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Joe Rogan podcast. Check it out. The Joe Rogan experience. Train by day.


Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day.


Hello, Chad.




What's happening, man?


Nothing much.


Nice to meet you in person.


Yeah, likewise.


We were already chatting about how Google is totally listening to me. Confirmed. 100%. Cause your Google news feed is always, like, stuff that you're interested in. Pretty much. But I was having a conversation with my wife about purses, and she was explaining to me that certain purses, like, you can't just buy the purse. You have to develop a relationship with a store owner. Like what?


I don't get that. You think if you're trying to sell stuff, you'd want to sell it right when they came in.


Exactly. I don't get it. But, like, there's a thing that certain, like, posh people really love, and it's exclusivity.




They love it. I'm the only one that can get this watch. I'm the only one that can get this fucking purse or whatever it is. So anyway, all of a sudden, Google starts showing me purse things. They start showing me all this stuff about purses. I didn't. I didn't look anything up about purses. I just had a conversation with the phone sitting at the dinner table. That's crazy.


Yeah, it happens all the time in your feed. You're like, oh, my forearms are too small. Next thing you know, you got these flexi deals and the gorilla grip deal thingy that spins around.


There's no doubt it happens. There's 100% fuck.I know.We thought, again.Exactly.I wanted to go play golf. Fuck. Now I gotta take care of another kid. And this one's mad.Yeah.Because they got abandoned. They have all these issues now. They're confused.I gave my dad a lot of leeway. A lot. Just because of that. He stole my identity when I was in high school and ruined my credit.Yeah.And I was like, man, get raised by his fucking grandparents. I don't know.Yeah. Imagine dad being just, like, a straight up criminal.Oh, I don't have to imagine. My dad stole. Oh, God.Yeah. Wow.Absolutely. He helped me. He had me.Stole your identity? What am I thinking? He's only gonna do it once, only to his kid.Yeah, I got a. with. With. You gotta let people say things that are offensive. If you don't, then the only way to enforce that is totalitarianism. You start locking people in jail. I know you want people to be a better person. They should be encouraged to be better people, but you can't do that. You can't fucking force people to say things or not say things.I think he came on after this happened in 2016, right?He was on 35,000. He got paid. He's ordered to pay $35,000 in moral and punitive damages. But that's not as much as the guy in Vancouver. The guy in Vancouver. I think if I'm. If memory serves me, I think it was a lot more money. The guy in Vancouver, there was two lesbians heckling him at a show.22,500 for that one.Okay. I might have thought it was 225,000 or something. Either way, fuck you. Yes, fuck you.I was in Calgary one time. I was talking about the queen. Oh. And then the MC came up and he goes, fuck these Americans. They come here, they think we have a queen. Learn about the country you're coming to. And I was like, oh shit, I thought you had a queen. So I went to the public library, did all this research and there is a queen because there was a treaty and so she acts as the queen. So the next day I went up and he came up to bring me off stage and I go, hey, man, just stay here for a sec. And I read the treaty and I go, just so you know, I'm an american. But we. You do have a queen. And then I took a $20 bill out and licked it and stuck it to his forehead. And I go, she's on your fucking money, man. I just like, what a dick.It's hilarious. Well, some comedians are dicks and no lawsuit. That's awesome. Yeah, well, you were right. How are they gonna suit you for being right? Fucking idiots. But it's like that thing of like, you try, you know, you try to set up society where you prevent people from being mean. But the problem is people are gonna be mean. And the only way to prevent people from being mean is to really ostracize people who are meant to and then have everybody else learn from that and like, learn from the way you talk about these people that are mean. And then we all kind of grow together. You can't have laws that enforce your opinion of what someone can or cannot be allowed to say because then you never get that guy's joke. Your friend, right? Sick, cuz I'm fucking my sister. Yeah, you don't get that.Yeah, right.You don't get that joke because it's. That's illegal. So like, then you don't get funsies because that's just funsies. He didn't really fuck anybody. It's a joke. You know, Bob Marley didn't shoot any sheriffs. It's just fun. It's a fun thing to say.Yeah. When I was in 7th grade, if you talked in the history class, they made you take a pacifier and sit there like you were a baby.Oh, that's hilarious.They were like, I told you to shut up. Now you have to suck on this pacifier. And there's no fucking way you'd be able to do that now. But guess what? Everybody shut up. That had the pacifier.I got paddled. I got paddled. In Florida. I got in a fight with this kid, Preston Banks. Me and his kid, we got in a scrap and we both got brought to the principal's office, and we got paddled. Well, they whacked me in the ass with a fucking cricket racket, this fucking thing. They slap you one shot in the ass, like. And like, no, no, just please take the hint.Well, if you talk shit to Siri, Siri gets upset. Like, if you ask, like, you get rude with Siri. Siri, there's no reason to talk like that.Why are you talking to me?Siri. Siri has like that. We're, you know, maybe a month away from that being implemented completely on your iPhone. Right. Isn't the new iPhone 18. IOS 18, doesn't that have, like, a much more advanced siri that'll have conversations with you?We'll find out when we get to use it. That's for sure.Well, you could use it right now, right? Can't use the beta if you wanted to. If you wanted to get crazy, would.Not assume that it works perfectly. But, yeah, it might.I don't know. I bet by the time they're letting people try the beta, it's probably pretty good. I think. Marcus Brownlee just released a video where he was examining iOS 18. The pros and cons of it, the things that it can do. It can make text messages with a satellite now. So if you're in a place that has no service, you can send out a text message via satellite. Not just an sO's, but, like, you could send a specific text to people.Can also make people very lonely because you're gonna be talking to this robot.Yeah, that's gonna be weird. It's like the movie her.Oh, yeah.Yeah. It's. That's 1100% gonna happen. And by the way, Scarlett Johansson, she sued. Was it. Which one? Was it chat GPG? Yeah. Or was it Gemini?She actually went through with it, but, yeah, she was open AI the company.Okay. So they were asking her if they could use her voice, and she said no. And they used a voice that's exactly like her voice. Not exactly. Pretty close. Close enough. Close enough where she decided she was gonna sue.Is it her, like, other clips?What's her from? No, it's another person.Okay.But her contention is they got a person to sound like her, which people sued for before. Right? Like, didn't Karl Kim Kardashian sue because they had a Kim Kardashian look alike did a commercial when Kim wouldn't do it.Oh, interesting.Yeah. So if, like, you won't do something, they can get someone who looks super similar to you to do it, and then they'll go, fuck you, I'm suing you.People were sending me a car commercial for a while that I had to listen to it twice because the only way he gets any support is if he does that other stuff, too. Like, you got to understand about Trump. He was a life dawn. Lifelong Democrat. Yeah, lifelong. Which is so weird, wasn't it, when.He was starting to run for president? Wasn't he still, like, wasn't he, when he started talking about it?I believe.Still a Democrat.Yes, I believe so. Well, he had a very close relationship to the Clintons, to the point where he paid them to come to his wedding or his daughter's wedding or one of those things. Like, you would pay them and they would come to weddings and events, and he would go to events. You know, that was, like, the famous thing that was at the White House correspondence center. You remember that? The White House press correspondents dinner was always supposed to be this thing where comedians would do it, and they were like, michelle Wolf did it one year. Crushed it.I remember she crushed it so hard.And they would go up and they would. Trump was, by the way, the first guy to not do it. Like, you never make fun of me, which is kind of a pussy move. But every other president got roasted. And one time during the White House press correspondence thing, Obama went on stage and he roasted Trump. And one of the lines he said to Trump, he said, I'm one thing that you'll never be, which is the president of the United States. Because this is when Trump was trying to claim that Obama's from Kenya. Do you remember that? The birther stuff, which is wild. That stuff was wild. You know, he was like. Like, saying he knows for sure that Obama came from Kenya. And then there's people that were, like, examining photoshops of the birth certificate. It was a crazy conspiracy. And that was, you know, he was roasting Trump in the audience. And you could see Trump in his head going, okay, I'm gonna fucking run now. Like, that might have been the thing that got him to run, like, legitimately. That's how crazy that guy is. That one moment where Obama was talking shit to him might be the reason why Trump was like, uh huh.I'll fucking show you. Because you do not want that fucking guy on your bad side.Well, this is the first time I've ever meant this, but thanks, Obama.Whoops. What a crazy turn of it again. Seems like it's written. Seems like a script, seems like a simulation.That shit really does.It really does. So much of it really does. So much of life really feels like a simulation. And the thing about the. This Trump stuff and just all of the. This stuff that's happening with social media and AI, the guy who's at the helm of one of the biggest social media networks in the world is Elon Musk. Elon Musk said that the odds of us not being in the simulation are in the billions. He believes wholeheartedly that we're in a simulation. See if you can find him saying that. Because it's such a nutty quote. Because when someone says that, you go, oh, yeah, maybe. But when Elon Musk says that, and he says it definitively, he says it, like, with pure confidence. And he's no hyperbole. He's just stating it like, this is something I've analyzed. This is something I've thought about for a long time.Yeah, but he also made that cyber truck.Do you like it or not?I just. It's. It looks like you can't be penetrated with a bullet.You can't be penetrated with a bullet. And they're fun to drive. You ever driven one?I've driven a Tesla. Normal. But this is different.Same thing. It defies time. Doesn't make sense. It goes so fast for something that's so big and it's bulletproof. It's like. It's crazy, but it's the kind of thing that you would make if you're that guy, like, let's make a fucking steel truck that's bulletproof.Yeah.Simulation here is. Do you entertain that? Well, the argument for the simulation, I.Think, is quite strong, because if you.Assume any improvement at all over time.Any improvement, 1%, 0.1%. Just extend the time frame, make it a thousand years. A million years. The universe is 13.8 billion years old. What would civilization, if you imaging of this thing, it looks like a yin and yang, like, exactly. like him, talking like him a little bit.Oh, yeah, Dave. It tells the worst with that. People start talking like a towel. It becomes so contagious because he's so good and he's so infectious. Like, it's like whatever he's doing is like you're infected with his. His cadences, his timing, especially when you're young.Starting out, Hedberg got so famous, and I was so young and impressionable that we were out eating one time, and he has a joke about, you know what? My friend said, you know what? I like mashed potatoes. Come on, man, you got to give me time to guess. That's a joke. And I was the mashed potatoes guy, and I used it as a fucking intro because everybody knew who Hedberg was. So when I didn't have any credits, I was like, hey, I'm part of his act.Oh, that's ridiculous. That's hilarious. That's you. That's funny. Yeah, he's another one we lost.Yep. That's been a long time too. Doesn't even seem like it. That's the one thing about losing comics, is you can. You can see them still online. You can watch them and all this shit. So they're kind of there forever.I see norm clips every day. Yeah, every day. Some new funny norm clip.Yeah, I just saw a norm clip when he was on SNL about Madonna having a baby. And he goes, Madonna just had a baby. Seven pounds, 6oz, which makes it the fourth largest object to pass through her vagina. He was just fucking fearless, man.Yeah, he was a wild fella. He was a wild fella. Such a fun guy, you know, and the way he died is pretty gangster. Had cancer. Didn't tell anybody.Yep.Went up to Canada to die.Yeah. So, yeah, going into the woods, didn't.Tell anybody, which is crazy. Even his best friends, like I'm. I'm friends with his literal best friend. Didn't know. Didn't know till was over. Yeah, they were making plans. Making plans to do stuff. Yeah. Yeah.Well, I suppose he didn't know how long, probably, I guess.Yeah. I believe he had pancreatic cancer, which is a really, really rough one. Is that the one he had? It kills a lot of people.I think they just found something with a protein that causes it. So they're talking like it's the big killer and so they're talking. Maybe they figured one of them out.Yeah, I saw that. I hope that's true. Leukemia. Oh, was Hicks. Hicks had pancreatic cancer. Yeah. That's a rough one. Yeah, he's another one. Imagine that guy was still alive. I mean, he died. He's like 35, something like that. He was young.Yeah. And he had, he had such a body of work.I don't even think he's 35.And you go, see, I think.And now I'm thinking about. I think Hicks was like 32 or 33 when he died.That's unbelievable. I think about what I was doing. 32, 32.Nuts. Nuts. And it changed everybody's comedy. Everybody's like, jesus. They all wanted to be like hicks.Mm hmm.So much so that the back green room of the punchline, Atlanta, Georgia. Somebody wrote in the green room, quit trying to be hicks. It's like, yeah, every time I'd go there, like, yes. So many people wanted to be like, even Richard. Jenny said that to me. He saw him and he said, every time I see him, like, God, we doing more stuff like that. Like, it was so profound for the time. Like, to have a guy talking like that, the way he's explaining things as well as making them funny, it was so different.But if you're Richard, Jenny, and you want to be in movies, being Bill Hicks isn't the way to get there.Yeah. You know, it's just that thing that hits you when you watch someone like, fuck. Yeah. You know that feeling, God, I want to be doing that kind of stuff.Yeah.You know, but he wasn't that guy. He was just a silly joke after joke after joke guy, which was amazing. But for whatever reason, we put so much weight on profundity.Well, yeah. People that are making a point. Socially relevant.Mm hmm.You know, you think I don't want to tell these fucking stories anymore, right?Especially if you can do it. You can make a point, and it's very funny.Yeah.Like, it's an undeniable. Burr is great at that. Makes an undeniable point. That's very funny. Yeah, that's the fun part.Trying to figure it out.Yeah, the fun part. Well, listen, man, it's been great to get to know you, talk to you.Well, thanks for having me in.My pleasure. I appreciate it. A lot of fun. Tell everybody where they can get ahold of you. Your social media website, everything you got coming up.Social media is VAT. Chad Daniels on most spots, and then for tour dates. And then special on Netflix called Empty Nester.Beautiful.Check it out.It's out now.It's out today while we're recording.Oh, beautiful. Beautiful. You want to come down the club tonight? That I would love to. Let's go.Okay, cool.Let's go. All right.Okay.All right. Bye, everybody.




I know.


We thought, again.




I wanted to go play golf. Fuck. Now I gotta take care of another kid. And this one's mad.




Because they got abandoned. They have all these issues now. They're confused.


I gave my dad a lot of leeway. A lot. Just because of that. He stole my identity when I was in high school and ruined my credit.




And I was like, man, get raised by his fucking grandparents. I don't know.


Yeah. Imagine dad being just, like, a straight up criminal.


Oh, I don't have to imagine. My dad stole. Oh, God.


Yeah. Wow.


Absolutely. He helped me. He had me.


Stole your identity? What am I thinking? He's only gonna do it once, only to his kid.


Yeah, I got a. with. With. You gotta let people say things that are offensive. If you don't, then the only way to enforce that is totalitarianism. You start locking people in jail. I know you want people to be a better person. They should be encouraged to be better people, but you can't do that. You can't fucking force people to say things or not say things.I think he came on after this happened in 2016, right?He was on 35,000. He got paid. He's ordered to pay $35,000 in moral and punitive damages. But that's not as much as the guy in Vancouver. The guy in Vancouver. I think if I'm. If memory serves me, I think it was a lot more money. The guy in Vancouver, there was two lesbians heckling him at a show.22,500 for that one.Okay. I might have thought it was 225,000 or something. Either way, fuck you. Yes, fuck you.I was in Calgary one time. I was talking about the queen. Oh. And then the MC came up and he goes, fuck these Americans. They come here, they think we have a queen. Learn about the country you're coming to. And I was like, oh shit, I thought you had a queen. So I went to the public library, did all this research and there is a queen because there was a treaty and so she acts as the queen. So the next day I went up and he came up to bring me off stage and I go, hey, man, just stay here for a sec. And I read the treaty and I go, just so you know, I'm an american. But we. You do have a queen. And then I took a $20 bill out and licked it and stuck it to his forehead. And I go, she's on your fucking money, man. I just like, what a dick.It's hilarious. Well, some comedians are dicks and no lawsuit. That's awesome. Yeah, well, you were right. How are they gonna suit you for being right? Fucking idiots. But it's like that thing of like, you try, you know, you try to set up society where you prevent people from being mean. But the problem is people are gonna be mean. And the only way to prevent people from being mean is to really ostracize people who are meant to and then have everybody else learn from that and like, learn from the way you talk about these people that are mean. And then we all kind of grow together. You can't have laws that enforce your opinion of what someone can or cannot be allowed to say because then you never get that guy's joke. Your friend, right? Sick, cuz I'm fucking my sister. Yeah, you don't get that.Yeah, right.You don't get that joke because it's. That's illegal. So like, then you don't get funsies because that's just funsies. He didn't really fuck anybody. It's a joke. You know, Bob Marley didn't shoot any sheriffs. It's just fun. It's a fun thing to say.Yeah. When I was in 7th grade, if you talked in the history class, they made you take a pacifier and sit there like you were a baby.Oh, that's hilarious.They were like, I told you to shut up. Now you have to suck on this pacifier. And there's no fucking way you'd be able to do that now. But guess what? Everybody shut up. That had the pacifier.I got paddled. I got paddled. In Florida. I got in a fight with this kid, Preston Banks. Me and his kid, we got in a scrap and we both got brought to the principal's office, and we got paddled. Well, they whacked me in the ass with a fucking cricket racket, this fucking thing. They slap you one shot in the ass, like. And like, no, no, just please take the hint.Well, if you talk shit to Siri, Siri gets upset. Like, if you ask, like, you get rude with Siri. Siri, there's no reason to talk like that.Why are you talking to me?Siri. Siri has like that. We're, you know, maybe a month away from that being implemented completely on your iPhone. Right. Isn't the new iPhone 18. IOS 18, doesn't that have, like, a much more advanced siri that'll have conversations with you?We'll find out when we get to use it. That's for sure.Well, you could use it right now, right? Can't use the beta if you wanted to. If you wanted to get crazy, would.Not assume that it works perfectly. But, yeah, it might.I don't know. I bet by the time they're letting people try the beta, it's probably pretty good. I think. Marcus Brownlee just released a video where he was examining iOS 18. The pros and cons of it, the things that it can do. It can make text messages with a satellite now. So if you're in a place that has no service, you can send out a text message via satellite. Not just an sO's, but, like, you could send a specific text to people.Can also make people very lonely because you're gonna be talking to this robot.Yeah, that's gonna be weird. It's like the movie her.Oh, yeah.Yeah. It's. That's 1100% gonna happen. And by the way, Scarlett Johansson, she sued. Was it. Which one? Was it chat GPG? Yeah. Or was it Gemini?She actually went through with it, but, yeah, she was open AI the company.Okay. So they were asking her if they could use her voice, and she said no. And they used a voice that's exactly like her voice. Not exactly. Pretty close. Close enough. Close enough where she decided she was gonna sue.Is it her, like, other clips?What's her from? No, it's another person.Okay.But her contention is they got a person to sound like her, which people sued for before. Right? Like, didn't Karl Kim Kardashian sue because they had a Kim Kardashian look alike did a commercial when Kim wouldn't do it.Oh, interesting.Yeah. So if, like, you won't do something, they can get someone who looks super similar to you to do it, and then they'll go, fuck you, I'm suing you.People were sending me a car commercial for a while that I had to listen to it twice because the only way he gets any support is if he does that other stuff, too. Like, you got to understand about Trump. He was a life dawn. Lifelong Democrat. Yeah, lifelong. Which is so weird, wasn't it, when.He was starting to run for president? Wasn't he still, like, wasn't he, when he started talking about it?I believe.Still a Democrat.Yes, I believe so. Well, he had a very close relationship to the Clintons, to the point where he paid them to come to his wedding or his daughter's wedding or one of those things. Like, you would pay them and they would come to weddings and events, and he would go to events. You know, that was, like, the famous thing that was at the White House correspondence center. You remember that? The White House press correspondents dinner was always supposed to be this thing where comedians would do it, and they were like, michelle Wolf did it one year. Crushed it.I remember she crushed it so hard.And they would go up and they would. Trump was, by the way, the first guy to not do it. Like, you never make fun of me, which is kind of a pussy move. But every other president got roasted. And one time during the White House press correspondence thing, Obama went on stage and he roasted Trump. And one of the lines he said to Trump, he said, I'm one thing that you'll never be, which is the president of the United States. Because this is when Trump was trying to claim that Obama's from Kenya. Do you remember that? The birther stuff, which is wild. That stuff was wild. You know, he was like. Like, saying he knows for sure that Obama came from Kenya. And then there's people that were, like, examining photoshops of the birth certificate. It was a crazy conspiracy. And that was, you know, he was roasting Trump in the audience. And you could see Trump in his head going, okay, I'm gonna fucking run now. Like, that might have been the thing that got him to run, like, legitimately. That's how crazy that guy is. That one moment where Obama was talking shit to him might be the reason why Trump was like, uh huh.I'll fucking show you. Because you do not want that fucking guy on your bad side.Well, this is the first time I've ever meant this, but thanks, Obama.Whoops. What a crazy turn of it again. Seems like it's written. Seems like a script, seems like a simulation.That shit really does.It really does. So much of it really does. So much of life really feels like a simulation. And the thing about the. This Trump stuff and just all of the. This stuff that's happening with social media and AI, the guy who's at the helm of one of the biggest social media networks in the world is Elon Musk. Elon Musk said that the odds of us not being in the simulation are in the billions. He believes wholeheartedly that we're in a simulation. See if you can find him saying that. Because it's such a nutty quote. Because when someone says that, you go, oh, yeah, maybe. But when Elon Musk says that, and he says it definitively, he says it, like, with pure confidence. And he's no hyperbole. He's just stating it like, this is something I've analyzed. This is something I've thought about for a long time.Yeah, but he also made that cyber truck.Do you like it or not?I just. It's. It looks like you can't be penetrated with a bullet.You can't be penetrated with a bullet. And they're fun to drive. You ever driven one?I've driven a Tesla. Normal. But this is different.Same thing. It defies time. Doesn't make sense. It goes so fast for something that's so big and it's bulletproof. It's like. It's crazy, but it's the kind of thing that you would make if you're that guy, like, let's make a fucking steel truck that's bulletproof.Yeah.Simulation here is. Do you entertain that? Well, the argument for the simulation, I.Think, is quite strong, because if you.Assume any improvement at all over time.Any improvement, 1%, 0.1%. Just extend the time frame, make it a thousand years. A million years. The universe is 13.8 billion years old. What would civilization, if you imaging of this thing, it looks like a yin and yang, like, exactly. like him, talking like him a little bit.Oh, yeah, Dave. It tells the worst with that. People start talking like a towel. It becomes so contagious because he's so good and he's so infectious. Like, it's like whatever he's doing is like you're infected with his. His cadences, his timing, especially when you're young.Starting out, Hedberg got so famous, and I was so young and impressionable that we were out eating one time, and he has a joke about, you know what? My friend said, you know what? I like mashed potatoes. Come on, man, you got to give me time to guess. That's a joke. And I was the mashed potatoes guy, and I used it as a fucking intro because everybody knew who Hedberg was. So when I didn't have any credits, I was like, hey, I'm part of his act.Oh, that's ridiculous. That's hilarious. That's you. That's funny. Yeah, he's another one we lost.Yep. That's been a long time too. Doesn't even seem like it. That's the one thing about losing comics, is you can. You can see them still online. You can watch them and all this shit. So they're kind of there forever.I see norm clips every day. Yeah, every day. Some new funny norm clip.Yeah, I just saw a norm clip when he was on SNL about Madonna having a baby. And he goes, Madonna just had a baby. Seven pounds, 6oz, which makes it the fourth largest object to pass through her vagina. He was just fucking fearless, man.Yeah, he was a wild fella. He was a wild fella. Such a fun guy, you know, and the way he died is pretty gangster. Had cancer. Didn't tell anybody.Yep.Went up to Canada to die.Yeah. So, yeah, going into the woods, didn't.Tell anybody, which is crazy. Even his best friends, like I'm. I'm friends with his literal best friend. Didn't know. Didn't know till was over. Yeah, they were making plans. Making plans to do stuff. Yeah. Yeah.Well, I suppose he didn't know how long, probably, I guess.Yeah. I believe he had pancreatic cancer, which is a really, really rough one. Is that the one he had? It kills a lot of people.I think they just found something with a protein that causes it. So they're talking like it's the big killer and so they're talking. Maybe they figured one of them out.Yeah, I saw that. I hope that's true. Leukemia. Oh, was Hicks. Hicks had pancreatic cancer. Yeah. That's a rough one. Yeah, he's another one. Imagine that guy was still alive. I mean, he died. He's like 35, something like that. He was young.Yeah. And he had, he had such a body of work.I don't even think he's 35.And you go, see, I think.And now I'm thinking about. I think Hicks was like 32 or 33 when he died.That's unbelievable. I think about what I was doing. 32, 32.Nuts. Nuts. And it changed everybody's comedy. Everybody's like, jesus. They all wanted to be like hicks.Mm hmm.So much so that the back green room of the punchline, Atlanta, Georgia. Somebody wrote in the green room, quit trying to be hicks. It's like, yeah, every time I'd go there, like, yes. So many people wanted to be like, even Richard. Jenny said that to me. He saw him and he said, every time I see him, like, God, we doing more stuff like that. Like, it was so profound for the time. Like, to have a guy talking like that, the way he's explaining things as well as making them funny, it was so different.But if you're Richard, Jenny, and you want to be in movies, being Bill Hicks isn't the way to get there.Yeah. You know, it's just that thing that hits you when you watch someone like, fuck. Yeah. You know that feeling, God, I want to be doing that kind of stuff.Yeah.You know, but he wasn't that guy. He was just a silly joke after joke after joke guy, which was amazing. But for whatever reason, we put so much weight on profundity.Well, yeah. People that are making a point. Socially relevant.Mm hmm.You know, you think I don't want to tell these fucking stories anymore, right?Especially if you can do it. You can make a point, and it's very funny.Yeah.Like, it's an undeniable. Burr is great at that. Makes an undeniable point. That's very funny. Yeah, that's the fun part.Trying to figure it out.Yeah, the fun part. Well, listen, man, it's been great to get to know you, talk to you.Well, thanks for having me in.My pleasure. I appreciate it. A lot of fun. Tell everybody where they can get ahold of you. Your social media website, everything you got coming up.Social media is VAT. Chad Daniels on most spots, and then for tour dates. And then special on Netflix called Empty Nester.Beautiful.Check it out.It's out now.It's out today while we're recording.Oh, beautiful. Beautiful. You want to come down the club tonight? That I would love to. Let's go.Okay, cool.Let's go. All right.Okay.All right. Bye, everybody.


with. With. You gotta let people say things that are offensive. If you don't, then the only way to enforce that is totalitarianism. You start locking people in jail. I know you want people to be a better person. They should be encouraged to be better people, but you can't do that. You can't fucking force people to say things or not say things.


I think he came on after this happened in 2016, right?


He was on 35,000. He got paid. He's ordered to pay $35,000 in moral and punitive damages. But that's not as much as the guy in Vancouver. The guy in Vancouver. I think if I'm. If memory serves me, I think it was a lot more money. The guy in Vancouver, there was two lesbians heckling him at a show.


22,500 for that one.


Okay. I might have thought it was 225,000 or something. Either way, fuck you. Yes, fuck you.


I was in Calgary one time. I was talking about the queen. Oh. And then the MC came up and he goes, fuck these Americans. They come here, they think we have a queen. Learn about the country you're coming to. And I was like, oh shit, I thought you had a queen. So I went to the public library, did all this research and there is a queen because there was a treaty and so she acts as the queen. So the next day I went up and he came up to bring me off stage and I go, hey, man, just stay here for a sec. And I read the treaty and I go, just so you know, I'm an american. But we. You do have a queen. And then I took a $20 bill out and licked it and stuck it to his forehead. And I go, she's on your fucking money, man. I just like, what a dick.


It's hilarious. Well, some comedians are dicks and no lawsuit. That's awesome. Yeah, well, you were right. How are they gonna suit you for being right? Fucking idiots. But it's like that thing of like, you try, you know, you try to set up society where you prevent people from being mean. But the problem is people are gonna be mean. And the only way to prevent people from being mean is to really ostracize people who are meant to and then have everybody else learn from that and like, learn from the way you talk about these people that are mean. And then we all kind of grow together. You can't have laws that enforce your opinion of what someone can or cannot be allowed to say because then you never get that guy's joke. Your friend, right? Sick, cuz I'm fucking my sister. Yeah, you don't get that.


Yeah, right.


You don't get that joke because it's. That's illegal. So like, then you don't get funsies because that's just funsies. He didn't really fuck anybody. It's a joke. You know, Bob Marley didn't shoot any sheriffs. It's just fun. It's a fun thing to say.


Yeah. When I was in 7th grade, if you talked in the history class, they made you take a pacifier and sit there like you were a baby.


Oh, that's hilarious.


They were like, I told you to shut up. Now you have to suck on this pacifier. And there's no fucking way you'd be able to do that now. But guess what? Everybody shut up. That had the pacifier.


I got paddled. I got paddled. In Florida. I got in a fight with this kid, Preston Banks. Me and his kid, we got in a scrap and we both got brought to the principal's office, and we got paddled. Well, they whacked me in the ass with a fucking cricket racket, this fucking thing. They slap you one shot in the ass, like. And like, no, no, just please take the hint.Well, if you talk shit to Siri, Siri gets upset. Like, if you ask, like, you get rude with Siri. Siri, there's no reason to talk like that.Why are you talking to me?Siri. Siri has like that. We're, you know, maybe a month away from that being implemented completely on your iPhone. Right. Isn't the new iPhone 18. IOS 18, doesn't that have, like, a much more advanced siri that'll have conversations with you?We'll find out when we get to use it. That's for sure.Well, you could use it right now, right? Can't use the beta if you wanted to. If you wanted to get crazy, would.Not assume that it works perfectly. But, yeah, it might.I don't know. I bet by the time they're letting people try the beta, it's probably pretty good. I think. Marcus Brownlee just released a video where he was examining iOS 18. The pros and cons of it, the things that it can do. It can make text messages with a satellite now. So if you're in a place that has no service, you can send out a text message via satellite. Not just an sO's, but, like, you could send a specific text to people.Can also make people very lonely because you're gonna be talking to this robot.Yeah, that's gonna be weird. It's like the movie her.Oh, yeah.Yeah. It's. That's 1100% gonna happen. And by the way, Scarlett Johansson, she sued. Was it. Which one? Was it chat GPG? Yeah. Or was it Gemini?She actually went through with it, but, yeah, she was open AI the company.Okay. So they were asking her if they could use her voice, and she said no. And they used a voice that's exactly like her voice. Not exactly. Pretty close. Close enough. Close enough where she decided she was gonna sue.Is it her, like, other clips?What's her from? No, it's another person.Okay.But her contention is they got a person to sound like her, which people sued for before. Right? Like, didn't Karl Kim Kardashian sue because they had a Kim Kardashian look alike did a commercial when Kim wouldn't do it.Oh, interesting.Yeah. So if, like, you won't do something, they can get someone who looks super similar to you to do it, and then they'll go, fuck you, I'm suing you.People were sending me a car commercial for a while that I had to listen to it twice because the only way he gets any support is if he does that other stuff, too. Like, you got to understand about Trump. He was a life dawn. Lifelong Democrat. Yeah, lifelong. Which is so weird, wasn't it, when.He was starting to run for president? Wasn't he still, like, wasn't he, when he started talking about it?I believe.Still a Democrat.Yes, I believe so. Well, he had a very close relationship to the Clintons, to the point where he paid them to come to his wedding or his daughter's wedding or one of those things. Like, you would pay them and they would come to weddings and events, and he would go to events. You know, that was, like, the famous thing that was at the White House correspondence center. You remember that? The White House press correspondents dinner was always supposed to be this thing where comedians would do it, and they were like, michelle Wolf did it one year. Crushed it.I remember she crushed it so hard.And they would go up and they would. Trump was, by the way, the first guy to not do it. Like, you never make fun of me, which is kind of a pussy move. But every other president got roasted. And one time during the White House press correspondence thing, Obama went on stage and he roasted Trump. And one of the lines he said to Trump, he said, I'm one thing that you'll never be, which is the president of the United States. Because this is when Trump was trying to claim that Obama's from Kenya. Do you remember that? The birther stuff, which is wild. That stuff was wild. You know, he was like. Like, saying he knows for sure that Obama came from Kenya. And then there's people that were, like, examining photoshops of the birth certificate. It was a crazy conspiracy. And that was, you know, he was roasting Trump in the audience. And you could see Trump in his head going, okay, I'm gonna fucking run now. Like, that might have been the thing that got him to run, like, legitimately. That's how crazy that guy is. That one moment where Obama was talking shit to him might be the reason why Trump was like, uh huh.I'll fucking show you. Because you do not want that fucking guy on your bad side.Well, this is the first time I've ever meant this, but thanks, Obama.Whoops. What a crazy turn of it again. Seems like it's written. Seems like a script, seems like a simulation.That shit really does.It really does. So much of it really does. So much of life really feels like a simulation. And the thing about the. This Trump stuff and just all of the. This stuff that's happening with social media and AI, the guy who's at the helm of one of the biggest social media networks in the world is Elon Musk. Elon Musk said that the odds of us not being in the simulation are in the billions. He believes wholeheartedly that we're in a simulation. See if you can find him saying that. Because it's such a nutty quote. Because when someone says that, you go, oh, yeah, maybe. But when Elon Musk says that, and he says it definitively, he says it, like, with pure confidence. And he's no hyperbole. He's just stating it like, this is something I've analyzed. This is something I've thought about for a long time.Yeah, but he also made that cyber truck.Do you like it or not?I just. It's. It looks like you can't be penetrated with a bullet.You can't be penetrated with a bullet. And they're fun to drive. You ever driven one?I've driven a Tesla. Normal. But this is different.Same thing. It defies time. Doesn't make sense. It goes so fast for something that's so big and it's bulletproof. It's like. It's crazy, but it's the kind of thing that you would make if you're that guy, like, let's make a fucking steel truck that's bulletproof.Yeah.Simulation here is. Do you entertain that? Well, the argument for the simulation, I.Think, is quite strong, because if you.Assume any improvement at all over time.Any improvement, 1%, 0.1%. Just extend the time frame, make it a thousand years. A million years. The universe is 13.8 billion years old. What would civilization, if you imaging of this thing, it looks like a yin and yang, like, exactly. like him, talking like him a little bit.Oh, yeah, Dave. It tells the worst with that. People start talking like a towel. It becomes so contagious because he's so good and he's so infectious. Like, it's like whatever he's doing is like you're infected with his. His cadences, his timing, especially when you're young.Starting out, Hedberg got so famous, and I was so young and impressionable that we were out eating one time, and he has a joke about, you know what? My friend said, you know what? I like mashed potatoes. Come on, man, you got to give me time to guess. That's a joke. And I was the mashed potatoes guy, and I used it as a fucking intro because everybody knew who Hedberg was. So when I didn't have any credits, I was like, hey, I'm part of his act.Oh, that's ridiculous. That's hilarious. That's you. That's funny. Yeah, he's another one we lost.Yep. That's been a long time too. Doesn't even seem like it. That's the one thing about losing comics, is you can. You can see them still online. You can watch them and all this shit. So they're kind of there forever.I see norm clips every day. Yeah, every day. Some new funny norm clip.Yeah, I just saw a norm clip when he was on SNL about Madonna having a baby. And he goes, Madonna just had a baby. Seven pounds, 6oz, which makes it the fourth largest object to pass through her vagina. He was just fucking fearless, man.Yeah, he was a wild fella. He was a wild fella. Such a fun guy, you know, and the way he died is pretty gangster. Had cancer. Didn't tell anybody.Yep.Went up to Canada to die.Yeah. So, yeah, going into the woods, didn't.Tell anybody, which is crazy. Even his best friends, like I'm. I'm friends with his literal best friend. Didn't know. Didn't know till was over. Yeah, they were making plans. Making plans to do stuff. Yeah. Yeah.Well, I suppose he didn't know how long, probably, I guess.Yeah. I believe he had pancreatic cancer, which is a really, really rough one. Is that the one he had? It kills a lot of people.I think they just found something with a protein that causes it. So they're talking like it's the big killer and so they're talking. Maybe they figured one of them out.Yeah, I saw that. I hope that's true. Leukemia. Oh, was Hicks. Hicks had pancreatic cancer. Yeah. That's a rough one. Yeah, he's another one. Imagine that guy was still alive. I mean, he died. He's like 35, something like that. He was young.Yeah. And he had, he had such a body of work.I don't even think he's 35.And you go, see, I think.And now I'm thinking about. I think Hicks was like 32 or 33 when he died.That's unbelievable. I think about what I was doing. 32, 32.Nuts. Nuts. And it changed everybody's comedy. Everybody's like, jesus. They all wanted to be like hicks.Mm hmm.So much so that the back green room of the punchline, Atlanta, Georgia. Somebody wrote in the green room, quit trying to be hicks. It's like, yeah, every time I'd go there, like, yes. So many people wanted to be like, even Richard. Jenny said that to me. He saw him and he said, every time I see him, like, God, we doing more stuff like that. Like, it was so profound for the time. Like, to have a guy talking like that, the way he's explaining things as well as making them funny, it was so different.But if you're Richard, Jenny, and you want to be in movies, being Bill Hicks isn't the way to get there.Yeah. You know, it's just that thing that hits you when you watch someone like, fuck. Yeah. You know that feeling, God, I want to be doing that kind of stuff.Yeah.You know, but he wasn't that guy. He was just a silly joke after joke after joke guy, which was amazing. But for whatever reason, we put so much weight on profundity.Well, yeah. People that are making a point. Socially relevant.Mm hmm.You know, you think I don't want to tell these fucking stories anymore, right?Especially if you can do it. You can make a point, and it's very funny.Yeah.Like, it's an undeniable. Burr is great at that. Makes an undeniable point. That's very funny. Yeah, that's the fun part.Trying to figure it out.Yeah, the fun part. Well, listen, man, it's been great to get to know you, talk to you.Well, thanks for having me in.My pleasure. I appreciate it. A lot of fun. Tell everybody where they can get ahold of you. Your social media website, everything you got coming up.Social media is VAT. Chad Daniels on most spots, and then for tour dates. And then special on Netflix called Empty Nester.Beautiful.Check it out.It's out now.It's out today while we're recording.Oh, beautiful. Beautiful. You want to come down the club tonight? That I would love to. Let's go.Okay, cool.Let's go. All right.Okay.All right. Bye, everybody.


like, no, no, just please take the hint.


Well, if you talk shit to Siri, Siri gets upset. Like, if you ask, like, you get rude with Siri. Siri, there's no reason to talk like that.


Why are you talking to me?


Siri. Siri has like that. We're, you know, maybe a month away from that being implemented completely on your iPhone. Right. Isn't the new iPhone 18. IOS 18, doesn't that have, like, a much more advanced siri that'll have conversations with you?


We'll find out when we get to use it. That's for sure.


Well, you could use it right now, right? Can't use the beta if you wanted to. If you wanted to get crazy, would.


Not assume that it works perfectly. But, yeah, it might.


I don't know. I bet by the time they're letting people try the beta, it's probably pretty good. I think. Marcus Brownlee just released a video where he was examining iOS 18. The pros and cons of it, the things that it can do. It can make text messages with a satellite now. So if you're in a place that has no service, you can send out a text message via satellite. Not just an sO's, but, like, you could send a specific text to people.


Can also make people very lonely because you're gonna be talking to this robot.


Yeah, that's gonna be weird. It's like the movie her.


Oh, yeah.


Yeah. It's. That's 1100% gonna happen. And by the way, Scarlett Johansson, she sued. Was it. Which one? Was it chat GPG? Yeah. Or was it Gemini?


She actually went through with it, but, yeah, she was open AI the company.


Okay. So they were asking her if they could use her voice, and she said no. And they used a voice that's exactly like her voice. Not exactly. Pretty close. Close enough. Close enough where she decided she was gonna sue.


Is it her, like, other clips?


What's her from? No, it's another person.




But her contention is they got a person to sound like her, which people sued for before. Right? Like, didn't Karl Kim Kardashian sue because they had a Kim Kardashian look alike did a commercial when Kim wouldn't do it.


Oh, interesting.


Yeah. So if, like, you won't do something, they can get someone who looks super similar to you to do it, and then they'll go, fuck you, I'm suing you.


People were sending me a car commercial for a while that I had to listen to it twice because the only way he gets any support is if he does that other stuff, too. Like, you got to understand about Trump. He was a life dawn. Lifelong Democrat. Yeah, lifelong. Which is so weird, wasn't it, when.He was starting to run for president? Wasn't he still, like, wasn't he, when he started talking about it?I believe.Still a Democrat.Yes, I believe so. Well, he had a very close relationship to the Clintons, to the point where he paid them to come to his wedding or his daughter's wedding or one of those things. Like, you would pay them and they would come to weddings and events, and he would go to events. You know, that was, like, the famous thing that was at the White House correspondence center. You remember that? The White House press correspondents dinner was always supposed to be this thing where comedians would do it, and they were like, michelle Wolf did it one year. Crushed it.I remember she crushed it so hard.And they would go up and they would. Trump was, by the way, the first guy to not do it. Like, you never make fun of me, which is kind of a pussy move. But every other president got roasted. And one time during the White House press correspondence thing, Obama went on stage and he roasted Trump. And one of the lines he said to Trump, he said, I'm one thing that you'll never be, which is the president of the United States. Because this is when Trump was trying to claim that Obama's from Kenya. Do you remember that? The birther stuff, which is wild. That stuff was wild. You know, he was like. Like, saying he knows for sure that Obama came from Kenya. And then there's people that were, like, examining photoshops of the birth certificate. It was a crazy conspiracy. And that was, you know, he was roasting Trump in the audience. And you could see Trump in his head going, okay, I'm gonna fucking run now. Like, that might have been the thing that got him to run, like, legitimately. That's how crazy that guy is. That one moment where Obama was talking shit to him might be the reason why Trump was like, uh huh.I'll fucking show you. Because you do not want that fucking guy on your bad side.Well, this is the first time I've ever meant this, but thanks, Obama.Whoops. What a crazy turn of it again. Seems like it's written. Seems like a script, seems like a simulation.That shit really does.It really does. So much of it really does. So much of life really feels like a simulation. And the thing about the. This Trump stuff and just all of the. This stuff that's happening with social media and AI, the guy who's at the helm of one of the biggest social media networks in the world is Elon Musk. Elon Musk said that the odds of us not being in the simulation are in the billions. He believes wholeheartedly that we're in a simulation. See if you can find him saying that. Because it's such a nutty quote. Because when someone says that, you go, oh, yeah, maybe. But when Elon Musk says that, and he says it definitively, he says it, like, with pure confidence. And he's no hyperbole. He's just stating it like, this is something I've analyzed. This is something I've thought about for a long time.Yeah, but he also made that cyber truck.Do you like it or not?I just. It's. It looks like you can't be penetrated with a bullet.You can't be penetrated with a bullet. And they're fun to drive. You ever driven one?I've driven a Tesla. Normal. But this is different.Same thing. It defies time. Doesn't make sense. It goes so fast for something that's so big and it's bulletproof. It's like. It's crazy, but it's the kind of thing that you would make if you're that guy, like, let's make a fucking steel truck that's bulletproof.Yeah.Simulation here is. Do you entertain that? Well, the argument for the simulation, I.Think, is quite strong, because if you.Assume any improvement at all over time.Any improvement, 1%, 0.1%. Just extend the time frame, make it a thousand years. A million years. The universe is 13.8 billion years old. What would civilization, if you imaging of this thing, it looks like a yin and yang, like, exactly. like him, talking like him a little bit.Oh, yeah, Dave. It tells the worst with that. People start talking like a towel. It becomes so contagious because he's so good and he's so infectious. Like, it's like whatever he's doing is like you're infected with his. His cadences, his timing, especially when you're young.Starting out, Hedberg got so famous, and I was so young and impressionable that we were out eating one time, and he has a joke about, you know what? My friend said, you know what? I like mashed potatoes. Come on, man, you got to give me time to guess. That's a joke. And I was the mashed potatoes guy, and I used it as a fucking intro because everybody knew who Hedberg was. So when I didn't have any credits, I was like, hey, I'm part of his act.Oh, that's ridiculous. That's hilarious. That's you. That's funny. Yeah, he's another one we lost.Yep. That's been a long time too. Doesn't even seem like it. That's the one thing about losing comics, is you can. You can see them still online. You can watch them and all this shit. So they're kind of there forever.I see norm clips every day. Yeah, every day. Some new funny norm clip.Yeah, I just saw a norm clip when he was on SNL about Madonna having a baby. And he goes, Madonna just had a baby. Seven pounds, 6oz, which makes it the fourth largest object to pass through her vagina. He was just fucking fearless, man.Yeah, he was a wild fella. He was a wild fella. Such a fun guy, you know, and the way he died is pretty gangster. Had cancer. Didn't tell anybody.Yep.Went up to Canada to die.Yeah. So, yeah, going into the woods, didn't.Tell anybody, which is crazy. Even his best friends, like I'm. I'm friends with his literal best friend. Didn't know. Didn't know till was over. Yeah, they were making plans. Making plans to do stuff. Yeah. Yeah.Well, I suppose he didn't know how long, probably, I guess.Yeah. I believe he had pancreatic cancer, which is a really, really rough one. Is that the one he had? It kills a lot of people.I think they just found something with a protein that causes it. So they're talking like it's the big killer and so they're talking. Maybe they figured one of them out.Yeah, I saw that. I hope that's true. Leukemia. Oh, was Hicks. Hicks had pancreatic cancer. Yeah. That's a rough one. Yeah, he's another one. Imagine that guy was still alive. I mean, he died. He's like 35, something like that. He was young.Yeah. And he had, he had such a body of work.I don't even think he's 35.And you go, see, I think.And now I'm thinking about. I think Hicks was like 32 or 33 when he died.That's unbelievable. I think about what I was doing. 32, 32.Nuts. Nuts. And it changed everybody's comedy. Everybody's like, jesus. They all wanted to be like hicks.Mm hmm.So much so that the back green room of the punchline, Atlanta, Georgia. Somebody wrote in the green room, quit trying to be hicks. It's like, yeah, every time I'd go there, like, yes. So many people wanted to be like, even Richard. Jenny said that to me. He saw him and he said, every time I see him, like, God, we doing more stuff like that. Like, it was so profound for the time. Like, to have a guy talking like that, the way he's explaining things as well as making them funny, it was so different.But if you're Richard, Jenny, and you want to be in movies, being Bill Hicks isn't the way to get there.Yeah. You know, it's just that thing that hits you when you watch someone like, fuck. Yeah. You know that feeling, God, I want to be doing that kind of stuff.Yeah.You know, but he wasn't that guy. He was just a silly joke after joke after joke guy, which was amazing. But for whatever reason, we put so much weight on profundity.Well, yeah. People that are making a point. Socially relevant.Mm hmm.You know, you think I don't want to tell these fucking stories anymore, right?Especially if you can do it. You can make a point, and it's very funny.Yeah.Like, it's an undeniable. Burr is great at that. Makes an undeniable point. That's very funny. Yeah, that's the fun part.Trying to figure it out.Yeah, the fun part. Well, listen, man, it's been great to get to know you, talk to you.Well, thanks for having me in.My pleasure. I appreciate it. A lot of fun. Tell everybody where they can get ahold of you. Your social media website, everything you got coming up.Social media is VAT. Chad Daniels on most spots, and then for tour dates. And then special on Netflix called Empty Nester.Beautiful.Check it out.It's out now.It's out today while we're recording.Oh, beautiful. Beautiful. You want to come down the club tonight? That I would love to. Let's go.Okay, cool.Let's go. All right.Okay.All right. Bye, everybody.


the only way he gets any support is if he does that other stuff, too. Like, you got to understand about Trump. He was a life dawn. Lifelong Democrat. Yeah, lifelong. Which is so weird, wasn't it, when.


He was starting to run for president? Wasn't he still, like, wasn't he, when he started talking about it?


I believe.


Still a Democrat.


Yes, I believe so. Well, he had a very close relationship to the Clintons, to the point where he paid them to come to his wedding or his daughter's wedding or one of those things. Like, you would pay them and they would come to weddings and events, and he would go to events. You know, that was, like, the famous thing that was at the White House correspondence center. You remember that? The White House press correspondents dinner was always supposed to be this thing where comedians would do it, and they were like, michelle Wolf did it one year. Crushed it.


I remember she crushed it so hard.


And they would go up and they would. Trump was, by the way, the first guy to not do it. Like, you never make fun of me, which is kind of a pussy move. But every other president got roasted. And one time during the White House press correspondence thing, Obama went on stage and he roasted Trump. And one of the lines he said to Trump, he said, I'm one thing that you'll never be, which is the president of the United States. Because this is when Trump was trying to claim that Obama's from Kenya. Do you remember that? The birther stuff, which is wild. That stuff was wild. You know, he was like. Like, saying he knows for sure that Obama came from Kenya. And then there's people that were, like, examining photoshops of the birth certificate. It was a crazy conspiracy. And that was, you know, he was roasting Trump in the audience. And you could see Trump in his head going, okay, I'm gonna fucking run now. Like, that might have been the thing that got him to run, like, legitimately. That's how crazy that guy is. That one moment where Obama was talking shit to him might be the reason why Trump was like, uh huh.


I'll fucking show you. Because you do not want that fucking guy on your bad side.


Well, this is the first time I've ever meant this, but thanks, Obama.


Whoops. What a crazy turn of it again. Seems like it's written. Seems like a script, seems like a simulation.


That shit really does.


It really does. So much of it really does. So much of life really feels like a simulation. And the thing about the. This Trump stuff and just all of the. This stuff that's happening with social media and AI, the guy who's at the helm of one of the biggest social media networks in the world is Elon Musk. Elon Musk said that the odds of us not being in the simulation are in the billions. He believes wholeheartedly that we're in a simulation. See if you can find him saying that. Because it's such a nutty quote. Because when someone says that, you go, oh, yeah, maybe. But when Elon Musk says that, and he says it definitively, he says it, like, with pure confidence. And he's no hyperbole. He's just stating it like, this is something I've analyzed. This is something I've thought about for a long time.


Yeah, but he also made that cyber truck.


Do you like it or not?


I just. It's. It looks like you can't be penetrated with a bullet.


You can't be penetrated with a bullet. And they're fun to drive. You ever driven one?


I've driven a Tesla. Normal. But this is different.


Same thing. It defies time. Doesn't make sense. It goes so fast for something that's so big and it's bulletproof. It's like. It's crazy, but it's the kind of thing that you would make if you're that guy, like, let's make a fucking steel truck that's bulletproof.




Simulation here is. Do you entertain that? Well, the argument for the simulation, I.


Think, is quite strong, because if you.


Assume any improvement at all over time.


Any improvement, 1%, 0.1%. Just extend the time frame, make it a thousand years. A million years. The universe is 13.8 billion years old. What would civilization, if you imaging of this thing, it looks like a yin and yang, like, exactly. like him, talking like him a little bit.Oh, yeah, Dave. It tells the worst with that. People start talking like a towel. It becomes so contagious because he's so good and he's so infectious. Like, it's like whatever he's doing is like you're infected with his. His cadences, his timing, especially when you're young.Starting out, Hedberg got so famous, and I was so young and impressionable that we were out eating one time, and he has a joke about, you know what? My friend said, you know what? I like mashed potatoes. Come on, man, you got to give me time to guess. That's a joke. And I was the mashed potatoes guy, and I used it as a fucking intro because everybody knew who Hedberg was. So when I didn't have any credits, I was like, hey, I'm part of his act.Oh, that's ridiculous. That's hilarious. That's you. That's funny. Yeah, he's another one we lost.Yep. That's been a long time too. Doesn't even seem like it. That's the one thing about losing comics, is you can. You can see them still online. You can watch them and all this shit. So they're kind of there forever.I see norm clips every day. Yeah, every day. Some new funny norm clip.Yeah, I just saw a norm clip when he was on SNL about Madonna having a baby. And he goes, Madonna just had a baby. Seven pounds, 6oz, which makes it the fourth largest object to pass through her vagina. He was just fucking fearless, man.Yeah, he was a wild fella. He was a wild fella. Such a fun guy, you know, and the way he died is pretty gangster. Had cancer. Didn't tell anybody.Yep.Went up to Canada to die.Yeah. So, yeah, going into the woods, didn't.Tell anybody, which is crazy. Even his best friends, like I'm. I'm friends with his literal best friend. Didn't know. Didn't know till was over. Yeah, they were making plans. Making plans to do stuff. Yeah. Yeah.Well, I suppose he didn't know how long, probably, I guess.Yeah. I believe he had pancreatic cancer, which is a really, really rough one. Is that the one he had? It kills a lot of people.I think they just found something with a protein that causes it. So they're talking like it's the big killer and so they're talking. Maybe they figured one of them out.Yeah, I saw that. I hope that's true. Leukemia. Oh, was Hicks. Hicks had pancreatic cancer. Yeah. That's a rough one. Yeah, he's another one. Imagine that guy was still alive. I mean, he died. He's like 35, something like that. He was young.Yeah. And he had, he had such a body of work.I don't even think he's 35.And you go, see, I think.And now I'm thinking about. I think Hicks was like 32 or 33 when he died.That's unbelievable. I think about what I was doing. 32, 32.Nuts. Nuts. And it changed everybody's comedy. Everybody's like, jesus. They all wanted to be like hicks.Mm hmm.So much so that the back green room of the punchline, Atlanta, Georgia. Somebody wrote in the green room, quit trying to be hicks. It's like, yeah, every time I'd go there, like, yes. So many people wanted to be like, even Richard. Jenny said that to me. He saw him and he said, every time I see him, like, God, we doing more stuff like that. Like, it was so profound for the time. Like, to have a guy talking like that, the way he's explaining things as well as making them funny, it was so different.But if you're Richard, Jenny, and you want to be in movies, being Bill Hicks isn't the way to get there.Yeah. You know, it's just that thing that hits you when you watch someone like, fuck. Yeah. You know that feeling, God, I want to be doing that kind of stuff.Yeah.You know, but he wasn't that guy. He was just a silly joke after joke after joke guy, which was amazing. But for whatever reason, we put so much weight on profundity.Well, yeah. People that are making a point. Socially relevant.Mm hmm.You know, you think I don't want to tell these fucking stories anymore, right?Especially if you can do it. You can make a point, and it's very funny.Yeah.Like, it's an undeniable. Burr is great at that. Makes an undeniable point. That's very funny. Yeah, that's the fun part.Trying to figure it out.Yeah, the fun part. Well, listen, man, it's been great to get to know you, talk to you.Well, thanks for having me in.My pleasure. I appreciate it. A lot of fun. Tell everybody where they can get ahold of you. Your social media website, everything you got coming up.Social media is VAT. Chad Daniels on most spots, and then for tour dates. And then special on Netflix called Empty Nester.Beautiful.Check it out.It's out now.It's out today while we're recording.Oh, beautiful. Beautiful. You want to come down the club tonight? That I would love to. Let's go.Okay, cool.Let's go. All right.Okay.All right. Bye, everybody.


imaging of this thing, it looks like a yin and yang, like, exactly. like him, talking like him a little bit.Oh, yeah, Dave. It tells the worst with that. People start talking like a towel. It becomes so contagious because he's so good and he's so infectious. Like, it's like whatever he's doing is like you're infected with his. His cadences, his timing, especially when you're young.Starting out, Hedberg got so famous, and I was so young and impressionable that we were out eating one time, and he has a joke about, you know what? My friend said, you know what? I like mashed potatoes. Come on, man, you got to give me time to guess. That's a joke. And I was the mashed potatoes guy, and I used it as a fucking intro because everybody knew who Hedberg was. So when I didn't have any credits, I was like, hey, I'm part of his act.Oh, that's ridiculous. That's hilarious. That's you. That's funny. Yeah, he's another one we lost.Yep. That's been a long time too. Doesn't even seem like it. That's the one thing about losing comics, is you can. You can see them still online. You can watch them and all this shit. So they're kind of there forever.I see norm clips every day. Yeah, every day. Some new funny norm clip.Yeah, I just saw a norm clip when he was on SNL about Madonna having a baby. And he goes, Madonna just had a baby. Seven pounds, 6oz, which makes it the fourth largest object to pass through her vagina. He was just fucking fearless, man.Yeah, he was a wild fella. He was a wild fella. Such a fun guy, you know, and the way he died is pretty gangster. Had cancer. Didn't tell anybody.Yep.Went up to Canada to die.Yeah. So, yeah, going into the woods, didn't.Tell anybody, which is crazy. Even his best friends, like I'm. I'm friends with his literal best friend. Didn't know. Didn't know till was over. Yeah, they were making plans. Making plans to do stuff. Yeah. Yeah.Well, I suppose he didn't know how long, probably, I guess.Yeah. I believe he had pancreatic cancer, which is a really, really rough one. Is that the one he had? It kills a lot of people.I think they just found something with a protein that causes it. So they're talking like it's the big killer and so they're talking. Maybe they figured one of them out.Yeah, I saw that. I hope that's true. Leukemia. Oh, was Hicks. Hicks had pancreatic cancer. Yeah. That's a rough one. Yeah, he's another one. Imagine that guy was still alive. I mean, he died. He's like 35, something like that. He was young.Yeah. And he had, he had such a body of work.I don't even think he's 35.And you go, see, I think.And now I'm thinking about. I think Hicks was like 32 or 33 when he died.That's unbelievable. I think about what I was doing. 32, 32.Nuts. Nuts. And it changed everybody's comedy. Everybody's like, jesus. They all wanted to be like hicks.Mm hmm.So much so that the back green room of the punchline, Atlanta, Georgia. Somebody wrote in the green room, quit trying to be hicks. It's like, yeah, every time I'd go there, like, yes. So many people wanted to be like, even Richard. Jenny said that to me. He saw him and he said, every time I see him, like, God, we doing more stuff like that. Like, it was so profound for the time. Like, to have a guy talking like that, the way he's explaining things as well as making them funny, it was so different.But if you're Richard, Jenny, and you want to be in movies, being Bill Hicks isn't the way to get there.Yeah. You know, it's just that thing that hits you when you watch someone like, fuck. Yeah. You know that feeling, God, I want to be doing that kind of stuff.Yeah.You know, but he wasn't that guy. He was just a silly joke after joke after joke guy, which was amazing. But for whatever reason, we put so much weight on profundity.Well, yeah. People that are making a point. Socially relevant.Mm hmm.You know, you think I don't want to tell these fucking stories anymore, right?Especially if you can do it. You can make a point, and it's very funny.Yeah.Like, it's an undeniable. Burr is great at that. Makes an undeniable point. That's very funny. Yeah, that's the fun part.Trying to figure it out.Yeah, the fun part. Well, listen, man, it's been great to get to know you, talk to you.Well, thanks for having me in.My pleasure. I appreciate it. A lot of fun. Tell everybody where they can get ahold of you. Your social media website, everything you got coming up.Social media is VAT. Chad Daniels on most spots, and then for tour dates. And then special on Netflix called Empty Nester.Beautiful.Check it out.It's out now.It's out today while we're recording.Oh, beautiful. Beautiful. You want to come down the club tonight? That I would love to. Let's go.Okay, cool.Let's go. All right.Okay.All right. Bye, everybody.


like him, talking like him a little bit.


Oh, yeah, Dave. It tells the worst with that. People start talking like a towel. It becomes so contagious because he's so good and he's so infectious. Like, it's like whatever he's doing is like you're infected with his. His cadences, his timing, especially when you're young.


Starting out, Hedberg got so famous, and I was so young and impressionable that we were out eating one time, and he has a joke about, you know what? My friend said, you know what? I like mashed potatoes. Come on, man, you got to give me time to guess. That's a joke. And I was the mashed potatoes guy, and I used it as a fucking intro because everybody knew who Hedberg was. So when I didn't have any credits, I was like, hey, I'm part of his act.


Oh, that's ridiculous. That's hilarious. That's you. That's funny. Yeah, he's another one we lost.


Yep. That's been a long time too. Doesn't even seem like it. That's the one thing about losing comics, is you can. You can see them still online. You can watch them and all this shit. So they're kind of there forever.


I see norm clips every day. Yeah, every day. Some new funny norm clip.


Yeah, I just saw a norm clip when he was on SNL about Madonna having a baby. And he goes, Madonna just had a baby. Seven pounds, 6oz, which makes it the fourth largest object to pass through her vagina. He was just fucking fearless, man.


Yeah, he was a wild fella. He was a wild fella. Such a fun guy, you know, and the way he died is pretty gangster. Had cancer. Didn't tell anybody.




Went up to Canada to die.


Yeah. So, yeah, going into the woods, didn't.


Tell anybody, which is crazy. Even his best friends, like I'm. I'm friends with his literal best friend. Didn't know. Didn't know till was over. Yeah, they were making plans. Making plans to do stuff. Yeah. Yeah.


Well, I suppose he didn't know how long, probably, I guess.


Yeah. I believe he had pancreatic cancer, which is a really, really rough one. Is that the one he had? It kills a lot of people.


I think they just found something with a protein that causes it. So they're talking like it's the big killer and so they're talking. Maybe they figured one of them out.


Yeah, I saw that. I hope that's true. Leukemia. Oh, was Hicks. Hicks had pancreatic cancer. Yeah. That's a rough one. Yeah, he's another one. Imagine that guy was still alive. I mean, he died. He's like 35, something like that. He was young.


Yeah. And he had, he had such a body of work.


I don't even think he's 35.


And you go, see, I think.


And now I'm thinking about. I think Hicks was like 32 or 33 when he died.


That's unbelievable. I think about what I was doing. 32, 32.


Nuts. Nuts. And it changed everybody's comedy. Everybody's like, jesus. They all wanted to be like hicks.


Mm hmm.


So much so that the back green room of the punchline, Atlanta, Georgia. Somebody wrote in the green room, quit trying to be hicks. It's like, yeah, every time I'd go there, like, yes. So many people wanted to be like, even Richard. Jenny said that to me. He saw him and he said, every time I see him, like, God, we doing more stuff like that. Like, it was so profound for the time. Like, to have a guy talking like that, the way he's explaining things as well as making them funny, it was so different.


But if you're Richard, Jenny, and you want to be in movies, being Bill Hicks isn't the way to get there.


Yeah. You know, it's just that thing that hits you when you watch someone like, fuck. Yeah. You know that feeling, God, I want to be doing that kind of stuff.




You know, but he wasn't that guy. He was just a silly joke after joke after joke guy, which was amazing. But for whatever reason, we put so much weight on profundity.


Well, yeah. People that are making a point. Socially relevant.


Mm hmm.


You know, you think I don't want to tell these fucking stories anymore, right?


Especially if you can do it. You can make a point, and it's very funny.




Like, it's an undeniable. Burr is great at that. Makes an undeniable point. That's very funny. Yeah, that's the fun part.


Trying to figure it out.


Yeah, the fun part. Well, listen, man, it's been great to get to know you, talk to you.


Well, thanks for having me in.


My pleasure. I appreciate it. A lot of fun. Tell everybody where they can get ahold of you. Your social media website, everything you got coming up.


Social media is VAT. Chad Daniels on most spots, and then for tour dates. And then special on Netflix called Empty Nester.




Check it out.


It's out now.


It's out today while we're recording.


Oh, beautiful. Beautiful. You want to come down the club tonight? That I would love to. Let's go.


Okay, cool.


Let's go. All right.




All right. Bye, everybody.