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Today, Peppa and George have come to play in a special Bouncy Maze. We're in a bit of a rush.


So quick as you can, please.Bye, mommy.Bye. And don't get lost.


The first room has a big Bouncy Castle inside.


Hello. Sorry, we can't play.


We're in a bit of a rush.


Come on, George. Peppa has gone through the blue exit, but George has gone through the red one by mistake. This room has a soft tunnel with Susie sheep inside. Hi, Susie. Me and George have to go fast because we're in a rush. Bye.




This room is extra bouncy. Hi, Rebecca.


Peppa, is this the way out? We're in a rush. Yes. It's the way there.


Whee. Whee. Hooray.


We found the way out.


Well done, Peppa. But where's George?


I thought he was behind me. Baby, he's lost in the mace.


Lost? We have to find him. Wee.


George isn't lost. He's just having lots of fun.


Do you know where George is?


He went that way.


But Mummy Pig is not as good at bouncing as Peppa.


We're coming, George. It's okay, Mummy. Falling is just as fun as bouncing. Wee. Wee. There he is. We're coming, George. Whoa.


A car.


Hooray. We found you. You.


It's time for us to go home. No.


George doesn't want to go home. He's having lots of fun in the Bouncy Maze.


Well, then we'll have to... Come and get you.


Peppa and George love playing in the Bouncy Maze.


Got you.


I won't ever lose you again. Look out below.


Now we really have to go.


And so does Mummy Peep. Today, Peppa and her friends have come to a special adventure park. Come on, Edmund. You can do it. It's really fun. Wow.




Ho-ho. Well done, Edmund.


This room has a balance beam.


You have to walk across it without falling into the ball pit.


If you all keep working as a team, you'll get all the way through without falling into the ball pits.


I'm good at balancing. Follow me.


Now, George, Peppa, and Edmund Elephant must cross the balance beam. But Edmund is finding the balance beam a bit difficult.


Try going sideways, Edmund. We can do it together.


Everyone has made it across the balance beam. Now, they must swing across this room.


This looks tricky.


It's just like the swing in the park, Emily. Watch this. Wee.


Peppa is very good at swinging. Hooray. Hold on tight, George.


Wee. Here you go, Edmund.


But Edmund Elephant is feeling a little nervous about it.


Why don't we go together, Edmund, as a team?


Good idea. Whee! Hooray. We did it.


Thank you, Emily. Everyone has made it across the big swing.


Good teamwork, everyone. One room to go This is the final room, but there is no way across the ball pit.


We can't jump that far, and there's nothing to swing on.


Ho, ho, ho. This room is a bit of a puzzle.


Nobody knows how to solve the puzzle and get across. I've got it. But Edmund Elephant is very good at puzzles.


I'm a clever clocks, you know.


Everyone has made it through the adventure park.


That was very clever, Edmund. Edmund.


And Edmund Elephant can't wait to do it all over again. Today, Peppa and Mummy Pig are riding the bumper cars at potato City.


Can't catch me, Rebecca. Oh, yes, I can. Come on, Peppa. We found a new ride.


It's a water ride. It's so splashy. I love splashy rides.


Splashy? Mummy Pig isn't sure she loves splashy rides.


Why don't we go on a ride without splashes? This bench? What fun. Wee.


We can go on that after.


Come on, mommy. Everyone has arrived at the new water ride, Celery Stick Falls. Uh-oh. Stop.


Oh, It is very splashy. Very, very splashy. A dog's in the front, please.


That means you, mommy Pig, right here.


Oh, right. Okay.


Enjoy the ride. Hooray.


Hooray. Hooray.


Oh, this is quite lovely. Lovely.


The ride is going very high up. Splish, splash, splash.


We all love to splash.


Not everyone loves to splash. You-hoo.


Would you like a small splash, a big splash, or a humongous splash? A hug Manga splash, please. Yeah. No. Oakey dokey. Ready? Yes.




Five against one. Off you go.


The celery stick falls are very fast and very splashy. There we are. Nice and dry.


Oh, not again. Yay. That was amazing. And very, very splashy.


Mommy, what are you doing?


The splashes were amazing. Let's go again.


Now, Mummy Pig loves humongous splashies. Everyone loves humongous splashies. Back soon, Mummy. Bye. Daddy Pig has to pick something up from work, so Peppa and George have come with him to his office.


Sorry, Mr. Rabbit.


George really likes all the buttons in the lift. Oh, dear. All that button pushing has broken the lift.


Whipsy, George.


Don't worry, George. I'm a bit of an expert at lifts, you know.


The buttons in the lift aren't working.


Hello. Welcome to the lift.


Is this lift magic?


No, it's voice activated, which means we just have to tell it where to go. Much easier. Oh. Hello, lift. We would like to go to my office, please.


The lift is working again. Yay.


Floor two, office of bees.


But it hasn't taken them to Daddy Pig's office.


No, not office of bees. Office, please.


Floor 6, office cheese.


I love cheese.


I said, office.


Floor 16, a fish.


Silly magic lift.


The lift doesn't seem to understand Daddy Pig's voice. I'll try.


Can we go to Daddy's job?


Now arriving at the top.


Not the top.


Daddy's job, please. Peppa and her family keep trying to get to Daddy Pig's office, but the magic lift takes them to the wrong floors. And spooky floors. Hello. And even party floors. But none of them are the right floor until...


My office. Hooray. Hello, Mummy Pig. We just had a little trouble with the lift. Be there soon.


Pepper and George really love the magic lift.


But Daddy Pig much prefers to take the stage.


Today, Mummy Pig has brought Peppa and George for a special visit It's time to get to the toy shop.


Hello. I'm looking for a mummy and two little ones for a special toy shop treat. Have you seen them? That's us. Is it? Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go. Hooray. This is where you're able to create your very own special toy. Just swipe through to choose. You could pick a robot or a princess or a silly monster or a... Dinosaur. I didn't know you liked dinosaurs. Dinosaur, dinosaur, dinosaur.


George loves dinosaurs. They're his favorite.


I guess we know what he'll be making. Have fun.


Good choice. Lovely. A spaceman, a monster, a superhero.


Peppa and George love making their own toys. They both like very different things. Mine is a robot.


D Sure. Rauw.


Fantastic. Now, with a little toy shop magic, the machine will make your toy.




Now, You just need to pick an outfit for your toys.


There are lots of different outfits to choose from, but Peppa and George think these outfits are perfect for their new toys. Ho-rech.


Perfect. In they go.


Oh, dear. The toy machine has put the wrong clothes on the toy.


The machine mixed up their clothes, Miss Rabbit.


Oh, yes. Oh, well, they still look like fun toys to me.


And very creative.


La, la, la. Flying is fun. Wait for us, Peppa. Wow. What is this room?


This is a special new toy machine. Just stand here in the middle, Peppa.


What is it doing?


Stay still.


What was that? Tadam.


The machine has made a little toy that looks just like Peppa. Look, George. I'm tiny.


Wee. And so are you.


Peppa and George love making toys in the toy shop, but George really loves being a toy, too. Today, Peppa and George are at a fun fair. Hi, Peppa.


Have you been in the fun house yet? What's a fun house?


It's a special fun fair house that has lots of silly rooms and funny hallways.


Can me and George go into the fun house, please? Please.


Hello, Miss Rabbit. Two for the fun house.


To enter the fun house, Mummy Pig must buy tokens from Miss Rabbit. But the tokens cost more coins than Mummy Pig thought.




Thank you, Mummy Pig. Right this way. Hooray. This is the Rickety-Rackety Bridge. Pass through to see the rest of the fun house.


Peppa mirror is moving very slowly and carefully across the bridge. But George thinks it's fun to go very fast.


Your way is much better, George.


Congratulations. Now you need to follow the arrows.


This way, George. These mirrors are so wobbly.


The Funhouse mirrors make Peppa and George look very silly indeed.


This mirror makes me look so tall, and you look like you have a very big head, George. That one makes you look really round. Round. And this mirror makes me look like Miss Rabbit.


That's because I am Miss Rabbit. Follow me to the twisty, turny tunnel.


The Funhouse Tunnel spins round and round. And it's very windy.


Look, after the tunnel, we get to go down the slide.


I'll help you, George.


I wonder what's taking so long. I hope they're not lost.


Howhow was it?


The fun house was really fun.


How fitting.


Everyone loves the fun house because the fun house is very... Hello. Hi. Peppa and her family have come to the Balloon Shop to collect a special balloon for a garden party.


Miss Rabbit, can we have our fancy planet friendly recyclable balloon? Oh. Wow.


Boon. The Balloon Shop is full of balloons.


Ms. Rabbit?


Bunk. Bunk. Bunk. Bunk.


Oh, you found me. I've been lost in the balloon since Tuesday morning. Must be lunchtime by now.


It's Wednesday, Ms. Rabbit.


Oh. Anyway, here are all your fancy planet friendly recyclable balloons ready for the party. All? But we only ordered one. It says here, 1,000 balloons for Mummy Pig's party.


Oh, but we don't need this many. And we can't waste them. What do we do? I know. We can share them.


Peppa and her family are giving the extra balloons to everyone in town.


One for you.Thank you. And one for both One for you. Here you go. Red balloon, green one for you.


Only 992 to go.


This is going to take forever.


Uh-oh, and we have to go and set up the party.


I have a great idea. Grab some balloons and follow me, everyone. Hooray.


It is time for the party, and everyone is beginning to arrive. Hello, Susie.


Here's your balloon.


Oh, thank you. Bunch. Bunch.




Miss Rabbit has used the balloons to turn the garden party into a balloon party.


Miss Rabbit can make anything with a balloon.


Or any one. Here you go.


It looks like me. And this one looks like me.


This is the Balloon Ray.


Can't, Daddy. And don't worry if you pop a balloon because we have lots of extras. Bunk. Bunk, Bunk.


Everyone would have loved Mummy Pig's garden party, but everyone loves the balloon party even more. Tonight, Mummy and Daddy Pig are going out for a Valentine's Day meal.Mommy Pig has ordered a taxi.It's.


Almost here. Hooray.


You're Your ride awaits, madam.


Mummy Pig has accidentally ordered a special taxi called a limousine.


A limo. How romantic. And tickly.


Where are we off to, sirs and madams?


Granny and grandpa pig's house, if you please, Miss Rabbit.


Pepper and George are going there for dinner.Dinner.Dinner..


Okay, calm down, you two.


This music reminds me of Venice.


What a wonderful trip that was.


Now it's a disco limo. Yeah.


Oh, we didn't have this in Venice.


Care for a chocolate, Mummy Pig?


Don't mind if I come. Can we have some, Daddy?




Okay, but not too many.


Peppa and George love chocolate. Maybe a little too much.


I guess I'll have this then.


Can we have the disco music again? Just until granny and grandpa's house, please.


Hi. Happy Cisco Valentine's Day, everyone. Whee.


Oh. Oh.


Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Come on, we're having a Valentine's Day disco.


It's just like that time I'm in Paris, Grandpa Pig.


Everyone loves celebrating Valentine's Day, but Mummy and Daddy Pig love their disco limo ride most of all. Wow. Today, Peppa and her family are visiting the arcade.


We Well done.


You got a high score.


That's because Peppa and I are experts at all of these games.


Look at all these tokens, Peppa. If you collect lots of these, you can trade them in for a huge prize. Wow, a prize.


Look at all these tokens.


Can we play that game next?


Of course, Peppa.


Mummy Pig is showing Peppa how to play carrot bop. She is bopping the carrots whenever they pop up.


Bop, bop, bop.


Would you both like to have a go? Yes, please. Bop, bop, bop.


More token? Does this mean we can get a really big prize, Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?


Daddy Pig is playing the dancing game.


Daddy Pig loves dancing.


I'm a bit of an expert at dancing, you know. Your turn, Peppa.


Wow. Yeah. Yeah. That was fun. But is there a game we can play all together?


I know just the game.


Peppa and her family are playing Playing a Balloon Game. Whoever fills their balloon with water first wins.


Did we get another high score?


Yes, your score was so high that you have all won the jackpot. Now you can trade in all your tokens for a huge prize.


Let's go. Hello again, Peppa.


Here are all our tokens. Can we please have our prize?


Of course. With this many tokens, you can get a marvelous, extraordinary, one of a kind pencil.


Hooray, a pencil. Peppa loves winning lots of tokens with her family at the arcade, and Peppa really loves her brand new pencil.


Welcome to the ice cream shop.


It is a very hot day, so Peppa and George are playing ice cream shop.


Here you go, Mr Daddy Pig.


Oh, thank you.


What would you like, Mrs. Mummy Pink?


I'd like a banana split, please. Hooray! What's a banana split, granny? It's a type of dessert. First, we need to cut a banana in half.




Now, we add ice cream, cherries, and whipped cream.


George likes adding the ice cream.


Careful. Well, don't squash the banana.


And Peppa really likes adding whipped cream.


Don't forget the cherry on top.


Here is your banana split, Mrs. Mummy Pig.


This looks delicious. Oh, please could I have a Nicabocca glory?


A Noccanauri? What's that, madam?


It's a type of ice cream Sunday.


Can you only eat Can we get them on Sundays?


Not that type of Sunday. You can eat them anytime. I'll show you. We need ice cream, fruit, meringue, and cream.


Peppa and George add all the ingredients into the glass.


And now you can decorate the top.


Then decorate with wafers, colorful sprinkles, and sauce.


Here you are, madam.


This looks wonderful.


Now everyone has been served, what ice cream would you two like?


A rainbow one.


Rainbow. Peppa and George use lots of different colored ice cream.


Pink for strawberry, brown for chocolate, yellow for banana, Nana.


Then they add their topping. Let's mix it all together. Peppa and George have mixed all the colors together.


We've made a muddy puddle. Not rainbow ice cream.


I'm afraid we don't have much ice cream left. All we have is vanilla. My favorite.


Pepper and George like making special ice creams, but they love vanilla ice cream the most. Today, Mummy Pig is going for a relaxing day at the spa.


Oh, Sorry, Mummy Pig. I've got to close early today. I've got the sniffles.


Oh, I was really looking forward to my spa day.


Why don't we make a spa at home?


Oh, that's a great idea, Peppa.


Peppa is very good at having ideas.


Hello, Mrs. Mummy. Welcome to the spa. Oh.


Peppa has turned the living room into a very special spa.


First, we are going to... What happens at the spa, Mummy?


Well, we normally start with a nice cup of lemon water.


I can do that. I'll get you some lemony water, Mrs. Mummy. Here you go.


Oh. Oh. Thank you, Peppa. Pippa, this is the lemoniest water I've ever seen.


What's next?


Next, I'd like to have a foot bath. Yay!


What's a foot bath?


It's a very small bath just for your feet.


Okay, time for your very small bath just for your feet, Mrs. Mummy. Come on, Daddy.


Pippa and Daddy Pig are making their very own foot bath.


This ought to do the trick.


That's so relaxing.


Peppa has turned the foot bath into a regular bath.


Here are the boats you ordered, Miss Peppa.


You have to have bubbles and toys in the bath.


Wonderful. I'll suggest this to Miss Rabbit.


What's next, mommy?


Next, it's time for a massage. Here, lie down on the sofa and I'll show you how it works.


Peppa finds the massage very tickly.


Your turn, mommy.


It's Very different to my normal massage.


It's a special Peppa massage.


Now, the last thing I do at the spa is have a mud mask, which Which is a mask made of mud. Yes, a special spa mud that's good for your skin.


I don't think we have any special spa mud here, though.


I've got an idea.


Peppa is very, very good at having ideas.


We don't need spa mud when we've got muddy puzzles.


They're just like muddy puddle face masks.


Peppa a spa day, especially when it involves jumping in muddy puddles.