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Today, Peppa and her class are going on a school trip.


Hello, everyone. Who's ready for a school trip? In my lovely new yellow bus.


What happened to your old blue bus, Miss Rabbit?


It broke down at the weekend whilst I was taking a nice relaxing drive.


Oh, dear. Miss Rabbit's bus is unable to race.


So it's in the garage for some small For repairs.


That bus is going to need some big repairs. Peppa and her friends have never been on a big yellow bus before.


Seat belt check. Check. Then off we go. Whoops. Let's try again.


Miss Rabbit isn't used to driving the yellow bus.


The yellow bus is a bit fast for Madame Gazelle. Miss Rabbit, can the yellow bus play music?


The yellow bus can do lots of things. It can do this, this, Oh. This? Oh. And of course, this.


The yellow bus can play music very loudly.


Good Can we turn the music down a little bit?


Of course, madame Gazelle.


Why don't we sing a song instead? The yellow bus wheels go round and round. Round and round, round and round. The yellow bus wheels go round and round all day long. Let's play I, Spy. Good idea. I spy with my little eye, something beginning with R. Root? No. Rabbit? No. It's a really big lorry.


Hello, Mr. Ball.




Peppa's playgroup have arrived for this school trip, so it's time to get off the bus. I wish we could stay on the yellow bus all day.


Don't worry. I'll be back in the bus to take you all home later.


Everyone likes riding in the big yellow bus. Everyone except Madame Gazelle.


The treasured train is on its way.




Yay. Peppa Pig and Danny Dog are driving a train full of gold. Silver and... Broccoli.


Is broccoli treasure?




It's special broccoli made of sparkly diamonds.


Danny aren't really driving a train. They're using their imagination to pretend.


Hooray! Stop!


In the name of robbers.


Oh, no. Pedro Pony and Susie's sheep are pretending to be train robbers. Can we have all your treasure, please?


No. Oh, okay. You're supposed to steal the treasure, Susie. We have stolen all the treasure. Hooray. What do we do now? You escape. Oh, yes. Yee-hah!




Come back, you naughty robbers.


Now, Peppa and Danny are pretending to be police officers. They're going to catch the robbers. You caught us.


No, we didn't because...


Your boat can fly.


Madam Gazelle, can ships fly? Real ships cannot fly. But pretend ships certainly can. Hooray!


Now, Pedro and Susie are in a flying boat.


Our train can fly, too. We Ho-oh.


Police officers, Peppa and Danny, have almost caught the robbers. Home, darling. Is it a No, it's a Daddy Pig.


And he's coming to take you home. Charge.


What are you doing, Peppa?


We're pretending to fly our boats and train, Daddy.


Oh, my. What an imaginative bunch you all are. Oh, aha.


Peppa loves imagining things. Everyone loves who's imagining things. Today, Peppa and Mummy Pig are riding the bumper cars at potato City.


Can't catch me, Rebecca. Oh, yes, I can. Come on, Peppa. We found a new ride.


It's a water ride. It's so splashy. I love splashy rides.


Splashy? Mummy Pig isn't I'm sure she loves splashy rides.


Why don't we go on a ride without splashies? This bench? What fun.


We can go on And that's after.


Come on, mommy. Everyone has arrived at the new water ride, Celery Stick Falls. Stop.


It is very splashy.


Very, very splashy. A dog's in the front Please.


That means you, Mummy Pig, right here.


Oh, right. Okay.


Enjoy the ride.


Hooray. Hooray.


Oh, this is quite lovely.


The ride is going very high up.


Splish, splash, splash. We all love to splash.


Not everyone loves to splash. You-hoo.


Would you like a small splash, a big splash, or a humongous splash? A hug mongus splash, please. Yeah. No. Okay dokey. Ready? Yes.




Five against one. Off you go.


The celery stick falls are very fast and very splashy.


There we are. Nice and dry.


Oh, not again. Yay. That was Amazing. And very, very splashy.


Mummy, what are you doing?


The splashes were amazing. Let's go again.


Now, Mummy Pig loves humongous splashies. Everyone loves humongous splashies. Today, Peppa and her family are going on the night train to a very far away seaside.


It's bedtime now. We can play with the Beach Bull tomorrow at the beach.


But I don't want to go to sleep.


Well, we're not going to sleep yet. We're having a sleepover. Yeah.


Yeah. Peppa and George love sleepovers. Can we have a midnight feast?


You need to have a midnight feast at a sleepover. It's over, Daddy. It's the rules.


Right, you are. Follow me.


Everyone has come to the dining carriage to get the Midnight Feast.


Hello. Oh.


Hello. What would you like?


We'd like a Midnight Feast, please. One.


Midnight Feast coming up. Here you go. Fruit and warm milk. Perfect before a good sleep.


Thank you. Thank you.


Everyone tucks into their Midnight Feast, gives their teeth a good brush and gets comfy in bed.


Can we have a bedtime story?


Okay, Peppa.


Just one story and then sleep. Hooray. This is the story of the magic night train. Once upon a time, there was a magic night train which didn't need train tracks. Yes, because it could fly.


Yay. Wee. Goup. Goupy.


Chicka, Chicka, Chicka.




It's morning, and we're not in space anymore. Space? What do you What do you mean? I think we fell asleep, George.


Peppa had a wonderful dream about a magical night train. Look, we arrived at the seaside. Peppa and her family have arrived at the very far away seaside, and they all enjoyed their train sleepover. Tonight, Mummy and Daddy Pig are going out for a Valentine's Day meal. Mummy Pig has ordered a taxi.


It's almost here. Hooray.


Your ride awaits, madam.


Mummy Pig has accidentally ordered a special taxi called a limousine.


A limo. How romantic. And tickly.


Where are we off to, sirs and madams?


Granny and grandpa pig's house, if you please, Miss Rabbit.


Pepper and George are going there for dinner.Dinner.Dinner..


Okay, calm down, you two.


This music reminds me of Venice.


What a wonderful trip that was.


Now it's a disco limo.


We didn't have this in Venice.


Care for a chocolate, Mummy Pig?


Don't mind if I can. Can we have some, Daddy?




Okay, but not too many.


Peppa and George love chocolate. Maybe a little too much.


I guess I'll have this one then.


Can we have the disco music again? Just until granny and grandpa's house, please.


Yeah. Yeah.


Oh, yes. Hi. Happy Cisco Valentine's Day, everyone.




Oh. Oh. Oh.


Oh. Come on, we're having a Valentine's Day disco.


It's just like that time in Paris, Grandma Pig.


Everyone loves celebrating Valentine's Day. But mommy and daddy pig love their disco limo ride most of all. Peppa and her family are flying in an airplane. Woohoo! Yay!


I love flying in airplane.


But not everyone loves flying in airplanes.


Oh, hello, Madame Gazelle. George and I love flying. Do you love it, too?


Actually, I have never been on an airplane before, and I am scared.


Oh, I know what to do.


Miss Rabbit, please can you make the plane go really, really high?


I don't see why not.


Oh, It's really fun when the plane goes high, Madame Gazelle. Look, we're nearly in space.


Too high, too high.


Oh. Can we go lower instead, miss Rabbit?




Oh, too low. Far too low.


Let's do a loop-di-loop.


I don't think that worked either, George. Look, Madden Gazelle.


That cloud is shaped like a bird. Do you see?


Yes, I see. And that one is shaped like a relaxing desert island.


It's no good.


I will just close my eyes and wait for this to be over?


Oh, dear.


Hello. Would you two like an activity book? They're lots of fun. Oh, yes, please.


Would you like to do some coloring in with us, Madame Gazelle?


Well, I suppose that might keep my mind off things.


And so, Pepper, George, and Madame Gazelle did some relaxing coloring for the rest of the flight.


Look at these. The linework, the attention to detail. Incredible. A star plus.




Okay, we've landed. Already?


But I was having fun. That wasn't scary at all.


I told you, flying is really fun.


Thank you for helping me, Peppa and George. Now, I cannot wait to fly home.


Who's ready Ready for an adventure to the seaside? Hooray!


Peppa and her family are going out for the day.


Oh, dear. I think I forgot to put petrol in the car.


Never mind. Let's take the train to the beach. Hooray!


Peppa and her family are catching a train to the seaside.


Tickets, please.


We're going to the seaside. And mommy didn't put petrol in the car.


How exciting. I love the seaside.


I think it's time for some lunch. Peppa, let's look for the dining carriage.


Daddy Pig and Peppa are walking through the train to the dining carriage. It is very wobbly.


Oh, this carriage must be for passengers who want to sleep.


This carriage must be for people who want to play on the train. Wow. Hi, Danny. Hi, Gerald. Whee. Uh-oh.


This must be the cinema carriage. Excuse me.


Pepper and Daddy Pig have found the dining carriage.


This carriage must be for people who want lunch. Is that your tummy rumbling, Daddy?


I'm afraid the train has broken down.


Oh, dear. We'll have to take the bus.


Now, Peppa's family They are waiting to catch the bus to the seaside.


All aboard.


Next up, the seaside.


The sea.


The bus has broken down.


I think somebody forgot petrol again. Now, how will we get to the seaside? Well, we can walk.


The seaside is just down the hill.


This was the best trip to the seaside ever. I can't wait to see how we get back home.


Today, Peppa and her family are exploring an airshow. Ms. Rabbit It is flying a hot air balloon.


The sky is full of hot air balloons.


Wow, there's so many of them. A cloud, a broccoli, a clown, a dinosaur.


Yes, very good, George. What's that? That is a biplane, Peppa.


What is it doing?


Some planes can write messages or draw in the sky.


The biplane has drawn a picture of Peppa in the sky. It's me.


Hello, everybody.


Hello, Dr. Hamster.


Hello, Dr. Hamster. Thank you for the sky picture.


You're very welcome.


Off I go.


What's this? Is that another hot air balloon?


This is a blimp. It floats like a balloon but It has little propellers that help it fly along like a plane.


Peppa and George think the Blimp is very exciting.


Would you all like a ride? Blimp, blimp, blimp.


The Blimp is taking off into the sky.


We're so high up.


This is the captain's announcement. In the sky, you'll see a bird. Hello, birds. A cloud. Hello, clouds. Oh, and Dr. Hamster. Hello, again.


There's so many buttons.


Oh, yes. It takes lots of work to pilot a blimp like this. So please don't press any buttons. This steering wheel helps move the blimp in different directions, up and down and side to side.




And the radio lets us make announcements to the whole air show.


Oh, can I make a pronouncement? I have a very important renouncement to make.


Of course. Hello, I'm Peppa Pig.


I'm in a blip, which is a bit like a balloon, but also a plane. I hope you all have a lovely time at the air show.


Oh, dear. We've forgotten one very important thing, a pilot hat for Peppa and George.


I'm Pilot Peppa.


Peppa loves the air show. Everyone loves the air show. Peppa and her family are out in the car, but they're having a bit of trouble.


Oh, dear. The car won't start.


You've broken down. Don't worry, I'll take I'll take you to the garage. I'll be back in a jiffy.


Mr Bull is toeing the car away to be fixed. George and Peppa might be in tow.


Aha. Oh, dear. I see. Well, we can fix it.


Oh, good.


But we'll have to order a new part. It won't be easy or cheap.


Oh, dear. How long will it take?


It will take as long as it takes.


But how will I get to work?


There's lots of cars you can use while yours is being fixed. Follow me.


There's lots of spare cars at the garage.


Pick anyone you like.


A motorbike. This is perfect. Let's take it for a test drive.


We Daddy Pig likes riding the motorbike.




But motorbikes don't keep you dry in the rain.


Maybe we need something a bit tougher.


Let's try this.


Peppa has found a monster truck, which is very tough. Wow. Wow.


Wow. Wow. I think a monster truck might be a bit too tough for what we need.


Sorry. What about something nice and spacious? This bus?


Mummy Pig likes the bus very much.


It's ever so It's so roomy and peaceful. Oh, dear.


But everyone thinks it's a real bus. There's only one car left for Peppa and her family to try.


It's a bit smelly.


That's because it's my lorry for collecting the recycling. So you can't take that one, I'm afraid.


I'm not sure we'll ever find a car as perfect as our car.


Well, that's lucky. You took so long to pick a new car that we managed to fix your old one.


Thank you, Mr Bull. Thank you, Grandad dog.


Peppa's family like driving different cars, but they like driving their family car most of all. Wow. Today, Peppa and her family are visiting in the arcade. Yeah.


Well done.


You got a high score.


That's because Peppa and I are experts at all of these games.


Look at all these tokens, Peppa. If you collect lots of these, you can trade them in for a huge prize. Wow, a prize. Screek.


Look at all these tokens.


Can we play that game next?


Of course, Peppa.


Mummy Pig is showing Peppa how to play carrot bop. She is bopping the carrots whenever they pop up.


Bop, hop, hop.


Would you both like to have a go? Yes, please. Bop, hop, hop.


More token? Does this mean we can get a really big prize, Daddy? Daddy?


Daddy Pig is playing the dancing game.


Daddy Pig loves dancing.


I'm a bit of an expert at dancing, you know. Your turn, Peppa. Wow. Yay. That was fun. But is there a game we can play all together?


I know just the game.


Peppa and her family are playing a balloon game. Whoever fills their balloon with water first wins. Hoorah. Hoorah.


Did we get another high score?


Yes. Your score was so high that you have all won the jackpots. Now you can trade in all your tokens for a huge prize. Hoorah.


Let's go.


Hello again, Peppa.


Here are all our tokens. Can we please have our prize?


Of course. With this many tokens, you can get a marvelous, extraordinary, one of a kind pencil.


Hooray, a pencil. Peppa loves winning lots of tokens with her family at the arcade, and Peppa really loves her brand new pencil.