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Handball. That's against the rules.


Why are you blowing a whistle, miss Rabbit? And what do those cards mean?


I'm a referee. I blow the whistle to get attention. If someone makes a mistake, I give them a yellow card. And if someone's being a bit silly, I give them a red card.


Oh, can I be the referee?


Of course.


Now, Peppa is the referee.


What's wrong, Peppa?


You kicked the ball too fast. Mandy missed it.


But that's not against the rules.


I'm the referee now, Daddy. I say it is.


Oh, dear.


Peppa likes being the referee, and she really likes blowing the whistle.


Your shoelace is undone.


You're not smiling. You nearly kicked that lovely flower.


Peppa is finding all sorts of reasons to blow the whistle.




Oh, You're running too fast.


You're swinging too high.


Your ice cream is too melty.


Watch out.


Can we have a go now? I want to kick.


Daddy Pig and Miss Rabbit are not following the rules.




This duck is too sweet.


Referee, Peppa.


Peppa is having so much fun. She's forgotten all about the football match. Oops.


Daddy, that's not how you play You're being a bit silly. I'm going to have to give you a red card.


Sorry, Peppa. I suppose we got a bit carried away.


That's okay, Daddy. But I think it's your turn to referee now.


It is Christmas Eve, and Daddy Pig is putting the Christmas tree on the car so it can be decorated at home. Peppa is helping.




Few. Peppa? Oh.


We've got all the new decoration. Daddy.


Perfect. Now, let's head home.


Hooray. Hooray.


Everyone is very excited to decorate the tree.


Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle on the way.


Oh, what fun is this to ride?


I don't know what to say. Hey.


Why have we stopped, Daddy?


I'm not sure we're going to fit in the tunnel with this tree.


Let's try going slowly. Snowing.


Oh, no. Bits of the tree are falling off.


We'll have to go the long way round.


We wish you a Merry Christmas. We wish you a Merry Christmas.


We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Why is the car so bumpy?




The tree The trees on the road are rushing against the tree on our car.


Oh, no.


Maybe this road with no trees will be better.


This road has no trees, so the wind is blowing the Christmas tree.


Oh, dear.


All the pines must have fallen off on the way.


But we need a tree for Christmas.




George has given Peppa an idea.


We can still decorate the tree. And make it really fun and Christmasy.


That's a wonderful idea, Peppa.


Peppa and her family get to work decorating their new special Christmas tree.


Hooray, it looks lovely.


This bird thinks the Christmas tree looks lovely, too.




Wonderful, Peppa. Now the birds can have Christmas, too.


The birds love their new Christmas tree. Everybody loves the new Christmas tree. Ho, ho, ho.






Peppa is playing games with her friends. I love playing Snap.


I keep winning. I don't like Snap.


Peppa would quite like to win a game.


Snap. I know.


Let's play Snakes and Ladders instead. Whhoo. Snakes and Ladders. But I was winning. One, One, two, three, four.


I'm going to win.


Two places.


Now I get to go up a ladder. I'm right near the finish line.


Now it's your turn, Rebecca.


Oh, dear. Rebecca isn't going to win if she goes down the snake. I know.


Let's play Marble Run.


I love Marble Run. Marble Run.


But I was going to win. Yeah. Yeah.


My pink marble is winning. I know. Let's play Pack the Parat. It's a pirate. I love Pack the Parat. But my marble is winning. It's going to pop up. I can't.


Look. I know.


Let's play Snap again. Snap.


Snakes and ladders.


Peppa and her friends like swapping games. In fact, they like swapping games so much, they've forgotten who is winning. Yay!


Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay It's great. But who won, Peppa?


I think we all won.


Oh, my word. I think it It must be time for a new game called Tidying Up.


That feels so squishy.


Peppa and her playgroup are playing lots of games today.


It feels like jelly.


Correct. Aha.


It feels like a banana?Correct again.


Oh.mmm. Tastes like banana, too.


You're good, Pedro. But I don't want to touch something smushy.


It'll be okay. Our smushy things were delicious.


Oh, it's cold and made of metal. Is it a key?


It is. Well done, Pedro. It's a key to a special mystery box. You need to find Two more to unlock the prize.


How do we find more, madame Gazelle?


In our next game, of course. These are pinatas. You have to find the exciting surprises inside.


How do we do that?


You break them open with these soft foam bats. Hooray!


It's full of snow. Mine, too.


Oh. Oh.


Hooray. I did it. The second key. Only one more to go.


I I love Pass-a-Parsal. Me too. Me too.


Oh, I thought I won. This is a very long song. What is it? Oh, the music stopped.




Now, Peppa and her friends have found all three keys, it's time to find out their prize. Wow, Christmas biscuits. Yum.


You did it, Peppa. You all did it together, Pedro. Hooray!


Splash, splash. Dinosaur.


Dinosaur. Today, Peppa and George are helping to make Christmas lunch. They are giving the vegetables a bath. Yes.


They need bath toys. There you go, vegetables.


That's not quite what I meant when I said, wash the vegetables.


I finish cooking the potatoes. Why don't you and George mash them? Yes, yes.




Not with your hands, with these.


Okay, Daddy.


Now, what's next, Mummy Pig? Done. That was quick. You've made an igloo out of potato. What fun.


You can help me ice the cake now. Yes. Yes, please. With a few bits of green icing and some splodges of white icing, it looks like mistletoe. Mistletoe. Hooray. Our turn, our turn. Here you go, Peppa. You do the leaves, and George, you do the... This? Well, not quite, but this is much more fun than mistletoe.


It It looks like a snowman.




Granny and Grandpa Pig are arriving for Christmas lunch.


Happy Christmas, Oh, oh my.


Peppa and George's Christmas lunch looks messier than Grandma Pig expected.


Peppa and George have been helping us make the Christmas lunch.


It's not how we'd normally do it. I know, but it's much more fun.


Peppa and her family enjoy a lovely Christmas lunch together. It's filled with lots of laughter and some fun new traditions too.


Happy Christmas, everyone.


Happy Christmas.


Happy Christmas.


Today is Sports Day at Peppa's Playgroup. There is a pink team and a blue team. They're trying to win gold medals. I'm going to win. Whoops. Rebecca Rabbit is finding the sac race quite difficult. Yeah. Hooray, hooray. Emily Elephant on the Pink team has won the sac race. Hooray. You're so fast. Screak. Oh, no. I lost.


You did your best.


And we can still win.


Now it is time for the egg and spoon race.


Faster, Peppa.


Screak. But Peppa is finding it difficult to run fast and her egg. Slow up, Peppa.


Don't drop the egg. Okay.


Slow down, Danny. But don't go too slow.


Slower, faster, slower, no, faster.


Slower. No, faster. Squick. Squick. No. You. We did it. We won the race.


It's a draw between the two teams. The next game is Ring Toss. Whichever team hooks the most rings onto the wooden stick will win Sports Day.


That's one point for each team. Another point for each team. It's still a draw. Rebecca and Freddie, it's your turn. But if I miss, we'll lose. Don't worry about winning. Just do your best.


And have lots of fun.


Yeah. We lost.


Squick, But we had a lot of fun anyway.


You're right, Papa. Well done, Pink Team. You get gold medals. And the Blue Team did really well, too. So they get silver medals.


The Pink Team and the blue team love Sports Day. Everyone loves Sports Day. Baby Alexander and his family have come to say Happy Christmas, but Baby Alexander isn't happy at all.


Why is Baby Alexander crying? Christmas is fun.


Well, this is Baby Alexander's first Christmas. He doesn't know how fun it can be yet.


Then it's got to be extra special. I'll show him all my favorite Christmas-y things. I love Christmas dinner. It has carrot, potato, sprouts. No, you're supposed to eat it, not throw it. Let's try something else. Wrapping presents is really fun. You can put the bow on top. No, we need to wrap them up so other people can open them.


Baby Alexander thinks unwrapping presents is much more fun than wrapping them.


I don't think Alexander likes Christmas at all.


Really? He's been having fun with you all day.


But I wanted it to be extra special for him.


Spending Christmas with his cousin is extra special, Peppa.


But he's doing it all wrong.


Alexander is If you're just a baby. Maybe you need to find some simple things he can do right.


Christmas for babies. Oh, I have some ideas.


Baby Alexander enjoys passing out the Christmas presents.


Thank you, Alexander. This one's for mommy.


And he really likes Christmas crafts.


Well done, Alexander.


And music.


Bingle bouse, bingle bouse, jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to ride on a one-foot open sleigh.


Hooray! Hooray!


But he enjoys spending Christmas with Peppa most of all.


Now we'll always remember Alexander's first Christmas.


Peppa and Emily Elephant are having lots of fun at the beach today.


They love the water. Look, Emily, I'm Fish.


Blob, blob, blob. I have an idea.


There's so many fish, Peppa.


How did you do that, Emily? Did you hold your breath? No. I can use my trunk to breathe because it's so long. Oh.


What's the matter, Peppa?


I wish I had a trunk like Emily. So I could breathe underwater and look at the fish. I know.


Come with me, Peppa. Ta-da. This long tube goes in your mouth and means you can breathe underwater. Like Emily's trunk. Exactly like Emily's trunk.


Why does your voice sound funny, Peppa? It's my stalker. It means I I can breathe under water like you. Look.


No, Peppa.




Oh, Peppa, you must be careful.


The Snorkel didn't work, and the water tasted horrible.


That's because it's saltwater, Peppa. You need to keep your lips shut tight around the Snorkel so you You can breathe through your mouth without letting water in.


You have to take long, deep breaths like this.


Peppa practices taking big deep breaths. Do you want to try again?




I did it. I saw lots of colorful fish.


Yes, well done. And thank you for helping her, Emily.


And to get rid of the taste of the salty water, George and I thought you might like some...


Ice cream. Yeah.


Whoops. Peppa and her friends are going to watch the football match today.


Oh, dear. The cake is squashed. Oh, no.


My trophy cake.


I'm very sorry, Mummy Pig.


It's okay. We'll just have to make a new one.


But there's only 10 minutes until the match starts.


Well, we better get a wriggle on then. To the supermarket.


All right. Who wants to play football? Yes.


We've not got much time, so we're going to have to split up. Peppa, you and I will find the spongecakes. Hooray. Granny Pig, you and Mandi Mouse find the icing. And Daddy Pig, you and George are in charge of Sprinkles.




Let's go.


Let's go. Aim for the top corner. There, in the top corner.


Put it in the back of the net.


Well Done.


Pop it in the basket. Hooray!


I can save three shots at once.


We'll need three spongecakes, Peppa. Whoa! Well done, team. We've got all the ingredients. Now, let's get back home and make this cake.


Everyone is very busy making the new cake.


How How many goals is that?


One hundred or 101? We made a new cake. Hooray! And just in time, the game's about to start.




Pepper and Rebecca Rabbit are making a pillow fort today.


Careful, don't fall on the fort.


Almost got it. Whoa.


We did it.


Now we need to decorate the inside. Something else is missing. Oh, something to eat. Mommy.


What a beautiful pillow fort.


Can we have Can I get something to eat, please? Of course.


I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere.


Let's pretend the pillow fort is really big inside. Wow. Catch, Peppa.


Let's pretend the floor is really bouncy, like a trampoline.


It's so bouncy. Oh, no.


The ball bounced over there.


Let's bounce after it.


This floor is green, so let's pretend it's squelchy. Eew. But the ball isn't here. Maybe over there.


This room is blue, so let's pretend it's cold. There's the ball. Hooray.


Let's get out of here. Which way did we come in? Peppa, where are you?


We're lost in the pillow fort.


I'll come get you.


No, mommy. The fort isn't built for grownups.


I can fit through anything.


Mummy Pig is stuck. Oh.


Mummy, your wiggles are breaking the fort.


Sorry. For you.


All that pretending has made me even more hungry.


Good thing I brought you some food. Great. Now, we just need to find it under these pillows.


Whoa, snow day.


Let's go. Peppa is very excited to play in the snow today.


Yay, let's go.


But Candy doesn't look very happy. It's so cold.


Snow is always cold. That's part of the fun. I didn't think it would be this cold. Can we play inside in the warm? Oh, but I want to play in the snow.


Peppa and Candy don't know what to do. I know.


Why don't we do one snow game and one inside game, and we see which is best? Okay, that sounds like a good idea.


Peppa and Candy are making a snowman. It's very tall. That was fun.


Just need a nice wooly hat. Whoa. I think we should go inside and get warm now.


Peppa and Candy have made a pillow fort. It is very cozy and warm. There, all finished. It's perfect.


This was a fun One idea. It's very warm in here. Why don't we try something in the snow to cool down?


Pepper and Candy spend the day playing lots of different games. They go sled outside. Whee! They drink delicious hot chocolate. And make lovely snow angels. They even race around indoors. And outdoors, but they can't agree what is best.


We've tried everything.


Hello, Hello, Peppa. Hello, Candy. Why the sad faces?


We can't find something to do that is fun in the warm and in the cold.


That is difficult. Oh, how about some delicious fruity snow cones? They're made of nice cold snow and perfect to be enjoyed in the warm inside. Hmm, thankThank you, Miss Rabbit.


Wow, thank you.


Peppa and Candy both agree that this is best.


Come on. The fireworks are about to start.


It's bonfire night, and Peppa is very excited. She thinks bonfires are lovely to look at.




Hi, Peppa. You're just in time. The fireworks will be We'll begin in five, four, three, two, one.


The fireworks are going so high. Wow.


Peppa thinks fireworks are very noisy. The fireworks are really loud, grandpa. Oh, dear. Why?


Why don't we go further back? They'll be quieter if they're far away.


We're going to the back, where the fireworks won't be so loud.


Good idea. We'll come, too.


Excuse me, please.


Us again.


Is that better, Peppa? Um, yes.


Thank you, Danny. Great. Now we all can enjoy how nice the fireworks look. There's so many colors. Red and blue. And green. Oh, and yellow. Peppa is having lots of fun watching the fireworks.


And now it's time for the big fireworks. Hold on to your hats, everyone. Bigger?


Does that mean louder?


Oh, my. What should we do?


We can't go any further back. We'll have to go home.


But I want to see the fireworks. I just don't want to hear them.


I know.


Sometimes my grandad's garage is really loud, too.


So I use these. Headphones? Yes.


They cover your ears and make loud sounds more quiet.


Do you want to try them?


Wow, that's much better. Thank you, Danny.


No need to shout, Peppa.


We can't hear the fireworks.


That car went really fast.


Don't worry. This is why it's very important to stop, look, listen, and always wait for the green man before crossing the road.


The green Remember what we learned, children?


Stop, look, and listen. All clear.


No cars.


Let's go. It's safe to cross now. Peppa and her playgroup are learning about road safety today. Hello, Daddy.


Hello, Peppa. Peppa's playgroup.


Hello, Daddy Pig.


Oh, green light Right. Well, see you later, Peppa.


Thank you for helping us, Police Officer Panda.


All in a day's work. Peppa is helping Police Officer Panda make sure everyone follows road safety rules.


No, no, no. Emily, you need to stay on your side of the road. Sorry, Peppa, my wheel is stuck. We'll come help you. We're keeping the road safe for cars and people.


Pedro hasn't noticed that green man has turned to red.


Pedro, the red man means don't walk. Thanks, Peppa. All in a day's work. Wait a minute. Freddy is dressed as a robber.


We have to catch the robber.


Wee-oo, wee-oo, wee-oo.


Oh, the red light means stop.


There he goes.


Now we've got him. Freddie, are you dressed as a robber? Because Because you are a robber?


No, I just like stripes.


Oh, so you're not a robber? Nope. Oh, well, you can go then, but not so fast. Okay. Bye, Peppa.


Great work, officer Peppa. Everyone is remembering to stop, look, and listen, and only walk when they see... The Green Man.


That means means we can go. All in a day's work, officer Panda.


Peppa loves keeping everyone safe, and everyone loves feeling safe. Today at Playgroup, Madame Gazelle has a special It's a special surprise.




Is it Halloween again?


I'm going to be a lizard. I'm going to be a tree.




I'm going to be a Wizard tree.


No, children. Pumpkins aren't only used to celebrate Halloween. They're also used to celebrate a special holiday in America called Thanksgiving.


Can I still be a Wizard tree for Thanksgiving?


I don't I see why not. Something else people do on Thanksgiving is make a cornucopia. Cornucopia, what?


That sounds silly.


Cornucopia. It's a horn-shaped basket that holds fruits and vegetables that grow in the autumn. We're going to make one of our own.


Thank you.


Fresh fruits and vegetables are certainly things I'm grateful for. One story even says cornucopias can magically refill themselves.


Oh, can this refill itself?


Sadly not.


The playgroup is making their own Thanksgiving cornucopia by collecting things that they're thankful for.


I'm thankful for acorns and pompkins.


I'm going to add this chocolate bar from my lunch box.


I love chocolate bars. Oh, maybe just one bite. The rapper is the best part anyway.


That was close.


You've all made a beautiful Cornucopia.


It's home time, and Peppa is showing Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig what she learned today.


This is a Cornucopia. It's part of Thanksgiving and helps remind us to be thankful for all the yummy food we get to eat.


Lovely indeed. But your Cornucopia is reminding my tummy how hungry it is.


Peppa and her family are flying in an airplane.




I love flying in airplanes.


But not Not everyone loves flying in airplanes.


Oh, hello, Madame Gazelle. George and I love flying. Do you love it, too?


Actually, I have never been on an airplane. I've never seen a plane before, and I am scared.


Oh, I know what to do. Miss Rabbit, please can you make the plane go really, really high?


I don't see why not.


It's really fun when the plane goes high, madame Gazelle. Look, we're nearly in space.


Too high, too high.


Oh. Can we Go lower instead, Miss Rabbit.


Certainly. Too low, far too low. Too low.


Let's do a loop-de-loop.


I don't think that worked either, George. Look, Mad I'm Gazelle.


That cloud is shaped like a bird. Do you see?


Yes, I see. And that one is shaped like a relaxing desert island.




It's no good.


I will just close my eyes and wait for this to be over.


Oh, dear.


Hello. Now, would you two like an activity book? They're lots of fun. Oh, yes, please.


Would you like to do some coloring in with us, Madame Gazelle?


Well, I suppose that might keep my mind off things.


And so, Peppa, George, and Madame Gazelle did some relaxing coloring for the rest of the flight.


Look at these. The linework, the attention to detail. Incredible. A star plus.


Hooray, we've landed. Whee!


Already? But I was having fun. That wasn't scary at all.


I told you, flying is really fun.


Thank you for helping me, Peppa and George. Now, I can I can't wait to fly home. Go.


Pedro Pony, Candy Cat, Mandy Mouse, Gerald Giraffe, and Danny Dogg are playing football.


Look, mommy, my friends are playing football. Hello, Peppa. Do you want to play with us? Yes, please.


Whoever scores the best goal wins the trophy.


Peppa loves shiny trophies.


Do you want to join our team, Peppa? No, thank you. I will play on my own.


I don't think you should play on your own, Peppa.


But then I can win the trophy all for myself.


Peppa is going to play all on her own against everyone else.


Oh, dear.


Good try, Peppa. Have another go.


Maybe I need to kick it harder. Almost.


Here you go, Peppa.


Maybe if I use my other foot.




You have to score with the ball, not your shoe. Screak. Hmm, this is too hard.


Why don't you have a go in goal?


Good idea, mommy. I'll be a great goalie.


Whoa. Whoa. Goal.


Mommy, Why can they score a goal, but I can't?


Because, Peppa, football is all about teamwork, and you can't work as a team if you don't have a team in the first place.


Can I join your team, please?


Of course you can. We've got a spare shirt just for you.


Hooray. But who will play in goal?


I will. Just you try and get past me.


You scored the goal, Pedro, so you get the trophy.


But we all scored the goal together. Together, Peppa. As a team. That's right. You all win the trophy.




Peppa and Her family are taking baby Alexander on the ferris wheel, but he isn't very happy.


What's that smell? Yeah.


It's Baby Alexander. He needs a nappy change.


But we're at the front of the queue for the ferris wheel.


Hold your noses, everyone.


No, this ferris wheel smells terrible.


Sorry, Peppa, but it's our job to look after Baby Alexander.


If we help now, we can play later.


Yes, Baby Alexander needs our help.


That's the spirit. Now, let's go and look for a nappy changing station.


Oh, that's better.


Not here.


Not here. Definitely not here. Here. Well done, Peppa.


We found the nappy changing station.


First, we have to take off the dirty nappy and put it in the bin.


Where is the bin?


Here it is, Daddy.


Now, we must wash our hands.


Add a dab of cream.


Whoa. Sorry, Peppa. Now, finally, a clean nappy.


Can I do this It's all right, Daddy.


Of course, Peppa. There. All better.


That was so fun. I've never changed a nappy before.


You did very well, Peppa.


But do you know what's even more fun than changing a nappy?


The ferret wheel.


Peppa is having lots It's a fun playing in the snow with her friends. That's cold. But every game they play seems to cover them in cold snow. Hello, Daddy.


Peppa, you're covered in snow. I think it's time to come inside and warm up, or you'll turn into a snow monster.


Snow monsters don't exist, Daddy. Can we play for five more minutes? Please.


Oh, all right, then. Five more minutes.




Oh, dear.


Peppa and her friends play lots of games in the snow. They aren't worried about turning into snow monsters at all.


Let's play Snowballs. Yay!


You'll never get me, Peppa. What was that noise? It sounded like...


Has anybody seen my glasses?


A snow monster.


Quick, let's hide.


Oh, dear.


Let's hide here. The snow monster won't find us here.


The snow monster has found them.


Papa, it's me.


Oh, that's not a snow monster.


It's Daddy Pig.


I told you there was no such thing as snow Monsters. Come on, Daddy. We'll make you warm again and melt all this snow.


And look for my glasses on the way.


Oh, your glasses.




Thank you, Susie.


Daddy Pig is very glad to be back home in the warm. He's not a snow Monster anymore. Everyone is warming up inside with hot chocolate.


Even snow Monsters like hot chocolate.


Peppa's family are having a New Year's Eve party, and all the guests are arriving.


Hello, Peppa.


Are you excited to stay up until midnight?


Right. I'm going to have a nap, so I'm really awake for the fireworks.


Looks like George needs a nap, too.


Would you like a nap, Peppa?


No, mommy. We're big, so we're going to stay up until midnight. Let's go and play in my room.


Wisp, wisp. Huh? What's that sound? Wake up, Peppa.


You fell asleep. No, I didn't. I'm big, so I don't need a nap. How are we going to stay awake? Oh, let's make each other jump.


Then we'll be really awake. Let's try it.


I know what we'll keep us awake. Hide and seek. I'll be it. One, two, three. Here I come.


Found you. Found you. Found you. I'm not sleeping. Found you, Peppa. What?


I wasn't sleeping.


Peppa and her friends are trying to think of another way to stay awake. Let's have something to eat.


These are yummy.


Now I'm so full. I'm not tired anymore. Emily, wake up.


Wake up. It's almost midnight. We almost missed it. Maybe you should have taken a nap like us. It's time for the fireworks. Firework. Five, four, three, two, one. We almost missed it. Maybe you should have taken a nap like us. It's time for the fireworks. Fireworks.


Five, four, three, two, one. Pappa loves staying up late on New Year's Eve.


Two, one. Happy New Year.


Everyone loves staying up late on New Year's Eve.


Boing, boing, boing.


Emily Elephant is bouncing on a space hopper.


Why are you bouncing in the sandpit, Emily? It's my New Year's resolution. What is that? It's a challenge you have to do for the whole year. Mine's bouncing. Bink, bink. I want a New Year's resolution, too.


Peppa and her friends are going to make their own New Year's resolutions.


I'm going to score a gazillion goals. One, two. I'm going to talk in gobbledygook.


Bingly, bangly, bibbly, bobily, weeblely, wobbly. I'm going to be a tiger. I think my New Year was The solution will be to jump in muddy puddles.


I just have to find some first.


Six, one, nine, four.


Danny Dog is muddling his numbers and getting very tired. Bing, bing, bing, bing. Candy Cat's rores have given Emily Elephant a fright. Emily Elephant has lost her spacehopper.


Where are you, Muddy Puddles?


Peppa can't find any Muddy Puddles.


Can you see any Muddy Puddles, Susie? No, I can't.


I mean, muddily, muddily, puddily, puddily.


Everyone is finding their New Year's resolutions quite hard.


What are you all doing? We're doing our New Year's reservations. Eleven to twelve.


Mine is jumping in muddy puddles, but I can't find any.


New Year's Resolutions aren't about doing these sorts of challenges.


Aren't they?


No, they're about choosing nice things to do in the next year. Things like helping with the washing up.


Or tidying your room. Oh.


That sounds much easier than scoring a gazillion goals. Speak for yourself. 101. I can't do it.