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The thoughts, views, and opinions expressed by this podcast, as well as its hosts are for entertainment purposes only. I repeat, it is not serious. It is not real. No one is exposing, revealing, indicting, or telling you anything about themselves. Also, we do not encourage you to try this at home. We are trained professionals who do not have your best interests at heart or our own.


Enjoy the show, or it's the jungle. Yo, it was just a whites all downtown on a side block. I'm like, yo, it's 1230. Y'all just.


Y'all don't know where y'all at.


They park way far from the Chris Brown shit. I'm like, yo, they just are fearless. This ain't Manhattan. This not that. They accustomed to walking around Manhattan at four in the morning.


This not that.


Fear. Fear. Yep. Yep. Fearless.


What is she saying is why this dark matter show has me all fucked up? Like, in real life. I hate to keep talking about it, but, like, dark matter is in real life. Like, we just. In our own world.


Oh, okay. I see where you going with it.


And we're in each other's world, but there's some other worlds out there that we don't know nothing about. We not a part of. We ain't hear nothing we don't have access to, we're not privy to. It's a disconnect, mad world.




Within this one world.




Yeah. Hey, audience. It's a dude cast. Dude cast today. And I've been thinking all week, trouble for y'all. Trust trouble for y'all. I've been home thinking about things, and I got fucking questions that I shouldn't even ask, but I'm asking them today, okay? Ain't nobody else here the fuck now. We here. Mail is gone. Ice is gone. Flip is gone. I didn't fire flip. For the people out there to keep wondering. Flip is not fired.


He's chilling.


Yeah, he's chilling. He's good. He's having a blast somewhere, knocking food out of some bitch, kicking it. Kicking sausages out of that guy, man.


Nah, this shit is.


Y'all believe that? That's how Whitney Houston died.


Oh, shit. This is what you've been thinking about?


No way.


One of them?


But they said she didn't die from drowning. Know that, right?


Well, it says the medicine shit, the overdose drugs in the system, and drowning is what it said.


I saw an autopsy thing where they said what actually killed her was her body overheating because she was so drugged up in the tub.


Do y'all believe that?


I don't know.


Who here believes that that's how Whitney Houston died.


I'm not. I'm not smart enough. It's outside of my wheelhouse.


Yeah, you better get out of here. Get out of your way, boys.


Rest in peace, Whitney.


Rest in peace, Whitney. But, like, back to dark matter. See, this is what I mean. This is exactly what I mean. Like, we just have to accept certain things. Hey, Whitney Houston found hotel bathtub drugs and sisters. I watched too many shows. So I go pay for a different autopsy, and it'll say something totally different.


I believe that with fucking Mike imprisonment. I don't believe none of them niggas died away. Said he died.


Jimi Hendrix how Bob Marley died.


Cancer, like, alleged.


No, no, no.


There's. There's been, I don't know, theories about. Theories about Bob for long.


Bob. I don't know about.


When you talk. When you talk to the Jamaicans, none of them that I know believe he died from cancer.


Not none of them.


None of the Jamaicans I know believe. Believe that I don't. I haven't heard about the bob theories, but the winner, he. I'm just sitting on like, yo, we so fucking.


Oh, Bruce Lee shit, too.


Yeah, they got a lot of Bruce Lee. Yeah, bro.


You thought it was ultimate Williams.


It's not two.


It's not a junior.


Not too Bruce.


Bruce and Brandon. Yeah, yeah. Brandon couldn't be Bruce Junior. You wasn't like that. You wasn't there. Stop. You was Brandon.


Well, low key niggas say Bruce wasn't like that.


Okay, I see what's going.


I'm just telling you.


I love a good dude, Cass, every now and again.


I'm just telling you what niggas say in the street.


What nigga or what street? No, they say, who did Bruce fight.


To know if he can really?




Cream Abdul Jabar, I think.


Wait, so then y'all don't believe Bruce's story? At least the one that they told about him going through all the classes, becoming ill, and one wanting to be an actor. So him being wherever he was from, trying to cultivate how you do this and you don't believe?




Whether or not he was like that, it was fly back in the day that you could get that shit off. Even if he wasn't hyped, maybe he wasn't like that. There was no. Nothing to prove. No one could just get a footage of him in the dojo.


Now they got the real, like, karate. Karate dudes.


You fucking abdul Jabbar, ain't it?


That he wasn't the greatest.


Bruce had enough of Kareem.


Left a big old footprint on that nigga line. Yellow soup.


Hey, real or not, I wouldn't fight him.


Nah, I mean, I wouldn't fight him. Me neither.


I mean, if I had to, I.


Wouldn'T take a chance.


I would try to find another option.


I'll try to talk.


Try to talk it out.


I'll try to talk it out.


So what y'all heard about Chuck Norris?


Nah. Chuck is that nigga.


Chuck is that nigga.


But Bruce ain't like that.


Hold on. Let's get something clear. Chuck has been taped, documented as a actual competitive fighter. We have not seen Bruce do the same.


I'm thinking Bruce all day long.


What about Steven Seagal? Where's he falling?


Steven Seagal getting up all day.


That's not necessarily not true. That's not bullshit.


He do that shit.


Nigga, that was when he was 65, but when he was younger. Steven Seagal? I think so. I'm not fact checking anything, but I think Steven Seagal knew how to fight.


Was like a real bout very much.


If you talk to anybody in the community of fighters, they would tell you they will beat the shit out of Steven Seagal, even at that point in life.


Yo, this is why you're talking to black people.


I don't know about that.


If you talk to anybody in the fighting community, where do I find the fighting community? Who's in the fighting community?


You gotta call Michael Ja White and ask him. He know all of nigga.


So you think Michael Ja White is him, but Steven Seagal is pussy, yes.


He not pussy. He not Michael Jaw White.


Michael Jaw White will beat the.


I'm not gonna say nothing bad about Michael jaw White.


I know Michael Jai White.


I just can't believe he's saying this about Stevens gone and Bruce Lee.


You see Mark for the blasphemy. Have you seen Mark for death?


Some movie. Screw face got four eyes and two head.


Come on, dog. He's a dog. Everybody knocked it.


It's a movie.


No, I know.


That don't mean these niggas can't get busy.


That Steven Seagal practice.


What about John Carvin then?




He getting his ass beat too. By real fighters? By the fighters, by the people that actually study the art.


What order would you put them in?


Who? Chuck Norris.


John Claude.


Chuck Norris's one.




I got? I got Bruce, then Steven.


Steven last.


Hell, yeah.


Where's John Claude?


That's a John Claude. I got John Claude above Steven.


Oh, shit.


He liked Bloodsport that was my ball. I like blood sport.


That's my shit.


We all like blood sport.


I'm telling y'all, man.


That's the other thing I was home for the nineties. That's the other thing I was home thinking about.


What's that?


Y'all don't think that this should have been some type of movie or story released on show nuff, like a prequel?


Oh, this gonna be.


This gonna be one of these, like a prequel about how we got to become show?


No, that'll be fire. This is racist. This is racist. Hey, yo, son. It is racism, yo.


Wait, wait. If they woulda did that early, Busta coulda played him, too, dawg.


They could do that, right? They could do that right? Now, where did show nuff come from?




Was it a two family, two parent household?




How did you get your powers? Where did you learn how to fight? You must have been getting beat up somewhere. That's like the black Joker story. Why can't. The Joker ain't just. It's just nigga that was getting beat up somewhere.


Well, obviously, show enough went and did some time.


Show enough went to jail.


Cause he came home, he went to the movie theater and said, the show gun in Harlem is back.


It's back.


Y'all don't think that we deserve a show enough story? They put out a remake of everything else in the world. The last dragon, they try to weep, sweep under the rug like it's not a black fucking classic.


They gave us Cobra kai, too.


That's what I'm saying.




We should get a show, enough preview.


We need a show, enough movie.


Yo, this why you gotta diversify your portfolio? Cause you could be that dude to bring the last dragon to the screen.


Now we should bring back all the bullshit action movies. Not the same. I mean, all of them.


Yeah, that was racist. Yeah.


It wasn't racist. I'm talking about. I'm talking about the white ones.


Well, give me something.


Which one's the white?


Blood sport.


Blood sport's father. Blood sport is my shit.


It's some bad actors.


We can bring all them shits back.


I don't think blood sports, it's a classic.


No, it's not bullshit. But it's some bad acting in there.


Yeah, it's bad, but it's good.


Who makes you fucking what? Susan B. Anthony. Who makes you w. Man, Dubois.




Nothing to do with movies. Who the fuck are you? Yo, I love niggas. Yeah, but the actor ain't been the acting class the first half. Oh, shit. Cory's bum ass was taking me to acting class. I hate Cory. I hate niggas, man. Come up with some shit.


That's dope.


Them fucking burgundy pants I wore, that was a mess.


Acting class?


Yeah. I tried to dress up. Anytime I tried to dress up, I look messed. Wait, what roles I was going, yeah.


Daredevil, man, you dressed up for.


He was going for Daredevil.


Nah, hold up, hold up. Don't play on my name. Fucking Corey found some drug dealer with a script that was writing.


It was like only two b was around.


Yeah, it was like a different version of power. And I was supposed to be the lead tough guy in the shit. So I was taking the acting classes because I was supposed to be the lead.


He's supposed to be school.


Casper, I'm a fuck you up, Imani. I'm not ghoul. That's sick. This nigga. You got no abs.


You would have been taking a shower.


With the dad bod.


That is hilarious.


It never came. It never came out. That's a shame. I hate each and every last one of y'all.


I didn't get it. I was like.


I knew it was something. Cause they was last fucking.


I ain't catch it till late.


Like, y'all niggas. Hilarious.


That's hilarious. That's funny, dog.


That's funny.


And is everybody cool with Clive Davis's behavior post Whitney's death?


How he's been?


I have.


I haven't heard much of him.


Hey, Joe, I need my money.


I'll play a little intro.


Yeah, yeah, please start fucking with the powers that be. I need my spanky, bro.


I don't know. I started with my light questions.


Oh, shit.


As soon as I get this intro out, I got one for you. I've been down a rabbit hole with Ellen DeGeneres.


Oh, fuck.


So, Ellen.


Yes. Pride month. That bitch is a stone coin.


Nah, don't nah, please. Ellen is different.


Ellen is. I can't believe we felt all that bullshit. Blacks love shingle. We so easy, boy. Life does not care about your view. Life is life. And when you live life, you gain truth. And when you gain truth, you live a righteous life. You can have your view. Like, you can say, yo, I rest on this. But don't think that that view you have is going to match life. Sometimes life demands for the vegetarian to eat a burger.


Let's go, teacher.


Sometimes life demands for the thief to give back what they stole or for the one who is robbed to allow the thief the good. That's the one, are you being led by your own emotions? Are you allowing the truth and righteousness and life itself to lead you into the kingdom of heaven? But if you can't be led, than how you supposed to get there? Your kingdom of heaven is going to be only in your own mind. I'm sticking to my views. I'm sticking to what I know. I ain't changing from it. Well then you trapped in your own thing. Because life is bigger than all of us and we're never going to comprehend all of life. But there is a way. By giving up your life, you gain your life. Wow. Meaning? By giving up the control you think you have over your life, smoke, you're led right to where you supposed to be. You're led there. And the leading there will contradict everything you know.


God, let me explain to you.


I'm saying what you.


Shout to wherever you might be listening from. Shout to the ladies. Always everybody in Jersey City. Big jersey, big Jersey. Newark too, I guess, maybe coming up.


So if you want some love, and.


I'm New York City, Long Island, Westchester, and all of that. With you, it's always something. All the dope boys, all the scammers out there. Man, salute, salute, salute, salute. And the scamming holes. A lot of y'all out here, shout to the women of the lane. All right, all right, all right. Wake it up out there. Wake it up out there.


I believed in you. Yes I did. Yes I did.


My check, my check. Everybody in Vegas, Miami, right now. Denver, two on the low. Denver, two on the low.


It goes. I done went through just about to pass the tissue, baby and you're looking at me like you ain't the issue, baby and though I try to leave I can't stop missing your baby. I keep coming, keep coming back. Round and round.


Skaters out there. All the kids. All the fathers out there. All the fathers out there. Let me get these drops out the way right quick. Nice dude cast for you guys on the way on this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful weekend. We got marshy ambrosia stopping by next week. Shout to the patronies. Shout to the first and last time listeners out there. Shout to the ladies. Shout to the parents. Shout out to the moms. But most importantly, this weekend, shout out to the dads out there you go. You goddamn right.


That's right.


Shout out to the fathers. Father's day weekend. What? Episode 733. 733. Welcome to episode 733 of the Joe Budden podcast brought to you by prize picks. I am your humble, gracious, grateful, and highly favorite host Joe Budden here with some amazing people. To my right is no one. Absolutely no one. No, not at all. I hate the way Melissa Ford calls out. I forgot about this. I forgot about this. Like, that's how they do it. They tell you about some shit three weeks in advance.


Don't rely the right way.


Yeah, then they get the right way for you. Whatever. Mel. Mel. We love you. Flipknot here. Big ish in the building. Big ish. Big ish. Newark's finest, huh? Amani is here. Ian is here just because of the argument we were having off mic. And we're gonna have that argument. Cause he's so fucking whitewashed on things. Parks is here. Poe is here. Corey's here. Erickson is here. Most importantly, all of you people are here. How's everybody doing? How are y'all feeling? What's going on? How's your heart, souls and spirits?






Amazing, man.


Great. Great mood.


Y'all get in a fuck shit this weekend or what? We're keeping it low, keeping it low, keeping it low.


I'm gonna go up top, I think.


I don't control my schedule.


Pop up and pops.


Oh, you don't control your schedule?


No, just go wherever I'm ordered to go.


That's the plight of man.


Bring that g card down with me one day we gonna get that. I think everybody. I'm not talking about parks, but everybody g cars now.


No, I should parks too.


G carried everybody g cars.


You give a little chucky your g card when you get married.


Everybody natural.


I agree.


That's true.


I think everybody. I'm not mad at turning a little.


Bit over me either. And we gonna talk about it. And we don't talk about it.


You like, huh?


Where's this?


Thursday, 06:00. Be ready.


You like?


Oh, all right.


I did it.


We gotta go to someone's baby shower or someone or something.


I did think this little meme was funny about all the single baby dads Justin Leboy I posted saying chick was like, we about to fuck the shit out of all y'all baby daddies on Sunday.


Oh, shit.


You think that's funny, huh? I thought it was funny. I read that and scrolled right by that.


Not a giggle.


Not, not a one. Not a one. I thought that was funny. Um, Ellen DeGeneres first girlfriend died by car accident.




Uh huh.


And then that last girlfriend that she was running around with all super and love, the white girl, she got a nice one.


Portia from Arrested development.


Mm hmm.




Currently you're saying I don't know if they're still together. I don't know what their situation is.


I'm talking about that girl when her show was on, and she looked all super in love with that white girl.


I think I said, blunger.


Hmm. Oh, yeah, that is the girl. Yeah, she died. No, the girl I'm talking about died.


That's. But they weren't together when she died.




You talking about the lady that got into the whole accident?


I wouldn't give a fuck if they was together or not.


Okay, but I give.


Then she died.


Mm hmm.


By car accident. And the rumor is that she was working on uncovering some type of ring or some shit that wasn't supposed to be going on. So she was working with a congresswoman. Name I got in my phone somewhere. But she's no longer alive either. Because she died. You guessed it.


Not by. No. Car accident.


Car accident.


He been in a rabbit hole.




Now I've seen. I just. I watched too many shows.




For me to read this type of shit in real life and be like, wait, now, wait. A goddamn ticket.


Sounds like an episode of Ozark.


It sound like they hang with the door.


Do sound like scandal.


Scandal. That's all you had to watch.


And then if I open. So if I open that dark matter door and look at evil Ellen, I can make it make sense. All that fucking shucking and jiving she was doing up there. And when she hosted and had everybody take the picture. Oh, scary little picture. You know, the picture with everybody.


Mm hmm. It's giving me a little Hillary Clinton.




And then. Cause then they had the clip going around where she had the pizza, and she was talking to Harvey Weinstein with the pizza box in the end. Now, that may mean nothing at all, but that's a lot of car accidents.


No way can be coincidence.


Well, yeah, yeah. I'm not accusing her anything. I don't know shit. I'm just saying that's weird.


Little fishy.


If it was me, I feel like they would. I would get a call to come. I would be subpoenaed.


Yeah, for sure.


She probably has been.


And we didn't hear about it.


Yeah, of course.


Wouldn't hear about it.


Levels to the shit talking about.


It's a different. Different height, buddy.




You down here breathing regular air?


That might be why she's sitting.


Cause light air.


Update, you gotta sit. Hey, listen. Go sit your ass down.


Yeah. That would be so bizarre if Ellen was a stone cold killer. Yeah, that wouldn't be bizarre.


That would.


But now that you breaking this shit down, it makes sense.


Look at what's happening around. What would make it any different? Just a different category.


Makes sense.


Fuck you talking about? I don't think none of them n is beyond that. When you start getting to a certain level and somebody threatening your.


Yo to have that type of power at your dispense, no matter how good of a person you might have started as. Bro, I don't know. You get that type of power, you might get turned out, you might become a whole new evil person.


Different type of drug.




Yeah. What's that shit Mel said?


Cause I know some niggas at Harlem. If I have absolute power, corrupt. If I have some power. If I have some power, I know a couple of N Harlem telling you, night night, nigga.


For real.


About three niggas in Harlem right now.


No way.


If I could get away with a quick little. What's that shit?


Ace Ventura, little poison. Poison frog, bruh.


And now I can get off.


So just become a nurse.


Got a guarantee that they gonna come into your hospital.


Talking to these nurses, too. I took these nurses, say they got about eleven different ways to kill them. And nobody know.


You and your nurse back now.


Scary world out there. Yeah, health as well.


Got the nurse pants on.


Health as well. Health as well. Act like you ain't here.




I heard you.


The seven. What? My nurse pants. I heard them.


I ain't gonna lie. The joints Michael Jackson wore to the court case, when they rushed that nigga to court, he was trying to get off. He's like, Michael, if you don't come to court, we gonna arrest you, nigga.


I shouldn't have these bands on right now. They look comfy. They're too comfortable.


They look comfortable.


They're too comfortable. I just wanted to come to work. Comfy, man. And your health as well.


I heard you all 17 times, brother.


Good. Good. All right. There's a start here somewhere. Let's get Ian's fight out the way. Let's get Ian's fight out the way.


It's not a fight.


You just come in with a bunch of white shits and talking about it. Why do you.


What is the whitewashing? Get off of it already. My opinion is different than yours. It's that simple.


Is it white or is it just.


It ain't white, let's say.


Is it just very optimistic and positive?


It's whitewashed.


It might.


What the hell does that even mean?


How do I feel?


I said. I said, and this is the middle of a conversation that I'm starting at. But we'll get back to the origin at some point. I said that in your relationship or in my relationship, liking pictures, there is a double standard as far as liking pictures on Instagram. True. I am going to like all of the pictures of every ig thought that I can find. Because niggas and art. And art.


Just a coaster of fine photography and art.


Beautiful imagery.


Yeah. The scene.


I'm not gonna comment at all. You're never gonna see me in the comments. That's lame shit. But I'm like, shit. In contrast, you can't exhibit that same behavior because you just can't. True.


You talk about the female?


Yeah. Like, the woman can't go. Like, in my. In my. In my, uh, field. You can't just go liking every fucking picture in the universe of every rapper, actor, entertainer that you could find golfers. Roy McElroy right now to leave and his wife was one of little interview girls. I've been in white people business this week. I see a lot of Roy McElroy. White people get away with some shit. And because black people not looking don't buy, Roy McElroy should not be able to do what he's doing right now with that little interview.


Ain't got no white shade report.


That's the problem.


That's it.


That's the problem.


Oh, they do?


Yeah, they do.




TMZ? Never.


It's all the same.


Messy. Yo.


It's not as many as today.


I think it's messier.


It is.


No, I think so.


It's a different level of mess scale. It's their mess. Just looks a little cleaner than our shit.




But it's mess.


No way.


Oh, yeah, it's worse. Mess.


Y'all crazy.


I'm not saying it's worse.


Is not posting things worse than what the black blogosphere is posting about black entertainers?


Never. Okay.


These black blogospheres is grassroots. Some of them close to the ground. So your side chick that you met a month ago? Well, okay, they got pictures of her and her building. What? She outside walking the dog. You came here to drop some, shoot some groceries off. They caught you, nigga. Ring camera. Now that's popping on the lower tier blogospheres. Now. The big black ones pick it up. Now you done out.


And I don't see TMZ pulling up, like, Instagram comments. And who.


Got that little Bronx walk up daddy in there?


But anyway, Ian says that. What did he say?


We said basically, like, as a man, right? If you're in the industries basketball at, you know, whatever the case may be, high profile, you could go like baddies. So, like, let's say you hoop and you could go like all the baddies. Your wife or your girl can't just be putting shit under kawhi pictures, then ant man pictures, then pictures, then. That's not happening ish. Yes.




Because that's the double standard.


Double standard?


It's fake. It's your imagination. It's your insecurity that says they can't do.


There is a difference.


There's a very big difference.


There's no real difference. What is the difference?


The difference is that if we like an Instagram baddie, the chances of her goals. Oh, shit, he's thirsty. He's on me. Is low.




If you're a nice looking woman, is underneath a basketball player or a rapper's page is liking all his shit, your food, he's gonna. Yes.


Multiple rappers and ball players. Yo, dog, you. You play for the Vikings and your wife is just all up under fucking Zeke's photos every single. And then over here under Brady. What?


But is you're allowed to go in, like, Ruby Rose's picture and that's okay? I'm asking.


I never saw a ruby Rose picture in my life.


I'm just asking you, is your wife supposed to be okay with that?


Yes. Is what we're saying.


It's a double.


That makes no sense.


I'm not saying it's fair.


I think. Would you have a bigger problem with your wife going and liking Idris Elba's photo? Or would you have a bigger problem if you kept seeing her like Imani's photo?


That's part of it, though. Because these are your. No, no, because that's part of it. These are your peers. So if you are a rapper and your girl is just all up under every one of French's photos, you feel some sort of way about that? If you play ball, you're Justin Jefferson, and your girl is all up under d hop shit you like. Yo, dog, what's your problem?


Yeah, and she's thinking the same thing about you.


These are people that double standard. It's a double standard you keep, but you're.


You're verifying the double standard. I'm saying that's what makes the relationship foul. If you're gonna go do it, let your girl go do it.


No, it's a double standard, brother. And it's. Again, it goes back to the. There's a difference. A woman could go outside and get laid whenever she wants to. Like this as a dude. I mean, some people can, but for the most part, you gotta work for. You got.


We got work for. It's different when last time was last time somebody bought you a first dinner?


Well, I've been married, and I'm with my wife eight years.


How old are you?




And all of your first dates, who paid by choice?


Me. All right, by choice. Not by standing.


By default expectation.




You are looked at as less of a man. If you allow this woman to take you on a first date and pay.


And you might be looked at as a bum by her, you are looked.


At as a much.


Does any of your wives or significant others get mad about you liking women's pictures? Start there.


No, no, no.


Never. There's no problem.


My girl is in me a baddie. My girl will send me a baddie.


I've had that problem in the past with every.


And why? Oh, there you go. And why?


Because they think it's either me being thirsty.




Or they think it's somebody that I can actually have some type of.


Imani. Imani gave an example before.


Mm hmm.


Can I?


Go ahead.


Imani made his people stop following Chris.




It wasn't Chris.


Oh, was it Chris?


No, it was Drake. Oh, Drake.


Pardon me.




Your girlfriend. You made her stop.


No, no. Like a minute ago.


I know. I'm saying.


And it was petty too. Cause she. She made me unfollow somebody that she saw me liking.




And I was like, I. Wait, if you're doing this with me, and I'm not even doing nothing, so.


E, you're on my side?


That's why I said I think you being optimistic and positive about what you saying. I'm not saying that what you're saying is wrong. I just also acknowledge it's a double standard.


It is.


It's just a double standard. And what I did was out of pettiness. Just be all right. We just gonna even the score at this point. I really don't give a fuck if you follow the.


It's not a thing of fairness.


It's not that I can't if I can.


So you don't hold the double standard?


Um, me personally today, I don't, but I will say that. I can't even say that. Cause if I was dating somebody and they started liking all everybody pictures that I'm.


Is it celebrity or is it your friends?


I don't mind. I don't mind if my girl likes pictures of, like, my friend. My friends.


No, no. I'm saying. But outside of the double standard. Societal norms. Right. When you talk about beauty standards.


Go ahead.


If. If I like five girls pics on Instagram, there's a good chance that straight or bisexual, my girl also thinks, well, this picture is kind of fire.


That is true.


But she may not like it.


Men are not graded that way.


That's true. He's right.


So if you just under somebody's shit, it's going to come off differently than the man's will.


That's true.


I'm not saying it means something different. I'm saying what it represents will be different.


He's right.


Let me tell you what's going to piss me off. If I go and see my girl on Instagram liking a bunch of bodybuilding niggas pictures while I'm over here, scrawny as fuck, in my brain, I'm like.


All right, because you feel like that's what she really wants and I'm not.


That that could trigger.


I don't care about that.


I'm just telling you what. Yeah, I feel you. Cause then in my brain, I'm like, all right, well, you 100% got a little. But that's a little pike fetish.


But, you know.


But then again, I'll feel away, but I won't even really be mad. Cause at the end of the day, you still fucking with me.


So I was about to ask y'all.


That's their fight with the BBLs, though.


Do y'all think that y'all are, what, your significant other? Once? I'm not asking y'all, cuz y'all are married.


Ideally, no.


Yeah. I say no to hell, no.


I know.


I like body.




Not body overall or just like package.


Like your whole package.


I had pause this week, how you.


Look, how you dress.


And she fought it. She fought it. But I had to talk anyway. And I stood. I stood on business. In the talk. It's like, yeah, you like them reggae niggas. Niggas.


Reggae niggas.


That's why she made you wear that when you were over there.


It makes sense, though, yo.


But I don't think there's anything wrong with acknowledging at all either.


Extra ill, because I'm way outside.


You went outside of your.


Hey, listen.


And I've dated some people that weren't my complete bag.






And appreciated. They look, even though I once in a while go and look at some other shit and might like it or something, but I appreciate it fucking with them. So it worked.


That's true.


And then you might try to implement some things to kind of help along the way to get it more to what?


Get towards your back?




Try to plump them up.




And this conversation started. Audience, if you have the. I promise we are going to talk about something of importance at some point. Or maybe not.


Maybe not.


Maybe ice and Mel are the people that normally write on the board, since they both are not here. Everybody that is remaining is arrogant enough to think that we don't even know fucking. Who are you playing with? What the fuck is wrong with? So maybe we'll get to something important. Maybe we won't. This particular conversation started because in a moment of confidence in the dude cast off Mike, I was telling my brothers that my phone is really dry. Like, it's really, really, really the real thing dry. You know, like, the dude to do talks is what I'm saying. Cause they don't understand what I'm saying.




And then Corey said, nah, but it wasn't dry. And it was kind of dry then, too. And then there was a look of confusion. So I just went in explanation mode, and I was like, yo, well, damn. Let me see.


It's not what people think it is.


What you mean?


Like, everybody is faithful?


Let's do that. No, sir. Let's start there.


But people start there. We're potting, boo.


The little ruby rose picture went out. They said we was all pussy.


Oh, we looked bad pussy.


I wanted to look pussy.


Somebody hit me like, yo, all of the hand placement is funny.


And we talked about it while we were doing it.


Everyone's like, hey, but that goes into my point with the dry phone. I was explaining to my brothers that I'm scared of meeting new women anyway.


Oh, yeah, he did.


Yeah. So back to the picture on the. Yo, dog, hands to my side. Like, y'all niggas was like, yeah, she fine. I'm like, yeah, lawsuits.




Hands to my side. Cause, no, if I don't know you. I've been watching the basketball player. Niggas is doing the handless hugs with me. It's scary out there.


Keanu Reeves do that shit every time. Every time you take a picture.


Harmless hugs.


Hey, really?






He's been on for a while, too. Yeah, follow the Keanu Reeves of the world.


A lot of niggas with money out there and just some. Some notoriety of their hands to their side. But anyway, so, yeah, the phone is really dry because monogamy and. Yeah, but, like, I'm scared to meet new people. New, new women.


As you should be.


One of the. One of the misnomers is that we. Well, I don't know about for y'all, yo, I know they being your dear. They don't.


I don't read DM's.


They don't be.


But I don't even read the DM's.


They don't.


We had the conversation.


That's a lie.


In the DM.


I'm not trying to put you on blast, but people are in your DM's.


Not trying to bag me.


Yeah, that's not. Even if you don't see it as that. They are.


No, they're.


Respectfully, I don't see it as that. Cause I don't read the DM's. I'm not giving nobody access to nothing. I'm scared of anybody new that I don't know.


I'm gonna take a step further.


I feel like you would think I.


Like, I like this new little thing that's going on. They're in the DM's. I speak for mine in the DM's. The only thing now is that it's enough going on in the DM's where I don't even have the time to pay attention to it. And I'm not looking for it.


But it is there.


Like, I see it there. Like I know, I know when I can see when the little request there and I can see who's there for the bullshit and who's there. Just want some.


Yo, I wouldn't, I wouldn't lie to. If they in there, they in there, right? Think I'm hot.


It wouldn't matter, cuz niggas feel like they could go get whoever they want to go get when it's time to go, they don't even matter.


That part it's not.


So does dry reference if you're entertaining it or not? Is that what.


It's just the type of conversation that even if they are in there, that they're having, like, they might be in there trying to like, pod with you a little bit.




And that may be flirting in some weird way, but it's not over, like throwing the pussy at you.


Yeah, they're not put. They're not throwing a pussy. I promise.


I'm not falling for that trick no more. Neither, though you do gotta be careful for sure. A lot of people do try to start with the very casual.


You go, I'm a fan of the pile.


And then you. Because you want to interact. And I'll do that with men and women. I do it with both all the time.


I don't.


I mean, but your DM's not how.


Your DM's. Yeah. Is different. Like, let's just say in a day. Let's say you get a thousand DM's. In a day, I might get 200.


Yeah, I might get 150. Some shit like that.


Like, that's not dry.


But that. They argue.


We're talking about the conversation, not conversation.


Subject matter matters. They not like issue. So hot.


Ooh, a la la.


They like. No, you motherfucker. You was wrong when you said that's what I. Mm hmm. I don't get that. I get occasional flirty odds or some shit, but I don't get that overwhelmingly. I would tell.


See, I run from flirty eyes. Yeah. Got to. I run away from any sign of aggression, assertiveness, or initiative from the girl.


Oh, you got to.


Because I'm likable.


Bitch don't like me.


I'm dead ass. I'm a catch. Yeah, like. Cause niggas, you know, niggas used to do the. What's that word they came up with?


Hard to entertain.


That's the word that they came up with in the women's meeting. Are you entertaining? Are you entertaining? Tell me you're not entertaining. That word jammed us up for a little bit. What is that? What is that? But once we understood and, like, we can't. I can't even. Cuz the girl going, she can know about your girl. She can know about your situation. She gonna fall in love with you. Cause it's a good time. I'm a slice.




It's a good experience. It's nice restaurants. It's bowling without the bumpers, bitch, we doing cool fly shit. We know people. Where we going.




That's the thing.


You not with no nigga. That is saying. We meant Alpha. Back to the Alpha conversation. You Alpha. If you go up to the desk and say, yo, put the bumpers up for me. For me. I'm not talking about the girl that needs it. Me. Now both us are there. No, you use the bumpers. I got my balls with me and a glove, bitch. I'm just saying, if a girl meets somebody, that's a nice time.


Mm hmm. It's a problem.


It's a problem.


It's annoying. It's mad text. It's mad calls.


It's a problem.


Don't try to get to know me. Don't.


One of my. One of my exes, she used to be like, yo, I don't even care that you cheating. She used to say that. She used to be like, yo, dog salute. Fuck these girls. Wear a condom and bring your dumb ass back home. But you mister talky talk, just gotta be. Wanna be on the phone with him for 2 hours. Now they start to like you. Yeah, you giving a girl advice on how to get they credit, right?


If that's naturally you, it's hard to turn on. That's what I'm realizing now. I naturally know that I can entertain even at the minimalist form.


Oh, I watch it with Imani every weekend. I ain't lying. I said, oh, he don't know that he's likable yet.


No, I know, I know. I just now know to turn it off.




Oh, I wish you turn it off more. Hey, show me where to switch.


Anti nigger.


I don't know if I'm anti anti.


Yes, he is.




Cuz I go out like the fans, the fans try to say I'm not.


And I sit over there in the.


Corner, but the fans say I'm not even introvert because I go out.


That nominee when you go out?




No, not to talk to me outside.


And they think we're you, right? So. Because they watch the pod way before we came on.




They'd be like, like, yo, I know you don't like this, dog, but I'm like, fam, I'm not Joe.


But you know what's funny?


And I'm staying in the house. Cause bitches say I look better in person. You're a bird. I thought of that because ish and ice on Reddit, there's a little clip up of them walking around the Chris Brown concert. Some niggas saying, y'all look better in person. So I was like, that's funny. That's happening to them because that's also happening to me. So you gotta just stay in your room.




I walk into hookahs. My dad like, a joint is in there. I'd be like, I'm in my bitch. Not now, you're joint.


Yeah, I was out with my wife.


Like, it for real.


I was out with my wife last weekend and women were coming up to her like, yo, is that you together? Looks like him. I was in trouble.


Yeah. Pop them curls curling.


See, and that's a double standard. It is?


Yes. A girl can do that.


Can do that.




And it'd be champ with your wife around.


Yes. They don't know if a girl could still do that. Yeah, that's totally different. If a guy does that woman and.




It'S not you. Depends asking for the asking type of girlfriend, you got.




Because if you got one of them. One of them flies, the handle joints, she would got poppy.


You should be at the age.


Yeah, that's.


How old are you?


How old are you, Joe?


You not. That is not a age.


Not yet.


That is not.


Maybe not age, but maturity.




Older niggas is trying to tell you something. Young, my young G. Older niggas is telling you my youth, my you and a few. Because at 40, I was. I still like the bitches that fly off the hands too. I still like it a little bit now, but they just not safe. That's why I gotta turn shit up in the house. Ain't now again with this big bitch.


But you can't control. I mean, you can.


You can't.


You still like. You like anarchy in your life.




Organized. I don't organize chaos.


I know you just said you like a little bit of the flair.


I wanna know that my bitch ain't no punk.


But that's my point. You can't control.


That's different from the shit that we all have endured in our pass.


Yeah, okay.


Any of that wild shit now seems.


I want to know. I want to know that if a chick just mush my girl, I got a couple seconds to finish the coffee. And you alive.


Yo, I read some shit. Nigga said some shit on Twitter. He was like, yo, I just want all y'all girls to know that when my girl get in a fight, my hands is bisexual.


That nigga said his hands is bisexual.


So I was dying.




The other day to. Never mind.


Oh, that's crazy.


I read it.


I can't what he meant, but, no. Young thug fucked the game up. It was a few years ago, I guess he was on break from his partner, and he put up a post on Instagram that said, don't get shot trying to entertain my people while we on a break. And once he said that, everybody put that up. Cause niggas be going through breaks and people know.


Niggas eyeing your chick.


Niggas, we go, stop posting that shit.


How long is the break, though?


Start posting that Ayala Van Zant quotes.


What do you mean, how long is the break?


However long you say it is.


A couple of months.


The gun talk, you say, yes, sir, Mister Thug, sir.


You got it, sir.


A brick break could last about a couple of months.


A break could get bad. I done had some bad breaks. I had to pull off that neo album.


Carry on.


That's the one. I know that's the one.


Please don't worry about me, I'm fine. Because the break, right? This is. We gonna move off this relationship in a second. But the break, sometimes the break is happening. Cause y'all had bad communication in the first place. So now y'all break with the bad communication that was already there. Y'all ain't even gonna know how to communicate the bullshit that we both bout to do on the break. We both about to do some bullshit on the break. You communicate that you have to.


Nah, I never heard of that.


Yo, you have to. Yo, you have to.


You different.


You absolutely.


That's a free up.


You communicate what you're about to do.


It's over.


Yeah, that's the talk of him.


And that's the to. He's not lying.


That's this.


He do some weird shit.


We're going on break, and I'm about to go get active with other people.


No, no, no. Slow down, slow down, slow down, slow down, slow down, slow down, slow down. Let's add some. I want to add some context to this. You both on break.




The break, however the break happen. Okay, but the break happened. You not calling. You not calling. It's a break. We are not communicating.




Um. Time is going by.


Mm hmm.


You both are lasting longer than you thought you would last.


Little stale lit.


You are lit. Me. Let me put me. I'm lit.




If this lasts for a month, a month and a half, just in my natural walk of life, I've identified at least. At least a few people that I would.




Just on. Just on the. You're attractive. I need something to do while I'm not doing anything.




You've identified those people, and they've identified her.




That's the point for me, where someone has to pick up the phone. Do I have to pick up the phone?


Are we talking other people or not.


To say, hey, we beefing. We on break, and I'm waiting, but.


It'S looking spooky out here.


But I do want to fuck something. You say, see, that's how those talks. No, I feel like that's how people on break end up. Fuck it. I want to fuck something, and you want to fuck something, and we both fuckable to other people. So are we going to fuck through our bullshit and figure it out or are we not? Because if we not, then we know where this is about us.


That could determine whether it goes from being a break to a breakup.


Yes, a breakup.


A breakup.


Because if you go fuck somebody out, I can't see me doubling back after the me just saying like, if we say we on a break, you start having those feelings. We getting close to a point where this is last a little bit too long and the nut is at the right tip of being needed to. Yeah, let's have that conversation.


I mean, my girl started telling me about all the people I fucked on a brick. And I responded with all the people that I didn't fuck on a brick.


You would.


Cause that's important, Joe.


That's crazy.


It's not. I don't think that's crazy at all.


It's not.


I don't think that's crazy.


Some of the shit you say is crazy.


It's brutally honest.


But then when you start thinking about it, you be like, yo, dog, do.


You know how many people and I can share this just because this is already shared shit? You know how many beautiful, beautiful women have flown themselves into town to be in the area of you and try to get some dick while you on break? You're not talking.


Mm hmm.


Now it's on you. Do you have the discipline needed in this moment? Cuz you know, if you fuck this girl, your break is about to go different. I done got a bunch of them fine bitches to fuck away from me in the name of a break. So don't start telling me about the one or two or three times I fell victim Joe. Fell victim Joe. You poor thing.


I wish that this even existed in.


My womb as a man. As a man, I fuck with what you saying?


Cause I've done that before, but it's. Y'all gonna laugh at me.


It's bullshit.


Absolutely standing it. And I don't think it's bullshit.


That's not.


That's not. I don't think it's bullshit.


And you know, I'm quick to say if you're on board.


Listen, he not the minute you decide to go ahead and entertain one or two, that to her is gonna be one or two men.


What the fuck is with the double standard? That's not true.


I disagree. Because guess what happens? A lot of girls, if she do the same, if their fuck be on a. No, but we was on a break. We were broken up.


I got a better one. They won't even say they did it.


You won't ever know or no, this the gangster one, this.


Let me tell you, we're the assholes that talk. Men talk, men give it up. Women go out there and on break. No, they're doing it. They're just not letting it get back.


To you know why? I know they do it. Because I'm. Yo, listen, you talk, you meet a girl, you be like, yo, you got a man. And they say, no, my man had to start asking girls, hold up. Does anybody think they're your man because you've been broken up with this nigga for three weeks? But y'all been in a nine year relationship. That's not a breakup, mama.


Mm hmm.


That's a break.


That's a break. And he will break your neck when he catches, yo. A girl will invite a nigga over on a break, and homeboy got keys. They don't think that they are. That's a break.


Women are way smarter than they be.


Fucking on the break, bro.


And her fucking on the break is different from us fucking on the break. Cause you'd like to think that the person that you was dealing with is not so cavalier with the pussy to where they'll just one shot bang somebody and move on. So that means that you have been putting in the phone time, the face time, the quality time to feel comfortable enough with somebody until you learn your.


Girl and realize that she ain't needing to do it on that neither. I'm telling you, niggas, niggas got to get out their ego thinking that women got to do, do the same shit. A lot of women.


I think I started with. You'd like to think what you'd like to think. Started what? You'd like to think there's some women.


That can pick up or, no, it's.


Some that could go outside and get a drink and homeboy smell like heaven. He's wearing a fuck out that suit. And that nigga got some traps, and I don't got none.


And you wonder why the next time.


And she don't, and she don't want to be with him. No, but she want to fuck him.




She want to be with you.


Mm hmm.


Mm hmm.


And she gonna be with you and.


He gonna be well. Mm hmm.




You want, do you want to know who that guy is in the event that happened? Yes.


No. Every time you do, though.




I don't.


I want to know every time we've had this conversation.


You want to know? You want to play by play? I'm good.


Please tell me. I need to know. Because if we walking in a neighborhood and all of a sudden.




How you doing?


Don't fuck the neighbors.


I don't do that.


Don't fuck the neighbors.


I'm just telling you.


I feel like you gotta know.


Gotta know.


I feel like you gotta know.


Not me. I don't want to know none of that.


You, what if it's someone that looks nothing like.


I wouldn't like the exact opposite of.


Who you are to her.


I don't care about that. What if that niggas the fucking mailman and he's bringing mail to your door?


Don't have lazy box. Yeah, like, go over there and fuck somebody in my proximity.


Go over there, you can't tell somebody how to. Now.


Your network is lit preferred.


Like, you get what I'm saying? Like, if we on a break, I'm not gonna go fuck the chick that we know. We see.


Let me ask you a question.


When people spot, yeah, but if you didn't look hurt enough when the break was happening, she gotta try to get some feeling out of you somehow, so she gotta fuck somebody in your proximity. You was acting too cool during the break.


This also, this also is based on who's determining the break. A lot of times it's not both people wanting to take the break. It's not mutual. So if the guy's initiating a break, you have no stance to say at this point who you need to go fuck with and who you need to tell you can't.


Yo, be respectful with your box, bro, please, please. That's.


Her response is gonna be, nigga, I'm.


Gonna hope that you're respectful.


What is respectful with the box?


Fuck somebody. I'm not telling you don't fuck. I'm saying have a level of discernment where ish could find out that I fuck.


Guess what her response could be, nigga, then you shouldn't have let me go on a break. Then we wouldn't have to worry about it.


You can't say that. Cause then you might as well. You gotta get approval from her on the chicken. It's your fault.




It should be discernment.


I'm the girl.


The same level of discernment. I'm not gonna ever in my world, in my life, have I fucked a girl that was close to my. In my life, I'm 48.


Then be respectful what you're doing.


I never did that, bro. I never done that.


Same rules.


Have I cheated?


I never did that either.


Of course I've cheated. I've never fucked somebody that I know. But that's not to shake my girl, but that's not to hug my girl and do all that. I'm not with that shit, bro.


No, no, no.


But that's not the only time.


Shaking hands that. But it's.


That's not the only thing that can bother a woman in that situation, I'm not disagreeing. She could just be bothered by the fact that the type of chick that you decided to fuck with, she think is less of the quality than what.


You should be gonna feel. That way they always think cool.


So at that point, you don't win for nothing. At that point, no one decides.


I'm not telling you who I fuck, period. I don't want to know who you fuck. Kareem over there, I don't give a fuck about him.


I'm saying, what if he doing weird shit now? Like showing up at your job or adding you in the stories or just subbing you like, right? You need to feel like ignorance is bliss in that. In instance, she's a goofy, but you're not gonna know if she a goofy.


Y'all got an uppercut in my pocket.


I don't know what that means.


These work.


What are you talking about?


Like, yo, but when he starts being. No, but you just said he's subbing you being disrespect.


You don't know cuz you don't know the dude.


Oh, what? I don't know don't hurt.




What? I don't know. You crazy, but I don't know.


Tell me true. If we have. If we come to the point of a break, no matter how we decided, tell me so that we can now move forward. Because if I find out later on in the future, I'm gonna have a problem with it. Tell me now and I'll do the same.


All right. We did it.


We did it. We did it.


We did it.


It's about that time.




Men is crazy. Men are psycho.


Sound crazy, yo.


Men are like.


You sound delusional. All of you parts is the only one of reason here.


I kind of agree with that.


I don't think so. No, it's delusional. It's the reason why they're so not.


Even talking in the mic. Adjust yourself, buddy.


You're all delusional. You all have double standards, which perpetuates the problems that keep existing.


You have double standards, too.


Like what? Go ahead, I'm fine. Go ahead. Anything, anything.


We got it out.


Any bad.


But you got double standards.


The world as well.


The world. You know. Hold on, let me talk to this nigga right quick. Cause he's trying to play with us. You know, our little joke, mine and yours.


Of course. I understand it very well, too.


Okay. Your wife can't do that.


She may be. Look, and Jules, I love you.


We got him.


We got him.


We got him.


Move that goal post. You'll move that goal post.


She can't do what? Our little joke, having work relationships with women.


Yo, my joke. My joke with Ian is this. And it is just a joke, but jokes be funny sometimes. I say that Ian, in all these little different pockets of business, keep a little 50 year old white woman that, with access to bad, that moves mountains. Yeah. That controls the budget, but, yeah. And I know he get in his. He get in his bag in those instances. And I know that while they may.


Know he's married, if he wanted to push the button, the button.


I'm saying part of the business is I do got to call you at 10:00 p.m. right. I may have to call you while you in bed with your partner. Right. I may be inviting you to a premiere party, and we need to.


All right, I see.


Okay. It's like it could. It could look away if I'm moving around like this. Your partner can't do none of that shit. Stop it.


I would at first feel. Yeah, I'd be very uncomfortable.


There you go.


However, is cracked. However.


I've. I've put such a serious lack of boundary in my household. I don't know how mad I can get if that that kind of existed.


But based on the double standard, you shouldn't be mad. I mean, based on what you're saying, you shouldn't be mad at all.


Shut your cuck ass.


You're right.


Fuck you. Don't even put the cuck me.


Or me.


Shut your fucking. Shut your cuck ass up and make some drunk.


Make some deals.


Make some deals.


I feel like it's the perfect segue.


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I was excited for my trip to LA. Cause I'm like, I'll show you and hit some. Hit some joints while I'm out there.


Lucas a bum. Shit.


About to be over.


Lucas a fucking bum. He's got roast.


Can't play defense.


He's a. That's a bum where I come from. I think it's more lights is too bright.


No, I think it's a mental thing, too. Like, I just think he passed the ball, but I think mentally, he's selfish. Like Kyrie was cooking, bro, you got to give him the ball. You gotta let him lead you in that game. He couldn't get out his own way to let Kyrie just do his thing. I think that that. That's. That's a negative. And he can't guard nothing. Nothing is a turnstile. Like, he can't guard nothing, bro.


That's good for him, though. I came in here after the All Star weekend and told y'all about his attitude during that all Star game. That shot that he took from the opposing team's free throw line off an inbounds pass. I came in here and told y'all how sick that niggas behavior was during that all star game. But it spoke to something. It spoke to some. It spoke to your just very cavalier. No, just a jovial attitude toward the game. And the all star game. Ain't nobody gonna really complain. But it's the finals, my guy. It is the NBA Finals. I know you come from wherever you come from, but this is like the highest level of competition over here. So to see you do all that complaining to the ref, that's a lot of complaining to refs who are humans with feelings and go home and speak to each other and have a group chat like we are, nigga. There's a society of refs. And them refs ain't new jack refs. Them refs that they got in the finals.


The finals refs, they the refs.


They the 20 year, 25 years. Yeah, we don't play with none of y'all niggas.


Yeah, we respected in this field.


Yeah, we was doing this when Vinnie Johnson was out here. My guy, we don't give a fuck about. About Luca Donald. He did a lot of crying. And that foul he took when he got five. The blocking by the free throw line of Jalen Brown. It's just not a position that you want your best player to even be in. Who cares whether it was a foul or not? You don't want your best player to be in that position. He bugging out there.


Situational basketball is, you recognize I got four fouls. You realize how they're reffing the game. You don't even put yourself in a position to get that fifth true.


And if you don't look like you supposed to look, none of the other players, with Kyrie being exception, look the way they're supposed to look. Nobody else look how they supposed to look besides Kyrie at home, like, yo, I. But, I mean, Dallas is a fifth seed, fam.


They said that the people was talking to him from the stands in whatever his native language is, telling them to stop crying.


It's too much crying.


It's like, yo, the people was talking him. Like, his.


The crying lead to a five on four too much. We watching the game. This ain't even entertaining my ABC. Whoever aired a game ain't even got you in the shot no more. You crying on other side of the floor. Come on, man. Come on, man.


That's true.


Not now. Not now. Not after you did what you did to Minnesota. Number one defense in the league. Like, show up, put up a fight.


The gift and the curse of the situation is they wouldn't be there if it wasn't for him. But now that they there, he isn't showing up.


Well, that's why competition gets advanced as you advance.


Yeah, that's true.


Like, if you want to win it. I thought the league kind of wanted to get Luca his shit, but he's not yet ordered.


Levels go from being, yo, I'm gifted physically, but now let me know the mental part of the game. And that's why I think a lot of the younger teams, they don't know how to win. We saw Indiana have Boston on the ropes for four games down the stretch and mentally just fell apart within two minutes. Cause now you gotta learn the mental pieces of the game and how to win. You'll shoot a three on a three on one. Some stupid shit. That magic is going to the hole. Cause I might get fouled. The refs might. Gotta put the pressure on them to call a foul just in case I miss all of those little small things when champions.


Let's not take away from Boston, though. Boston playing, not at all. They're playing great.


They're playing great basketball.


I think they're just a better overall team.


And Missoula is out coaching Jason kid. Oh, Missoula an apology. He is 100% out coaching Jason kid. I don't understand it. That Jason kid timeout. When they went on a 20 to two run. Why would you break a momentum like that? I don't. I don't get it. I just don't get some of the decisions being made out there. Listen, in the event that the finals ended, now there's one game left. That game will have air by the time this airs if it ends now, who do y'all have? Is the finals mvp?






All of you have Jalen Bradley.


100%, without question, and he should get it. He looks like. He looks like the heart.


I can't. I can't challenge what y'all are saying.


Yeah, JB.


I would like to make a drew holiday argument, but, I mean, the role.


Players are seven up, but I don't think that garners.


I feel like the Celtics win every game because of Jalen. Drew Holiday. And do Derek White.




Oh, yeah. Him too.




They are once again to the last seven minutes of the game. Them to just start bugging, whether it's.


A rebound, whether it's a timely three, whether it's a dope pass. They get busy.


They do.


They look so good for Jalen Brown. Good for being able to bounce back that way. Last season in the playoffs, all everybody said was how you fucking look like shit, and you didn't have a left. He said it, and coming in, you said you took it personally. So good to see him take it personally. Good to see Tatum not let his ego get in the way. All the good shit that's going on out there, Shaq, the Tatum, and the Celtics just a good job out there.


They just, like, they ready to close up.


I'm a little sad. Cause that mean I can't go to Imani lil new mixie spot. Hey.


You can go tonight.


Yo. Armani took me to the mixiest spot I've been to in the last ten years. Mixiest spot I've been to in the last ten years. Any spot I came on here and said was mixy wasn't really me. It was just old nigga mixie. He single pod e or not single, I don't know. But he find the mix mix I'm talking about with all of the fucking athlete, entertainer niggas with some money and all of the younger girls that want to see these types of men. I was in that mix. Like, I needed a single out. Like, I gave a boogie a long hug.




Like, it was that type of.


And scooted over a little bit, too.


Yo, why are you so stupid? Why you so dumb?


He had a lot of people with him, so he.


He had a lot of people. You would drive a lot of people with him.


Listen, yo, when. When you feel like you've repressed a little bit, you had to go take a step back. Remember I was six years out from being in the city.




So I missed a lot of the city shit, did a lot of relationships.


Now you want to turn it up.


I came back in a relationship, not doing the mixy shit. Now I'm in a situation where I can afford to do the mixy shit and be cool with the person I'm dealing with, being cool with that as well.


So, yeah, fuck it.


I'm outside.


It hit me the last time. It hit me while we was there. I'm like, shit, I keep going out with Imani, but this is like a. I got a new attitude. This is like a shoes. Nah, this Amani gotta enjoy life. Know the mix. Like, he know the young girls. That's. Yeah, I mean, he.


He got enjoy life.


It's a different animal, so. And I need to be prepared for that. As an almost 44 year old man.


Now it's different.


I need a warning when I'm going to that.


I can't deal with it.




And it was like, pretty girls, man. Like, the girl that you just stare like, why you so pretty?


I was at that shit in Boston. I felt like a fish out of water. Like, what am I doing?


Oh, my God.


That's the other reason why your girl gotta let you like pics. Bitches is pretty. Yeah, girls are pretty.


Yeah, just let me enjoy it over here behind the phone. Yeah, 14 states away.


They think the men are pretty, too.


Of course.


No, they think the men are scammers. Look at me getting triggered.


No, I like your dog. I know who my girl likes. My girl tells me, same, same.


That's the COVID up.


No, it's honest. No, it's honest. You better know who your girl like, nigga, besides you.


I leave that I do.


And like you guys were characterizing before, it looks nothing like me. It doesn't move like me.


Doesn't look like looking at the niggas really like a dragon. That nigga be putting it together a little bit. He on a yacht on Sundays.




Yeah, golf.


I'm over here with this flabby everything. Yeah, I mean, so what?


Nigga just gotta lay in the bed? Look at this ceiling. Like, yo, why she like me? What?


Does she like me?


Why you even like me? Some niggas out here see, we in a mixing spot. No, forget it, man. Go ahead. No, no, go ahead. No. Cause it's like, dude, observations that you never say nothing about as a dude, you just gotta take it home with you. Cause if you voice it, it sounds funny. But you could just. I seen. I seen the difference in the mixy spot with me and her. Oh, with me and her.




Like, dude that was sitting in the corner with the fucking. Come on, my nigga, what we doing?


Yo, yo, y'all gotta fill us in.


No, see, that's the problem. You have to come.


No pause.


No pause.


No, I'm good.


I was out. I was out. I was out with shorty duop. And we both looked good. Cause we didn't know what was going on. Like, it's our first time in the spot. And I could just see how this mix reacted to me as far as the women and how this mix reacted to her as far as the guys. So as a guy, you sit there and you just noticed that it's like this fucking long nigga stretched out in the corner with the fucking fancy shirt and the tight black jeans and the shades. You keep looking at me. You like, what you want. What's up, man? I'm sitting here like, yo, it's some regular nigga. That ain't bad. Look at this nigga.


Hey, niggas is in there getting.


He got a little skin regimen.


They getting it done in there.


I appreciate the good looking crowd when the men are decent looking dudes. I don't like being in a busted ass car.


That to me, honestly, I want to.


Be in that situation.


I want to be in that situation now.




I don't want to be around just some dusty ass niggas. Like, I don't want to be tucking my chin, having my shit low. They don't want to smile, nigga. I want everybody in here to feel like they him in her. Yeah, I want to be around good.




With that shit.


Nice when you can smile around somebody for real. Cause even in the strip club, you know, the nights where I ain't about to throw no money in. Yeah, y'all don't even make it feel good to throw money in here with these niggas in here.


Um, we gotta say rest in peace to Jerry west. Coming off this.


Indeed, coming off. Oh, wow. Yeah, that fuck me up. A certain name, that shit came through. Like, Kobe name came through. Certain names. You just. It's like, damn, nigga, you so much of a legend that was out, like, three different ways.


These things be eternal almost. You know what I'm saying? Like, huh?


You know, they're saying that Jerry's responsible for three dynasties. Two Shaq Kobe Lakers, the other Lakers and the warriors. But Jerry west had his hand in that Clippers law nation shit, too. Clippers, they didn't win nothing.


Memphis for a minute.


But he put. He put the Clippers back together. Yeah.


Jerry west is that name basketball.


Jerry west told JJ Reddick to fuck off after that little hilarious plumber conversation that he had about Bob Crawford.


Say what? You average twelve minutes a game?


Twelve points a game. You average twelve points a game at some point. Numbers matter. Numbers matter. Did you impact winning? I love when the sports niggas start talking about impacting winning. Cause that's like a level that I don't understand as a fan. I love that shit. That's like a real dig insult. Did you impact winning?


You average 30 on a bum team.


Like it.


Leave me alone.




Rest in peace. To the logo man. Thoughts and prayers to his family, friends, and fans. Laker Nation out there. Sad day for y'all. Go, Jerry west.




Go, Jerry west.


He did it all.


He seemingly lived an amazing life. He was 80. 86.




86 ain't a bad age to check out 86.


Rich in LA for most of your life.


Mm hmm.


And you can't see the fucking logo. Logo. You can't say nothing about me. Even my haters can't say, shut up.


Yeah, and I got a chip and I got an MVP on it.


On it where you're playing again. My likeness. Yeah, you're playing. My likeness symbolizes what you do.


And I did something my whole life that I love. Word.


That's the dope part.


That's. That's.


That's the real dope.


Even when I stopped playing, I was able to impact the game.


Jerry west, we love you, man. For real. Sorry they depicted you like that. And that little HBO shit. That was fired. Yeah, it was fire, though. It was a fire show. And I like Jerry west being an asshole.


Not bad.


I'm a fan of the assholes. I am. I am sorry, Jerry West. Prince Paul is on. Paul. Yeah, you're right. Um, it's what we were saying about Ruby Rose, how the 26 year old girls will catch you slipping. What we were saying, yo.


No, I.


That's all her coming up here. So I was just sitting there like, okay, I understand. Cause you get far removed, but then you start looking, it's like, ah, I understand what's going.


No, what I gathered when she came was it was kind of unfortunate, almost, because you could see that this girl was smart as hell. You could see she came from a great family, at least on paper. Like, you know what I'm saying? She talked about how she went to study abroad in Switzerland, and I'm like, what?


Right? I'm from East Orange.


Like, what the fuck are you talking about? And she said that now she's getting flack because they're saying she's cosplaying. Like you're from the suburbs, but you acting like you lived this ratchet life. And it's almost when we hear the rappers back in the day on, I think it was. What was the Jay Z movie streets of Watch the other one, the black joint, the documentary where he's talking to the guys and they saying, yo, we never sold drugs. We never carried no guns, but this is all they want to hear. So we have to incorporate that in our raps. It's almost like some of these younger women, they gotta play this role because that's what society wants to see them as.


You can't be rich and ratchet.




I think if you're cosplaying, it's hard.


Because some of the things that lead you to being ratchet.


Give me an example of someone that's not cosplaying. Who's not cosplaying. That's rich. And. Go ahead. The whole industry is it.


There are some people willing to crash out even. Even in their richness and all that.


Cardi B is rich. She's not cosplaying.


Yeah, she's not.


She's not.


We talk about you. Yeah. When you came up rich or well off, whatever.


Maybe, but we don't know what she came up. We don't. That's an assumption.


That's an assumption that just.


In defending her, in a sense, shit, we. We've watched a ton of the male artists cosplay their way into a certain.


I thought that.




Yo, dog, it was refreshing. Like, surprisingly, like she was.


I'll say this. It was refreshing to hear someone just be honest about being totally aware about how people look at her, how the industry might look at her, not being ashamed to go ahead and just acknowledge that and then also admit to certain things like, yeah, this is what it is. And it's a business. My business. I'm entertaining. I'm not here to motherfucking, really force feed you. My real life, I didn't know she went to college for.


She was a. Yeah, she was pre law.




She was a political science major. She was pre law. She said her family's was. Came from family of attorneys. Like, all of that shit was dope. You know what I'm saying? And it was. It was kind of refreshing.


That conversation scared me because, like, how you said, I could see how a young nigga can meet her and get caught up and just be in a whole whirlwind of shit.


Oh, no.


She scared for my son. And they're like, yeah, yeah.


What, nigga?


By time they get to the point of that 20 something, and they gonna have to deal with the women that think and move like that and got they shit, dog.


Joe asked her, where you see yourself in five years? Be a b came out of my mouth first. Oh, I'll be at a b confidently. I'll be at a b.


Even if it's not reachable. And it is reachable.


It's reachable even.


Let's just. Let's just say. Let's just put the fact that her brain even thinks absolutely to cut that off from reality is just fire shit.


If you land on a half, you're not doing too bad.




Land on quarter.


Shoot for the mo.




Have you missed? You in the stars.


That's it.


Well, I won't bring ethnicity and race into this conversation, but I will said you won't. Yeah, but I'm a liar. I just get sad listening to stories like hers because those similar stories don't happen for young black female artists. I don't. Not really like that. I guess she just kept talking. Yeah, I was lit in high school. Again, the audience, my first deal was La Reid, and then such and such called me over here, and then I went over here and.




And then I listened to the Tyler Breakfast Club interview, where her continuous use of the word colored is a thing over here, even though she's not from over here. So that's the whole thing. Charlemagne asked her a question. Her publicist interrupted that, and then she later released a statement. Can somebody try to find that statement? While I told you, she later released a statement that addressed her avoiding the question and. And her use of the word colored. But regardless of what you think of that interview and how she answered that or didn't answer it, I'm just listening. Like what? Another just girl is not black that gets hand picked.


I'd send it to you. I do think she is black.


She's black.


Yeah, she.


That's why. That's what I'm.


To american standard black, see, only.


Oh, yeah. In the music business, all of that. I got an ounce of black in me, so I'm black. No, stop it. I'm not. I'm not rolling. Let me read what she put out, though. She says, you guys never denied my blackness. I don't know where that came from. I'm mixed with black slash Zulu, irish meridian slash Indian, and colored. In South Asia, I would be classified as a colored woman. In other places, I would be classified as a black woman.


South Africa.


Oh, I'm sorry. South Africa. It doesn't say that here.


It says south, which is she's born.


And raised in Johannesburg. That's South Africa.


Race is classified differently in different parts of the world.




I don't expect to be identified as colored outside of South Africa by anyone not colored doing so because I understand the weight of that word outside of South Africa. But to close this conversation, I am both colored in South Africa and a black woman. As a woman for the culture, it's. And not, or, with that being said, a sombe.


I like that statement. I like it. I think it speaks to a lot of times when american press, when we get things from american press and we hear it as american, we don't think of the global effect that these artists, especially who aren't from here, are dealing with. So the fact that she's even aware of how to even address that moving forward as a young black woman is dope.


I agree with you.


I just think we just get so caught up in being here, hearing shit that's said over here, and not understanding that the artists of today aren't just dealing with here and the way we're influenced within this country. They go to South Africa. They go to Asia, they go to. And when you go to Asia, they might not call you bro.


She's from South Africa. Their entire history was from the apartheid shit and all of that. And they got broken down into different classes of black. Like, it was different levels of that. So for her and what she identifies with is gonna be something that we can't even fathom, my nigga. Like, I'm 48. When I was a kid, apartheid was.


Still a thing, right?


You get I'm saying. So she didn't experience that. But if we go through racist shit, imagine what they going through over there, because they one generation away from a system of total segregation. You get I'm saying. And even with Ruby Rose, like, joe saying, she not black. Her mother's eritrean.


Wait, I didn't say ruby Rose wasn't black.


He was like, another. So her mother's from a region, Africa, and then her father was japanese and black, I think.




So are they lighter skinned people? Yeah, but you can't just immediately take they blackness away. You know what I'm saying? And I think we do that in America.


If they walk into a white fucking city or a white bar, a white restaurant, they're gonna be looked at as black.


See, it's hard, though.


It's the thing.


It's hard.


That's what people don't understand. Even with me.


I don't know that to be true, though.


Even with me, dog, I can tell.


You as a white person that that's true.


He's right. He is right.


It's true.


With who I have, one of my best friends growing up was Filipino, and they considered him black.




Like, white people considered him black.




Got it.


And that's what a. One of the things with people that are mixed, they say, yo, they get it from both sides of the coin. Like, because in the black community, you're not black enough. And in the white community, you ain't gonna get looked at as a white person. So they go through this identity crisis. You know what I'm saying? Because, again, they're getting it from. From both sides. They, for all intents and purposes, how we classify people. They black.


Yeah. But when you. But when you hear someone from this country who has went through what they deem to be the black experience, who's lived black, who's had. They don't want to hear none of that.




He's right. It sounds great. And we all at least have the privilege of being experienced in different realms and having different people a part of our lives to see what they go through before that black person from America who grew up, Brooklyn, Harlem, wherever, boom, all this shit is null and void. I want to hear that shit.




And that's just what it boils down to. And we can't. We can't not acknowledge that, because for those people, that's a real experience. Yeah, you black. You look black.




You african. Boom, boom, boom. But over here in America, it's a different experience from what the fuck y'all talking about. So don't get me wrong. We're not trying to say you can't say what you want to say, but.


And black over here is an entryway. Yeah, that's. I think that's my thing.




What does that mean?


I know what he means, but I'm asking. I don't think it's. I don't think it's applicable for Tyler.


Can you break down what you mean by it's an entryway? So we have a clear understand of that.


Black just gained you more access and credibility. In certain cultural spaces over here. So that's what I mean by it's the entryway. It's why logic keeps saying I'm black.




Oh, you think he's using it as, like, a way to have access.


I don't think nothing. You know, you got damn right.


Okay, so you're saying Tyler. Same.


I'm not saying that I don't know enough about Tyler and her background or her experience, so I'm not gonna say that about her. But I also think that her fate is predetermined, unbeknownst to her, by high power. Yeah. I think that the people responsible for her.




Have a plan, and that plan includes, hey, you're black in America. Not saying she's not black, but the promoting of black. Like, if you black, then I need to hear more than, I'm just black. Like, that's all. They come over here and say, I'm black.


They use it like a mental type of thing.


Yeah, over here, I'm black.




And it's like, okay, but can we know more about you? Like, we don't. I don't know very much about Tyler, so I wouldn't even try to engage in that.




I know that her fate is predetermined, unbeknownst to her, probably. That's what I'm saying.


You're saying they use race as a gateway in certain sectors of entertainment to propel.


You use whatever your advantages are. Whatever your advantages are, yes.


And. And the people who are, I don't want to say handpicked, because that sounds away. But the people who. There's a plan laid out for them, their job is to appeal to all and never divide.




So whatever the topic is, I'm going to find the political way to just be clear and safe in this. That's how I always get to my point about, like, what do we know about the people that we say we're fans of and that we love? Rob Schneider is running around right now saying, hey, Will Smith is asshole. Will Smith has been an asshole for 20 years. He's been cosplaying as this night guy, nice guy, but he's really a fucking dick. I don't know that to be true or false.




But, shit. Back to my Ellen point earlier, like.


Heard that about JLO. Heard about a bunch, and everyone's experience is different.


You might be an asshole to Rob Snider for some reason. Maybe he did something to slight Rob Snyder somewhere along the lines and fuck with you, Rob.


Everyone doesn't have to like, you.


I need more than Rob Snyder to come out and say that Will Smith is a giant asshole for me to like.


I don't. If you smack the shit out of somebody at the Oscars, I'm not mad at somebody calling you asshole. That's an asshole kind of thing to do. If I smack somebody at an award ceremony, they're not gonna say nice things about me. So I mean, it just lends credence.


To whatever storylines behind nice people.


If Ellen was nice, nice for real, then the stories don't come out from all of these people saying, hey, this bitch is me.


And Will Smith's defense, he may have been countering not nice with not nicer.


Yeah, cuz that I can't say anything about. Well, I don't know.


I think if you get enough people in a room, you can get any picture presented about you.


That's true.


The room wants to present.


I do feel like I'll go ahead, sir.


No, I mean, yeah, they call me as all me and my parents don't.


I was gonna use you as an example.


You take anybody in this room and it's not true.


Everyone said Joe's the biggest thing. Maybe to some people who don't know him, he's a dick. But if you actually know him, you wouldn't say that.


Well, and I've been a big dick to people, so there you go. The people that do say that, you can get 20. I'm not mad at those people that say that. Hey, whatever you heard about Joe button may, it may be true depending on when these people. It was zero eight. Was it 2011, 2014 even. She was shaky back then. She was shaking.




Couldn't people say the same about Ellen? Who the people are coming out complaining?


I think so.


No, you couldn't say that about Ellen was all the way up. Like fat Joe remark. She's all the way up. Hit tv show Smash, smash, smash. She was dealing with too many. It's too many people that worked with her on a daily while she was up in her. In her living her best life.


I agree.


But for sake, it's not like, hey, we met Ellen in the nineties when being gay was like something to suppress and hide and it was treating her bad and she had feelings. She was angry about things, that she was a dick. It's not that, it's, hey. While she was up on top of the world smash tv show gay Gayness accepted tick tock movies, dancing around, hosting. She was addicted to people.


Listen, I think she could have punked us all. But the truth is all this rumors are coming from people that worked for her. There could have been a sense of jealousy in the room. Could have been a sense of, no way I work for you.


No way.


Come on, man.


No way.


Should understand that concept better than anyone.


I think a certain level of success comes with being a dick.


I agree.




There you go.


That's right.


I don't think it should be that way, but I think that a lot.


Of successful people, I also understand you.


Should have the ability to be a dick. Like when people tell me a Steve Jobs was a dick, I'm. I believe it because I think he was in enough pressures, pressurized situations to expose to his coworkers in a creative think space that I'm a dick. Ellen, I'm not putting in that boat.


Why she was a superstar on a daily national television show.


I think that.


I think, what about the pressures that come with that? Just because stories around her doesn't take away from the fact that she was a boss, a leader, and in charge of a monster, multi billion dollar, y'all.


Aware of all the people that came forth from her production, from the network? Yes. It wasn't just, yes. Some haters from one.


You just said network production company. All people that worked for her, Joe, I'm also.


But my counter to that is some of those people were paid really well and their livelihood was contingent upon this show running.


That's your perception, Joe. No, they were paid really well.


No, no, no.


Their perception could have been like, she was fucking robbing me or let's say.


I'm not saying that they are paid well. Let's say they thought they were paid well. A lot of times in these bigger situations, I'ma pay you well. Mm hmm. That entitles me to be a dick. You are paid. I want you to do every fuck. I don't care if I call you at three in the morning, get the fuck out your bed. You make $750,000 a year, and I can talk to you how I see fit. A lot of those people that are get to a certain level of success. I've heard Tyler Perry's addict. I've heard he's like, you get him saying, a lot of these people of success, they could all, shouldn't it be.


They could also be some of these people who came into the business wanting to be the greatest version of themselves and got treated like shit from these networks, from the staff and all that. And now they found a way to get back into a good position, and I'm like, well, fuck all y'all. And I'm just gonna do me because this is what's servicing me better than when I was a fucking nice con person.


I just think that some people's level of perfection or perfectionism gets dog. You get in your bag sometimes where you like dog. I don't give a fuck about niggas. You. You've said that.


I think there's a great combo, and it's absolutely fucking true. I. I think what you just explained about a leader being able to call three in the morning, get up, we're going. I think that's acceptable at a certain level. You know why? Because I'm not here just trying to be good. I want to be fucking great. And in order to be great, I.


Think what y'all are saying is very different from a list of over 200 people citing their experience with you being a dick in the world workplace.


But, Joe, I think people could do the same about everyone in this room if the perspective is right, you included, there may be a hundred people in the universe that have worked with you over the last 25 years.


Right? That sentence.


That could write one sentence upstairs to.


Me, that's very different from these people getting together and actually doing it.


And also, depending on what day, okay, whatever.


Did they get together or did someone get them together?


It don't matter. Same thing.


Because it also depends on the day, too. Like, there could be. They could. After the breakup of this Ellen show or whatever, whatever.




Everyone's pissed the fuck off. In ten years, they might look back and be like, you know, Joe, Ellen wasn't so bad. Hey, there's some people that maybe around the breakup of the Joe Budden podcast or slaughterhouse. Like Joe's fucking asshole. Now, years later, like, Joe's are.


Thank you.


Just out of pocket for a little.


I'm using you as prime example.


Yeah, but the show didn't break up. And then they said that they caused the breakup. You know, they caused it. You don't know that only was being reported. You right, right. I don't know anything. This is a different dark matter door. I don't know what's being reported. Yeah, yeah.


I don't believe everything that's reported.


I believe Ellen DeGeneres is a dick.


I think it's possible.


I think possible.


I think.


I think you've been a dick.


I've never heard it. Yeah, but we talking about what is your temperament the majority of the time to most of the people that you encounter, whether you know them or not? That's what I'm saying.


I don't.


I've never heard. Denzel Washington is a dick.


You never heard what?


I've never heard. Denzel Washington is a dick. I've never heard magic Johnson's a dick. There's some people, we just actually the opposite. Magic smile. Like, there's some people that you've never heard these stories about, and they've been in all these same rooms.


People love to work for Denzel Washington.


Do they say that? Because they don't want to destroy their connection with that person for a future opportunity?


Yo, maybe to everything said in response to this, all we have is our belief system, which is based on nothing. I don't believe that. Denzel Washington is NASA.


I don't believe that.


I agree with you.


Denzel Washington is not a business owner.


There you go.


That is employing a thousand people on a day to day operation that has mad moving parts.


I don't know that. But you get.


I'm saying so. And that's just when it comes to being a boss, yo, owning companies and doing all that shit, fam, a lot of motherfuckers not gonna be like, everyone.


Looks at the owner like, I think. I think it's a. That's a kind of half ass excuse, because I think certain people. Certain people get that power, and that's the moment for them to really show the actual quality and characters for some self. I think you 100% can be stern in your decision making and how you delegate things without being an asshole. Some people just like to be a fucking.


I agree with that.


Like, I think I'm a sweetheart, honestly.


But I'm sure there's some people out there that would say otherwise.


Yeah, but they don't know I'm sweetheart. True.


And they also don't know how to separate when it's time to hear Jobia, sweetheart. And when it's time to actually listen to what's going on and a strategy that he has and a plan he has to execute so they don't how to separate the two. Everything with him is, I'm his friend, and that's what people do. It's not. It's not that Joe's a dick. Joe has a Joe. Or that person may have a joy.


In a unique situation. Most people, not necessarily just out here making money and making an empire with a crew, you get. I'm saying that's one thing I'm talking about in a different business setting. A lot of these people that have risen from shit to sugar, they got that way, being shrewd and sometimes shrewdness comes off as being asshole.


Do you think shrewd is bad?


No. It depends on the circumstances in the situation.


I think shrewd is necessary to reach a certain.


Yeah, I think the ability to be it.




The ability to be.


You need the ability to be it.






I agree.


You don't have to be all the time now.


She could have been the biggest asshole in the world. I don't know. I know she had America, fool.


You just need the ability. I was watching an interview with somebody I don't remember, one of my west coast niggas who was thinking about changing their phone number. And they said that they had a talk with top from TDE and was like, top said he had the same number for the last 30 years, 35 years. And he also said the people who feel the need to change their number often don't know how to say no. And he said, whoever I was watching, I forgot. I wish I remember. Said, hey, that changed my perspective. And now I know how to say no. And I have my same number. I didn't run from anything. So. Yeah. Like, just your. Your ability to be shrewd or to say no. No, I have somebody call you an asshole for the rest of life.


That was my point.


I think that you might have said yes to 15 times.




You could have said no twice. And that no is enough to injure a whole relationship.


You know, I definitely had to gain that. Telling someone no.


It's my favorite shit about.


Speaking of asshole employers, you hear about Webby's DJ?


Oh, well, that was a crazy story.


That's tragic.


Tragic story.


Which he blames on basically Webby, in his opinion, being a dick, it seems like.


Yeah, I don't want to do. He didn't blame. They were unrelated. Even though it was his final post. Before he behaved that way. Webby's DJ was involved in a murder suicide with his girlfriend where he killed his girlfriend and then killed himself. He, I think, was still taken to a hospital.


Yeah, he didn't die right away.


Yeah, he didn't die right away. And they had kids, so really horrible story all the way around the board. And the DJ's final post was a long rant about Webby and his treatment of people that he worked with and how. Yeah. And now everybody got the far, far away from Webby. He didn't pay people. He didn't want to see nobody do well. He hindered people's success. He got it like, it was a long. It was like four or five pages of just Webby commentary. But I was so sad by the news.


It's like I don't even put no credence into that. Having to be connected. I'm. I'm one of. One of those people where I. But when you are deciding to self transition, that's a act that you decide to take upon yourself. That's nothing that I don't want to speak to. But when you decide to add somebody to the act in the sense of a murder suicide type of situation, I don't. I don't give you any.


Shit validity.


I don't give anything that you say at that point, any validity. Like you decided to take an innocent person out with you who had nothing to do with your self decision. That now. So now you. The whole little long thing about Webby. I don't want to hear none of that shit. You did something that was very selfish in the sense of taking someone else's life. That had nothing to do with anything.




So fuck all that.


Rest in peace to that woman.


Yeah. Rest in peace to her.


Yeah. No, for sure. Imani, I did start that fucking shit that you sent me are six schizophrenic brothers.


Yeah, I saw that in there. I didn't watch it. I started the Jake Jill shit instead.


Listen, I was bored yesterday.


Shit is amazing.


The Jake Gyllenhaal shit. It's fire.


Absolutely fire so far.


Said it's crazy.


And it comes out on Wednesdays, which is the same day as our dark matter.


Yeah. Little double header.


So Apple is. They got my Wednesday lit. Park said that.


He said app was like, what?


Like, they're number one right now to me in terms of the content they're putting out. I don't think nobody's fucking with them.


I want to talk about dark matter, but I won't. I'll listen to y'all out there who seem to be pretty upset with me about my spoiler alerts. Sorry. I did try to put it in the timestamp that I'm spoiling some shit. Boy, do I want to spoil dark. They bugged out. This show is fucking incredible. And I do have a theory, but I won't share it to y'all. Maybe till next week when everybody.


So they're on seven.


Yeah. And it's nine, right?




Gonna be nine to nine.


Have any of this shit yet?


So it's over.


You in four times.


I just want everything to drop so.


I can just watch Noah fuck me up. Yo, I'm gonna keep it a buck when the stupid motherfucker went in the snow. It kind of lost me. Like, you stupid.


Whatever. Those four.


That's early.


Yeah, four or five.


But, like, yo, dog, no episode was annoying, but that's bitches. Yeah. Wouldn't even been here.


That's exactly. I'm like, yo, dog, and you followed her. You don't even know her. Bitch.


If you don't want to hear. Spoiler alert, hit the forward. But not a coincidence that as soon as Jason won, ditched Shorty. Well, she left. He ain't ditch her. But as soon as Jason won, the real Jason.


The real Jason.


Okay. The real Jason got you. As soon as the real Jason got away from that girl.


I didn't even know he did.


Shorty, this nigga just caught. Well, you don't even know. Go ahead. You don't know nothing yet.


I don't know nothing at all.


As soon as he ditched that girl with one little pill left, that nigga got his little pen and paper. I was in the crib list, like, oh, you get. You about to go home. He got that baby. When I first met her and looked into her eyes, I was like, oh, he's out of here. He's out of here. Now, as far as the plot twist at the end, that I won't say. Cause I won't spoil it for y'all. I think that that guy was referenced already in an earlier episode, and I'll tell you more later. I don't think that's a new character. I think that they have mentioned this person, and the writing is so great on dark matter. Yeah. This ain't just some new nigga popping.


Up their body in this shit.


This is. I'm gonna be so mad when the show goes all save. I'll be sad when the show goes off.


I hope it's a second season.


What? Well, yeah, it'll be a second to think, this ain't the little Tyreek shit. This ain't power. There's gonna get a second. They just canceled all of it. Thank God.


Say that what?


They can watch force. Is that the Tommy one? Tommy I watch last season.


It's the last season.


I begrudgingly watched one season of it.


I think they need to focus all their energy on that cane show now.


They could. They come in with a prequel to go to power. They go show Ghost and Tommy when he was killed. When they come up, they don't do.


Everything but give Amari Harwick a new check.


Why they gonna bring him back?


Said it started to be expensive.


I would have paid him.


I would have paid him too.


I would have paid him. You done paid Mary method manager. You gave the money? I would have paid Amar Hardwick.


I think it's past that now.


I think Amari Harwick could come back in some capacity and turn our universe and be right back to greatness. He was great. He was great. His role was great. His character was great. His acting was great. I feel like he was too great to get cast aside and watch everybody else get a show.


They could have shown. They could have showed him at the point where he locked 50 up and started to actually take over the empire shit. And got to the point where he.


Owned Tommy, got a show before Mario did.


That's what I'm saying.


They could have did that.


That's what I'm saying. Like, come on, come on.


You think that was money?


Yeah. Some of the rumors that came out about it alluded to it being about money. I'm not certain he spoke to it. He's such a classy guy.


He spoke to it though. He spoke, he spoke about not getting what he thought he should.


You think someone told him it was beneath him if he wanted to elevate?


No, no, no, not at all.


Okay, how so?


What are his aspirations? Where does he want to go as an actor?


Regardless of whatever his aspirations are or were?


The power role.


This is the biggest role that you've ever experienced.


And if you want to get bigger, wouldn't you want to venture outward? Yes, but at the not be typecasted how?


And that's the great thing about power. He wasn't typecasted.


I don't think he was either.


Yo, he wore suit and tie every day and he sold drugs and killed people. But he was a well spoken young black man that was running for lieutenant.


I was gonna say he was typecasted before that.


Yeah, he was typecasted. Prepower.


All the things he was doing before those, you kind of didn't even really know his name. You just knew the guy. You knew this face. Oh, I remember who good.


I'm saying, like, I think, I think, I think power opened up his range and it showed that he can do anything he wants.


Became as close to a household name as you get. It's. Yeah, he was gonna get at that point.


Yeah, yeah.




But I'm saying, if money was the only issue, don't you think they would have figured that out for someone of his stature?


No. No, because his stature wasn't that until you see everything and how it played out post in hindsight.




Now you now, you look at them as valuable.


Yeah. And you know better than this shit. You talking about the chick that cooks you every day too many times.


That's why I'm bringing it up.


We're thank. Thank you for your service. You've built it, you've launched it.


Mm hmm.


However, there's a cheaper route now. Or we have the intel that we need, or the data mining has been done already. Thank you. But we have our real value already, which is all of our subscribers to star and younger you for 50 grand a season. You gave us our story, so now we can. We can go ahead and do what we got to do. Is the same thing as Terrence Howard talking about his time on iron man. Was Iron Man.


Iron man.


Oh, just, you know, degrasse. Neil. Degrasse Tyson's clap back.


Yes, I did.


That was hilarious.


Terrence Howard, real quick.


Neil deGrasse's.


He didn't have to use no weird words.


He's amazing.


He's very polite.


Very polite, very calm.


That's fun.


Tell him softly.


Just a nice 17 minutes.




Of, hey, I'm gonna do you dot guys a favor and show you exactly what I replied to Terrence Howard with when he sent me his 38 page thesis.


Read it right back to him.


He just read his notes, and he said he focused a lot on it being a peer review, which in his field, he says is very important, because if one of your peers come up with a theory that has either been debunked already or yada, yada, yada, yada, you know, a peer review was like, hey, this is your peer that's going to be honest and overly critical of your work so that you can get somewhere further or know that you don't need to waste time here. And he just went through his peer review of Terrence Howard. I could see how somebody that's not used to getting peer reviewed reviews feels like, all right, you coming at me?




Like, I see why Terrence Howard felt like, oh, this nigga shitting on me. I'm gonna dead this relationship now. But Neil was like, hey, that. That's just some scientist shit.


He's not from a scientist's.




Walk of life.


Yeah, that shit came off the Terrence. How? Like, Neil was telling him, you sound smart to dumb niggas.


Well, cuz, Neil is condescending, too, but he's just so much of a genius, that's what.


It might not even know it at.


The end of the shit. Neil. Neil saying, listen, I think everything that you said was bullshit. But these pictures, really, really nice. Yes. These little artsy things that you drew up, man. You got talent. Keep it up here with this. That could come off as a little something something.


But, hey, we're the actual scientists over here.




And you know the niggas on YouTube who watch, they don't really know, know what the fuck they think is.


I kind of feel it, though, you stepping into my waters. Like, let me show you what it is over here.


I felt like after watching Neil talk like that, I wasn't as impressed by the shit Terrence Howard was saying.


It was all flawed from the beginning.


It was just like, oh, shit. You just saying a bunch of big words. Big, highfalutin shit.


I'm still impressed with the shit he was saying, whether it made sense or not. Because just to delve in, like Neil said in his shit. Shit, I appreciate your brain just delving into this at this capacity, because it says that you are. You know, he complimented him. It says that you are a thinker. And it is that. So, thanks.


But here's where you fucked up.


Yeah, that's my man. I want you to come to part. I want Neil to come to.


I love that.


Why? We too stupid.


That's what makes it great.


That's the point.


No, because he crushed dreams. Like, when I spoke to him, he was like, wait, you believe in astrology? I was like, fuck, I do. Then he gave me the real reason why it don't exist. But I'm hard headed enough to not listen to Neil degrasse. I still believe in astrology. Oh, and then we bumped heads on what happens after death. That's where I really resented him.


It killed your whole theory instantly.


Yeah, but he don't know. Cause he's a scientist.


Yes, exactly.


I know, but you weren't.


He's a scientist, so he don't know.


And that's it.


That's it.


It's okay to live in both worlds. Like we can. We can be.


Yeah, he's too factual to know.


You can't be a scientist and tell me what happens in death if you're still alive.


Yes, I can.


No, no, not you.


Him. Well, yeah, that's what I'm saying.


Like, don't tell me what happens when you die.


You're alive. I was having to talk about. Hey, what happens to us after we die. And Neil's response was, there's no scientific evidence that says that life after death isn't exactly the same as life before birth. Do you remember life before birth? You were a thing and you existed. But do you remember it as a different world? You was in your nuts. It was.


You was able toward us.


He did say that.


That was a crocker shit.


Now you start to go watch back at this terrance, she's on that was.


But I'm not mad at it. Yo, that science.




Having a theory, it's the start of science, at least. Yeah.


Neil degrasse tells me that science having a theory and is it true or is it not? Is it debunked or not? So all of this shit, his words, is gonna. Anything that fucking up, all of that shit is gonna sound ill at some point in where we are in life. Like he was telling me, like, aviation.


You mean crazy?


Yeah, like in the 18 hundreds, the person talking about, hey, we're gonna fly and we're gonna gravity and we're gonna cut it nuts. That guy sounds nuts. But today. So, I mean, the shit that really changes shit is all. It all sounds. That's from him, though.


Yeah. I don't like living in that reality.


Which one?


I just feel like I just got to know every fucking thing to.


I can't help it. Like, no, I like wanting.


There's gonna be about life, science that you're never gonna fucking know.


I want to know everything, but I'm okay if it changes or I'm wrong.


Yeah, that's. That's the thing with science. Like, when you. It's scientific theory, it stages to it.




Theory, testing hypothesis, all that shit, right? As we get older and the more information that we get, we keep disproving the scientific theory that was set forth back then.


But that's science in itself.




So you could have been the smartest motherfucker in the world in the nineties and. And now where technology is, you feel like it didn't.


Yo, humans are some arrogant.


You get what I'm saying? Like, yo, dog, like, we really think.


We gonna know everything about every fucking thing.


These niggas have a neuron don't know.


Shit about, they don't know shit about.


In a world that's constantly changing, by the way.


It's like, what the fuck? Just let some shit go study. Let the scientists be the scientist, but to be that person that only deals within fact for what you can show at the moment, I hate that.


I like both. I think we need. I think we need the Terrence Howard's to think of something crazy and dig in. And I think we need someone to fucking double check it.




Like, that's science in itself.


Like the Neil degrasse Tyson, people, they don't believe in anything supernatural, for the most part, because not scientifically proven. And so you're gonna run into a.


Wall fucking with Corey. He want to get none of that flat earth shit Terrence was talking about.




He listed it. I couldn't say.


I'm just.


You could disprove it. And he said he.


He listed all the ways in which you making the face at the flat.


Earth being the line.


It's not my. It's not my line. I'm just saying that when Covid was going on, we all remember when Covid was going on. So we going by experts opinions on Covid, right? Yep. So everything that we learned in the educational system in the United States is something that was taught to us by somebody that they got taught to, by somebody that I got taught to. So even with that, again, now they're debunking everything that all of these quote unquote, experts said about the shit going on with COVID Not everything.


New Year's gone.


You was gonna be the first person.


Not everything.


A lot, a lot of.


A lot of that major shit that was going on. They are trying to indict Fauci, right?


Yeah, we was complicit. He. And so my fauci wants to come.


Out spot, you know, saying so. So what I'm saying is a lot of the. A lot of the things that were the, quote unquote things being shown by the experts and the scientists.




Is being disproven. Less than three years later, you get them.


Neil degrasse is saying what he's saying not based off what people say, but based off the new tools that have been introduced. So technology that I'd have to find it. But he's saying there are tools that can literally disprove any of flat earth theories. With the invention of this and the invention of this and this. I'll pull it up, cuz I ain't. This ain't my bad.




My bag at all.


We drawing up.


And whether the earth is round or flat, I'm in this bitch. So I gotta figure it out. I gotta figure this mother out.


That part or don't figure it out and just enjoy.


You need to figure it out.


Listen, everything about life is figuring it out.


Life is figuring out.


It's boring if you just sit there and believe every.


Life is figuring it out. That's what it is.


I don't want to know what happens after you die. I don't want to.


And some people say life is not figuring it out. It's living it while it's here. For everything that you can see. You don't gotta have fun. Enjoy, enjoy.


You're gonna get your. You're gonna get your whole life jammed up trying to figure out all this.


Shit on the other side.


I'm calling cap on it, okay. Just, just on a matter of far, just on the fatherhood makes me call cap on this. Yes, because too many instances, I'm speaking to my kids, my oldest son specifically, and I'm listening to his experience. Sometimes my dad's experience too. Both sides, older and younger, I'm hearing their experience and whatever they saying, without figuring out whatever it is, I was lucky enough to figure it out. So if you don't know your decision making, how you move, how you behave, how you perceive everything is just different. Like my son, boy, am I going through it with his car insurance. Like I'm really trying to not. I'll cry in the house, honestly, over the car insurance.


What's your problem?


Yes, he's young.


What is my problem?


He's young.


I talk to you off my.




No, you're saying the price of the insurance.


Yes. And, and his behavior with a car.


Oh, so he's been messing it up.


He's 23.


How much? 600 a month.


I don't know what you talking about. I just paid 9000 for six months.


Oh my God.


That's crazy.


Are you serious? And we robbed you, buddy.


No, no, they did.


No, they didn't.


He got less than he has.


He got an accident on his.


Yes, he got accidents, he got tickets. You've been pulled over. You 23, you had your car stolen. You fucking ran into the divider, you hit a purse person. What you do at 23? So the only person I confide in about this type of shit. Hold on. Is my mom. So I go to my mom. Cause she's the one that's got a task with fixing this shit, make this shit cheaper. Defensive driving classes, whatever you gotta do. And I'm crying to my mom, mom, every time I think about Trey with this insurance shit is fucking me up. And know what she said?


Tell me. Take the car with.


It's your turn now.


Oh. Oh shit. No. So guess what you do?


Ends it.


No, no, no.


Hold on. Ends it for me. Because I know the menace that I was. Yes, I know the minutes that I was to my mom. When the car is in her name and the insurance is in her name. The Amex is in her name. We ride around with 122 ticket, throw it out the window accident let my girl drive the car. She crashed it from the Poconos. I know what she's saying.




So your turn is just. Damn. You absolutely right. But I mean, for me it's just happening earlier. That's what I told her. For me it's happening earlier because I was able to get my son a car at he. At whatever. Old.


He was a nice car too.


No, but we started him out with the lemons, so we gave him the fucking Cory.


I remember Cory jeep.


So he could crash the shit. All right, cool. You got that? Now we upgrade. You get you another car. Now he on his whatever car this is. So that wasn't my experience. My mom wasn't buying me a car.


I was about to say, but you know what happens with that? It's a gift and a curve. The gift is, y'all, I bust my ass. I've worked hard. I took the bumps and bruises so that I could buy my son a car. You know what the curse part is?


Buying a son of a car.


He ain't buy it. So now my dad is rich. I didn't buy it. So now I can be frivolous with it. Now I could be a little reckless with it because I don't have no onus.


And as a parent, you're not gonna let him walk. So he's my point right there. You gonna buy him a nut where it's like, you know, your kid about to be on some fuck shit. But you're not gonna take that car.




But I have a question.


You gonna buy him another one, are you not?


But that's. That's the problem.


You don't want to pay that enormous bill. Or would you not want to keep this going?


Because I'm not taking a car because I'm a 43 year old dad. And I know what that means. I know what? That you moving around you. This is how you get into work. Sure. You going on dates. Important. And I got it. It's important today. And. Yeah, and I got it. Yeah. So now I'm thinking, right, like do I say, listen, young, listen, buddy. Dad came through. Dad. But no, but, yeah, but you won't. Even if you don't say it then it can't go in one ear now. So at least let me say, hey, this lease is up in x amount of years. I am removing my name from the game at that point.


There you go.


So you should be working yourself to be able to get a call sustaining in your name, license, pay for it, all of the good shit. Now you know what? Tickets and insurance, you know the game. That's what I mean about the just knowing things, right? Like I know things about insurance that my son don't know. So I'm looking at his experience and not knowing.


Listen to this. And y'all get on me. Y'all kick my ass.


Wait till you kick. Get a car.


What I be saying about real estate or investing or whatever the case may be, right? It's the same exact thing that you saying. You know shit that your son don't know. You know shit that your dad don't know even though your dad is older, based on your different walks of life and experiences. When I come in here and say the same shit about investing real estate or where we could put ourselves and place ourselves, you still get the same pushback because the people that didn't experience it. No, I fuckin racism more nauseous or nause that. It's the same shit. Yo, everybody's path and everybody. You gotta be open to the information to better yourself. You get I'm saying like, so I'm gonna show you how to get around. Listen shit.


All that shit is cool as I don't get mad. So I think about it all.


That is cool. I'm 100%. I'm with you on the try to go ahead, pass down the information, right? I have to also see that you trying to retain some of that information. Just cuz I'm passing it down on me that you retaining it right after that point. I have two choices to make. Keep letting you make the same motherfucking mistakes and me helping you make those same mistakes or me pulling myself out of this shit to show you that I'm not gonna go ahead and help you make fucking mistakes.




Enable the mistakes.


I'm not gonna enable this shit. So guess what? You of a certain age, let's say 23, 24, 25, y'all, I'm helping you. I'm still gonna. You keep fucking up.


I'm cool.


You got pull that core sometimes.


Okay? But. But because you are your. Because you're your age, right? And because you have some information your kids don't have that might put you at an intersection at some point, right? Like I'm having this car conversation about Trey. But outside of that, I know. Cause I'm a nigger.


Mm hmm.


It's gonna be crib time. So yeah, we niggers. So we know how we felt at 23 years old living with my. We gotta get the fuck away from mom Dukes. It's gonna be crib time. Soon, if you in a great spot.


Mm hmm.


I don't see a dad in the world that's not gonna say to themselves, I'm gonna go buy my son a crib. Of course, that good hearted move can also appear to be enabled.


Yes, yes.


So now it's like that. You're picking a lesser of two evils. Am I gonna just pay rent and let the demand just get over? Like, my family don't have no information? Or am I gonna buy a crib for my son so he has some stability and he can make all the mistakes that niggas make when they get their own crib? 23, 24.


I mean, I think it's a medium, and the medium is for me.


That's when niggas live with a girl.


No, we don't have rich parents.




The medium, when your parents are rich, is you go by multifamily. You let your son live in one.


Of the apartments for free, and you upstairs or downstairs?


No, you rent the other units out, whatever the case may be. Oh, and now you slowly. Now, instead of paying somebody else's rent, right, you can go buy three family, have your son live in one of the apartments, and as he gets older, you're prepping him for me. You're prepping him for that. But you living here for free, nigga. I don't want to ride by hand, see no grass. I don't want to see no garbage out here. I don't want to see none of that. That's your responsibility.


But what happens now when you say all that? You set those ground rules.


And the two families.


That'S rich people problems. I'm telling you.


No, that's. That's enabling problems, bro. And as you know, your kids can't handle.


That's rich people. What we talked.


Great problem.


You kick your kid out one cuz, you nick kid not gonna be homeless. You're not gonna have your kid not having a car, taking public transportation. So when he's a hard headed little kid and he fucking up every car you get him. You know what the worst is? Now I'm gonna give you a civic. Yeah, now.


And I think that's a problem.


No, the fuck. That's not always the case.


That's not the case.




It's not true.


No, it's not.


Or what?


Or you don't give them anything.


How about this?


I think we talking. I think we talk.


I don't think we talk. And maybe I'm talking.


I want to hear why Amani's saying.


But not even just not being rich, I know me, I have a different value of money whether I've had money or not have money. So I just look at money for what I can do to help me get to the next point. I'm not looking at it as something to just go ahead and splurge and whatever. That's what I was saying.




And I'm not about to pass that same lesson down to my son just because I might have it. I'm still gonna have to train him in a way, to. Yo, listen, this is my money. First, let's get one thing straight. This is my money. Nigga, this ain't your money.


How old your oldest?


15. He be 15 next week. So, nigga, this is my money.


We gonna keep it.


We gonna keep it. Cool. Yeah, yeah.


No, no, no. Definitely, definitely.


You sound like all us when he was 15.


No, you sound like all us when niggas wasn't at seven and eight figures. Well, I'm not there now, but I'm just saying.


Yes, you are. But you're right about what he's saying.


For real.


I'm Bromini, we all sent you.






You not tough dad.


You talking to niggas that think they tough dad. Think.


I got it.


Your dog telling you, look your baby in his eyes.


Say, get on the train.


Yes, you look your baby. There you go.


I'm gonna start calling cap on you. Have you had a 20 year old daughter? And she keeps fucking up.




And she's irresponsible with every single apartment you put her in. You gotta pay extra money to the security deposit. You losing your security posit. You're doing all of this shit. What's your punishment for your 20 year old?


My punishment is whatever I'm giving you to allow you to keep making these fucking mistakes. I'm pulling out because you don't know how to handle them. Okay, hold on. I'm not saying leave someone destitute. There is a difference. There is a difference between giving them all the tools they need to continue to show you they can't handle this responsibility. And I'm not letting you fuck your life up. There is a difference.


Let me ask you something.


Oh, go.


Just real quick right here. Forget the car scenario, okay? You got a daughter, she got a phone. You seen some wild shit on the phone? Yes. Pussy, pigs, whatever. She sending the boys. But you seen something that you don't like in the phone.


Got it.


You're saying I'm taking that phone? I'm saying, how long? For how long?


I'm not taking the phone. I'm not taking the phone. Let me help you. Not only am I not taking it, I'm gonna have a talk with that my daughter or son and say, I don't know what the fuck is going on, but I could see this leading down a really dark place. I'm not taking it. Because in today's world, a cell phone, a line of communication, is a lifeline. But when you talk about a car or a fully paid apartment, all of those different elements, I don't need to do that to make sure you're safe. Actually, here. Here's another opportunity. You're not getting your own apartment. You're coming to live with me now. You don't have money to pay for it.


All right? I'm done with him.


I know you don't because you can't have the talk.


I'm done with you. Because you are 38. Right.


And I am not a father.


No, listen to me.




So by the time you have a kid and your kid is 20, you're 58. Let's pretend 59.




You do not want your kid to come fucking live with.


Never in a million, no way.


You want your kid to come live.


Not just that, you know, not just.


You know, that I want it. But you're asking me.


You not inviting your kid to come live with you while they fucking up you 59. You don't move. You rich. You lit somewhere, you are baked into your life. So, no, none of us want our shit to live without 60.




The other option. So the other option is, fuck it. I'm just gonna let you grow and be irresponsible.


Thank you.


That's the other option. No, my money has that.


My. But my money has now secured that I got some irresponsible fucking kids responsibility.


Thank you.


That's what you're saying.


There is a middle ground, by the way.


There's a lot of middle ground. I just say, nobody speaking to me.


Cell phone, I spoke to cell phone.


It's a lifeline.


So the middle ground ain't, I'm gonna just keep paying your shit off. And you not mother like how you said, yo, you get somebody, three family joint, that's a good, good middle ground. But what happens then at that point when they don't even want to do that?


I'm not gonna fuck up me and my wife's happiness to allow a 20 something year old degenerate that's gonna be.


Sneaking dudes that don't raise a fucking degenerate. Yes.


That's the only point here.


Let me finish. That's not true. That's not true. You don't have the control over that, Imani.


No, but you don't.




You also don't need to give us.


Applying a degenerate for the rest.


We live in New Jersey.




You are not gonna allow your child to not have any ample transportation. That's not true.




We don't live in New York.


Everyone. Subway.


That goes everywhere in New Jersey, bro.


There's busses, there's subways. Get there. Trains get where you need to get Uber. And none of it's unsafe in my fuck are we talking about?


Yeah, see, out of New Yorkers alone.


New Yorkers be a little.


Hey is still around.


Yeah. Who pay for it?


Somebody gonna pay for it.


Somebody's you, daddy.


But that's the mediums I'm talking about.


That might be.


There's certain things I skipping over the fact that there's certain way to. No, but no, no, no, that's not. Because in their words, once that budget.


Runs out, are you over here capping to you over here capping to your daughter is sending you prices and shit. And that's your daughter. So you want to show up. So when your daughter said, yo, I need. Even though it exceeds the budget, y'all know what the fuck daddy little girl mean, right?


Hey, but guess what, showing up. And this is the question though. Is the daughter still an upstanding child? Is she still doing the thing she needs to do? So then you want to go out your way to do all those other things? If you're fucking degenerate kid. I'm not going out my way to do all that.


And that's where the. And that's where the civic came in.


I got it.


But guess what? You gonna make sure your kid has ample transport. Uber?


Yeah, everywhere.


They got it in South Africa, they got it in Japan. You got it everywhere it go.


Everywhere. Your parent jeans is gonna kick in. Y'all. I hear y'all. I'll tell you, daddy.


No, no, what I hear you tough, daddy. When the money ain't an issue issue, it changes some shit, bro.


See, that's the problem.


I agree.


That's the problem.


You assume.


You assuming. You assuming to. You assuming that a person's parenting quality would change based upon how much more money they have. My quality. My quality about I want him to become as a person is not going to change. So if I know that me giving him access to more money is going to enable him to get worse, I'm going to pull away from that. If I know his quality of a character is going to get better. If I give him access to more, then I'll give him more.


My final question is.


Hold on, Joe. How do you know that?


By watching him. By watching it.


Trial and error.


Please let me ask my question. Go ahead. My final question, and I'm out of this with y'all. What do you do when you doing that makes it worse?


What do you mean, trial and error?


You just said, if I see that something I'm giving him or doing is making it worse, then I'm taking that back. I'm saying, what if the taking it back that makes it worse? I'm asking both of you, please, open floor. Open floor.


If I see that taking it back makes it worse, my first thought is, sometimes it gets worse before it gets better. Let them figure it out. In this scenario, Joe, the position you're putting yourself in is the solutionist. They don't have transportation. Getting them a car. Then if they fuck up the car situation over and over and over, you're the one now empowering the fuck up. Same thing with the house scenario we talked about. We get them the apartment now, you see, they're wrecking the house. They're having parties. You giving them that kind of perfect. Me taking it away is not a bad thing.


Not a perfect thing.


In closing, if we use Trey or.


Anybody as an example, and the car thing is really the height of the problem that you're having with that child, everything else is fine. They know how to maintain a house. They know how to go ahead and do all the other things that I could overlook. That one thing.


How you doing? How you do everything?


I can work with that I can understand.


I get mad when he show up to the house and that car dirty. You get in the car, you smell all of this shit? You got candy wrapping, nigga. You didn't have to get the car. The least you could do is keep this motherfucker looking like something.


Yeah, but if I get to your.


If I get to your apartment, if.


I get to your apartment and you're.


Shit is clean, I'm nuts. I am.


And I get to your apartment, your shit is clean.


You up.


You paying your bills on time. All that other shit that I can go ahead and as a guy who was younger, understand, he just ain't good with cars. I fuck it, man. I work with you. Hey, bro, you got to get this shit together. So we might have to downsize you to a little shit because you ain't about to go ahead and break my pockets. And when you start to show me a little difference, I'll help you with that. Cool. But if you just overall fucking up on every aspect, you can't keep the crib together. Your car fucked up. This and this and that. No, I'm not enabling that.


No, in. In lieu. In lieu of it being. Thank you for that. Figure it out. We gonna see. We gonna see. That's for sure. I'll be right there. When ian have a little white jewish baby, I'll be 50, right? I will be right.


According to you, I'll be 52 years old.


No, when they're 20.


When they're 20.


When they're 20.


When they're 20 something, I'll be 50.


When they start having these issues you're talking about.


Yeah. You might be saying, I wanna.


Yeah, honestly, maybe you're 38, you'll be 60 something.




You're 37. When you get a 23 year old, you're 60.


And that means, I think about that.


You're not gonna let your wild ass son move back at home, fucking girls in the basement with you and your wife and you rich, and you wanna get the fuck outta here.


You wanna fuck your son's mom? I wanna have sex with my wife. Finally.


That used to be okay if your kids were home and you were having sex.


No, I'm done with you. Nah, listen, in lieu of it being father's day, I want to shout out. I want to shout out my dad, because. Seems like the right thing to do. Dad, I love you. I love the dad you are to my little brothers. I love the grandfather you are to my son. I thank you for all of the music, musical talents. I thank you for telling me that I need to watch out for this America when I get older. Who knew you was right? Who knew you was right? Thank you for my skewed view on things. Thank you for my confidence level. Just thank you. Thank you for just all of these qualities that you have given me. I ain't gonna go too crazy. Cause mom be listening. She be hating sometimes, but I love you, dad. And I couldn't do this thing without you, man. I appreciate you. And hopefully we have a good, good brunch or dinner on Sunday. And shout out to all of the dads out there.


Shout out to all the dads, all.


The dads out there. It's our time to shine.


I'm popping up to see mine's man. Yeah, I'm gonna write me a little speech, too. I wrote it yet, and he don't listen to the pot anyway, so I'm good.


That's dope.


I was gonna come in here when I thought we had a full crew and ask people what they would want to say to their dad or big up their dad in a father's day.


Moment, but, yeah, not dissimilar from yours, honestly. You know, thank you for being a good role model and being a fucking dad. I know what being a man looks like. Yeah.




I want to. I want to say rest in peace to my father. This is going to be my first father's day without my dad.


Mm hmm.


Definitely an odd feeling. I lost him in January, and I'm not going to get into a whole rundown of what he's done for me, but just. Just not having him around makes me appreciate all the time I did have when he was around. And, you know, it's weird not being able to pick up the phone or give him a hug anymore. And I'm excited for the day that I get to reconnect with him, however that is, whenever that is. And I want him to know I love him. So. Happy Father's day, dad.


Happy Father's day.


There you go. Happy Father's day.


Salute to my pops. Yeah, salute to him. Cause funny enough, I feel like I've learned so much more about myself after he passed.




In an interesting way, and a lot about him, too. I was like, oh, shit. Like, he was a real ill nigger. I didn't really take. I dealt with so much animosity with him while he was here that it blocked me from really getting to know some of the things about him. That after he passed, when I really got a chance to get out of my own brain and sit and talk to people, I was like, oh, wait, this nigga was really a ill nigger. So salutes to him. What happened, man? Just thinking, laughing.


It is always funny when you learn that your pop was ill at some shit because you wasn't, like, on the earth. Like, a few niggas opening projects was coming to me. But this was thanksgiving. I went over to cousin mo. Was that mo house? Somebody mo house for thanksgiving. And a couple of niggas in the project start telling me about my dad's basketball skills before I was born, like, in the seventies and shit. I'm like, yo, dog, I don't want to hear this shit. But this got interesting.


He looked like he might have one of them.


I can see why. And it still blows me away how much my dad is in the geography. It does because I'm so bad at it and never kidding about any of that shit. Like, he's really fascinated with geography. Anytime I take a flight somewhere, it's like, oh, hey, where's that? That's 4 hours from Ecuador and that. Like, dog, I don't know. I'm just going now.


Your father, that's cool.


Yeah. If he'd have put his powers to use for good.


Yeah, he acknowledged, dude.


Yeah, yeah. No, shout out to pop, man, and shout to my son. My son called me, hey, pop. Father's day. Coming to know you. That's like, yeah, nigga. Yeah, what's up? What's the plan?


Respect me.


What's the plan?


He might got a nice gift this year.


Well, you know what I said to him? You got monies? We at that age, my brother. Yeah. I got a little something else that we find. If you got monies, we have a good time.


That's funny. I'm different. What do you actually kids. So you could send them something now. Like, oh, you got money?


No, no, no. Yeah, it's my turn to shine.




It's my turn to shine.


What do you dads expect for Father's Day? Like, what do you hope to get my son?


Go call me and be like, yeah, you good?


Like, what's the feeling you're hoping for? Is it like a dinner or is it like, I love you, dad.


For the last few years, we've been doing brunch with all my brothers, my kids, and my dad. We've been doing brunch up at Sons of Harlem. I want to say, this year, I told my son I might want to do a dinner with him. Even if we go do brunch with everybody, I still might want to do a dinner also. Father's Day for me is a temp check to make sure sin is getting Lex a gift to give me. What's up? What's up with my shit? So that's what it is to me. And it don't have to be nothing. Go ahead and go to school. Do the little hand drawing again. Put a little house together with the sticks. Do something. And I'm, and I'm pleased. I'm pleased with that.




Men don't ask for too much. I don't need much.


My son's birthday is too quick, close to Father's Day. So that nigga be like, all right, what we doing after my. So wash washing. It's cool.


I'm low maintenance up in this.


Yeah, I'm good.


It's cool.


Just acknowledgement yeah, I don't need nothing.


Yeah, my barber keep coming over, asking me what I'm doing for my birthday. Like, it's all the way in August. I'm like your dog. I don't have a clue. I'm not thinking about it.


I just thought about that.


I got some heating up here. If I ain't, I ain't.


Oh, I ain't gonna be here.


Cause you trying to not be here.


I'm not going to be.


See, I'm never here, so I don't mind being here. I'm never here.


Definitely not gonna be.


At least these last few years, every.


Time I've traveled, it's always been for business. And I've traveled the fucking world, and I've never went somewhere just purely off of it. Well, once vacation, I'm going somewhere.


When, your birthday?


September. September 18.


Gotcha. Yeah, I'm out day before my mom. Shit. Virgo nation up in this piece.


It's hurricane season.


It's like a cool.


I'm playing.


I'm going somewhere.




Yeah, but then in two weeks, it's not October.


Hey, now, my little daughter Virgo, too.


Shout to Virgos. And I know when Lux battle rum nitty did. They both was Virgos. Man, we the best. We the best. What else?


Any music come out that y'all care about?




Chris Brown.


Oh, yeah.


You went to the show. He came out.


Yeah, yeah.


Yeah, yeah. Don't fit in this narrative. Stop doing it.




Stop doing that.


I want y'all to go see it.


You speak.


You go on, right?


You speak into performance.


I'm going Monday.


I'm speaking to the old everything.


I'm with you. I agree. I also said that I was, I had to let go of my grow up bias because I grew up with the certain artists.


You better.


Chris is that nigga.


I can't ever big up Chris without mentioning Usher. Yeah.


Like, I didn't even.


That's who everybody throw. Like, I just, I don't see what all my story.


That was my debate.


I said, yo, MJ is one. This boy is one a. That's it. Yo, what about Usher?


I said, that was the start of my debate. I'm tired of hearing that comparison. I don't even think the comparison needs to be made at that time.


Somebody's like, yo, where Usher? I said, I don't know. Car wash.


I don't know.


He's somewhere getting some food. I don't know where he at.


That's why niggas.


Usher, bro, that boy Chris Brown is a special, gifted dog, then. So part of his show, right? Of course y'all seen it. He gets on the things. He flies across the stage, right? So he'll be in the front. He do flips and all the shit got stuck. Got stuck. You wouldn't know he got stuck until they bought the ladders out to get them down. Cause he kept performing. Ultimate consummate professional. You wouldn't know shit in the audience that this boy got stuck up there until you seen all these fucking janitors running around. They couldn't figure out where to go get him from with the ladder because he incorporated the shit as a part of the show. You know what I'm saying?


He was definitely stuck up there for a while.


A while, bro. Like three or four songs, he was up.


Oh, for real? Yeah, you can.


You could tell he looks so angry.


Like, three songs, I'll be tight. And then that shit got stuck in the middle, and it's like. Like the shit had a pause and it was moving him over a little bit at a time. So he was stuck right at the part where the stage meets the dip. So when they tried to get the ladder on the dip part, it wasn't tall enough. So he had to find somewhere to get over to the stage area where they could go get him. He was on fire.


What I'll say about the clips that I saw. And again, I'm going Monday, so I'll see for myself. But in all of the clips, I saw his live singing voice.


Voice, bro. And he don't stop moving.


Then what's featured on Chris Brown songs?


Yes. I'm gonna give, like, I've never seen anybody move around like that and still sound great. Sam's Beyonce, right, dog?


He can sing his singing voice with.


Him moving around as much. He don't stop. You know, the niggas a firefly. He just be jumping. He doing flips, he doing roles.


He doing all types of shingles.


His fucking voice was impeccable, dog. Like, it might be better than he sound on the fucking albums.


No, there's no might about it.


Yo, this boy, yo, he's a monster on his albums.


Like, I get where some of the complaints come from about, hey, Chris Brown has been making the same song for however long the naysayers say. Cool part of that is because his voice just sounds so programmed onto the song.


Certain presets.


Yeah, it don't sound like a real person. That nigger and them riffs. He was hidden. And when he was controlling the shit, stuck up there, like, doing ad libs that are not in the song. His real singing voice sounds real great.


No, he can sing.


It should be more of that. It should be. I should hear more of that in the songs.


And for you saying his voice sounds crazy, one Chris Brown song sound like the others, that's a testament to you having the same vocal ability that you had when you were 16 years old.


Well, no, that's. I don't. I don't feed into that, because when you go to his show, you don't feel like you get in the same song back to back to back, and he performs for hours. No, I'm saying everything sounds different when he gets.


I don't agree with the naysayers, but I understand where it could possibly come from.


Tank. I don't agree with it when Tank came. Oh, no. One time we talked to Tank, not when he was here, but they started talking about how everybody was doing the remakes and shit, and Tank was like, yo, I would be a fool to go in the studio thinking that my voice could do what it could do 20 years ago.


You get.


I'm saying, like, you a singer, so, you know, it's not my bag.


Is that.


Yeah, I mean, depending upon sounds the same. Depending on how you train your voice and all that sounds better, nigga.




Yeah, I got more control now.


Fuck with the guy. Nah, true, true. You right.


That nigga's different, bro. Like, that nigga is different. Stage show crazy. Two and a half hours of just him. Like, he got everybody not give.


I'll say this when I remove my usher bias. And I just have to be honest with just the landscape of r and B. Just r and b. I'm not including soul, disco. Oh, I'm not including that error. There's to me, R. Kelly, and right under there, there's Chris Brown.


That's who you gotta go get for him.


That's it. And as far as the totality of.


R and B, and he didn't even play the slap. I mean.


Okay, chill out.


He didn't even play the slap. He didn't even play all the slaps. He got so many songs.


When he getting that bet. When he getting that. Bring it over to my baby. You don't know what you do when he did. That's when his voice was like, yo, dog, you sound like that do. Yeah. The regular song is a disservice. No, bro, I need the live version of him singing that song.


Chris Brown needs to do a set where he can really just tiny dust for him.


100% is needed oh, speaking of tiny desk. Oh, why are you talking about SWV coming later this month?


Oh, you didn't watch shock of cons?




Are you fucking.


See, I thought you would walk for into that.


I didn't, cuz I heard bad things.


It wasn't bad.


You hear bad.


It's a shocking sound. Like shocking. Mmm. So tell the truth.


She didn't.


She did.


She didn't sound bad.


She said, I'm gonna go watch it.


She didn't sound bad.


Tell the truth.


I'm being honest, she did not sound bad.


Okay, so I will go.


You ain't saying she sounded good?


I think shaka has just shocka had a up and down of where you can tell she was probably putting wear and tear to her voice or. I don't know if it was drink, whatever the fuck it was.


I seen her screaming a few times.


Yeah, I think she 100% figured out a way of performing. She has a routine, she has a certain thing. She's maintained her voice better where I was happy with it.


I enjoy.


I'm not expecting Shaka to sound like shocker from seventies, eighties. I'm not expecting that, but I think she was great enough to.


Did she, do I know you? I love you?


I don't think so.


So I saw she did sweet thing. Tell me something good. I'm sure she didn't nobody.


Yeah, see, tell me something. Tell me something good, is when she showed her performance shit, she was singing and giving that crip shit. But yeah, I enjoyed it.


Listen, SWV is coming later this month.


That's fine.


Yeah, that CB show so far. I might go watch that shit somewhere else.


Yeah, I want to go. I enjoy the Barclays crowd more than I do the potential crowd. Like when he got stuck up on a little thing, I was like, good for y'all.


Wait, you said his joints Monday.


No, see, I think the opposite.


Fuck with that producer. I don't.


I think just the opposite. I think I enjoy the New Jersey crowd more than the New York crowds.


And I don't want to go nowhere where I'm super famous. Oh, I'm famouser in Jersey than I am in New York. Yeah, see how y'all couldn't walk up no street? But y'all like that, sir. Nah, you crazy.


Who like what crazy?


It was just me. Let me live. Let me just walk to my car. They be trying to bat and what, Maslow too?


Yeah, yeah.


They be trying to act like they fucking, like they stand off, like, oh, you recognize me? Yes.


Wearing a hoodie, but not wearing the hoodie. You could have done something on defense.


You had to see them on the little Reddit clips. I look bad at you. For real. Like, shut up, y'all.


Niggas was even walking together.


Yeah. Car ice.




Go to your car. Look at y'all. Please.


I gotta talk to ice about something, too.


I look just like them.


I think I might try to shoot for a DC show or something.


I want to see by going Monday.


DC shows?


I've never seen one of his shows. I might need to go.




Come with me, nigga. We can do like we did Nikki joint over there with the barbs. That's right. When the barbs try to press us. That's right when they sung you to a different section.


Oh, my God.


It sung my guy to a whole different section. They put us in a mud section. That's funny. When you get tickets to a show and don't know where you see that until you go and then you go and. It's some nutshell. You gonna do that right in the mic. This guy.


I cover my mouth.


That don't matter.


Yo, you're an idiot.


Okay, let's see, what else? What else? What else? Complex listed the top 20 funniest people on the Internet.


Drew Ski one, and he should have.


Drew ski was number one and he should have been really.


A whole lot of the other.


I just thought of really watching clips from that.


Fucking Kevin Hart.


No, Kevin Hart and Costa. Nat and Juice. Yo, that is some of the funniest shit I've seen. And Drew ski is hilarious.


I'm looking for a clip right now because I laughed at this clip for at least 90 minutes straight.


You talk. I hope it's not the joke with rolling. Rolling Ty Willie.


Oh, that. This was funny, too. I got mad clip. I laughed at a lot of these clips.


Some of that shit was funny.


Here we go. This is funny. Got screech, man, watch your skin like that. A couple hundred mil. What do you do about telling us, nigga, help us. Kevin Hart. Did Rich niggas do? You try to get into acting? Nah. I can see that coming for you. Hey, what? Rich niggas do that? What do you mean you can see it coming for him? Help.


Gotta get out.


You gotta get out of this truck. Why don't you help?




Nah, nah. That clip was too funny. Then there was this other clip where they was being racist. Hold up.


Not with the agent. With my little agent Ray, man.


Nigga went to eat some ice cream. Look at Jersey. That was a straight. That was uncalled for. I strike one.


Why the fuck would that be? I shouldn't have said that was racist.


See, he said if he eaten rice.


I'm not saying that.


I'm just saying it looked like fucking rice. Did it. Not everybody can say bullshit. These guys are fucking idiots. They look like rice. No, asian, too. Took a bite. I'm immature, yo.


Nah, I love. I love that shit.


But that's why I was glad that they did that. First of all, I think Drew ski is absolutely hilarious. I think he should be number one on that funniest list. Yeah, but outside of that, Kevin Hart being there enters the different demo of niggas that's not going to typically watch overnight strings, which is me. And they was funny.


All of them.


Like, Kevin Hart could not stop laughing at Drew ski.


All of them.


Wait, there was this one time because, you know, they do the dance, they keep dancing Kaza and I keep dancing. He cut the music on the dance. Truski cut that shit off. He said, yo, I can't dance no more, buddy. There's no more dancing. I'm out of breath. I'm dying. We have danced enough. Oh, shout out to them, man.


Kevin Hart just now.


You gotta watch this, like 6 hours.


Long or something, right?


I just pulled every clip that I kept laughing at.




I didn't watch the whole stream.






God damn. They was fucking.


Yes. He just threw them niggas into a whole different stratosphere.




Kevin Hart?


I think reverse.


I'm not calling vice versa every mutually.


But everybody there. Everybody.


Yeah, because everybody has their own little demo ecosystem. But, yeah, he don't need it.


Kevin being the OG there helped so.


Easy of a layup where you have the biggest comedians today that could see two people in front of him that could do something.


Unlimited promise.


And the cops. The cost of that nigga, he's. He's funny, too. And the people that he's usually engaged with on a shit, they'd be funny. Like, the little Ray kid is funny. Drew ski, bringing up the white dude, Rotow Willie and all that. No, listen, that's the dope part, because I didn't know about any of that shit either. And then I. And I end up getting on YouTube, looking up all these niggas and rolling all fucking night. These niggas is funny. Hilarious.


You got too much time on your hands, yo.


Nah, this research.


You right.


Yeah, research. I gotta know what the fuck we talking about.


You got it, dawg.


Research. That's what we call young bitches. Now, yo, market research. Nah, just research. You just gotta know where to tap in. Let me see here. X made the likes private. I didn't know that. That was the biggest of deals.


People horny out of their minds until.


I saw how people responded to it.


Yeah, they are horny out of their minds.


Now. I wasn't treating x like Instagram, so I wasn't never on there liking a bunch of shit.




The only person I thought used the likes was carisha whenever she wanted to send some subs to JT. But outside of that, clearly there are people joking, Krisha. Clearly there are people that, like, utilize the like function on Twitter. I see a lot of girls saying, damn, how am I gonna check my man's likes? How am I gonna see who's the op and who ain't the op if I can't check likes? Like, there's a large community.


Yeah, the playing field.


And there's a lot of horny people that want to stash the newly legalized porn in their. Like, a lot of people were getting blown up about their little kinks. That's right.




Now they can just like.


I mean, it makes sense. It makes sense for the privacy aspect.


Insecure dudes. Like, where you just like that nigga with the line in Sloan. Yeah, 14 inch long. You just gonna keep liking on black douche now?


You can't. Now there's no. No rules, no law. There is no double standard. Girls can go like. You can go like.


That's what gave it away about Shorty with these reggae niggas. Was on a break one time. I went riding them. Likes. Was on a break one time. I went right in them. Here, go fucking bum glide. Like John Strange girl saying, oh, my God, he better not come where I am. You liking that? Trevor and Winston on the beach, eating, drinking some shit out of pineapple. Bitch got that right in the likes. I got out.




I don't want to see that. I don't want to see my girlfriend.


They ran you out of there. I'm disciplined enough.


They ran you out of there?


I got out of here. I don't want to see that. I'm not going to volunteer to look at some shit that's going to bother me. Yeah, I'll never visit these likes again.


Yeah, I don't want to go.


I just know that's your bag. Little jamaican nigga. I don't want none of that. And me, that's how nigga try niggas, right? Niggas and me.


No, no, no.


Sometimes I'm a bag too.


So shout out to you or not shout out to you. If you're disappointed by this ex and likes news, get freaky.


Have a blast.


What else? Boosie and young blue are added again. I'm over it, so I don't give a fuck. Go google it if you care. I'm done with all of it. I'm done. I promise. I am just a tank fight tonight.




Oh, shit.


And Ben and Benavides. Benavides.


It's gonna be good.


It's two good fights.


Two good fights.


Two good fights.


What we think about the tank fight.


Come. Stop it.


Bing bong bing.


Put him down. Put him down, Bing.


Stop it.


Stop it.


You know, I'm seven, eight round rooting.


For tank but they saying that this might be his.


His test sales pitch.


No, no, no. Boxing, dude.




He's saying this might. I don't know enough about round five rounds.


Round six.




Take down lights. Easy money.


I don't got pops.


I don't even think he should be in a ringworm. I know he's 15 and old.


That's what the pros are saying. Like, that. Everybody. Sentiment is that they're saying homeboy is more than qualified. And if there's anybody that could potentially.


Pull it off, I got seven rounds.


The niggas that tank had come through to spar in a similar fighting fashion as dude is better. Better than. Do I anticipate this being a fighter at all? Like, this is a quick money grab. Tank at the press conference saying, yo, I don't even need to look at your film, nigga. Yo, he's. So if you saying that, then you. You really don't need to be fighting.


I'm gonna keep it above tank. Starting to be the most entertaining nigga in box.


Yeah, by far.


I love it. I love troll when I do. Yo, he's good.


Yo, dog.


And it helps when you the best.


Yo, but he sound like a nigga from the hood, yo. You not even like. Like, you know. Yo, yo, yo. That's how you say it. Like, yo, dog, you wouldn't dare say, you seen me in the mall. You wouldn't dare say no shit like that, nigga.


You say, laughing like.


Like, yo, yo. I didn't know that that made a comeback.






Jumping at somebody.


That's kind of funny.


Yo, he's silly, dog.


He's very. That's very eighties, nineties.


Entertaining. He is entertaining.


I know homeboy Benadiaz, Bennett, whatever his name is was on first take talking to Steven a the other day, looking like a stone cold killer. He didn't want to talk about nothing. He was asking direct questions. Do you think Canelo's running? Yes, I think whatever he is put in front of me, I will put him down. It's going to be a stoppage. I think he's running. He knows better. He was talking like dolphin plunger.


I agree too.


I must break him.


You know what's funny about him? I ain't the boxing dude, but if you're just looking at him in the chair, like, sitting, doing an interview, he don't look like a stone cold killer. Then they start showing his highlights on his footage, like, oh, he's strong.




He's strong. Strong, though.


He's different.


Think Canelo got a little bit too much money now. Canelo on his golden boy shit?


No. Canelo just running for niggas. He running for niggas now as he get older. You playing all that way to go rich games. Yeah, but you can't say, I would fight, dude, if I get $150 million, and that's more than double what your highest payday is. That looks like you're running. He said that? He keeps saying it. I'm not fighting, dude, unless I get 150 million, anybody with ears is looking like your dog. Not only have you never got that, you never got half of that.


That sounds like retirement plan. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that's what that sounds.


So I ain't looking at him like he's super. I'm not gonna call you super tough if you're saying that about somebody. That's all I'm saying.


No, no, 100%.


Why are you supposed to do that?


Because now see the fight, y'all gonna go scrape up the money. And if I have an opportunity to lose, I'm gonna get paid for my loss. Fuck we talking about? You got paid.


I disagree.


I ain't doing it for the fans.


I understand the logical in boxing, they don't do. My highest payday is $20 million.


Uh huh.


And now for the next business endeavor, I'm asking for 100. People are gonna look at that a certain way.


Yo, he found out that he was making that 200 million for everyone, and now he's like, fuck it. I'm not doing.


Was getting underpaid.




And I just watched fucking tank. And I mean, not tank, fucking Devin Haney and homeboy get more money than I ever got. And I've been holding boxing on my back post Floyd, and you all gotta pay me.


And y'all saying that Canelo matches that he taken look like he's running from dude. So fuck what he asking for. It looks like you're running from the nigga.


I'm taking these niggas. Cause this is a money grab. I know these niggas can't beat me. I could potentially lose over there. Y'all gonna pay me.


See, that's what I hate about when niggas is at the top of their class, right? Cause when niggas used to make the argument about Floyd, like, this is kind of what would be said. And that can be said when you're the best.




So Canelo.


Canelo fucked up a little bit, too, when he tried to move up in class and got his ass handed to him.


Couldn't hurt. And couldn't hurt. My man.


Strictly a money play. So nothing to do with the fight?




Or who's it, bro? Who's going against boxing money? I want it all, or I'm not doing it.


Fans don't give a fuck about the boxers, right? If it was the fans thing standing in the middle of the ring and just pulverize each other, we don't care if y'all niggas gonna get brain damage. We don't care if you die.






Boxers is like, no, I watched the ogs that can't afford to feed their families, and they fucked up out here mentally. So now I'm gonna take every calculated risk to get my lineage together.


And he understands there's no other fight people gonna want to see from him after that.




So let me try to. Let me just try to get the high.


Think twice. Sorry. Phil Collins. Joey Chestnut. Nut versus Kobayashi.


He's out dog eating.


Y'all might not care about this, but this is a big deal to me.


I thought they is out.


I don't know what your Nathan's. Nathan got him out of here.


One of the guys got disqualified. Cause he's not signed to Nathan's or some shit.




I don't know what the hot dog niggas got endorsement.


Everybody shut the fuck up. I don't know what y'all are doing right now.


We're trying to update you on hot dog culture.


I don't know if you can, because I don't understand what y'all are saying. Tell me.


I'll find the article. You keep talking.


Joey Chestnut. There was a discrepancy between him and Nathan's. Yes, he is the Nathan's champion. Yes, he always participates. Yes, the discrepancy was out of the blue. Joey Chestnut wanted to use the vegetarian hot dog. The all impossible hot dogs vegan at a Nathan's. Nathan's cocktail hot dog eating contest.




Nathan's has used Nathan's hot dogs the entire history of this shit.


Are you out your.


And you are the champion. So clearly he has a deal with impossible vegan hot dog, or whatever the shit is, which is cool. I'm not mad at that. But why would he think that Nathan's would remove the Nathan's hot dog from this competition? One. Nathan said they approved of Netflix shooting. They know Netflix is shooting. We approve of Netflix shooting. We bend over backwards for Joey Chestnut, champion historical figure. But we have to draw the line at trying to change the hot dog. So cool. That story comes out. Then two days later, Netflix announces their fucking shit, which. What is the name of their shit? Something about beef. They killed the name of it. Putting this beef to end. Or whatever the beef. Whatever their beef shit is. They absolutely smoked the title for the Netflix Chestnut versus Kobayashi competition. But I don't know what hot dogs they're using. And the last time these people have faced each other was 15 years ago. So you got the two biggest names in hot dog eating competition on Netflix. Probably getting the biggest check that they've ever gotten in life. I'm just a little mad at how Joey Chestnut handled nature with that hot dog.


Trying to save his colon, man.


Well, if you don't want to do it, or if you try to get out of it, then do that, but don't do this blatant. Hey, I want to change the Nathan's hot dog to impossible hot dog.


I don't see why they wouldn't just. Well, I guess.






It's Nathan. You can't. Why can't do you have. You have reoccurring contestants who have been in this shit and know what a Nathan's hot dog tastes like? Joey.




Joe, Joey.


What? 79 of them take.


No, I'm saying. But why can't he just. They should just get that show.


Chestnuts know. He knows that no one's coming.


You're not bigger than Nathan's dog.


Competition that day. If he ain't there, niggas ain't coming to watch.


There you go.


You are not bigger than the Nathan's competition. If there was somebody, it would be Joey Chestnut. But the competition. We can't, dog. We can't sacrifice the Nathan's hot dog at the Nathan's competition for the biggest star he competition. The competition gonna go on.




Cool. We're gonna have a competition whether Joey Chestnut here or not.


You're not one that look realistic.


That's what you're wrong. The Super bowl gonna get ads no matter what two teams is in.


Let's say the Super bowl now.


This is the Super bowl.


This is the glizzy Super Bowl.


Nathan's event is the Super bowl.


Just play any Tom, Dick and Harry in the. In the Nathan seat.




This is Jody Chestnut.


No one's coming to the whole competition.


Why would it be the same with the hot dogs, with the glizzies?


I think that Nathan we not remove.


No one wants to see Indiana in the fucking finals. They don't want to see Joey bus nuts.


The Nathan's hot dog is more important to the Nathan's competition than Joey Chestnut is. If you're Nathan's.


Even if that's wrong, change the spalling out. No one even noticed.


They didn't change the spoil. The deal was up with spoiling.




And then we did a new business deal with whoever do the ball.


Now all about Joey Chestnuts, man.


Nobody's coming on the Joe Button podcast and replacing Joe Button.


That's not. That's a different.


It is that.


Nathan's hot dog.


Nathan's hot dog. Out of a Nathan.


Guys, this could be a. This could be a brand. This could be a branding play for vegetarian Nathan's hot dogs.


There should be.


He's really stupid.


Subrace sub, Brett.


No boys. The best.


Well, either way.


Wait, what'd you say?


The best, I thought for sure he.


Would have was hebrew national.


That's racist.


That's racist.


Wait, hebrew nationals got the fire hot dogs.


What? I'll check it out.


They sell them in my. In black supermarkets.


Yeah, they've got nothing on board.


So boar's head snaps in your mouth, yo, Paul, I don't go by pauses.


Yeah, it's right.


Subrets is good, though.




I haven't eaten hot dogs in years, but I know them fucking subreddits be.


The truth is good.


I go to baseball game, I'm getting. I'm getting a hot dog.


Never all time.


What I go to say, movie theater, all that shit.




Sometimes you want glitzy, you got it. I can't. I can't. Tell you what, I ain't gonna lie.


I was on 42nd the other day and I was walking. I wanted to get one, but I.


Was like, nah, somebody always get a glitch.


You got the nuts instead?


Nah, I get nuts.


The pigeon.


I wish I got some halal pigeon.


You got the white sauce pigeon.


Thanks. Little onion, sauerkraut, ketchup, mustard.


Chicago. Put the jalapeno and the tomato.


I don't like that.


I don't like all that. When they get fancy with the glizzy.


I'm at days now with spicy food make me to toilet. Hey, I go eat some spicy shit next two days be what? Why is my stomach.


I think it's. And I encourage.


Yeah. Oh, no, don't stop.


I'm not there.


I just know what time it is.


I'm heartburn.


Maybe I need a little cleanup. Let me get some jalapenos.


I'm heartburn guy all night. I won't be able to sleep.


Wake you up. Yeah. Avoid that heartburn and digestion. All that stomach, heartache, diarrhea, reflect acid. All that shit.


That pepsid ac. Now that'd be my best friend, Nexium. Nexium.


You've ever eaten something spicy enough where it burns your asshole when you shit?


Yeah. The ring of fire.


The ring of fire.


Yo, what the.


I thought you talked about a Game of Thrones episode.


We all know the Ring of Fire.


I identify what he's saying.


Of course, I didn't have a name to.


I just ain't know what the name was.


Oh, I didn't have a name. Yeah.


Your asshole burning bullshit. They called it the Ring of Fire.


In 2012. I want to say I ate a lot of the hot Cheetos. That's when they first came out. They first came out, though. That's when they had the hood. And I went to take a shit one time and noticed that you could see the hot Cheetos residue.


Oh, nah.


On the shit.


That shit don't digest.


You see it. So then I got my ass ate a few times after I had that. Oh. And Shorty was like, you're a little spicy.




She tasted the Cheetos in your ass.




Oh, shit.


She was working like a real freak. Should, you know. She was good.


She was an eater.


I know what he's saying. Twelve years ago. Stop. It's a long time ago. I don't live like that no more.


Yo, you could see the Cheeto residue on your shoes.


No, that. No, no, not the red. The residue.


Yeah. 100% one of shit. He said 100%. Easy to taste. It all. The same thing was, you took a shit, eat enough hot cheetos and then go try to take a shit. The hot ones, not normal ones. The hot ones, you'll see.


It actually supposed to be eight.


You will see crazy. And you know that's. That's black man doctor's trip. Now just stand and look at the shit. See what it look like? Yeah, look at the stool.


I look at my shit all the time.


You gotta look at it.


Yeah, you gotta look at it. We all piss is shady. It's like when the.


What'd you say?


When the piss is shady.


Whenever you're yellow or darker, you're bad.


We drink some water, right? Quick, fix it up.


Yeah. Supposed to look like little cranberry juice.


When you can't hold it, there's a problem.


Yeah, meaning what? Like, you just can't hold your prostate?


Yeah, the prostate controls it.


Like, if every piss feels like an emergency, something's wrong.




Is that considered I. Irritable bowel syndrome?


No. Different hole. Is that considered IRb? Is that considered.


That's all there is on tv.


Yeah, we ain't talking about where the time at.




You're lying.


Swear to God.


You are joking right now.


Swear to God.


Oh, we gotta fire at least three people. Wait, what? Yo, dude, 250 on the smooth tip. That's. It was smooth.


What time you think it is right now?


That's it, Belle. Good. I'm looking at the time. I know, right? 230. We normally be finished by, like, 430. Now, hold up. All right. A few niggas gotta go. Let me look at my list, make sure there's nothing else.




They are trying to kill ho for that Tom Brady performance.


I've seen that. I've seen that. They said he got 10 million.


I don't care what he got. I'm not killing hope for not performing at the hip hop 50, all right? That hip hop 50 shit was a bunch of bullshit. Y'all know how I feel about it. I don't. I'm not performing that shit.


He felt like that. Or has he express.


He definitely feel like that.




Not to speak for him, but he's 100% feels like that also. Tom Brady is your man.


Yeah, exactly.


And you have business dealings in the NFL? If my hall of fame induction ceremony, I'm gonna do.


And you seem Robert Kraft as well.


We go on to do that.




You go on a fucking dude passport, give David bars. You're gonna build a house. You gonna sing some shit. We going, we out.




Facts and call us openers. But whatever.


She looks fireside from the crowd, not really caring.


It didn't even care about. I don't think that's how much of a over job was. Hey, in that setting, it don't matter. The crowd know it or not, when Tom Brady walk out, he gonna pause, look at me, sing my lyrics with me, and then go about his business.


Yeah, true.


That was fire. That was fine. What else do I have here? Oh, I was watching, uh, presumed innocent.


Uh huh.


Which made me ask this. So don't judge me. And maybe I'll save it for when Mel is here. I like to keep topics here to antagonize and provoke Mel, clearly this says is, does your girl know about us? Air quote a kink. Ooh, Jake Dylan hall was fucking his side chick and the side chick was screaming out, does your girl know you be fucking me like this? Or something of the sort, nigga. I went to my notes so fast and wrote it down. I was like, oh, shit. I never looked at that as a kink for people. We just look at it as you shady bitch, mind your business. Stop talking about my girlfriend. But that could be a.


Think that might be, I think 1% king.


I think it could be.


I think so.


Just play the taboo shit. Yeah, it's a king.


I think it is open.


I gotta stop king shaming it. I ain't gonna king shave. That's a king. I'm gonna kick him. But as a man, we naturally shame that, cuz. Don't mention my girl at no point, no time.




But if you just, you know, if my girl is not the integral piece in that, and it's just you with a kink, it makes me look at it a little different.


Feed her ego.


So. Feeds it.


Feeds the woman's ego. I'm able to get you here.


It's a lot of women at target only.


Yes. Yeah, sure.


Got girl.


And there's dudes that do the same. They like married women. It's a thing that's kink for sure.




Especially if they know that you with somebody of quality too. I was able to pull your way.


Be a challenge.


It's a challenge. Okay, cool. I got you.


Um, this is the end of this podcast, so I'll give you my music review. Normani is fire.




Her album dopamine is in your phone right now and it's good.




Don Tolliver is fire. It's in your phone right now and it's good.


I gotta play that tonight. I played on the way here. It wasn't the time. Gotta be some holes around.


Got it. I like how he broke the album up into four different sections.


Interesting. I want to figure out why he.


Always do some tricky shit. My favorite section is the one with purple rain. New drop backstreets. And deep in the water. Shout out to Don Tolliver, Fabio's record sous vide theaters. I know y'all are tired of me, big and Fabio up, but I fuck with him. Friend of the show. I like that song. And I think moneybag, yo, knocked his speak now album out of the park.


Anderson packs albums fire, no words.


That's the one I didn't get to fire. I got to get to that.


I heard a couple of records on you. I like that. I like his collaboration with our knowledge more than I like the Bruno Marshall.


Me too.


It sounds like what they should use knowledge next time. Yeah, no disrespect to d mouth, but for sure.


Yeah, I got to check out Anderson box here. As far as sleepers, uh, I'm playing kind to new Jodeci every moment.


This is my shit.


You know about this? Niggas didn't catch this. Cause this was like new Jody scene like a few years ago.


Through the years.


You share the love like a melody.


My sweetest moments are in your ear with a mirror.


Every time I look at you, you smile, lets me know you feel me too. Anything I wanna be, I can deal with you. Cause you're right here next to me, yeah.


Here in you, you trust in me. Every moment, every moment will you.




I can't explain and I can't complain. You never had a rain, the rain like you and me. Every moment is always going.


To be.


My heart, my heart be like yours, our heart.


Brand new old music from Jodeci. That record is called every moment available in your phone and on dsps right now. Shout out to Jodeci, man.


I'm gonna keep the vibe in the same ballpark. This is part of the show. Jack Freeman and Jagged edge with the under dress remix.


Hey, big Jack Freeman, let's go. Park's first r and b sleeper in eternity. It's been a while, it's been an eternity. Let's go, Jack.


But shouldn't capture fish me so listen, the right and wrong in me is gonna war I know what I want, but am I tripping? If I said I wanna make love to you right now, you know what you doing? Poor little dude saying I talk to you, girl because.


Some people tell me I'm too c o seeking why something about to look that's in my eyes.


But I'm looking at Yoyo you can normally tell what I really wanna do.


And I'm always in an emoji I'm about to stay moving to this man be my eyes don't trust you without sight and that's my truth.


Beside everybody.


That is Jack Freeman and jagged edge. Undressed remix. Shout to Brian Michael Cox.


That was fire, wrote and produced.




Shout out to Jack.


I'm going back to Esther. Songs called controlling featuring Aaron Ray.


Nope. Here we go.


That's a go. I spotted you in the dope. I know me cause pardon me. When we can do this we try to pretend but we know how only thing left is your hand on my hand hold you closer right to smoke and dance all we ever wanted was love so let's make a deal with each other even if it's only this one will be one I shouldn't be surprised controlling me controlling controlling. Ain't no satisfaction in being lonely. You can stick around to speed up home gotta be a person of yourself let it worry about being no one else. So let's make a deal with each other even if it's only this one, we'll be one. I shouldn't be surprised when drinking makes me laugh I see the vibes controlling me and try. Yeah.




Wonder where they're going with it.


Don't be mushroom for me.


I let it keep rocking, but it seems like it might go on like this for a little while. That's super fire. That's Esther controlling and Aaron Ray.


That's fine.


That was awesome.


Yeah. Mad people on the album, too, for us.


I'm gonna check it out.


Neo dropped a new single I think we talked about on him.


We talked about.


Yeah. Joint called 2 million secrets. So that's my sleeper salutes to remote, a hitmaker.




My boy produced that.


So what's it?


Remote hit maker? It's a confessional.


Everywhere. Ever got caught talking blood red handed. Damn. Ain't smooth as I thought type shit. Talking each and every single lie. Everyone that you told played out on the phone that you found in your back in a couple of graphic videos. She saw it all, she saw things she cannot see. No way that I could deny that it was me. It was me. So now I drink it a little more frequent smoking a little more. Lately I kept 2 million secrets. She got every reason to hate me. Cause I'm playing with her lately I kept 2 million secrets. She got every reason to hate me. Don't blame me for hating me. Yeah, but how you gonna act? Like I wasn't someone you could run to? All you had to do was tell me what you wanted. You know I was gonna come through like I'm supposed to. Never had you to your duties as a wife let you do what you want to cause I had a couple in the background down to give me what I couldn't get from you, that ain't no excuse, I made a promise and then I heard you. I'm really sorry to be honest for once.


I know this is difficult to work through and that's why I drinking a little more frequent, smoking a little more lately I kept 2 million secrets she got everybody reason to hate me cause I play with her, she got every reason to hate me and it's tearing me up she got every reason now I'm drinking a little more frequent, smoking a little more lately I kept 2 million secrets she got every reason to hate me. I don't blame you for hating me she got every reason to hate me.


That is Neo. 2 million secrets, that's hard.


Fire neo. You are sick. Negro shots my birthday twin sick colored man. He's sick.


He put it on the album.


Gotta hear the sade remix. Gotta hear the sade. Let me hear what his new baby mama got to say. Oh, shit, I'll take the old one too. Any baby mama response? That's sick. Shout out to Neo, man. Friend of the show. Before we end, I did want to make this note about presumed innocent with Jake Dylan hall only two episodes in. But Jake shouldn't have took that case. No, I didn't want this podcast to pass without me at least saying that you can't take the case of your side chick that is murdered and hog tied. And your wife is saying to you, hey, man, if you take this case, you think they'll find out? And you're like, nah, man, it's cool, I got it. Nobody will find out. Episode two, they found out. They put that nigga right under pressure. Yeah, the other attorney that want him out of here. Yeah, his wife knew. Yeah, the wife knows about the affair, okay. The wife problem is she's dead. And the way that you mourning her in this house, I need you to let go now. Like you loving, you in love out in this. If you in love with this chick that died, if this was just a fuck, then that's different.


But start moving around this house like, what the fuck, nigga?


They. The only problem I have with it so far is it seems like they don't really have no evidence on dude. Unless I guess we'll wait and see what happens. But it seems like they're just.


You lied.


That's not enough to prove that you murdered somebody.


And you're the attorney. You volunteered to be the attorney on a case of a woman that you were fucking and you withheld that information. And your call log shows that you were stalking this woman before she died or when she broke up with you. There is motive here.


Yeah, I don't know if that's enough though, but we'll see how it plays.


Out in real life. That's enough. I may be not in the show in real life. If your side chick is dead and you lie about anything that's happened with your stalking her, and you were stalking her, you. You getting arrested.


Well, I'm gonna start watching all these. I gotta. I gotta catch up with that.


You gonna run through dark matter.


All right. You started dark, man, I was four.


No, I was trying to wait till.


Episode is you caught up on dog, man, dog.


How many? What is it? How long?


Yeah, my girl caught up on a whole. True, 55 minutes.


I'm trying to see. I ain't doing nothing sad.


That's schizophrenic. Should you recommend it is sick. No, I know the niggas.


I was telling part.


It was killing niggas. They commit suicide. It buggin in there.


No, it was.


Wow, look. Look who made it.


They had twelve kids. Six of those kids was schizophrenic. Imagine that house, broken mirrors in the house, killing animals. Hey, that's on Max if you're looking for it. Yeah, listen, this pod was so great. I expect some turmoil when people come back. This. Yeah, I ain't gonna hold you. I don't know how the content came out to the audience, but as somebody that has to do this shit. Oh, God. On a Friday. Easy breezy. Oh my God, man. Hold up, man. Let me play some music. Let me play some music. This shit was so smooth. Shout out to Chicago. And everybody in Chicago always. Yeah, let me play some tunes. This shit was so good.


Those apple shows too, huh? Lot of Chicago. Those apple shows too.


Yeah, dark matter. And presumably it matters.


Well, Chicago sounds about.


Hey, Flip knows this song too. Oh, yeah, that's the problem. Flip knows this song. He was singing with me. Mic check, 1212. Hopefully y'all enjoyed this broadcast as much as we enjoy delivering it to you. Peace and love, happiness to everybody out there. Uh oh. Hey, keep us in your prayers. Lord knows we need to be there. Until the next time we bid you a new farewell. Adios, areva Durci. Asta la vista. Aurvoir. Remember, life is a series of moments, and moments pass. So let's make this one. That's right. Let's make this one last. Is this is all we have ego.


After all that's been said.


Put a. If you're listening out there, light is an air. Light is in air, everybody. Uh oh.




Hear gunshots over these. What is that? What is that? What is ages now?


Something appropriate, I'm sure.




Oh, Antoine, that's racist too. Y'all hold it down out there. Everybody enjoy their weekend. Remember to kiss, love and hug on a person that means the world to you. It's important.


Shout out to the dad.


It's important out there. Shout out to the fathers out there. Each and every one of y'all out there, if you would. Dad, put a hand in the head right now. Hey, shout out to all the sundresses out there. We love you. What? Sun dresses niggas. I know.


Let go.


What did you say to modulate again?






Nah, for real.






Yeah, whatever that is.


Change the key.


Change the key.


Change key. Yes.


You gotta put the cocag guitar.


Oh, that's unfair. We don't know what he did.




Sounds like a bug watch this.


Definitely sounds like a bug watcher commercial.


Dog shit's crazy.


Nah, let him get this shit off. I can't cut it off. I'm sorry, y'all. No, no, I'll cut it off now.


This time, once we get the Disney.


Ending, once they switch up, I cut it off. It's fine.


So the princess comes out ending.




Yummy. I'm an alpha, so let me end on some alpha shit, man. And my g card is up. Fuck they talking about out there, huh? Let me in like a real nigga, real quick. Big jersey shout day by listening, we couldn't have done it without y'all. Always for the ladies. Shout to the first and last time listeners. If you in your car right now, you know what time it is, man, we gonna end this soon. But that happened after we sing this first verse and hook like a family. It go way to it. Go. Today was smooth. I'm feeling good. Feeling good about life right now. Have a real good weekend. I feel like. Yes, sir. What else? What chorus are we going? I promise you, positive vibes, positive energy out there. Anybody out there? If you listen. Wait a minute. Here you go. Oh, this was fun. Anybody getting the fuck shit this weekend? Nope. Nope. It's still Saturday, nigga. It's still tonight, nigga. Fuck are you talking about? You can make a sibling on a Saturday. No. All right, forget it. There. That's one of them things I'm intentionally staying away from. I saw the flyer.


I saw it deuces your rat bastards.