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. Today, we're going to show you how to get a Dogecoin 20, directly between the wallet. First, we're going to go TrustWalet. Okay. And we're going to go to the end of the call. We're going to go to the website file. We're going to click on the browser. And we need to go to Dogecoin 20. Before you have a website in this part, just write it in the browser, doge,. Then normal, when you have to click on the first button, you can also recommend that you copy this contract. Just copy it, if you want. Just copy it for a second and you have to click on the first button and just copy it. Then we need to get this. We need to link the wallet. If you have a wallet that is being a successful, you can get a wallet. If not, then you can get a premium. Connect. Click on this button Connect. Click on Wallet Connect. Now, we specify which wallet we want to connect the wallet.. When you embarrone it, then you can see these three buttons. One of them says, buy on deck screener, buy on deck screener. We don't need to buy them, because we have it.


The second button is Claim and stake. B, it means Claim, carry coins, and it will go into the stake immediately. For those who don't understand the stake, it's when you are going to


You're going direct tech Ethereum. Tech Ethereum, do you have a face in the first. It's very much a little bit too small for all those who do not understand, stake is when you have coinsat that you have, dogecoin 20, for a period, which is a hard time, that is 1, 3, 6, 9, that is not have one, I do have a face in the first. Just a moment, because I have a lot of money from their. But... Do you have a Ethereum? You, Ethereum with BMB,. Nese desheron t'a dish, os'fore kolašmi, obaškak, škom šon, vetim mi škrun, ETH, edhe, šfocet, Ethereum-i direkt. Ja ko i kem ktu. Kam fut, vetim gas ktu, čita, škombej kt, edhe, n momenti kyt i kem baru, kreti farduot, esht, škon na foci, ne porin, funt, fore, manage cryptu, štip e kyt plusin ktui largi, esht,. In the moment that you have this, then you will receive it directly. This is what you need. Claim dollar doge nizet. The moment you have this, then you will receive it directly from Ethereum. With Ethereum, you will have a first. It's a first for a collage for all those who don't have Ethereum in their first.


In any case,. And then, in the moment that you have it, what is it? I'm going to go to the first step, to the end of the first. Manage Crypto. I'm going to put this plus in this large, because I need to get this coin in here directly, so I can see what it is. In the sense of Bitcoin, I'm changing Ethereum because this coin is with a network on Ethereum. I'm going to put this paste, that contract that you. Then we have a coin in the first website. Then the coin is being sold and it is a type of accessorium, and it is a type of import. In the moment that it is a type of import, this is a type of zero because it has not been in CoinMarketCap, and because it has not been in CoinMarketCap, it does not get. In reality, it does not get much of the gains that you have, but don't worry, because everything is in the market. Then, once we have this coin, we go back and. Now, how do we look at this? How do we have it here. Here we have it in the last part, where we have a lot of data on the website.


We have 2,877,379 DOGE20 or 20. Now, we have to look at this. How do we look at it? We go to the browser, here. We have to go to Unispop. When it is with Ethereum, with the data, we have to use Unispop. When we are with BNB, we need PancakeSpop. Pancakespop and Unispop are two websites where you can buy a coin and you can sell it as soon as you have it on Binance platform. Just because that is a professional exchange, while this is. We have another way of buying and selling all the coins that are not being sold on Binance or on another exchange. Then we go to Unispop. The website is app. Peak.. Neste nuke je gžen, osi farko laš me ško nešto tako brazri, vete mi škruun uni, swap, ksisuj, edhe jako je linku i par. Škuim direkt. Kjem nevoj ta conectuim voletin na heren na par. Neste rasnice nuk usht conectu, do ta conectuim voletin. Momenti či voletin iskonektu u me nesukses, ateret tregon ktu ctu cje osht conectu u me nesukses. Fantastike. Monš me ndrishun nese kiendo nekojen me blei me ne ne dvarh tjetar, ndrishun. We have 2,300,000, something like that.


I'm just going to show you a number, so. For me, because we have copied the first time, we have to. I have to make it smaller. Because we have copied the contract in the first, we have to make a comment, we just need to follow the contract of the coin. This coin we have 2,320,000,


not 2,320,000. I believe it's smaller. As you can see, after that, she forced to put in a confirm, and in the moment that she confirmed, she took gas fee, network cost 9.68, and fee, 0.11. All that she took, total, she took it for this transaction. Etherum is going straight from network and others, so you take. When you go into this process, confirms pop, and that's what it means to change. If you wish to make this more small, for example, if you look at the network. Nese desheronim, mudenim me ba kyt me pak, porsamil, nesa škojine 2, 3, 0. Ksisuj, done. Edhe, swap. Athere, doot, šfocit, edhe, botoni push, confirm, swap. Eshtyp, edhe, gzest ška, dumetun, kalon prej do 20 direct to Ethereum. I don't need to see it for the moment, because I really need to press for a period of time, until today, to get it in exchange, in a mess or something like that. She gets the money from here and she gets the spot. You can see it once. But the moment it comes in exchange, then I just make a transfer, but not even a hit in the case. For example, it comes directly to the front of the park, and it gets this coin, it gets the contract, that's it, that it is a.


For the moment, it's not a rent date, but it's a rent date, or it's a six, or it's a coincoin credit, in my opinion. A coincoin credit, just to demonstrate. Take this, because there's no problem, one of them. Go to deposit. We have to find a network, EREC 20, because it was Ethereum. Go to deposit. And then after that, this is suspended, this network, because with this coin, we don't need to find another coin, we have a common issue, we have a problem, it comes from the other. As you would call it deposit, and we have a form called Ethereum. This is not a given, but as well as it works, in this case, if it is a result, just write the MRI, DOGE20, and the FOC, and the network is. But this is what we need to press for the result to be filled. We need to press for the result to be filled. We need to go directly from Trust Bullet tech exchange that you are looking for. But this we need to press for the result is the result. When you have it, the result is the control, and it generates the control, the result is the result.


Okay. That's what we need. The result is the result, it is the control, and it comes directly to. Next and send. Momentin che Next and send, atherer drguo direct prei čas voletit tako exchangei, či ti desheran. Po kjoj do t e presumnuntardmen, či te rinditit. Špesuim, škoni direkt el te. For the moment, it is 0.00019. As we have gone, it has been maximum 0.00036. Now, it has been a bit of a problem because the sheaths have started to be done. This person has seen a lot of 0.03, then you may have sheathed. We have also seen other. Blerie and also see other. You can see it directly in this website, Younis Poppins, and Dishrani. But as you do see Twitter, I see, I would say, on their Facebook, on Twitter, who is he? He is dogcoin20. Twitter, here, is a lot of information. For this, which is the exchange that they are going to send them, to rend it in this coin or something like that, they are going to be immediately on Twitter. Ktu je opon lojmit informacionit matreja, sa per kjet ktu. Jdo exchange, ktja trednitin ktja trednitin kyt koin, apot diška, ele emron direkt na Twitter.


Kiu oš twiter. Com/visathuise_doge_coin20. Kiu oš, do me thon, website-je tire direkt. Ktu, gjetha lojmit informacionen i merni. Ede, pasi će trednitit, athere, ju, munt te pergadit ni edhe ta šisni. Why? Because at the moment when it gets ready in exchange, I have a lot of faith that at least one zero is going to be a zero. If one zero is going to be a zero, then it will go this much, which is at the moment, for example, 1.9. Then it is possible that if you have 400 ECO dollars to invest, then it will go to zero, it will go to a number, only to get one zero, then it will go to 4.000 ECO dollars. So It's not that I press it, and it's not that I see it at the moment, but I wanted to make a demonstration, and then I will put it in the first part of the Trust Bullet for the release of this coin. How does it work? I hope you have heard all the videos. If it gets a little complicated or there's something that you don't want to see, then pause the video and look at the hand basop where I have clicked.


So once again, as a result, you need to go to the browser here in the end of the forest. Then you need to go directly to the website where this coin is. The website is called dogecoin20. Io. Then you need to copy a control. This control that I told you, I don't know why I didn't have it for the moment. I think there's a little bit of a problem, maybe because of the incisive that I'm doing today. Just want to claim your dogees money, click here,. And then I take it, because I have it transferred now, but it's a little bit of a fauch, and it's directly Ethereum. If you don't have money on Ethereum, you have to buy a little bit of Ethereum, or you can see, it copied control to the first two. It was a connect wallet, because it had to go in the first two. It said, with which you're going to connect, and it got them to get control. Just to make it with a control. Just to make it with a control.. Why? Because you're buying a lot of people to buy or to buy a little bit of paper, $10.


Ktu preisin šum persona, ktu te šesin, apo te blein per mes nedvor kutite interium, e koristite interiumi super, super engarkuar. Athere, juš šfocit šum a me, mo, dani se ju dešironi te, te boni transakcijoni me njiher, por nese preferoni tpresni pak filas, per pak sekunta, at here ju mundini ulet, du me thon, čmimi, nga 14 dolar, vetem 10 dolar, nga nijher, vetem 7 dolar. Nese pritim vetem pak, ather izbret čmimi i percindis se transakcijonit kur kjoja ban, edhe, mundini me 7 dolar, šaimol lirje 7. You can get 7.00 $, or to make a claim directly from the website, and then to go to Trustpollet or MetaMask. Basically, with which you have bought, this is the option that you have to make. After you have made claims, you can say, Oh, but I don't have it here in Trustpollet. Where is it? It's a hard question. Just go to Manage. Now, your control is just copied first. Click on this plus here, high. Go to the Ethereum again. And after you have it, paste. Go to that control directly from the website, this Dogecoin 20 that you have copied, and import. Momenty, što štipni import, importuhet, edhe i osfocit ksisuil.


Sistash edhe here, edhe ma porzit, kjo zere zere, kjo zere, kjo šfocit, moso brengosni, sapsa vetim nuk oš te renditi na CoinMarketCap fore. Zdo gjeh che oš te renditi na CoinMarketab fore. Jzdo gžo šte ošte rendite na CoinGecko, at here do t šfočet numara, pendrishet, nuk šfočet nese nuk oš te renditur ato. Sepske k'y WebSoyTi, apo TrustWallet, i merd gjetha dzonat direkt prei CoinMarketCap, apo CoinGecko, e na to rose, nese nuk št erinditur atje, atar nuk multet mi mor dzonat, et nuk multet ilizeja tu. Na to rose, vatim šfocit smimi mi 0, 0, po mo se bregosi. Šitia pastaju ne thash, šconim brapa me kyt šiđetin ktu, šconi edhe. In the moment that you have a connect, that's when you hit the drittorium and say, with the network in Ethereum, we need to use Unispop. And we're going to use Unispop. It's app. Unispop. Org. After you have done this, you will, for a while, you will see Connect. When you have a connect, you will see which wallet you are going to connect. You will connect with Ethereum,. In the moment that it is connected, then the Swooch is showing the logo of your Ethereum here.


We put a button on the spot, because spot is that which you are entering. And we go to select token.. Because it is a coin, it is a triangle, let me say, here. In that aspect, it shows that the coin is a new and it is a new, because it is coin, the Swooch is not much information on this, when I say information, the aspect is still not a good idea for other things. Then we select kytun fald. Eddi androim venat. Kur te bleim kyt koinin me Ethereum, atere leim ksisui. Kur deshiruim ta šesim, atere androim pozicionet. Tan i doć 20 kemi lard, Ethereum i kemi post. Doć škru so we have to put it here.. Then we selected this file and we are entering the location. When we buy this coin with Ethereum, we are entering the location. When we are entering the location, we are entering the position. Now, if we have a large, Ethereum is being pushed. We need to write the source. Naya patum 3 milian i 200 000 etsopo, tasum 3 milian. Eddi, pasi che kime kry kyt, at-here, done. Edhe, nfond, swap, štypum dmahon po tuni, swap, edhe, nfond, confirm, swap.


Confirm, swap i bien po et konfirmoj, che po deshiroi ta ndroj at. Ja, dm. When you make a sale, and when it makes a sale, it will be converted and it will be made in Ethereum. Then you can have in Ethereum 0.8 Ethereum. That Ethereum can be where you want it. At the moment, it doesn't need to be 6, so it will not be 6. This is, as I said, the person who has to.