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Joe Rogan podcast. Check it out. The Joe Rogan experience. Train by day. Joe Rogan podcast by night. All day. Do you have a new phone? What year? That one.


This one is like one of the rehabbed ones.


Oh, those are still good, though. Which number? Which number is it?


13, I think.


Oh, those are still good. I have an eleven. That's still good. Yeah, I keep an eleven for one of my You have to tell them, hey, man, don't lie to me. You don't have to lie. Don't do that. Yeah, you know, but it's just this weird thing that people fall back on bullshitting and lying. They just fall back on it, and they don't even know they're doing it to themselves. You will have less respect for yourself. You'll. Yeah, it's not worth it. No, it's not worth it. Cause you just create these things that aren't real in your life, these relationships, these friendships that aren't based on reality. You know? If a person can't handle the truth, you can't tell them, hey, that sucks.Yeah.You got to work on this. You got to change this. You got to do that.Yeah.If you don't do that, it's not going to get any better. Like, what I thought was the best book ever written.No, no. I mean, I've had. All my favorite editors have been so hard on me. I want. I want honest criticism.Yeah. You know, like, you write jokes for your haters. You know, write jokes to turn them over. Like, that was pretty good. One fucker. You know, Stanhope told me that he writes jokes like a defense attorney.Oh, interesting.Yeah. He examines his jokes as if he was, like, prosecuting them. It's great.That's a great point.It's very similar to mine. What? I said, I write jokes for haters.Yeah.You gotta look at it like a hater sometimes. Cause you can get too in love with your stuff. It's too easy. It's too easy to get in love with your stuff.The audience will tell you, too.But that's the difference between comedy and other things. Yeah, it's hard. If you're just a journalist writing, you kind of believe your opinion makes sense. And all of them are doing the same thing. Like, almost all of them, except for the independent ones, they're almost all doing the same things. They're saying they're expressing their thoughts to a very particular group of people, and let do funny things.Yeah.You can't do a lot of the things that they used to do. It would Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor when they were like, I'm you use AI at all?Zero.Zero.I have a Samsung Galaxy S 24 ultra that has some AI features that I thought were interesting. One of them was, you can go to a website and it will summarize the website for you. That's kind of cool. And there's some other things it does. Summarizes notes for you, transcribes notes.But other than that, there's good things like for transcription, stuff like that. I think that it is useful. It can do it in no time at all.I probably should ask it questions, but.It is about things.If I have questions about a subject.I was sending Tony a screenshot because I was asking it about the. I asked it about the top comedy podcast and kill Tony wasn't on there. And I was like, it's shadow banning you.AI is doing that.I asked this AI search engine that I've used,, for sure. Some of them are curated. Some of the results are curated just like Google results are curated. It's very difficult to get certain stories. Now, if you try to Google certain stories, things that have happened in the past, very hard to find. And it seems like Duckduckgo has been compromised, too.Oh, no. Yeah.I used to think that it was really go, but it seems to mirror the results of Google now. So where do you find weird stuff? There's brave. Brave has a search engine that I think is with no algorithm. It's not. I don't think it's curated. I think there's a few other ones that you can go to that are like small end search engines. They're all tied into the same thing, right? They're all tied into this great database in the world. I just don't know. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes. That if you google certain things, it will only give you positive things about a person. And if you google other people, it'll only give you negative things.Yeah, doesn't. Doesn't that. Doesn't it seem, though, like tech is shifting a little more rightward?No, only x.But I mean, freaking Zuckerberg the other day, come out and be like, that was the most badass, or was that AI?No, it was real. He said that. But how much. How much of a say do you really think Zuckerberg has over the entire business of meta?Right?Yeah. He's the owner, the CEO, the big dog, but he's also one human being.Hunting people in Maui.Yeah, he's doing jiu jitsu. He's really into a lot of fun things. He's having a good time, right? Yeah, I mean, he's not there every day for sure. People are getting shadow banned. And it's not like he's behind the scenes pulling the triggers. It's a company, and it's a giant, huge company that is like all these companies heavily influenced by advertiser dollars.Yeah, dumpster fire, we get that a lot from people. We get emails constantly that they've been unsubscribed. Like, I get one a day. And we've reached out to YouTube and been like, hey, why does this happen? They're like, well, if you can get a screen recording of that happening, I'm like, so someone's supposed to record themselves being Hitler going on. The end of democracy. It's fucking banana town.Zoom in. This. This fake Biden real quick. Just kidding. Go full screen. Not rim, not him.He has no idea where he is.How are you feeling since you dropped out of the race, sir?This is sad.Can Harris be Trump? It's walking pretty good.I don't know, this is sad.Or that's a 40 year old guy in a suit.But nearly got assassinated. Has there been those hands?Those are young hands.He dropped out of the race with a notes apology.Like, I want to analyze this. Like the Patterson gimlin, Bigfoot put it.See his gate compared to other.Yeah, I want to see his gate. I want to study his gate with fucking AI software. Hey, chat. GPT, tell me if this is the real Joe Biden based on how he walks.I did see someone put it also could be fake. They put the audio of his phone, of the phone call in. Yeah, like eleven labs. And it said it was like 98% chance it wasn't real.Yes. Yeah, I sent that to me. Yeah, yeah, let me send that to you too, Jamie.When I texted you about Trump, it was like. I was like, is this the first. It's fucked up that we even live in a time where all of our first reaction, which rightfully is, is this real? Like, when I heard about Trump, I was like, is this AI?Yeah, everything seems fake. People were thinking that. I mean, wasn't. Didn't that one lady tweet that she thought that Trump only got shot in the head so he doesn't go to jail?Wait, oh, so it was him trying to.I'll tell you right in a second. After I sent that thing to James.Amy, this is gone bananas. I get kind of turned on by all the chaos. Cause I come from it like I do. I'm like, please stop. I'm gonna start masturbating to Twitter. It's too much. It's just too hot.It's so crazy. It's just like every day. It's crazier. Okay, who it is? Gail health. She said so it says Donald. This is like Aaron Ruper said. Nancy Mace apparently said this. I guess it was on one of those news channels. Donald Trump literally took a bullet for our country. And this lady posts, no, he didn't. He was hit with a bullet because he's desperate to stay out of prison. Now, supposedly these are deleted tweets, so this might be bullshit. So we have to find out that because the Russians are always trying to keep us at each other's throats, ladies and gentlemen. And then there's the four chan trolls and the. So that might not even be a real tweet. Yeah, so let's find out if that's a real tweet, because otherwise, I'm going to make you cut that out so we don't get sued. Who is Gail hate? First of all, help Gail health.Why would you get sued by who?People see if you read a fake.Tweet with their name on Twitter account.Which Twitter account?Should I look up the Twitter account. Hold on. Sorry.This is amazing.I know. Hilarious. No, it's g h e l t t.But it feels like the trump thing's already out of the news cycle.Oh, yeah. What's the big deal? You just got shot in the head. Yeah.No press conference, nothing.She get rid of her account? That's the lady. Yeah, so that's. That's the. That's the claim. CIA analyst honey pot.Don't click on it.What account does exist? So she killed her account after this.This is weird.Yeah.And do you know that Biden, when he announced that he was not going to seek reelection, it was national ice cream day. I was like, we live in a simulation.Look, okay, context, morons. The point was that, no, he didn't take a bullet for his country. The point was that he's running to stay out of prison, and thus is why he took a bulletin bullet. No one believes he set himself up. And you're a fool for trying to twist this into that, uh, be able to influence young kids. That's a fact.Yeah.And some of them are really good teachers. And they have this idea that I'm going to help these kids and influence these kids in a positive way. And some of them are fucking crazy people that are locked into an ideology, and they want to convert like, when it was, like, Tuesday nights and roast battle was starting and kill Tony was starting, and you were back, and it was like this electric time at the comedy store, and he was saying, you know, you were aware, like, this is special. You're capturing something special. And I feel that way about now, too special, you know, happening in Austin with comedy and scene, it feels. That was the thing about LA. I'm like, I feel like I'm driving around a city on hospice. It just feels like a city that's, like, not doing well. And here it's vibrant and there's growth and there's all kinds of know until I got drunk on stage I would be drunk before I even got up. But I got sober and was like, fuck, I have stage fright. And it's so bad, Joe. It's so bad that I'll be like, maybe my dog will die. Maybe there will be, like, when the planes were all getting grounded, I'm like, maybe Colin was stuck in New York, like, terrified.So you're, like, trying to avoid the.Show, and I have to , you know, it's a confidence thing, too. You have to just, like, get hit with that over and over and over again.Yeah. You have to do the numbers. You have to get back in shape again. If you haven't ran in five years, you can't run a marathon.Yeah.You have to start doing runs around the ball.I love it. It's, like, been so. Yeah, I love it. I didn't. I was. I was like, fuck, what's a fun.Time for comedy, too, because the world's on fire.Yeah, well, it's so crazy. And that's the thing I have. I did it because it's like the only time I feel sane, you know? I mean, I feel sane a lot, but when I get on stage and I'm talking, it's like my mind is like, Zen. There's just a calm, you know, that's interesting. I feel very present in. In that, like, conversation you're having. It's just. I don't know. There's nothing. Yeah, I think it's just. I think I fought it for a long time. Like, I just didn't. I was like, I don't. I don't have what it takes. I don't have the chops, I don't have the talent, all this shit. But it's like, just get out. It's garbage.It's a hard thing to do. You know, people don't like hard things. They come up with reasons why they don't do hard things. It's funny, Francis Ngannou, who's a former UFC heavyweight champion, he was talking about people going to school because they're trying to avoid a job. The way he said it was like, sometimes they're just avoiding working. Oh, yeah, they're staying in school.You're getting, like, your second PhD.That's exactly what it is. True. You're still doing something, but you are avoiding. And those are the people that wind up teaching, which is even crazier because they've never really experienced the real world, yet they're shaping young people to prepare them for the real world.Yeah.And just that it's going to be really interesting to see what happens if Trump gets into office, how much gets changed, how much the society shifts, because it does seem like society is shifting away from all the woke stuff and the left wing, and even people that were, like, former lifelong democrats, like Bill Ackman, and all these people that are talking about voting for Trump, Elon, all these people that are talking about, like, this, what we have to fight against. But then they're going to realize, like, they're right wing. They're trying to track your periods. Well, they're trying to bring Jesus back into the schools.I've learned from being very wrong on this podcast many times and having the entire world tell me about it, that, like, she raised $100 million in a day. Come on, right there.How much of it came from Satan?You mean Hillary Clinton?Satan. Satan. Maybe it is Hillary. Satan. Satan. Like, where's that money coming from?Allegedly, a lot of first time donors.Okay, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe you were that dumb. Maybe they never heard her talk. Maybe it's blue. No matter who.Was like, that one wasn't true.It's interesting.Well, because I underestimated how much the abortion thing would. Would play into it.Yeah, that plays into it a lot. But it almost feels like that's all engineered to keep us, like, at each other's throats. Like nothing ever got resolved. Like, there's one of the things that they were thinking when they were banning abortions was, gay marriage is going to be next. And some people have openly stated that gay marriage should be next, and that that's the thing that they do want to stop next. And I'm like, this is like. Seems fake.Yeah.Seems like if you really care about that, that seems crazy. I think what you care about is consistently keeping people at each other's throats.Right. I wrote this, like, piece that went crazy viral. It was, like, trendy on Twitter for. It was very unexpected about divorce just coming from divorce. And I was like, hey, divorce sucks. Just. And I. And my point was kind of like, even as an adult with a kid, I didn't realize how much of an effect it has. Even later in life when you have your own kids, things like my siblings have had to deal with. And people, the reaction was, like, crazy. But then that kind of counter reaction was from the left. They were like, and this is when they're coming after divorce laws and they're trying to say that you basically, like, they're trying to get rid of no fault divorce and they're trying to make it so women need to get approval to get divorced.You saying that they were lumping you?Well, they were saying that I was. I mean, this is like the blue and on stuff where it's like, oh, you're just. They were like, you were pay. How much did the evangelistic pay you to write this piece? I'm like, yes, the evangelicals. Years ago, I got, my parents got divorced, and I became my deep state plant so that I could write this piece to undermine the divorce laws. That's exactly right. I mean, it's like craziness, but that this is.But I think a lot of those people aren't even real people. I think a lot of that is. Bots.Bots.And a lot of that is like, I mean, you have to really consider.Oh, definitely.Which is why I think it's really foolish for people to engage in any sort of disagreements online. I think so much of the conversation is pushed in one way or another by people that aren't even real people.Oh, right, those bot farms. Yeah, like all the. Have you seen them with all the phones?It's not just that they show you that, but you don't think our government's doing that. You're out of your fucking mind. Yeah, if you don't think that. They are online posing as progressives, having these complex sites with, like, AI generated photos of their family. They are. Every government does it, and the goal is to divide and conquer. The best way to conquer is to keep us at each other's throats. The best way to keep infringing on our rights is to have you agree with this infringement, because this infringement goes against those people that you oppose, which are the people on the other team. And that's the dirty, dirty, dirty trick that people fall for every goddamn time. And that's what leads to the downfall of civilization.How do we get out of it?Mushrooms, the only way. I don't know. Maybe aliens land. Maybe Donald Trump takes over and everybody starts doing bong hits out of a fucking they're gonna flag thing. What's it called? Freedom bong or freedom Bong.Yeah, I. I'll vote for whoever stops those freaking wind farms off the coast. That's my, that's my wind things.Nuts. They should have. They should have gone down the road of nuclear power plants a long fucking time ago. The thing is, people are afraid of them because of Chernobyl and three Mile.Island, and they're not like that anymore.Not only are they not like that anymore, it is literally the greenest source of energy that we have. They know how to shut them down now. There's ways to avoid it. There's even companies that are investing in making batteries out of the waste.Did you see all this stuff? Like, with Nantucket, the beaches were all closed because one of the turbines fell. And then the beach was like, getting fiberglass. And there's dead whales on Block island and all up down there.I'm like, this dead whales from, from.The fucking wind from. Schellenberger covers all this. He taught. He's been doing a whole documentary. It's because it's fucking with all their, their, like, so sonar stuff and it gives off this vibration and it is an eco. Like, these are the fucking save the whales people. And they're kid. This is killing the whales. And it sounds windmill, ecological disaster. These things, they should not be allowed. They should be shut down. I don't know how they even got through.And it's just they don't even generate that much electricity.1% that I was watching all the hearings in Nantucket because they never got to vote on it either. This is another one of those things that just, like, people were like, yeah, we need tax cuts. And for our company, it's ge. And I think it was ge. And so they were like, this is 1% of it generates, like, 1% extra energy. For us, it's nothing.There was a boat that got attacked by a whale today. A boat that flipped over by a whale. An actual whale flipped over a boat?Like, yeah, blue whale or an orca.I don't know what kind of whale, but a big ass whale. A whale whale? Yeah. What happens? See a whale capsize a boat off the coast of Rye, New Hampshire, Tuesday.Damn.Watch that again because it's crazy. This wow whale just jumps up and smashes his boat and flips it over. And the guy falls in the water. And this kid's like, let me get the fucked out of here. Like, I don't know what happened and why the whales are attacking boats.That same Yellowstone's biscuit basin. Rops.Excuse me.See the explorer biscuit basin fucking blasting.Oh, yeah, that's great. That's next. Yellowstone's gonna blow. Super volcano whales are attacking people. Let's wrap this up. Bridget, I love you.You're awesome.It's great to see you always. I'm glad you're enjoying.I love it. Love you, and thank you.Tell everybody your podcast where they can get dumpster fire.Just go to it's all there. We just took it all. or. And subscribe to our YouTube Bridget fetasy. That would be the best thing you can do.Best. All right, bye, everybody. Bye.


You have to tell them, hey, man, don't lie to me. You don't have to lie. Don't do that. Yeah, you know, but it's just this weird thing that people fall back on bullshitting and lying. They just fall back on it, and they don't even know they're doing it to themselves. You will have less respect for yourself. You'll. Yeah, it's not worth it. No, it's not worth it. Cause you just create these things that aren't real in your life, these relationships, these friendships that aren't based on reality. You know? If a person can't handle the truth, you can't tell them, hey, that sucks.




You got to work on this. You got to change this. You got to do that.




If you don't do that, it's not going to get any better. Like, what I thought was the best book ever written.


No, no. I mean, I've had. All my favorite editors have been so hard on me. I want. I want honest criticism.


Yeah. You know, like, you write jokes for your haters. You know, write jokes to turn them over. Like, that was pretty good. One fucker. You know, Stanhope told me that he writes jokes like a defense attorney.


Oh, interesting.


Yeah. He examines his jokes as if he was, like, prosecuting them. It's great.


That's a great point.


It's very similar to mine. What? I said, I write jokes for haters.




You gotta look at it like a hater sometimes. Cause you can get too in love with your stuff. It's too easy. It's too easy to get in love with your stuff.


The audience will tell you, too.


But that's the difference between comedy and other things. Yeah, it's hard. If you're just a journalist writing, you kind of believe your opinion makes sense. And all of them are doing the same thing. Like, almost all of them, except for the independent ones, they're almost all doing the same things. They're saying they're expressing their thoughts to a very particular group of people, and let do funny things.Yeah.You can't do a lot of the things that they used to do. It would Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor when they were like, I'm you use AI at all?Zero.Zero.I have a Samsung Galaxy S 24 ultra that has some AI features that I thought were interesting. One of them was, you can go to a website and it will summarize the website for you. That's kind of cool. And there's some other things it does. Summarizes notes for you, transcribes notes.But other than that, there's good things like for transcription, stuff like that. I think that it is useful. It can do it in no time at all.I probably should ask it questions, but.It is about things.If I have questions about a subject.I was sending Tony a screenshot because I was asking it about the. I asked it about the top comedy podcast and kill Tony wasn't on there. And I was like, it's shadow banning you.AI is doing that.I asked this AI search engine that I've used,, for sure. Some of them are curated. Some of the results are curated just like Google results are curated. It's very difficult to get certain stories. Now, if you try to Google certain stories, things that have happened in the past, very hard to find. And it seems like Duckduckgo has been compromised, too.Oh, no. Yeah.I used to think that it was really go, but it seems to mirror the results of Google now. So where do you find weird stuff? There's brave. Brave has a search engine that I think is with no algorithm. It's not. I don't think it's curated. I think there's a few other ones that you can go to that are like small end search engines. They're all tied into the same thing, right? They're all tied into this great database in the world. I just don't know. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes. That if you google certain things, it will only give you positive things about a person. And if you google other people, it'll only give you negative things.Yeah, doesn't. Doesn't that. Doesn't it seem, though, like tech is shifting a little more rightward?No, only x.But I mean, freaking Zuckerberg the other day, come out and be like, that was the most badass, or was that AI?No, it was real. He said that. But how much. How much of a say do you really think Zuckerberg has over the entire business of meta?Right?Yeah. He's the owner, the CEO, the big dog, but he's also one human being.Hunting people in Maui.Yeah, he's doing jiu jitsu. He's really into a lot of fun things. He's having a good time, right? Yeah, I mean, he's not there every day for sure. People are getting shadow banned. And it's not like he's behind the scenes pulling the triggers. It's a company, and it's a giant, huge company that is like all these companies heavily influenced by advertiser dollars.Yeah, dumpster fire, we get that a lot from people. We get emails constantly that they've been unsubscribed. Like, I get one a day. And we've reached out to YouTube and been like, hey, why does this happen? They're like, well, if you can get a screen recording of that happening, I'm like, so someone's supposed to record themselves being Hitler going on. The end of democracy. It's fucking banana town.Zoom in. This. This fake Biden real quick. Just kidding. Go full screen. Not rim, not him.He has no idea where he is.How are you feeling since you dropped out of the race, sir?This is sad.Can Harris be Trump? It's walking pretty good.I don't know, this is sad.Or that's a 40 year old guy in a suit.But nearly got assassinated. Has there been those hands?Those are young hands.He dropped out of the race with a notes apology.Like, I want to analyze this. Like the Patterson gimlin, Bigfoot put it.See his gate compared to other.Yeah, I want to see his gate. I want to study his gate with fucking AI software. Hey, chat. GPT, tell me if this is the real Joe Biden based on how he walks.I did see someone put it also could be fake. They put the audio of his phone, of the phone call in. Yeah, like eleven labs. And it said it was like 98% chance it wasn't real.Yes. Yeah, I sent that to me. Yeah, yeah, let me send that to you too, Jamie.When I texted you about Trump, it was like. I was like, is this the first. It's fucked up that we even live in a time where all of our first reaction, which rightfully is, is this real? Like, when I heard about Trump, I was like, is this AI?Yeah, everything seems fake. People were thinking that. I mean, wasn't. Didn't that one lady tweet that she thought that Trump only got shot in the head so he doesn't go to jail?Wait, oh, so it was him trying to.I'll tell you right in a second. After I sent that thing to James.Amy, this is gone bananas. I get kind of turned on by all the chaos. Cause I come from it like I do. I'm like, please stop. I'm gonna start masturbating to Twitter. It's too much. It's just too hot.It's so crazy. It's just like every day. It's crazier. Okay, who it is? Gail health. She said so it says Donald. This is like Aaron Ruper said. Nancy Mace apparently said this. I guess it was on one of those news channels. Donald Trump literally took a bullet for our country. And this lady posts, no, he didn't. He was hit with a bullet because he's desperate to stay out of prison. Now, supposedly these are deleted tweets, so this might be bullshit. So we have to find out that because the Russians are always trying to keep us at each other's throats, ladies and gentlemen. And then there's the four chan trolls and the. So that might not even be a real tweet. Yeah, so let's find out if that's a real tweet, because otherwise, I'm going to make you cut that out so we don't get sued. Who is Gail hate? First of all, help Gail health.Why would you get sued by who?People see if you read a fake.Tweet with their name on Twitter account.Which Twitter account?Should I look up the Twitter account. Hold on. Sorry.This is amazing.I know. Hilarious. No, it's g h e l t t.But it feels like the trump thing's already out of the news cycle.Oh, yeah. What's the big deal? You just got shot in the head. Yeah.No press conference, nothing.She get rid of her account? That's the lady. Yeah, so that's. That's the. That's the claim. CIA analyst honey pot.Don't click on it.What account does exist? So she killed her account after this.This is weird.Yeah.And do you know that Biden, when he announced that he was not going to seek reelection, it was national ice cream day. I was like, we live in a simulation.Look, okay, context, morons. The point was that, no, he didn't take a bullet for his country. The point was that he's running to stay out of prison, and thus is why he took a bulletin bullet. No one believes he set himself up. And you're a fool for trying to twist this into that, uh, be able to influence young kids. That's a fact.Yeah.And some of them are really good teachers. And they have this idea that I'm going to help these kids and influence these kids in a positive way. And some of them are fucking crazy people that are locked into an ideology, and they want to convert like, when it was, like, Tuesday nights and roast battle was starting and kill Tony was starting, and you were back, and it was like this electric time at the comedy store, and he was saying, you know, you were aware, like, this is special. You're capturing something special. And I feel that way about now, too special, you know, happening in Austin with comedy and scene, it feels. That was the thing about LA. I'm like, I feel like I'm driving around a city on hospice. It just feels like a city that's, like, not doing well. And here it's vibrant and there's growth and there's all kinds of know until I got drunk on stage I would be drunk before I even got up. But I got sober and was like, fuck, I have stage fright. And it's so bad, Joe. It's so bad that I'll be like, maybe my dog will die. Maybe there will be, like, when the planes were all getting grounded, I'm like, maybe Colin was stuck in New York, like, terrified.So you're, like, trying to avoid the.Show, and I have to , you know, it's a confidence thing, too. You have to just, like, get hit with that over and over and over again.Yeah. You have to do the numbers. You have to get back in shape again. If you haven't ran in five years, you can't run a marathon.Yeah.You have to start doing runs around the ball.I love it. It's, like, been so. Yeah, I love it. I didn't. I was. I was like, fuck, what's a fun.Time for comedy, too, because the world's on fire.Yeah, well, it's so crazy. And that's the thing I have. I did it because it's like the only time I feel sane, you know? I mean, I feel sane a lot, but when I get on stage and I'm talking, it's like my mind is like, Zen. There's just a calm, you know, that's interesting. I feel very present in. In that, like, conversation you're having. It's just. I don't know. There's nothing. Yeah, I think it's just. I think I fought it for a long time. Like, I just didn't. I was like, I don't. I don't have what it takes. I don't have the chops, I don't have the talent, all this shit. But it's like, just get out. It's garbage.It's a hard thing to do. You know, people don't like hard things. They come up with reasons why they don't do hard things. It's funny, Francis Ngannou, who's a former UFC heavyweight champion, he was talking about people going to school because they're trying to avoid a job. The way he said it was like, sometimes they're just avoiding working. Oh, yeah, they're staying in school.You're getting, like, your second PhD.That's exactly what it is. True. You're still doing something, but you are avoiding. And those are the people that wind up teaching, which is even crazier because they've never really experienced the real world, yet they're shaping young people to prepare them for the real world.Yeah.And just that it's going to be really interesting to see what happens if Trump gets into office, how much gets changed, how much the society shifts, because it does seem like society is shifting away from all the woke stuff and the left wing, and even people that were, like, former lifelong democrats, like Bill Ackman, and all these people that are talking about voting for Trump, Elon, all these people that are talking about, like, this, what we have to fight against. But then they're going to realize, like, they're right wing. They're trying to track your periods. Well, they're trying to bring Jesus back into the schools.I've learned from being very wrong on this podcast many times and having the entire world tell me about it, that, like, she raised $100 million in a day. Come on, right there.How much of it came from Satan?You mean Hillary Clinton?Satan. Satan. Maybe it is Hillary. Satan. Satan. Like, where's that money coming from?Allegedly, a lot of first time donors.Okay, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe you were that dumb. Maybe they never heard her talk. Maybe it's blue. No matter who.Was like, that one wasn't true.It's interesting.Well, because I underestimated how much the abortion thing would. Would play into it.Yeah, that plays into it a lot. But it almost feels like that's all engineered to keep us, like, at each other's throats. Like nothing ever got resolved. Like, there's one of the things that they were thinking when they were banning abortions was, gay marriage is going to be next. And some people have openly stated that gay marriage should be next, and that that's the thing that they do want to stop next. And I'm like, this is like. Seems fake.Yeah.Seems like if you really care about that, that seems crazy. I think what you care about is consistently keeping people at each other's throats.Right. I wrote this, like, piece that went crazy viral. It was, like, trendy on Twitter for. It was very unexpected about divorce just coming from divorce. And I was like, hey, divorce sucks. Just. And I. And my point was kind of like, even as an adult with a kid, I didn't realize how much of an effect it has. Even later in life when you have your own kids, things like my siblings have had to deal with. And people, the reaction was, like, crazy. But then that kind of counter reaction was from the left. They were like, and this is when they're coming after divorce laws and they're trying to say that you basically, like, they're trying to get rid of no fault divorce and they're trying to make it so women need to get approval to get divorced.You saying that they were lumping you?Well, they were saying that I was. I mean, this is like the blue and on stuff where it's like, oh, you're just. They were like, you were pay. How much did the evangelistic pay you to write this piece? I'm like, yes, the evangelicals. Years ago, I got, my parents got divorced, and I became my deep state plant so that I could write this piece to undermine the divorce laws. That's exactly right. I mean, it's like craziness, but that this is.But I think a lot of those people aren't even real people. I think a lot of that is. Bots.Bots.And a lot of that is like, I mean, you have to really consider.Oh, definitely.Which is why I think it's really foolish for people to engage in any sort of disagreements online. I think so much of the conversation is pushed in one way or another by people that aren't even real people.Oh, right, those bot farms. Yeah, like all the. Have you seen them with all the phones?It's not just that they show you that, but you don't think our government's doing that. You're out of your fucking mind. Yeah, if you don't think that. They are online posing as progressives, having these complex sites with, like, AI generated photos of their family. They are. Every government does it, and the goal is to divide and conquer. The best way to conquer is to keep us at each other's throats. The best way to keep infringing on our rights is to have you agree with this infringement, because this infringement goes against those people that you oppose, which are the people on the other team. And that's the dirty, dirty, dirty trick that people fall for every goddamn time. And that's what leads to the downfall of civilization.How do we get out of it?Mushrooms, the only way. I don't know. Maybe aliens land. Maybe Donald Trump takes over and everybody starts doing bong hits out of a fucking they're gonna flag thing. What's it called? Freedom bong or freedom Bong.Yeah, I. I'll vote for whoever stops those freaking wind farms off the coast. That's my, that's my wind things.Nuts. They should have. They should have gone down the road of nuclear power plants a long fucking time ago. The thing is, people are afraid of them because of Chernobyl and three Mile.Island, and they're not like that anymore.Not only are they not like that anymore, it is literally the greenest source of energy that we have. They know how to shut them down now. There's ways to avoid it. There's even companies that are investing in making batteries out of the waste.Did you see all this stuff? Like, with Nantucket, the beaches were all closed because one of the turbines fell. And then the beach was like, getting fiberglass. And there's dead whales on Block island and all up down there.I'm like, this dead whales from, from.The fucking wind from. Schellenberger covers all this. He taught. He's been doing a whole documentary. It's because it's fucking with all their, their, like, so sonar stuff and it gives off this vibration and it is an eco. Like, these are the fucking save the whales people. And they're kid. This is killing the whales. And it sounds windmill, ecological disaster. These things, they should not be allowed. They should be shut down. I don't know how they even got through.And it's just they don't even generate that much electricity.1% that I was watching all the hearings in Nantucket because they never got to vote on it either. This is another one of those things that just, like, people were like, yeah, we need tax cuts. And for our company, it's ge. And I think it was ge. And so they were like, this is 1% of it generates, like, 1% extra energy. For us, it's nothing.There was a boat that got attacked by a whale today. A boat that flipped over by a whale. An actual whale flipped over a boat?Like, yeah, blue whale or an orca.I don't know what kind of whale, but a big ass whale. A whale whale? Yeah. What happens? See a whale capsize a boat off the coast of Rye, New Hampshire, Tuesday.Damn.Watch that again because it's crazy. This wow whale just jumps up and smashes his boat and flips it over. And the guy falls in the water. And this kid's like, let me get the fucked out of here. Like, I don't know what happened and why the whales are attacking boats.That same Yellowstone's biscuit basin. Rops.Excuse me.See the explorer biscuit basin fucking blasting.Oh, yeah, that's great. That's next. Yellowstone's gonna blow. Super volcano whales are attacking people. Let's wrap this up. Bridget, I love you.You're awesome.It's great to see you always. I'm glad you're enjoying.I love it. Love you, and thank you.Tell everybody your podcast where they can get dumpster fire.Just go to it's all there. We just took it all. or. And subscribe to our YouTube Bridget fetasy. That would be the best thing you can do.Best. All right, bye, everybody. Bye.


let do funny things.




You can't do a lot of the things that they used to do. It would Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor when they were like, I'm you use AI at all?Zero.Zero.I have a Samsung Galaxy S 24 ultra that has some AI features that I thought were interesting. One of them was, you can go to a website and it will summarize the website for you. That's kind of cool. And there's some other things it does. Summarizes notes for you, transcribes notes.But other than that, there's good things like for transcription, stuff like that. I think that it is useful. It can do it in no time at all.I probably should ask it questions, but.It is about things.If I have questions about a subject.I was sending Tony a screenshot because I was asking it about the. I asked it about the top comedy podcast and kill Tony wasn't on there. And I was like, it's shadow banning you.AI is doing that.I asked this AI search engine that I've used,, for sure. Some of them are curated. Some of the results are curated just like Google results are curated. It's very difficult to get certain stories. Now, if you try to Google certain stories, things that have happened in the past, very hard to find. And it seems like Duckduckgo has been compromised, too.Oh, no. Yeah.I used to think that it was really go, but it seems to mirror the results of Google now. So where do you find weird stuff? There's brave. Brave has a search engine that I think is with no algorithm. It's not. I don't think it's curated. I think there's a few other ones that you can go to that are like small end search engines. They're all tied into the same thing, right? They're all tied into this great database in the world. I just don't know. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes. That if you google certain things, it will only give you positive things about a person. And if you google other people, it'll only give you negative things.Yeah, doesn't. Doesn't that. Doesn't it seem, though, like tech is shifting a little more rightward?No, only x.But I mean, freaking Zuckerberg the other day, come out and be like, that was the most badass, or was that AI?No, it was real. He said that. But how much. How much of a say do you really think Zuckerberg has over the entire business of meta?Right?Yeah. He's the owner, the CEO, the big dog, but he's also one human being.Hunting people in Maui.Yeah, he's doing jiu jitsu. He's really into a lot of fun things. He's having a good time, right? Yeah, I mean, he's not there every day for sure. People are getting shadow banned. And it's not like he's behind the scenes pulling the triggers. It's a company, and it's a giant, huge company that is like all these companies heavily influenced by advertiser dollars.Yeah, dumpster fire, we get that a lot from people. We get emails constantly that they've been unsubscribed. Like, I get one a day. And we've reached out to YouTube and been like, hey, why does this happen? They're like, well, if you can get a screen recording of that happening, I'm like, so someone's supposed to record themselves being Hitler going on. The end of democracy. It's fucking banana town.Zoom in. This. This fake Biden real quick. Just kidding. Go full screen. Not rim, not him.He has no idea where he is.How are you feeling since you dropped out of the race, sir?This is sad.Can Harris be Trump? It's walking pretty good.I don't know, this is sad.Or that's a 40 year old guy in a suit.But nearly got assassinated. Has there been those hands?Those are young hands.He dropped out of the race with a notes apology.Like, I want to analyze this. Like the Patterson gimlin, Bigfoot put it.See his gate compared to other.Yeah, I want to see his gate. I want to study his gate with fucking AI software. Hey, chat. GPT, tell me if this is the real Joe Biden based on how he walks.I did see someone put it also could be fake. They put the audio of his phone, of the phone call in. Yeah, like eleven labs. And it said it was like 98% chance it wasn't real.Yes. Yeah, I sent that to me. Yeah, yeah, let me send that to you too, Jamie.When I texted you about Trump, it was like. I was like, is this the first. It's fucked up that we even live in a time where all of our first reaction, which rightfully is, is this real? Like, when I heard about Trump, I was like, is this AI?Yeah, everything seems fake. People were thinking that. I mean, wasn't. Didn't that one lady tweet that she thought that Trump only got shot in the head so he doesn't go to jail?Wait, oh, so it was him trying to.I'll tell you right in a second. After I sent that thing to James.Amy, this is gone bananas. I get kind of turned on by all the chaos. Cause I come from it like I do. I'm like, please stop. I'm gonna start masturbating to Twitter. It's too much. It's just too hot.It's so crazy. It's just like every day. It's crazier. Okay, who it is? Gail health. She said so it says Donald. This is like Aaron Ruper said. Nancy Mace apparently said this. I guess it was on one of those news channels. Donald Trump literally took a bullet for our country. And this lady posts, no, he didn't. He was hit with a bullet because he's desperate to stay out of prison. Now, supposedly these are deleted tweets, so this might be bullshit. So we have to find out that because the Russians are always trying to keep us at each other's throats, ladies and gentlemen. And then there's the four chan trolls and the. So that might not even be a real tweet. Yeah, so let's find out if that's a real tweet, because otherwise, I'm going to make you cut that out so we don't get sued. Who is Gail hate? First of all, help Gail health.Why would you get sued by who?People see if you read a fake.Tweet with their name on Twitter account.Which Twitter account?Should I look up the Twitter account. Hold on. Sorry.This is amazing.I know. Hilarious. No, it's g h e l t t.But it feels like the trump thing's already out of the news cycle.Oh, yeah. What's the big deal? You just got shot in the head. Yeah.No press conference, nothing.She get rid of her account? That's the lady. Yeah, so that's. That's the. That's the claim. CIA analyst honey pot.Don't click on it.What account does exist? So she killed her account after this.This is weird.Yeah.And do you know that Biden, when he announced that he was not going to seek reelection, it was national ice cream day. I was like, we live in a simulation.Look, okay, context, morons. The point was that, no, he didn't take a bullet for his country. The point was that he's running to stay out of prison, and thus is why he took a bulletin bullet. No one believes he set himself up. And you're a fool for trying to twist this into that, uh, be able to influence young kids. That's a fact.Yeah.And some of them are really good teachers. And they have this idea that I'm going to help these kids and influence these kids in a positive way. And some of them are fucking crazy people that are locked into an ideology, and they want to convert like, when it was, like, Tuesday nights and roast battle was starting and kill Tony was starting, and you were back, and it was like this electric time at the comedy store, and he was saying, you know, you were aware, like, this is special. You're capturing something special. And I feel that way about now, too special, you know, happening in Austin with comedy and scene, it feels. That was the thing about LA. I'm like, I feel like I'm driving around a city on hospice. It just feels like a city that's, like, not doing well. And here it's vibrant and there's growth and there's all kinds of know until I got drunk on stage I would be drunk before I even got up. But I got sober and was like, fuck, I have stage fright. And it's so bad, Joe. It's so bad that I'll be like, maybe my dog will die. Maybe there will be, like, when the planes were all getting grounded, I'm like, maybe Colin was stuck in New York, like, terrified.So you're, like, trying to avoid the.Show, and I have to , you know, it's a confidence thing, too. You have to just, like, get hit with that over and over and over again.Yeah. You have to do the numbers. You have to get back in shape again. If you haven't ran in five years, you can't run a marathon.Yeah.You have to start doing runs around the ball.I love it. It's, like, been so. Yeah, I love it. I didn't. I was. I was like, fuck, what's a fun.Time for comedy, too, because the world's on fire.Yeah, well, it's so crazy. And that's the thing I have. I did it because it's like the only time I feel sane, you know? I mean, I feel sane a lot, but when I get on stage and I'm talking, it's like my mind is like, Zen. There's just a calm, you know, that's interesting. I feel very present in. In that, like, conversation you're having. It's just. I don't know. There's nothing. Yeah, I think it's just. I think I fought it for a long time. Like, I just didn't. I was like, I don't. I don't have what it takes. I don't have the chops, I don't have the talent, all this shit. But it's like, just get out. It's garbage.It's a hard thing to do. You know, people don't like hard things. They come up with reasons why they don't do hard things. It's funny, Francis Ngannou, who's a former UFC heavyweight champion, he was talking about people going to school because they're trying to avoid a job. The way he said it was like, sometimes they're just avoiding working. Oh, yeah, they're staying in school.You're getting, like, your second PhD.That's exactly what it is. True. You're still doing something, but you are avoiding. And those are the people that wind up teaching, which is even crazier because they've never really experienced the real world, yet they're shaping young people to prepare them for the real world.Yeah.And just that it's going to be really interesting to see what happens if Trump gets into office, how much gets changed, how much the society shifts, because it does seem like society is shifting away from all the woke stuff and the left wing, and even people that were, like, former lifelong democrats, like Bill Ackman, and all these people that are talking about voting for Trump, Elon, all these people that are talking about, like, this, what we have to fight against. But then they're going to realize, like, they're right wing. They're trying to track your periods. Well, they're trying to bring Jesus back into the schools.I've learned from being very wrong on this podcast many times and having the entire world tell me about it, that, like, she raised $100 million in a day. Come on, right there.How much of it came from Satan?You mean Hillary Clinton?Satan. Satan. Maybe it is Hillary. Satan. Satan. Like, where's that money coming from?Allegedly, a lot of first time donors.Okay, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe you were that dumb. Maybe they never heard her talk. Maybe it's blue. No matter who.Was like, that one wasn't true.It's interesting.Well, because I underestimated how much the abortion thing would. Would play into it.Yeah, that plays into it a lot. But it almost feels like that's all engineered to keep us, like, at each other's throats. Like nothing ever got resolved. Like, there's one of the things that they were thinking when they were banning abortions was, gay marriage is going to be next. And some people have openly stated that gay marriage should be next, and that that's the thing that they do want to stop next. And I'm like, this is like. Seems fake.Yeah.Seems like if you really care about that, that seems crazy. I think what you care about is consistently keeping people at each other's throats.Right. I wrote this, like, piece that went crazy viral. It was, like, trendy on Twitter for. It was very unexpected about divorce just coming from divorce. And I was like, hey, divorce sucks. Just. And I. And my point was kind of like, even as an adult with a kid, I didn't realize how much of an effect it has. Even later in life when you have your own kids, things like my siblings have had to deal with. And people, the reaction was, like, crazy. But then that kind of counter reaction was from the left. They were like, and this is when they're coming after divorce laws and they're trying to say that you basically, like, they're trying to get rid of no fault divorce and they're trying to make it so women need to get approval to get divorced.You saying that they were lumping you?Well, they were saying that I was. I mean, this is like the blue and on stuff where it's like, oh, you're just. They were like, you were pay. How much did the evangelistic pay you to write this piece? I'm like, yes, the evangelicals. Years ago, I got, my parents got divorced, and I became my deep state plant so that I could write this piece to undermine the divorce laws. That's exactly right. I mean, it's like craziness, but that this is.But I think a lot of those people aren't even real people. I think a lot of that is. Bots.Bots.And a lot of that is like, I mean, you have to really consider.Oh, definitely.Which is why I think it's really foolish for people to engage in any sort of disagreements online. I think so much of the conversation is pushed in one way or another by people that aren't even real people.Oh, right, those bot farms. Yeah, like all the. Have you seen them with all the phones?It's not just that they show you that, but you don't think our government's doing that. You're out of your fucking mind. Yeah, if you don't think that. They are online posing as progressives, having these complex sites with, like, AI generated photos of their family. They are. Every government does it, and the goal is to divide and conquer. The best way to conquer is to keep us at each other's throats. The best way to keep infringing on our rights is to have you agree with this infringement, because this infringement goes against those people that you oppose, which are the people on the other team. And that's the dirty, dirty, dirty trick that people fall for every goddamn time. And that's what leads to the downfall of civilization.How do we get out of it?Mushrooms, the only way. I don't know. Maybe aliens land. Maybe Donald Trump takes over and everybody starts doing bong hits out of a fucking they're gonna flag thing. What's it called? Freedom bong or freedom Bong.Yeah, I. I'll vote for whoever stops those freaking wind farms off the coast. That's my, that's my wind things.Nuts. They should have. They should have gone down the road of nuclear power plants a long fucking time ago. The thing is, people are afraid of them because of Chernobyl and three Mile.Island, and they're not like that anymore.Not only are they not like that anymore, it is literally the greenest source of energy that we have. They know how to shut them down now. There's ways to avoid it. There's even companies that are investing in making batteries out of the waste.Did you see all this stuff? Like, with Nantucket, the beaches were all closed because one of the turbines fell. And then the beach was like, getting fiberglass. And there's dead whales on Block island and all up down there.I'm like, this dead whales from, from.The fucking wind from. Schellenberger covers all this. He taught. He's been doing a whole documentary. It's because it's fucking with all their, their, like, so sonar stuff and it gives off this vibration and it is an eco. Like, these are the fucking save the whales people. And they're kid. This is killing the whales. And it sounds windmill, ecological disaster. These things, they should not be allowed. They should be shut down. I don't know how they even got through.And it's just they don't even generate that much electricity.1% that I was watching all the hearings in Nantucket because they never got to vote on it either. This is another one of those things that just, like, people were like, yeah, we need tax cuts. And for our company, it's ge. And I think it was ge. And so they were like, this is 1% of it generates, like, 1% extra energy. For us, it's nothing.There was a boat that got attacked by a whale today. A boat that flipped over by a whale. An actual whale flipped over a boat?Like, yeah, blue whale or an orca.I don't know what kind of whale, but a big ass whale. A whale whale? Yeah. What happens? See a whale capsize a boat off the coast of Rye, New Hampshire, Tuesday.Damn.Watch that again because it's crazy. This wow whale just jumps up and smashes his boat and flips it over. And the guy falls in the water. And this kid's like, let me get the fucked out of here. Like, I don't know what happened and why the whales are attacking boats.That same Yellowstone's biscuit basin. Rops.Excuse me.See the explorer biscuit basin fucking blasting.Oh, yeah, that's great. That's next. Yellowstone's gonna blow. Super volcano whales are attacking people. Let's wrap this up. Bridget, I love you.You're awesome.It's great to see you always. I'm glad you're enjoying.I love it. Love you, and thank you.Tell everybody your podcast where they can get dumpster fire.Just go to it's all there. We just took it all. or. And subscribe to our YouTube Bridget fetasy. That would be the best thing you can do.Best. All right, bye, everybody. Bye.


you use AI at all?






I have a Samsung Galaxy S 24 ultra that has some AI features that I thought were interesting. One of them was, you can go to a website and it will summarize the website for you. That's kind of cool. And there's some other things it does. Summarizes notes for you, transcribes notes.


But other than that, there's good things like for transcription, stuff like that. I think that it is useful. It can do it in no time at all.


I probably should ask it questions, but.


It is about things.


If I have questions about a subject.


I was sending Tony a screenshot because I was asking it about the. I asked it about the top comedy podcast and kill Tony wasn't on there. And I was like, it's shadow banning you.


AI is doing that.


I asked this AI search engine that I've used,


Well, for sure. Some of them are curated. Some of the results are curated just like Google results are curated. It's very difficult to get certain stories. Now, if you try to Google certain stories, things that have happened in the past, very hard to find. And it seems like Duckduckgo has been compromised, too.


Oh, no. Yeah.


I used to think that it was really go, but it seems to mirror the results of Google now. So where do you find weird stuff? There's brave. Brave has a search engine that I think is with no algorithm. It's not. I don't think it's curated. I think there's a few other ones that you can go to that are like small end search engines. They're all tied into the same thing, right? They're all tied into this great database in the world. I just don't know. I don't know what's going on behind the scenes. That if you google certain things, it will only give you positive things about a person. And if you google other people, it'll only give you negative things.


Yeah, doesn't. Doesn't that. Doesn't it seem, though, like tech is shifting a little more rightward?


No, only x.


But I mean, freaking Zuckerberg the other day, come out and be like, that was the most badass, or was that AI?


No, it was real. He said that. But how much. How much of a say do you really think Zuckerberg has over the entire business of meta?




Yeah. He's the owner, the CEO, the big dog, but he's also one human being.


Hunting people in Maui.


Yeah, he's doing jiu jitsu. He's really into a lot of fun things. He's having a good time, right? Yeah, I mean, he's not there every day for sure. People are getting shadow banned. And it's not like he's behind the scenes pulling the triggers. It's a company, and it's a giant, huge company that is like all these companies heavily influenced by advertiser dollars.


Yeah, dumpster fire, we get that a lot from people. We get emails constantly that they've been unsubscribed. Like, I get one a day. And we've reached out to YouTube and been like, hey, why does this happen? They're like, well, if you can get a screen recording of that happening, I'm like, so someone's supposed to record themselves being Hitler going on. The end of democracy. It's fucking banana town.Zoom in. This. This fake Biden real quick. Just kidding. Go full screen. Not rim, not him.He has no idea where he is.How are you feeling since you dropped out of the race, sir?This is sad.Can Harris be Trump? It's walking pretty good.I don't know, this is sad.Or that's a 40 year old guy in a suit.But nearly got assassinated. Has there been those hands?Those are young hands.He dropped out of the race with a notes apology.Like, I want to analyze this. Like the Patterson gimlin, Bigfoot put it.See his gate compared to other.Yeah, I want to see his gate. I want to study his gate with fucking AI software. Hey, chat. GPT, tell me if this is the real Joe Biden based on how he walks.I did see someone put it also could be fake. They put the audio of his phone, of the phone call in. Yeah, like eleven labs. And it said it was like 98% chance it wasn't real.Yes. Yeah, I sent that to me. Yeah, yeah, let me send that to you too, Jamie.When I texted you about Trump, it was like. I was like, is this the first. It's fucked up that we even live in a time where all of our first reaction, which rightfully is, is this real? Like, when I heard about Trump, I was like, is this AI?Yeah, everything seems fake. People were thinking that. I mean, wasn't. Didn't that one lady tweet that she thought that Trump only got shot in the head so he doesn't go to jail?Wait, oh, so it was him trying to.I'll tell you right in a second. After I sent that thing to James.Amy, this is gone bananas. I get kind of turned on by all the chaos. Cause I come from it like I do. I'm like, please stop. I'm gonna start masturbating to Twitter. It's too much. It's just too hot.It's so crazy. It's just like every day. It's crazier. Okay, who it is? Gail health. She said so it says Donald. This is like Aaron Ruper said. Nancy Mace apparently said this. I guess it was on one of those news channels. Donald Trump literally took a bullet for our country. And this lady posts, no, he didn't. He was hit with a bullet because he's desperate to stay out of prison. Now, supposedly these are deleted tweets, so this might be bullshit. So we have to find out that because the Russians are always trying to keep us at each other's throats, ladies and gentlemen. And then there's the four chan trolls and the. So that might not even be a real tweet. Yeah, so let's find out if that's a real tweet, because otherwise, I'm going to make you cut that out so we don't get sued. Who is Gail hate? First of all, help Gail health.Why would you get sued by who?People see if you read a fake.Tweet with their name on Twitter account.Which Twitter account?Should I look up the Twitter account. Hold on. Sorry.This is amazing.I know. Hilarious. No, it's g h e l t t.But it feels like the trump thing's already out of the news cycle.Oh, yeah. What's the big deal? You just got shot in the head. Yeah.No press conference, nothing.She get rid of her account? That's the lady. Yeah, so that's. That's the. That's the claim. CIA analyst honey pot.Don't click on it.What account does exist? So she killed her account after this.This is weird.Yeah.And do you know that Biden, when he announced that he was not going to seek reelection, it was national ice cream day. I was like, we live in a simulation.Look, okay, context, morons. The point was that, no, he didn't take a bullet for his country. The point was that he's running to stay out of prison, and thus is why he took a bulletin bullet. No one believes he set himself up. And you're a fool for trying to twist this into that, uh, be able to influence young kids. That's a fact.Yeah.And some of them are really good teachers. And they have this idea that I'm going to help these kids and influence these kids in a positive way. And some of them are fucking crazy people that are locked into an ideology, and they want to convert like, when it was, like, Tuesday nights and roast battle was starting and kill Tony was starting, and you were back, and it was like this electric time at the comedy store, and he was saying, you know, you were aware, like, this is special. You're capturing something special. And I feel that way about now, too special, you know, happening in Austin with comedy and scene, it feels. That was the thing about LA. I'm like, I feel like I'm driving around a city on hospice. It just feels like a city that's, like, not doing well. And here it's vibrant and there's growth and there's all kinds of know until I got drunk on stage I would be drunk before I even got up. But I got sober and was like, fuck, I have stage fright. And it's so bad, Joe. It's so bad that I'll be like, maybe my dog will die. Maybe there will be, like, when the planes were all getting grounded, I'm like, maybe Colin was stuck in New York, like, terrified.So you're, like, trying to avoid the.Show, and I have to , you know, it's a confidence thing, too. You have to just, like, get hit with that over and over and over again.Yeah. You have to do the numbers. You have to get back in shape again. If you haven't ran in five years, you can't run a marathon.Yeah.You have to start doing runs around the ball.I love it. It's, like, been so. Yeah, I love it. I didn't. I was. I was like, fuck, what's a fun.Time for comedy, too, because the world's on fire.Yeah, well, it's so crazy. And that's the thing I have. I did it because it's like the only time I feel sane, you know? I mean, I feel sane a lot, but when I get on stage and I'm talking, it's like my mind is like, Zen. There's just a calm, you know, that's interesting. I feel very present in. In that, like, conversation you're having. It's just. I don't know. There's nothing. Yeah, I think it's just. I think I fought it for a long time. Like, I just didn't. I was like, I don't. I don't have what it takes. I don't have the chops, I don't have the talent, all this shit. But it's like, just get out. It's garbage.It's a hard thing to do. You know, people don't like hard things. They come up with reasons why they don't do hard things. It's funny, Francis Ngannou, who's a former UFC heavyweight champion, he was talking about people going to school because they're trying to avoid a job. The way he said it was like, sometimes they're just avoiding working. Oh, yeah, they're staying in school.You're getting, like, your second PhD.That's exactly what it is. True. You're still doing something, but you are avoiding. And those are the people that wind up teaching, which is even crazier because they've never really experienced the real world, yet they're shaping young people to prepare them for the real world.Yeah.And just that it's going to be really interesting to see what happens if Trump gets into office, how much gets changed, how much the society shifts, because it does seem like society is shifting away from all the woke stuff and the left wing, and even people that were, like, former lifelong democrats, like Bill Ackman, and all these people that are talking about voting for Trump, Elon, all these people that are talking about, like, this, what we have to fight against. But then they're going to realize, like, they're right wing. They're trying to track your periods. Well, they're trying to bring Jesus back into the schools.I've learned from being very wrong on this podcast many times and having the entire world tell me about it, that, like, she raised $100 million in a day. Come on, right there.How much of it came from Satan?You mean Hillary Clinton?Satan. Satan. Maybe it is Hillary. Satan. Satan. Like, where's that money coming from?Allegedly, a lot of first time donors.Okay, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe you were that dumb. Maybe they never heard her talk. Maybe it's blue. No matter who.Was like, that one wasn't true.It's interesting.Well, because I underestimated how much the abortion thing would. Would play into it.Yeah, that plays into it a lot. But it almost feels like that's all engineered to keep us, like, at each other's throats. Like nothing ever got resolved. Like, there's one of the things that they were thinking when they were banning abortions was, gay marriage is going to be next. And some people have openly stated that gay marriage should be next, and that that's the thing that they do want to stop next. And I'm like, this is like. Seems fake.Yeah.Seems like if you really care about that, that seems crazy. I think what you care about is consistently keeping people at each other's throats.Right. I wrote this, like, piece that went crazy viral. It was, like, trendy on Twitter for. It was very unexpected about divorce just coming from divorce. And I was like, hey, divorce sucks. Just. And I. And my point was kind of like, even as an adult with a kid, I didn't realize how much of an effect it has. Even later in life when you have your own kids, things like my siblings have had to deal with. And people, the reaction was, like, crazy. But then that kind of counter reaction was from the left. They were like, and this is when they're coming after divorce laws and they're trying to say that you basically, like, they're trying to get rid of no fault divorce and they're trying to make it so women need to get approval to get divorced.You saying that they were lumping you?Well, they were saying that I was. I mean, this is like the blue and on stuff where it's like, oh, you're just. They were like, you were pay. How much did the evangelistic pay you to write this piece? I'm like, yes, the evangelicals. Years ago, I got, my parents got divorced, and I became my deep state plant so that I could write this piece to undermine the divorce laws. That's exactly right. I mean, it's like craziness, but that this is.But I think a lot of those people aren't even real people. I think a lot of that is. Bots.Bots.And a lot of that is like, I mean, you have to really consider.Oh, definitely.Which is why I think it's really foolish for people to engage in any sort of disagreements online. I think so much of the conversation is pushed in one way or another by people that aren't even real people.Oh, right, those bot farms. Yeah, like all the. Have you seen them with all the phones?It's not just that they show you that, but you don't think our government's doing that. You're out of your fucking mind. Yeah, if you don't think that. They are online posing as progressives, having these complex sites with, like, AI generated photos of their family. They are. Every government does it, and the goal is to divide and conquer. The best way to conquer is to keep us at each other's throats. The best way to keep infringing on our rights is to have you agree with this infringement, because this infringement goes against those people that you oppose, which are the people on the other team. And that's the dirty, dirty, dirty trick that people fall for every goddamn time. And that's what leads to the downfall of civilization.How do we get out of it?Mushrooms, the only way. I don't know. Maybe aliens land. Maybe Donald Trump takes over and everybody starts doing bong hits out of a fucking they're gonna flag thing. What's it called? Freedom bong or freedom Bong.Yeah, I. I'll vote for whoever stops those freaking wind farms off the coast. That's my, that's my wind things.Nuts. They should have. They should have gone down the road of nuclear power plants a long fucking time ago. The thing is, people are afraid of them because of Chernobyl and three Mile.Island, and they're not like that anymore.Not only are they not like that anymore, it is literally the greenest source of energy that we have. They know how to shut them down now. There's ways to avoid it. There's even companies that are investing in making batteries out of the waste.Did you see all this stuff? Like, with Nantucket, the beaches were all closed because one of the turbines fell. And then the beach was like, getting fiberglass. And there's dead whales on Block island and all up down there.I'm like, this dead whales from, from.The fucking wind from. Schellenberger covers all this. He taught. He's been doing a whole documentary. It's because it's fucking with all their, their, like, so sonar stuff and it gives off this vibration and it is an eco. Like, these are the fucking save the whales people. And they're kid. This is killing the whales. And it sounds windmill, ecological disaster. These things, they should not be allowed. They should be shut down. I don't know how they even got through.And it's just they don't even generate that much electricity.1% that I was watching all the hearings in Nantucket because they never got to vote on it either. This is another one of those things that just, like, people were like, yeah, we need tax cuts. And for our company, it's ge. And I think it was ge. And so they were like, this is 1% of it generates, like, 1% extra energy. For us, it's nothing.There was a boat that got attacked by a whale today. A boat that flipped over by a whale. An actual whale flipped over a boat?Like, yeah, blue whale or an orca.I don't know what kind of whale, but a big ass whale. A whale whale? Yeah. What happens? See a whale capsize a boat off the coast of Rye, New Hampshire, Tuesday.Damn.Watch that again because it's crazy. This wow whale just jumps up and smashes his boat and flips it over. And the guy falls in the water. And this kid's like, let me get the fucked out of here. Like, I don't know what happened and why the whales are attacking boats.That same Yellowstone's biscuit basin. Rops.Excuse me.See the explorer biscuit basin fucking blasting.Oh, yeah, that's great. That's next. Yellowstone's gonna blow. Super volcano whales are attacking people. Let's wrap this up. Bridget, I love you.You're awesome.It's great to see you always. I'm glad you're enjoying.I love it. Love you, and thank you.Tell everybody your podcast where they can get dumpster fire.Just go to it's all there. We just took it all. or. And subscribe to our YouTube Bridget fetasy. That would be the best thing you can do.Best. All right, bye, everybody. Bye.


Hitler going on. The end of democracy. It's fucking banana town.


Zoom in. This. This fake Biden real quick. Just kidding. Go full screen. Not rim, not him.


He has no idea where he is.


How are you feeling since you dropped out of the race, sir?


This is sad.


Can Harris be Trump? It's walking pretty good.


I don't know, this is sad.


Or that's a 40 year old guy in a suit.


But nearly got assassinated. Has there been those hands?


Those are young hands.


He dropped out of the race with a notes apology.


Like, I want to analyze this. Like the Patterson gimlin, Bigfoot put it.


See his gate compared to other.


Yeah, I want to see his gate. I want to study his gate with fucking AI software. Hey, chat. GPT, tell me if this is the real Joe Biden based on how he walks.


I did see someone put it also could be fake. They put the audio of his phone, of the phone call in. Yeah, like eleven labs. And it said it was like 98% chance it wasn't real.


Yes. Yeah, I sent that to me. Yeah, yeah, let me send that to you too, Jamie.


When I texted you about Trump, it was like. I was like, is this the first. It's fucked up that we even live in a time where all of our first reaction, which rightfully is, is this real? Like, when I heard about Trump, I was like, is this AI?


Yeah, everything seems fake. People were thinking that. I mean, wasn't. Didn't that one lady tweet that she thought that Trump only got shot in the head so he doesn't go to jail?


Wait, oh, so it was him trying to.


I'll tell you right in a second. After I sent that thing to James.


Amy, this is gone bananas. I get kind of turned on by all the chaos. Cause I come from it like I do. I'm like, please stop. I'm gonna start masturbating to Twitter. It's too much. It's just too hot.


It's so crazy. It's just like every day. It's crazier. Okay, who it is? Gail health. She said so it says Donald. This is like Aaron Ruper said. Nancy Mace apparently said this. I guess it was on one of those news channels. Donald Trump literally took a bullet for our country. And this lady posts, no, he didn't. He was hit with a bullet because he's desperate to stay out of prison. Now, supposedly these are deleted tweets, so this might be bullshit. So we have to find out that because the Russians are always trying to keep us at each other's throats, ladies and gentlemen. And then there's the four chan trolls and the. So that might not even be a real tweet. Yeah, so let's find out if that's a real tweet, because otherwise, I'm going to make you cut that out so we don't get sued. Who is Gail hate? First of all, help Gail health.


Why would you get sued by who?


People see if you read a fake.


Tweet with their name on Twitter account.


Which Twitter account?


Should I look up the Twitter account. Hold on. Sorry.


This is amazing.


I know. Hilarious. No, it's g h e l t t.


But it feels like the trump thing's already out of the news cycle.


Oh, yeah. What's the big deal? You just got shot in the head. Yeah.


No press conference, nothing.


She get rid of her account? That's the lady. Yeah, so that's. That's the. That's the claim. CIA analyst honey pot.


Don't click on it.


What account does exist? So she killed her account after this.


This is weird.




And do you know that Biden, when he announced that he was not going to seek reelection, it was national ice cream day. I was like, we live in a simulation.


Look, okay, context, morons. The point was that, no, he didn't take a bullet for his country. The point was that he's running to stay out of prison, and thus is why he took a bulletin bullet. No one believes he set himself up. And you're a fool for trying to twist this into that, uh, be able to influence young kids. That's a fact.Yeah.And some of them are really good teachers. And they have this idea that I'm going to help these kids and influence these kids in a positive way. And some of them are fucking crazy people that are locked into an ideology, and they want to convert like, when it was, like, Tuesday nights and roast battle was starting and kill Tony was starting, and you were back, and it was like this electric time at the comedy store, and he was saying, you know, you were aware, like, this is special. You're capturing something special. And I feel that way about now, too special, you know, happening in Austin with comedy and scene, it feels. That was the thing about LA. I'm like, I feel like I'm driving around a city on hospice. It just feels like a city that's, like, not doing well. And here it's vibrant and there's growth and there's all kinds of know until I got drunk on stage I would be drunk before I even got up. But I got sober and was like, fuck, I have stage fright. And it's so bad, Joe. It's so bad that I'll be like, maybe my dog will die. Maybe there will be, like, when the planes were all getting grounded, I'm like, maybe Colin was stuck in New York, like, terrified.So you're, like, trying to avoid the.Show, and I have to , you know, it's a confidence thing, too. You have to just, like, get hit with that over and over and over again.Yeah. You have to do the numbers. You have to get back in shape again. If you haven't ran in five years, you can't run a marathon.Yeah.You have to start doing runs around the ball.I love it. It's, like, been so. Yeah, I love it. I didn't. I was. I was like, fuck, what's a fun.Time for comedy, too, because the world's on fire.Yeah, well, it's so crazy. And that's the thing I have. I did it because it's like the only time I feel sane, you know? I mean, I feel sane a lot, but when I get on stage and I'm talking, it's like my mind is like, Zen. There's just a calm, you know, that's interesting. I feel very present in. In that, like, conversation you're having. It's just. I don't know. There's nothing. Yeah, I think it's just. I think I fought it for a long time. Like, I just didn't. I was like, I don't. I don't have what it takes. I don't have the chops, I don't have the talent, all this shit. But it's like, just get out. It's garbage.It's a hard thing to do. You know, people don't like hard things. They come up with reasons why they don't do hard things. It's funny, Francis Ngannou, who's a former UFC heavyweight champion, he was talking about people going to school because they're trying to avoid a job. The way he said it was like, sometimes they're just avoiding working. Oh, yeah, they're staying in school.You're getting, like, your second PhD.That's exactly what it is. True. You're still doing something, but you are avoiding. And those are the people that wind up teaching, which is even crazier because they've never really experienced the real world, yet they're shaping young people to prepare them for the real world.Yeah.And just that it's going to be really interesting to see what happens if Trump gets into office, how much gets changed, how much the society shifts, because it does seem like society is shifting away from all the woke stuff and the left wing, and even people that were, like, former lifelong democrats, like Bill Ackman, and all these people that are talking about voting for Trump, Elon, all these people that are talking about, like, this, what we have to fight against. But then they're going to realize, like, they're right wing. They're trying to track your periods. Well, they're trying to bring Jesus back into the schools.I've learned from being very wrong on this podcast many times and having the entire world tell me about it, that, like, she raised $100 million in a day. Come on, right there.How much of it came from Satan?You mean Hillary Clinton?Satan. Satan. Maybe it is Hillary. Satan. Satan. Like, where's that money coming from?Allegedly, a lot of first time donors.Okay, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe you were that dumb. Maybe they never heard her talk. Maybe it's blue. No matter who.Was like, that one wasn't true.It's interesting.Well, because I underestimated how much the abortion thing would. Would play into it.Yeah, that plays into it a lot. But it almost feels like that's all engineered to keep us, like, at each other's throats. Like nothing ever got resolved. Like, there's one of the things that they were thinking when they were banning abortions was, gay marriage is going to be next. And some people have openly stated that gay marriage should be next, and that that's the thing that they do want to stop next. And I'm like, this is like. Seems fake.Yeah.Seems like if you really care about that, that seems crazy. I think what you care about is consistently keeping people at each other's throats.Right. I wrote this, like, piece that went crazy viral. It was, like, trendy on Twitter for. It was very unexpected about divorce just coming from divorce. And I was like, hey, divorce sucks. Just. And I. And my point was kind of like, even as an adult with a kid, I didn't realize how much of an effect it has. Even later in life when you have your own kids, things like my siblings have had to deal with. And people, the reaction was, like, crazy. But then that kind of counter reaction was from the left. They were like, and this is when they're coming after divorce laws and they're trying to say that you basically, like, they're trying to get rid of no fault divorce and they're trying to make it so women need to get approval to get divorced.You saying that they were lumping you?Well, they were saying that I was. I mean, this is like the blue and on stuff where it's like, oh, you're just. They were like, you were pay. How much did the evangelistic pay you to write this piece? I'm like, yes, the evangelicals. Years ago, I got, my parents got divorced, and I became my deep state plant so that I could write this piece to undermine the divorce laws. That's exactly right. I mean, it's like craziness, but that this is.But I think a lot of those people aren't even real people. I think a lot of that is. Bots.Bots.And a lot of that is like, I mean, you have to really consider.Oh, definitely.Which is why I think it's really foolish for people to engage in any sort of disagreements online. I think so much of the conversation is pushed in one way or another by people that aren't even real people.Oh, right, those bot farms. Yeah, like all the. Have you seen them with all the phones?It's not just that they show you that, but you don't think our government's doing that. You're out of your fucking mind. Yeah, if you don't think that. They are online posing as progressives, having these complex sites with, like, AI generated photos of their family. They are. Every government does it, and the goal is to divide and conquer. The best way to conquer is to keep us at each other's throats. The best way to keep infringing on our rights is to have you agree with this infringement, because this infringement goes against those people that you oppose, which are the people on the other team. And that's the dirty, dirty, dirty trick that people fall for every goddamn time. And that's what leads to the downfall of civilization.How do we get out of it?Mushrooms, the only way. I don't know. Maybe aliens land. Maybe Donald Trump takes over and everybody starts doing bong hits out of a fucking they're gonna flag thing. What's it called? Freedom bong or freedom Bong.Yeah, I. I'll vote for whoever stops those freaking wind farms off the coast. That's my, that's my wind things.Nuts. They should have. They should have gone down the road of nuclear power plants a long fucking time ago. The thing is, people are afraid of them because of Chernobyl and three Mile.Island, and they're not like that anymore.Not only are they not like that anymore, it is literally the greenest source of energy that we have. They know how to shut them down now. There's ways to avoid it. There's even companies that are investing in making batteries out of the waste.Did you see all this stuff? Like, with Nantucket, the beaches were all closed because one of the turbines fell. And then the beach was like, getting fiberglass. And there's dead whales on Block island and all up down there.I'm like, this dead whales from, from.The fucking wind from. Schellenberger covers all this. He taught. He's been doing a whole documentary. It's because it's fucking with all their, their, like, so sonar stuff and it gives off this vibration and it is an eco. Like, these are the fucking save the whales people. And they're kid. This is killing the whales. And it sounds windmill, ecological disaster. These things, they should not be allowed. They should be shut down. I don't know how they even got through.And it's just they don't even generate that much electricity.1% that I was watching all the hearings in Nantucket because they never got to vote on it either. This is another one of those things that just, like, people were like, yeah, we need tax cuts. And for our company, it's ge. And I think it was ge. And so they were like, this is 1% of it generates, like, 1% extra energy. For us, it's nothing.There was a boat that got attacked by a whale today. A boat that flipped over by a whale. An actual whale flipped over a boat?Like, yeah, blue whale or an orca.I don't know what kind of whale, but a big ass whale. A whale whale? Yeah. What happens? See a whale capsize a boat off the coast of Rye, New Hampshire, Tuesday.Damn.Watch that again because it's crazy. This wow whale just jumps up and smashes his boat and flips it over. And the guy falls in the water. And this kid's like, let me get the fucked out of here. Like, I don't know what happened and why the whales are attacking boats.That same Yellowstone's biscuit basin. Rops.Excuse me.See the explorer biscuit basin fucking blasting.Oh, yeah, that's great. That's next. Yellowstone's gonna blow. Super volcano whales are attacking people. Let's wrap this up. Bridget, I love you.You're awesome.It's great to see you always. I'm glad you're enjoying.I love it. Love you, and thank you.Tell everybody your podcast where they can get dumpster fire.Just go to it's all there. We just took it all. or. And subscribe to our YouTube Bridget fetasy. That would be the best thing you can do.Best. All right, bye, everybody. Bye.


be able to influence young kids. That's a fact.




And some of them are really good teachers. And they have this idea that I'm going to help these kids and influence these kids in a positive way. And some of them are fucking crazy people that are locked into an ideology, and they want to convert like, when it was, like, Tuesday nights and roast battle was starting and kill Tony was starting, and you were back, and it was like this electric time at the comedy store, and he was saying, you know, you were aware, like, this is special. You're capturing something special. And I feel that way about now, too special, you know, happening in Austin with comedy and scene, it feels. That was the thing about LA. I'm like, I feel like I'm driving around a city on hospice. It just feels like a city that's, like, not doing well. And here it's vibrant and there's growth and there's all kinds of know until I got drunk on stage I would be drunk before I even got up. But I got sober and was like, fuck, I have stage fright. And it's so bad, Joe. It's so bad that I'll be like, maybe my dog will die. Maybe there will be, like, when the planes were all getting grounded, I'm like, maybe Colin was stuck in New York, like, terrified.So you're, like, trying to avoid the.Show, and I have to , you know, it's a confidence thing, too. You have to just, like, get hit with that over and over and over again.Yeah. You have to do the numbers. You have to get back in shape again. If you haven't ran in five years, you can't run a marathon.Yeah.You have to start doing runs around the ball.I love it. It's, like, been so. Yeah, I love it. I didn't. I was. I was like, fuck, what's a fun.Time for comedy, too, because the world's on fire.Yeah, well, it's so crazy. And that's the thing I have. I did it because it's like the only time I feel sane, you know? I mean, I feel sane a lot, but when I get on stage and I'm talking, it's like my mind is like, Zen. There's just a calm, you know, that's interesting. I feel very present in. In that, like, conversation you're having. It's just. I don't know. There's nothing. Yeah, I think it's just. I think I fought it for a long time. Like, I just didn't. I was like, I don't. I don't have what it takes. I don't have the chops, I don't have the talent, all this shit. But it's like, just get out. It's garbage.It's a hard thing to do. You know, people don't like hard things. They come up with reasons why they don't do hard things. It's funny, Francis Ngannou, who's a former UFC heavyweight champion, he was talking about people going to school because they're trying to avoid a job. The way he said it was like, sometimes they're just avoiding working. Oh, yeah, they're staying in school.You're getting, like, your second PhD.That's exactly what it is. True. You're still doing something, but you are avoiding. And those are the people that wind up teaching, which is even crazier because they've never really experienced the real world, yet they're shaping young people to prepare them for the real world.Yeah.And just that it's going to be really interesting to see what happens if Trump gets into office, how much gets changed, how much the society shifts, because it does seem like society is shifting away from all the woke stuff and the left wing, and even people that were, like, former lifelong democrats, like Bill Ackman, and all these people that are talking about voting for Trump, Elon, all these people that are talking about, like, this, what we have to fight against. But then they're going to realize, like, they're right wing. They're trying to track your periods. Well, they're trying to bring Jesus back into the schools.I've learned from being very wrong on this podcast many times and having the entire world tell me about it, that, like, she raised $100 million in a day. Come on, right there.How much of it came from Satan?You mean Hillary Clinton?Satan. Satan. Maybe it is Hillary. Satan. Satan. Like, where's that money coming from?Allegedly, a lot of first time donors.Okay, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe you were that dumb. Maybe they never heard her talk. Maybe it's blue. No matter who.Was like, that one wasn't true.It's interesting.Well, because I underestimated how much the abortion thing would. Would play into it.Yeah, that plays into it a lot. But it almost feels like that's all engineered to keep us, like, at each other's throats. Like nothing ever got resolved. Like, there's one of the things that they were thinking when they were banning abortions was, gay marriage is going to be next. And some people have openly stated that gay marriage should be next, and that that's the thing that they do want to stop next. And I'm like, this is like. Seems fake.Yeah.Seems like if you really care about that, that seems crazy. I think what you care about is consistently keeping people at each other's throats.Right. I wrote this, like, piece that went crazy viral. It was, like, trendy on Twitter for. It was very unexpected about divorce just coming from divorce. And I was like, hey, divorce sucks. Just. And I. And my point was kind of like, even as an adult with a kid, I didn't realize how much of an effect it has. Even later in life when you have your own kids, things like my siblings have had to deal with. And people, the reaction was, like, crazy. But then that kind of counter reaction was from the left. They were like, and this is when they're coming after divorce laws and they're trying to say that you basically, like, they're trying to get rid of no fault divorce and they're trying to make it so women need to get approval to get divorced.You saying that they were lumping you?Well, they were saying that I was. I mean, this is like the blue and on stuff where it's like, oh, you're just. They were like, you were pay. How much did the evangelistic pay you to write this piece? I'm like, yes, the evangelicals. Years ago, I got, my parents got divorced, and I became my deep state plant so that I could write this piece to undermine the divorce laws. That's exactly right. I mean, it's like craziness, but that this is.But I think a lot of those people aren't even real people. I think a lot of that is. Bots.Bots.And a lot of that is like, I mean, you have to really consider.Oh, definitely.Which is why I think it's really foolish for people to engage in any sort of disagreements online. I think so much of the conversation is pushed in one way or another by people that aren't even real people.Oh, right, those bot farms. Yeah, like all the. Have you seen them with all the phones?It's not just that they show you that, but you don't think our government's doing that. You're out of your fucking mind. Yeah, if you don't think that. They are online posing as progressives, having these complex sites with, like, AI generated photos of their family. They are. Every government does it, and the goal is to divide and conquer. The best way to conquer is to keep us at each other's throats. The best way to keep infringing on our rights is to have you agree with this infringement, because this infringement goes against those people that you oppose, which are the people on the other team. And that's the dirty, dirty, dirty trick that people fall for every goddamn time. And that's what leads to the downfall of civilization.How do we get out of it?Mushrooms, the only way. I don't know. Maybe aliens land. Maybe Donald Trump takes over and everybody starts doing bong hits out of a fucking they're gonna flag thing. What's it called? Freedom bong or freedom Bong.Yeah, I. I'll vote for whoever stops those freaking wind farms off the coast. That's my, that's my wind things.Nuts. They should have. They should have gone down the road of nuclear power plants a long fucking time ago. The thing is, people are afraid of them because of Chernobyl and three Mile.Island, and they're not like that anymore.Not only are they not like that anymore, it is literally the greenest source of energy that we have. They know how to shut them down now. There's ways to avoid it. There's even companies that are investing in making batteries out of the waste.Did you see all this stuff? Like, with Nantucket, the beaches were all closed because one of the turbines fell. And then the beach was like, getting fiberglass. And there's dead whales on Block island and all up down there.I'm like, this dead whales from, from.The fucking wind from. Schellenberger covers all this. He taught. He's been doing a whole documentary. It's because it's fucking with all their, their, like, so sonar stuff and it gives off this vibration and it is an eco. Like, these are the fucking save the whales people. And they're kid. This is killing the whales. And it sounds windmill, ecological disaster. These things, they should not be allowed. They should be shut down. I don't know how they even got through.And it's just they don't even generate that much electricity.1% that I was watching all the hearings in Nantucket because they never got to vote on it either. This is another one of those things that just, like, people were like, yeah, we need tax cuts. And for our company, it's ge. And I think it was ge. And so they were like, this is 1% of it generates, like, 1% extra energy. For us, it's nothing.There was a boat that got attacked by a whale today. A boat that flipped over by a whale. An actual whale flipped over a boat?Like, yeah, blue whale or an orca.I don't know what kind of whale, but a big ass whale. A whale whale? Yeah. What happens? See a whale capsize a boat off the coast of Rye, New Hampshire, Tuesday.Damn.Watch that again because it's crazy. This wow whale just jumps up and smashes his boat and flips it over. And the guy falls in the water. And this kid's like, let me get the fucked out of here. Like, I don't know what happened and why the whales are attacking boats.That same Yellowstone's biscuit basin. Rops.Excuse me.See the explorer biscuit basin fucking blasting.Oh, yeah, that's great. That's next. Yellowstone's gonna blow. Super volcano whales are attacking people. Let's wrap this up. Bridget, I love you.You're awesome.It's great to see you always. I'm glad you're enjoying.I love it. Love you, and thank you.Tell everybody your podcast where they can get dumpster fire.Just go to it's all there. We just took it all. or. And subscribe to our YouTube Bridget fetasy. That would be the best thing you can do.Best. All right, bye, everybody. Bye.


like, when it was, like, Tuesday nights and roast battle was starting and kill Tony was starting, and you were back, and it was like this electric time at the comedy store, and he was saying, you know, you were aware, like, this is special. You're capturing something special. And I feel that way about now, too special, you know, happening in Austin with comedy and scene, it feels. That was the thing about LA. I'm like, I feel like I'm driving around a city on hospice. It just feels like a city that's, like, not doing well. And here it's vibrant and there's growth and there's all kinds of know until I got drunk on stage I would be drunk before I even got up. But I got sober and was like, fuck, I have stage fright. And it's so bad, Joe. It's so bad that I'll be like, maybe my dog will die. Maybe there will be, like, when the planes were all getting grounded, I'm like, maybe Colin was stuck in New York, like, terrified.So you're, like, trying to avoid the.Show, and I have to , you know, it's a confidence thing, too. You have to just, like, get hit with that over and over and over again.Yeah. You have to do the numbers. You have to get back in shape again. If you haven't ran in five years, you can't run a marathon.Yeah.You have to start doing runs around the ball.I love it. It's, like, been so. Yeah, I love it. I didn't. I was. I was like, fuck, what's a fun.Time for comedy, too, because the world's on fire.Yeah, well, it's so crazy. And that's the thing I have. I did it because it's like the only time I feel sane, you know? I mean, I feel sane a lot, but when I get on stage and I'm talking, it's like my mind is like, Zen. There's just a calm, you know, that's interesting. I feel very present in. In that, like, conversation you're having. It's just. I don't know. There's nothing. Yeah, I think it's just. I think I fought it for a long time. Like, I just didn't. I was like, I don't. I don't have what it takes. I don't have the chops, I don't have the talent, all this shit. But it's like, just get out. It's garbage.It's a hard thing to do. You know, people don't like hard things. They come up with reasons why they don't do hard things. It's funny, Francis Ngannou, who's a former UFC heavyweight champion, he was talking about people going to school because they're trying to avoid a job. The way he said it was like, sometimes they're just avoiding working. Oh, yeah, they're staying in school.You're getting, like, your second PhD.That's exactly what it is. True. You're still doing something, but you are avoiding. And those are the people that wind up teaching, which is even crazier because they've never really experienced the real world, yet they're shaping young people to prepare them for the real world.Yeah.And just that it's going to be really interesting to see what happens if Trump gets into office, how much gets changed, how much the society shifts, because it does seem like society is shifting away from all the woke stuff and the left wing, and even people that were, like, former lifelong democrats, like Bill Ackman, and all these people that are talking about voting for Trump, Elon, all these people that are talking about, like, this, what we have to fight against. But then they're going to realize, like, they're right wing. They're trying to track your periods. Well, they're trying to bring Jesus back into the schools.I've learned from being very wrong on this podcast many times and having the entire world tell me about it, that, like, she raised $100 million in a day. Come on, right there.How much of it came from Satan?You mean Hillary Clinton?Satan. Satan. Maybe it is Hillary. Satan. Satan. Like, where's that money coming from?Allegedly, a lot of first time donors.Okay, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe you were that dumb. Maybe they never heard her talk. Maybe it's blue. No matter who.Was like, that one wasn't true.It's interesting.Well, because I underestimated how much the abortion thing would. Would play into it.Yeah, that plays into it a lot. But it almost feels like that's all engineered to keep us, like, at each other's throats. Like nothing ever got resolved. Like, there's one of the things that they were thinking when they were banning abortions was, gay marriage is going to be next. And some people have openly stated that gay marriage should be next, and that that's the thing that they do want to stop next. And I'm like, this is like. Seems fake.Yeah.Seems like if you really care about that, that seems crazy. I think what you care about is consistently keeping people at each other's throats.Right. I wrote this, like, piece that went crazy viral. It was, like, trendy on Twitter for. It was very unexpected about divorce just coming from divorce. And I was like, hey, divorce sucks. Just. And I. And my point was kind of like, even as an adult with a kid, I didn't realize how much of an effect it has. Even later in life when you have your own kids, things like my siblings have had to deal with. And people, the reaction was, like, crazy. But then that kind of counter reaction was from the left. They were like, and this is when they're coming after divorce laws and they're trying to say that you basically, like, they're trying to get rid of no fault divorce and they're trying to make it so women need to get approval to get divorced.You saying that they were lumping you?Well, they were saying that I was. I mean, this is like the blue and on stuff where it's like, oh, you're just. They were like, you were pay. How much did the evangelistic pay you to write this piece? I'm like, yes, the evangelicals. Years ago, I got, my parents got divorced, and I became my deep state plant so that I could write this piece to undermine the divorce laws. That's exactly right. I mean, it's like craziness, but that this is.But I think a lot of those people aren't even real people. I think a lot of that is. Bots.Bots.And a lot of that is like, I mean, you have to really consider.Oh, definitely.Which is why I think it's really foolish for people to engage in any sort of disagreements online. I think so much of the conversation is pushed in one way or another by people that aren't even real people.Oh, right, those bot farms. Yeah, like all the. Have you seen them with all the phones?It's not just that they show you that, but you don't think our government's doing that. You're out of your fucking mind. Yeah, if you don't think that. They are online posing as progressives, having these complex sites with, like, AI generated photos of their family. They are. Every government does it, and the goal is to divide and conquer. The best way to conquer is to keep us at each other's throats. The best way to keep infringing on our rights is to have you agree with this infringement, because this infringement goes against those people that you oppose, which are the people on the other team. And that's the dirty, dirty, dirty trick that people fall for every goddamn time. And that's what leads to the downfall of civilization.How do we get out of it?Mushrooms, the only way. I don't know. Maybe aliens land. Maybe Donald Trump takes over and everybody starts doing bong hits out of a fucking they're gonna flag thing. What's it called? Freedom bong or freedom Bong.Yeah, I. I'll vote for whoever stops those freaking wind farms off the coast. That's my, that's my wind things.Nuts. They should have. They should have gone down the road of nuclear power plants a long fucking time ago. The thing is, people are afraid of them because of Chernobyl and three Mile.Island, and they're not like that anymore.Not only are they not like that anymore, it is literally the greenest source of energy that we have. They know how to shut them down now. There's ways to avoid it. There's even companies that are investing in making batteries out of the waste.Did you see all this stuff? Like, with Nantucket, the beaches were all closed because one of the turbines fell. And then the beach was like, getting fiberglass. And there's dead whales on Block island and all up down there.I'm like, this dead whales from, from.The fucking wind from. Schellenberger covers all this. He taught. He's been doing a whole documentary. It's because it's fucking with all their, their, like, so sonar stuff and it gives off this vibration and it is an eco. Like, these are the fucking save the whales people. And they're kid. This is killing the whales. And it sounds windmill, ecological disaster. These things, they should not be allowed. They should be shut down. I don't know how they even got through.And it's just they don't even generate that much electricity.1% that I was watching all the hearings in Nantucket because they never got to vote on it either. This is another one of those things that just, like, people were like, yeah, we need tax cuts. And for our company, it's ge. And I think it was ge. And so they were like, this is 1% of it generates, like, 1% extra energy. For us, it's nothing.There was a boat that got attacked by a whale today. A boat that flipped over by a whale. An actual whale flipped over a boat?Like, yeah, blue whale or an orca.I don't know what kind of whale, but a big ass whale. A whale whale? Yeah. What happens? See a whale capsize a boat off the coast of Rye, New Hampshire, Tuesday.Damn.Watch that again because it's crazy. This wow whale just jumps up and smashes his boat and flips it over. And the guy falls in the water. And this kid's like, let me get the fucked out of here. Like, I don't know what happened and why the whales are attacking boats.That same Yellowstone's biscuit basin. Rops.Excuse me.See the explorer biscuit basin fucking blasting.Oh, yeah, that's great. That's next. Yellowstone's gonna blow. Super volcano whales are attacking people. Let's wrap this up. Bridget, I love you.You're awesome.It's great to see you always. I'm glad you're enjoying.I love it. Love you, and thank you.Tell everybody your podcast where they can get dumpster fire.Just go to it's all there. We just took it all. or. And subscribe to our YouTube Bridget fetasy. That would be the best thing you can do.Best. All right, bye, everybody. Bye.


know until I got drunk on stage I would be drunk before I even got up. But I got sober and was like, fuck, I have stage fright. And it's so bad, Joe. It's so bad that I'll be like, maybe my dog will die. Maybe there will be, like, when the planes were all getting grounded, I'm like, maybe Colin was stuck in New York, like, terrified.


So you're, like, trying to avoid the.


Show, and I have to , you know, it's a confidence thing, too. You have to just, like, get hit with that over and over and over again.Yeah. You have to do the numbers. You have to get back in shape again. If you haven't ran in five years, you can't run a marathon.Yeah.You have to start doing runs around the ball.I love it. It's, like, been so. Yeah, I love it. I didn't. I was. I was like, fuck, what's a fun.Time for comedy, too, because the world's on fire.Yeah, well, it's so crazy. And that's the thing I have. I did it because it's like the only time I feel sane, you know? I mean, I feel sane a lot, but when I get on stage and I'm talking, it's like my mind is like, Zen. There's just a calm, you know, that's interesting. I feel very present in. In that, like, conversation you're having. It's just. I don't know. There's nothing. Yeah, I think it's just. I think I fought it for a long time. Like, I just didn't. I was like, I don't. I don't have what it takes. I don't have the chops, I don't have the talent, all this shit. But it's like, just get out. It's garbage.It's a hard thing to do. You know, people don't like hard things. They come up with reasons why they don't do hard things. It's funny, Francis Ngannou, who's a former UFC heavyweight champion, he was talking about people going to school because they're trying to avoid a job. The way he said it was like, sometimes they're just avoiding working. Oh, yeah, they're staying in school.You're getting, like, your second PhD.That's exactly what it is. True. You're still doing something, but you are avoiding. And those are the people that wind up teaching, which is even crazier because they've never really experienced the real world, yet they're shaping young people to prepare them for the real world.Yeah.And just that it's going to be really interesting to see what happens if Trump gets into office, how much gets changed, how much the society shifts, because it does seem like society is shifting away from all the woke stuff and the left wing, and even people that were, like, former lifelong democrats, like Bill Ackman, and all these people that are talking about voting for Trump, Elon, all these people that are talking about, like, this, what we have to fight against. But then they're going to realize, like, they're right wing. They're trying to track your periods. Well, they're trying to bring Jesus back into the schools.I've learned from being very wrong on this podcast many times and having the entire world tell me about it, that, like, she raised $100 million in a day. Come on, right there.How much of it came from Satan?You mean Hillary Clinton?Satan. Satan. Maybe it is Hillary. Satan. Satan. Like, where's that money coming from?Allegedly, a lot of first time donors.Okay, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe you were that dumb. Maybe they never heard her talk. Maybe it's blue. No matter who.Was like, that one wasn't true.It's interesting.Well, because I underestimated how much the abortion thing would. Would play into it.Yeah, that plays into it a lot. But it almost feels like that's all engineered to keep us, like, at each other's throats. Like nothing ever got resolved. Like, there's one of the things that they were thinking when they were banning abortions was, gay marriage is going to be next. And some people have openly stated that gay marriage should be next, and that that's the thing that they do want to stop next. And I'm like, this is like. Seems fake.Yeah.Seems like if you really care about that, that seems crazy. I think what you care about is consistently keeping people at each other's throats.Right. I wrote this, like, piece that went crazy viral. It was, like, trendy on Twitter for. It was very unexpected about divorce just coming from divorce. And I was like, hey, divorce sucks. Just. And I. And my point was kind of like, even as an adult with a kid, I didn't realize how much of an effect it has. Even later in life when you have your own kids, things like my siblings have had to deal with. And people, the reaction was, like, crazy. But then that kind of counter reaction was from the left. They were like, and this is when they're coming after divorce laws and they're trying to say that you basically, like, they're trying to get rid of no fault divorce and they're trying to make it so women need to get approval to get divorced.You saying that they were lumping you?Well, they were saying that I was. I mean, this is like the blue and on stuff where it's like, oh, you're just. They were like, you were pay. How much did the evangelistic pay you to write this piece? I'm like, yes, the evangelicals. Years ago, I got, my parents got divorced, and I became my deep state plant so that I could write this piece to undermine the divorce laws. That's exactly right. I mean, it's like craziness, but that this is.But I think a lot of those people aren't even real people. I think a lot of that is. Bots.Bots.And a lot of that is like, I mean, you have to really consider.Oh, definitely.Which is why I think it's really foolish for people to engage in any sort of disagreements online. I think so much of the conversation is pushed in one way or another by people that aren't even real people.Oh, right, those bot farms. Yeah, like all the. Have you seen them with all the phones?It's not just that they show you that, but you don't think our government's doing that. You're out of your fucking mind. Yeah, if you don't think that. They are online posing as progressives, having these complex sites with, like, AI generated photos of their family. They are. Every government does it, and the goal is to divide and conquer. The best way to conquer is to keep us at each other's throats. The best way to keep infringing on our rights is to have you agree with this infringement, because this infringement goes against those people that you oppose, which are the people on the other team. And that's the dirty, dirty, dirty trick that people fall for every goddamn time. And that's what leads to the downfall of civilization.How do we get out of it?Mushrooms, the only way. I don't know. Maybe aliens land. Maybe Donald Trump takes over and everybody starts doing bong hits out of a fucking they're gonna flag thing. What's it called? Freedom bong or freedom Bong.Yeah, I. I'll vote for whoever stops those freaking wind farms off the coast. That's my, that's my wind things.Nuts. They should have. They should have gone down the road of nuclear power plants a long fucking time ago. The thing is, people are afraid of them because of Chernobyl and three Mile.Island, and they're not like that anymore.Not only are they not like that anymore, it is literally the greenest source of energy that we have. They know how to shut them down now. There's ways to avoid it. There's even companies that are investing in making batteries out of the waste.Did you see all this stuff? Like, with Nantucket, the beaches were all closed because one of the turbines fell. And then the beach was like, getting fiberglass. And there's dead whales on Block island and all up down there.I'm like, this dead whales from, from.The fucking wind from. Schellenberger covers all this. He taught. He's been doing a whole documentary. It's because it's fucking with all their, their, like, so sonar stuff and it gives off this vibration and it is an eco. Like, these are the fucking save the whales people. And they're kid. This is killing the whales. And it sounds windmill, ecological disaster. These things, they should not be allowed. They should be shut down. I don't know how they even got through.And it's just they don't even generate that much electricity.1% that I was watching all the hearings in Nantucket because they never got to vote on it either. This is another one of those things that just, like, people were like, yeah, we need tax cuts. And for our company, it's ge. And I think it was ge. And so they were like, this is 1% of it generates, like, 1% extra energy. For us, it's nothing.There was a boat that got attacked by a whale today. A boat that flipped over by a whale. An actual whale flipped over a boat?Like, yeah, blue whale or an orca.I don't know what kind of whale, but a big ass whale. A whale whale? Yeah. What happens? See a whale capsize a boat off the coast of Rye, New Hampshire, Tuesday.Damn.Watch that again because it's crazy. This wow whale just jumps up and smashes his boat and flips it over. And the guy falls in the water. And this kid's like, let me get the fucked out of here. Like, I don't know what happened and why the whales are attacking boats.That same Yellowstone's biscuit basin. Rops.Excuse me.See the explorer biscuit basin fucking blasting.Oh, yeah, that's great. That's next. Yellowstone's gonna blow. Super volcano whales are attacking people. Let's wrap this up. Bridget, I love you.You're awesome.It's great to see you always. I'm glad you're enjoying.I love it. Love you, and thank you.Tell everybody your podcast where they can get dumpster fire.Just go to it's all there. We just took it all. or. And subscribe to our YouTube Bridget fetasy. That would be the best thing you can do.Best. All right, bye, everybody. Bye.


, you know, it's a confidence thing, too. You have to just, like, get hit with that over and over and over again.


Yeah. You have to do the numbers. You have to get back in shape again. If you haven't ran in five years, you can't run a marathon.




You have to start doing runs around the ball.


I love it. It's, like, been so. Yeah, I love it. I didn't. I was. I was like, fuck, what's a fun.


Time for comedy, too, because the world's on fire.


Yeah, well, it's so crazy. And that's the thing I have. I did it because it's like the only time I feel sane, you know? I mean, I feel sane a lot, but when I get on stage and I'm talking, it's like my mind is like, Zen. There's just a calm, you know, that's interesting. I feel very present in. In that, like, conversation you're having. It's just. I don't know. There's nothing. Yeah, I think it's just. I think I fought it for a long time. Like, I just didn't. I was like, I don't. I don't have what it takes. I don't have the chops, I don't have the talent, all this shit. But it's like, just get out. It's garbage.


It's a hard thing to do. You know, people don't like hard things. They come up with reasons why they don't do hard things. It's funny, Francis Ngannou, who's a former UFC heavyweight champion, he was talking about people going to school because they're trying to avoid a job. The way he said it was like, sometimes they're just avoiding working. Oh, yeah, they're staying in school.


You're getting, like, your second PhD.


That's exactly what it is. True. You're still doing something, but you are avoiding. And those are the people that wind up teaching, which is even crazier because they've never really experienced the real world, yet they're shaping young people to prepare them for the real world.




And just that it's going to be really interesting to see what happens if Trump gets into office, how much gets changed, how much the society shifts, because it does seem like society is shifting away from all the woke stuff and the left wing, and even people that were, like, former lifelong democrats, like Bill Ackman, and all these people that are talking about voting for Trump, Elon, all these people that are talking about, like, this, what we have to fight against. But then they're going to realize, like, they're right wing. They're trying to track your periods. Well, they're trying to bring Jesus back into the schools.


I've learned from being very wrong on this podcast many times and having the entire world tell me about it, that, like, she raised $100 million in a day. Come on, right there.


How much of it came from Satan?


You mean Hillary Clinton?


Satan. Satan. Maybe it is Hillary. Satan. Satan. Like, where's that money coming from?


Allegedly, a lot of first time donors.


Okay, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe you were that dumb. Maybe they never heard her talk. Maybe it's blue. No matter who.


Was like, that one wasn't true.


It's interesting.


Well, because I underestimated how much the abortion thing would. Would play into it.


Yeah, that plays into it a lot. But it almost feels like that's all engineered to keep us, like, at each other's throats. Like nothing ever got resolved. Like, there's one of the things that they were thinking when they were banning abortions was, gay marriage is going to be next. And some people have openly stated that gay marriage should be next, and that that's the thing that they do want to stop next. And I'm like, this is like. Seems fake.




Seems like if you really care about that, that seems crazy. I think what you care about is consistently keeping people at each other's throats.


Right. I wrote this, like, piece that went crazy viral. It was, like, trendy on Twitter for. It was very unexpected about divorce just coming from divorce. And I was like, hey, divorce sucks. Just. And I. And my point was kind of like, even as an adult with a kid, I didn't realize how much of an effect it has. Even later in life when you have your own kids, things like my siblings have had to deal with. And people, the reaction was, like, crazy. But then that kind of counter reaction was from the left. They were like, and this is when they're coming after divorce laws and they're trying to say that you basically, like, they're trying to get rid of no fault divorce and they're trying to make it so women need to get approval to get divorced.


You saying that they were lumping you?


Well, they were saying that I was. I mean, this is like the blue and on stuff where it's like, oh, you're just. They were like, you were pay. How much did the evangelistic pay you to write this piece? I'm like, yes, the evangelicals. Years ago, I got, my parents got divorced, and I became my deep state plant so that I could write this piece to undermine the divorce laws. That's exactly right. I mean, it's like craziness, but that this is.


But I think a lot of those people aren't even real people. I think a lot of that is. Bots.




And a lot of that is like, I mean, you have to really consider.


Oh, definitely.


Which is why I think it's really foolish for people to engage in any sort of disagreements online. I think so much of the conversation is pushed in one way or another by people that aren't even real people.


Oh, right, those bot farms. Yeah, like all the. Have you seen them with all the phones?


It's not just that they show you that, but you don't think our government's doing that. You're out of your fucking mind. Yeah, if you don't think that. They are online posing as progressives, having these complex sites with, like, AI generated photos of their family. They are. Every government does it, and the goal is to divide and conquer. The best way to conquer is to keep us at each other's throats. The best way to keep infringing on our rights is to have you agree with this infringement, because this infringement goes against those people that you oppose, which are the people on the other team. And that's the dirty, dirty, dirty trick that people fall for every goddamn time. And that's what leads to the downfall of civilization.


How do we get out of it?


Mushrooms, the only way. I don't know. Maybe aliens land. Maybe Donald Trump takes over and everybody starts doing bong hits out of a fucking they're gonna flag thing. What's it called? Freedom bong or freedom Bong.


Yeah, I. I'll vote for whoever stops those freaking wind farms off the coast. That's my, that's my wind things.


Nuts. They should have. They should have gone down the road of nuclear power plants a long fucking time ago. The thing is, people are afraid of them because of Chernobyl and three Mile.


Island, and they're not like that anymore.


Not only are they not like that anymore, it is literally the greenest source of energy that we have. They know how to shut them down now. There's ways to avoid it. There's even companies that are investing in making batteries out of the waste.


Did you see all this stuff? Like, with Nantucket, the beaches were all closed because one of the turbines fell. And then the beach was like, getting fiberglass. And there's dead whales on Block island and all up down there.


I'm like, this dead whales from, from.


The fucking wind from. Schellenberger covers all this. He taught. He's been doing a whole documentary. It's because it's fucking with all their, their, like, so sonar stuff and it gives off this vibration and it is an eco. Like, these are the fucking save the whales people. And they're kid. This is killing the whales. And it sounds windmill, ecological disaster. These things, they should not be allowed. They should be shut down. I don't know how they even got through.


And it's just they don't even generate that much electricity.


1% that I was watching all the hearings in Nantucket because they never got to vote on it either. This is another one of those things that just, like, people were like, yeah, we need tax cuts. And for our company, it's ge. And I think it was ge. And so they were like, this is 1% of it generates, like, 1% extra energy. For us, it's nothing.


There was a boat that got attacked by a whale today. A boat that flipped over by a whale. An actual whale flipped over a boat?


Like, yeah, blue whale or an orca.


I don't know what kind of whale, but a big ass whale. A whale whale? Yeah. What happens? See a whale capsize a boat off the coast of Rye, New Hampshire, Tuesday.




Watch that again because it's crazy. This wow whale just jumps up and smashes his boat and flips it over. And the guy falls in the water. And this kid's like, let me get the fucked out of here. Like, I don't know what happened and why the whales are attacking boats.


That same Yellowstone's biscuit basin. Rops.


Excuse me.


See the explorer biscuit basin fucking blasting.


Oh, yeah, that's great. That's next. Yellowstone's gonna blow. Super volcano whales are attacking people. Let's wrap this up. Bridget, I love you.


You're awesome.


It's great to see you always. I'm glad you're enjoying.


I love it. Love you, and thank you.


Tell everybody your podcast where they can get dumpster fire.


Just go to it's all there. We just took it all. or. And subscribe to our YouTube Bridget fetasy. That would be the best thing you can do.


Best. All right, bye, everybody. Bye.