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Hooray.oh.oh.oh.oh.oh.oh.oh.oh. There's one.


Hooray. Hooray. Today, Peppa and her family have come to the shopping center. Oh.


Perhaps we'll get out here.


I'll park up and find you soon. If I could find a space.


They've come to the toy shop to find a gift for Baby Alexander.


There's so many Great.


Now, what do we think Baby Alexander will like?


Maybe this basketball or this blaster. Pop, pop. Or this carry Jokey machine.




These are very fun, but I'm not sure they're right for a baby. Then we'll have to keep looking.


Daddy Pig has finally found a space in the car park.


Oh, dear. But the parking space is so small, he can't get out of the car.


I'll just have to go around again. Wee.




What have you found, George?


It's like the car park we were in. Car park.


George loves the toy car park. Up, up, up.


Baby Alexander does like cars, but I think he is too young for this toy.


What about this ball, George? No. Up, up, up. Or maybe this cuddly Teddy. No.


George doesn't think any of these toys are right for baby Alexander.


What about this noisy rattle? No.


Boom, boom. George George only likes the toy car park.


Look at this, George. No. For you.


What a perfect gift for baby Alexander. We'll take it, please, Miss Rabbit.


I wonder where Daddy Pig parked.




Hello, everyone.


Everyone loves going toy shopping.


But Daddy and George really love the car park. Whee.


Today, Peppa and George are playing in the sandpit. Peppa is playing with toy cars. She has a fire engine, an ambulance, a digger, and...


George, where's the police car?


The police car is lost in the sand.


Where did you put it, George?


Police car?


It's okay. We'll find it together. It'll be... Aha, an adventure. Venture.


Peppa and George are pretending they are in a big, sandy desert.


Let's take the fire engine.


Wee! Wee! Wee! Wee!


Wee! Peppa and George are using the fire engine to search the sand.


What? For you. Me too.


Let's have a drink. Whee! Lucky the hose is full of orange juice.


Peppa and George love orange juice.


Come on, we still need to find the police car. Over there. That sounds like... Police car. I told you we'd find it.


Yay. Now, we just have to dig it out.


Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, Beep. This is going to take forever. Where are you going, George? You've turned into a giant.


Peppa and George have found get the police car.


Nino, Nino, meh-aw, wee.


Beep, beep, beep. Do you know where the Digger is, George?


But it looks like they'll have to go on another adventure to find the Digger. Today, Today, Peppa and her family have been at the supermarket. Outside the supermarket is a toy machine. Yay! Mandi Mouse has got a toy.Look, mommy, a yoyo.


Well done, Mandy. Peppa, George, would you like a go on the toy machine? Yes, please.


How does it work, Miss Rabbit?


You just buy a token and put it in the slot. Then a ball rolls all the way down to the bottom of the machine, and there's a special surprise toy inside.


Dinosaur. George would like to get a dinosaur toy. How fun.


You can have one try each.


Here you go.


George's token makes the machine light up and play music. A ball rolls all the way down to the bottom. Dinosaur. George has got a toy screwdriver.


A screwdriver. How useful. Dinosaur.


Don't worry, George. I'll try to get the dinosaur, too.


Now, Pepper's token makes the machine light up and a different ball rolls all the way down to the bottom.




Peppa hasn't got the dinosaur, but she has got some very nice stickers. Dinosaur.


What lovely toys you got. But look, our ice cream is starting to melt.


So close. I have a feeling the dinosaur will come out next time. Please can we have one more go, mommy? Please. Oh, go on then.


One more try.


Peppa and George pull the lever on the toy machine, but this time no balls pop out.


Oh, dear.


I wanted to see what toy you were going to get.


Not to worry, Mummy Pig. I can fix it. I just need to find my screwdriver. Nope, no. Rule driver. Thank you, George. Yay.


Yay. Whoops.


Miss Rabbit has fixed the machine too much. Now all the balls have fallen out.


I'd better put these back, but I think you earned this for helping me fix the machine.


Thank you, Miss Rabbit.


This is for you.


Everyone loves the toy machine, and George really loves dinosaurs.


Today, Peppa is playing with her toy blocks. Hoop.


Careful, George. This is a very small town, and you're a very giant dinosaur.


That gives me an idea. Do you want to play giants, George? George is very excited to play giants with Peppa.


Hello, police officer Panda.


What a lovely, quiet, normal day in Toyland. And definitely no sign of...


Hello, I am giant Peppa.


A giant.


Two giants.


Peppa and George are imagining their giants in a pretend toy block world.


Hello, birds. Hello, clouds. Hello, everyone. Our ball is stuck in that very tall tree.


We can help you with that. We are very tall giants. Loopsy.


Oh, careful, George.


There you go, Susie.


Hooray. Giant Pepper and giant George love to help their friends in Toyland. They help the passengers to get on the bus.


Oh, wee.


Wee. Wee.


And help the boats go very, very fast.




It's the bridge you broke earlier. Don't worry, we can fix it.


Peppa and George are experts with toy blocks. They fix the toy Bridge in no time at all. Thanks, giant Peppa and giant George. Stop.


I mean, go.


Hoorah. Hoorah. Oh, Goody. Hooroo. I'm hungry, too.


The food in Toyland is too small for giant Pepper and giant George.Dinner.




So they will have to have real food instead.


Careful, George.


Welcome to the ice cream shop.


It is a very hot day, so Peppa and George are playing ice cream shop.


Here you go, Mr Daddy Pig.


Oh, thank you.


What would you like, Mrs Mummy Pig?


I'd like a banana split, please. Hooray. What's a banana split, granny? It's a type of dessert. First, we need to cut a banana in half.




Now, we add ice cream, cherries, and whipped cream.


George likes adding the ice cream.


Careful, don't squash the banana.


And Peppa really likes adding whipped cream.


Don't forget the cherry on top.


Here is your banana split, Mrs. Mummy Pig.


This looks delicious. Oh, please could I have a Nicabocca glory?


A Noccanauri? What's that, madam?


It's a type of ice cream sundae.


Can you only eat them on Sundays?


Not that type of sundae, you can eat them anytime. I'll show you. We need ice cream, fruit, meringue, and cream.


Pepper and George add all the ingredients into the glass.


Now, you can decorate the top.


Then decorate with wafers, colorful sprinkles, and sauce.


Here you are, madam.


This looks wonderful.


Now everyone has been served, what ice cream would you two like?


A rainbow one.




Peppa and George use lots of different colored ice cream.


Pink for strawberry, brown for chocolate, yellow for banana, Nana.


Then they add their topping.


Let's mix it all together.




Peppa and George have mixed all the colors together.


We've made a muddy puddle. Not rainbow ice cream.


I'm afraid we don't have much ice cream left. All we have is vanilla. My favorite.


Peppa and George like making special ice creams, but they love vanilla ice cream the most. Today, Mummy Pig has brought Peppa and George for a special visit to the toy shop.


Hello. I'm looking for a mummy and two little ones for a special toy shop treat. Have you seen them? That's us. Is it? Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go. Hooray. This is where you're able to create your very own special toy. Just swipe through to choose. You could pick a robot or a princess or a silly monster or a...


Tiny shoes.


I didn't know you liked dinosaurs. Dinosaur. Dinosaur. Dinosaur. Dinosaur.


George loves dinosaurs. They're his favorite.


I guess we know what he'll be making. Have fun. Hooray.


Oh, good choice.


Lovely. A spaceman, a monster, a superhero.


Peppa and George love making their own toys. They both like very different things. Mine is a robot dinosaur.


Fantastic. Now, with a little toy shop magic, The machine will make your toys.


Lovely. Now, you just need to pick an outfit for your toys.


There are lots of different outfits to choose from, but Peppa and George think these outfits are perfect for their new toys. Perfect. Perfect.


In they go.


Oh, dear. The toy machine has put the wrong clothes on the toy.


The machine mixed up their clothes, Miss Rabbit.


Oh, yes. Oh, well, they still look like fun toys to me.


And very creative.


La, la, la. Fly, egg is fun.


Wait for us, Peppa.


Wow. What is this room?


This is a special new toy machine. Just stand here in the middle, Peppa.


What is it doing?


Stay still.


What was that?


The machine has made a little toy that looks just like Peppa. Look, George. I'm tiny. And so are you. Peppa and George love making toys in the toy shop, but George really loves being a toy, too. Today, Mummy and Peppa have brought George to the doctor's for a checkup. Hello, I'm Dr..


Peppa Pig.


Hello, Dr. Peppa Pig. I'm Nurse Miss It. And this is Dr. Brown Bear. Ready for your checkup, George? No.


George has never been to the Doctors before. He is a little nervous.


Don't worry, George. The doctors just want to make sure you feel good.


Exactly. Come on in. And don't forget your little red book.


First, Ms. Miss Rabbit and Dr. Brown Bear need to check George's height.


Step this way, please, George.




But George isn't sure he'll like the height measurer.


How tall am I, Miss Rabbit?


Wow, you're getting very tall, Peppa.


You'll be a big grown-up soon.


George wants to know if he is very tall, too.


Wow, you're so big and tall, George.


Now, it's time to check George's weight with a special machine called Scales.


This machine will tell us how much you weigh, George. And it's really good for bouncing.


George loves bouncing.


And freeze.


And unfreeze.


Now it's time to listen to George's heart with a special tool called a stethoscope.


This might be a little cold.


The stethoscope is very cold.


Try this, George. You can listen to my heartbeat, too.


George likes listening to Peppa's heart.


You did very well today, George. So you get a sticker.


Oh. Oh.


Dice. And one for Dr..


Peppa Pig for being so helpful, too.




Hello, everybody.


Today, Peppa and her family have come to a concert of Madame Gazelle's Band, The Rocking Gazelles.


I can't see anything.


How about now?


Hooray. Thank you.


Oh, dear. Gerald Giraffe is also on his daddy's shoulders and is blocking everyone's view.


Oh, hi, Peppa.


Hi, George. Gerald and his Daddy have moved to the side, so now everyone can see.


With the one and two and one, two, three, four.


Everyone is having a wonderful time. Peppa and Daddy Pig are really enjoying the music.


Are you having fun, Peppa? Yes.


Are you having fun, George? George?


Peppa and Daddy Pig have accidentally ended up in the middle of the crowd.


We'll come and find you soon, Mummy Pig. What? I said, We'll come and find you soon. But I don't We need a spoon. Have fun, George. Whee. Everyone is dancing. It's like being in a big dancing swimming pool.


There are even some inflatable beach boards.


Got it. Well done, Peppa. Hooray. Yeah. Whee. Yeah.


Thank you. Thank Like you.


Oh. Oops.


Sorry, Mr. Bull. Sorry, Madame Gazelle.


Not to worry.


Happens all the time.


That's okay? I love pop music? In fact, it reminds me of my next song. One, two, three, four.


Hop, hop, popping bubbles, hopping bubbles, popping away. Hop, hop, popping bubbles, popping bubbles, oh, yeah. Hop, hop, hopping bubbles, popping bubbles, popping away.


You found us. Mummy and George Pig have danced all the way to the front of the concert, too. Madame Gazelle has invited Peppa and her family to join them on stage.


Hop, hop, popping Popping bubbles, popping bubbles, popping away. Hop, hop, popping bubbles, popping bubbles, popping bubbles all day. Hooray!


Everyone loves Madame Gazelle's concert, and everyone really loves pop, pop, popping bubbles.




Today, Peppa and her playgroup are at a juice factory. They're learning how juice is made.


This is the fruit squeezing. It squeezing all the juice out of the oranges.


Can I try squeezing oranges, Miss Rabbit?


Of course, you can all try.


Everyone is having lots of fun squeezing the oranges, but it is very hard work. My hands are tired.


That's okay, because next up, we have the The Juice Stomper.


The Stomper has big boots to stomp out all the juice from the strawberries. Can I try stomping this rabbit?


Yes, everyone can try. Hooray. Pop these boots on and stomp away.


It's just like jumping in the muddy puddle.


Well done, everyone. Now, follow me. This is where the juice is put into cartons. We have to match the flavor with the picture on the cartons. What flavor is this one? It's red.


Is it strawberries? Berry.


Well done, Mandy. Press the red button to fill it up. And how about this one? It's green. So Apple. Spot on, Susie. And this one?


It's lots of colors.


Well done, Peppa. You've created a brand new type of juice. It's rainbow juice.


Everyone thinks the rainbow juice looks very Very delicious indeed.


This is the tasting room. It's where we make sure all the juice tastes Scrum diddly umpshus. But to make it fun, you have to guess what flavor each juice is.


Peppa and her playgroup love tasting juice.


This is orange juice. Hmm, this is apple juice.


This tastes like all the juice is at once.


That's because it's your special rainbow juice. Yummy, yummy, yummy.


Peppa loves learning about juice, and Peppa really loves her delicious rainbow juice. Today, Peppa and George are helping Daddy Pig He tidies some old boxes.


What's this, Daddy?


That's my trusty old camera, Peppa. You press the button to take a picture. Cheese. And it prints the photo out. Look, I can see it.


Can I have a go, please? Say, Cheese.




Now, Peppa is taking photos with the camera.


This camera That is really fun.


Have fun. But there isn't much photopaper left, so use it wisely.


George loves taking lots of photos.


Oh, dear. It's run out of photopaper.


Oh, but I love taking pictures.


Why don't We use my phone's camera instead. It can even add filters to a photo.


Daddy Pig's phone camera has given George a pretend mustache. Come on, George.


Let's take more photos.


Peppa and George are having lots of fun taking pictures. The phone camera has given Mummy Pig a flowery filter.


Say cheese.


And Grandpa Pig has a very fine hat. Peppa, George, and Daddy Pig have come to the park to take even more photos.


Hello, Mr. And Mrs. Bird.


See, cheese, Mr. Bull.


Cheese, Cheese.


What a funny photo. Daddy Pig wants to take a photo with Peppa and George by the Ducks.


Say, cheese, everybody. One, two, three.




Peppa and George are sticking all the photos from the day into a scrapbook.


Look at this one, George.


But some of the photos are blurry.


The photos don't have to be perfect. They just have to remind you of a lovely day.


Everyone loves taking photos, and everyone has had a very lovely day.