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The Joe Rogan experience.


Train by day. Joe Rogan podcast by night. All day. Yeah. I've watched so many people get their legs broken.




And I see it in, like, jiu jitsu videos all the time where someone's like, going, free heel hook. And then you hear this crack, and the guy screams in agony. And then everybody's like, oh, this is horrible.


Yeah, and the arm. There's the million arm wrestling videos.


Oh, I saw a guy in a girl arm wrestling. The guy broke the girl's arm. Like, what the fuck, man?


I was just like, how does that? Cuz I. I don't want to do it ever again. Really?


Arm wrestling?


No, I think it's stupid, but, like, for. For me to get involved in. But, like, even when I'm just like, well, why is this happening? And. And there was two. These two competitors, like, pro arm wrestlers were like, well, you never. You never want to get away from your body. So they're like, arms break once they're out here. So you always. They're like, keep. Keep your. Keep your arm in tight. Like, arms don't break when you're here.




But if once you get extension, they're.


Like, that's when it's the dumbest macho thing that we do, for sure.


I did it with you in Louisville. Do you remember? It was a horrifying experience. It was. It was after we did a show in Louisville and at the club, I think it was tied to, like, a UFC.




One of those back in the day. And we went to a bar afterwards, we're shooting pool. Somebody said arm wrestling. I was like. And you're like, you want to do it? Sure, dude. I couldn't believe how strong you were. I mean, I know you're strong, but I was like, you're like, go. And I was like, I am going, dude. Like, I couldn't get any fucking movement.


Well, you're fucking that, dude. That works for you. That was the most ridiculous.


That was hilarious. That was.


Do you think he just does that because he just wants attention?


No, I think. I mean, there might be a little bit of that, but I really think that's Enni. He has this thing. It's probably just, you know, it's part of his wiring. It's probably gotten him somewhere in life in some ways, where he just being delusional. Being delusional about, I can't lose. Like, if I. If somebody says, I can beat you, they can't beat me. And you're like, what are you talking about. And then when you were pulling up, I was like, why don't you fucking ask him? Because I already knew what was gonna happen. And then he also loves to gamble. I was like, yeah, I'll take that action. So, yeah, that's any. And, yeah, he.


But he's not even a strong guy. That's why it was so confusing. I was looking at him like, you want to arm wrestle? Like, you're not even a strong guy. Like, you don't. Like, there's probably a lot of things you could do better than me, but.


This one, this one you got. This is silly, but.




It is funny how our capacity for delusion is just incredible.


It can serve you well. It can if you get lucky, right?


Yeah, I think the two things I think about. One of my friends was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, and he found out at stage four, right. Like, had to go to the hospital. Like, his wife was like, you're fucking sweating, and you're, you know, heavy breathing. It was after one of my shows. And so they go. And then the next day, they're like, stage four lung cancer. And all the doctors were like, you know, say goodbye to your friend, you know? And his brother found the expert, like, in this specific type of. Cause, you know, there's in oncology, they get, like, really specialized types of cancer and treatment. And I remember talking to him, and he was like, you know, I'm gonna beat this thing. And I was looking at him, and I was like, you're so stupid, you know, like. Like, you're definitely gonna die. And. But the thing is, I saw that he believed it, 1000% believed it.




And as he got better, I was like, this guy's fucking delusion is serving him in this. Like, I think most people, like, I remember when my uncle got a mesothelioma, and he was, like, a high level urologist at the Mayo clinic. And I remember when I was talking to my dad about it, he was like, yeah, he's too smart to. He can read the labs. He knows what he has. Like, he's too smart to go, like, I'm gonna beat this thing. You know what I mean? Like, you're just so well versed.


But is it a delusional thing, or has that guy had other success in life? Because he's just super determined.


I mean, he's certainly a determined guy and successful in what he does, but. What's up, big head Steve? Talking about you.




Big heads, too. But I really was, like, I credited this guy's like, it felt like a level of delusion to believe you were gonna survive.


But if he's correct and he was correct, then it's not delusional.


Correct. Correct. Yes.


It's kind of crazy.


It is kind of crazy.


The doctors are like, you're dead. And what if he just decides I'm dead and he starts freaking out? Or maybe he goes to Oregon and gets assisted suicide.


So many people go down that path, right? Like, but you're.


They're whacking people left and right up in Canada.




If you're depressed, like, you're not feeling good, come on in.


Sign up.


Fucking sign up for the program.


We'll get real. Just kill you in Europe, they. In. In the Netherlands. Don't they do that somewhere?


I don't know. I'm sure. I'm sure it's other countries, but it's a recent thing in Canada where they just whacking people.


I didn't know they were doing that.


Yeah, yeah. Google it. Google it. Because this is something you'll actually find on Google. Assisted suicide in Canada.


The other delusion that I. Cuz I just watched the Scott Peterson.


Is that the Laci Peterson. So is that one. Is the new one where people are saying, maybe he didn't kill her?


No, it's. It's essentially. It's. It's fantastic. It's on Netflix, I think it's a three part docu series. And it begins with, you know, it's like this reminder. It was 20 years ago.




You know, time just. You're like, oh, shit.


What was that story? How did that one.


So that one.


Canada's controversial medically assisted death program is fastest growing in the world. Since suicide became legal in Canada, the number of deaths have grown each year. So this is August. So this is just last month. So what is it saying in terms of the numbers? They've. Most recent data shows 13,241 people in 2022.


Wow, that's quite a.


That's a jump, bro. So 2022 is 13,000. Who knows what 2023 and 2024 is? Oh, man, they're whacking people up there.


That's pretty wild.


Come on in.


I'm in.


Come on. We get foot hurt.


My leg hurts.


I just. Sad. Get in here. Fuck life. Fuck life.


That's a great tap out fucking option.


It's crazy. I mean, what is this? Is this like. I mean, is it a kind of eugenics? Like, what is it? Like, what is it? I mean, you could say it's being compassionate and in some cases, like Michael Lehrer. You know he went to Oregon. Yes, but Michael Lehrer was. His body was failing so horribly, he couldn't talk anymore.


That was ALS?




Wasn't that the same thing that ravaged that. What was the famous woman that. It was a huge international case here. Do you remember Terry Shiavo? Was it Terry Shiva?


I don't know if she had the.


Same thing, but she had this horrible, debilitating disease, and you're still alive.


And at the end, he, like, it kept getting worse and worse and wasn't getting better. So he went to Oregon to do it. He actually went to Oregon once and then changed his mind and came back.


And when you sign up for that in Canada, can you just go? Like, that's just what I want. Doesn't matter.


I don't know. I don't know what the rules are, but I know that some people are very upset about it because you're taking people that maybe you could talk them off the ledge. Yeah, maybe they could have got better. Maybe with some love and some friendship and some counseling and some therapy.


They wouldn't take that option.


Yeah. Maybe they'd be happy.




I've. I've met. I've known quite a few people that have taken their own life.


Yeah. I know a few that have done it, too. And it's always super sad. I mean, because I don't know anybody that's done with the exception of Michael. I don't anybody that's. That's done it in. In the case of, you know, like a medically assisted.


No, Michael's the only one that I know about that. But, you know, there's Brody.




Brody was a hard one. My friend Tony, who's a pool player up in San Francisco, he jumped off the bridge.




Which is crazy. There's a spot where everybody goes.


Yeah. One of my college. When I had jobs, I worked. When I had. When I was in college, I worked the whole time. I had part time jobs, and one of my coworkers did. It was fucking terrible, man. Like, our boss went to his apartment, found him there. Oh, terrible.


You know, for some people, they don't think it's ever gonna get better.


I know.


And, you know, and if you don't have support around you, you don't have someone that you can. That can pick you up. And it's crazy how someone can pick you up. It's crazy how you could be just feeling like total, complete shit, and someone who cares about you can come over your house, take you out, have some laughs.




I think I feel better. Yeah, we feel better around people. Some people are super isolated too.


That's the dangerous one. And I think one of the things I realized as I got older is you don't realize how many people are lonely in this world. Like, you get older, I'm saying. Cause you encounter more people and you talk to people who you realize. You have this full life that you could take for granted. You have a family, you have friends, you have all these things going on, and then you meet people who. They don't have any of that, and.


They'Re alone, and that's a lot of those.


A lot of people that are very lonely.


Well, there's also this Internet culture too. Right? So there's people that don't have actual physical contact with anyone, so all their interaction is with people online.


That's a dark place too.


They're streaming all day and chatting all day on Instagram and jerking off, and it's madness.


Mm hmm. Yeah, that's not. That's not a path to fulfillment is isolated online.




Also, you don't. Sometimes I don't have it to that degree. But you're. You're online for a while on something, and then you go into the real world, and you're like, oh, yeah. I'm like, I was just living in this make believe place for a while. You don't realize it's not real.


Right, right. You live in this make believe place, and you're not having any of the normal human contact that we thrive on.




All your contact is, like this weird. Like, displaced, not connected. It's all weird, which is like, if you go to someone's Twitter profile and you see that they're online 12 hours a day just fucking barking at people.


Like a dog that's giving them some charge.


Yeah, it's like annoying dog next door.


Just baiting people all day.


Speaking of baiting, did you watch the debate?


Yeah, I forgot.


Let me tell you, before I say anything, I just want to say, whoever's helping her, whoever's coaching her, whoever is the puppet master, run the strings.




You did a fucking amazing job.


She did a great job.


They did an amazing job. From the moment Biden drops out, forcing Biden to drop out, whatever they're doing, whoever's writing those speeches, getting her to deliver them, coaching her, she's nailing it. She nailed that one speech. She's like, say it to my family.


She nailed it, dude.


And then last night to me, when I was like, oh, my God, this is jujitsu. Where she's like, if you go to his rallies, his crowds are boring, they're tired. My crowds are the best crowds. I have the number one crowd.


He couldn't help himself, and she got him. She baited him on that. She walked him right in.


100%. 100%. See, the difference in that debate was nothing. A difference in, like, who's gonna have better policies? Who's gonna be better for the country? The difference in the debate, in my opinion, was who was better prepared? She was way better prepared. And even when it came to answering tough questions, instead of answering, she would just say things that she believes.


Yes, sure.


And they sounded real good. And that's the sound bite.


That's called being a savvy politician.


It's also called being someone who's working with a team versus someone who's like, I don't need. They said, trump. That deal was the best deal. They've never seen a deal like this before. They said, how did you put that deal together?


People thought that was just brilliant. Yeah, I know.


It's like, that's the, he. He's not working with a team. That's like, I mean, I know he's doing, like, mock debates. I know he did one with. I think he did one with Tulsi Gabbard. But someone needs to, like, tell him, like, you've got these tiny little windows, and you should have all the words ready for those windows. He started out, no, repeating things.


Yeah, he started out strong.




Cause I, you know, out of the gate, everybody can't help but get in their own way of who they are, right? And for him, it's like, okay, don't get fucking crazy. Like, I'm sure, you know, that thing is like, don't say wild shit.


Don't say people are eating cats.


Eating cats and dogs. And, you know, they're fucking coming in here, eating all our pets. And, you know, you just watch. You're watching this thing. You're like, what? This is fucking insane. And then for her, they're just basically like, don't laugh like a stripper. Like, how you, every time you come to a podium, you're like, well, that's. Calm down.


It's a pain. It's a move that, like, comics will do well, their material's not that good. They laugh.


They laugh through it. Exactly. But then you remember, you know, this is somebody, like, take away your politics or whatever you believe. This is a former prosecutor. It's a trainable person, right? If you're a prosecutor, you can get the information and regurgitate it.


She's not dumb by any stretch. See, people want to say she's dumb because she's not good off the cuff when pressure's on her. But you don't understand what that kind of pressure's like. Like the kind of pressure that that lady has been under for the last. Let's think about the pressure she's been under for the last four years being vice president. Everybody hates her.


Yeah, she.


A lot of gaffes, a lot of dumb things. So every time she's saying something in the back of her head, she's like, don't fuck this up. Yeah, they're gonna come for you. They're gonna use this against you. Don't. Don't say, did you just fall out of a coconut tree? Don't say that one again. You know what I mean? It's like there's that kind of pressure. So it's very hard off the cuff. But when you give her time and prepare her, like last night, it's a.


Good showing for her, for sure.


Very, very good showing. And unfortunately for him, like, the thing that he does that, it's just. Look, he can do it better than anybody alive, is just riff. He can go out there and have a crowd of people and just. And he's funny, man. He does things about like, he did an elon impression the other day. It was hilarious.


He's very funny. He's killing people.


He kills like a comedian.


If you don't like, the guy still will have to acknowledge that he's funny.


He's funny. He's funny like a comic. You know, it's just like, we don't necessarily want that as the guy with his finger on the button. That's all it is. Sure, that's the thing that freaks people out, but the policies that he had when he was. The thing is, everyone's saying he's going to be a dictator. Well, he wasn't a dictator. He was the president. He actually was the president for four years, and the economy really did well, and he really did try to cut some of the bullshit down that's going on in this country. And who knows what would have happened if you had four more years? Maybe we would have been economically better off. Even if you don't like that one person to be, like, the figurehead of the country that you identify with because you live here, you don't want to identify with this guy that you think is blustery and, you know, well, the.


Thing is, he's going to, you know, we have, like, 55 days or something. And the thing that's really going to happened now is you. I think he realizes when she first was announced, I'm sure most people, myself included, were like, this is, he's just gonna destroy her. Like, I didn't think she was even gonna have a chance. But now you realize this is gonna be, I believe, a much closer race.


It's close as fuck. It's probably, she's probably ahead now after the last. Like, what is the latest? I saw the Fox News poll. It's hilarious. Fox News. Like 90% Trump won.




They're eating cats. I saw.


In newborn babies, by the way.


I think they are eating cats. Yeah, I think some people are eating cats. Sure. I think you get a bunch of poor people that are from an island where they occasionally eat cats.




And you throw them in a city where there's 50,000 people, you throw 20,000 people in there and there's ducks at the pond. I could get a duck if I'm hungry.


My fucking son took one out of there, so he grabbed it by the neck. So, yeah, I would not believe a.


Yeah, dude, if I was starving, if I just came from another country and there's ducks laying around, I grab a duck. Sure, that's not their fault. Like, how the fuck did they get here? How'd you get 20,000 shipped to one town? Like, what, what is that?


No, I, it's.


What's the real story behind that?




Is that organized?


The immigration issue is a legit real issue in this country. It's in our state predominantly, too.


You know, it's a lot of in here. Yeah, yeah.


So, I mean, a lot of in.


California, a lot of it in Arizona, but it's a real issue. And look, you and I are both the products of immigration. Immigration is fucking awesome. But hey, maybe when they do stuff that's bad, you should put them in jail. Like, hey, maybe, hey, maybe you should use the same laws on them. Hey, maybe we should check to see if they're murderers before they come across the board. Yeah, hey, maybe.


I know. Hey, maybe it's this. They just turned. I mean, this current administration just was like, oh, yeah, we should just recently.


Do you think that. But that recently, I think it's. They're also flying people in, which is crazy, but recently, I think it's because they want people that are on the fence, you know, the people that are on the fence, because this is not.


That'S all that plays to. It's all that matters.


But once they're in again. If they're in again, they'll probably do the same thing. Because what you're doing is you're essentially changing states that are swing states into blue. Because if you're going to give these people money and debit cards and food stamps and let them come in and even. They're even talking about gender reassignment surgeries.


Yeah, I heard this. Yeah.


I don't know if that's true.


I don't know if that's true.


Because that. That's part of the problem with this whole people are eating cats. It's like, you don't fucking know what's true anymore. That's read things on the Internet or you hear things on the radio. Who fucking knows what's true?


Which is why, like, because a lot of people were also, you know, talking about the moderators interjecting a bunch. Right.




Like, part of that, I mean, feels like you kind of need some of that interjecting because otherwise things are just said and you have zero idea, 100%. I mean, the big one to me of, like, you, this is why you need to have somebody interject at times, is when he said to her, like, you went, negotiated with zelensky and putin.




And then blah, blah, and then just moves on. Well, if you're a regular person at home, you know, you work and you take care of your family, you don't know the ins and outs of diplomacy and what's happening internationally. You hear that? You just go, oh, I didn't know that.




So you kind of have to have somebody go, wait a minute. You didn't negotiate with putin. She's never met him.


Right. Harris told ACLU in 2019 she supports cuts of to IC ice funding and providing gender transition surgery to detain migrants. That is crazy.




And also, that's just September 9.


She's gonna do what politicians do, which she's in the midst of this right now.




Which is just going, yeah, I've changed on that. She did it like, five times last night alone. Like, didn't you say this? She's like, yeah, I changed. I'm now miss. Like, that's what.


That's a good thing.




You people can change. This idea of flip flopping when you learn more information. No. Stick to your guns. No.




Stupid shit. You first believe and stay there forever.




That's dumb. Yeah. You definitely could evolve and you could be wrong. And that's part of being a good leader, is recognizing you're wrong and correcting your course. That's all good. What is going on with the earrings?


The earrings.


Do you know about this? The earring controversy?




Okay, so there are people that believe that what she was wearing last night was the type of earring that they use for. It's like an. It's an earpiece. Like, you can talk through it.




Yeah, yeah. Why would she have to. I. So someone can talk to her. I know someone can coach her. They better earp your earpieces and. Well, no, Jamie, they want one that looks like a fucking earring, so you can just wear it. Duh. Like, if you have one that looks like an earpiece, like. Oh, like if Trump had one right through the bullet hole.


This. This is definitely gonna take off if they're already saying this. Yeah, this is going on Twitter.


But here's the thing. It does look exactly like the ones that they use for what? They're called Nova earphones. Okay, so there's a video. I'll send you the video, Jamie. But there's a video of this thing in action. It's pretty fucking interesting because in the video, they're just. They're showing that these little earphones, like, it's a commercial, and it's pretty cool.






So is the actual ear. If you have the real thing, do you wear it as an earring?




Oh, wow.


Yeah. You wear it as an earring. God damn it.




I. Save it. I might have saved it on Twitter, not Instagram, but it's. You find it. There's a video. It's kind of cool. It's cool because I like all that spy espionage type shit.




Interesting. But if she really did do that. First of all, she didn't do that. Bring those earrings. Allow them to be investigated, please.




Just the ones that you wore. Just. Yeah, we'll trust you. Take those, like, because you can't really get a pair made that. Aren't those right? If you have those, like. So this is what it looks like. So there's a. There's a different commercial that I saw. It's. This is so. It's pretty cool. So, like, these are earrings, but they're actually earphones. So, like, you listen to music, all kinds of shit. Or you can have people give you instructions and. And say, hey, make fun of the crowds.


Make fun of now.


Now's the time.




Make fun of. Smile. Smile. He's talking about eating cats. Don't cackle. So these are actual earphones?


No, those are really cool. Yeah, I didn't. I did not realize that.


And so that's exactly what the ones looked like that she was wearing.


Well, that'll be a new thing to run with.




Fun times these next 55 days are gonna be.


Yeah. They're gonna be bonkers, man.


I forgot. I forgot how crazy it gets. Just the energy and chaos.


Oh, my God. Every time I go on Twitter, I get fucking anxiety. I just send it to you, Jim. You can see the comparison side by side of the two of them.


Yeah. It's gonna be. It's gonna be nutty, dude.




And then when we get into November, it's. Oh, my.


Terrifying. I'm just scared that someone's gonna do something really stupid. Some extremists on either side that really do believe you're gonna take away the trans kids or really do believe you're gonna destroy the country from the inside. So that's what it looks like.




Real fucking similar. Yeah. Yeah. Real fucking similar. I don't know. You know, I don't know if that's what she's wearing. She might have just been wearing earrings. But if they have the kind of technology like that for regular people, and you could do that and most people aren't aware of it, you can get it off because the ABC people aren't aware of it. Sure, snake it in, baby.


Yeah. Yeah. That'd be rad.


It's fun.


I'd respect it so much.


Whatever you. Wherever you stand, politically, left or right, you got to respect what she did last night. She got a great showing.


She did.


She did a great job.


She did.


But it just. Whoever's pulling the strings, what a masterful job of propaganda they've done at taking someone that they all agreed was not a good vice president, was the least popular vice president.


Nobody even fucking knew anything about her. Nothing, bro.


Everybody made fun of her. Even, like, Joe Scarborough was talking about how she's like a problem for the ticket.




And now you look and she's like, neck and neck with him. Is she ahead of him today? The whole thing's so nuts, man. But Taylor Swift's on her side.


So it's gonna come down in these key states to just county by county. It's gonna be like, you know where you're gonna. Hour to hour, you're gonna see this county turn in and it's red and it goes up. And then the blue county, it's really going to be in Pa, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Nevada, Arizona, balance. Oh, yeah.


It's going to be crazy.


I still think it's so crazy that. That, you know, a lot of the developed world has Saturday elections, you know.


Like, it's like, should be, yeah, it's.


For people, or, yeah, you don't work. Yeah, it's just fucking crazy.


It's ridiculous. Most people have to work and also vote in person with the fucking id. We just got through three fucking years of, you have to have a vaccine passport in order to get food, right?


And you don't have to show your id.


You have to be able to show an id and show that you're vaccinated to get on an airplane. We just got through that. And now all of a sudden it's racist to say that you want voter id?


No, I think it's insane that there's.


Only one reason to do it that way. There's two things that are going on simultaneously. You're letting in literally millions of people. Millions of people. And you're giving them all these services for sure. Okay, whatever. However much there's all these talk, there's all this talk about they gave them money and there was all these stories about people getting debit cards and food stamps and all this money, and then they're putting them up in hotels in New York City and they're giving them free food. And then there's people that are poor that live in America. They're like, hey, why am I not getting that? What's going on here? Well, because they already have your vote. They've already tricked you into voting specifically for this one party. So now if you bring in millions and millions of people, and then the same people that want to bring these people in or that are allowing their policies, that are allowing these people to come in are the same people that think voter id is racist. Like you're racist saying voter id is racist.


I agree.


Because you're saying that these people are too stupid to get a fucking driver's license. Yeah, everybody has a goddamn driver's license. What are you saying?


I know.


What are you saying? Like, voter id is racist?


Yeah. Our system is really crazy. And so is. So are, like, the county drawings that they do for districts. You know, the gerrymandering. Like, they're like, oh, and you look at the graph and it's just to, like, engulf a part of a district that doesn't make sense to include it. All this is manipulation.


Well, there's also how many seats is dependent upon how many people are in your county. And the more people you import into your county, the more you can change.


Like the Democrats lines make no sense half the time when you look at them, when you study out the way that they're attributed.


You gotta fucking give the Democrats credit for the manipulation. I mean, they did everything a lot. Like, every time they've had a hurdle, like, they moved Bernie off the fucking primaries, they fucked him.




You know, then it comes to the whole thing with RFK. They fucked him. Fuck you. Fuck Tulsi. Fuck you. Everybody's out. They've done. I mean, and right in front of everybody's face. And yet all these people, like, yay. Saved democracy. Like, are you not seeing what's going on? Are you not saying, like, if the same people with the same ideas played fair, if the same people with the same ideas played fair, we have a different thing. We have a different thing. We have a different thing. And then we can get back to people disagreeing about policy, disagreeing about plans.


You seem like we're far from that, though.


We're so far from that. We're so far from that that people don't even give a fuck about what the policy is. They're just committed to their side. And anything their side does that's kind of fucked up or twisted, or they'll gaslight you on it, then they'll say, it's not that big of a deal, and then they'll tell you, it's good that that's happening.


Yeah. Of course. You fully justify it.


Somebody had a great tweet about the eating pets thing. It's one of those things where I just. I read it and I'm just. I'm so happy that we live in a time of the Internet because the Internet is so fun. Cause there's so many regular people out there in the world that are so fun.


Yeah, they are.


So this dude's name is Nick Fritas and Green Beret, combat veteran. So. But look at his. Look at this tweet that I sent you, Jamie. I can't believe this is a topic the left. No one is eating people's pets, which means we're one week away from. Why do you care that people are eating pets? Three weeks from why eating pets is a good thing, and four weeks from refusing to eat pets is white supremacy.


No, he's got it. He fucking nailed it. He nailed it.


It's just like, we live in such a mad, mad world.


Yeah. And if you. It's like, this is entertaining, too, to read this, but also, if you lose yourself in these, like, back and forth online, you lose your fucking mind.


Oh, you lose your fucking mind. Yeah. And there's a lot of people losing their mind. It's just I don't engage in it. I know you don't either. It's a bad way to communicate with people. It's a bad way. It's bad for your health. I really believe that. I think it's bad for your mental health.


I hundred percent agree.




I remember. I don't know if he still does this, but. And I've heard other people do this, but I remember when DiStefano told me that he was like. Like a year or so ago, he's like, it's fucking with my, like, happiness.




And then he gave somebody his login stuff. He's like, I don't want it. You have it. Yeah, I'll just send you things to post, but I'm never gonna. I don't even have my own login.


Ari did that for a while, too. Yeah, right before the Kobe thing. He got back online and immediately went bad.


Oh, my God.


Yeah, but it's. It's not good for anybody. And that's why I am absolutely addicted to looking at things on my phone. I'm addicted to watching YouTube. I'm addicted to stories. Just looking at stories on Google and a lot of his nonsense. But a lot of it is super interesting science stuff. There's a lot. I get a lot of super interesting science stuff all day, and people send me super interesting stuff.


Productive stuff. I.


You and me.


I. Well, you and me have a bad thing.


We have a bad thing. You and me. Our text, which is what I was gonna get to our text message chain, is the fucking worst thing on the Internet.


It's so dark. People go, hey, cuz they hear about it and they go, include me. And I got me to ruin your fucking life. You want your whole algorithm to be just the darkest?


Yeah, this is my and Tommy's thing. But the darkest, the darkest things we find.


And my algorithm is a confusing.


Oh, yeah, it's a mess.


Like, it's confusing. It's dark, semi erotic, and it's just the most peculiar. Like, there's also. I just can't help with all the censorship that has become. You know, it's so prevalent. It's one of the big topics of the last five years. I still don't understand why I get to watch murders all day long. I mean, all day long I get to see on my instagram, executions, a lot of russian car accidents and manufacturing mishaps. Like, people getting electrocuted, hit by trains, and then. And straight up just gun to the head, just like hitmen I've seen on closed circuit tv. Where you're like, this is cool, but, like, I don't know, a girl's tit isn't, and somebody. Somebody leaving a comment that is, like, misgendered somewhere. Yeah. Like, the language is that person's account gets fucking banned. But I can see this guy get his head fucking blown off. Why? It doesn't add up at all.


Well, that was why the old Twitter was weird, because they had hardcore porn. There was always hardcore pornography. But if you misgendered someone, you'd be banned for life.


Yeah, that's. So. That doesn't add up at all. It's always been this to this thing in America. Like, one of the big european versus american differences is that, you know, we always had this. This holier than thou reaction to the naked body and just sex in general. Right. Like, there's a topless person or a lovemaking scene, and people are like, you know, either this is NC 17 or, you know.




We can have someone, like a grenade in a guy's mouth and then fucking. But. And they're like, yeah, well, that's. That's on fucking TNT today.


Well, how is it getting through Instagram's filters?


I don't.


I asked you this, like, a couple months ago because I'm not on tick tock. I'm like, did you see that? When you sent me something particularly disturbing, I was like, okay, is this on tick tock, too?


I've seen crazy shit there as well. I do know that the. The go around in. On Instagram seems to be just in your caption. So if you notice, if you look at the caption, a lot of time.


It'S like 2024 Mercedes Benz. That's an amazing off road vehicle.


Because they figured out that the. Whatever. The sensors and the algorithm doesn't watch the video.




It's like your cat. If you. If you were to write here is a guy getting hit by a truck and fucking head comes off in your caption, that thing would get taken down. But if you're like, check out the new fucking 2024 MDX or whatever it's called. But here's the way you go.


Where is the money? How they making money?


That's good. That's. I don't know.


Because whoever's putting always the money.




These are accounts from bots. So if you look at the accounts, there's no real comments and real things that anybody's saying with that account. And then this account might have thousands of these videos.


Yeah. And the war footage, the drone footage.


Oh, just like I I saw one yesterday where this drone, a kamikaze drone, was coming after these guys and they were shooting at it with aks and they couldn't take it down. The thing was evading the bullets and then finally it moved into the guy threw his ak at it and it blew up. It saved his life, really. He threw his fucking rifle at the drone as it was coming to sweep because they. They dive on you and blow up.


I think being able to see those, I will say this gives you like a very sobering perspective on modern day war.




Cuz that's obviously, you know, that wasn't a thing in Vietnam or World War Two. You see it, but like, the fact that you see these guys out in a field, you know, whatever side they're on. I'm just talking about the. The reality of these human beings run and then this fucking drone with a camera is chasing them down.




And they can. It can just blow. It just.


Well, this is the first time that's ever happened.


It's fucking the first time we ever.


Had drones that chase people.


Yeah, I'd never, I mean, I'd seen, obviously heard of and knew about drones that are like basically satellites, you know, that, like, that fly, right. Other like planes and. And they lock in on a. On a location and fire a missile.




But these little tiny ones that just. Yeah, chase people and blow up.


I mean, they're suicide bombers. Yeah. Yeah, it's. It's really.


It's super disturbing.


Guys are going into the trenches with gopros on. Like, I watched this one where this russian guy killed these ukrainian guys that were in, like, they were in a trench and he's like, got a gopro on.




And he guns these guys down when they're in the trench, and one guy's like, struggling for the rifle, and then he fucking gets the barrel back and blows his head off. And you're like, yo.




And it's all like 5ft away, 3ft away, like, fuck.


And you see that and then they're like, do you want to make a prosciutto mozzarella sandwich next? Like, that's my feed. And you're like, yeah, I think so.


Yeah, if you. You saw my feed. If I was like, being arrested for being a serial killer and they had to look at his social media, like, look at his algorithm. Oh, yeah, look at his algorithm.


Oh, that. I mean, Christina just all day, she's just like, you're such a sick person. She's like, look what you want. Look what you fill your head with.


I don't know.


I also go to. Well, I go to bed, and I always put on biographies. Like, it's either war, a serial killer, or it's a scripted show about a murder. It's the only thing that, like, I like it engages. I find enticing and exciting to watch are, like, either real stories about horrible things or I like the suspense. I like that genre. So I just am always watching it.


Well, it's always interesting, just psychologically, to see, like, what the fuck are they watching? Something on Richard Ramirez or something like that. Like, what was this guy like, oh, yeah, I just cannot watch those things at night. If I watch them in the day, I can tolerate them, but at night before I go to bed, it just gives me too much room for crazy thoughts.


Well, that's a. Apparently that's a healthier reaction than mine, because I watch it and I'm like, night, night. And I just fucking go to bed.


I can't watch things about war at night. War freaks me out the most because I'm always like, okay, before Pearl harbor or before 911, like, no one knew that was gonna happen. Like, how do we not know? How do we know that we're not in a situation right now where we're just before something really fucked up happened? And that gets me at night.


Yeah, I understand that. I mean, and also the way that now. Because I've watched docs on those very things.




Recently, like, the lat, the latest one, the latest nazi one, because at some point, I'm also like, are they ever just gonna be like, I think we've covered it with Hitler and never, never. And then I watched the latest one that there was a Netflix release, and it was absolutely phenomenal. Like, the best docu series I've ever seen done on the Nazis.


What's it called?


It's like a six or eight part series. I don't remember what it's called. It came out a couple months ago. It's so fucking good. You don't realize that they could go deeper and really highlight things that you didn't know about. It's just so educational.


Hitler and the Nazis evil on trial.


Is fucking so goddamn good. I cannot tell you how good this is.


So is this colorized footage?


There's colored footage. There's, um. They go between, you know, the, like, real footage, like, real historical footage, narration. And it's just.


Do they have dramatizations as well?


Yes. And it's so high level. It's so well done. It just paints a picture in a way that. That I don't think has really been done before. It's just incredibly fascinating. But, yeah, I mean, I get that at night, too, because you kind of go, like, especially. I mean, it was highlighted, I think, even in the debate. And so it is a very valid point, which is that you just don't know what's going to happen in any war. But when you have Russia involved in this war, you do have a country with thousands of nukes.




Like, you just don't know how he just deciding to play this. You don't know.


Nobody knows. He's a KGB guy who's a dictator.


Yeah. Yeah.


Like, the whole thing is mad. It's crazy.


And you just can do, you know, one little thing that for him, that's the line. Yeah, you just don't know what that is.


Yeah. You don't know what that is, and you don't know why. Why it's happening. You know, you hear about NATO moving their arms closer to Russia and you. And you know that there was a coup that was probably facilitated by the United States in 2014. And it's like, fuck, man. Like, all this monkeying with shit overseas scares the fuck out of me, man.




Every day there could be some new thing popping off somewhere in the world.


And you're like, that's another one. That the turning point, doc, about, like, the history of the Cold War. And when you. When you realize how the nuke programs evolved and what was really going and, like, how in the sixties, when we were, you know, bay of pigs and all that was happening, we thought because they postured like, we can fucking take you guys down, too. And they. We ended up discovering later that they had, like, seven bombs, and we had, like, 10,000 at the time.


Oh, God.


But then sevens.


Enough, though.


It's enough. But it's also like, you know, you could also target these areas. It's a more. You can deal with it. But, of course, they never showed that hand. But then you see how in the. Into the eighties, how their program just far exceeded our. At one point, they had, like, triple what we had in. Also, these are an amount of bombs that doesn't even really matter. If you have 33,000 nukes, it's like, you know, what the fuck you gonna do?


The world's over.


Yeah. It's over anyway. But how we both operated on a sense that, like, oh, yeah. If either one of us crosses a line, it's just over for both of us. Always.


Mutually assured self destruction. And then the other thing was that during the Reagan administration, they kind of, like, forced the Russians into trying to keep up with us militarily, which kind of bankrupt the Soviet union.




Because if you have a communist country, it's way harder to get money.




You're not making anything. You're not selling anything.


You're not ever capital really bad there economically, like massive poverty and starvation, and.


While you're having massive military spending, it's kind of unsustainable. But then they've since recovered, and then them, like China. Like, what's interesting, what China has done is China has developed this sort of. They have capitalism and communism, which is the way to do it. Like, you get people motivated to make a lot of money, get industries, get huge, but everything is completely tied into the government, which is like, oh, we nailed it. It. Yeah, this is it.


It's good program.


It's a good program.




It's not good for the people. Yeah, it's not good for us.


It's good for running the show.


It's great for running the show. Yeah, and that's, you know, that's. This is what's scary about what's going on in this country is there's some people that have the notion that in order for us to compete with these other countries, we have to govern people in a more similar way than they do. They have to have more control over information, more control over what people say and do, more control over money. You know, China now has centralized digital currency in some places, which is. That's very scary.


Yeah, once.


Once the government has complete access to your money and be able to shut your money off, or, like, you saw what happened in Canada with the truckers.




So these people just donated money to this trucker protest. That's all they did, donate money, and Canada shut their bank accounts down, which is. That's scary stuff.


It's very scary.


That's banana republic shit. And that's. You could walk to Canada.


It's not that far to the, you know, when the. When we had the. What was it called? What's the company that they had the malfunction and then airlines just stopped for a fucking day. Yeah, my friends was bringing up how, you know, all these car manufacturers have. Are starting our pledging. You know, we'll be fully electric by 2035 or whatever. And I'm like, man, for me, I've just always been like, yeah, that. That would suck just because I like cars that are gas powered and, you know, I guess I'm a dinosaur in that way. But, no, they're cool. They're cool. But what my friend was like, he was like, you know, he brought up that malfunction. He's like, you know, I just keep thinking about that if we were all electric, that the government could also just go, like, dupe. Like, oh, yeah, cars don't work today.


Well, there's cars today that have on star on them that the police can shut your car off.




So if you're running a high speed chase from the cops and you have some vehicle that has onstar on it, they just hit a button. Is that true? Make sure that's true. That might be theoretical. I think it's true, though. I think they could just shut.


That's pretty scary.


So, like, if something. But they market to you. Like, if someone steals your Corvette, Tom.




Just call up that car shut off.




And that person's on the highway, and it just pulls over for them.








Yeah. Well, you know the story about Michael Hastings, right? Michael Hastings was the reporter for Rolling Stone. Vehicles can please use onstar to disable car. If the vehicle is parked and turned off, the onstar advisor can use remote ignition block to prevent the engine from being restarted, allowing the police to recover the vehicle. So they can only do it once it's off. Um, can they. Okay. Can please use onstar to disable a car? Click that. Search for below. Below that. That part. Click that. See if that gives you a different answer. The vehicles parked and turned off. Same thing. Yeah. So can it shut off your car while you're driving? Hold on. Disable engine and n high speed chases. So it can. Satellite technology that could disable an engine with a simple push of a button helped end the high speed chase of a stolen sports utility vehicle in La Porte, resulting in the arrest of Mishawaka. Man.


And look at it. Says there, yeah, it was reaching 80 miles an hour before the onstar technology slowed it to 20. So it just basically shut it down.


So onstar controlled this guy's car, and they're looking at it like it's a good thing because. It is a good thing because this guy was a crazy person. Reckless driving, other counts, resisting law enforcement, running from the cops. But it's kind of crazy that they. They could just press a button. So maybe it's something that you didn't really do. Maybe you're a whistleblower for some chemical company that's done something that's illegal, and then people don't want you to. You're gonna crash the stock market, and, you know, you're on the run. And they know he's on the. He's got the papers on him. Find that fuck. And they just slow your cadillac down.






It's kind of spooky, man.


It's spooky because we know that people abuse power. It's not spooky. Look, if we had the. Our elected officials were all super enlightened beings that were different than human beings and that only did things according to ethics and rules and morals and knew what was right and what was wrong.




Yeah. Okay. Maybe then you can make a justification.


Yeah, but that's not our case.


That's on humans. That's not humans. All that stuff's crazy.


Mm hmm.


It's just you're giving too much power to people, and then you could figure out a way to justify, say, yeah, what about those people that are running from the cops? You're right, you're right, you're right. But what about someone who's corrupt, who's got ahold of that technology, and they're tracking their ex wife because she's gonna testify against them and they have her whacked. Yeah, that shit happens too.


For sure it does.


Fucking sure.




And then if there's no record of it, if you just got some sort of computer and you could just fucking slow down someone's car, and then the hitman catches up to him. Guns are down or whatever.


Yeah, I could. It's a. It's a. I mean, all technology can be abused 100%.


Yeah, well, we're seeing that with our. With Google searches. Nobody ever thought that you could just manipulate Google searches. Yeah, you 100% can. I had Robert Epstein on the other day, and he was explaining how it's done and what they do and. And they're capturing all these ephemeral. So, like, every time Google shows you stories or every time you Google something, they record what Google shows. And every time you google something about Trump, it's gonna show you all the negative. You Google about. Kamala Harris can show you all the positive. And just by doing that, for the casual voter, they can change the vote by a significant percentage.


It's really. It's insane. And also the listening thing, you know, it's like when I ran into a meta engineer when I was on the road at a hotel, he's like, oh, I'm a fan. And we just started talking, and I was like, hey, man. Because we had just talked with. With. I was with my tour crew about, this is so fucking, you know, just getting. You keep going. This is so weird. That we were having this conversation, and it's right here. Like, it's a. It's in my algorithm now. And then also, I'm getting emails about this.


Very strange.


So strange. And then we did, like, in our experiment, I was like, all right, let's just keep talking about lamborghinis. Like, I. Like, just keep talking about them. And we just kept talking about them in this conversation with our phones out. And then, I don't know, 2 hours later, we were all sharing, like, look at my thing. It's just like, my algorithm now has lamborghinis. And I got an email about a Lamborghini. I guess it's so. And he goes. He goes, well, you know, we listen, right? And I go, well, yeah, I mean, I figure, like, I know that we all kind of talk about it, but, like, it's weird to have you confirm it, you know?


Did he say they listen when the app is open?


He didn't. We didn't. Didn't go that far. He was just like, well, you know, we listen to you.


Like, have you ever done an experiment where all your. All your apps are closed, and you just start talking about something and see if Google picks that up? Because that would be interesting. We should do that right now.




Okay. What should we talk about? What would be a good thing?


Let's see.


Let me make sure that everything. All my shit is closed. Close everything. What would be a good thing to talk about? That would find out. Let's go. Something that we don't ever look up.


Yeah. Something that's not on our radar.


High school baseball.


High school baseball is definitely not something I'm interested in.






Yeah, so you don't talk about high school baseball.


Never talk about high school baseball.


High school baseball is so important because high school baseball teaches you teamwork.


It does.


And it teaches you how to perform together with friends. You develop camaraderie. You learn how to compete.


And high school baseball really is. That is the minor leagues of the minor leagues. Because if you thrive in high school baseball and you're legit. A good high school baseball player. Yeah.


Then you go to college.


You go to college. Then you can go in the minors, and you could even.


Next thing you know, you're in the fucking Dodgers and you're Ballin and you're driving a Lamborghini and you're driving a lamb.


Yellow Lamborghini.


Okay. Now let's see.




How much time do you think it takes before? I think it takes a high school baseball.


I think.


I think you should I just want to bring up high school high school baseball.




High school baseball. I think high school baseball results.


And also, it's like, when you think about high school baseball, you realize that, you know, pitching at that level, you're not. You're a real outlier if you get above 90 miles an hour. Because there's some high school kids that can pitch like 80, 85. When you start getting high school kids pitching above 90, you're talking about an elite level. A kid with a big old fella, long ass arms, got that torque, weight down that whip.


Those dudes can whip that ball. So what is the fastest anyone's ever thrown a fastball?


That's a great question. I mean, it's. Let's guess. Okay, that's a good guess. And I definitely don't know. I know the real baseball fans are going to be like, fucking idiot, but I'm gonna guess 112. Is that crazy?


I was gonna say 118. Okay, that's just a wild guess, though.


Is this gonna be that?


What do you think it is, Jamie? Do you know what it is?


The highest in a game or just.


The highest, highest ever? Like, fastest. There must be like, who's the fastest?


I bet the guy who's the best ever or fastest ever isn't the best yet.


Right. Not the most accurate.


It's just like in tennis.




The craziest speed ever on a serve is not from. Right, Federer.


Right, right, right. Like, a guy with the hardest punch is not necessarily the best fighter.




So what is. Let's take guess.


I was trying to really erase, like.


In major league baseball from the search if I could. What's the fastest pitch ever thrown? Fastest in major League baseball? It's 105.8. What about in, like, the world record for the fastest ball ever thrown? There's got to be competitions, right? Like they have those golf competitions where dudes just drive the ball.


Thousand percent.


Yeah, bro.


You could throw a fastball, you would just be in the major leagues.


That's true. That's. They would pay you. They would just figure out a way to get you over the plate.




You only have to do it like.


Ten times and you can make a lot of money.


So 105.8.


Yeah, there's a bunch of.


One guy has done it a bunch of times at 105, and a few people have joined him in the 105.


But no one's cracked. 106.


That must be so fast coming at you.




You ever look at the, like, from a umpires perspective?


No, but I'm saying that's. But if you look at tennis, the high level serve speeds.


What are their speeds?


We're talking, like, into the 130s.




Yeah. Like, there's probably a guy who's probably done 140.


All right, I'm opening up Google to see if we get any high school baseball. Come on, Google. Don't you disappoint me. 163 for fastest. What? Jesus. What?




Fastest serve. 163. And John Eisner.


Yeah. Eisner. 657.


Bro. That's bananas.




So far. It's just wolves in mma. So I think you gotta give that about 30, 30 minutes to an hour and.


Okay, again, what do I have? I got chiropractors, italian women's feet.


I got the debate. I got upcoming fights. I got some canelo, Alvarez, Connor sugar, Sean O'Malley, and Marab. Dwarves.


Willie watches.


Watches. Cybertruck baseball.


B. Don't be interesting, though, is you check back in an hour, right?


Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to keep checking back for high school baseball and if high school baseball. One house. I'm cheating because I got Google open. I'm gonna shut it now. We'll see. We'll see if they get me.




I shouldn't be. I should have come up with a product instead of high school baseball products.


A good idea.


Like, Lamborghini is a product. They're gonna try to sell you the product. That would be a better move.


There you go.


I should have had a product. What would be the product? But it has to. I want it to be a product that I wouldn't ordinarily search. That's why I said high school baseball.




Like, what's a product that I wouldn't search?


Mmm. Have you searched humidors?


No. Humidors. That's a good one.


Cigar humidor.


Cigar Humidor.




Cigar humidors. What are the best ones?




Cigar humidors.


What's the difference? There's so many sizes.


And are there some that are too crazy and that you overkill? And there's some. What's the best wood for a cigar humidor?


To my. One of my neighbors built a room.


Trying to get away from his wife.


He built it like a store.


He's trying to hide. He's trying to hide his wife. He's hiding.


I love it.


I don't want to do this anymore. I'm in there just. It's women repellent.




You know?


Yeah. No woman's ever like, mmm.


Yeah. They hate it. They think it stinks.


So funny.


They hate it when it's outside. Like, oh, that guy across the street's got a cigar.


You know what I did yesterday? Oh, yeah, sure. I. I had a gummy. A mushroom gummy. It was so good.


Just a. Like, one.


Yeah. Yeah, it was nice.


Shouldn't that be legal, Tommy buns, is it not? I kind of. Man, it kind of depends on the mushroom. I take a lot of functional mushrooms, like, over the last six months or something. So I've been taking Reiki and cordyceps.


And I got to get you one of these, though, that I. They're really good. Smooth. Very nice. I'm also, like, a bit naive, as I haven't part taken that much before. So I did mine, like, before bed, and then I put, like, an eye mask on, and I was like, ah, just looking. Oh, yeah, all kinds of shit. And then it's 230 in the morning, and I'm like, I got to take something else so I can go to bed.


Well, when I get riled up late at night, I always feel like an idiot because I was like, I've just ruined my sleep.




Late at night, I've got too many crazy ideas and starts freaking me out. It just ruins your sleep. And next thing you know, it's 04:00 in the morning.


You go in bed, it's fucked. It fucked me up, and it was just my own ignorance.


And then if you have a podcast, the next day, you got baggy eyes, you look like shit, and your brain is not working so great. Oh, by the way, one of the best supplements for performance, mental performance when you are missing sleep, is creatine really, like, creating that?


Like the workout supplement?


Yeah, the creatine. The workout supplement. It's really good for workouts, but it's also really good for cognitive function.


Didn't know that.


Yeah. If you think about it, what creatine does, like, google what exactly creatine does. So don't fuck this up. But what I think it does, essentially, is it allows your body to hold on to more water. Yeah, there's more water in the muscle, so it increases muscle volume and it helps. Okay, here. What does it say? Creatine is compound body naturally makes get it from protein rich foods. It supplies energy to your muscles and may also promote brain health. Many people take creatine supplements to increase strength, improve performance, and help. What happened? What'd you do? Yeah, but you changed it. I was reading it. Okay. Increase strength, improve performance, and help keep their minds sharp.


I've never heard this, but the study.


The recent study was the positive effects of creatine on people that are sleep deprived. It says an increased energy supply to neurons in the brain, which may help with mood and thinking. So it does something with water. It makes you gain a little weight from it that I think you're storing more water.


So you have a bad night of sleep.


Yeah, but I take it every day anyway. I've been taking it every day anyway for like the past six months.




Yeah, it makes a difference. It really does. Makes a difference in your workouts. But what I think, I try to take as many things as possible that are good for cognitive performance. You know, obviously, like doing a podcast, you need that increased water. Here it is. Creatine is an osmotically active substance, thus any increase in the body's cr content. Creatine content should result in increased water retention and consequent gains in body mass.


Well, I knew about the water retention and that it was a verified to have, like, it's one of the supplements that you can count on for gains. Yeah, it's, it's, I'd never heard about the brain ever.


Yeah, that's more recent. They've been talking about that, you know, it's been used as a muscle supplement since like the nineties or been popular since the nineties. Jamie, what does it say about. Because there was some sort of a study about creatine supplementation to enhance performance with sleep deprivation. Because there was this study that was showing that your cognitive performance, when you just have like four or 5 hours sleep, drops off a cliff. I notice it in a big way. It's 70% of my normal single high dose of creatine can temporarily improve cognitive performance during sleep deprivation. This is due to creatine's ability to prevent a drop in ph level, improve processing speed, increase intercellular energy consumption, and increase high extracellular creatine availability. Isn't that awesome?


That is so fucking cool. I really had no clue about this. Yeah, I had a really poor night's sleep like a month or so ago, and I was going into my writer's room on my show, and that's the, like, to me, like, when you go, what's the worst things about it? When you have no. You have bad sleep. Are a physically, like, your workouts suck. Like, it's really rough when you have poor sleep, but mentally, I hate doing a show poor sleep. And to go into a writer's room where you're supposed to be, you know, fast. Yeah. And yeah. Talking about all the stories. And I took a stimulant.


Dun dun dun.


Holy shit. It was like I slept fucking 12 hours. I couldn't believe which one's you take. Five ants?


Yeah. Nice. You like it?


Oh, my God. I was like, can I get some more? Like, I'm not supposed to give you this. It was amazing.


I think you have add whatever the confirmed.


I think so, but I couldn't.


We both have it. We both need vy Vance.


Whatever it is, it's fucking awesome.


Isn't that the guy who's the vice president under Trump? No.


Yeah. JD Vance, the creator of ivance. I couldn't believe, though, how the. I mean, I was really dragging. I was like, on one of those night, I slept three to half, four.


And all of a sudden, bam.


I mean, firing on all cylinders. Like, it was like. I had a great night's sleep.




I could not.


What's the come down? Like?


Not that bad.




No, it was. Apparently, that's one of the.


Don't tell me on this. Don't do it.


The big differences between. Is that the crash from add? I never did Adderall. I've never had it. But, like, people talk about the post Adderall crash, but the vivance, I was like, yeah, I feel they got it nailed. Yeah.


These motherfuckers.


They fucking nailed it.


These motherfuckers.


And, yeah.


Yeah. There's a lot of people out there just churning and grinding all day on amphetamines.


That's where it is.




Yeah. It's pretty incredible.


I can't believe I'm bringing it up again, but that book over there, blitzed, is a norman older book about the Nazis during the blitzkrieg campaign. They were all on meth.


All of them. Yeah. And then, you know, a lot of people don't. I talk about it on stage, but the people don't know that Hitler was on a lot of cocaine, too.


Oh, Hitler was on a lot of oxycodone, too.


Yeah. But the coke part was always like, to me, the. The thing that I was like, wait, what? And it was his doctor that was getting it to him.


That's what that book's all about.


It's really fascinating how that whole. The whole army was all meth. Dah.


Yeah. And then we give more meth to the people there on the front lines.


Mm hmm.


Like the tank guys. They got the most meth.




Just fucking meth them up.


Well, there's. That makes sense. People on meth. What is it? People on. People on meth love confrontation. You know, like, they. They are aggressive. Yeah. They seek out confrontation. So I remember I talked to doctor drew one time, he goes, people on cocaine run from the cops, and people on meth run towards the cops.




Yeah. So you get people, like, really, like, serious coke problem. They see a uniform and they bolt.




And then people on meth, like, when they. He's like, when dealing with, like, real meth up people, they see cops and they're like, what's up, bitch? Like, they want confrontation with uniforms. Like, they just seek it out. That's fucking what?


That football player get pulled over.


Yeah, man, that was fucking wild. Tyric Hill.




Yeah. On the way to the Dolphins game is interesting.


He just didn't want to roll his window down. I know.


And I understand, like, there's, like, a lot of people weighing in on, you know, the. The nuances of this whole thing because.




It's layered. It's not. But it's like, I mean, look, I'll never have Tyree kills experience, you know, like, as being a black guy in America and.


In a mcLaren.


In a mcLaren. And. And I don't know what it's like to get pulled over by Copenhagen. My whole thing with cops, if I get pulled over, I always try to be like, yes. Ten and two. Yes.


Like, yes, sir.


Now he, like, it's. People are right. It's not against the law to be. To not be like that. We're allowed to fucking. To be like, whatever. Hurry up and fucking figure this out. You can do that. But I just feel like it's. It's not de escalating things.




But then those cops were fucking and hot with, like, you could tell the one in particular felt, like, to me, watching it, that he was. He had felt maybe humiliated by also either somebody he recognized or just somebody with wealth who is feeling entitled, that he wanted to show the other cops that, like, I don't take any shit, which I feel like it's a human emotion, but then.


But you can't have that human emotion as a cop.


You can't.


You can't act on it for sure.


You can't just fucking throw somebody.


Yeah. To the ground and cuff them as if they're a dangerous criminal.


Like, he's. Like, he was a violent offender, right? It was really fucking nuts.


Is nuts. The whole thing's nuts. It's not. It's nuts, but it's also. It's like, it's nuts both ways, right? It's like, roll the window down.


Just roll the window down. Is say, yes, sir. Know what?


Give your driver's license. You're speeding. You're going hunt, 3 miles an hour. What are they alleging?


I don't know what. What his issue was. He just didn't feel like fun.




That's a fucking fun.


That's a fun car.


Seven, six, five.


I don't know what it is. I don't know anything about McLaren's, but it's fucking dope. I know. I remember when you were reviewing one, when you had that car thing you were doing for a while.


Dude, they were giving me. I've driven a lot of the lineup. I've driven the 600 Lt. How come.


You never got one?


I don't know. I should get one. I just drove the new. It's fucking phenomenal.


But they're making cars that just a rich knucklehead can buy that has the most insane speed and power.


I remember when they sent. I specifically. I've driven, like I said, a lot of the lineup when I grew up, the 765 lt, I remember talking to at the time, he was with McLaren in f one, Daniel Ricardo. And I was like, dude, I just drove this fucking thing. And I've never. I've never. I've driven a lot of cars. I've never been more scared of what could happen in a car. You know, I was just. I was driving down the 110, and we were doing, like, 70, and it was just open road, and I had somebody in the passenger seat, and he was like, punch it. And, I mean, in the blink of an eye, we're just. We're going 130, and it's just like. It's so fast and so responsive. You know, the slightest input, and I was like, this is. This is a. It was. It was a scary feeling where I go, I want to hand this in. Like, I want to turn this in right now. And I also want to order one. You know, like, the. Both things were like, I know this is bad for me.




But can I get some more vivants? Because this is fucking pretty cool. Like, that's what it felt like. It was. It was terrifying and seductive. But the conversation that I had with him, I was like, it's crazy that you can just buy this.




And have that. There's no skill requirement associated. And he and other automotive journalists were like, oh, yeah, you should definitely have to prove something.




To drive something like this.


Look at that thing.


Yeah, it's.


Or, like, think about the Corvette ZR one. So that has an even lower bar to entry, right? That's like 200 grand, right? What's a ZR one? The new one?


I don't know. I don't know the price on that.


But that thing's insanity. That's like 1100 horsepower, right?


Really crazy. Yeah.


Insane rear wheel drive car.


And all the manufacturers keep getting crazier.


Crazier and crazier and crazy.


And then you get to the electric stuff.




It's also like. It's a missile, you know, 1064.


So it's almost 1100 horsepower. Fucking bananas. That's so much power for a car. It used to be if a car had 400 hp. Like, I remember I got a Porsche turbo in, like, 2003, and it was 420 hp. Like. This is crazy.


That's a bonkers number.


It was crazy back then.


What does this go for?


Yeah, just google MSRp for zr one. You really can't get one? You have to have an allocation.




There's probably. Is that one one for sale? That's the 3129. Oh, it's no six.




Oh, that's a zo six. Yeah, zo six. Pretty fucking incredible, too. So that's 129. So there you go. The ZR one's, right. Yeah. 200 grand. $200,000 Corvette. While others believe that it will start for much less than that. Oh. So they haven't really got the price out there yet. Wow.


Yeah. That 7.65 is like 400. It's.


400 grand. So crazy. Well, then you got that Hennessy, that venom thing. That's $3 million.


Yeah. So you get, like, conjugate paganis.


Yeah. Have you seen that Bugatti that has all of its instrumentation is all mechanical, like a beautiful watch. And the steering wheel turns around the gage cluster. So the gage cluster maintains in the center of the wheel, and your steering wheel turns around it, and it never moves. No, it's fucking magnificent. And what is this in a bugatti?


Oh, wow.


I'm not even a Bugatti guy. Cause Bugatti, to me is like, look at my dick. That's Bugatti. You know, but look at that fucking thing.


Yeah, no, they're sexy.


See if you can find the. The gage cluster. Because the gage cluster is just complete insanity. Scroll up towards. So they get to the interior. I know they have to shoot. There it is. They're gonna show it. So that's the gage cluster. So the steering wheel spins around that stuff.




So that all that stuff sits behind the wheel. And it's all mechanical clocks. Like, look at it.




It's digital and mechanical at the same time.


Going over it here. Yeah.


I mean, it is just a piece of art.


And this is definitely, like three and a half million dollars.


Oh, crazy money. If you could get one, right? It's probably 5 million, but you probably can't even get 3.8 million pounds. Or is that. Is that pounds or euros? Or what is that little thing? Squiggly thing?


That's pounds.


Pounds. So what is three, eight. 3.8 million pounds?


I mean, it's over $4.


It's an incredible car. But I mean, you're. You basically have a house. You're driving around a fucking house.


That's too crazy.


Look at that. Little touchscreen pops up. Look at that screen. We look out, spins around, says, bugatti. Yeah, baby. Why are you laughing? Why does it have to spin around? Why didn't just come out the way? Because it's like, look at my.


It's a total. Look at my dick.


It's a big old italian dick. Hey, Joey, look at my dick. It's incredible.


That's incredible. Yeah. The technology is just. I mean, it always. It's like, what's gonna. What will be around in 20 years? Because I gotta say, when Bugatti, Pagani and Kona, when they do these things, I always say, think this is outrageous. But I'm also like, it's so cool that you have a spaceship that's basically getting into groundship.


Do you know Sam Altman? He's always the head of OpenAI. He's always kind of said, I'm not doing this for money. I don't make any money. And they just busted him in a $4 million kona seg.


They did?




That's awesome.


See if you can find that cardinal. The video of him in that car. I don't need money, but me, money? I'm not even interested in money. He's driving around. A $4 billion code is. Go back to the beginning. So you see him get in it? Does it show him get in it? No, that's him. It's fucking. Yeah. Elon was mocking him. Look at that. Got a $4 million. There he is. Hi. Busted, bro. Hey, bro. I think you like money. Look, you don't buy one of those unless you really want to get rich.


Yeah, and you also want everyone to know how fucking rich.


You want everyone to know how rich, and you're rich right now. Enough. I don't have a $4 million car. I wouldn't drive with that. I'd be freaked out. I can't drive. I can't park it anywhere. What am I gonna do? That's crazy.


It's insane.


So that means he's got way more money than me. So, like, how much money you get? How much money you make it? What are you doing? What are you doing that you're driving a $4 million car? That's so crazy. And you tell everybody you're not trying to make money. If you're not interested in money. You get a mercedes, you get a nice s class. People get mad at you. You really want people to not get mad at you? Get a Lexus, get an LS 500, cruise around in style. No one's gonna get mad at you.


People don't. Yeah, they're fine with that.


You have a $4 million car, hyper car. And you. You're involved in artificial intelligence, and it's supposed to be open AI and then also became private company. There's, like, a lot of weirdness with, like, what happened with the money? Do you know?


Yeah. The amount.


Oh, Sam Altman car collect. He's got a McLaren f one, two mcLarens.


He's got the f. He's got some chatter.


Well, he probably already had a bunch of money already, right? Like, so how did he come into open? AI says he's worth over $2 billion. Well, there you go. So he's got a $4 million car.


He's got what? He's got $2 billion.


Yeah, him and his husband. Yeah, his partner. Shazam.


Yeah, that. That checks out.


And also disposable income. Cause ain't making no kids.


Yeah, yeah. Let's go.


That's good.


Let's go.


$4 million car money. This money's not important to me.


Yeah, I don't like it.


What did Elon say about it? Because it was something about Elon mocking him. It's like. Cuz, you know, Elon was a part of OpenAI in the beginning. Then he was like, hey, this isn't so open, right? It's going on here.


And he brought up the threat that.


This is Elon Mock's opening. What is he saying? How's he mocking him? What does it say? OpenAI drive one of those expensive cars. How did OpenAI become a for profit business when it was a nonprofit?




Elon says, great question. But also, if this guy was already a billionaire, so was he a billionaire before open air?


This was probably separate from. I remember when that happened on Twitter.


I don't think someone's adding that in.


With this video of him in the car.


Oh, are they? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, those dirty bitches.


Same time. What's the.


Making a point. You sure that wasn't quoting the actual video? It could have been, but I don't think so. It might be.


What's the. What's the origin of his money?


That's a good question. What's the origin of Sam Altman's wealth? Where'd he make all the chatter? Oh, he's got a $4 million car.




$4 million car is also like, look at my dick.


Yeah, big time.


It's just like the Bugatti. It's a huge flex at my dick. Just a quick search says various investments through his venture capital firm, including Airbnb Stripe.


Oh, Airbnb was a big one for him.


So he's balling. He's already balling. So don't be hating kids.




The guy's making it. It's out there rocking in the free world.


Fucking rad.


Yeah. The thing about those cars, those cars are really fun. But you know what my most fun car did to drive us? Actually, the most engaging car is my little air cooled 964, that Porsche RX America RS America. It's not the headquarters. Yep. Not the fastest, but any stretch of the imagination. It's slow compared to.


My favorite is my slowest to. Which before.




Has that demand upgrade.


Yeah. But that car is way faster than my car.


But it's.


That car is pretty fucking fast.


It's pretty fast. But it's not like I think everything else I have is almost faster than it.


So it's just engaging.






And it's a. And. And it puts the biggest smile on my face.




It's very fun.


Yeah. That's like my white car, the GG three rs. The sharkworks car. Same kind of thing. It's just real raw. But they're not as raw as that little red car. That little red car is like you're on an awesome ride at Disneyland.




Where you're in control this. You feel everything. No power steering. You know, there's like, power assisted brakes. There's no air conditioning, no heat, no nothing. Light as fucked 300.


It's just a.


And you just. It just makes your whole body tingle.




It's, like, exciting.


That is, to me, the most fun thing to do.


Doesn't even. You don't have to be going fast. That's what's crazy. Merging on the highway, getting to 65 miles an hour is a fucking thrill.




Whereas, like, in the Tesla, it's like. Yeah, it's just no sound. All sudden you're going seven. You don't even notice it.


That car is like some of these, like, faster cars that I have and that exist. Is that a lot of times when you take them out, you're like, yeah, I'm not really getting to drive this thing.




You know, cuz you're. If you're going 75, right, and you're.


You have to go to a track.


You have to.




You have to enjoy it.


Yeah, yeah. And how often you do that.


That's the fucking thing is that like, you tell yourself that you. You know, we bend it together.




And you're like, I want to do this all the time.


Let's do it next month.


It's hard to do.


Let's definitely do it. Well, next month we probably can't because next month is f one, but after f one's.


After f one.


Yeah. After f one's, we'll do another day. The ultimate baller move. The ultimate. Like, all these guys, they want to get fucking shot toes in France and pole. This is the ultimate baller move. You get a giant piece of land that's flat and you put yourself a fucking racetrack on it and.


Let's go. Somebody did this in Austin. It's for safety, I think. Yes, yes. I'm in the greater Austin area.




Yes. I swear to God, don't do this. And then a guy, a billionaire in Japan, just built one that. Yeah, he built a track that you can. You can get a membership at his track. Oh, that's pretty fucking cool.


That's a good move. So if you know some cool car people, you can hang out together.




They want to be alone on your track. On. Nobody saw my laptop.


Tally has that out in, like, indigo.


Oh, yeah.


That area. It's a private, like, a really nice track that has, like, a country club. It has a restaurant and you can house your cars there.


That'd be so addictive.


I know.


So addictive.


I know.


Even in. Just in a miata, just going around in something fun.


Miatas are amazing.


Yeah. Yeah, right. It's like. That's what I'm saying. It's like. It's not about how fast you go. It's about how much fun it is to go fast.


Mm hmm.


Like, there's cars that go way. Like my Tesla. It's the best example. It goes way faster than anything else I own. But it's not as fun.




There's a fun factor to the roar of the engine, the feeling of the tires, the shifting the gears, yourself, all of it. The fun part.


The fun is just. I mean, that's the joy of it. That's why you keep getting them and.


Everybody today is chasing numbers. They're all chasing nurburgring times and zero to six deciseconds and quarter miles.


Yeah. And it makes you lose sight of, like, the real thrill of driving.


Dangerous for everybody on the street. You got these vivanced up kids.




Out there with a fucking zr one.




There's a replica of the instant bull f one track in Texas, and it's for sale. Holy shit.


Isn't that crazy?


Guys got an f one track in his fucking yard.


Isn't that nuts?


That's nuts.


And I feel like it's very Texas.


Where is it?


This is, like, the state that looks.


Like it's down by the ocean.


It's an amarillo scroll.


Scroll up a little so I can see that image better. Yeah. Is that the ocean in the back?




What's that blue shit?


I think that's just field Oklahoma. If it says it's amarillo, it's all the way up near Oklahoma.


Oh, is that where Amarillo is? Yeah. Oh, I don't know where Amarillo is. Like, the top tip top 50 acre complex for sale. Click on it. How much? For a reasonable price contest?


Oh, let's go.


$2 million. Hang on. For real? Hang on. Hang on. This thing just got juicy. How far is that drive? Find out how far that drive.


Hours. Hmm. How far is that flight?


20 minutes.


There you go.


Let's go.


Ship cars there once.


Don't make me do this.


Come on, dude.


Well, I want to get a ranch. I've been talking about getting a ranch.


There's one for sale right there, but.


I want a different kind of ranch.


No, you don't.


You want a survival ranch.


It's right there. No survival rate on the outside.


Not survival. It is.


It's acres and acres, man. This is a small portion.


Chris Harrison the other day. Yeah, I'd love that, dude.


Yeah. Dude can drive.


If we had a track. Oh, there's an airport right next to it. God damn it. If we had a track, like, real close and we could take Chris Harris out, how much fun would that be?


Awesome. That dude, so fucking great. I love watching him drive, too. He's. He's fucking.


He loves cars, man. When you're around, like, someone who really loves cars, he loves all kinds of cars, too. You know, he was.


He knows his shit. I like watching his videos. Great.


Yeah. Fun, dude. He got fucked over on that whole Top Gear deal.


He did? Yeah.


Top Gear story. How it ended is horrible. And did due to an accident. And he was. And he apparently had gone to the producer saying, we. We have to stop pushing this. We're gonna. Someone's gonna get hurt or killed. And then someone got hurt real bad. But real big guy, though. And, you know, he got fucked up from this. Flipped over a three wheeler and got really fucked up but survived and then they killed the show.




Yeah. Yeah.


It was crazy after he had kind of worn them.


He also experienced a shit ton of online hate because he was replacing Jeremy Clarkson. So everybody fucking hated him. But meanwhile, he's like the best auto journalist there is.


He's so fun.


He's such a good guy. And people are mad that he's not Jeremy Clarkson. Like, hey, Jeremy Clarkson still on the air, you fucking idiots. Yeah, go over to the Amazon, get the Jeremy collection. It's great. Go watch that too, you fucking morons.


No, that's too bad. I think Chris does great work. I love watching him review stuff. And you can tell not only is he skilled when he's on track, but that he's genuinely having a good time. You can tell he loves it.


Oh, he's smiling, laughing. He's gonna do more of his own stuff and good. Him and I were, yeah, we were talking about that. I was encouraging that. I was like, you really need to be doing your own thing. Like, you're so good automotive journalists you're so fond of, people love watching you. You should be doing your own show online. You shouldn't be dealing with other people. There's no need for that. And also, like, the Top Gear. Top Gear is great show and everything like that, but they all want to do like crazy stunts. Like they threw a car off the side of a bridge with a bungee cord attached. You're like, my.






Yeah, why? They get to the point on all these shows. Yeah, it's just a producer pitching segment.


And what we were saying was, for television, that's what people like. But for the Internet, like, for YouTube, completely different audience. Then you get enthusiasts. So, like, if you get the newest gt, three rs and Chris Harris is reviewing it, it'll have millions of views because you want to see a guy can really fucking drive who really loves cars and understands them. Review the car. I'm like, that's where you're at. Your best man. 1000% for the enthusiast, not for the casual dorks that wants to see a car go off a dam on a bungee cord.


Yeah, but I mean, also on those. On those Internet videos too. The great thing is you get there, somebody like him gives you an authentic reaction and they give you authentic critiques, they're like, you know what? They change the seats on this new, and it's not as good. Or they'll talk about the suspense, and they'll give you, like, the insight that if you're really thinking about getting that car, you go like, oh, maybe I want the previous generation. Like, they give you real insight.


Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. He gives a lot of good criticisms of vehicle. Matt Ferret does a great job with that.


That does awesome. There's a couple other guys that do that stuff, the straight pipes.


Chris works with Singer, and, you know, Singer is doing a turbo now.


Yeah, they are.


Oh, my God, there's a green one. He went to go to the factory, and they're showing it. The attention to detail is so fucking incredible.


Singer number one, the very first one is here in Austin. Really? Yeah, I saw it in person. Yeah.


What's it like in person?


Pretty cool. They're fucking. It's. It's cool. It's a yemenite. A guy who has a few, and he's like, here's number one.


That's probably worth a lot of money.




See if you can find the singer turbo video with Chris Harris, because it's. I just want to see the green one. And in. In. And it's like. It looks kind of like an old 911 turbo. Yeah, that's it. That's it. Yeah, that's it. But it's. It looks kind of like an old 911 turbo. But then when you see the details.


Of it, you're like, oh, they do an awesome.


This is way better than a regular.




Way better than a reg. See if you can find the video, because the video is incredible, dude. No, that's the video of his original car. This is how I felt.




Click that real quick because that was before singer. He had this car made. And this is. Oh, no, this is singer. Oh, okay. This is the dis. This is a different one. This is just a. How many years ago is this?




Okay. This is the dynamics and lightweight study one. This is the crazy $3 million singer.


Oh, my God.


This one's different. This one's not a turbo. This is their super lightweight, incredible car, this cars.


That's crisp.


Oh, yeah.


Fucking nails it.


But this car is crazy, crazy expensive.


Yeah. 3 million.


Yeah, but it's immaculate. Immaculate. Singer turbos. Put in turbo. Singer turbo greenhouse. Go to videos. Click on videos and go to recent. Okay, right there, where it says more than ten years. Click that. There you go. Bam. Okay, this is it. So look at that fucking thing. So this is. This is the turbo. So it looks kind of like a 911 turbo from, like, whatever year. That would be like 1980 or whatever the fuck it was. But it's way more smooth and polished and refined. And it's just. When you see it parked and still, it's just amazing. Like, their attention to detail is just off the fucking charts, man.




Like this. Go back so you could see. So that was. That's the car. So they're just going over all the things that they massaged and changed on the car and all the details where you get a scent there is. You get a sense of what it looks like. Look at that thing that's right there.


Fucking rad, man.


Cars don't get prettier. They just get different. They don't get prettier than that. They just get different. And then that dark, cool, metallic green, like, look at that thing.


I would get talked into this. Yeah. In this moment, if they were like. And then you're like, yeah.


How much do you think that fucker cost? That's not as much as the DLR.


No, it's not. I think. I don't know. You're probably DLS, you get. I mean, there's so much customization involved in it, though. Probably a million bucks that are just under, you know, around there. I think they can make these, from what I remember, for a little bit less than what they were making. The. Because they were just doing 964s before, I think.




That they can make these.


That's not a 964 chassis.


They don't start with a 964 on the turbo. I don't know. But I'm saying on the pre, like, you know, singers were all just one model before, right? Those were more expensive for them to just even produce singer.


DLS turbo. Oh, boy. So, starts as a 964 jet, but this is a DLS turbo. That's a different one. Look how sick that thing looks. That's a dine. That is another level. That's the dynamic, lightweight study. Porsche Turbo, which is bananas. That thing looks. That doesn't look anything like anything that's ever existed before.




And that's the difference.


More expensive.


Oh, yeah.


The one we were just looking at. I think you could produce those.


Look at that thing. That's insane looking. Oh, my God. That thing's insane looking.


Are you gonna make a phone call?


No, no. Get away from me. This is like a line where I won't cross.




Yeah. Yeah. What's the last line?


Oh, really?




That looks fucking amazing.


We start getting into million dollar cars. Like, what are we doing?


That's okay.


What the fuck are we doing here?




Yeah, no, that's true. It's not a Bugatti. It's also a different kind of thing than a look at my dick. You know?




It's more of like, oh, you know, cars.


You're passionate guy. Yeah.


You know, what the fuck gets the wheel spin.


That's. Yeah, that's. That's fucking.


I just love that there's people, like, they're like, you know, the Guntherworks guy. These people that they're making those so fucking cool. I just love that it's someone who just goes so hard.


A roof.




I want to. I want to.


They're not even really Porsches, right?


I don't know.


They can't even really call them a Porsche.


They call them roofs.


Yeah, but it looks exactly like a Porsche. Like, what is this?


I definitely want to see what it's like.


Like, go to roofs website. Ruf. The. When you see, like, the new one that they have, the crazy. It's water cooled, right. But it looks like an air cooled cardinal, right?


Yeah. I've never been in one. I've just seen photos and videos and stuff. And then it makes you grow, like, what's this?


Like, I mean, I must be insane.




And there. There's these cars like that that are just, like, completely. Look at that.




That's a nine. Nine three turbo base. And so that's their turbo are that they make. Look at that fucking thing. So this is the one. These are the ones that are weird. The ones that aren't. Like, scroll up, up. Scroll back up. Rough car. So that one. So, CTR anniversary. So, that one, I don't think is a Porsche, really. I don't think it starts off as a Porsche. I think it's all their shit.


And it just makes it look like.


It looks exactly like a Porsche, but I don't believe it has. I think it's a new car that. Yeah, see, Mona Q, completely developed by rough roof, rather. It's a type of aviation is CTR reminiscent of the legendary yellow bird. So the yellow bird was a Porsche. There was a roof yellow bird from, like, what was, like, the eighties. Remember that one? That Porsche one? That was crazy. But this is not really a Porsche. This is a roof car that they.


Make that just looks.


They're basically ripping off Porsche.






I mean, what about the other? The other ones are modified.






The other one, that one was a 993. That was a. Like, they take the base 993 and they juice it up. But this one, I think, is entirely developed by them.




Yeah, it's supposed to be madness. Supposed to be total madness.


Roof holler at me, man.


Completely redesigned. Yeah. Scroll up so I can see image of the front. Look at that fucking thing.


Whoo. Fucking cool.


And look how fat the tires are. That thing has some.


Yeah, you get it too. Why you encounter these people with just, like, nothing but porsches.




It's just so sick. There's something about them. You go, I want. What about the other one that you guys.




Like, you just kind of want to keep going.


Yeah, there's. There's also something about the size of them. Right. They're so small and compact that when you're in them, you feel like you're. Like. You feel like you're in a race car.




You're hunkered in there.


There's something weird about. Even though these get obviously very expensive, that feel. I've always felt like it's a more accessible to the world car than other supercars, you know, like, for sure one parked. You can see a Porsche parked in a grocery store parking lot.




Like it. You're just like, oh, it's fucking rad. But you see a lambo and you're like, what the fuck is this person doing?


Right, like this.


Yeah, it just doesn't feel like a.


Pink lambo with the heb parking lot. It's crazy.




Yeah, yeah. Coming out with giant sunglasses on, looking for attention to wrap around. You're just trying to get punched.


Sam and his fucking Conus egg.


Yeah. Is that. That's ridiculous. There's so many people that see people like that, too, and they really want to smack them.




They see you with that thing, like, I just want to smack that guy.


And it's. Yeah, fucking stupid. Nobody has any, like, sympathy for you on the road if you're in something.


Like that and you crash.


Hahaha. Or, like, try to merge people.


Fuck you. Fuck you. You can't get in front of me. Douchebag.




You gotta go somewhere?


No, no, I was just looking what it was. Sorry.


Sorry. Addictive, man.


I know.


Messages, they're addictive. You ever thought, I like going to a flip phone?


Oh, re style.




Wasn't that Dana, too?


Dana had it in the beginning. He had a flip phone early on, but then it got to the point where, you know, he has to manage the social media of the UFC, so he has to be able to look.


At things online, and, you know, he sang your praises. We were with him in Vegas. We talking about you. Fucking guy loves you, man.


I love him, too. Yeah, he's great. If it wasn't for him, that sport would not be what it is.


He told us the story about you, about him clearing out the New York offices. Oh, yeah, and he put it in the VA. He's checking tapes.




He sees you on Keenan Ivory Wayne. He was like, I need this fucking guy.






It was crazy, because in the beginning, I didn't want to do it when he was trying to get. Because I had already worked for the UFC in the past, from 97 to 98, I did post fight interviews. I was like, I'm out. And then they bought it in 2001, and he was trying to talk me into working for them. I'm like, I don't want to work.




Yeah. I was like, I don't want to do this, but I would ask him, you know, hey, have you ever watched k one? Do you guys watch pride? Do you know about this guy? You ever see Funaki fight? Have you seen Hicks and Gracie? He's even better than hoist. Like, we started having these conversations, and he was like, how much of this shit you watched? I was like, it's not the only sport I know. I don't even know the rules to basketball. And they blow that whistle. I don't know what the fuck is going on.


I told him the story about how when I would go with you on these weekends, and I'm like, you know, just, like, as a fan of sports and broadcasting, I was like, so where's, like, your prep book? You know, like. And you're like, doll up here. And I'm like, what are you talking about? You're about to call 7 hours. And you. And you said, you go, there's nothing else up here cluttering my mind with other sports. I only know one sport.


Yeah, yeah, but that's true. I mean, I do watch fights, but when I watch fights, I don't have to, like, say, oh, this guy's got a great question mark. I already have. I know. I know what he does. I know what that guy does.


Yeah, that's impressive.


I've seen him fight 100, but it's. But it really is true that I don't have any clutter in there.


Yeah, I believe it.


I don't have any football in there. I don't know what's going on with football. Yeah, what's offside? Yeah, he had a flag. What's a down? Why isn't it? Why is it first down? Now. What is happening? Oh, that guy got hurt. That's all I know.




Oh, that was a bad. Well, he ran with the ball pretty far. I don't know what's going on, and I don't want to know. I don't care. I can still enjoy it.




I have room for a couple things in my head, you know, like combat sports things, and I just smash them all together.


If you had to put something that interests you, even somewhat outside of combat sports, MMA and all that, what sport would be like? Second? I mean, it's a distant second, but what would be the one where you're like, oh, I enjoyed that.


Where a sport that I don't participate, that I can watch.


Yeah. And like, that you would sit down.


And outside of combat sports.


Yeah. If somebody had it on, you'd be like, I'll watch some of this with you.


I maybe would be like, what's going on with cricket? What are you guys doing?




Yeah. Be like, what is that? The hell's happening?




Well, I got that paddle. You'd be telling, what I really liked watching is soccer. We went to the Austin professional soccer game.




Soccer is legit. Here's one of the reasons why soccer is legit and why it's not going to become successful in America is because they don't take breaks. So there's no fucking commercial time.




There's no time to shove Taco Bell down your face.


They don't take any.


No breaks.




Nope, nope. It goes for a certain amount of time. I forget how long a soccer match.


This increased in its popularity.




Tenfold here in the last decade.


I'm telling you, if you go to.


See it live, it's when I've been multiple games.


Incredible, right?




It's unbelievable. And the arena they have here in Austin is amazing.


It's great. You don't realize that it's, you know, compared to what we're used to for, like, american football stadiums.




It's small. It doesn't feel small. Cause every seat in that house is fantastic.


Yep, yep.


And it's. Yeah, it's great competition. We keep getting better players here. I mean, I was somebody who, you know, I grew up not into soccer at all, and half my family was like, what's wrong with you? Because they're all south american.


Right? Argentina. It's fucking huge, right?


That's the fucking. That's bigger than any. Bigger than religion. It's just. It is religion. And I mean, my peruvian cousins were all like, how do you not like soccer?


The whole world loves it.


The whole world loves it. But I do think it's cool that in the last, for me, like, in the last decade plus, first of all, we lived in a time with, like, some generational talent, you know, with, like, Ronaldo and Messi and these guys. And it's like, shifting now to Mbappe and these just incredible, incredible talents. So I think high level anything becomes interesting. Like, when I would watch the elastico, the Madrid Barcelona game at the height of these guys club powers, like, ten years ago, you're watching such a high stakes, high level game, you can have zero interest, and you're like, holy shit, this is so incredible. And I think that and Premier League stuff kind of, you know, it just. It there. It kind of drifted over to the point where we're like, hey, you know, soccer has been played here forever. Just didn't have that same popularity. But this MLS stuff has continued to grow and grow and people, you know, I remember Saturday mornings during our football season, a lot of times you're putting it on now and you'll see soccer games, like, from the Premier League was on NBC for a while.


I don't know if they still have that contract, but here you go. But, like, it just has. And they keep getting, you know, better talent on the state side that I think will continue to see it become more popular.


If you go see it live, you'll get hooked also, I'll tell you that.


Yeah, the MLS games like that, too. Oh, my God, I got to see, I was on tour in Australia last year, and I got to see the Australian Open men's finals with Djokovic.




Seeing that in person, there's also, like, not a bad seat in that place. It's. It's a whole other thing. It made me go, okay, I want to go to all, like, the big. Really, Wimbledon. I want to go.




He. He was just incredible to see in person again, just somebody so, so talented at their sport that watching it live changed. You know, I played tennis growing up, and, like, I've watched tennis tournaments, but live is everything. I mean, I've told people that about UFC, too. It's like, yeah, it's cool to watch on tv, but it's so different in person. It's.


Yeah. Especially with no commentary, just watching the actual violence. Like, oh, my God, it's.




So real.


Yeah. And then you have a moment of, like, the. The sound of the crowd dies and you hear a. Yeah, it's like, holy shit.


The. My favorite place to see fights is in the apex center, because the UFC Apex center has no audience.


Yeah. So small.


It's incredible. And during COVID That was the best thing about COVID for me.


How about the sphere thing?


It's gonna be nuts. That's this weekend.


I know. I know.


Yeah. I'm pretty pumped. I don't know what they're gonna do. I know they have. I don't know if they're gonna show the fights on the ceiling. So. You know how they have video monitors in the studio where you always see with the. The video monitors are showing you the fights of the people that he told.


Us what they're doing.


Can you say it?


I mean, I don't know. I. We were on a podcast. I don't think it's been released.


Tell me, dude.


He's like. It's a fucking. It's a movie that's gonna play about the history.


Like this. Combat, sports. I know about that. There's six of them. There's six different small films.


Yeah. Okay. That's. That's what he was telling us.




And he was just like. It's all. Everything is authenticated and, like, you know, like, it. And the crew that made it is mexican. It's just like this.




Mexican plight story. And, I mean, I don't know if the broadcast goes up on the wall.


That's what I'm thinking. I'm wondering if you can see the fights take place on the ceiling.




Which would be an advantage.


You see a show there.


Certain positions. No, I have not.


Have. You know, and I heard it's just over.


It's insane to. But what did Burke go to see? They're the dead.


He's seen a few there. He saw the.




He's all the dead. And he saw. He went to a. You. You two show when they were there, too.


Oh, wow.


He said, yeah. I cried so much, you know?


Of course.






Yeah. I cried the whole time.


Delivers family.


My daughters are making fun of me.


Yeah, they should.




They should mock you. He doesn't just cry. He likes to take photos of him crying and then post it on instagram. I'm so sad. My daughter went to college. Look. Was this one good? How many did he take before he picked that one?


He's a fucking mess. When I saw him.


Of course.


Yeah. The college drop off has got to be heavy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He was.


He's a character.


He's on one. He was in a fucking bender.


How's he doing these days? He benders. He goes off. He goes on.


Yeah, he's on the east.


Cleaned up for a little while. They went back, right back in.


He's on a bert. He's in a Burt cycle. Yeah, yeah, he was real clean. And then he. My favorite. He was like, we were somewhere in Vegas and somebody is like, you know, do you want this? He's like, can't. I'm hardcore keto. And I was like, okay. And then we go to this.


I'm like, okay, we twisted your head. That's such a burg.


And then we go to this bar, and we're pouring drinks, pour Osos drinks. You know, we're like our brand. And it's like. Like tons of people. And it's a very fun thing. Everyone's out and getting bottles and drinks, and we're signing things. And then. And of course, like, you know, he's throwing a box, throwing back, and at one point, he's standing there shirtless, and he goes, I'm fucking. I'm absolutely fucking shit faced. I go, yeah, I can tell. And so I go, hey, you know, some time passes. I go, you want to get out of here? He's like, yeah. I go, okay, we're gonna go this way, out of this place. And here's the exit. He's like, okay. So I turn this way, say something that I get ready, he goes, I'm gonna fucking stay. And I go, okay, I'll see you later, man. So really, I leave. I get the fuck out of there, and then I run into him later. I'm like, how was it? He was like, oh, he's like, dude, I was so hammered. I go, yeah, I know. He goes, yeah, I got back and I ate a dozen donuts.


What happened to hardcore keto? He goes, well, I just ate the tops. And I go, that's. That's not how keto.


That's where the frosting is. What are you talking about?


He's a lunatic.


Oh, my God. He's still alive?


Mm hmm.


I wonder how long you do that for. I mean, how long can you do that for?


Yeah, he goes, he does it, and then, you know what will happen is like, so he's like, whatever. Real crazy right now. And we'll see him in like a month. And he'll be like, oh, yeah, my other favorite phrase. He's like, like, I quit. Quit drinking. I go, when? He goes, Wednesday. And I'm like, it's fucking Friday. He's like, I know, but it's like 48 hours. Nothing.


Like, that's not that's a normal person.


How that term works. And he's like, he's like. But so he'll get, he'll get to one. A certain point here where he'll be like, I gotta clean it up. And he'll just like really clean it up. You know, like won't drink for a while. Clean up the diet. You'll see him just like, yeah. Thin out.


He takes a picture on Instagram.


Takes it, takes a good picture.


Got in.


Sexy picture.


This is me now.


And then you'll be like three weeks later.




Yeah, it was just. It's a cycle.


Three weeks later, I see him waddle through the fucking green room at the mothership. I'm like, what the fuck, dude? The fuck are you doing?


I know. He goes hard, he goes hard, dude, he goes hard. I've been going hard with eating just super clean, man.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. How long?


I'm a couple months in. Yeah, yeah. It's a funny thing is like by just being so committed to it, anything outside of it now you feel it. Yes. It's so like. I really didn't have a reference for that before. Yeah, you know, cuz I'm like. I'm eating a lot of, you know, pretty much the same wheelhouse of shit every day. Like I have four eggs, blueberries. A little while later, protein shake. Lunch. I had lunch today. 10oz of chicken, greens. And I have like little things like peanut butter, jelly pack as a bridge.




Yep. And then dinner, I'll have 16 to 20oz of lean protein, like sea bass, salmon. Sometimes I'll have leaner red meats, greens, fruit.


You got someone organizing this for you or you just doing it yourself?


I saw it was funny. I did it because I'm shooting my show next month and I was like three months out and I was like, fuck if I don't like dial it in right now. Yeah. And I'm gonna show up and I'm gonna be like, I wish. I don't wanna have regret. Like I didn't try.


Right, right.


I was like, I know I'm not gonna look like a marvel guy in three months, but I know I can clean it up in three months.




And like, I mean, you just don't.


Wanna look at yourself on tv and go, oh, you fuck.


Yeah, you fucking lose a piece of shit. Look at you.


That's the worst.


So I've gone down, you know, I'm down to like 204 body fats down. And I have about another month, so I just sticking to it. But the funny thing is, like, any, like, the other night I got home and the boys were like, they got, what's it called? Like the shaved ice machine. And they've been making those, you know, during the day and they're kids and like, you got to have one. You got it? I got, you know. Okay, I'll try it. I'll try. So they shave the ice in the machine and they pour flavors into it. And I take, you know, a few spoons full. It's very sweet, right? Dude, within an hour, I'm like, like, doubled over, running to the toilet.




And I'm like, oh, yeah. Cuz I can isolate it now. Before when I'm. It was eating like, a trash can. Like, I would just go like, well, I don't know what it was. Well, it was fucking. Maybe it was the bread also.


You get used to feeling like shit.


Yeah, you do.


That's what Duncan's, you know, Duncan had diabetes.




He got type two diabetes from. I think it's from vaping sugar for sure, but also vaping. And the reason why I say this is one of the things he found out he was getting his blood sugar checked and it, like, it was spiking. And he's like, I don't even understand. I'm not drinking any soda, not eating sugar. And then he realized that it spikes after he vapes.




And so because he was, you know, monitoring it, and then he realized, oh, my God, there's a reason why this stuff is sweet. There's fucking sugar in the vapes.


That makes sense. I've tried them, and you're like, of course. Really sweet.


You're. It's watermelon. How else can you get a watermelon flavor? Yeah, how else are you gonna get a peach flavored vape unless you have some sugar in there? Yeah, how you getting fucking apple flavored vapes?


Yeah, of course there's sugar in there.


Sugar. And so the sugar was spiking his blood pressure. His blood sugar, rather.


Did he get himself out of it?


Yeah, he got off of it and got on the zinsk. And, you know, it's just, you don't realize that you're poisoning yourself until you stop poisoning yourself and you eat really healthy. And he was like, dude, I don't need naps anymore. I have energy all day.


This thing has helped me so much, dude. Like, this eating plan, I got it from a nutritionist in LA, Doctor Guglia. And, like, I told him a couple weeks into it, I. I was like, if I don't lose a pound. I'm already gonna thank you for my digestion changing.




Like, I used to, you know, fucking. I got so used to just explosive shits all the time. Like, you know, like, christina was like, are you gonna ever see a doctor? I hear this violence coming out of the bathroom, and I'm like, yeah, I gotta go check it out. And then I had a colonoscopy a couple years ago, and they were like, good to go. You're good? I'm like, yeah, but, I mean, I have diarrhea 14 times a week. Is that normal? And they're like, I don't know, man. So this switching to, like, the way I just described my eating now, dude, I have totally normal gut health.


Yeah. That's how it's supposed to be.


Yeah. It took me 45 years to figure out.


Well, that's one of the things that's very interesting about Robert F. Kennedy junior being connected to trump in this election. Really? Yeah, because if Trump winds up winning, they're gonna expose our food systems. Robert Kennedy, one of the things that he really wants to do is he wants to expose a bunch of problems we have in our food system. One is glyphosate. Glyphosate, which is used. It's an herbicide. It's used all over the fucking place. It's in a lot of food. Most people, they test, or some incredibly high number of people test positive for glyphosate in their blood.




Yeah, because you're getting it from organic vegetables. Even, like, some vegetables, I shouldn't say organic, but you're getting it from, like, there's some stuff that they just spray it on. No matter. Like, I think the most glyphosate. I think it might be corn. So what things contain the most glyphosate? Let's. Let's google that. I think it's corn, rice, and different, you know, different. Different vegetables and fruits.


It's fascinating how if you go to western Europe, you realize that they don't use any glyphosate. But, like, our food would be, like, illegal.


Illegal grocery stores. Our fruit loops are illegal in Canada.


Are they really?


Yeah, because we use dye. There's all these red dyes and shit in our fruit loops. They don't. They have the same fruit loops and can't they, like. No, no, no. You can't put that stuff in there. So we. They have to sell different fruit loops to Canada than they do to America. Some of the most common foods with glyphosate, oh, non organic cereals, and grains harvested with glyphosate. These include wheat, barley, buckwheat, millet, rice, oats, wild rice, popcorn and sorghum. Wild rice. So you think wild rice. Oh, I'm getting wild rice must be healthy or popcorn. But a lot of people think that part of the thing that's going on with people, they say they're glucose or gluten intolerant. That what's actually. It's not gluten that's fucking with them. It's glyphosate.






And we. This is just one of those, like, one of those american things, like huge conglomerates that spraying.


Yep. Monsanto. Yeah. So that's roundup. And so there's that. And then there's seed oils. Fucking terrible for you. And they're in everything. And they're in everything because they're cheap and it used to be industrial lubricant, and they figured out a way to make it somehow or another turn into food.


It's so fucking sad that we have, like, I also, that most people, myself included in my talk about other, like, you just don't have the knowledge of the, like, you'd have to.




You have to inquire and really be curious about this.


And you got to dig for a long time. If you talk to your doctors, a lot of time, doctors don't know jack shit. Most doctors spend a shockingly small amount of time in medical school studying nutrition. Yeah, most doctors, they'll tell you, just need a healthy diet. I'm like, look at you, doc. Look at you, doc.


You know, I had a fucking neighbor that was a 260 pound cardiologist. Isn't that crazy?


Like, I'm not 7ft tall.


He wasn't. He's shorter than me.


Like, that's so big.


You tell people, like, hey, man, your heart's.


That's so crazy.


It's so crazy. He was wildly overweight.


Some people just can't control themselves. They just don't. They don't have a history of control themselves. And so they just don't. They just eat. I mean, bro, I remember Ralphie may we, one time we, we all left the comedy store and we went to a bar. It was stan hope, me, and a couple other comics. And ralphie was Joey and I. Ralphie was going to meet us there. There was this bar that Stan Hope used to, like in Hollywood that we used to go back in the day before Hollywood was a zombie movie. And so Ralphie doesn't show up. We're waiting for him. Like, where the fuck is Ralphie? We're waiting for everybody outside. We're going to all go in together and get a table.




And we're sitting outside. And Ralph. No, Ralphie for a long ass time. And then all of a sudden, like an hour later, Ralphie shows up. And Ralphie's backseat was just filled with rappers. So this poor guy.




Was so addicted that he couldn't get in his car and drive from the comedy store to this bar, which was like 2 miles away. He had to stop at a jack.


In the box and tear it up.


And this was at a time where he got his stomach stapled so he couldn't eat any meat. So he wasn't eating meat. So he's eating jalapeno poppers from Jack in the box. Just stacks of them.


Yeah, he was. He was really sick.


He was sick. He ate through his stomach stapling twice.


I got a piss real bad. Oh, let's piss. Okay, let's pee.


Let's pee. Let's pee together. And we're back. Great. Pee.


It's such a game changer. Yeah.


When you have to pee and you can't concentrate, it's so hard to talk.


I was just like, your eye starts to flutter. Yeah.


Makes me think about those debates. Like, what if someone has to pee in the debate? You got dial your water in just right.


Do you have a. I have a pre show pee routine.


Do you?


Yeah, kind of. Because I. I would say, like, my fixation is I kind of have to. When I get, like, during the day, I'm drinking water and, you know, a couple coffees and it's like, for on the road, you know, we go work out, but increase the water intake. Like, start drinking more. Then, you know, you get ready, head over to the venue and it's like, okay, I get there. Show is gonna be in 45 minutes. It's like, I pee, but then I keep going like, oh, here's a water. Maybe pour a Diet Coke. I'm gonna take on stage in a cup water. And then it's like, alright, start the show. I introduce, you know, opener. And then I'm like, all right, I'm gonna go pee. And I'll be, I'll be back. And I do that and then it's like, hey, he's got five minutes left. And I always go, do I have to pee again? Like, this is like a real. Yeah, it's like you're gonna get a. Go to a spa and they're like, you're gonna get a massage and like, you have to pee. And I go, do I? I think so.


Yeah, I want. Yeah, I think there's four drops left. I'd like to get them out.


Get him out. The words. If you have to shit.


Oh, jeez.


If you think you're gonna go on stage for an hour and you have to take a shit, like, oh, my God.




How much time do you have left? He has three minutes left. I can't shit in three minutes.


I can't shit in three. I know that is. But your body does this thing where it'll shut the shit thing down unless it's like a real fucking emergency.


Right, but you've had that on stage?


Have I ever had that? I have to fucking. I puked on the side of the stage. Really? Yeah, that was. Fuck those.


Are we sick?


Yeah, and that was horrible. Literally in a can in the wings.


Oh, my God.


Jesus. Like, that was. That was.


Did you go back on stage?




Did they know you threw up?


Nope, until I told. Wow. No, but the p one, like, I hate when you go, all right, yeah, I'm just gonna go out there. What am I, a fucking toddler? Just go fucking do your. And I was like, five minutes in. I'm like, I have to pee right now. You know, you just carry that. Oh, your body will, like, put it out of your. But there's like, this discomfort you have the whole time where you're standing. I'm bey for a fucking hour.


I did it once where I ran offstage and I. You know, the mothership, the way I got to go, I had to go. Oh, and just so hard.


And then went back.


Yeah. No, no, no, I didn't. It was like, I finished my set when you finished. Yeah, but, like, halfway through my set, I was like, God damn it, I had to pee. But someone was in the bathroom, like, right before I went. And I was like, fuck.


No, it's. I mean, I've also. I've peed on the side of the stage before. Like, in a panic. Yeah.




I know.


On the ground?


No, like, in a trash can and in a cup. I've done that too.


How many times? Ari peed right there.




He pisses in fucking kombucha bottles. God, everything.


No. Fucking disgust.


He's grown. He wants you to know he's peeing in the room.


Yeah. Show you his nuts. I'm surprised I haven't seen him come. I've seen him pee so many times.


We're getting close to October. We're gonna do something this year, dude.


I'm shooting the whole month here.




But I'll be here. Yeah.




I'll be here.


You know, go sobereze.


Sure. I mean, I'm gonna be, like, shooting five days a week. I'm sure. I.


Do you think we can get Burke to go sober for a month again? Cause last year he was excited to not do it.


I don't think. I don't want to speak for him, but. No.


Maybe he could use it, though, right?


I don't know.


Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for him.


No, it's never the worst thing for any of us to take a month off. Sure.




Hmm. I mean. Yeah, I always feel like. I mean, it's. It's. What kind of challenge is it for the. Each person, you know?


Well, it's easy for me. I haven't had a drink in since I had a couple glasses. I had a margarita and, like, a mule. Saturday night. Those last time I had a drink?


Yeah, I had a few drinks Saturday night in Vegas. Yeah, we were doing.


I was at dinner with the missus, but I haven't had anything to drink since then, which is normal. I can go a week to, like, it's not. I. You know, it's not that big a deal.


That's what I'm saying. So, like.


But for bird, it's a big ass deal.


Yeah. It tests his will. Will for sure, and will to live. Cleans him up. I think. I think he. I think he also kind of gets off on the. The challenge of it because so many people are like, you're gonna struggle this, you know, online. And I think that.


Well, Bert's another one that has that delusional, I can't lose.


He is like. He is. I remember. What was the one that I was like, what are you doing? When he was like, I could do the splits. I think I can. I was like, you're gonna fucking. I tear your hamstrings.


When he told me he could, I really believed for a second he could. I was like, really? Wow.


Yeah, I know. Because it also is one of those things that Bert could secret. Like, you know, I mean, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities, right? Oh, you have the secret skill. You can also do this, right?


Like when you played tennis.




He could serve like a fucking pro.


I know. He has all these, like, weird, like, hidden skills.


Yeah. Yeah, I really believe that. He could do the splits.




But he couldn't even come close. It wasn't even in the neighborhood where you did a split once in your life, and you got to get it back, you know, like, maybe. Yeah, maybe did it when you're in high school and you can kind of get back there.


Yeah. Now, do you still do them all the time?


All the time.




I stretch out constantly.




Especially lately, because I've been dealing with, like, some real stiff back problems, because when I shoot a lot of archery, I get real stiff in my right side of my lower back and my neck, because I. My bow is 80 pounds to pull back, so I'm pulling back 80 pounds, like, 150 times a day.


Yeah. So this tightens up.


Everything's tight. So really helps. The stretching massage helps a lot, but.


Man, stretching so much, I started stretching. I have, like, it's not that unusual, but kind of chronically tight hamstrings. You know that I'm like, fucking. The massage definitely helps, but spending a little time every day working on hamstring stretches has definitely helped me.


It's fucking gigantic. Everyone should stretch, and especially for anyone that has, like, stiffness in their lower back and a lot of that stuff. Like, you'd be amazed at how stretching your hamstrings alleviates a lot of stress on your lower back.


Yeah, it's all tied there most. Like if a lot of times, that lower back tightness, it's just, you just follow the line. It's like glutes into your hamstrings, and your hamstrings are super tight. They're pulling down.




And it'll relieve your. Your lower back pain.


Yeah. I do a lot of hamstring exercises, too, though. I do a lot of nordic curls. I do those, huh? Those are the shit, man. Once I started getting into those, you know, the neo toes guys, stuff like.


Nordic, is that like laying flat?


Yeah, you lay flat, and you pull yourself up with your hands? Yes, it's fucking hard.




Yeah, it's hard.




I do that for sets of six, like, six reps. Pulling yourself up. The first time I did it, I couldn't do one. I was like, this is crazy.




Yeah, I have strong fucking legs. Like, how can I not do this? This is nuts. I couldn't believe I couldn't do it. I was shocked.




So I really started concentrating on it. Now I do sets of six, but I think I could probably do nine if I guessed that.




That is fucking hard, dude.


It's ever tried it.


Should try it. Okay, we'll do it out here. I have one right out in the middle of the lobby.




Yeah, I have one in the I have an extra one if you need one.


Oh, okay, cool. Thanks, man.


Yeah, I have a bunch of them I've gotten. There's the tib bar guy made me a cool one, and there's a few other ones. What's his other guy? Mister Infinity. He made one that's really good. There's a lot of ones that are adjustable. They do a bunch of different things, as well as just do the nordic curls. Some of them you can do reverse hyperson and a bunch of other lower back exercises, but it's a great one for stabilizing your knee. Really good exercise for. Because there's nothing else like it. That's like you're pulling your whole. Like, that's. That's it right there. That's what it looks like when you're doing it.


Yeah, that looks.


That's a sore. Next one.




It's fucking hard, man.


Yeah, it looks like.


But the one that's really the reason why I like. I really like the tib bar guy one and the Mister Infinity one is that you can change the angle of it. So instead of starting flat, like the rogue one that we have outside, you start completely flat. And in the beginning, I had to help myself. I had to. Like, what I would do is I put two fingers down and give myself a little push fingers. And then complete the reps of my hamstring and then try to lower myself as much as I could and catch it. But now I've got to the point where I just go all the way down slow and all the way up.


No, that's cool.


And I could do it, but it took a while to build it up, and I was kind of surprised, because I thought it was going to be, like one of those things, like a pistol squat. Like, it looks hard, but I have strong legs. I can do that.


You do that.


But I was like, this is fucking impossible.




But you think about that kind of a pull. That's it right there. Who is this one? Tibar guys. This one's a really good one, man. So you could use it to do back extensions. You could use it to do reverse hypers. Really top notch stuff. And the angle change is huge because you can start it off, give yourself a little bit of an angle, so you're already, like, halfway through the rep, and it's much easier. And then lower it a little bit, and then. And then eventually you get to flat.


I'd love. I'd like to try it.


It's especially for rehabbing that bad knee, the injured knee. It's really good. Anything. I do leg curls, too with those. You ever use those monkey feet? Yeah. Yeah, that thing's fucking great. And then they have a new one, the monkey feet pro. But they have the plates already built into it and so you can slide a pin out, you know, like those.




Like dumbbells that do that.


Yeah, sure.


Yeah. So it's built in and it's flat at the bottom instead of like, having a dumbbell that you have to attach to it.


That sounds.


Yeah, that's the new one, the monkey V Pro. That's fucking huge. But all those different things to stabilize all those muscles and to do knee raises and fucking phenomenal stuff, man.


Yeah, that seems awesome.


So if we do sober October, do you think we should have some sort of a challenge this year or should we?


I can't. I just won't have any time. Right. I just will be too, way too busy.


Are you gonna work out at all?


Yeah. So I already talked to, like, my, I go look, I mean, I've been, I've been preparing for this thing by training six days a week and alternating like I had, today was a steady state cardio day, so I did an endurance ride for 60 minutes, a bike ride. And then tomorrow morning I'll get up and lift and then, you know, so.


I, so you real organized.


I'm organized. I like structure. So I'll follow my plan. But I'm able to do right now our sessions, our lifting, our cardio sessions. Sometimes I can do two a days if the schedule allows. Do two in a day. But I was like, look, I know when we're in production, you won't have a time. No. So I'm just, we're with my trainer and I have been figuring out, like, all right, what about, like, because I, I've had days where I go, I don't have an hour. Right, but you can still, like, get something good going in 30 minutes. Sure. And I'm like, look, all I got to do, I just don't want to get into working on production and just go into zero. I'll feel like shit too.




So figuring out, like, okay, I think it has to be am for me, this whole idea that I'm going to shoot all day, and then at the end of the day, you're prepping for the next day. I'm going to go work out now at like, 930. It's just not going to happen. So we're going to try to organize workouts that are more condensed, that I'll keep, be able to keep doing through production this six weeks, six, seven weeks.


Of production, you know, and tell what is the show?


So this is the show that I don't think I've ever shown you. But, like, two years ago, I had a break on my tour, and I had this kind of distorted sense of income. Because you're on tour, you know, and you're like, I want, like, I love features, but trying to pull a feature together is a huge undertaking. But if you want to shoot, like, a short film, it's a lot easier to manage. So I go, you know, I had all these things that I've written, you know, five to ten page short stories, and I hit up my friend Rami, and I was like, hey, we'd work together and stuff. He's the one that directed my music video years ago.


Steven Seagal.


Yeah. So I go, you know, I got a break on tour. I'm willing to write a check to, like, to make a short film.


I stopped you right there.




Did Burt ever have a real hard problem with you stabbing him to death?


He's like, I don't want. He was. I don't know. That's just your humor. He's like, he's like, I. He's like, people asked me and he. And he said, I just told them. That's Tom's humor. I guess that's what he finds funny.


Because I was like, if my friend did a video where he stabbed me to death, I might be like, like, how does he really feel about me? Like, what the fuck is going on? He just stabbed me to death on a video.


But he is right in that. I do. I mean, if you see the series, you'll see that, like, oh, this is a warm feeling to you? Like, I just, you know, I did. Yeah, yeah.


This is so ridiculous. And he's so big in that video with the face swap.


Yeah, it was great deepfake for at that time, too. It's gotten so much better now. But anyway, I tell my friend, I go, I want to shoot a short film, you know, like, during this break. And, like, I'll pay for it. And I just want to shoot and put it out kind of like the music video. And he was, like, looking at. I was sending him scripts. He's like, I think we could actually, if you can take this, like, eleven days, I think we could shoot three. And I'm like, really? Like, that's going to be fucking crazy to shoot eleven days in a row on break when I should be, like, taking time down. But I go, okay. So we. We sign up to shoot three. And again, the whole thing is like, we'll just make these, because I enjoy making them. You know what I mean?




So we shoot them, and then when we have them, we're like, well, this kind of looks. This kind of is like a show now. It's like, like old Twilight Zone, where it's just like, here's a. You know, here's a short story. So then we went back to a white psych, like a soundstage, and I shot an introduction to it. Like, I'm the host of a show. And then the idea was, you remember, I built, like, during the pandemic, this pay per view kind of website, you know, where people could buy tickets to, like, live podcasts. I was like, oh, I know what I'll do. I'll cut with. We'll cut this together, and then this will be the first, like, ticketed event, like, pay per view event that is a scripted, written show, as opposed to, like, a live podcast, which I was really excited by. I was like, look, I don't even care. I don't need to make money. Even if this, like, helps me recoup a portion of what I spent to make this, I feel like that would be a win. It's just exciting to try something new like that, right? So it's all cut together, you know, it's super high production quality.


And I show it to, like, agents, and they were. They go, you gotta show this to some of the streamers. You know, I told them my plan. I was like, yeah, my plan was just to do this. And they go, I think we can get you. You can get a series out of this. And we showed it to Netflix, and they were like, yeah, we'll do a series. You can do six of these. So now we spent time, obviously, in the writers room writing six episodes worth of these, and each one. Each episode will have, like, a theme, and then short stories that are dark. Like, twisted, fucked up stories there with a comedic twist to it. Right? Like, things that are comedic in nature, I would say. But. But dark. So I think it's like a. I, like. I say, like, the best way to describe it is it's kind of a comedic black mirror. Short stories that are twisted, that have a comedic tone.


So do you have the whole app? First of all, you really like to be busy.


I mean, I.


More than anybody I know, I do.


Feel, I think better having a lot going on.


Yeah, but you mean you like to be overwhelmed.


I don't think. I think there's a line I like, I've discovered in my life that there's a line and that I can. And you have. You figure out the line by living well, that you. That you get to.


I'm coming everywhere was the line that was too much. Right.


That. Because that was.


That was your tour.


That was the last tour. And that was. We leave Monday, and we do shows Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. You know, like. Yeah, that. And that was week after week. And that. That was a lot. That was too much. This tour that I've been on this year is like, this weekend I'm in Eugene, Vancouver, and Denver. That's it. Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Yeah, I'm home. I'm home that night.




The next week, Cleveland, Buffalo, Toronto. It's like three. Three shows, three nights.




That's a much more manageable. Right way to live. But I had to figure it out. Production to it. Production. There's no way to deal to work in production where I'm writing, producing, I'm directing some of them. I mean, there's no way to do that without being busy. But it's also condensed amount of time. That's what I like about productions, is that you.


You only have a few weeks.


You see your end date. Yeah, we're done here, so we just have to make it happen. So, I mean, it'll be a very busy six weeks for me, but it also will be over.


And when you plan. And when is that gonna get out on Netflix?


My thought is that it would probably be in the spring, I think. I think so. I'm sure that conversation. But I'm so fucking stoked for it, dude. Like, it. We got a great group together to write it. I love that I get to work with Rami. I'm working with Jeremy Connor, and just a great crew. And, like, we're casting here in the next couple weeks. One of the things I'm honestly super proud of is that I got them to let me do the show in Austin. And we're gonna have Austin production, Austin crew. We're casting Austin actors. So it's like a real Austin production. So that, to me, was, like, very fun. I was like, I don't want to go move to Atlanta to do this. I want to do it home.


There's got to be plenty actors here.


Oh, for sure. There's actors here. And also that. And we are doing Austin locations, like, shooting all over the city. But I think that's fucking cool.


That's pretty dope, dude. Yeah, that's exciting.


It's a wild show. When you see this stuff, you're gonna be like, you're fucked up, man.


I can't wait. Yeah, I'm excited. Yeah, I'm excited. So when do you start?


Our first shoot day is October 7, I think.


Wow. Six weeks of chaos.


Six weeks of chaos.


And then there's something about having a goal to, like, a thing that you're working towards. It just changes your mindset.


Yeah. I think this has helped with, like, even, like, I was telling the focus of, like, nutrition and health and, like, you know, the discipline of that bleeds into the discipline of the writing and, like, getting these meetings done and, like. Yeah, it all comes together.


Yeah. When I was getting ready to do my live special, knowing that there was a date that this had to be done, and then it was only on one night.




So it's like this, like, super hyper focus of getting ready for something like that.




And when I did it, I was like, rafter was always like, I want to do that again.




Yeah. Yeah, I was. At first, I was like, I'm gonna do this one time, and I'm never gonna fucking do this again because this is a ridiculous idea to be able to do something live to millions of people on Netflix.


Well, you enjoyed the experience.


I liked it.


But you like the heightened pressure.


Like it? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I like it. I like it a lot. Yeah, I like it too much.


Well, that's kind of how I am about being.


Have you ever thought about doing a live special?


Never. Never thought about it.


You do it.


You think so?


Yep. I think everybody should do it. Yeah, everybody's good. You got. You do good shows. You do great sets for, you know, headlining sets. Just get it dialed in to where you know how that moves, and let's fucking go and just bust that motherfucker out for the whole world. And you don't do any editing that.


I'll tell you I fucking hate.


Oh, it's the worst.


You know, the last one, they called me and they go, so we're gonna have to change your release date because you won't watch this.


I always have that problem. I don't want to watch me.


I know. Either.


I don't want to.


I fucking hated it.




And then I.




Then I told them I wanted the show, that they were like, no, not that. I go, yeah, no, I want this show. And they were like, what about the other show? I don't want that show. And then everyone was like, I go, you asked me to fucking watch it. I watched.


Well, that's gotta be. You can't have anybody giving you advice. I don't agree. I think if a comic is gonna put out a special, it should be that comic special, and what that comic thinks should be on that special, and that's it. I don't want, no, I remember Robbie and Bill Burr were arguing in the parking lot of the comedy store, and Robbie was drunk, and Bill Burr was like, hey, I'm not gonna fucking argue with you about what my fucking act is while you're drunk at the comedy store. It was this, like, incredible moment. I'm like, yeah, that's how it's supposed to be. You're not supposed to have someone tell you, yeah. What the fuck you're gonna put in your act.




Do you know how to do comedy? No. You don't do comedy, right? Shut the fuck up. You shut the fuck up. This is crazy. This is a crazy conversation.


Yeah, it's, I mean, but everybody wants.


To get in there.


I know.


That's the problem with, like, if you were doing your show, it's a problem with doing anything. Like, imagine if you did your mom's house and you had a bunch of people you were working for.


That's a great analogy. I mean, yes.


Especially your mom's house live.


Oh, my God. Well, yeah, that wouldn't work.


Which I was at fear factor for six years, and I fucking gagged so hard watching that show. I had to turn away three or four times.


I heaved a lot doing that. It's so gross. I know, you're right. I mean, no one would let you.


Do it, but yet it's hugely successful.


It's totally true. I mean, notes wise, I'll say this like, you know, because I experienced this with the, with the book. I wrote a book, you know, a year ago or whatever. Like, the first time you get notes on anything, a script or anything, you're like, what the fuck is this?




And then when you do encounter notes of value, because there are notes that are sure, you go like, that's a good, that was a good note. You have to be able to balance, because what ends up happening the way that really, I think, handle it is you listen to all of them, but you also have to be able to go, I hear what you're saying on this, and I totally disagree. You can't. It's hard to do when you're, like, starting out, right?


It's impossible.


You just can't. But once you kind of know yourself and what you're trying to do, you get to go like, oh, yeah, that's a good. I know what you're going for there. I don't want to do that.




And so I'm not. Yeah, but your other note was great.


Could you imagine if, like, you decided that, like, doing your mom's house was too difficult? So you're going to bring in some Hollywood executives to help you, some actual Hollywood producers that do, like, keeping up with the Kardashians or something, and they're gonna. They're gonna help you produce your mom's house.


I mean, I had the fucking. That's so far fetched that, like, you know, it's like, it would be such a fucking shit show.


It would be terrible.


It would be terrible.


But isn't it interesting that it's so popular? Yeah, that, like. But people, once it becomes popular, then they would want to get in on it and how.


Here's how we can make it better.


Yeah. Tighten it up.


Yeah. Yeah.


Figure out a way to make it.


Imagine somebody telling you how to run this thing.


It'd be impossible.




I can't even take. I don't even. When someone asks me to put someone on, even if I would want to put that person on now, I don't want to put them on.


Just because they asked you.


Yeah, I don't. I don't want it. I don't want to get into that. I only want to have people on the show that I want to have on the show. And that's it. That's the only way I've ever done it. It's the only way I want to do it.


Somebody asked me just like, a week ago, a guy stopped me, and he was like, I have a question about podcasting. I go, what? He goes, how do you. What's the, like, criteria for asking someone to be a guest? And I go, what do you mean? He goes, like, what? Like, what do you check off? And I go, somebody I want to talk to.




Like, that's the. He goes, that it? I go, that's it.


That's it.


That's what I want to do.


That's the beautiful thing about what we're doing, the beautiful thing about today. There's never been a time like that where something can reach fucking millions and millions of people. And it's just. I want to talk to that guy.




Like, this guy doesn't think the moon landing is real. Come on in.


Come in here.


You had that fucking hummus cannon guy on, that nutty dude. That dude.


And the funny thing is, we were exchanging videos of him before that remember, we were like, look at this guy.


Is that guy for real? Like, what do you think is going on? So that's really who he is.


That's who he is.


You sure there's not like a little bit of.


He understands. He gets Will blenderfeld. He gets that there's an angle with which people are seeing this through. And he understands the humor in it, but it's based in, for him, an authentic point of view for sure.


So he's trying to get straight guys to do gay stuff.


He would say that's fucking Gayer to not do that stuff.


Yeah, this is sparkling.


The straightest thing you can do is fill another guy up with comments. It's like one of his questions. Close.


Yeah. What's funny about that is that that used to be how warriors live.


That's what he talks about all the time. He, and he's pretty well versed in like, spartan history, samurai. He'll know these. He's like, here's the literature he'll show you. Like, I think, look, the real, if you want to, like, break down what he's doing, I think a big part of what he's doing is trying to.


Trick guys into fucking them.


That's one of them. The other one is, you know, shedding this masculinity is only this. Like, that's like the origin of it. Right that, like, right that, you know, you don't have to be this way in order to be Matt or like, guys are whatever. So many guys are super homophobic is like the, that's like the footsteps of all this starting.


Mm hmm.


And then I think, you know, I think he's very aware of humor and he has to be. Yeah.


He totally calls his dick a hummus cannon.


Oh, it's great. I mean, yeah. And yeah, you're wonderful. Starfish receptacle or something. Yeah, your dirt hole. Yeah. All types of where you got lick each other's nipples if you're a real man.




But yeah, he, he knows what he's doing. I think he knows what he's doing.


How many guys are sucking his dick because of those videos?


A couple have probably been like, am I straight now?


I didn't.


You said, I don't know, man.


That's the thing. Like, if someone gets enough followers, there's gonna be, you know, out of every 1000 people, my favorite guy that you can talk into a being in a.


Cult, my favorite is this guy right now, fancy chef, where he's like, he's, he's just pose. I haven't seen you fancy chef videos. No, he's just, like, in his kitchen, and he's in a chef's outfit with the hat. And then he's just. He's. He'll he'll put, like, strawberries in a glass. He's like, beautiful and nice. Look at this. Look at the shit I just made. You put strawberries in a glasse. But he keeps. And he's like, book me, call me right now. Millionaires and billionaires only. And he does this whole pitch about how he's, like, a world class chef, and you just keep watching. You're like, am I getting trolled? Or is this. What's going on?


Is a delusional person, or is this a subtle troll?


That's exactly what you do. And then the more you watch, you're like, oh, no, he's delusional for sure.


But meanwhile, being delusional can get you pretty fucking can.


It can. And like, he.


So he is cooking food. What's the food on the left? Left, right there? What is that? What you got going on there? Looks like chicken.


Beautiful. Nice.


That's gonna give you the flavor.


Well, he just laid fucking time on top of it. I don't know. That's gonna do anything.


That's gonna be a deliverance when I tell you, that's gonna make you. That's gonna say a lot to you.


And he goes between this. There's a lot of wine glasses. Like, he's always putting something in a glass. And then look at the top comment. Day 238 of not knowing whether this channel is satire.


Like, it's like, Jamie, I'm gonna send you a guy that I'm addicted to. I'm addicted to this dude. I saw B's dining experience.


Uh huh.


And all this dude does is deep fried food.


That's it.


But it just does it with enthusiasm outdoors. Give me some volume. Go down and get the chicken. Not the snake. The snake's disgusting. Go down and get some of that chicken. This is. Give it this, you know, by grade a. Baptize inside that. Yeah, he baptizes it in the grease. Everything's getting battle.


A lot of chicken.


Oh, yeah. He's cooking for, like, parties. Watch this, watch this, watch this.


You mention how good that is, dude.


Oh. Oh, my God. I get so hungry. And watch when he puts it out. Watch. He pulls it out. Oh, my God. Come on, come on. Look at that. Look at that. Number two. And he does this with everything. He does it with fish. Like, go to. Go back to his page, his actual page. So you can see all the different. Yeah. So he's got all kinds of shilling. Look, he's doing crabs and fish. Look at this. It's all deep fried. Terrible for you. Yeah, looks amazing. Waffles and everything.


If you were like, what's the decadent thing you kind of want to indulge in? Where I'm like, when it's done. Well, I don't know that anything is. Makes me happier. Well, fried chicken.


Fried chicken at Roscoe's with waffles with butter and syrup. And you get a little piece of the chicken, a little piece of the waffle.


Sensational fried chicken where the crisp is done perfectly and the chicken isn't dry. Like, it's still juicy.


Oh, that. That's why that guy's stuff looks so good.


Oh, my gosh.


Like a juicy fried chicken. Oh, yeah.


I don't know there's anything more satisfying.


I got Colonel Sanders the other day. Not another day. About seven months ago. I was just driving. I was hungry. Like, chicken's probably pretty safe. Let me pull and get some fried chicken. It just tasted like poison.


Yeah. Yeah.


I was like, what's in this? What kind of oil are you guys using? What was the last time you cleaned the oil?




A random KFC in the middle of nowhere. So I've had some KFC that's really good. Like, there used to be a KFC in woodland Hills. I used to get. Every now and then I wanted to cheat. I'd go in there and get some. Get a bucket of chicken. Let's go. Chicken is so good.




So good with hot sauce on it.


Oh, baby.


But this one, terrible.


Do you have an unnatural tolerance for hot sauce? Don't you?




Is this genetic?


I think it is, because my daughter has it.


One daughter that you haven't, like, trained up to it or you have kind of.


I think I've trained up to it too. Yeah.


But one daughter is like, one daughter.


Just can take anything.


She's fine.


Yeah, she loves it. She's like really hot stuff. Like, I brought her some of that. Senor Lechouga. I have a partnership with Senor Lechouga. We make some crazy hot sauce, like, reapers in it. Yeah, it's potent. She's no problem.


So that is kind of. That's.


It has to be genetic because I've.


Been with you and I've been like, what are you talking about? You're like, that's fine. Like, that's not fine. No one else is fine.


Yeah. I'd fuck up that hot wing show. I can. I can get down.


I think you would.


I can get down. Yeah.


He's the best.


I love Sean.


He's great.


I just don't want to answer questions while I'm eating hot sauce.




It doesn't make any sense, but I can get down with some ferocious shit.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've seen it. I'm like, can't just be, like, natural.




Like, it's natural. But I'm saying, that's not everybody.


No. I think there's some genetic and then there's some build up to it. But I like it. I like.


I like. I like a. I, like kick, but I don't like that.


I like.




I like woof.


And you don't feel like it?


I start sweating. My daughter makes fun of me because I literally pouring down my face.




What the fuck is wrong with you?


I start sweating, but I start sweating way lower.


My clothes are wet, like, everything.


I love it on eggs.


Oh, yeah? Yeah. I put senor Lechuga on my eggs this morning. I had eggs with elk sausage for breakfast. Babe, you want some elk sausage? I got some.




I'll hook you up.




Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna leave here. I'll give you a bunch.




I got a commercial freezer back there.




Oh, elk sausage is so good, man.


It's just, like, ready to. Frozen. Is it?


Yep. Frozen. And I got this jalapeno cheddar.


What's the best way to prepare that elk sausage?


I like it on a skillet.




I like it. I do it on a traeger too. I do it on the pellet grill. That's good too. You get it to a certain temperature. I like that too. I do it real slow. I do, like, 225 degrees and get it up to, like, 134 internal and then pull it. Yeah, but I. As long as you don't overcook it. Because they do add, like, a little bit of pork fat when they make it for me because I get it prepared at, like, a butcher shop. But you do. You're dealing with a much leaner meat.


So you can dry it out.


Yeah, you can dry it out. There's like, a fine line. You want it, like, right where? Medium rare.


That's why I do. I love using my pellet grill.


Oh, pellet grills are great.


That's great.


Yeah. And they're so easy. I got the newest traeger. I had the old one, but the newest one, so much better. It's incredible.




Yeah, it's just it makes everything smokier. The effect is better that the flavors better. It's easier to use. It's got two different probes for temperature. Just like it alerts you on your app. You raise the temperature on the app.


And I went out. Yeah, I mean, I left the house with the boys. Just check the.


Yeah, you see the temperature of the food. You can see the temperature of the grilled. And you could say, you know what? It's getting a little close. Let me drop that bitch down to 180.




And bang.


It's incredible.


Yeah, well, it's just so easy to use. I still like an offset smoker too, though. I have a real offset smoker that I got that is better. The thing about the real offset smoker, it's much more of a pain in the ass, but there's certain sugars that you get from the wood. The wood itself, like a real piece of mesquite, a real piece of post oak. And you set a little fire underneath there with little sticks, and you get it built up, and then you dial it in with the dampers. It's like a thing. It's like a lot of work.




But the flavor is even more intense.


I know. I get so seduced by these videos of people doing things, and I found this. I forget what company it is. Makes this, like, Argentine.


I got one of those too.


Grill works where they wheel it over the fire. And I want one of those.


Grill works.


Yeah, go to grill works.


I want one of those dude grillworks. Ben, he hooked me up, and I had one installed at my house. But it's the same thing cranking up. That is great for steaks that.


Yeah, just like watching that video.


Oh, yeah. Because it's the same thing you used using hardwood. So you just got hardwood cooking. You get those flames rising up. Look at that. Look, there's a place.


This is. This is the thing that.


Yeah, exactly. Well, that's, um, our. The place in Vegas. This is Bazaar meets Jose Andreas's place. That's what they use. I want one of these that I get. I'll hook you.




Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll have that guy make you one.


Fuck, yes.


You'll love it.


The shit did a steak. That's nothing better.


It's incredible. And they have a bunch of different ones. They can either do a custom build or they just have one like that that's already made. They roll it into your backyard.




Fucking incredible.


That's so cool.


And if you dial it in right, if used meat probes and you slowly cook it and then sear it at the end.


Nothing better.


It has the. That flavor, like that place bizarre meets in Vegas.


Shout out. You walk.


Shout out to Jose.


Undresses the shit, bro. How crazy was what happened to him in Israel with. With his world central kitchen.


Yes. Yeah, it looks like they targeted them.


It's horrible, man.


Didn't they kill, like, six people?


Bunch of people died.


Yeah. Who are just trying to feed refugees.


It's fucking sucks.


How crazy is that?


It sucks. So. And those guys are just. They go. People don't know. World central kitchen just goes anywhere. There's a disaster.




Hurricane, tornadoes, you know, earthquakes in the.


War zones, invasion of Ukraine. They were setting up outside.


They're just like, people need to eat that. So there's not. They're not, like, politically siding with anyone.




Just feeding people.


They're not even publicizing it. He's just doing it then people write stories about the fact that he's doing it.


It's incredible.


He's genuine. He's like. There's. There's genuine people that are really filled with, like, real philanthropy. Like, really want to help people.




And that's that guy.




And his food is insane. That bizarre meets in Vegas is, like, so underrated.


And he's a one in DC, starts with a j. I forget. It's so fucking good. All Spanish. Mmm. Like, his food.


He's got one in Chicago, too.


Yeah, he's got a bunch, but there. Yeah, he doesn't miss. That dude's food is amazing.


He's the best. Tommy Buns, you're the fucking man.


Thanks, buddy.


Doing this, brother.


Yeah, of course.


So when your show comes out, come back, do it again.


I love to see. Thank you so much.


My pleasure. All right. All right, bye, everybody. Check on the baseball stuff. Oh, check on the baseball stuff real quick.




Okay, good call, good call. All right. Open up. Google high school baseball. Come on.


Or was the other one you said? Humidor.


Yeah, humidors. And high school baseball. Nope. Most. Mostly shit already. Look at phones, cars. Halle Berry.




Boxers. Michael Jordan. Nope, not yet.


Maybe tomorrow.


Maybe tomorrow.


Maybe tomorrow.


Maybe eventually.


I'll send you right now.


It seems like all the same stuff that we always talk about.


Yeah. Yeah, I will. Definitely.


Science. Black hole, Stephen Colbert. All right, thanks, Jimmy. Bye, everybody.