sweeter than George.


Oh, dear. George liked being the baby piggy.


Oh, George, you'll always be my baby piggy.


Maybe it's time for a new game. How about some dinosaur chasing?


George liked being a baby piggy, but he likes being George.


More pancakes.


It is tea time, and mummy pig has a surprise for everyone.


Today is a day for pancakes.


Pancakes, delicious.


I love pancakes.


Everyone loves pancakes.


I'm the expert at flipping the pancakes over. Leave that to me.


Are you sure, daddy pig? Last time you got a bit grumpy when you dropped the pancake on the floor.


I did not get grumpy. There was a problem with the frying pan.


Mummy, can we help make the pancake, please?


Yes, you can help me make the batter. First, I put some flour in the bowl. Now I add an egg. Now the milk. And I give it all a stir.


Mummy, can I stir?


Yes, of course.


Peppa pepper loves stirring. George wants to stir as well.


No, George, like this.


Okay, that's enough stirring. You two sit at the table while I cook the pancakes.


Mummy pig is going to flip the pancake over.




You could flip it higher, mummy pig.


You can show us how when you flip your own pancake.


Daddy pig, this first pancake is for George. Mummy pig pours a little syrup on George's pancake. Delicious. This pancake is for pepper.




Hmm. You could flip it higher, mummy pige.


You will get a chance to show me when you flip your own pancake, daddy pig.


Syrup, please. Mmm. Delicious.


This pancake is for mummy pig.




You still aren't flipping them high enough, mummy pig.


The next pancake is yours, Daddy Pige. So now you can show us how it should be done. Mmm. Delicious.


Is everyone watching? The secret of making a good pancake is to flip it high into the air. A one, two, three, whoopla.


Silly daddy.


Oh. Maybe that was just a bit too high.


Oh, what a shame. That was the last pancake.


It should be a simple matter to get it down.


Oh, dear. Daddy pig cannot reach his pancake.


Don't worry, Daddy pig. I think I know a way to get it down. Let's go upstairs, children. This way.


What is Mummy pig planning to do?


On the count of three, we all have to start jumping up and down. One, two, three, jump.


What are they doing?


It worked. Now Daddy Pig has his pancake.


Daddy has a pancake on his head.


Syrup on your pancake, daddy pig?


Yes, please. One, two, three, hooplae. Delicious.


Grandpa's little tray.


Peppa and George have come to play in Granny and Grandpa's garden.


What's that noise?


Grandpa's making something.


Hello, pepper and George. That's perfect timing. I've just finished making it.


And may we ask what it is?


I'll show you.




A little toy train.


It's not a toy. This is Gertrude. She's a miniature locomotive.


But doesn't it need realms, tracks to run on?


Oh, no. I fitted Gertrude with car wheels so she can go anywhere she likes.


Grandpa, can we ride in? Gertrude?


Hop aboard. Full steam ahead.


Bye bye, Granny.


See you later.


Peppa and George love Grandpa's little train.


Grandpa's little train go choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo choo. Grand squirt train goes choo choo choo all day long and the piggies on the train go oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink. And the piggies on the train go oink, oink, oink all day long.


Here is Grandad dog with Danny dog.


Hello, hello. Hello, Danny.


I see you're playing toy trains. Toy?


Gertrude isn't a toy. How's your little lorry?


Little lorry? My breakdown truck is a proper work vehicle.


Granddads, can I ride on the train?




It's your choice, Danny. If you'd rather play trains.


And thanks, Grandaddez.


See you later.


Miss Rabbit is driving the school bus.


And to our left we can see some hills with trees.


Hello, everyone. Hello, Peppa.


All Peppa's friends are here.


Can we ride on the train?


Um, I'm giving the children an educational bus tour. Are trains educational?


They certainly are.


Hands up all those who want to ride on the train.




And hands up all those who want to stay on the bus. Ok, you can all go on the train and I'll follow along. Behind.


Back. A little train goes choo choo choo all day long.


What a lot of mud.


We don't want to get stuck. Maybe we should go a different way.


It's only a patch of mud. Come on, Gertrude. You can make it.


Come on, buff.


You can make it.


The bus is stuck in the mud.


Oh, boss.




Hello, Miss Rabbit.


How are you today?


I'm a bit stuck. Can you rescue me?




Is your truck strong enough?


Trust me.


Did it work?


Er, no.


We need a vehicle with more power. Can I help in any way? It's nothing that I can't deal with.


Thanks anyway.


I've got an idea. Grandpa pig's train can tow me out of the mud.


Uh, good thinking, Miss Rabbit.


Grandpa's little train is going to pull the bus out of the mud.


Full steam.


Come on. Air. Trees.






Oh, well done.


It's amazing what can be done by a toy train.




Gertrude isn't a toy.


Gertrude is the very best train in the whole world. My cousin Chloe.


Peppa and George are playing in the garden.


To me. George. You threw the ball too hard, George. So the rules say I win. Now it's my turn. I win again. Peppa.


George, today your big cousin Chloe is coming to visit.


Hippie cousin Chloe. George, Chloe's a big girl like me. So don't be sad if she finds you too little to play with.


Oh, I'm sure Chloe will play with both of you.


Chloe's here.


Auntie Pig has brought Chloe to spend the day at Peppa's house. Chloe is Peppa and George's cousin. Chloe is a bit older than Pepper and George.


Hello, Chloe. Hello, Peppa. Hello, George.


See you later.


Do you want to play a game? Yes. Let's play catch.


Peppa loves playing catch.


Do you still play catch? That's a game for little children. Oh, we only play catch because George likes it. Okay, let's play it for George. Do you play it with the proper rules or the baby rules? Proper rules. I'll start. Peppa, you're it. Catch me if you can.


Pepper is it. She has to chase Chloe and George.


Can't catch me. George, I'm going to easily catch you. You're so little. That's not fair. You're helping George. That's because he's little. Do you want me to help you? No, I don't need help. I'm a big girl like you. Come on then, Peppa. Try and catch us. Can't catch us. Can't catch you. Guys, this is a silly game. Can we play something else? Okay. I know a really good game for big children. It's called sly Fox. Sly fox. I want to play sly fox. What is it? One person is the sly fox, and the others creep up on them. Me. Me. I want to be the sly fox.


Pepper is the sly fox. While her back is turned, the others creep up on her. But if Peppa turns and sees someone move, they have to go back to the start.


George, I saw you move back to the start. Got you. I win. You moved before I was ready. The rules say I can move when I like. Don't they, George?


Now it's Chloe's turn to be the sly fox. Pepper and George must stay very still.


Peppa, I saw you move back to the start. It's not fair. You look too long. The rules say I can look as long as I want. Back to the start.


George is the winner.


Can we play a different game? Yes, but as long as it's a grown up game. I know. Let's play my favorite game. It's very grown up. George, do you know what Pepper's favorite game is?


Pepper's favorite game is jumping up and down in muddy puddles.


George, if you jump in puddles, you must wear your boots. I've brought some boots for you, too, Chloe. I'm too grown up to jump in muddy puddles.


Oh, so will I. George loves jumping in muddy puddles. Secretly, Peppa would love to jump in the puddle, but she wants to look grown up.


I hear there's some puddle jumping going on.


Mummy pig and daddy pig love jumping in muddy puddles.


It does look fun. Yes, it does. Maybe there's a rule that says big girls can jump in muddy puddles. Yes, that's a good rule ratio.


Rachel, pepper and Chloe love jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Even grown up girls.




Pepper and George are painting today.


We need some old newspaper to put on the table.




Daddy Pig is reading his newspaper.


You can have my newspaper when I finished reading it. All right.


Hooray. Now we can start painting silly George. George. Big children do not put their hands in the paint.


George loves painting with his hands. Pepper loves painting with her hands.


Very good. Can I have a potato, mummy pig?


They aren't cooked yet, Daddy pig.


Are you hungry, Daddy?


I'm not going to eat it. Watch this.


What is Daddy Pig doing?




Now, who can tell me what this is?


A flower. Clever, Daddy.


Oh, I loved painting when I was a young piggy. Now, where are my old painting beans?


Daddy, why are you wearing that funny hat?


This is my beret. It puts me in the mood for painting pictures. Now, what shall I paint?




Well chosen, George. I'll paint the old cherry tree.


What's that?


It's an easy easel, pepper. It holds my canvas.


What's a canvas?


It's a bit like paper for very special paintings.


Is that toothpaste?


Oh, no, pepper. These are special paints for grown up artists. There. What color shall we begin with?


Red, please.


Why red, pepper?


Red is my favorite color.


But first, we need to paint the sky. Look. What color is it?


Blue, of course.


Very good. Let's start with blue. Now, for the cherry tree, we need green for the leaves.


But there isn't any green.


Never mind. If we mix blue paint with yellow paint, we can make green.


Mixing blue and yellow makes green.


What lovely green leaves. And here's some grass.


What about the branches? We haven't got brown paint.


We can make brown. We'll mix the green and the red.


Mixing green and red makes brown. Daddy pig paints the tree trunk and the branches.


Wow. Daddy, can I paint the cherries?


Yes. Peppa, put your finger in the paint and dab it onto the tree.


One, two, three.


Well done. Now it's George's turn. What a great painter you are, George. There. The painting is finished.


Hurray. Oh, it's the ducks. Hello, misses duck. We're painting a picture.


The ducks are running through Daddy's paint.


Shoo, shoo. Naughty ducks chew.


Ducks chew. Stay away from our painting.


Oh, no. The ducks have made paint footprints all over the painting.


Oh, dear. I.


What was all that noise?


Mummy, the ducks have spoiled our painting.


Hmm, let me see.


The ducks are making paint footprints in the garden just like the ones on the painting.


Daddy's painting isn't spoiled, Pepper. It's perfect.




Oh, yes. I am a bit of an expert at painting.


And so are the ducks. Windy Castle.


Pepper and her family are going out for the day.


Peppa, George, today we're going to Windy Castle.


What's Windy Castle, Daddy?


It's a castle on a very high hill.


George likes castles.


Windy castle sounds like a boring thick for boys.


No, Peppa, you'll love it. There's a great view from the top of Windy Castle. You can even see Granny and Grandpa's house.


Wow. Let's go.


I'll map read and mummy pig will drive.


Are you sure, Daddy pig? When you map read, we always get lost and you get grumpy.


We will not get lost, and I will not get grumpy.


Windy Castle, here we come.


Are we nearly there yet?


Not quite.




Would you like to play a game?


Yes, please. Let's play our spy.


Okay. I'll go first.


Daddy Pig has to secretly look at something. And the others have to guess what it is.


I spy with my little eye something colored. Redhead.


Red. My dress. That's red.


No, it's not your dress.


The car.


That's right. Our red car.


I spy with my little lie something blue.


Hmm. George's blue shirt.




Is it something in the car?


No. Give up?




The sky. The blue sky. I win.


Daddy pig, do you know where we are?


I know exactly where we are. Although this road doesn't look the same as it does on the map.


Oh, Daddy pig, we're lost.


We are not lost.


So, how do we get to Windy Castle from here?


Just give me a moment.


I know we can ring Granny and Grandpa.


There's no need to ring Granny and Grandpa. I'll get us to Windy Castle if it takes me all day.


We haven't got all day.




Grandpa pig speaking.


Grandpa Pig, we've got a bit lost on the way to Windy Castle.




Is Daddy Pig doing the mat reading?


Yes. Daddy Pig is doing the map reading. And he's a bit grumpy at the moment.


I am not grumpy.


This is the best route. Keep on the main road until you see Windy Castle up ahead.


Thank you, grandpa Pig. We follow the main road and look out for Windy Castle.


As I thought.


Look. Is that. Is that a castle?


Yes, it's Windy Castle.


Come on, car.


Go on, car. You can make it. Hooray.


Peppa and her family have arrived at Windy Castle.


Wow. It's so tall.


Let's go inside. The view from the top is fantastic.


Look at the view.


Mummy, is that Brady and Grandpa's house?


Yes, it is.


It's so far away.


Let's take a look through the telescope.


Can I look first, please?


Yes, but you must let George look next.




The telescope makes everything look bigger.


I can see Granny and Grandpa. Look, George. Ganga, egg. Papa egg.


George is waving at Granny and Grandpa.


Silly George. Granny and grandpa are too far away to see you waving.


I know.


We can ring them.


Hello, Grandpa Pig. We can see you from Windy Castle. Wave at us.


Granny and Grandpa are waving at us. I love windy cars. Pretend friends.


Susie sheep has come to play with Peppa.


Hello, Peppa. Hello, Susie. This is my new friend, Leola. Where is he? There's no one there.


Susie has made up a pretend friend.


Can't you see him, Peppa? Um, let's play catch. Okay. To you, Leo.


Pepper throws the ball to Susie's pretend friend.


Leo can't catch the ball. He can. He just doesn't like playing. Cat, what does Leo like doing? He likes to roar. Is he going to roar now? Um. Yes. Wasn't that you? No, that was Leo. Ah. Hello, Leo.


Pepper pretends that she can see Leo Lion.


Leo, will you be my friend too? What did he say? He's nodding his head. That means yes, pepper.


Susie, would you like to come inside and have some fruitcake?


Mummy pig has two slices of fruitcake for Susie and pepper.


Mummy, Susie's got a pretend friend. He's called Leo Lyon.


I see. And does he like fruitcake too?


Leo loves fruitcake. Don't be silly, Peppa. That wasn't Leo, that was you. Leo prefers chocolate cake.


I haven't got chocolate cake. Will Leo have some fruitcake?


Raaaa. He will try a little slice.


Mummy pig gives some cake to Susie's pretend friend. George is playing with Mister Dinosaur.


Dinosaur? Grrr. George, you're sitting on Leo.


George does not know that Susie has a pretend friend.


Um, Leo lion says he can't finish his cake, so George can have it. Can we play upstairs now? Yes, let's play dressing up. I was asking Leo. Oh. Rah. Leo says he likes playing dressing up. Good. Come on, Leo.


Peppa and Susie are playing dressing up? Pepper is going to be a fairy.


I grant you one wish. My wish is to be queen Susie and Leo lion will be the jester. He doesn't want to be the jester. He wants to be the king.


Here is daddy Pig.


Mummy pig tells me you have a very special visitor.


It's only Susie, daddy.


Are you sure there isn't someone else?


Peppa, there is someone else. King Leo Lionde.


It's an honor to meet you, King Leo.


Daddy pig pretends he can see King Leo.


May I say what a fine golden mane you have?


Yes, it is very fine. And he is wearing his best red trousers.


Oh yes, and his blue jumper.


Silly pepper, Leo isn't wearing a blue jumper. He's wearing his best green shirt.


Well, it is sort of a bluey green pepper.


Susie, your friends are here.


Peppa's friends are here. They're all wearing their boots.


Let's jump in muddy puddles. Yes.


Are you sure Leo should jump in pike without his boots?


Oh, I forgot. Leo's wearing his boots as well. Look at Leo, he's jumping up and down too.


Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Even pretend friends Peppa and George are very excited today. It is snowing outside.


Mummy, can we go and play in the snow?


Yes, but it's very cold outside, so you must wrap up warm.




And don't forget to wear your hats and scarves and gloves.


It is very cold outside. Pepper and juice and George must wear their hats and scarves and gloves.


Come on, George.


Peppa and George are making footprints in the snow. Pepper and George love making footprints in the snow. Oh dear.


It's not funny. George, let's play snowballs.


Pepper has made a snowball. Pepper and George are having a lot of fun.


George, come back, you little piggy.


Oh dear, maybe this game is getting a little too rough.


Sorry, George. George, let's build a snowman.


Pepper and George are making a snowman. First they make the body.


George, this is the snowman's body.


Now they make the snowman's head.


Now he needs arms and eyes and a mouth.


George has found some sticks for the snowman's arms. Pepper has found some stones for the snowman's eyes and mouth.


This is his face. Now the snowman needs a nose.


Pepper has got a carrot to make the snowman's nose. The Snowman looks very happy, but maybe he is a bit cold.


The snowman needs some clothes to keep him warm.


George has found some clothes to keep the snowman nice and warm. Snowman is wearing his hat and scarf and gloves.


Mummy, Daddy, come and look.


Mummy, pig is wearing her hat and scarf and gloves.


That is the best snowman I have ever seen.


Daddy, Pig looks quite cold. He isn't wearing his hat and scarf and gloves.


Daddy, why aren't you wearing your hat, scarf and gloves?


I don't know where they are. I can't find them anywhere.


I think I know where Daddy's hat, scarf and gloves are.


Daddy, pig's hat and scarf and gloves are on the snowman.




Georgie. George's birthday.


Today is George's birthday. It is very early in the morning.


George. It's too early, dinosaur. Go back to bed.


It sounds like someone's up bright and early.


Happy birthday, George.


George woke me up.


You woke everyone up on your birthday, Peppa.


That was different. That was my birthday.


And today is George's birthday.


Happy birthday, George.


Here's your present, George.


Ooh, nine sauce. I knew it would be some sort of dinosaur thingy. Grrrr.


Oh, squeeze its tummy.


Too scary.


George, I've made you a birthday card. Can you guess what the picture is, George?


Cannot guess.


I was going to paint you a flower.


Oh, George does not like flowers.


But in the end, I painted you a dinosaur.


That's a lovely picture, Peppa.


Yes, I'm very good at painting.


Now, we're going somewhere very special for George's birthday treat.


Yippee. Let's go. Where are we going?


You'll see.


The family are setting off for George's birthday treat.


Are we going to the circus?


No, but it's somewhere just as good.


Um, is it the cinema?


No, much better.


I just can't guess.


Where can they be going?


We're here.


The family have arrived at the museum.


Why are we at the museum?


Come on, you'll see.


What can George's birthday treat be?


George, what do you like best in the whole world?


Dinosaur. Ooh.


Djorge's birthday treat is a visit to the museum dinosaur room, huh?


Silly old dinosaurs again. That ain't sore.


Don't be frightened, George. It's not a real dinosaur.


It's just a robot. Look, I stand on this spot and.


And now there's another surprise.


All of George and Pepper's friends are here.




Mummy rabbit has made a birthday cake for George.


Can anyone guess what sort of cake it is?


A dinosaur cake. It is?


What an amazing guess, Peppa.


Happy birthday, George.


There's one last surprise. Follow me.


What is the last surprise?


What do you think it is, Peppa? It's probably something to do with dinosaurs. Oh, what's that?


It just needs to be filled with air.


I know, I know. It's a bouncy castle.


Pepper loves bouncy castles.


But if it's for George, why isn't it something to do with dinosaurs?


Ho ho. It is a dinosaur. A bouncy dinosaur.




George loves bouncy dinosaurs. Everyone loves bouncy dinosaurs.


This is right. Happy birthday, George. Not very well.


Mummy pig and Daddy pig have just made breakfast for Peppa and George.


Breakfast is ready.


Pepper has red spots on her face.


Not me. I don't feel very well.


Oh, dear Peppa, you don't look very well.


Don't worry. I'll ring Doctor brown bear.


Doctor Brown bear speaking.


Pepper is not very well. Her face is covered in red spots.




Put pepper to bed, and I'll come straight round.


Doctor Brown Bear has come to make Peppa better. Hello, Pepper.


How are you today?


I'm not very well.


Stick your tongue out, please.




It's not anything serious. Pepper has just got a rash.


Do I need medicine?


The rash will clear up quickly, but if you like, I can give you just a little medicine.


Yes, please.


I'm afraid it doesn't taste very nice.


Open wide, please.




You are a brave little one for taking it so well.


Peppa must stay in bed. I'll call back later to check that she's better.


Can Peppa have visitors?


Oh, yes, she can have visitors.


The rash isn't catching. Goodbye.


Goodbye, Doctor brown bear.


Bobby, can I get up now?


Doctor Brown Bear says that you must. Pepper. Stay in bed for a little bit, Peppa.


But it's so boring.


Doctor Brown bear did say you could have visitors.


Can Susie sheep visit me?


Susie sheep is Peppa's best friend.


I'll ring Susie sheep's mummy.


Hello, misses pig.


May Peppa talk with Susie, please?


Hello, Susie. Hello, Peppa. I'm not very well. I have red spots on my face. Has the doctor been. Yes, doctor Browbear was here. He said I wasn't very well and that I was very brave. So, are you really ill? Yes, yes, he's not. Pretend. I have to stay in bed. Doctor Brow gave me medicine that tasted really horrible. I'm coming to see you. Meh. I'm gonna wear my nurse's outfit.


Susie Sheep has come to see Peppa. Susie is wearing her nurse's costume. Danny dog and Rebecca Rabbit have come along, too.


Hello, Peppa. Hello, meh. How do you feel? I'm not very well, Susie. I have to stay penniless. What can we do to make you better? You could get me some orange juice. Okay.


Peppa seems to be quite enjoying herself.


Thank you, Susie. Do you feel any better? A little bit. Daddy, ask my mummy if I could have some ice cream. And Rebecca, could you bring me some flowers from the garden?


Doctor brownbear is here to see if pepper is better. Ah, good.


The nurse is already here.


How is the patient?


Uh, I'm not a real nurse. Let's just pretend.


I see. Would you like me to take a look myself?


Yes, please.


I say no more red spots. You're completely better, aren't I?


Still a bit ill. How do you feel?


I think I should stay in bed a little bit more.


Hmm. I fancy a game with this ball in the garden. Who wants to join? Me.


Me. Me too.


Well, I never. A complete recovery.


The balloon ride.


It is the day of the school fete. Miss Rabbit is running the raffle.


Roll up. Roll up.


The top prize is a ride in my hot air balloon.


Wow. That sounds fun. Can I have a ticket, please?


The blue ticket wins a toy cardinal car. Well done, Danny.


Can I have a ticket, please? Thank you.


Peppa, what are you hoping to win?


The balloon ride.


Wouldn't it be nicer to win the homemade chocolate cake?


Daddy pig loves homemade chocolate cake.


The red ticket wins the balloon ride.


All aboard for the bloom ride. How many passengers, please?


Four, please, Aunt Teddy.




Oh, and a teddy and a dinosaur. That makes six.


All aboard.


Hurry up, daddy pig.


Hop. Abort. Quick, Daddy.


Slice the main brace. Chocks away. Full steam ahead.


Very impressive, Miss Rabbit. You must be an expert, expert pilot.


Not really. This is the first time I've ever flown a balloon.




Hold tight.


Miss Rabbit heats up the air in the balloon to make it rise into the sky.


Bye bye. Bye bye.


Would anyone like to do the map reading?


I will.


Are you sure, Daddy pig?


I'm very good at map reading. Oh, this map is a bit difficult.


Should we go higher?


Yes, please. Higher. Higher.


The balloon is rising high into the sky.


Oh, where did the sky go?


Don't worry, Peppa. We're just flying through a cloud.


Oh, wow. The sky is back again. Hooray. Big balloon. Big balloon. Bigger than the sun and moon. Flying high in the sky. Flying. Fly and flying. Fly. Look, Teddy, we're flying really high.


Peppa, be careful you don't drop Teddy.


I've dropped Teddy.


Don't worry, Pepper. We'll rescue Teddy. Hold tight, everybody. We're going down.


Miss Rabbit is making the balloon go down so that Teddy can be rescued.


I can't see Teddy anywhere.


There he is. Teddy's caught in a tree.


I can use this anchor to rescue Teddy. Slowly, slowly. There.


Daddy Pig has rescued Teddy.




Oh, dear. No one is looking where they are going.


Look out. Tree straight ahead. Hold tight. Oh. First Teddy was stuck in a tree, and now we are stuck in a tree.


Daddy pig, do you know where we are? We are lost, aren't we?




Oh, look, everyone. That's Granny and Grandpa's house.




We must be in Grandpa Pig's garden.


As I thought.


Ahoy there, granny Pig and Grandpa pig.


Goodness me. Ahoy there. Miss Rabbit.


Uh, help, please. Grandpa, we can't get down.


Don't worry. I've got a ladder.




Everyone climbs down from the big balloon.


Granny, Grandpa. Miss Rabbit took us for a ride in her big balloon.


How very exciting.


I'm afraid the most exciting thing we can offer is a piece of my homemade chocolate cake.


Homemade chocolate cake? That is exciting.


That was the best balloon ride ever.


And that was the best chocolate cake ever.


Treasure hunts.


Granny pig and Grandpa pig are making a treasure hunt for Peppa and George. Granny pig is drawing the treasure map. Grandpa pig is burying the treasure in a secret place in the garden.


Grandpa pig, have you finished? Peppa and George will be here soon.


No. No need to panic, Granny pig.


Peppa and her family are here.


Quick, Grandpa pig.


They're heredez.


Oh, almost done.


Grandpa Pig just finished in time.


Granny Pig, we're here. Thank you, egg.


Hello, my little ones.


Grandpa pig. Bubba. Egg.


Ahoy there, me hearties.


Peppa, George, we've made you a treasure hunt.


Somewhere in the garden is buried treasure.


Wow. Treasure. Where is it?


You have to look for it.


Here's a treasure map for Peppa.


And George could wear my pirate hat. Ahoy there, Captain George.


The map is a bit difficult. Daddy, can you help?


Of course, Peppa. I'm very good with maps. It is a bit difficult.


Daddy pig, you're holding the map upside down.


Yes, I thought as much.


It's easy. The Red Cross shows where the treasure is.


But where in the garden are those two apple trees?


Hmm, I don't know.


Would you like a clue?


Yes, please.


The first clue is in a bottle. But where is the bottle?


I can see it.


Peppa has found the first clue. A message in a bottle?


Look, everyone. Here's the bottle.


Well done, Peppa. Let's see what the message says. It's a message from a pirate.


Mummy, can you read the pirate's message?


Hmm. This pirate has very bad handwriting.


The pirate's handwriting is excellent.


No, I can't make it out at all.


The pirate is clearly written. Follow the arrows.


Follow the arrows.


George has found the second clue. Sticks in the shape of an arrow.


Look. They point this way.


Peppa and George are following the arrows.


Look, George. A key.


Pepper has found the next clue. A key.


Well done, Peppa. Now you just have to find the treasure chest that it unlocks.


But there aren't any more clues.


Maybe you should take another look at the map. Look, Peppa. The map has two apple trees on it.


Here's an apple tree, and here's an apple tree. So the treasure must be here.


Let's take a look. Oh dear. There doesn't seem to be anything here. Hang on, there is something here.


Wow. Treasure.


Well done.


Well done.


I've got the key to open it.


Wow. I can't believe it. Gold coins. They must be worth a fortune.


It's better than that. They're not gold coins. They are chocolate coins.


And there's a chocolate coin for everybody.




Peppa and George love chocolate coins. Everyone loves chocolate coins.


Granny, grandpa, this is the best treasure hunt ever. George catches a cold today.


It is raining a little bit.


Peppa, George, put your rain clothes on.


When it rains, Peppa and George must wear their rain clothes.




George does not like wearing his rain hat.


George, you must keep your hat on.




Because you must keep dry.




Because you might catch a cold.




George, do you want to play in the garden? Then keep your hat on.


Come on, George.


Pepper and George are going to jump in muddy puddles.




George does not want to wear his rain hat.


George, George, come inside. The rain's too heavy to play in now.


Oh, George, where's your hat?




George has caught a cold.




Oh, poor little George. You don't sound well.


Don't worry, I'll ring Doctor brown bear.


Doctor Brown bear speaking.


I see.


Put George to bed and I'll be straight round.


Thank you, Doctor Brown Bear. Goodbye.


Will George be taken to hospital and given medicine?


No, George just has to go to bed.


Oh. So George is not really properly ill. That's disgusting.


Poor George. Let's get you straight to bed.


George, you have to stay in bed for a bit.


No, George does not want to stay in bed.


George, you have to stay in bed until you are better.




Because you have to keep warm.




Because Doctor Brown bear says so. Hello, where's my patient?


Open wide and say ah.


George is a little bit worried. Hmm.


Pepper, you're big and brave.


Can you show George how to say ah?


Of course.






George has caught a cold.


Does George need medicine?


No, but he can have some nice warm milk at bedtime to help him sleep.


Thank you, Doctor brown bear.


You're welcome. Goodbye.


George has been in bed all day. Now it is Pepper's bedtime.


George, are you better? Ratchet.


George is not better.


George, please don't sneeze so loudly. This is impossible.


George, here's some nice warm milk to help you sleep.


The warm milk makes George feel very, very sleepy.


Good night, my little piggies.


Ah, it's so nice and quiet.


It is morning. George has slept very well. George is better.


Come on, everyone. A lovely sunny day.


George is wearing his rain hat. He doesn't want to catch another cold.


Oh, George, you don't need to wear your hat.




Because it's hot and sunny.


Why, George? Can you stop saying why all the time? Why.


George certainly is better.


The new car.


Today, Peppa and her family are going for a drive in their red car.


Shall we have the roof down?


Yes, please.


Pepper and George love their cardinal.


Is everybody ready?




Then let's go.


I love our car.


And our car loves us, too, don't you?


Oh, dear. The car does nothing not sound very well.


What's wrong, Daddy?


I don't know.


Let's take it to Granddad dog's garage. He can fix it.


That's a good idea, mummy pig.


Grandad dog runs the garage. He is very good at mending cars.


Oh, dear.


Daddy pig, your car does not sound very well.


Can you fix it, please, grandad dog?


Yes, but it will take all day.


Oh, we wanted to go for a drive in our car.


Don't worry.


You can borrow this new car while I fix yours.


Thank you, granddad dog.


Would you like the roof down?


Yes, please.


I'll just press this red button.


What a clever car.


When you come back, I will have fixed your car.


Thank you, Grandad dog. Goodbye.




Bye bye.




Peppa and her family like the new blue cardinal.


So many buttons in this new car.


What does the green button do, Daddy?


Let's see.


Magic windows, Daddy make the magic windows go down. What does the blue button do?


I don't know. Let's see.


I love this new car. Can we keep it?


No, we can't keep it, Peppa. We've only borrowed it for today.




Oh, no. I think it's going to rain.


Yes. I'll just put the roof up. Now, which is the button to close the roof?




Silly me. Aha. This must be the button.


The new car has squirted daddy pig with water.


Silly daddy. That's not the roof.


This button. Oops. Not that one. This button.


Daddy pig has forgotten which button closes the roof.


I don't think this car likes me.


Let's try the red button. Hooray. But now it's stopped raining.


Can we open the roof again?


Yes. Which button was it?


The red one.


Grandad dog has fixed the car.


Your car is fixed.






Thank you, Grandad dog. And keep the change. Thank you, Daddy pig. Ruff. Goodbye. Goodbye.




Bye bye.


Ah, it's good to get our old car back again.


I like the new car. But I like our old car better.


And I think our old car likes us too. Don't you?


Pirate Island.


Grandpa pig is taking Peppa and her friends for a day out on his boat.


Everyone on board. Full tail.


See you later. See you later.


Peppa and her friends are all wearing life jackets.


George, you could wear my pirate hat. Today, we are sailing to Pirate island. If we're lucky, we might find buried treasure.




Pirate island sounds like a great place.


Land a hoy. Here we are. Pirate island.


What's that?


It's a metal detector. It finds buried treasure.


Grandpa pig is using the metal detector to find buried treasure.




The metal detector has found something.


Let's dig it up.


It's a little coin.






Let's find some more. Ah, we found something else. It sounds big. My goodness. This piece of treasure is quite heavy.


Oh dear. That is not buried treasure. That is a rusty old shopping trolley.


Oh, maybe that's enough treasure hunting. Who wants to help build a big sand castle?


What a good idea, Granny pig. I'll just check on the boat.


Granny pig is going to help the children build a big sand castle. And Grandpa pig is doing important boat things.


Ah, this is nice. Oh, maybe I'll just close my eyes for a little bit.


Granny and the children are making a big sand castle. They need lots and lots of sand. They use buckets to make the castle's turrets. What a splendid castle.


Time to go home. Oh, where's the boat gone?


Look, Granny.


Oh, no. Grandpa pig is fast asleep and the boat is drifting away.


We have to wake Grandpa up. Shout as loudly as you can.


Grandpa pig, wake up. Wake up.


Oh, no. Grandpa pig is still asleep.


Grandpa's too far away to hear us.


We're stuck on Pirate island. We're coming. We'll be here for a hundred years. We'll have to eat wild fruit and berries. And we'll have to eat insects and slugs.


The parents are here to collect the children.


Hello, everyone.


Have you had a nice time?


Yes. Actually, I just left something behind. Back in a tick.


Look, there's Grandpa. We're staying. Hooray.


Welcome aboard, me hearties.


Naughty Grandpa pig. We thought you'd left us behind.


Sorry about that, Granny pig. Next time I promise not to fall asleep.


Goodbye, pirate island. See you again soon. I love Pirate island. Can we visit it again?


Oh, of course we can, Peppa.

