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Like, why can't we just hear Brendan talking about Hitler?






We up? Yep. Okay, we're up, ladies and gentlemen. So sorry, there was a bit of an issue. So we're just talking about Steve Urseg and how good he looked against Pantoja.


And I was saying some people thought he won, but to your point, that last round might have been the.


Yeah, I thought the last round with the decider. I thought it was super close, though. And, you know, he looked awesome. He just. Pan Tosh is just such a veteran. He knows how to win, and he pulled it off. He pulled it off in the last round. But that Ursa kid, man, for that being his first world title fight, his. How many fights has he had in the UFC? Like, four. How many. How many fights is Steve Ursik had? The crazy thing is about flyweight. It's like flyweight and heavyweight. If you come in and you are a fucking beast, you move up the ladder quick. Not a lot of 125 pound dudes, not a lot of 265 pound dudes. So if you can get elite, like, think about guys like that are state that stay in the top ten in the heavyweight division, like, losses that would have taken you out of the mix in the 155 division, that you stay in the mix.


The only one that catapult your boy Umar Nagamed off.


Oh, Umar. So look at this. He's only had three fights in the UFC before he fights pantoja for the world title. That's amazing. And by the way, looks so good, especially in the match now. Fight. Fuck that dude. Look good.


And all four of those fights happen within one year.


Mm hmm. Yeah. It fought quick, which is great if you stay healthy.


And it was a unanimous decision.


Yes, it was. Unanimous decision, which is wild. It's not wild. I think it was correct. I think it was correct. I think it was close. It was close. But I like when the guy wins the last round. I think it means. I mean, I'm an old school guy, right? I like pride rules. I like that. I think their theory of scoring is schoolyard theory, but that's not the game. I get it. That's true, too. But it is also fighting. Schoolyard theory is real. Like, if a guy's on top of you and the teachers break it up, that guy beat your ass.


I'm with you, but that ain't the sport we're watching.


I know, I know, but that's a real thing. I know. This is not scientific or technical or. Look, I'm a martial artist. I'm a purist. I think the best style should win, which is why I don't think people should get stood up. I don't think. I think there's a lot of things that just, like, shouldn't happen. That happen in the sport. But I'm pretty. I'm pretty much a purist. I only want to know what the fuck works, you know?


Yeah, yeah. But. But you would be. You'd be open to. If they made the third round or fifth round of a fight count more.


Gotta feel right. Perfectly.


I was saying this the other day, I think they shouldn't let the judges. They should only let the judges watch the last round.


The pride rules. The pride rules. They treated it like a fight fight. Like, in a fight fight. The end of the fight is worth more than the beginning of the fight.


No doubt.


Cause the guys have been fighting for a long time. Who's winning at the end?


And I'm with him. Pride went bankrupt.


Especially when I was talking about.


Very good call.


Very good call, what he's doing on this one.


But I think they went bankrupt because of shady business.


Whatever you tell yourself, dude.


I think it was some yakuza stuff, wasn't it?


Yeah, a lot of that. Yeah, but it was. I'm with you. It was great, bro.


But I don't think it went bad because they judged it badly, because, dude, those fucking fights were amazing.


Also, wasn't the. Didn't the UFC just start to become what it is?


Oh, it wasn't even what it is, man. Pride was before. You see, Pride was fucking huge.




The UFC was huge. Yes, but the UFC was not as big. Pride in Japan would get 80,000 people in an arena, Tokyo Dome, like, wow, these shows. 90,000 people would walk out. Who was it? What was that one fighter, the brazilian cat that got burnt? Cause he walked out. They fucking hit him with the pyrotechnics.


Was it a tuna?


It was early.


I know what you're talking about. If pyrotechnics like the Super bowl, it.


Might not have been cried. It might have been one of those other organizations.


I know what you're talking about. They got burnt.


Yeah, it was one of those organizations in Japan. And this dude, this cat comes out, gets cooked.


Michael Jackson.


And he was good, man. They fucked up his body. He had, like, third degree birds over, like, half his fucking body fights.


Tough enough.


Know he. With no losses.


Yeah. Jojo di Oliveira. Yeah. Set on fire and pride. I mean, that guy was good, man. He was fucking good. Who knows how bad that sets back your career, they'd light you on fire.


Does it help?


I think you're done after that.


I don't know, man. But I would imagine you've. It's like significant things to overcome.


What do you do going forward? You go give fire safety talks.


Well, I think they had to pay him off. They had to give him support.


But also remember, in pride, like, those fights were epic. The talent was insane worldwide. But here's the thing. Zero drug testing matter.


Let's go.


So they actually encouraged steroids?


Oh, yeah, 100%.


You get a better price.


And Inuits told us on the podcast, in specific, it has in capital letters. We do not test for steroids.


Rampage will tell you that too. Yeah.


Yeah, dude. It's just they were wild and they put on the best shows and they had some of the most amazing fights ever. And I think the most talent stacked heavyweight division that has ever existed. If you want to think about the prime of pride, heavyweight, you have no guerra. You have Mark Coleman. You have overeem. You have crow cop. You have fedor.


God, wouldn't it be dope?


What a murderer's roll.


If UFC had like a. Like a 40 and up division where they don't test?


Nah, man.


Nobody trying to see that, bro.


It's like the masters division. You only want so much brain damage. Then you just gotta opt out of the smart guys. Opt out. You don't. You're already gonna struggle. You're already gonna struggle. Don't. You don't want to be getting beat up continuously until you're dead.


Some people do.


You're right. So I feel like you should be able to ride horses.


Some people built like that. You gonna have to tranquilize Romero.


Yeah, they go, yeah, he's doing bare knuckle. Yeah, that's where they go.


Here's the thing about Yoel, though. For whatever reason, Yoel has the capacity to compete at an elite level. Deep into his forties, naturally, he's a mutant. He's a freak of freaks.


You want to talk?


It's everything, man. The neck is crazy. But you know the neck is all surgically repaired, right? You know that he's like Robocop, right? The neck is one piece.




Yeah, there's a rod.


You remember they had these next few had d ball in this baby bottle.


Yeah. Broken abracadabra. They did some stuff.


They're looking at Stingray. Let's do this. Just. There's just airs to shoulders.


I know, I know. People have heard me tell the story, but I'm gonna tell again. Cause it's so great. The UFC took him to a doctor, and the doctor said, where'd you get this guy? And they go, yeah, he's amazing, right? They go, no, he's got a different structure. They said the tendons in his eyes are three times larger than a normal person's. They said, he's already healing. He had a fractured orbital. They're like, he's already healing.


He's like Wolverine. Also, we don't know if he's 40.


He's from Cuba. He might be 70 when he was sitting in that chair, bro. There's a couple moments in doing podcasts where I got, like, reasonably uncomfortable, really? Because I was in the room with someone who could just. Just has this ability to just crush you at any moment. It was him and Tyson. Tyson. The second time I did the podcast with him, when he's getting ready to fight Roy Jones, totally different. Tyson. First, Tyson was like this mellow hippie, almost like he was this dude not working out. He was just, I don't want to work out. I just want to be cool. Second one was, like, hyped up Tyson, I was like, whoa.


You see him hit the bullseyes with the darts the other day? Blindfolded?


Crazy, bro. That guy would kill you.


But. But there has to be a part of you, Joe, with. With Tyson, at least if shit hits the fan, you're a black belt. I'll get his ankle. He's in some trouble. With Yoel, he.


There's nothing. You have nothing, you know, there's nothing you can do. I can't even help you if I'm. If you're really lucky, Tyson's got a bad knee, you know?


Really, your only hope is to catch a nagging injury.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Your only hope.


Your only hope collapses on himself.


He'll still fuck you up. He'll still fuck you up. But the Yoel Romero thing is different. Like, Yoel was explaining how he grew up in Cuba and about how he went through their wrestling program, and he was talking about how if you were the elite, you ate three times a day, but if you were below that, you ate twice a day. Yeah. And he was intense. And he goes, and you're working out with all these animals. Like their only way to make their life better is through athletic achievement.


They gotta win.


And these guys are just warriors, and they're going at it every day. And, yo, I looked at me and goes, and it makes you a machine. That mean when you're talking to a real machine, like one of the most elite wrestlers to ever compete in MMA. A phreak athlete. You look at some of Yoel's knockouts, like, look at that knockout to Weidman, that flying knee with wideman, the Luke Rockhold. He knocks him out and then he kisses him.


Freak, bro.


He's a. He was a freak. And for that guy to explain, like, what he went through as a person to get to be the guy he is now, which is why he's so calm when he gets in there, man.


And still competing with a fused neck or whatever.


Fuse. Yeah.


So he got to swing his whole body.


Yeah, but his name doesn't. It doesn't move around like an action figure, but I think it might help him take a shot.




Because Derek Brunson hit him with a switch kick once. I mean, just blasted him in the neck and he just walked that shit off like he was nothing.


Because the whole.


Right, because the whole thing is fused.


And then it's like a necklace in football.


His traps begin at the top of his head. That guy's like a flying squirrel.




So that. That's like the freak of freaks. When that guy says something to you, like, and it makes you a machine.


Then you got some kid in Calabasas talking about wrestling in the Olympics. I'm like, good luck.


Good luck, bitch.


Good luck.


You had a soft life. You ate fucking ring dings and ho ho.


Get three hot meals. You have to.


You have to win for dinner, bro.


I'm gonna start taking my kids meal.


You get breakfast and lunch and dinosaur toss up.


I remember Don Fry was on inside MmA once.


I love that show.


It was a great show. I loved that you were on there. Yeah, a couple times. I did it once where I was explaining a back take from quarter mount sick. I was like, me and boss Rutten did, like, a technique thing where I showed him how to do that. It's called samurai. You know that one when you slip around behind a guy, you can get his back. Yeah, yeah, you're on top.




But. So Don Fry is on inside MMA, and he starts saying. He goes, the Russians are the fucking last real men left. You gotta hear, see if you can find it. See if you can find it. It's fucking amazing because Don Fry, who's, like, the manliest man of all time with his fucking crazy cowboy mustache, old school, he go, them Russians are the last real men left.




Oh. Coming up later this month against Mola Wall. Does that surprise you that Fedor decided to skip the UFC and go strike force way? No, not at all. You gotta, you know, go where you're happy and go where you're most comfortable and go for the money. And that's gotta be the deal with Fedor, right? I mean, because he, he owns m one. He is m one. Basically. I tell you, the Russians don't like being told what to do, especially by some pansy, you know, goddamn Russians are last men on the planet. You know, everybody in the US been feminized so bad. We all be carrying a person on heels. You know, those are last minute. We need a Putin. Where's our Putin? Kick ass and not run around apologizing for it. We need.


We need Don Fry today, right? Keep that same energy. We need him right now.


Don Fry, run for president. Don fries. He's all fused up too.


Oh, yeah.


He's had a bunch of bad love.


To see John C. Reilly play him in his life story that. Imagine a comedy version.


You have to wear a rubber suit.




He'd have to. Yeah.


Fat suit.


He'd have to hit the. He'd have to get Jack my fat cuz. Don Fry, at one point in time, remember when he got jack my fied? And he was like, 232 35 Fujita just. Don Fry was a fucking statue. He was a Michelangelo statue, you know? Fuck, yeah.


We need more donkey.


I'm a fight was one of the craziest fights in all of history.


Oh, yeah.


Standing in front of each other, punching each other in the face. Like, how. Let's play that. How many times are the fights are about to happen?


The leech, he said like three years.


Here we go.


That's the least.


The, the time on screen is 455, 454, 453, 452. All right, so this is this Carlos Pratas and leech.


He's taking, what, two years?


Is this that dude that smoked cigarettes? Is this that nasty dude that. He just landed a vicious knee knockout in his last fight.


He smoked cigarettes.


Is this. That's what I'm thinking about. Right?


You talk about the asian guy.


No, the. The brazilian cat.


Yeah. And he's the favorite.


Yeah. Well, yeah, this kid in the black. The kid in the black shorts. He's good, dude. He's good. I watch what? He's nasty. I'm pretty sure this is the dude. I really have to apologize if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is the dude. Is that him? Yeah, there he is, smoking cigarettes. Yeah. He's like, I'm a fighter. I'm not an athlete. He goes, I'm a fighter. This dude smokes. He's been smoking since he was, like, 14 or something. But the most important thing is, like, he's nasty, he knows how to fuck people up, and he's got really good timing, man. He's a real fighter.


But back to your point, see, I think most first rounds go like this. There's the feeling up here. Watch. Why winning this round? Why should that count?


Some don't.


It's the exact same.


Some don't, Brian. So what do you do?


It doesn't. You know, you're. You're right. Like, there's a bunch of different factors involved in fighting. I think one of the problems is the scoring system.


Must system.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that's our primary problem because I think it's a borrowed system that deals with a one dimensional sport. It's a very complicated sport, but it's one dimension, meaning punching.




It's complicated. I'm not dismissing boxing. I think you don't ever see boxing at the level you see in world championship fights like a Lomachenko. You never see that level of boxing in the UFC, and you probably never will. I don't think it's possible to achieve that level unless you're only doing that thing.


Correct. Impossible.


Yeah, because you don't. You can't even do that if guys are trying to take you down all the time, you won't develop your skillset the same way if you're training mma the same way you get a few freak athletes, you get your Roy Jones juniors that can do shit that nobody else can do. For the most part.


There's too much to focus on in mma.


Yeah, boxers hands are way better.




They're just. They're always going to be way better. Like, you can't. You can't deny that.


No, there's not enough hours in the day to get to that elite level. I mean, look at Francis. Dedicated his life to boxing for what, two, three years?


Yes. It's a different thing. Well, also, like, the Joshua fight, Joshua had the opportunity to watch him fight and figure out patterns, but that's how.


It should go, right?


Like, right, right.


If you would have knocked out Joshua in 3 seconds, I'm like, oh, shit.


Do you think, like, joshua is the more dangerous guy to fight? Second hundred percent. Yeah. Cuz he's got that lethal one punch sleeper power knockout artist. Goldman, fastest fuck, dude, that right hand that he cracked Francis with. Oh, lord, I'm missing this fight, huh? This kid's nasty, man. I forget who he fought in his last fight. But I was. I was watching it while I was listening to music and working out, so I wasn't completely paying attention to, like, what the commentators were saying, but I was watching the kids movement. I was like, damn, this kid moves good.


And Dana's announced some fucking beastie fights lately.


Yeah, man. I'm really excited about Khalil Roundtree. Although the purist in me is like, what about Uncle Iev? Ankolaev should be next for the title, right? I mean, clearly. Yeah.


I hear clues. Won five in a row, and at light heavyweight, right?


For sure. But in.


Clive also had a draw, right?


He had a lot.


Like, he hasn't been that exciting. And I get it. The purist goes, well, it doesn't matter if it's exciting. If he's winning, you gotta give him a title shot.


I know. Jamal Hill posted, bro, Jamal was mad because Khalil had failed a drug examination, but they knew exactly what that was about. It was about something that's very. It's very. It's Dhea.


It doesn't help your performance.


It doesn't help your performance at all. It's just a banned substance, and it's an accidental ingestion. It's not something that you would get any benefit from.


If he tested hot for, like, Deca and they had him in a title fight, we got a problem.


He informed them the moment he found out his shit had Dhea in it, and they only gave him a two month suspension, so he didn't do anything wrong, and he didn't. There's a bunch of stuff that's banned. I don't know why.


It's a lot.




But also, I think, too, just for Alex, like, this is his story, right? Like, they need a main event, and Clive is already paired up, so Khalil's won five in a row. He's ready to go.


Who's fighting? Next racket? Oh, that's right. When is that fight? Oh, the left hand, dude. I'm telling you, man. And the leech is good, dude. Leech is getting pieced up. There's a head like a rot, bro.


This dude.


Look at that knee to the body, man. This dude's good, man. He's good. And he's got good head movement, too. When punches are coming his way, he slips, like, right there. Look how he slips away from shit. Encounters the danger zone. You know, he gets in the danger zone. He had the leech in some trouble.


He can take a punch, though. So this will be a fun fight, bro.


You remember when Hamza just picked him up and took him over to Dana White, bro. And he's like, I have five fight tied up. Those were.


Those were the days. Those were the days.


Who was the guy recently that, like, he broke, like, the longest losing streak?


Charles Bennett.


It was just recently.


Oh, crazy horse.


Crazy felony. You can't call him crazy horse.


Oh, it's felony now?


Yeah, cuz I was commentating his event.


And, yeah, bro, we're old school. He's always been crazy.


I was like, what's up, crazy horse? Like, it's felony. Like, all right, man.


Well, come on, man.


It's like Bobby Green. You gotta call him King Green.


Oh, Bobby.


It's a crime. I keep losing all these fights.


Hey, bro, I was super impressive. Patti Pemblet, super impressive.








Bobby Green can fight.


Hell, yeah.


Bobby Green can fight.


Pros. Pro.


He was in trouble on the feet. He was getting his legs kicked out from under him on the feet. You know, Patty Pimblett put on a clinic in that fight.


How good it is.


It was just such a perfect strap. Yeah, he looked great. And he gained 40 pounds since then.


He said, how does he do that?


He's like, crazy.


Just goes nuts. But the point is, like, in that fight, like, yeah, it's. You shouldn't do that. I would say don't do that, but also. But also the kind of guy that would eat 40 pounds and stick his belly out. That's a wild motherfucker. And that wildness is with discipline. Like, when he's in camp.


Could be a perfect storm.


It's a great storm.


It's like Jon Jones.


Yeah, a little bit crazy, but. But John is discipline. It's tough because with Patty, like, he's getting away with it right now. And, yeah, he beat Bobby, who's ranked, whatever, eleven. But at a certain level, you're gonna have to stop doing that when you get to the top five. Like, I don't know if that's gonna fly. You know, I'm saying, you got to tighten it up at some point. Right now, he's having fun doing his thing. He's not fighting like the criminal or cramp.


But haven't people been criticizing tatty this whole time? Of course he's a fraud or.


Yeah, of course.


Yeah. But they always say that with people that are, you know, when they're more. When they're more famous than their ranking.


But also, he, like. Like, straight up dude in Liverpool, they call him the fifth beatle. He can't walk down the street. I worked with him in San Diego, even San Diego. I was like, damn, they know you out here. Like, shut the street down. He's so famous and wasn't ranked, so a lot of other fighters have animosity, so the fans hate him because they think he hasn't earned it. That dude was whooping ass out in England, like, destroying. He was making more money not fighting the UFC. He took a pay cut to fight in the UFC. He was headlined events out there, selling out arenas. And finally his managers like, yo, man, you got to compete in the UFC. And he's like, why? I'm making money? He's like, it's just if you want to be the best, we got to do this. Even though you take a pay cut. So that's why he went over.


I don't know if you guys caught this in between rounds, but the leech has a blonde asian female corner man.


What's that supposed to mean?


Telling him what to do. So he's about to get knocked out.


How dare you? What if she's, like, a k one champion?


No, that's the lady. That was a. That was. That was Trump. Secret Service lady. Remember her fumbling with the gun?


Yeah, that was a mess.


She might be.


I thought, she's gonna shoot herself. I'm like, if. Imagine if she shoots herself in the hip. That lady was panic putting that gun away, bro. Are we in a movie, or is this real life? I need to know.


Someone changed the movie.


I need to know because, like, if it is a movie, boy, the writing is amazing.




Like, if this is a simulation, what a great simulation. It's crazy. All of it's crazy.


Happy to be on the cast.


I mean, slap fighting. What? Everything. Everything. President Kamala, all the things. All the things. Fucking save the sharks. What the fuck are we doing? What are we doing? We're saving sharks.


The shark.


Shouldn't we kill the sharks?


Is that a thing?


Yeah, podcast. I'm about the sharks.


Oh, my God. Right? Didn't change the way you think about sharks.


No, I've. Dude, I'm not taking credit.


I've always thought that.


I've always said this, cuz I. They're like, you know, you're more likely to die in a car crash and get eaten by a shark. I'm like, now, if I swam in the ocean every day to work.


Yeah. Oh, land Carlos is lighting the leech up. But what I liked about when I watched this guy fight is his management of distance. Like, he's always in the right spot to counter you, and he sneaks out of stuff, like, real nice.


He uses his range really well and.


He'S got real good timing, right? Like, he knows what you're capable of doing when you're moving forward. You know, some guys get caught up in, like, the anxiety of exchanges sometimes and they misjudge and miscalculate timing and distance. And when a guy's really good at calculating time, it's timing and distance. When something's coming out of. That's a. That's a special talent.




Connor, when he fought Eddie Alvarez, perfect example of it. Perfect mastery of timing.




I know exactly what you can do. I'll let your. Your punch touch me and then binge.


Anderson Silva, Stefan boy, Connor and Eddie.


Alvarez is the best one ever. I really do.


This is it.


This cowboy one with Rick story.


Oh, my God, that combination, the mortal Kombat combo.


Oh, my God. Incredible. Oh, well, no, he's hurt.


He's hurting such a big head that he.


And also that.


That's it. I'll tell you this, Carl, he kept.


Trying to dodge with it. Just as he was hurt.


His head was hurt. No, he was hurt. You got to understand, once a guy gets lit like that, like, your legs aren't moving good, you don't know.


You're confused right now. He's thinking, I shouldn't have hired a blonde asian woman.


Cuz fuck around with you, I'll be in the same room, one of these motherfuckers. I'll be like, remember that shit you said, man?


You laughed and Tony shop made that joke.


You don't want to. Some dudes get like, very sensitive.


Yeah, you don't want that heat. You don't want that.


He. Yeah, he got rocked, dude. He got rocked, that guy.


He took a beating.


Very good.


Crazy thing was that his head movement was incredible the whole time. That guy's just so accurate. And what you were saying, Carlos, is.


Fuck, look at that. One, two. Man, that's beautiful. I'm telling you, man, this kid, his timing, it's really good. And you got to understand that a guy like this is just going to get better and better with world class competition. So the leech, you know, the leech has been, you know, top 25 guy for a while, right?




And he's been out two years. Like, what, the highest? You would imagine the leech would be ranked 15 maybe, right? He's in that. Yeah. Before Hamza.




So, yeah, it's a fucking world class fighter. World class fighter. And this dude just pieced him up.


He's not.


He's not the best in the division, but he's representative of a really elite MMA professional.


It's a great feather dude's cat. Like that's a great step for his career. Like this. How it should go is what this.


Leech might must sound badass and Mandarin because it's a shitty english nickname, right?


I think it's because he's such a good grappler. He clings onto you like a leech. Is that it? That's my guess.


I don't think he's that good of.


A grappling or cuz he sucks, right?


In jujitsu, would you say? Yeah, he's a second degree black belt.


I think so.


Where'd you come up with that?


I think I.


It's rare here. Second degree. That's why I'm suspect. That's why I got skeptical hippo eyes.


It's possible. I mean, depends on who. Look at that. Ranked jiu jitsu black belt. Yeah, it might very well be.


I'm a big fight fan.


Look at that. Young Tony nails it. He for sure is really good, you know, real good grappler. But Hamza just ragdolled him. But Hamza's a freak, man. How about especially at 170?


Hamza driving me nuts, a. He's never making 170 again. So listen, I can't make the weight winner 85 for winning God.


But when he does, he's a praying mantis eating wasps. You ever see that?


Gordon Ryan's?


Yeah, yeah, that's Gordon's belt.


He's competing.


You ever see a praying mantis eating them wasp?


Hell yeah.


Yeah, I watched a thousand of those. Yeah, I've seen a thousand videos of praying mantis eating other things.


Praying mantis eats the male praying man.


That is kind of what he was like.


Yeah, he fucked him up.


When Hamzat was like grabbing ahold of people at 170, he was kind of like a praying mantis. It was eating other bugs.


He was fucking dudes up, but he can't make the weight. He's unreliable.


He just needs to be a little bit more disciplined, bro. 170. He's almost unstoppable, dude. Even when Gilbert caught him? Gilbert caught him on the noggin multiple times and dropped him, remember?


Yep. That was a wake up call.


We still fucking kept going like that guy never stopped coming.


That's why I'm excited even though he.


Got clipped and hurt. Look at this. They're eating wasps. They're not slow, dude, they catch hummingbirds. You never seen a praying mantis catch a hummingbird? Oh, son, get him. So let's go. It's the nuttiest thing. So they sit over those water feeders where the hummingbirds come and they just sit there. And when the. The hummingbirds fuck up and they don't realize that that's a murderous assassin waiting for them. Watch this snatch. That's your ass, bitch.


Damn. They're fucking strong, bro.


They're crazy strong. They're strong like something that's a hundred times bigger than it is.


Got them in the Uma plotter that.


It's not a question of the bird getting away. The birds never gonna get away.


All this person just knocked the fucking.


The guy's a douchebag. Yeah, you're a circle alive cock block. Yeah, that's a person who is like, he values. He values birds over insects.


That's a white dude that voted for Kamala.


All he did was just make that species of bird dumber. The dumb bird deserves to die.


Right? Good point. Evolution. Yeah. The thing is, why do we prefer they're both alien to us? If you saw a bird without its feathers, like, what the fuck is that thing? Right? Like, what are those things? It's just, they look pretty because they have feathers. Why do we. Why do we like the insects less than we like the birds?


Cuz they're not cute, I guess, right?


Close. They're kind of cute.


No, weird.


No, I mean, I put it so like this. You ever met somebody they, like, loves spiders?


Mm hmm.


They're never normal people.


Like, you know, like a dude who has snakes. Right? Right. Fuck out of here. You don't have snakes, bitch. You got a monster that you feed.


Yeah, look, it's my little buddy.


Fuck. That thing doesn't give a fuck if you live or die. That's a goddamn reptile. A slithery monster.


I think we're pro, we're programmed to like cute shit.


Yeah, that's Disney, too.


If you like snakes. If you're like, a snake person, you like to live with snakes. And you, I mean, maybe you're cool.


You think?


I mean, I'm open minded. I'm open minded. I'm willing to maybe accept the maybe. But if you have, like, goth makeup on the. And, like, like, platform shoes and.


Yo, snakes and your best friends. A python.




What happened? What happened?


I was in New York, south, walking around New York last week. I saw rats that were in my weight class. I mean, absolutely. Like, oh, look at that trash bag over there. And it just starts running away.


Bro, I saw one in New Jersey once. I'll never forget this. We were coming up to this pool hall, and as we're walking from the parking lot to the door, I see this rat that's by this dumpster that's the size of a cat. God, it was so big, man. It was like, no bullshit, that big. That big. And standing up on its hind legs, like, bearing its teeth at us. And I was in a hot panic. I was like, dude, yeah, what if that attacks us? This is crazy.


There was literally one that looked like a fucking kangaroo. A kangaroo master spawn. Its fucking back legs running like.


And they know they can scare you off, especially the bigger ones.


Why don't we think they cute a mammals?


Oh, but we like squirrels. We love squirrel.


People think squirrels are just rats. Rats with fancy cuts.


Cute is a. Is hairs on its tail away from being adorable.


Yeah, the squirrels have fluffy tail privilege. Yeah, fluffy tail.


Don't, don't rats, don't they find some rats, like, in New York, they have, like, the black plague on them and.


Oh, yeah, they have a bunch of shit, bro. There's a documentary on Netflix, rats. You've ever watched that documentary? Documentary?


Yeah, there's more rats and humans.


Well, it's not just that. It's like they test them for all these crazy diseases all over the country. All over the country. They find these rats. They test them. Just plague. They have old, horrible, ancient diseases that wipe out mankind.


Same thing.


I will tell you my rat story. When I lived in Encino, so I know Encino, so I lived in Encino, and I was renting this house, and it had a garage, and that's where I put my garbage out before I would put it outside in the morning. So I'd, you know, open my door, put my garbage out, and then I heard a bunch of rattling aRound, and I heard snap. And I go Out There, and this big fucking rat, big rat got caught in the rat trap. I was like, whoa. But I was tired. I didn't want to deal with this fucking rat. So I went to Sleep and I said, I'll deal with it in the morning. I'll throw it out. And I got up in the morning, I go out to the garage, and there's a skeleton. I mean, not even a skeleton. There's like, almost nothing left except the tail. They ate him, the other rats. The other rats ate him. I mean, they must have eaten him immediately. They must have just started eating him immediately, like instant cannibalism. And here I am, I'm renting a fucking four bedroom house in the hills on a television show.


And I'm watching National Geographic play out in my garage. Animals eating their kin after they get tricked into biting on peanut butter and get their fucking neck snapped. They're like, well, I guess we gotta eat, Harry.


I'm just. I'm just imagining the rats, like, trying their last time to free them. And they like, can't get you out.


Chuck, bro, I don't think there was.


Any chance to bring out the seasoning. No, no. God, wait a minute.


It was eerie, man. It was eerie because it was like I knew at that moment that I'm sharing. I'm pretending that I'm in this house, right? I'm pretending I'm separated from the natural world, but I'm not. I'm not. I'm in this. I'm just. I'm in this really porous house where things can get in and they burrow in. They live amongst you and they hide from you when you're around. Oh, that's one's eating the other one. Oh, no. Brains. That is feasting on the brains of their dead. I'm friend.


That's why no one fucks with rats, man.


People have pet rats.


You don't see squirrels doing that.


But here's the thing, man. If you don't feed people, they do the same thing. It's LIke, it's wild things. It's things that are living a hard life for survival. Yeah. Like, if you feed rats, they don't do that. LIke, if you have a rat, like sanctuary, you know, where you have a whole room that's filled with rats and they have plenty of food, they're like, hey, what's up? You can come up to them, pick them up, and they're not going to cannibalize each other.


Yeah, but every time I hear stories like that, I need to know, like, are those SuBURBAN rats or those rats from the street?


I think rats. It's just rats. Rats are adaptable just like pigs are. And people are. That's what I think rats are super.


Rats and roaches.


Yeah, gangster, super. But rats are weird. And like, they get the younger rats to check stuff.


That's right. When there's poison, the food, they're like, hey, if you're hungry, go try.


Yeah, they let the younger rats go, take a bite. Take a bite of that thing. Snap. Oh, look, Harry got.




Some eat harRy. Or if they just eat them, or.


If there's poison in it, if I eat it, and they'd wait, like, it's good, let's eat it.


I see that usually you ever see those videos where they. They have like, a real sticky floor and they. One at a time, they run out and get stuck. And run out and get stuck.


That's a rat trap. It's almost like honey. Looks like honey.


Yeah, those are nasty. It's rats.


They fucking high step through that shit. They high step through like a fucking running back.


That's only for mice.


Yeah, I think for my rat.


I mean, I've never seen a rat get out of it, but I don't.


We have a rat issue in my backyard, and my girl bought one those. I'm like, dude, fucking. He's gonna fucking steamroll right through that thing.


Yeah, weird, man. The rat problems are weird. That's why people don't like coyotes. But guess what? That's the only thing that keeps those rat populations down. Really?


And hawks, it don't fuck them up.


Sure, all those things. Yeah, you're right.


We got hawks in mountain lions, if.


They can catch them. But it's me. Bobcats for sure. But something to kill those rats makes sure. Yeah, you definitely need things that eat rats. You can't just have rats.


No, I cannot fuck with this dude. Every time I see him drink out of a shoe, it makes me want.


To fucking tie to evacuate.


You gotta stop this.


He tried to drink out of my shoe. Word.


I drank out of his shoe.


I'm like, bro, I could tell you some stories about my feet that would make you stop that.


And they called a shoe, and they spit in it. I must throw up. And it was a straight lug.


This is a good fight, though, man, because Jersey Rosenstrike, he is a elite striker. And tied to ivasa is an elite striker, too. These dudes are.


I mean, he's like Derek Lewis with a good back.


He. Well, he's very skillful, man. Like, his kickboxing is very high level. He's the guy that, like. Unfortunately, he hit Francis with a couple inside leg kicks. And Francis was like, fuck this Francis.


Homer simpson him, and just ran at him like this.


We know we have pity pattern. I'm just gonna storm the gates and I think I can knock you out before you can knock me out. And he just caught him with one chance. It was bat shit, too. Like that strategy. Who does that? Wild, wild.


I mean, that's the upside to having that one punch power is you can't just ignore those.


I think it was also Francis recognizing. I don't like the way this is going like this. This staying on the outside. He's chopping on the inside. Of my leg. His timings really animosity to lead into that.


But it's weird to have a training camp and then fight like that. We don't need to even have a training camp.


You know what it is? It's just I think Francis, at the end of the day, knows all he has to do is touch you. And so it's like, fuck this. This guy kicked me again. He kicked me again.


Yeah, let's get the fuck out.


And he just launched. He's like, maybe just senses that he could just launch at this guy.


Francis has a fight coming up.


Yeah, he's fighting that dude. Dude, that Ferreira guy. That guy's big, bro.


But I do just keeps getting better and scarier.






Wait, do you see this brazilian?


This brazilian's huge, dude.


Oh, no, man. That's the steep. The stipe loss, like, changed Francis in a way where it's like, he's super, super scary to me now.


Oh, he's very scary.


Did you watch the Joshua fight, though? No. All right.


Oh, you just want the boxing.




Oh, yeah. But that's. Again, that's different.


Jamie, show that dude versus that pfl fight that they just had worse than.


I thought he would.


That's how it should go, though, versus Ryan Bader.


Did you see the last movie where he's hitting people in the nuts?


Who hit people in us?


Francis Nagano.


Oh, God.


Oh, it's so funny.


So this dude is the. The dude that Francis gonna fight. Hannah Ferrar. These jump cuts and Ferreira is. Bro, he's fucking good. That was Jamie. Jamie did that.




Just Ryan Bader, who spent a lot of his career at 02:05 and this dude hasn't been 205 since he was eight.


Ryan Bader is an undersized heavyweight. He's a light heavyweight.


Yeah, he's a light heavyweight, but he's got success at heavyweight as he's gotten older because it helps him to not cut weight. And he's a real good fighter. But this fucking dude is so big. Look at that right hand.


Ryan caught him there, though.


Yeah, but not enough.


No, it's too light in the ass.


The thing is, it's also. It's just like, the timing of that right hand. Like, that's elite. Six, eight, grab a basket. And I've seen some of his videos from other fights, and watch how he lands his punch too. Check out this timing on this. This is fucking nice footwork for being.


His footwork ain't no punk either.


No, he's good.


Not an easy fight for not an easy fight.


That's. And there's a lot on the line. And seven people. You're coming off of a knockout. Also, unfortunately, the death of his son, which is a horrible tragedy that even.


Talk about Joe.


How could a guy, like, be completely able to prepare just emotionally, to fight when your son just died?




That'll haunt you.




No matter how strong you are physically, no matter how strong you are mentally, your son just died. You're gonna be filled with sadness.




Unless you killed him.


No, he definitely didn't. Unless your son was a real piece of shit. Yeah. Like, your son was, like, a pedophile clown.


Yeah. He's, like, 27, though. This kid was three, you know?


Yeah. It's a horrible story. So it's like, this guy's got to get over that, then he's got to get over the first knockout of his career against a guy like Anthony Joshua, who's an Olympic gold medalist, in your second professional fight ever, which is so crazy. Who the fuck goes from fighting the heavyweight champion to an Olympic gold medalist two fights in a row, your first two pro fights, as crazy as it.


Is, think about who goes against the UFC, and then it actually works out for him. Never. It's never fights fury. We're like, this is insane. He's get fucking Molly whop. Pretty close. Fucking fighting one. We thought he won 31. And then with Joshua, that's when I was like, all right, man. Like, if this the reality. If we're not in a simulation, he should get starched. And that's what happened. But he made more money in those two fights than he ever did in.


MMA, might have ever been able to.


Oh, close.


Because one of the things, what, you know, hats off to the Saudis. What they're doing is incredible, because they're just saying, we have all the money. Why don't we just make these fights happen?


We want the best fight.


Hey, Terrence Crawford, do you want to fight Canelo Alvarez? Hey, Canelo Alvarez, you want to fight Terrence Crawford? Let's fucking.


That's not happening anymore, though.




Doesn't want it.


This is what Canelo doesn't want to do. He doesn't want to talk about other fights, why? He's preparing for this fight that he's going to have in September.




And so he's like, I don't talk about, like, future fights, but before I fight this dude that I have to fight.


But then that saudi sheik's, like, talking shit to Canelo, which I don't like. I don't like, little respect there. It's fucking Canelo, dude.


Yeah, but when you the chic, you ain't gotta respect, bro.


Did you see? He made Dana hold his hand. That's how you know. And I'm not talking like this. I'm talking interlocked fingers. Dana was like, fuck it.


Yeah, fuck it.


I do the same.


What do you. I do the same. What's the most of all the cultures that get handsy, that men are allowed to get handsy with you? What's the one culture? What is the one that does the most grabbing? The one does the most, like, hugging, holding on to you. You have to hug with them and walk with them. India, cuz they get real.


It's one of those countries where they don't have space. Like, you want you on the bus and.




So used to people touching them.


Yeah. Not girl, you don't want that.


Well, that's that. That. She was like a side piece. I liked it too.


Make you sing a Beatles song too. You know, it was.


It was such a boss move. It was such a boss move. It wasn't gay, you know?


You watching that damn transfer is at 35%. You're like, I'm. I'll put my hand in this nigga pocket until. This should get it 100.


I have a choice. Give him my hand or give him my head.


It's amazing what you can get done with a lot of. Of money. Yeah, everybody just sort of shuts the fuck up pretty much. Except Canelo's kind of like, you know, you gotta. Gotta do it my way.


It's cause he said you can do.


Anything with money but get somebody to love you.






Elon. Elon can hold my hand anytime he wants.


I'd love. I'll let him know. Tell him I'll call him right now.


I'll hold Elon's pocket like one finger.


Just mopping around with him.


Jarzinho, this fight's not gonna go long. If it does, it's gonna be a bad fight.


Oh, it's gonna be a wild fight for sure. Look, Tai Tuvas has never been in a boring fight his fucking life. Like, that dude knows one way. Like, let's fucking go. That guy literally should have let's fucking go tattooed on his chest.


How's he so dry? Don't they. Don't they warm up in the.


Some guys don't.


Some guys warm up a little bit, you know, they just get ready ashy nipples.


That's what I was gonna. Yeah, you said it.


He doesn't look that dry. I'm not him.


The black.


Oh, Jarzinho.




Watch when they go, when they go back to.


I like he looks like he just walked out of a volcano.


Doing this shoeing.


Literally like he just got rescued out.


Of a fire drinking agave off a flip flop. Jesus Christ. Let's go. Let's go. Mark Garnett, that's a thing that becomes the mothership.


He's like fucking volcano.


Hey Mike.


Fucking volcano.


There is a thing though about I think Jarzinho, what you're seeing.


He's ashy from the shoulders.


Tattoos, brother. It's tattoos. Yeah, yeah.


No, they're talking about roses.


You talking about roses, truck? Oh, you got tattoos on his chest. Are those tattoos? Doesn't he have.


You can't say bright, Brian, do you hear me? I called him ashy scary.


Oh my God. Those tattoos that ty has are the most painful apparently. They, that's those tapping style.


Fuck that, bro.


But they do it that ancient way where they tap it in with a wooden.


Six years.


Yeah, like look at it. It's all over his body, his legs.




It goes up to his ass.


You gotta be a crazy motherfucker to get that done.


Have you seen these things out now? Like what the rich athletes are doing is they're getting, they're getting put under and getting their full body.


That's a motion posted that. Oh that's some. Oh shit.


That's fucking post Malone did that. Oh post. I think he just went out for like 8 hours.


But light.


Now this God damn host is that. Find out. That's true. I thought it was a good idea if you, if you don't mind being knocked unconscious by doctors.


That's just so dangerous.


I'm not really interested in that.


These is nothing worse for you.


It's definitely not good for you.


Yeah, I don't about.


Yeah, Rosino Jarzinho definitely has tattoos. Some bobby green style tattoos.


No, you know, honestly I think he just got shimmery skin.


Well, let's not talk about these things. Let's talk about the fight itself. Ties being. Look how fucking patient tai tuivas is.






What that is, that's respect for the power.


It's also like he's sort of like, you know, he's had some losses where he got caught and so he's, you know, figured out what, what went wrong in the serial gone fight.




Yeah. A little more calculated fight a little smarter. And then, you know, when shit gets wild, you know, he's gonna throw.


It's in his DNA, man, like, you can only be controlled for so long. Then he just has that fucking Maui warrior, and it'll come out, which also.


Leads to a lot of chaos. Right.


He wins, especially at heavyweight.


Yeah, yeah.


That overhand right from Rosenstruck could be a very serious problem.


He's fucking good, man. And he's. Look at that timing of, like, moving away from that low kick.


He's got that Derek Lewis power, man.


Oh, but he's the one who split Alistair over him's face open. You ever see that? No. That's the craziest picture in all of MMA damage. He hit Alistair with a looping right hand and caught him on the face. Ripped his lip clear open to his nose. Yeah, that's at the end of the fight. There was like a few seconds left in the fight, and he leaps and catches him with a hook, like, on the face. Busts his mouth open. It was crazy.


You know the most brutal knockout when over him got knocked out by Francis.




It was like a Looney tune uppercut. And his neck goes.


Definitely the most brutal.


Look at that.


Yeah. Yeah, that's his lip. That was his lip when Jorginho broke his face open. That's crazy. Mandy, that looks like hamburger meat. Back in the old days, he would just have a list for the rest of his life. They wouldn't even sew that shit up.


You think that's more brutal than the. Than the flying knee from. From game bread?


Oh, against.


That's good. That's arguable. That's arguable. Good point. Yeah.


You know what the difference is? You know, they're both brutal. But remember, Al sovereign was a k one world champion striker, right fucking neck, right, and the uppercuts so brutal. Like, cuz Ben's down, he's shooting, and you see that flying knee so fast. It's definitely one, one a, one b. That fucking over, that uppercut over him. Eight from. And it's Francis from downtown, just fucking.


No doubt.


Boom, bro.


How much would you have loved to see Saucy over him versus Francis? Saucy? The old days. The good old times, before there was sophisticated drug testing. The good old times, like when Alistair, over him, fought Brock Lesnar.


Can you imagine, Saucy Francis, that he wouldn't make weight?


Saucy Francis wouldn't make weight. Notice Francis cuts weight on the natchifies.


Upper limit.


No, 265 is the limit.


265 is the limit.


No fatties. No fatties in UFC. No fatty. There's not enough.


So dumb.


They'll never be a UFC butter bean?


No, sir.


But the thing is there could be, and this is my thought. My thought is there should be no limitation for the heavyweight division. And just open it wide open and have a 225. Have a mid division.


I would have fought at 225 because I'd weigh in around 234. I was always smaller. Smaller.


And then there's these guys, like, semi Schultz, who's like 7ft tall, 300 pounds.


You have a guy like stipe or. Yeah, Dos Santos. Me, like, also around 232, 40, fighting two c. 25 pound weight difference.


Big difference.


Real 25.




When it's muscle, you're fucked.


So they can't do a super heavy weight.


They should just do a heavyweight. Like, instead of, like, making another 1265 and above, because there is not enough. It's like we were talking about the talent pool. Like, the talent pool in the heavyweight division is not nearly as deep as, like, the 155 pound division because there's a lot of dudes who weigh 155 that are elite fighters. Not a lot of dudes at 265 that are elite fighters.


Also, if you're two, let's say you're 226 and overdose in your athletic. You ain't fighting for a living. You're playing the NFL, right? You play, you're making more attractive options.


That aren't gonna give you the real.


Damage, that are big, aren't going to.


See, especially if you're tall. Like, why would you do this to yourself when you just fucking shoot threes?


Yeah, basketball.


I want to wear a fur coat, bitch, but drive a Bugatti, get my fucking face kicked on tv.


Too big.


That. So it's like, it's hard for that. You have to be a crazy person to want to do this and then.


Or have no options, but that when.


When you are a crazy person that's also an elite athlete, look how far you go.




You know, you think about, like, some of the guys that are in the UFC now. Like, now that it's, like, becoming a choice for, like, young athletes. They're like, they realize you can actually get famous. And that, like, suits you more than, like, playing a sport.


It's a. It's a weird trade because, yeah, you might be more famous and recognizable, but you're not get the same money.




And, you know, but if you don't guaranteed money, like, if you don't give.


A fucked about this other sports, like, if you're a kid, right, and you're growing up and you, you know, your brother gets into Muay Thai and you start doing muay Thai and you start fucking people up and muay Thai. And you want to learn wrestling and do MMA, like, you don't give a fuck who's winning the basketball game. You're interested in Muay Thai. You're interested in fucking people up.




That's what you're gonna pursue.




You know, it just.


You're not gonna have a ton of friends.


Most of those guys don't come through a competitive athletic background like a high school program, you know, some sort of, you know, college program.


It's also not encouraged, though, right? Because you're not gonna go to college, get an education if you're fucking kicking dudes in the face, right. So parents aren't encouraging it.


And both of these cats we're looking at right now been flatlined on tv in front of the world. Both these guys, nobody wants that, right? So you have to be a special type of person that can take getting Kod in front of the world like Jarzinho did, and bounce back with no problems at all.


But also, think about it. If you're 265 pounds. Yeah. There's, again with. With fighting. It's so tough. There's just no avenue really, either. So parents aren't going to encourage it.




So who would you say is the best athlete at heavy right now? I'll tell you, I think at heavyweight. The dude that John Zero gun.




A very good athlete. He's very. He's so light on his feet.


I think Tom Abs knows it's good.


That's good possibility to tie. Just caught him, huh? Yeah. Oh, see, now ties gonna turn it on. So this is like patient ties out the window. And now it's wild tie.


It's also like he's a race car burning, you know, race fuel. That bitch is good. Run out fast.


What's also. He heard him, so now he knows he heard him. And he's got LC. He's pressing. He got count. He got countered there, though. Charging, you know, is good, man.


Look, Ty is a fucking chance.


And what a chain he's got. He takes an incredible shot, but it's like, you just can't get reckless with Jarzinho. He's very polished.


I always think, too, if you're, like, on the bigger end, like Ty, you should get stomach tattoos. It looks so much better.


I think also maybe smile Derek Lewis.


That he doesn't have Derek Lewis power, because that was Derek Lewis would have finished.


No, no, no. Nobody has Derek.


Nobody has most knockouts. And heavy. Oh, blasted. There he got, bro.


Derek has the kind of power that Francis was hesitant to exchange with them. Yeah, Derek will put you to sleep. He puts everybody to sleep. That Curtis blades knockout, when he hit him with that uppercut, dude. Yeah. The Volkov fight. He's losing the fight. And we were just saying that he can knock him out with any punch and then boom. And then he says, I had to knock that motherfucker out for Donald Trump. Yeah, he likes to hurt people, derek.


Oh, yeah, he's a really good dude.


He's a great guy. He doesn't like you do. He would like to fuck you up. Yeah. And he didn't have no problem with that. No problem.


You own it. You ever follow his instagram? It's just.


Oh, yeah, people getting hurt. He's okay.


Yeah. You know he drives the fucking lamborghini.




Small one, though. Not like the ventidor is a hurricane.


Hurricanes a badass car, man.


It's not meant for big guys. Like, I can't fit in.


Oh, he can't fit in it.


No, fuck not. He must have specially heard himself.


Oh. Oh, shit. I. Oh, ty hurt his knee or something. Yeah, it looked like he hurt something after that kick. Like he was in pain, man.


And he stepped back.


Yeah, man, he stepped back like limping in agony. What happened?


Oh, his knees fucked up. Look at him.


Something's wrong.




Fuck. What happened?


Boys are swinging. This is what we wanted, though. But this car.


I was just barely walking a few steps ago. Look at him now. What a fucking animal. Dude. Something happened. I wish we could hear the commentary because I feel we're gonna see in the lower corner. I think it was a check, man. I think he checked it. Nope.


Oh, it's. Oh, my God. The ankle, it's broke. Do you see that? It was bent.


No, no, no. I don't think so, bro.


Cuz I'm so big. You couldn't walk on it.


I think when he threw that kick, he fucked up his left knee. I. If I can, I see that. I can't see it again or they.


Hit one of those nerves, you know? I'm saying, I don't think it didn't look.


It's hard because it's that little square. But what it looked like to me was like a lot like the aspinall thing. Like when he threw the kick in, the supporting leg gave out.


Not as bad, though, because he's. Whatever. So if it was. If there was structural damage, there's no way he.


I think he, like, he might have like, hyperextended.


There's two bones there, right?


I don't think it's a bone thing, dude. I think he threw a kick and I think his left leg gave out. I think his supporting leg gave out because sometimes when you throw a kick, if you're not pivoting enough, you put all the pressure on your knee. I actually blew my ACL out kicking the bag when I was 21, so I know the the injury specifically, I don't know, turn. Yeah, but that's like a lot of times that's what happens to guys is they'll blow out the supporting leg. That's what aspinall, when he threw a kick, he blew out his support, right, didn't he? Yeah, yeah, yeah.


And that's gonna, that's gonna mess with his, uh, with his lateral move.


It all depends on what actually happened. Like, I can't tell what happened because he doesn't look like he's Olympic. Yeah, we could lit know OC look wiggled a little bit there. He might have a torn ACL.


Cuz like when he tries to move to the side, that's when he feels it.


He might have a torn ACL. But let me tell you something. There's dudes fighting in the UFC at a high level that have torn acls.


Well, that don't have one.


They don't have it at all. They've torn. Completely torn. I know for a fact I don't want to give them up, but I know to two dudes completely.


NFL career without one.


Rico Rodriguez was the UFC heavyweight champion. Yeah, torn acouse. Rico was like one of the first Machado black belts.


You can manage it. Like, I've had a torn meniscus since I was an ultimate fighter.


But it's beautiful.


Yeah, but meniscus is a different thing because it's not structural.


I'm just saying you can, you can deal with it.


You can deal with it.


There's certain ones you can deal with. Like MCL can be tough.


But the thing about the ACL that's a real problem is it's the stability, you know, because it wiggles around a lot. So there's a lot of guys, they strengthen their hamstrings, they do a yde, but it's never the same as here it is, here it is. So let's see what happened. So. Oh, so DC's doing our play by play. Let's see. They might not even cover.


They have to. It's a big deal.


I would certainly ask. Oh, look at that. Rosenstrike left hand. Oh. Oh, dude, he hit him with some combinations. Okay, there it is. See left leg. Watch. Yep. Supporting leg. Oh, maybe not.




Maybe hurt that right foot.


Or he hit his foot top. The top of his foot on his knee.


It could have been either one. It's hard to say because he was bobbling around on the left leg. That's what it looked like to me. But maybe he would. DC would know better because he could listen to the corner.


It looks like you just hurt his foot either way.


Seems okay now. He seems okay now. Yeah, like he's not walking bad at all now.


If it was ACL, structural, his big ass.


Yeah, but dudes have blown acls out and kept fighting. I know multiple guys who have fought. They blew their knee out. But TJ Dill show when he fought. When he beat sandhagen, right? Same thing. Blew out his ACL super early in the fight about.


How about that motorcycle accident? He didn't have like a quad.






I'm so fucking pumped for this main event.


I really hope is he wins. I kind of need him to win.


Dude, I'm telling you, drick is a puzzle that's tough to solve. His timing is so weird.


Strickland kind of figured it out, though.


I thought Strickland beat him, but listen.


You know, he reminds me of is that dude. Remember when Izzy fought a cannadier cannon earn? He reminds me of him where he's like just that kind of unorthodox bull in the china. Always for bigger guy.


Jared is the only guy that's fought successfully and had Kos at heavyweight, light heavyweight, and middleweight. Jared is as big as you can get to be one of dog. He's finally getting a good fight again. I thought that last fight was bullshit. They stopped that fight. That was one of the worst. Premature studied Jared Cannon ears.


They gave him a good fight.


I was. I was so scared. I was. That was when I was real scared is he was gonna lose.


That dude he fought, though, is very fucking good, that abuse guy.


Yeah, very.


Who do know? Who was it? No, it wasn't him. Who was it that Jared Cannonier just lost to?


Definitely no tattoos.


It wasn't a boost. It was another guy. That other guy.


That's really russian cat.


Yes. What's that? Is it emo mauv?


Yes. Savage.


He's fucking good. But who?


They gave cannon eras a good fight.


Yes. From Brazil. That dude's a bad mother. They said it was ties toe he might have broken. Oh, he broke his toe.


Toe we can work with.


Damn it. How long is that fight? It's a while from now. How long is that fight Wednesday for next.


Go to Eva.


They pulled out. Out. Jared pull out.


Oh, no. He's saying tied to Vasa's toe, not Jared.


Tai to Ivasa. Broke his toe. Oh, I thought you're saying Jared Cannon near broke his toe. Oh. Oh, so that's what it was in that fight. That's interesting.


Yeah, he hit it right on the top of the knee.


That's a terrible fucking injury.


Which toe?


Probably the big one.


Those injuries suck so hard.


He only like big toe turf toe.


You ever had turf toe?




You ever broken your.


Your big toe?


You know, there's nothing that they're just like, yeah, we're sandals.


They don't do anything. I fucked it up real bad once, though, and I broke the top of my foot, like here on an elbow. Fuck, yeah.


There's nothing you do. They put in a split.


Yeah, an ingrown toenail. Fucking terrible.


No, punk. Yeah. Yeah.


I have a lump on one of my feet that still hurts every time I do yoga because I don't have to lay it flat because it's. It would. It broke and it lifted up, you know, every time I have the lay flat on it. That broken ass bone, like, they won't.


Do nothing for your. For your coccis either.


You ever know? What your cocks. You broke your dick.


No, no, no.


You're toxic.


The smallest bone in your spine is all the way at the bottom, right between the butt cheeks, bro.


Like a tailbone.




I don't even think I have one of those. About that.


Oh, it's probably gone.


I bet. I don't even have it.


But if you crack it, you just gotta.


Yeah, the tailbone, they don't do anything for.


It never heals, right.




Brendan shop. How many times you think you've been kicked in the nuts?


Not many.




Gonzaga kicked me. That's about it.


What about in training?


Not. Not a ton.




Oh, man.




Just rare.


It's never too late. Let's get the party started.


One of the things that I'm amazed in MMA is why more dudes don't wear those tires cups. Those steel tie cups.


What do you mean?


You can wear a steel cup, which I think is crazy. It's crazy. You could wear a tie. Fighters and they fight, they wear a steel cup. So they have this steel thing that sucks around your balls and your dick and they tie it down with ropes. It goes up your ass like a g string. It's not about comfortable. It's about like, protect your fucking dick and your ball. That's why I don't wear from Matt. But here's the thing, man. It's a little. You remember Amir Renovardi?




Amir Anna Vardy was training with us at legends, and one time he mounted me and he got me in the grapevine and stuck his. His metal dick. His metal dick here. He sternum. Painful. I was like, dude, this is hard.


But Joe think it's also advantage to. With arm bars.


Oh, huge leverage point.




So with arm bars, it's like having a rock to bend a person's arm off of.




Instead of it. And also, like, it hurts to put it against your dick. That's the dirty truth about armbars. If you have an arm bar and your nut is in the wrong spot, like, if you're pulling some dude's elbow down your nuts in the wrong spot, you don't have a cup on.




Fucking hurts, dude. It hurts while you're getting an armbar.


So you're saying these dudes, don't they wear no cups at all?


No, no, they were have to wear cups.


They were the plastic.


But there's an op. Well, the. I think the best cup for training is those diamond MMA cups. Those are the shit because they figured out the perfect thing with compression shorts and this, like, really hard plastic, but like, soft outer area where it, like, settles in to, like. Exactly.


The problem with those is they move around a lot, but these don't. Those diamond ones don't.


But the difference of the steel one is the steel ones a fucking weapon. If somebody kicks you in the nuts, you're kicking a chunk of metal.


Downside, you're in a thong, though, the entire fight.


I don't mind. I would. I would 100% take that. If someone kicks me and they hit iron.


Yeah, I feel you.


You great.


And if you can mount someone and do what Amir did to me, like drive that.


I didn't wear a cup when I trained. I didn't give a fuck.


I thought, that's crazy. Yeah, I thought about that. When I saw that. I was like, that is like everybody. Kenny Florian used to wear one.


Are you allowed to grab that rope?


No, no, that's the other thing. Why does anybody wear shorts? Why don't. Why everybody wear ten days?


I know. I agree.


Why is. How many fights is a guy complaining? Because we should have fucking shorts. Yeah. You know, they've. Anderson Silva figured that shit out a long time ago. We're tights.


So did pro wrestling.


Why do you want some shit where someone can grab. Have some shit where no one can grab.


It has to be like, you know, a gay thing, right?


Yeah. Fucking peace hang.


No, I think you old school, like Vitor, Belfast, Vander Lake going.


I'd wear a thigh like Bert Chrysler at the pool. Yeah. Yo, you ever see Dennis Alexio fight?




Dennis Alexio was a kickboxer. Used to fight in a grass skirt.


Oh, damn. It was a bad motherfucker. You'd have to be, dude, he was good.


This is the early days. See if you can find Jamie. Find Dennis Alexio. Ko highlight. He was actually in kickbox with Jean Claude Van Damme. He was the brother that died. Oh, killed the brother. He has to avenge his brother. That was Dennis elbow to the back.


What country is that?


Oh, he got paralyzed, right?


Paralyzed, that's right.


This is Dennis Alexio, bro. Dennis Alexio was a fucking beast, dude. Nasty kickboxer.


He's the real deal.


Oh, dude, he was nasty. But you got to see how he fights. He fights with a grass skirt on. Look, he's head kicking dudes with a grass skirt on. You know, wild.


Those big, like, palm leaf trees, bro.


He was vicious, too, man. Vicious ko artist. And this is the early. He was just a wild man. Just decided to wear a grass skirt.


He was pretty good in that movie.


He was good. He was a good kickboxer, though. Dude. In the early days when, you know, kickboxing, like, was still evolving, they were still. They were starting the leg kick, and he was, like, one of the first guys that was, like, the victim of leg kicks. Don the dragon fucked him up with leg kicks. That. This is that fight right here. This is like, they're showing him beating Don up, but Don beat him up with leg kicks. And ultimately, that was the big factor in this fight. That was just what we're seeing here is just highlights. But Don was, like, one of the first of the american kickboxers. Rick Rufus was the first that figured out, like, the value of leg kicks. But this guy, Dennis Alexio Mandev, imagine getting your ass kicked by doing a grass skirt. Damn. Everything changed. When the ties came over to America, when that thai dude fought Rick Rufus, everything changed. Everybody was like.


It's like when black guys got into baseball, you know, babe Ruth thought he's the shit. And then a cuban guy's like, let me see that thing, bro.


Have you ever seen that video? The most the day kickboxing change? Like, the most. I think it's called the most important fight in kickboxing. And it's. It's Rick Rufus versus this tie. Guy, and it's Ty. Rick Rufus catches him in the beginning, man. He rocks him. He has this dude fucked up. He was hitting him with, like, jumping hook kicks and shit. He had this dude fucked up. But the Thai guy survived, and the Thai guy just kept chopping at his legs. Chopping at his legs.


And Americans didn't do leg kicks.


They didn't know what it was. They thought it was cheap. We thought it was a cheap thing to do. Like, what are you kicking them on the shin, you little fairy?


Oh, kicking legs now?


Yeah. It was an insane fight. How many things fight that changed the world of MMA? And it's true, because this guy that was fighting Rick Rufus, his brother Duke Rufus, is one of the greatest MMA coaches of all time, ever. So Duke Rufus, who was also world champion kickboxer, he kind of learned about the kickboxing game from his brother getting lit up by this tie guy. It changed everybody's perception of, like, what.


Effective and Thai guys were hitting trees.


Look at this, man. Look at it. He just starts chopping at those legs, and he just. Rick didn't understand how to protect them, so he just thought he would just keep hitting him with, like, jump spinning back kicks and shit. But now he's on rubber legs, man.


And he has those fancy ass pants on.


And that tie dude has been kicking tires since he was six. So this is early. This is early. He heard him bad. He heard him bad. Rick Rufus was really good, man. You have to understand, like, to us, like, Rick Rufus was our representative, flashy kickboxing style. Well, he heard him again. Drops him again, beating his ass. But this taiji's probably had 200 fucking fights, and he knows how to survive. Showing this promos for the sphere event right now. Oh, the promos for the sphere.


Most expensive event.


Anybody who's a fan of striking should watch that fight, because this fight changed our understanding of what's effective in MMA, because Rick Rufus was as good as it gets for a guy who kicks above the waist. And we realized, like, oh, my God, leg kicking is gigantic because you never had enough super, super elite, above the waist kickboxer. Fight a muay Thai guy before that. Change the game. Change the game, change the game.


Think about all the things that dudes that were, like, good for us, that we. That we didn't do because it was gay. People like, oh, cardio's gay.


I know nutrition's gay.


Tell your kids you lose things gay.


How about Lomachenko? His dad tells him to learn how to dance for two years. Can't box for two years. I want you to learn traditional ukrainian dance.


In Ukraine, you got your kid dancing and dancing.


Did it work?


Yeah. Yeah. It's footwork all time. Not even.


There's not even a close time gold medalist.


Like, this great foot. Like, Parnell Whitaker had great footwork. Floyd Mayweather had great Jones. But nobody had that kind of footwork. His kind of footwork. It's a dance. It's a dance. He's dancing with you, and he's moving in a way that you can't keep up. You're not gonna be able to. You can't move that way. You know, you can't move the way he does. And his dad was right. I mean, it's so hard to tell a kid to do that, to abandon it, but there's, like, certain years off, like, judo, right? Like, here's the thing. If you learn judo when you're a kid, you learn judo when you're, like, six years old, and then you get to be, like, 25. You've been doing judo your whole life. Like, you can do things that my body can't move that way. It just can't move that way because I never grew up doing that. But if you grow up doing that, you could. He grew up moving his feet in a way that you can't keep up with. And he's like, in front of you, you're throwing a punch. Then he's over here, and he's punching you, and you're going to turn towards him.


And now he's over here, and you're missing here, and he's popping you with an uppercut. He's behind you, pushing you into the ropes, teeing off on you in a combination.


Angles you're not used to. You heard TJ Dillashaw went to his camp to work with him.




And was like, yeah. He's just like Tommy toying around with me. At first he's like. And I was going pretty hard, and the next he turned on, he's like, bro, the angles, the moot. Like, I would swing. He's gone.


Yeah. TJ was like. He wanted to. He could really fuck me up, and he was really happy. Didn't.


That UFC. No che. And then it's. But it's presented by the Saudis. It's confusing, right?


Well, it's. It's Riyadh season is doing a bunch of different events, and so they're a part of this. No che UFC, because it's such a. This is a completely unique experience. This is not just the fights on the screens is going to be the history of mexican combat sports. So it's this crazy multimedia experience. So they brought in Riyadh season. Look, I'm.


Can you watch it from the street?


No, man.


I bet on the outside.


No, Helen.


It has something.


It's gotta have someone else.


Does it have something in the office?


Gonna have that design of the UFC thing just.


You can't get it for free. How many haters are gonna be out there?


Go live stream in the wall?




Hell, no.


Maybe they should maybe show you the replays of the knockouts or whatever.


I'm excited to see what.


It's on Twitter already.


That thing is. That thing is hard.


Like, why wouldn't they put whatever they put online? Why they just put it on the dome?


It takes, like, 2010, $20 million minimum just to make the design to put on the outside.


It's the most extended. They're only doing it once. It's gonna be super special. They're never going back.


I think they said they've already spent $19 million. Dana said this would be a one and done event they'll never do.


Not worth it, Apex.


By the way, I don't believe that shit for a second.


No, once you. It's actually worth it to continue to do things at the sphere because it costs so much money for the technology and to put your stuff into it.


But they don't make.




But that's why everybody that's doing it does residencies and not just one offs.




Literally, to transfer your files into their thing. It's vast sums of money.


Guarantee the UFC goes back.


Listen to me.




If Trump wins, they're going back.


Hell, yeah.


If Trump. Trump wins. Really? They're gonna do one at the sphere?


They're going back. That's gonna at least be an annual american car.


Mexican Independence Week is a brilliant marketing move.


Oh, it's great. But, you know, Canelo's fighting is on the same day.


Yeah, that's his weekend.


Where's he at? T mobile.




So he's at T Mobile in there at the sphere. Yeah. Yeah.


I can tell you which one. Yeah. I mean, Canelo does well, but then.


They don't even do that much for Mexicans in Texas.


The thing about the Canelo fight is it's for sure going to take some of the steam off of the Canelo fight. I want to see that anytime. Look, I think Canelo is one of the greatest of all time.


He's only fair to watch.


I want to see that guy fight until he's done.


I'd like to fight Benavidez. You also get why he's not this young lion. Bigger. He's like, what, pay me 200 mil? No, he's like, all right. I have nothing to gain from it.


Well, he's. At this end of his career stage know, like, he's. He's basically. He wants to collect that big money, and that's a smart thing. Smart thing. Also, like, the b vol fight was a little bit of a wake up call. I think that those 175 pounders, especially B Vol, he's super skillful and younger and less damage and all the above, you know? But I like, I want to see Cornell Canel versus Crawford. Honestly, that's what I want to see. And I know Crawford, you know, he's only won the title at 54 and 60. Eight's another giant jump above that. I know, I get it. But I just think that guy's so fucking slick and so good, so talented, and he'll rise to that fight and knowing that he's going to be fighting a guy like Canelo, that's a legend, and this is his chance to put the big stamp on his career.


And if he wins that fight, it's no arguing he to go.


But that's the problem with boxing. They don't do it.


Yeah, but the Saudis can do that. That. I think they can make that happen with the right money. It doesn't there. It's monopoly money, man. They see, it's fun coup box for those folks.


Boxing is the argument against UFC fighters having more power.


Yes, correct, right, correct.


It's weird that way.




How so?


Because it. Because they can pick and choose the fights they want to do.


Right, but that's a smart thing to do for your career.


That's what I'm saying. But it's not the entertaining thing to do always.


It's like, it's also not the right.


I think the Saudis are the solution to that. They come along with the chatter. Let's go. Tyson Fury, you want to fight Francis Segado? His first fight ever.


We see him in UFC.




He's gonna let you do that.


This fighter start getting to the point where they can pick the fights they want, then they didn't, then they pick a bad fight.


Yeah, you can't say that because that's. Some guys like Izzy never did that.




You know, Robert Whitaker doesn't do that. Robert Whittaker will literally fight anybody anytime. He really will. He'll take any fight they offer a fight. I might a fucking fighting. Yeah, he'll fucking do it.


But the caveat with. With his argument, the one guy actually made life changing money. I'm talking, like, boxing money. Like Canelo's mcGregor. He made his money fight. He made in boxing.


Right, right.


But he did come. He did fight who he wanted to see him fight. Want to see him fight.


That's Khabib. Khabib first.


Well, but keep. We don't want to fight him.


Well, no, the first fight. Oh, that was the Khabib fight.




And then Dustin was after that. The Khabib fight was. That was the big one because that was. We would. We're going to find out who's the best, because when you. When you see the Eddie Alvarez fight, you see the cowboy fight, when Conor's on, you know, look, it's hard to say where he's at now with the injury and all that jazz, but I like to look at fighters the same way I like to look at BJ Penn when I talk about his career. I always tell everybody, if you want to take into account all the greatest fighters that have ever lived, you have to look at BJ Penn during a very specific run during the Sean Shermandhe, Joe Daddy Stevenson. BJ Penn was one of the baddest motherfuckers that ever lived during that time. It's just. You can't sustain that. It's just. It's just your body, your brain, everything. It just. It's too hard. Fador in his prime, unstoppable. Fador that fought croak, hop, fad, all that fought. No guerra, unstoppable. There's. There's a time when a fighter is in Silva.


Yeah, run.


You got to look at him there. That's how you have to look.


Yeah. That's the only way I look at silver.


Run might be the greatest of them.


No, Anderson Silva's run was magic.


I mean, I'm just about the way he dominated almost everyone.


Yes and no. The argument be Izzy. Yeah, Izzy's runs pretty fucking impressive.


They're very close. But Anderson had more division, more victories in the division. But Anderson also had a thing that he was doing to people where it looked like he was doing magic. He was doing magic on you. Like when he ko'd V tour. I remember Eddie Bravo and I having a conversation about this. He was like, can you front kick someone in the face? And I was like, you can, but I don't recommend. I was like, I don't recommend it. I don't. I don't. I've never done it. Kicked a lot of people in the face. I never front kicked anybody in the face.


Spartan kicked.


Meanwhile, who teaches him how to do it? Allegedly, Steven Seagal.


Fuck off.


He's like, I told him to do that kick. And so Anderson not just front kicks a dude in the face, but front kicks one of the greatest, one of the most vicious of all time. Vitor Belfort, one of the most greatest ko artists in the history of the sport. If you look at highlight reels of Kos, Vitor Belfort has starched so many people.


And that was trT vitor, too.


No, that was not TRT Vitor. It was not. It was pre trt V tour. He becomes TRT v tour after that. He gets my favorite. If you look at the vitor in that fight, he looks like Vitor, who played football in college, but now he works at the steel mill. But he don't look like the vitor that fought Luke Rockwell, who had muscles on his teeth. Yeah.


Knocking dudes eyes out, bro.


He was insane. So confident. Like basically a silverback gorilla.


Yeah. I saw Bruce Buffers brother, wasn't he? Michael buffer.




I saw him do it. He. He announced the last. The last Crawford fight, man.




He's like 90. Yeah, the popping. And he doesn't say, let's get ready to rumble no more.


He doesn't know.


He says something.


It depends on the network. He gets paid. And he. That's why Bruce Buffer does all the work. He does every fight.


Bruce is a different animal, though. Bruce is our guy. Listen to this. Give me. Give me some of this. Give me some, Bruce. Give me some, Bruce. Here, let me hear this motherfucker.


Trying to get some volume, dog.


I don't care. I want to hear some volume. This dude's giving me goosebumps, like a hundred times.




When he says notorious.


And when he gets in there and Alex.


And they got that lighting right now, they've made some.


What do they do if something happens to him?


Nobody does what he does.


He does real.


Give me a little volume. Give me a little volume. Keep that volume on a little bit in the background. That get us in trouble.


Oh, yeah. Yeah. YouTube's real.


YouTube's tougher than ever, bro.


Dan Hardy's going hard with tattoos lately.


I hope Dan. I hope Hooker wins this fight.


So I say Dan harding. I did, by the way. Shout out to Dan Hardy. Dan Hardy's got some good breakdowns. The war room. You ever listen his breakdowns on YouTube? Very, very intelligent.


Lizard brain.


Full reptile.


Yeah, I love that shit.


Lizard brain. Lizard brain might be better.


Lizard Brain media. Yeah, I like hooker, man, bro.


Dan Hooker. People have to remember Dan Hooker went blow for blow with Dustin Poirier in his prime. It was a fight where it was like, really a toss up at the end of it. And Dustin, Dustin wind up with the decision, but it was a fucking war.


This is such a tough matchup.


And then he had the Chandler fight where he just got caught. Chandler's little fucking pit bull trying to make his, you know, his opening statement. And he made it with a fucking double exclamation point. But Dan Hooker is really good, dude. Really good. Super skillful. Well, he's just fucking super skill and tough as nails, dude. He broke his arm in the last fight. Didn't say a word. Kept punching the dude with it. Yeah, I talked to him afterwards. Oh, this is just a scratch, Mike.


He's a beast.


It's like, what's going on your arm?


He's one of my faves.


But Gameron, his wrestling is top of.


The food chain matchup for Hooker.


Not necessarily, man, because Hooker's knees, they're so dead. Oh, Gamma Ross catching him with punches. Hooker's knees are such a danger when you're shooting because they come with no telegraph. And he's got great hip flexibility. Like the way he can throw that front kick to the body. So smooth. He is like, the way he moves his legs is very. It's. It's. It's very effective, especially with the knees up the middle.


Does he fight south Paul?


He fights you both ways. You can switch it up.


Hooker went from no tattoos to just a ton of tattoos. And I guarantee.


Oh, there's Gamerock. Gamera got the. Got the takedown. Oh, no, no. Amazing fucking keeping balance, man. Amazing balance. Yeah, look, Joker got his whole legs tattooed now too.


Legs fucking hurt, man.


Okay, let's even get up. He's getting up.


Use the cage.


Well, they knew what was coming, right? If you're taking a fight with a guy like Gamerott, who's like one of the most smothering guys in the division.


Cut his eye to pray with a headbutt of it.


That is a problem. The headbutts and these, like, closed cringe. There's some of them a little on purpose. A little bit.


Look what Khabib started, bro.


You know, I mean, you look what Khabib does. But, like, they're all. There's so many guys like that now. Yeah. That have that style. It's such an effective style.


He didn't do it. I thought he was gonna. I thought he's gonna, like, wrap his legs up with his legs.


This is big, man. Khabib Dan Hooker getting up to his feet is very big. Oh, he just landed a right hand.


Oh, drop them. Oh, that's tight. That's tight. Tight, tight, tight.


Oh, good defense. Good defense by hooker. Very nice. Butterfly. Control posture. Get those butterflies going. Clear your cobwebs. Damn, Cameron. Smothering, smothering. Sometimes a referee would just stop.


Yeah, they will. You just keep punching if they're not landing the rest.


Yeah, but, but then there's the problem. If he dumped out his gas tank trying to make it happen, it didn't happen.


That's what you have to hope for. For Hooker.


Mm hmm.




It's only three rounds, but Hooker's so tough, man. He's so also, he's, like, felt the sting of these, like, disappointing losses, and.


He'S like, today off, right?


Right? Yeah, just off, but still, like, think about Oliveira, man. Right. Oliveira was off for a long time and then put it all together.




I'm, you know, I'm not counting Dan Hooker out, man. Look at this. He's back up to his feet again.


Hooker's as tough as they come, dude.


He's back up to his feet. This is big. Cause Gameron emptied the gas tank trying to stop him.


Yep. Hooker needs to go to work and not get caught, man.


He looks good, dude.


He does.


Oh, and Gamero looks like he's slowing down a little bit. Look, he emptied out a lot of energy trying to finish that fight there.


F camera. Oh, we got clipped. Let's go, Hooker.


Come on. 40 seconds.


And then goes, bro dad.


Ogre Dan. Ok, let's go.


Here we go.


There you go.


Oh, that's a sloppy, sloppy shot.


Don't give.


Oh, you should keep moving and not do this now. Keep moving.


Yeah, keep moving. Don't let him get your leg, man. But he's what he wants to punish him. I think he feels he's fatigued.


Yeah, I think Gamera, I think he's.


Fatiguing reverse realizes it.


Let's go.


Come on, Dan Hooker. Come on, Dan Hooker. Let's go.


Come on. Little kick up the middle here. Oh, he just looked at the clock.


There's a blonde chinese lady and Gamera.


Bro, Cameron, he's tough as shit. He took some shots. Both of them. Both of them do this.


Cardinal been fucking good the whole way. She looked kind of trash on paper.


Did it? I thought this fight was very good. This.


This fights great.


What else is. What's the rest of the card from here out?


Well, then you got the Jamie, where we at? We got co main event. Yeah, because it's the third fight coming. Event.


Main event. This is the co main.


Yes. You got Steve Ersick and this is not coming.


That's right.


And then you got izzy dee dee dee.


Why isn't jujitsu in the Olympics?


That's a good question. Because break dance. But yeah, break dance is more important. Did you see that lady from Australia? They banned it now because that one lady.




So apparently this fucking cunt, she. The way she got her husband is the head of the committee for a breakdown. Right. She started the foundation and then block funding from all the. From everybody else.


Let's go.


I saw. I saw some girl was like, hold up. Before you feel bad for going so bad on this lady. Then she said that story. She's like, she blocked fun and just so she could go.




You know, it's a problem if the head of the breakdance committee is a.


White dude or just husband.


There's white dudes that I know that are really good breakdancers. The point is, like, it's a fence. It's an offense to actual breakdancers that that lady did there. Actual breakdancers, which I follow stance elements on Instagram. You ever follow those guys? You see like, the real high level break dancers? Wild. It's like athletic art. Yeah. Athletic art form. Yeah.


William Montgomery, world class breakdancer.


Fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Not the way he hugs. You would have convinced me if I had never hugged him.


I totally thought I was gonna get at least one of you guys.


Probably the side controlled by gamma. This is.


I just didn't have time to say anything, dude.


I don't agree.


Ten, nine.


Gamut. That first round.


No, no, I don't think so either.


Who said that?


But it may be. I could see maybe because he did get him down a bunch of times, but. But I think he was close. It was close fight. But this is a big move. This is a big move for Gamerot. Real early in the round like this. 350 to go. And he's got side control already. Gamerock can fucking submit you. Yeah, you gotta be real careful grappling. High level grappler. Super strong on top. When. When you get a guy like this and he gets on top, that's when you're fucked. Because they're so good at holding these kind of positions.


It's also impossible to get up, especially not near the cage. Cage walk.


And he'll go back to half guard if he thinks he's losing you.




These guys that are, like, really good at these, like, side control, mount half guard positions, they, they're always looking for what you're going to do next, and they're preparing for it. And, like, if they know they can pass your guard, they'll put themselves back in your guard just so they can control you and hold you down and use your leg as, like, an anchor, and then they'll get right back.


We had a choke here.


Yeah, this is dangerous.


It's easy to pass, too.


Oh, he got lost it. Good job, Dan. Hooker is tough, man. He's got good defense, but he's got to get the fuck out of here.


Like, I like hooker and Butterfly. He always makes something happen here.


Well, what he's got to do is get feet on hips and get some separation. This guy's a better grappler. Oh, he's got some cuts, man.


Bad cut, but he's like a great white shark.


There he goes. There he goes. Good. Good scramble. Don't get reckless. Don't get reckless. Don't give up your back. But you can't give up your back. There's a, there's a balancing act, right?


That's what. Corey Sandhagen did a good job giving up his back. That's all he trained. He was in jeopardy, but it cost him some rounds.


It did. But I like the way he was going real high when dude got his back. You go real high. Up, up on him and roll. Oh, back up to his feet. This is big. This is big. Two to go, 250.


Come on, Hooker.


Let's go, Dan Hooker. Oh, nice uppercut by Gamerot. That was sweet.


I got a piss so bad, but there's no way I'm going right now. Never.


Oh. Left hook is the body. See? So this is a good example, right? That was a lot of control, but not a lot of damage on the ground.


Right, but you would say he's winning.


The round for sure. Starts teeing off on him, and then you got to give it to hooker.




Because hookers doing the act, like, right there. Nice front.


Plus, also, the number one thing they score is damage done.


Exactly. And there was not a lot of damage on the ground. It was a lot of control, I think.


Controls, like, third on there and, like.


Look at the aggression to, like, hookers pushing the action here.


He just needs to land something.


Something big.




Like the first round.




But 132 goes a lot. It's a lot of time.


Oh, yeah.


Oh, nice shot.


Oh, if he's rolling, that's deep. Oh, there we go, baby. Get his neck.


Don't do it again, though. Don't go, card. Don't go. Guard. Don't try to pull guard on. This is not good. Get out of this. Get out of this.


Heavy hips. Head down.


Yeah, push his head down. Get the, don't accept, don't accept. You gotta not accept this, because if you got to this point, this would be amazing if he, on the initial shot. Nice elbows. These are big.




Did they get rid of that? Twelve to six. They did, right?




Is it official? 100%.


I don't know. Are all commissions honoring it? You know?


Oh, it's another nice elbow.


That next there too.


Yeah, I don't care what that elbow.


He's trying to fit that elbow in on that.


And he's also threatened the neck. What makes him get back up to his feet, dog. It's back up again.


And what you telling me, look, it's exhausting having somebody wait on you like that.


It's also exhausting trying to take a guy down and you can't.


That's why a lot of guys don't grapple. There's nothing more exhausting than shooting.


Yeah. Gamrod is just bleeding Dan Hooker's energy. They're both bleeding each other's energy because this is an incredibly grueling way to fight.


But I'd say more energy was put out on camera outside.


Yeah, for sure. It's also like, Dan Hooker is more of a threat on the feet.


Big time.


It's a threat. He's hurt.


He's hurt hurting Gamera.


Yeah. And these elbows are big, man. These are big.


That's why camera can't finish the takedown. Has protected head.


Those are big elbows.


This is gonna be a great third round.




Why do they rotate the refs, like, on the refs? Tired.


Well, you want, you don't want one person to referee every fight you want to give them. It's. It is exhausting. You're moving around. You have to be there. You have to. It's kind of almost as like, it's.


Like to keep it fair.


That too, I would think. But you get multiple fights. Like a guy like Herb Dean, who's probably the best.


You're like three. Oh, I'm on the main card. You might see Herb twice. Yeah, but, yeah, you'll see if the heavyweights, I'm sorry. Yeah, if the main events, heavyweights, you usually see like Dean in there a bigger guy? Yeah.


You want a big guy after heavyweights? Yeah, sure.


So is it like ranks? Like Herb will ever do prelim fights?


No, he'll do some prelims.


November 1, 2024. So not yet. Not yet. Still. Still legal. I think you should be able to do everything knees on the ground.


I think knees on the ground would make it more entertaining. So the grapplers get finishes more also.


Like, you shouldn't just be able to turtle.


Crowds going wild.


Sneak weapon.


Crazy fight.




You can get it in. The cage is legal.




Just fucking shit a blade out.


What if you have, like, glitter? Blow it in someone's eyes. It's worse than an eye poke.




Blow. Sand sport moment.


Remember Van Damme?


Yeah. Here it is, third round.


Come on, Hooker.


If Hook and could just avoid the takedown and keep this standing and press camera.


Does Hooker need a finish here? Body kick early in the round.


Getting out of it. You got out.


Oh, got that neck, got that neck, got that neck. Oh, it's. You would. Now go.


Now go back up your feet. Get up, get up, get up, get up, get up, get up, get up. Go. Cameras good?


Can't wait there. You can't go.


Fucking smothering, man. He is fucking smother.


There was that window right there, man.


I like how he's punching the body. Those mean motherfucker.


1990. And I like this guy.


Mike Brown is right there though, with camera. Oh, look, hooker back up to his feet.




Oh, my. Oh, my goodness.


Come on, dog, let's go. Cameron look tired.


Oh, what he needs to do, stay on his ass.


It's gonna be interesting just to see what the scoring is.


I think Hooker won both rounds.


Well, he certainly could have. When he comes to damage, I would certainly say that he's done the most damage except for the first.


I definitely think it's probably one one going to this. And right now it's a toss up.


But it might not be. I mean, really depends on what they think is effective.


Remember, they're also in Australia.


Oh, yeah, hometown. Yeah. But who are the judges? Do they bring them in from America? Australia. Oh, nice front kick to the body. Oh. Hookers turn.


Yes, sir.


330 to go is a long time, man.


That's for wherever.


Especially if Gamerod can't secure a clinch. He's gonna be forced to stand. Oh, I know. I like how he's going to the body, Dan. Hooker's pouring it on here, son. Look out for those knees to remember those knees. Oh, just cracked him saying Cameron landed.


Most significant strikes, it's even less. Yeah. Punch it on the ground. It's weird what they label significant. Strike.


Yeah. I don't necessarily agree. We know what that is. I don't know how they judge that either. They have a little clicker in their hand.


Yeah, it's a disaster.


How do they do that? Oh, that was a nice hook. Yeah, it was.


Any guy hooker better turn on here, man.


Yeah, hooker looks like he's fading a little bit. And there's a half the round plus to go.


He's just recharging.


It's really hard to turn on a hooker.


Oh, you son of a bitch.


Can't help myself live odds have switched.


To hooker is a two to one favorite. Oh yeah. Big underdog.


I like, wow.


Interesting. Interesting. I like how you can bet in the middle of the fight. Let's go.


That's fine.


Where can you do that?


Online, right? Anywhere you can using.


Draftkings. Calm.


There you go. Is that real?


Download the app.




Promo code Tony.




What does someone get from promo code Tony?


You bet $5, they'll match up to $250 in bonus. The crown is yours.


Would you say, Jamie?


Not available in Texas.


Not available in Texas.


In California either.


Oh, look at this. He stuffed the takedown again.


Come on, hooker, let's go to work.


Okay, so this is a perfect example of what I think of when I think of fights. This is the end of the fight. In the end of the fight, Dan Hooker is beating up Gamerock. He's chasing him down, he's walking him down. He's landing the better strikes, and he's the one pressing the action. So in my mind, he's winning this fight.




I think this should count for a little more than every other round. So that's why I like, pride rules. I feel you. The last round is more important. I feel you. It's like they've duked it out for 15 minutes. Who's winning at the end? I think that counts for something. I don't think it counts for everything. Oh, I like the timing of that. That was nice timing. If it, but if he can survive this, if he can get out of.


This, grab his gloves.


Said something.


Mark Goddard's a good one. He's in there right now.


Yeah, he's one of the best. Yeah. Jason Herzog. One of the best. Yeah.


I love Jason.


Oh, look at this. Look at this. Back up to your feet. Let's go. Let's go, dog.


Here we go.


Come on, bro.


Come on, Dan.


Let's go.


Let's go.


Dude, hooker. Oh, my God. That left hand straight left.


Oh, come on. He's got this.


This is another problem with the scoring system. If other rounds are ten, nine, how is this 110? Nine? Right, because this is much more dominant round for hooker. He's got much more damage.


He's closer to finish.


Yeah, it's like, how do you. How is it only ten, nine?


Let's get that neck. Let's get that neck. Let's get those elbows cracking.


Oh, he's got to warn him about the twelve to six elbows. But what wasn't that? That seemed like more like 11:00 p.m. to six.


And there's a dude on. There's a dude on Twitter right now that's got three. He's watching this. Us and a football game.


That's how you live.


Oh, yeah. Hooker's got away.


Come on, Hooker.


They give it to.


What a fight. What a fight. Fight.






Doing it right.


Gamerot didn't do enough damage from the top position of in this for me, was fucked up.


What a fight.


That's a great fight.


His eyes filled with blood.


What a fight.


I'm gonna take a piss. And I won't be surprised by the decision. It's like a little treat when you come back, you know?


What do you think happened?


I think hooker wins. Hooker.


Yeah. Yeah. Oh, there's Gamerock catching with a right hand.


Oh, the thing.


Left hook, right hand thing.


That scares me with the judges. I always hate how they tend to go against somebody that has cuts over their eyes and blood all over their face.


Right. But Hooker had. Gamerott rocked and dropped. There's a big difference. Camerot did take him down and fucked him up in the first round. But the. When. When Hooker was hitting him, it was. It was more significant. There was more significant moments where he's in real trouble. Real trouble. And then also when Gamerot did shoot the takedowns, his neck was in trouble. He had a bail on things. Cameron did catch him a few times, but overall, I think Hooker did more damage.


Have you noticed how Camerot's left eye is, like, filled with blood? It's, like, black. It looks like.


Yeah. And Hooker's left eye.


I would be a terrible UFC judge.


Who do you think would won that fight?


I thought Hooker was winning the whole time.


You're more of a.


Not the first round. Not the first round.




I mean, he was getting mauled on the ground. I mean, he did get up and he did land good shots, but the amount of damage he took on the ground was pretty significant, but around, he.


Almost knocked him out.


He did hurt him. Yeah, but it's. I'd have to look at it again. Yeah, I felt like Gamerot. If there's a round that Cameron clearly won, I felt like it was the first one. But you know what? Now that you're saying that he almost.


Knocked him out, that's the only round that's questionable. I thought he won the next two.


I've had a little drink.


But I don't. But again, at the same time, like, when it comes to the grappling stuff, I don't really know what I'm seeing. I can't say what's amazing and what isn't.


Well, Hooker definitely threatened him a couple of times with chokes, but Gamerotts takedowns were awesome. But Hooker's defense was awesome, too, and his ability to get back up to his feet. The Gamerot is a smothering motherfucker. Here we go. 29 28.


Cameron, is this one YouTube?


29 20. No, this is on UFC. An ESPN plus.


No, I'm talking about us. Yeah.


Yes, Dan Hooker.




Dan Hooker.


Hell, yeah. Daniel.


Split decision.


Split decision. Well, that makes sense. We were split.






I thought he won.


Oh, yeah, me too.


That's a good win for him, too, because Gamerotts gotta be top ten, right? What is Mateusz Gamrot? Was he ranked before this fight?


He was five and Hooker was eleven.


That's huge. Hooker's one of those guys like Charles Olivera, I think, you know, you still. Still. You gotta, like, factor in all these different things. The experience. Oh, yeah, yeah. He's got some losses, but Danny's got a lot of great wins, too, man.


The stuff we've seen Charles do is just insane.


Charles is special. Dan Hooker, split decision.


Oh, y'all don't do live comments?


What? What are you doing with this stunt?


I'm on YouTube.


Let's be with the people in the room. Let's not connect with folks outside. That. No. Have nothing to do with us.


You're watching us on YouTube?




What are you doing?


I'm just keeping up with the zeitgeist.


Yeah, don't do.


Don't do that.


Don't do that.


Yeah, no.


Let's have a good time and with the people that are in the room. No, not while there's three other people in the room. And we're also on YouTube. No.


Were you just watching you on YouTube right now, bro?


This is ridiculous.


Mirror something.


Look, guys, we are making too much.


Of this Dan hooker what a win for hooker.


I was just going on. Who thought. Who agreed with me?


You were about to be watching you.


Don't. Don't. And don't ever let them know you're doing that either.


Well, y'all are more famous than me. It doesn't bother me.


It doesn't matter. It's like you're dealing with crazy people.




Also, you're doing it. Why? You just hang out.




I take you out of the moment.




What was your take on it? What I miss?


I was right, you were wrong.


No, I had a hooker.


No, no.


Oh, yeah.


I had hooker one, two and three.


Split decision, though.




I said split. Yep.


Yeah. It looks like the other reps were kind of like the same as we were.


Yeah. Interesting.


That's weird. They gave him the same second round.


One guy gave Gamrot the first round, like I thought, and then two guys gave him to hooker. Gave it to hooker the first round. Interesting.


Because I had hooker two and three.


Yeah, interesting. I wasn't sure because Brian said a good point. Like, he almost knocked him out at the end of the first round, like. Yeah, you're right. I didn't think of that, because he did, you know, he's mauling him at the beginning of the.


And that'd be the most significant strike in the first round.


Yeah, rocked them. Here it is, Bahalio. God, cannon ears.


Fucking terrifying.


Terrifying. So is Bahalio.


He's no punk. When the fighter. Brasilia is good.


He's fucking good, man.


What's the tattoo on his neck say?


Free spirit. That's like when you're one of those dudes gets like, japanese things. Tattoo in your arms.


Yeah, I'm one of those dudes.


He probably doesn't, you know, doesn't really speak.




English when he had that done.


Yeah, over. Over there. Yeah, exactly.


Probably looks cool.


Yeah, yeah, like, oh, it's badass.


Tattooed across your chest. Pretty dope. Yeah, you know, I just think.


I think sentences one of the lamest things to get tattooed.


What is?




How about, like, deep things on your ribcage?


That's so. I think.


How about deep things in your thigh? Every time you take it a shit, you get to read, like, declaration of, like, instructions.


Well, a lot of people get the, like, bible verses on their ribs.




Oh, yeah, that's super original. Yeah, that's like, keep on trucking in the seventies. Why don't you get a tasmanian devil, a boxing gloves, you unoriginal fucked bro. When I was in high school, everybody had a tasmanian devil with boxing gloves on.


That's fucking awesome.




Yeah. Everyone so don't.


They can't fight was, like, the coolest thing to get.


Tasmanian devil with boxing gloves. Yeah, that's me, bro. I'm fucking crazy.


Well, remember, barbed wire was the hotness.


Oh, my God, bro. How many dudes got that shit on.


Their ankles and deeply regretted, like, the bedazzled affliction shirts.


Yeah, but when you're a dude, you. You got some shit around the ankle. There's something about. Unless you're samoan, I get it. Like, beads, you know, polynesian. You got beads in your ankle. I'm cool with that. But if you're a regular dude, it.


Has to be a full, big piece. If you're gonna do it, like, hooker's piece, gangster, fine.


No problem at all. You just have around the ankle? Yeah. Get the fuck out of here, you gay dude.


Especially if you got put to sleep to get an ankle tattoo.


Oh, my God. That's it.


I got put to sleep. Get this fucking chain. Chain link fence around my ankle.


Is it over? Yeah, man. You're up for five minutes?


Yeah. Doctors like, I'm pretty sure I could buck this guy right now.


That's so dangerous to do that, to get tattooed that way. Why? Because that's how people die. It also doesn't happen a lot, but it happens enough. It can happen.


It's so bad for your body.




Also, maybe tattooing is not for you. If you have to be under anesthesia, you gotta earn that.


Yeah, for everybody.


Slap fight promo, everyone. Pay down athlete.


Let's go.


That seems like. I wouldn't advise any of this.


It literally seems like almost like a sketch.


I do want to go to one because everybody. I'm telling you, every, like, legit people that I respect tell me, like, dude, I know. Whatever. Like, I'm telling you. It's so fun. When you.


Sure. If there was cars accidents at the fucking parking lot, you go out and watch.


Does this have, like. Does it have, like, a feeder thing? Like. Like ultimate slapper? Like, they go find these guys.


They did.


Yeah, that's how it got started. Yeah, they did. They all lived in the house. And we're stopping each other.


You guys are saying this like it's trivial. This is a real sport. You should shut the fuck up. Okay? This is sanctioned by the Nevada State athletic.


They do drug testing.


Yeah. Which is ridiculous. They should. I want my slappers on meth.


They do drug tests. I want them all on the same.


Shit that Hitler was on when he went across Poland with the real stuff. Let's go. I want methed up dudes slapping their fucking faces off. I don't want dudes on painkillers. I want dudes just jacked to the tits on amphetamines.


There's definitely not a weight limit to the heavyweight class in this, right?


That's a good question. Yeah, I bet there's not. Those guys look pretty big, right? But they might be small and big, you know? You know, they might.


A little unprofessional. Just like, bigger class.


Why don't you shut the fuck up? These bigger athletes. Yeah, I just can't take here while you disrespect, which is a part of the parent company that I'm employed by.


What if you're really like that? Like a show for them? Just like, hey, you shut the fuck up, man.


No, Joe. You know what? You know why? You know why? It's because. It's because of this right here. If I go like, you like, you talking shit to some guy, and I go, hey, hey, hey. You know, you talk. That's the heavyweight champion. You go, oh, what? They go slapping you?


If they're really practicing that one move, it's like Bruce Lee said, and they.


Slap you for your girl.


Don't be a man. Do be aware of a man. Don't fear a man who has 10,000 techniques. Fear a man who's practiced one kick 10,000 times.


They've practiced slapping. 10,000. They were slapped up.


That's how you go to sleep in front of your lady. From a slap out, baby.


Your fucking eyeball fell out.


Are they allowed to backhand?








So strong.


Take it. Look at the current champ, right, bro? Look how jack that guy is. And he's letting this guy do it. Gym 266. Plus super heavyweight bro in the gym, he just got brain damage for zero reason. In the gym. Oh, that's Larry.


Wheels 420.


Oh, that's crazy.


Mandy, hit him. Right on.


Why would you? I wish I was friends with that dude. I would say, don't do that. I don't ever do that. That's a free brain damage.


I'd say that to both of them.


Oh, there's a woman.


Oh, did it.




Just think you are.


No, you think you are.


Some lady just slapped each other.


Do it.


Because I imagine, like, you get a big girl and she uses, like, she pulls her titties this way first, and when they go to bounce back, she fucking follows behind it.


Oh, right. Yeah, a lot of torque.


Yeah, like the kind of like the way. Yeah. Like the way I feel. The way butterbean uses stomach, maybe like.


Like a little extra.


Little something like it.


Like, your drift.


And it's hard to watch, though, especially.


When they're pretty, you know?


I don't like, sexist. Yeah, the bare knuckle fights for chicks. I'm like, don't hurt your face. Don't hurt your face.




It just means more when a guy has his face cut up. Like, he's just a badass. Yeah. You know?


Yeah. Find a lady.


Cheek fights. Girls. Don't get upset at that. Like, where'd you get that? Fighting.


No, they're attracted.


Yeah. They don't get mad. Yeah. But a girl who's, like, been like, where'd you get those cuts? A bare knuckle fighting. Like, I mean, maybe you're cool, maybe cool, but you might be out of your fucking mind. That's not normal behavior. The double x chromosome also, we don't.


Look at that go, that's a mother.


But, you know, it's a special kind of dude, though. That's like, you know what?




I love a bitch with cauliflower flower.


Chick with a forehead scar. Yeah.




And that guy just got.


Yeah, and that's a guy. Pry. Has a history of domestic violence.


Meth. Yes.


Ran into Joanna at that last UFC. She.


Are you still into it? Or.


Than ever. Oh, we're in love. We all. We all have.


Look at. He says that his legs crossed my whole life.




I can't even get my legs to do that. Yeah. Who's that guy on family feud that was gay as fuck. Remember that dude?


What, the host?


Not family food, Hollywood Squares. There was the one guy in Hollywood with the confetti.


Rip Taylor.


Rip Taylor. Yeah, that's him.


That's my. That's my mentor.


This is Tony. Oh, yeah. We're laughing. Wearing lobbyists in a cigarette. Just laugh each other. Who's gonna tell him he's gay?


Oh, come on.


You need that mustache to your life, son.


I just throw out. I just start throwing confetti out of my pocket.


No, that's what he's in.


Jack, stop making fun of me.


Stop making fun of me.


We're in love, Tony.


Do you think. Cause you actually are. You actually do got a thing for him.


We have a thing for each other.


But do you think you could date that? Could whoop your ass?


I thought about this many times. I like the danger. I like the idea.


You're never gonna be on top. You know that, right? Maybe never. Gonna be on top. She's gonna be rod and dirk and see, Tony, I can't get you. No, I can get you Tony.




And she's.


You guys get married? Can I. I'm an ordained minister. Yeah. Can I do your marriage?




And, you know. And, you know, you can't. You can't break out of that legend. Locked.


Yeah. You're not breaking out of shit. Yeah. And by the way, when you. It's. You're supposed to put the garbage out. Put the fucking garbage out.




Head kid.


No, no lip. No fucking. I'm trying to watch tv. Shut the fuck up and put the garbage out.


Does she have a man competition?


If she does, shut the fuck. Tony Hinchcliffe is her man. That's her soulmates. For a long time, we've known this.


Like you thought, if you keep talking me like that, I'm a call rose number unit. So over here.


Oh, no.


What do you mean she beat her.


Oh, that's the only person. That's only person that can have your back.


That Zhang Weili fight, that was the craziest one giant hematome on her forehead. That was not tough.


War, everybody. That should be mandatory watching every six months for any UFC fan because you kind of forget. I rewatched it the other day. It was on one of the hotels I was staying at. Oh, my God.


You know, you know, you have this crazy.


I mean, crazy, the whole.


Have you seen. Have you seen little Nikki? When sailor movie?


Adam Sandler one I haven't seen. Fuck.


But Kevin, Kevin. Kevin Nealon gets tits on his head. That's what she looked like. It's almost identical.


Yeah, she had a giant hematome on her head. But, you know, another crazy war is the Yon Xiao non fight. When. When Zhang Weili put her to sleep and she wakes up at the end of the round, they let her put her in the corner, and she's like, what happened? And they just make your.


Missed the entire fight.


She went to sleep.


She went to sleep.


She went to sleep and still fought five fucking how many rounds she had stopped at the end, maybe late in.


The four or fifth, but it went. It went. Making fun of wasn't paying attention.


When people don't like women's mma, I'll let them watch those two fights. You watch those two fights, you tell me you don't like women. It's just as good at the highest level.


Women's MMA is the commonly, it's the only. MMA is only sport where the women's side is just as entertaining, bro, there's some women, except maybe tennis. You can throw tennis up there, but other than that, make sure you play.


Valentin for Kamala Harris, too.


You disagree?


Yes, but listen, hardly. There's some women that are competition level. Valentina Shevchenko, when she's in her prime, when she had. When she head kicked Jessica, I. That's good. A head kick you're ever gonna see in the sport. Jessica goes flatline.


But let me ask you, this falls back so. So when. So when Izzy knocked out Robert Whitaker, when talking about talent, you said she knocked out Jessica. I.


Right. It's not the same level of talent in the sport overall.


They're going to get.


When. But when Amanda Nunez knocked out Cyborg, it was one of the most exciting moments in MMA, period. We were going crazy.


And don't forget, when Ronda. Ronda Rousey. The Ronda Rousey run, the end of that run, when she got knocked out.


Bro, when she got head kicked by Holly Holmes, that was crazy.


But. But that wouldn't be considered high level, right? Cause Rhonda's striking compared to men's would.


Be like, yeah, but even finishes, like, yeah.


Oh, that's two different things.




Like, same thing. Like when Rose won the title.


How about when Misha Tate strangled Holly Holm to win the title?




That was crazy. Too. Amazing. Put her to sleep while Holly Holmes throwing punches while she's getting choked unconscious.






I'm not. You're not gonna argue? I'm not saying it's not entertaining.


I'm not the same level.


It's not the same.


That's all I'm arguing.


No, they're still in leather helmets. It's because they're new.


Right, right.


They're gonna get there in leather helmets.


But there are leaps and bounds from when Rhonda debuted. Oh, leaves and bounds. They're moving faster than a car. No, they're moving faster than Menta.


I mean, Amanda Nuiz. I mean, she's kind of gone now, right?


No, she might come back. She's talking about coming back with Kayla, but she.


She can headline a car.


Oh, yeah. Yeah.


And what I'm saying is, compared to any other sport, like, are you no one what the women's Olympic basketball team had the least amount of.


Because they'd have Caitlin Clark on it.


Right, right. But that's what I'm saying is, like, it's not.


Oh, no, it's not. As far as women's sports.


It'S violence, man. Violence is more compelling than any other sport is the reason why football is so exciting is because of violence. It's a sport. It's a game. But there's something crazy about watching guys tackle each other.


But it's also because. Also, it's because there's nothing missing in the UFC. Every single thing I can see in a man's fight, I can see in a woman's fight, they don't hold it back. They don't change the rules.


They win by ko, they win by submission. Even though this fucking cat is good, he is fucking good. Super slow for 120, tall as fuck, but. But manages to cut the weight really well because there's no fucking chance that guy weighs 125.


And you could tell, like, when he walked on the street, he looked like a nerd. I mean, super nerd computer program.


He's probably about a buck 42 right now, at least.


Yeah, something like that height. Right.


But, man, he's so slick and so skillful. You know, he doesn't have the same type of moves as sandhagen, but he kind of reminds me of, like, kind.


Of good at everything.


Yep. Kind of good at everything. And kos, guys with sharp shots.


This dude scares the fuck out.


He's a beast. And he comes from that same camp, Izzy and kickboxing. Volkanovski. Like that city. Kickboxing camp is a nasty camp. Man. Those guys are good.


Yeah, bro, when your last name is a different country. Different. Were you from, bro?


And that place is like Kai Cara, France. These, these. That place is just like a lion's den. You know when you have lions dens like that? Like the original lions den, the Ken shamrock lions hammer house. Yeah. Yeah. Iron sharpens. Iron man. When you got a bunch of killers.


Together all in one, just hard to keep them together.


Hard to keep them together.


When you guys get successful and famous.


Dad is also. Guys just can only keep up that thing they do for so long, man. You can only keep up that thing. You.


Mma is rare, cuz.




You can only keep it up for. What do you think, four years at your pinnacle? Depends what it's like for, like, where you're at your pinnacle.


Like, your top peak, no one can keep it up forever.


Weird strip of mat down the middle. Are those lines like a separation?


Yeah, that's what.


Yeah, it's so together. They always have that.


Just don't.


Why you. Why you worried about that when two men are fighting?


I've just never seen that.


But what about that design?


Looks like there's actual openings there.


I'm gonna call.


That Matt's usually it looks like a mat. Usually.


It's exactly what it looks like. Always.


No, it looks. You can see that there's space.


A little more obvious.


Yeah, it's sticking out a little more. Guys aren't.


Somebody's gonna get fired because of Tony Hinchcliffe. He's roasting the matte designer. See? Yeah. This. Yeah, you got a good point.


Yeah, more.


There's space.


Let's look at the fight, though.


Yeah, for sure.


Kyle France had some neurological problems after his last fight.








Well, he got tested, and he was having some neurological issues, and they told him to take quite a bit of time off of striking and contact.


More guys need to take time off, though. Like, it. I know it's not the cool thing. Guys are chomping at the bit, and that's why you have managers. But the problem with that, too, is, like, I love Izzy taking time off, and he, you know, he's one of the greatest ever, if not the greatest. But it's to your point how you're saying it's a short window, and they go, but you got a rest. It's like, I get that, but I'm 28, 29, finding the 185 pound division so that, you know, the longer I take off, the less fights I'm gonna get.




So it's a weird thing.


It's a balancing act, but you got to have people around you that are doing the actual work in terms of, like, testing you. And they did that with him. They did, like, neurological tests, and he. It was an unfavorable result. And then later on, he did it, and he had a much better result. So he was happy that he did it. He took the time off. You know, you just. You got to recover. You get knocked in the head a bunch of times, you got to recover.


Especially at the lighter weights. You got more time.


Well, I mean, I think in all weights, man, I mean, I think about what happened with Volkanovski, right? If he doesn't take that fight with Izzy on short notice, which, I mean, excuse me, with Islam on short notice, which I think was crazy to begin with, when you're dealing with the best pound for pound fighter on earth, and you fight him in ten days notice, there's no way. Like, eight days something crazy.


But think how fast Volkonosi went to pound for pound. Basically, number one, we're all talking about him.




And then a week later, it's, like, always the worst, right?


Well, a week later, like, too hot. But then he fights Ilya Taporia and gets starched again.




Too quick, in my opinion. Real quick after a head kick knockout.


So he. So he. Apparently he. He didn't get the train as much because he had to pass those neurological tests before you even started.


Right. No contact, but you can hit the bag. You could do a bunch of stuff. You can hit mitts. You can do a bunch of work.


On technique and get better.


It's just you can't do anything that hurts your head. And believe it or not, even hitting the bag can hurt your head. Yes. Like, if you've been concussed, you really shouldn't be hitting the bag.


You should be doing nothing, because every.


Time you're hitting something, you're jarring your body.


Banging eight. And that's part of the test. Like, you just have to spell stuff and. Yeah, and imagine struggling.


I'd fail that shit right now.


Bro. It's. You know, it's hard to know because different people have a different result. Some people can get hit in the head, they're fine. Like Mark Hunt. Like, that dude is fine.


But it's also hard to know. Like, yeah, Mark has a chin. But if you gave that test to him when he was 21, right, and then give him a test when he's 30 after fighting k one and pride and shit.


Good point.


Some people get hit in the head, they die.


Yep. Have you ever heard of them pulling a judge off the card during the fight? No. That happened just a little.


No fucking why?


For what? Scorecard. The tied to a vasa fight. Oh, he gave it both. All three rounds tied to a vasa. Has been relieved of his duties for the rest of the night. Wow.


They said. They said how he hit the showers. That's. I've never seen.


Oh, look, and I seen some shit. Mandy in trouble. Kaikara Francis caught him. Oh, he hit him again. Oh, our six in big trouble. That's it.


What a fucking comeback.


Oh, my goodness. And we were like, pay attention to tai tuivasa, your brains.


100%, sir.


Damn. That's a great result of taking time off, letting yourself heal. Get back to 100% now. What do you think now you gonna do now you have this giant win? Well, hopefully we'll find out real soon.


But think about this catapult, Tim else. Give your teammate just one time off. Yeah.


By the way, you think Drake is duplicity gives a fuck about this? He doesn't care. No, that. Guys, this is a big win for Kai. Kyle fries massive, bro.


Because they're both coming off losses.


So who fired the judge?


Commission one.


Let's take a second to soak in the fact that that judge did give all three to.




Oh, that love hooks. Crazy. Oh, they missed all this. Oh, my God, we missed all this.


Good for Kaikao France, bro.


That's big.


Dana doesn't have any control over commission.


Look at.


People don't understand.


Look at this. Watch this. Left hook. Bang, son. Look at those legs dipping up. That's beautiful. Well, the commission probably thought it was an egregious scorecard because we saw Jarzinho teen off on him on one round.


30 27. They're probably. Hey, Homer, get the fuck out of here.


I mean, there wasn't a round that he won.


Big win, man.


Massive, bro. Because they both come off losses now. Think of Steve Versic. You're on top of the world, right?




Razor sharp decision. You're down to.


And now you got ko, half your pay. But this is huge for Kaikara France, because Kaif Kara France now becomes the most compelling guy for the featherweight title other than Brennan Moreno, who's already fought Pantosa twice.


Tough. And then, remember that other homeboy three times?


Did he fight him three times?


Three times.




But then, remember, there's not a ton of contenders. That's how Steve Ursa got in there.




And because they let homeboy go because he's different to deal with.


Yeah. Mikayo. Yeah.


Think about that, dude.


How super difficult. He's fucking undefeated. 21 and. Oh, undefeated and tough as shit. Remember when he got leg locked and he did not tap? Yeah, bro. His knee bar was horrific. It was. I was like, he might ruin his career.


I wish they would change this, too. The guy knows he lost. Let him leave.


No, no. Shut up.


Now you take this in, stay put.


And then you better kill it. And then clap. Clap. That's how men do it. You got a clap. Good job, bro. You got me.


Does that stay look small?


No. Bit white. Just a weird view of it. That's a big place.


That's not the same place, like.


No, they're in there in Perth. So, I mean, if I had a guess, it looks like 10,000 because the biggest gate. Well, Sydney is huge. That's a.


That's where Holly and Rhonda set the record.


Melbourne, I think.


Is he set the record to. Yeah, Melbourne is where they set the record.


Yeah, those Etihad. That's big. But I'm telling you, man, the Japanese were doing it way bigger. Where's that? It's big. It's 15,000 seats where they're at right now. Yeah. Right. That's but that's like, less than t mobile. The real big ones are the Japanese. What they did in pride. Thousand, 80,000 every time. Yes, yes. Multiple events. Yeah, they're great audience members. They know everything that's going on.


Not as wide.


When someone passes the guard, they all prod.


Yeah, they like technique.


Tuned in. They're tuned in. They're real quiet while the fights are going on. It's crazy. It's weird. It feels weird. Feels different. They're just really watching and appreciative. Like, martial arts is such a deep history in Japan.


Like, respect.


Have they ever done China?


Oh, yeah.


No, I mean, they definitely have Beijing, but yeah, they've done, didn't they?


Bismarck, Jasmine Beijing, right?


Yep. Where I else at least two or three events.




Macau. Is that make. What's it, Macau count? What is Macau? Is that count as its own country?


No, that would be considered China. Right? Don't count. That's a district.


But there's like, they have casinos over there. They say they make Vegas look like. Like fucking Reno.


God, I bet those slot machines, bro.


Just casinos over there in Asia or just bonkers? Just bananas. What is this one? Is that Macau? Look at that. That's China.




Is in China. So I know they did a UFC there, and my friends that went and worked it, they were like, pro this fucking. It makes Vegas look like a joke. Look like bar stove.


I have no desire to go there.


Well, if you lived over there, you spoke Chinese. Probably a good move if you're really into gambling.


I'm gonna.


They had to change the MGM. The design at the MGM, because they fucked up and they had a mouth where it was like the lion's mouth and the people were coming through the lion's mouth. The chinese people like you out of your fucking mind. You know, kind of bad luck this is.


Oh, really?


To walk through the lion's mouth. So stupid. So they redesign the whole thing.


That's how much business they bring. Of course.




I guarantee wouldn't on my podcast. I really.


What's that?


You have a booked?


So he says, no, I guarantee them to win. Hold on a second. What? Jamie's gonna see it, or you wanna see the attack video? Attack video? What attack video? No, no, no. You weren't listening. Sorry. That when the MGM was first constructed, you had to go through a lion's mouth to get into the building and they had a rebuild mouth. Yeah. What is this science fiction movie? What is this shit? This looks good.


No crap.


You're out already. Slingshot that looks good.


I'm out. What the.


He's going out in the space.


Nah, bro.


In theaters. That's it right there. So that was the original thing. It says this myths V E. Busted. It's. No, it's not true. It's not true. Is it fake?


What's the. What's the head?


According to pervasive Las Vegas myth, the mouth, the MGM and lion served as the casino's hotel entrance. Even the Pulitzer Prize winning Las Vegas sun described the original MGM grand entrance in March 21. One has a huge lion head with its wide open mouth serving as its doorway. As you see from the photo below. This just wasn't true. Ok, so it's not going through the mouth, but it's going like into the line. It looks like it's a lion crotch. But they did change it and I think. Ok. It's been widely reported that many chinese gamblers believe that traveling anywhere through the representation of a lion's mouth invites bad luck. Not nearly as much bad luck as traveling through an actual line mouth presumably was. I mean, presumably, but enough. Okay. It was literally that. It wasn't literally true that they entered through the lines mouth, former MGM Mirage spokesman Alan Feldman told but many customers believed it to have the same negative vibes and refused to use that entrance. Yeah, so it's true.


Yeah, they went around a door.


But also they're saying, where is it? There's other shit. Like the Rio and encore casino hotels are entirely missing floors 40 through 49. The number four is considered unlucky because sounds like a chinese japanese words for death.


Jesus. Yeah, there was like. I remember there was.


But they not missing the fourth floor.


There's other certain floors that they didn't have. I forget what it was. But meanwhile, it's like the 13th floor, but the 13th. It's bullshit. It's like shooter Jennings had a song about it. It's like, you know what floor you're on? You know, the 14th floor, bitch. It's like. That's what the point is. Like, in asian cultures, gambling is huge. It's like the. Why the best pool players come from the Philippines. They gamble. It's all about gambling over there. And so because these guys are gambling for such intense amounts of money, like.


I said, like luck and stuff is built into their culture.




Their new year fish that you have more money.


Luck is huge. Luck is huge. It's a big deal. And gambling is a big deal. It's a big part of the culture. So if you have something that like doesn't appeal to Asians, and it's a gambling vent.


You switch that shit up.


Shit up quick. They don't want to. You don't want them going over the tropicana or wherever the fuck they're gonna go in the world of, like, pool. Asians are some of the biggest gamblers.


Ever, and that's why they're so good at pool.


Yeah, because they're playing for a lot of money, so they get a really good at it. You know, it's like there's consequences and there's, you know, value in being really good, I think.


What else are they good at?


Ping pong. Huge ping pong players. You know, I mean, go to the Beijing Olympics.




Didn't the chinese basketball team beat the american basketball team?


Absolutely not.


Did I make that up? Yeah.


What the fuck? How fucking dare you?


Didn't they? You know, funny when american team beat the chinese math team. Do you know that?




Yeah. You want to see what the american players look like? See if you can find the photo of the american team that won the math competition.


It's like that in esports, too. Like all our. All our gamers.


Is it a meme? Is it fake? Is it. I don't know that it's fake, but it's definitely a shit post. I love a good shit post. USA. Matthew beach for the first time in 20 years. That's legit. They won. Shut up, you fucking communist. Of course it's real America.


Fuck yeah.


Coming to save the motherfucker day? Yeah. About this one. Which one does shut? Just close the laptop. I think we have plenty of information to form a reclusion.


We true.


Look, there it goes. Oh, God damn it. Regular Americans. This is bullshit.




But is this. But this is a different year. This is before they brought in the.


18 that were second.


They squeaked by. That year with regular Americans. They just squeaked by.


That's hilarious.


I wonder how big of a star Zhang Weili is over there. She must be huge, right? First UFC chinese champion.


Yeah, one thing I was gonna say dominant.


They were watching her back. Her little flapjacks.


Well, that's why that Yan Xiao Nan fight was so big. Two chinese citizens fighting for the world title and two of the best of the best in a really fucking good fight.


Good fight. How many people viewed in China, I wonder?


Oh, my God. Must been off the charts. If so many people must been off the charts.


Who's that?




It was a huge chinese boxer that was like, yeah. Hot and cold and hot and cold, right?


Right, guys?


Huge. And he wanted to fight Joshua because he beat him in amateurs, right?


But he was just. I don't know what was wrong.


You're not talking about the guy who knocked out Deontay Wilder? Yes, yes, yes. He just knocked out Deontay. And he's 40. Yeah. Dude's 40. Yeah.


Ain't nobody trying to see that. Yeah.


With Deontay, man, it's like.


It's like you just don't always get him at a hundred percent.


Oh, my God.


I feel like with Deontay, it's like there's only so many times you can get ko'd, you know? So, so many times.


Did I waska and get all friendly, though.


That's a problem. That's a problem. Connect to spirits, world. Tell us what twitter thinks about all this, Brian.


Hey, hey, I'm ADHD. I mean, constant stimulation.


This is. Is a fight. You're about to see one of the craziest fights ever in the middleweight division. I'm arguably the greatest of all time. Other than Anderson Silva coming back. Well, you know, they're different eras. It's.


It's always weird to argue that, right? Again, it's completely different. But also, one tested positive for PD's. One didn't. Just gonna throw.


That's why I always bring up BJ. Pen, whenever anybody talks about the greatest, I always bring up BJ. I was there, dude, I was there when BJ was storming the castle.


Real deal.


When he knocked out Sean Shirk, I was like, who's this guy?


Good luck.


Who's beating that guy?


But also you could also argue, Iggy Izzy's fighting better, bigger, better competition.


You could also argue that if Demetrius mighty Mouse Johnson had anybody near his class in his division, like, he's the best. Yes. You know, the only problem with mighty Mouse is that, like, skill wise, he's the greatest representation of martial arts I've ever seen.


The most complete in all areas.


In all areas. And so. And because he's not burdened by gravity, his. The way he can move the things that he can do, you know.


You know who always fucks up the argument? GSP.


GSP was awesome.


You gotta throw him in the hat, and he's 100%.


You also have to throw Jon Jones in the hat. Oh, John Jones is, you know, this.


Is why Jon Jones Trump's all of them. Because Jon Jones doing that light heavyweight and heavyweight, where the level of errors so small, so small, where mighty Mouse can zig when should have zag and gets hit, and you can still win the fight. John can't. He's find that much tougher, I think.


Dude, I watch. I watch mighty Mouse, like, go from.


A suplex to, oh, yeah, yeah, nobody can do that.


No one can do it.


No one can do that.


No, he's 125.


I was gonna say it's a massive advantage of that weight division.


Yeah, it's a massive advantage. You can move that fast. But, you know, Jon Jones did have some split decision law victories and bullshit. Yeah. You know, Tiago Silva fight with no real losses or the Tiago Santos fight, no real loss.


Dominic Reyes.


No, Dominic Reyes. Close. Close to a loss. That one you could call. It was close. I mean, Dominic was. I think John had lost a lot of motivation during that time.


He's fighting nobody's. And it's not no disrespect to them, but you're John. You. You go from fighting chael, vitor, machete, DC, DC.


When John said his best is, like, when John fought DC, like, especially the second time, that's John at its best because, like, there's a bit of rivalry. They hate each other. They're very.


That was also DC at his best.


Yep. Yep. Well, definitely the first fight. The second fight, man, that head kick. John just.




He fucking knew it was coming to. He knowed. He knew DC had that tendency. They actually even talked about it in the. In the press conference. They talked about. He said, you think I'm going to lean to the right, you got a head kick, me. And he did it.


And ND. NDC got taken down. But also, remember that first fight, John tested hot.


He definitely did.


I keep forgetting that before I spoiled.


Are you waiting to see how Craig Jones did tonight? Yeah. How do you do? He won.


No. Choke her out. Yeah.


Did he get her back? Yeah, it's a video.


Did he get her back?


Yeah. Gabby Garcia. I mean, he did it gently. He was nice to her.


Why she got.


Because Gabby Garcia weighs like 240 pounds.


Why is this happening?


Because they made this challenge match. She's tapping because Gabby Garcia is a multiple time world champion and she's like 240 pounds.


But damn, she get the braids took out. Bitch. What you doing?


Wow. You know, swamps look good.


Good for Craig.


That's more important than I could have told you. If there was betting on that fight, I would have bet everything I've ever earned in my life. I would have leveraged it. I would call. I would call banks. I would have called my business manager and said, what else can we sell? What else can we sell? What are the odds, how much money I'm getting. This is free money. Unless he breaks.


She knew, too, that she was gonna lose.


Everybody knew. There's no way Craig Jones is the second best grappler in the world is a spectacle. I mean, he's a phenom. He's a phenom. And the only reason why he's not number one is Gordon Ryan. If you didn't have this dude doing juice 365 days a year, training every fucking day, studying like a savant. Super smart, super smart. Freakishly strong technique. Best ever charts the best ever. If that guy doesn't exist, Craig Jones, number one.


When I finally got to watch him live, I was like, I get it, bro.


Gordon is a special athlete. And, you know, there's. There's a kind of mind that that guy has that. That's a one in ten lifetimes.


You see it in other, like, Michael Jordan, right? You're seeing Kobe.


He reminds me a lot of Magnus Carlson. You have been watching a lot of lately.


You have to be insane to be that good. You have to be insane. There's like five dudes that have that level of insane dedication amongst all sports in the world.


And the second, Lance Armstrong. The second dude is Donna. The second insane motherfucker is his coach.


He always says Donna her is the cheat code.


He is.


He's a character in a movie.


He was a rash guy at bars.


But he's a character.


He's literally like Mister Miyagi. Like, you see him sitting on the side in his fucking Gi.


But it's just his background. The guy was a professor, professor of philosophy at Columbia. And then gets in love with jiu jitsu when he's working as a bouncer and then decides to only teach jujitsu and sleeps on the mat and is training every, like, one. Four. Doesn't give a fuck about anything other than jiu jitsu.


You're trans.


Doesn't give a fuck about anything other than being effective. And before he was all fucked up, before his knee was destroyed and he got to get a hip replacement, he's got. He's all banged up, man, like, real bad from injuries and a lot of his from rugby, but before he was banged up, totally, he was a nightmare. Everybody. I know that with him when he was younger, like, dude, his technique was so good, it was terrifying. He just had a bad knee. His knee was destroyed from rugby.


Things happen for a reason, though. He goes on to become this, you know, once in a lifetime coach.


He would have been a once in a lifetime fighter too. I mean, he's a. He's a real freak. But the fact that he can channel that kind of mindset of being an elite grappler with a genius mind into another genius like Gordon, who's also just as dedicated as him and physically gifted physical mindset, he. But he even says he was. I'm not very athletic. He says it's all just technique and.


Control, but that's the gamble, right? How do you know that that's the person you don't.


Well, you know, when he's a kid.




Because, like, he was. He was obsessed by the time he was, like, a kid outlaw, you know? And then by the time he gets, you know, he trained with Tom de Blas, and then by the time he gets to John Donagher and Henzo school in New York, he's already pretty good. Good. You know, and then those guys in that Henzo's academy in New York, there were so many high level guys, and.


I bet you that.


I bet there's Eddie Wolverine, there's some.


Child hanging around their gym that's going to be a fucking.


Oh, guarantee you there's murderers there right now. Gary Tonan. I mean, that. That whole gym was so high level. And then, of course, Henzo, just Hanzo himself, like, his. His background, like, he's direct. Gracie Linney.


I don't like that. I don't like that. Did you catch that?




He handed him a monster energy can over the cage. He took a little.


Yeah, that's filled with water.


It's bullshit. It's for the sponsor. Oh, okay.


I thought it was cheating.


No, no.




By the way, that ain't gonna help you. There's not a fucking. You could drink all the monsters you want.


It's water.


No, no, no. It's all checked, all that stuff. Yeah, it's just for their sponsorship. And you see, after the fight, a lot of times they have empty can. They pretend they're dragging Twitter?




Energy drink. I'm gonna say about this.


DDP's fucked, man.


Monster, look at that jacket. I want a jacket like that. That's the next Kiltonian buying a jacket. Like, how many does he have? Bruce sponsored as a thousand of them.


He puts so much heart and energy and pride into each one of these things. I mean, it's so cool.


In the last one, he had Conor McGregor and Michael Chandler embroidered, like, sewed, like, their images inside of the lining of his jacket. Yeah, but the fight got canceled, so he had it made previously before the fight, just for him.


Just for him, they just stored in his claws.


Yeah, he's a wizard. He's the best ever. He's the greatest announcer in the history of combat.


Sports will never be another.


There's not even a close second. Yeah, I've known that guy for 25 years or something like that. Known him forever. I met him in 1997 when he was doing those old UFC's.


You know, he manages his brother.


Yeah, well, he's the one who figured out how to patent let's get ready to rumble. Put a trademark on that. They sell that shit. They make millions of dollars just from Ballin guy, too. Everybody loves Bruce.


Oh, yeah. One of the best.


And he's just the most exciting announcer ever. Like, when he gets you fired up for, like, if I was there. Give me a little volume. Let me hear this shit. All right, Joe. Let's go. Let's get kicked off YouTube. Fuck it.




I know a guy. I can get us. I can get our call removed. Oh, here we go.


Come on, Izzy.


Oh, my God.


Here we. Locked in, boy. Locked in.


Locked in.


I see. I see him. Clip is p as he comes in, bro.


He looks really good, man. Physically, he looks really good. Doesn't he look a little thicker?


Yeah, he does.


Well, I think he knew that this was gonna be a physical fight. A lot of the training footage you saw a lot of, like, heavy inside fighting and heavy grappling.


Not only does he look thicker, he looks less flabby, kind of than usual. Remember he had that title titty?




Well, that was a problem infection.


But he was saying, I read a thing where he gave. He was eating Uber eats and shit. A lot of fights. And this one he ate super clean to increase his. Everything.




Uber Eats gave him one fat titty.


I think it's a lot of Uber eats.


He caught a bad onion ring.


Just the one. Tit grows fast.


I don't know about the fucking seed oils in his titty, bro. A dude does not want that. Especially dude takes his shirt off and fucks people up for a living, bro.




I think I asked him about it one time, and he was like, a little.


I never want to see this guy win.


I don't know why Rick is.


I'm telling you, I feel the same way. He's so heelish.


He's against them, bro.


He's a tank, man.


He's a problem. Yeah, he's a tough son of a bitch. Yeah, awkward as funny.


Says the n word, right? Yeah, he does a lot when he says South Africa. And you can say it does he are you sure? Doesn't he?


No, I don't think so.


Pause the.


I thought even Mike Perry doesn't say it anymore. It's frowned upon.


Not anymore. You know this, but there's a few. Yeah, it was a big part of my special. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go, boys. Here we go.


They hit gloves.


Yeah, they did. They did. They hit gloves. Oh, my goodness.


Is gonna charge.


Bro. This is as intense before a fight. Grudge world title, one of the greatest ever coming back, trying to win the title.


I just want right now to be the only time back is against that fat, bro.


This looks intense. Here we go. Here we fucking go. Here we go.


Come on. Those gold gloves are pretty dope.


I was thinking this in the gym today. I was thinking, I wonder if Dracus tries to exploit the fact that Izzy is heavy on that left leg sometimes kicks.


Heavy kicks.


Yes. Well, with low kicks, because Alex exploited that. Alex did a lot of chopping at the Cavs in the first fight in particular, and even the first round of second fight. Yeah, I was thinking that right away.


But you're not Alex Pierre, right?


He's not, but he is a good kickboxer, and his team is very good at formulating strategies. They did a really good job of having. Having him fight southpaw against Whitaker. That was a big factor.




Cause Whitaker seems to have a little bit of a problem with southpaws when he gets caught with that right hook. And he caught. That's what he caught him with. It rocked him. Caught him with actually almost like a strong jab off the right.


He had some success against Strickland, too.


Yeah, I want to see if he charges and chops at those legs in. In the middle of the. The melees, you know.


He'S already cutting it off. Yep.




Clip coming in.


Like, the first time I saw Dreykus was live and he was charging like a bull. I can't remember. It was like three, four fights ago or something.


He's tempered that. He's tempered that. He used to have these blitzes where he would, like, have his chin up in the air and charge forward. I think, though, also those were the days where his mouth. Oh, that left hook. Although his mouth was open a lot during those fights because kick to the body.


It was a cardio problem, too, because.


He had a completely destroyed nose.




So he got his nose reconstructed, and now he could breathe out of his nose. And since then, he's looked amazing do.


Plus this has a cardio.


He did. That was a coach that he could.


Only bring breathe 6% out of his nose, which I thought was bullshit. But then he got it fixed, and I. Motherfucker has cardio.


Yeah, that was a nice high kick by Trickus right there. Is he blocked to be. See is he's got that right hand up higher. Now Drake is just his.


And so fucking hard.


And he's a dog, dude. He's a dog. I mean, he's trying to kill you, Bulldog. Yeah, and he's really hard to hurt, man. Like in the Strickland fight. Oh, nice little kick by Izzy.


Tony thought DDP said the.


Guy. I swear I saw a clip of him on Twitter.


Something different.




I think he said something about being, like, the first african champion. No, he definitely did that. He went on that race rant. Yeah, well, Izzy said that to him. Yeah. What's up? Like he did when I was holding the microphone.


I remember that. Dropping the n word.


Yeah, Izzy was.


Yes, it was awkward.


He's like my african brother. He goes. He goes, I'm no brother of yours.


Oh, I interest. I just googled it. It's because Adesanya called him the n word. Yeah, sorry about that.


Are you rooting for him now? You should root for him.


No, Izzy watches kill Tony every Monday as he's the.




Loves it. He loves about it and everything.


He looks good.


Yeah, he looks good.


And see that take down defense?


And from this distance, this is Izzy at his very best all day, brother, if you can.


He's the master at this.


Oh, man. He's also the master at timing. And his kickboxing is super technical. He's setting things up all the like. He's setting things up all the time.


I love that.


Do you think he knocked out Alex, bro? How wild is that?


Wild. Wild. I mean, he's moving away from these big shots. So instead of staying there like Sean does a nice low kick there by Dracus, instead of standing there like Shawn does. Izzy's on his bike.




And he looks real good. He's real good on the outside. Oh, but that. That high kick is sneaky as fuck, man. He's done that a couple times.


That's it. Baby goo combo by Izzy.


Nice combo. He's got to be careful for that left high kick, man, because drick is sneaky with that shit.


And Izzy's blocking the one hand, which people realize it's trouble, man.


Well, it's trouble when Dracus throws that left. Oh, we heard him with that right hand. Oh, another low kick.


Oh, get off the fucking fence.


Yeah, exactly.


Is. He just shook his head, which is never a good.


That means a hurt.


He just low kicks him again.


Yep, you're right, Joe.


I mean, that's what I would do if I was in his corner. I would say, look at the Alex fight. Two fights in a row. He had real problems.


Another night supper.


Great uppercut.




That high guards. Perfect frizzy.


And that kick to the bodies. Oh, there's that left kick again.


This motherfucker can kick better than I thought, bro.


He's sneaky with that left. Yeah, he is. He's sneaky.


Things coming over the top fast.


And the motherfucker takes a shot, too. Oh, there's that left again.


Yeah, but is he starting to feel himself?


But here's the thing, brother. When you get those on the forearm, it fucks your arm up so bad. Oh, nice, right.


That's why I'm saying you got to have two hands. Another one I have two hands on. It's gonna break your forearm.


It can break your fore.




Oh, we chopped at the leg again.


Those kicks. See, that blitz is what's gonna get him fucked up.


It's gonna get him knocked the fuck out.


Yeah, that's what we want.


There it is again. The high kick, bro. That left high kick is sneaky.


We promise is you don't start getting too.


So just holding pads. Getting kicked by those sucks.




If you take three, four of those in the meat of your forearm, you think your leg goes numb. The thing about your leg going numbs, you got to walk on it. Your arm, you're still moving around, but you might be in fucking agony. You got a shin slamming in your forearm.


All is he's doing is this, that, that's like this.


You got to do like this. And you want to catch it on the side of the bone.


And this, this softens it.


So it's like the worst thing you got is this, because if you go like one hand, gonna break. Snap that shit. Snap that shit. So many guys have gotten their forearms snapped by catching a kick. Remember Frank, Shamrock and Kung Lee, bro? Snap. His arms just snapped. It happened so often.


Oh, my God, this fight. This fight's so exciting. I had to uncross my legs.


Emoji and a fist. I want you guys to get married.


Yeah, me too.


Me too.


Let's go.


We just need her on board.


You will be my bitch.


I just need her on board.


She's gonna make you wear a dog collar, son. She's gonna make you wear a. She don't peg, you.


She's unbelievable in real life.


Like, she got upgraded to. Yeah, we go.


No comment.




That's not necessarily hall of famer you're talking about.


Oh, oh. Oh, no.


That landed a lot of energy.


Yeah, but listen, man, this. Oh, that's a nice low kick there, dude.


That was a quick.


Well, motherfucker, kick it.


Especially that left leg. That left leg. Low kick and high is very dangerous.


The first round is tough to score.


Yeah, but it's a fight. I'll tell you that. This is a fight. Nice movement.


Oh, no, no, no.


Take down.


Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up.




We right back up, baby. Don't get back.


Right, back up.


Oh, no, no.


Almost hand fight.


Hand fight. And stand up, bud. Hand fight. Stand up.


Jerk is such a fucking bull, man. He's such a bull.


But he has a killer rear naked choke.


Oh, he's got the back.


That's not. Indeed.


Yeah, but he's on top, son. This is bad. This is real bad.


He's gonna have to give his back again and stand up.


He's gonna have to get up to his feet. He's gotta stop the ground and pound. He can't be flat out terrible. Oh, no. Bad shots. Oh, no, he has it.


No, he's turning, he's turning, he's turning. We're good, baby.


This is not good, dude. There's a lot of time. 330 to go.


No, he's good.


Wow. Oh, he's on top.


Back his ass.


Let's go.


Get some.


Show him who you are.


Get some, baby. This is when you go. That's right, Izzy. Let's go.


He's tired. He's in trouble.


Kick you in the dick.


Nice try.


He kicks him in the body. Yes, sir. He's tired.


He tired as fuck. Let's go, Izzy.


He burned energy trying to finish that.


He almost had that shit. I was worried.


Oh. Oh, good movement. Slow now. Yeah, he's tired.


This round here, that Charlie Brown is.


Having a lot of time. Oh, a lot of time.






A island. Uppercut.


Oh, right. Oh, good. Counter by drinking. Oh, you got him.


Oh, my God.


Oh, my God.


Fucking take down.


Yeah, but 230. We're only halfway through this round, kids. Oh, he's back up. Always grabbing the fence. He's grabbing the fence. Oh, don't grab the fence. Why not? Because it's a point.


I don't even see the rest they give warnings on.


They should take a point.


I agree, but they don't.


Okay, he's almost up. He's almost up. Dreck is tired. He's tired of woman.




Cheeky punch.


He's up, he's up, he's up, he's up, he's up.


Drake is too tired to pull this off.


He's not even.


His punches don't even have no, he's exhausted. Trick is, he's exhausted.


Drake is a dog, though. Got, you know, you got a hand fight, don't. This is. This is making drink. Is exhausted.


Yeah, super exhausted is.


He's tired, too, though.


Look at that. Look at Dracus is taking some deep breaths, son. They both are. They both are, bro. This is tough. This is tough. Come on up. He's up, he's up, he's up.




Does he have the energy to slam?


130 to go is a long ass time. A lot of things can happen in 130. Don't go, Kimura. Get quick. Get clear, get clear. Hand fight.


Pick a hip and fucking go, buddha.


Violent elbows.


He's got to get ahead of this position for turn.




Down again. He can't get taken down.




Yep. There it is again. Always up. Almost. Nope. This is exhausting for Izzy, too. He's.


Now you're carrying that weight.


Yeah, he's got to make sure he doesn't give up his back while he's standing up.


They'll get those hooks in the rest in here.


He's almost up. He's up, he's up, he's up.


He's tied around that waist, though.


Get deep, pummel. Get those hands free.


He needs to turn into him.


Nim Trekkas is fucking. He's a dog, dude.


Yeah, he is.


He's exhausted. He's exhausted.


It's like, oh, is he not? Have the like, oh.


Left hook. Oh, that was a good left hook.


Well, now he's starting to get some.


Power back in those punches because he got some rest. Oh, here we go now.


Turn. All right. Get free. Care free. Come on. 29 seconds.


Pummel in. Get that under hook in it.


Oh, look at this.


Around the head. That's always fun here. We know.


My God.


Hate this.


Oh, you're Maka Chad now.


He's on him.


He's not accomplished.


Don't hate them, player. Kids hate the game. Listen, this is an exhausting round. We're only round two, kids. Yeah, only in round two. And this fights crazy.


When the last time we seen duplicates.


In deep water, Sean Strickland thought he lost to.


But that was the first time he went five rounds. Yeah, right.


With the new nose.


Too right. Wow, this is a fight starts with. This is a fight, son. This is a fight, son.


I like is these chances though.


Well, they do. He's more comfortable in the striking exchanges.


If he don't sit down in the corner.


Well, he's also been kicked in the legs a bunch. Sometimes you don't want to sit down, you're better off standing up.


You would have it. One, one.


I don't know, cuz we're talking a lot. Shit.


I'm trying to delete my bias.


I got it.


I do. I don't think this fights. Yeah, no, if I had a bet right now. If I had a bet right now, I. I don't think this fight's going the distance.


No, me neither. Not a chance.


I think duplicates is getting knocked out this round.


I guess one, one. I guess Dracus that round.


Tracus almost got that rear naked in that last round, man. You can't discount this right here. No, this is nasty, dude. You get drink. It's a fulcrum choke. If he has that left forearm on the back of the shoulder like Khabib did to Connor. This is a nasty choke, man.


All that came from that desperate ankle pick, that diving ankle pick you got?


Yep. Well, I mean, the guy's a dog. He's getting lit up on the field.


You'd have to give DDP that round, cuz he didn't do much. Yeah, the fuck was that?


I never called him DDP before. I feel like I'm cheating on Dallas Diamond. Page.




Diamond. Dallas Page.


Do I call him Dallas diamond?


Nice front kick to the body is.


He looks in good shape.


Those kicks to the body are fucking him up, too. Mandy, that's the one that he tried to claim was a low.


He has to be careful because DDP start blitzing his ass.


I want him to blitz. That's what's going to get him.


Fucking me too.


I just don't want him to blitz with Izzy's back on the fence.


Correct. Where he can't go anywhere. That's trouble.


So the more the fight stays in this distance, the more it really favors Izzy, especially as Izzy is the more technical guy. And he looks fresher right now to me is he's.


Now he's starting to work the feints and all that in his bag, right?


Yes, sir. He looks good now. Dreck is in trouble.


He's stumbling all over.


Izzy's feeling it kick here. He's teeing off. All those kicks are coming slower now. Oh, he's looking for the big shots. I like that he's looking for the big shots. And now switches southpaw. I love it. I love it. Give him different head kick. And then we're again. We're only in the third round. Boysenheid.


Oh, I like. Is he staying there when he closes the distance?


Whoo. Trekkis has not done much this round, kids.


No, he's exhausted.


He's exhausted.


Oh, look at this. Doing that old thing. Head down.


That one just hit shoulder. That was just lat. Oh, nice rip to the body.


His technique looks terrible.


And Izzy keeps.


Him apart.


About the pick you up on, boy.


He's picking him apart.


Come on.


And he's. He's fucking up his body.


I know Trevor knows some way. Just conflicted, you know?




He doesn't watch that.


Watch this, man. He's watching.


If you work for the that show, you get canceled for watching this.


Yeah, it's frowned upon.


You're encouraging violence. Dreck has lost a lot of steam off of his shots, and Izzy has nothing. He got caught with left hand there. He got caught. He got caught with left hand.


Stay controlled. Is he? Don't let him close the distance.


The strong low kick.


Let's go, champ.


Oh, Jesus Christ.


Got that technique so bad, but it's landing.


Yeah, but the thing is, like, Izzy let him catch him.


Agree. Who use that jab is.


Oh, we got it again.


None of that landed.


Yeah, the right handed.


Nice hand was up, Doug.


Yeah, but it's still hit his hand while his hand was in front of his head. That's big. That's big. That's big.


He's exhausted. Let's go.


But Izzy's a little tired too here. Yes, but he looks better. Oh, nice right hand.


Yeah, Izzy's like third round tired. This guy's like five. Fifth round.


Yeah, well, look how he does everything he does. He does as hard as he can. Every punch he throws, he throws as hard as he can possibly.


That's why he's a fucking problem.


Yeah, it's. But it's also why the gas tank runs dry. Oh, nice right hand. Oh. Oh. Is. He's got the timing down. Yeah, look how he avoid. Oh, oh, that uppercuts.


There's timings up. See, I don't like. They're gonna stay there and trade. No, not like is he shot.


The problem is when he gets tired, if he moves back and he just takes just a little too much time. And then Drake is blitz like that. Like, if he gets hit with one of those.




Those are tricky.


Yeah. Heavy.


They're fucking slow.


They're fucking heavy.


Oh, that's a nice low kick by trickus. He still keeps chopping at that fucking right leg. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness.


Come on.


I should see easy. Put on the brakes and hit his ass, bro.


I'm worried about those fucking hammers.


Me too, bro. It's like so close to his fucking grill.


Yeah, you gotta appreciate that guy's grit.


You don't got the juice.


Oh, that left hook. The body was nasty. Oh, he took a big deep breath. Oh, right hand.


Is he going to.


Those body shots are fucking him up.


It's investment.


Yep. And he's out of breath.




Hitting the.


He's getting beat up, man. I mean, these shots all count, you know? It's like chipping away at him. Chipping away at him. Oh, Jesus.


It's like a trick is like a push.


He is a dog. Yeah, that's fucking dog. Nice inside low kick.


Yeah, he's not stopping this definitely Izzy's round.


Such a crazy strategy, right? Just put your head down and wing.


Punches wild and become world champion. Yeah, he's exhausted, but he's a fucking dog. So it's not over.


Yeah, it's not over, man, because he's going to recover for sure.


That's the closest round.


I mean, it's clearly. Is he?


Clearly. Is he now? Is he? The momentum is also clearly on Izzy side.


You probably say two one Izzy. If you're just balls deep on DDP, say two one DDP.


The turn of the tide is definitely an.


Is really sucking air right here.


He's getting teed on and he's getting a lot of rips to the body.


Oh, he's not French.


That's why you gotta stay off Twitter, bro.


South African. Oh, right, right. Oh, my God. French. I'm like, you're the casual of casuals, Francis. The whole deal with this fight is a battle for Africa.




Oh, you fucking stupid.


May we, Brian think we Francis and his stupid name.


Dreckis duplicity. Here we go. Round four, kids. Championship rounds. Let's go.


I am out of breath. Give me some mayonnaise.


Oh, no. Oh, no. How about a bordeaux in between rounds?


This french guy's tough.


This french guy, his name threw me off. I thought he was from France. He's making. Trevor needs a check minutes ago. Speaking. Trevor Noah jokes.


I heard this french guy drop an inbox.


Oh. Oh. Izzy just had a beautiful combination.


What a spray.


Now we cook it baby Daddy's ass up trek. He doesn't even want real trouble.


Let's go.


Let's go. This is exciting. This is the old style bender.


Yes, sir. Give him the.




There you go.


Is this is the style bender of old kids? Yep. Yeah.


You're about to learn today.


Oh, boy.


This is he that knows I'm in here with somebody that's not on my level.


Well, it's also a guy that's compromised. You've been beating them up and chipping away at him, and now you're fresher and he's dying. He's, like, taking big lunging shots at.


You, and that's the game plan. That's championship shit, man.


Especially for Izzy. Style, like. Oh, nice kick to the body. Oh, nasty uppercut. Oh, my goodness me.


With that apartheid.


The Mandela effect.




He looks good, dude. He looks good.


Just DDP.


I gotta love those gold gloves. I gotta say.


I do, too, man.


Say those gold gloves look fresh.


I want easy to win so bad so you can fight Strickland.


Me, too.


They're gonna fight again, man. I guarantee they're gonna fight again. Yeah, they're gonna fight again.


He won't. He need that one back.






Well, I just don't think he realized how good Strickland was. That's my feeling.


A few things I think he didn't realize how good he was. Overlooked them. There's also drinking and then also all the fights, title fights. People realize, like, heavy lies the crown. When you. When you hold the title, you gotta do more media. The pressures on you.


No one in UFC history has ever, like, utilized the Philly shell. Like, you know, he's probably never even seen that.


The way Strickland fights is very unique. And that front kick to the body is also a real problem. He throws you off with that front kick to the body. He does it up that front leg whenever you settle. Strickland's good, man.


Strickland's really fucking good.


His fucking cardio is off the charts. He spars so much.


Well, think about Strickland. Like, we know how hard daddy.


Oh, Izzy caught him with that right.


Hard DDP hits, and Strickland just stood in there toe to toe.




So good. His defense is. And that's all tough.


He is barely touched out of Sonya tonight.


Yeah, barely.


It's wild. A lot of effective low kicks.


Boy, Izzy just fucking up his body shots.


Just drain that cardio.


Yeah, just move.


Yeah, it's incredible how he does that.


He's got this one of the most beautiful pieces land. The thing is, the guy never stops swinging, man. And it's like, if you're tired at all and you're in these exchanges, it's fucking dangerous, man. If I was in his corner, I'd be chewing on my fingernails. Like, get out of there. Don't stand in front of that guy.


Also, with Izzy making a miss, nothing depletes your fucking energy source more than fucking swinging.


Oh, dude, do, do.


Why does missing make you more tired than hitting?


Because you have to pull your arm back. Yeah, dude, dude, dude. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. He heard him, dude.


He might have this.


Oh, no, he has it.


Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. Dreck is a fucking animal, dude.


Tough motherfucker.


He's a fucking animal. Holy shit.




I was saying that those punches. Even though he's exhausted, you can't beat in those exchanges. You're gonna get clipped. If you get clipped, you're in real trouble. Fuck. He got hit with those big right hands, man. He got rock with those right hands.


This makes me feel like. Like America lost a war or something.




Like, I just fucking hate how this feels.




I don't feel great. I guarantee you'd win.


I remember one time when I was a kid, I was a big. I was a big Donald Curry fan. You remember Donald Curry? Donald Curry was a welterweight boxing champion, okay? And he fought Milton McCrory, who was, like, his big rival. Milton McCrory was a bad motherfucker, too. And McCrory hit him with a no. Mike McCallum. Excuse me, the body snatcher, they called him Mike McCallum because Donald Curry had just knocked out Milton McCrory this spectacular fight. And then he fights McCallum. McCallum hit him with a left hook to the body and a left hook to the chin. And he went out cold, lying flat on his back. And I couldn't take it. I had to go running. I had to leave my house. I had to go running. I was just so fucked up over it. And I said to myself, I'm never gonna get that fucked up over someone fighting again.


See, that's how I feel. But I want to eat instead of run, bro.


So here it is. It's the punches.


It's a weird thing, because Izzy was.


Look at this, though. Dominating, but. But still, in these wild exchanges, that guy's got the heart to catch you.


His heart's in.


Look at this right here. And then, boom. These are big shots. When you're tired. And it's the fourth round, and then he gets his fucking back, man. Crazy.


He won. I don't know what organization it was. But I was looking at his record recently. No, he won six of his first seven fights. With that rear naked shit?


No, he comes from a tough organization.


But literally, like, almost all of his first fights, he won by rear naked.


This is.


I found it so interesting because I've never seen him even fight like that the last few fights.


He's a weird one.


No, he got Darren telling the real renegade joke recently, but he's a weird.


One, as you look at it. Like, what does he do? Well, you're like, well, he's very awkward. He has no quit in him.


Very awkward. No quit, technically. Like, super durable, takes a great shot and amazing heart.


Won't quit. Yes.


I mean, he got pushed, even look.


Like he even rocked us or anything. Like, is. He was just confused about what?


No, no. He rocked him. Yeah, those are big right hands acting like that, dude. Those are big right hands. Those are. They. They caught him right in the side of the head, and they hit him with two in a row.


He punches with the back of his hand.


No, he doesn't like this. He's doing it like this. He's hitting with the knuckles.


My Instagram comments on that Izzy post aren't gonna be fun.


Well, don't read them.


Oh, no. I guaranteed Izzy would win, though.


I really thought he was going to, as well.


Yeah, but you can't count that guy out. This is like, the whole thing that I was saying. Like, whenever you have these exchanges and you see these winging punches come Izzy's way, it's.


They're dangerous.


Anything can happen. And when you're tired and you're not moving back as good as you were in the second person, shit happens.


Especially when a guy has no quit in them.


Yeah. Look at that, man. I mean, that's a definitive.


What happens when you live vicariously through grown, other grown men.


Yeah, you get disappointed, man. But think about. This is beat. He stopped Whitaker. He beat Strickland. Nice beat. Izzy.


Not only that, he finished Izzy with a rear naked choke. Nobody finished Whitaker. Nobody's finished Izzy like that in a fight ever. In the UFC. No one submitted him like that.


No, he's been TKO'd, which was controversial, but. No.


Yeah. That's crazy. I mean, that's a crazy victory. You gotta give it up.


It's hard for me to give it up to him. I don't know why.


Are you crazy? I know he's a nice guy.


He's never lost.


We get along great.


He's a great guy.


Yeah, I'm sure he is.


Look, I give it up to the guy. The guy's a fucking animal.




I hate him as much as I love. Is he talking?


Let's hear him talking.


You love this devin again accent. I got the dike down, bro. He's legit. He's legit like the Russians from Rocky.




Don't put you wish that Alex was still at 185.


You know, I bet he could go to 205.


He's big enough. Oh, yeah, get some.


He would get starched up there.


Oh, but wouldn't you love to see him try? Oh, yeah. Come on.


That's a fucking shark.


I mean, he can take a shot for sure, but can you take a shot from that guy? And you take a shot from that guy at 02:05 because that guy, 205 puts everybody night night. Everybody goes night night.


Well, so Strickland guaranteed. Dana said Strickland gets the winner. So Strickland's next for this, then? Haas.


Or you give Strickland a little money to fight Robert Whitaker and is a come on.


Oh, cuz, you got. Yeah. Whitaker fighting the Hamzat.


That's right, that's right.


That's happening soon, too.


But who knows how that's gonna work out.


Hopefully homs that makes the fucking to say.


I mean, how many fights is Hamzah had to pull out of, what, two?


Which is wild.


Two or three?


And they missed weight on one when he fought him.


Owen, remember, his whole claim to fame was he fought like three in a.


Row, but that was before he got rich and famous.


Yes, different.


The problem is, he's, like, so revered in the muslim world. You know, he's got, like, that chechnyan leader loves him. And, you know, he's a fucking man now. He's driving a mercedes. And I'm saying, like, whoa, here's.


Here's the question. What does he do?


Well, Izzy was winning the fight. He was doing real good.


Doesn't matter.


The loss, you know, doesn't, you know, just got caught. That happens, but he got caught, I think, is he comes back, and I think Izzy took a lot of time off. I think he looked real good. Me too. You know, maybe he needed more time to prepare. Maybe Dracus is just that tough.


Or maybe he needed another fight, like a tune up fight.


We don't do that in the UFC.


There's no tuna fights the UFC, son. No come back.


Especially when you're that good.


Yeah, you're fighting the cream of the crop.




And also those guys, there's no picnics. You know, there's a lot of savage.


Why do you get to fight the champ?


Because he lost the title in his last fight. He's one of the greatest of all time. Yeah, he takes time off and it's the most compelling fight other than Strickland.


And there's a beef there, you know?


But now Robert Whitaker looks pretty fucking good, too.


Robert Whitaker has to beat homsat and then he'll get the shot again.


Yeah, Whitaker looks.


And then don't forget Bo Nickel to Bo Nick, man.


Bo Nickel is on the come up. Okay. He's got no doubt. Also, Joe Piper. How about them apples? Yeah, that guy's fucking terrifying. He's terrified for everybody. Oh, my God.


First team, all violence, bro.


Somebody Joe Piper hits so goddamn hard when he fought. Fucking power bar might retire.


He might retire.


He just said if he decides retire. I just saw him take his gloves off.


Is it?


Oh, my God.


I would be surprised what he cuz with. Is he gonna go back in the queue?




All right, let's see what happens. Let's see what happens here. He might just be just taking his gloves off because the fights over.


Nah, man. Can't do that. No, he does that. If these retire, they'll give him sticking with this hug.


See there?


Okay, he took his. Okay, yeah, they're off, but they're not on the ground.


Not yet.


You were going to be tough, so it wasn't a surprise.


Well, I was quite strong in there.


I felt strong. Able to resist his takedowns.


I just made a stupid, dumb mistake.


On the ground, and he adjusted well.


To the gable grip and then got me.


But I stand by what I said to my family. I will fight for you forever. I swear to God, no matter what.


Well, that's the opposite of a retirement right there.


And yeah, I'm disappointed in myself. At the same time, I'm proud because.


This is the best I've ever felt.


This is the best I've ever looked.


It's kudos to DP.


All class.


Yeah, yeah. All class.


I can't believe you say it. Oh, and let's not forget such a golden opportunity.


Is he possibly the greatest post fight speech of all time? Yeah, he beat Alex.


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.


Make me give me chills.


Incredible. That was incredible. Yeah, they worked it out. This is cool, too.


DDP beat up. Very good, Izzy.


Very good.


Is he tuned up?


Is he?


Who's ready to go in shape? Yeah, he's an animal.


An animal. And he's so durable.


He. So he's a fucking berserker.


Berserker and he's so big for the weight class. When you're standing next that dude, you can't imagine that he weighs 185. He's so big. I wonder what he weighs now.


Yeah. I don't know.


What? Deep in the two. Deep in the twos.




Yeah. Deep. Deep. Deep in the twos. Yes. Thickest fuck. Big. This is cool.


I'll tell you.


This is cool. I'm glad.


They'll tell you what wouldn't be good. If I went to 200 and fought Alex at 02:05.


No, I don't like that.


I don't want to say.




No, I don't.


Please don't.


Alex at 02:05 is what he's supposed to weigh. And at 185, he was starved. Starved and dehydrated. And still fucking people.


Alex is.


He's a different thing.


Yeah, he's a problem.


Alex is a different thing. If Dracus goes up to 205 and fights Alex. Oh, my goodness.




Oh, my goodness. I'll fly to the moon to accommodate that fight. Fight. I want to see that fight. That's crazy. There's so many good fights coming up. But for me, the big one that I can't wait for is O'Malley and Maria.


That's an interesting one.


Yep. Oh, yep.


Oh, bro, how do you keep that?


I mean, if O'Malley keeps up what he did in his last fight, if he can look that magical again and again, then I of a sudden, in my opinion, he's jumping in the goat conversation real quick.


This movie looks good.


Where he made that guy look in slow motion.


Yeah, because think about beat yon Alistair over him.


Yes. Marab.


Yeah, like, what are we talking about here?


You said Alistair over me. Al Jamie Sterling. What did he do? What did he. Bro, this movie looks good. I heard this movie's really good, too.


You like everything is. You eat 250 milligrams of edibles right before you watch this shit every time you recommend.


Those movies are good. That's a good movie. You never saw Prometheus?


Great movie.


Great movie. Son of a bitch.


Maybe it's good.


What's the last one was the last one. Yeah.


And that's good to the better?


It's better even than the last one. Shit. What is it, Jamie? The last alien movie, Prometheus. But the last one was the best one. Covenant. Yes, covenants. Good.




That's good.




I love those.


I watched any alien movie, any predator movie.


Well, you know what's good? Surprisingly, it was prey where the command.


She know who yeah.


Oh, was that good?


Surprisingly, yeah. Disbelief a little bit. A little bit.




This chick's kicking ass on these aliens. It's good. That's great. It's good, dude. It's. It's wild. It's a wild movie.


Oh, you know they're making apocalypto.


Ooh, is Mel Gibson involved? Cuz it's not him out?


I think so.


Yeah. They let that crazy give him whiskey too.




Don't let it be sober.


No, let me get wild.


Mel Gibson. You make a fucking movie, son.


Passion the cries.


A sequel to Passion of the Christ would be sweet. The fucking. Yeah, the story about fucking, like, what would that be like in a modern day? It's a crazy fucking.


We just. You tell those. You tell the story of one of the other motherfuckers that was being crucified.


That story is the test of how much you believe tomorrow. Yeah, yeah. How much do you believe? Do you believe you came back from the dead? I.


No, really?


You don't see fake. Fake trailers? God damn it. These AGI motherfucker. Aci. Whatever. CGI.


I overheard someone ag one athletic greens.


These motherfuckers. Other is. What is it?


Kevin Spacey filmmaking.


Watch. What is that?


It's called Badlands. That's not set in 1790.


He's not talking a predator in 1719.


No, but it's similar to that, just not a sequel. It's called Badlands. Is it in the same time period? I don't know. It says same director. It was good, man. Prey was good. I'll watch that to check it out then 20. Which. What kind of movies you like? You don't like predator movies and alien movies?


I like crazy shit. Watched hereditary. Oh, I like all the classics. Have you seen hereditary before with that? Oh, it's like one of these fucking creepy, fucking creepy, scary movies. Like really creepy. And I like that. Would have seen Midsommar. It's from the same guy that made.


Midsummer a 24 people.


Oh, what's hereditary?


Oh, it's.


What's it about?


See, dude, well, it's hard to describe.


That creepy ass little girl. Yeah, it's really. It's pretty much about her, kind of.


Why is it always little girls scare the shit out of you when they're evil?


Well, look at the face on this one. I mean, Jesus.


Oh, yeah, yeah.


Every single person.


She's a good actress too.


Every single person after this movie, like googled, like, is this girl really evil?


Regarded, regarded.


Is she like special?


Oh, regarded her face.


Her face is weird. I don't want to get you in.


Trouble, but we're like, what is he said, we listen to the code that you didn't give us the. Give us the fucking password for. What's the code regarding?


She's regarded.


She really have the weird face.


Or is it what we say?


A regard.


She grew up, though, was that movie that came out recently about that little girl was a vampire and the people were. They kidnapped this little girl. They thought that they were gonna get paid to like. Oh, yeah, I. Yeah. It's like a game that they play. They. They bring people into kidnap so that she could fuck them up later.


That's right.


Tell you what, I'm excited about that, Gail.


That's a fun movie. That's a fun.


You seen the whole thing, Abigail?


Yeah. I love these movies. Abigail's fun.


Have you seen the trailer for the new Beetlejuice yet? Oh, my God. Yeah, it's actually. This is like the first time I've been excited for a movie since the last Tarantino movie.


I'm with him on this. I love Beetlejuice.


You haven't seen it?


Michael Keaton's back.


Can't watch it.


You know Jenny Ortega from. She did. She's played Wednesday. Oh, yeah, yeah, she's in it, too.


Oh, okay.


Riders in it.


We can see the trailer as long as we don't see it on camera. As long as you don't hear it out loud.


Well, you have to picture Tim Burton music throughout all this, like, creepy powerful.


But he's. He is the master at creating a very specific esthetic.


The best.


Yeah. So it own a rider.


Look at that motherfucker. You damn right, Beetle.


Just feeling older.


Yeah. CGI, they can do a lot of shit to you. Make you look exactly like. Used to look like.


Dude, I feel so. I felt so bad for that guy when I saw the movie as a kid when the lady shrunk his head again, did you. I felt real bad for him. I was like, why you just be quiet?




Yeah. I thought you deserved it, dude.


The original beetlejuice is fucking amazing. Amazing. If you rewatch it, there's so many cool fucking things hidden in the beginning and stuff that come back later.


Imagine Tim Burton pitching Edward scissorhands wild. Okay, so it's Johnny Depp, handsome sky. We're gonna make him look goofy and we're gonna give him scissors for fingers.




It's really frustrating because he cuts everybody. Yeah.


What movie? So good.


What the fuck are you talking about?


It's a metaphor on how we hurt the people we love the most.


Oh, so it's about know. I think it's a burden, you know, hug you, but he can't cuz I'll hurt you.


I don't even remember the movie. It's been so long since I seen.


He's dressed all where they start cutting all the girls here.


I mean, was it good?


Fuck it.


Unbelievably good. Yeah, classic crazy good. Yeah, like the whole fucking way through. Tim Burton was on a. I know.


But imagine like street pitching that. Imagine if you're like an investor, you're like, what the fuck are you talking.


Oh, that's the thing is get me.


A superhero movie, God damn it. I want the Avengers.


Beetle juice is the real OG version of that because it's like you can never pitch anybody Beetlejuice today.


That's one of these things that happens online. It's a fake one. Oh, Timothy. Shalom AI photos. And someone is trying to click bait. Yes. I haven't heard of it. Is it a real thing? It doesn't sound.


Tim Burton did Beetlejuice and then night before Christmas is.


Yeah, but that's how creative people can get. They can find a enough stuff out to create a fake trailer that makes it look like it's a real movie.


Hey, Jamie, what was the deal with that ref? Did you ever finish find out the judge?


Yeah. Well, that was a terrible car. If I was a terrible card. I gave all three rounds to tie and Rosenstrike was teeing off on him. That's crazy.


Those fake trailers, they got Callan's old ass. He came up to me, he's like, dude, you see Conor McGregor?




I'm like, what? He's like, he's the new Popeye. I'm like, they're making a Popeye movie. He's like, you haven't seen the trailer? Like, no. He showed you. Like, you're fucking moron.


He's a terrible actor. What was that movie? Road show? Roadhouse.


Conor McGregor's Popeye.


Oh, my God, Count. It's actually. Yeah, I'm feeling.


I'm in. Why don't they make this Connor? They should make this Connor. If I was your manager, I'd say fuck the Chandler fight.


No, I am into this.


Let's go.


These scenes are from Roadhouse.


So what? Shut the fuck up.


Roadhouse. We don't know.


Shane has a great joke. That's AI. That's super AI. Shane's joke about Connor. Amazing.


Oh, so fucking fun.


But you can do a lot of CGI stuff and make me believe they.


Got, I mean countless.


Yeah, all.


Well, I mean, pretty soon we don't get to the point where you can just make the movie. You can just make the movie.


Well, you know, that's why Tyler Perry shut down a studio. Tyler Perry was in the middle of making an 800 million dollar production studio and he saw Sora, saw a demonstration of the new AI, the ability to like. You just put in a prompt and they show you've seen the videos of Sora. You see the, like Jack we played in the green room the other day.


Like Duncan wouldn't stop talking about it.


Incredible. The. The tokyo in the snow was insane.


You showed me insane. Yeah, it's wild.


So he shut down his toes. I hold up, I'm gonna pause because I'm not gonna need that. I'm not gonna need all this crazy shit. Everything's gonna be done inside of a computer maybe.


Or he shut down studios cuz people weren't watching dress up as a lady anymore.


But they are. Yeah.


He's not bomb broke anytime soon.


They are. Those things sell.


Those things still slap.


Oh yeah.


Oh, there's a market for that, is there? Yeah.




Listen, very popular movie on Amazon, I think. There you go. There's a market for everything. He also has shows. He has a bunch of shows.


He's got a bunch of it.


Yeah. So he saw that, he was like, that's a wrap. I mean, why would you spend $800 million in some antiquated shit if a computer program comes along next year and then you could do it on your laptop.


Yeah, the expensive studio.


I mean, all this new shit. I'll tell you what I did the other day, something I like to do once every five years. At least I fucking did dark side of the moon with wizard of Oz.




Have you seen this? One of the greatest anomalies and coincidences in the history of art.


What are you talking about?


You don't know about this?




If you hit start on dark side of the moon on the second roar of the MGM lion of wizard of Oz and you turn the audio of wizard of Oz all the way down and dark side of the moon all the way up, it matches. It's a crazy fucking visual thing.


It matches exactly. Yeah, it matches in this weird way.


Lyrics beat.


It syncs up. Dark side of the Rainbow, also known as dark side of Oz or the wizard of Floyd, is a pairing of the 1973 Pink Floyd album dark side of the Moon with the 1939 film wizard of Oz. This produces numerous moments of apparent synchronicity where the film and the album appear to correspond. Members of Pink Floyd and dark side of the Moon engineer Alan Parsons denied any intent to connect the album to the film.


I asked Roger Waters about it all the time about this, but it seems.


Like they made it to sink half. They didn't.


The coincidences are insane.


It's nuts. It's. I think it's proof of the simulation.


I think so, too. I. When I was rewatching it the other day, I was positive of it. Positive of it.


There's a lot of stuff that makes me think, like, this isn't real.




You know? Like, these really smart people that understand this in a level that I'm not really capable of. Like Elon says, the chances of this not being a simulation are one in billions. Billions.


Yeah. And he's a smart guy, but I only hear rich people saying, we're in a simulation.




Lady working at McDonald's with four kids. Ain't be like this a simulation.


Listen, the kid working in the cobalt mine in the Congo wishes he worked at McDonald's.




Right. That would be the simulation. Oh, my God. Free fish and chips. Yeah, you know, whatever you get. Play Pita. I told you how to cheat day. Today, I ate two filet of fish and a spicy chicken sandwich at McDonald's. Solid cheat day. How'd you feel? Terrible. Terrible. I worked out like a werewolf after that shit. Off.


A year?


Yeah. I barely do, but today I did. Today I went off. I had a piece of bread. We want to eat, too. I didn't give up. Onion rings to three on your.


Man, that steak was fucking awesome.


Yeah. Three forks. You can't have a bad restaurant, Austin. I.


It's very rare, man.


You can't. You won't survive.


They don't even. There's a fucking taco car across from the mothership.


Oh, it's bomb. Unbelievable. Bomb diggity.


Yeah. Get pizza out here, though.


There are places out here. There are places I hear I have not been. Yeah, but there's. There's a bunch of places, if you google it, there's, like, some high end places that make some badass yet to find.


Like, an.


A one.


Top tier sandwich shop.


Oh, we got those.


We do. Yeah, you gotta find.


Don't you have a fan here? Something like that.


What's that one? That. Callan?




No, no, no.


It's something like that.


Right? Scarfs.




No, no. That's my go to right now.


It's a great.


I'm talking about something on the level.


Of, like, italian delis.


Like, you ever eat it? Like ghost Sando in, in LA?


No, that like that level.


Where's that?


How about my man Giovanni that we had cater kill Tony?


That was unbelievable.


That dude from GnR's deli post about it. He's got his own place now in White Plains.




Insane. I didn't eat all day just so I could eat his sandwiches on Saturday night. I just decided not to eat.


Snarfs is the best sandwich I've had. A hot second though.


They're very good.


I'll eat that shit.


No, no, it's not bad at all.


You know he's got great sandwiches. Joe Derosa.


Oh yeah, his spots out here too.


He's making a spot out here. He had a pop up when tower was going on. He did a pop up, the comic.




Brought us some sandwiches.


He's got a great sandwich shop in New York City, Joey. Roses. Really good. Really good. Big ass fucking sandwiches.


Have you found good chicken wings out here?


Oh yeah.


What's that place you get delivered?


It's called BBQ chicken. They have one in LA too.


You told me about that bomb ass korean place.


That's what I'm talking about.


No, the late night place. What is it called? Soha.


Oh so high. No, you told me about it.


I told you about that. Oh, that's right.


But that's not chicken wings.


No, no, but it's korean food. Awesome chicken. Amazing.


David Lucas knows the best chicken wing spots.


Nice. BBQ chickens. The best chicken wings, period.


You know what, those change all the time. Yeah, no crusty overbreaded ones. Get the fuck out of here.


This a Joe Gus's. I didn't know Gus's was a chain. Gus's is incredible.


No guesses. Is great for our chicken. The last time I got Gus's wasn't as good, but.


But I think by the time it got you was cooled off.


That's why they be bet. But they bet about 90. But Gus is.


But when you get it in Gus's, it's hot. But that's what you want.


They don't have wings though. It's just have like fried chicken.


Yeah, but they have fried pickles.


But it's great.


Lucy's. I think it is Lucy's fried chicken here. Have you tried that?


Yeah, yeah, this is good. I mean I haven't tried all the.


Fried chicken, but you tried that egyptian barbecue place? Kg barbecue egyptian. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.


It's a food truck.




Okay. Yeah, it's attached to the little brewery. Yeah, that's awesome too.


I went there with action Bronson.


Yeah. Oh, and golden chicken makes decent wings. They got this. I don't know what they call it. Crack, crack, crack. Sprinkle crack. Some kind of seasoning. That they is awesome.


There's so many good.


There's no bad, bro. There's a seafood spot out here called mongers.


Oh, that's place. That place great.


Mongers is good.


Bongers is great.


Best crab cakes I had outside of Maryland.


Oh, you got to go to Jay Carvers and get the crab cakes. Where Jade carvers has the best crab cakes. Jake Harvey. Not that mongers aren't great, but Jake Harper's are off the charts.




Best crab cakes I've ever had.


I've only been a J. Carvers once without you.


It's great.


Oh, yeah.


You can't get bad food out here. It's. If you're in a town that has bad restaurants. Like, that sucks. Like, if you want to go on a hot dinner date, you got to go 2 hours.


But where has, like, bad, I guess middle America maybe?


I was no, bro.


Like, go to go, like, Indiana. Go to Vermont. You'll starve to death. Yeah, it's like, it's no, it's like white people food. I asked the dude, I was like, yo, what's good? Okay. He was like, pot pies? No, it was like some kind of steamed thing.


Steamed clams?


No, it was like steam sandwich. Yeah, they like steam. They, like, put cheese on something and steam out, bro.


It's only warm there for a day. Yeah, you can't stay in a place.


Best takeouts I've ever been to in Oklahoma. Oklahoma City.






Best take house ever.


Hands down. I'm really.


What's it called? Something rep. Have you been in that place in Vegas? Bizarre? Me?


Sorry, me?


Yeah, you might change your mind.


That's the top of the power.


Oh, the name. Good call. You're real smart.


Meets the top of the pile.


That one place we went.


B a Z. Z a, not b I z. Mower.


Not bizarre like how bizarre? Yeah, no, like a bizarre, like a. Like a shop. Oh, gotcha.


Yeah, I thought I was, like, bizarre.


No, no, we're getting wacky. No, no, we have zebra. No, it's that guy Jose Andres, that famous chef.


Oh, word.


It's incredible. It's all argentine style, so they have, like, hardwoods burning, and the steaks are, like, on these grills and lower. No.




That's a Chuhaskaria. That's brazilian. Yeah, that's like fog.


Yeah, and they have that. Like, they have the old. The old cow. They have that.


It's not like the older cow, mature cow.


Yeah, they like the milk cows.


Like, by the way, who dresses better than Dean Thomas?




Dean is the best dresser in all of MMA. He's always get some stylish shit on.


Yeah, that's pretty.


Look at him, my man. Rocking the ascot.


Dean demo. Rock a turtleneck. What are you wearing? Like, always. He's always got some slick shit on.


He's great.


What do you think about Khalil round?




Fighting, Alex. That's crazy, right?


Entertainment wise, it's great. And he's won five in a row. It's a funner fight for Alex.


Just built.


Keeps building him.


And after that, his last fight. You know, when you see Khalil, it just keeps getting better. Just keeps getting better.


Love Khalil. Such a good person.


He's a great guy. I just had him on recently.


Yeah, that fight is.


That's a big ass fight, man.


Huge fight for him. He's gonna be the co main event on a Connor card. He gets busted. Conor Connor falls out.


Yeah. And now all of a sudden, he's fighting for the title in Salt Lake City, by the way, who saved more cards than Alex?


Legend. That's why he's my pound for pound number one.


He just keeps sending, like, they just keep having him save these cards. Card goes south. Who wants to defend the title? Alex is, like, Shaman.


Doesn't speak English. Whatever. Let's ride.


And he's one of the biggest stars in the sport. Yeah, doesn't speak. Like, you don't have to speak English in this sport. Like, all that shit talking is great, but if you can just flatline every motherfucker that's in front of you.


You have to be a knockout artist, though, right? Have to be flatlining dudes. Can't be a grappler, right?


Right. Like when Floyd Mayweather was making all those pay per view dollars, even though he's winning by decision, just everybody wanted to see him lose. He had talked so much shit, got people so riled up, that everybody bought it, and they would just smartly box his way to a victory. He didn't care, but it kept working. Yeah, kept working.


He'd get people so riled up, he.


Realized, like, people wanting to. You lose, it's just as powerful of marketing as anything.


Maybe more powerful. Yeah. I mean, that's why he's always showing his cars and showing his jewels, like duplexes.


I want him to lose so bad, I'm gonna watch every fight that he's in, you know?


So him and Straun Strickland, the rematch gonna be very interesting. Cause I thought Sean won the first fight. I thought it was real close, but I thought.


I think Sean beats him in the rematch.






What makes you think that?


I thought Sean beat him the first time.


I think not only does he beat him, I think he's gonna beat him bad.




I don't know if there's beating DDP bad.


Imagine if Sean beats DDP bad, then you go, Sean, Izzy, too. I'm happy with that. Why not? Let's go.


Why can't you?


Why not?


You can't.


What, are we in Russia?


Yeah, let's go and have a fucking way.


Shut your dirty mouth and let's fucking party.


Nothing. Is it. But is he. Oh, is he not moved into that. Almost into that. That Connor status where he can pick his shots?


No, no.


He did almost one tonight for sure.


But here's the other problem he's going up against. You have Hamza. You have all these other killers coming up the rankings.




And they need to shot.


Yep. And it was a definitive fight. What does it say here? What's he saying? Coming down to 185 one more time?


Oh, that's just. Okay. It's.


Oh, my God.


He's gonna come down to 185 one more time, bro.


Is a menace.


Oh, my God. That's not real.


That's fake.


What are you talking about? That's real.


It's. I talked.


That's real page. That's his instagram.


He. Brian probably knows. He's been on Instagram all night.


He's been checking Twitter. It's fake. Let me ask everybody on my Twitter.


Page like that, friend.


Guys tough because he talks shit like that.




Yeah. All the time.




He wants to fight. Yeah.


And he's doing. He can make 85 still, which is just nuts, bro. But he was making 85 and going up to 220 the night of the fight. That's so crazy.


I would love for him. Does he get a shot if he go? If he wants it?






He's the champion.


He's a champa. Two of, you know, if they decide to have. If he decides to make 85 again, and they decided to do it for December because, like, look, in a perfect world, Connor fights Chandler in December in Vegas.


In a perfect world, what Connor wants.


In a perfect world, but he hasn't fought in a couple of years. Like, is that going to happen? You know?


And I'm gonna be honest, I'm not as excited to see Connor fighting.


How dare you?


Well, with more. That's the problem. As time goes on, like, if he doesn't fight for a year from now, it's a tough sell.


Can he have. Can he still headline?




I'm not as excited for that card as.


You wouldn't be as excited as you were if Chandler and him fought in July, right? Chandler and him fought when they were supposed to fight the week of the fight. Gonna be, right? And then when he walks out and the whole place goes green, I'm gonna get.


I'm gonna watch it, but I'm not gonna be like, oh, shit, I can't wait. Like I was. I was. I couldn't wait for.


For this, right?


You know?


More excited than when you were for the french guy.


Yeah. Fuck that guy.




Imagine Brian Simpson with a map. Where's he from? What's his name?


Kaikara, France.


Dude, you would be. You'd be so ashamed at how baked I was on flagrant why I'm ashamed of. Because I didn't.


Oh, no, I listened to it.


Did you not know what you're talking about?


No, I didn't remember it till it came out. I was in Detroit the weekend before, and they kept dropping off edibles in the green room, boxes and stuff, and it was this one shit called band. And I had a bag of them, and it was. The bag was 200 milligrams, right? And. But the night before flickering, I couldn't see, so I reached this fucking box and grabbed one and I ate it. And I didn't realize, like, the one I ate was just one, like, like, you know, like the chip challenge. Like, if it's just one chip in the foil, you ain't supposed to fucking eat that, right? It was one of them. And the whole thing was 200 milligrams, and I didn't realize it. And an hour later, I wake up and not only am I not sleep, but I'm energized and I'm higher than I've ever been in my whole life. And the podcast is in like 3 hours or 4 hours, and I get.


There should be enough time.


No, no, Joe, I was hot all day. I was high through that whole day. And then a little bit when I woke up the next day, wow.


It's not good.


I mean, you're cool.


I can live in that world. But it was just like. I just was like, this is the day we having. This is gonna be just gonna have this kind of day, right? Yeah. You gonna wake up. You're gonna end up, you know, you gonna eat some food. You might end up at a drumstar. Who knows?


Thinking guys from Africa. French.




I'm not. I'm not that high today.


I'm a little high, but not you on playground. That was good.


I was just. But I was struggling, man. I was not clear minded.


Andrew's a professional, though. He's carry it well.


That shows great to be too high because there's so many people on the show. There's a lot of people that can carry things.




You know, there's always someone chiming in, but that's the benefit of having a lot of people on the show.




Like, if you're too high and it's just you and the person, like, yikes.


Not that I'm terrible when I'm high. It's just that I. It's just stream of consciousness, and you've heard me just. You've heard stuff that spills out of my brain when I'm just not. When I'm just regular.


Right, right.


So it was like, all right. I'm just saying whatever.




It was fun, though. It was a great time.


Yeah, it's a. Well, it's also, you're protected.


You're amongst friends, and I got. I love that I got to go to New York City without having anything else to do, so I got to, like, experience City.




I still don't want to live here, but I get it.


Let's see. I get it for a visit.




I love it for a visit in Vegas. Yeah. We were just there for kill Tony. It was amazing. I mean, it was cool for me to fly in with, like, very minimal obligations, just how to be a guest and have a good time and soak it all in different. It was crazy, dude.


It feels like living in an obstacle course. Like, I got to get through shit just to get to the shit.


Right. But people like that because it's like.


It's a hustle.






Activity. Dude, I'm telling you, watching kill Tony go down in Madison Square Garden, that's another thing to me that I go, this might not be real. This might be a simulation. This seems too crazy to have seen it from the beginning. To see it at Madison Square Garden. Like, this doesn't seem real.


And not only see it at Madison Square Garden, but there's probably, like, 70 standing ovations over two nights.


I was nuts.




Was there so many moments that were so nuts? They were so fun. Yeah. It was so ridiculous. But it was also it's just so bizarre to see it in such an enormous arena filled with people that love the show.


I should have fucking been there.


Oh, you should have went? Yeah, you should have went. Why didn't you? What we doing?


Nothing. I just. But I just got back from New York. I was just exhausted.


Jelly roll sang New York, New York time ever in a three piece suit and a fucking top hat.


Black Keys opened up on Saturday. It was insane.


Dice went up first.


It was insane.


By night two, he was pretending he was my assistant because he did such a good job the night before that, I hired him as an assistant.


It was like a combination of, like, a comedy show, pro wrestling chaos, and, like, a celebration of comedy.


That's really what it is. Your Vince McMahon in the kill Tony.


It was crazy that I didn't, you know, I've only seen clips still. I haven't, like, watched it back, but when I do, it's so fucking surreal because I'm, like, watching it almost, you know, definitely like a fan, because I'm, you know, just the Shane as Trump talking shit about Joe and Joe popping up, like, from my perspective, it was fucking awesome. But when I tell him that you.


Just cooked that up right before the show, too.


Oh, yeah.


That was not something that was planned so good.




Right before the show, I showed up, and I wasn't even gonna go on that day. I was just hanging. I was on the panel the day before, and Tony's like, I got an idea.


It was great because the whole silly Trump being mad Rogan endorsed, even though he didn't, RFK junior.


And then having Joey Diaz go on after that was insane. It was just magic, man. It was like. Like I said, it was like a celebration of comedy. That's what it felt like. It's like comedy's back. It felt like a celebration.


What's so cool, what I was saying about the pro wrestling thing was, is when I was watching that clip, that was the first time I've seen what the people see. So when Trump's doing that, and all of a sudden, the director, Anthony Giordano, who actually directs the UFC's, goes all the way to the back of the arena. So you see the entire stage, and there's just this tiny stairway in the middle, and you see something. And the crowd at that moment, smoke from all four, five, six banisters or whatever it was. And the name on this crazy, huge led, just Rogan. Rogan, Rogan. Which was actually perfect for the fucking. Which was perfect for the bit that I came up with 20 minutes before the show because I wanted him to intimidate Trump so Trump could do that silly thing where he reversed, he's the best.


He's a great guy.


Watching him try to not laugh while he's saying that, while simultaneously we seeing Adam Ray, who's a professional fucking character and actor and comedian, totally break his biden, which he never does, and he's cracking up throughout that. And Harland just so happens to be behind him, who's a notoriously silly guy who's just cracking up and a fan, we all, to be able to have moments like that there.


But again, it was like. It was a celebration of comedy.




Like the legends bucket, when you kept pulling people out of the bucket.


So it's all celebrates. It's also a celebration of your creation, Tony. Like, I see it. I'm like, they deserve it, man.




You know, it's like, I'm like, yeah, go, man, go, dude.


Persistence. And, you know, if you keep getting better at things and you keep pursuing, and it just grows. And that show grew organically. Yeah, there was no help.


Well, the whole thing is about growth. Like, that's really the coolest thing. Like, if you notice the pops of the legends, which is maximum pop, a lot of the regulars and the golden ticket winners were almost, if not getting that exact same pop, because these people, everybody know they're watching this guy have the biggest moment of his career and they remember when he was living in a van or trying to get to America or fucking, you name it, had a drug addiction, alcohol addiction, disabled, you know, bullied their whole lives, the inability to speak. Aaron Belial through a fucking bluetooth killing in Madison Square Garden.


It was amazing.


And random bucket pools. These people who ten minutes, five minutes earlier, had no idea they were going to be on the biggest stage in the world. They've been waiting for hours. They signed up, they waited outside.


The first time they ever went on stage.




Yeah, the wild gotta be unbelievable, bro. You probably are in an alternative dimension where you even hear your voice on that microphone. First time ever on stage.


Oh, yeah, yeah. And that's why it gets tough. And, you know, the adjustment that I made for MSG, specifically learning from the other arenas that we've done, was these people, when they get. When it is your first time or you're brand new, a few months in and you're in an arena, they cannot help but think that tens of thousands of people are right there watching them. So it's very hard to get real answers out of them at all different animals. So I realized that I have to blend in. Fucking thunder and lightning kind of throughout it, you know, to be able to keep the momentum up. Interviews are going to be tough, even if the comedian kills with the minute me going, tell me something weird about you. You wouldn't want us to know. It's so much harder in front of 15,000 people than, you know, 400 at the mothership on a Monday where it's kind of cozy and, well, it's 250 at the mothership.


So it's, you know, that's such a fraction. The roars like that Ari Matty guy that cam got it all. He's got William Montgomery got. It's crazy.


I like that re guy.


He's great.


Yeah, he's.


I've never met him, but I like him.


Yeah, he's a great guy.


There's so many freaks at the mothership right now that are fucking, like, just they are crushing.


But there's. There's. There's too much space between the s and the t. Yeah.


And I have to live with that. Just I'm gonna keep it like that forever. Next week, I'm gonna pull you.


Next week, bus tea.


I'm gonna move it a little bit. I'm gonna move it a little bit more to the right. I don't give a fuck.


You know, we didn't do a smelling salts.


Oh, there was no dance party this time.


Wrap this up. I know, Brian, you're sad, but you gotta, you gotta give duplicity respect.




All due respect, duplicity, you got hateable face, but. Well, congrats, champ.


I just think he needs to do more interviews, get out there more too.


So because he's a guy showing Michael Chandler Koen hooker after he won, maybe.


They'Re showing his comeback, right?


Are they trying to set up Chandler and Hooker?




How do you know?


Because they're showing what hook is coming.


Back from an hour after the thing. Now they're on some other show, right?


These guys are going.


This is. No, I'm saying this is the wrap up show. But these guys are showing Dan Hooker getting kod because he lost two in a row. Right, right. But I wonder if they're trying to set that up because that would be exciting.


Chandler taking that.


But maybe he would take that if he can't get the Connor fight.


No, he waiting for that Connor dog.


I know he's waiting for that Connor.


Fight, but you have to do December.


Has to come a point in time. Yeah, we got a. Where he's got. He has a young father for two.


Years waiting for Connor.




Red Penny.


Not hopefully, right?


Yeah. Cara Francis was an animal.


But what a crazy thing to have to sit around and wait. To sit around and wait.


Can't do nothing.


Can't do nothing. And you can't take a chance, go in there and fight somebody and lose. And then lose your spot. And then connors talking shit about you.


Well, Connor was because. Yeah, Chandler's talking shit, cuz. Conor, talk shit about Trump. You know? Chandler loves Trump.


Get a bet right now.


They fight in December.




Yep, really.


What, do you think?


I'm the same guy that guarantee.


French guy, winter.




What do you think? You think they fight?


I don't think they fight, no.




You think Connor ever fights again?


You know what? I don't think so.


He's got like, a half a billion dollars, man.


Yeah, the whiskey's doing so good.


He sold that whiskey company.




Oh, really?


And so what do you mean? It's done?


He sold his portion, right?


He sold it. Yeah, but, I mean, he made the.


Money, but he doesn't.


He doesn't have any stock or anything.


So he's done with it.


He's always promoting the stout.


Yeah, he has to promote it. Yes. Stupid million.


Yes, millions. I know. It's hard when they make that much money. We got that much money yet? Yacht money.


I think that whiskey will be. Will taste good by the time to counter fights again.




Oh, that's a burn.


It's terrible.


I do not like it. I have to.


Well, it's a $20 whiskey.


I haven't had it.


It's like a cheap whiskey for, like, you know.


Well, you know what, man? I tried some old scotch and it ruined me. I tried, like, lafrog, some, like, 25 year old McAllen, that kind of shit. I tried that old scotch once. You drink that stuff? God damn. Or, like, buffalo trace, you know that. That stuff that's eight years old. Mandy, it. They won't make it any less than eight years old.


It's great.


And then when you realize like, that, like, how long it takes for whiskey to get.




And somebody. Oh, this is a brand new whiskey. Well, of course. It's terrible.


Well, Connors isn't supposed to be that, though, right? You're supposed to have, like, mix it, you know, so it's not like a sipping whiskey. It's like a party thing. College kids are putting fucking peaky blinders.


Yeah, bro, you get placing bets on a fixed horse race. Yeah, I just started watching fucking Peaky Blinders is great. Dude, I'm on season four now.


I'm on season two. Dude.


It's fucking good.


Hell, yeah. For the friend.


Killian Murphy. That guy's a beast.




They're doing a new 28 days later. They're doing 28 years later.


Oh, really?


Yeah. Remember that zombie? Ever see 28 days later? The zombie movie? Best zombie movie ever.


It was women. There were two of them. 2028. No, was 28 days and then 28.


Weeks, something like that.


And then they're doing 28 years.


28 years. Yeah. Okay, bro, that first one is amazing.


It was great.


Yeah, because, like, it's like real close to what Covid was fucking around in a laboratory.


Isn't he the Riddler too now?




Killian Murphy.


No, it's the boy. He's from. He's from that movie with Hugh Jackman.


Paul. Daniel. Him.


Yeah, yeah, he's the Riddler.


He was, uh. He was, uh. What's his face? Um. Oppenheimer. It's great. An oppenheimer.




Range. He's got range. You know, a guy who could play a gangster and a nuclear scientist. Yeah.


You know what problems about piggy blinders, though. He's like. He's. He's like the smart guy of the family. And then this ridiculous, like everyone in a spoiler alerts. She's been out for fucking hot. Second boy, I'm gonna say, though, is the. The undercover agent that goes to the bar to work for. Yeah, she's just a smoke show in a land full of warlocks. He's like, no, this is normal. And starts telling all sorts of shit.


And starts banging it. Yeah, let's go, let's go.


I call. You guys caught up on House of Dragons?


House of Born?


No, don't say anything. I haven't watched it this season. I'm waiting till Piki blind. Just tone done with that. Wait, I'm gonna wait for House of Dragons? Yes, exactly. I'm trying to get House of Dragons get all their episodes in so I can binge.


Oh, you can do that now, though. It's just a trailer for season three. The entire season is just entire.


Dragons is all out.


House of Born.


It's over. Yeah.


Oh, yeah.


You didn't like it?


Well, the season was long.


It was just foreplay.




Or play.


But the train setup is diabolical.


Okay, don't. Don't say but.




If it doesn't start to go down.


Freak the fuck out.


Let's wrap this up. All right, boys. Love you. Fun time.


You got times, good times.


All gas. Calm two weeks left. Buy a shirt when a truck.


Oh, that's, I have to do.


That's all you do.


Tony Hinchliffe.


The MSG live stream is still available right now at kill Tony live.


Kill Tony and when are you going to do another arena?


New Year's Eve. And the night before New Year's Eve, 31 in town, baby. Center here in Austin, Texas. Texas resorts world in Las Vegas. I think it's sold out, but there might be a couple tickets.




September 25.


Oh, that's a big one.


What's the theater in Boston?


Wilbur Wiltern.


The Wilbur Wilbur Theater, October 11. Get them tickets right now.


All right. Bye, everybody.

