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The thoughts, views, and opinions expressed by this podcast, as well as its hosts are for entertainment purposes only. I repeat, it is not serious. It is not real. No one is exposing, revealing, indicting, or telling you anything about themselves. Also, we do not encourage you to try this at home. We are trained professionals who do not have your best interests at heart or our own. Enjoy the show. It's over, yo. It's over. Yeah. I'm going to call my bitch nigga. No. High audience. I'm with him. High audience, yo. Those days are finished. I've learned so much about myself since the last time we've spoken. Since the last time I've spoken with my audience. And I'm not the proudest of the things I've learned, but I'm here to share it. I'm here to share it. Harsh realizations about yourself in your forties. In your forties. You are not the person that you used to be. You're not him no more. I used to be the illest wingman alive. Speak to it, nigga. Come on. Yeah, you always kick my back in. Help me out now. You ain't have to tell me, bro. I was about to say you were amazing.


Illest wingman in Nebraska. The fellas out there know the topic that I'm speaking to. You could bring around a gang of 234-5678 maybe up to ten. And me and my man, if he ill gonna hold this down, everyone will be entertained. Even the bitches that shouldn't be here. There's a few of them that I don't know how they made it through our barrier. The threshold was plus ones, and plus ones, the velvet rope. Some of them ducked under the velvet rope. Even. They about to have a good time. Cause real good wingman. Understand that? Hey, the wack bitches gotta have fun too. Cause one of them might start talking to the fine girl, ruin the whole vibe. So I really did used to be a really good wingman. That's true. If you know somebody that know me, you can ask around the street. My rep is out there. Not now. Those days are over. It don't matter how good you look, it don't matter how good you smell. If my man let some shit sneak through the barrier and she come around. Real niggas today on the wingman tip. I'm going to call my girls somewhere.


I'm leaving you alone with these duds, okay? I'm leaving you alone with these. Why they dub? You said if they dope. If they.


So if they're dope, you're staying.


If they're dope, I'm gonna help my man.




But I'm saying you looking good is not dope. True, true, true. Right? You need to be able to sit here and acquiesce with whatever vibe is going on. If you come around and you're calling the fight, the game, it's gonna be a little. It's gonna be a little weird. It's gonna be a little yummy. If you come around and I see my man, just happens. I learned my man just happens to be about five years younger in the moment. If I learn that in the moment, I'm like, all right, man. Something snuck through some snuck. Snuck through a little bit. That's all. So, yeah, I'm not gonna assist you in the moment. I'm not. I'm gonna go away and call my girl and act like it ain't no bitches around. You know that moment when there's bitches around and you become grateful for your girl? Yes, yes, yes, yes. Absolutely. You know how bad bitches gotta be for you to just sit there looking at, even if they pretty me like, damn, yo, my girl ain't the worst. Yeah, that is so all that shit that we was just fighting about. You know what? I think I could live.


You hit on the next. Yo, babe, you know so much. Yo, you my everything out of nowhere. Well, you my everything. Yo, baby, I was just sitting here thinking that's all you do. You wasn't bringing. Yo, I love just where we at right now and everything that we stand. You start playing this shit, you know what? We need to go and do this. Yeah. Fiji sounds so nice. Come on. I been saying I was gonna take you to Fiji. Oh, man. Yeah. That type of moment. So, yeah. I'm no longer a wing man. I'm not. I'm not the wingman. I am is bring them around to let them know that, you know, some niggas is moving around, and that's it. Just my existence has to help. You don't lose no points in your life if that don't help. I'm. We've established my G card. No, no, no. And I'm fine with it. But you don't lose no extra points once. I kept talking about it, I was like, I ain't mad at the G card being halfway down. Yeah, you do. That's what I was asking. Wait, lose no points? What? No, I was saying, like, you know, we already talked about the points being a little low on a G card status.


I was trying to figure out do you lose extra points for that? Of course. I guess so. Yeah. Cause at first I'm thinking it's voluntary, so. See, you about to make me mad. Cause do I lose points or do my nigga lose points for something having snuck through? Both. But. Cause my man, no, he brought him around. Cause I could turn it up. At any given moment, any given Sunday, I could turn it up. That's your job, though, nigga. If I hit these leds in here, that's your job. And you. And you. What if you don't want it? What if you don't wanna work that job no more? You ain't have the leds on your man. And you the aux man. You the aux man. And this wasn't coordinated either. I've been off. You an aux man. I've been off my dean so long, my led app don't even sync up. My God, you are. Don't even sync up with the joints. Yeah, you got losing. I can't even read it. You lose about 15. You just use regular white lights. But, nah, niggas know I could turn it up. Right? And in your forties and fifties and sixties, it ain't about what you could do today.


It's about what you've done in the reputation you've already built. And today, I want to live off my legacy. I don't want to have to actively do it today, and neither do y'all. So y'all not gonna shame me in that. That's true. Y'all don't wanna go outside? Nah, but it's not about you in that moment. It's about your man. You showing up for your man. Yeah, but your man gotta know to at least bring something through that's worth me having to play that role. If it ain't worth playing that role, then they could just figure it out. But you might not know until you in the thick of things. My nigga Cory gotta vet better. He don't show up with nothing that don't look east african. Cape Verdean, Michael Jackson, liberian, girlish. He show up with Apollonia's niece. Like something that's. Look curly here. He got that boy right there. Indian in their family. Yeah, yeah. Them chicks that, like, still like that fucking black glistening skin. Like they like that shit. Like they treat that n. Like he a museum. Look at that nigga. Black skin glistening. Yeah. No. So wingman days over. 43, heading to 44.


I'm sorry to anybody I'm letting down with this announcement. See, but that's the other thing. Most my niggas today are in successful marriages and relationships. So I only got like, Imani and Cory that's single and like, moving around. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Oh, first 1st 69 guys. All right. Imani's not single. My apologies. So it's only like one or two single niggas out there that's gonna sneak some shit in anyway. God, you gotta show up, Monica. You got to. You curse him out later. You know what, to our off camera topic. No, he's right. You know why you gotta show up? Cause it ain't like you gotta do too much work for too many people. You only got one person right now. You gotta show up for it's not that much work. And he not gonna bring no strings the dunce around you. Cause that nigga is Bougie Betty himself. He hasn't. So I'm not gonna put that mutt on his name. Yeah, but my counter to what y'all are saying and then we'll start this podcast is the game has changed a little from when we played it. So now that circle, that circle that come around might sneak the phone out and hit you with a little bom bom.


Hit you with a little tapey tapey. Really? That girl might tape the tv that she watching the game on. And your girl recognize that that's your tv that you didn't like the bricks that she helped you pick out on the wall to hang the tv. See, I'm not saying it's nasty, even though it is. Cause we old school, we cave in today. That's part of the game that you just gotta be aware of.


Mm hmm.


Yo, don't take no video pictures. And then that's a nasty talk to have. By the time you have in the talk, it's too late. Yeah, it's too late. It's too late. She already done put your cat snuffles. Snuffles is on the ground. Your cat's so unique. Yeah, that one sign with a black stripe going straight down. You got the only red cat in America or a bald cat like Ayesha Diaz. She got the only bald cat running around in America still. She love them, too. She's so ugly. Oh, let me. Shut up. She get mad at me if I talk. No, you gonna talk today.


I'm here.


No, no, no. That ain't enough.


I'm letting you guys talk about your wingman.


I'm throwing topics your way. You've been a wing woman. Dibs. Dibs.


You guys totally shit on my whole wing woman. You know, examples and stuff. You guys don't think I'm a good wing woman?


I don't if you call dibs.


Well, listen, look, I don't. You just said that you like your legacy to do all the talking for you. I mean, I do the same fucking thing. Just me showing up next to you, that really. That's really all I could have got at all.


Talk your shit. I can't argue with her.


You should've said that.


I can't argue with that.


But you couldn't have understood then. What you understand now?


Ooh. She went to Miami and got her back. Let me tell y'all something. That's fucking Mel Ford right there. Holy shit. I see. No. Flip the hair on them niggas. Flip the hair on them niggas so they know what time it is.


I had a really good time.


Okay? I will start this podcast. I will later tell y'all what I learned about myself that ish is gonna argue with me about. I don't know how he's gonna argue with me about it, but you better not do it. You better live righteously. You better live like a child of God. Cause if I get the call, this guy's a fool. No, I ain't. No, I ain't. All right, hold on, I gotta start. Did you do I got some inspiration? Nah, fuck it. Let me just start. Let me just start, man. See what you got for us. Come on, man. You know the vibe, man. I'm black. I'm black. And the weather get nice. I cut. CG on. I cut. Barbecue music on, nigga, I'm from the nineties. I was born in 80, nigga. Almost 79, which would have sounded ill. Y'all lucky that it was eighties. 79. I'd have been talking my shit the eighties, nigga. They hated me. Mike check, Mike check, Mike check. Feels like it's been so long that I've been away from you guys that we've been gone, man. Happy to be here. Shout to the first and last time listeners if you're new here.


We are always doing it for the ladies. Always doing it for the ladies. And no diamond flat, but she'll be free to clear the star. Big Mel back in the building with us after Friday off. Huh?


Ice was off too. Hey, ice was off too.


You gonna rat immediately. You gonna rat and meet no Wendy's.


I think that people might have noticed.


That ice was not no McDonald's. You're just gonna snitch. We talking about your absence, Miss lady. All right. In Miami, huh? At the movie star festival and a lot of flowy items, I'm sure.


Yeah, super flowy. Super.


Maybe or maybe not. Some mushrooms in the building, huh?


Lots of mushrooms.


Shout to all the fathers out there. All the fathers out there. Hopefully everybody. Father's Day was lit, but we gonna get to that. We gonna get to it. I've been hurting for a long time. Shout to wherever you might be listening from. Shout to anybody. Oh, some of y'all niggas kids is out of school, too. Some of the kids is out of school last week for some of the rest of them. Mic check. Mic check. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I told y'all, no more black people. Barbecue time. Shout out to all the scammers out there, all the dope boys and adult girls, everybody fighting the case right now, and everybody enjoying freedom. Happy to be here. Happy to be here with y'all. Shout to all the aunties, all the milks and gifts out there. Whoa. Rest in peace, Angela Beaufield. Rest in peace. And congrats to the Celtics while we at it. We will get to that. I didn't ask y'all what y'all want to start with, but we'll figure it out. Cause we them niggas. Hey, going to a show tonight. I mean, it's with Ishbut on when he was headed to the after party for the Tonys.


Headed to the Tonys after party. Don't try to ascend and not invite me, nigga. Nah, for real. I want some of that classy shit you be on, too. For real. Don't go to the. Don't go to the Tonys after party. I was at Tony Crib. I didn't even know. Let's go


get these drops out the way real quick. So happy to be with y'all today, man. Man, what a beautiful day. Woke up with some breath in my lungs. Watch the sunrise, huh? Woke up a little early, got productive, started sending some text and email. I emailed some niggas this morning. I wake up too early, now I gotta email some niggas. It's my new shit, my forties. I'm telling you, I'm learning. Mama's like, emailing you. Hey, did you use the CC function? Did you cc anybody? No, no, no. Cause that's like, true. Revolution true. No, I ain't doing shit where I gotta email a couple niggas and, like, at the same time, in the same email. Yo, how you still wake up, Darrell? What do you mean, how? I go to bed. I go to bed. He skipped the Tony's at the party and went to bed. I skipped Atlantis fire Monday lineup. Cause that shit is way too far in queens for me to get home at a decent time and get some sleep. And my barber canceled my Monday appointment. So that was a Tuesday morning thing. Gotta be up by six. Let's get to it.


And then my barber come in too. Positive. He like one of them positive frat brothers who workout like. He come in shorts leg day. He just hit he man. Productive. Wishing you positivity. There's like, you can't be sleeping when he come in. I don't like them niggas too early in the morning. Yeah, man. Positive niggas, right? That's like doing good in life. Grand rising early on grand rising king. Yeah. Yeah. Shout out to you. Good morning. Good morning. Yeah, you ain't gonna catch me. Actually. I'm sleepy. Morning. Morning. Welcome to episode 734, right? Yes, sir, of the Joe Budden podcast, brought to you by prize picks. I'm your humble, gracious, grateful, happy to be here. Boy, am I happy to be here with y'all today. Host Joe Budden here with a few really amazing people. I'm super excited that Mel is at work present. Ready to pause. Welcome back, Mel.


Thank you.


Ready to get to it?




Now, I've shared with her off mic. Her outfit tells me that she ain't really trying to pause through the summer like that. I'll be honest with you.


I was like, what does my outfit tell you?


You trying to be on the beach. You know, you're not even here. Not at all. She's trying, like a silhouette. She's trying to be a curl fest. Hamptons.




Yeah. Riding shotgun with Justin Timberlake.


Well, maybe not him. Maybe not. Maybe not JT on a boat somewhere. I'm trying to be on a boat. Yes.


This like the little chick I seen without legs on the yacht that was twerking. I saw that. Yeah, you'll be. You'll be some with no legs. Yes. Um, yeah. I'm not beating your legs. What the fuck?


Wait, did you see the video?


Yes, I know they did. Mad big. If she ain't got her legs, yo, my dick is huge. Listen, buddy. Yeah. Work. Holy shit. And she ain't gonna be the most mobile chick in the world, so. Yeah, just toss it up. Toss it up. Sit right there while I fucking go do something.


She looked very mobile. I think you guys are just projecting.


She don't got the attachment. It stopped right there.


She probably has prosthetics, but she took them off.


We'll need those. She can't run from that. You know what I mean? Really happy that you're here with us, Mel. How was your time away? Tell us everything.


It was great. Ab eff the american black Film Festival happens every year in Miami. It was amazing. Shout out to Jeff Friday, Nicole, Friday, the whole staff. It was. One of the biggest things about this year was Denzel Washington came to have an armchair discussion on stage. And, I mean, the place was standing room only. It was like, thousand seater amphitheater and standing room only.


Talk about it. He bodied it.


There was one problem. The moderator. The moderator. First of all, she was. You remember Siskel and Ebert, right?




Okay. Film critics, you know, everybody knows who they are. World renowned film critics. She's his widow, and she runs his. Roger Ebert's widow, and she runs his film school or whatever the case is. Trial attorney. So there was, like, a high expectation that she was gonna body the fuck out of this interview. The audience was screaming at her to get off the stage. It was so damn fucking bad.


Were you one of the people screaming for her to get off the stage?


I was not screaming, because that's just kind of a little undignified. But, you know, and I didn't want to make her feel even worse than she probably felt, but it's just, how do you fuck up a conversation with Denzel Washington? I mean, just fan out.


Or how she would feel probably hearing this on a broadcast? That's.


I don't give a shit. She heard it. Everybody knew. The whole people were. People were texting.


There's some smoke there. Yes. I mean, I felt, you know, for Mel to stand on something, it gotta be a smoke fest.


As. As a fan of Denzel Washington, like, everybody else was in the building, I was. I was pissed, because it's just like, how do you not come prepared to interview Denzel Washington?


What was her nationality?


She was black.


Oh, okay. Yeah. Just want that.


Yeah. Are you surprised that Roger Ebert was married to a black woman?


I'm surprised. Yeah. You do a show called voices of black women with thoughts, and you gonna kick the. All right.


You gonna kick her back, child, shut up.


You could have kept it low. You could have kept it low. You could have held it down.


Held it down for what? She did a terrible fucking job. This is a conversation with Denzel Washington.


What's her twitter handle too?


I don't even. I don't even. Honestly, I don't even know. I just know her last name. I don't remember her first name, but all I can say, is that when you get the cue cards, this is the workable format. You make the questions your own. If you got them three weeks in advance, don't start reading them five minutes before the man comes on the stage. That's insane to me. And it felt. And it gypped the audience because so many people wanted to know so many things about him. He does not do this very often, you know? And so this was something that people were looking forward to, and they just kind of got robbed of the experience of hearing about this man's legacy from his own mouth.




And so, yeah.


Is it possible that. Cause, you know, sometimes with interviews, somebody will say, listen, I don't want to talk about this. I don't. Like, they'll control the interview, and maybe it comes off a certain way.


No, no, no. He was. He was. He was a wide open book. He literally called his wife on FaceTime to save what was happening. He literally said to her at one point, he was like, this ain't going the way that you thought it was gonna go. Cause he called it, and it was so bad. And the audience was just, like, basically screaming like, dope. Yeah.


He gives you gems. He got personality. He'd be like, yo, I'm from around the way, my nigga.


You're a consummate professional, and you could literally fan out and just ask him any question, you know, like, I don't know. One of the last films that he produced was Ma Rainey's black bottom with Viola Davis, and it was the last film that Chadwick Boseman was in. That's a huge conversation to have about Chadwick Boseman and maybe, like, the last things that you could have shared with each other as actors, as his mentor, et cetera, et cetera. You know, the fact that you've gotten August Wilson's entire catalog of plays, and you're bringing this, you know, to film and also the stage and nepotism. You know, your children are now producers and actors. There's so much.


Oh, you want me to pull up? You want an interview? You want me to pull up?


I wanted.


You want the job to go, but.


I doubt I would. I would never have gotten the job. I would have smoked it.


That's what I'm saying.


But I never would have gotten it.


You want me to pull up the night like us instrumental? Get on some bars or ether? Which one. Which one do you want you via for next year?


I am. I am. I saw this.


I'll show you how to do this. I got you, but I understand what you're saying now, from your point of view, I agree. Like, you should be able to kick the back end of black women that do poorly at their speaking engagement.


If it was. I don't care if it was a white man, if it was, like, an asian alien, I don't. It doesn't matter who was on that stage. It was. You did not.


This woman is booked to speak.


It is nothing.


And she doesn't do the job.


Nothing to do with women.


She was gonna do. I think that audience members. You're right. Should be able to kick her back. I agree with you.


You know, me and I were gonna fight on the balcony when we're taking pictures, I'm gonna fight on the.


And you did all that. But I wanted to hear about what happened after the audio books went off, after the speaking engagement was over. Now in Miami, the boomers came. You had your free people outfit on. Come on, don't try to denzel me to death. What happened after that?


There was a. There was a.


It was raining. Were you doing cocktails or molo? Like, what were you drinking? What was your drink for the week?


I was drinking spicy margs and prosecco, smoking a little bit of.


There we go.


Now we're smoking a little bit. Took a bunch of mushrooms, chocolate. Shout out to ad. Thank you so much for the package.


You always get a package from somewhere too?


I sure am.


Ad take care of niggas, though. He really does shout out to ad.


He really, really does.


I'm gonna talk about y'all niggas that try to package our way to something too. Yeah, okay. I ain't talking about ad. That's my man. But y'all niggas that try to good deed your way to it. Stop it, my nigga. Stop it, my nigga. Why, though? A nigga can't do a good job, why they gotta stop? That's they version of tricking. Yo, it can't be, my man. I'm not mad at that. It can't be. Why? Wait, wait, hold up. What? Why? He said, oh, I'm with y'all. Okay. Gotcha. Good deed in your way to some pussy genius. It's tricking Justin. A good deed. Y'all niggas sound like broke haters. You sound like haters. We congratulate you. That care package, they went, do what you gotta do, man. Go take this edible arrangement. What you talking about, niggas? Let me arrange something. Yeah, arrange something edible. Hey, and I'm not talking about ad. Shout out to ad. That's my man. Shout out to them. Shout out to ad. I'm talking about you other niggas that be trying to FedEx something. Ad out here moving around, too. That's right. You know what I'm saying? That nigga life looks amazing.


I be following them niggas jealous, like, yo, this some bullshit. They got more bottles out here moving around. But you don't drink. I know. I had fun, though. When the bottles. Buying bottles. No, when the bottles come, fun's coming after. So you the guy that's gonna wait till the bottles come trick me. What could get you to drink? It's an event that can get you a drink.


Your wedding, maybe.


Genie bus nowadays. Genie bus will get a drink? Yeah. Like, yeah, I'll drink something if I want to open up a little bit. If Jeannie bus call you and say, I'm inviting you to the Lakers draft after party as my plus one or my date or my escort, you gotta take a little sip of something. You think it's gonna be, let's just. And church, right? Never mind what I'm sipping on. Pat and Ron quick. I don't want babies to drink. No, it's gonna get him a little booms farm. You know he gonna get in his old nigga bag. I don't know ish, man. Look, I need to go out with 2020. Y'all need to go out with ish. I try to go out with ish every week. He won't return my text. This nigga just lies for the. That's what let me know that. However he's described me in the household, I am a wild nigga. I know what time it is. He don't want to have the real talk. You believe that's how it beat over? That is how my girl, that. Yo, it's. Yeah, it's always gotta tell. I can't be with him.


Yo, I'ma head out with Mouse. It ain't even Joe button. Me and Mouse about to me. Yo, listen to this. My girl watch the podcast way before I ever step forward. More reasons she don't want you to have. That's even more reason why she don't want you not making the case. Good. No, how is that me doing it? She don't want you to have hang out with me. Yo, just say that, though. That's all true, though. My girl don't give a fuck. No, that's not true. Oh, boy. Yo, that's true. All right, let me ask. She might not fight you, but she don't care. It'll be a little bit more of a conversation. Oh, yeah. It ain't gonna be me and Mouse just about to run out and. What time? What time we leave? Are you leaving at midnight? She's leaving at midnight and she's gonna stay up with Mouse. She's gonna stay up. No, she's not. Put it this way, dog. Me and Joe have gone out since I've been with my girl. That's not true. She knew you was with Jodo. Yeah. Last time, though, when we went out, we be bumping. We be meeting up by mistake, nigga.


Dog, I've been with my girl a long time. So therefore, me and you have mad times. We ain't been out since the pandemic. I was with my girl during the pandemic and before the pandemic. That's not the point I'm making is I know you've been with your girl. That's not the point of the pandemic is a long time ago. We should go somewhere, Joe. You might be stepping on something. That's not true. This is what happens. I don't want to. No, he not stepping on nothing, dog. My girl was pregnant during the pandemic. I have a two year old at home. I don't go out that much. And then when you go out with Joe, like he just said, you leaving the house at 1230, my nigga coming home. But we could do a little bit with the birds. We could walk and say less and walk out. You ain't gotta just do it with Simba. We can walk and say less and walk out. We could go to the Tony's. What's up? We go. We go to Malcolm X on ice. Fuck. What's up, nigga? Fucking fool. Yeah. Don't put me in that box.


What's up? Oh, shit. Look at Malcolm skating around. Look at Betty. I ain't intro with nobody else. And this is another long intro. Armani is here. Ish is here. Ice is here. Parks is here. Poe is here. Casanova is here. And Erickson is here. Casanova. Everybody's here. How's everybody doing? How y'all feeling? What's up? We good. Good. Happy to see y'all. How was everyone's father's day? A lot of dads here. Not you, parks. Mute up. Good. Had a great, great time. Light shit like the simple stuff, to me, is the best stuff.


Did you guys get any gifts that you liked this year? I know that's a thing for you guys where you guys don't get gifts or get shitty gifts or get vagina that you already have.


Vagina is not a gift. Vagina is depreciating daily. That's. Yeah, that's just appreciated. What? Vagina is a BMW. Once you drive it off the lot, you ain't even got a driver. As soon as you see her, it's like, oh, okay. Yeah. I know I ain't the first nigga to take you. Fine. Hey, before I seen you, a lot of niggas thought you was fine. You done been through the run. You have been through the ring, mama. That shit is pawnshop. Now. Niggas had they way with that. Now I'm gonna come through. Fucking Ronnie romance. No way. You've been pretty since the nineties. I'm catching you in 2024. You know what that means. Yeah, that's that rollback miles over there. Yeah, you gotta go get that shit refurbished. You gotta go get your man rolling back a little bit. Motherfucker need a new trance. Yeah. Come on now. Come on, now. Don't play with me. I'd be happy to meet the chicks with, like, the 14 day period. The eleven day period. Clean it up. Clean that shit up. Yeah. Periods got shorter, right? Clean it up, huh? Periods started getting shorter. No, no, not as your age.


As your age that you get a little. That should be a little tight. Get weird a little minute.


They're starting early.


Yeah, they starting early. Remember them being like a good, like. Yes. Flush out that chick. Sins that chick. Indiscretion. The longer a period, the more sins. For real, you mean. Oh, my God. Ten days. Oh, yeah, bitch. Yeah, bitch. You've been fucking in your life and your pussy know it. You cannot lie to that pussy. Clean it up. Get that semen out. Yeah, get all of it out. Everything that might be in there. Take the old car. You gotta get the engine flush right. Yeah, yeah. Come on back to the old car. It might be old fries looking at anything. You might find the lost remote up in that pussy right on the side. Should be in that pussy. Just hot. Oh, good. Fucking feel. The last nigga lost his keys up in that pussy. Fucking disgusting.


Gifts. Father's day gifts.


My son is coming out here in a couple of weeks. That nigga told me I got your gift out, dad. I'm gonna just bring it with me. That mean you ain't get the gift yet, but it's cool. I thank you. Appreciate it, bro. Yeah, my shit was cool. I don't really do that. I got wallets. They clapping, my nigga. That's a thoughtful gift for you. You needed a wallet? Yeah, you needed a wallet. Your shit was on my last string with all them 97 cards. Your wallet was high 97. That nigga had 97 cards ready to bust it down. That nigga ready to buy, doing his bishop White House. He wasn't doing it. Cause then you got all. He's on his bishop white hair. All right, we buckle today. This one ain't work. You got another one, either? Wait, you got the old school wire. She got you the upgraded joint. Nah, it's a Tumi joint. Oh, yes. That's a step up. Okay, that's a step up. You had the century 21 shit. Yo, you an idiot. I don't know what you had, but I saw the new one online. That's fire, though. Okay, wallet.


What else, what else? What else? What else? Ice. My father's day started Friday for me. That's why I wasn't here. My daughter's school, did they hold your father's day is all? Yeah, I thought about you a lot on Father's Day. Like, that nigga. That niggas a real dad. Dad be there for his kid. Nah, you ain't. Think about ice? No ice, is he? Tell us. My turn. Got six days with back Dave. I was over, like, six days. God damn. That's a long time to be with your child. Like, niggas love their kids, but you. I'll give him a gift.


Your dad of the year. Ice. You really.


No, just, you know, I love my baby. That's it. But, um. But, yeah, they had her school had a park. Look, he went to dad meetup at the moment. You had your dad in your life, right? No. I mean, he was there, but not present. Don't try to be down with us, nigga. Not what he was. My father wasn't physically there, okay? He wasn't. That's part of why I am the way I am. Cause I don't want my. You know, I went past, you know, whatever. But, yeah, it was some shit in the park. Bunch of little kids, they cooked for them. Give me a napkin piece. For all the dads and shit. It was pretty cool. Give me napkin pies. It just fucked me up because it was more mothers there than dads. Mmm. Mom's trying to step on our shower. Yeah. I'm like, oh, this is supposed to be Father's Day. You said that fucked you up. I want to. I want. I know, I know, I know. Your mother's day I'm putting on. When I say happy Mother's Day, I'm putting happy Mother's Day. To all the active mothers for now on.


All right, star beef, then. I'm sorry. Star some beef. Every year they say I woke up all the day, started some beef. I thought it was funny. I wasn't trying to start beef. I just thought it was funny. But as the day went on, I felt like a shitty person, so. But my plan was to erase it the whole time. But then you kept it, right? I archived it. Yo, Father's Day was lit. Let me hit a round of applause for all of the fathers out there. The active fathers. I'll even include. I'm gonna even include some of the stepfathers in this. Even though I feel like y'all. I feel like y'all need your own day, for real. I feel like step Father Day should be like mischief night, Halloween around in some way. Why you want hit the nigga batteries? No, no, no. I fuck with the stepdad, and I'm a stepdad. God. Got my step kids some Bryson Tiller tickets. He Bryson Tiller, you say, who this? I was like, oh, all right. Awkward text, but, uh, they can't even lock you. You ain't highlighting shit. That's so awkward. Yeah. Who the fuck is this nigga?


And you think you the man? I think stepdads need their own day, but I'll include step dads in this. All of the fathers out there. What a beautiful day. I felt great. From the community of dads that was on my text. It was a lot of. I realized more learning about me. I know a lot of active, real nigga dads there for this. I know single dads. I know all types of dads. And we was deep in the text. Yo, my brother. Making each other feel good. Brother, I love you. Yeah, that felt good. Yeah, dad fucking community. You goddamn right you got damn right that you felt. Phone call Sunday evening from Simba. He was like, yo, you don't even get a text. He was like, the dads I see, that's really. I gotta call niggas direct. He gave you that, too? Yeah, man, that's how you got a couple of the December gimmick tricked a few of us up here before. Oh, here. This nigga the game. What I'm talking about.


Did you get a call?


I'm saying you got no, he ain't even give me a text. I'm a real nigga, nigga. Hit me when album is coming out. Don't hit me with love and support. Everybody else hit me, though. Everybody listen. I'm shouting out the dads. I love that dad sex thread. Shit that we had going on and awkward moment. It was a few of y'all dudes that hit me where I was unsure of your status. What you mean?


Meaning you didn't know they were.


I don't know if you were a dad or not. Okay. I didn't know if there was one way of. You was giving me also some people. Yeah. The relationship. I don't know. I didn't know. Not a lot. It's not a lot. It was a couple. Not a long list. But it was about three people that paused me. Like, hey, does this person. Nah, but maybe it's awkward. Niggas be dads. Um. I had nothing to complain about. Sin sin bought me. My baby would get. Yeah, that's right. Balloons give me the little thing that they did in school. Give me the thing. My dad is blank. And my dad is his favorite blank. Yeah. Give it all to me in a nice little bag. The little painting. The little painting that they get him to do and give my shit. I don't care what it is. Cause if I don't get it, I'mma feel away on father's day. And you should. I'll admit it. You should. So she gave it right to me. I felt great. Took my dad, my brothers, my sister, both my kids to our normal. It's like a ritual now, a little brunch in Harlem that we do.


We had a great time and had a real, real, real good talk with my oldest son. Just about some of the trauma and grown man issues that you might have from the years that dad wasn't there. We bumped into that one, and that was ill. That was kind of fly. Cause I just never even think about how. What areas that might be popping up in for him today. So we had that talk, and I was able to say, hey, man, if there's anything I could do to help with, like, some of them dad issues, you can't help yourself. But I said I was serious because who are you gonna talk to? Like, who are you going? It should be like, your dad. Mm hmm. Hit me, nigga. Hey, is anything I can help fix that? I fucked up. If I gotta come to therapy, if I got back tomorrow, I got where I got it. If I gotta show up somewhere, I'm coming. That was fun. Me and him had a lot of fun. We did. Took a long scooter ride with my youngest. You know, my scooter go like 70 mph, so I didn't bring that outside.


I was trying to do like the good dad. I was on my ice. Shit. Like, oh, let him get to school. I'll just walk behind him, proud, smiling. He was. He booked it. He booked it. Now you. When he booked it, I had to show him. Your competition kicked in. I had to show him who was boss. I had to show him who was boss. Hey, big dog, watch this. Let's head back to the house for a second. Let me go get the scooter. Oh, I hit about 80 on that little nigga. Boy. I got out of there. Yeah. Who's boss now? Oh, it was great. We took a long little run, but I would have just never even thought to do that, like, bring my school down where it was just a lot of little things. Just felt good on father. Small shit. Yeah, small shit felt really, really, really good. On father's day at the brunch, I also noticed it wasn't as crowded as it was last year. Last year was packed with dads. This year, maybe I got there early, but the dads wasn't out in full force. But the dads that was there was like.


Party of ten, whole family celebrating dad. Party of eight, whole family celebrating dad. So we all look at that salute, right? Yeah. Yeah, dad, nigga, we raised all these niggas. It feel good. Oh, yeah. I went to hay fever. I went to haven for their little brunch, and it was the same shit. But I bought my daughter, so all the tables reserved. 810 big ass parties of tables were reserved. So it was kind of awkward because I had to bring my baby and they need the high chair. And so when we did the reservations, we didn't include the high chair. And all of that shit was pre booked with parties of six, parties of twelve. They was even renting a little side area with like 25 people in that shit. Just all celebrating Father's day. It was kind of dope. That was kind of floppy. Yeah, my family tried to do something like that, but the places we looked at, we waited too late, so we ended up. Cause just so happens this father's day was also my grandfather's 83rd birthday. Damn. So the family was, you know, we usually do his birthday, my birthday, Father's day.


Usually we do a little cookout, something like that. He ain't want to leave the house. So we did it at day house and it's just some family shit. But again, about 1520 people. Nah, Father's day shit was calm flow. When you watch the other fathers and they just giving you acknowledgement that shit is dope. You said you went upstairs, right? Yeah, I surprised my pops popped up on him. Got him a nice little present. Felt good. Did a little cookout with the family. Fire. It was beautiful. It was beautiful. Absolutely. Got nice with pops, you know what I mean? Little yak. Little yak in the rocks. Yeah. Good time. Good times. Shout out to everybody out there that lost their dad work. We know they are here with y'all in spirit. Salute to y'all and shout out to the future dads. Shout out to y'all. It was a really, really, really good. Oh, shit. Real quick, can I give a shout out to my cousin? My cousin Fred. He doesn't. He didn't have kids, but he adopted, officially adopted him and his wife's new child. So this was his first father's day. So even in that situation, even so.


Salutes to him. I thought that was super dope. Really good kid. And I'm happy that he's finally got to that point where. Cause he kind of raised me a bit, so I would never be like, yo, happy Father's day. But the fact that now he has a child and taking care of the child in the greatest way, through adoption. Child who really needs that influence. That was dope. So salutes to Fred and Angelique. Thought that was dope. Very dope. Absolutely. Fire. Shout out to all the adopted kids out there. That's it. You always think I'm on bullshit. Cause you always got bullshit. I'm telling y'all. I'm not. I'm growing up. 45 is coming. Your birthday ain't here yet, nigga. No, that ain't. That's 44. I say 45. You ain't growing up yet is what we say. But you gotta work your way towards where you wanna be is all I'm saying. I wanna say, rest in peace to my cousin Earl. My guy Earl passed away. Earl, I love you. I'm dedicating my performance today to you. You. I'll be in South Carolina soon, so we can do all. Do all the shit the right way.


Get the good collard greens. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. That registration. Thank you. Overstation. Yo, q, what happened? I got you off mic. You always say that and then you never call. I forgot. You just always say that. You just reminded me. You just reminded me how much better I would be as a person if you was reliable. How a nigga put his growth before you being real. What the. I would be a lot iller if I could depend on you. But bug it. Bug it. You holding me back, dog. Get your shit together so I can be great. But he procrastinate. Even with me. Even with me. What's important? What else is important? Unimportant. Where do y'all want to start? You want to get out the way we started with congratulations to Boston. We can just get that out the way. Salutes. I didn't want to watch the rest of the game because as a New Yorker, I just don't want to see Boston celebrate. Yeah. I barely watched any of these finals at all, honestly. Yeah, but salutes to them. They did it. They earned it. They did it. They did it.


They earned it. I want them to win either. I mean, they earned it. I wasn't mad at them winning. I just hate think they was going, yeah, I'm just a New Yorker, so at this point, I can't celebrate Boston. It ain't. But so much celebrating I can do, or even watch niggas be too happy in Boston. I can't do it. No, I love the city. Boston, I'm a sportswatch. I'm a celebrate them. I am. Let me do it the right way, man. Hold up. All right, there we go. The Boston Celtics have won the NBA championship, four to one. I guess I gotta be happy for these niggas. I am happy for him. I'm happy for them. Cuz I like Missoula. Like, all the Missoula interviews. Like, he on his 5% of fuck y'all shit. I like seeing that Jalen Brown is on bullshit, too. I'm happy for him. I'm really, really happy. Family, I could not be happier for. Alright, yes, that's true. Like, once I started looking at Boston for real, like, they got a lot of people. I was happy for Al Horford. 17 1819. However many years for him to finally get one shout out to him, man, I fuck with him.


Class act the whole way and still has his hairline. And then he didn't just get one sitting on the bench. He was active, like, he contributed. And y'all better be glad that Al Horford is a happy, happily married man because he was a hard time in the club. Al Harford is a hard out in the club. Super excited for Jason Tatum. Yes, for sure. Really, really happy for Jason. Jason Tatum. You send him a DM? No, I did not. I try not to impede on people's biggest moment of their life with just some self centered Joe budden shit.


Congratulations. You deserve it, Dmitri.


Not. Not. Wow. The entire world is sending that. Okay, like, you be humble enough to.


Wait, so maybe like, wait, I what?


People try to make other people's moment, day moment. I hate that and that happens a lot today. Niggas out there do it even in death. Soon as you die, very niggas putting up your tapes. I hate that. So, no, I didn't do that. Um. Who else am I happy for? Celtics. Drew holiday. I'm super happy. Him I'm gonna get to in a second. I'm happy film. Cuz he's black, but he already had one and he's that nigger. And I'm gonna talk about Drew holiday in a second. I am happy for poor Zing is as a Knicks guy. I am. He got one. He got one. True. I can't hate Peyton Pritchard. Hey, like Richard. I like Richard a lot. Richard, boy. Cuz I've watched him in summer league, be Michael Jordan. I did, too. When they was trying to figure it out, the Celtics trying to figure it out. So Eric White bust his ass to get nigga jumped on my nephew ass in that summer league. I said, whoa, Nick. Chill out, Nick. So, yeah, there are a lot of people on the Celtics that I am happy for, but that would make for a boring broadcast.


Get some head off. Because I think the finals was really uneventful. It was. It was. And I don't want celtic fans out there to think that me saying that is trying to take away from their greatness. Two things could be true. I think the Celtics are a great team and have been all season long. They deserve. They deserve this season. They separated themselves from the pack 60 win team. They achieved a lot this season, incorporating new players into the system after a failed season last season. So that can be true. And I could feel like they weren't testing. I don't really feel like their greatness was tested by anybody this playoff run, which makes me want to highlight the people that should be sick to their stomach this morning, which is why I have neo playing right now. I'm gonna let this hook rock, and then I'm gonna tell y'all who should be sick. There's a very obvious one right at the top, off the rip. I know. I know one. All right, let me turn it down. Shit. Turn it down. Former coach Doka. All right, we will start with Eudoka. Yes. Who could not control the horny.


Couldn't control the horny. Got the best of them, man. Should just rub one out. Couldn't keep your dick in your pants. You fucking succumb to the white girl sukame. Because I don't want to say succumbing because that's on the white guy.




That's a no pun intended.


Super pun intended. Succumbed.


Yo, you had nia long, and you had a Celtics team. Oh, and your child. Mm hmm.


Father's day.


Shut up. Sorry. You had your child. You had Nia long. You had a very capable Celtics team, but you couldn't keep your dick in your pants, and you fell victim to the pretty or mid white girl that worked with you. Eudoka is number one on the. I am sick to my stomach. And then they sent you to Houston to deal with Jalen Green and all them wild niggas over there. Houston is lit. We might be having some fun, but hopefully in the future, you can control your horny so you can avoid these types of lists. Number two on the so sick list, Marcus Smart, your last night, y'all want. The Celtics won a ring, and I thought that they should mail. Think about. I thought that they should mail Marcus smart a ring just for what he meant for the development of that team. I know they didn't win it together. I know they had to ship them out. It was a good trade. They got a lot in return. But Marcus Smart should have woke up at least with a tummy ache. He did. At least. At least be. Geez, he did, right? Bgs number three on my so sick list, Grant Williams, 100.


I don't give a fuck that you was in the celtic locker room clout chasing after they won. He went right over there and let some confetti fall on him. No, nigga, you should be sick as can be. You left the Celtics, went to the Mavs, none of them wanted you, and now you gotta watch both the teams that got rid of you fucking duel it out. You should be sick. You should be home fucking over the toilet throwing up. Sorry. Hold up, hold up. My song went off now. Yeah, you're great. Yo, you that nigga. I gotta get your props. You that nigga, boy. Grant Williams should be a little sick to his stomach. Um, the Milwaukee Bucks, you really should be number one or two on this list, but not for the reasons out there that people are saying. Some people, Draymond Green included, are saying that the Celtics were gifted a championship. Joellen Bee said this as well. Were gifted a championship with the drew holiday trade. That's a reach a little bit, but. Okay. Far reach. I don't think it's a reach, but I don't think that the Bucks are responsible in that, because the Bucks didn't trade Drew Holiday to Boston.


The Bucks traded drew holiday to Portland, but Portland was beefing with Damian Lillard, which is why they shipped him to the Bucks, where he didn't want to be, and ship drew holiday to Boston, where, voila, you probably will win the championship. So go blazers, for fucking your opps. For real. Shout out to them. Let me see who else. There was somebody else on the. So sick list. The six is Joellen B. Why? We had the opportunity that the draft. We talked about the drafts before. Oh, yeah. We had the three and traded up to the one. How bizarre. How bizarre. Yeah, no, talk about it as a six event. Yeah, bro, I've been talking about it. This. They were saying the six up fans and the Laker fans should be sick. But I can't speak for the Laker fans as a six up fan watching this. I am sick. We took Ben Simmons and Markel, folks, and we took Lonzo and Brandon Ingram. Yeah. Yeah. We both should be sick. Yeah, we sick. Yeah, we are. I want to congratulate Jeff Van Gundy for getting a ring as a consultant to the Celtics this season.


Yeah. Yeah. He got himself a ring. He also has done an interview recently to talk about how troubled his past year has been since being fired from ESPN. So shout out to Jeff Van Gundy. Shout out to Doris Burke, who I want to say is the first woman to announce, like, a championship round of any sport. Damn. Really? Wow. I was going to tweet about Doris Burke last night. Yeah. I mean, I would need to google it to be sure, but I'm pretty sure that that's what was said. Doris Burke is amazing, bro. Yeah. Yeah. But door. They need to make it right with all. It did feel a little different without Jeff van Gogh Jackson. It did. That's true. It felt a little different. But Doris Burke is amazing. So shout out to her. We need to cherish her and Hubie while they are here. For sure. She knowing. I think that's it for my so sick list for now.


Is it possible that the finals were underwhelming because Jeff Van Gundy and Marc Jackson weren't.


Oh, wait, no, no. Denver Nuggets. Y'all are on my fucking so sick list. Y'all woke up sick. Y'all are responsible for a lot of how that played out in the west with that hat. Just names in a hat type shit. Y'all was supposed to take care of Minnesota and then y'all supposed to take care of the next one so we could see the two best teams from the last two seasons go at it and then Boston could really be challenged. But y'all blew a game seven in your building to a young Timberwolves team, they didn't show up against Dallas, and Dallas wasn't ready for the bright lights against the Celtics. I don't have no hate on the Celtics. They played who was in front of them. Yeah. It ain't they fault that everybody got injured. Everybody got hurt. Part of the playoffs show up. Part of the playoffs is how you plan and prepare for that tv schedule, which is grueling. Yeah, it was grueling. Both of them teams the other night looked exhausted. They did. Hey. But at the same time, the Celtics took injuries, too. So everybody, like you said, you play one in front of you, they had to deal with it, too.


The Celtics, without porzing, is better than everybody that was in front of them. So just say he did when he played, he showed up. He showed up. He showed up. But without him, they were better than everybody that they took place in front of them. Gotta shout out Brad Stevens for sure. Amazing. And the job that he has done and. Hold up. I got it right here. I will read it to you, just so we know. Cause I mentioned this last part, but I didn't have it in front of me. He got drew holiday for Robert Williams, the third, Malcolm Brogdon, and two first round picks. He got poor zingas, but he got poor zingas. And two first round picks for Marcus Smart Gallinari, Mike Muscala, and a second round pick. And he got Derek White for Josh Richardson, Romeo Langford and a first round pick. Talk about improving your team. He did a phenomenal job with this roster. Shout out to Brad Stevens. Shout out to Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce and them niggas for being the people traded away to get the picks, to get Jalen Brown and Jason Tatum. It's just. It's a lot of people.


It's a lot of people that need to be thanked here in this Celtics run. Congratulations to the city of Boston, for sure. Awesome. Yeah, awesome. Awesome. And whoever. I'm not sure who. Who responsible, maybe Brad Stevens, whatever. In the front office. Cause a lot of teams would have split up. Jalen and Tatum. They were calling for him to split up. They were calling for that. They still believe they stuck with it. So you guys shot them out for that. Cause you paid off. And I think they. They just announced that Tatum is up for maybe an extension. Five years, 315 million, super max. God damn, I had a nice little crossover, too. You five six. Yo, you watch a fucking mouth. I can promise you it wasn't Tatum. Like, don't let them curls fool you, nigga. My man could have worked on his game. Nah, you could have gotten if you worked on it. Yeah, I didn't want the super mat. Yeah, that's all. Yeah, you wasn't getting. I forget. If you want anybody here have a problem with Jalen Brown being finals mvp? No, he doesn't deserve that. He earned that. Deserved it. And we like his speech that he gave saying, I share this with Tatum.


I'm sharing this with him, man. It's my man. Yeah, you can say that. We like that. Going home with you, though. Yeah. Yeah. Going to your trophy case. I think it's real, though. That's cool. Where is going? I fuck with JB. Yeah, they're. Then. They're a great dynamic duo. At this point. Jason Tatum is my man. My man. 100 grand. He may be a little peeved with me because I picked Dallas, but what I was saying was. Because what I should have said was, I'm rooting for Dallas. Cause I was rooting for Dallas, but I kind of thought that Boston might win it, but I was rooting for Dallas. Jt, man, this is what I'll say. I don't want him to get mad at me. But last night was funny because the streets were saying that Jason Tatum, after they won the final, was trying to emulate every iconic moment that ever happened in the final. And it was funny. I'm sorry. It was funny. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Saw a lot of hate, but it was funny. The Kobe with the trophy, the mike sitting down, the garnet moment. Oh, the garnet moment, for sure.


We got to find some of this stuff. Let me get to his Kanye moment. Nigga. Just stealing moments. I guess we'll never know. Yo, yo, I'm not mad at him stealing people moments. He also took one of the hardest pictures ever with his son with the confetti fall. And that's fine. That's. That's one of the hardest pictures I've ever seen. I'm probably going to post that later. Here we go. Listen to him getting his kg bag. We did it. Hold up. It's a surreal feeling. We did. We did it. We did it. Tatum, Tatum. Jason Tatum. That niggas happy, man. I can't say nothing. I can't say nothing. Cause this is one of the greatest moments of his life. And that's my man. And he's black. And we seen. We can't say nothing. Yes. Seen a lot of people there. Seen a lot of people there. You want to explain what that means? No, no. I'm censoring it out. Okay. Write it down. Thank you. Really, really happy for Jason Tatum, man. I am. Congratulations to the Celtics. And they finally got that monkey on their back. That's something they've been for the last six, seven years.


They've been in the Eastern Conference finals or the championship. Not to win it. Yeah. So now it's like a relief. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's just like. Yeah, they still young as hell. I ain't realize how young that ties up with the Lakers. Right? They both have 18. No, why are we talking about the Lakers? They won by themselves. The Celtics are now. They passed off. They passed you on championships. Sorry, bro. Y'all have 17. They have 18. Okay, so we're talking about. Some people say 16 with Asterix. That's true. I don't know when we talking about the world champions. Like, you don't have to. The Lakers and the Clippers got a new building. They got a fan section. They build and might be crushing y'alls. Y'all got you to worry about, man. How many banners they got, though, huh? How many banners they got in the new building? A new building. New building is still going up. So they can't worry about. To worry about that part of talking about the Lakers, though. How many banners I got? We not talk why we talked. No. All right. You right. I don't know why we're talking about the Lakers.


Same reason we talked about Markel Foltz and Ben Simmons. No, no. Oh. It's not true. Y'all have no relationship right now. You have no relation. Lonzo Ball, not even on your team. I trade him and Brandon. We got to chop out of that. I don't care about the. Shut up there. I don't care about the Lakers right now. Boston's moment. That's peace. You mute it up, you better sign Michael Parsons. I know one thing. Michael Parsons going to work for $3 million next season should be all your brain is worried about right now. You think Michael Parsons leaving? That nigga is not leaving. I think that there's a possibility that his text is full of people saying, you shouldn't come to work for $3 million next season. Yeah, and I think he might. Listen, you ain't answering my question. No, I think y'all gonna fucking suck out and pay him. That's not suckering out. Which one is it? Is it suckering out or he. Should he not go to work for three mil? It's both. No, it's not. I think so. If you. If you are paying somebody years before you have to pay. It's only a year.


Before. It's only one year. I don't care. So. So what? Shut up. You just. Yo, I wouldn't. You just talking. Joe is on bullshit. I know you on bullshit. So what? So what? I would love. I'm happy to be at work. I would love to see you. I'm happy to be. I would love to see you bust your ass somewhere over perform and then still feel comfortable walking into that building for less than what you're worth at the moment. Way over perform and still feel comfortable. Joe would never.


You would never do that?


No, Joe would never do that. You'll burn the whole at and t center down. Long as you know it. Long as you know it. And that needs to be considered when hiring Joe. Pay him right. Talk to him nice, treat him right or deal with the ramifications. And that niggas got a big mouth. What do we want? Companies pay me now to shut up. They ain't paying me to talk. I come here. I. Fans do that for me to talk to y'all. But the companies, no, it's. You be quiet. Don't talk about this. Hey, keep this. Keep this between. Keep this one between us. It ain't work out, but here, take this bonus check, big dog. Keep this between us. Your peers are not. Yeah, no. Dead ass. All you gotta do is tell me my peers ain't. Yeah, I'll keep it. Fine. Can't let my peers know. And it's time for my baby. Just like that. Speak, you Ruby Rose juice piping gang. Ruby Rose posted a picture. I was unsure if I should like it, so I didn't. Smart move. I didn't. But I would have liked it because you've come to the podcast you supported.


I'm a little more familiar with you, so I support where you're trying to go. That's not what the picture was given, so I didn't like it.


Oh, is it the one on the boat? Yes, I liked it.


You can. Yeah, you could do that. She felt all on your titties at work, but you follow Ruby Rose now?


No, don't even fucking try it, you little motherfucker. You tried it.


You tried to set big mail up.


Do that.


Oh, shit.


I don't. I don't.


I've been following Ruby Rhodes.


So then why don't you, if you're following her, like her pictures.


I like a picture that's age appropriate.








You can't like nothing that's 25, 26, 24. You can't do it.


Okay, you can.


Now they try to get on Costa Natas for meeting blue. No, no, I mean, north. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Blue. I'm sorry, north. That's just the Internet being stupid. Yeah, that's stupid shit. That's really stupid. I agree that that's dumb. North's mom is involved, of course. You're the top streamer I want my child to meet. Mm hmm. And again, the streamers are them today. Yeah. They start 100%. They are the celebrities to the kids. I could offer some pushback here, but we've been number one for too long, so I'm okay with not being honest right here. Like, what do you. We fall to number two because I'm not honest right here. That's fine. I might back you up. I did. Got a little push back. Just a little bit. Can you give the pushback? Only if you understand what Kanye's point of view was the entire time that he's been talking about everything related to Kim and North. Yes, I get that. If you understand what his point of view was, then you too accessible for my liking. Like, if you could push your brain to wherever his is, which is a tall task for people.


But Kanye is of the impression that if you listen to Candace Owens and him and anybody else with a mouth that mkultra has a handler on everybody famous in Hollywood and this weird shit going on, and people are too accessible, and people are doing shit for companies and platforms, and they sacrificed and they compromised. So if you're doing that, then maybe my daughter being this accessible to shenanigans is an issue. But if you're just a regular dad that don't have those beliefs, then there's nothing wrong here. I understand. Kind of. I got pushed back to that, too. Yeah, I understand all of that. I'm just saying what people were trying to put on Casa now is not fair. Just for being around that young girl is unfair. That's all I'm talking about. I do feel like you gotta take the good and the bad, though, too. Right? People's senses when it comes to these things are heightened because of things that have gone on in me, in the public, with people and young women. I agree. So the public is just on edge. I think that. I think he gets in that particular instance. You can't say some of those things if you are carrying yourself.


Be the message that you want to spread in a manner that is contradicting what you're saying. You get what I'm saying? So I think the message is way better received if you carry yourself in a different way. You know what I mean? Like, you outside with your chick and she naked.


That part starting a porn company.


Yeah, but he also has a sex addiction, all right? The world don't got to know it, and you don't got to present it to the world in their face. You could do whatever you do behind closed doors. Maybe part of sharing it publicly is trying to not succumb to the addiction, though. Your girls walking around naked. You shoot that nigga? Bail? Yeah, you bailing him out. You shooting him. A lot of bail. I'm not trying to. You bail him out, huh? I'm not trying. Yo, don't stop. Don't. Don't you bail him out, huh, man, you bail him out. You gonna get to it. No, we don't. We gonna get to it. We, not me and you gonna get to it. Cause he always pushing my buttons. Why do you say like, I'm not trying to. I'm not trying to shoot bail for Kanye, so I don't. I don't want to sound like that. I guess I just. Maybe I have empathy for people that are going. Suffering from addiction, whatever it is. Gambling addiction, porn addiction. So if I see you acting out, I'm not like, hey, you're doing that. Ish point is still right.


I agree with ish's point. Hey, be the person that you want to, but I know that you. You succumbing to something greater than you right now. It ain't. You can't. Maybe you got to get the discipline. You got to get to self control. You got it. He ain't there yet is all I'm saying. And that white girl is mid. That's it. Somebody here to fuck white girls a lot. Tell me that that girl is made. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Which what?


His wife.


I don't want to talk about his wife. That's his wife. That's why I guess I'm really talking about that girl before his wife.


Oh, you talking about the one with the.


Oh, Julia Fox won't shut up either. Julia.


Oh, Julia Fox it up.


That was. She wasn't meant. She wasn't meant to, but she 100% went to mid. Bad mayonnaise. That wasn't helmet. That wasn't helmet. Uncut, Jack. She looked. She looked. I wish that one of y'all would fucking find some balls and tell me. Come on. Cause y'all know that was bad mayonnaise. That was not good mayonnaise. She used to look good. I don't give a fuck how she used to look if you look mid when I get with you. Well, what is wrong with you?


Yo, they were an interesting coupling.


Bad mayonnaise is hilarious. I go hold you. That's a classic. That is a classic. This guy's a duck. Case beat. Hey, bleep this out, Parks. I went digging through my DM's. I saw a DM. Bet you did. Who's that? Don't worry, you don't want no good mayonnaise. Good mayonnaise. Good mayonnaise. No, but good mayonnaise. That's good, man. And could be poor wwe. When you see some good mayonnaise, you gotta put some of that on. Sandwich. That's exquisite. Mayonnaise with nothing else, though. Just the bread.


Mayonnaise with truffles.


Manny, sandwich. Not miracle whip. By the way, you like helmets over miracle? Yes. Really? Hell yeah. Well, you like Miracle whip over like Miracle whip. Miracle is this guy. I don't even agree with this conversation. Because they're two different things. Yeah, they're not the same thing. Miracle whip is made America whip as a dress. Yeah. Yeah, she's nasty. You can't really compare nothing on Miracle whip. But I like miracle whip, though. Y'all can keep that shit. That's part of me being ghetto. I do like miracle whip is the shit, but that's ghetto. No, a miracle whip on a hammer. Cheese. When I was a kid. What? Hell mints. My nigga. Helmets ingratiated in black communities because they was one of the companies that was cutting a deal with the government to be put in the household. So you can't tell us nothing about how.


Yeah, it's not all the potato salad.


Kellogg's. There's a few companies that cut that deal with the White House that was gonna make sure this. We don't. It's predetermined. It's not about us. Y'all think y'all got choice as coaches? Covered on the wig. It was on the wick part. Juicy juice. Come on, juicy. Hellman's in the house. Oh, by that craft mayonnaise. I know that niggas wore the helmets still. Wait, what? Craft has pan, man? Yeah. You said yeah? Yes. What's the name of it? Craft mayonnaise. Why would you buy Kraft mayonnaise? I'm just telling you. Cheaper. Is it cheaper? No. I don't even know. I don't even know if it's not. If it's craft. You should not buy a craft, man. No, you should not agree. Y'all was raised to believe that black people didn't want mayonnaise in eight. I don't know where you got that from. I'm telling you, a lot of where you was raised, spanish people, I use mayonnaise, but I used to grow up in. You think black people don't like mayonnaise? I'm telling you, a lot of when I was growing up, they were, ew. Mayonnaise. That's disgusting. A lot of black people use around some different black.


A lot of black people used to say, that's like white people shit. What? Mayonnaise. Y'all never heard that before? No. No. Wow. Okay. Please, if I'm bugging, just. That's all right. Tell me in the comments. Now, some of that shit the white people came up with was fly like raisin bread. You don't like raisin bread? I don't like raisin Brienne. Don't fuck with. I don't fuck with raisins at all. Raisins like grapes? I like grapes.


Very different.


You like raisins?


No, no, it's very different. I used to hate raisins. I like them now.


I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Bail bonds team right here, when they see each other in the jam, they hit that bail. Right? Right. That's funny.


Maybe a little bit.


Y'all like raisin bread, right? Hell, yeah. Absolutely. You crazy. Raising bagels, raising cookies. Oatmeal raisin cookies. Oh. What? Oatmeal raisin. Well, oatmeal raisin. That's what got me jammed up. What damn edibles was oatmeal raisin cookies? Dangerous. That's a dangerous game. Well, you can't. You should never do that. Yes. And then say, don't only eat a piece of it. No, I'm eating too. Kiss that concrete, nigga. Okay, we good. We gotta tell that story. I used to sleep on that cobblestone for a long time. It wasn't a quick nap. He was laid out for a little bit. We went and recorded him second time. Remember I fell in the house first. I've been there. Dumb weed cookies. I used to have those scent. Niggas shout out to Pat. No, fuck Pat. I wonder if Pat still selling them shit. Yeah, Pat still got them shit. No, fuck Pat. Them weed curse. Pat. Finesse today. Finesse. In the bathroom, in the corner, in the dark. What are you looking at? Them niggas said that shit to the emergency room. Hey. And we gonna talk about it later. Another incident where you learn about your friends. We was at the kickback when that happened.


The hospital was next door. Nobody wanted to go with finesse to the hospital that was next door. Yo, that's only Joe, dumbass. Only me got up to drag him to the hospital and explain to them people what happened to him and why. I. You should just got him a nice glass of milk, man. He'd be all right. That's what you're supposed to do. But he was too scared. I remember that. Supposed to do milk. He was too scared. Yo, you get scared. And we gave him the milk. I think he couldn't swallow at the time. And nigga was spitting that shit out of my dining room. Now you gotta get out, nigga. I'll drop you over the bus stop, man. I'm telling you, when them shits hit me, all I kept saying was, oh, mom. Bout to be the first na ever die from weed. That's all that was going through my head. I'm like, yo, my mom in them are gonna hear that your son was the first nigga to ever die. For I thought I was about to die. I've been there. I was like, yo, wow. And then it was like, yo, I heard people say, you sleep great afterwards.


I'm like, nah, I can't go to sleep. Only I'm not gonna wake up. Only. The niggas that tried to play tough in front of vagina, though, let me add. That's true. Well, that's not what happened in my case. I don't care. In my story, it is in my case. Making them oatmeal. Those weed cookies came with the Joe button do disclaimer. Yeah, them shit. Fuck saying, hey, don't be tough. Just break a little piece off. Wait to see how it affects you. If you need more, you can take it at your own. So, you know the problem with that shit? Let me tell you, the problem with that finesse was in front of some pussy saying, who, me? I can't drink a whole one. Gobble, gobble, gobble. Cookie monster. And then the shit came in and ain't come down fast enough. He got another one. So I was about to say, listen, that was my first time ever having them in my life. So I heard the instruction, break a little bit off. I'm break a little bit off. I don't feel nothing. Takes a while. It takes about two. You don't know that, so.


Okay. All right. I can handle that. And it tastes good at that, too. And the shit's a soft, chewy, amazing fucking oatmeal raisin cookies, son. Them shit have about to jump into Hudson. Y'all remember that? When was it? He had one? And the nigga said, yes, I do remember that nigga. Fuck. He fucked him up. And them shit turned him into a swimming instructor, too. You wasn't around for that part. You were teaching bitches how to. Remember. You were teaching bitches how to swim. It's five in the morning with the pool light on. Hey, nigga, go to bed. She's not fucking you. Niggas will try to swim instructor. They way into some pussy. She's not fucking you, my nigga. She genuinely wants to learn how to swim. Give you permission to hold them up under here. Like, go to bed. Just let your body go. Pervert ass nigga. You remember that? We always on the balcony, look at this nigga. Everybody was up there looking at him. I was fucking, oh, my bad. Niggas went, I fucked, too, that night. I went, fuck. Came back to the balcony. He said he was fucking a swimmy.


He was fucking someone in my room. Something different every day. Niggas went and fucked and went back to the balcony. And five, you know, niggas, wake up. 530 still out there. Are you your dog? She's not fucking you for teaching her how. But that's what I mean. See, I guess that's what I meant about the niggas that try to care package. They waited some pussy. Niggas try to find a little unique ability and do it. No smart women. But I'm not saying it don't work, so don't misjudge me, okay? I'm saying some of it. The field has to look at you, like, look at what's going on. I definitely jailbroke the iPhone my way to some pussy crazy. That same thing we talked about. Tried to hammock his way to some pussy, too. Hammock? Yeah. Make you get sleepy on a hammock. Swing the hammock back on. Oh, my God. I'm feeling woozy. Hammock's a good place to get it done. Well, not to do the. No, it's not. It's really bad. I was about to say how you get some hammocks if you ever tried to get pussy on a hammock? I'm not talking about the actual deed.


I'm talking about the setup. Oh, no. The hot tub was the one. Everybody. Hot tub. They waited. The hot tub was the one. Oxygen level. Something was too high in there. Where it get hot? That motherfucker. Nah, nah. Something was off with the hot tub that day. And niggas started getting dizzy. He was like, all right, we gotta get about this, bitch. You know how many times I walked up? I walked to the hot tub, like on some early morning. Let me just go see what's up. And your niggas is in there with their dicks out. Niggas is in there in a circle jerk with some chicks. Yeah, niggas got chicks in there. So they naked in a Bronx bag. It's like, all right, y'all got it. Hey, hey. Your hot tub for the next 2 hours. Change the water when you got. I'm gonna empty it out and refill it. Yeah, that's what niggas do if you have a hot tub and some bronze chips. There wasn't all for the Bronx. No, only 80%. Them bitches y'all had in the hot tubs, they was not all for brothers. They was not always wherever they were, new Rochelle, wherever they was from.


It wasn't a hot tub. They never seen a hot tub. It wasn't a hot tub in there. Only in their house. I never seen niggas. Yo, this is the only time I seen. This is the only time I ever seen real gangsters act like they man's dick wasn't out right across from the show. Real gangsters just trying to chill and talk. Yo, nigga, y'all is naked in here. Y'all want this pussy that bad, go ahead, get your shit up. That's funny. Anywho, Joe, the king of walking in at the. I was just about to say, nigga, stop bringing the kickback around me, cuz. I'm gonna walk out walking and, like, wonder or listen, order or talk to one of them. Yeah, whoever ain't trying to fuck, I'm gonna listen to them glass up to the door and then you go, listen to shorty. And you like, this nigga is trying to fuck this chick. She is nine months behind on rent. Her baby daddy come home in two days. Her fucking child she just dropped off at the firehouse. Oh, that's the one. That's the one right there. Come home, make your way. That is the one.


She not gonna be free in another way. You don't ever feel weird when you're like, y'all just agree on the topic. No, not in that. That's the one. Y'all gotta stop that shit. So that's old life. All right. If it's old life, then it's cool. Yeah, you gotta stop. Yo, Joe, you potting the neck. You say that, but as dudes, we had a lot of escapades outside of mine and Ishlo. Newark days. I was never involved. When y'all got freaky. Freaky. What's the next topic?


Man, I don't know.


I wasn't around. But you got on. I was around. I know. We were all around. I would fly them out just because they got good spirits and these evil demons, boy, corrupted them. Corrupted them. We talk about day prospect, you flying out? Yeah, but never got. You never got the prize, though. These niggas shared the prize, boy, like a crew. Okay. Sometimes you get a prize that's big enough for, like, a few people, okay? They were sharing the prizes. What you got to say to that? Erased it from your memory. Time for my favorite part of the show. Let me tell you all about prize picks. Prize picks. I lost to read prize. Prize picks is. Prize picks is the number one daily fantasy sports app in all of the land. Super easy to get with. With prize picks, you can turn $10 into 1000 in a single game. Watching your favorite sports this summer. The finals is over, so don't try to get in on that. You missed the boat. You can make a prize picks lineup in as little as 60 seconds. Super simple. You just need to pick more or less on two to six players stat projections, and you are locked in.


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JB. And good luck to all you beautiful people out there. Saturday night was the fight. Tank day. Tank verse Frank. Mm hmm. Tank Davis verse Frank. What's his name? What's his name? Frank Martin. Frank something. Frank Martin? Yep. Frank Franks and beans. Some people told me that he knew how to fight. I didn't know nothing about homeboy, but I did watch the fight on two tvs. That's the other thing we got to talk about. I ain't that friend no more neither. I ain't that friend no more. That's like just pop up with a vibe unannounced and where it's, like, lit. Nah, nigga, I'm in bed, crisscross applesauce, naked. Here come Cory. You'll be right there. All right. Let me order the fight downstairs. I thought that because I ordered it on one, it was on two. Guess what. Oh, no, you got it all. That ain't work. Had to hit that little 79.992 tvs and still. Yeah. No, you get that on one box, you get it on one tv for 79, 99. Or you could have hit that. Or you could have hit that little spring, hit that little strange streamies I call e yesterday.


I'm like, yo, you watching the game? He said, yeah, I'm on that streaming. I said, yo, it's on seven. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I wasn't that. I wait all the way. Don't step on the joke. Don't step on the joke. Don't step on the joke. Like, yo, you watch the game? Like, yeah, I got the stream. He's lit. I'm like, yo, you got this channel. It's free. It's in the air. So remember I told you how I broke Shorty's tv? Also being wild, right? So got a new tv. That was hate. That was hate. That was hate.


I swear to God.


But don't do that again. They could be silent. Hate. So got a new tv coming on the way, but it ain't here yet. So at this point, we just be chilling, doing stuff. No tv in the crib, talking. You gotta get the. Talk it out. So. So. But I had my computer. Luckily I had my computer with me, so I was like, oh, fuck it. I'm gonna go ahead. You order the tv? Yeah, they come in?


No, no, it's a special tv.


You got hunted. Hundred inch. No, 80. So when it. I know what it was. Renison ain't had none of them yet. Oh, shit. Had to wait for you. Gotta square up with him. You gotta square up now. For real. Cause Renard center is from there. He can't put that on your name. That's crazy. He can't put that on your name. You gotta kinda square up with him. Oh, shit. Today. All right, so I turned the fight on, right? And here's a few quick Joe budden takeaways. Even though I'm a casual fan of boxing and don't know enough about boxing to say the shit that I'm about to say, but that's why I get paid the medium bucks, so I'm gonna give it to you. Yes. Medium. Gotcha. Ryan Seacrest's wheel of Fortune check has changed my entire life at all, buddy. That fucked you up. It is systemic oppression. God damn. But where was I going? Where was I going? Where was I going? This is now two fights for tank where I feel like he announces how he's going to win. While they doing the back and forth with Ryan. He was like, yo, look at you.


You looking stupid up here. Tired. Dehydration. I'm gonna put you down in whatever round it was. He perfectly guessed the round. He said something, too, that gave it away with how he was gonna win in terms of how Ryan defended the jail, whatever the fuck punch it was, I don't remember. Memories bad, but he said it, and then he knocked him out that same way. So here with him and Frank, when he did the fake punch, and Frank fainted. I mean, when he did the faint and he did, he flinched a little bit. And he flinched. And when this. I heard some experts saying, this ain't the first. This ain't the first time that Frank. I mean, not Frank the tank has tried to tell you how he was going to win. And sure enough, fight time come do. Keep moving. Be kept backing up, trying to stay away from that shit. High, high defense. Trying to guard away from that thing. And when it was knockout time, fake with the jing thingamajiggy uppercut through the defense. Now you stunned. I'm sitting there in real time, like, why is this guy not putting his hands up?


Why is he in the corner? He played those corners too much. He could move. He played them. No, no. At that point, he could during the fight. And it was effective for a little bit. He did hit tank. He played the corners a lot. Just a lot of moving and a lot of shaking. That uppercut froze him. Put him right down the end. Two. And this is the one that may get me in a little bit. I mean, I should learn more about boxing before I say this, but I'm saying this as somebody that knows a little bit just about a street fight. I feel like tank is stat padding. Stat padding. I feel like Tank is just this generation Floyd. So some of the things that, and he looked up to Floyd and Floyd was life changing in certain areas for him. That was his, that's his guy. So some of the things that us older people have when for Floyd's run, where it was a Floyd is avoiding competition. We know. I'm not saying that that's true or not, but Tank is stat pad. Maybe because there's nobody at 135 for him to fight.


But what I'm pulling from this is the Ryan Garcia fight. I was in Vegas and wasn't thinking about going to that fight. I didn't know enough about Ryan Garcia to make me think that this would be a challenge. And Tank is really elite. Elite. He's elite, elite. Anybody that get in that ring and you want some playtime, funny shit. I'm not giving you one chance against Tank, who is really elite. I'm not saying the stat pad is taken away from his elite ability. I'm saying two things could be true. This fight right here, they say, some people say that Frank was a threat. I'm saying what I'm saying because I'm seeing too many people get in the ring with Tank and just look scared. That's enough for me. It's too many. Frank Martin, right? Looked either like he had too much respect or it was a little fear. I want to see Tank, elite of the elite, fight somebody who is not afraid of him. But you know, that's what I'm asking. But for Frank, that was his first title fight. So sometimes the light, but the lights itself could do that to you. Tank told him that.


Tank told him in the, in the press thing of majiggy that this was too soon and it's too soon for you. You should have waited. He told him, you should have waited for this one. Cause you all right, but you ain't ready for prime time. Bright lights like this. He should have waited. Frank came out there active in the beginning. Yeah, that boy hits hard. That's what toward the end he started just trying to stay alive. People don't understand. Watching tank fight is totally different from now. Having to get in a ring and understand that power and face it, he looks amazing just as a fighter for us. And then as a fighter, your natural thought is, I'm gonna get in there, I'm gonna do my business. Boom, boom, boom. But then when you really in that ring with that nigga and you see how hard he hit, how accurate he is, how smart he is, how he knows how to just his footwork, he's different. That's under. I want him to fight a fight where he's not, he has to move up. Let me move up. A couple of them spanish boys wasn't scared of him.


He fought two or three of them spanish boys that were not scared of him. That was coming. I saw Cruz wasn't. Wasn't scared. That's the last fight that went the distance. Yes, yes, no. So now they talk about a rematch. Two of them spanish boys, he knocked them out, but they wasn't scared of no. Barrios wasn't. Barrios wasn't either. Barriers got laid out. Cruz, I saw Cruz was the last one where he went the distance and it looked like a decent fight. But also tagged Tank Hertz. Broke his hand. There's somebody on the Internet right now. He made up. He placed a bet on Tank and he told a story. He tweeted it and everything. He told a story. He said, yo, I just happened to be in cv's the night before the fight. I'm buying some shit. Who do I see? You guessed it, Tank Davis. So naturally I asked him about the fight and he says, yada, yada, yada. I'm putting him down an 8th. So dude went and placed a bet on the earth. Davis then said, hey, 8th round it is. Sure enough, he won an 8th. Ryan Garcia tweets he's putting them down in the 8th.


Even to your point about Frank coming out there, aggressive even. That's the wrong game plan against somebody, I think, who adopts the Floyd. We're gonna just. I'm gonna study all you out for the first five rounds, man. Six rounds maybe. I'm gonna figure out your six and then I'm gonna be ready to fight when you are a little gassed and winded. Cause people keep coming in here trying to punch on me. He said that? He said, yo, I knew he was gonna get winded. I knew he was gonna get gas. What Floyd do is watch you for four or five rounds. I'm gonna see what your tendencies are and I'm gonna take that away. And now what you gonna do, official? I'm gonna take that away and I'm gonna beat the shit out you. The first two rounds, usually for fighters like. Like Tank, oh, Floyd are gonna be awash. The first two for sure. You're willing to almost lose those rounds? Well, shit, Tank was losing. They lose them. Yeah. And in his corner was like, hey, dog, you need these rounds. And Tank is so gifted and elite. I even feel like that's performative from the corner.


I feel like the corner has been with him long enough to know when he about to turn it up and how. Maybe they say that as a trigger to turn it up, but once they said that it was lights out, it was lights out. I need to see. And that's where it's fucked up. Cause I don't know if Shakur is ready for this. No. But they say that the pay per view numbers are really low for this fight. Yeah, like less than 200,000. As it should be. Which says that as elite as Tank is, maybe you need the other person to not be muddy in the box office regard like Ryan Garcia. Ryan Garcia sells tickets, so who cares about how you fight? We gonna sell this fight. Frank Martin. I feel like Shakur, I don't know how box office that is. And he probably need a couple more fights. Shakur, tank would be box office. It would. I think that would be Shakur. Tank is box office. But even then, I feel like Tank just got so many more fights under the bright lights now than Shakur. Like, he out the experience. He left.


He left. Shakur need to fight more. I need to see more from him. He got ten knockouts. I don't know if his power is even in his fights. They don't be exciting fights. His last fight was a snooze fest. It's a snooze fest. That was bad. He just do that against Tank. Y'all really talk. Tank is gonna beat the dog shit out of him if they ever had a fight, and it's not gonna be that hard for him. I don't think people really want to pay attention to that fight. Tank has to move up. He's gonna have to move up at some point. I'm not talking about the result. I'm talking about getting people to watch. I don't think people are gonna want to be that in tune. I think his next big fight would have, have to be a rematch with Garcia. Yo, and tool, Tank is standing across from what's my man name in Ua Inouye. That lad, the nigga from over there that just is knocking everybody out. The short nigga that I came in here and spoke about. And two, he is squared up with, like, a killer. Like, come on, leave me alone with this.


He gonna beat up anybody they put in front of him, or they talking about loma checko. Don't do that. That ain't no walk in the park. That's not a walk in the park. But, I mean, I wouldn't mind seeing that. Well, stop going to get niggas is all I'm saying. Tank is elite. But, I mean, I get it. I get it, is all I'm saying. And it's big money, it's big business involved. And there's a big, big, big thing. And you can't kind of, in this day and age, be mad at the people that are moving strategically. Yo, if I could go over here with a nigga that poses minimal threat and get $50 million, I'm gonna do it and keep my underfeed going. And I'm gonna just keep, like you said, up.


You learn.


You do got to go fight. Learn from the best person. Yeah. Business about how to move and maneuver like that. Floyd master that shit. Or even Ryan Garcia, too. I won't fight Ryan Garcia from tank for another two years. I hope he keep winning, because I'm gonna keep winning. And then we could do it for 300 million back here. Now I would like to see a shakur Stevenson and Ryan Garcia. I would like to see that. Me, too. Shakur just needs some more fights. Cause he's amazing, amazing boxer. But I would like to see him fight some other people before we put him on tank. But I want to. Shakur's jersey, right? Shakur is jersey. Newark. I'm rooting for Jersey. I'm not. You trying to create division? No, I'm just making sure, you know. Is Newark in Jersey? Yes. So I was right. That's cool. You think I don't support Newark niggas. I don't support y'all. Maybe them n got you under pressure. I don't know. Some niggas get a feature verse or something real quick before we continue. I know, early. I said, rest in peace to the legend, to the songstress, Angela Beaufield.


Oh. But I feel like that was too brief, so I want to just gather myself. Angela Bockville passed. I don't know how she passed. Cause I was just taken aback by the fact that she passed it. Go. All I wanna do is hold you down. All right, hold up. Some of them. Some of them out there is not understanding what I'm saying. We got a really large audience. So some people still may not even understand who Angela Beaufield is or was. So let me put it to you a different way. If you old enough out there, and if your memory is good enough, Angela Beaufield is how you knew that mom and your God dad needed was going through something. Your God. Cause, you know, he used to be your goddad. Uncle, uncle. It wasn't never who ate it? My mom is fucking, mister. Hey, if your mom was a single mom, and you was too young to know what was going on. Sometimes that door would close to her bedroom. Yeah. And you knew not to knock on that shit. You better not knock on it. Hey. But sometimes they didn't know you come knocking.


Mama tell you, nigga, get the fuck out of my room. I got Mister Rick coming over today. I am going through something. So as a kid or as a younger person, you would just hear this from your mom's room blasting. And you maybe didn't know what was going on, but, uh, she was going through something with Mister Richard. Oh, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We gotta let this go. Mel. Play this a little bit. Let's go. This one. Your mom was trying to get it right with Mister Richard. Cooking, cleaning, 27. Mister Richard dubbed the shit out. Your mom. Everything your mom was doing, it just felt like it wasn't enough. You heard this blasting through the door. That's what moms had, a receiver. You couldn't even play music loud without a receiver. Hey. Yeah. Mister Richard gone. Mom. He ain't coming back. Mom drinking a glass of Cisco hold myself. Send you a store for some newports. Moms was in that room going through it by herself. Hey, some of y'all as a kid, you had to parent yourself for a few hours. Now. Little kitty in corn flakes all day. Yeah, she ain't cooking today.


Cornflakes. A little sugar water. Mayonnaise sandwich. Syrup sandwich. Microwave. Go ahead, get that ravioli. Put it in the microwave, buddy. Hey, go in the fridge, grab them sardines your mom made the night before. Tuna sandwich. She put the celery in it. Go ahead, make yourself something. Mom ain't gonna be available tonight. She ain't that crying. Mister Richard bugged out tonight, man. You didn't know? All you heard was this song blasting, man. Hey, little sack solo, you was nothing the wiser, man. You didn't know. You know the song, Mel?


Yes. Yes, I do. It may not have been my mom and Mister Richard.


Well, well. You like Mister Richard?


No, I fucking didn't. I didn't like anybody.


You like them 70 year old white niggas. Yes, you do. When Mister Richard don't come by, when that little video body don't work. Gotta throw this on now. Yeah, I mean, he never heard of jada kiss mama? All right, we'll get to it, man. Hey, damn. Niggas wouldn't even open their heart to your moms out there. All right, I'm cutting this off before my favorite part. You know that I. That's when she start going off. That's the part. But let her go off a little bit. That's when your mom get left to shit. Take the ass away from my daughter. Now you get an ass because of Mister Richard. All right, man. All right. That was nice. That was nice. Rest in peace, Angela Beaufield. That was fun. That was fun. Rest in peace also, but today's takeoff's birthday, it would have been his 30th birthday. Can't forget about him at all. God damn. Yeah. 30 niggas go. So young man, rest in peace to take off. Legend, man. God damn. Niggas fucked me up the other day. Talking about Pac would have been 52. I'm like, that's it. Yeah, 25, 26. Biggie would have been around, same age.


Mm hmm.


Fucked up. Crazy. Fucked up your pocket. Did almost 30 years ago. Yeah, that's crazy. We old dog. Some bullshit. Um. Don't be sad. Don't be sad. Talk about. Talk about the Eagles player, man. Hey. Terrell Lewis, who I was confusing with. Fucking Terrell Davis from the Timberwolves. Was that his name? Who was the point guard? Terrell Brandon. Terrell. Terrell Brandon. Terrell Brandon. Terrell Brandon. Why was I confusing? Yeah. I don't know. I'm just stupid. I'm just dumb. Terrell Lewis. Yes. Terrell Lewis, linebacker for the Eagles. Tried to have a slice. Try to get a couple slices. A few slices. Two slices when you're really hungry. One slice. Don't get done. Terrell Lewis hired some escorts, some women of the night, some harlots, some jezebels. One of them, them known. That's your first mistake, nigga. She was a famous escort. Yeah. She be online. You're not the first nigga to notice. She was fine and selling pussies. She knows the game, knows the rules, and know when niggas look like they trying to flick. You. Gotta get you a new bread. If you trying to pull one of them moves, like running out on a check.


You can't do that at cat steak. You gotta do that at, like, a newer restaurant. He tried to dine and dash. He tried to dick and dash. He tried to dick and dash. You tried to buy you some pussy. Have a good night, wherever you was at with two chicks. Because somebody was filming this. Yes. And then he was mad. He tried to put, like, some money down, say some shit real quick, and then zit jet out of there naked. But he didn't notice. Shorty tried out for the WNFL, too. Yes, shorty time. She wasn't the slowest escort on the block. So she's tried to run after him, almost caught the dude. The video cuts off. And then everybody laughed at homeboy. But the Internet was divided on this because some people are cool with running out on escorts, not paying. Hey, I got my nut. I'm gone, bitch. Figure it out. But some people feel like the dick and dash is egregious. Not worth the trouble. Cutting your nose to spite your face. Where does my distinguished cast fall on the matter? I'm gonna go. Suspense. Hold up. Allow suspense. Sure. We don't know who will say what.


I was just going to look up his numbers on Spotrack. All right. How do we feel about this panel?


I haven't. My question.


Girl it out.


No, my question in the very beginning. If she's, you know. If she's her, you know, she's the sex worker that people are calling. Why didn't she get the money up front?


See, I don't know the game that was.


I don't know the game either. So that's why I'm asking. Why the fuck wouldn't you get the money up front? I'm sure that there has been more than one occasion where somebody tried to dick and dash.


That's why she was fast like that. Listen, they saw the sign.


Work hard, work smarter, not harder. Pay me up front, motherfucker. You already know my reputation. Apparently that's why you called. So you are going to have a good time. I need my money upfront. At least. Needs to be on the table where I can motherfucking see.


I do want to add, it is dangerous when you pay women based off of their reputation. Well, she said he's not based off of. He's been a customer before. He makes a millionaire, by the way. She said that like they have a rapport. I'm good for Shanta. I got a whole different take and you might bleep it, okay. This is why Pimpson needed. I don't think it's bleeped out. Yeah, I don't think that's. You need to believe, okay? But it protects that. I don't know. I don't know any escorts. Get in your bag. If I said that, you'll be on my ass. Get in your bag.


Right about that, I don't know, I feel like there is kind of like, you know, an upside and a downside to having a pimp. You know, this is a woman who's taking control of her life, her agency, her body.


You know, that.


That's the problem.


Oh, shit. Maybe get a manager, then maybe not a pimp, but the pimp could be female still. Yeah, that's very close. You down.


Thank you very much for that. That's right.


I'm just saying, take all of your own business on your own, you kind of get fucked.


These girls really just need to band together and create their own agency.


I'm dicking and dashing if you moan too much. Okay. What? Start to feel like it's mutual. Like you ain't really earned this, but I pleased you. Hey, yo, can you dick and dash if her legs start shaking? Yeah. You got something. I gave you, I gave you. I got you. I'm blessing you at this point.


You do realize that a woman can fake all of that, right?


Don't fake it, then. Don't fake it. Don't fake it. Keep it a stat. You only fooling yourself when you fake it.


This is her job.


Well, you want a refund if she comes?




I'm not paying for you to get pleased. I'm paying for me if I turn the sprinkler on. Come on, dog. Stomach start cramping up. You can feel that, you know what I mean? Yo, I get a discount. So just so we're clear on everyone's position, you guys would dick and dad never. No. Yes. I've dicked and dashed before. You have? Yes. Today. Would you dick and dash? No, I wouldn't pay for it today. I think that's disgusting. Well, I'm lying. Was you naked when you dashed? No. Did she catch you? That was the other mistake. They were still naked.


But he had you get dressed without her. Was she in the shower or she asleep? You put it.


No, no, no. She went to the bathroom. She went to bathroom. There's a rock chest in New York.


You got dressed that quickly?


No, no, no. I pretended like I. I was sleep. Oh, this nigga pin in a minute. She got that. Jenny took my nigga cut. Yo, put your shoes in your hand. No, no, no. It was me and my boy. It was me and my boy, and we had. No, no, it was me and my boy, and we had two, but I think he paid that one. Oh, no, he did a Joe. Them niggas is the greatest. Yeah, but you didn't run out. You stayed overnight. You paid for that, my man. Not for the overnight. Yo, what you doing for the free 99? I've never done the dick and dash. Never. Nor do I think that if you're an NFL player that's dabbling in that field, that's what you should do to dick and. Oh, well, I was working at blockbuster at the time. I don't think you should dick and dash, period you. It's theft of services. What if I like the service?


That's true.


You're a piece of shit. What if I like the service? That don't matter. You know, I don't it matter, cuz you're not paying likable service. You're paying for service.


You're paying for service.


That's the risk is on you whether you like it or not. I'm paying for service. I'm paying for service to be pleased. Yeah, I'm not pleased. I service, then you nut it. I might. What if I did it? Maybe I did it. What if I did it? What if he did it? If she, what if they came in there smelling tart? Yeah, what if. Leave, don't engage. You know, I'm saying like, if you have you inserted something in that lady, she deserves a breath. And if you play like that in the escort community, I hear that word will get around to the other escorts, I'm sure. Well, the video bigger than that. The fuck. No. No. Would have really been the fuck shit, huh? If she said, yo, he took it. No, nigga, you ain't. She's been saying a lot of stuff, you know what I'm saying? Like now when she says, yo, he took it, you looking at her with the screw face, but you did some dumb ass shit, nigga. That in, you know, I mean, she's turnt up and is saying a lot of shit now. Kind of, yes, I think so.


Yeah. That is taking it. Yeah, it's taking it. That is taking it. Yeah. If I fucked you under pretenses that did not exist, you ran out, you didn't pay, that's taking it. It is. She still. No, no, no, because America don't care about escorts, so you can't do it. But that is what it is. She still consensually gave it to you with a condition after the fact was already done before the payment. That that part didn't take place till after the, after the deed was done. Yeah, it was agreed upon before the deed. So convincing someone to do something under a lie is taking it. Imani. Yes. If I buy a car off you and you give me your deed and I don't give you the money. Yeah, I'll be using some. I'm just giving you an example. I know he bought something. This the one time where I like his car. Example. If you come to buy a car and I tell you it's a w twelve in there, and you pull off and find out a day you coming back true. Mm hmm. You coming back. You can't tell somebody one thing so they can purchase.


And when they purchase, it's different. But he didn't purchase. No, that's the thing. That's the thing. He said he would purchase. He said he would purchase only in this room because he was supposed to purchase. She only sucked your dick, fucked you, and rocked your world. You go and take a tv out of there and don't pay for it. Nigga, you going to jail. Now. Women just can't say nothing because, cuz, escorting is against the law. Yeah, come. Yeah, comparing what you there. It ain't taking our work. It ain't. That is definitely step of services. I'm not taking that. That, to me, is an extreme that you're putting on it, that it's a slippery slope. Whenever the fuck she says. We just said that. Girl could say she could. He did something to know. She is saying that one. She's saying a bunch of things right now. That doesn't mean that. Right, but. But you run the risk.


Of course, you ran out fucking naked. Kind of supports whatever on camera saying, let her.


Let her make it. She was okay.


Well, let her hire Gloria Allred. She'll take this fucking case. Just. Just for the precedence. It was.


No, she ain't. She's not about to take note that she's not. And it's a sad part.


I bet you she would. Because. Because the fact that we're even talking about calling it escorts when most women, you know the correct term is sex work, she would definitely want to take this as a precedent setting case.


Not the way that young lady represents herself online and escorting today is sex work. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't pay that girl. Yeah, no, I'm with you. He was, first of all, before them girls even getting to play. You are a linebacker on a championship team, and that ain't enough. Nigga. You can't go get no free. If you want free pussy, you should be able to go get some free pussy. Nigga, you are in the NFL on a team that contends. All you got to do is say cheese next to jalen hurt, who go viral every week. Niggas. Easy. Corny is corny.


Nigga, that don't.


When corny ever stops somebody from getting. Some of them niggas can't do it. Some of them niggas cannot do it, which is why they resort to the bullshit. So don't compound the corny there. Don't compound. Y'all corny. I'm corny. I'm paying for pussy. Let me just pay this girl and get out of the way. Don't compound. The cornea can have a video now you running down the hall and the bitch almost caught you. Can we also. Can we also assume that there's more to. To the story than just what's happening? Maybe there was some other aspect of what was happening. I saw him run. I saw him. He was putting some money down and run. He said 1738 and took off. Yeah. Yep. Nope. Okay. Nope. Not doing it. They had on camera. Yeah, the girl was standing right there recording, and he was acting like he was peeing him or something. I thought that was a friend recording because she taped even when her home girl ran out. Yes. I'm saying something was happening. Something was happening him before that point for her to feel like she needed to record. Yeah, he might. They might have.


That's what I'm saying. If he's standing there fully dressed in one of them, is still naked, even the. Even the fact that he got dressed so fast could have been a red flag to them. And he allowed. You know what? He's bigger than me. I'm gonna get this nigga on record. He might try to be on shit. He might turn up. Yo, let's. Let's record this. It's true. They. They saw warning signs and said, we gotta protect ourselves.




Well, yeah. I'm not mad at them for taping, dude. No, me neither. I'm mad at him for fucking it up. For niggas that make the phone call and having the chicks come through and conditions that maybe don't sound like the. Yeah, I mean, I'm not working on spec. Yeah. I fight for that community, so. So. And like. Like Shorty said, cuz, like I said, she put out a bunch of tweets about it, and she was like, yo, this was not a first time. Like, he's. He's a. He's a regular customer. So that's the point. So that's a part. That's why. Worse. Yeah. Because, yo, dog, you know I'm good for it right now. I might not have it. Yo, make up a lie. You're my cash app. Not working. Myself. Not working. I forgot I sent some money. I'm over my limit for the day on the zelle, whatever the. Yeah, whatever. Telling your regular. I heard if you are telling your regular people that, then they don't mind. I heard my niggas there where my man just forgot to pay and she'll say, yo, you forgot to pay. Yo, nigga, you know you ain't hit me the other day.


Oh, shit. My bad, my bad. I'm caught up. I got jammed up. It's coming your way. You don't even have to send it right in that moment. Yo, it's coming your way. You have a relationship these night. These nightlife relationships. A lot of it revolves around trust. I know I'm talking. Hold on. I know I'm talking to, like, a foreign group because nobody does shit. You niggas married, got girls that love you, but this shit revolves around trust. You calling somebody most times on the late night to hop in a car and come to you, sometimes they missing work, they don't know who gonna be there. It's a. You trust your safety in that moment. So for you to jeopardize that with a regular, regular means we've established boundaries that we both fly with. That's why I asked you for no money up front. Yeah. Yo, and I might have bought the plus one. I might have bought the plus one on it on a flight. That could be where the fuck shit came in at, too. But most of the times, they not, the women of the nightlife are not. 90% of the time, nobody's asking for all the money up front.


If she's asking for all the money up front, she don't trust you and your friend group or she don't. She's a first time cousin. She don't know what you want, and she don't know what y'all about to be into. But most times, you could get away with half. Or if you a real nigger, you pay everything afterwards, she trust back to trust. I trust that you gonna pay me. It is trust based because most of these niggas are famous. The chick not even thinking that you dumb enough. That's true. To risk what's going on here because you're not paying the 1000, 1520, 503,500. These girls didn't even ask him that much. I sound too passionate on this topic. No, no, no. I got crazy shit. Is this the real crazy shit, right? You did all that, and I don't want to put this out there, my nigga, the e. You can lose your job. Yeah, you could lose your fucking job. It's character clauses and all that shit in these contractors. You could potentially lose your job over some box. Yeah, in a worst case scenario, yeah. Running out on the box like, come on, my nigga.


What happens if she would have caught him and start fighting him? On camera in the hallway. You get. I'm saying, like, it's not cops. Call your dog.


I got you both arrested.


My bad. I got you. Or, you know, but you know what else it could have been last time I got you and now it's your dog. Now she dumbed it. I'm just saying there's things where I'm not gonna call. This is. No, he's in that last time he hit off. I'm still. But that goes to the relationship. You got clear tat? No, not at. No. Y'all just better get it. You ain't clear your tab? No. Huh? My tablish. Your tab is. Oh, he could have went. He could saying, yo, I. I'ma clear this tab at the end of something. Comfortable with that. I know. And now you play no situations. We wrong. She is the dictator of what, his credit line? Whatever trust she had for him. That's true. That's it.


And then he probably also assumed that she wasn't going to be vocal about it, that she was.


I don't even know how you assume that today fast. You are. You are dumb.


This is the time of exposure, people. But I guess he.


I don't want.


He felt like she would have been.


I disagree. I agree with you.


Yeah, I agree with you.


Everybody. Not.


She should be ashamed of what she does. So she's gonna take the l and not fucking say anything.


No, no, no.


I'm thinking that that might have been his thought.


No, that's a dumb thought. Because she's aware of her popular. I've seen the game tape. She doesn't. Yeah, she doesn't hide. She's popular, Shane. Ugly girl. She popular for that. Yes, she's popular. Yes. She get busy. Yeah. She ain't no shame to her game. She. And what I'll tell the men out there that, that participate in these sorts of activities is this. If you have this experience and you are less satisfied than you normally are, then you lower the rate that you pay. And y'all have that discussion in real time. You don't not pay. If you normally give her 25 now you've given her a stack to yours on bullshit today. And she's gonna say, hey, what the fuck is up with this rate? They're gonna always say, they never gonna not say it. And you gonna say, whatever your problem is. And if she wants you, wants to keep you as a customer, she gonna fix what you saying? Oh, I got you. Next time, whatever the case may be, niggas is giving up. I'm telling you rules of engagement to buy a pussy. Niggas are. He's absolutely right. It's a service business. Recently, I.


Recently my man came through. Nah, come on. Your man. Recently my man had something come through. Uh huh. Him and his lady. Oh, okay, okay, got it. He had experience with the girl before. Mm. So there is a trusted bond there. On this particular night, Shorty came through with a new hairdo. Oh, he ain't like that. The hair was long and straight, which, for homeboy is blocking the view of anything that's going on. That was an issue. So you. So, so my man, homeboy. No, no, no. We know what's in that situation. You lower the rate. What he do, though? What did the homeboy. I'm not saying. I'm saying you in that situation. Anybody. The rate got lowered lower, and when Shorty said something to him. Hey, where was the normal bun ponytail? The hair was down. I didn't see none. You was there for a lot less than expected. That's what I'm on, dog. In these types of relationships, you gotta realize, if this is a girl that you do this with, enough, in the span of two weeks to a month, you could have gotten 20 grand from this one person. That's the person that you should be listening to, or that's the person that you should be out here attempting to please.


If a nigga gave you 20 grand for a month's work of an hour, 30 minutes, when you pop up, if they have a problem, you would ask. Shorty told my man, hey, don't worry about it. Next time I show up, that hell be different. And I understand. Don't worry about it. I thought you were sending me more, but I hear what you're saying. Next time. I got it. Yeah, that's the end of it. The customer's always right. Yo, trust should be involved. This is not a message you'll hear everywhere. But trust should be involved not only with lawyers and doctors, but with your drug dealers and with your escorts. That's true. That's a fact. That's true. But we come in this generation with these young niggas that be getting taught to run off on the plug and all that goofy shit. Yeah, and that shit is just don't deal with drug dealers or escorts. Never. What are you talking. Get out. Just tell me, what do you. Why would you want to, Marcus. To get out. What are you talking about? Why would you want to spread the message of people die? No, nigga, just leave that shit alone.


There are people that pay for escorts.


Okay? And also them, too.


Fuck up the message, niggas. Before 69, God has popped up, draining your whole fucking sack. That good feeling we got, that good feeling we get when it's sacked, when we don't have somebody to do that. Nigga, we looking for our escort. Somebody to come help for ten minutes and go so we can be our normal self. Go find some love, y'all. Man, get off drugs. Get your fucking ass out of here. You fire nigga. Run one little marathon and want to feel. Niggas shouldn't have drug dealers in that score. What can we have? What's ours? Trainers, personal trainers, coffee and candy. All right, fuck with me. So, before I leave this topic, I guess, in the same ballpark, Jaguar Wright says I fucked Stevie J, and I'm hiding it. You Joe Button? Yeah. Wait, wait, wait. That's what Jaguar Wright said. That's what I just said I did. Again. Jaguar. Right. Who? The singer? Why? You got to be careful who you listen to out there. Says that I have a secret. Secret tapes or tape with Stevie J. That I don't want the world to see, which is why I'm reluctant to report on P.


Diddy. I know that y'all wouldn't believe me, so I have to click, right? Here we go. About Joe Button. You see, he was real quiet on the diddy stuff. I see what you did there, nigga. Hey, I like Joe. Yeah? Did he do I bop? What Joe do to you?


That don't make him any less a swish.




I don't have anything against Joe other.


Than the fact that I think he's.


A bad look for the african American.


Damn, that's a lot. Damn, that's a lot. Bitch, if you don't take that u haul truck back on time. What Joe do?


I think he should come out of the closet.


Hey, Joe is not gay. He did that already. Oh, honey, honey. Shut up. Honey, honey. He's a diddy to our pop. So what you trying to say, jared? What I'm trying to say is, when.


Is his take with Stevie J gonna come out?


Oh, that's a lot. I'm rolling with Rockefeller, man. All right. They got money, man. I'm aware that I've made some jokes on this broadcast before, but clearly, we have to clear things up now for the people that are confused. Joe Budden is not gay. Joe Budden is not bisexual. Joe Budden has never done anything with a man. And definitely there's nothing, no tape anywhere that exists of me and any man anywhere. If I sounded gay, it's because I'm the best podcaster in the world and was trying to be inclusive, but I don't play in that ballpark. Never wondered about it, not curious about it. I've only even ever met Stevie J. A couple of times. Like, what makes you think that I would be at the recorded orgy? Like, Jaguar Wright has some theories that I be wanting to get behind when it's salacious, but when it's about you and you know how nuts people are for their thoughts and be like, oh, you that type of nuts. Like, you'll just see some. I never met Jack, all right? I've never even met this person. So you just got to be wary of the people that's just going to say some reckless shit about people that they've never read.


I can assure you guys, swear to God. Swear on my kids, swear on non God, swear. Who else I need to swear? My dead grandma, grandpa? No tape like this exists, and that's not me. Just want to clear that up for Jaguar Wright because she seemed a little confused, and some people might believe this nutcase shit. Why do women do that?


Don't say women. Don't say women. Don't put all of us in.


Nope, I'm gonna do it. Why do black women do that? Yo, can I go pee? No, no. Pee on yourself. I don't even want to be close. No, no. No spams. I'm not asking another question. We can leave it. No. And then we go. All go. Peace. So I must not all black women, of course, from Colorado, but I do know that black women, when they want to be raised or demean or try to diminish black men especially, they typically always like to throw gay on them.


I cannot disagree with you there.


And that shit is disgusting.


And I like.


I see black women do that shit a lot. And then, funny enough, black women be the closest to gay men and then try to throw gay on a black man. Like, pick this. Are you cool with men being gay or not? Or are you not cool with men being gay? What the fuck is that about? And I don't see white women do it. I don't see. Well, maybe some dominican women do. I just don't see that happen a lot. And it seems like black women have a tendency to do. I'm sorry, black women, if you get offended, I'm sorry, but I'm just telling you how most men feel. A lot of men will feel. What I'm saying is a realization of what's happening. What you're saying is absolutely right for me. I will take some accountability. I've come on this podcast and just made jokes for the sake he's outside of you. Yeah. One thing is like, yo, dog, are you friends to the gay community or are you not? Or you. Because when you shitting on a black man, you saying these things with the intent to kill reputation, rate them. Yeah. Berate them.


So is being gay bad or is being gay good like you? I'm saying if you shitting on a nigger, saying, yo, he gay in a negative context. But then you got gay homeboys. Like, which one is it? You know, I can kind of answer. I mean, for what I think, anyway. One, if I'm trying to attack somebody in a way I want them to hurt, like, to black men, that's the.


Way to hurt them.


That's the way to hurt them.


I mean, you call them a deadbeat. It's like, okay, whatever.


Shit rolls right off.


Drugged it, whatever.


You put that on them now, it's gonna affect them a certain way. On the flip side of that, if I was really gay, she's outing me.


That's true.


That's true. Well, that's the other thing. Well, a lot of a lot, which I'm not. Wait, wait, hold on. I can't even make it berating you, as in, I'm not the person jaguar. Right. If you were 20 miles cuter, I would fuck you like, I never fucked a guy. I would show you. No, no, no. It's a mileage on. We should.


We should rescue him, though, right now.


Yeah, no, I can't even show. I'm not gay. So she just fuck with his beliefs?


Did you have anything to say about this Stevie Jenkins?


No, he ain't said nothing.




I just bumped into this. She been on this with him? Mm hmm. Yes, she's been on this with him. So it's probably for him best to just ignore whatever she's saying. She said, oh, him and puff, yada, yada, yada. And he's so close to puff, right, that when you hear somebody say something like that, you just would think, hey, maybe it's true.


Mm hmm.


That should. In my case, I don't see where she get me and Stevie J got a tape somewhere. Stevie J was never around when I was around. Buff. Yo. Did this make you feel. Not trying to be funny. Did this make you feel funny? Like, to your point, when people be talking about other people, we'd be like, eh, maybe. But then when you hear him say some outlandish shit about you, now, it kind of discredits everything that they might have said about all these other people. I felt like that a lot. Well, Jaguar, right? If you've been in the industry long enough, the word has been around about her, but I've never met her. And word has been around about me. So I try not to go off words. I try not to wait. This is my first piece of evidence to say, oh, this bitch is really nuts. Because you ain't. None of this is true about me. So I'm forced to believe that some of the other things she said has not been true. Yeah, if women feel, like, out in the man because, well, he's down low and, like, that's still not your right to even do that.


So even in that conversation is just weird. I just. I don't know. You think niggas got a tape of this ass for free? I would be high. See? Hold on. Gay piece of ass. What's the last time you met Gigi? Y'all wouldn't have to help me, nigga. I would be getting paid from these gay niggas as tricks. I came out for a week. Them niggas were buying me fucking shoes. Nigga, fuck is you talking? I'd be a real estate mogul. What are y'all talking about? I'm cute. They playing with me. Nigga, we can't let you Jagger all wright divide us. So that's the end of my segment. I just wanted to make that known because Jaguar Wright is on. Fuck. Shit. And some of the gay people in my life do tell me I need to stop coming on airplane like that. So I just wanted. Well, let the straight people tell you. Yeah, stop. Well, y'all been told me, but once the gay people tell me, like, yo, dog, it's like, all right. Nah, they right. They right. But I think I stopped playing like that for a while. But the remnants is still remnant.


I'm hot, nigga. I'm hot. G card. Revoke. Where? I'm mad as hell. Same with this nigga. Concert. Go to the gate. G car. Different G card. You not 47. Jaguar Ray, you fucking nutcase. What else, what else? What else we got? I want to break real quick. I want to break. Yeah, I want to break real quick. All right, we back. We back. Fuck that. Break. I don't need no break. Yo, I ain't gonna hold y'all. More things I learned about myself. And it's running from that second conversation that I learned from myself. You scared to death. But more things I learned about myself is I pod amazing when mel take a day off from the podcast.


You mean when you. When I get back.


When you get back from a day off? Mm hmm.


Chips. Yeah. That was a break.


Yes. I got chips on my mouth. You got one day growth under your arms.


I might. I might.


Yeah. What kind of. Because you try to be funny. She tried to shoot at me. And she wearing a tank top. That's that one day growth. So I know you was in Miami, bear under the arms with niggas hollering. You was in Miami with fresh underarms. She got that two day growth. That two day growth.


He just moved it up from one day to two.


It's one to two day growth depending on 05:00 shadow. You know what?


It's more of a 05:00 shadow.


It's more like that means that she was out with no hair under her arms.


All the free people shit on.


Also something I noticed. I heard rumblings of it, but I refuse to believe it. But today, close to the summertime, it appears that the women have killed the sundress. Unfortunately. That sounds crazy. You know what they replaced it with, right? Workout shit? No. Athleisure. They clothes. No, no, no. The little tennis skirts.


You are right about that.


They out. Trust me when I tell you.


I was trying to figure out pleated skirts. I was trying to figure out why.


Who's ready for Joe Budden to stand old. Who's ready for Joe Button to sound old? Who was ready for Joe Button? Oh, dumb skirts don't hold a fucking candle to no fucking. I don't know, okay? Dumb skirts don't. They don't. Don't belong in the same ballpark as a sundress. I'm just saying. And with spring having passed. Yeah, I know. You're right. And them little spandex, they got the body painted on the body. All of that bullshit bitches is wearing yo sun dress. Y'all got rid of Maxine.


I feel like.


I feel like chicks refused to leave anything to our imagination anymore. The sundress was so fire because we had to imagine whatever your body looked like under there. He's right. When that shit got the dangling and flowing with the wind, we didn't know. And it was fire. And I should get the clapping if you got today. Y'all got ass all on your instagram, Graham on your twitch, on your facebook, on your onlyfans, on your twitter. Y'all got the ass everywhere. So y'all gave up on the sundress. And old niggas like me are deprived because of it. The sundress is a staple to real nigga summers. Yeah, it's like air force ones. Yes. No. No. For some of the young people out there, you win. No. Dollar 30. Yo, ladies, I know that y'all young bitches are ruling the world right now. Some og chick has to bring the sundress. This is crazy.


I think it's a little early, Mel.


Even you.


I got you.


Yes, even you.




You don't come here. All them fucking potato sacks and free people shit. You got. You should be like the Sundress ambassador. The Sundress queen with that little bit of. Come on, put it. You need to get that little half bit ass. Put the sundress over it.


He's trying. I know you're not laughing.


No, no, you ain't laughing. Everybody.


I feel like it might be a little early for the sundresses. I think they're gonna. I think they're gonna come back, you know, around July, it's just Zendaya did a movie, challengers and so the tennis skirts. I have a feeling that that's the reason, cuz I was like, why the fuck is everybody wearing tennis skirts?


About that? But the sundress should have been a spring staple. Well, should have came out May. Yeah. Once you get about 90 degrees, we should see more. I think we still will see it.




That shit ain't better. No, no, I didn't say better. If they replaced it with that. I'm not mad. That's all I'm saying. I am. That's a young girl. That's a young girl replacement. Yo, when they. But when they slamming, got a little wiggle. If you 37 and up, 38 and up. Go get a sundresser. Yeah, please do. From anywhere. I don't care. Get it from Rihanna, get it from Fashion Nova. You get it from fucking bath and body works for all I care. And I'm gonna keep it. Buck, get the cheap flip flops with a petty with the sundress. You in there, man. Light. We sound old. No, light. Look at some light. We do it. That's why I said something light. It's. The sundress is kind of part of the reason I'm in the house so much. Ain't even nothing to see out there. Yo, I ain't gonna hold you. Them little lima rain yammeans. That was on a budget. They was on a budget. Think about that. Think about the time period we were living in. I turn on the news, they start talking about Dykeman. I thought I was about to see some sundresses.


Some nigga in Inwood hiding behind a truck, popped out and killed two niggas. Killed two niggas and shot somebody else. They in critical condition in the hospital, I'm like, all right. And this is why sundresses are important. It's too many niggas angry out trying to kill people. If it ain't no sundresses. Telling you. That's all I got. Mel get you a sundress.


I got you.


I'll send you one. That's sh.




If I buy you a sundress, is that sh no? Let me ask my brothers. Look, now, he hate cuz. I'm a buyer. You should bought it. Joe, you can't buy melissa. Shut up, nigga. I buy 20, nigga. Now what? What you gonna do? 69. Let me see. What else? What else? What else is important or unimportant? The Chris Brown meet and grease continue to be a problem. Continue to cause division in the black household. I don't get why, but I was supposed to be at that Chris Brown concert on Monday. I was not there because of a misunderstanding and miscommunication. Oh, yeah. You missed that. Yeah, I keep telling. Who you telling? Who you talking to? He'll be in DC. Are you talking to me? He'll be DC. DC. July 3. I'm going down to Philly. Well, he got three dates in Philly. Yeah. Are you telling Joseph Anthony button the third that he missed something or no? Yeah, I was. Take it back. No, miss Na, you know me better than that. No, Miss Nada. Take it back. Okay. No, missy. Nada. Well, I've never been to a Chris Brown. Had his honor somebody call me yesterday.


First of all, Munchy hit me. Never mind. Forget about munchies, because that's gonna take us to a different place. Stop. Munchy was there? Yeah. Nigga moving. Come on. I didn't know Munchy was there. I'd have been to the Chris Brown and Munchy show. Munchy hit me. Munchy hit me and said, hey, they put me in response in charge of your tickets, but I just woke up from a nap. So who the fuck is Munchy? But by the time I remember, motherfucker. These motherfuckers. Anyway, shout to Munchy. Um, meet and greets DC. Yes, may see me? No, DC, man. See me. Ain't no may about it. Yeah, I'm not missing the Chris Brown show. Me neither. I'm going, fam. And by the time July 3 get there. Yeah, I ain't going by myself, either. As a person that's went to, I think, 2013. She told me you was trying to get to the other show, too. She told me, yeah. You don't. You Muslims? Yo, what happened? Ice? The prince of the Muslims. For real. Well, anyway. You allowed to come to Brooklyn, though? I'm allowed. Ice is muslim fucking royalty. Go whoever the fuck you want.


Long as you got them five niggas with them beers, with them beards with them. Nobody gonna say nothing. Nice. How dare you say something. Say something. I wanted to say something. Ice, I worked with him. I was scared. Stop with the narrative. I take it back. Well, that's my job. People gonna think that's my job, too. Make up the narratives. I'll move around like that, but, nah, as a person, that's been every one of his tours for the last ten plus years. This was easily the best show that he's put on. Like, easily. I'd rather see him in DC than Brooklyn. I've never seen him. Hey, Chris Brown, if you're listening, if anybody that knows Chris Brown is listening, if Chris Brown. Cousins, somebody, tell him I'm coming to DC. I'm coming to DC, and it's a home show, fam. Yeah, that's why I'm gonna go crazy. That's why I wanna go to that show. I'm coming. I'm coming to DC. Back to my hotel. Back to my little steak restaurant. I'm going to DC. Group trip.


No, no, it's not a group. Oh, oh, oh.


You can't come around if you gonna bring it.


Uh oh.


That's not what. No, that's not. This thing is great. I know you want to get with any nigga with a girl. If it's. You can come with me. You go with me.


Okay. I mean, group trip.


You can come with me.




You can come with me in mine. Okay. For sure.


All right, so this is like a couple, you know? Okay, so now we go.


We all gonna go.


We're gonna go. All right. Group trip. All right.


Bachelor time fleet. Felipe Lopez. Hey, you always go with me and my girl. Flip it up. I like that way your fleeb. No diggity. Anytime you want. Wherever. Chris Brown, if he's gonna be. Merlo Mel, too. Like the thingama. Chicken shit. What? Think of why you wouldn't. Yeah, Merlo Mel could come with me. I switched my whole tone from that old Patreon episode, right? Look at that. They are quiet.


They are so quiet. Okay, all right.


Stop doing it. Hey, stop. We'll take some white wines. Lemon drop. Lemon drop? Yeah, drop another lemon. Wait, bring Takara too. Bring the gang. Bring all your little friends. Sabrina, Amina. Bring them all, girl. Y'all can come. All expenses. Flippy ball. Wait, stop. Stop. Stupid. Stop being stupid. Then you stop being dumb. You all come for real? Yeah, I'm going. Yeah, for sure. July 3 is fine. I am bringing home Gerda. And I'm serious about mail going. And I'm serious about going. That's serious. It should go on the Wednesday before we get there. I say thinking about it. Parks don't give a fuck. No, I'm going to Philly now. I would say we'll be fly. Even though I know y'all niggas is on some high profile shit, I think if we doing some real team building, y'all do the meet and greet and take a picture. No, I wouldn't. I think this would be the joint where we can actually get in the whip and drive. Yeah.


Down to DC.


Nigga. Want more time in that backseat? I'll drive. No, I'll drive. Oh, you want more time in the front seat? He wants some more time in that front seat. This motherfucker. Hey, the team building coming after the show. When we get that aux. Hey, when that boy said, man, please don't go. Come on. Fuck that. Fuck. Chris Brown's meeting hungry continues to break up happy households. Happy households. Yes. That first one that broke up that we was off for, we didn't really touch on that too much. But homeboy did a TikTok saying, hey, I know it's popular to say I broke up because of how she was acting at that meet and greet. However, she was on shaky ground long before that meet and greet. I caught her cheating mad times long before that meet and greet. So the meet and greet for me was the icing on the cake. So I got the fuck out of there. Homeboy did say that it didn't get depressed that his girl shaking ass got. Now we have a new dude who his fiance went to the meet and greet, was popping ass on Chris Brown for $1,100, and her fiance broke up with her.


Now, my question to y'all before y'all get in the commentary is, does that make a gentleman insecure or not? Yes. Yes. Mm hmm. Whole room. Yes. No, I don't agree. It's a no. It don't make you insecure. You already insecure. Well, yeah. However you are insecure. Is it a sign that you're insecure? Yes. Yes. Okay. Amani Amel. No, I don't agree. Because I think he said he was the one that purchased the actual tickets for her for the meet and greet.




Yeah. That. It does take a. It takes away. Because if he was insecure, he would have even done that in the first place. Right. So I think we gotta shoot him a little bail. True. Cause an insecure nigga not doing that at all. I'm with Imani. I don't think. I don't think that this necessarily is a sign of dude being insecure. And I've gone through something like this before, so that does change.


He's the one that purchased the tickets.


I don't change for me. Okay. You said it don't, don't matter for me. I don't matter. So you think, why'd you buy the tickets there? Cause I want. Cause I want my girl to enjoy the experience and get the meet and greet of Chris Brown. I didn't assume that my girl would go there and act like a fast. Act like a fucking dot or groupie. Let him lift her up by her ass. Is that what happens to meet and greet with Chris Brown? No, I mean, you don't have to. Particularly. You don't have to. You don't have to do it.


He gets a little frisky with.


He gives you. No, no. He gives you. He gives you your money's worth for paying a thousand. Plus, you want to get frisky, he'll get frisky.


Okay, so then let me rephrase. That's what I meant. That's what I meant is that he is like, he's having a good time.


Open to you. But if you want to come in here, take several pictures, just with your arm around and smile, and whatever the case may be, you're open to doing that. They're asking him to do all they. Yo, last. They love this. Yeah. The last one, he had him heart to them, bent over all of that shit. But that's what you're paying your money for. So if my girl goes there and she wants him to lift her up by her ass, that's her request. Asking for that. My question, I'm not. And then I'll toss it right back to my distinguished panel. But my question for parks, specifically because you're married, and I had this thought when I read the story, is in trying to figure out if your partner is the one for marriage, is a part of that, not seeing how your partner may behave in a setting that she's not typically used to. Absolutely right. I feel like that's normal for me. That. Did that make us insecure to want to see that about our partners? No, no, no. But. But also, I think it's also knowing who your girl will act a certain way.


Like, you know, niggas know the celebrities that they girl a fan out over. No, I don't know. Okay. All right. I know the celebrities. My girlfriend. So I'm gonna put it on me. She know who I'm a fan. Can you describe what can you describe fan out there? It don't matter. He knows it is. It don't matter. Take a meet and greet picture. That may make you uncomfortable. My girl taking that same picture with Chris Brown. I don't feel away. Okay. Me.


Because you know that she loves me.


I know she loves Chris Brown.


Okay. So that's what I was gonna ask you guys. Like, are you let her go?


Yes, if I was, I go to the show secure. If you say no, if I wasn't going, let's say there was a show near her. I can't go. Whatever. I would send my girl and her friend, yo, yo, y'all can go to the show. I will take care of that. I know you love this nigga. You have been a fan of him since you were a kid down there, so I understand that. Yeah. I'm sorry that all that shit sound cool. I don't give fuck who you a fan of. You are not disrespecting our relationship for a picture. It's not disrespectful. You don't take it as disrespectful. I can't tell you what I take as disrespect. We're not talking about you. We talking about in general sense. If a nigger sits and pays for his girl to go see an artist that she likes, whatever. That now doesn't mean that I'm also allowing you to go fan out and do some groupy shit. I don't. That's. No, it is. To each his own. Each his own. I'm in agreement with Imani. No. So let me ask you a question. So. So. Cuz we've seen the pictures where he was, Linda, literally bending them over.


He's doing whatever they want. Like, yo, bending them over, got his hand on their neck, standing behind him. I'm throwing it back to you. Yes. If your girl did that, you not tight. I'm asking. I'm tired. I'm tired about that one. Okay. But also in the conversation, my girl wouldn't do that one. Cause she know what pose I would be cool with and wouldn't be cool with. And that's my. So the whole lip, she jumping in his arms and he just holding her up that way. I wouldn't be mad at that. Gotcha. But she knows where I wouldn't. I would stand. You're not about to. So for the man that's learning about that behavior from his significant other in real time, you understand, he don't know that he would notice. He would behave that way. He thought that they had that same understanding of each other that y'all. That you and your partner had. He thought that he got there and learned something differently. He paid 1111 for your girl to go backstage with a nigger that she loves. So that speaks to his lack of insecurity. He not being insecure. My nigga just spent $1,000 for the meet and greet plus another 6700 potentially for the tickets, $11.99. And I could have.


And I bought your t shirt. Take it a step further. If I wanted to really play into the insecure shit, I could have came out. I could have went with you just to make sure no shit like that. But obviously he had some level of whatever, trust or cool, go do your thing. But I wouldn't give a fuck how much you love someone's music. There is no reason for you to disrespect your fiance in that type of way by doing something that you know, he gonna be uncomfortable in seeing. Like, you might have a barrier of what makes you uncomfortable. That might have been his line on what is disrespectful. That's what I'm trying to say. You know, think that they were disrespecting their partner, but the partner is crazy. No, some of the motherfuckers knew they were and even give a fuck. Or they were so fanned out that they didn't think about the repercussions or even think that they partner would end up seeing these pictures. I'm talking about the guy that's just learning in real time that your girl is gonna behave in a manner that you thought was unimaginable. I'm not talking about the girl that has no regard or respect for her relationship.


So I'm doing what I want when I get to the. Let me ask you this, right? That's like the girl that get drunk out of the party or something. You don't realize that your girl is that girl when she gets drunk. And now she's at the party and she. She lit and it's like, oh shit, that's my. Oh. Oh no. That's what you do if you do that.


That's your word.


Are you like, niggas from Norfolk? I know. Well, maybe that was his first instance. Chris Brown got herpes.


Too extreme.


Hell, no. Say that again. I hear your question.


I said in this particular instance, if he's finding out in real time that this is how she reacts to her, you know, biggest crush, does this warrant the reaction that he had? You know, canceling the engagement?


I think so. So I think you.


It doesn't warrant a conversation or might have had it.


What's the conversation?


We don't.


This could have been a straw that broke the camel's back type of situation.


Like the last one.


First of all, you're viral now. Cause this ain't even a thing where I just saw it off of. Now I have to actually deal with this. Not just within our embarrassment factor. Yeah. Cause my best man is gonna bit you. Walking Nisman down and out like. No, like, there's nothing else to talk about. The mere fact that I have to have a conversation with you about the ways in which you consider and regard me and our relationship, that's a conversation I gotta have by myself now? Mm hmm. There's none you could even add to that. You don't. You don't get it, cuz. It viral because of he broke up, though? Or is it viral and keep it a buck? She's nice. Nice looking girl. She's cute girl. She's cute, girl. Think about this. And I think he got hard, yo. That matters. Imagine what she does in Miami if she meets Chris Brown at the pool of one of these hotels. Imagine where that goes with her underarm hair shaved off. That's the other part. That's the other part you gotta talk about. If you were willing to do this in public and embarrass me this way, in public because you love this nigga so much, what would you be doing with this?


In my mind, I see that picture, I'm thinking you be after now, we don't know what you would do for a club bar. We don't. Fuck you doing. That's too much. It's too much. I think so. Shout out to homeboy, man. Should've done some research before that. Price should have jumped out a thousand foot of me. No, he probably did. He probably didn't. Nothing. Your girl. I got a problem with the Internet killing the dude that paid for the meet and greet to take the Power Ranger picture with Chris. I got a problem with that saying joint. They did this shit. Yeah. He should be able to. Absolutely. Should be able to do it 100%. What's the issue with that? They just kill him. They just kill him. Call him f bombs and all types of shit, dog. When y'all first mentioned Chris Brown to me, I was like, oh, meet and greet. I'm there. I want to hug this nigger. What's up, nigga? Give me a transfer of energy for the $1,100. Pause. Kendrick. I'm not pausing that. On pride month one, two. That was one of the only reasons I really wanted to go to the Kendrick concert tonight, just to give Kendrick a hug.


Transfer energy, yo, you did it as an emcee. The MC's respect what he did in a different way. So I would just come to, like, salute that nigga. But unfortunately, I did have a definite family, so I'm not gonna make it. But I did have a flight booked, and everything I was going should have. What? Cause I didn't feel like that event should happen to me, not being a building. And I feel like Parks review and my review is gonna be different on Friday. I was 100% gonna go, but shit happens. A lot of review. Yeah, I got you. Hold it down. I got you. Give it to us. I'll be on the stream, but I don't think I'll be on the stream. But he'll be in the building. Yeah, yeah, you gotta tell us. I don't think there's nothing wrong with someone wanting to pay whatever the fuck they want to pay to meet whoever they want to meet. That's true. But that. But there is a level of respect, even with the person that you meet, that you gotta give. Like, don't come up here acting like a total fucking goof. Well, there was.


Oh, go ahead. I'm sorry. Control. Go ahead. No, no, I'm just saying, like, in those situations, like, how you say, yo, me and Kendrick, that's. I get that there's. There's something besides just the fact that you just want a picture to show the rest of the world. No, I gotta transfer energy with him. There was a, um. Okay, I got rob for nine, how to greet, and a young lady was like, can I kiss you? No, bitch. Yeah. He was like, yo, nah, nah. Like you said, respect the person that you meet. And what do you just ask this man? Let me kiss you now. He said, no, but, you know, some niggas might. Now your girl up there talking some nigga down. Yeah, that's happened at me in Greece before. So there's a story breaking. And afterwards, y'all to meet in Greek. Aussie man. It's crazy. So there's a story going around that Kendrick is preparing to shoot the night, like us video this weekend in LA. I'm assuming that info was only out because Tde Kendrick wants that information out. I can imagine what that movie is going to look like at the forum.


I imagine they will be taping. I'm going to show for that video that's going to be euphoric in there. No pun intended. AK was on the stream last night during the finals, breaking how he had a hacker in there, or one of them, about Bob Runner, bottom runners in there, talking about how Kendrick purchased bots. He was talking about the invoice for those bots. He gave an example, put some fake likes and some fake followers on an Instagram page and a picture, so forth and so on. And there are some people up there in uproar saying, hey, Kendrick is using bots. Why is everybody not talking about this? Where does my distinguished panel stand on the matter of Kendrick using bots and his Drake first. Oh, well, let me go first, please, because I can get out of here real fast. Same. That's why it's so beautiful when I keep telling y'all I don't give a fuck about streaming numbers. This conversation matters nothing to me. The people that I care about, the music, the people are complaining about the numbers and the bots and the dislikes and the likes sound like bots to me.


All of that shit is y'all shit that y'all care about. Oh, this one was charting here. And the bots, this amount of streams in a day, in a week to us, that don't stream, we don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck about any of that. I never care about your streaming numbers. None of you niggas back on what I said. I heard the music. I don't give a fuck about what you niggas is talking about. That nigga did his thing. Music is fire. He stopped looking for new reasons to figure out why this battle went the way it went. No, that's your fault. Because y'all justify everything with numbers. It's over. Oh, because it did this, that means it's better than me. This, that did that. Nobody cares, bro. What did. Do you like the song? Do you don't like. No one said, yo, Drake had mad dislikes on his post, so he obviously lost the battle. Yeah, no, but some of them did. That's why they went as weird. He justify everything with these YouTube numbers, likes and dislikes. And comments. That's. That's used bots. He won the battle in real life and in the matrix.


I'm gonna take it a step even further than what y'all saying. Not only do I not care that he used bots, but I knew he did. Okay, cool. Well, what. What else is there? Y'all didn't know that Kendrick used bots? No. And I thought that this was just the first time, miraculously, that a Drake record ever had more dislikes than likes. Or you didn't know that that was bots. Bots, to me, was a part of how you win the war versus Drake.




This new age, if you didn't do it, Drake was gonna do it. Probably did. But because he lost in the fashion that he lost in, it seems to be a select crowd out there that continues to not lose gracefully. Like, they keep trying to find different ways to put smut on Kendrick. Not saying that maybe some of the smut is not warranted it, but hip hop is kind of crowned him the winner of the beef. None of the bots and the stories, the fabricated. None of that's going to change this. I'm not mad at whoever this also, act, you got to know that any Drake news coming from you looks away now. Yeah, looks. Yeah. Act is the one on stream during the NBA Finals with the hacker dude on the thing, explaining to him, showing him the invoice. He's dropping names like good journalistic shit you was doing at. But you gotta know that any Drake news coming from you is viewed through a different type of eye. Even if you just working off your own speculation, even if Drake didn't tell you shit, it comes off as a mission sent from Drake. And that could come off like somebody somewhere is trying to get ahead of the not like us video and concert.


It's back to my earlier point about letting people have their moments just get out of the way of that moment. Even if you feel like you didn't lose the buys. This nigga, fuck this nigga. He's weak. I could get him again. I'm coming back with a track. Let the moment of the forum and the video pass is too much to fight. You're gonna look away. Yeah. That's all I have to say on the matter. I don't care about. About the bot situation. Do you think Drake does anything during this show? Well, then Ack is saying new Drake music coming soon. Yeah, Drake put the post up about shout out to everybody that came out to film the video. And I don't. I don't even see nothing that Drake posts no more. It's like Ack is the mouthpiece for certain things.


Was that?


And even if I'm a Drake fan, as a Drake fan, I want Ack to stop announcing things about Drake. The act announcements come with a certain level of expectation, so you either meet it or don't. And then the harsh criticism coming, and you're not bill for that. Like, the Drake releases are much better as a surprise. Nobody knows I'm him. He has a jam to vibe to real quick. Agreed. Anything with AK reporting, it just looks away, and that's my man. I hope he knows that. But you wouldn't care because it's a brand builder for him, for sure. Of course. No, it's good business for him. Great. Great business for us. But do you. I'm saying, do y'all think he does anything to try to step on the forum show?


I don't think he can.


I'm not saying can't. Do you think he makes the attempt? He might believe he can't. No, I hope not. I don't think so. He should go ahead. Wait till, I don't think next week. If he does. Is he getting bad advice? Yeah, just. I hope not. Not if he did. I mean, I wouldn't be mad at the strategy, but I hope he doesn't do that. I hope he doesn't. Hey, it's Juneteenth, man. Let this nigga get his shit off Juneteenth and leave it alone. Juneteenth. Let me toss to my distinguished panel about their thoughts on Juneteenth. It is approaching. How's everybody feeling about it? Personally? Juneteenth, to me, is always, my birthday is June 19, so I. Yeah, I care more about that than Juneteenth. Sorry. Y'all might take it away. Oh, good. This is a dope way for me to remember my man's birthday. That's fine. Wait a minute. That's fire. I didn't know that birthday. I didn't know. We don't be giving a fuck. Fuck your birthday. Exactly. You know how I go. First and foremost, I might forget your show. No. Yeah. Fuck your birthday. Yeah. So, joe t was always. I like it now.


Yeah. It's Wednesday. Happy birthday. Oh, yeah. Yes, now. Oh, yes, now. Happy birthdays. 31. Excuse me. How old? 31?


Mm hmm.


You know, you don't look 31. I know. I've been telling some lies. You just keep going with and Reddit keep pulling up the pics of when you was dying your beard. How you feel about that era up here like it was only last month. No, don't do that. Don't do that. A few months ago. No, you had a couple. It was only once. You only did it once? Yeah. It wasn't no error then. You got some great error. Watch this. Go. It was an error, though. Don't do that. It was a quick. How was it? Because it was a few months. It was.


Lasted a couple of months.


It was one good spray down. Yeah. He was holding that beer down. He got out of there though. He got out of there. It was worth it. Did you keep a sharpie on you for touch ups? Nah. That's the thing about. Pardon? If you look at yourself, you'll get out of some stupid shit you was doing. Mm hmm. Well, I can't say it happened to me. Mm hmm. Happened to me up here. Stupid shit up here. I feel like if you come up here and do it, you deny yours with the bell bottom jeans. But everybody has a moment. Like, Imani was talking, his ears in his hat. Ice was dyeing his beard. Ish had the bell bottom chips with the knee slit. Parks, the only one that survived because he got like a uniform, so he don't ever really do. But me and she, I came here, my gooch in my Gucci. I've done mad dumb shit. She came in here with that fucking tomato sack. Y'all hate that. You can do that. Why? You can do it too. No, you can't. No, we can't. It's only white. Yeah, we can't do uniform. He got a winter uniform and a summer uniform and he don't deviate from it because it's always clean and you've never, you never go.


Yeah. Far from never lose. Never lose. Even when he come out with the fancy pumas, niggas online just be like, ooh, Parks went to Ross. Parks tried to step it up today. He went, he went to Ross. He got the Ross Pumas. All right, so that's that on the Chris brown split. Speaking of splits, let's stay at. Breaking news has just been announced that reason and TDe have split ways. Round of applause for both parties. Congratulations. They both wanted to get far to come away from each other ever since that fig munity stream. You can see this, right? Was. Yeah, yeah, it was over. And reason was tweeting, too much pro Drake during the beef wasn't gonna see it. Oh, shit. I seen it. Really? He was trying to make it look like I'm balanced and neutral, but I was reading them shit like, oh, you want to lose your record deal. You actively are trying to lose your record deal with some of the tweets that you're saying about this beef. Cause you don't have to say anything. You can shut the fuck up. Yeah, yeah. But he don't want to shut the fuck up.


Cause he want to get the fuck outta there. And reason is a friend of the show. TD, they friends of the show. I wanna respect both parties. They both sound like they got what they want. Does anybody look at reason away if he signs with Dreamville after this? No. He seems to have a lot of friends over there. He's done a lot of judging the shit out the compilation joints. I think he. I think if that does happen, I think TD will probably give they blessing on that. Because who's to say that the split, even though they were going back and forth, it might have been a decent split even after talking. So they might get a blessing. All right, cool. It didn't work over here, but Kohler's family, so you can go over there and do your thing. I don't look at him. He getting judged from MC's why or from me. Why he gonna get looked at? Like Durant when he went to the warriors. Like, you had your choice of anywhere to go, and you are actively picking Dreamville with all of the Kendrick Cole history. Also, Jid for you was. Was your peer.


You where you were, and Jid, where he was. Y'all was the contemporaries that people look to for the competition. Okay, so I have a question. So if you coming over here now, are you gonna do something that's gonna make your album drop or get you more favor over here than Jade? That will never happen because Dreamville is loyal and Jid has been here. So now you take a step back from your peers who you were even killed with, versus going to a Sony, going to somewhere where you could build your own situation up. I think it's a loss for reason and all around the board. Ali's been over there mixing for some years now. Mixing is different. Mixing is totally different. I can mix for you and go mix for the op and go mix for his opp and go mix for his opp. It's behind the scenes I'm mixing. You'll only know it if you read credits. Kids can't read in America today. They're not reading it right. Okay, artists. The front facing part of that with how Cole looked, with how reason already looked. You gotta add that in. Like, reason is not.


Not somebody that had all the favor in the world from the consuming audience. Mm hmm. So, yeah, you'll now have to continue to battle optics and things, but what if now I got a problem with some of the decisions that niggas make. I'm sorry. After they, like, leave an established situation, like, when Wale hit me and say, yo, I left such and such, I'm signed to whatever he said, warner, which was the same as where he left, I said, well, why would you do that? But whatever answer you gave me, that's my man. So I'm rocking with you regardless. Then when I got the call and said, hey, I'm on def Jam now, I was like, wait, wait. Why would you. You know what? You my man. I'm rocking with you regardless. But, yeah, I think rappers make bad decisions when they. When they leave a situation that was established that may or may not have worked for them. Like, your next situation is real important. I remember coming to Skane, right? I remember coming to Skane 2004, 2005. I didn't have no traction. I had have no motion at Def Jam. I'm coming off of what the industry regards as a flop.


And I go to Skane, and he comes downstairs because I don't even want to go upstairs to Def jam. Yo, dog, give me the fuck off here. You the manager, dumb niggas. The production company. I want off the def jam. They're not doing nothing for me. My name is dwindling away. Give me another deal, another situation. And that's how I felt. Fuck def jam. And Skane explained, well, yeah, I could do that, but you're coming off of what everybody regards as a flop. What situation do you think I'm gonna be able to get for you if you don't work your tail off right now? You don't look like you're ready to do that. He was absolutely right. So now you stuck between a rock and a hard place. Cause whatever situation you looking to run into is not. If your work was like that, you wouldn't be in this boat. Right, right. So he don't have the options at his feet is what I'm saying. Even if he's the best rapper in the world, when he walk into Sony, Sony, Red Atlantic, or wherever the fuck he walking to, they saying, all right, what you.


Well, you speak. Well, what you speaking to might be what makes more sense to go to a spot like that where he might have already a built in relationship because he might not be able to take the chance in other places. That makes sense. But what I was gonna say is also, he basically told us he was stifled and couldn't really work the way he wanted to work. Oh, but that's cap. But I'm taking a man at his word. I'm not there. All right, well, I am so in saying that I can't put this out, I can't do this, I can't do that. They're not letting me release. And then against TD. I love y'all, but we've seen this through all of their artists. Whereas ain't the release schedule is what we say it is. It ain't when you think you're ready. So he could have had a ton of shit ready to go at least. Just let me test the waters. And they saying no, maybe over here. Alright, cool. We can get you out of here. They do compilation projects over there at Dreamville. They do. They release a little bit faster than TDE, so it least I can.


I have a potential to get my name moving a little bit. If I went over there not saying he is with respect to reason and any of the artists that have had an issue over there, their track record speaks for itself. If they're telling you you're not ready, you might not be ready. Yeah. Respectfully, yeah, I understand it and I agree with that 100%. But in the event that I don't agree with that, on the flip side of that coin, an artist that wants to put something out, you know what he's gonna do. Leaky? Put some out. There's nothing in that contract there's gonna stop him. You're gonna hand it to your man who's gonna hand it out on the ip that's different from yours. You're gonna give it to the hackney. You will find a way for this music to be released. If you really want to release music, that shit he came up here and said about, yeah, I got it in my contract where I can't release it. I got to come up here and ask them and then they gotta prove it. Nigga, who they're gonna stop. What if he respect who that stop is?


What if you respect him? Yeah, if I respect you enough. Everybody ain't a rebel. If that's the case, because y'all are right, then reason has some more uncomfortable conversations to have with himself when he goes to bed at night. Artists get into that, right? There have been people that I've needed to fire. I've needed to get these people out of here. But you love these people. These are your family, your brothers. They've helped you get where you going. Every artist got to have a conversation about whose detriment this will, this belongs to if this move is not made so he can have all the respect for TDe in the world, but he's the only one that has to deal with the detriment of no music coming out. So now if the respect maze weighs more than that, then I told him I'm totally with y'all. But for most artists. And if I go somewhere, I'm not going to sit behind Ari Lennox. I'm not going to sit by all these established niggas on Dreamville. I'm not. You're not putting me to the back of another boutique situation? Hell, no. Well, we don't even know he's going.


I know we pretending, right? But there's two sides. Like you said, there's two sides of it. He could also look at that as that's where I want to go. Because that might be a place where I can now try to exist. Go to tune corps and go to tune corps. Go to empire. Anything else is laughable. Cause what I'm saying is gonna exist for any major or boutique that he goes through. It ain't just Dreamville. Reason ain't done enough to get the first, 2nd or third shot at bat. Wherever he goes, he gotta prove himself to nobody, to everybody but himself. So bet on yourself. Take your ass to tune, core or empire, where we getting paid off the back end. Whatever we sell is what we sell. I'm riding on my own name and merit, but most niggas don't want to do that. Y'all want the glitz and the glamor and whatever comes with the label pushing the button. Y'all want the commercials. Y'all want the festivals. Y'all want all of this shit. And if that's what you want, then have at it. But for those of y'all that want some longevity in your career, to not be over between three to five years, which is long shot, because average life expectancy of an artist today is a year and a half.


He's got the benefit of having had that monster behind him. Like we probably would know reason was if it wasn't for TD, not for nothing. So independent would be the way to go right now. Do it. Yeah. Give yourself a shot. See what it looks like for you to sell 40,000 for the life of the project. Learn what that is. Can you be comfortable with that or not? And reason, my man. So I don't want to sound like I'm speaking against him. I support him. Yeah, I support him. But this was a long time coming. And I'm anxious to see what he does next. Same, same. Shout to reason, facts. And you gonna look like a fucking mutt if you. If you don't up the frequency in which you rap. Yes. Right. Don't tell me all that. Hey, the label was holding me back. And now that you found a lab, you better do fucking crooked eye. New freestyle every week. 52 freestyles. You better get to it. Yeah, I agree. If you don't, it's gonna speak to your work ethic. If you don't have no work ethic, then you in the wrong field anyway, because you're not gonna get nothing without work ethic here.


If you. If you don't. They. Right.


Does he get to.


That's what they were saying.


Does he get to walk out the door with all the music that he says that they were holding back?


Depends if you know the answer's no. Dance is no. But you. He might care. TD speculation. We don't know nothing. We can speak to nobody. Tde might have points on the project wherever you go, right. You go to Sony. I got three points over there. When they put it out, he put it out. Like, we don't know about how much control he got over anything. And how much faith do you have in that music that you. You recorded that you didn't put out, then time is still ticking. That music could be dated. It could be old. It cannot be who you want to represent today. That's the tricky part for you. Bust your ass. You love them. 14 songs. That was three years ago, nigga. Anything in music is different now. What? That's scary. That artists should start. Yeah. Reason we love you salutes the reason. I hope everything pans out. If I started lil raping you records or something, then I'll reach out to niggas, see if I give you a shot. Jay jerking niggas Potter pod and is being performative. Look at ish. Highlighting the worst aspects of Joe Buddy. I said, jay jerking niggas, but they gonna think that's me.


They too young. If the young listeners don't know that that's a real person. Would you get Stevie J to produce a record?




All right. Wow. All right. Y'all on bull. Y'all on supreme. Bullshit at this point. Oh, she can't laugh. I'm sorry. Fuck you, e. What else is important or unimportant? Floor is yours. Shit. Take it away. Got it. Got to talk about the homie scammer. Bishop Whitehead. Bishop Whitehead sentenced nine years. Nine years. Nine years for. Flap it up. You clapping it. I don't. I'm trying to figure what we clapping for? For the streets being safer. Oh, sh. The nigga just said earlier in the day, fuck with the drug dealers, fuck with the escorts. But now. All right. You got it. You right. No, don't do that. No, I fuck with the scammers, too, until they get cool. You get caught. Gotcha. All right. That makes sense. Once you get caught, you leave media no choice but to say the streets feel a little cleaner. Cool. All right, so. Yeah. And I ain't gonna hold you. I'm a little bit petty. So, that summer jam I went to two years ago, when I was trying to leave, they had a big sprinter blocking traffic. I was stuck there for a good 60 minutes. You know who was in front of that sprinter?


You guessed it. Bishop Whitehead. All the sheriffs and the cops trying to rush. Hey, get the car. Get the car. You know who would not listen? And I sat right there for 60 minutes in Long island, longer than it needed to be. Y'all guessed it. Bishop Whitehead in a suit, too. Gucci suit. Imagine how I felt in the car, smoking anxiety through the roof, watching Bishop Whitehead hole up traffic. Nobody's mad at traffic ever. Until you see what was holding up the draft. Yeah, no, that's true. That's a fact. You rolled by the accident. Like, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on, y'all. Stop this bitch. This was you, nigga. The worst shit is when it's nothing.




That's the most frustrating little shit where y'all could have pulled over. Y'all just sitting there in the lane. Nigga, move. Yo, in my forties, more learning about myself, the drivers who still haven't learned how to merge. Boy, y'all grind my gears. Yeah, it shouldn't do it. Merge him. Merge into what? Merge mean merge.


Merge properly into the fucking lane. When you see the yield sign, it's not a full on stop. Are you not fucking paying attention to what's coming behind you?


Talk to me on this road trip this weekend. Why do people just chill in the passing list? Like, when people just cruise in the passing lane, it grinds my gear. Yeah, that's. Just get over there and chill. Yeah. The hammer lane. That's for 80 and above. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. Get out that lane. If you ain't going, move. We got somewhere to get. You're not passing anybody. No, we got to move. That's how my driver drive. I cursed him clear out the other day. That's all I got. I can't tell you no more. I cursed him. I'm sitting there, anxiety going, every troll, every truck in the world going by us. Every car, every nigga. They want to cut somebody off. He's the prime candidate. I'm like, yo, dog, you know you doing all this safety african driving shit that you doing, but a nigga driving slow like this will cause an accident. That's true too. It's very true. He do speed limit. He got a reason, baby. Oh, no, but the easy part saying, don't worry, I took my time out on the way back to snitch on the cops too. Snitch on the report.


Report speed trap in the little app. Oh, an app? Yeah. I never really did that before. I just use the Apple shit. Same shit. That's right. God damn it. Snitch however you can. Yeah, however. Whatever medium is available for you to snitch. Snitch it out. Get that shit out your system. Oh, what else? I don't really have anything else that's really pressing me. Mine and issues. Fucking kidnapping argument. I'll say for Patreon. Oh, wait, hold on. Before we go, House of the dragon is back. Smoke break for Joe. You can go. You can hear a little bit, though. So how we feel? I mean, wait, who all? We all watch? I watch it. Oh, my God. Y'all are spoiling it for me. I have to go. Oh, my God. I'm gonna watch this at some point. What I take away is. Let me hear. Good, good. First. He good for first episode. Slow, but I mean, that's it picked up. Oh, yeah. All right. It did. But once they start killing children, it's turned up. Yeah, yeah. We building up the story. We. Hold on. Go ahead. Sorry, spoiler. Oh, yes. I ain't like the end.


I think it was fake. Like, if you are commissioned to do it, it was commissioned to do. You know what I'm saying? Everybody's finito. Oh, I'm not leaving her to say, yo, it's him living Manhattan. They live in a little ass town. When you walk it through the street, you're that nigga right there. They exterminated nigga that been here a million times. I'm just wondering how there was not one guard nowhere. No, that's the weird part. No, it was late night, and exterminator knows the house like the back of those times. It was guards everywhere. I just did. In the house where I lived, they specifically gave you an instruction and said, you got one. Mm hmm. Oh, yeah. I was just lost. Yeah. So that's my specific instruction. So on that note, uno, dos, dress night night. I get just to be safe. Yeah. Yeah. And I think. I think on the previews. You don't watch preview? No, I don't watch reviews. But on the previous, they had a nigga hanging and I think it was the big dude. Okay, you go. I'm hoping that they don't get lazy on. On the writing. Yeah, I have a feeling they will.


I don't think so. I hope not. We got a. We got a.


They better not. They better not. This is only second season.


I don't think they'll get lazy on the writing. Just because too much money involved. Just because regular Game of Thrones didn't age well. Only based on that one season.


No. You know what? It does age well. Game of Thrones ages well. Really, really well. I was very anti the way that it fucking ended. You know, like her just basically destroying King's Landing and stuff like that. But when you really kind of look at it and how alone and isolated she felt, her best friend's dead and everything else were, you know, deviating.


She turned into the Mad King. She turned literally into the person she started never becoming.


It all started to make sense. My only problem with Hod right now is I don't really care about the characters. Like, I don't really care yet. There hasn't been, to me, enough character development.


I agree.


And I know a lot of people don't really like the character development because that just basically means a lot of talking. It's a lot of dialog and stuff like that. But it's necessary for you to be, like, engaged and really give a shit about the characters.


That's not what it is. Not as intricate. No. The first. The first season of Game of Thrones, what they were so great at that they made you have to pay attention to certain characters and then they pulled them from you. Yeah, yeah.




So you now. So now moving forward, you were starting to get invested into certain people a certain way. Cause you didn't know where they were coming or going. Yeah. And that's what they might have missed on this first season. But it's not as intricate as the original Game of Thrones, but in terms of.


But in terms of Game of Thrones thing. So perfect example is first season. Sorry, spoiler alert. If you haven't watched it, girl, if you don't get the fuck on. She is just over here.


Yeah, I think that.


No, wait, wait.


Hold on.


So I wanted to say in first season, one of the, you know, big moments for the season, is when Jaime Lannister pushes Bran out of the window. You know, I mean, one of the big moments in Hod is when the dragon eats the sun. But look at the difference of what we felt about Bran at that time and what we felt about this kid. We barely knew him, you know what I'm saying? So it's just like, oh, that was, that was fucked up and tragic and a holy shit moment. But about the kid, we really weren't like, well, that invested.


Well, the real, I think the reason why, because Bran survived. Yeah, we didn't know brand like that either. We didn't know Brand like that. But Brad survived later on, he developed later on for we don't understand his importance. That's true. This little nigga was just, just a little nigga. Like fish food. Yeah, you fish food. I think again, to me, I think the writing just was more complex and I think the writing made you pay attention because littlefinger, the bald head dude, all of them was just doing sneaky shit behind the new little finger dude. Isn't it that ill? Yeah, he getting there, but I'm telling you, he getting there. We gotta be a little bit more patient. They can't approach this. They can't use the same formula with this show that they did with the other one. Worried they're going to. They can't. You think so? Yeah, they can't. They can't start doing the whole formula of just killing off the important people so quickly like, that work. Then I'm storing, like, this story original at that point. Yeah. Like, it's not enough storylines. The original game of thrones had seven, eight different storylines going on at one time.


You can't start killing niggas in here. It's one house. I'm saying it's not as many people to kill off.




What's two houses? But we here now. But we here. So we go. We go. See, I'm invested. I don't care. It can be. It can be three, four episodes in a row that I feel is wack. I'm gonna go back and watch season one again, though. I found myself at the beginning of this, like, with some questions and that little recap they did. A little munch. Nigger now is kind of funny.


Oh, sir, Kristen Cole.




I can't stand him. Yeah, I can't fucking stand munch.


You ain't see he was much. Why you don't like him?


I just don't like how he switched from Queen Rhaenyras to whatever to Alicent. I just don't like it. And he's so. He has such visceral hatred for Raeneres. Rhaenyra Reneres. The blonde one? Yeah. He has such visceral fucking hatred for her. I'm doing my job, I guess. I don't know. I just. I don't like him back then.


Get into the spanky. Indeed. And he gets. And he gets some shot. Shot. Yeah. But, you know, that was how some bad. That was bad quality back then. Yeah. That shit was hitting on nothing back then. She was bathing a lot. It appeared. She bathed a couple times. She ain't trim that motherfucker. No. That's funny. Um. We'll see. I'm. Listen, I'm invested. I'm so. I'm still watching tariff. All right. What do you want me to do? Me too. I didn't watch this week's yet, so it's like watching Badge Mayor Kingston. I watch that. I watch mayor. It's too many fucking shit. Like I'm trying to get a chance to get around to dark matters.


Oh, you gotta start that.


Like, I'm still trying to get there.


Everything for dark matter.


Okay. Up it after eight. If you pluck your streaming tv shit up after 08:00 p.m. don't matter. I have a tv I don't need to use. My nigga. Put dark matters on streamies with dark matters on that red stick. Whatever the fuck. Fire stick firefighters. Some shit was watching Tank Gervonta on a stream. Yeah. Knockout was fuzzy. Is no one seconds behind. And I watched it clear as day. I'm talking shit. No, you right. I'm talking shit. How you know? You don't know. I just don't look at Twitter. Yeah, me neither. I can't watch that. Last fight, Imani came through with that streaming shit that she held us down. Next fight, I was ready to be home and settled on my files. BioS is expensive enough that when you're not using files, like you still feel it, like, a lot. We got to start bleeping that name too, because ever since we know the other one. Because you having a hard time connecting. Okay. Yeah, we. Since then buffering. They kind of. Kind of laggy. I gotta go from server one to serve a two to me. I ordered the real fight on tv. And it was glitches.


Yeah. Let me tell you that. That should be making you want. It was glitching. I was like 79. 99 for the glitch. Yeah. Yeah. You seen the fight, man? What you think? Or you was outside?


I was outside. I was outside? Yeah, I was on yacht.


Oh, like that little leg was. Bitch, you were shaking it.


No, I was.


Or you was being a lady?


I was at a yacht party. I was being a lady. I was being a lady. I was being a lady.


But was you being like a devious lady? No dibs. Lady was back. No, I was hopknapping.


I was hobnobbing a lot of those.


While you was out there. I love y'all trying throw alley oop. You bumped in any x's out there?


I did.


Oh, Chris. Paul. Work, man. What was that then? Oh, I'm not Chris. Wait wait wait. What happened with X?


Nothing. We talked. It was cool.


Yeah yeah. Y'all don't be wanting to fucking body slam. For real. Tell the truth.


I mean, we were on a yacht in front of a bunch of people. What was I supposed to do? Like fucking bend him over, turn tongue him down with myself?


Ben Hammer. Well, whoa.




Well, hey, listen, don't. King Shane talking about. It's crazy. Oh shit. Speaking of King shame and I had a question I thought of last Paul, but nobody was here. Lucky I can't whistle. Listen to me. This is a yes or no. This is not for us to stay on or get caught in gender wars or shameful people think. Please. Before you answer, I want a real answer from y'all.


This is gonna be good.


Distinguished cast. If you are a cheating person, man or woman, and the person that you are cheating with knows about your partner and has a thing for screaming out shit like does your girl slash man know about us, know about this, know about how you fuck me, know about left hand on neck, right hand on frontal, whatever they say. Is that a kink? You asked that last time. I did ask that last time. Did I get an answer? Well, it's, I want his answer. And Mel wasn't here. I was here. Me, I give me your answer and then we can move on. I forgot my marriage back.


Are they saying this in bed?


Yes. Yeah. Why you popping?


Yes, it's definitely a kink. Yes.


Yeah, it's a king. So technically you can't kink shame that. But you niggas. So we gonna kick shame like. Shut up. I keep talking about my bitch I don't like. No, that's the kink. That's nasty. That is the kink right there. But those are the chicks that fuck the best with that kink. Mm hmm. That's why she want to talk to your girl. Cuz you know your girl don't fuck like you're not talking to my girl. Huh? Talking at your girl. Yeah, not to got you at. Yeah, but at is two to them. You can't let. You can't let the chick you cheating with know that she fuck better than your girl. You can't. Yeah, that's. That's true. You can't do that. And you can't let her, let your girl know that she fuck better than your girl. Can't do that. Cause your girl is your girl for reasons outside of just being fired. That's a fact. I love you.


Well, I mean, isn't the fact that you keep coming back a sign that she fucks extraordinarily well?


No. No.




The answer to that for me is no. That's enough.




I wish I could whistle like that. That would be my answer. Do you think that it is?


I think that it might be a strong indicator, yeah, but why, out of.


90 seconds, y'all shut the fuck up.


No, basically, like, repeat behavior, you know, would indicate that it's something that you find pleasure in. Right.


Did you stretch out the elbow? You were stretching. Did the elbow. Did you get the elbow? Imani? Imani. Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. Yeah. All right. Before you said that, I didn't see it from that point of view, but now I understand what you're saying.


Yeah. And so that might lead her to believe that she does, in fact, fuck better than your girlfriend.


You know why this is tough? You know why this is tough for? What's going on right now is. Cuz typically, mail is right. Repeated behavior would be an indicator of something. Just not in this instance. Right. Repeat behavior means absolutely zero. In this instance. I'll allow 30 seconds and we can move on. Fellas. You could just be convenient. It could just be something quick. Maintenance. You've accepted the role. I could come to your house, get a nut, jump in the shower and be gone. Low maintenance, low work, low effort, nothing. You old faithful, damn near door man.


I know, I know. It's the truth. I totally. I get it.


But there's a chance it could be fire, too. It could be true. Down as facts. Sometimes it's fire doormats. And that's the best door. Yes. Sorry. Wipe your feet on them every day. Get barefoot on that. Leave your shoes on it and everything looks good. Accentuates the room. Oh, shit. I got accent wall. Fire door man set this room off. Oh, shit. Y'all need to be arrested. Y'all are bad people. Distinguished cast. Any thoughts on Jake? Justin Timberlake being arrested in the Hamptons for a DUI. Driving under the influence of you.


Too old and rich for that shit.


Where small towns. A lot of drunk driving goes on in those little vacation towns.


I mean, I guess, but I mean, you're just.


He thought he was gonna get away. He was just going to get six. What are you talking about? Niggas are feel like they royalty and they gonna let them go. You know what I'm saying? You are custom in the Hamptons. That's a fucking five mile drive. Yeah, just pick up some bars of $35. I'm JT.


Yeah, well, he ran that risk and apparently the cop didn't give a solid fuck who JT is.




Sexy back.


That's his problem. Stop putting our music. You lose. You lose your luster. Just put out a album that was good too. In it. Yeah, but niggas ain't here. It was good. That album was good. It was up. Yo, there's been good albums this year. A lot of them, like, albums that won't just be in your rotation for a week. Like, there has been albums that you'll go back to and listen to. It's pretty good. I'm so maximum shit. I haven't got to fully. Yeah, yeah. Like, there's artists that I like that have put out albums. I haven't got to a fully because there's other shit that I would rather be listening. I'm really. That's why I haven't done a real deep dive on Vince Staples and Rhapsody. Yeah, that for me, those are the 2 hours that are on reserve for me to listen to when I'm using music. Yeah, I just been a little active, cuz. Summertime and hot niggers. Yeah, summertime and our type of music. Money bag got a new album out. Oh, I absolutely love it. Okay. No view. I didn't know if you heard it. Somehow he crept into my biome whenever he's there.


Yeah, he's not because of something on there. No, that, no, that Anderson park and knowledge album. That shit is fire. Fire. I didn't get to that yet. Fire. I'm enjoying that. Me too. Enjoying that a lot. Hey, we talking about music real quick, I want to shout my brother rs out. He just put album out Friday called whole album. No curses. Come on, man. It's literally. He just went curse free the entire album. It was something that he was having a conversation with my mom. My mother saved. He was just like, you know what? She's like, I can't play your music around on him. He's like, I'm gonna put an album out for you, and that's fine. But he's still talking that shit on. I mean, did it without cursing. That's dope. Female still working. I'm gonna say this shit again, too, because I said it last. Patreon. Yo, I think I might have watched that Victoria Monet video at least, like, a good 20 times. All right. Right? Like, she's so fucking. She on Mike. Janet Prince. Like, dope, anything. She bugging. I feel like I'm behind. Cause I wasn't really up on her music that early.


Now I'm catching up. She is so fucking dope. She might currently, right now, be my favorite artist to listen to. Yo, you're gonna be so fired when you learn about r and b. When you get into your arm. When you learn what r and b is, man, no stopping you. Wow. That's what we do. I was gonna hit him with a little. You and I, Joe Budden, Amani for the sleeper. Stop playing with us. They can. You say, I know Janet coming over here in three weeks, right? Oh, no, I'm going to. I'm going to try to see Janet for essence Fest. Okay. What is Janet DC spot now? Yeah, she comes. She's coming to New York in Jersey. But I want. I do want to see Janet. I thought you said Janet coming to the pod. I was about to say I need a haircut. Why? Oh, I want to go. Janet. Yeah. Might do a meet and greet in your eyes. You gonna do a meet and greet pit. Stupid dog. Yo, you're a fool, sir. We can bag Janet. Oh, what we think? What we think? This can't be. What I want to be silly like this, because he always gonna think the same ignorant shit that I think.


Y'all think we could bag Janet up? Fuck, no. I see. I 100% think they could get Janet Parks. Yeah. Y'all got her 100% Melissa Ford. Oh.


Get her on this couch.


Well, I mean, a couch.


A couch. You two. Yes.


She don't know y'all niggas is crazy.


Mm hmm.


Niggas was different. No, I seen it. She complain with us.


I'm not playing. I swear to God. All right, don't worry about it.


Slap it, flip it, rub it. Oh, no. Don't worry about it. We'll change that too. 2025. Is that. Yes. Joe fine. Is funner with s h. Joe. No, it's the funniest. You want to joke? You want to joke? I'm done. All right, bitches. You would never touch talking about some. You look at me you know I promise you. Hey, big mama. See, I could assure you I was not. He don't learn his lesson. I was not. No, I wasn't. Mama, you gonna go through this whole next few seasons? Fuck free from me, nigga. Ain't even putting you in a wet dream, bitch. Why these bitches? All right, all right, all right. Good show. Janet to be flipped, though. Keep playing with niggas and I might get some of that publishing, too. She had to. This type of 40 year old dick get some of the business. You know, Jenna's still in shape. She in better shape than y'all niggas. Jenna, how you niggas tap out? Quick? You fucking crazy? Have you seen Jenner on tour?


Wait, hold the fuck subject. You better change of being in shape. I see the scale. Hold on, hold on.


You talking to Nick? You talk, boy. Who the fuck you left laughing at? What? Hey, I'm in shape. I'm good. So why you tap out? Ran about six laps. I'm in better shape than you, nigga. Melissa's trying to. Melissa is trying to? No, but she's trying to segue us out of the fun. I want to snap on Amani some more.


Okay, keep going. I'll remember my place.


If the 69 goddess had your fucking legs in a pretzel, nigga. In a week, janitor to have you fucking in the hudson. Watch how you talk to me. Hold on. Who got me? What? No one got nothing. I'm doing the bending and flipping and throwing and copping out on a. No copping shit in a relationship. Please stop all the jokes. I have a girlfriend. I'm not single. Please don't mistake me for someone single. That's respect. You got a lot of respect. You got the most respectable. Look at me. Look at me. You got the highest respect. How long it been, vehicle? How long? Years. Yeah, Imani, years. Sucking her toes, my nigga. And males, that's for my. That's for my growth. Let it go. Mel Foot had you about to fucking sign up to work. Now Mel put had you at ups, Jen would have that nigga sitting at the dock of the bay like Otis. Oh, this fuck you talking about? Don't talk to me like that. Janet to get ass. Janet lucky I ain't looking to flip some. Yeah, Janet and Mel. Go ahead. Go ahead, go ahead. Y'all talking that high flute and shit.


Go ahead. Yeah, speak for yourself. Don't put that mud on me and ish, nigga, me and ish are fucking runner. What? Nothing. Today in 2024, that's fucked up. What? Nigga, black people don't need podcasts. Not at all. Not at all. All of this is foul. Yes. And somebody that fuck with Janet, listen to this. Oh, no. She gonna say, and they gonna send it right to her. Janet Jackson, if you listening, she not gonna see this part. Pull me on stage when you get to New York handcuffed. I do it. I do the thing. How do I get out of it? I'm gonna get clearance for my girl first. That little spinny wheel shit you want on the wheel? Pleasure principles. The whole catalog, nigga. Janet is having niggas tap out after song four. Janet is active, my nigga. Just tell me. It was a song a couple years ago. How old is Janet? 60. I don't know. She in better shape than us, though. I know that. You remember that song. You can't do 54. Oh, 58. She need life alert to fuck me. Yeah, she need that little life alert.


She's on a. What? Is she on a world tour right now?




Okay. She does not need, like, whatever tour she on.


She should get that little button. The one where you fall in the bathroom?




Listen, you see the one where you fall in the bathroom. We got. You gonna need one of them shits, Cole. We would get on top of her. Hey. We would get on top of her and pass the fuck out. If you think Janet Jackson came into my world and I'm not going to have no gummy berry juice, you out of your mother. I'm going to be bouncing. You think we ain't popping up here or you need a pill? It's Janet, nigga. We watch good times. I don't need no pill for no Janet. No. You said what? I don't need no pill for no Janet. No. I need an extra shake. All natural shape.


He's been talking about preparing.


About preparing for a marathon that lets you know he in shape. And be clear, we've known a whole bunch of girls that was in shape. And when that meat in them that shape changes. Talk to him. Ish. Talk to him. You got a girl, nigga back out of this. This ain't even about you. Why are you even talking to us about fucking Janet Jackson? I just want this to be realistic. Niggas got egos. I get it. Fuck Janet Jackson. In retirement. She'll never perform against. Cancel the tour. Janet Jackson come out doing pump it up at 58 years old. Crazy. Okay, stop playing with me, man. Y'all niggas put Janet Jackson head right between the fucking wolf stove and the viking whoever worked for Janet or no Janet, just please pass this along. No, don't pass it along to me. Cause then I gotta go talk to my lady. Listen, Janet acting like I would. Yeah, look, Janet, I need a little night pass. Oh, you're good. You're good. I think everybody grilled JJ. Yeah, I'm a lot of. You gonna get that back? I'm a lot of. Yo, we gotta do a Thursday. Fine.


My phone. No phone. And Gary and Carter. Damn, man. Shit crazy. All right, this is unhinged. Now, Janet Jackson, we love you. This is all jokes and games, but don't play with real niggas. Play with him on the ice. Play with Imani ice. I'll be seeing her essence. Because if Imani. If Imani was to mount you, you could get right up and go tour. Go to work. Ain't nothing popping mount. If Imani Mount, you can get right up. Get to singing all your best tunes. If I get. If I get the mountain. Yo, yo, Joe. Sit that out, Joe. What's the joint would she be doing french? Listen, y'all. French one. You niggas can't hold a candle to the energy that I'm gonna go ahead and put on those if I fuck Janet or she gonna tell me scream. That's a good one with the French. I heard that shit the other day. That was a good one right there, son. In French, nigga, we. We self destruction. Janet. Janet. Janet. Nigga, you shitting me. I work my way into the will. Fuck a utah. I'm a Jackson. No, nigga, you a Janet. Nigga. Take a first name.


All right. Fuck you talking about? That's funny. Y'all are great. You another one, too, nigga, you do notice. It would be so much. I wouldn't say to me, you better stop playing with niggas. You better stop playing with us. You'd be trying to be condescended and passive.


I was not.


You feel like Janet Jackson, the rock me age world.


And you feel like we absolutely rock your world? No.


You think we can't bag?


No. That's what I was saying, that you totally could. But she would rock the fuck out of your world. At 68, this woman is on a stage performing 2 hours a night on a world tour. Yes. She's rocking your fucking.


Nigga, I come here, perform 3 hours a day sitting down.


Sitting here with your Gucci out. These are your fucking gucci cutters.


You better keep them. Now, let me ask you a question. You think Janet Jackson gonna perform for 3 hours with me? Then at 58.




No. No. Switch the question. Do you think you can perform? No.


Nigga, you have a hard time getting off this couch.


The couch is 2ft tall.


Oh, my God.


What are you talking about? The bed. Ain't that. Never mind. Yes, it is. Not where she gonna put you. Who said? Janet. I'm a futurist. She ain't getting no bed. It better not be a high bed. I get my leverage. That bed is the right height off that ground.


You know, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay to admit that Janet Jackson would fuck the shit out of you. It's okay. And that you just lay there and take it. It is okay.


No, my thing is this. That. Let's say that's possibly true. Why are y'all getting off of some dancing? Do you know how many strippers these niggas in this room have popped? I've never popped. And the strippers be wet. No, not all of them. Nope, not all of them. No. Sexes aren't a bunch. I ain't date that many strippers anywhere. My exes. Oh, all right. I never had a. I never had a. I never had an ex as a stripper. Let him clean it up. Oh, he missed that. Let him do a weak run. Let them clean it up. She strip when she go to Philly. She don't strip out here. You right. I never see her do that in Queens. But when she get to Philly, that bitch is a monster. Shit. Yo, dancing. Y'all fucking crazy. I don't like y'all sleeping on me like when you have. I'm going crazy. Oh, shit. Fuck is wrong with you?


Like, I'm out of it.


I have Janice singing her fucking greatest hits. She might even change. Put mine. I missed your mud. I miss your mudge. Hey. I miss. Yo. I missed your so much. Fuck you talking about? Niggas not playing with us, nigga. They really do. JJ. All the way fucked up. I seen how JD had Janet. Nigga, what? You think I'm coming in here with what I just said? Yeah, look, get on your phone. What? I said you better get on your phone, boy. You better get on your phone. Why is it so unbelievable to think at y'all ages today and in y'all shape? And in y'all shape. Mm hmm. That y'all would have a hard time with a Janet Jackson. We ain't talking about the chick that work at fucking La Marina. We talking about a seasoned professional who's in shape, who is on tour right now. Why is it so hard to believe that you would have a hard time handling Janet Jackson this why? All her songs tell me how she act when she gets some fire up inside of her. She ain't never made a song saying, I'm fire. Nigga, get away from me.


Jane never made no song. What? Jane ever made no song. Rope album. What?


Thank you.


Fuck are you talking about?


Thank you.


So you want me to play off? Go to it. Go to the album. It's got a right here. I got it right? Let's pull it up. That's one of my favorite, Janet.


Fucking love that fucking album.


Janna gonna break that velvet road to come. Give a real. Niggas miss you, Joe. When I think of Joe when I think of Joe, I got. Y'all must think of Joe, dog. Pick any of the sex symbols from our life. I'm betting on Joe when they turn 62. What is he talking about? I'm not sleeping on Janet. But when Janet get 585-960-6162 I'm gonna put her in an emergency room. Fuck is you talking about? I don't know why you keep looking at me. I don't agree with nothing you niggas are saying. I'm not backing down from it. Cause you be giving out middle. I didn't mean to disrespect you like that. I feel like you disrespected me. Watch a fucking school, Janet. You lucky you listen to this shit, nigga. We are comparing. I'll pull up to where you at, nigga. Let me stop. I'm joking, I'm joking. Moving on, moving on, moving on. Is there anything else important or unimportant that we need to get to before we end this broadcast? I had a lot of fun with y'all today. Good energy. This was fun. Good energy. The ball moved around a lot. I don't have that.


I have to get to me and Ish will have our kidnapper conversation on Patreon.


We will. But I noticed when I walked in here, and I wasn't here on Friday, so I have to ask the question now. And I noticed that ish was eating swedish fish just about five minutes ago. So the scales are over there. Did you all get on the scales? Because time is a ticking, yo.


Listen to Rattan. Who you read? Listen to rat and reader number one. I got one fish from Imani, did I not goldfish? About two. One. It's like, two. Don't take a single swedish way on everything. I ate one.


He's supposed to have sworn off candy until. What is it August 1.


Is that.


What is that one?


That's not what I swore off, but that's okay. Okay. You just swore to. He says gonna lose his 30, didn't pub if you, for your question ish. Hasn't publicly stepped on the scale. We did it off camp. He did step on both, but we didn't do it on camera.


Oh, why did. Why. Why didn't we do this on camera? The bets on camera.


Oh, the cameras are rolling. You want to go grab the scales? And. I mean, we look at these three niggas.


And I was wondering why that there was two. Okay, so, one is digital, and one is analog.


Just. Yes, and make sure you take your shoes off to stuff out your wallet. We do have two scales. One digital, one analog, four ish. We just want it on record. Whatever he weighs for our bank, take your watch off by August. You want to be the official? Yeah, go ahead. Go ahead, Mel. This is for our bet. August 1 issue, lose 30 pounds. I think we're talking about from 255 to 225. But we need a official. We need to be official. What? It looked like big mail. He lost some weight. It was 255 the other day. So are we starting it from 250 or 250? A lot of water weight. 250. No, it's accurate. 251. That's 5250.7. Is 251.


All right.


And so that's what we saw from today. 251. That's what I'm saying. So, 255. So you start at 255. So, August 1, you'll be at 225.


No, but this is. This was in front of the camera. I'm sorry. Is when this is in front of the cameras. I'm gonna count.


No, no. I think you can try.


Get on the mic.


My question is, when you stepped on the scale, you said Friday. Stepped on the scale. Did you empty your pockets then? Cause you might have about five pounds right there. All right. I wasn't here, so. All right. All right. So, we got skinny face is getting Janet right about it. Mm hmm.




Keep talking.




All right. Now, can we put our own, like, guesses in and how much weight we think he'll lose by August 1? Like, he got 30 pounds. He's saying. Uh huh. I don't think that that's happening at all. So what are. We have no self control. You were just eating a little sweet. No mind. I wasn't eating nothing up there in terms of sweets. You have no self control. I got you bags of them shits up there. I eat a bag a day. I got you getting into, like, 242242, 241. I think gonna fluctuate. You're gonna go back and forth. All right. So he got you gonna lose some weight. At least. You got melting.


I got him losing about 15.


Yes. I just haven't losing bet. I got you getting about 230. No less than 235. All right. Can't win as a community. Yeah. We don't have no faith in each other. No. Because niggas be lying. That's why we can't win as a community. I'm going with a Normani record. This record is called 159, featuring Gunna. And it's fire. Like to hear it. Here we go. Whoa. Normani makes slaps. You just gotta know that she makes them. Cause they probably won't be marketed right. When I get too alone with? Don't talk too much just to get shame? When I get you? Don't talk too much just to be shit, I can tell you. Are you gonna like the things I do? Sissy camera, soccer list she met when it's high in the room fucking we made love to fucking shrooms like you said? I don't let you move, baby, help me, baby, baby, we may love on chemistry? Keep me tight again? It's hard to fight again? We can't hide again? We can't hide again? When I get too alone? Don't talk too much? Just do this shit. Don't do it. That's brand new music from Normani, featuring Gunna.


A record is called 159, available on dsps. And then your phone right this very second. Shout to Normani and shout the gunner. Man, all you Atlanta niggas told me that Gunnar was finished in Atlanta. It was over. He ratty. He won't have a career no more. I see. I think it'll do two of the biggest shows back to back in Atlanta I ever seen. And everybody had a blast out there. Also, while I'm on just highlighting shit, Monica McNutt ain't been back on first since that little debacle they had. For real. Wow. Told y'all. That's fucked up. She was on the day after and that was a wrap. That's fucked up. Grand opening, grand closing. All right. Shout out to Monica Minot. Yeah, for sure. Fuck. Where. What y'all got going on? All right, man. I'm going New York this time. This is new old music. Like, I've been on a fab kick where I've just been listening to fab mixed tapes and albums and shit and. Yeah. So my sleeper is for the family. It's fabulous. Don Q, Dave east. You ain't want to play the fab for the family with like, Joe Budden?


Nah, the other for the family. Oh, he redid our shit. Okay, that's fine. Took me off world premiere. Some niggas call shots, some call it fads. They say the ones close to push you when you want the edge. Grew up on the pissy mattress, never had a water bed screaming, fuck the border egg, too busy chasing corn of bread. Bathroom bagging up for an hour long to play it off, man, I had to turn the shower on. Coming out with baggies in the towel on. Only if Mama knew the type of shit that I was on. I don't really know. Hustlers doping coke, jugglers. You never get rich surrounded by brokers, customers. You gotta learn to maneuver through the tight spots. Dirty bike cops keep searching the nigga Nike socks. I had to switch the stash up cause they might watch everything down as a back. Soon as the dice drop, you get the strip jumping. Start off with six onions, I'm fence jumping before the dog come sniff something. Got a bunch of jail niggas talking on my sprint, fussing besides the money and bitches, you ain't miss nothin the love over power, the hate the drugs overpower the play I baby blue pot of the rape gold rolly a bunch of diamonds over crying the face never worried I win my jury in and out of the state road trips that fuck a foreign dumb palo is safe and if you seen it how I seen it, then you gotta relate, it's dumb uh, I was raised where it's colac.


The presidential was playing so gay froze that Oxycontin and Molly. I really sold that all black 380 this camera matching my bojack. You saying ain't no paper here? So where the coke at? Took a trip to Texas, brought lean back like Joe crack. Couldn't give my uncle no money cause he was smoked at the gram. Got him thirsty for pictures so they could post that 20 n crowd my section like where the hoes at? I meant Bertolt Goodman blowing his feature paper, showing up first ave knocking the needle baker Javachi t e for the eight border rock Walla crown fried whole dinner cost me like $5 in a zone playing the commission off a shine album. The shit they rapping bout be make believe outside pop eight degrees blunted off for a for green before the sour came, before niggas was drinking lean Ava wrecks leather some Nic Lee. I'm probably with a chick that looked like Amory zero. Four crocodile movies. I had the gators green. My cousin said we the best trafficking major keys before me was weapon dream chasers I tried to chase a dream Christian Dior cover my eyelids asked my nigga dawn who got the raw up in high bridge nothing to eat embarrassed to open my my fridge jiggling repeaters I think about it cannot learn look, I'm trying to grab a dame and dash get back on the freeway shorty went to Memphis brought it back up to BK hard knock life Bentley back to the PJ and feds ain't got a clue like they lacking a DJ rock chains round here they'll get you for real put that Mac to your beanie just to get to a meal see, I was young popping Chris underneath the big


homies rapping and trapping trying to do it bigs homie yeah, I put my bae on burks shit, I even bought a watch a little plain John first looked at Huz look that mind said, this ain't gonna work so I threw diamonds up in it like a J concert and told her hold it down and I just might base stamp you you been around since I was chopping up the yay samples fuck the streets all I want is state property and make sure I break off the niggas that hate properly and don't let them join me. Talk about the gemstones. We don't just blades. We blow them out of they timbos. They gonna whisper like keek the sneak. Depatik Philippe 730 freaky Zeke. But enough about the jewels. Every summer we jam on them. They take shots when you pulling out the lamb on them. Oh, you mad? No. I had the camera on them. Set a diplomat plates. Put a fam on them. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And that was for the family fabulous Don Quixote. Cue Dave east off a summertime shootout. Too tough. I'm going to the west. This is Jason Martin, formerly known as problem, DJ quick, and game.


Chupacabra has been called a dinosaur, a humanoid, a robot, and even the devil.


Itself, earning its name from its favorite prey, the goat sucker el Chupacabras stalks.


The countryside and cities alike.


Chupacabras are a popular folk legend, but.


Not everyone knows there are two different.


Versions of the monster. What? Too much down south, dick licking. Too many east coast niggas snitching doing they best need no rendition. Too many bitches is acting like ladies fusing fake thugs. But niggas, that's actually crazy. Oh, God. They going Hollywood. They going Lennox, you started about the blow or finish for this sentence ended just that feeling for that venom. Hit them compton quick. We finna get up shot the easy, we can't forget them, g four to the culling in few revenue streams coming in big in there. Call log phones tapped by the government. It's a different lifestyle. Don't confuse me with the mother men not near none of them, bro. I'll smother them on mamas and commas. Chachi plaque, y'all. Independently speaking if we seen each other instead of livestock, pretending we beefing Chachi plaque yellow independently speaking if we seen each other instead of livestock pretending we beefing 105 freeway car riding smooth as a sack sound I need a baker playing the background but still no time to relax now cause niggas is hungry it's 50 cent recording wangster and back down wild times niggas turn the gangster informants staying away from niggas that got more excuses than lawyers.


Hold on, let me break that down. Meaning you got more excuses than you actually have lawyers, you. Sometimes you gotta break it down for the slow, not them. Cut from the cloth. Reap what you sow, niggas. My ad lived like a negro spiritual. Some believe it is a freak of nature. Others are convinced it was a culmination of mass hysteria. But it's said to be a monster.


That doesn't normally hunt humans.


So why are we so afraid of it? From soul train lines to underground railroads, he ate his own flesh. To survive is what they gonna say when the tale's told. Survive, nigga. Survive by any means. The 45 is alive. It resides in many genes. Life from start to finish even though my soul's replenish I've been sipping Hennessy out of dirty glasses at the homies house down to the last drop I can accomplish anything long as my rag dripping like MJ's curl and Billie Jean I'm supposed to be a cancer can't remember how many pills I took mobbing down Willow brook twisting up my foot, little red riding the hood on God I had them niggas shook I can hear the voices of my ancestors mobbing with the homies down Manchester my attitude be like a negro spiritual New York niggas be like hot em cotton niggas lyrical chupacabra. Jason Martin, DJ Quick and the game. That was fine. Album is tough. Yeah, um, well, Imani talked up. I'm going to Victoria Monet. It is a song from the Star wars soundtrack called the power of two. Okay, dope, Star wars bread. Go ahead. Victoria and I think it's gonna be the good part.


Don't wanna feel at all big skin, big scars while I was telling to you you could straight to the truth. Tell me someone in the same. So all my pain is your bed. You thought your star was a necklace. That you could wear. Take off. That you could rip and break off. That you could trade in the dark with your mind. Can you feel the same? When you say you're the blame. I feel ashamed. And they call me your name. My work with myself is losing thought. I had a life with you. You know the power of two. Tell me where was your heart when you were pissing me apart. While I was telling to you. You could have. Straight to the truth. And the same. So all my pain is your pain. You thought your stone was a necklace. That you could wear and take off. That you could rip and break off. That you could trade in the dark. I feel the same. When they call me your name. Can you feel the same when they say you're the flame? I feel ashamed. It's a losing game. I feel the same when they call me your name.


Can you feel the same when they say you're the blame? Twin flame. I'm at home with myself. It's a losing game. Victoria Monet. The power of two. Victoria getting that Star wars bunny? I'm not mad at her. Fire. I was tough. What you got for us, Big Bell?


You know, just sit over there and eat whatever the fuck you're eating. Mind your motherfucker. Busy? Absolutely not. My song is be careful by Katrinada featuring Thundercat.


Because you're taking too long now you got my eyes in the tower. We're not gonna make it. You look so good. I think I'm gonna pass out. I think I'm breathing too hard. Not the sun, you. I only get dressed up for you. In the way that you walk. It will turn me on. Let me finish my dream and turn down the lights. I'm gonna give it to you. Me. Once we start with just making stuff for you. Be careful how you look at me. That is Kate, Renata and thundercat. Be careful. Love it. Sleeper. Kadim Nichols. Fire record called beautiful mess. As you pick yourself apart. Do you realize every mark, every flaw that you need. Makes you such a work of art. Cause you can be complex, difficult, strong will to fit for it. Nothing seems to change the way I feel. You try to hide your scars. But they make you who you are. And that's special to me. You're a beautiful mess. That's what makes you so perfect for me. My beautiful mouth. That's what makes you so great for me. No need to hide behind those filters, throwing it all in your pictures?


Can't you see you're a masterpiece? Even when the makeup gone? Baggy, sweats with sneakers on? No need to try? I wouldn't like you so don't change who you want? You could be comfy and sexy? Print up or messy, I don't care? Even if things change? I will make sure to love you the same? You're a beautiful man. That's me? So perfect for me. You're a beautiful man. So sad I found you so perfect for me? Beautiful.


Kadeem Nichols. A beautiful mess. Fire record, man. Fire artist. That was tough. Nah, that was a good little slap, man. I see what you're doing. That was fire. I didn't say that. Wow. Well, you said, I don't say, I see what you're doing. I'm not mad at y'all. Payola sleepers when they fire like Imani. Last two payola sleepers, I bought them shit, so not payola. The last three, they friends. The last three. Boy that he monitoring monitor. Imani got his eyes to the streets, they can pull up some fire. Unknown nigga's war. Now you killing that shit. Last three people are people that are really dope. Artists that are. I know. How much of a pub you got? I don't got no pub on. None of that. None at all. How much they pub you want? I don't want anything. Not noble. Not a word. Not us. Peace. Noble. Noble, man. Just great, great. People I've worked with helped me out before. Now pay it forward. Pay forward. Paying it forward. Putting the spotlight on them. Paying it forward ain't fun. And forward inside, that's more direction. You guys paying it forward like the gift of giving.


None of that is great pot. I would never do payola. Guys. The roller coaster is more fun in the merry go round. Do that what you want, man. Shut up and go ahead. At the end of the day, the day. Speaking of shit ending, man, real quick. I love that fucking saying, bro. Yo, man, if you are up and coming artist, hit at the only Emani music. I am Emani. No, I am hit all the mixes. That's like. So that's it right there. That's like Sony right there. Get over there. All right. And if you a lady looking for a plus one to curl fest at the Melissa Ford at Melissa Ford looking for a curlfest friend. And if you listening out there and you know Janet Jackson, don't hit me an itch, nigga. Don't hit me an itch. With someone to count on in a world. Let's go. Janice gonna see this clip. Yo, here I am. Stop. Well, what if it lead to somebody beating? Hey, salute. Just don't let her tap y'all out. That's all I say. Hey, Janet. Okay, don't look. Don't look any further, Janet. Don't look any further. All them white backup dancers.


I mean, fucking real niggas. Yeah, I mean, bring you right to that. Walgreens in the hood. Let everybody see us. History book.


Stop the fucking hate campaign. It does a lot.


Oh, talk your shit, man. There's a lot. Yo, keep us in your prayers. Lord knows you need to be there. And I'm playing on Mel for a good name. It would do a lot. Some of you niggas out there for the niggas that been around have been around.


He always finds a way.


Take Mel to a little store, get her some pork skins, some funyuns, some shit she gives, some shit she can't get for the birds.


Some grape drink.


Drink. Grape. Wait, what? You know. Wait, that was racist. Mel. Some grape drink.


Am I lying, though?


No, but it's still racist. That's racist. That was racist. Keep us in your prayers. And male. Cause you racist as hell. Lord knows we need to be there. Until the next time we beat. Bid you adieu. Farewell. Adios. Areva dirty. Asta lavista arvois. So long, goodbye or good head nod to suffice here and there. Remember, life is a series of moments, and moments pass. So let's make this one last as if it's all we have again. Rest in peace to cousin Earl. Rest in peace to Angela Beaufield. Last but certainly not least, the baddies are insecure, the stagnant women want to travel in a closed minded. Women want you to teach them things. Ladies, please bring sundresses back. Please, please bring sundresses back. Yo, I gotta go look up what that nigga be saying. Yo, this guy has Devito. Devito wrote that, right? You know who wrote this? No. The lady that told the story about Michael Jackson, the prince. She also wrote man in the Mirror. She's five. That's fire. JT had traces of molly poppers, truvada and coke in his bloodstream. Oh, yeah, he was in the Hampton. Wild anti HIV shit. Yeah, that's about.


Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait. Like prep or one of them shits.


You know the fuck is.


All right, I'm gonna turn the music off. Y'all are exposing people.


It's on, it's on. It's everywhere.


So that means it's all right for us to do it.


Well, it's everywhere.


Didn't say JT got adrive.


He said it.


Let me cut the music back. Yo, yo, hold it down, man. Everybody enjoy a beautiful, beautiful week. We got great weather. New York, hopefully, wherever you at, you have great weather as well. Shout to all the ladies out there. The doughboys, the scammers, all the happy couples and all the couples on the verge of breakup. Man, we love y'all. We'll be back. Same time, same place this weekend, something, South Carolina. I'll see y'all on Saturday, man. Doing it up for Earl. Aunt Katherine, get the greens ready. We there. Father. My dad. I don't know anybody. My dad. Don't look at it.