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The thoughts, views, and opinions expressed by this podcast is bullets. Its hosts are for entertainment purposes only. I repeat, it is not serious. It is not real. No one is exposing, revealing, indicting, or telling you anything about themselves. Also, we do not encourage you to try this at home. We are trained professionals who do not have your best interests at heart or our own. Enjoy the show. Hey, listen.


We hit the button. We hit the button.


This boy ain't going natural. I give him a little bit of tongue, ass.


We got something else there.


Hold on. Yeah, what you talking about? If natural dick don't get it done.


I'll be right back.


You said you'd be right.


Incredible Hulk, incredible.


Licky tongue, man.




All right, we have started.


All right, so we have started.


It don't seem like we started, but we started. Yeah. Big Elle in the building. Big Elliott Wilson came by. Elliott Wilson has stopped by every New York podcast this week. It's good to see you, Elle. So, how y'all feeling? How's everybody doing?


Feeling great.


Feeling good. Good.


Now that we got the air situation straight, feeling good.


Audience don't care about us burning up. They just want good content.


That helps with the content, though.


They don't care if we had a bad day, bad week.


Oh, they don't care.


Life in a pod was the nigga.


Life is happening.


Papada's hot. Shut up. I'm in a great mood, though. I'm in a much better mood than I was the last time y'all saw me. Good. Good times here.


Good times.


Good times here.


Good to hear.


That's what's up. I don't care what y'all wanna talk about. I don't give a fuck about anything. I don't care.


You got some motivation for us or anything?


I think I do. All right. I think I do.


I motivation.


I think I do. Let me make. Look at l. That nigga is a pro, boy. Amana, you should be ashamed of yourself. The real e.


The real e minor.


Stop playing with me today, minor. I tried to sit on this.


We got the real pop. Joe Budden, the building. Real Joe budden in the building.


Yeah. Pop is so mad that I'm Joe Budden Junior.


I'm Elliot Wilson, Junior.


He don't like it. He think he the real Joe button.


No more.


No, he's not no more.


You're the close, though.


He is.


If you talking to them Harlem niggas from the sixties, that's when he. Or when I see the MDC jail niggas outside.


They still around?


No no, I know, but other than that, I got this shit, man. I took it over. I took it over.


That was Junior, though. You don't put the junior on it, though. We don't put the junior on it.


And then my son run around to my trade. Button. Shut up.


Switch this on his page. It says Joseph Button now.


Really? Oh, see, the rebrand, the rebranding.


He rebranded on you, pops.


We gotta start naming these kids some bullshit. They don't respect the legacy. Y'all say something for me?


I'm finding a song.


Speaking of legacy, I want to give a shout out to my pops today. Ten years he's been gone. Zach, on today.




Important day for me. I want to have a great day today. I don't want to feel bad, so I want to laugh a lot.


Oh, no. Ain't no bad feelings. Are here. Yeah.




Now we lit here. It's good vibes. Good.


Starting a great way.


Starting a great way in the day.


Here we go.


All right. Good.


What's good, Elliot? How you feeling?


I'm feeling good, man. Trying to be like y'all, okay? I'm looking big ish smooth right now. You know what I'm saying?


Knock it off, bro.


Got his foot out and shit.


It's amazing, man. You look rich.


You know that, right?


Why you always say that?


You look rich. You look rich.


White say that.


Not today. Not today. Don't do it today.


I sold my accountant. He's in Jersey. I'm not that rich. I went there the other day, he reminded me I got some moves to make.


That's relative.


I got some move. No, you made the move, mister. Roxy, up.


Roxy, you got a job, man. You need jobs, man. Jobs feed people, man.


No, you got a job.


I tried that Patreon shit. They don't love me, man. They don't want to give me their $20. They like. This thing is rich. He's up $20 to that nigga. He's Jay Z's friend. Nobody for him.


Yeah, that could hurt, right? That could hurt.


I'm not the Joe button man of the people. They don't like me in that role. They don't touch the people.


You just gotta find enough n that like you. And then they get lit like they hate me, too. But the niggas that like me is on Patreon. Yeah.


Not for real.


Slu. Yeah.




Patio shout out to y'all.


Nah, I respect the platform. I just couldn't make it rock. I was disappointed, but you can.


It takes time. It just takes time. You gotta build it. It's not an instant gratification thing like most of you podcasters like to receive out there. Oh, shit. I know. Most podcasters out there are totally against building a business.


Joe, Joe, people love you. You built a grassroots thing connected to the people. That doesn't mean everybody could do the exact same. It doesn't work the same way.


Well, there's a true.


The underdog, like they view you is like, you went against the system. He's our guy. Like, if you was in the campaign, they would vote for you. It's like, who's underdog? But it went against the.


I was gonna win. I don't know who thought I was underdog. I was gonna win. Of course.


That's what I'm saying.


Even with the jam drive me, I was gonna win.




Everybody dropped. I was gonna win. I was gonna get one.


Absolutely. And cultivated that audience. When.


I'm not even gonna say that. You ain't, nigga.


It was some nights, nigga, when you.


You my man.


I ain't gonna say no.


You're my man.


You're my man, yo.


You can rewrite history when it's done.


I would have knew this was gonna happen.


They can never hold me down. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fuck y'all. Let's see you.


Authenticity mentions your authentic self, not your.


Best self, by the way. We keep trying to achieve something that's not even the best you the best you is fake.




Ask whoever loves you the most, your spouse, whoever. When you go home and say, would you rather I start relating to you.


In that fake, superficial way that I.


Do with people at work or at the conference? Like over the top, friendly, helpful, always in a good mood, dressed up nice.


All my authentic self that you see, mildly depressed, emotionally unavailable, passive aggressive, usually.


In some sort of sweatpant holes in them. Ooh. All right now?




All right now. It's Father's Day coming dead in the building. Harlem's nigga, what up, what up, what up? All right. Feeling good, feeling great, man. Like I said, beautiful outside. Bought some new cologne the other day that the lady fucking pitched me. I never heard of stay on your 24 hours. It just give me the shit. Lady per fart laugh, something I've never heard of. It smell good? It did smell good.


Does it stay on you for 24 hours?


I don't know. We gonna see at the end of the part. Mic shake, mic Shack, 30 and up. 40 and up. 50 and up. 60 and up. Out there. Fuck is going on? They're not feeling me. They're not feeling me. Said, I'm doing it for pop real quick, man. Hold up. Yeah, man, I said, it's Father's day out there. We doing it for the old heads. We doing it for the ladies. They in the car singing. Let me hear you out there. Real singing, Imani. Real singing. I'm telling you guys, we gotta talk. We gotta go dinner. Nah, we gonna. We gotta go to dinner, man. Shout to the parents listening out there.


He had to.






All right. Come on, man. Sway from Merlo Mel to get in her bag real quick. You good, you good, you good?




All right, good. Shout to all the kids. Badass kids. Out for school for the summer. Fucking the traffic up and all that.


You want my love.


Shout out to the patronies always. Hey, you raised the Patronia limits.


I heard you about to. You about to tax him a little harder.


I heard what you think?


You bout to raise them for 20 year race?


No, no, no.


That's what that was. I heard.


I know there's a lot of rumors going on out there. I'm not raising rates.


Yo, if I raise, flip ain't even here today. He just filled in so nicely.


Race, right?


Let me ask you a question. Hey, can't hide love.


Can't hide love. But I bet y'all.


Imani's like, fuck these niggas. They can't sing.


Nah, they can't fuck with me.


All right?


Now, that's what I need. I need some feel good shit going on here, huh?


We never get that feel of music again.


There's no groups, no more words. No bands, no bands, no bands, no bands. There's no groups. They don't sign adults. They don't sign people that are talented. So, no, we probably won't get it again. SLB. Got to do it, nigga.


Let's do it. Let's pop out and show people.


We gotta pop out and show niggas. Hold on, let me get these drops out the way. Hey, Erickson, keep that camera on me. Let him look at my skin regimen, please. What is what Mel and L. All right, round of applause for you beautiful people. Welcome to episode 731 of the Joe Budden podcast, presented by. Brought to you by prize. Yeah. I'm your humble, gracious, grateful, highly favorite host, Joe button here with a few really amazing people. Big Mel is here. Big Ellis here. Big ish is here. Big ice is here. Big Imani is here. Big parks is here. Ian is here in his little jogger outfit. Cory is here. Po is here. Dad is here. Erickson is here. Gang, gang, gang. How's everybody doing? Feeling? How's your spirit and souls and hearts? Talk to me, man.


I'm great, great. Waiting for this merch. See, niggas is wearing new merch today. If I see another nigga in the street wearing that before we get one up, hip is up.


Ain't giving out. Hood by hoodie. Ain't giving, ain't giving me shit. Ain't giving nobody.


Now, he laced. He laced me before with a hoodie.


Oh, you should have enjoyed it.


We gotta go to dinner.


You'll get that 10% off.


That's crazy.


You get a cold or nothing?


Don't get a cold.


For the homies.


Yeah, for sure. Free 99.


See, don't forget to use that promo code.


Ish. Ish, ish.


All right, ladies and gentlemen, no 45 minutes intro. Wherever y'all want to go. I'm willing to go. I was going to be petty and start with ebony K being pregnant from a sperm. Sperm donor. Really?


That's how it happened?




Okay. But I'm messy and petty, and I figure that would lead to maybe some gender war shit, which I'm trying to stay away from. But at some point, we do need to discuss Ebony K. Williams being pregnant by a sperm donor and not a bus driver.


I want to do it more, but. Yeah, let's build up.


Okay, I'm with you. Let's build up to the pen. But I will just toss it to Mel and then we can ask Mel how she feels. Y'all figure out what we going next in case she starts fumbling and we out.


We said the pig, Mel. Isolation play. I'm sending the pig.


ISO for Mel.


ISO for Mel.


It's not a fumble. Congratulations, Ebony.


Congratulations. More life. Yes, more life.


More life.


She wanted something and she made it happen for herself.


Good for her.




She do like the hashtag single mom and all that stuff in the thing.


I didn't see it.


I don't know what it said.


Oh, well, we'll take a break for you to see that.


You get to pick what you want, who you want, your. Don't it to be like, quality wise where they work, IQ and all that, right?




Okay, just make sure.


Listen, we gonna talk. You know, Cory about to get his construct back.


Corey's excited, man, and I think the donors blaze, so take it off me. Wherever y'all wanna start, we can start.


We was having a conversation earlier. I wanted to know. Well, actually, a couple of the fellows want to know, do we have to retire the wife beater.


No, no. WB.




No. You saying no?


Calling it the wife beater.


Oh, yeah.


Oh, everybody don't call it a wife beater.


I don't know they call it anymore.


What do we call it?


Tank top.


Tank top.


Tank. It's an a shirt.


An a shirt.


That's supposed. That's the real.


He decided it's really a man bra at this point.


It is a man bra.


Yeah, it's our support.


We're trying to break it down. It's really.


What are we wearing it for? Like, I got one I don't need.


Why don't you wear tank tops? Because he's wearing one and white.


So you, like, made the tank top your brand at one point and you abandoned them.


Well, when I was, what, 19? No, no, no.


With the rocks in your hands.


Just so y'all know, I wasn't 37 when that happened. Just so y'all know.


Yeah, when the rock shit happened.




Our bad.


Why don't I wear tank top?


Is it a maturity I didn't grew.


Out of wearing tank top. There was no need for a tank top in my life.


Pop, you wear tank tops? Every tank.


The real joke.


You don't leave the house without every day.


If it's a t shirt, first off, especially in the summer, it take a little bit of the sweat off you. The sweat won't touch your upper shirt. It'll go.


It's like the underwear for the top part of our body.


So it's a bra like your Spanx?


No, like a polygon. Like a man.


Sometimes with a t shirt. I don't want to do it on a t shirt, but I definitely with a dress shirt, I always will have it. I'm not a t shirt. I'm like, it depends. Yeah.


Why are you wearing a tail?




So when you start sweating today, the sweat going adhere to your t shirt. If you got a tank top on it, don't. The tank top catches the sweat.


When I start sweating through the t shirt in my brain. I look like Conan in your brain.


Yeah, and other people. When I start sweating.


When I start sweating profusely. Goddammit.


All right, well, ax is what we think.


Yeah. So everybody always tank tops.






So we were just joking around, like, damn, do we have to stop calling them wife beaters, though?


Yes, probably.


WB, I don't know why this.


Yeah, but certain terms like this is like cultural shit.


When you.


Yeah, when you get older, it's like, why we got to change every fucking.


Term, don't open that door, though, like the old folks.




You know what? Some old.


Going their whole life saying wife beaters. Like I'm supposed to tell them, no, that's new.


That ain't old. Nah, pop.


Wiped. That's OG shit. That's OG shit. Wipedas.


I heard.


Well, now that we've uncovered wife beaters.


The shirt, not the humans.






Oh, man. Imagine if a bear had on one of those. Oh, my God. Run, why don't you? Yo, I have not stopped thinking about that stupid shit since we had that conversation. But we'll leave it. We'll leave it.


But, Mel, do you prefer men to have a situation underneath? Does that matter to you?


No, not really. I. The conversation came up because, you know, is it an offensive term now? And I was like, I still call it wife beaters. It's just so synonymous with just what it is.


But I think men should have it. Like you.


Like, I don't have a preference.




I don't have a preference at all.


Yeah. Yeah.


All right.


Knock that out. The boy done. All right. Come on.


We still call it that. And Mel said, hey, do you.


Fuck it.


What's happening?


What we got?


What's happening? Show it to me.


Well, you also, Joe was telling them that we. About. It's time to start reminding folks that Father's Day is Father's Day.


That's true. Father's Day is coming. We give it.


Y'all girl knows, right?


Yeah. Cause we get. We get shitted on Father's Day, right?


Y'all never get good gifts, right?


It's nothing. The stores don't care. Nobody cares.


No socks. Nothing. No good.


No, you get some socks and socks.


Fast game.


What would you guys like to get?


A Birkin.


Equivalent of a Birkin is a watch.


Okay. Okay. Good gift. Good gift ideas.


Maybe some hook a brother up with a spa day. Like silent ladies.






Get him.


Right? Yeah.


Just go somewhere that could be a gift.


Give me some space.






Just don't talk to me for a whole day.


Got it.


Nobody. Yeah.


Your girl would take you out to dinner and think that. That's enough.


Girl. What? Mail? Getting us somebody a girl. Mel, what are you getting on the bar? Are you not getting us anything for Father's Day?


She hadn't even crossed her mind.


Didn't even think about it.


Hadn't even crossed her mind.




Just asking.




Okay. Okay.


Damn. Maybe the macaroni and cheese.


You came in, that was suffice on some weird energy. And I see where you're going.


Macaroni and cheese.


I got you. You right, you right, you right.


She put the reverse carrot down quick.


She had it already.


I'm saying keep your money. Just make a macaroni and cheese for the crew, okay?


Maybe some shampoo, champagne, a bottle. You know what I mean?


Something done and done.


Wait, wait, wait, wait. We want the Mac and cheese.




And that, too.


All right, all right.


And that, too. And that, too. When's Father's Day? Next weekend.


You don't even know when it is.


Honey, listen, that's. My father passed away a long time ago, so I haven't really had to keep up with that shit, honestly.


Wonder what you get into. Bear dads. All right, that's my last one. That's my last one. That's my last one. That's my last one.


Sign up for Patreon if you want to understand what the fuck he's talking about.


Yo, Joe.


Yeah? Sign up for Patreon. They told me that there's a survey out there that women were taking that say that they would be more comfortable with a bear in the woods than a strange man. And I ain't stopped thinking about it since.






So we had a very extensive conversation about that on our last Patreon. So if you want to see it, sign up for Patreon.


Plug that shit in.


Plug that shit.


And it almost started up today, too. No, we cut it short.


My only question.


Here we go.


I only have one question regarding that. Because you can't gaslight and be dismissive. So maybe there's some truth to this. I thought about it. I want to be open minded. But if that's true, wouldn't they. Wouldn't they not be in civilization, around strange men? If they were petrified of the strange man, if they liked the bear more than strange men? And then we could leave. I promise we could leave. I keep trying to tell you. I'll take it where you want. What?


Can I ask a question?


No. Cause me and you is bad.


All right?


Me and you are bad. Here. All right. New music. New music. New music. New music. Thank you.


New music. Drop. We have Kate Trinada.




Let me get y'all back, actually, before.


We get to Kate, Tornado Parks is going to LA on June 5. I pull it up. I pull it up.


They not like us.


Sorry. I'm not missing that.


We turn it up. Ken and friends. You ready?


Yeah, I'm ready.


I just found out this morning.


I was just going live in LA. I'll tell you, they're running around like, they won a championship. I'm telling you, they did. It's like dog style 1992. Like they got their chest out. They filling it. They on top. Have you been carrying that?


Have you been out to LA since the whole.


Yeah, I live in LA.


I'm saying, oh, okay.


Everybody's energy is, like, up out there. Like being a New Yorker, observing LA, just feeling the victory. With the Kendrick shit, it's crazy to.


See basically unified California.


Yeah. The enemy's on. Yeah. You hear it everywhere. Like, people's cars. They might even play euphoria. Like, whatever it is. Like, they're just in this KDI zone, and, like, it's unified the city.


Like, Elliot, you think this is just his victory lap, or you think this is leading up to something bigger?


No, I think he's one of the best, but he never was. Like, we weren't. We weren't accessible to him. Right. Once he kind of blew up and mister morale kind of went left, it's like, so the idea that, like, with. Even with the show, like, he's outside, like, he's touchable. Like, he's like, back to being, you know, young K dot where we could see. Yeah. And I think that, yes. Like, the catalog's crazy. And, like, for him to win this battle, which was exciting, a lot of great music. La needed that. It's just, to me, it feels like when, when doggy style, snoop, that energy, like, that's how excited they are about how he's moving. And now to do this show, like, it's gonna be insane.


Are you going to the show?


I gotta go. Yeah, of course I'm mad.


I want to go.


I have to go.


I just got my.


Come on out.


Team building.


What day is that?


Team building?


Mid June. Next Wednesday, June 19.


June 19.


He's doing this on juneteenth at the forum.


At the forum. She said, ken and friends, that shit.


Is funny as fuck to me in Englewood.


I know I'm gonna go crazy, that show. I go crazy at the gas station when some car is playing that shit. I start dancing.


Now, when you did that, you know I ripped that clip when y'all play director. That was a class of classic shit.


Not you.


He's shooting at you.


Yeah, he's shooting. Not you.


You ain't ripped the clip.


Not you, dog.


Tell your man DJ head, don't try to start no nothing too, my guy. Yeah, I fuck with him, too. But a little tweet he posted, try to. Now he repping hard walking and all that.


What'd he say, which one?


No, I ain't gonna repeat it.


But you got beef. Yes.


No, no, no. We fucking head.


DJ head, man.


Shout out to him, I absolutely love DJ head. And I loved him. Even pause. DJ head to, that's my man. But pause. I loved him even more after this amazing take.


There we go.


Anything that Jay Electronic has ever done.


Don't do that, Joe.


Helping my little. Her show out here, man. The bass show, trying to be everything struggle.


DJ head says he never liked anything that Jay Electronic has ever done. I think. I don't know if that counts when people say that.


Yeah, that can't be true.


Not exhibit C, but the rest of the.


I was like, exhibit C? You ain't like exhibit C? Like, come on, man.


Like, everybody likes exhibits c. You have to love exhibits. When we shit on Jay elect, we're not shitting on exhibits.


100%. I blocked him. He got on my nerves. Cause, you know, he gets into this thing with Kendrick where he thinks he's in a beef with Kendrick. So I had said something about one of the songs, and then he'd be back all like, disrespectful. You don't know hip hop. Let me tell you why. Blah, blah. And I just blocked him. I was like, I can't deal with his craziness.


You know? That's a good idea. I need to block Jay Electronica.


Yo, Joe, what's fun, yo? Cause you could always welcome somebody. I don't always welcome somebody back, but it feels good to block people. Like, I used to be on that social media shit where I'm not blocking nobody. I got tough skin. I don't give a fuck. But now I'll block you if you look at me at the wrong way. Any kind of old halfway shit, my shit ain't for.


It ain't got nothing to do with tough skin. I keep trying to explain that to people. It has nothing to do with.


I just don't wanna see your bullshit.


I just don't wanna see you.


And my thing is, my shit is lit. My world is lit. What I do, what I say, everything. I'm with y'all. So you won't get access to my shit. It's like, fuck you. Like, you're privileged to watch the show. I said it.


Following me is a privilege, not a right.


Is that get it revoked.


You got one time right, that's it.


Is anybody else performing at that show friends?


No one announce everybody friends.


He's got a lot of friends.


I know T Genesis gonna dance across that stage.


What yg, yeah, it gonna be some blood hopping omarion.


You almost fucked it up. Almost fucked it up with that slow motion jumping jump spin was a little much. Marion, you my man.


Oh, you got a chill? Oh, yeah.


Come on.


He a west coast nigga. You gotta let him get that off.


All the west coast niggas can get that shit off.


So excited, man. Shout out to the west coast.


Fuck it. I'm. I think I'm gonna.


Yeah, you gotta go.


I'm going.


Come on, man.


I want to see game on stage that night. I want to see Snoop on. I want. That's the friends. I want to see the lot. The typical people we pretty much can assume.


You want to bring the legends.


I want to say J Rock.


I want to see J Rock.




I come up for sure, but I.


Want to 40 water gotta be out there.


I want to see 40 water.


I want to see ovo 40 there.




It'S funny because I was like, I felt like, you know, obviously it was funny about hip hop, right? Like, Joe, imagine your day. Like, the funny thing about the battle record is, like, now I put out a record because of the Internet. It's like, nah, that shit didn't last. Now all of a sudden, the battle's over. Like, back in your day, like, you had the clap of the motherfucker come at you like, the record wasn't good. You came right back. Now the public will say, nah, that shit was mid. So then you're like, fight's over. I won. That's what Kendrick did. And that day was like, I remember he was. I felt he was hinting that he was getting black hippie back together. And he had a song that day. I don't know for sure, but I felt like that's what he was cooking up. But then once Drake put that record out and people were like, that shit is not it. Everything got called off. Like, declare yourself the winner. It's crazy, right? In your era, you had to, like, just go for it, motherfucker.


Talk to me. Yeah, you had to just keep going 24 hours.


I got you.


Even if you was losing, you just had to keep swinging.


Like, even to be a Cardi B. Shit, we all love beer, but that shit wasn't it. We said it wasn't it.


So they.


Claudi could just stand on the record she did earlier. And I have to respond, it's to me, that's crazy.




Hip hop is now with, if you really did.


And that's in that sense, if you be, you come back with another record.


You should really.


If you really have to be. It wasn't.


The hook was eh.


But the whole overall song was.


The verses was ass. We tripping.




Music is subjective.


Wasn't her best effort.


It wasn't her best record.


No, no.


I was a little.


I was grumpy when I reported on the be a shit.


You was grumpy as hell.


I'm letting it be known I was grumpy.


Wait, what did you exactly say? You went in?


Everything. I said last part. I shouldn't have said every single thing. I said last part.


No, he went, well.


You went well.


It was booty.


There's a wait. A pod.


That just wasn't it.


He kept threatening to leave.


I should have left. I should have stayed. I should have left. I should have went home. I said something. Not that I disagree with what I said about the be a joy, but how you say something. It was a lot.




You kicked her back in, then I.


Kicked Brian McKnight's kid's back in.


Yep. You did.


He was hurt.


And then they posted it on the blog sites. Turns out the kid is a big fan of the show. He was really. No, no, that wasn't the kicker. Battling stage four cancer.


Oh, wow.


Come on.


Just delete that episode.


I didn't know.


I didn't. How do you. I didn't. I didn't know.


How would you know?


How would I know?


How would I know?


But you ain't have to know to not say what you said.


But I agree with what I said. I just shouldn't have said it.


What did you say?


I said mad niggas don't like they first set of kids. What happened?


You said I gotta delete Brian McKnight's music because his kid is an asshole. That's where the problem come. How you know the kid is asshole?


I apologize. Yo, Brian McKnight, junior or Junior the first.


Another junior. He re up.


Yo, let's.


Yo, let's not.


We about to trigger.


Yeah, these juniors ain't.


You gotta be a real junior, man.


Brian mcKnight. I'm a real Joe Buddy.




Brian mcKnight. Brian McKnight, junior. I apologize. And that was wrong. I shouldn't have said that like that. Love.


There you go. Growth, accountability.


Park said, dawson.


Prayers never go wrong with the park. Starts and breath. Classic covers always. Okay, now music. And I think B has music coming.


She did record on record. Her and J on the bad boy soundtrack. Her and Jade.


Her and Jid. It's a good record.


I went to see bad boys. Oh, yeah.




I fucking went to the movie.


Did you.


Wait, did you stay awake for the whole movie?


Shorty, just fuck these fucking girls. That's like action movie fans. It's like all of the. All right, cool. So let me hit the. I pick. Did the little 04:00 tickets.




So I don't fall asleep.


So you can't stay with the little man.


And I'm ready to go in this movie. And clown. I'm ready to clown. Martin, will you treat everybody.


You treat it like it's coming to America.


I was ready to hate. I was mad that. That I. I was mad that shorty was with me in the movie. Cause I like to walk out like, I feel good walking.


Walk crystally.


I feel good. I feel like I really got my money's worth.


The third act when he walked middle.


Oh, it depends.


It depends.


He'll walk out and like, I'll leave early.


I'll leave right after the nap if they ain't getting it poppin'so. I go sit down. Coming to traction cool. Movie starts. And I gotta be honest. Yeah, this was a really good movie. This was a really, really, really good movie. I don't even have no hate. Even the cheesy parts of the movie were needed and necessary and funny.


Well, that's dope.


Martin was.


Was super fly fucking off. Shorty, his wife, but look good our whole life. Was her name.


Well, she.


So she's in Teresa Randall, cuz, having some issues before.


Tasha Smith, Martin's wife. They swap. Didn't they swap?


I'm talking about Tasha Smith. The dark, I believe.


Well, that's because Theresa Randall was the original wife and she was having some. The report is some personal issues.


Sasha Smith.




Is fine still is all I'm saying. I don't know. Teresa Randall is.


That was Martin's wife. And all girls say.


Okay, they pull that off.


They did the action scene. Actually, you know what? That was my takeaway from this movie. Watching these action scenes. Will Smith is in great shape and has been in great shape for a long time. It's kind of unfair for him to be able to smack niggas. Joking. I'm watching this movie. I'm like, yo, I better watch how I talk about this dude. Cause it ain't the smack. He look like he can chase you down and smack you. No.


And when you meet Will, Will's that type of dude. Like you meet him. I've interviewed him a few times. He gonna grab you up like, he gonna temperature check you like on a gosh, like, how your shows gotta thump it. Yeah, he. That energy, like, he sizing up, like, he's.


Like that nigga trained that to be Muhammad Ali in a movie. You think he ain't? He's in shape. He ready.




He gonna knock your ass.


But he loves that, that, you know, that energy of that shit too. Like, he carries himself with that.


Yeah, he got that ll in him. He got that Jamie Foxx ll in him any given Sunday. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, he do. Will I fuck with you, dog?


Go see that bad boy sequel.


Oh, yeah. Go see bad boys, boy.


Also, I think it's a great move for him coming out of the whole Chris rock shit. It's such a good move for him.


I want to ask you, how was Martin looking in it? Because we talked about his health.


He came out, he's doing fine.


How did he look in the movie?


I didn't get that he said that either. I know that that's what he said, but I think I took what he said as a mind your business.




Not to quake the two, but we just saw OJ, rest in peace. Say the same thing when they said he was in hospice. Like, what? And you know what I mean?


He about to go on, you think? He announced a big comedy tour, so that's really going to show it. Like, if he could really hit the road.


Who announced a big.


Marlon Lawrence, I think. Yeah. Martin. I didn't know that he's going back to the. Doing the stage.


Yeah, I imagine that. That he'll be able to move around a little better than we see him.


Yeah, that's what that's gonna tell it to me.


Martin gave a reason as to why, like, the whole thing came from their appearance on a balcony.




And he gave the reason as. He was just shocked at the. At the. At the outcome. Like, the crowd, the level or the. The size of the crowd.


That sounds like a. Yeah, sounds like we've been.


We've been in this game long enough to be able to read through some of this. Martin wasn't shocked at the crowd.


You have to have a serious amount of stamina to do a stand up tour, though.


Yeah, that's what's gonna.


Marin looks like he's recovering from something. It's rude to say that, but that's what it looks like. It looks like he's recovering from a stroke. They're trying to keep it low. He said he's as healthy as he could be. Said he's. God woke him up. Don't worry. About him. He's fine. Martin, we love you again.




And he was cool in the movie.


And it is none of our business.


He was cool in the movie. That part and that part. It's absolutely none of our business, but, yeah, I'm gonna go see that shit.


All the reviews I heard were dope.




So you didn't walk out?


I did not. Well, no, that's not true. I did walk out. I walked out.


Did you clap at the end?


I walked out.


Yo, put some respect on that movie. You got clap at the end, man. You know what I'm saying?


The whole fucking movie. Martin is like. Martin is. And I was mad at first because they did a scene where Martin is playing in a highway, and I didn't like that.


Oh, coming off the real life.


Oh, the real life with shit in.


I didn't like that. Then it was something else that seemed to mirror real life. Then it was a part where Martin was just slapping the shit out of Will Smith. It did seem like some of the parts was mirroring real life for both of them. But the whole movie, Martin is like he's on some empath. It's not my time to go. I can't die. I can't die. I can't die. It's not my time to go. It's not my time to go. So I'm like, oh, oh. And he says to Will, spoiler alert. He says to will a out of nowhere, too. Hey, you're gonna have to make a real tough decision soon. Brace yourself. And then the whole movie thing is not my time to go now my time to go. Now my time to go. So I'm like, okay, Will's gonna have to choose between Martin and his wife, and somebody has to die. Spoiler alert. Nobody died. So after that, nobody died. After the bad guy had the bride hemmed up and then Martin was standing there. Will had to make the decision. After I saw that, I was like, get me out of here.


I walked out. I'm gonna give me a walkout. I'm gonna give me a walk out.


You want people to see you walk out, too? Got to do the strut.


Well, I'm leaving because if I. If I leave with the rest of the movie goers, that escalator ride is gonna be annoying. It's gonna be annoying. I gotta go. Music. Yeah, music. Music. Lotto remix.


After the last part, we did go to the Bryson Tiller show.


Oh, yeah.


We had a little team building.


A little team.


We did.


Y'all had an outing.


We've been trying to do a little bit more outings.


I didn't go.


I was. I was getting over a cold.




I was at the roof trying to do a little bit more outings and.


You know, get stuff together.


Team building.


That's beautiful. I will say this. I'm glad that. I'm glad you guys didn't come to the second show. Oh, first show was 100% more beautiful.


He did it back to back. He had two years.






Salute to the sold out. I just think the first show was a little prettier.




Second Joy.


Second Joy was big. Second Joy was big.


No, the crowd was so beautiful.


It was. No matter what, still beautiful energy. The people were great. A lot of people came up very nice to us and things like that, but it just wasn't.


You had a little moment, too.


Actually, have a moment.


I forgot about that.


Thank you, Parks. Yeah, had a moment.


Had to clear out the lobby.


You up at the bar? No, no, no.


Well, parks.


Parks introduced it. We up at the bar. Young lady walks up, taps. He taps my guy, Taz.


Big E. Oh, my God.


I love you. Can I please take a picture?


Hit him with the.


Please close him off to the side.


Mm hmm.


I got something for you.


Go ahead.


Am I fabricating anything?


Vernon Ice had to make a barricade so they could get the photo off.


Yeah. Like, people can't get the lighting right.


What was going on. So we blocked everybody off so they can get their pictures. My guy is out here. So it was just good to see Imani out there, you know, touching the people and.


But what was funny is she was like, oh, yeah. Ice and parks. I know you, too.


Oh, yeah.




Oh, yeah. I know, y'all.


I know. Oh, Imani, come here, please.


Oh. So he. So she didn't think he was Tyga. That's where I thought the story was going.


He gets that. He get the tigers.


No one has ever came.


That's funny, son.


Rat city bitch.




Oh, man.


That's you from that one. That was good. But we.


Well, we had a good time. We had a great time.


Great to be out with.


You give a smile in the photo. You give a little smile.


Yeah. She was a cool. She was cool Patroni, and she's a patrony, and she loves the show and patronize, man, but both shows were dope. Bryson killed it.


You didn't go?






The video game shit made a lot of sense to me. It looked like a video game up there. He's wearing, like, the suit with the lights. In it and the cool fucking background. I don't know if he designed it himself, but it looked like some video game shit.




And he got over to the DJ right now. Night train, the. He'd spin the DJ for Sally.


Yes, yes, yes. So that was good. Now Kate Trinada has new music out as well.


Mm hmm.


Mm hmm.


I love anything that Kate united he's gonna put out. Amazing.


Yeah. It's, like, tough to do an album review on K. Trinada because it's heat. It's hit.


Yeah, that's the review.


Nah, for real. I've been waiting on album. I bought it soon as I woke up. Didn't even look at the features. I just hit play let it go. It's Katrinada. It sounds like Patronata.


It is hard to review music that is really solely intended to be just a vibe.




And it executes that perfectly. You know, I'm saying, it's not like it's a lyrical album or he was trying to step out. Really crazy shit is just a fucking vibe.


I'm ready.


I also love the way he's kind of stepping out to the forefront more like, but in organic way. Don't feel like forced industry shit. It feels, like natural.


I do like hearing him with rappers. This. I didn't hear too much rapping on this. There's a couple joints on there that was rapping, but, um. Yeah, this is great music.


I'll play a little bit is Don Tolliver joint. Just because that's the first joint I just kept bringing back. Oh, my God. This K Trinada featuring Don Toliver called feel away. See, now, I ain't playing shit off the phone. Yeah. Nah, I can't play shit off the phone.


You gotta do it right, man.


Yeah, I can't play it off the phone. Please.


Please. Parks it up.




Y'all like Jesus engineered it. Could you tune my car?


I'll try.


I don't know what the fuck you do, but I know when I play it in my car, it don't sound like, here.


That's some bullshit.


I'm like, yo, dog, I need some parts in this box. I like the song all over again. It's just like secret shit.


You even.


I'm dead.


They try to explain it to you, but it's like, come on, dog.


Like, just do it.


Just make my shit sound good. I pay you parts.


When did you know you was nice with this shit?


I don't know.


Nah, come on.


Think about it from the fucking beginning.


Big part. That's a thing, Elliot.


I was gonna come in here and ask everybody, when did y'all know y'all were great at whatever it is you're great at?


That's a great question, right?


Yeah. Yeah.


Cuz I used to hide myself up. That was all. She was like, I'm gonna kill these niggas and the source. Fuck them. I'm selling 80,000 issues. This only 500,000. They suck. I'm gonna beat them. So you have to almost hype yourself up. I was.




I was always very confident, but I would say, like, mid twenties once actually started coming out on a mainstream level. Yeah, it was like, okay, now I am nice.


It might be a first tour.




First tour.


First tour, right?


Mm hmm.


Touching the people, right.


Just getting a chance to. To see a large crowd of people actually pay attention to what the fuck you're doing and be tuned in.


Yeah, that's kind of envy. Musician with that shit where it's like they know your music and they're singing back to you. It's like power in that.


No, to me, it was when they didn't know the music and they were still tuned in.


Yeah, you kept made me feel you.


Don'T even know the music and you still rocking with me. That's when I was like, I can do this.


Yeah. That's always, like, the opening act challenge of, like, how do I galvanize? You don't even know me. But if I hold their interests, they may fuck with me after this and connect.


That'd be my favorite thing. When I go to shows, I'll be wanting to see the openers. Just show me somebody that I have no idea who you are.




And my thing is, say who the fuck you are, too. Like, I say, when, like, south by southwest type energy. Like. Like, we don't know who the fuck you are. It's like, say I'm so and so from Chicago. Like, even Drake back in, like, go by the name of Drizzy Drake, blah, blah, blah. Like, say what the fuck you are, bro.


I forget what show I was in, but this opener was so dope that I actually had to find him. And like, yo, my man, you need, like, I'm on. I'm on.


Say who you are.


I'm like, yo, what's your current project? The opener, people tag me, put me in touch with dude, and I happen like, yo, dog, you need to let people know after every record. Just. Just introduce yourself for those.


Your name, your city.


The current project say, shout your social. I have somebody up there with you wearing, like, or something?


It's important.


People got to know how to reach you. Because he made a fan out of me that night.




And I was.


Why I gotta chase you, right? It's like I gotta hunt you down.


That's more.


You think that's how I found baby Rose at an opener. Yeah. I found a lot of good acts.


As openers to show that opener shape. Because never thought when it makes sense. You know, sometimes you'll have an opener on. There's like. You know, they don't really mesh with this crowd. But if it's a. If I'm going to see a certain artist and have openers that may be a little similar to those or in that lane, you'll find somebody new if they dope.


Did I miss Chris Brown in Jersey yet?






All right.


It's in a couple weeks.


Group outing.


The first. The first nights was like two, three nights ago.


He said some fly shit on stage the other night.


What'd you say?


Said for somebody that they say is black ball or something, this shit right here don't feel like black ball. Like, well, one still selling them shits out. People still singing every fucking word.


But cool. Your fans blackballed.


Don't look like that.


What is black? Bald?


I don't know.


I think in a corporate manner. But that's it.


Yes, that's it.


Fan wise. No, not even. No, never.


Not gonna stop fucking with Chris.




And he keep. Again, keep delivering. Two way street.




He keeps delivering. So you gotta do your part. The fans are gonna do their part.


Do you rap or do you tweet?


Cause I can't tell.


Get in the booth.


That's how you do it, baby. You gotta sound aggressive when you dissing somebody. Now, the lotto verse on this is exactly the same. So I just gonna go to Flo Milly, who went absolutely crazy. No, she's not the only one that went crazy. I'm aware. Make sure you know when meg go, she go.


Thought I was grown I ain't never.


Watch my tone I would cry but he's nigga, but a bitch, never alone some d. Cause you checking niggas phones I hope that ain't your only nigga. He ain't never coming home I take over your city bitch, you pussy, you a kitty we pull up like Sunday service beat a bitch and show no pics I don't play r and b but when I ride that dick we.


Playing Jodeci a lot of ass.


But I'm petite lil chocolate I'm his.


Favorite tree in my haitian.


Sound perfect.


Try me. He gonna curse you.


She be tough online, but sweet in person.


What a other version?




Hell, I love that shit. Other one at where she.


That same energy.


She's so sweet in person. No. Where's the other one? She is adorable in person.




Where's that other version of you, bitch? Oh, my God. Go ahead. Now, if you knew him nigga was thirsty, why'd you let me meet him? Yeah, that's a good question. Flo Millie. Absolutely right.


Perfect ending, too.


Stupid bitch.


I'm with her.


Let me let it rock. Cause I just gonna think I'm a hater.


You hating, but you can't hate on this, though.


Nah, Meg. Meg. When she go off going, every time.


Y'All book me with them hoes, it's gonna be beat drama. 20 black suburbans. We pull up like Sunday service. I just want a one on one. Don't know why she gonna hold.


Cause my niggas say I'm perfect anyway.


Y'all know who the fuck it is. The most loved, the most hated, the highest intensity.


All right, get in your back. Get in your bag.


Set it up.


Ace town.


Real hot girl.


Shit. Hey, bitches must be trying to say the planet recycling out my old niggas friends. You think? You said I had that shit on in my old niggas? I'm standing no business. He acting nothing. I'm a pivot. What the fuck I look like? Tripping on one out of 7 billion? I meet the goal post when it's moving, they say I can't, then I do it. Your favorite rapper might not like me but it's boo gonna jam my music new checks, big influence chain glow like hallelujah I see you walking at me for attention how I never throw the bone to you? Play a face squad but you know I ain't solely petty make a whole man like Brody we see who the cold is trying to be funny they choking everything Megan put out, I own it. I don't care who you think. Hotter than me.


She spoke.


I like that.


Like she don't. All right, Meg, now, now, now.


Okay, she can say it now. Meg smoked that? Yes, Flo Millie smoked that. Yeah, I loved and I like lotto. Doing this a little while after the record has come out already? Yeah, like remix, new life.


It came up because she popped out at the. At the Meg show in Atlanta.


Yeah, they was all together.


They all together. They shot this video backstage, like, literally just in the dressing room, rapping a verses, twerking. And shit on some one of them like gorilla style videos.


Fuck it.


Exactly. I love this shit, bro.


Two really great remixes for Meg. Back to back.


Mm hmm.


That she's featured on. Yeah, cuz that. That glow really remix is still crazy. This is crazy.


This is crazy.


Gearing up for album.




Yeah, yeah. Meg going crazy. This is before we even hear what her and beyonce got coming. Cause you know something's coming from her and Beyonce. You do know that, right?


Of course.


All right, cool. They gonna make sure that girl fuck around.


Be a big summer for her.


See what you talk about, cowboy Carter.


Well, yeah, big year.


You're right.


It's gonna be a big year. And it's right on time.


Nikki awards coming.


Nikki is slowing down. Well, she's doing another run of her tour, but she's on the tail end of her big year. Who else is going to be out still any of that little bit of shine at the moment?


You got bet awards coming up. I'm pretty sure she's going to have something to do with there.


Did y'all see Billboard's list of the ten hottest female rappers? I didn't, but I have one. Nicki Minaj, two, sexy red, three, Meg, four, doja, five, Isaac, six, glorilla, seven, Cardi, eight, lotto. Nine. JT ten, flow Millie.


They said sexy red put that up and tagged everybody. She was like, she's wild. I'm not messing up. Like, we up, bitches.


I'm not mad at that.




Orders, right?




What's wrong?


Who you want to move around? Elle.




Nikki, Nicki, sexy red. Where was it?


No, Nicki's. I'm one of me.


Nikki, sexy red. Meg doja for I spice at five.


I struggle with those. I don't view.


I don't know if I put ice.


Spice is not at five.


Yeah, I don't think hottest.




No, the rest of that list.


I spice is five.


No, that.


Read the rest of the rest of the list.




Six is glow. Really? That's where I was gonna argue. I don't know. Hotter than glory.


Sexy red gotta be top five right now.


But I Spice ran around with Taylor Swift for a few months, so I get it.


I spice got commercials. I spice is moving in a little.


I think I still got hardy in it. I got Nikki, Cardi, Meg, Lorilla and sexy red. Top five. Whatever. Order like, those are my five.


I'm not mad at that.


Cardi just delayed her album for a year. I can't put her in the top.


Respectfully, that only it feels like we.


Have all the reason to not put Cardi in the top five, but it feels like she should be in the. She's.


Just because she put push the album back don't mean that she's still ain't hot at the moment.








Nicky? I got Nicki. I got Nikki.


I don't know.


Cardi, Meg, sexy red gorilla.


Do you put Doja on this list at all?




I don't view it that way. I mean, I get that she's a rapper, too, but I view her more pop, so I don't view her in that context.


Oh, she's a rap.


She's put out a rapper. I can't view her that way. But then she's like the six to me. Like, I wouldn't put a top five. Like.


Yeah, but the term.


The term, like, with the culture, like.


Is she sells units, don't she?


Yes, yes.


All of that just headlines summer jam, you know, but it doesn't.


The term hot is, like, urban.


I get it.


Whose list is that?




I'm not taking that mean urban. That's just like when MTV did hottest list. That's not urban. They talking about something different.


I understand that what you mean is typically served for urban acts. And urban acts are the only one that you hear. You need to get hot. This person is hot. Doja could go away or be on a run and nobody's gonna say, she's heating up.


She just say this about billboard list is typically, they're based on how they're performing chartwise. So if that's true, they know better than we do.




Looking at all that charts, touring, all of that type of shading, I spices out here, moving units.


She charts.


Will she put shit up?


Okay, what's the last joint she. She put out?


None of y'all are big enough ice spice fans, right?




I'm not cool, but we know Cardi. I know she moving units.


Cardi, 100%. Whatever she's put her vocals on at this point forward, whether it's a feature, whatever, it's hot.


That's not. And that's not true. Cardi just put out records that didn't do that. Her own records not even features.


Lotto's not hotter than ice place.


Yes, that's what I would think.


Yes, I think so.


Not right now.


No, earlier.


Not right now.


Not right now.


She's dropping enough.


Can't really put enough out yet to even be kind of in between projects, in a sense.


Like, besides, outside of Sunday service, what's the last lotto record.




Like, I loved her last album. Like, that energy around everything she did last time. But she's kind of in between projects.


Outside of Sunday service. What's the last lotto verse featured? Somewhere else?


She slowed down. Cause she was putting a lot of.


My point. This is my point.


Yeah, but I'm not gonna hold that against somebody for being in between projects.


Yeah, but that means that speaks too hot to temperature.


No, but I think that you saw with. With the gorilla record, right?




Glow the sexy red. Get it? Sexy. Like they upped the energy. Right. Those were big records, like.


Yeah. I'm still trying to figure out what was the last ice bice record that penetrated or was hot or.


She's on this Fisher record right now. That is one of the hottest songs outright at the moment.


That's true. Yeah.


I love that.


I love that.


But I feel like the Sean Paul one didn't land the last one.


She did.


There you go.


Yes. On her in terms of being high, but hot. If I'm on one of the hottest.


Songs out right now, that little fart shit kind of did what it does for her. People.


Dropped a few of those records that worked for her demo just because we don't talk about it.




Oh, yeah, you right. Yeah.


I'm too, like, it's July, right?




I had the 26th ice spice announcement.


She does have a lot of endorsements, too. And Dunkin donuts join. No, I love what she's doing. You're right.


Yeah, her branding people, she can sit there. They play.


Yeah, she probably the reason they fucking got rid of my favorite Dunkin donuts across the street in the gas station.


I just saw that today and I was like, yo, what the hell?


I went there the other night.


I was like, yo, the shit right over here.


Yeah, me and you supposed to have a funeral for that Dunkin donut.


I was like, yo, yo, dog, the dude growing gray hair.


I mean.


There 16 years, dog.


I was like, yo, you need some. You might need to own this shit. They killed our duncan, yo.




That's sad.


Thank God for my keurig. Whatever. So is bun b a snitch?


Oh, God.


Uh oh.


Hey, you guys are gonna have to.


Explain snitch culture to me. I don't understand how being applied to the argument Bunby was in court and he was talking about when somebody a home invasion and the fact that his wife was home at the time and how the home invasion terrorized her.


In 2019.


Yeah, in 2019. He's very emotional up there thinking about what could have happened. I mean, like, we know what happened to Clarence avant and his wife when that happened. And so now the response to Bunby testifying against the guy who committed the act, people are calling him a snitch. This fucking ridiculous.




It's ridiculous.


Um. I think Bunbie is a civilian at this point in his life.




So. So I think that, um. Like, it's a fine line, but I think that if you are a civilian, then you play by civilian rules.




I think that if you in the street and you living a street life, then you gotta follow street ethics and street codes. And I think that's the fine line where we define snitch or not. Like, if something happens to my mother, my mother's supposed to call the cops, you know what I'm saying? But if something happened to me and I'm out in the street and I'm playing street rules and somebody violate me in the street, then you take it up, you hold court.


No street.


I think that sometimes we kind of get the lines blurred. Can a street person leave the street and no longer have to subscribe to street rules? I mean, I guess that's. That's for them to decide. That's what it. I mean, I don't know. I don't know. I'm not. I'm taking it off of bun b. I'm just saying, because what I do see is a lot of people speaking on this as. Because you may have been this in the past, even if, like, you're a successful businessman today, you're 100% legit civilian, you still are held to those rules.




They won't allow you to live in that game. They won't allow you to change.


I mean, evolution is a hard thing for us, especially in our culture. So I think people still hold you to, yo, you came from this, so you shouldn't be doing this.


I got a problem with the word culture even being used in this conversation.


It's not a part of our culture.


It's definitely a cultural thing.


No, it's not, because the snitching thing goes across just black people or hip hop. It's an italian culture. It's in Japanese. And all of that gang shit, all that street shit.


You confusing ethnicity with culture. I'm talking about street culture.


It's street.


Chinese niggas, it's street. Italians, it's street. Jamaicans, it's street. You know what I'm saying? I'm talking about criminal culture.


Cool. At a certain point, when you now remove yourself from that lifestyle. And I'm now prioritizing my family, my wife, over y'all bum ass street rules. I don't wanna hear nothing about that. No, I'm not a snitch. I'm a family man who has a wife and kids that I'm taking care of. And fuck y'all little.


And I'm a licensed gun owner. Yeah. And let's play it out. Let's play it out the other way. Let's say, all right, I'm a street nigga. I'm not taking the stand. The state is picking this case up regardless. So now, are you saying that you are unwilling to testify against the person that broke in your house and tried to kill your wife? And if so, how do you tell that to your wife?


Because of street code, man.


These niggas are speaking on things that. And it's all Internet chatter from folks that if they were in a situation, I don't think they would even listen.


I didn't even bring it up to treat it seriously. Honestly, I brought it up almost.




Like, it's not a conversation there.


I just laugh when I see the young kids on the Internet saying stupid shit.




Bun B was on that stand tearing up. And if you know Bun B, you know he's one of the greatest humans ever.


Beautiful, right?


Beautiful, beautiful spirit. Him crying. He's so beautiful, I almost started crying. Also.


I don't know if you met his wife. His wife is the same type of energy.


I have met his wife.


She's a beautiful woman. Her spirit. But so I'm sure, again, that's a joint decision about we going through the law and prostitute making this decision to take this dude through this situation. Like, that's a family decision. Him and his wife made that decision. Shit, you have to honor that. She wouldn't even, like, you know, she.


Wouldn'T even have to talk to me for me to make that decision. You my wife. I wouldn't give a fuck with anybody out here talking about me in response to how I handle you getting the justice that you need for the trauma that you've been through.


Is there anybody here that would handle that situation differently? Is there anybody here that wouldn't get on the stand? No. No.


I'm gonna get on the stand. I'm gonna get on the seat. I'm gonna get on the wheelchair.


I'm gonna get in the car with them.


Whatever we can. What I do? Lock this nigga up.


If Pimp C was alive, he'd be in the front row and shit.


You looking for an answer for somebody, huh?


Yeah, yeah.


We don't even want one.


I'm just waiting for my man. Yeah, that's my man.


Everybody else answered, what you doing?


He ain't about to say no, no, he not. No, he not.




I probably would have handled it a.


Little different, but it is what it is. What would you have done? Oh, you wouldn't have took the stand, you saying.


I would have just tried to deal with it outside of the court initially? That's just my personal.


Maybe they did, we don't know. Right?


Maybe they did that part.


No responsibility, would have done both. They also like, that's Bunny and his wife meeting them and knowing them, they're thorough individuals, so we don't know what went on outside of, you know, it could have tried to go that way with it, but if it can't go.


That way, Mel, in regards to, but he's a university professor. I don't see them going about this in any way, shape or form other than just following the letter of the law. The guy was caught, there's a trial. He, you know, he's talking during his sentencing or whatever the case is. That's the way that that would go. I'm absolutely, like, on board with the decision that he made.


Shout out to all licensed gun owners out there. Listening to my fellow co host on my off time, I took my ass right up to the little ghetto Costco on route three, trying to buy a safe. How'd it go? Trying to do things the right way.


Yeah, how'd it work out?


Went right in there. Thought my driver had a Costco's card. He don't.


I have one.


You can borrow mine, man, I don't speak to your job. So I go in there, I go up to the fucking customer service thingamajiggy. Now, what's the thing? Let me get the day passed. Now, does she know me? You don't even know. How did your buddy and she making it hot mad people come over? I searched that whole place asking for safes.


Oh, yeah.


And then I searched that whole place for somebody to work there to point me where the safe that is. After I walked around this big ass building, guess what?


Ain't there no safes.


I mean, actually, this is not a safe invite. I wanted to kill these podcasts.


Nah, the funny thing with Costco's is you could go on one Costco over here, and they got a million of these.


They said, hey, we have it in Wayne.


And they had it at Hanover, too. I was at Hanover the other day, they had it in.


Let me ask you a question. Did you get anything else out of there?


Yeah, me. I got me up out of there. The fuck up out of expedition, fam.


You wouldn't buy nothing?




Yo, you would love Costco, nigga, you.


Didn'T need a 36 pack of toilet paper.


You would love Costco. You, Joe Bowen, would love Costco.


You buck seven gallon can of tuna fish.


Why both want bulk and the products that they sell, you use.


That's true.


You get what I'm saying?


Damn. This would be a good talk to have if we weren't private or not publicly recording. Cause I could tell you why you're going to Costco.


It's all private.


And why I'm not shopping in Costco's. And it was evident the other day when I went in Costco. But I can't say.


Come on.


I can't. I can't. They already think I'm Bougie. They call me Bougie. You are Joe the ghettoist nigga here.


When the last time you've been to Jersey City just hanging out? Rank them. What's the list of top to bottom ghettoist people in here?


Okay, okay.


Start from the park's number one.


Start from the ghetto.


Start from the ghetto is me.


All right, cool.


Keep going, dog. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. After me. I am going ice.


I'm going ice.


Okay, after ice. I'm going parks. Whoo.


Okay, whitey, what the fuck?


I live in Harlem.


Whoop dee doo. You'd be trying to actually foo foo, nigga, you'd be trying to act. Parks will go to Central park with a bets. Sit down. In a park. Ghetto shit. And then last. Last is mel and ish. You could flip a coin. Because I think they the same person anyway.


Oh, shit.


How much your socks cost?


The socks is crazy.


I'm asking a question.


I don't know about that.


And the g on it don't stand for ghetto.


But I don't.


Ghetto square.


Ghetto square.


Joe, you have a driver. You don't frequent any neighborhoods where you could potentially get bumped.


That ain't true. That's not true. That's not true.


When you're going to see your father, that's it.


That's not true. Do you know I'd be in hunts point every night?


What? No, you don't be outside.


What is he talking.


You don't be outside. Spot so sits at the front door. You walk out the spot, you jump in the car, and you drive back to your she she foo. Foo house ish.


You got my life fucked up. Yes, but it's dangerous.


I'm not disagreeing with you. That'll make you ghetto either.


No, no. I'm only replying to Ish's point.


All right, do me a favor.


Joe still likes to be places he.


Should not be at this point.


Now, do me a favor. Next time, just to prove your ghetto card, just stand outside for about 15 minutes before.


So good.


He good, he's good.


Nah, nigga.


Boys stand outside.


No, take public transportation. No drive.




Wait, subway.


Go there in the daytime. Look, go there in the daytime.


I ain't taking subway the long time.


Wait, let me ask y'all something. Y'all think. Y'all think that people that's up can't be ghetto?


No, I didn't say that at all.


You are.


You're not ghetto. That's what we say. You people that's up. Could be ghetto.


Okay, okay, wait.


How's your night, ghetto, though?


This nigga is crazy.


He is the most ghetto. Elliot, how is he ghetto?


Because he's still ignorant that he's in strip clubs. He shouldn't be at certain hours of the night.


That's not ghettos.


I just had a fight.


That's some ghetto shit.


That's old, man.


Keep going.


I win. That's one fucking thing in your lifestyle.


Are you crazy? I'm on number blocks every fucking day of my life, and not in New York.


I live in the ghettos.


What are you thinking about?




It's me.


I win in the ghetto.


What you talking about?


I'm in Austin.




I'm on ASAP every day.


What are you talking about? I don't think nobody. I don't think anybody here knows what ghetto means, including you.


I hang out in Londale's.


What are you talking about? I'm ghetto. Ghetto.


So ghetto is like being to you. Like what? Acts out on the streets. Like certain locations where you necessarily. You so up, you shouldn't be there anymore. But you still out there. How do you view it?


There you go.


You can go back to the ghetto. But if you going back to the ghetto and luxury, you ain't of the ghetto.


The ghetto, bro.


You get in the ghetto, you saying, hi, you paying your ties, you gotta do that.


I'm not ghetto fan. I'm in a ghetto frequently, but I ain't ghetto.


Move it around.


Moving like Richard Pryor, standing in the ghetto. I'm outside sometimes, standing in the ghetto, but I'm not ghetto. You.


How does that change, though? Now, because you do that in your big issue off the podcast. Like how do you deal with that energy? Now.


They don't look at me like that. They bow at you with down there. This nigga, you crazy. Yo. Take away. Let me ask you a question. When we take strip clubs out of.


This equation, that's, that's the equalizer, right?


What are you doing?




Fuck ghetto. What are you doing?




Urban don't make, yo, never mind.


But it's true, right?


What you're saying is true.


Who has the extroverse side of. He like to go to the freaky.


What are we talking about? Don't make somebody not get.


That's true. I just want to say this started because you were called Bougie is what we all say, that you are bougie. And you said, no, I'm not bougie. I'm ghetto. And then you said, I'm the ghettos here.


And yet he ran out of Bougie and ghetto.


I think though, that bought. That's what I'm saying.


Wouldn't say that.


You can. He ain't. Yeah, you could. He ain't it, though.


So can you be up and stay.


Not digging my nose in public.


Uncle don't make ghetto.


All right. I'm done with nasty ass niggas and I had to get hydrated before prize picks. Some of this clean Fiji. That's clean Fiji.


I need that other one.


Clean Fiji. Trying to get my Seleno and Barnes on cancer.


You said Selena and Barnes.


I normally use shit after they tell us there's some cancer in it. Some Newports. Johnson and Johnson, baby powder. Hookah. I ain't really done hookah, but hookah. What's y'all shit? Love 66. I tried it yet. I'm telling you, try it today. Ellie, you say Fiji is the best water?


I believe so. Besides the recall.


I will not reply to that.


Because you wouldn't be bougie.




They did a test on all the water and Fiji rates like, no, it's at 50.




Letting out of 100, it's like 50.


The website that do all that.


Like number two there was. Mountain valley was low.




The highest one was car park. Nope. It was eternal. It's called eternal. And it rated like 73 out of 100. Without all that I never saw was like below 50.


A capon is amazing.


She saw a different list.


Yeah, I was.


I saw aquaponic was number one.


Fiji was high. The mountain. Mountain valley is really high.


Hope loves Mountain valley.


Voss is trash on the list. That I saw when the last time you had a polling spring.


When is the last time I had a Poland spring? Yesterday.


Where. No, last time you drank a polling spring on purpose.


Thursdays at 1130 is my nail appointment and the pizza place is next door. So I was eating a pizza, and normally I try not to. I try not to get a beverage because, poppy, as soon as you come up there, you gotta drink beverage. Yeah, I drink. Drink. No, nigga, I didn't. But yesterday I said, you know what? Let me go get some pollution in this water, man. Sometimes the polluted water ain't bad. I went and grabbed. I drunk that shit. I could taste the particles, the cold. You can taste the cold when it's really. Watch that pepperoni shit down now.


They go well with a pizza, though.


Dirty water go good with a piece of. True. Here is our list of the ten healthiest bottled water brands in 2023. Look at prize pictures. Let's do it.


Let's get booze. All right.


Right. Avion.


Eggy on avion.


They still make avion?


Yeah, I had some last night.


French avion.






Yeah. Talk to us.


What is this? Liquid death.


That's the can.






And I never even seen this one. Wakia.


Yeah, I've seen it. You've seen it before? You got seven.




You don't go to 711, too.


And you don't go to Wawa.


And you don't go to Wawa. See.


That'S how we know you're not ghetto. You don't go to Wawa.


That's how you know he bougie.


I think y'all confusing ghetto with dirty.


No, nigga, no. Because I ain't dirty, you bitch ass nigga. Stupid ass. Yo, and wow, I got a monster coffee and you a coffee dude. That's why I know you.


Bullshit ish. I'm not against Wawa.


When the last time you been?


Day night in my hood.


Would you get a sandwich from Wawa?


Am I hungry?






But is that out of desperation and not because of choice?


If I have Wawa, I'm going to wawa.


He is.


Cause I'm an adult, it's not preferred. Yeah, what do you mean? Coffee?


I'd definitely get the coffee. I prefer the coffee.


The sandwich is kind of wawa.


Coffee's good.


Banging it is.


Yo, this is a old nigga pot. Not even.


Cause I'm here with my.


This has nothing to do with you. I just listened back to this pod, yo. Go blimpies, niggas.


Why do you think the youth love it, though? They fuck with you?


Why do.


Why if it's grown man shit? Most?


We're the cool uncles, man.


There we go.


I think some of them. Yeah, we do. Some of them want to hear from some cool uncles.


They need guidance. Even if you don't act like you don't fucking need it, they want it, right?


We're also stupid, so, like, it's not really. Guys.


They love to tell us how wrong we are about shit you're talking about. Yo, you might not. I damn near the screaming about you. I went to the power book two premiere yesterday. Right.


Okay, my nigga, you filming the walk in? You filming the walk in? Walking. We got the leds right, for the walking.


What speed did you walk in? I'm arguing with two niggas.


You're not gonna answer us?


Yeah, I'm ignoring y'all. I'm having a Dallas Celtics argument in the middle of the fucking thing. People coming up, yo, what is. They watch us, yo. And they love to call us out on our stupidity.


Fuck it. Cover the territory. Well, I was.


No, it was amazing, actually. The episode one was way better than I thought. A little bit of a fantasies in there, but it was. It was a dope overall episode. I think the writers did good because they had started to slip a little bit.




But to me, which episode? They showed you one. The same one that I watched. Yeah. I think Tariq and them went to, like, Navy SEAL school over the summer. But wait, what?


Maybe it was a different experience actually being there.


He was sitting next to Tariq.


You had to enjoy.


Exactly. So there's that.


But now I think the episode was dope. I think it's better than what I.


Thought you had on up in there, though.


What you giving them is you giving them, baby. We was giving these people.


You wore up in that piece.


Trench coat. How many Ava X's you had?


No, it was cocktail.


No. How many Ava rexes have you ever had?


In my life? Yeah, probably about three or four. Not a lot.


Different color. The lime green joint.


I had the yellow joint. I had a white joint. Three. I had three. I had a yellow joint, a white joint, and a black joint.


Y'all remember eight ball jackets? Anybody had eight ball jacket back in the day? Of course, that was my shit.


48. I couldn't afford one, though.


I see these kids online. Maybe it's cause of the power premiere or whatever. I'm not watching this. I don't know, but they starting that thing back up. Power versus the wire.


Oh, they got.


Shut up.


Shut up. Stand down. Right, big park. Talk to them nicely.


To people of age. This is a non debate, right?




Tell them, Mel. Tell them why.


Mel, if there's anyone here on the opposing side, please, please, now's the time. Speak.


I think we should first get to our favorite part of the show real quick.


I'm getting to it. I just don't think nobody is on the phone.




No one else.


No, no, no.


That's how, you know, we all. That's how, you know, we all we got. All right. It is time for my favorite part of the show. Prize picks. Prize picks is the number one daily fantasy sports app in all of the land. And with prize picks, you can turn ten dollars to one thousand dollars in a single game. Watching your favorite sports this summer, you can make a prize picks lineup in as little as 60 seconds. You just need to pick more or less on two to six players stat projections, and you are locked in. And if you are looking for promotions, prize picks has got you covered every week from lowering selected player stat projections on Tuesdays, which increases your chance of getting a win, to getting your entry fees back if you have a losing lineup on Fridays. Yes, indeed. Baseball is the NBA Finals. There's WNBA games, plenty of action out there. And when the Finals are over, the Hoops action doesn't stop on prize picks. Women's basketball is just getting started with young stars like Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese looking to make names for themselves alongside the gray like Breonna Stewart and AJ Wilson.


You can win up to 100 times your cash watching them ball out. Speaking of baseball, really quickly. Go Yankees. Go Yankees. Go Yankees. Eight straight wins. Best record in baseball. But that is not what I'm here to talk to you about. You don't get to the World Series and win without pitching. The Yankees have a lot of big, big bats are big bats.


Just in case it's pride month.


Big. Let's see. I was about to go crazy. Pitching wins in baseball. Our number one is coming back soon. But Ruiz, I think is his name. Ruiz has an era of like, one hasn't allowed a hit more than three hits in a single game. I think he's eight in one. The non baseball people don't care about that. So let me speed this up. What I'm trying to say is the Yankees possibly can win the World Series, and it's all contingent on the dominican women in New York.


That's it.


All for this.


By the way.


God bless.


I'm telling you something. I'm listening if that dominican boy keep pitching like that, the Yankees can win. But the dominican players get to New York and they don't sustain that because of New York, because of Dykeman. But if y'all hoes leave him alone.


Stay off Dykeman.


Just till October is a few months away. Just leave him alone. She might could do it.


Keep the hotties away.


Little dominican bitches away. They'll ruin it. Don't forget to use the promo code, JB. And good luck to all participants out there. That's what I got for you guys.


You guys watch the game last night?


Not really.


They spanked about the third quarter.


That shit was the best.


Big Boston spanked them. You know what I mean? Your guy got Dallas roofer. Dallas doing Dallas.


No, that game last night didn't move me off my Dallas pick.


Okay, I'll see to go so I.


Can see Boston letting a foot off the gas.


If keeps playing like that, it's gonna be.


That's the only thing.


Yeah. Oh, I could see him getting a kick to the groin. I can see somebody punching him in the face. He's brittle. Jason Kidd ain't gonna allow that to continue to happen. They gonna gonna close line him and get him out of here immediately. And I do think that while the Celtics may be a better team than the Mavs, top to bottom, I think that the Mavs have the better coach by far. And I expect to see the difference in that sometime soon. That's all I know.




You people out there hate my sports picks, so I'm shutting up.


They do. That's what the street say. Your shit is trash.


And then Drake bet on the Mavs, which. Which got everybody.


Oh, they losing that Boston.


Whoever Drake bets on, they tend to go to other.


I don't know. He blocked me. He put that in his ig. I didn't see it.


He did it. I don't check his ig. I got that from the blogs or something. Wait, he didn't unblock you?


I don't. I don't want to cry. I don't want to cry on the JPP.


Or nothing. He just.


We got beef. He don't love me no more. Toronto og said I wasn't welcome in the six. I love Toronto. Beautiful city. It is beautiful.


People probably just tone it down for a little bit. There you go.


You can sneak in there.


Sneak in there, right, val?


It's funny that you can't go certain places because of your hip hop opinions.


It's true.


It's funny.


I was telling about the Kendrick show. I said, yo, you should come out.


No, you shouldn't.


And then he's like, nah, I'm cool.


Yeah, you should care. Nah. Yes.


Can't pull up if I got you.


No, Elliott, you can't go ahead and.


Be Satan later form at the very least like that up in the window.


He could go to the show. He could.


They're just gonna clock.


Just don't know if he'll be safe.


He gonna be safe.


They're gonna have some fun at his expense.


I just don't know.


Something's gonna crip walk all over ish out there, man. Now you good, man.


That's the narrative y'all trying to put.


As the biggest video on him, though.


No issues. Good in LA. You just got it.


Y'all think Drake should have took all his disses off Instagram or wherever they was at. I think clear he cleared that. She took away.


I think it's white.


I mean, he, they still out.


Like, why?


The way he take them off a streaming and not any, just because you.


Stand on what you did, it's like you don't like the end result. Result. Again, I said earlier, it's like in this era, we're at where the people actually do have the voice and the vote. Like, it's like the goddamn politics. They said, hey, you lost. Kendrick won. So you wouldn't have done that if you won the battle.


Yeah, that's the part I don't like. That nigga ain't speak to me since that battle ended. He ain't hit me at all since that battle ended. And I don't like it. I don't like that. I don't like that. You should keep the same energy.


The family matters shit was the missile, and it was the kiss off. Like, fuck y'all niggas. And he, he actually, I'm gonna tell you, I'm gonna get a puzzle. He sent me it. Something that I can't say what he sent me. Cuz if I tell you what he sent me, it reflects what he sent me. Does that make sense?


No, not at all.


Anyway, so you can say it don't matter.


Yeah, send me a rat emoji. Cause I think he started to think, like, like, Venice. Like, Kendrickson Venice. You're in Venice. Like, he started to view it. Like, I'm just really against him. So when he dropped family matters, it was just like, I was like, yo, you dropping this tonight? He'd be back. Like, yeah, yeah, whatever, lol. Like, and then he sent me a rat emoji. And I'm like, I hit him with the 50 cent. I was like, what to say?


Fuck me for, like, blah, blah.


Like. But I didn't like that shit. Don't send me a fucking rat emoji. So we ain't emoji.


Y'all beefing over an emoji but not.


Saying the nigga sent you a rat emoji is ratting and snitching. That's what fucked up. That's the puzzle, right? Like, so is JBP. No, send me a rat emoji, like, 2024. It's like, I don't think if you.


Take the stand against the guy who broke in the house and tried to kill your wife, you're a rat. And if you're a journalist, you're right, Drake. You gotta still hit niggas that you was hitting when you was on top of the world. Like brandy.


Yeah, fuck that rattle movie.


You gotta still hit niggers. You gotta pop out and shut your foot.


You ain't gonna no Toronto, no Thompson.


I wasn't. That affects me none.


You know, you grow up in New York, though. Like, I don't know, Jersey, but, like, you know, like, you know, like, you don't walk through other niggas projects. Like you shorty in it. You got shorty in other projects. Like, you don't expect to be sweet. Like, I get it. I wouldn't think if I wasn't good with this, Nick. I'm just gonna pop up in Toronto and be floating around. I get it. Like, you ain't gotta tell me I'm not welcome if we. Me and you ain't good.


You get it?


Over journalistic?


Over being. Over being a journalist.


You walk around, you'd be fine, bell.


Of course I could. But I'm just saying, I still. I still would do. But he's saying that because remember, I also said, like, so the whole thing was like, even when we got the interview, let's give all the Jake, let's therapy.


Come on, let's go. Let it out. So the whole thing started.


When I was a child. Okay, I want to say for the record, the Drake rap radio podcast five years ago, the last great rap interview, fuck anything came after. So that took a long time to happen because he cut the bag with Apple. He had to talk to Zane low. He didn't want to talk to Zane Lowe. So we went through all these different cycles of things. I'm just like, yo, it's like. I don't know. I just think it's certain relationship I just. I just feel disappointed by the whole shit. I don't know, it just. It just bothers me. Is it fine for it to bother me? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. It could bother you, that's all.


Cause you always something, something.




See, I. They don't bother me. Let me just say, when you rapping, niggas don't like me and got a problem with me, I don't lose a wink of sleep at all. Oh, I sleep so good, I sleep better. Almost.


No, but I haven't built a revenue stream off niggas not liking me. That's the biggest problem I have.


You gotta build your business.


Where's my revenue stream of Nat don't like me? I gotta figure that out.


That's the problem with, is too many niggas making a money off based off me. Like. Yeah, that is the problem.


You don't want to be not liked.


At all by anybody.


They just don't go out of their way, jump through hoops to make sure.


That they got a talk. Everybody's talking, we're talking about them. They don't interact, and then they're mad about everything that's being said about them. But you don't talk to nobody. You're good. You don't sit with me. There's no clarity. And then you're mad because the whole culture is bubba bus trying to temporary shit and talking shit. But it's like you, you don't, you don't feed it to the ecosystem. You don't sit nobody. Nobody worthy.


Yep, I got.


Is it me? Is it Joe? Nobody's. Nobody's worthy.


Yeah, don't even be a. Come sit with me. Come sit with anybody. And I got a list of the a list mega people that don't come fuck with black or hip hop media.


They don't do the white shit. Fucking Rolling Stone play suck my dick. What the fuck you talking about? Who's in Rolling Stone?


I'm with spicy l on this. Who's your man?


Who's your man over there? Who's accountable?


You think? You think?


Fuck you think. It's a fear was Mister billboard.


There's no billboard, nigga.


I think that some of the artists. Right, cuz I had a long talk with, with, yeah, let me not be a rat like Elliot.


Rattles yellow, but.


Like, I was having this conversation with somebody about SZA. Cause she's on that list for me.


Yo, you know how hard, how close I came to getting? That's like, fuck. It's like capturing a butterfly.


Like, yeah, it's not real. If you was close. It's not real.


She told me we're doing it.


It's like trying to hit official.


That's the a list.


Then I can't get hurt. That don't happen.


You shouldn't.




You should know when the alien passion.


Is what I do, I've done it on the highest level. It's like.


It's like believing a politician when they say that, it literally means it's not happening.


Yeah, but these podcasters do be believing it.


They believe that's part of the problem.


They do be believing that's part of the problem.


Well, you want to make it happen. You want to make it happen. For all sister success, there's no defining interview or thing that exists that shows her growth of who she's become.


Now, how does that even matter?


I think it does matter. And I think that's why the Drake shit rings off forever. Because when are you gonna get him talking about ghostwriting all this type of shit? It's like you need those moments. Like, these fans are on YouTube all day. Watch what? You should have a career defining interview that represents you. That's part of your art. Everything can't be judged by your music.


Olekskin, eh? I think when people hear you say that, I think the artists themselves hear you say that, you know, was better for them than themselves.


Not know what's better?


No, I'm just like in the old age of Michael Prince and all them very exclusive. You're not getting them to sit with damn near nobody. Then when they do sit with someone, it's gonna be Oprah or Barbara Walters or something like that. And for them, they might wanna reach that level of exclusivity. They might wanna feel like, you know what? They wanna bring that level of quietness or content shit to themselves and not feel like you get to determine the time and the space where they want to go ahead and talk.


I think he's a thousand percent right when it came to Michael and Prince's era. I think today in this era, it's a whole different ballgame because you can't keep that same level of mysticism and mystique. Like, because anytime they go out to eat now it's a phone out. You can know it's hard, bro.


But not only that, people have, like, short fucking attention spans. So they're not where we used to look at the pages of Rolling Stones and whatever other article. Look, that magazine article xl, looking for like that investigative kind of journalism piece, you know, that lengthy piece. People aren't looking for that anymore.


But there's highly respected superstar acts that don't do none of this shit. But your coles, your kingdom, Hendrix, your. Your shit.


I'm tired of it.


The mystery and the mysticism is part of who it's wearing off. A lot of that also goes into why we don't necessarily identify with the artists as opposed to the songs. So I don't know these songs.


Say it again. I still say artists.


And I'll be like, I don't know who that is. And I should be like, yes, you do. And he'll play a song. And I'd be like, oh, that's who made that song.


Wait, we're not talking about new artists, though. We talk about.


Part of it is, like, presenting who you are in space. Like, in Joe's era was like, well, can this thing get in the radio and freestyle? Can he? If you think you got bars, does he have bars? Like, some of it's just actually representing who the fuck you are, dog.


When you get in front of an Angie Martinez or when you get in front of somebody that's good at what they do do as interviews go now, you start to resonate to the people on a humanistic.


Fans want it, right?


It's not just about your art. We all up here. Well, I'm new, but y'all all are music aficionados. I'm not that. So I used to build a relationship with an artist, and that's why somebody like 50 Cent can pull you in when they talking. Jay Z, Irv Gotti, these niggas will pull you in when they talking because they good at the interview.


You know, it's the worst part. I think that. And I'm saying this as an artist. Sometimes when you hear someone who's not an artist, who's in their realm doing what they do, tell you what you should be doing as an artist. When you're already successful at whatever you're doing, you look at them like, nigga, what the fuck do you know I'm doing? Me, I'm good whether I have the interviews or not. It's been working.


It's like.


I'm just saying. So for people like Kendrick, Cole, SZA, whoever, it's already working. And you telling them where they need to open up and give more. They looking at you like, no, the fuck I don't. And who are you to tell me that I need to do that? It only benefits you in that moment because of the field that you're in, for you to get that interview it gives you the spotlight of you being able to get that interview.


I still think it's more powerful if the artists can. Obviously, artists speak to everything through their music, right? That was always a class thing, is like, I don't want to talk about this personal shit, but track seven, you talked about the personal shit, right?




Your art is what you express your shit in. Yes, but my whole point is, I don't. I don't. I think you're limited yourself if you expect that the music, the art itself, tells the whole story. So my thing is to find those outlets or find the right person to help you tell it further until that story further and have these culturally defining moments, because that's what fans are gonna seek up. They're gonna look up your name, YouTube, in these interviews, and they want game, they want gems. They want to understand your artistry. Why do we have to shit on that?


Have you also conceived.


Y'all think it's all.


Have you also not to that some of the. Some of the people that.




The reason why they avoiding doing that is because they don't really have a story to tell. They just create in a story that's true.


And if you get to tell a real story, right, if you really get.


Them to sit down and really start to expose themselves, it might go to show that they not really the person that they pretend to be.


Some of them just feel like, bro, you get the art. You don't get me. I keep that part of me to myself. I don't want.


I can't give anything else.




And also, with their social media pages, they can control their own narrative. They can control what you know about them.


All of that.


You say, ellie, honestly, it sounds like it comes from. And fans have this, too. It's a level of entitlement. Like, yo, I'm a fan of yours. I like your music. I like this.


I want more.


I want to know about this. I want to know your. Your personal life and all this shit like they say up here about us. I want to see your kid and your girl and like, bro, no, you got what I choose to give you, and that's it.


You can see that. I just think, I'm not. I'm not trying to do that.


I'm saying from the artist standpoint, I get it. Talk to some niggas, be like, yo, I don't be wanting to do these interviews. I don't want to talk to nobody, because I'm not. I don't want to talk about.


But I just think most artists aren't. Artists aren't representing themselves strong enough because they're not doing anymore. It's not cool to do it. It's just the music, and it's actually limiting them to be in terms of what they can be and what it is. You have to find a way to me to find it the right way. And I'm not saying I'm not going for the clickbait moment. I'm going for, like, I love this song. You did all of this album. Like, how do I help you tell your story? How do I define it?


You going for the clickbait moment.


Not one views. But I don't want the clickbait moment. I'm not saying I'm not trying to violate you to get the moment, but my whole point is an artist. It's like, I don't know, like, joking speak to as an artist. It's like, I feel. I feel like you obviously know what the music. You're saying, what you want to say. You're telling your story. But I do think there's a place for interviews and conversations. Obviously. It's why we have a whole podcast, fucking phenomena. Why does it feel so separated where it's like, we have all these podcasts who are talking about this shit, but we can't talk to them?


Because you know why, too? A lot of people, it's like, it's fucked up from the artist standpoint. Like, people are chasing that salacious headline, and y'all nigga.


Put his two cent in. I think. I think we're conflating things right now. I'm what? This conversation. I'm not talking to the people that don't do press.


You talk about people that used to do it.


I'm talking to the people that do white press and do black music.


Well, that's. Yeah, I'm always all day with that.


I'm talking to those people. J. Cole, don't ignore black press and then go do gq.


Mm hmm.


Got it. Also, also, to El's earlier point about just humanizing order, artists becoming a little more palatable. Right.


My point, Jake.


Oh, your point? Well, you could share. J. Cole will still do something to touch us, Kendrick. Even though I'll never see an interview from him, he still do shit. I feel like to touch us. I guess my list is really Drake. And, yeah, SZA has been accused damn near of not making r and B music.


I was just getting ready to say that. You just cross over to another.


They've accused her of not even making r and B. I don't know if that's true. I'm not here to argue that. But she makes RB music. I think she makes r and B music. But that's one of the things that they've put on her. The body alterations. They. There's a picture being painted with scissors that it would do nothing but help if you spoke to somebody. If you just sat down with somebody black, go see what Angie see with anybody. Just speak to them. Drake, the same don't go hop. And I don't care about this one. Cause don't come now that it's over, nigga, don't come sit down now that it's over. Even though that'll be a bit. Hey, how you feel after you got your ass handed to you? He ain't gonna do no interview now. But at some point, like when Elliot interviewed Drake primetime view and everybody sat down in front of their YouTube at the same time and watched it like it was the Grammys. Those moments I just feel like are still important. And if you're not gonna do it, then, like, who is? Who is? Cause then what happens, right?


Is at some point. At some point what we doing?


I'm showing. I'm sorry, my bad.


I'm just left the broadcast.


But they consider for an interview. I just was showing this real quick.


I'm sorry. Oh, some drake Dms, huh? You're not showing is Drake DMs.


Some emojis.


Ellie is hurt. Hey, Drake.


Make me right.


Drake. Make it right. No, don't make nothing right with me. Don't make a fucking thing right. No, no, no. I love it. I'm cool. I'm cool where I am. But make it right where Elliot man, elite is hurt by this shit. What else? What else is.


I feel like I could be real. You're my peoples. I love you all.


You talking about Drake?




Speaking to Drake, a reference track leaked. Oh, man, what a segue of I'm single. Which was Wayne's record off of I'm not human being with Drake doing the vocals. So it brought the conversation of because I the knock on Drake was he can't be the goat or one of the ghosts if you have writers, if you have reference tracks. So now people have been scratching and clawing to try to find reference tracks or proof of writers for other people that are considered goats. So now that this Wayne reference track leak, which was it was a Drake record, supposed to be Drake and Wayne, and it turns out to be just Wayne. But does this affect anything for anybody now?


Was it Drake doing the verse that Wayne end up doing or is just.


Yeah, most of it's the whole song.


Most of it.


So don't really affect my view of Wayne. And I also don't really would drake. The Drake ghost writing accusations don't particularly bother me. For the most part, I do think it takes out of, like, the super nerd Mc conversations. I think it bumps it.


I'm single. Right.


The thing about parts of my. She was Angie is, like, I feel like the problem with me is, like, with the reference track thing, it doesn't feel. It always doesn't feel collaborative. It feels like we just sent this beat out to writers.




To do shit, send it back, and then let's pick apart what we have. So, you know, the idea is, like, music is collaboration, right? So my thing is like, well, that always feels kind of cold. So whenever you hear a reference track, it kind of takes away whatever song, because it's like. It just feels very isolated. Like, oh, this thing was just selling this record out and trying to get something popped. And it wasn't a collaborative thing of, like, I'm in the studio with Rory. I'm rocking with this person. I'm building this track. He has an idea, and we're building.


I don't even care about all that. My thing is. What type of record are we talking about? The I'm single record is more of, like a. You say like a singy.


It is vibe.


Vibe. I don't.


I don't.


I'm not bothered by Wayne getting that from Drake and saying, yo, I like that record. Let me get that. Now, if Drake wrote a Millie, I was sitting. Now we have to have a conversation. It's the reference shit. Even with the Drake shit, those reference tracks that we heard from him, I would. I was never really bothered by, because they were never the rap, rappy shit that we would have to hold them accountable for.


He did a whole different second verse that was.


Yeah, these are. These are sing along records. These are records that go farther than the rap type of shit. I'm, like, not tripping.


And there's nothing they could. There's nothing that they could reveal about Wayne that would make me be able to name 25 rappers that are better.


Yeah. Like, yeah.


And with Wayne, right. Like, if you were there for the mixtape run, you know that. That was his hand that had to go in there and do that at that capacity, at that type of clip. Like, Wayne has been doing this longer than a lot of y'all was alive out there. So, like, what do y'all want I don't give a fuck about this.


But Joe, outside of that, are we wrong when we hang on to this thing like he was an mc? Like, if we don't. If we know that the pure bars, the amp and the bars don't come from that person that's disqualified, do we, do we still need to hang on to that where maybe the general public doesn't care?


Not if I feel like. Not if. When the writer, you could go and do the same shit, like if Jay Z write me a verse and I go spit it on an album somewhere cool, and then Jay Z walk out, I'm just fine with my pin. I'm fine with that. I think the problem with Drake was now there's so many that people don't. People don't know what is his pin and what's not his pin. We just all assume, yeah, that's the problem. But other than that, don't nobody really care.


Now that's. And it could be just a naysayer thing, but those, that's, that critique on Drake is like, it like, puts an asterisk. People treat it.


It's like steroid everything.


Yes, people treat that like an asterisk next to everything. When you mentioned Drake, yeah, he did this, but that, no, I think so. Now, hold on. So now if that disqualifies him from these conversations, people are saying, okay, I want to see this same energy apply to other people that y'all put in these conversations. If they have writers or reference tracks. There's been rumors of Wayne having other people write for him for years. So, yeah, people just want to say, okay, now that we got this, now that we have some tangible proof, does this change the conversation for Wayne or.


No, no, that's just Wayne.


It's only. So we only going to keep.


No, but I think. We think Wayne is a spitter. So, yeah, no, we wait even more. I think we think of as bit. No, I get that argument.


We have.


Can we have a real conversation just about just how music is created, period, from a long time ago, not just a recent, a lot of rappers have gotten songs sent to them to go and possibly use with verses on it, with hooks, everything. And either the rapper heard it and said, this might work, or, no, I'll take this piece and use this and this and this and that. That's happened. That's always happened. You have r and B singers who sit in there to write the hook. If the rapper can't come up with a good enough hook, that don't mean that you still not a rapper. You're creating songs.


No, I mean, you judge it by the bars, though. It's like, if the hook idea comes, like, when swizz beat does on to the next one, in swizz beast's mind, that's my record. Like, you hear onto the next one, he's doing the hook is the beat. He's giving it the ho. But if you hear the presentation of that record, it's almost like it's a swizz beats record for sure. And then it's set up for, like, jay to do his verses, to magnify that and be what? What it's gonna be. But that whole era of producers, joe, knows, like, they came with these hook ideas. That's why pharrell blew up.




Pharrell came in with hook ideas. Swizz came with hook ideas. Not just the track. I'm giving you a fire track, and I got a great hook idea.


And then I've been asked to write for some of the greatest rappers in the world, just not by them. Seriously, there was a time when kevin lows or whoever was at the label was just asking, hey, write this. Here's a beat. Here's a hook. See what you can come up with for dmx, man. Never knew about this. Rest in peace, dmx. Like, these people just might not have known that. So I don't know.


Just think of situation the thing, too. Right. Just as far as fulfilling your publishing deal.


Yeah. Like, the labels is going to try to get a song on they hottest act, whether the act know about it or don't know about it, especially if it's a single. This ain't about you. It's collaborative now.




But how do you judge it, Joe, when, like, someone like you or Royce, like, y'all are pure, me and Royce.


Name should never even be mentioned.


That's what I'm trying to say.


We would never have. Never. We don't. That ain't us. They not like us. Yeah, they not like us.


That's what I'm trying to say.


We would not do that. Now, on the flip side of that, we also haven't seen the success of people that have done it.




So you pick your poison. What did you get into this game for? But some people got into it for all of the shallow vanity shit, and that's fine. Some people got into it on, and that's what I'm noticing a lot in hip hop today. There's a defined line between purists are purists. Yes. Yeah. Is it that line is more defined now than I've ever seen it. Even in hip hop conversations. You can tell somebody, Drake.


Drake's success is for step.


Actually, I agree with him.


Maybe Drake's phenomenal consistency and success is forced that conversation.


Yeah, he might. Yeah, you might be right.


Like, dog, think about if. And I'm not.


Like, when I'm talking, you know, when.


I'm asked to rick him, I don't want a steroid of right. We all don't want to in our heart. But we hear another reference track and weapon reference track, and then it's going to explode.


I just figured it out. Merlot? L? Yes.






Put that early.


Merlot? L. Yep.




You're great. No, we could just tell when, you know, when the wine is. When the wine is hit, when the wine is in.




Cabernet. Think about, I need a body with the rest. I need a body.


If you were torment, let's say you were megastar, and you have reached. You have surpassed wherever Joe Budden ever went as a rapper. Right. And now you're international.


A dark matter door, sir.


Watch it.


What you watching this year? Okay, I want to talk about dark matter.


You're an international artist now. International. So you're not only doing United States press. You got to be in Ireland, you got to be in London, you got to be in South Africa. You got to be all over these places. I think that the level of success would have you not be able to sit in your room and write, bar it up.


Yeah, maybe.


You know what I'm saying?


You got time, right? At 48.


Yeah. The ceiling of your success will start to determine what type of artist you'll continue to become. So, Wayne, hit a peak where, nigga, you produce so much that you now are not allowed to just sit and focus on the craft. You're doing this, you're doing that, and you have at least enough people around you where they can cater to you. Like, you know what? I'm writing this solely to cater to Wayne. And if Wayne hears it or I'm in a zone where, yeah, I can go ahead and do a little harmonizing song like, I'm single, and it makes sense to the brand at the moment.


So, Joe, did you feel like you never would feel comfortable spitting somebody else's lines?


Like, I would never spend nobody else lines, huh? There's never a time where I would spit somebody.


You would not feel comfortable. Right?


I don't do it. I wouldn't even entertain a conversation.


What about back and forth verse?






Him a stat because you create that.


That's different. That's different because we're together in the creator. So it's been times where you and Joel. Joel has ended a bar. And I'm like, damn, why you thought the rhyme that now? I'm like, he'd be like, and he'll give you half for the next one and get your brain going. Yeah, I don't look at that.


The way the wutang is know each other's rhymes. Wutang guys know everybody else's rhymes. Wu Tang knows, like, yeah, no, dirty rhymes. Like, everybody know each other's boss.


Jadakisson styles.




Same shit. You could tell. They sat there and formed that together. And.


Again, the problem with reference tracks, it feels cold. It feels like I sent the trek out. You know, Imani tried something, and then he sent it back to me. And I'm like, I may try to take that. It feels isolated, right? I used to feel like it doesn't feel collaborative, like music.


And if you. That fire with. If you. That fire where you writing the verse for me is gonna. Is gonna catapult some shit differently than me writing it, then I'd rather you just give me the direction. Direct. Yeah, direct point, your producer.


Yeah. Great point.


If I'm writing it wrong, let's say.


Wayne or Drake, let's say they had you are up and coming, and it's not just clicking for you, but you dope. If Drake tells you, y'all, I'm gonna give you $250,000 a year. I'm gonna give you $300,000 a year to just write for me. What the fuck you gonna do? Niggas got kids like, our bills to pay. I got a mortgage to pay or rent to pay. I'm gonna be what?


He's gonna use everything that you send. Yo, I think the measure of a great artist is being able to go ahead and get outside of your own brain and say, I can take some shit from another artist.


I can use some help, but I.


Can make that your own, though, too. Right?


That's also the other thing, because you've heard, like, we've heard. We've heard records of Chris Brown doing something one way and then someone else does it, and you're like, damn, this shit don't really.


None of this shit we talking about applies in RB or any other form of music.


Because if you think about all the forms of music, there's writer mad slay over the history.


Everybody scream over each other right now.


How do we. But is it old school for us to hang on to that tier of, like, what you and Roy said, where it's like, if it's bars, then that's where we draw the line. Like, how long do we hang on to that?


There's two different hip hops now. So when you say we, who is the we? Did you talking about? I'm saying the people that I'm talking about, like Royce and musicians, and it don't even need to. We know. We know who you are. Like, no, but that was upset. These other people in hip hop that are in the conversation because of the commercialism and artists. Yeah.


Or not even artists.


These people like who they like. They don't necessarily like hip hop.


But does that drown out the essence of that original voice? What y'all have, like, their voice become louder.


Their voice is accepted. Their voice is louder.


It's louder.


Their voice is louder. And I accept that. They don't change. They don't change. Change. Me staying on my dance.


But that's the evidence. That's just the evolution. That's just the evolution of anything starts a certain way, and it builds into a whole nother thing, and I just.


Try not to speak to those people.


No. And we're still in an era where you and Royce could be fly and doing it. I just don't want to get to the level where it's like you're the old man saying, you got to do it this way. Like, you know what I'm saying?


Like, all the time.


We're not there yet.


I'm not telling you niggas what they should and should.


That's what's happening with Drake. Back to the original. Yeah, we hear that Drake sports in all these conversations, because Drake is being looked at this way.




Oh, you got writers. Oh, you got reference tracks. Okay, again, I bring the question when they're saying, okay, well, now, look, somebody that is below there, that is elite has reference tracks. Someone wrote that. What's up? Are we keeping the same energy or not? That's really what you know.


Well, all right, so we're not, dog.


We. We can't really hit. The real conversation is, for the most part, that nigga didn't have no chinks in his armor.


Who, Drake?


Who Drake? He had to push a chink. Now we got to find something to find it. Like, to humanize this nigga. He not writing his own shit. If we find other dope niggas that really get busy not writing their own shit, it's not going to be viewed with the same and that's. That's the point.


The reference. The reference tracks with Drake. Let's be very clear. We've always had an issue with niggas not writing their own bars raps. These reference tracks are not bars.


They're vibes.


They're not. They're vibe fucking records. That's why I said everything boils down to the type of record that you're.


Getting that what's the McCallership wasn't mob tas. Mob ties.


Mob ties is not.


No, he's saying his vibes. He's saying the whole, it's not a bar. We was mad cause he felt like, yo, we felt like he was representing, like, the pusha tv from who was saying, I'm sick of these niggas. Like, that was his whole thing. And mob ties in Houston, like, we felt that was all coming from his heart, in his chest, like, it was all his creation.


I look at Drake different because it appears that you can't just do a timestamp whenever you feel like it. That's my own opinion.


Yeah, you wild with that. That's your new thing.


But it's not.


You lost a time stamp, kid.


If you have been listening to my Drake critique, it's just really consistent. I miss the Drake that I miss. I had to let go of it. He's a different person now, doing a different thing. But the nigga I know introspect with the best of them. Lyrical miracle with the best of them. He wasn't playing with niggas today. When you needed that, you couldn't do it. I look at you away there'll be no, no battle ever in hip hop where I need to pull out my lyrical miracle and it can't happen now that's not saying I will. I won't lose. I could lose. But you gonna hear lyrical miracles somewhere.


I hate I received that. Kendrick, though. I also feel with Drake, Kendrick is a different. He never. But also.


But Drake's Egypt, and this is not a Drake cast, so we're leaving this shortly, please.


Last one. My argument to me, my position was always that the reason Drake lost, also because he doesn't, he does not want to view Kendrick as, like, a true rival. Right. In a real way. All his diss records, he clapped at everybody. Everything was takeover. It was as much about the weekend as ever. He never centered on Kendrick in the battle, which is why Kendrick won to me, like, he, like his mind. He's always obsessed with Kanye. Kanye is this competition. Kendrick isn't. That's why he lost the battle to me, you know? Is that fair to say? I really.


Good point.


Yeah, that's part of it. You got the wine. Eyes to the wine. Eyes.




Red wine.


Yeah. When you. When you 46, 47 and up, that wine be sitting on your face. Right, right.


It's always the cheeks.


You could tell that's some expensive shit, Rosie.


You can tell me.


The effect is different.


Yeah, no melon.


Sit over here. Quiet like a church mouse.


I mean, I'm just taking it.


If it was some cheap shit. She.


Is that one. I'm ghetto.


I go say ghetto. I've never seen you be ghetto, but yeah.


Yo, my folks, man, I wanted to be here.


I'm trying to get a ghetto bone in bottom.


You can be loud.




You know, you're not ghetto.


No, no.


Damn it.


I'm gonna catch you for Cory. Opens the water, throws it.


Anyways, while we talking about. Why are we talking about old shit, JB? So Skino recently did interview.




Mm hmm.


Did y'all say, yeah, some. I. I did. And he brought back up the whole bean's court case where hov came to court and they asked him, hey, would you take.


Would you take him?


You know what they're doing. But, yeah, if this guy does anything, are you responsible? Yada, yada, yada. And hov said, no.




Now, that story's been out there for a while. I've heard this for years.


Mm hmm.


But where do y'all stand on this?


I'm gonna go last.


Where do y'all. Where do y'all. We don't need to waste time.


You gotta waste time.


We know we ice.


I think I followed isis.


And just so we're clear, that is.


I'm on ho side, Joe, to no hope. Like me.


And you do.


Like, we see that happening. We see it. Like, of course he would do that.


But, you know, point was, why would you come to court?


That's a valid.


That's a valid cause. You don't know. You don't know. You don't know that the judge. You can't preemptively say that. Your judge is gonna ask you that. You don't know that. Your judge is gonna ask you that. So you come into court to be supportive, but you don't know the judge gonna say, yo, I let him go today. But you have to take responsible for his whereabouts and his activities.


I'm not.


Especially if I tried to like and talk to you a couple times. That's why I wanna go. Sit your ass down. Yo, listen to me. Listen to me, I'm trying to tell you, you about to mess yourself up. It's like, all right, you gotta let. You bump your head at some point. You don't wanna listen to me. Cool.


Perfect example.


Perfect example.


People we know.


I already thought of it.


Yeah, I know. Exactly.


Love them.


I love you.


Free to wave.


Free to wave. That's my guy.


He's up here. Before he goes in, he's up here and doing great up here.


Killing. Killing. And he was on, like, a winning streak. Winning the battleground. Everything about his life projected up. Killing. It's true.


And whether we. Whether Jersey, whether him circum. Whether his circumstances was by things that he actually had involvement, whatever the circumstances was that you now have to go to court. You just going as a character witness. Yo, that's my man. Boom. Boom. He works it. Boom. And then they say, yo, well, cool. Are you willing to go ahead and vouch that nothing else is going to happen after you take responsibility for him? What happens?


If you're just asking me?






Yeah, nigga.


Real life. If you're only asking me, no, I probably wouldn't do that. Now, if I'm in that situation and they ask me that and Surf is my man, I'm gonna go talk to mama. Surf first.


Are you allowed to be mad at surf mama?


If Surf mom give me the word that we good, then I'm taking Surf's mom word.


So let me tell you. Let me tell you, in that situation.


If he let me tell you what I would do in that situation, I might still get fucked.


I would've told the Joe Jeff. I would've told the judge. Yes. Me being who I am, but I understand the people that say no.




I'm not mad at the people that say no. I've been telling you for the last year, sit your ass down. Beans. I ain't trying to change you way longer than you. Just give you some game to make the transition from the streets to the fame. He says the shit.


Oskino's other point was, what happens if beans fucks up? Like, you not going to jail, they're not going to charge you with nothing.




That's the.


That's. And that's where I would have said, yes. I'm Jay Z. I'm on a meteoric rise. What y'all gonna do if he do?


We know what women.


It's money. It's some type of.


It's just money. It's just money. That's it. You might have lost.


It's gotta be like a bond or.


Something that changes my answer, then it might have been some bond that changed your answer. If it's just some money involved like that and I'm up or whatever, that's like, where am I putting up the house?




No, yo, you don't show up, we're gonna snatch this crib from you. I'm not guaranteed that he gonna show.


Up if I'm not sure what he gotta do. If I'm not sure about what it is you're gonna do outside of that, that can also affect you being around me, not just the money aspect. I'm considering.


Cory ready. Corey ready.


So at the end of the day, I have corporation here. I'm building. I'm already my own name. I have other people employed that depend on me to make the right decisions, not just for me in my street code sense. I got to make those decisions for their employment and the things that could be affected by them. All because this one person doesn't want to listen or isn't able to go ahead and control himself.




Well, I was gonna say maybe that's not politically correct estimate. Maybe I know my nigga need to sit down for a little bit.


That is possible.


I don't like that.


I don't like saying that that might have.




I'm not mad short term.


I don't ever want to say I might have been to sit down, but.


I'm not mad at that. Only because I feel like jail saved my dad's life. I've seen, right. I have seen jail rehabilitate.


Sometimes they people, a few never gonna be that way.


Yo. Um, nah, me personally, I would have said yes, but I would have cursed his ass out the whole entire rod home. I would have been like, dog, I would have been on some real big brother nagging you. Shit.


I got a problem with beans having it issue with whole for many, many, many years behind that. Because it's like, if you're not gonna be responsible for yourself, then don't be mad at somebody else for not wanting to be responsible either.


That's it. You the reason why you why we're here having to do this.


I ain't do shit. Yeah, I'm coming just on this drift, beans.


Talk to that later. In another interview, he said it, one of his ogs hit him and was like, yo, don't you say another bad word about this, man. Like, this man changed you and your family's life. Like, don't say another bad word about this, man. You gotta take a little bit of accountability for the shit that you was doing, and that was it.


He said, can I say.


That's the last thing he said about Jeff.


Can I say?


The only thing that I would have a problem with is if this person was your go to person when bullshit was going down that you relied on to be that bullshit guy. You now can't go ahead and now not want to go. So if that's the case, if beans was your hitter, your hitter, and not just lyrically, but if a nigga came up and stepped to you, he the first person to smack you, and you took advantage of that, or you used it, then, yeah, you kind of got.


To go ahead and hold a nigga down the Hov.


I know. Forget her. Never mind.


I'm just, you know, hypothetical.


Hove ain't never needed somebody. Hove is in that Will Smith crew.


No, I know.






Hov is ll. Yeah. Will Smith.


Yeah. Beanie would jump out before needed to say, hey, you should jump out. That's how they let it with their chest. They would do it before it was asked to do it. That was the energy when Philly came to that.


Yeah, but you know.


But you.


But you know. You know how to keep people around like that.


Of course you want.


But I'm not.


I'm not saying about ho.


I'm just saying first line of defense.


People do that. Well, there you have it. There you have it. Um. Revolt now belongs to its employer.




That's how they did whatever they did. And now the employees own it. They took a big group picture.


That's pretty flaw.


Yeah, depending on how they did.


Actually gonna be out.


Of course, in three weeks, revolt is.


Gonna be off air.


Why do you say that?


It was priority being ran by whomever is running it. It though.


It sound nice. It sound cute.


That's a nice headline.


Hey, shit.


Looks pilots turn some positive. The name, the dirt that was attached to revolt due to it being.


It's better than giving me no ownership to some shit y'all done killed. Yeah.


No, it's like giving back the publisher.


And now I got to do all the work to get it back up.


You already wore this. You already work here. Whoever the CFO is, he already the CFO. Whoever the CEO or CEO is, they already them. So it should be business as usual. I don't know the ins and outs, but it should still be business as usual. If we was gonna be profitable, we was gonna be profitable. If we wasn't, we wouldn't.


I don't know, man. What's the over and under, man?


For them.


I'm taking less.


Two years. Whatever.


Whatever the prospect line is.


Yeah, give me the more or less.


I'll take it more. Take it more.


You know the funny what's on revolt right now? Like, I don't even.




I don't know.


Partnership, right?


I don't know that. I don't know that. We do not know if any of that is current.




That's true. And we don't want to speak on niggas business.




And if he is over there, I'm sure he's trying to get off of there, so.


Yo, is there demon. Is there a demon or goblin on this?


More or less. Because if the demons.


On the less, I'm taking a less.


Nah, demons all.


Congratulations to the revolt that own it now.


Yeah, congratulations to y'all.


Yeah. Thoughts and prayers.


That too.


Thoughts and prayers. There's always thoughts and prayers. What else? What else we got going on here that's important? What if. What? Ray.


Ray J and Shannon Sharp had a really big, big interview.


I'm done watching Shannon sharp interviews for the rest. Really? Yeah, I'm done. I didn't see it.




Big jump, cuz? I'm just done. I'm just done. It's my own personal business. I don't want to share. Okay, not being grumpy, but see, this is our spot. Last part.


You did the Joe face.


Don't let us trap you into it.


Yeah, if there's nothing wrong, there's nothing wrong. And you trying to set me up.


I'm asking you a question.


What part of his interviews? I think Shannon gets really important interviews. Mm hmm.


Of course.


Like, I like the people that he sits with and speaks to for me, I'm having a hard time being able to recognize which sports analysts aren't watching the game. Like, I can tell. I can tell who's on in the morning. Just reading off stats. Yeah, or reading off papers. And that don't do it for me. Really?




And that's where Shannon's interviews are for me. He's asking about a lot of things that I know. Shannon don't know a fucking thing about the research team.


It feels like he has a research team question.


I mean, he has the paper ring.


It in and he sharpen it out to them.




A secret, right?


Yeah, but some people freak that paper a little better.


Yeah, exactly.


He makes you heavy handed, like. And I love him. And what he's doing. I wish him nothing but the best. But that coupled with the. Oh, come on now, Regan.


You feel like it's like, okay, it comes across.


It comes off. Back to that. Back to what they said about. About him with the cigar and the Henny on skip show. And I don't want to view him like that. He's one of the best tight ends in the world. Pause or unpause. It's probably, yeah, he's one of the best. I love him. I love what he represents. I do love all the memes. Like, he's brought a lot to the game, and I'm appreciative of it. I want him to continue to bring shit to the game, but I just don't necessarily have to watch it.




I think he definitely caught a stride of what was working after the cat Williams joint, and he's like, we just gonna stick to it. And everybody that comes up here, we got a certain routine that seems to still be working. Yeah, go viral. The ray J joint was. I liked it, actually.


That was a prime example of the Ray J shit. He teased the ray J interview, and the tease was something along the lines of, we got Ray J, and he's gonna give it up about everything in the world. You never heard Ray J unfiltered like this. That's what the tease said. I know Ray J, and I've seen a lot of. I've sat with Ray J, I've interviewed.


Ray J, and he give it up all the time.


All day.


He gives it up every time.


Yes. He don't know how not to give.


It up at all.


And speaks about the same thing quite frequently in every interview.


I don't think he gives it up at all.


What do you think?


I don't think Ray J gives it up at all. I think Ray J is a media genius.




If he giving it up is fake, he wants you to think he giving it up, but he don't really tell you nothing that he ain't said before or just some surface level shit. Ray J gonna sit down and control his interview. There was nothing that said to me that Shannon was gonna get some information out of Ray J.


He's gonna control it. Yeah.


Ray J k every day.


Gonna get.


His shit off at all times, no matter who's sitting there. Yeah. Don't think that you did special to raise it. Yeah.


He could give you just enough to feel like you unearthed this shit, but he still got a lot in the tuck.


Yeah. So I like that he gave. Hey, man, I feel like a lot of shit in media be different if me and Kim K sex tape never came out. That seemed like a headbanger kind of punchline. But he said that because I've heard.


But that's what I'm saying. Like, in matters of giving it up, I don't, I don't feel like he said anything brand new that we need to hear. It just felt like, nigga, I'm, you already know this stuff about me. I'm just gonna keep.


So what do you do if you're Shannon Sharp and you have this great cat Williams moment that set off the whole year? Or, like, do you find yourself chasing that, like, to try to have these sort of viral things or booking guests that, you know, like, like a ray.


J where you never gonna have that again.


But Tim. But damn it, if it ain't your first hit of crack. I'm a like, he said, yo, off that one interview, he made more money than he ever made in one single year in. Yes, it did.


No. Didn't he make. No, he make a lot of money.


What I'm saying.


In any one year. No, they pulled it up. They.


So what do you think? Somewhere around it wasn't a lot.


All right. We could go find it. What?


Even if it wasn't at for him, because it's relative. I did this one interview for three or 4 hours, and I made more than I ever made in a twelve month span. So, of course I'm gonna keep trying to chase that particular high again. So I'm gonna go get all of these people that have the potential to be salacious or that have the potential to say some wild shit so I could reach that high again.


I'm not mad at that.


Yeah, me neither.


I'm not mad at him. I love platform.


It makes sense.


It's just in terms of, it would have to be another one of those moments or somebody really being truthful. For me to sit down and be like, all right, I'm gonna watch this. It would have to be that fucking Terrence Howard type, something like that. I have to hear what this.


But you know Ray J. Ray J. Bringing Ray J to the table.


Yeah, I know Ray. Go ahead, rock out.


And I like, I like, I like that Shannon's platform, the almost cliche thing to do would have been just interviewing mad sports people. Like, naturally, that's what I thought he was gonna end up doing. I like the fact that that's just not what he is.


He chasing the other side.


I like that he's chasing the other side. A lot of comedians feel like now that's a spot where they can come and really be heard and seen in a way that they've never been able to get attention. Certain artists, certain shit. So I like that. Just follow what it is. It's working.


So what did y'all, if anybody seen the interview?


I mean, pretty much I saw clips.




I watched it, but there was only thing I saw I don't even want to repeat because he sounded crazy. And he should have not said that. About Kim K. No, about a certain venture that he was into.


Come on, Parks.


He said something along the lines of, I'm perform. I'm starting a media company for gang members to help bring funds to the gangs. And it was probably just worded poorly, but that's a bad way to find. You shouldn't say that.


Killer Mike.


Killer Mike.


Killer Mike's done something like that before.


When he's a better way to word it.


He got the crips to start their own drinks, and it was like, yo, I want to help fund them because they have ideas which would better fund the venture. I mean, it sound crazy, but I'm.


Not mad at idea, but maybe could.


I would word it a little differently.


I think it depends on what your intent is. Because if your intent is, yo, I.


Want to put money into the hood.


It's called financial backing. I want to give people that would get away from selling drugs, criminal shit.


Exactly how it came out.


It was funding a criminal enterprise.


I didn't want to say it, but.


Yeah, I mean, you want to talk about the. What's the motorcycle? A lot of these people do the same shit. They help fund these people that are attached to street crime and all this other shit, and then they legitimize.


Oh, like fucking President Biden. Yeah, and all the president.


And all the president.


Yeah, but especially president. But this little hunter, nigga. Oh, no.


Hunting in Russia.


Hunter's a wild hunter.


Hunter. Go crazy in that russian.


Real white shit to name your kid. Hunter.




This is hunting crack.


Crack hunter. Y'all want to talk about the St. Louis restaurant bliss, I think is the name of it, that now has age restrictions. I want to say women have to be 30 years old.


Men have to be 35.


Yes, and men have to be 35.


This is like the financial requirement club in New York.


Go with the 50,000 in your bank. I like this, though.




I like this idea.


Slightly different.




I'm not mad.


Like, I like it legal.


I like both.


Is it illegal? Is it.


I don't think so.


No, it's not.


It's a private establishment. It's up to them.


They can.




I like it.


And they say they stand in the decision no matter what happens with the business. They said this establishment is for an older crowd to kind of wants to stay away from those boozy brunches and bullshit.


Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't want to be around a bunch of bitches that are just like, ew and twerking it. I don't want to fucking deal with that.


We was with you up into that.


Okay, so then why would you want.


To go to bliss?


Why would you want.


What would you want to hear the 30 and plus year olds say, have you seen them?


When sexy, rare. Come on. Not just that. We talked about this on Patreon last week. St. Louis was in the tops, and murders might be a correlation. Young niggas out here murdering motherfuckers. I want to be with the 30 year olds where I don't have. Have as much of a probability of.


Getting my head, but I can have a good time. They know the vibes is going to be controlled certain way. It's like controlling your environment in a sense, right?


At least they asked us as fat, bro.


We can build off that.


Birds are so funny because they don't.


Even know they being birds.


Mel, you would enjoy the birds if you didn't dance off beat. Oh, shit. Like when they twerk, if you just had a ounce of rhythm, you could, too have a good time.


I do have an ounce of rhythm.


Okay, there you go. Mel.


Mel got rhythm. Come on.


You're not helping me out. I swear to God. You're okay? Yeah, I do.


It ain't a whole lot of rhythm. It ain't a whole lot of rhythm.


Why? Because I don't get up and I don't. And I'm like. I'm not, like, big into twerking and shit.


No, no, no. Cause you can't find a beat.


There's nothing wrong with that two step contest. Two step.


But she don't. Two steps. You do this white girl off beat. She. Whatever that shit is, she beat.


I just play up here. You don't see how I really get down.


Okay, I received that. Okay, I received that. Thank you. All right, so what else? What else? What else? What else? What else is there that is important? Unimportant.


Tell me about dark matter.






Fire, right?


It's time.


What a Joe show.


I wouldn't know if that. Cause it's a little Sci-Fi sometimes you don't have to.


Sci-Fi I'm not familiar. So what is this show about and where is it?




It's hard to describe.


It's on Apple.


It's on apple.


It's about options. It's about options and choices and regret and how one choice can alter the rest of everyone's lives and the world, essentially. That's what the show was really about.


And mindset. I don't know how far you are.






I'm halfway through six. I didn't finish. Okay. Oh, no.




You know about my.


Oh, yeah.


Going into situations with the right intentions and.


Oh, yeah. They figured out how to control the shit. Come on. Come on. You gotta get the box together now. Now. It's such a. It's such a great show. That is a great concept. It is. Great show. Here are my thoughts. I thought that white. White dude from Ozark. What's his name again?


Jason Bateman.


He's in it.


But had he been Ryan or not?


Joel Edger.




Whatever. The white boys name.




If he played that part. Oh, this show is in a different. I like him, too. I just feel like that.


Oh, from the gift. Joel Edgerton.


I don't know the movie.


Yeah, that's one. I feel like if Jason Bateman played it. Wow.


Dark matter two.


Here's my thing.




I don't know if this is a spoiler alert or not, but the dude. Really. Jake, too. Once he got to Jake one's life, he didn't want that shit.


No, no. Well, that's. I think that's kind of the point. I think that's the overriding theme of the show, is you think you want.


That's my only problem. You did a lot of bullshit and do this.


The last episode, you start to see it when he's in the therapist.




Like, he's like, oh, shit, I might have fucked up.




All right, so, similar concept is butterfly effect.


This is more of an alternate reality.




For you.


Like, it's almost like time travel, but not.


There was a movie called Sliding Doors, where it's just like one decision that you make alters the entire course of life.


It's kind of.


I described it to my friends as interstellar and kind of inception mixed with something else. I couldn't think of what the third thing is, but it's a little bit mixed together.




So this dude is trying to get back to his wife. I really feel bad for him.




I really feel bad for him. Cause he keep finding his wife, but it's the wrong wife.


All right, good.




So the last part, episode five, you came out the box. He's like, oh, this is it. This is it. I was hyping the bed, like, yeah, he found it. That nigga went to see his wife, said, you're supposed to be in jail. What are you doing? He had to run out of there. Then the sun came, attacked him. I sound nuts if you haven't seen this show, but dark matter on apple fire. Phenomenal.




Got it.




Clap it up. Clap it up.


Apple has good shit.




Why do you think it's so buried? It doesn't translate out. It's like it still feels very insider. As big as Apple is, I think.


Some of it's the YouTube effect. When they put the album on our phones, like, they put this shit. Any tv you bought, any product you bought, they're like, here, we'll give you Apple tv. No one kind of really goes to it. They don't care. And I signed up for the shit, so you kind of forget about it. And it's also. Also the frequency of shows. I was talking to my people the other day. I was like, you probably only get maybe four seasons, a year of some shit that you really want to watch. But they're an excellent four seasons.


They got some new. They got a new show that's getting ready to come out on Apple. It's called presumed innocent.


Mm hmm.


Oh, yeah.


With Jake Gyllenhaal.


Oh, yeah.


Listen to these.


Might have been defense attorneys head Joe. A horrific murder upends the Chicago prosecution is suspected of the crime, leaving the accused fighting to keep his family together.


I was. He said, jake, gym got me.




Jake, Jake.




When I fuck with Jake, I fuck with Jake. I'm watching that. But Parks is right. Apple do got a bunch of shit. Slow horses is fire. Manhunt is over. The eyes ain't started yet.


The morning show was amazing.


You got Manhunter.




Man hunt, man.


What's about John Wilkes Booth?




Oh, it's about him killing Abraham Lincoln and I'm.


And slow horses. Yeah.


I love boy. When they glamorize a killer.


When they do it the right way.


Wait, why they be swaggy, yo, the.


Killers be kind of swaggy? Some of them.


Did you ever watch a Dahmer on Netflix?


I wasn't about to answer them. Go ahead.


You watched it, right?


Oh, shit, yeah.




Why do you love Glamorizer? The killers. Mister Joe, buddy.


I mean, there's a whole genre. True crime is, like, one of the biggest genres in the entire world because we like that fuck shit.


So why do you no more wine in here.


I like wine. Drunk people, they just be fun.


They do be fun.


Talk a lot, but it'd be fun.


I got a ghost.




No, no, you good, everybody, you good.


But when we take them little breaks and you and Mel walk off to the side, probably no more walks. It's probably no more.


Intercept them.




We gotta give him some weed somewhere so it balances it out.




Cold cuts or some shit.


That's some of the best bread pudding ever. You talking about. Oh, wait. Speaking of snacks, and I'm gonna answer your question after this is I feel like we should. I want our new bet documented on him.


I said bring it to the air.


Oh, yeah, I have to document it. Just. Cuz you need a scale to start the. He scared me, though. Cuz he's fasting already. He do scare me. His fast over me. And ish made another bet. Double or nothing. We did.


Mm hmm.


And the audience, which definition, if you old time listener, you know, I don't know what double or nothing means, but we did a bet. Double or nothing ish is going to lose 30 pounds by August 1.






No, no, no. Let him. It gets better.


Oh, okay. Keep going.


Oh, it does? I thought that was the end of the bet.


Cause he's fasting already, right?




You seen a bread pudding?


How much I had?


Nigga, I watched you from out there.


I'm asking you a question. How much I had. Hold on.


Two plates.


Hey, Erickson, how many plates?


They had the bread button.


Two plates.


You see how.


And then after that, he ate some chips.


You see how the narrative. You see how the narrative goes?


I saw Mel. Was he like, yo, the first portion.


I bread had a bread putting was this little.


Okay, so it's a portion.


A little bit.


You can't get a slice of bread pudding that.


Look, I did.


I wouldn't.


That's why he went back for a second.


The next break, I got another piece about ice was watching me. It was bigger than that. It wasn't the next break.


We only had one break.


The second piece I got was this.


Nah. So I'm actually on the next break we had.


So what's the second part of the bet?


That's it?


No, that was the end of the bet.




He just want to put it on camera.


I just want it on record.


Stenographer, I told you I need a scale. Let him step on the scale so you can know the starting point and know what the goal is. 52 three days ago.


Wait, you weighed 252?


He trying to get to what you trying to get to?




I thought when we made the bet, you told me you weighed 245. But I don't care.


I'm telling you what I weighed myself three days ago. It was 252.


You don't lose. 252?


Sorry, dog.


Was that, like, your peak weight?


Like, five nine?


I'm not five nine.


Watch your fucking mouth.


Was that your peak weight, like back in the day?


Nah. I know this is the heaviest I've ever been in my life.


What's a good 200?


210. Ideally, 210.


So ish has close to two months to get down to 222. Yeah.


Get some of that tea.


Get right for the summer. Ozimpic, you're ready for the laser now.


If you take Ozempic, betters off.


You think I put Ozempic in my body? Me, maybe me. You know me. You put that shit in my body.


Well, to win, not the issue. I knew. No, I don't think you would have done that.


Are you against flat timing?




It's trash.




Yo, busta rhymes. Don't order no more. Zip it. Don't order. No, I'm telling. Saying this out of love. That's my nigga to stop now. You did it. You did it. You have reached your designated weight. Don't buy no more that shit.


That's all I got.


Thank you.


They say the problem with Ozempic is once you start it, you can't stop it.


There are some niggas that's extra fat.


Nah, they said that you gotta keep taking.


You don't. I'm not a physician, so I don't want to sound like I'm one. But if you take Ozempic and get rid of your appetite, and you lose the weight that you lose, and you don't have to take it no more, and you find it's not. It's not. I'm not hearing that. It's addictive.


No, it's not.


You just have to continue to take it.


If you don't, if you don't want to eat, you going back to the old habits.


Your appetite will go back. Appetite will go back to what it was. You will gain the weight back. And if you didn't start the healthy habits and start working out and to create, like, a whole new lifestyle, then you will just go back to the way you were.




And probably bigger, like life. Yeah. You gotta maintain the change, yo.


And all of this is not ozympic neither. Just so they know. Just so they know, it's that money. This ain't no zippy.


That's that flat tone?


This is a little bit of discipline. This is whole days without food. This is going to be hungry, huh?


You didn't have to.


I'm not doing no ozempic. I'm sitting nice at this little 217. Yeah, don't let me hit 214 this time. I'm start working out soon. I'm gonna start working out soon. Only to fuck better, too. That's it. Nigga went up. Forget it. I ain't gonna get it out of it. I'm not gonna bring sex into this podcast. But when you work out, it's different. Except a cory. That's my gorgeous Sweeney Jack choreography. I can't even say, yeah, tough little time. Y'all keep fucking with these energetic chicks. If y'all want these chicks with stamina and shit. With stamina, y'all keep fucking bitching for stamina. Nope, stamina. Not I this to the point. Now, after it's over and you get to huffing and puffing, it's like embarrassed. She looking at you, Poppy.


You done?


No, ma.


Yes, done.


Gonna sleep anyway.


Yo, I know you love scams and docs like that. You have to make a doc on this. Did you hear the original who wants to be a millionaire? They were scamming a whole show the whole time.


Well, I saw. I didn't hear that, but I saw Slumdog Millionaire.


Okay. I don't know. Based on that song, people in the audience.


Wait, wait, wait. What?


I ain't see that.


You never saw Slumdog Millionaire?


You never saw Slumdog Millionaire?


It's a great movie.






Never had a chance. Never had a one time movie.


Doesn't really seem like Ice's kind of movie.


Yeah, I never saw it either.


That's not true.


What's Ice? This kind of movie you should watch Slumdor millionaire.


You don't like paid in full?


No, you should watch that.


How high?


How high? He said, but tell me more about the real one.


But nah. So they had people in the audience. So every time the questions was asked, they was coughing for the right answer. So it was like a cue to the person that was.


So if it was b, they'd be like, yeah, okay.


So. And they started to pick up on it because somebody who had used all a lifelong.


Did you just cough?


I faked coughed.


So if it was b, they were like, we didn't understand what the fuck?


I'm checking to see if that was it.


Yes. So what happened? What made them pick up on it is it was a contestant that had used all his lifelines, it was clear, like he just didn't belong on the show. Like, use his shit early. Early, maybe five, six questions in, you already done. Then out of nowhere, he just went on a run, getting all, you know, there was at back then. They were getting harder as it progressed. He went on a run, so they went back. They had, like, cameras all over the crowd and shit, and they was watching. Every time he would start reading the question, he would read it back to himself out loud. And when he say the right answer, you hit somebody. So they started pay.


What is the penalty?


Well, for him, he didn't get paid. Crazy.




Prove it. Yeah, they prove you cheating in a casino.


Just proved it.


They proved it. They say, yo, my man, look, we got this here. This was a direct q to you. We're not paying.


How do they know that?


Because you was stupid for the first seven questions. You just.


You don't just get a smart switch out of nowhere. What? My bag.


And they could probably. And it could probably make the connection to the person that was doing it to somebody, you know?


So if it wasn't my cousin. Give my money, niggas. I was like, 40. 40% of contestants or something was also cheating.


Sheet swag.


That's what I said. They had a whole little racket going.


I feel like if I know I'm going on that show that I am gonna try to cheat.


Mm hmm. Yeah, like us.


Like us what?


To crack the niggas in the hood.


What do you mean? Oh, oh, we got to take that to the grave with us. Yo, we can never. We can never say, nah, come on. We can never say, wait, what? We know who y'all was cracking.




I'll tell you.


Just a couple of wealthy people.


Can y'all say it without fully saying no?


We were playing. We were playing money monopoly with people that have more money than us. Way more. So had to even the playing field.


Look at their faces.


What's the last time you all thought about that? It's been a minute, right?


I kind of. Nigga, that was me, and it's bad. Wait, that was our bad, nigga. What?


Yeah, no, that was your bad.


Yeah, we been, you know, saying, hey, man, you know, it was crazy. They're gonna call me bougie nigga. That's like, what a ghetto is. Shit we ever did.


Yeah, yeah, but how long ago was.


Some time ago, right?


Go ahead. I wouldn't do that.


Today you'll be the cheat. Today you be the niggas that. Yeah, I still be coming in there on my bullshit.


Hey, hey, hey. Shout out to. Shout out to child support. You done big up.


Child support, right?


Not only am I done, they overpaid.


They owe your credit.


Got a little check in the mail. 367 send that. $367. Better believe it.


They sent me an account statement the other day. I felt like breaking my phone just.


Out of the blue.


Showing you what you paid.


Staying on business.


Yo, yo, member Phillips? Don't be like mother. Mad as hell.


What you got, another twelve years?


Yeah, nigga, that's your fly, though. I gave them niggas $104,000 in a last three years. Yo, you big papa's a bra was hot.


Wait, 104? Three?




You can get the monthly out of that.


I was on five years, 18 years.


Oh, so you fully done?


There's no done done, bonito no more, no mas. It's a different type of.


And it keeps up. You didn't really know for sure, right? Is this. Is this possible?


No. I know you knew. Listen, I thought when my son was turning 18, I was done. That's how stupid I was.


You go to school, but no one. When he.


When he does this in 18, how.


Far does it go today?


Well, no.




No, no, no. If they enroll in school, they're enrolled in school.


Then it keeps going. 23.




If they don't.


23, yes.


They're in college. Yeah.


And it could still be on your insurance.


I would think, like, 21.


That's the Obama chicken drink we keep dissing Joe Biden. I gotta give him his props, for one thing. My people's. I'm on the phone with my homegirl the other day, and her daughter's going to college. So she was telling me how expensive that shit is. It's 80 bands, right? But she said, yo, she came home.


Wait, what college she gonna do?


I forgot.


No big boys.


No, not even. That's medio. I mean, it's good, but, yo, she had $234,000 worth of student loans. Forgave them shits. I forgave my shit to 234k, bro. Yeah, she got PhD, 234 grand. Show got paid.




So we'd be knocking them. But when the niggas come through on some. That's dope.


That's dope.


Joe know me.


I'm gonna knock that nigga every chance I get.


I'm just saying 234. Ain't nothing to sneeze at, my nigga. I don't know. That's crazy. Yeah.


So, yeah, this is what child's boy looks like. Now, Trey says Kate you're not an album drop, so I know you're doing something this weekend. I'm out with you if you do. Yeah, that's good. Come on.


That's fine.


Look, I'm doing something for him for Father's day.


Yeah, you're so lucky.


I don't understand you.


So, Joe, when you get a bad Father's day gift, do you sell him?




Could've stepped it up a little bit.


Dinner or something. I don't even expect the gift for my kids.


Shut up, nigga. What, you got mad last year?


I did.


What happened last year? What did he get last year?


Stop podcasting up here.


Do you tell him, though? That's the thing. Does he.


Does he get from last year?


That was something. He ain't do shit. Yeah, he didn't do nothing. Like the effort and the thought matter.


Oh, so it wasn't about the gift. He just.


He didn't.


Just nothing done.


He departed.


So that. That's. Yeah, I would get mad, too.


Don't play with me. I'll get you back on your birthday. You play with me if you want. I ain't with that whole model citizen parents shit, yo.


My son's birthday is the 21 June, so it's usually always landing around father's day. Nigga, act up. Let me. I need a car. I need a. Something. Make a macaroni car. I don't care.


Not the old school. What the hell? Not the macaroni glue. Y'all give me whatever you got. Give me a cabin with the ice cream sticks.


Yeah, something.


Shit. Grilling with dads. And they got all the kids in the park grilling. They done made gifts, all this type of shit, so.


That's cute.


That's. You know, I'm in there for that.


What we got the little bit when you got the little babies?


No, actually doing all the fly like.


Well, you bought an apron. No, no, no. The dads don't do nothing.


Elle, you got kids?




Your dick work?


He's young. Rap writers. Nah, I was shooting blanks, baby. I'm all good.


You never wanted kids?


I'm a child, man. Yeah, me? I'm special.


You that type of self? You that selfish?


I'm the prize.


Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with that. Mel, what you think about.


Nah, nah.


What you said, Mel.


You don't think he could be the prize?


I heard you.


I was going to ask, was this a decision you and your wife made?


I mean, you want to get real? My wife was 39. We got together. That blessing never came to us, it's all good.


Got it?






Keep it 100. I would love that, but blessing didn't come.


Go adopt one of them little niggas.


You talk about.


The blessing never came.


Nah, the blessings there, they ain't a force.


No blessing.


Go get social services a drop of blessing right off to you. Now.


All one of them Dominicans, I get a discount. New York, right? I ain't leaving New York without no child. Give me a little nigga.


Let's go. They'll drive the couch.


I ain't leaving the city without no child, Joe.


Fuck it. Oh, my God. That's funny.


Yo, this weekend, Ellie gonna cop a kid real quick.


Oh, shit.


So I was telling y'all. I was trying to tell y'all. So I go. I go pick Lex up from school. Lex is mad polite, so he want to say hi and bye to Ariel. Oh, bye, Mister Johnson. Bye, Deja. See you tomorrow. Everybody's there, and it's to the point where the kids is now. His little friends is coming up to me trying to introduce themselves. Hey, I'm Lex's friend, nigga, I don't give a fuck about it. Get your little ass. Your mom, nigga.


Oh, that's your mom?


Now? Wait, now it's one of them. Yeah, one of the moms up there. But anyway, so he's saying bye to everybody. He waved by to the crossing guard. The crossing guard said, hey, Lex, don't remember, you gotta wear pink to school tomorrow. Everybody's good. We gotta wear pink tomorrow. Gotta wear pink. And I'm just walking to the car like a bag of bricks.


Wait a minute. I said, wait a second.


They not possibly trying to tell kids to wear pink for pride month. But I gotta check. Cause now I can't let the school know I'm crazy. So how do you even ask that? Yeah, but I asked.


Mm hmm.


I pulled that truck up right up to the crossing guard. Hey, big dog, why they gotta do that? Look, if there's ever a reason to be rebellious, I'm gonna find it. But anyway, he explains that they having some type of parades and they having some parades and the classes will be.


I'm just listening.


Not that type of parade. No, they having parades and the different classes and grades are identified by. Come in.


No, they're having that type of parade.


They having that type of parade. Not. Yes, they are not.


It's the rainbow.




Do you know what the rainbow signifies?




Well, where'd you get rainbow from?


Well, if it's multiple different grades and different colors, then it doesn't. The colors form a rainbow.


I'd have to know the other colors to know.


Oh, I know. I'm gonna tell you the other colors.


Let me tell you what they.


Red, orange, yellow.


That's both your own colors. Blue, green, blue, purple.


Ain't gonna be no black.




I bet you ain't no black class.




I bet you that.


Yo, don't make me go up there. They can't make kids wear clothes for pride month.


They can make them listen.


Making y'all wear colors, it's a lesson that you're gonna teach about differences, probably. And this person is different than this person. And every. You can't judge somebody based on a difference.


My cousin said, and he works in public school, in elementary school, and he said that they. Now even with that, they're trying to, like, make kids not celebrate mother and Father's day and just call it like family day or something. Because some. Because some kids don't have mothers or fathers or, you know, just so that they left out.


In life, you gonna feel left out for some shit. That is a life lesson to teach you early. The world ain't gonna conform so that you feel comfortable.


What class you think?


What the fuck?




Earlier you teach kids that, hey, it might not work for you, or you might feel left out, or you might not be happy all the time. They need to learn that.


You talking about the kids need to learn that. I feel like the mothers are learning. If we combine these days, if we combine Mother's Day and Father's day, the moms is gonna feel like that.




Oh, yeah. Tough lesson. If it's just parent day. Oh, y'all gonna be tired. Oh, they got me tired. This last Mother's day was a little quiet, though.


It was.


It was a little quieter than I've seen it. I thought fucking quarantine was bad.




Mother starting to fuck up.


So what y'all said about Lil Wayne? Usually I'm the nigga that's on the edge by myself.


Yo, y'all mother starting to fucking up.


It was quiet on IG.


They don't never talk about Debbie moms.


They don't.


Debbie moms is way worse than deadbeat dads, man. Deadbeat moms. The deadbeat moms is leaving their kid in the house with the ring camera on them while they go to the fucking Bryson Tiller show.


Yeah. No, Puerto Rico.


For a flight.


They go to Jamaica real quick. Them bitches go to turks. Yeah, you right. Tell me what you think about them hoes, Mel.


I think it's terrible. I think it's fucking terrible.


Too many bold takes coming from you today.


What do you mean? Deadbeat moms is fucked up. You gave birth to something just to fucking leave food in a cat dish and go up in fucking Prather in.


The woods with the bear.


Listen, if you don't.


Y'all better leave that fucking bear alone.


No, that's not. I don't care. I try to make sense of it. It's dumb. It is dumb. But anyway, that and the parents that fucking leave their kid in the car with all of the windows up when it's 109 degrees and they go supermarket shopping like for hours and come back, think the kid gonna be. I don't do that. I can assure you.


They mistake.


No how you mistake and get in the car. Not in my non. The docs I see on purpose, yo.


Yes, I mean, that shit used to die. I've heard the stories where people drive they kid to work and they forget. And they forget that the kid be in the car when they get to work. Like, you know what I'm saying?


I've heard that.


Oh, shit. You know what I mean? Cause they don't typically do that, right? But I don't know if nobody that's just leaving the kid in the fucking summer. Summer weather in the backbone.




That's crazy.


And they might try to do something.


Like crack a little bit. Right on, mom. Sorry for what I'm about to say. She left us in the car before we.


Oh, how I'm about to say that's how they was raising us in the eighties. Go to the mall and lose us.


Not let the windows up.


We used to have the windows roll.


You and Arsene playing thumb wars like that. Shit, if you want to.


You good?


Did you touch this?


It was different back then. Broke amongst the suckers. Being locked in the car wasn't scary to me. And lost in the mall in the eighties. Especially green acres.


Oh, green acres.


Nasty. Sunrise highway right there.


Yeah, that's scary.


Yeah, that's nasty.


Now they gotta, you gotta go find a doe. They gonna get a little pa system. Hey, if you lost a kid, little dirty motherfuckers over here. My customer service purpose.


And now seven.


You still get in trouble too after that. Oh yeah, you still get in trouble.


How about I say black kids knew you getting your ass whooped me. You don't want nothing.


You're gonna get embarrassed there. Get embarrassed when you get home.


Oh yeah.


No, that's when you get home. You won't get embarrassed when you get home, you getting the ass whooping of a lifetime. When you get home, she just gonna pop you.


One of two good times for the people in here that have both parents in the house.


Oh, in the house. That takes me out.


Who gave out the worst ass whippings?








My dad.


Moms will slap you. Moms slap you.


Moms will slap you across the face.


Moms like to slap you.


Like to slap you across the face.


Moms like, slap you across the face. That's different. The dad beat down is like the big hype og about the butcher.


My dad's ass whipping was worse.


I don't think my dad really ever disciplined me outside of a yell. That would be like the fear of God yell.


Yep, yep.


And grounding pops ain't never did my mother. My mother got medieval on our asses.


Why do moms love to slap? Moms love to slap.


I wish I got the beat, the brakes.






I wish it was a slap.


That's lightning.


See, no, my mom's shit was different. Cause I knew the ass whipping was coming. My dad would do this shit where he'll sit you down, talk to you, Madcon. Oh, he happened to know, you know, you can't do that. You know, where are you? All right, cool.


All right.


Well, you know you gotta stand up and get your ass whipped, right? I'm like, damn, Nick, I thought we talked.


It's like a heavyweight fight.


You gotta hype.


You gotta reinforce the lesson.


That's why my mom gave me one of them lead through ass whoopings. And it was enough. It was not one whooping your whole life. Not, I'm saying, but it was one of them. Did you have to go get the switch?


No, no, no.


Just switch.


You know what, Nick?


Some Joe Jackson shit.


All of it. Ass whoop. I said, I don't like this. My brother, on the other hand, arse shout out to brother Arsenal. He had like, all right, can I get another one? Yo, what's the last time you got your ass with? I might have been like eight, nine. It didn't take much for me, bro. I was a good kid. I keep telling y'all.


Nigga, you can't tell Ice was a good kid.


I was a good kid. I know y'all wouldn't make me feel bad for it.


I don't.


I didn't say since she was 15.


I'm just saying y'all in general. Eight, eight, nine years old, bro. I learned I was a fast create date.


Talk about.


Yeah, I was a fast learner. Yeah, I learned real quick that I don't like that ass whooping.


I was outside.


I just learned how to be.






It's like, yo, no, about that.


My mother was way. Word.




I ain't getting caught was my plan. I wasn't planning on getting caught, nigga.


To go to jail. Don't want to go to jail.


They thought they were smarter than the cops. Talk about it.


Now that I'm listening to y'all, I had it pretty good with the whippings. Cause I was creative, so I was creative. And I had an older brother, so.


You just blame shit on him.


No, no, no. So he got it first. Sometimes you would take it all out on him and just forget him.


Run out of gas.


It was usually a little tired.


No, it was his fault, boy.


Nigga, I used to put on corduroys all out, two pairs of pants. She lucky I ain't have no numbing cream.


Back in the day, dog, I would.


Be the sleepiest I've ever slept in my life. Yeah, yeah, your dog. The principal called my house. My mother used to just pick up the phone. She'd be like, give him the phone. I get the phone. She'd be like, I'm gonna get you when I get home. When she got home, I would sleep, and I was a couple pounds heavier with three pairs of jeans, all that shit. You crazy, nigga.


Play that sleep shit if you.




Oh, no. Hey, sometimes make your ass up.




Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.


I was faster than my mom, too, so I played a card game while she trying to spank me. I'm running around all around this ottoman.


None of that shit work my mom had chasing. Get your ass over here. Your mother would let you do that? Had to.


What do you mean, let me? My mom had to troubleshoot through my trick. So eventually she. Eventually she got.


I wish to God word, that was.


Gonna make me madder.


Yeah, I wish you. And I'm not about to chase you.


Come here.


Take them clothes off and catch this ass whooping. You had to take the clothes off when I tell you this was an ass whooping. Of ass whoopings. It was like one of those. And it got bad because somebody, like I said, I got, you know, little ass. I can't even see Ice mother doing that. Like, I can't even see Ice's mother, bro. You know, whipping him with the clothes off, you know, saved. Oh, yeah, christian woman. Somebody said, yo, she gonna hit you with the extension cord. Grab it, stick your arm out, then.


Try to grab it.


I wanted to fight him after that. Why the fuck you give me that advice?


And that just made her mad.


It's like everything I did just made her mad. All right, cool. I'm gonna stop these ass women's and just stay on the straight and narrow over here.


Sometimes you just catch me out the bath. Right when you thought shit was sweet, you was just playing with all the gi. Having a blast.


Scary, that one.


Oh, not last. You get out that bath. That'll fix it. That'll fix it for sure.


Every word come with that. With a hit.


Don't tell you. Emphasis right.


Now, you stutter all of a sudden.


For real?


Shout outs to that.


We all been through that shout out.


To the real niggas out there that ran away from home at some point, only to come back home getting out of here first. I'm gonna go.


She let you back? Oh, yeah.


Hell yeah.


Already? I wasn't even testing that theory. All right, go ahead. You run away. Run away.


Yeah, no, I ran away, and she said come back at a certain point. Oh, you've been going too high, baby.


Come back.


How old was you?




I'm talking about young.


I was like six.




Putting shit in a doll, cat. You know, like, I'm fucking out of here, nigga.


Everything except it's like underwear.


Just dolls and shit.


You mad young, just taking bullshit jump rope. Yeah.


All my possessions.


Oh, man. No. Nope. I'm not thinking of any trafficking jokes. Yeah, yeah, I'm not. All right.


You got sleepers?


Pharrell. Pharrell is dropping. Pharrell's dropping a biopic, but it's interesting, cuz it's a Lego movie.


So what? Paycheck, man.


Listen, I think that's fine.


It's gonna be fine.


And I want to go watch it. I want to be on some shrooms while watching it.


He's putting his new music out in the movie as part of the soundtrack. They got j. Kendrick, snoop. I'm trying some other name. All the clips, like, it's literally his biopic, but it's just shot. He got chat as a Lego movie.




Out of the.


I don't know.


I'll see it, though.


I fought with the Lego movies.


So is there a release date?


I think I'm set. November, if I'm not mistaken.


Okay, watch.


I'm definitely, definitely watching.




I'm just trying to live till next year because they just wrapped up the Michael Jackson biopic, and I'm seeing all the pictures and all that shit. That shit looks like it's gonna be fucking amazing. The movie studio said they think this is gonna be the biggest movie they've ever released.


They give the kids a any money?


What kids?


Mike's kids.


Oh. Throw you to my son house.


How, motherfucker? That's my man at park. I think it gave me a ride to work today and everything. Nigga, what a ride to work. You live in Harlem.


I was so. I was somewhere else. So, yeah, so, yeah, it's. It's looking like it's gonna be one of those three plus hour mega films. I can't wait to see that classic.


I hope I watch it when it comes.




I'm not watching that. Legos.


I'm not watching on Lego.


Let's go. Listen to what y'all gotta say about it.


I mean, I'll watch it on a fire stick, cuz it'll be there for free.


It's porn on that.


See, you try to lure me in.


I'm just letting you know. It's better shit on a fire stick than a Lego movie. They got the foot fetish category over there.


Why you laugh like that?




You know why. You know why she laughed like that? Nigga, she changed your life.


She feels turned you out.


She feel like she. Yeah, she flipped you. Salute. Ice. Not ice. Fucking imani. Never liked feet.


Had a foot phobia.


Mel was able to get her foot close to him somehow. He's loved it ever since.


Oh, you put massage the young guy?


No, she fed him a foot.


Yeah, she had that foot all over.


So now he's just been eating feet everywhere. He been on a foot muscle run.


You suck some soaps?


Yeah, yeah, I thought it's a big toe. Tell him when it's home. Tell me where the toe.


Tell me where the toe.


Tell me when the toe.


Tell me where the toe.


It's okay. A little big toe.




It's like, welcome to the club, my g. I told you it's good to be here. It's good over here.


Certain things you don't think you're gonna ever get over. I'm surprised that I got over that, in that way.


What do you mean, get over? You was against it.


Oh, no, I hate it. I don't fuck with feet. I don't fuck with feet.




But after you seeing yo play freaky ass nigga, you gotta have it cut up.


No, no, no.


After you see, like, some beautiful feet.


No. No such thing as beautiful. But once you see what doing that to some feet could do in the experience for the person.




You like?


Oh, wow.


All right, I got. Now I got a new little trick in my bag of tricks.


You wasn't doing that back in the day?




But, yeah, we can move on from that.


You want to move on? Yeah, we can move on. Oh, okay. Yeah, I'm. Let you live then. Yeah, you wild.


You want to let him live?


You want to move on? Respect his wishes.


That's peace.


Let him live about what he eating?




Nah, that's peace.


I'm not eating.


He ain't giving a hell props, though. But it's cool.


Give Mel her props. Yeah, which Mel do to turn him out?


Not Mel. I ain't talking about. No, no, it was. She. She had to be fire enough to make you want to.


No, it ain't about her.


I know we can move it on.


It's about me.


Turn them out.


I turned myself out.




Full of shit. I just won't go on the record.


Wait, so I don't. I'm confused. What was the one that made the game changer for him?




Talk to him, Al. Yo, you heard him.


Can we be honest here? What's we doing?


Just be vulnerable. Honest. Safe space for men.


Joe got the music.


Rest in peace. My dad love you.


Yeah, this nigga here.


Yo, what you were saying?


That's not the original beat neither.


What were you. Oh, shit. Now that you say that it's not. I'm about to do some real music nerd shit right now.


Let's do it.


Yo, there is a version of Silk Freak me that is not the twelve inch remix. It's not none of that, but it used to come on the radio.


Ao, by the way.




Pause. By the way.


What am I pausing?


It's twelve minutes.


I heard it, but it's probably my problem.


My bad. Go ahead. I heard it. You gotta do it. That's not the twelve inch that I was talking about.


I'm just saying.


Big twelve inch.


Anyway, there's a version of Silk Freak me that I'm trying to find, but the streaming error makes it tough. But I know that this version exists. And it's like a. It's like. It's like the love mellow, smooth version of freak me where the lead singer comes in on some soprano. It's like no drums. He's holding up. Freak me. Freak me. I know nobody's gonna know what I'm talking about unless you know this record. But there's a version of freak me that is not like any of the freak. And I want to know where I can buy it, where I can find it? I'm having trouble.


It's got to be on YouTube. I would think if it's anywhere, so you.


If it's gonna be, they gonna let you know.


But it comes the first chorus. The lead singer comes on with the high. It's a whole different ad lib song. Ad lib song than what we know. Yeah, that's my music, nerds. I'm looking for it. While I'm on some music nerd shit, I just want to shout out some names of people that, like, where the fuck are y'all? And when are you, y'all popping back up? First name on my list is Giveon.




Where the fuck are you at?


Mm hmm.


And while I'm at it, we're sand fat.


Is that it?


That's the Adid. It's different music, but. Yeah, me. Yeah, that's definitely. Yeah, that's it. With that.


The jeep beat remix.


Jeep, yeah, beat remix. There's one way that the sounds is a little more sexier, but that was.


Just maybe goes, what version?


I mean, how long is that? How many?


Ah, let me see.


Three. It was 355 jeep beat remix. Thank you for that.






Yeah, that's the one. That's the go. That's the. Thank you for that.


You're welcome.


Give on.


Come outside, my g. Classic, man.


Well, yeah, sometimes you got to pop out and show niggas. Hello, Snow.


Allegra on tour, but give us some slack.


It's time for somewhere, Miguel. Yes, yes.






Frank, Frank, Frank.


It's time for. Frank.


It is her.


Frank is in the car. It's time for her.


Hurt her.


I don't know what's going on, where. It's time for her. I don't know what she's doing. It's time. No, Janae.






I don't care about none of that tour shit. I'm just talking about music time.


Coming over here next.


She'll sprinkle some. We need a full roll out weight.


Janet. Coming.


That's gonna be nice.


I'm wearing a grass skirt. I'm wearing. I'm wearing some seatrush.


Who else is on the grass on that tour? That's all right, too.


Ro James. Okay.


Wow, I forgot about him.




Shout to ro.


Love you, ro. Forgot about this time. And last on my list. Lma.




It's time. It's time. That's it.


Yo, the Janae tour is Janae Corly Ray Tink. Umi, and Keanu Lade.


Nevermind. He said no, no. Or I can just come with you on stage. Mm hmm. I can come with. I want to see Janae. Yeah, I feel like you would just.


Pull up wins Janae time today. No disrespect.


I don't know, maybe. Maybe I might be wrong, but I think Jasmine Sullivan, too.


Yeah, you right.


Oh, what do you mean?


She just dropped?


What did she just drop?


Last year. Last year? Yeah.


It don't feel like pick up your.


Feelings and all that.


Not last year.


Two years ago we was in parks.


Basement in two years. I don't think that's that bad.


Two years ago is in parts, baseball.


That's not bad. Especially for her. She'd be taking a long time. Two years ain't the worst.


But I nominated for all the Grammys and all that shit.


I'd love to hear more from Jasmine Sullivan.


Like a deluxe or something to that album. And it came out last year.


Maybe that's the end of my list. I don't have anybody else here, does it?


I can't think of nobody. Her was definitely on my shit.


I wonder what's taking her so long outside of being her. Yeah. Yeah. Rush, greatness and I won't. I won't.


Acting. She was on Broadway.






What, what, what play?


I want to say she did color purple. Yeah.


That's all I know of her doing at the. At the moment. But she did do color purple.


That's fine. When I saw her, she wasn't there, but let's do it.




It's slipping my mind what she does, what she's doing on Broadway. But I could see that taking up a lot, a lot of her time.


I just want music, dog.


I don't care from the moment.




One person on there that you said, miguel, for sure. I'm like my nigga Miguel. Miguel to me is r and B. Spaces is needed to stay consistent.


So we talked about tours and shit. Chris Brown's tour just started a couple nights ago. I already see people complaining because his vip meet and greet this year is $1,111, which is 1111.


What is their complaint?


The price.


No bb going up for that though, right? He'd be going up and beyond.


They get their money's worth.




Like, I don't see the. What people are complaining for.


But you know what it was last time when he did it last time. Okay, got you.


I think he did last time. He did. I want to say ten per the ten or 50 per city, something like that.


Anytime people was complaining about the price. You are not the target audience for what we talk. Yeah.




Like, we don't. I'm sure he don't expect everybody to have $1100 for a meet and greet, but he's not expecting to meet and greet, y'all.


And he established what it is for him to do it, like, and how it looks. And you gonna get that look.


Yeah. You gonna get the hug. You might smack. Yeah.


Artist shit. It's like, he will give you the full.


And he already did the market research to see how many of these I'm gonna sell out. Last time I did this. Oh, it's lit. I'm doing this again. Shit. We just said tank in the meet and greet was $500.




Yes. Three to. Three to $500. Man, I was sitting there counting them heads like a motherfucker. One.


And that's just this city.




Then you start to say, wait, how many cities y'all got?


Well, shit, Chris might need to name his next album 5000 or something.


He raising the value, right?


Never know.


It's fine.


Yo, what do you think about dudes that do the meet and greets? Like, dude fans?


It's probably.


Thank you, bar. It's Pride month.


I've never done it on artists.


If it's rappers that.


It's like the ice cube thing.


If they a superfan, like, and they get their money's worth, I can't knock them, but I wouldn't.


Can they reach around and grab your shoulder?


I wouldn't do it. So you're not putting none of that shit. I wouldn't do it.


There's nobody more than you would ever.






Is there any male eyes?


Oh, male.


ASAP, right?




Ferg. Ferg. Twelve.


No, because. Recipes.




Because at this point, anybody, I don't already met him.


So if you had. If you didn't have a big fun.


If you didn't have a rapport with certain, like. Like, let's just say a pusher or jeezy or something.


Jeezy for sure.




Jeezy for sure.


Snowman can get that salad.


I would do a meet and greet if I didn't already.


When you get there, what you wanna say to him?






Just meet my favorite.


Like, how would you pose for the picture?


I know.


I know.


You're trying to get your shit back. What's your stance with snowman? What's your stance? How you moving? What's the stance?


What you wearing?


Snowman shirt. Hey, jeezy, coming to newark. You wanna see, I'm gonna have snowman shirt on. Jeezy and Scarface coming to north.




The 28th of this month. Of this month.


How did that show turn out with.


Him doing a comedy show.


The live, the orchestra playlist. I didn't hear anything about it.


Yeah, I didn't hear anything.


You supposed to go to that.


I know, daughter.


I'm so mad that we not gonna still mad about that. I'm almost. I'm almost thinking about just going and just doing bullshit and just punching.


Ready to get a dope. This group. Come on. Power premier. This group is ready to get adult mixing out.


Just feel like one of summers, yo, where JB's? I really like it. I don't have early. I'm like, yo, my, listen, man, look, a lot of stuff comes to somebody or for work purposes, I'm had to do a little bit of moving and shaking around.


Talk to her.


I might need you to hold. Hold your granddaughter down. Cause I'm going to LA for that kendrick shit. I have to.


Yeah, I'm signing up.


I'm turning up.


Have to.


Y'all better pull up. I have to.


That shit falls on my birthday.


I'm turning. All little summer camps, nigga, once you get older, you start to figure out why you was in so many summer camps.


Yeah, right.


Yeah, get a break.


All kind of shit.


Whatever lesson you need.


Whatever it is.


Yeah, fuck it.


As I said, if sleepaway camps be the fresh air, fun joint, all them. Yeah, send them away for about good three, four weeks, be I shit, was that long? Yeah, encampments last about 14 days in certain.


Yeah, that was jail, dog.


I think we did. I think did it. Yeah, I think we did it. I'm cool with the rest up there. I'm not even talking about clipped. I tried to watch the show clipped. I couldn't get past the casting. Yes, I tweeted that.


Why? Because it's just so.


The casting is a clown show.




It's a clown show outside. Ed Bundy. And they could call them his real.


First name and his last.


Bundy's not in it. Ed O'Neal or Al Bundy's out here. Wow. Neil and I feel like it would.


Have been better if Ryan Murphy ep'd it, though.




Yeah. You didn't watch it, did you?


Is it all out or a couple episodes?


You saw it?


I thought I saw the both episodes, yeah.


You felt the same way.


I felt the exact same way. The casting was awful. It's cheap. The production level is cheap.


Yeah, it looks like it.


I like to saw a bunch of comparison shots from the casting, from winning time and then the casting to this. And it was like, this is like.


The to be version of that version watching that. Yeah.


Little murder playing Chris Paul. Crazy.






Who's playing as well, the guy that plays.


Oh, wow.


Yeah, yeah. If Ryan Murphy ep'd.


Yeah. You know his quality.




That's really what that was the problem.


Yo. So I'm watching the credits as bad boy four is. Bad boy four is fucking coming on. Whose name is right there in the beginning. You guessed it, Jerry Bruckenheimer. Like, yo, dog, yo, still outstanding. Stop this. You cannot stop Jerry Brock.


And I'm still outside all the big.


All the big action shit that turned that music, you know, he coming, that little bad boy, him and, uh, this nigga dick wolf just gotta go.


Oh, Dick Wolf is Dick Wolf and Jerry Bruckenheimer, yo.


Something together.


They got all the money.


All of it. Oh, speaking of niggas with all the money. So yesterday was Pat Sajak's last show, wheel of fortune.




And if I heard them correctly on the news this morning, which I don't know if I did, I think they said Ryan Seacrest. Oh, no, it's the new wheel of fortune.


Can't deny that motherfucker bad.


He's another one. Dick Wolf, Ryan Seacrest and Jerry Bruckenheimer, assassin the niggas.


Ryan Seacrest be getting bags even when you know, you don't even know he related to the project.


He came, bro.


He'd be behind the scenes on mad shit.


He switched off that Kardashian.


He is the new host, and they.


Give him 28 a year.




28 what?


Million m m. Yo.


Yo, dog, that's why I'm slimming up. That's why I'm slimming up.


Will force.


Your call.


28,000,020 with a l. Who's.


The new van of White? She better be a 28 mill will.


Be me up there.


Price is right, nigga. I know.


Wait right here. You spin, I'm a roll turn letter over and run right back in the dress. What do I think?


It's million dollars from this job. That's whole. That's crazy from this one.


Let's pop this a week, nigga, if you know that. But his hand is already in so much of his shape.


Part gotta pay me.


Them niggas is bulk recording. They go shoot six episodes.


On Monday. 28 million per family feud.


They do the same shit.


Mm hmm.


They film a bunch of episodes.


Not quite. We know that. Okay, we know.


Family feud schedule, fam.


That's crazy.


From that wheel of fortunes how 40 years, 30 years.


Family feud.


Family feud is. Why do y'all keep talking about.


Well, because it's just as important to culture game culture as will afford 40. And it's had a longer run.


This is the 41st season that say Jack is stepping down from. So wait, is what the 41st season?


How many seasons is family view been on Family feud?


Family not at the same level as wheel of fortune.


Life with family feud at the same longevity. I'm telling you.


Yeah, it's not the same at fucking 06:00 or whatever.


Steve Harvey.


And it wasn't the same whole thing.


Been around since 76. Yeah. Richard Dawson used to kiss a by. Yeah.




Every black girl game up there, nigga.


Pat Sajak has been the host of the 48 40.


After the news, everybody news every day after amber.


Well, Steve Harvey getting ten. I ain't mad at.


Yeah, no doubt.


Ain't nobody, man.


Nice ten.


Nice ten and 28 different.


28 is nothing but the one job.


That's crazy.


Ryan Seacrest has to. He got it. We got to do something about this. We got to do something. If we don't come together, try to think of it, then he'll just keep doing this.


He's the new Dick Clark man. He's a new Regis man. Can't do nothing about it.


Dick Clark. He knows that. He knows the clock lane a little bit more than. Huh.


He's passed both.


Yes. No.


Yeah, absolutely. And it's modern era.


He gave way on the other side.


Well, now, today be.


Yeah, that whole shit was his shit. He eats off the whole.


Is Ryan Seacrest gay?


No. Fuck, I don't think so.


Probably my favorite.


I'd have got him.


Dawson Perez.


Him out of bat future. Nice.


I'm sure.


28 for one job. We not even talk about other jobs.


And there's really nothing you have to do outside of just talk to the contestants.


Yeah, he might not even talk to them. Flip it over. What he said. He said, are you.


It's using this shit.


Nick Cannon. Ryan Seacrest.


Wait, excuse me.


I'm saying the niggas that's be behind the scenes getting that money. Don't do that to Nick.


You are doing that to Nick.


Nick is that nigga.


For sure.


Nick is him.


No, Nick is that nigger. I just think when you say, but.


You know, it's like.


But not close to the Nick is family feud. Caucasian brothers out here. Not close to that.


Oh, you said Nick is family feud.


In this in a row.


About the Chrysler 300 in the family.


I'm not doing that.


Yo, that's fucking.


I'm not trying to.


I'm Nick. It's 28 for this. 28 a year.


Yo, how much does Ryan Seacrest make a year? Google it. Let's look it up.


Let's pocket watch this a lot.


No, we know. That's why we say if we had a pussy, we'd be up. Did you say that about me and ice? Cuz? We do say that shit. If I had a pussy, Ryan Seacrest couldn't just walk around doing his.


Oh, no.


Yeah. Hell no, nigga. Yeah.


Nah, he be bagged instantly.


Who's to say he's not instantly? Well, who's to say he's not?


He'd be double bagged.


We don't know anything.


I would get in the bag, but.


We don't know anything about this man's personal life. You do realize that? Because we had to question, is he gay or is he not? He hides, but he hides his personal life. It's not front and center. It never has been. Even if he is gay, though, it doesn't matter. But, like, he could have, like, a trailer load of chicks or he could be married.


We don't got him at about 400. And 5450 is low, fam. Yeah, very low.


Too long.


This is one of them.


Annuals estimated 75 derived from hosting gigs, production deals, various endorsements. Just 2024.


Say 450. I think that's way long.




I don't believe this about him.


I don't believe that. Way long. Nigga wasn't.


You don't show me nothing else. We're Ryan.


Yeah. What? When they. Behind the scenes, when you was trying to get your shit? Long, long, long time ago.


When I was trying to get what.


Your little reality show don't nothing I.


Do that to.


Do, you know.




A long time ago, you was in running to a reality show. Pretty. This is before basketball, while I was in everything. You could have been him.




I could have been who?


Him who?


Joe him.


Oh, I could have been Joe.


The real Joe, buddy.


Yeah. Yo, I wish I'd have never brought up this up.


Why you look sad?


What the fuck, nigga?


That's inspirational. That's inspirational or depressing? What?


Game show.


You gonna do something?


Yeah. Little Mario Lopez, all the little niggas.


Mario Lopez is killing.


Them niggas be getting money.


You feel like I could get in it? I'm gonna flip this shit, turn it to something. When you did, the reality shit was it just for you, at that moment, would you feel like, oh, no. Overall, you felt like I could have my place in this and flip this.


To understand the question, when you initially.


Did love it, when you did the reality show side of your shit.


Mm hmm.


Did you feel like, I'm just doing this for now. Now, is there a bigger vision of, like.


I didn't have a bigger vision. I did not have a bigger vision. My first time doing love and hip hop. I later got a bigger vision, but my first time, if that was the case, I'd have pitched loving hip hop to VH one when I was doing Joe Budden tv. If I had the bigger vision, I would have been pitching the networks instead of uploading to YouTube. Yep.


Just curious.


My God damn. What do you even do if you make 75 million a year?


Whatever the fuck you want to, pretty much.


You don't even feel. You don't even feel.


What do you do if you make 75 million a year and your friend group is coming up to you like, yo, man, you gotta put your ego to the side. No, for real.


Somebody tell me.


Putting your friend system on.


Somebody tell me.


My friends got some document.


What do you do?


Couple million conversation while we see these monsters running around.




The world can't tell me what the fuck I'm doing. What?


Oh, well, let's take the evil. But, you know, you.


You get.


You get the instances of the Michael Jackson's in this nigga, you make too much money to even hear a nigga tell you, yo, you buggin the fuck out.


They can't even receive it.


You can't.


Everybody. Yeah, I don't need that. Not now, at least. I gotta grow up a little bit more.


Yeah, I don't think. I don't think nobody around them. Well, I can't say that. I won't say that. That'd be ignorant, because then people could.


Say that about anybody but Ryan Seacrest, man. Big Ryan, I'm Dm. Big Ryan, I'm dming him. I gotta do it. Sadness. I gotta hit that nigga. I got to. Hey.


Hey, big head.


Hey, big head. Hey, Stinky. Hey, Stinky.


How's your summer?


Did you eat?


Are you taking care of yourself?


God damn it. All right, this part is over. No, we need sleepers.


Don't let the money change you, boo.


Damn it. All right, look, we can find a sleeper somewhere.


They said Nick Cannon get over 20 mil to host. Mass singer.


He did crack the Matrix.


Well, mass singer is also his show.


He owns ip a while.


Nick is our Ryan Seacrest, y'all forget that.


Wilding out America's got talent.


He was also doing America. No, Nick is that.


No, Nick is definitely that wild.


I'm never disrespecting. I just do nothing. Nick would say that. Nick would say that. Ryan Seacrest is at.


Well, no.


Talking about Brad Pitt and Leo and them niggas, bro.


That nigga came in here and was like, yo, y'all want for what?


Let me see.


Like, yo, let me call myself hitting my bag. Let's see, said Forbes. I ain't even gonna do it. That's how he was coming in here, talking.


He's been kind of quiet of late, too. I wonder what he got going. Not quiet, but just he moving around.


Um. All right. It's sleeper time. Yeah, sleeper time. Oh, it's over. Elle was great. You were great, El. Clap it up for.


Thank you for having me. I love y'all.


No, anytime, anytime, anytime.


Friends of the show.


I'm going with brand new lucky day. This record is called soft love.




Sometimes I wish that I forget.


Marathon five.


Like a whistle when I hear you talk to me it's cold out it's hard to let go got me on your string like a sim for me give me more life and it's hard to let go driving me wild you playing games that you love not to love till the love is gone just a pawn in your hand a chain, chain a race through my veins I can't get it out of now I don't know, I don't know what it could be like a whistle and I can't let go could get and they pick me up and it's a.




To the birthday meaning but I know what it could be making me stop




Brand new music from Lucky day. That record is called soft on dsps. And in your phone right now, shout out to lucky days, man. Can't wait for the project. End of the month.


All right.


Excuse me.


I'm going back out to Cali again, man. The game just put out a new album today called time. I think the first half of it is it might be him, like, showcasing his artists. But the second half, it's short. It's only twelve projects. I'm twelve songs. Second half is him, couple features and stuff. But this record is called Ren do features. Schiller.


Part of my wage it sound like I rap with a part of my faith if I even engage, I'm suing my shot going out in a blaze moving attention, my nigga these nigga play with extensions my niggas got tools, no hammers, no wrenches my nigga go at it like Daniel.


I see the vision.


When I close my eyelids I know the assignment is down to what? Science and flies and piloted you down the road and start burning the tires, that's me why I gotta rap like this is cause the red dude stomach indeed put some rappers on to make you, you don't know that half or the half that I been through, nigga, I'm just trying to chase him back.


Cause my.


Run this in my DNA.


Stacking these tips like it's free to.


Lace I need a ticket, no me to make running at the school you can see the play Thomas money, I ain't free today set the.


I got.


Motion working with stars, sorry emotion pictures only cause the nigga flow was bitch in my verses like holy scriptures, twisted admission ain't not a gas on the road to riches ask me why I got a rap like this is cause the red dude stomach empty bout to put some rappers on a man you, you don't know that half but a half that I'm just trying to chase it back cause my.


And again that record is rent due gaming chiller, it's.


Hard off of time I'm playing me co op less than a man.




Op don't miss.


When the money come around, that's when they love you, you find out who the real ones in your circle when you struggle, nigga, only God can judge you. Motivation and hustle, hustle and motivation I made it straight from the muscle, hand at hand, but I ain't talking panhandling, I had to hustle my plan is expand the hustle, make flips and expand the devil I started with a rock like j had plans to bubble extra money, stash in the safe, we playing for trouble, ain't nobody teach us not to been our teachers, not no preachers guess they got some bad reception the messages never reached us aim high, gotta think big, my nigga, reach up, it's cold in the trenches low niggas keeping their heats up, war going on outside, you gotta keep up broke n tryna survive fucking the streets up I come from it, I was raised in the jungle, boy, I'm numb to it remember Mama playing the lotto praying the numbers hit drama after drama every day dealt with some other shit I made it through the storm, so now I'm calm, be showing love and shit wordplay playing with words homie, I love this shit, I'm grateful why didn't end up on some other shit it's okay.


It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. I mean, it's okay. I swear, it's okay. It's okay. She's saying, who's the f bomb? Use the b word a lot less fuck you, bitch. I be lit in a hot sack block underwater in a hood on the loch ness stepped on the coat, hot cut it, got stretched devil on my shoulder but he lied with hot breath Jesus, peace, blood money pray God bless more than the rapper ho I need the right text ill it in your mans, but I'm texting your wife next folk in a row, exit writer, just keep left run your jewels outside of your uber ex I'm off a group greatness y'all over there hungry, y'all full of shit I over ate this she opened it for me I faced it and like Oprah with money I aced it keep y'all opinions up real nigga shit, yeah. No chases, touchdowns, fake the plate, loaded bases off the glass finish rhyming faces, rp nip blue laces trying to leave the kids rich a few acres and out the newspapers, the beats, cars, but these rhymes ain't free they stole my shit ax no id spice.


It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. I mean, it's okay. I swear. It's okay. It's okay.


That's less than a man, the co op biggest. What you got for us today?


I'm going to. Is it a restaurant? Ira star?


Not sure.


Me either. Song is called birds sing of money.


You can't be too worried about me. I learned to be gangsta, prayed from these dark times I release my mind I need to real I dare bitches say some fuck up off my face now through a window I will.




All my energy popping outside can you wrap it up when you talk to me now, bitch, I don't watch my tone cause I like how I sound bitchy if you off my phone.




Told my bitches, hold me down on me down cause it's niggas.


I brought.


My cd rom but I never run.




I'm so careful with my energy please never speak up on my day.


The neighbor, you got a shirt off right there. He was dapping joy.


I told my bitches, hold me down on me down cause the sneakers are playing I brought my video on my.


Ira star. Birds sing of what now? Birds sing of money of money thank you, thank you, thank you. I can't see it. Cuts it off so.


You got mine parts?


I sure do.


All right, I'm just. I'm playing something off the new K Trinada album. It's out of luck. Featuring Mariah the scientist.




Mel, this.


Leaving. I'm on love every October.


Maybe I'm.


On to you if you treat me right you want me another love can you fantasize? All the things you ever want my hands by your side. You won't meet another woman, baby, I'll be there believe it, I'm.


Any one of y'all. This weird 16. Go. Any one of y'all. Elliot. 112, if you're not in shape, a light eight. Look, he left. Hey, he left the beat there for.


Y'All to get your eyes off.


He left the beat right there. Kate Renata, man. Yeah, that man. And I think he came out recently.


Yeah, it was a while ago, actually, I think, but people didn't really realize.


Yeah, pride month lost impress.


I'm telling you, I think the gays might handle the straights in the verses. They get Luther ticket. I don't really think it is. I think the gays could take the street.


Do they get the bis, too?


Edit? Yeah.


Oh, shit.


Oh, if they get the bis, they don't get one.


Yeah, they get the what?


The bias. To get the community.




George Michael.


That's two s is George Michael. 20 volts.


Hey, if we believe the Whitney Houston rumors.


No, she know she's.


She's on the gay side.


Yeah, she's on it.


20 v one.


Yeah, it's a 20 v one. All they got is Mike, and we don't really know. I was outside for that kiss. That kiss looked a little like his first time kissing his light.


Yeah, but can I get to. I'm taking my mike.




Liz. Clayball, right?




Clayborn is hard. You old as Clayborn is Mike.


Mike. I did some research. My joints.




My God.


Joints might.


Got some joints.


He was Stephanie Mills in the low.


His girlfriend.


What's the Brook Shields?


Brook Shield.


He fucks deputy Mills.


Tatum. Tatum O'Neal.


O'Neill, the dancer kid.






Sleeper, man.


Don't step over my sleeper.


The dancer kid. Niggas like fucking the dancers, yo, Christian can move JLo Mike.


Niggas moving his dance.


Yo, sleeper. It's called care by Felicia Temple off a new project.


Big Felicia Temple. Hey, hey. Outside, nigga vibe, nigga. Resurrection.


Christian. Goddamn. But that shit back like Jesus Christ. You know, I live.


I grew up. I grew up.


You still get.


Tell me about I.


Tell me. You.


Can tell me you need me, I wanna know.


Felicia Temple care officer for new ep welcome home. Go check it out.






Felicia telling you e sneak back in the game one of them. Hold up. That's a little chico. Get a little. I know that bop, nigga. You sneak right? Man, I thought you loved me. I thought you were mine real. Guess I'll be back together do our and we gonna do our EDM shit.


I'm ready.


We'll do it.


Get what we gotta do it put a little reverb.


Yeah, we do.




SLB Dani disrespectful parks and.


Words. It's our alternative music group.


It's when cocaine eighties was rocking.


Sweaty leather vests.


Yes. It wasn't sweaty leather vest.


That's what he's.


I mean, they were sweaty. Summer leather vests.


They were sweaty, but that's not what we called ourselves.


Summer leather vests. Also sex, love and vices. Watch yourself, watch yourself.


20 15 20 12 20 11 20.


11 2011 2012 I stole you such.


Classics as you sure did.


Fuck that condom classic judges and the rafters. Yo, before we go ish, friend of the show Ryan Clark and the pivot recently interviewed Matt Kemp. Did you see it?


I did not.


Any clips of it?


I did not.


You stayed away like, he stayed away from that motherfucker. I didn't even know that nigga still. Get us out of here. Anybody can't laugh. Watch yourself.


I just. Sorry.


It was still doing it.


Sniper season.


Still got them eyes shooting. He still got them eyes. That nigga looks good, man. I'm just saying, you got to deal with that nigga now. Still.


He's still spending money from whatever year.


And a nigga and a nigga, he.


Still spent that money for that contract, whatever year it was.


And listening to him talk, he was like, listen, man. Yeah, I won all the awards in baseball. I didn't win the big. He was shout to madcap, man. Damn. God damn.


You don't recognize real?


No, I recognize him. I ain't gonna quite call him real recognizing real, but I recognize it.


I see it.




The fake can recognize real. That's the thing about real, man, that's recognizable. Let's see it. I did not expect that nigga eyes to still be popping off like that. It's hating right now. Look, your eyes used to pop like that, nigga, and you don't smoke or nothing.


Wiping eyes.


Jojo Joe.


What, nigga? I did my work with regular browns. I did mine with regular browns.


Regular brown.


I never had that allure that nigga.


He crunched what year you may pump it up.


What the year did I make it? 2000 people.




Nigga, stop. Oh, wow. Nigga, stop it.


Hit records of Chico.


He trying to say before the record, Antoine, you might have not been.


His eyes.


I don't, I'm not gonna call that true. I'm not gonna gaslight him, but I don't know if that's true.


Well, you didn't have pump it up your whole life. He had like, that's what I'm saying.


The light eye, niggas. I'm not doing this with him today. I'm not doing maybe on Patreon.


You got paid for it.


Yes, nigga, if I had light eyes. You didn't finish, nigga, what would happen.


If I had to pump it up?


Oh, what? Did the studios close? Did studios close niggas?




God gave her writers rap tracks, Joe.


Nobody had a response record. Pump it down, nigga. Who the fuck is you? My God.


I did not expect madcap eyes to still be like that. I don't know. I don't know what I thought they would look like.


The guys win with the eyes.


I didn't know that. I swear to God, I didn't know that.


You didn't know that?


For real?


No, for something.


I know, nigga. Handsome nigga, but I ain't know.


Yeah. I don't like the eyes.


Like, how important is eyes, Mel? For a gentleman, the eyes win.


I don't think sometimes. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.


What about a bear with nice eyes?


Fuck off, row.


Oh, today was funny.


Today was funny.


They crazy as hell.


It was a good day. Much better energy than the last pod.


What happened last part?




You was grumpy.


Everything was wrong with grumpy.


Joe was grumpy.


I was getting over cold.


He didn't want to pop.


I was getting over cold, I was grumpy. I hated the topics. I hated niggas. I just hated my love.




Much, much, much better energy today. Yo, speaking of, if you had to pump it up.


I love this.


Don't say nothing crazy.


My favorite shit. I love this shit.


Go ahead. Why would I say some crap?


I'm just saying.


Go ahead.




How often do y'all think Isaac Hayes junior is bringing up his dad when he trying to pussy?


Don't do that, y'all.


Don't do that. To fan base. Shout to Isaac.


This is the thing, right? He's like a second of thought. Like me and Joe, we like.


He's the third.




Oh, you want his dick?


How's his eyes look? Good. What does that look like?


You will fuck Isaac aides.


A third.


Oh, how did we get here? How the fuck did we get.


You will not be Miss Ford anymore.


Human resource.


You'd be Melissa Buick.




Right. Oh, that's Corey.




Yo, listen, man, keep us in your shout out to Isaac ains the third. That's my man. Salute. Fan base, everything he's doing. I just wanted to know how often he mentioned his dad. If he was trying to get the pussy like my dad was Marvin Gaye. Nigga, I'm saying it.


Bring it up.


That's not true. That they don't know.


No, I got.


They don't know.


It ain't gonna work.


I got one for you. My daddy used to lie. Say he's way to Jackie Wilson to get some ass.


Jackie Wolf.


Jackie Wilson.


Jackie Mash shout.


Elliot senior. He definitely lied that he was related to Jackie Wilson.


Jackie was a brother, right? Yeah.


Shots, pops.


Nobody knows who. Nancy Wolf. No, I mean, no Jackie Wilson. Nigga, we old.


You love keeping me. Higher, higher.


Yo, Elliot is so drunk. Yo, listen, we outta here, man. Keep us in your prayers. Lord knows we need to be there. Until the next time I bid you a dude farewell. Adios, Areva Durchi.


Asta la vista.


Au revoir.


Fuck these other pockets.


Remember that. That's always. That's always. Remember life.


Tell them, yo.


Life is a series of moments, and moments pass. So let's make this one last as if it's all we have. And last but certainly not least, the baddies are insecure, the stagnant women want to travel, and the closed minded women want you to teach them things. Grab you a tylenol, you might need it. Anybody got any interesting weekend plans before we head out of here? Anything interesting?


This is date weekend.


So you go to. You going to game staff Saturday? Oh, I mean Sunday. The finals. Boston. Here, boy.


Let me hold a dollar, nigga.


Go, nigga.


Me hold a dollar, huh?


Why'd you go together?


I don't want to sit courtside in such a racist building. I ain't gonna pay 30 grand. Stupid. Digger, I see you with your friends. Free hat there, nigga. You ain't free on that hair. You ain't free hat marriage.


Congrats to the Celtics.


I hope the man bounced back, man. You have fun over there. If you don't come to work Tuesday, I don't understand. I see you with your little.


That was crazy.


Back in my day, we didn't let your kind sit. Go outside.


Billy Russell on that court.


Look at that nigger up there. Where's Danny Haynes? Hey, who let that nigger sit? Oh, you must be related to Brown Tatum.


Danny ain't wide open.


We only like your cousin, nigger. Now you laugh real hard because you.


Sound like foghorn Leghorn.


Oh, God, I'm done, I'm done, I'm done. You guys agree? Bye.