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Joe Rogan podcast.


Check it out. The Joe Rogan experience.


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Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day. Cheers. Awesome to be at the club last night.


Yeah, it was fun having you. Last night was fun. It was a good night.


Really fun.


Yeah, it's a fun place, man.




Little Disneyland.


Yeah. It also is like a throwback. I'm like, I left Kiltoni on Monday. I was like, I haven't had my shirt smell like cigarettes in a while.


Yeah, all those guys in the green room are smoking cigarettes.


I had one. I don't smoke, but I was like, I was like, I have one. What the hell?


What the hell? Yeah, that's a what the hell room. ladder. The guy didn't just bring a rifle. He got through there with a rifle and a ladder. I don't know what kind of rifle it is. I know if it's kind of rifle where you could disassemble and reassemble, like an assassin. Like, screw it together. But whatever it is, all of it stinks. Every part of it stinks.And every person who talks about him, it's like the classic incel. Like, never spoke. Never. This is. This. This was an old bit of mine. I was like, that should be the reason. That should be. If you want a gun, you have to be a good conversationalist. You better be chatty, because that's like every person who does these shootings. Things are assassinations. It's like they're the quiet creepers. Creepy fucking dude.Yeah, it's very strange. The whole thing's very strange. There was also photos of him that. Where he had long hair and weird lipstick and looked like a girl.I think that was bullshit.Yeah, I think that's too. But that's. That's a problem. Like, everything's bullshit now. Yeah, the commercials. The Blackrock commercial. And then there's some videos of him in high school talking about having a ten inch penis. He looks like he's just having fun with his boys.That there's a video, him saying he's a ten inch penis.Yeah, but it's like he's joking around, you know, like, I have a ten inch penis. You know, like that kind of thing.Weird, dude.I'm just a weird kid. Yeah, but how did he get in the blackrock commercial? What happened after that?I don't know.I mean, if I was the CIA. Let's just. Let's not even say CIA. Let's say if I was some shadowy intelligence agency that did these, you know, undercover operations that are a little sketchy. I, like, find kids like that. That's. That's your money maker. That's how you do it. If you got a plan, you want to do something, you get some guy that's basically got nothing going on in life, and then, you know, you mentor him, become friends with him. Maybe that guy's dad is an alcoholic who beats him. You know, maybe his mom is a fucking junkie. Who knows? Maybe his life is terrible and you people. His balls would be hanging out. He didn't even care. Apparently had this giant dick and these huge balls, and they'd just be hanging out. And Rodney would just be smoking joints and hanging out backstage with everybody.Plus, your 80 plus is, like, kind of adorable.80 plus and super wealthy and famous. And he's doing this enormous theater. It's like this place where Bon Jovi does, you know, in. In Mansfield, Massachusetts. It's huge performing arts place.He was the best man. My mom got me a dvd set of his for my birthday when I was a kid, and it was like, I loved it. It was like, yeah, look.See?Oh, my God.See how it's he's got a fucking sock over his dick and he's just.Got the serious face. It's perfect. Perfect. Oh, dude, look at the back to school robe too. It's perfect, dude. The score for that movie too. Danny Elfman, like, dun dun dun dun dun dun. It's so cheerful. But yeah, he, on the dvd set, it's kind of sad. There's a set when he's really old and he's in Vegas and they're not good. The crowd's not good. He's kind of struggling. But there's a moment where he just is like, fuck it. And just rattles off like so many in a row, so many great one liners. And they start to pick up and they start giving an applause break and just pauses. He goes, I know a lot of good fucking jokes. It's such a triumphant moment. You're like 80 years old. He's just like, fuck you. I'm still. I'm still a pro.I met him at the laugh factory, like, many, many years later after I'd seen him when I was a security guard. I was just moved to Hollywood, like, 94. And he was there and he was still doing, like a little bit of stand up. And he showed up and I met him there with his wife. I don't know if it's the same wife. He was always moving around, but he was, you know, was interesting just to see. Damn, it's just weird.Was he cool?Yeah, I was real friendly. Hey, what do you know? You know, it's like, strip.Because his club, dangerfields, in the city, they'd be like, why are you always doing drugs? He's like, what am I gonna do drugs at my club? You know? It's like, fuck you, I'm doing drugs here. But, I mean, that was. I never really played dangerfields. It was like a bad club by the time I came around.It was a bad club when I played it. I loved it.I used to just always been a bad club.It was always a bad club. Club. It was a. It was a good club. When he did the young comedian special from there, when he did Rodney's young comedian special.Great.Amazing.Dude. I remember the lineup, dude. It's like Robert Schimmel Hicks. Yeah, dude.Lenny Clark.Yeah. Bill Hicks had a set on there that I was like, this fucking epic Robert Schimmel. I still remember the joke he opened with because it's such a good fucking joke where he go, he opens with this joke. He goes, I heard a guy got arrested for animal necrophilia. How do you plead for that? I'm sorry, your honor. I thought the cat was alive. All fucking it. That's a. To open with a fucking. A dead cat joke and crush. No, he was a beast. I love Robert Schimmel stuff.Yeah, Robert Schimmel was amazing. He was amazing.Those old comedian special really got me into comedy. Those were like, really?Oh, yeah, man. They were. The way you found out about, like, Rick Dookaman, that's the way you found out. Oh, he was hilarious. Yeah, he was an LA guy that, for whatever reason, never made it, you know, he was funny. On the young comedian special, I was like, man, this guy's good.I remember those lineups. They were just fucking beasts. Like, there wasn't a. They were all killers. They were good comics in there. Fucking dice coming out with smoke.Bob Nelson with the football helmet.I remember that shit.Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Dom Herrera.Oh, I love him.Jerry Seinfeld. So many comics came out of those young comedian specials. Like, Rodney was the gatekeeper. He will, you know, he really cared about comedy, and he really wanted, like, young comics. Yeah, I learned a lot of it from him. That's one of the reasons why, like, having his handwritten notes on the wall of the green room is it means a lot to me because I kind of think about it the same way, like, I know about so many comedians, because Rodney Dangerfield was generous and he wanted people to know about great comics. He didn't feel threatened by them. He wanted them to do well.I still remember his intro for Bill Hicks on that special where he goes, this next comic. He's so far ahead of his time, his parents haven't even met yet. Give it up for Bill Hicks. I'm like, dude, you found jokes in the intros. Yeah, he was accurate. But you, but you're also, like, you created this place. I'm like, it must feel cool to see these young comics, like, finding themselves. It's, like, fucking cool.Yeah, it is cool. It's real cool. I enjoy it. I mean, it's selfish, too.You build a good culture. It is so similar to sports where, like, you see there can be a talented rookie, but he's on a team with no good vets, and he ain't gonna be good, right? Because you need, you need someone to guide you. I was very fortunate that I had good comics looking out for me when I was a young comic, and the culture in New York is also strong. I mean, like, you know, Colin Quinn and David tell, when I was young, were, like, very, like, oh, this is how you be a comedian.You.You keep turning over new shit, and you keep like, I love. I'm on the early shows a lot, the comedy seller, and it'll be. I'm usually, like, following either Colin or Jim Norton. And they're so prolific. Like, they're just always taking chances. They don't give a fucked, and it, you know, they give a fuck, but they don't give a fuck in the right way where they're like, if this doesn't work, I'm gonna make it work. And, like, they're doing, like, nit. Jim's new shit is so interesting. It's so. It's so good. I mean, but it's all, like, veteran leadership, and it all lead bleeds down.Yes.And then we want to do that for the next generation. Like, I want the. I want. I'm excited when I see funny young comics.Yeah, yeah, me too.Young comics at the seller. Like, Maddie Weiner is a fucking killer. Like, she's a young comic who's, you know, there's, like, Ethan Simmons, Patterson, Daniel Simonson. They're like, young fucking killers at the cellar. And you're like, oh, fuck. I used to be the guy who would go up and kill, and now I'm like, fuck. I got to turn over jokes. And then they're going to become like, you know, it's. It's all good for the culture. You know?It is. It's good for the culture, and it's good for us. It's good for you selfishly to be generous, because those people that are coming up, the better they do, the more it's gonna fuel you, and you're gonna do better. It's good for everybody. And it's right about, like, having, like, a culture of top comedians. It keeps everybody strong, and that's the club. I mean, like, last night we're hanging out with. Ron White is fucking Brian I've never met. Oh, he's the best. He's such a nice guy.He was very nice. He made fun of me for being a Knicks fan, but other than that, he was pretty cool.That kid Ari Matty from Estonia opened up.I talked to him for a killer. Yeah, we chat for fucking killer.Super smart.Yeah.You know? And he's one of these young, hungry dogs that's coming up, and there's a gang of them at that club, and there's people moving there from all over the place, like Tyler Fisher and all these other people.Tony Sillas. Yeah, he opened for me at hyenas the weekend I got banned there. That's where we met.You got banned?I've been banned from a couple clubs. I don't get it.What did you do?My act. That's what. My agent goes, what did you do? My jokes? No, they were starting the show, like, an hour late every night. And it's like when you have a 1030 show and you're starting at 1130, I'm kind of like, guys, come on. Fucking turn it around. And then they were doing, like, blowjob shots on stage. They bring people from the crowd. I'm like, dude, you're just fucking. Please, just bring me on. I was like, it's like, I'm going on 1230 every night.Who's doing the blowjob shots?The club did that.So they're, like, trying to You still text like that?Yeah, he's old school.Well, he went iPhone for a while, and then he realized, like, this, I'm too in my head with this. I want to go back to it. Yeah, it's. It's the better way. It's better you see it with him. The results speak for themselves. Yeah.You're not distracted?I mean, Aziz went to a flip phone.Did he?Yeah, he talked about it on stage. He was like, I got my brain back. He goes, yeah, I can't get directions or anything like that, but I got my brain back.He's in Europe too. He's like, he's totally.Is he?Yeah.What is he doing?I think he. I think his wife is in London. I think he just moved there. I haven't seen him forever.Wow. Yeah, well, some of those guys, you know, they just, like, they get hit hard once with a big cancelation. You're like, what?No, he's. That's over.Yeah, but. I know, but, I mean, that thing changes, like, your. Your. It just changes your outlook on stuff.Yeah, no, I'm sure. I mean, that was. That was. Well, when it's written on, you know, it's legit, and definitely when that's.The only picket nuanced perspective on who he is.Yeah, that was a weird one.Yeah. Let's wrap this up, my brother.Thank you very much so much, man.Let's have fun tonight.We're gonna wait. Yeah.It's gonna be exciting. Tell everybody your social media, where to see your shit, your special, new special.Sam Morel. You've changed. On prime Video. I'm all over the road.I got, like, prime's doing a bunch of them now, huh? I think they did a bill burr one. I think Bill's doing his next hulu.He's going Hulu right now.A bunch of other people have done prime.People done prime? Yeah, they, that was by far my best offer. And they, you know, once I saw they treated people in the warehouse, I was like, I want to be on board. So, no, they, they know. They've been, they've been good to me. And then I, so I got that. I got, you know, I'm all over. I got, like, Miami, Baltimore. I'm trying to build material back up. I'm doing a euro tour, so all over Europe, like London, Belfast, all that shit. And I. And I post a lot of shit on Punchup Live. Samurai morale, because what is punch up live? My friend Danny Frankel started. He used to work at Facebook, and he hates censorship of comedians. So punch up is where I just, I gather emails and I hear it's like Patreon. But I don't take money. I just want emails so I can blast you when I come to your city. I don't spam you. It's just punch up live Samorl signup or just whatever. And I just. I post gigs. I post bonus stuff that I won't post elsewhere because I don't want. Wanted to get, like, buried on some horseshit.Right?And it's good. He cares about comedy. He's a great guy.That's cool. I'll check that out.It's awesome.All right, beautiful.Thank you, man.Thanks, brother. Appreciate it. All right, bye, everybody.


ladder. The guy didn't just bring a rifle. He got through there with a rifle and a ladder. I don't know what kind of rifle it is. I know if it's kind of rifle where you could disassemble and reassemble, like an assassin. Like, screw it together. But whatever it is, all of it stinks. Every part of it stinks.


And every person who talks about him, it's like the classic incel. Like, never spoke. Never. This is. This. This was an old bit of mine. I was like, that should be the reason. That should be. If you want a gun, you have to be a good conversationalist. You better be chatty, because that's like every person who does these shootings. Things are assassinations. It's like they're the quiet creepers. Creepy fucking dude.


Yeah, it's very strange. The whole thing's very strange. There was also photos of him that. Where he had long hair and weird lipstick and looked like a girl.


I think that was bullshit.


Yeah, I think that's too. But that's. That's a problem. Like, everything's bullshit now. Yeah, the commercials. The Blackrock commercial. And then there's some videos of him in high school talking about having a ten inch penis. He looks like he's just having fun with his boys.


That there's a video, him saying he's a ten inch penis.


Yeah, but it's like he's joking around, you know, like, I have a ten inch penis. You know, like that kind of thing.


Weird, dude.


I'm just a weird kid. Yeah, but how did he get in the blackrock commercial? What happened after that?


I don't know.


I mean, if I was the CIA. Let's just. Let's not even say CIA. Let's say if I was some shadowy intelligence agency that did these, you know, undercover operations that are a little sketchy. I, like, find kids like that. That's. That's your money maker. That's how you do it. If you got a plan, you want to do something, you get some guy that's basically got nothing going on in life, and then, you know, you mentor him, become friends with him. Maybe that guy's dad is an alcoholic who beats him. You know, maybe his mom is a fucking junkie. Who knows? Maybe his life is terrible and you people. His balls would be hanging out. He didn't even care. Apparently had this giant dick and these huge balls, and they'd just be hanging out. And Rodney would just be smoking joints and hanging out backstage with everybody.Plus, your 80 plus is, like, kind of adorable.80 plus and super wealthy and famous. And he's doing this enormous theater. It's like this place where Bon Jovi does, you know, in. In Mansfield, Massachusetts. It's huge performing arts place.He was the best man. My mom got me a dvd set of his for my birthday when I was a kid, and it was like, I loved it. It was like, yeah, look.See?Oh, my God.See how it's he's got a fucking sock over his dick and he's just.Got the serious face. It's perfect. Perfect. Oh, dude, look at the back to school robe too. It's perfect, dude. The score for that movie too. Danny Elfman, like, dun dun dun dun dun dun. It's so cheerful. But yeah, he, on the dvd set, it's kind of sad. There's a set when he's really old and he's in Vegas and they're not good. The crowd's not good. He's kind of struggling. But there's a moment where he just is like, fuck it. And just rattles off like so many in a row, so many great one liners. And they start to pick up and they start giving an applause break and just pauses. He goes, I know a lot of good fucking jokes. It's such a triumphant moment. You're like 80 years old. He's just like, fuck you. I'm still. I'm still a pro.I met him at the laugh factory, like, many, many years later after I'd seen him when I was a security guard. I was just moved to Hollywood, like, 94. And he was there and he was still doing, like a little bit of stand up. And he showed up and I met him there with his wife. I don't know if it's the same wife. He was always moving around, but he was, you know, was interesting just to see. Damn, it's just weird.Was he cool?Yeah, I was real friendly. Hey, what do you know? You know, it's like, strip.Because his club, dangerfields, in the city, they'd be like, why are you always doing drugs? He's like, what am I gonna do drugs at my club? You know? It's like, fuck you, I'm doing drugs here. But, I mean, that was. I never really played dangerfields. It was like a bad club by the time I came around.It was a bad club when I played it. I loved it.I used to just always been a bad club.It was always a bad club. Club. It was a. It was a good club. When he did the young comedian special from there, when he did Rodney's young comedian special.Great.Amazing.Dude. I remember the lineup, dude. It's like Robert Schimmel Hicks. Yeah, dude.Lenny Clark.Yeah. Bill Hicks had a set on there that I was like, this fucking epic Robert Schimmel. I still remember the joke he opened with because it's such a good fucking joke where he go, he opens with this joke. He goes, I heard a guy got arrested for animal necrophilia. How do you plead for that? I'm sorry, your honor. I thought the cat was alive. All fucking it. That's a. To open with a fucking. A dead cat joke and crush. No, he was a beast. I love Robert Schimmel stuff.Yeah, Robert Schimmel was amazing. He was amazing.Those old comedian special really got me into comedy. Those were like, really?Oh, yeah, man. They were. The way you found out about, like, Rick Dookaman, that's the way you found out. Oh, he was hilarious. Yeah, he was an LA guy that, for whatever reason, never made it, you know, he was funny. On the young comedian special, I was like, man, this guy's good.I remember those lineups. They were just fucking beasts. Like, there wasn't a. They were all killers. They were good comics in there. Fucking dice coming out with smoke.Bob Nelson with the football helmet.I remember that shit.Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Dom Herrera.Oh, I love him.Jerry Seinfeld. So many comics came out of those young comedian specials. Like, Rodney was the gatekeeper. He will, you know, he really cared about comedy, and he really wanted, like, young comics. Yeah, I learned a lot of it from him. That's one of the reasons why, like, having his handwritten notes on the wall of the green room is it means a lot to me because I kind of think about it the same way, like, I know about so many comedians, because Rodney Dangerfield was generous and he wanted people to know about great comics. He didn't feel threatened by them. He wanted them to do well.I still remember his intro for Bill Hicks on that special where he goes, this next comic. He's so far ahead of his time, his parents haven't even met yet. Give it up for Bill Hicks. I'm like, dude, you found jokes in the intros. Yeah, he was accurate. But you, but you're also, like, you created this place. I'm like, it must feel cool to see these young comics, like, finding themselves. It's, like, fucking cool.Yeah, it is cool. It's real cool. I enjoy it. I mean, it's selfish, too.You build a good culture. It is so similar to sports where, like, you see there can be a talented rookie, but he's on a team with no good vets, and he ain't gonna be good, right? Because you need, you need someone to guide you. I was very fortunate that I had good comics looking out for me when I was a young comic, and the culture in New York is also strong. I mean, like, you know, Colin Quinn and David tell, when I was young, were, like, very, like, oh, this is how you be a comedian.You.You keep turning over new shit, and you keep like, I love. I'm on the early shows a lot, the comedy seller, and it'll be. I'm usually, like, following either Colin or Jim Norton. And they're so prolific. Like, they're just always taking chances. They don't give a fucked, and it, you know, they give a fuck, but they don't give a fuck in the right way where they're like, if this doesn't work, I'm gonna make it work. And, like, they're doing, like, nit. Jim's new shit is so interesting. It's so. It's so good. I mean, but it's all, like, veteran leadership, and it all lead bleeds down.Yes.And then we want to do that for the next generation. Like, I want the. I want. I'm excited when I see funny young comics.Yeah, yeah, me too.Young comics at the seller. Like, Maddie Weiner is a fucking killer. Like, she's a young comic who's, you know, there's, like, Ethan Simmons, Patterson, Daniel Simonson. They're like, young fucking killers at the cellar. And you're like, oh, fuck. I used to be the guy who would go up and kill, and now I'm like, fuck. I got to turn over jokes. And then they're going to become like, you know, it's. It's all good for the culture. You know?It is. It's good for the culture, and it's good for us. It's good for you selfishly to be generous, because those people that are coming up, the better they do, the more it's gonna fuel you, and you're gonna do better. It's good for everybody. And it's right about, like, having, like, a culture of top comedians. It keeps everybody strong, and that's the club. I mean, like, last night we're hanging out with. Ron White is fucking Brian I've never met. Oh, he's the best. He's such a nice guy.He was very nice. He made fun of me for being a Knicks fan, but other than that, he was pretty cool.That kid Ari Matty from Estonia opened up.I talked to him for a killer. Yeah, we chat for fucking killer.Super smart.Yeah.You know? And he's one of these young, hungry dogs that's coming up, and there's a gang of them at that club, and there's people moving there from all over the place, like Tyler Fisher and all these other people.Tony Sillas. Yeah, he opened for me at hyenas the weekend I got banned there. That's where we met.You got banned?I've been banned from a couple clubs. I don't get it.What did you do?My act. That's what. My agent goes, what did you do? My jokes? No, they were starting the show, like, an hour late every night. And it's like when you have a 1030 show and you're starting at 1130, I'm kind of like, guys, come on. Fucking turn it around. And then they were doing, like, blowjob shots on stage. They bring people from the crowd. I'm like, dude, you're just fucking. Please, just bring me on. I was like, it's like, I'm going on 1230 every night.Who's doing the blowjob shots?The club did that.So they're, like, trying to You still text like that?Yeah, he's old school.Well, he went iPhone for a while, and then he realized, like, this, I'm too in my head with this. I want to go back to it. Yeah, it's. It's the better way. It's better you see it with him. The results speak for themselves. Yeah.You're not distracted?I mean, Aziz went to a flip phone.Did he?Yeah, he talked about it on stage. He was like, I got my brain back. He goes, yeah, I can't get directions or anything like that, but I got my brain back.He's in Europe too. He's like, he's totally.Is he?Yeah.What is he doing?I think he. I think his wife is in London. I think he just moved there. I haven't seen him forever.Wow. Yeah, well, some of those guys, you know, they just, like, they get hit hard once with a big cancelation. You're like, what?No, he's. That's over.Yeah, but. I know, but, I mean, that thing changes, like, your. Your. It just changes your outlook on stuff.Yeah, no, I'm sure. I mean, that was. That was. Well, when it's written on, you know, it's legit, and definitely when that's.The only picket nuanced perspective on who he is.Yeah, that was a weird one.Yeah. Let's wrap this up, my brother.Thank you very much so much, man.Let's have fun tonight.We're gonna wait. Yeah.It's gonna be exciting. Tell everybody your social media, where to see your shit, your special, new special.Sam Morel. You've changed. On prime Video. I'm all over the road.I got, like, prime's doing a bunch of them now, huh? I think they did a bill burr one. I think Bill's doing his next hulu.He's going Hulu right now.A bunch of other people have done prime.People done prime? Yeah, they, that was by far my best offer. And they, you know, once I saw they treated people in the warehouse, I was like, I want to be on board. So, no, they, they know. They've been, they've been good to me. And then I, so I got that. I got, you know, I'm all over. I got, like, Miami, Baltimore. I'm trying to build material back up. I'm doing a euro tour, so all over Europe, like London, Belfast, all that shit. And I. And I post a lot of shit on Punchup Live. Samurai morale, because what is punch up live? My friend Danny Frankel started. He used to work at Facebook, and he hates censorship of comedians. So punch up is where I just, I gather emails and I hear it's like Patreon. But I don't take money. I just want emails so I can blast you when I come to your city. I don't spam you. It's just punch up live Samorl signup or just whatever. And I just. I post gigs. I post bonus stuff that I won't post elsewhere because I don't want. Wanted to get, like, buried on some horseshit.Right?And it's good. He cares about comedy. He's a great guy.That's cool. I'll check that out.It's awesome.All right, beautiful.Thank you, man.Thanks, brother. Appreciate it. All right, bye, everybody.


people. His balls would be hanging out. He didn't even care. Apparently had this giant dick and these huge balls, and they'd just be hanging out. And Rodney would just be smoking joints and hanging out backstage with everybody.


Plus, your 80 plus is, like, kind of adorable.


80 plus and super wealthy and famous. And he's doing this enormous theater. It's like this place where Bon Jovi does, you know, in. In Mansfield, Massachusetts. It's huge performing arts place.


He was the best man. My mom got me a dvd set of his for my birthday when I was a kid, and it was like, I loved it. It was like, yeah, look.




Oh, my God.


See how it's he's got a fucking sock over his dick and he's just.


Got the serious face. It's perfect. Perfect. Oh, dude, look at the back to school robe too. It's perfect, dude. The score for that movie too. Danny Elfman, like, dun dun dun dun dun dun. It's so cheerful. But yeah, he, on the dvd set, it's kind of sad. There's a set when he's really old and he's in Vegas and they're not good. The crowd's not good. He's kind of struggling. But there's a moment where he just is like, fuck it. And just rattles off like so many in a row, so many great one liners. And they start to pick up and they start giving an applause break and just pauses. He goes, I know a lot of good fucking jokes. It's such a triumphant moment. You're like 80 years old. He's just like, fuck you. I'm still. I'm still a pro.


I met him at the laugh factory, like, many, many years later after I'd seen him when I was a security guard. I was just moved to Hollywood, like, 94. And he was there and he was still doing, like a little bit of stand up. And he showed up and I met him there with his wife. I don't know if it's the same wife. He was always moving around, but he was, you know, was interesting just to see. Damn, it's just weird.


Was he cool?


Yeah, I was real friendly. Hey, what do you know? You know, it's like, strip.


Because his club, dangerfields, in the city, they'd be like, why are you always doing drugs? He's like, what am I gonna do drugs at my club? You know? It's like, fuck you, I'm doing drugs here. But, I mean, that was. I never really played dangerfields. It was like a bad club by the time I came around.


It was a bad club when I played it. I loved it.


I used to just always been a bad club.


It was always a bad club. Club. It was a. It was a good club. When he did the young comedian special from there, when he did Rodney's young comedian special.






Dude. I remember the lineup, dude. It's like Robert Schimmel Hicks. Yeah, dude.


Lenny Clark.


Yeah. Bill Hicks had a set on there that I was like, this fucking epic Robert Schimmel. I still remember the joke he opened with because it's such a good fucking joke where he go, he opens with this joke. He goes, I heard a guy got arrested for animal necrophilia. How do you plead for that? I'm sorry, your honor. I thought the cat was alive. All fucking it. That's a. To open with a fucking. A dead cat joke and crush. No, he was a beast. I love Robert Schimmel stuff.


Yeah, Robert Schimmel was amazing. He was amazing.


Those old comedian special really got me into comedy. Those were like, really?


Oh, yeah, man. They were. The way you found out about, like, Rick Dookaman, that's the way you found out. Oh, he was hilarious. Yeah, he was an LA guy that, for whatever reason, never made it, you know, he was funny. On the young comedian special, I was like, man, this guy's good.


I remember those lineups. They were just fucking beasts. Like, there wasn't a. They were all killers. They were good comics in there. Fucking dice coming out with smoke.


Bob Nelson with the football helmet.


I remember that shit.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Dom Herrera.


Oh, I love him.


Jerry Seinfeld. So many comics came out of those young comedian specials. Like, Rodney was the gatekeeper. He will, you know, he really cared about comedy, and he really wanted, like, young comics. Yeah, I learned a lot of it from him. That's one of the reasons why, like, having his handwritten notes on the wall of the green room is it means a lot to me because I kind of think about it the same way, like, I know about so many comedians, because Rodney Dangerfield was generous and he wanted people to know about great comics. He didn't feel threatened by them. He wanted them to do well.


I still remember his intro for Bill Hicks on that special where he goes, this next comic. He's so far ahead of his time, his parents haven't even met yet. Give it up for Bill Hicks. I'm like, dude, you found jokes in the intros. Yeah, he was accurate. But you, but you're also, like, you created this place. I'm like, it must feel cool to see these young comics, like, finding themselves. It's, like, fucking cool.


Yeah, it is cool. It's real cool. I enjoy it. I mean, it's selfish, too.


You build a good culture. It is so similar to sports where, like, you see there can be a talented rookie, but he's on a team with no good vets, and he ain't gonna be good, right? Because you need, you need someone to guide you. I was very fortunate that I had good comics looking out for me when I was a young comic, and the culture in New York is also strong. I mean, like, you know, Colin Quinn and David tell, when I was young, were, like, very, like, oh, this is how you be a comedian.




You keep turning over new shit, and you keep like, I love. I'm on the early shows a lot, the comedy seller, and it'll be. I'm usually, like, following either Colin or Jim Norton. And they're so prolific. Like, they're just always taking chances. They don't give a fucked, and it, you know, they give a fuck, but they don't give a fuck in the right way where they're like, if this doesn't work, I'm gonna make it work. And, like, they're doing, like, nit. Jim's new shit is so interesting. It's so. It's so good. I mean, but it's all, like, veteran leadership, and it all lead bleeds down.




And then we want to do that for the next generation. Like, I want the. I want. I'm excited when I see funny young comics.


Yeah, yeah, me too.


Young comics at the seller. Like, Maddie Weiner is a fucking killer. Like, she's a young comic who's, you know, there's, like, Ethan Simmons, Patterson, Daniel Simonson. They're like, young fucking killers at the cellar. And you're like, oh, fuck. I used to be the guy who would go up and kill, and now I'm like, fuck. I got to turn over jokes. And then they're going to become like, you know, it's. It's all good for the culture. You know?


It is. It's good for the culture, and it's good for us. It's good for you selfishly to be generous, because those people that are coming up, the better they do, the more it's gonna fuel you, and you're gonna do better. It's good for everybody. And it's right about, like, having, like, a culture of top comedians. It keeps everybody strong, and that's the club. I mean, like, last night we're hanging out with. Ron White is fucking Brian I've never met. Oh, he's the best. He's such a nice guy.


He was very nice. He made fun of me for being a Knicks fan, but other than that, he was pretty cool.


That kid Ari Matty from Estonia opened up.


I talked to him for a killer. Yeah, we chat for fucking killer.


Super smart.




You know? And he's one of these young, hungry dogs that's coming up, and there's a gang of them at that club, and there's people moving there from all over the place, like Tyler Fisher and all these other people.


Tony Sillas. Yeah, he opened for me at hyenas the weekend I got banned there. That's where we met.


You got banned?


I've been banned from a couple clubs. I don't get it.


What did you do?


My act. That's what. My agent goes, what did you do? My jokes? No, they were starting the show, like, an hour late every night. And it's like when you have a 1030 show and you're starting at 1130, I'm kind of like, guys, come on. Fucking turn it around. And then they were doing, like, blowjob shots on stage. They bring people from the crowd. I'm like, dude, you're just fucking. Please, just bring me on. I was like, it's like, I'm going on 1230 every night.


Who's doing the blowjob shots?


The club did that.


So they're, like, trying to You still text like that?Yeah, he's old school.Well, he went iPhone for a while, and then he realized, like, this, I'm too in my head with this. I want to go back to it. Yeah, it's. It's the better way. It's better you see it with him. The results speak for themselves. Yeah.You're not distracted?I mean, Aziz went to a flip phone.Did he?Yeah, he talked about it on stage. He was like, I got my brain back. He goes, yeah, I can't get directions or anything like that, but I got my brain back.He's in Europe too. He's like, he's totally.Is he?Yeah.What is he doing?I think he. I think his wife is in London. I think he just moved there. I haven't seen him forever.Wow. Yeah, well, some of those guys, you know, they just, like, they get hit hard once with a big cancelation. You're like, what?No, he's. That's over.Yeah, but. I know, but, I mean, that thing changes, like, your. Your. It just changes your outlook on stuff.Yeah, no, I'm sure. I mean, that was. That was. Well, when it's written on, you know, it's legit, and definitely when that's.The only picket nuanced perspective on who he is.Yeah, that was a weird one.Yeah. Let's wrap this up, my brother.Thank you very much so much, man.Let's have fun tonight.We're gonna wait. Yeah.It's gonna be exciting. Tell everybody your social media, where to see your shit, your special, new special.Sam Morel. You've changed. On prime Video. I'm all over the road.I got, like, prime's doing a bunch of them now, huh? I think they did a bill burr one. I think Bill's doing his next hulu.He's going Hulu right now.A bunch of other people have done prime.People done prime? Yeah, they, that was by far my best offer. And they, you know, once I saw they treated people in the warehouse, I was like, I want to be on board. So, no, they, they know. They've been, they've been good to me. And then I, so I got that. I got, you know, I'm all over. I got, like, Miami, Baltimore. I'm trying to build material back up. I'm doing a euro tour, so all over Europe, like London, Belfast, all that shit. And I. And I post a lot of shit on Punchup Live. Samurai morale, because what is punch up live? My friend Danny Frankel started. He used to work at Facebook, and he hates censorship of comedians. So punch up is where I just, I gather emails and I hear it's like Patreon. But I don't take money. I just want emails so I can blast you when I come to your city. I don't spam you. It's just punch up live Samorl signup or just whatever. And I just. I post gigs. I post bonus stuff that I won't post elsewhere because I don't want. Wanted to get, like, buried on some horseshit.Right?And it's good. He cares about comedy. He's a great guy.That's cool. I'll check that out.It's awesome.All right, beautiful.Thank you, man.Thanks, brother. Appreciate it. All right, bye, everybody.


You still text like that?


Yeah, he's old school.


Well, he went iPhone for a while, and then he realized, like, this, I'm too in my head with this. I want to go back to it. Yeah, it's. It's the better way. It's better you see it with him. The results speak for themselves. Yeah.


You're not distracted?


I mean, Aziz went to a flip phone.


Did he?


Yeah, he talked about it on stage. He was like, I got my brain back. He goes, yeah, I can't get directions or anything like that, but I got my brain back.


He's in Europe too. He's like, he's totally.


Is he?




What is he doing?


I think he. I think his wife is in London. I think he just moved there. I haven't seen him forever.


Wow. Yeah, well, some of those guys, you know, they just, like, they get hit hard once with a big cancelation. You're like, what?


No, he's. That's over.


Yeah, but. I know, but, I mean, that thing changes, like, your. Your. It just changes your outlook on stuff.


Yeah, no, I'm sure. I mean, that was. That was. Well, when it's written on, you know, it's legit, and definitely when that's.


The only picket nuanced perspective on who he is.


Yeah, that was a weird one.


Yeah. Let's wrap this up, my brother.


Thank you very much so much, man.


Let's have fun tonight.


We're gonna wait. Yeah.


It's gonna be exciting. Tell everybody your social media, where to see your shit, your special, new special.


Sam Morel. You've changed. On prime Video. I'm all over the road.


I got, like, prime's doing a bunch of them now, huh? I think they did a bill burr one. I think Bill's doing his next hulu.


He's going Hulu right now.


A bunch of other people have done prime.


People done prime? Yeah, they, that was by far my best offer. And they, you know, once I saw they treated people in the warehouse, I was like, I want to be on board. So, no, they, they know. They've been, they've been good to me. And then I, so I got that. I got, you know, I'm all over. I got, like, Miami, Baltimore. I'm trying to build material back up. I'm doing a euro tour, so all over Europe, like London, Belfast, all that shit. And I. And I post a lot of shit on Punchup Live. Samurai morale, because what is punch up live? My friend Danny Frankel started. He used to work at Facebook, and he hates censorship of comedians. So punch up is where I just, I gather emails and I hear it's like Patreon. But I don't take money. I just want emails so I can blast you when I come to your city. I don't spam you. It's just punch up live Samorl signup or just whatever. And I just. I post gigs. I post bonus stuff that I won't post elsewhere because I don't want. Wanted to get, like, buried on some horseshit.




And it's good. He cares about comedy. He's a great guy.


That's cool. I'll check that out.


It's awesome.


All right, beautiful.


Thank you, man.


Thanks, brother. Appreciate it. All right, bye, everybody.