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The new car. Today, Peppa and her family are going for a drive in their red car.


Shall we have the roof down? Yes, please.


Peppa and George love their car.


Is everybody ready? Ready. Then let's go.


I love our car.


Our car loves us too, don't you?


Oh, dear. The car does not sound very well.


What's wrong, Daddy?


I don't know.


Let's take it to Grandad Dog's garage. He can fix it.


That's a good idea, Mummy Pig.


Grandad Dog runs the garage. He is very good at mending cars. Oh, dear Daddy Pig, your car does not sound very well.


Can you fix it, please, Grandad Dog?


Yes, but it will take all day.


We wanted to go for a drive in our car.


Don't worry. You can borrow this new car while I fix yours. Hooray.


Thank you, grandad dog.


Would you like the roof down? Yes, please. I'll just press this red button.


What a clever car.


When you come back, I will have fixed your car.


Thank you, grandad dog. Goodbye.








Peppa and her family like the new blue car.


There's so many buttons in this new car.


What does the green button do, Daddy?


Let's see.


Magic windows. Daddy, make the magic windows go down. What does the blue button do?


I don't know. Let's see.


I love this new car.


Can we keep it?


No, we can't keep it, Peppa. We've only borrowed it for today. Oh, no. I think it's going to rain.


Yes, I'll just put the roof up. Now, which is the button to close the roof? Oups. Silly me. Aha. This must be the button.


The new car has squirted Daddy Pig with water.


Silly Daddy, This is not the roof.


This button. Oups. Not that one. This button.


Daddy Pig has forgotten which button closes the roof.


I don't think this car likes me.


Not Let's try the red button.


Hooray. Hooray.


But now it's stopped raining.


Can we open the roof again?


Yes. Which button was it?


The red one.




Grandad dog has fixed the car.


Your car is fixed.


Hooray. Hooray. Thank you, grandad dog. And keep the change.


Thank you, Daddy Pig.


Hooray. Goodbye. Goodbye. Goodbye.


Goodbye. Bye-bye.


It's good to get our old car back again.


I like the new car, but I like our old car better.


I think our old car likes us too, don't you?


Treasure hunt.


Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are making a treasure hunt for Peppa and George. Granny Pig is drawing the treasure map. Grandpa Pig is burying the treasure in a secret place in the garden.


Grandpa Pig, have you finished?


Pepper and George will be here soon. No need to panic, Granny Pig.


Pepper and her family are here.


Quick, Grandpa Pig. They're here.


Almost done.


Grandpa Pig just finished in time. Granny Pig. We're here. Dandy Ig.


Hello, my little ones. Grandpa Pig. Papa Ig.


Ahoy there, me-hoties.


Peppa, George, we've made I'll send you a treasure hunt.


Somewhere in the garden is buried treasure. Wow, treasure. Where is it? You have to look for it.


Here's a treasure map for Papa.


And George could wear my pirate hat. Ahoy there, Captain George.


The map is a bit difficult. Daddy, can you help?


Of course, Papa. I'm I'm very good with maps. It is a bit difficult.


Daddy Pig, you're holding the map upside down.


Yes, I thought as much.


It's easy. The Red Cross shows where the treasure is.


But where in the garden are those two apple trees?


I don't know.


Would you like a clue? Yes, please. The first clue is in a bottle. But where is the bottle?


I can see it.


Peppa has found the first clue, a message in a bottle.


Look, everyone. Here's the bottle.


Well done, Peppa. Let's see what the message says. It's a message from a pirate.


Mummy, can you read the pirate's message?


Hmm, this pirate has Very bad handwriting.


The pirate's handwriting is excellent.


No, I can't make it out at all.


The pirate is clearly written, Follow the arrows.


Follow the arrows?


George has found the second clue, sticks in the shape of an arrow.


Look, they point this way.


Peppa and George are following the arrows.


Look, George, a key.


Peppa has We found the next clue, a key.


Well done, Peppa. Now, you just have to find the treasure chest that it unlocks.


But there aren't any more clues.


Maybe you should take another look at the map. Look, Peppa, the map has two apple trees on it.


Here's an apple tree. And here's an apple tree.


So the treasure must be here.


Let's take a look. Oh, dear. There doesn't seem to be anything here. Hang on. There is something here.


Wow. Treasure.


Well done. I've got the keys to open it.


Wow. I can't believe it. Gold coins. They must be worth a fortune.


It It's better than that. They're not gold coins. They are chocolate coins.


And there's a chocolate coin for everybody. Hooray! Hooray!


Peppa and George love chocolate coins. Everyone loves chocolate coins.


Grandma, grandpa, this is the best treasure hunt ever. Not very well.


Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have just made breakfast for Pepper and George.


Breakfast is ready.


Peppa has red spots on her face.


Not me. I don't feel very well.


Oh, dear Peppa, you don't look very well.


Don't worry, I'll ring Dr. Brownbear.


Dr. Brownbear speaking.


Peppa is not very well. Her face is covered in red spots.


Put Pepper to bed and I'll come straight round. Dr. Brown Bear has come to make Peppa better.


Hello, Peppa. How are you today?


I'm not very well.


Stick your tongue out, please. It's not anything serious. Peppa has just got a rash.


Do I need medicine?


The rash will clear up quickly, but if you like, I can give you just a little medicine. Yes, please. I'm afraid it doesn't taste very nice. Open wide, please. Eurk. Disgusting.


You are a brave little one for taking it so well.


Pepper must stay in bed. I'll I'll call back later to check that she's better.


Can Pepper have visitors?


Oh, yes, she can have visitors. The rash isn't catching. Goodbye.


Goodbye, Dr. Brown Bear.


Bobby, can I get up now?


Dr. Brownbear says that you must stay in bed for a little bit, Peppa. But it's so boring. Dr. Brownbear did say you could have visitors.


Can Susie Sheep visit me?


Susie Sheep is Peppa's best friend.


I'll ring Susie Sheep's mommy.


Hello, Mrs. Pig.


May Peppa talk with Susie, please? Hello, Susie. Hello, Peppa.


I'm not very well. I have red spots on my face. Has the doctor been? Yes, Dr. Brown Bear was here. He said I wasn't very well, and that I was very brave. So are you really ill? Yes, yes. It's not pretend. I have to stay in bed. Dr. Brown Bear gave me medicine that tasted really horrible. I'm coming to see you. I'm going to wear my nurse's outfit.


Susie's sheep has come to see Peppa. Susie is wearing her nurse's costume. Danny Dog and Rebecca Rabbit have come along, too.


Hello, Peppa. Hello. How How do you feel? I'm not very well, Susie. I have to stay in bed. What can we do to make you better? You could get me some orange juice. Okay.


Peppa seems to be quite enjoying herself.


Thank you, Susie. Do you feel any better? A little bit. Daddy? Ask my mommy if I could have some ice cream. And Rebecca, could you bring me some flowers from the garden?


Dr. Brownbear is here to see if Pepper is better.


Good. The nurse is already here. How is the patient?


I'm not a real nurse. Us. Let's just pretend.


I see. Would you like me to take a look myself? Yes, please. I say no more red spots. You're completely better.


Aren't I still a bit ill?


How do you feel?


I think I should stay in bed a little bit more.


I fancy a game with this ball in the garden. Who wants to join me?Me, me, me.Me, too.


Well, I never. A complete recovery.




Pepper and George are very excited today.


It is snowing outside. Mummy, can we go and play in the snow?


Yes, but it's very cold outside, so you must wrap up warm. Hooray!


Don't forget to wear your hats and scarfs and gloves.


It It is very cold outside. Peppa and George must wear their hats and scarves and gloves.


Come on, George.


Peppa and George are making footprints in the snow. Peppa and George love making footprints in the snow. Oh, dear.


It's not funny. George, let's play snowballs.


Peppa has made a snowball.


Peppa and George are having a lot of fun.


George, come back, you little piggy.




Oh, dear. Maybe this game is getting a little too rough. Sorry, George. George, let's build a snowman. Peppa and George are making a snowman. First, they make the body.


George, this is the snowman's body.


That's Now they make the snowman's head.


Now, he needs arms and eyes and a mouth.


George has found some sticks for the snowman's arms. Peppa has found some stones for the snowman's eyes and mouth. This is his face.


Now the snowman needs a nose.


Peppa has got a carrot to make the snowman's nose. The snowman looks very happy, but maybe he is a bit cold.


The snowman needs some clothes to keep it warm.


George has found some clothes to keep the snowman nice and warm. The snowman is wearing his hat and scarf and gloves. Mummy, Daddy, come and look. Mummy Pig is wearing her hat and scarf and gloves.


That is the best snowman I have ever seen.


Daddy Pig looks quite cold. He isn't wearing his hat and scarf and gloves.


Daddy, why aren't you wearing your hat and scarf and gloves?


I don't know where they are. I can't find them anywhere.


I think I know where Daddy's hat, scarf, and gloves are.


Daddy Pig's hat and scarf and gloves are on the snowman.


When Windy Castle.


Peppa and her family are going out for the day.


Peppa, George, today we're going to Windy Castle.


What's Windy Castle, Daddy?


It's a castle on a very high hill.


George likes castles.


Windy Castle sounds like a boring thing for boys.


No, Peppa, you love it. There's a great view from the top of Windy Castle. You can even see granny and grandpa's house.


Wow. Let's go.


I'll mapread and mommy Pig will drive.


Are you sure, Daddy Pig? When you mapread, we always get lost and you get grumpy.


We will not get lost and I will not get grumpy.


Windy Castle, here we come.


Are we really there yet?


Not quite.




Would you like to play a game? Yes, please. Let's Let's play I-Spy. Okay, I'll go first.


Daddy Pig has to secretly look at something, and the others have to guess what it is.


I-spy with my little eye, something colored red. Red?


A dress. That's red.


No, it's not your dress.


The car.


That's right. Our red car. My girl.


I spy with my little light, something blue.


George's blue shirt.




Is it something in the car? No. Give up?




The sky, the blue sky.


I win.


Daddy Pig, do you know where we are?


I know exactly where we are. Although this road doesn't look the same as it does on the map.


Oh, Daddy Pig, we're lost.


We are not lost.


So So how do we get to Windy Castle from here?


Just give me a moment. I know.


We can ring granny and grandpa.


There's no need to ring granny and grandpa. I'll get us to Windy Castle if it takes me all day.


We haven't got all day.


Hello, grandpa Pig speaking.


Grandpa Pig, we've got a bit lost on the way to Windy Castle.


No, he's Daddy Pig doing the map reading?


Yes, Daddy Pig is doing the map reading, and he's a bit grumpy at the moment.


I'm not grumpy.


This is the best route. Keep on the main road and Until you see Windy Castle up ahead.


Thank you, Grandpa Pig. We follow the main road and look out for Windy Castle.


As I thought.


Look, is that a castle?


Yes, it's Windy Castle.


Come on, car.


Come on, car, you can make it. Hooray.


Hooray. Peppa and her family have arrived at Windy Castle.


Wow, it's so tall.


Let's go inside. The view from the top is fantastic.




Look at the view.


Mummy, is that Is this granny and grandpa's house?


Yes, it is.


It's so far away.


Let's take a look through the telescope.


Can I look first, please?


Yes, but you must let George look next. Wow.


The telescope makes everything look bigger. I can see granny and grandpa. Look, George. Ganky egg, papa egg. George is waving at granny and grandpa.


Silly, George. Granny and grandpa are too far away to see you waving. I know. We can ring them.




Grandpa Pig, we can We're going to see you from Windy Castle. Wave at us.


Grandma and grandpa are waving at us. I love Windy Castle. Pancakes.


It is tea time, and Mummy Pig has a surprise for everyone.


Today is a day for pancakes.


Pancakes. Delicious.


I love pancakes.


Everyone loves pancakes.


I'm the expert at flipping the pancakes over. Leave that to me.


Are you sure, Daddy Pig? Last time you got a bit grumpy when you dropped the pancake on the floor.


I did not get grumpy. There was a problem with the frying pan.


Mummy, can we help make the pancakes, please?


Yes, you can help me make the batter. First, I put some flour in the bowl. Now, I add an egg. Now, the milk. I give Give it all a stir.Mommy, can I stir?Yes, of course, Peppa.


Peppa loves stirring. George wants to stir as well.


No, George. Just like this.


Okay, that's enough stirring. You two sit at the table while I cook the pancakes.


Mummy Pig is going to flip the pancake over.




You could flip it higher, Mummy Pig.


You can show us how when you flip your own pancake, Daddy Pig.


This first pancake is for George. Mummy Pig pours a little syrup on George's pancake. Delicious. This pancake is for Peppa. Hooray.


You could flip it higher, Mummy Pig.


You will get a chance to show me when you flip your own pancake, Daddy Pig. Sirup, please.


Mmm, delicious.


This pancake is for Mummy Pig. Hooray.


You still aren't flipping them high enough, Mummy Pig.


The next pancake is yours, Daddy Pig. So now you can show us how it should be done. Mmm, delicious.


Is everyone watching? The secret of making a good pancake is to flip it high into the air. A one, two, three. Hoopla.


Silly Daddy.


Oh, maybe that was just a bit too high. Oh, what a shame.


That was the last pancake.


It should be a simple matter to get it down.


Oh, dear. Daddy Pig cannot reach his pancake.


Don't worry, Daddy Pig. I think I know a way to get it down. Let's go upstairs, children.


This way.


What is Mummy Pig to do?


On the count of three, we all have to start jumping up and down. One, two, three, jump.


What are they doing?


It worked. Now Daddy Pig has his pancake.


Daddy has a pancake on his head.


Sourp on your pancake, Daddy Pig.


Yes, please. One, two, three. Hoop-la.


Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.




Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are going out for the evening. Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are going to babysit. Granny Pig. Grandpa Pig. Grandma Pig. Dandy Ig. Papa Ig.


Hello, my little ones.




Peppa, George, into your beds. Quick.


Good night, my little piggies.


Good night. Sleep tight. Good night, mommy. Good night, daddy. What little darlings. Now go to sleep quickly. Yes, mommy. So well-behaved.


Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are leaving for their evening out.


Pepper and George are so good. They just fell asleep when mommy pig told them to.


This babysitting is easy. George. George, are you awake? Shh.


What strange noises.


I wonder if we should check upstairs.


Peppa, George, are you awake? Well, I never. Fast asleep.


So it wasn't Peppa and George making making all that noise.


I can't hear anything.


I think they really have fallen asleep. Let's watch some television.


Gardening. Today we are talking about roses.


Oh, I love gardening programs.


The Kiftgate is a particularly thorny rose. To prune it, start by lopping off the head and then slip away the budding shoots. Granny pig. Peppa? George?


You should be in bed asleep.


George and I aren't sleepy at all. Can we watch TV with you?


Well, I suppose watching a little TV might make you sleepy.




Icelandic roses are a rare treat for the discerning horticulturalist, but they are prone to lobbing in temperate habitats.


Hmm. This program is very boring. Hmm.


Grandpa Pig, can you play that game where you throw us up and catch us? Okay, but just one turn each Which?


Whee. Whee.


Oh, you seem heavier than before. Now it's George's turn. Whee.


My turn. Whee.


Higher, higher.


Whee. Maybe grandpa Pig is a bit tired. I know. Granny Pig, let's play catch. You're it. Catch as if you can.


If you can catch me. I'm going to catch you.


Rummy Pig and Daddy Pig are back home.


I hope our little piggies are asleep.


Hello. Anyone here? The little piggies are asleep, and so are the big piggies.


Ballet lesson.


Peppa is going to her first ballet lesson. This is Madame Gazelle, the ballet teacher.


Aho, you must be young Peppa. I am Madame Gazelle.


Hello, Madame.


Oh, so sweet. Welcome to your first lesson of the ballet. I'll pick you up later. Bye-bye. Enjoy yourself.


Here are Peppa's friends: Candy Cat, Susie Sheep, Danny Dogg, Rebecca Rabbit, and Pedro Pony.


Children, today we have a new pupil, Peppa Pig. Now, Peppa, run and join your friends. Hello, everyone. Hello, Peppa.




We begin with Demi plié. Now, a little jump. With grace and beauty. Grace and Beauty.


Petit jeté. Grace and Beauty. Petit jeté. Grace and Beauty. Petit jeté.


Grace and Beauty.


The ballet lesson is a lot of fun.


Raise your arms. Imagine that you are beautiful swans. And what noise do you think a swan might make? No.


No. No.


No. No Nice and beauty.


Peppa loves dancing. Everyone loves dancing.


Mummy, mommy, we all I'll dance to Swans.


Peppa did very well.


I had to dance beautifully and gracefully.


That's lovely. Can I show you how I did it? Let's get home first. Then you can show Daddy Pig, and George, and me. Bye-bye.


Peppa and Mummy Pig are home.


Daddy George, I'm going to show you how to do ballet.


Is it difficult?


It was easy for me, but you, George and mommy, will find it very hard. First, we need music. Good. Now, George, Daddy and mommy, you must copy what I do. Madame Gazelle used funny words, but really, it's just bending your knees and jumping.


The petit jeté.


Daddy, you know the funny words.


Mummy Pig and I used to be quite good at ballet.


Do be careful, Daddy Pig.


Our favorite That was the Pas de Dés.


That wasn't quite how I remembered it.


Silly Daddy Pig.


Maybe we should leave the ballet to Peppa. Yes.


I am the best at it. I am a beautiful swan.




It is a lovely sunny day. Peppa and George are having a picnic.


Here's some orange juice for you, Teddy. What do you say? Thank you very much, Peppa. You're very welcome, Teddy. Here's some orange juice for you, Mr. Dinosaur. And what do you say? You're very welcome, Mr. Dinosaur. Would Teddy or Mr. Dinosaur like a cookie? We're not very hungry. So, Pepper and George, can you eat all the cookies? Thank you, Teddy.


What was that strange noise.


Peppa, George, quick, come inside the house.


Mommy, there was a loud bang sound.


It's thunder, Peppa. It means there will be a thunderstorm with lots of rain. Quick into the house before the rain starts.


No need to panic. The rain is still a long way off.


The sky is getting darker and darker. There is going to be a thunderstorm.


Pepper, George, did you bring all your toys in from the garden?




Good. Mr Dinosaur is safe. Teddy.


I left Teddy in the garden. Listen, he'll get wet.


Don't worry, Peppa. Daddy Pig will rescue Teddy.


You'd better hurry, Daddy Pig. It's just about to rain.


I know all about thunderstorms. It won't rain for ages. As I thought, plenty of time before it rains.


Poor Teddy, he's soaking wet. Yes, poor Teddy.


Let's get him dry.


Poor Teddy.


There you are, Teddy. All dry.


What about poor Daddy? I'm soaking wet, too.


Oh, sorry, Daddy Pig. Let's get you dry. There you are, Daddy Pig. Nice and dry. Pie.


The rain is coming in the house. The floor is getting wet.


Oh, dear. What can we do Daddy Pig?


Don't worry.


Daddy Pig is using a bucket to catch the drips.


Well done, Daddy Pig.


Easiest pie. What?


Quick, find something else to catch the water.


Well done, Peppa.


Easy as pie. Mommy, The thunderbanks are very loud.


It's okay, children. Don't be frightened.


Let's count between each flash and bang.


The higher we can count, the further away the thunderstorm is.


One, two, three.


That's three.


One, two, three, four, five, That's five.


The thunderstorm is going away.


The Thunderstorm is over.


The Thunderstorm has filled the garden with muddy puddles.


Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.


I love Thunderstorms. They make muddy puddles.


Splish, splash, splash, splash.


Cleaning the car.


Daddy Pig is taking the family for a drive in the country.


Come on. Is everybody ready? Ready.


Yes, Daddy Pig, we're ready. But the car isn't ready. Look how messy it is.


Oh, it's not too bad. You should see how messy it is inside.


Naughty, messy Daddy.


Naughty, Messy Daddy.


Look at all this rubbish. Newspapers.


They're mine.


Sweets. They're mine. Mr. Dinosaur.




We must clean the car before we go for a drive.


Oh, right you are, Mummy Pig.


Mummy, can we help to clean the car?


Yes, if you want to. Hooray.


Daddy Pig has some warm soapy water to wash the car. Daddy Pig is washing the roof. Mummy Pig is washing the bonnet. Pepper is washing the doors. George wants to wash the windows, but he is too little.


Poor George. Let me help you.


Oh, dear. George has dropped his sponge in a muddy puddle.


George, you're making the car all muddy again. I will wash the mud off.


Peppa, don't use the… Muddy water.


Oh, dear. Peppa has thrown the muddy water all over the car.


Oh, No.


Never mind. We can use the garden hose to clean it off. Yes, yes.


Can I hold the hose?


Peppa holds the hose, and Daddy Pig turns on the water.


Where's the water?




Duff. Duff. Duff.


Pippa, stop.


Sorry, mommy.




Daddy Pig, please turn off the water.


Oh, no need to panic.


Oh, dear. Everyone is wet.


At least the car has been washed.


We've all been washed.


You go and dry yourselves while I polish the car. See you later. See you later.


Daddy Pig is polishing the car so well he can see his face in it. What a funny face. Oh, more funny faces. It's Pepper and George. And Mummy Pig.


What a A lovely, shiny car.


Yes, I am a bit of an expert of these things.


Come on, I'll drive today.


Is everybody ready?




Then let's go.


I hope you will all keep this car clean today.


Yes, Mummy Pig.


Yes, Mummy Pig.Mommy.


Now you've made the car all muddy again.


Naughty mommy. Naughty, Mummy.


Naughty, messy, Mummy.


Lunch. Lunch.


Peppa and George have come to Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig's house for lunch.


Granny Pig. Dandy Ig.


Hello, my little ones. Would you like to pick some vegetables from the garden for lunch? Yes, Please.


Grandpa Pig. Papa Ig.


Hello, Peppa, George.


This is Grandpa Pig's vegetable garden. He has grown all these vegetables vegetables himself.


What's this?




A dinosaur? Let's choose some vegetables for lunch. Peppa, do you like tomatoes?


Yes, grandpa pig.


George, do you like tomatoes?


No. George does not like tomatoes.


Oh, dear. Do you both like lettuce?


Yes, grandpa pig. No. George does not like lettuce.


Oh, dear. I must have something that George likes. Do you like cucumber? Yuck.


George does not like cucumber, and he does not like lettuce, and he does not like tomatoes.


Well, George, what vegetable do you like?


Chocolate cake. Silly George. Chocolate cake isn't a vegetable.


Maybe George will like the vegetables when they're made into a lovely salad.


Oh, lovely fresh tomatoes, lettuce, and cucumber. First, we have to wash them.


Peppa and George help Granny to wash the vegetables.


Maybe that's enough washing.


Granny Pig has made the tomatoes, lettuce, and cucumber into a salad.


Grandpa Pig, can you call everyone to lunch?




Granny Pig has made pizza for lunch.


Here's some salad made with grandpa's tomatoes, lettuce, and cucumber. Cucumber.


Tuck in, everyone.


George has eaten his pizza, but George does not like the tomatoes or the lettuce or the cucumber.


Oh, dear George, don't you like the salad?




George, just try a little bit of this lovely tomato. Yuck. George, This is cucumber. Grandpa Pig grew it in his garden.


Try a piece of lettuce, George. It's yummy.


Now, now, George. Look what I'm doing. Now it's a dinosaur.


A dinosaur.


George, George loves dinosaurs. George is eating the tomatoes, lettuce, and cucumber.


Well done, George. Would you like some more, George?




George, are you too full to eat any more tomatoes, lettuce, or cucumber?


George is too full to eat any more.


George, are you too full to eat anything more?


George is too full to eat anything more.


Oh, well, then you won't want any of this chocolate cake. Chocolate cake.


My word. George seems to have got his appetite back.


Mummy Pig's birthday.


Today, Today is Mummy Pig's birthday. Daddy Pig has made Mummy Pig breakfast in bed.


Happy birthday, Mummy Pig.


Peppa and George have made Mummy Pig a birthday card.


Happy birthday, Mummy.


Oh, what a lovely birthday surprise.


And there are more surprises to come. Enjoy your birthday breakfast. Take your time.




Quick. We have to get everything else ready.


Daddy Pig has made a birthday cake for Mummy Pig.


We've just got to put the candles on. One, two.


Here I come. Mummy Pig has finished her birthday breakfast.


Mummy's coming. Oh, no, we're not ready yet. Who is it?


It's mommy. Can I come in? No, no. Is there something secret going on?


No, nothing's going on. But you can't come in.


I see.


Mummy Pig, why don't you relax in the sitting room?


That sounds nice.


Well, it is your birthday.


Okay, Peppa. I think I know what the sitting room is.


Here's a nice magazine.Thank.


You, Peppa.And.


Here's some pretty music.


Thank you, Peppa.


We need the same number of candles as Mummy's age. One, two, three, Daddy. Oh, dear. We haven't got nearly enough candles.


Daddy, how old is mommy?


I'll whisper it in your ear. Wow, really old. You know, I think three candles will be fine.


Mummy Pig's birthday cake is ready. Hooray.


We just have to put up the decoration in the sitting room. Hello, Mummy.


Oh, there you all are. I was getting a little bored.


Mummy, would you like to have a nice walk in the garden?


Do I have any choice?


No. Bye-bye, Mummy. Have a lovely walk. Well, I'll call you when it's safe to come back in.


I've forgotten what hard work birthdays were.


Daddy Pig, Peppa, and George are decorating the sitting room.


This is fun.


Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig have arrived for Mummy Pig's birthday.


Happy birthday, Mummy Pig.


Aren't you coming inside? Oh, I can't come in yet. Daddy Pig, Peppa and George are doing secret things for my birthday. How lovely. See you later. Bye. Mummy, would you like to Can you come inside now? I'd love to.


Close your eyes. Keep your eyes closed, Mummy.


One, two, three. Open your eyes. Happy Thursday, Mummy. Happy birthday, Mummy.


What a lovely surprise.


Blow the candles out and make a wish. Mummy, mommy, open your present. Can you guess What it is?


I've no idea.


Open it and see.


It's a beautiful dress.


You're beautiful, mommy.


Now, you just need somewhere nice to wear it.


What's this?


Two tickets to the theater, tonight.


Thank you.


Mummy Pig loves going to the theater.


And Granny Pig and I are going to babysit the little ones.




What a super birthday. I'm the luckiest Mummy in the whole world.


And the most beautiful.


The tooth fairy.


Pepper and George are having their favorite food, spaghetti.


What a lot of noise. Finish.


Now we'll have a bit of quiet. What's that?


It's a tooth.


Where did that Where did it come from? Peppa, maybe you should look in the mirror.


Oh. It's my tooth. It's fallen out.


Don't worry, Peppa. It's just a milk tooth. They're meant to fall out.


Will I grow a new one, mommy?


Yes, you will, Peppa. It also means the tooth fairy will be paying you a visit.


Tooth fairy?


Yes, the tooth fairy. If you put the tooth under your pillow tonight, the tooth fairy will come. The tooth fairy will take the tooth, and in its place, she will leave a shiny coin.


When I grow up, I want to be a tooth fairy.


And what would you like to be when you grow up, George?


I'm sure.


And Dinosaur. Quick, George.


It's bedtime. We don't want to miss the tooth fairy.


Before going to bed, Peppa and George brush their teeth.


Peppa, what are you doing?


I'm brushing my tooth so it's nice and clean for the tooth fairy.


Peppa cannot wait to get into bed. Peppa is putting her tooth under the pillow for the tooth fairy.


Good night, Peppa and George. Good night, mommy. Good night, daddy.


Good night, my little piggies.


George, I'm not going to sleep. Let's both stay awake all night and see the tooth fairy. This The tooth fairy is very late.


The tooth fairy is taking a long time to arrive.


Where is that tooth fairy?


What is that noise? Is it the tooth fairy?


George, can you hear something? Oh, George.


Oh, the noise is George. He was so tired, he has fallen asleep.


George is not I'm not very good at staying awake, but I am. I'm going to stay awake and see the tooth fairy. But I'm not going to sleep.


The tooth fairy has arrived. But Peppa is asleep. Hello, Peppa.


Would you like this coin in return for your tooth?


What a nice clean tooth. Thank you, Peppa. Good night.


Peppa, George, wake up. It's morning. What? I wasn't asleep.


Did the tooth fairy come? No. Let's take a look under your pillow. Look, Peppa.


The tooth fairy has been, and she's I left you a coin. Hooray. You fell asleep, didn't you?


Well, maybe I fell asleep just for a little bit. Next time, I will stay awake, and I will see the tooth fairy.


The School fate.


Today is the day of the School fate. Peppa loves coming to the fate. Here are Peppa's friends: Candy Cat, Susie Sheep, Danny Dogg, Rebecca Rabbit, and Pedro Pony. Hello, everyone.


Hello, Peppa. I love the school, fate. Me too. What do you like best? The face painting. I like the balloons. I like the Bouncy Castle the best. I like everything.


A very good choice, Peppa.


See you later, Peppa. See you later.


George, what do you like best?




Oh, dear. There aren't any dinosaurs at the fate, George.


Maybe we can get you a dinosaur balloon.


Are you sure they have dinosaur balloons, Daddy Pig?


I'm certain of it.


Can George and I get our faces painted first?


Of course.


Miss Rabbit has painted Peppa's friends as tigers.


There you are, Susie. Now you look like a tiger.


Thank you, Miss Rabbit. Wow. I like your face, Susie. Are you a pussy cat? No, I'm a tiger.


Peppa, would you like your face painted? Yes, please.


Can I be an elephant?


Oh, dear. I don't know how to do elephants. I can do tiger. Tigers? Yes, a tiger, please. There you are, Peppa. Now you're a tiger.


I'm a tiger.


George, what would you like to be?


Dinosaur. A dinosaur?


How about a tiger instead? I'm good at tigers. I'm a tiger.


So am I.


Tigers don't say, wuff, wuff. How do you No, because tigers are big cats. And I'm a cat. Cat Dee, please can you teach us how to be tigers?




Tigers creep very, very slowly, and then they jump.


Tigers like to lick themselves clean.


But best of all, when tigers are happy, they purr.


Hello, children. My goodness, you're all tigers.


And I'm teaching them to be proper tigers.


What do you little tiger What does one to do next?




That's right. We have to find George a dinosaur balloon.


Let's get you all balloons.




Hello, madame Gazelle.


We Would you like some balloons, please? Certainly. I've got lots of different ones.


Can I have an elephant balloon, please?


Here you are, Peppa. Can I have a kangoo?


A lion, please? A monkey, please?


A pirate Please. Oh, yes, I've got all those.


Most important of all, we need a dinosaur balloon for George.


Oh, dear.


I do not seem to have any dinosaur balloons.


Oh, Don't worry, George.


I've got an idea. Could we have two of the long balloons, please? Watch this, everybody.


What is Daddy Pig doing with the balloons?


There. Can anyone guess what it is? Is it a kangoo? No, it's a...




That's right, a dinosaur.


Daddy Pig has made a balloon dinosaur.


Dinosaur. Now the Bouncy Castle.


Peppa loves bouncing on the Bouncy Castle. Everyone loves bouncing on the Bouncy Castle.


This is the best of fate ever.