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Canal boat.


Today is Captain Dog's birthday.


Happy birthday, Captain Dog.


Thank you, everyone.


Daddy, you look sad.


Oh, it's nothing, son. Just seeing this here boat reminded me how much I miss the sea. Captain Dog loves the sea.


Why not open your birthday present? It's a boat trip.


A boat trip. That's just what I wanted. Let's go. There's nothing better than sailing a boat. You could go anywhere you want in a sailing boat. We could head for the trumpets. Or have an arctic adventure. We might even see a whale.


It's just a day trip, dear.


This is the canal. Now, where's the sailing boat?


We're going on this canal boat.


I see. The canal boat. To get to the sailing boat.


No, dear. We are going on this boat for your birthday and we're sailing it down the canal.


But on a canal you can only go this way and that way.


It'll be fun. Come on, dad. It is a boat.


Yes, Danny, you're right. A boat on the water.


All aboard.


Oh, I wanted to say that.


Oh, I'm sorry. Go on, then.


All aboard. Raise the sail. Oh, where is the sail? Canal boats do not have sails.


You just push this button to make the boat go.


Ah, thank you, mummy dog. And we're away.


Misses duck is going faster than our boat.


Want a race, do you, misses? Duke? Full steam ahead. Can't this thing go any faster?


No, this is the top speed.




Anyway, you want to slow down. We're coming to a mountain. Look out. There's a mountain in front.


We're going to crash straight into it.


No, we're going into the tunnel.


There is a tunnel through the mountain.


It's all gone dark. Our voices sound funny.


We sailed straight through the middle of a mountain. This canal boat is actually quite fun.


Look, here comes another mountain.


And that means another tunnel.


Not this time.


Oh, there's no tunnel.


So what do we do? We're going uphill.


There's no way in the world a boat can go uphill.


There is, and it's called a lock watch, I'll show you.


Mummy dog is opening the gates to the lock.


Take her in, captain. Just wait there while I close these lock gates. Now I'm letting in the water from the top. We're going up.


The rising water is lifting the canal boat up.


Now I open these cheese gate. Take her out, captain.


Full steam ahead. Whoa. Where's the ground gone?


We're in the sky. We're sailing over a bridge. Yes. This bridge means we can sail high above the valley below.


Ha ha. Sailing across the sky what could be a better adventure?


Sailing across the sky in a boat so high floating on the water sailing across the sky have you had a fun time, daddy?


I should say so. I've sailed through mountains, over hills and across the sky. This is my best birthday ever. Captain dog loves canal boats. Everyone loves canal boats.


Sailing boats.


Grandpa pig is taking Peppa and George sailing. Ahoy there, grandpa pig. Here are Mister stallion and misses Corgi. They are members of the sailing club. Hello. We're just going out for a sail.


It's a bit early for sailing.


Yes, you can't go sailing now. Thank you for your advice. See you later.


Grandpa. Your friend said that we can't go sailing yet.


They don't know what they're talking about. Oh, bother. Grandpa's boat is stuck in the mud.


There's no water, grandpa.


Yes, the tide seems to be out.


So we can't go sailing.


Don't worry. The water will come back again soon. And the boat will rise up.


The water is coming back.


It certainly is. The water is lifting Grandpa's boat out of the mud.


We're bobbing up and down.


Let's go sailing.


Aye aye, Captain Grandpa.


Off we go.


I love sailing.


Hoy there, grandpa pig.


Are you okay, though?


Do you need any help or advice, old chap? We're doing just fine, thank you. Bye, grandpa.


They're going quicker than us.


There's no need to hurry when you're sailing.


We're bobbing up and down the boat bobs up the boat bobs down the boat bobs up the boat bobs down a bobbing bobbing bobbin bobbing up and down the boat bobs up and down.


Ahoy there, grandpa pig. Time to head back if you don't want to miss the tide.


If you leave it too late, you'll get stuck in the mud.


Ha ha. Right you are. Goodbye. I don't listen to them. I know more about the tides than they ever will.


The boat bobs up. The boat bobs down. The boat bobs up. The boat bobs down. The boat bobs up. Oh, we've seen it stopped bobbing.


Ah, the tide seems to have gone out.


Are we stuck in the mud, Grandpa?


Yes, but only until the tide changes. Then the water will lift us up again.


When will the water come back?


Uh, tomorrow morning. Oh, we'll just have to spend the night on the boot.


A sleepover. Hooray.


I better give Granny pig a call.




Hello, Granny pig. We've decided to spend the night out on the boat?


You mean you've got the tides wrong?


No, no, of course not. I just.


We're stuck in the mud, Granny. I knew it.


It's an adventure, Granny. We'll see you in the morning.


Where will we sleep, Grandpa?


Here. The boat has two little bunk beds. And I will sleep on. On deck, under the stars.


Night night, Grandpa.


Night night. Peppa and George, pepper and George are asleep in the bunks. Grandpa pig is asleep on the deck. The stars are twinkling in the sky above. It is morning.


We're bobbing up and down.


Look, children, the water is back.




Grandpa Peak's boat is floating again. Time to sail home.


Aye aye, captain. Grandpa, the boat. Bob's up and down.


Granny pig has come to meet Peppa and George.


Granny pig. Grunty. Hello, my little ones. Did you have a nice time? Yes, we got a stuck in the mud and had a sleepover.


Pepper loves sailing. Everyone loves sailing.


The ambulance.


Peppa and her friends are at playgroup.


Children, today Doctor Brown Bear is coming to show us an ambulance. I like ambulances. Ambulances. Ambiu Lance Sears, will the ambulance go, Nina? Nina? Yes. Thank you, Freddie. I'm sure it will.


Here is Doctor Brown Bear.


Hello, doctor Brown Bear.


Hello, children. Does anybody know what this is called?


It's an ambi u, Lance.


An ambulance. And who can tell me what it's for?


Taking sick people to the hospital.


That's right.


Can we hear the Neenah Neenah sound, please?


Yes, we normally use that only in a real emergency.


Doctor Brown bear, can you show us what you would do in a real emergency?


Yes, I'll show you. Using this teddy and this ball. One day, Teddy was playing football when. Whoopsie. He tripped over the ball. Somebody calls for the ambulance. Freddy, would you mind making the ambulance noise, please?


Nina, Nina, Nina.


First thing I do is see if the person is awake. Are you awake? Yes, doctor. Do you know your name? My name is Mister Teddy. Can you tell me what happened, Mister Teddy? I tripped over a football. That was a bit silly, wasn't it? Let's put that football where no one else can trip over it. Now tell me, Mister Teddy, which bit hurts? My arm hurts. We just need to bandage that arm up. And because you have been such a brave boy, you get a sticker. And that's how the ambulance works.


Wonderful. Children, say thank you to Doctor Brown. Thank you, Doctor Brown Bear.


You're very welcome. And remember, always look where you're going then. Whoop.


Doctor Brown bear is rolling down the hill. He rolled through a prickly bush.




Ow. Ow. He hit a tree and apples fell on his head. Oh, my goodness. Call an ambulance. The ambulance is here. Oh, yes. Everyone into the ambulance. Don't worry, Doctor Brown bell. We are here to make you better.


Thank you, but I don't think I need your help. I am the doctor, remember?


Yes, but we must do all the checks.


I really don't think.


This is not another word, children. Well, what do we do? First? Check he's awake. Well done, Peppa. Are you awake, doctor?




Good. He is awake.


This is all very nice of you, but I.


Who knows what to do next. We ask him his name.


Yes, but in this case it's. What is your name, Doctor Brown Bear.


Now we ask him what happened.


You saw what happened. I tripped over that ball and fell down the hill.


That was a bit silly now, wasn't it? Which bit is hurting?


Every bit is hurting.


Where is it hurting most?


In my arm and my leg and here on my head.


We just need to bandage him up because you have been such a brave doctor. You get a sticker. Children, thank you to Doctor Brown bear for giving us such a wonderful demonstration of how the ambulance works. Thank you, doctor brownbear.


It was my pleasure. Doctor brown bear loves ambulances. Everybody loves ambulances.


The Great Barrier Reef.


Pepper is on holiday in Australia at Kiley Kangaroo's house.


I love it here at your house, Kylie?


Yes, I could stay here forever.


It's great having you all stay, but I will have to go to work today. What is your job, misses Kangaroo? I'm a marine biologist. What's that? I study sea creatures. Like these little fish here. Ooh, a fish tank. But the fish I study don't live in a tank. They live in the sea. Do the fishes in the sea have little bridges to swim through and treasure to play with?


No, Peppa, that's just the sort of stuff people put in fish tanks.


Would you all like to come and see where I work? Yes, please. I've been to where my daddy works. There was a telephone, lots of paper and coloring pens. It was a very nice office. I think you'll find my office is pretty fun, too. This is my office. Where? There, Peppa. The sea. I've got the best office in the world. But how can you work in the sea? With this submarine. Wow. Do you want a ride? Yes, please. Okay, hop in. Wow. It's all the colors of the rainbow. That's coral. Coral is made of lots and lots of tiny creatures. And the coral stretches for miles and miles.


We call it the Great Barrier Reef.


It's my job to keep the coral safe. Can we take some coral home with us? Sorry, Peppa. We can look, but we mustn't touch. If every visitor took a little bit.


Of coral home, soon all the coral would be gone.


We must never, never take anything away from here. Oh, look, little fish. They're clownfish. Clownfish? They do look quite funny. Look over there, a big blue starfish.


There's a tiny red one and a spiky green one.


What's that? That's a turtle. Hello, misses turtle. How are you today? You see how lucky I am to work in such an amazing place? Peppa, look. A little bridge, just like in your fish tank.


Oh, you're right, Peppa. It is quite like the fish tank here. Except there's no treasure chest, of course.


What have you seen, George? It looks like a chest full of gold coins.


Wow, George has found a treasure chest.


You see, daddy, everything is the same as the fish tank.


Uh, yes.


That gold must be worth a fortune. I think I can get it. But you said we must never take anything away. I meant natural things that belong here.


That's right. These gold coins don't belong here, so we need to remove them. It will all go to a good cause.


Yes, it'll pay for lots more marine research. Hooray. That was a good day. At the office we saw coral and fishes and a turtle.


This is a great holiday.


I don't want it to ever end.


But you are going to leave sometime, right?


Oh, not that you aren't welcome to stay as long as you like, of course.


Thank you misses kangaroo.


This holiday is the best.


Pepper is having a lovely holiday with Kylie. Kangaroo.


Pepper goes to Paris.


Peppa is going to Paris today to see her friend Delphine. Donkey, is everyone ready?


Yes, daddy pig.


Then Paris, here we come.


Mummy, where is Paris? Paris is in France. We go on a ferry to get there. What is a ferry?


You'll see. This is the ferry.


There are lots and lots of cars in here. Let's go up on deck and breathe in some fresh sea air. Look mummy, the boat is rocking about. Yes, pepper.


Mummy pig doesn't like it when the boat rocks about. All this sea air is making me hungry. Who wants to eat?


No, thank you.


The waves are getting bigger. Here, I brought you a fried egg sandwich.


Land a hoy.


The ferry has arrived in France.


Remember Daddy Pige? They might drive differently here.


Oh, oh, driving is driving, mummy pig. You see, it's just like driving it home. Hello there.




Peppa and her family have arrived in Paris. Delphine donkey and her family are here to meet them.


Bonjour. Bonjour, Delphine.


Bonjour means hello in French. What would you like to see in Paris? I want to see everything. Oh, it is impossible to see everything. In that case, I would like to see the real hidden Paris. The Paris that the tourists don't see. Bravo, mister Pig. Tell me, which part of the real hidden Paris would you like to see first? The Eiffel Tower. Ah, okay. This is the Eiffel Tower. Wow, this is busy. Imagine what the tourist places must be like.


Look, mummy. It's Miss Rabbit. I didn't know you had a job here, Miss Rabbit. Excuse Samoi. I am not this Miss Rabbit. I am mademoiselle le pain. Oh, I'm sorry. Souvenirs. Get your little Eiffel Towers here. The real Eiffel Tower is really big. Can we climb up it?


Um. It looks a bit high. Daddy pig does not like heights. Do not worry, Mister Pig. We take the elevator going up. I'm glad that's overdevelop. Oh, that is just the first stage. Now we must climb the steps.


If you feel dizzy, daddy pig, just close your eyes.


Ok. This is as high as we can go. As visitors, let's look at the view. These steps are going on forever. Oh, dear. Daddy Pig is not looking where he is going. He is climbing up and up and up.


What a wonderful view of Paris. It's lovely.


Yes. What do you think, Mister Pig? Mister Pig? Where is everybody? Daddy Pig is at the very top of the Eiffel Tower.


Hang on, Daddy Pig.


I must call for the rescue services.


Thank goodness you're here. Missed a. I am not this Miss Rabbit. I am mademoiselle le pa. Don't worry, Daddy Pig. I am going to get you down.


Ah. I'm going even higher.


What can you see, Daddy?


I can see everything.


My daddy came to Paris and he saw everything. Digger world.


Peppa and George are visiting Digger world.


Digger? Digger? George likes diggers. I like diggers, too.


And today, you'll both be driving real diggers.




Here is Mister Potato. Welcome to Digger World, where all your digger dreams come true. This is the sand digger ride. Pepper and George jump on board. Mummy and Daddy Pig, you have to pedal. Oh. Now fill up this big bucket with sand.


This is fun.


Yes, fun. Excellent work, children. Now we flip the bucket over. Give it a tap, Evo. Hooray. Pepper and George have made a big sand castle.


Let's go to the next ride.


This is the wall building. Ride. Stack these soft blocks to make a wall.


Hurry up, Mummy. Okay, Peppa. Pedal faster, Mummy. Oh, I'm going as fast as I can, Peppa. Nearly finished, then a lovely wall.


Here comes George with a demolition digger.




Oh, dear. George has knocked down Peppa's wall.


George, you naughty piggy.


Building things up, then knocking them down. It's all part of the funeral fun at Digger world. This is the grabber machine.


How do we play this one?


Let's hope it's not pedal powered. Mummy and Daddy pig, do the pedaling. Oh. Pepper and George use the grabber to win a lovely prize. There are Mister potato dolls or toy dinosaurs to be won, I'm sure.


Okay, George, let's get a dinosaur. This way, George. No, no. That way. Back. Forward, down. Hooray. We've got the dinosaur.


The dinosaur toy is too heavy for the grabber. Try again.


Oh, no. We got to miss the potato dollar.


The Mister potato doll is just the right weight for the grabber. Aren't you lucky. And he's yours to keep. But the best news is, you have earned your Digger badges. You are fully qualified digger drivers.




Thank you for visiting Digger World, where all your digger dreams come true.


Bye bye bye. I really like ticker world because we get to drive.


Stop. It is Mister Bull.


What's the matter, Mister Bull?


We're building a wall across the road.


Digger. Digger. Mister Bull, can we drive your digger?


Oh, I'm afraid children can't drive diggers.


But we've been to Digger world. We've got badges.


Oh, that's okay then. Hop aboard. I'll drive the digger, and you can have the important job of pushing the buttons. Okay, now push the button.


What? This red one?


No, the green one. The digger has knocked over the new wall.


Sorry, Mister Bullae.


Building things up, then knocking them down. It's all part of the fun with diggers. Pepper and George love diggers. Everyone loves diggers.


Parachute jump.


It is raining, and the school roof is leaking again. Oh, didn't I fix this roof for you before, Madame Gasselle?


Yes, Mister Bull. But still it goes drippity drip drip.


It's probably a broken roof tile. I wonder if it's this one. Has the dripping stopped?


No, it's dripping more.


Maybe these are the broken tiles. Is that any better?


No, it's getting worse.


Hmm. This is a big hole you've got here. It's gonna cost a lot of money to fix.


Oh, dear. Where shall we get the money to mend the school roof this time? My daddy did a parachute jump for charity. He floated down and made lots of money. Brave. Good idea, Pedro. Hands up who thinks their mummy or daddy would like to do a parachute jump? My mama. My daddy. We need just one.


Pepper and George have arrived back home.


Mummy, the school roof is leaking again. Is it, darling? Yes. Madam Gazelle says it needs a lot of money to mend. Yes. Yes, I'm sure it does. She asked if somebody's mummy or daddy would jump out of an airplane. Oh, I hope you didn't say daddy would do it, Peppa. You know he doesn't like hiding. But you don't mind heights, do you, mummy? I'm fine with heights. Good. Oh, thank you, Mummy pig, for agreeing to jump from an airplane. What? But I've never done it before. You'll be fine. Remember, it is for the children. Oh, in that case, of course I'll do it. Hooray for mommy pige.


It is the day of mummy pigs parachute jumping.


I'm still not sure I really want to do this.


It's all in a good cause, Mummy pig.


But I don't know how to jump out of an airplane. Don't worry. You'll get lots of training first.


Hello, mummy pig. Mister Rabbit is the parachute trainer. This is a parachute. It will help you float through the air after you jump.


Should I practice that?


Practice what?




Why not? There. You're a natural.


Is that it?


Yes. You are now fully trained.


All aboard. I'm still a tiny bit worried about this jump, Daddy pig.


It's okay, mummy pig. I'll come up in the plane with you.


Good luck, mummy.


Don't worry, mummy pig. Remember, you've got a parachute.


Yes, Daddy pig.


Oh, we are a long way from the ground. Oh, dear. Daddy pig has fallen out of the plane.


There she goes. No, wait. That's daddy pig. Wait for me, daddy pig. Wee mommy pig has jumped. She is going to rescue Daddy pig. Got you. Oh, she's got him. My mommy to the rescue.


Thank you for saving me, mummy pige.


Oh, Teddy pig, you're starting to slip.


Mister Bull has just finished mending the school roof. Lovely job. It'll last for years.


I can't hold on. Ah. Daddy. Is Daddy pig all right?


Ho ho. I'm fine. Good. Because you'll need to do that parachute jump again. What? To raise the money to fix this new hole in the school. Oh, all right.


Father Christmas.


It is almost Christmas. Peppa and her friends are at playgrounds.


Children, we are going to do a Christmas play. Hooray. Danny will be father Christmas. Ho ho ho. Wendy wolf can be an elf. Oh, goody. Can I be a Christmas fairy? Peppa will be the Christmas fairy. I want to be the nurse. I don't think there is a nurse at Christmas, Susie. But what if somebody gets ill? Good point. Susie will be the Christmas nurse. I want to be a snowflake. Now you can all practice your parts.


It is the next day. Peppa and her family are at the supermarket.


Daddy, look. It's Father Christmas.


Why don't you go over and say hello?


Hello. It's me, Peppa pig.


Hello, Peppa. Are you looking forward to Christmas?


Yes. We are doing a Christmas play. I am the fairy. Susie is the nurse, and Danny is you.


Ho ho ho.


Will you come and see our play?


I am rather busy at this time of the year.


Oh, please.


I will do my best. Peppa and her friends are putting up Christmas decorations.


Father Christmas is coming to see our play? How do you know? I saw him at the supermarket. I saw him at the garden center. But he didn't tell me. I saw him at the shopping center, and he didn't tell me. Oh.


Pepper and her family have come to the Christmas tree shop.


Look. It's Father Christmas again.


Hello. And who might you be?


Peppa. You haven't forgotten?


Forgotten? No, no, no.


Good. So you will come to the play?




Our Christmas play?


Of course. I will do my very best to come.


Oh, goody.


It is time for the Christmas play. All the parents have come to watch.


Are we ready to start, children? We can't start. Father Christmas isn't here. He did say he might be a little bit too busy to come tonight, Peppa. Did he? But look. Your parents are here. The show must go on. Snow. Snow is what we like. Snow by day and snow by night. And when it snows, it turns things white. Snow. Snow. Snow. I am the Christmas fairy. Ho ho ho. I am Father Christmas. Meh. I am the Christmas nurse. And I need to check if you are well. Say ah. Ah. You're fine. Off you go.


Wonderful. Ho ho ho.


Father Christmas. You came to see our plate after all.


And it's very good.


Do you really go all around the world on Christmas nights?




How do you do it?


With my magic sleigh and reindeer.


Wow. Can we see your sleigh? Well, I'm sure Father Christmas is a bit too busy to show us his sleigh.


It's true. I am very busy. But of course you can see my sleigh. Come outside, everyone.


Wow. It's beautiful. What's it like to ride in.


Hop in. I'll show you. Why not a little drive around the car park. Hang on, everybody. Ready, steady.


This is amazing.


Oh, my goodness. We're flying.


Can you go faster?


Hold tight.




Let's do a loop the loop.


That was brilliant.


Yes. Happy Christmas, everybody. Ho ho, ho.


Miss Rabbit's taxi.


Peppa and George are shopping with mummy pig.


That's a lot of shopping. It's for grandpa pig. My granny is going away on holiday. Oh, I see.


That's a lot of shopping.


It's everything on Granny Pig's list. Where's the car?


I didn't bring the car. I didn't think you would be buying so much.


Oh, I'll call for a taxi. Hello, taxi service. A taxi will be with you shortly. Sorry, I'm just popping out. Back in a mo. Taxi service. Where are you going? Granny and Grandpa pig's house, please. Righty ho. Hop in. I see you've been shopping. Lots of shopping about these days. Shopping for this, shopping for that. Shopping, shopping. Miss Rabbit, why are you talking so much? It's what taxi drivers do, Peppa. Ah, mind you, I had Mister Potato in the back of the car the other day. I thought he'd be.


Granny pig is going away for a few days. Grandpa pig will be on his own.


This is a tin of food. To get the food out, you will need this. It's a tin opener.


I know what it is. Granny pig.


If you want to boil an egg, fill a pan full of water.


Yes, yes, I know.


Granny pige. Hello, my little ones. We've got the shopping. But why are you not at the airport, Granny? Oh, yes. I'd better call a taxi. Taxi service. Hello, Granny pig. I'd like to go to the airport, please. Of course. Hop in. Thank you. Daddy, can we wave Granny goodbye at the airport?


Ok. Bye.


Bye bye. Going to the airport, are you?


Yes, and actually, we're in a bit of a hurry.


Hurry in here, hurrying there. Why are people always in a hurry?


Granny pig has a plane to catch.


She's going on holiday. Holiday? I never have time to go on holiday. I'm too busy being in a hurry. Miss Rabbit, are you talking like a taxi driver again? Yes.


The taxi has arrived at the airport.


Goodbye, my little ones. Bye bye, Granny. Bye bye.


Pepper and George are waving Granny pig goodbye. Here is Mister Wolf. Taxi.


Hop in. Bye bye, Mister Wolf.


Pepper and George love waving goodbye.


Bye bye.


Daddy, how are we getting home in the taxi? Oh, it's gone.


Been on holiday, have you?


I'm actually very tired. Do you mind if we don't talk?


Talk? Yes. People talk too much these days, don't they? Talk, talk, talk, talk. And they say some people can talk for hours without taking a break. My sister can talk. Hello, taxi service?


Hello. Could you pick us up from the airport, please?


The airport? Righty ho.




Hello, Mister Bull. Are you mending the radio?


No, I'm supposed to be mending the airport, but my truck's broken down.


I'm going to the airport. Hop in. Have you got any luggage?


Just the sand. Miss Rabbit's taxi is full of sand. Bye, boss. Hello, boss. Hello, lads. Here's the sand. Thank you, Miss Rabbit.


No problem.


Take us home, please, Miss Rabbit.


Righty ho. There you are. My last taxi ride of the day.


Now you can go home and have a rest. Ha.


I should be so lucky. Sorry. She'll catch you waiting.


It's just another busy day for Miss Rabbit.




Peppa and her playgroup are visiting London for the day.


Children, this is London. Wow. It's so busy. There's so much to see. I just can't decide where to go first. My friend the queen lives in London. Maybe she can help.


This is the palace where the queen lives.


Hello. Please, can I speak to the Queen? I am the queen. Who are you? It's Miss Rabbit. You said if I was ever in London, I should drop in to see you. Oh, Miss Rabbit. Come in. Come in. Hello, everyone. Hello, Queen. We're visiting London for the day. We were hoping you could tell us the best places to see. I can do better than that. After all, London is my city. I'll give you a guided tour myself. Hooray. The best way to see London is on a double decker bus. Ooh. Mister driver, please, may we borrow your bus?


Borrow my bus? You must be joking.


No. I am your queen.


In that case, your majesty, take it. If the queen asks you to do something, you must do it.


Everyone up to the top deck. The bus has stairs in it.


The double decker bus has seats at the top.


I'm the queen, and I will be your tour guide today. Fast stop, Big Ben. This tour clock tour is called Benjen. Big Ben. Actually, Big Ben is the bell, not the tower. You know a lot for a little elephant. I'm a clever cloggs. Ow. That was loud. That is the sound of Big Ben telling us the time it rang three times. So it is 03:00. If it rang six times, would that make it 06:00? Yes, it would. And if it rang a hundred times, then it would be broken. On with the tour. Next stop, tower bridge. We need to cross the bridge to continue the tour. Stop. You come across. Look, there's a big ship. It's going to bang into the bridge. The bridge is lifting up.


Tower bridge lifts to let tall ships sail through.


Good. Now the ship has passed, we can be on our way. Please layer the bridge. I'm sorry, your majesty, but there's another ship coming. This is rarely too much. We can't wait around all day. Hold tight everyone.


The bus is balancing on the bridge.


Now what do we do? Hang on a minute, lads. I've got a great idea. Everybody move to the front of the bus. Okay. Hooray.


The Queen is good at driving busses.


Are you enjoying your tour, children? Yes. Open top busses are the best. Why aren't all busses open like this one?


It is raining.


Ah yes. That's why all busses aren't open like this one. Children, open your umbrellas.


It is very important to take an umbrella when you visit London.


Let's stop Trafalgar Square. Oh dear. What a shame. Trafalgar Square is full of puddles. But we love puddles. Come on, have a splash. Your Majesty. It does look rather fun. And one is wearing one's boots.


Weed loves jumping in London. Puddles. Everybody loves jumping in London. Puddles. Soft play it is morning. Peppa and her family are having breakfast. Oh, there's a letter here for George.


It's an invitation to Richard Rabbit's party.


Sounds fun. I'll take George to the party. As long as it's not at that awful soft place center.


It says soft play. Daddy doesn't like the soft play center. Last time he got stuck and was rescued by a helicopter and a fire engine and a crane.


He wasn't exactly like that. Pepper. It was only a helicopter.


I think soft play sounds lovely. I will go with you, George.


It is time for Richard Rabbit's party. Bye. I'll be back to pick you up later.


You're very welcome to stay if you want.


It's soft play, isn't it?


No, thanks. Hello. You're very welcome to stay if you want. See you later. Hello, Miss Rabbit. Hello, mummy pig. I quite understand if you don't want to stay. No, I'll stay. Us grown ups can have a nice quiet chat while the children play. Oh, okay.


This is the soft play center, where everything is soft so children can bounce.


Swing, squash, slide and play. This is great. The children are having so much fun. Yes. I just hope we can get them out at the end.


The little children have been playing all day.


Home time, children. That was a lovely party, wasn't it? Yes. Have you all had fun? Yes. Are you ready to go home now? No. Oh my goodness. We're never going to get them out. There's only one thing for it. I'll have to go in. Good luck. Ah, I'm stuck. Help. Don't worry, I'm coming in. Are you nearly there? Oh no. I'm stuck too. Help.


Hello. Mister Elephant has come to collect Edmund. Elephant.


Mister Elephant. Help. We're stuck.


No problem, ladies. I'll get you out.


No, don't. You'll get stuck. It's a trap.


I'm stuck. Daddy pig, pepper and Susie have come to collect George. Oh, what good little children you are. Ah, where are your parents?


Help. Help.


We're stuck. Oh ho. That usually happens to me. That is going to happen to me, isn't it? I'm going to go in there and get stuck.


Me and Susie can go in. We're smaller.


That's kind of you both. But it is my job as a grown up. I must do this.


But daddy.


Don't worry, Peppa. If I get stuck, I will ring for the rescue services. Ah, yes. I'm stuck. Lucky I've got my phone.


Hello, rescue servante.


Oh, you're in here too?


Yes, I'm a bit tied up at.


The moment, so there's no one to rescue us.


We're here, daddy. We will rescue the grown ups.


That tickles. Hey.


Thank you, Peppa and Susie, for rescuing us. Hip hip hooray.


Now we can all go home. The little ones have gone back inside. Peppa, can you bring the little ones out now?


Yes, daddy. But we might have to play a bit first.


Peppa and Susie love the soft play center. Everyone loves the soft play center.


Long train journey.


Peppa and her family are having breakfast.


What's the matter, daddy Pig?


I need to go on a long journey for work.


Can we come too?


It's work, Peppa. And it's a long, long way by train.


Cho Cho, please can we go?


It won't be fun. I'm testing concrete. I need to know the relative density to mass to calculate for voids in the aggregate.


I need to know that too.


Ah, what does mummy pig think?


I think it sounds lovely, but it's.


Hundreds of miles away in another country.


Please, daddy pig.


Alright, we can all go.




This is the train station. Miss Rabbit is the train driver.


Full steam ahead. Are we nearly there yet? No, pepper. It's a long journey, so you'll just have to be patient. Why not sing a song to pass the time? Okay. Clickety clack, clickety clack, the tree must on the track, huff and puff, huff and puff, clickety clickety clack. I've sung a song. Now, are we nearly there?


Oh. Oh. There's still a long way to go, Peppa.


We won't get there until tomorrow morning. But what about bedtime? Where will we sleep?


Right here.


But this isn't a bedroom, Daddy.


Watch this.


It's magic beds. And here's where we break, brush our teeth. A magic bathroom. There's a little basin with little taps. And that's not all. A magic toilet.


I wonder what this button is for.


Daddy has found the magic shower.


Hello. Passports, please. Of course. Ah, you are Mister Pig. The mister pig. You must be coming to test our concrete. Yes. Do you know me? Oh, your work in concrete is famous in our country. But I have disturbed you. Good night. Good night. It is bedtime. Night night, Pepper and George.


Night night, my little piggies. Night night.


Peppa and George are tucked up in their little beds on the train.


Clickety clack, clickety clack the train runs on the track. Puff and puff, huff and puff.


It is morning and time for breakfast on the train. Good morning, Miss Rabbit. Aren't you meant to be driving the train?


It's fine. The train runs on rails. It can't get lost. Would you like coffee or orange juice?


I'd like both, please.


No. Coffee or orange juice? You can't have both.


I don't think we have to be so strict with the famous Mister big. Coffee and orange juice. Thank you. Excuse me. I am Keith King Alfonso. Could I have a coffee and orange juice, too? No, that is impossible. Peppa and her family have arrived at the end of their long train journey. We are honored to have your visit, Mister Pig. Thank you. Here is the concrete for you to test. Daddy pig is an expert at concrete. Hmm. Very good. I hope the trying journey wasn't too long and tiring.


No, it was lovely. What do we do now?


My job is done so we can take the train back home.


Oh, goody. We get to sleep on the train again.


Peppa loves long train journeys. Everyone loves long train journeys. Peppa and her friends have brought their bikes to playgroup.


Children, today we have very important visitors. The police are coming to our playgroup. The police drive cars with flashing lights. Nina. Nina. No. Do cars go? Here's the my mic explains. What I was about to say was, release the police.


Here are the police.


Hello. Hello. Hello.


Hello. Hello. Hello. That is how the police say hello. Hello.


Hello. Hello. I'm police officer squirrel.


And I'm police officer Panda.


We are going to teach you how to ride your bicycles safely.


Right. Let's see you all riding your bikes.


Look where youre going.


Always keep your ears and eyes open. And stop.


Well done, children.


Now, suppose youre riding your bike along and someone steps out in front of you.


What do you do? I would ring my bell. Very good. Ringing your bell lets others know you are there.


Can you all show me how good you are at ringing bells?


I don't have a bell. I have a horn.


A horn is just as good as a bell. Could you give your horn a tiny little toot so that we can all.


Yes, that should be sufficient to alert the public of your approach.


Now for the last bit of the lesson.


Where is he going? Police officer panda is driving to the bottom of the hill.


Calling police Officer Squirrel. Over. Can you read me? Over.


Read you loud and clear.


Over. The police have special phones to talk to each other. I'm in position. Over.


Now, when I blow my whistle, I want you all to cycle down the hill and use your brakes to not bump into police Officer Panda. Okay, they're on their way. Over.


I see them coming. Over. Very good. Breaking. Everyone.


Are you ready for Madame Gazelle?


Over. Send her down. Over.


I don't think I need to do this. I am the teacher and I wasn't supposed to talk.


Ears and eyes open.


Ears and eyes open. Yes. This is fun.


Ring your bell.


Oh, yes. Ring bell. Brakes. Oh, yes. Brakes.


Well done. And that's how to ride your bicycles safely.


Children, thank the police for taking time off from the important work to talk to us today. Thank you.


You're very welcome.


When I grow up, I want to be a policeman.


And what is it about being a policeman that you like?


I like blowing whistles.


Very good. But of course, there's more to being a police officer than blowing whistles.


Oh, yes. We're always very busy.


We do lots of very important things.


Like the police solve mysteries and drive cars with flashing lights. Nina. Nina.


Spot on, Freddy. Right. We really must be on our way. And remember, always keep your ears and eyes open. Who put that tree there?


Yes. It's not a safe place to put a tree. I'll make a note. Dangerous tree on public highway.


Ho, ho. You see, children, a police officer's work is never done. Bye, everyone.


Bye bye. Bye bye.


Pepper loves the police. Everyone loves the police.


Grumpy rabbits. Hovercraft.


Grandpa. Pig. Is taking Peppa and George out for the day on his sailing boat.


Hello, grandpa Pig.


Hello. Hello, old bean.


Grandpa, that man just called you an old bean.


Yes, Peppa. It's another way of saying old friend.


Are they your friends, Grandpa?


Oh, not really. We're just members of the same sailing club. Now, where did I leave my boat?


What does your boat look like, Grandpa?


It has a little red flag on top of the mudd.


Like that little flag?


Ah, yes. Oh, dear. Grandpa, pig's sailing boat has sunk. I'm afraid we can't go sailing today, children. Here is Grampy rabbit on his hovercraft. What is that monstrosity?


Is it alarmed at the same time? Hello.


What a marvelous day for sailing.


Hello, grumpy rabbits.


Pepper, you look sad. What's the matter?


We can't go sailing because our boat has sunk.


Oh, dear. Why don't you hop onto my hovercraft?




I really don't think this is. Hold on to your hat, grumpy rabbits. Hovercraft can go on land and water. I built it myself. You'd never guess, would you? We don't need that bit. You can't drive this thing around here. You're not a member of the sailing club. But you're a member, aren't you? Yes, but. That's all right, then. Nothing like that. A peaceful day's sailing.


The calmness of the water. The quietness of the. What's that horrible noise? Hi.


Lovely day for a sail. It's that monstrosity again.


Is that grandpa pig?




Whoop me.


I say, is anybody else thirsty?




Mehden, I saw an old shed back there selling juice. That's not an old shed. That's the sailing club cafe. It's for members only. Yes, whatever. Let's go and get some juice. Hello, there. Four beakers of juice, please. I'm afraid you cannot be served here, sir, unless you're a club member. I'm not, but he is. Hello. Four juices, please. Ah, yes, sir. This is the life, eh? The sea and the sky and the boats sailing by.


But the boats are not sailing by.


Grumpy rabbit, there's no wind. Without wind, sailing boats can't sail.


Help. Help. We need to rescue them, grumpy rabbit.


Good idea, pepper. Hold on to your socks. Ahoy there. Toss me a line and I'll tow you back in. Here we go, grumpy rabbits. Hovercraft is towing the sailing boats back to shore. We're towing the boats ashore, boys, we're towing the boats to shore, betraying the boats in the car park, towing the boats to be parked. I brought everyone back to the car park. That way they don't have so far to walk to their cars. But sailing boats don't go on land like hovercrafts. Oh, yes. Grandpa Pig, who is this friend of yours? So sorry about that.


Sorry about what?


We want to thank him for rescuing us. Oh, I see. He's called Grampy rabbit. Delighted to meet you, old Bean. You're very welcome, old bean. Three cheers for Grampy rabbit. Hip, hip. Hooray. Hip, hip.




Hip, hip, hip. Hooray.