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The Joe Rogan experience.


Train by day. Joe Rogan podcast by night, all day. What's up, quentin?


What's up, man?


Good to see you, sir. Yeah, cheers.


Good to be here.


So tell me about your drink. What is this car? It's called f three.


Yeah, f three. It's, um, it's a newer energy drink. It got like supplements and stuff in it.


Oh, this is good.




Ginseng, bcaas Theanine.




Good for the brain.


What the hell is theonine? I don't know. What.


It's a nootropic. It's in this gum. This gum neurogum. Yeah, I take a bunch of different brain supplements.


Doesn't make your dick hard, though.


No, doesn't help there.


Oh, I've been looking for.


There's other stuff for that.


How good would it be if you can drink dick hardener?


I'm sure they have it. I'm sure there's like a Viagra soda somewhere. Thailand or some shit.


I'm sure in Thailand.


Maybe Russia. I'm sure. So, Jamie, Google dick hard soda. If you get Carl to sit still for a second.


Can you think about that? You don't have to take a pill, you just drink it. You know, the girls have no idea it is.


I bet there's like a cocktail that you could buy at a bar.


Why you call it cocktail, though?


That's what they call them. I didn't invent it, but if there was like a cocktail. Yeah, that's what they would call it. The cocktail.


I want to spit all over your table.


It's okay. This table looks good with a little bit of stains on it. Find anything? I need dick hard soda. It's. It's giving me like, cocktails that people have, you know, made that, that have Viagra in them. They're just suggested. No, no, they just have alcohol and they call them like, get your dick hard. Oh, el Viagra. Viagra Falls. But there's no sodas or anything with via that probably it have to be in another country.


Yeah, they probably wouldn't have that here.


Because you have to have a prescription.


That's the only thing this, this needs. They got everything else. And this green tea, that's what caffeine come from.


Green tea and ginseng too.


Yeah, I can drink like two or three ds a day and don't bother me. I love it.


That's nice to. The first time I saw you fight was in like 2000. Yeah, about 2000. I saw you fight Marvin Eastman, my first fight.


My first professional fight.


Was that your first professional fight?


Yeah. You saw that in king of the cage?


Yep, I was there.


You was there at king of the cage?








You saw me get my ass kicked.


You didn't get your ass kicked.


I did.


Nah, you just lost. Marmod Eastman was fucking good, man.


Yeah. I was lied to, by the way.


Oh, really?


Yeah. They was doing him a favorite, and they told me the guy was just a kickboxer. And, you know, I was a wrestler. I was like, oh, I'm just gonna take this guy down. It was a two weeks notice fight.


Oh, wow.




He kickboxed, too.


Yeah, I didn't know about the wrestling. I knew he was kickboxing. He kicked me in the head. I was like, damn, that's my only time ever getting kicked in the head. Really? Yeah, my whole career. Go back, watch my fights.


That's crazy.


I learned the lesson. Never got kicked in the head again.


Wow. Yeah. He could wrestle and he could kickbox, and he was built like a tank.


Yeah. Yeah. That's why, um. That's why he was my first fight in the UFC, because. I don't know if you know about this, but Dana white bought an organization just to get me because I left Pride and I went to WFA.


Oh, okay.


And my manager at the time, he became, like, the president couple years of being with me. Then she started joking. Then she actually got pretty good. I'm like, damn. She started hurting my feelings a little bit. The fuck did I create? But she was good. I remember one time we was joking back and forth, and she was laughing. Then I made a joke about her dad, and she's, don't you talk about my father. I was like, damn, my bad. I thought we was joking. So they just take everything serious. They don't understand the concept of jokes. You know, our movies, our comedy movies don't go there to Japan. Just our action movies and stuff.Interesting.You didn't know that?No. Makes sense, though. They just a different culture. They're more stoic. Just a completely different society, you know?Yeah, but I'm gonna go there and make a whole bunch of babies, though. They need me.They do.They need me.They do.I'm gonna make me a bunch of babies. And if they boys, put them in MMA.Yeah. I think they have, like, a drastic reduction in their population for some reason. It's so bad some. I forget what the guy estimated. But there was a guy who analyzed all the people that are alive today in Japan and how many of them would have grandchildren, and it's a shockingly low number.I wonder what's. What's the reason, though. Why?That's a good question, probably. I think they like video games. You know, that's a problem with young people, bro.I love video games, too, but I also love pussy. You can do, you know, you can play a couple games, then later on at night, get some ass. I don't understand.I think they just locked in. I don't know. I don't know what's going on.Well, I thought it was rejection. Like. Like, people are so afraid of rejection over there. Like, a guy go and hit on a girl, and she rejects them. Like, he probably won't hit on the girl again for, like, next couple of months or years or something like that.Oh, really?That was really bad. Especially if she rejects them in front of other people.Oh, so it's an honor thing, embarrassment?Yeah, it's an embarrassment thing. That's why I kind of think it is. That's why I think it is.Jamie, see if you can find something on Japan's dwindling population, because it is kind of crazy.And I got a couple of friends that's married out there, and one of my friends, we were just having a conversation. His name is Tyson. He's an african guy, and he owns a bar out there. And I been going to this bar for over 20 something years. After all my fights, I used to go into this bar, and we got to know each other really well. And he was talking. He was saying, you saying, if you love a japanese woman and you marry a japanese woman, do not give her a pet or kids, because if you get her a pet or kids, you never fucking again. I was right. some people need steroids.Yeah. I always tell people, like, look at me and look at some of the other fighters. You can look at my body and tell I wasn't on this shit.Well, the difference is when they get tested, like when the, the pre USADA and post USADA days are so interesting because even though they outlawed testosterone, still guys like Ovarian, there's. There's not a chance in hell that guy was natural. It was. He was not natural at all. There's no way. No way. Especially when fought Brock Lesnar, but somehow know that he passed a test. But the test the day of, like, the day of, like, the way ins test, that's nonsense. That is nonsense. Like, all the benefits are still there and all the stuff is out of your system, bro.It's crazy. I used to fight over there with Alistair, right? And he was like the bony 200 and fiver.Yeah, he was thin.Yeah, he was thin. Then one day I saw him like, God damn, what the fuck are you doing? He said, horse meat. I was like, okay, buddy.Yeah, he was powerlifting. You remember when he got up to like 265, you know, when he won the k one grand prix?Oh, yeah.I mean, you couldn't hit him. He was a mountain. He was just covered behind muscle and, you know, k one style when they fight with like, the earmuffs on, when they're standing there like, he was just, there was no chin. You couldn't see it in there.He was a bad muffler. He won it too, didn't he?Yeah, he won the grand prix, which is crazy.He was a bad, I was always worried I was going to have to fight him in pride, but I don't know why they never put me against him, bro.When he fought Brock Lesnar, if they kept the testing that way, he might have been the heavyweight champion. He might have stayed the heavyweight champion too. I mean, he was hard to handle at that weight. He was so big and he had those elite kickboxing skills, you know, I remember when he fought, I guess it was strike force when he fought Brett Rogers. You can see the moment he hits Brett Rogers with one low kick and you can see it in Brett Rogers face, like, oh, shit. Like, this is different. This is so different. He was so scary, man.Yeah. Fuck. Big tall motherfucker. I would like to see him go against Jon Jones.I would have loved to send that back in the day. But if, if again, you let him fight enhanced, because the difference between him, enhanced and unenhanced, he became an average fighter.Yeah, but John was enhanced too, though. If they would have went against each other. Both enhanced at the time. At the time.So you think John was enhanced?Yeah, I think it's proven.Really? Because of the whole thing with the Pico Grahams, whatever the fuck that shit.Is, you know, I don't pay a whole lot of attention to it, but I just thought he got popped, so I assumed that he was enhanced.He did, but the problem that he got popped with, there were so minuscule levels, it didn't make sense.He don't look, he don't look like somebody does steroids. Yeah. No.No, it doesn't. But neither did Lance Armstrong.He probably, is he probably doing something different though? Lance?No, he was doing testosterone. I mean, he was definitely doing that too. Did they. Those guys were doing, he was doing a lot of shit. They do taking Muay Thai right after that fight with Sakuraba. I started trying with Kali Noyama when he was. He was training Tito. I went straight up to Big Bear, and I started training very good. Yeah, he taught me to cover and roll. Yeah, I learned a lot from that guy.Yeah, he's very good. He's trained a lot of MMA fighters.Yeah, he.It's interesting when you see those guys hole in it? Like, his hamstring was gone.It's hard to come back from this.Yeah. So all he could have had it, but he would have had to have surgery right after the tear, and he didn't. And so once it curls up and locks in place, like, I guess they can't bring it back.Oh, yeah. How you feel about the, like, older guys, like me, Rashad, and Mark Coleman, all of us fighting in, like, a league with other older guys instead of putting us with younger people.That's not a bad idea. Like, a legends league.Yeah. Cause we still love. We still love it. We still love to fight, you know, but it's just. We just can't compete with the.With the youngest guys.Yeah. Father time is undefeated, bro.Father time never loses. And not only that, like, these young guys haven't had all the injuries that the older guys have had. You know, you see older guys, they look fine, but, you know, who knows what? Fucking neck, my knee, my hip, my fucking wrist. There's always something. If you've had 25 MMA fights, 35 MMA fights, you got problems. There's no if, ands, or buts about it. Yeah, I don't know anybody who's not banged up, man.When I get out of bed in the morning, like, the first couple steps, I'm like, damn, was it worth it?Yeah, but you. You came out better than most people.Yeah, I didn't have to. I already had an injury coming into mma. My knee was fucked. I fucked my knee up in college, but I haven't had. I haven't had too much.What you do with your knee in.College, man, my teammates, half of my teammates, wasn't coming to practice. And the coach was like, since you guys not getting your teammates here, you got to work out for them. So they used to pair us up in groups of tools and make us do 15 push ups. Other guy do 15 reps, then you go all the way down to five. Right? And after two weeks of that, we got so strong, we was bottoming out on everything, right? So I'm wrestling one of my teammates, and he tried to get a single leg on me. And this, right when I was getting better at wrestling, I was getting good. It was hard to take me down and everything. I was in Lassen junior college, and the wrestlers there was, like, the rejects, but they was all good. They had to come there first. Then they went to d one schools, right? And I'm resting this guy, and he's still my friend to this day. He get mad when I tell the story, and he's going in for a single. I wasn't giving it up because everybody was talking shit to me. I was a runt on the team, the worst wrestler there, and I was.I had. I think I took him down, and he wanted his take down back, and he took my. My leg and he bent it sideways and went. And he. I think he told my meniscus or some shit. And last, they didn't even take me to the. I don't know what happened. They never got me MRi. They just threw me away.Really?Yeah, yeah, just, it. I let it heal up on his own.And it never got 100%.No, it never was the same.Wow.And then I. I think that was my meniscus. I don't know, but I injured my meniscus when I was training for Ryan Bader. I had, like, a little partial turn. The doctor told me, nah, you don't want to fight. Cause you can rip it all the way. And another fight in Japan. It's hard for me to pull out in Japan. That's why I think it's a good idea for me to go over there and make some babies.Well, it's amazing what they can do with stem cells now because I had a tear of my right knee, and I got stem cells on it. I had a couple different cycles of stem cells now. It doesn't bother me at all. And I was like, fuck, I'm gonna have to get it done on my right knee too. Cause I had my left knee part of my meniscus removed. Cause it was a bucket handle tear. So, you know, it lock out.Yeah.So it would lock straight, like pop. Ah. And then you can't bend your knee, and you're like, oh, my God. And it's painful as fuck.Yeah. That used to happen to Rico Rodriguez. I used to corner him one time is fighting. And that was my job in each round, to pull his leg out.Yeah, Rico didn't have an ACL. Yeah, he fought at the highest level with no ACL.Yeah.He was the first guy I ever heard that did that. I'm like, that is crazy.He didn't give a fuck.Crazy.It's crazy what fighters put up with.I know. Well, there's fighters right now that are fighting with no acls. I know a couple of them football.Players won't do that shit.No, no. You get it repaired.I think we should. I think we should get doctors like them. Like, you know how they have, like, what you call those physios. They. I think we should have that on. On every team have, like, a set of physios and people that. Because we don't know what the fuck we doing. Even today, we don't know. We don't know shit.Well, that's why the UFC Performance Institute is so important. You know, they have everything. Everything. Yeah.What? Yeah, I thought leave.Oh. The UFC Performance Institute is, like, one of the most high level training environments in the world. People come and do their camp in Vegas. So, like, if they know they're going to fight in Vegas, they'll come to Vegas and bring their coaches, and everybody does their whole camp at the PI. PI is incredible.I never been there.Oh, my God. It's amazing. They videotape all the sparring sessions, so you could watch it from multiple different angles. They'll have it up for you. You could review. Like, see, you do this, you drop your hands. You do this. You can't. You can't defend like that. You do this way, and you watch it all on high it comes to, like, news coverage, like, my newsfeed was overwhelmed with Alex Pereira's knockout.For real?Yeah.Oh, this?Yeah, there was so many pictures of it because it was, you know, was a giant.ESPN is.Yeah, yeah. But all these different websites were covering it because it's just, first of all, like, when you got a guy that's that dominant. You know, that's what people love. They love a Mike Tyson. They love some dude who just fucking everybody up. Like, you can't wait to watch them fight people because you know what's gonna happen.Yeah.You know, he's gonna fuck people up.Yeah. What fucked up prior was they lost their contract with Fuji TV.It's crazy that it could be so big in Japan and then dwindle away to almost nothing. So you see events from Japan now. It's like a shadow of what it was.Yeah. Risen. You would think that risen would do what pride did. Right?You would think. You would think rising would, like. It would fill in the gap. Like, if the UFC went away, the PFL would probably take up the slack. You know, if something happened, someone. The UFC decided, you know what we found? Jesus. We're not. No more fights. Everybody. Good. Good luck. Take care. We're gonna close shop. For some crazy reason. Those guys would go somewhere and there's. Everyone has a name, you know? Right now, the only way an organization could benefit, like, PFl signed Francis. That's probably the only way that PfL is going to get people to pay attention. Like, you have to have someone like Francis.Who is he going to fight, though?This is wild brazilian dude over there who's fucking dangerous.The big guy that beat up Ryan Bader?Yes. That guy's fucking dangerous.He's huge.He's huge and he can strike.That's the only guy.That's the only guy. I mean, they. Maybe if Francis. If the PFL gets some heat behind it because of this, maybe if they have the money, like, I know there's some other countries that are involved, like the Saudis. If they get involved and they start throwing money away, maybe.You think he'll go back to boxing?Yeah, because he's made so much money, you know? But, you know, like, after the Joshua fight, it's going to be different, right? So the Francis Ngannou fight, it was, you know, he's fighting one of the greatest heavyweight boxers all time and drops him in the second round and everybody's like, what? And then he beat him up in the 8th round.I thought he won that fight.I thought he won that fight, too. Yeah, I thought he won that fight too. But, you know, if they're setting up that Usyk fight, they were not gonna. Yeah, it just seemed like the fix was in a little bit. Yeah, it was close enough. They could pull it off. You can go. Okay. Maybe. Maybe you could see him winning that, but I don't think so. Yeah, I thought Francis won it. A lot of people thought Francis won it. Yeah.Oh, there's that big guy, huh?This dude. What is his name? Ferreira, Hanna Ferrer. He's big, too. He's like six, seven. Whoa, knee six. 8260. Yeah, bro.I think Francis can get him, though.Oh, yeah, man, look, Francis can get anyone. Anyone alive. Anyone alive. If that guy hits you, he could put you asleep, man.Francis surprised me when he knocked out Alistair over. And that's when I was. That's when he came to my radar. Like, who the fuck is this guy, bro?That is, to this day, one of the scariest left hooks of all time. Because his head snapped so far back, it was like he was looking at his feet, like he was looking at his ankles behind himself, like, it was crazy.Yeah, I never. I never. I never thought.Then when he knocked out stipe, good lord.Yeah.I mean, with a little gloves on, like, and leg kicks and shit, there's not a whole lot like that one. Come on, man. That kind of power. Francis, man.Dude, I took a picture with Francis in Saudi Arabia. That motherfuckers twice my size.He's huge.Big.He's huge. I'm happy that he went and got paid. I'm happy that he got that money for the Tyson Fury fight because everybody was dismissing it, Danny was dismissing it. And then he drops Tyson Fury. And a lot of people's eyes won the fight. Like fuck. Yeah. And then he gets a big payday against Joshua. I'm happy that he made money, but I wish he would have made that money in the UFC. I wish my dream fight was at heavyweight. Jon Jones and Francis. And I still think to this, there was actually an article that I read this morning that with the Saudis, you know, the UFC is now doing shows in Saudi Arabia that Dana is not opposed to the possibility of a joint promotion with Jon Jones versus Francis.Wow. That would be huge.Huge, huge, huge.With all due respect, I think Jon Jones is a smart enough fighter to not fight Francis. Fight on that one, though.Really?Yeah. John Jones, he ain't a dummy. He's a smart fighter. I always say Jon Jones is Neo.Neo from the Matrix.Yeah, the kid. His mind is so strong. I think that he would desperately try to get Francis down and submit him. He won't be dumb enough.No, he won't stand with them. John, as good as he is, has never been, like, a one punch knockout guy.No.You know, he beats guys up and strangles them and beats him up on the ground. Does he have any knockouts from one shot? I mean, he head kicked Daniel Cormier. Yeah, yeah. And dropped him with that and then know you can fight. Now at this time, I'm like 15 years old. He telling me this. He said, I seen you fight, but I don't think you can fight five motherfuckers. And I thought about it. I was like, damn, you know, I used to get jumped a lot, but five motherfuckers in prison, five grown men. And I was like, wow. I said, really? He said, yeah, man, they raped kids. I said, this is what God want me to tell you that? You know, I don't think nobody told you. I don't think, you know, wow, you know, so whatever you doing, you want to get off that path. And then I was thinking, a lot of my friends was coming up dead and they was going to prison and they was getting hooked on drugs. So I was like, wow. That. That conversation right there changed. Changed my life. And we moved to a different side of Memphis. And then I started wrestling, and nobody knew anything about me, that I used to smoke weed. They didn't know anything.I just changed my whole life from that one conversation. So that's why then I found it. I had been to juvenile before I got caught, like, driving. Like, I got sale. You sell crack? So I gave this junk. He had an eye rock, so I gave him some crack. Well, I'm like 14 years old. Yeah, for a couple of days, you know, I gave him some crack for his car and I was driving it, motherfucker. Then the police saw me. I took this one, one lady, she wanted to go to these projects. I didn't know what she was doing, but, you know, you know, she was doing. She had me take over there and the police saw me. I guess it was a hotspot and I didn't know. And I was waiting in the car and it's like 08:00 in the morning. And the police come up to me like, what the fuck? A little kid driving his car. He said, don't your ass. Don't be in school. I couldn't lie my way out of it. And fuck I went to do now. And my mom came and got me out.What the fuck are you doing?I said, shit. My friend and me borrowed a car. My mom had no idea I was selling drugs. I kept lying to her. She didn't know. And then that was just doing. That's just like one getting out, you know what I'm saying? I got some trouble one time. I was innocent for what happened, but I was in there for two weeks. I didn't think about it. It wasn't that bad. But when I went to jail in college, I'm like, fuck this. I'm never coming back.Wow.But I'm kind of glad it happened. Cause it changed my life. And I can kind of control my temper better now. That's why I was walking out of that room in the ultimate fighter. Cause I knew I was losing my temper. I threw that water bottle, and I was trying to get out of there, and that door got in my fucking way. So I didn't want to lose my temper because I didn't know. Cause I didn't know if I was gonna punch Rashard or. Or anybody came up to me, right? I didn't know. I just wanted to get out of there. And I was like, fuck this shit. But I'm glad that shit happened to me in college. Changed my fucking life.Wow.I can. I can control. I can control myself now. Long as long as nobody don't punch me out of, like, violence or nothing like that, I think I can control it. Everything else, I. You know, I just think about, I am going back to prison. Fuck that.Well, you've been able to control your mind in so many fights, you know, that alone. I mean, the. How many people get tested like that?Fights don't bother me. Sparring is where I have to control myself.Really?Yeah. Fights don't bother me. Sparring is where I lose my temper a little bit. But I'm scared because I feel like I'm gonna go hog wild and lose, and lose my cardio. That's the only reason why I try to control it in fighting and sparring.Oh, the worst is like, losing your temper when you're sparring.Yeah, that's where I lose it.Cause he attired quick, bro.I sparred. I sparred. Luke Rockhold. I hadn't sparred in a long time. And he's a southpaw. He's tall. His stand up is fucking good. And I just. I thought I was gonna be fighting Shannon, so I let me start sparring, and he kicked the shit out of me. I'm like. He didn't even fucking let up. It's like it was fucking field day for his ass. I was so fucking mad. I tried to knock him the fuck out, and I was so rusted. Hadn't sparred in years. My old ass in there with himself. I hate southpaws. And he kicked the shit out of me. I was like, oh, all right. And then next day I started running because my cardio was bad. Everything was bad. I started running. I was waiting to spar his ass back. I said, I'm gonna knock this motherfucker out.So right now, are you training at all?Yeah, I'm training. I've been sparring and moving around. I just did, like, my first japanese pro wrestling match with Josh Barnett Bluster. Yeah. So I started training mma with my son. I didn't have anybody to train with because my times is fucking crazy. Cause I got a podcast now because of your ass. You got everybody doing fucking podcasts.Crazy, huh?It's crazy, man. Everybody. Everybody mama got a fucking podcast cause of your motherfucking ass. That shit is so time consuming.It takes some time, but it's a great way to be your own boss. Yeah, that's the best thing. And you're a funny guy. Like you, your Jackson podcast, that's a great podcast.It's fun.I watch it all the time for watching a bunch of times.Yeah, thanks, man.Yeah, yeah, you have great clips, guys. It's good, man. You're. It's a good thing for you to do because you could do that forever.People were asking me to do it for years and I was like, man, I don't have the drive to do this shit myself. But my friend Barrett, he got everything set up and he does everything, and I just come and sit down and people start liking us. Okay, so I guess I'm doing podcast now.That's all you have to do. Someone has to set it up for you. If someone's got a good personality, they should totally do it because it's a way that. That your podcast was more listened to than the news, and people was hating on you. Like, when. When you was talking about, I make that. Oh, my God.Well, they were threatened. They were trouble. That was also. They were being paid off by the medical establishment. They were being paid off. They were being paid to promote this one thing, and that was the vaccine. And anybody that said anything other than the vaccine, I mean, CNN did me so dirty. They changed the color of my skin to make me look yellow and sick. They kept saying I was taking horse dewormer. I got prescribed medicine by a doctor. Not only that, it was only one of the things that I took. I took a bunch of things, but they did not want this video of me saying, I got better in three days. So it's a video of me. You see the real video? I look fine. I was fine. I wasn't lying. I wouldn't lie. And I had to cancel these shows because I was doing shows with Chappelle that weekend. We were supposed to be doing this arena, and I had to say, I'm sorry, we're going to reschedule it. But I got Covid. That's the only reason why I made that video. If I didn't have shows that I had to cancel, I would have never made that video.I only made that video because I had to cancel the shows. So I said, I feel great. It was three days ago. We threw the kitchen sink at it. I said, all these drugs I took, iv multivitamins, monoclonal antibodies. I said all this stuff that I took, z pac. But they locked in on this horse dewormer a fool. But what they didn't know back then, because people did. I didn't talk about it. I never knew. But they didn't know how big the podcast.Oh, no, no, no. They didn't know how big that.That's the problem.They knew the drug worked, right?They did know the drug work, and it did work, and it worked for a lot of people that didn't take all the other stuff that I took. I was better quick. Six days after that, I did. Did ten rounds on the bag. I worked out five days after I got sick. And I'm like, I feel pretty good. Next day, I'm gonna push it. And then the next day, I said, all right, there's one way to find out how good I feel. Set the timer up. Let's do some rounds. And I did ten solid rounds on the bag. At the end, I was like, I feel 100%. It's totally normal.I swear by it. I knew when you talked about it, I knew you was right, because I had learned about it, like, a while ago, a little bit before, when Covid first thought happening, because I got this friend, she used to box with, Floyd Mayweather's dad, and her name is Miss Knockout. She got this assistant from some south american country, and they had symptoms like Covid years ago, like, maybe 1520 years ago. And they took ivermectin. And so she told me about it. She said, if you get Covid, let me know. I'm gonna get you some ivermectin. I had never heard of it. She said, my sister had Covid, and she got rid of in six days and have it, you know, negative to give a negative test. I said, okay, I keep it on my radar. And my son caught Covid. I never caught Covid, but my son caught Covid, and I got the medicine and I gave it to him.They could have saved a lot of lives. And they still, to this day, ridicule it. Still to this day, people ridicule it. But meanwhile, doctors prescribed it. And one of the reasons why they prescribed it is because there's a reason. There's a medical reason. It stops viral replication in vitro. That means in cell cultures, when you put ivermectin in with the virus, it stops the virus from replicating. So it just makes sense that it would stop it in the human body, too. It stops yellow fever. And dengue. They used it for river blindness. They've used it for a bunch of different diseases. It's also very healthy. It doesn't. It's not a dangerous drug. It's one of the safest drug profiles of any drug. It's not a dangerous thing to take.But do you think your body get used to it? Because I take it for colds. Because I hate colds.I don't think it's something that you get used to. No.Because I remember when I first started. When I first started taking it because I stocked up on in case I got Covid and I got like, a runny nose and a cold. And I. And I took it and took it away. Right? Right away, right. And then the next couple times it took away. Then, like, the fourth time I got a cold, it didn't.They tried to. Well, that could have been just a different cold or different, you know, different intensity of the cold. But they tried to ban a lot of other things secretly that also proved people. One of the things was thymosin. Thymosin is a peptide. It's a safe peptide. There's no history of, like, negative side effects. And they. They tried to ban it because people were using thymosin to get over Covid. They tried to do everything they could to make people take the vaccine because that's what was profitable. Everything. They tried to stop people from taking monoclonal antibodies, which also helped heal you. But they didn't want any alternatives. So when they started attacking me, they were only attacking me because people could say, oh, Joe Rogan got better. Oh, he's healthy and he works out. I don't need that fucking vaccine. If that 55 year old man took it, and he's fine, quick. And they didn't, like, they exaggerated how many people died. The whole thing was fucked, man. The whole thing was fucked. They treated us like we were a bunch of sheep. And a lot of people acted like they're a bunch of sheep.A lot of people. And they didn't have any alternative news sources other than podcasts. And so then they were just ridiculed. Why are people listening to podcasts? They should be listening to doctors. Well, because we don't lie. That's why.Right.I might be wrong. I may be wrong about things. I'll be wrong about things, I'm sure. But I don't fucking lie.Right?Not a lie. They're liars. They're liars and they're on tv. The tv is filled with liars.I don't even watch the news. No. Motherfucker. Yeah, I don't trust that shit.You shouldn't trust that shit. I mean, I don't trust mainstream news anymore. If they're telling you something, someone's telling them to tell you something. Some of the things might be true, but the reasons for those things being true, they're probably not telling you the truth.I'm gonna tell you, Covid. And all this stuff that happened, it woke me up to a lot of things where just not trust the government and stuff and everything. And I'm gonna be 100 right now. The main reason why I decided not to take the vaccine is because I saw the he's right about that. I think that there's too much evidence that it's not true. Also, it's like the way planets are formed. We know how planets are formed. There's a reason why they're all circular. It's like all the mass coalesces in the center. And the gravity and the way things spin it all forms balls. But the idea that we know what the fuck is going on in the ocean is ridiculous. We don't know what's going on in 90% of the ocean. And the water surface is three quarters of the earth, so three quarters of the earth, we don't know 90% about it.I know that's.And there's a lot of people that see things coming out of the water and going into the water. Also, if I was from another planet and I wanted to come here and make a base, I just do it in the water. They can't see shit. If they have the kind of capability that allows them to come here from other galaxies, they could easily make a base under the water.Yeah. That's probably what the Bermuda triangle is. We don't fucking know.Well, they think the Bermuda triangle is methane getting released under the floor of the ocean. And what it does is when it comes up, it kills all the buoyancy. You know, it makes boats sink. No, no, they have, like. They know where it is.That sounds like when I watch the men in black and right when they hit you with that thing.They hit you with that thing.It's not like that's the excuse they tell you.It could be there's something under the water that's sinking boats. I don't think it is, though. I think there's, like, a valid scientific reason. So these gasses get released. And apparently, if there's a boat above, when all these gas, like, we're talking about immense spaces of this gas gets released, those boats just sink. And it's not just that. It's like the updraft of this stuff can fuck up planes. There's a lot of theories about what causes. It's also like, there's so many storms in that area of Bermuda, so that it makes sense that more ships would go down in those areas, too. Yeah, but I still think there's probably something in there. There's probably something in the water. Have you seen that video, that one craft that they're watching on night vision, and it flies over the water and then goes down into the water?No, I haven't seen.Yeah, they call them trans medium crafts. They've been observed by multiple fighter Luxor in Vegas, they have a chunk of it you could see, like this big piece that they pulled up, and different artifacts they pulled up. So they did go down there and attach things with manned crafts, and then they pulled them up with. With some kind of drone. They did. But I do think people have actually. I think. I think James Cameron actually went down there. Here it is. The 14th trip. Yeah. The Titan made the first of several dives, the famous shipwreck of the world. While generally successful, these expeditions hadn't been without their own problems. The fatal dive was the vessel's 14th trip to the remains of the Titanic.Oh, it probably just wore out then. It probably just probably.Well, apparently the people that designed it and built it were telling them there was flaws in it, and there was a lot of lawsuits coming, I'm sure, because there was a lot of whistleblowers that wound up leaving the corporation, the company, rather than that develop these things. They're like, this is not tested for the kind of pressure that's down there. And you're sending people down there.I just believe there's certain things that man shouldn't. Certain places man shouldn't go.Bottom of the ocean.We just shouldn't go.Why go? Why? Why?Certain things we shouldn't do. I don't think we should be jumping out of planes and all that shit either. I just don't believe that. I'm not interested.I'm not interested in that. People. You should go skybuking. No, you go skydiving?Yeah, fuck that.My friend, his dad used to work with this lady, and when he would go into work, she was like, you should go skydiving with us. And then one day he goes to work and she's not there. And he said, what happened? It's like skydiving.But I tell you what looks fun, though. You seen them motherfuckers in those squirrels looking suits? Oh, yeah, that shit look fun. But I see it on TikTok. But they scared. Like, they be like, what if they hit a tree going that motherfucking fast?You ever see the one where the guy hits the bridge?No.We'll watch this and we'll end this podcast show. The one where the guy hits the bridge in the squirrel suit. So this dude was trying to go through the arches of the bridge, and he missed it. Here, watch this. So he's on the thing, and he's trying to fly past the bridge, and he's got a bunch of people on the bridge watching this dude. Like, oh, my God, this is amazing.It looks fine.Yeah, I mean, he's going like a hundred and something miles an hour, too, so he's trying to figure out how to get through this bridge, but watch this. Oh, fuck, bro, that sound he. That's a horrible sound.He just misjudged. What? He just exploded, huh? Yeah. Yeah, just misjudged. Why would you try to go through the bridge? Showing off.Showing off? Yeah. Just want to do something for. People have done things like that. They fly between buildings. They do a bunch of wild shit with those coral suits on. But if you misjudge it, that's your ass showing up.Hey.Showing off. Quentin. Thank you, sir.Man, thank you for having me.Great to hang you.It's been a great experience.It's been great to be here and to hang out with you, man. See you after all these years.Yeah, I know. It's been a long time. I'm gonna hold you to those. Those tickets.Yes, sir. I got you. I got you for two tickets.Tiki always let me down. I get two. Bring me somebody.Somebody. Yeah, I think that's September 14, so.I got you September 14.Yes, sir. I'll be there.All right.It's gonna be a banging car. It's gonna be crazy. Inside that thing with all the. The whole ceiling is a screen.Yeah.So, I mean, who knows what they're gonna put up there? It's gonna be wild. Apparently they've been working on it this entire time. They've been working on it for months. I think they're already spent $9 million just on the production. 1616 now.Jesus, they get fucking. They work billions now, so.Yeah. Throwing that money.Yeah.Tell everybody where to get your podcast.Oh, they can go to what? Jackson on YouTube, right? I think it's on Spotify. Just here.It's two x's or what?Two x's.Oh, like, you sure like the shirt. There you go.Thanks for the plug.No, no worries. So it's Jackson podcast on YouTube. And is it on everything like Spotify?I think we just got on Spotify. But tell them about the energy drink.And your energy drink for help.Good for. I'm glad you like it.It's very good. That's my favorite f three energy drink ginseng. It's got all sorts of good stuff. Bcaas, theanine. What else they got in here?But it won't make you Copeloba.It won't make you dick. Not yet.Not yet.Version two.If they come out with one that says rent page punch or something.It is.No, you're gonna make it bigger.Japanese letters. All right, brother. Thank you for being here. Bye, everybody.


couple years of being with me. Then she started joking. Then she actually got pretty good. I'm like, damn. She started hurting my feelings a little bit. The fuck did I create? But she was good. I remember one time we was joking back and forth, and she was laughing. Then I made a joke about her dad, and she's, don't you talk about my father. I was like, damn, my bad. I thought we was joking. So they just take everything serious. They don't understand the concept of jokes. You know, our movies, our comedy movies don't go there to Japan. Just our action movies and stuff.




You didn't know that?


No. Makes sense, though. They just a different culture. They're more stoic. Just a completely different society, you know?


Yeah, but I'm gonna go there and make a whole bunch of babies, though. They need me.


They do.


They need me.


They do.


I'm gonna make me a bunch of babies. And if they boys, put them in MMA.


Yeah. I think they have, like, a drastic reduction in their population for some reason. It's so bad some. I forget what the guy estimated. But there was a guy who analyzed all the people that are alive today in Japan and how many of them would have grandchildren, and it's a shockingly low number.


I wonder what's. What's the reason, though. Why?


That's a good question, probably. I think they like video games. You know, that's a problem with young people, bro.


I love video games, too, but I also love pussy. You can do, you know, you can play a couple games, then later on at night, get some ass. I don't understand.


I think they just locked in. I don't know. I don't know what's going on.


Well, I thought it was rejection. Like. Like, people are so afraid of rejection over there. Like, a guy go and hit on a girl, and she rejects them. Like, he probably won't hit on the girl again for, like, next couple of months or years or something like that.


Oh, really?


That was really bad. Especially if she rejects them in front of other people.


Oh, so it's an honor thing, embarrassment?


Yeah, it's an embarrassment thing. That's why I kind of think it is. That's why I think it is.


Jamie, see if you can find something on Japan's dwindling population, because it is kind of crazy.


And I got a couple of friends that's married out there, and one of my friends, we were just having a conversation. His name is Tyson. He's an african guy, and he owns a bar out there. And I been going to this bar for over 20 something years. After all my fights, I used to go into this bar, and we got to know each other really well. And he was talking. He was saying, you saying, if you love a japanese woman and you marry a japanese woman, do not give her a pet or kids, because if you get her a pet or kids, you never fucking again. I was right. some people need steroids.Yeah. I always tell people, like, look at me and look at some of the other fighters. You can look at my body and tell I wasn't on this shit.Well, the difference is when they get tested, like when the, the pre USADA and post USADA days are so interesting because even though they outlawed testosterone, still guys like Ovarian, there's. There's not a chance in hell that guy was natural. It was. He was not natural at all. There's no way. No way. Especially when fought Brock Lesnar, but somehow know that he passed a test. But the test the day of, like, the day of, like, the way ins test, that's nonsense. That is nonsense. Like, all the benefits are still there and all the stuff is out of your system, bro.It's crazy. I used to fight over there with Alistair, right? And he was like the bony 200 and fiver.Yeah, he was thin.Yeah, he was thin. Then one day I saw him like, God damn, what the fuck are you doing? He said, horse meat. I was like, okay, buddy.Yeah, he was powerlifting. You remember when he got up to like 265, you know, when he won the k one grand prix?Oh, yeah.I mean, you couldn't hit him. He was a mountain. He was just covered behind muscle and, you know, k one style when they fight with like, the earmuffs on, when they're standing there like, he was just, there was no chin. You couldn't see it in there.He was a bad muffler. He won it too, didn't he?Yeah, he won the grand prix, which is crazy.He was a bad, I was always worried I was going to have to fight him in pride, but I don't know why they never put me against him, bro.When he fought Brock Lesnar, if they kept the testing that way, he might have been the heavyweight champion. He might have stayed the heavyweight champion too. I mean, he was hard to handle at that weight. He was so big and he had those elite kickboxing skills, you know, I remember when he fought, I guess it was strike force when he fought Brett Rogers. You can see the moment he hits Brett Rogers with one low kick and you can see it in Brett Rogers face, like, oh, shit. Like, this is different. This is so different. He was so scary, man.Yeah. Fuck. Big tall motherfucker. I would like to see him go against Jon Jones.I would have loved to send that back in the day. But if, if again, you let him fight enhanced, because the difference between him, enhanced and unenhanced, he became an average fighter.Yeah, but John was enhanced too, though. If they would have went against each other. Both enhanced at the time. At the time.So you think John was enhanced?Yeah, I think it's proven.Really? Because of the whole thing with the Pico Grahams, whatever the fuck that shit.Is, you know, I don't pay a whole lot of attention to it, but I just thought he got popped, so I assumed that he was enhanced.He did, but the problem that he got popped with, there were so minuscule levels, it didn't make sense.He don't look, he don't look like somebody does steroids. Yeah. No.No, it doesn't. But neither did Lance Armstrong.He probably, is he probably doing something different though? Lance?No, he was doing testosterone. I mean, he was definitely doing that too. Did they. Those guys were doing, he was doing a lot of shit. They do taking Muay Thai right after that fight with Sakuraba. I started trying with Kali Noyama when he was. He was training Tito. I went straight up to Big Bear, and I started training very good. Yeah, he taught me to cover and roll. Yeah, I learned a lot from that guy.Yeah, he's very good. He's trained a lot of MMA fighters.Yeah, he.It's interesting when you see those guys hole in it? Like, his hamstring was gone.It's hard to come back from this.Yeah. So all he could have had it, but he would have had to have surgery right after the tear, and he didn't. And so once it curls up and locks in place, like, I guess they can't bring it back.Oh, yeah. How you feel about the, like, older guys, like me, Rashad, and Mark Coleman, all of us fighting in, like, a league with other older guys instead of putting us with younger people.That's not a bad idea. Like, a legends league.Yeah. Cause we still love. We still love it. We still love to fight, you know, but it's just. We just can't compete with the.With the youngest guys.Yeah. Father time is undefeated, bro.Father time never loses. And not only that, like, these young guys haven't had all the injuries that the older guys have had. You know, you see older guys, they look fine, but, you know, who knows what? Fucking neck, my knee, my hip, my fucking wrist. There's always something. If you've had 25 MMA fights, 35 MMA fights, you got problems. There's no if, ands, or buts about it. Yeah, I don't know anybody who's not banged up, man.When I get out of bed in the morning, like, the first couple steps, I'm like, damn, was it worth it?Yeah, but you. You came out better than most people.Yeah, I didn't have to. I already had an injury coming into mma. My knee was fucked. I fucked my knee up in college, but I haven't had. I haven't had too much.What you do with your knee in.College, man, my teammates, half of my teammates, wasn't coming to practice. And the coach was like, since you guys not getting your teammates here, you got to work out for them. So they used to pair us up in groups of tools and make us do 15 push ups. Other guy do 15 reps, then you go all the way down to five. Right? And after two weeks of that, we got so strong, we was bottoming out on everything, right? So I'm wrestling one of my teammates, and he tried to get a single leg on me. And this, right when I was getting better at wrestling, I was getting good. It was hard to take me down and everything. I was in Lassen junior college, and the wrestlers there was, like, the rejects, but they was all good. They had to come there first. Then they went to d one schools, right? And I'm resting this guy, and he's still my friend to this day. He get mad when I tell the story, and he's going in for a single. I wasn't giving it up because everybody was talking shit to me. I was a runt on the team, the worst wrestler there, and I was.I had. I think I took him down, and he wanted his take down back, and he took my. My leg and he bent it sideways and went. And he. I think he told my meniscus or some shit. And last, they didn't even take me to the. I don't know what happened. They never got me MRi. They just threw me away.Really?Yeah, yeah, just, it. I let it heal up on his own.And it never got 100%.No, it never was the same.Wow.And then I. I think that was my meniscus. I don't know, but I injured my meniscus when I was training for Ryan Bader. I had, like, a little partial turn. The doctor told me, nah, you don't want to fight. Cause you can rip it all the way. And another fight in Japan. It's hard for me to pull out in Japan. That's why I think it's a good idea for me to go over there and make some babies.Well, it's amazing what they can do with stem cells now because I had a tear of my right knee, and I got stem cells on it. I had a couple different cycles of stem cells now. It doesn't bother me at all. And I was like, fuck, I'm gonna have to get it done on my right knee too. Cause I had my left knee part of my meniscus removed. Cause it was a bucket handle tear. So, you know, it lock out.Yeah.So it would lock straight, like pop. Ah. And then you can't bend your knee, and you're like, oh, my God. And it's painful as fuck.Yeah. That used to happen to Rico Rodriguez. I used to corner him one time is fighting. And that was my job in each round, to pull his leg out.Yeah, Rico didn't have an ACL. Yeah, he fought at the highest level with no ACL.Yeah.He was the first guy I ever heard that did that. I'm like, that is crazy.He didn't give a fuck.Crazy.It's crazy what fighters put up with.I know. Well, there's fighters right now that are fighting with no acls. I know a couple of them football.Players won't do that shit.No, no. You get it repaired.I think we should. I think we should get doctors like them. Like, you know how they have, like, what you call those physios. They. I think we should have that on. On every team have, like, a set of physios and people that. Because we don't know what the fuck we doing. Even today, we don't know. We don't know shit.Well, that's why the UFC Performance Institute is so important. You know, they have everything. Everything. Yeah.What? Yeah, I thought leave.Oh. The UFC Performance Institute is, like, one of the most high level training environments in the world. People come and do their camp in Vegas. So, like, if they know they're going to fight in Vegas, they'll come to Vegas and bring their coaches, and everybody does their whole camp at the PI. PI is incredible.I never been there.Oh, my God. It's amazing. They videotape all the sparring sessions, so you could watch it from multiple different angles. They'll have it up for you. You could review. Like, see, you do this, you drop your hands. You do this. You can't. You can't defend like that. You do this way, and you watch it all on high it comes to, like, news coverage, like, my newsfeed was overwhelmed with Alex Pereira's knockout.For real?Yeah.Oh, this?Yeah, there was so many pictures of it because it was, you know, was a giant.ESPN is.Yeah, yeah. But all these different websites were covering it because it's just, first of all, like, when you got a guy that's that dominant. You know, that's what people love. They love a Mike Tyson. They love some dude who just fucking everybody up. Like, you can't wait to watch them fight people because you know what's gonna happen.Yeah.You know, he's gonna fuck people up.Yeah. What fucked up prior was they lost their contract with Fuji TV.It's crazy that it could be so big in Japan and then dwindle away to almost nothing. So you see events from Japan now. It's like a shadow of what it was.Yeah. Risen. You would think that risen would do what pride did. Right?You would think. You would think rising would, like. It would fill in the gap. Like, if the UFC went away, the PFL would probably take up the slack. You know, if something happened, someone. The UFC decided, you know what we found? Jesus. We're not. No more fights. Everybody. Good. Good luck. Take care. We're gonna close shop. For some crazy reason. Those guys would go somewhere and there's. Everyone has a name, you know? Right now, the only way an organization could benefit, like, PFl signed Francis. That's probably the only way that PfL is going to get people to pay attention. Like, you have to have someone like Francis.Who is he going to fight, though?This is wild brazilian dude over there who's fucking dangerous.The big guy that beat up Ryan Bader?Yes. That guy's fucking dangerous.He's huge.He's huge and he can strike.That's the only guy.That's the only guy. I mean, they. Maybe if Francis. If the PFL gets some heat behind it because of this, maybe if they have the money, like, I know there's some other countries that are involved, like the Saudis. If they get involved and they start throwing money away, maybe.You think he'll go back to boxing?Yeah, because he's made so much money, you know? But, you know, like, after the Joshua fight, it's going to be different, right? So the Francis Ngannou fight, it was, you know, he's fighting one of the greatest heavyweight boxers all time and drops him in the second round and everybody's like, what? And then he beat him up in the 8th round.I thought he won that fight.I thought he won that fight, too. Yeah, I thought he won that fight too. But, you know, if they're setting up that Usyk fight, they were not gonna. Yeah, it just seemed like the fix was in a little bit. Yeah, it was close enough. They could pull it off. You can go. Okay. Maybe. Maybe you could see him winning that, but I don't think so. Yeah, I thought Francis won it. A lot of people thought Francis won it. Yeah.Oh, there's that big guy, huh?This dude. What is his name? Ferreira, Hanna Ferrer. He's big, too. He's like six, seven. Whoa, knee six. 8260. Yeah, bro.I think Francis can get him, though.Oh, yeah, man, look, Francis can get anyone. Anyone alive. Anyone alive. If that guy hits you, he could put you asleep, man.Francis surprised me when he knocked out Alistair over. And that's when I was. That's when he came to my radar. Like, who the fuck is this guy, bro?That is, to this day, one of the scariest left hooks of all time. Because his head snapped so far back, it was like he was looking at his feet, like he was looking at his ankles behind himself, like, it was crazy.Yeah, I never. I never. I never thought.Then when he knocked out stipe, good lord.Yeah.I mean, with a little gloves on, like, and leg kicks and shit, there's not a whole lot like that one. Come on, man. That kind of power. Francis, man.Dude, I took a picture with Francis in Saudi Arabia. That motherfuckers twice my size.He's huge.Big.He's huge. I'm happy that he went and got paid. I'm happy that he got that money for the Tyson Fury fight because everybody was dismissing it, Danny was dismissing it. And then he drops Tyson Fury. And a lot of people's eyes won the fight. Like fuck. Yeah. And then he gets a big payday against Joshua. I'm happy that he made money, but I wish he would have made that money in the UFC. I wish my dream fight was at heavyweight. Jon Jones and Francis. And I still think to this, there was actually an article that I read this morning that with the Saudis, you know, the UFC is now doing shows in Saudi Arabia that Dana is not opposed to the possibility of a joint promotion with Jon Jones versus Francis.Wow. That would be huge.Huge, huge, huge.With all due respect, I think Jon Jones is a smart enough fighter to not fight Francis. Fight on that one, though.Really?Yeah. John Jones, he ain't a dummy. He's a smart fighter. I always say Jon Jones is Neo.Neo from the Matrix.Yeah, the kid. His mind is so strong. I think that he would desperately try to get Francis down and submit him. He won't be dumb enough.No, he won't stand with them. John, as good as he is, has never been, like, a one punch knockout guy.No.You know, he beats guys up and strangles them and beats him up on the ground. Does he have any knockouts from one shot? I mean, he head kicked Daniel Cormier. Yeah, yeah. And dropped him with that and then know you can fight. Now at this time, I'm like 15 years old. He telling me this. He said, I seen you fight, but I don't think you can fight five motherfuckers. And I thought about it. I was like, damn, you know, I used to get jumped a lot, but five motherfuckers in prison, five grown men. And I was like, wow. I said, really? He said, yeah, man, they raped kids. I said, this is what God want me to tell you that? You know, I don't think nobody told you. I don't think, you know, wow, you know, so whatever you doing, you want to get off that path. And then I was thinking, a lot of my friends was coming up dead and they was going to prison and they was getting hooked on drugs. So I was like, wow. That. That conversation right there changed. Changed my life. And we moved to a different side of Memphis. And then I started wrestling, and nobody knew anything about me, that I used to smoke weed. They didn't know anything.I just changed my whole life from that one conversation. So that's why then I found it. I had been to juvenile before I got caught, like, driving. Like, I got sale. You sell crack? So I gave this junk. He had an eye rock, so I gave him some crack. Well, I'm like 14 years old. Yeah, for a couple of days, you know, I gave him some crack for his car and I was driving it, motherfucker. Then the police saw me. I took this one, one lady, she wanted to go to these projects. I didn't know what she was doing, but, you know, you know, she was doing. She had me take over there and the police saw me. I guess it was a hotspot and I didn't know. And I was waiting in the car and it's like 08:00 in the morning. And the police come up to me like, what the fuck? A little kid driving his car. He said, don't your ass. Don't be in school. I couldn't lie my way out of it. And fuck I went to do now. And my mom came and got me out.What the fuck are you doing?I said, shit. My friend and me borrowed a car. My mom had no idea I was selling drugs. I kept lying to her. She didn't know. And then that was just doing. That's just like one getting out, you know what I'm saying? I got some trouble one time. I was innocent for what happened, but I was in there for two weeks. I didn't think about it. It wasn't that bad. But when I went to jail in college, I'm like, fuck this. I'm never coming back.Wow.But I'm kind of glad it happened. Cause it changed my life. And I can kind of control my temper better now. That's why I was walking out of that room in the ultimate fighter. Cause I knew I was losing my temper. I threw that water bottle, and I was trying to get out of there, and that door got in my fucking way. So I didn't want to lose my temper because I didn't know. Cause I didn't know if I was gonna punch Rashard or. Or anybody came up to me, right? I didn't know. I just wanted to get out of there. And I was like, fuck this shit. But I'm glad that shit happened to me in college. Changed my fucking life.Wow.I can. I can control. I can control myself now. Long as long as nobody don't punch me out of, like, violence or nothing like that, I think I can control it. Everything else, I. You know, I just think about, I am going back to prison. Fuck that.Well, you've been able to control your mind in so many fights, you know, that alone. I mean, the. How many people get tested like that?Fights don't bother me. Sparring is where I have to control myself.Really?Yeah. Fights don't bother me. Sparring is where I lose my temper a little bit. But I'm scared because I feel like I'm gonna go hog wild and lose, and lose my cardio. That's the only reason why I try to control it in fighting and sparring.Oh, the worst is like, losing your temper when you're sparring.Yeah, that's where I lose it.Cause he attired quick, bro.I sparred. I sparred. Luke Rockhold. I hadn't sparred in a long time. And he's a southpaw. He's tall. His stand up is fucking good. And I just. I thought I was gonna be fighting Shannon, so I let me start sparring, and he kicked the shit out of me. I'm like. He didn't even fucking let up. It's like it was fucking field day for his ass. I was so fucking mad. I tried to knock him the fuck out, and I was so rusted. Hadn't sparred in years. My old ass in there with himself. I hate southpaws. And he kicked the shit out of me. I was like, oh, all right. And then next day I started running because my cardio was bad. Everything was bad. I started running. I was waiting to spar his ass back. I said, I'm gonna knock this motherfucker out.So right now, are you training at all?Yeah, I'm training. I've been sparring and moving around. I just did, like, my first japanese pro wrestling match with Josh Barnett Bluster. Yeah. So I started training mma with my son. I didn't have anybody to train with because my times is fucking crazy. Cause I got a podcast now because of your ass. You got everybody doing fucking podcasts.Crazy, huh?It's crazy, man. Everybody. Everybody mama got a fucking podcast cause of your motherfucking ass. That shit is so time consuming.It takes some time, but it's a great way to be your own boss. Yeah, that's the best thing. And you're a funny guy. Like you, your Jackson podcast, that's a great podcast.It's fun.I watch it all the time for watching a bunch of times.Yeah, thanks, man.Yeah, yeah, you have great clips, guys. It's good, man. You're. It's a good thing for you to do because you could do that forever.People were asking me to do it for years and I was like, man, I don't have the drive to do this shit myself. But my friend Barrett, he got everything set up and he does everything, and I just come and sit down and people start liking us. Okay, so I guess I'm doing podcast now.That's all you have to do. Someone has to set it up for you. If someone's got a good personality, they should totally do it because it's a way that. That your podcast was more listened to than the news, and people was hating on you. Like, when. When you was talking about, I make that. Oh, my God.Well, they were threatened. They were trouble. That was also. They were being paid off by the medical establishment. They were being paid off. They were being paid to promote this one thing, and that was the vaccine. And anybody that said anything other than the vaccine, I mean, CNN did me so dirty. They changed the color of my skin to make me look yellow and sick. They kept saying I was taking horse dewormer. I got prescribed medicine by a doctor. Not only that, it was only one of the things that I took. I took a bunch of things, but they did not want this video of me saying, I got better in three days. So it's a video of me. You see the real video? I look fine. I was fine. I wasn't lying. I wouldn't lie. And I had to cancel these shows because I was doing shows with Chappelle that weekend. We were supposed to be doing this arena, and I had to say, I'm sorry, we're going to reschedule it. But I got Covid. That's the only reason why I made that video. If I didn't have shows that I had to cancel, I would have never made that video.I only made that video because I had to cancel the shows. So I said, I feel great. It was three days ago. We threw the kitchen sink at it. I said, all these drugs I took, iv multivitamins, monoclonal antibodies. I said all this stuff that I took, z pac. But they locked in on this horse dewormer a fool. But what they didn't know back then, because people did. I didn't talk about it. I never knew. But they didn't know how big the podcast.Oh, no, no, no. They didn't know how big that.That's the problem.They knew the drug worked, right?They did know the drug work, and it did work, and it worked for a lot of people that didn't take all the other stuff that I took. I was better quick. Six days after that, I did. Did ten rounds on the bag. I worked out five days after I got sick. And I'm like, I feel pretty good. Next day, I'm gonna push it. And then the next day, I said, all right, there's one way to find out how good I feel. Set the timer up. Let's do some rounds. And I did ten solid rounds on the bag. At the end, I was like, I feel 100%. It's totally normal.I swear by it. I knew when you talked about it, I knew you was right, because I had learned about it, like, a while ago, a little bit before, when Covid first thought happening, because I got this friend, she used to box with, Floyd Mayweather's dad, and her name is Miss Knockout. She got this assistant from some south american country, and they had symptoms like Covid years ago, like, maybe 1520 years ago. And they took ivermectin. And so she told me about it. She said, if you get Covid, let me know. I'm gonna get you some ivermectin. I had never heard of it. She said, my sister had Covid, and she got rid of in six days and have it, you know, negative to give a negative test. I said, okay, I keep it on my radar. And my son caught Covid. I never caught Covid, but my son caught Covid, and I got the medicine and I gave it to him.They could have saved a lot of lives. And they still, to this day, ridicule it. Still to this day, people ridicule it. But meanwhile, doctors prescribed it. And one of the reasons why they prescribed it is because there's a reason. There's a medical reason. It stops viral replication in vitro. That means in cell cultures, when you put ivermectin in with the virus, it stops the virus from replicating. So it just makes sense that it would stop it in the human body, too. It stops yellow fever. And dengue. They used it for river blindness. They've used it for a bunch of different diseases. It's also very healthy. It doesn't. It's not a dangerous drug. It's one of the safest drug profiles of any drug. It's not a dangerous thing to take.But do you think your body get used to it? Because I take it for colds. Because I hate colds.I don't think it's something that you get used to. No.Because I remember when I first started. When I first started taking it because I stocked up on in case I got Covid and I got like, a runny nose and a cold. And I. And I took it and took it away. Right? Right away, right. And then the next couple times it took away. Then, like, the fourth time I got a cold, it didn't.They tried to. Well, that could have been just a different cold or different, you know, different intensity of the cold. But they tried to ban a lot of other things secretly that also proved people. One of the things was thymosin. Thymosin is a peptide. It's a safe peptide. There's no history of, like, negative side effects. And they. They tried to ban it because people were using thymosin to get over Covid. They tried to do everything they could to make people take the vaccine because that's what was profitable. Everything. They tried to stop people from taking monoclonal antibodies, which also helped heal you. But they didn't want any alternatives. So when they started attacking me, they were only attacking me because people could say, oh, Joe Rogan got better. Oh, he's healthy and he works out. I don't need that fucking vaccine. If that 55 year old man took it, and he's fine, quick. And they didn't, like, they exaggerated how many people died. The whole thing was fucked, man. The whole thing was fucked. They treated us like we were a bunch of sheep. And a lot of people acted like they're a bunch of sheep.A lot of people. And they didn't have any alternative news sources other than podcasts. And so then they were just ridiculed. Why are people listening to podcasts? They should be listening to doctors. Well, because we don't lie. That's why.Right.I might be wrong. I may be wrong about things. I'll be wrong about things, I'm sure. But I don't fucking lie.Right?Not a lie. They're liars. They're liars and they're on tv. The tv is filled with liars.I don't even watch the news. No. Motherfucker. Yeah, I don't trust that shit.You shouldn't trust that shit. I mean, I don't trust mainstream news anymore. If they're telling you something, someone's telling them to tell you something. Some of the things might be true, but the reasons for those things being true, they're probably not telling you the truth.I'm gonna tell you, Covid. And all this stuff that happened, it woke me up to a lot of things where just not trust the government and stuff and everything. And I'm gonna be 100 right now. The main reason why I decided not to take the vaccine is because I saw the he's right about that. I think that there's too much evidence that it's not true. Also, it's like the way planets are formed. We know how planets are formed. There's a reason why they're all circular. It's like all the mass coalesces in the center. And the gravity and the way things spin it all forms balls. But the idea that we know what the fuck is going on in the ocean is ridiculous. We don't know what's going on in 90% of the ocean. And the water surface is three quarters of the earth, so three quarters of the earth, we don't know 90% about it.I know that's.And there's a lot of people that see things coming out of the water and going into the water. Also, if I was from another planet and I wanted to come here and make a base, I just do it in the water. They can't see shit. If they have the kind of capability that allows them to come here from other galaxies, they could easily make a base under the water.Yeah. That's probably what the Bermuda triangle is. We don't fucking know.Well, they think the Bermuda triangle is methane getting released under the floor of the ocean. And what it does is when it comes up, it kills all the buoyancy. You know, it makes boats sink. No, no, they have, like. They know where it is.That sounds like when I watch the men in black and right when they hit you with that thing.They hit you with that thing.It's not like that's the excuse they tell you.It could be there's something under the water that's sinking boats. I don't think it is, though. I think there's, like, a valid scientific reason. So these gasses get released. And apparently, if there's a boat above, when all these gas, like, we're talking about immense spaces of this gas gets released, those boats just sink. And it's not just that. It's like the updraft of this stuff can fuck up planes. There's a lot of theories about what causes. It's also like, there's so many storms in that area of Bermuda, so that it makes sense that more ships would go down in those areas, too. Yeah, but I still think there's probably something in there. There's probably something in the water. Have you seen that video, that one craft that they're watching on night vision, and it flies over the water and then goes down into the water?No, I haven't seen.Yeah, they call them trans medium crafts. They've been observed by multiple fighter Luxor in Vegas, they have a chunk of it you could see, like this big piece that they pulled up, and different artifacts they pulled up. So they did go down there and attach things with manned crafts, and then they pulled them up with. With some kind of drone. They did. But I do think people have actually. I think. I think James Cameron actually went down there. Here it is. The 14th trip. Yeah. The Titan made the first of several dives, the famous shipwreck of the world. While generally successful, these expeditions hadn't been without their own problems. The fatal dive was the vessel's 14th trip to the remains of the Titanic.Oh, it probably just wore out then. It probably just probably.Well, apparently the people that designed it and built it were telling them there was flaws in it, and there was a lot of lawsuits coming, I'm sure, because there was a lot of whistleblowers that wound up leaving the corporation, the company, rather than that develop these things. They're like, this is not tested for the kind of pressure that's down there. And you're sending people down there.I just believe there's certain things that man shouldn't. Certain places man shouldn't go.Bottom of the ocean.We just shouldn't go.Why go? Why? Why?Certain things we shouldn't do. I don't think we should be jumping out of planes and all that shit either. I just don't believe that. I'm not interested.I'm not interested in that. People. You should go skybuking. No, you go skydiving?Yeah, fuck that.My friend, his dad used to work with this lady, and when he would go into work, she was like, you should go skydiving with us. And then one day he goes to work and she's not there. And he said, what happened? It's like skydiving.But I tell you what looks fun, though. You seen them motherfuckers in those squirrels looking suits? Oh, yeah, that shit look fun. But I see it on TikTok. But they scared. Like, they be like, what if they hit a tree going that motherfucking fast?You ever see the one where the guy hits the bridge?No.We'll watch this and we'll end this podcast show. The one where the guy hits the bridge in the squirrel suit. So this dude was trying to go through the arches of the bridge, and he missed it. Here, watch this. So he's on the thing, and he's trying to fly past the bridge, and he's got a bunch of people on the bridge watching this dude. Like, oh, my God, this is amazing.It looks fine.Yeah, I mean, he's going like a hundred and something miles an hour, too, so he's trying to figure out how to get through this bridge, but watch this. Oh, fuck, bro, that sound he. That's a horrible sound.He just misjudged. What? He just exploded, huh? Yeah. Yeah, just misjudged. Why would you try to go through the bridge? Showing off.Showing off? Yeah. Just want to do something for. People have done things like that. They fly between buildings. They do a bunch of wild shit with those coral suits on. But if you misjudge it, that's your ass showing up.Hey.Showing off. Quentin. Thank you, sir.Man, thank you for having me.Great to hang you.It's been a great experience.It's been great to be here and to hang out with you, man. See you after all these years.Yeah, I know. It's been a long time. I'm gonna hold you to those. Those tickets.Yes, sir. I got you. I got you for two tickets.Tiki always let me down. I get two. Bring me somebody.Somebody. Yeah, I think that's September 14, so.I got you September 14.Yes, sir. I'll be there.All right.It's gonna be a banging car. It's gonna be crazy. Inside that thing with all the. The whole ceiling is a screen.Yeah.So, I mean, who knows what they're gonna put up there? It's gonna be wild. Apparently they've been working on it this entire time. They've been working on it for months. I think they're already spent $9 million just on the production. 1616 now.Jesus, they get fucking. They work billions now, so.Yeah. Throwing that money.Yeah.Tell everybody where to get your podcast.Oh, they can go to what? Jackson on YouTube, right? I think it's on Spotify. Just here.It's two x's or what?Two x's.Oh, like, you sure like the shirt. There you go.Thanks for the plug.No, no worries. So it's Jackson podcast on YouTube. And is it on everything like Spotify?I think we just got on Spotify. But tell them about the energy drink.And your energy drink for help.Good for. I'm glad you like it.It's very good. That's my favorite f three energy drink ginseng. It's got all sorts of good stuff. Bcaas, theanine. What else they got in here?But it won't make you Copeloba.It won't make you dick. Not yet.Not yet.Version two.If they come out with one that says rent page punch or something.It is.No, you're gonna make it bigger.Japanese letters. All right, brother. Thank you for being here. Bye, everybody.


some people need steroids.


Yeah. I always tell people, like, look at me and look at some of the other fighters. You can look at my body and tell I wasn't on this shit.


Well, the difference is when they get tested, like when the, the pre USADA and post USADA days are so interesting because even though they outlawed testosterone, still guys like Ovarian, there's. There's not a chance in hell that guy was natural. It was. He was not natural at all. There's no way. No way. Especially when fought Brock Lesnar, but somehow know that he passed a test. But the test the day of, like, the day of, like, the way ins test, that's nonsense. That is nonsense. Like, all the benefits are still there and all the stuff is out of your system, bro.


It's crazy. I used to fight over there with Alistair, right? And he was like the bony 200 and fiver.


Yeah, he was thin.


Yeah, he was thin. Then one day I saw him like, God damn, what the fuck are you doing? He said, horse meat. I was like, okay, buddy.


Yeah, he was powerlifting. You remember when he got up to like 265, you know, when he won the k one grand prix?


Oh, yeah.


I mean, you couldn't hit him. He was a mountain. He was just covered behind muscle and, you know, k one style when they fight with like, the earmuffs on, when they're standing there like, he was just, there was no chin. You couldn't see it in there.


He was a bad muffler. He won it too, didn't he?


Yeah, he won the grand prix, which is crazy.


He was a bad, I was always worried I was going to have to fight him in pride, but I don't know why they never put me against him, bro.


When he fought Brock Lesnar, if they kept the testing that way, he might have been the heavyweight champion. He might have stayed the heavyweight champion too. I mean, he was hard to handle at that weight. He was so big and he had those elite kickboxing skills, you know, I remember when he fought, I guess it was strike force when he fought Brett Rogers. You can see the moment he hits Brett Rogers with one low kick and you can see it in Brett Rogers face, like, oh, shit. Like, this is different. This is so different. He was so scary, man.


Yeah. Fuck. Big tall motherfucker. I would like to see him go against Jon Jones.


I would have loved to send that back in the day. But if, if again, you let him fight enhanced, because the difference between him, enhanced and unenhanced, he became an average fighter.


Yeah, but John was enhanced too, though. If they would have went against each other. Both enhanced at the time. At the time.


So you think John was enhanced?


Yeah, I think it's proven.


Really? Because of the whole thing with the Pico Grahams, whatever the fuck that shit.


Is, you know, I don't pay a whole lot of attention to it, but I just thought he got popped, so I assumed that he was enhanced.


He did, but the problem that he got popped with, there were so minuscule levels, it didn't make sense.


He don't look, he don't look like somebody does steroids. Yeah. No.


No, it doesn't. But neither did Lance Armstrong.


He probably, is he probably doing something different though? Lance?


No, he was doing testosterone. I mean, he was definitely doing that too. Did they. Those guys were doing, he was doing a lot of shit. They do taking Muay Thai right after that fight with Sakuraba. I started trying with Kali Noyama when he was. He was training Tito. I went straight up to Big Bear, and I started training very good. Yeah, he taught me to cover and roll. Yeah, I learned a lot from that guy.Yeah, he's very good. He's trained a lot of MMA fighters.Yeah, he.It's interesting when you see those guys hole in it? Like, his hamstring was gone.It's hard to come back from this.Yeah. So all he could have had it, but he would have had to have surgery right after the tear, and he didn't. And so once it curls up and locks in place, like, I guess they can't bring it back.Oh, yeah. How you feel about the, like, older guys, like me, Rashad, and Mark Coleman, all of us fighting in, like, a league with other older guys instead of putting us with younger people.That's not a bad idea. Like, a legends league.Yeah. Cause we still love. We still love it. We still love to fight, you know, but it's just. We just can't compete with the.With the youngest guys.Yeah. Father time is undefeated, bro.Father time never loses. And not only that, like, these young guys haven't had all the injuries that the older guys have had. You know, you see older guys, they look fine, but, you know, who knows what? Fucking neck, my knee, my hip, my fucking wrist. There's always something. If you've had 25 MMA fights, 35 MMA fights, you got problems. There's no if, ands, or buts about it. Yeah, I don't know anybody who's not banged up, man.When I get out of bed in the morning, like, the first couple steps, I'm like, damn, was it worth it?Yeah, but you. You came out better than most people.Yeah, I didn't have to. I already had an injury coming into mma. My knee was fucked. I fucked my knee up in college, but I haven't had. I haven't had too much.What you do with your knee in.College, man, my teammates, half of my teammates, wasn't coming to practice. And the coach was like, since you guys not getting your teammates here, you got to work out for them. So they used to pair us up in groups of tools and make us do 15 push ups. Other guy do 15 reps, then you go all the way down to five. Right? And after two weeks of that, we got so strong, we was bottoming out on everything, right? So I'm wrestling one of my teammates, and he tried to get a single leg on me. And this, right when I was getting better at wrestling, I was getting good. It was hard to take me down and everything. I was in Lassen junior college, and the wrestlers there was, like, the rejects, but they was all good. They had to come there first. Then they went to d one schools, right? And I'm resting this guy, and he's still my friend to this day. He get mad when I tell the story, and he's going in for a single. I wasn't giving it up because everybody was talking shit to me. I was a runt on the team, the worst wrestler there, and I was.I had. I think I took him down, and he wanted his take down back, and he took my. My leg and he bent it sideways and went. And he. I think he told my meniscus or some shit. And last, they didn't even take me to the. I don't know what happened. They never got me MRi. They just threw me away.Really?Yeah, yeah, just, it. I let it heal up on his own.And it never got 100%.No, it never was the same.Wow.And then I. I think that was my meniscus. I don't know, but I injured my meniscus when I was training for Ryan Bader. I had, like, a little partial turn. The doctor told me, nah, you don't want to fight. Cause you can rip it all the way. And another fight in Japan. It's hard for me to pull out in Japan. That's why I think it's a good idea for me to go over there and make some babies.Well, it's amazing what they can do with stem cells now because I had a tear of my right knee, and I got stem cells on it. I had a couple different cycles of stem cells now. It doesn't bother me at all. And I was like, fuck, I'm gonna have to get it done on my right knee too. Cause I had my left knee part of my meniscus removed. Cause it was a bucket handle tear. So, you know, it lock out.Yeah.So it would lock straight, like pop. Ah. And then you can't bend your knee, and you're like, oh, my God. And it's painful as fuck.Yeah. That used to happen to Rico Rodriguez. I used to corner him one time is fighting. And that was my job in each round, to pull his leg out.Yeah, Rico didn't have an ACL. Yeah, he fought at the highest level with no ACL.Yeah.He was the first guy I ever heard that did that. I'm like, that is crazy.He didn't give a fuck.Crazy.It's crazy what fighters put up with.I know. Well, there's fighters right now that are fighting with no acls. I know a couple of them football.Players won't do that shit.No, no. You get it repaired.I think we should. I think we should get doctors like them. Like, you know how they have, like, what you call those physios. They. I think we should have that on. On every team have, like, a set of physios and people that. Because we don't know what the fuck we doing. Even today, we don't know. We don't know shit.Well, that's why the UFC Performance Institute is so important. You know, they have everything. Everything. Yeah.What? Yeah, I thought leave.Oh. The UFC Performance Institute is, like, one of the most high level training environments in the world. People come and do their camp in Vegas. So, like, if they know they're going to fight in Vegas, they'll come to Vegas and bring their coaches, and everybody does their whole camp at the PI. PI is incredible.I never been there.Oh, my God. It's amazing. They videotape all the sparring sessions, so you could watch it from multiple different angles. They'll have it up for you. You could review. Like, see, you do this, you drop your hands. You do this. You can't. You can't defend like that. You do this way, and you watch it all on high it comes to, like, news coverage, like, my newsfeed was overwhelmed with Alex Pereira's knockout.For real?Yeah.Oh, this?Yeah, there was so many pictures of it because it was, you know, was a giant.ESPN is.Yeah, yeah. But all these different websites were covering it because it's just, first of all, like, when you got a guy that's that dominant. You know, that's what people love. They love a Mike Tyson. They love some dude who just fucking everybody up. Like, you can't wait to watch them fight people because you know what's gonna happen.Yeah.You know, he's gonna fuck people up.Yeah. What fucked up prior was they lost their contract with Fuji TV.It's crazy that it could be so big in Japan and then dwindle away to almost nothing. So you see events from Japan now. It's like a shadow of what it was.Yeah. Risen. You would think that risen would do what pride did. Right?You would think. You would think rising would, like. It would fill in the gap. Like, if the UFC went away, the PFL would probably take up the slack. You know, if something happened, someone. The UFC decided, you know what we found? Jesus. We're not. No more fights. Everybody. Good. Good luck. Take care. We're gonna close shop. For some crazy reason. Those guys would go somewhere and there's. Everyone has a name, you know? Right now, the only way an organization could benefit, like, PFl signed Francis. That's probably the only way that PfL is going to get people to pay attention. Like, you have to have someone like Francis.Who is he going to fight, though?This is wild brazilian dude over there who's fucking dangerous.The big guy that beat up Ryan Bader?Yes. That guy's fucking dangerous.He's huge.He's huge and he can strike.That's the only guy.That's the only guy. I mean, they. Maybe if Francis. If the PFL gets some heat behind it because of this, maybe if they have the money, like, I know there's some other countries that are involved, like the Saudis. If they get involved and they start throwing money away, maybe.You think he'll go back to boxing?Yeah, because he's made so much money, you know? But, you know, like, after the Joshua fight, it's going to be different, right? So the Francis Ngannou fight, it was, you know, he's fighting one of the greatest heavyweight boxers all time and drops him in the second round and everybody's like, what? And then he beat him up in the 8th round.I thought he won that fight.I thought he won that fight, too. Yeah, I thought he won that fight too. But, you know, if they're setting up that Usyk fight, they were not gonna. Yeah, it just seemed like the fix was in a little bit. Yeah, it was close enough. They could pull it off. You can go. Okay. Maybe. Maybe you could see him winning that, but I don't think so. Yeah, I thought Francis won it. A lot of people thought Francis won it. Yeah.Oh, there's that big guy, huh?This dude. What is his name? Ferreira, Hanna Ferrer. He's big, too. He's like six, seven. Whoa, knee six. 8260. Yeah, bro.I think Francis can get him, though.Oh, yeah, man, look, Francis can get anyone. Anyone alive. Anyone alive. If that guy hits you, he could put you asleep, man.Francis surprised me when he knocked out Alistair over. And that's when I was. That's when he came to my radar. Like, who the fuck is this guy, bro?That is, to this day, one of the scariest left hooks of all time. Because his head snapped so far back, it was like he was looking at his feet, like he was looking at his ankles behind himself, like, it was crazy.Yeah, I never. I never. I never thought.Then when he knocked out stipe, good lord.Yeah.I mean, with a little gloves on, like, and leg kicks and shit, there's not a whole lot like that one. Come on, man. That kind of power. Francis, man.Dude, I took a picture with Francis in Saudi Arabia. That motherfuckers twice my size.He's huge.Big.He's huge. I'm happy that he went and got paid. I'm happy that he got that money for the Tyson Fury fight because everybody was dismissing it, Danny was dismissing it. And then he drops Tyson Fury. And a lot of people's eyes won the fight. Like fuck. Yeah. And then he gets a big payday against Joshua. I'm happy that he made money, but I wish he would have made that money in the UFC. I wish my dream fight was at heavyweight. Jon Jones and Francis. And I still think to this, there was actually an article that I read this morning that with the Saudis, you know, the UFC is now doing shows in Saudi Arabia that Dana is not opposed to the possibility of a joint promotion with Jon Jones versus Francis.Wow. That would be huge.Huge, huge, huge.With all due respect, I think Jon Jones is a smart enough fighter to not fight Francis. Fight on that one, though.Really?Yeah. John Jones, he ain't a dummy. He's a smart fighter. I always say Jon Jones is Neo.Neo from the Matrix.Yeah, the kid. His mind is so strong. I think that he would desperately try to get Francis down and submit him. He won't be dumb enough.No, he won't stand with them. John, as good as he is, has never been, like, a one punch knockout guy.No.You know, he beats guys up and strangles them and beats him up on the ground. Does he have any knockouts from one shot? I mean, he head kicked Daniel Cormier. Yeah, yeah. And dropped him with that and then know you can fight. Now at this time, I'm like 15 years old. He telling me this. He said, I seen you fight, but I don't think you can fight five motherfuckers. And I thought about it. I was like, damn, you know, I used to get jumped a lot, but five motherfuckers in prison, five grown men. And I was like, wow. I said, really? He said, yeah, man, they raped kids. I said, this is what God want me to tell you that? You know, I don't think nobody told you. I don't think, you know, wow, you know, so whatever you doing, you want to get off that path. And then I was thinking, a lot of my friends was coming up dead and they was going to prison and they was getting hooked on drugs. So I was like, wow. That. That conversation right there changed. Changed my life. And we moved to a different side of Memphis. And then I started wrestling, and nobody knew anything about me, that I used to smoke weed. They didn't know anything.I just changed my whole life from that one conversation. So that's why then I found it. I had been to juvenile before I got caught, like, driving. Like, I got sale. You sell crack? So I gave this junk. He had an eye rock, so I gave him some crack. Well, I'm like 14 years old. Yeah, for a couple of days, you know, I gave him some crack for his car and I was driving it, motherfucker. Then the police saw me. I took this one, one lady, she wanted to go to these projects. I didn't know what she was doing, but, you know, you know, she was doing. She had me take over there and the police saw me. I guess it was a hotspot and I didn't know. And I was waiting in the car and it's like 08:00 in the morning. And the police come up to me like, what the fuck? A little kid driving his car. He said, don't your ass. Don't be in school. I couldn't lie my way out of it. And fuck I went to do now. And my mom came and got me out.What the fuck are you doing?I said, shit. My friend and me borrowed a car. My mom had no idea I was selling drugs. I kept lying to her. She didn't know. And then that was just doing. That's just like one getting out, you know what I'm saying? I got some trouble one time. I was innocent for what happened, but I was in there for two weeks. I didn't think about it. It wasn't that bad. But when I went to jail in college, I'm like, fuck this. I'm never coming back.Wow.But I'm kind of glad it happened. Cause it changed my life. And I can kind of control my temper better now. That's why I was walking out of that room in the ultimate fighter. Cause I knew I was losing my temper. I threw that water bottle, and I was trying to get out of there, and that door got in my fucking way. So I didn't want to lose my temper because I didn't know. Cause I didn't know if I was gonna punch Rashard or. Or anybody came up to me, right? I didn't know. I just wanted to get out of there. And I was like, fuck this shit. But I'm glad that shit happened to me in college. Changed my fucking life.Wow.I can. I can control. I can control myself now. Long as long as nobody don't punch me out of, like, violence or nothing like that, I think I can control it. Everything else, I. You know, I just think about, I am going back to prison. Fuck that.Well, you've been able to control your mind in so many fights, you know, that alone. I mean, the. How many people get tested like that?Fights don't bother me. Sparring is where I have to control myself.Really?Yeah. Fights don't bother me. Sparring is where I lose my temper a little bit. But I'm scared because I feel like I'm gonna go hog wild and lose, and lose my cardio. That's the only reason why I try to control it in fighting and sparring.Oh, the worst is like, losing your temper when you're sparring.Yeah, that's where I lose it.Cause he attired quick, bro.I sparred. I sparred. Luke Rockhold. I hadn't sparred in a long time. And he's a southpaw. He's tall. His stand up is fucking good. And I just. I thought I was gonna be fighting Shannon, so I let me start sparring, and he kicked the shit out of me. I'm like. He didn't even fucking let up. It's like it was fucking field day for his ass. I was so fucking mad. I tried to knock him the fuck out, and I was so rusted. Hadn't sparred in years. My old ass in there with himself. I hate southpaws. And he kicked the shit out of me. I was like, oh, all right. And then next day I started running because my cardio was bad. Everything was bad. I started running. I was waiting to spar his ass back. I said, I'm gonna knock this motherfucker out.So right now, are you training at all?Yeah, I'm training. I've been sparring and moving around. I just did, like, my first japanese pro wrestling match with Josh Barnett Bluster. Yeah. So I started training mma with my son. I didn't have anybody to train with because my times is fucking crazy. Cause I got a podcast now because of your ass. You got everybody doing fucking podcasts.Crazy, huh?It's crazy, man. Everybody. Everybody mama got a fucking podcast cause of your motherfucking ass. That shit is so time consuming.It takes some time, but it's a great way to be your own boss. Yeah, that's the best thing. And you're a funny guy. Like you, your Jackson podcast, that's a great podcast.It's fun.I watch it all the time for watching a bunch of times.Yeah, thanks, man.Yeah, yeah, you have great clips, guys. It's good, man. You're. It's a good thing for you to do because you could do that forever.People were asking me to do it for years and I was like, man, I don't have the drive to do this shit myself. But my friend Barrett, he got everything set up and he does everything, and I just come and sit down and people start liking us. Okay, so I guess I'm doing podcast now.That's all you have to do. Someone has to set it up for you. If someone's got a good personality, they should totally do it because it's a way that. That your podcast was more listened to than the news, and people was hating on you. Like, when. When you was talking about, I make that. Oh, my God.Well, they were threatened. They were trouble. That was also. They were being paid off by the medical establishment. They were being paid off. They were being paid to promote this one thing, and that was the vaccine. And anybody that said anything other than the vaccine, I mean, CNN did me so dirty. They changed the color of my skin to make me look yellow and sick. They kept saying I was taking horse dewormer. I got prescribed medicine by a doctor. Not only that, it was only one of the things that I took. I took a bunch of things, but they did not want this video of me saying, I got better in three days. So it's a video of me. You see the real video? I look fine. I was fine. I wasn't lying. I wouldn't lie. And I had to cancel these shows because I was doing shows with Chappelle that weekend. We were supposed to be doing this arena, and I had to say, I'm sorry, we're going to reschedule it. But I got Covid. That's the only reason why I made that video. If I didn't have shows that I had to cancel, I would have never made that video.I only made that video because I had to cancel the shows. So I said, I feel great. It was three days ago. We threw the kitchen sink at it. I said, all these drugs I took, iv multivitamins, monoclonal antibodies. I said all this stuff that I took, z pac. But they locked in on this horse dewormer a fool. But what they didn't know back then, because people did. I didn't talk about it. I never knew. But they didn't know how big the podcast.Oh, no, no, no. They didn't know how big that.That's the problem.They knew the drug worked, right?They did know the drug work, and it did work, and it worked for a lot of people that didn't take all the other stuff that I took. I was better quick. Six days after that, I did. Did ten rounds on the bag. I worked out five days after I got sick. And I'm like, I feel pretty good. Next day, I'm gonna push it. And then the next day, I said, all right, there's one way to find out how good I feel. Set the timer up. Let's do some rounds. And I did ten solid rounds on the bag. At the end, I was like, I feel 100%. It's totally normal.I swear by it. I knew when you talked about it, I knew you was right, because I had learned about it, like, a while ago, a little bit before, when Covid first thought happening, because I got this friend, she used to box with, Floyd Mayweather's dad, and her name is Miss Knockout. She got this assistant from some south american country, and they had symptoms like Covid years ago, like, maybe 1520 years ago. And they took ivermectin. And so she told me about it. She said, if you get Covid, let me know. I'm gonna get you some ivermectin. I had never heard of it. She said, my sister had Covid, and she got rid of in six days and have it, you know, negative to give a negative test. I said, okay, I keep it on my radar. And my son caught Covid. I never caught Covid, but my son caught Covid, and I got the medicine and I gave it to him.They could have saved a lot of lives. And they still, to this day, ridicule it. Still to this day, people ridicule it. But meanwhile, doctors prescribed it. And one of the reasons why they prescribed it is because there's a reason. There's a medical reason. It stops viral replication in vitro. That means in cell cultures, when you put ivermectin in with the virus, it stops the virus from replicating. So it just makes sense that it would stop it in the human body, too. It stops yellow fever. And dengue. They used it for river blindness. They've used it for a bunch of different diseases. It's also very healthy. It doesn't. It's not a dangerous drug. It's one of the safest drug profiles of any drug. It's not a dangerous thing to take.But do you think your body get used to it? Because I take it for colds. Because I hate colds.I don't think it's something that you get used to. No.Because I remember when I first started. When I first started taking it because I stocked up on in case I got Covid and I got like, a runny nose and a cold. And I. And I took it and took it away. Right? Right away, right. And then the next couple times it took away. Then, like, the fourth time I got a cold, it didn't.They tried to. Well, that could have been just a different cold or different, you know, different intensity of the cold. But they tried to ban a lot of other things secretly that also proved people. One of the things was thymosin. Thymosin is a peptide. It's a safe peptide. There's no history of, like, negative side effects. And they. They tried to ban it because people were using thymosin to get over Covid. They tried to do everything they could to make people take the vaccine because that's what was profitable. Everything. They tried to stop people from taking monoclonal antibodies, which also helped heal you. But they didn't want any alternatives. So when they started attacking me, they were only attacking me because people could say, oh, Joe Rogan got better. Oh, he's healthy and he works out. I don't need that fucking vaccine. If that 55 year old man took it, and he's fine, quick. And they didn't, like, they exaggerated how many people died. The whole thing was fucked, man. The whole thing was fucked. They treated us like we were a bunch of sheep. And a lot of people acted like they're a bunch of sheep.A lot of people. And they didn't have any alternative news sources other than podcasts. And so then they were just ridiculed. Why are people listening to podcasts? They should be listening to doctors. Well, because we don't lie. That's why.Right.I might be wrong. I may be wrong about things. I'll be wrong about things, I'm sure. But I don't fucking lie.Right?Not a lie. They're liars. They're liars and they're on tv. The tv is filled with liars.I don't even watch the news. No. Motherfucker. Yeah, I don't trust that shit.You shouldn't trust that shit. I mean, I don't trust mainstream news anymore. If they're telling you something, someone's telling them to tell you something. Some of the things might be true, but the reasons for those things being true, they're probably not telling you the truth.I'm gonna tell you, Covid. And all this stuff that happened, it woke me up to a lot of things where just not trust the government and stuff and everything. And I'm gonna be 100 right now. The main reason why I decided not to take the vaccine is because I saw the he's right about that. I think that there's too much evidence that it's not true. Also, it's like the way planets are formed. We know how planets are formed. There's a reason why they're all circular. It's like all the mass coalesces in the center. And the gravity and the way things spin it all forms balls. But the idea that we know what the fuck is going on in the ocean is ridiculous. We don't know what's going on in 90% of the ocean. And the water surface is three quarters of the earth, so three quarters of the earth, we don't know 90% about it.I know that's.And there's a lot of people that see things coming out of the water and going into the water. Also, if I was from another planet and I wanted to come here and make a base, I just do it in the water. They can't see shit. If they have the kind of capability that allows them to come here from other galaxies, they could easily make a base under the water.Yeah. That's probably what the Bermuda triangle is. We don't fucking know.Well, they think the Bermuda triangle is methane getting released under the floor of the ocean. And what it does is when it comes up, it kills all the buoyancy. You know, it makes boats sink. No, no, they have, like. They know where it is.That sounds like when I watch the men in black and right when they hit you with that thing.They hit you with that thing.It's not like that's the excuse they tell you.It could be there's something under the water that's sinking boats. I don't think it is, though. I think there's, like, a valid scientific reason. So these gasses get released. And apparently, if there's a boat above, when all these gas, like, we're talking about immense spaces of this gas gets released, those boats just sink. And it's not just that. It's like the updraft of this stuff can fuck up planes. There's a lot of theories about what causes. It's also like, there's so many storms in that area of Bermuda, so that it makes sense that more ships would go down in those areas, too. Yeah, but I still think there's probably something in there. There's probably something in the water. Have you seen that video, that one craft that they're watching on night vision, and it flies over the water and then goes down into the water?No, I haven't seen.Yeah, they call them trans medium crafts. They've been observed by multiple fighter Luxor in Vegas, they have a chunk of it you could see, like this big piece that they pulled up, and different artifacts they pulled up. So they did go down there and attach things with manned crafts, and then they pulled them up with. With some kind of drone. They did. But I do think people have actually. I think. I think James Cameron actually went down there. Here it is. The 14th trip. Yeah. The Titan made the first of several dives, the famous shipwreck of the world. While generally successful, these expeditions hadn't been without their own problems. The fatal dive was the vessel's 14th trip to the remains of the Titanic.Oh, it probably just wore out then. It probably just probably.Well, apparently the people that designed it and built it were telling them there was flaws in it, and there was a lot of lawsuits coming, I'm sure, because there was a lot of whistleblowers that wound up leaving the corporation, the company, rather than that develop these things. They're like, this is not tested for the kind of pressure that's down there. And you're sending people down there.I just believe there's certain things that man shouldn't. Certain places man shouldn't go.Bottom of the ocean.We just shouldn't go.Why go? Why? Why?Certain things we shouldn't do. I don't think we should be jumping out of planes and all that shit either. I just don't believe that. I'm not interested.I'm not interested in that. People. You should go skybuking. No, you go skydiving?Yeah, fuck that.My friend, his dad used to work with this lady, and when he would go into work, she was like, you should go skydiving with us. And then one day he goes to work and she's not there. And he said, what happened? It's like skydiving.But I tell you what looks fun, though. You seen them motherfuckers in those squirrels looking suits? Oh, yeah, that shit look fun. But I see it on TikTok. But they scared. Like, they be like, what if they hit a tree going that motherfucking fast?You ever see the one where the guy hits the bridge?No.We'll watch this and we'll end this podcast show. The one where the guy hits the bridge in the squirrel suit. So this dude was trying to go through the arches of the bridge, and he missed it. Here, watch this. So he's on the thing, and he's trying to fly past the bridge, and he's got a bunch of people on the bridge watching this dude. Like, oh, my God, this is amazing.It looks fine.Yeah, I mean, he's going like a hundred and something miles an hour, too, so he's trying to figure out how to get through this bridge, but watch this. Oh, fuck, bro, that sound he. That's a horrible sound.He just misjudged. What? He just exploded, huh? Yeah. Yeah, just misjudged. Why would you try to go through the bridge? Showing off.Showing off? Yeah. Just want to do something for. People have done things like that. They fly between buildings. They do a bunch of wild shit with those coral suits on. But if you misjudge it, that's your ass showing up.Hey.Showing off. Quentin. Thank you, sir.Man, thank you for having me.Great to hang you.It's been a great experience.It's been great to be here and to hang out with you, man. See you after all these years.Yeah, I know. It's been a long time. I'm gonna hold you to those. Those tickets.Yes, sir. I got you. I got you for two tickets.Tiki always let me down. I get two. Bring me somebody.Somebody. Yeah, I think that's September 14, so.I got you September 14.Yes, sir. I'll be there.All right.It's gonna be a banging car. It's gonna be crazy. Inside that thing with all the. The whole ceiling is a screen.Yeah.So, I mean, who knows what they're gonna put up there? It's gonna be wild. Apparently they've been working on it this entire time. They've been working on it for months. I think they're already spent $9 million just on the production. 1616 now.Jesus, they get fucking. They work billions now, so.Yeah. Throwing that money.Yeah.Tell everybody where to get your podcast.Oh, they can go to what? Jackson on YouTube, right? I think it's on Spotify. Just here.It's two x's or what?Two x's.Oh, like, you sure like the shirt. There you go.Thanks for the plug.No, no worries. So it's Jackson podcast on YouTube. And is it on everything like Spotify?I think we just got on Spotify. But tell them about the energy drink.And your energy drink for help.Good for. I'm glad you like it.It's very good. That's my favorite f three energy drink ginseng. It's got all sorts of good stuff. Bcaas, theanine. What else they got in here?But it won't make you Copeloba.It won't make you dick. Not yet.Not yet.Version two.If they come out with one that says rent page punch or something.It is.No, you're gonna make it bigger.Japanese letters. All right, brother. Thank you for being here. Bye, everybody.


taking Muay Thai right after that fight with Sakuraba. I started trying with Kali Noyama when he was. He was training Tito. I went straight up to Big Bear, and I started training very good. Yeah, he taught me to cover and roll. Yeah, I learned a lot from that guy.


Yeah, he's very good. He's trained a lot of MMA fighters.


Yeah, he.


It's interesting when you see those guys hole in it? Like, his hamstring was gone.It's hard to come back from this.Yeah. So all he could have had it, but he would have had to have surgery right after the tear, and he didn't. And so once it curls up and locks in place, like, I guess they can't bring it back.Oh, yeah. How you feel about the, like, older guys, like me, Rashad, and Mark Coleman, all of us fighting in, like, a league with other older guys instead of putting us with younger people.That's not a bad idea. Like, a legends league.Yeah. Cause we still love. We still love it. We still love to fight, you know, but it's just. We just can't compete with the.With the youngest guys.Yeah. Father time is undefeated, bro.Father time never loses. And not only that, like, these young guys haven't had all the injuries that the older guys have had. You know, you see older guys, they look fine, but, you know, who knows what? Fucking neck, my knee, my hip, my fucking wrist. There's always something. If you've had 25 MMA fights, 35 MMA fights, you got problems. There's no if, ands, or buts about it. Yeah, I don't know anybody who's not banged up, man.When I get out of bed in the morning, like, the first couple steps, I'm like, damn, was it worth it?Yeah, but you. You came out better than most people.Yeah, I didn't have to. I already had an injury coming into mma. My knee was fucked. I fucked my knee up in college, but I haven't had. I haven't had too much.What you do with your knee in.College, man, my teammates, half of my teammates, wasn't coming to practice. And the coach was like, since you guys not getting your teammates here, you got to work out for them. So they used to pair us up in groups of tools and make us do 15 push ups. Other guy do 15 reps, then you go all the way down to five. Right? And after two weeks of that, we got so strong, we was bottoming out on everything, right? So I'm wrestling one of my teammates, and he tried to get a single leg on me. And this, right when I was getting better at wrestling, I was getting good. It was hard to take me down and everything. I was in Lassen junior college, and the wrestlers there was, like, the rejects, but they was all good. They had to come there first. Then they went to d one schools, right? And I'm resting this guy, and he's still my friend to this day. He get mad when I tell the story, and he's going in for a single. I wasn't giving it up because everybody was talking shit to me. I was a runt on the team, the worst wrestler there, and I was.I had. I think I took him down, and he wanted his take down back, and he took my. My leg and he bent it sideways and went. And he. I think he told my meniscus or some shit. And last, they didn't even take me to the. I don't know what happened. They never got me MRi. They just threw me away.Really?Yeah, yeah, just, it. I let it heal up on his own.And it never got 100%.No, it never was the same.Wow.And then I. I think that was my meniscus. I don't know, but I injured my meniscus when I was training for Ryan Bader. I had, like, a little partial turn. The doctor told me, nah, you don't want to fight. Cause you can rip it all the way. And another fight in Japan. It's hard for me to pull out in Japan. That's why I think it's a good idea for me to go over there and make some babies.Well, it's amazing what they can do with stem cells now because I had a tear of my right knee, and I got stem cells on it. I had a couple different cycles of stem cells now. It doesn't bother me at all. And I was like, fuck, I'm gonna have to get it done on my right knee too. Cause I had my left knee part of my meniscus removed. Cause it was a bucket handle tear. So, you know, it lock out.Yeah.So it would lock straight, like pop. Ah. And then you can't bend your knee, and you're like, oh, my God. And it's painful as fuck.Yeah. That used to happen to Rico Rodriguez. I used to corner him one time is fighting. And that was my job in each round, to pull his leg out.Yeah, Rico didn't have an ACL. Yeah, he fought at the highest level with no ACL.Yeah.He was the first guy I ever heard that did that. I'm like, that is crazy.He didn't give a fuck.Crazy.It's crazy what fighters put up with.I know. Well, there's fighters right now that are fighting with no acls. I know a couple of them football.Players won't do that shit.No, no. You get it repaired.I think we should. I think we should get doctors like them. Like, you know how they have, like, what you call those physios. They. I think we should have that on. On every team have, like, a set of physios and people that. Because we don't know what the fuck we doing. Even today, we don't know. We don't know shit.Well, that's why the UFC Performance Institute is so important. You know, they have everything. Everything. Yeah.What? Yeah, I thought leave.Oh. The UFC Performance Institute is, like, one of the most high level training environments in the world. People come and do their camp in Vegas. So, like, if they know they're going to fight in Vegas, they'll come to Vegas and bring their coaches, and everybody does their whole camp at the PI. PI is incredible.I never been there.Oh, my God. It's amazing. They videotape all the sparring sessions, so you could watch it from multiple different angles. They'll have it up for you. You could review. Like, see, you do this, you drop your hands. You do this. You can't. You can't defend like that. You do this way, and you watch it all on high it comes to, like, news coverage, like, my newsfeed was overwhelmed with Alex Pereira's knockout.For real?Yeah.Oh, this?Yeah, there was so many pictures of it because it was, you know, was a giant.ESPN is.Yeah, yeah. But all these different websites were covering it because it's just, first of all, like, when you got a guy that's that dominant. You know, that's what people love. They love a Mike Tyson. They love some dude who just fucking everybody up. Like, you can't wait to watch them fight people because you know what's gonna happen.Yeah.You know, he's gonna fuck people up.Yeah. What fucked up prior was they lost their contract with Fuji TV.It's crazy that it could be so big in Japan and then dwindle away to almost nothing. So you see events from Japan now. It's like a shadow of what it was.Yeah. Risen. You would think that risen would do what pride did. Right?You would think. You would think rising would, like. It would fill in the gap. Like, if the UFC went away, the PFL would probably take up the slack. You know, if something happened, someone. The UFC decided, you know what we found? Jesus. We're not. No more fights. Everybody. Good. Good luck. Take care. We're gonna close shop. For some crazy reason. Those guys would go somewhere and there's. Everyone has a name, you know? Right now, the only way an organization could benefit, like, PFl signed Francis. That's probably the only way that PfL is going to get people to pay attention. Like, you have to have someone like Francis.Who is he going to fight, though?This is wild brazilian dude over there who's fucking dangerous.The big guy that beat up Ryan Bader?Yes. That guy's fucking dangerous.He's huge.He's huge and he can strike.That's the only guy.That's the only guy. I mean, they. Maybe if Francis. If the PFL gets some heat behind it because of this, maybe if they have the money, like, I know there's some other countries that are involved, like the Saudis. If they get involved and they start throwing money away, maybe.You think he'll go back to boxing?Yeah, because he's made so much money, you know? But, you know, like, after the Joshua fight, it's going to be different, right? So the Francis Ngannou fight, it was, you know, he's fighting one of the greatest heavyweight boxers all time and drops him in the second round and everybody's like, what? And then he beat him up in the 8th round.I thought he won that fight.I thought he won that fight, too. Yeah, I thought he won that fight too. But, you know, if they're setting up that Usyk fight, they were not gonna. Yeah, it just seemed like the fix was in a little bit. Yeah, it was close enough. They could pull it off. You can go. Okay. Maybe. Maybe you could see him winning that, but I don't think so. Yeah, I thought Francis won it. A lot of people thought Francis won it. Yeah.Oh, there's that big guy, huh?This dude. What is his name? Ferreira, Hanna Ferrer. He's big, too. He's like six, seven. Whoa, knee six. 8260. Yeah, bro.I think Francis can get him, though.Oh, yeah, man, look, Francis can get anyone. Anyone alive. Anyone alive. If that guy hits you, he could put you asleep, man.Francis surprised me when he knocked out Alistair over. And that's when I was. That's when he came to my radar. Like, who the fuck is this guy, bro?That is, to this day, one of the scariest left hooks of all time. Because his head snapped so far back, it was like he was looking at his feet, like he was looking at his ankles behind himself, like, it was crazy.Yeah, I never. I never. I never thought.Then when he knocked out stipe, good lord.Yeah.I mean, with a little gloves on, like, and leg kicks and shit, there's not a whole lot like that one. Come on, man. That kind of power. Francis, man.Dude, I took a picture with Francis in Saudi Arabia. That motherfuckers twice my size.He's huge.Big.He's huge. I'm happy that he went and got paid. I'm happy that he got that money for the Tyson Fury fight because everybody was dismissing it, Danny was dismissing it. And then he drops Tyson Fury. And a lot of people's eyes won the fight. Like fuck. Yeah. And then he gets a big payday against Joshua. I'm happy that he made money, but I wish he would have made that money in the UFC. I wish my dream fight was at heavyweight. Jon Jones and Francis. And I still think to this, there was actually an article that I read this morning that with the Saudis, you know, the UFC is now doing shows in Saudi Arabia that Dana is not opposed to the possibility of a joint promotion with Jon Jones versus Francis.Wow. That would be huge.Huge, huge, huge.With all due respect, I think Jon Jones is a smart enough fighter to not fight Francis. Fight on that one, though.Really?Yeah. John Jones, he ain't a dummy. He's a smart fighter. I always say Jon Jones is Neo.Neo from the Matrix.Yeah, the kid. His mind is so strong. I think that he would desperately try to get Francis down and submit him. He won't be dumb enough.No, he won't stand with them. John, as good as he is, has never been, like, a one punch knockout guy.No.You know, he beats guys up and strangles them and beats him up on the ground. Does he have any knockouts from one shot? I mean, he head kicked Daniel Cormier. Yeah, yeah. And dropped him with that and then know you can fight. Now at this time, I'm like 15 years old. He telling me this. He said, I seen you fight, but I don't think you can fight five motherfuckers. And I thought about it. I was like, damn, you know, I used to get jumped a lot, but five motherfuckers in prison, five grown men. And I was like, wow. I said, really? He said, yeah, man, they raped kids. I said, this is what God want me to tell you that? You know, I don't think nobody told you. I don't think, you know, wow, you know, so whatever you doing, you want to get off that path. And then I was thinking, a lot of my friends was coming up dead and they was going to prison and they was getting hooked on drugs. So I was like, wow. That. That conversation right there changed. Changed my life. And we moved to a different side of Memphis. And then I started wrestling, and nobody knew anything about me, that I used to smoke weed. They didn't know anything.I just changed my whole life from that one conversation. So that's why then I found it. I had been to juvenile before I got caught, like, driving. Like, I got sale. You sell crack? So I gave this junk. He had an eye rock, so I gave him some crack. Well, I'm like 14 years old. Yeah, for a couple of days, you know, I gave him some crack for his car and I was driving it, motherfucker. Then the police saw me. I took this one, one lady, she wanted to go to these projects. I didn't know what she was doing, but, you know, you know, she was doing. She had me take over there and the police saw me. I guess it was a hotspot and I didn't know. And I was waiting in the car and it's like 08:00 in the morning. And the police come up to me like, what the fuck? A little kid driving his car. He said, don't your ass. Don't be in school. I couldn't lie my way out of it. And fuck I went to do now. And my mom came and got me out.What the fuck are you doing?I said, shit. My friend and me borrowed a car. My mom had no idea I was selling drugs. I kept lying to her. She didn't know. And then that was just doing. That's just like one getting out, you know what I'm saying? I got some trouble one time. I was innocent for what happened, but I was in there for two weeks. I didn't think about it. It wasn't that bad. But when I went to jail in college, I'm like, fuck this. I'm never coming back.Wow.But I'm kind of glad it happened. Cause it changed my life. And I can kind of control my temper better now. That's why I was walking out of that room in the ultimate fighter. Cause I knew I was losing my temper. I threw that water bottle, and I was trying to get out of there, and that door got in my fucking way. So I didn't want to lose my temper because I didn't know. Cause I didn't know if I was gonna punch Rashard or. Or anybody came up to me, right? I didn't know. I just wanted to get out of there. And I was like, fuck this shit. But I'm glad that shit happened to me in college. Changed my fucking life.Wow.I can. I can control. I can control myself now. Long as long as nobody don't punch me out of, like, violence or nothing like that, I think I can control it. Everything else, I. You know, I just think about, I am going back to prison. Fuck that.Well, you've been able to control your mind in so many fights, you know, that alone. I mean, the. How many people get tested like that?Fights don't bother me. Sparring is where I have to control myself.Really?Yeah. Fights don't bother me. Sparring is where I lose my temper a little bit. But I'm scared because I feel like I'm gonna go hog wild and lose, and lose my cardio. That's the only reason why I try to control it in fighting and sparring.Oh, the worst is like, losing your temper when you're sparring.Yeah, that's where I lose it.Cause he attired quick, bro.I sparred. I sparred. Luke Rockhold. I hadn't sparred in a long time. And he's a southpaw. He's tall. His stand up is fucking good. And I just. I thought I was gonna be fighting Shannon, so I let me start sparring, and he kicked the shit out of me. I'm like. He didn't even fucking let up. It's like it was fucking field day for his ass. I was so fucking mad. I tried to knock him the fuck out, and I was so rusted. Hadn't sparred in years. My old ass in there with himself. I hate southpaws. And he kicked the shit out of me. I was like, oh, all right. And then next day I started running because my cardio was bad. Everything was bad. I started running. I was waiting to spar his ass back. I said, I'm gonna knock this motherfucker out.So right now, are you training at all?Yeah, I'm training. I've been sparring and moving around. I just did, like, my first japanese pro wrestling match with Josh Barnett Bluster. Yeah. So I started training mma with my son. I didn't have anybody to train with because my times is fucking crazy. Cause I got a podcast now because of your ass. You got everybody doing fucking podcasts.Crazy, huh?It's crazy, man. Everybody. Everybody mama got a fucking podcast cause of your motherfucking ass. That shit is so time consuming.It takes some time, but it's a great way to be your own boss. Yeah, that's the best thing. And you're a funny guy. Like you, your Jackson podcast, that's a great podcast.It's fun.I watch it all the time for watching a bunch of times.Yeah, thanks, man.Yeah, yeah, you have great clips, guys. It's good, man. You're. It's a good thing for you to do because you could do that forever.People were asking me to do it for years and I was like, man, I don't have the drive to do this shit myself. But my friend Barrett, he got everything set up and he does everything, and I just come and sit down and people start liking us. Okay, so I guess I'm doing podcast now.That's all you have to do. Someone has to set it up for you. If someone's got a good personality, they should totally do it because it's a way that. That your podcast was more listened to than the news, and people was hating on you. Like, when. When you was talking about, I make that. Oh, my God.Well, they were threatened. They were trouble. That was also. They were being paid off by the medical establishment. They were being paid off. They were being paid to promote this one thing, and that was the vaccine. And anybody that said anything other than the vaccine, I mean, CNN did me so dirty. They changed the color of my skin to make me look yellow and sick. They kept saying I was taking horse dewormer. I got prescribed medicine by a doctor. Not only that, it was only one of the things that I took. I took a bunch of things, but they did not want this video of me saying, I got better in three days. So it's a video of me. You see the real video? I look fine. I was fine. I wasn't lying. I wouldn't lie. And I had to cancel these shows because I was doing shows with Chappelle that weekend. We were supposed to be doing this arena, and I had to say, I'm sorry, we're going to reschedule it. But I got Covid. That's the only reason why I made that video. If I didn't have shows that I had to cancel, I would have never made that video.I only made that video because I had to cancel the shows. So I said, I feel great. It was three days ago. We threw the kitchen sink at it. I said, all these drugs I took, iv multivitamins, monoclonal antibodies. I said all this stuff that I took, z pac. But they locked in on this horse dewormer a fool. But what they didn't know back then, because people did. I didn't talk about it. I never knew. But they didn't know how big the podcast.Oh, no, no, no. They didn't know how big that.That's the problem.They knew the drug worked, right?They did know the drug work, and it did work, and it worked for a lot of people that didn't take all the other stuff that I took. I was better quick. Six days after that, I did. Did ten rounds on the bag. I worked out five days after I got sick. And I'm like, I feel pretty good. Next day, I'm gonna push it. And then the next day, I said, all right, there's one way to find out how good I feel. Set the timer up. Let's do some rounds. And I did ten solid rounds on the bag. At the end, I was like, I feel 100%. It's totally normal.I swear by it. I knew when you talked about it, I knew you was right, because I had learned about it, like, a while ago, a little bit before, when Covid first thought happening, because I got this friend, she used to box with, Floyd Mayweather's dad, and her name is Miss Knockout. She got this assistant from some south american country, and they had symptoms like Covid years ago, like, maybe 1520 years ago. And they took ivermectin. And so she told me about it. She said, if you get Covid, let me know. I'm gonna get you some ivermectin. I had never heard of it. She said, my sister had Covid, and she got rid of in six days and have it, you know, negative to give a negative test. I said, okay, I keep it on my radar. And my son caught Covid. I never caught Covid, but my son caught Covid, and I got the medicine and I gave it to him.They could have saved a lot of lives. And they still, to this day, ridicule it. Still to this day, people ridicule it. But meanwhile, doctors prescribed it. And one of the reasons why they prescribed it is because there's a reason. There's a medical reason. It stops viral replication in vitro. That means in cell cultures, when you put ivermectin in with the virus, it stops the virus from replicating. So it just makes sense that it would stop it in the human body, too. It stops yellow fever. And dengue. They used it for river blindness. They've used it for a bunch of different diseases. It's also very healthy. It doesn't. It's not a dangerous drug. It's one of the safest drug profiles of any drug. It's not a dangerous thing to take.But do you think your body get used to it? Because I take it for colds. Because I hate colds.I don't think it's something that you get used to. No.Because I remember when I first started. When I first started taking it because I stocked up on in case I got Covid and I got like, a runny nose and a cold. And I. And I took it and took it away. Right? Right away, right. And then the next couple times it took away. Then, like, the fourth time I got a cold, it didn't.They tried to. Well, that could have been just a different cold or different, you know, different intensity of the cold. But they tried to ban a lot of other things secretly that also proved people. One of the things was thymosin. Thymosin is a peptide. It's a safe peptide. There's no history of, like, negative side effects. And they. They tried to ban it because people were using thymosin to get over Covid. They tried to do everything they could to make people take the vaccine because that's what was profitable. Everything. They tried to stop people from taking monoclonal antibodies, which also helped heal you. But they didn't want any alternatives. So when they started attacking me, they were only attacking me because people could say, oh, Joe Rogan got better. Oh, he's healthy and he works out. I don't need that fucking vaccine. If that 55 year old man took it, and he's fine, quick. And they didn't, like, they exaggerated how many people died. The whole thing was fucked, man. The whole thing was fucked. They treated us like we were a bunch of sheep. And a lot of people acted like they're a bunch of sheep.A lot of people. And they didn't have any alternative news sources other than podcasts. And so then they were just ridiculed. Why are people listening to podcasts? They should be listening to doctors. Well, because we don't lie. That's why.Right.I might be wrong. I may be wrong about things. I'll be wrong about things, I'm sure. But I don't fucking lie.Right?Not a lie. They're liars. They're liars and they're on tv. The tv is filled with liars.I don't even watch the news. No. Motherfucker. Yeah, I don't trust that shit.You shouldn't trust that shit. I mean, I don't trust mainstream news anymore. If they're telling you something, someone's telling them to tell you something. Some of the things might be true, but the reasons for those things being true, they're probably not telling you the truth.I'm gonna tell you, Covid. And all this stuff that happened, it woke me up to a lot of things where just not trust the government and stuff and everything. And I'm gonna be 100 right now. The main reason why I decided not to take the vaccine is because I saw the he's right about that. I think that there's too much evidence that it's not true. Also, it's like the way planets are formed. We know how planets are formed. There's a reason why they're all circular. It's like all the mass coalesces in the center. And the gravity and the way things spin it all forms balls. But the idea that we know what the fuck is going on in the ocean is ridiculous. We don't know what's going on in 90% of the ocean. And the water surface is three quarters of the earth, so three quarters of the earth, we don't know 90% about it.I know that's.And there's a lot of people that see things coming out of the water and going into the water. Also, if I was from another planet and I wanted to come here and make a base, I just do it in the water. They can't see shit. If they have the kind of capability that allows them to come here from other galaxies, they could easily make a base under the water.Yeah. That's probably what the Bermuda triangle is. We don't fucking know.Well, they think the Bermuda triangle is methane getting released under the floor of the ocean. And what it does is when it comes up, it kills all the buoyancy. You know, it makes boats sink. No, no, they have, like. They know where it is.That sounds like when I watch the men in black and right when they hit you with that thing.They hit you with that thing.It's not like that's the excuse they tell you.It could be there's something under the water that's sinking boats. I don't think it is, though. I think there's, like, a valid scientific reason. So these gasses get released. And apparently, if there's a boat above, when all these gas, like, we're talking about immense spaces of this gas gets released, those boats just sink. And it's not just that. It's like the updraft of this stuff can fuck up planes. There's a lot of theories about what causes. It's also like, there's so many storms in that area of Bermuda, so that it makes sense that more ships would go down in those areas, too. Yeah, but I still think there's probably something in there. There's probably something in the water. Have you seen that video, that one craft that they're watching on night vision, and it flies over the water and then goes down into the water?No, I haven't seen.Yeah, they call them trans medium crafts. They've been observed by multiple fighter Luxor in Vegas, they have a chunk of it you could see, like this big piece that they pulled up, and different artifacts they pulled up. So they did go down there and attach things with manned crafts, and then they pulled them up with. With some kind of drone. They did. But I do think people have actually. I think. I think James Cameron actually went down there. Here it is. The 14th trip. Yeah. The Titan made the first of several dives, the famous shipwreck of the world. While generally successful, these expeditions hadn't been without their own problems. The fatal dive was the vessel's 14th trip to the remains of the Titanic.Oh, it probably just wore out then. It probably just probably.Well, apparently the people that designed it and built it were telling them there was flaws in it, and there was a lot of lawsuits coming, I'm sure, because there was a lot of whistleblowers that wound up leaving the corporation, the company, rather than that develop these things. They're like, this is not tested for the kind of pressure that's down there. And you're sending people down there.I just believe there's certain things that man shouldn't. Certain places man shouldn't go.Bottom of the ocean.We just shouldn't go.Why go? Why? Why?Certain things we shouldn't do. I don't think we should be jumping out of planes and all that shit either. I just don't believe that. I'm not interested.I'm not interested in that. People. You should go skybuking. No, you go skydiving?Yeah, fuck that.My friend, his dad used to work with this lady, and when he would go into work, she was like, you should go skydiving with us. And then one day he goes to work and she's not there. And he said, what happened? It's like skydiving.But I tell you what looks fun, though. You seen them motherfuckers in those squirrels looking suits? Oh, yeah, that shit look fun. But I see it on TikTok. But they scared. Like, they be like, what if they hit a tree going that motherfucking fast?You ever see the one where the guy hits the bridge?No.We'll watch this and we'll end this podcast show. The one where the guy hits the bridge in the squirrel suit. So this dude was trying to go through the arches of the bridge, and he missed it. Here, watch this. So he's on the thing, and he's trying to fly past the bridge, and he's got a bunch of people on the bridge watching this dude. Like, oh, my God, this is amazing.It looks fine.Yeah, I mean, he's going like a hundred and something miles an hour, too, so he's trying to figure out how to get through this bridge, but watch this. Oh, fuck, bro, that sound he. That's a horrible sound.He just misjudged. What? He just exploded, huh? Yeah. Yeah, just misjudged. Why would you try to go through the bridge? Showing off.Showing off? Yeah. Just want to do something for. People have done things like that. They fly between buildings. They do a bunch of wild shit with those coral suits on. But if you misjudge it, that's your ass showing up.Hey.Showing off. Quentin. Thank you, sir.Man, thank you for having me.Great to hang you.It's been a great experience.It's been great to be here and to hang out with you, man. See you after all these years.Yeah, I know. It's been a long time. I'm gonna hold you to those. Those tickets.Yes, sir. I got you. I got you for two tickets.Tiki always let me down. I get two. Bring me somebody.Somebody. Yeah, I think that's September 14, so.I got you September 14.Yes, sir. I'll be there.All right.It's gonna be a banging car. It's gonna be crazy. Inside that thing with all the. The whole ceiling is a screen.Yeah.So, I mean, who knows what they're gonna put up there? It's gonna be wild. Apparently they've been working on it this entire time. They've been working on it for months. I think they're already spent $9 million just on the production. 1616 now.Jesus, they get fucking. They work billions now, so.Yeah. Throwing that money.Yeah.Tell everybody where to get your podcast.Oh, they can go to what? Jackson on YouTube, right? I think it's on Spotify. Just here.It's two x's or what?Two x's.Oh, like, you sure like the shirt. There you go.Thanks for the plug.No, no worries. So it's Jackson podcast on YouTube. And is it on everything like Spotify?I think we just got on Spotify. But tell them about the energy drink.And your energy drink for help.Good for. I'm glad you like it.It's very good. That's my favorite f three energy drink ginseng. It's got all sorts of good stuff. Bcaas, theanine. What else they got in here?But it won't make you Copeloba.It won't make you dick. Not yet.Not yet.Version two.If they come out with one that says rent page punch or something.It is.No, you're gonna make it bigger.Japanese letters. All right, brother. Thank you for being here. Bye, everybody.


hole in it? Like, his hamstring was gone.


It's hard to come back from this.


Yeah. So all he could have had it, but he would have had to have surgery right after the tear, and he didn't. And so once it curls up and locks in place, like, I guess they can't bring it back.


Oh, yeah. How you feel about the, like, older guys, like me, Rashad, and Mark Coleman, all of us fighting in, like, a league with other older guys instead of putting us with younger people.


That's not a bad idea. Like, a legends league.


Yeah. Cause we still love. We still love it. We still love to fight, you know, but it's just. We just can't compete with the.


With the youngest guys.


Yeah. Father time is undefeated, bro.


Father time never loses. And not only that, like, these young guys haven't had all the injuries that the older guys have had. You know, you see older guys, they look fine, but, you know, who knows what? Fucking neck, my knee, my hip, my fucking wrist. There's always something. If you've had 25 MMA fights, 35 MMA fights, you got problems. There's no if, ands, or buts about it. Yeah, I don't know anybody who's not banged up, man.


When I get out of bed in the morning, like, the first couple steps, I'm like, damn, was it worth it?


Yeah, but you. You came out better than most people.


Yeah, I didn't have to. I already had an injury coming into mma. My knee was fucked. I fucked my knee up in college, but I haven't had. I haven't had too much.


What you do with your knee in.


College, man, my teammates, half of my teammates, wasn't coming to practice. And the coach was like, since you guys not getting your teammates here, you got to work out for them. So they used to pair us up in groups of tools and make us do 15 push ups. Other guy do 15 reps, then you go all the way down to five. Right? And after two weeks of that, we got so strong, we was bottoming out on everything, right? So I'm wrestling one of my teammates, and he tried to get a single leg on me. And this, right when I was getting better at wrestling, I was getting good. It was hard to take me down and everything. I was in Lassen junior college, and the wrestlers there was, like, the rejects, but they was all good. They had to come there first. Then they went to d one schools, right? And I'm resting this guy, and he's still my friend to this day. He get mad when I tell the story, and he's going in for a single. I wasn't giving it up because everybody was talking shit to me. I was a runt on the team, the worst wrestler there, and I was.


I had. I think I took him down, and he wanted his take down back, and he took my. My leg and he bent it sideways and went. And he. I think he told my meniscus or some shit. And last, they didn't even take me to the. I don't know what happened. They never got me MRi. They just threw me away.




Yeah, yeah, just, it. I let it heal up on his own.


And it never got 100%.


No, it never was the same.




And then I. I think that was my meniscus. I don't know, but I injured my meniscus when I was training for Ryan Bader. I had, like, a little partial turn. The doctor told me, nah, you don't want to fight. Cause you can rip it all the way. And another fight in Japan. It's hard for me to pull out in Japan. That's why I think it's a good idea for me to go over there and make some babies.


Well, it's amazing what they can do with stem cells now because I had a tear of my right knee, and I got stem cells on it. I had a couple different cycles of stem cells now. It doesn't bother me at all. And I was like, fuck, I'm gonna have to get it done on my right knee too. Cause I had my left knee part of my meniscus removed. Cause it was a bucket handle tear. So, you know, it lock out.




So it would lock straight, like pop. Ah. And then you can't bend your knee, and you're like, oh, my God. And it's painful as fuck.


Yeah. That used to happen to Rico Rodriguez. I used to corner him one time is fighting. And that was my job in each round, to pull his leg out.


Yeah, Rico didn't have an ACL. Yeah, he fought at the highest level with no ACL.




He was the first guy I ever heard that did that. I'm like, that is crazy.


He didn't give a fuck.




It's crazy what fighters put up with.


I know. Well, there's fighters right now that are fighting with no acls. I know a couple of them football.


Players won't do that shit.


No, no. You get it repaired.


I think we should. I think we should get doctors like them. Like, you know how they have, like, what you call those physios. They. I think we should have that on. On every team have, like, a set of physios and people that. Because we don't know what the fuck we doing. Even today, we don't know. We don't know shit.


Well, that's why the UFC Performance Institute is so important. You know, they have everything. Everything. Yeah.


What? Yeah, I thought leave.


Oh. The UFC Performance Institute is, like, one of the most high level training environments in the world. People come and do their camp in Vegas. So, like, if they know they're going to fight in Vegas, they'll come to Vegas and bring their coaches, and everybody does their whole camp at the PI. PI is incredible.


I never been there.


Oh, my God. It's amazing. They videotape all the sparring sessions, so you could watch it from multiple different angles. They'll have it up for you. You could review. Like, see, you do this, you drop your hands. You do this. You can't. You can't defend like that. You do this way, and you watch it all on high it comes to, like, news coverage, like, my newsfeed was overwhelmed with Alex Pereira's knockout.For real?Yeah.Oh, this?Yeah, there was so many pictures of it because it was, you know, was a giant.ESPN is.Yeah, yeah. But all these different websites were covering it because it's just, first of all, like, when you got a guy that's that dominant. You know, that's what people love. They love a Mike Tyson. They love some dude who just fucking everybody up. Like, you can't wait to watch them fight people because you know what's gonna happen.Yeah.You know, he's gonna fuck people up.Yeah. What fucked up prior was they lost their contract with Fuji TV.It's crazy that it could be so big in Japan and then dwindle away to almost nothing. So you see events from Japan now. It's like a shadow of what it was.Yeah. Risen. You would think that risen would do what pride did. Right?You would think. You would think rising would, like. It would fill in the gap. Like, if the UFC went away, the PFL would probably take up the slack. You know, if something happened, someone. The UFC decided, you know what we found? Jesus. We're not. No more fights. Everybody. Good. Good luck. Take care. We're gonna close shop. For some crazy reason. Those guys would go somewhere and there's. Everyone has a name, you know? Right now, the only way an organization could benefit, like, PFl signed Francis. That's probably the only way that PfL is going to get people to pay attention. Like, you have to have someone like Francis.Who is he going to fight, though?This is wild brazilian dude over there who's fucking dangerous.The big guy that beat up Ryan Bader?Yes. That guy's fucking dangerous.He's huge.He's huge and he can strike.That's the only guy.That's the only guy. I mean, they. Maybe if Francis. If the PFL gets some heat behind it because of this, maybe if they have the money, like, I know there's some other countries that are involved, like the Saudis. If they get involved and they start throwing money away, maybe.You think he'll go back to boxing?Yeah, because he's made so much money, you know? But, you know, like, after the Joshua fight, it's going to be different, right? So the Francis Ngannou fight, it was, you know, he's fighting one of the greatest heavyweight boxers all time and drops him in the second round and everybody's like, what? And then he beat him up in the 8th round.I thought he won that fight.I thought he won that fight, too. Yeah, I thought he won that fight too. But, you know, if they're setting up that Usyk fight, they were not gonna. Yeah, it just seemed like the fix was in a little bit. Yeah, it was close enough. They could pull it off. You can go. Okay. Maybe. Maybe you could see him winning that, but I don't think so. Yeah, I thought Francis won it. A lot of people thought Francis won it. Yeah.Oh, there's that big guy, huh?This dude. What is his name? Ferreira, Hanna Ferrer. He's big, too. He's like six, seven. Whoa, knee six. 8260. Yeah, bro.I think Francis can get him, though.Oh, yeah, man, look, Francis can get anyone. Anyone alive. Anyone alive. If that guy hits you, he could put you asleep, man.Francis surprised me when he knocked out Alistair over. And that's when I was. That's when he came to my radar. Like, who the fuck is this guy, bro?That is, to this day, one of the scariest left hooks of all time. Because his head snapped so far back, it was like he was looking at his feet, like he was looking at his ankles behind himself, like, it was crazy.Yeah, I never. I never. I never thought.Then when he knocked out stipe, good lord.Yeah.I mean, with a little gloves on, like, and leg kicks and shit, there's not a whole lot like that one. Come on, man. That kind of power. Francis, man.Dude, I took a picture with Francis in Saudi Arabia. That motherfuckers twice my size.He's huge.Big.He's huge. I'm happy that he went and got paid. I'm happy that he got that money for the Tyson Fury fight because everybody was dismissing it, Danny was dismissing it. And then he drops Tyson Fury. And a lot of people's eyes won the fight. Like fuck. Yeah. And then he gets a big payday against Joshua. I'm happy that he made money, but I wish he would have made that money in the UFC. I wish my dream fight was at heavyweight. Jon Jones and Francis. And I still think to this, there was actually an article that I read this morning that with the Saudis, you know, the UFC is now doing shows in Saudi Arabia that Dana is not opposed to the possibility of a joint promotion with Jon Jones versus Francis.Wow. That would be huge.Huge, huge, huge.With all due respect, I think Jon Jones is a smart enough fighter to not fight Francis. Fight on that one, though.Really?Yeah. John Jones, he ain't a dummy. He's a smart fighter. I always say Jon Jones is Neo.Neo from the Matrix.Yeah, the kid. His mind is so strong. I think that he would desperately try to get Francis down and submit him. He won't be dumb enough.No, he won't stand with them. John, as good as he is, has never been, like, a one punch knockout guy.No.You know, he beats guys up and strangles them and beats him up on the ground. Does he have any knockouts from one shot? I mean, he head kicked Daniel Cormier. Yeah, yeah. And dropped him with that and then know you can fight. Now at this time, I'm like 15 years old. He telling me this. He said, I seen you fight, but I don't think you can fight five motherfuckers. And I thought about it. I was like, damn, you know, I used to get jumped a lot, but five motherfuckers in prison, five grown men. And I was like, wow. I said, really? He said, yeah, man, they raped kids. I said, this is what God want me to tell you that? You know, I don't think nobody told you. I don't think, you know, wow, you know, so whatever you doing, you want to get off that path. And then I was thinking, a lot of my friends was coming up dead and they was going to prison and they was getting hooked on drugs. So I was like, wow. That. That conversation right there changed. Changed my life. And we moved to a different side of Memphis. And then I started wrestling, and nobody knew anything about me, that I used to smoke weed. They didn't know anything.I just changed my whole life from that one conversation. So that's why then I found it. I had been to juvenile before I got caught, like, driving. Like, I got sale. You sell crack? So I gave this junk. He had an eye rock, so I gave him some crack. Well, I'm like 14 years old. Yeah, for a couple of days, you know, I gave him some crack for his car and I was driving it, motherfucker. Then the police saw me. I took this one, one lady, she wanted to go to these projects. I didn't know what she was doing, but, you know, you know, she was doing. She had me take over there and the police saw me. I guess it was a hotspot and I didn't know. And I was waiting in the car and it's like 08:00 in the morning. And the police come up to me like, what the fuck? A little kid driving his car. He said, don't your ass. Don't be in school. I couldn't lie my way out of it. And fuck I went to do now. And my mom came and got me out.What the fuck are you doing?I said, shit. My friend and me borrowed a car. My mom had no idea I was selling drugs. I kept lying to her. She didn't know. And then that was just doing. That's just like one getting out, you know what I'm saying? I got some trouble one time. I was innocent for what happened, but I was in there for two weeks. I didn't think about it. It wasn't that bad. But when I went to jail in college, I'm like, fuck this. I'm never coming back.Wow.But I'm kind of glad it happened. Cause it changed my life. And I can kind of control my temper better now. That's why I was walking out of that room in the ultimate fighter. Cause I knew I was losing my temper. I threw that water bottle, and I was trying to get out of there, and that door got in my fucking way. So I didn't want to lose my temper because I didn't know. Cause I didn't know if I was gonna punch Rashard or. Or anybody came up to me, right? I didn't know. I just wanted to get out of there. And I was like, fuck this shit. But I'm glad that shit happened to me in college. Changed my fucking life.Wow.I can. I can control. I can control myself now. Long as long as nobody don't punch me out of, like, violence or nothing like that, I think I can control it. Everything else, I. You know, I just think about, I am going back to prison. Fuck that.Well, you've been able to control your mind in so many fights, you know, that alone. I mean, the. How many people get tested like that?Fights don't bother me. Sparring is where I have to control myself.Really?Yeah. Fights don't bother me. Sparring is where I lose my temper a little bit. But I'm scared because I feel like I'm gonna go hog wild and lose, and lose my cardio. That's the only reason why I try to control it in fighting and sparring.Oh, the worst is like, losing your temper when you're sparring.Yeah, that's where I lose it.Cause he attired quick, bro.I sparred. I sparred. Luke Rockhold. I hadn't sparred in a long time. And he's a southpaw. He's tall. His stand up is fucking good. And I just. I thought I was gonna be fighting Shannon, so I let me start sparring, and he kicked the shit out of me. I'm like. He didn't even fucking let up. It's like it was fucking field day for his ass. I was so fucking mad. I tried to knock him the fuck out, and I was so rusted. Hadn't sparred in years. My old ass in there with himself. I hate southpaws. And he kicked the shit out of me. I was like, oh, all right. And then next day I started running because my cardio was bad. Everything was bad. I started running. I was waiting to spar his ass back. I said, I'm gonna knock this motherfucker out.So right now, are you training at all?Yeah, I'm training. I've been sparring and moving around. I just did, like, my first japanese pro wrestling match with Josh Barnett Bluster. Yeah. So I started training mma with my son. I didn't have anybody to train with because my times is fucking crazy. Cause I got a podcast now because of your ass. You got everybody doing fucking podcasts.Crazy, huh?It's crazy, man. Everybody. Everybody mama got a fucking podcast cause of your motherfucking ass. That shit is so time consuming.It takes some time, but it's a great way to be your own boss. Yeah, that's the best thing. And you're a funny guy. Like you, your Jackson podcast, that's a great podcast.It's fun.I watch it all the time for watching a bunch of times.Yeah, thanks, man.Yeah, yeah, you have great clips, guys. It's good, man. You're. It's a good thing for you to do because you could do that forever.People were asking me to do it for years and I was like, man, I don't have the drive to do this shit myself. But my friend Barrett, he got everything set up and he does everything, and I just come and sit down and people start liking us. Okay, so I guess I'm doing podcast now.That's all you have to do. Someone has to set it up for you. If someone's got a good personality, they should totally do it because it's a way that. That your podcast was more listened to than the news, and people was hating on you. Like, when. When you was talking about, I make that. Oh, my God.Well, they were threatened. They were trouble. That was also. They were being paid off by the medical establishment. They were being paid off. They were being paid to promote this one thing, and that was the vaccine. And anybody that said anything other than the vaccine, I mean, CNN did me so dirty. They changed the color of my skin to make me look yellow and sick. They kept saying I was taking horse dewormer. I got prescribed medicine by a doctor. Not only that, it was only one of the things that I took. I took a bunch of things, but they did not want this video of me saying, I got better in three days. So it's a video of me. You see the real video? I look fine. I was fine. I wasn't lying. I wouldn't lie. And I had to cancel these shows because I was doing shows with Chappelle that weekend. We were supposed to be doing this arena, and I had to say, I'm sorry, we're going to reschedule it. But I got Covid. That's the only reason why I made that video. If I didn't have shows that I had to cancel, I would have never made that video.I only made that video because I had to cancel the shows. So I said, I feel great. It was three days ago. We threw the kitchen sink at it. I said, all these drugs I took, iv multivitamins, monoclonal antibodies. I said all this stuff that I took, z pac. But they locked in on this horse dewormer a fool. But what they didn't know back then, because people did. I didn't talk about it. I never knew. But they didn't know how big the podcast.Oh, no, no, no. They didn't know how big that.That's the problem.They knew the drug worked, right?They did know the drug work, and it did work, and it worked for a lot of people that didn't take all the other stuff that I took. I was better quick. Six days after that, I did. Did ten rounds on the bag. I worked out five days after I got sick. And I'm like, I feel pretty good. Next day, I'm gonna push it. And then the next day, I said, all right, there's one way to find out how good I feel. Set the timer up. Let's do some rounds. And I did ten solid rounds on the bag. At the end, I was like, I feel 100%. It's totally normal.I swear by it. I knew when you talked about it, I knew you was right, because I had learned about it, like, a while ago, a little bit before, when Covid first thought happening, because I got this friend, she used to box with, Floyd Mayweather's dad, and her name is Miss Knockout. She got this assistant from some south american country, and they had symptoms like Covid years ago, like, maybe 1520 years ago. And they took ivermectin. And so she told me about it. She said, if you get Covid, let me know. I'm gonna get you some ivermectin. I had never heard of it. She said, my sister had Covid, and she got rid of in six days and have it, you know, negative to give a negative test. I said, okay, I keep it on my radar. And my son caught Covid. I never caught Covid, but my son caught Covid, and I got the medicine and I gave it to him.They could have saved a lot of lives. And they still, to this day, ridicule it. Still to this day, people ridicule it. But meanwhile, doctors prescribed it. And one of the reasons why they prescribed it is because there's a reason. There's a medical reason. It stops viral replication in vitro. That means in cell cultures, when you put ivermectin in with the virus, it stops the virus from replicating. So it just makes sense that it would stop it in the human body, too. It stops yellow fever. And dengue. They used it for river blindness. They've used it for a bunch of different diseases. It's also very healthy. It doesn't. It's not a dangerous drug. It's one of the safest drug profiles of any drug. It's not a dangerous thing to take.But do you think your body get used to it? Because I take it for colds. Because I hate colds.I don't think it's something that you get used to. No.Because I remember when I first started. When I first started taking it because I stocked up on in case I got Covid and I got like, a runny nose and a cold. And I. And I took it and took it away. Right? Right away, right. And then the next couple times it took away. Then, like, the fourth time I got a cold, it didn't.They tried to. Well, that could have been just a different cold or different, you know, different intensity of the cold. But they tried to ban a lot of other things secretly that also proved people. One of the things was thymosin. Thymosin is a peptide. It's a safe peptide. There's no history of, like, negative side effects. And they. They tried to ban it because people were using thymosin to get over Covid. They tried to do everything they could to make people take the vaccine because that's what was profitable. Everything. They tried to stop people from taking monoclonal antibodies, which also helped heal you. But they didn't want any alternatives. So when they started attacking me, they were only attacking me because people could say, oh, Joe Rogan got better. Oh, he's healthy and he works out. I don't need that fucking vaccine. If that 55 year old man took it, and he's fine, quick. And they didn't, like, they exaggerated how many people died. The whole thing was fucked, man. The whole thing was fucked. They treated us like we were a bunch of sheep. And a lot of people acted like they're a bunch of sheep.A lot of people. And they didn't have any alternative news sources other than podcasts. And so then they were just ridiculed. Why are people listening to podcasts? They should be listening to doctors. Well, because we don't lie. That's why.Right.I might be wrong. I may be wrong about things. I'll be wrong about things, I'm sure. But I don't fucking lie.Right?Not a lie. They're liars. They're liars and they're on tv. The tv is filled with liars.I don't even watch the news. No. Motherfucker. Yeah, I don't trust that shit.You shouldn't trust that shit. I mean, I don't trust mainstream news anymore. If they're telling you something, someone's telling them to tell you something. Some of the things might be true, but the reasons for those things being true, they're probably not telling you the truth.I'm gonna tell you, Covid. And all this stuff that happened, it woke me up to a lot of things where just not trust the government and stuff and everything. And I'm gonna be 100 right now. The main reason why I decided not to take the vaccine is because I saw the he's right about that. I think that there's too much evidence that it's not true. Also, it's like the way planets are formed. We know how planets are formed. There's a reason why they're all circular. It's like all the mass coalesces in the center. And the gravity and the way things spin it all forms balls. But the idea that we know what the fuck is going on in the ocean is ridiculous. We don't know what's going on in 90% of the ocean. And the water surface is three quarters of the earth, so three quarters of the earth, we don't know 90% about it.I know that's.And there's a lot of people that see things coming out of the water and going into the water. Also, if I was from another planet and I wanted to come here and make a base, I just do it in the water. They can't see shit. If they have the kind of capability that allows them to come here from other galaxies, they could easily make a base under the water.Yeah. That's probably what the Bermuda triangle is. We don't fucking know.Well, they think the Bermuda triangle is methane getting released under the floor of the ocean. And what it does is when it comes up, it kills all the buoyancy. You know, it makes boats sink. No, no, they have, like. They know where it is.That sounds like when I watch the men in black and right when they hit you with that thing.They hit you with that thing.It's not like that's the excuse they tell you.It could be there's something under the water that's sinking boats. I don't think it is, though. I think there's, like, a valid scientific reason. So these gasses get released. And apparently, if there's a boat above, when all these gas, like, we're talking about immense spaces of this gas gets released, those boats just sink. And it's not just that. It's like the updraft of this stuff can fuck up planes. There's a lot of theories about what causes. It's also like, there's so many storms in that area of Bermuda, so that it makes sense that more ships would go down in those areas, too. Yeah, but I still think there's probably something in there. There's probably something in the water. Have you seen that video, that one craft that they're watching on night vision, and it flies over the water and then goes down into the water?No, I haven't seen.Yeah, they call them trans medium crafts. They've been observed by multiple fighter Luxor in Vegas, they have a chunk of it you could see, like this big piece that they pulled up, and different artifacts they pulled up. So they did go down there and attach things with manned crafts, and then they pulled them up with. With some kind of drone. They did. But I do think people have actually. I think. I think James Cameron actually went down there. Here it is. The 14th trip. Yeah. The Titan made the first of several dives, the famous shipwreck of the world. While generally successful, these expeditions hadn't been without their own problems. The fatal dive was the vessel's 14th trip to the remains of the Titanic.Oh, it probably just wore out then. It probably just probably.Well, apparently the people that designed it and built it were telling them there was flaws in it, and there was a lot of lawsuits coming, I'm sure, because there was a lot of whistleblowers that wound up leaving the corporation, the company, rather than that develop these things. They're like, this is not tested for the kind of pressure that's down there. And you're sending people down there.I just believe there's certain things that man shouldn't. Certain places man shouldn't go.Bottom of the ocean.We just shouldn't go.Why go? Why? Why?Certain things we shouldn't do. I don't think we should be jumping out of planes and all that shit either. I just don't believe that. I'm not interested.I'm not interested in that. People. You should go skybuking. No, you go skydiving?Yeah, fuck that.My friend, his dad used to work with this lady, and when he would go into work, she was like, you should go skydiving with us. And then one day he goes to work and she's not there. And he said, what happened? It's like skydiving.But I tell you what looks fun, though. You seen them motherfuckers in those squirrels looking suits? Oh, yeah, that shit look fun. But I see it on TikTok. But they scared. Like, they be like, what if they hit a tree going that motherfucking fast?You ever see the one where the guy hits the bridge?No.We'll watch this and we'll end this podcast show. The one where the guy hits the bridge in the squirrel suit. So this dude was trying to go through the arches of the bridge, and he missed it. Here, watch this. So he's on the thing, and he's trying to fly past the bridge, and he's got a bunch of people on the bridge watching this dude. Like, oh, my God, this is amazing.It looks fine.Yeah, I mean, he's going like a hundred and something miles an hour, too, so he's trying to figure out how to get through this bridge, but watch this. Oh, fuck, bro, that sound he. That's a horrible sound.He just misjudged. What? He just exploded, huh? Yeah. Yeah, just misjudged. Why would you try to go through the bridge? Showing off.Showing off? Yeah. Just want to do something for. People have done things like that. They fly between buildings. They do a bunch of wild shit with those coral suits on. But if you misjudge it, that's your ass showing up.Hey.Showing off. Quentin. Thank you, sir.Man, thank you for having me.Great to hang you.It's been a great experience.It's been great to be here and to hang out with you, man. See you after all these years.Yeah, I know. It's been a long time. I'm gonna hold you to those. Those tickets.Yes, sir. I got you. I got you for two tickets.Tiki always let me down. I get two. Bring me somebody.Somebody. Yeah, I think that's September 14, so.I got you September 14.Yes, sir. I'll be there.All right.It's gonna be a banging car. It's gonna be crazy. Inside that thing with all the. The whole ceiling is a screen.Yeah.So, I mean, who knows what they're gonna put up there? It's gonna be wild. Apparently they've been working on it this entire time. They've been working on it for months. I think they're already spent $9 million just on the production. 1616 now.Jesus, they get fucking. They work billions now, so.Yeah. Throwing that money.Yeah.Tell everybody where to get your podcast.Oh, they can go to what? Jackson on YouTube, right? I think it's on Spotify. Just here.It's two x's or what?Two x's.Oh, like, you sure like the shirt. There you go.Thanks for the plug.No, no worries. So it's Jackson podcast on YouTube. And is it on everything like Spotify?I think we just got on Spotify. But tell them about the energy drink.And your energy drink for help.Good for. I'm glad you like it.It's very good. That's my favorite f three energy drink ginseng. It's got all sorts of good stuff. Bcaas, theanine. What else they got in here?But it won't make you Copeloba.It won't make you dick. Not yet.Not yet.Version two.If they come out with one that says rent page punch or something.It is.No, you're gonna make it bigger.Japanese letters. All right, brother. Thank you for being here. Bye, everybody.


it comes to, like, news coverage, like, my newsfeed was overwhelmed with Alex Pereira's knockout.


For real?




Oh, this?


Yeah, there was so many pictures of it because it was, you know, was a giant.


ESPN is.


Yeah, yeah. But all these different websites were covering it because it's just, first of all, like, when you got a guy that's that dominant. You know, that's what people love. They love a Mike Tyson. They love some dude who just fucking everybody up. Like, you can't wait to watch them fight people because you know what's gonna happen.




You know, he's gonna fuck people up.


Yeah. What fucked up prior was they lost their contract with Fuji TV.


It's crazy that it could be so big in Japan and then dwindle away to almost nothing. So you see events from Japan now. It's like a shadow of what it was.


Yeah. Risen. You would think that risen would do what pride did. Right?


You would think. You would think rising would, like. It would fill in the gap. Like, if the UFC went away, the PFL would probably take up the slack. You know, if something happened, someone. The UFC decided, you know what we found? Jesus. We're not. No more fights. Everybody. Good. Good luck. Take care. We're gonna close shop. For some crazy reason. Those guys would go somewhere and there's. Everyone has a name, you know? Right now, the only way an organization could benefit, like, PFl signed Francis. That's probably the only way that PfL is going to get people to pay attention. Like, you have to have someone like Francis.


Who is he going to fight, though?


This is wild brazilian dude over there who's fucking dangerous.


The big guy that beat up Ryan Bader?


Yes. That guy's fucking dangerous.


He's huge.


He's huge and he can strike.


That's the only guy.


That's the only guy. I mean, they. Maybe if Francis. If the PFL gets some heat behind it because of this, maybe if they have the money, like, I know there's some other countries that are involved, like the Saudis. If they get involved and they start throwing money away, maybe.


You think he'll go back to boxing?


Yeah, because he's made so much money, you know? But, you know, like, after the Joshua fight, it's going to be different, right? So the Francis Ngannou fight, it was, you know, he's fighting one of the greatest heavyweight boxers all time and drops him in the second round and everybody's like, what? And then he beat him up in the 8th round.


I thought he won that fight.


I thought he won that fight, too. Yeah, I thought he won that fight too. But, you know, if they're setting up that Usyk fight, they were not gonna. Yeah, it just seemed like the fix was in a little bit. Yeah, it was close enough. They could pull it off. You can go. Okay. Maybe. Maybe you could see him winning that, but I don't think so. Yeah, I thought Francis won it. A lot of people thought Francis won it. Yeah.


Oh, there's that big guy, huh?


This dude. What is his name? Ferreira, Hanna Ferrer. He's big, too. He's like six, seven. Whoa, knee six. 8260. Yeah, bro.


I think Francis can get him, though.


Oh, yeah, man, look, Francis can get anyone. Anyone alive. Anyone alive. If that guy hits you, he could put you asleep, man.


Francis surprised me when he knocked out Alistair over. And that's when I was. That's when he came to my radar. Like, who the fuck is this guy, bro?


That is, to this day, one of the scariest left hooks of all time. Because his head snapped so far back, it was like he was looking at his feet, like he was looking at his ankles behind himself, like, it was crazy.


Yeah, I never. I never. I never thought.


Then when he knocked out stipe, good lord.




I mean, with a little gloves on, like, and leg kicks and shit, there's not a whole lot like that one. Come on, man. That kind of power. Francis, man.


Dude, I took a picture with Francis in Saudi Arabia. That motherfuckers twice my size.


He's huge.




He's huge. I'm happy that he went and got paid. I'm happy that he got that money for the Tyson Fury fight because everybody was dismissing it, Danny was dismissing it. And then he drops Tyson Fury. And a lot of people's eyes won the fight. Like fuck. Yeah. And then he gets a big payday against Joshua. I'm happy that he made money, but I wish he would have made that money in the UFC. I wish my dream fight was at heavyweight. Jon Jones and Francis. And I still think to this, there was actually an article that I read this morning that with the Saudis, you know, the UFC is now doing shows in Saudi Arabia that Dana is not opposed to the possibility of a joint promotion with Jon Jones versus Francis.


Wow. That would be huge.


Huge, huge, huge.


With all due respect, I think Jon Jones is a smart enough fighter to not fight Francis. Fight on that one, though.




Yeah. John Jones, he ain't a dummy. He's a smart fighter. I always say Jon Jones is Neo.


Neo from the Matrix.


Yeah, the kid. His mind is so strong. I think that he would desperately try to get Francis down and submit him. He won't be dumb enough.


No, he won't stand with them. John, as good as he is, has never been, like, a one punch knockout guy.




You know, he beats guys up and strangles them and beats him up on the ground. Does he have any knockouts from one shot? I mean, he head kicked Daniel Cormier. Yeah, yeah. And dropped him with that and then know you can fight. Now at this time, I'm like 15 years old. He telling me this. He said, I seen you fight, but I don't think you can fight five motherfuckers. And I thought about it. I was like, damn, you know, I used to get jumped a lot, but five motherfuckers in prison, five grown men. And I was like, wow. I said, really? He said, yeah, man, they raped kids. I said, this is what God want me to tell you that? You know, I don't think nobody told you. I don't think, you know, wow, you know, so whatever you doing, you want to get off that path. And then I was thinking, a lot of my friends was coming up dead and they was going to prison and they was getting hooked on drugs. So I was like, wow. That. That conversation right there changed. Changed my life. And we moved to a different side of Memphis. And then I started wrestling, and nobody knew anything about me, that I used to smoke weed. They didn't know anything.I just changed my whole life from that one conversation. So that's why then I found it. I had been to juvenile before I got caught, like, driving. Like, I got sale. You sell crack? So I gave this junk. He had an eye rock, so I gave him some crack. Well, I'm like 14 years old. Yeah, for a couple of days, you know, I gave him some crack for his car and I was driving it, motherfucker. Then the police saw me. I took this one, one lady, she wanted to go to these projects. I didn't know what she was doing, but, you know, you know, she was doing. She had me take over there and the police saw me. I guess it was a hotspot and I didn't know. And I was waiting in the car and it's like 08:00 in the morning. And the police come up to me like, what the fuck? A little kid driving his car. He said, don't your ass. Don't be in school. I couldn't lie my way out of it. And fuck I went to do now. And my mom came and got me out.What the fuck are you doing?I said, shit. My friend and me borrowed a car. My mom had no idea I was selling drugs. I kept lying to her. She didn't know. And then that was just doing. That's just like one getting out, you know what I'm saying? I got some trouble one time. I was innocent for what happened, but I was in there for two weeks. I didn't think about it. It wasn't that bad. But when I went to jail in college, I'm like, fuck this. I'm never coming back.Wow.But I'm kind of glad it happened. Cause it changed my life. And I can kind of control my temper better now. That's why I was walking out of that room in the ultimate fighter. Cause I knew I was losing my temper. I threw that water bottle, and I was trying to get out of there, and that door got in my fucking way. So I didn't want to lose my temper because I didn't know. Cause I didn't know if I was gonna punch Rashard or. Or anybody came up to me, right? I didn't know. I just wanted to get out of there. And I was like, fuck this shit. But I'm glad that shit happened to me in college. Changed my fucking life.Wow.I can. I can control. I can control myself now. Long as long as nobody don't punch me out of, like, violence or nothing like that, I think I can control it. Everything else, I. You know, I just think about, I am going back to prison. Fuck that.Well, you've been able to control your mind in so many fights, you know, that alone. I mean, the. How many people get tested like that?Fights don't bother me. Sparring is where I have to control myself.Really?Yeah. Fights don't bother me. Sparring is where I lose my temper a little bit. But I'm scared because I feel like I'm gonna go hog wild and lose, and lose my cardio. That's the only reason why I try to control it in fighting and sparring.Oh, the worst is like, losing your temper when you're sparring.Yeah, that's where I lose it.Cause he attired quick, bro.I sparred. I sparred. Luke Rockhold. I hadn't sparred in a long time. And he's a southpaw. He's tall. His stand up is fucking good. And I just. I thought I was gonna be fighting Shannon, so I let me start sparring, and he kicked the shit out of me. I'm like. He didn't even fucking let up. It's like it was fucking field day for his ass. I was so fucking mad. I tried to knock him the fuck out, and I was so rusted. Hadn't sparred in years. My old ass in there with himself. I hate southpaws. And he kicked the shit out of me. I was like, oh, all right. And then next day I started running because my cardio was bad. Everything was bad. I started running. I was waiting to spar his ass back. I said, I'm gonna knock this motherfucker out.So right now, are you training at all?Yeah, I'm training. I've been sparring and moving around. I just did, like, my first japanese pro wrestling match with Josh Barnett Bluster. Yeah. So I started training mma with my son. I didn't have anybody to train with because my times is fucking crazy. Cause I got a podcast now because of your ass. You got everybody doing fucking podcasts.Crazy, huh?It's crazy, man. Everybody. Everybody mama got a fucking podcast cause of your motherfucking ass. That shit is so time consuming.It takes some time, but it's a great way to be your own boss. Yeah, that's the best thing. And you're a funny guy. Like you, your Jackson podcast, that's a great podcast.It's fun.I watch it all the time for watching a bunch of times.Yeah, thanks, man.Yeah, yeah, you have great clips, guys. It's good, man. You're. It's a good thing for you to do because you could do that forever.People were asking me to do it for years and I was like, man, I don't have the drive to do this shit myself. But my friend Barrett, he got everything set up and he does everything, and I just come and sit down and people start liking us. Okay, so I guess I'm doing podcast now.That's all you have to do. Someone has to set it up for you. If someone's got a good personality, they should totally do it because it's a way that. That your podcast was more listened to than the news, and people was hating on you. Like, when. When you was talking about, I make that. Oh, my God.Well, they were threatened. They were trouble. That was also. They were being paid off by the medical establishment. They were being paid off. They were being paid to promote this one thing, and that was the vaccine. And anybody that said anything other than the vaccine, I mean, CNN did me so dirty. They changed the color of my skin to make me look yellow and sick. They kept saying I was taking horse dewormer. I got prescribed medicine by a doctor. Not only that, it was only one of the things that I took. I took a bunch of things, but they did not want this video of me saying, I got better in three days. So it's a video of me. You see the real video? I look fine. I was fine. I wasn't lying. I wouldn't lie. And I had to cancel these shows because I was doing shows with Chappelle that weekend. We were supposed to be doing this arena, and I had to say, I'm sorry, we're going to reschedule it. But I got Covid. That's the only reason why I made that video. If I didn't have shows that I had to cancel, I would have never made that video.I only made that video because I had to cancel the shows. So I said, I feel great. It was three days ago. We threw the kitchen sink at it. I said, all these drugs I took, iv multivitamins, monoclonal antibodies. I said all this stuff that I took, z pac. But they locked in on this horse dewormer a fool. But what they didn't know back then, because people did. I didn't talk about it. I never knew. But they didn't know how big the podcast.Oh, no, no, no. They didn't know how big that.That's the problem.They knew the drug worked, right?They did know the drug work, and it did work, and it worked for a lot of people that didn't take all the other stuff that I took. I was better quick. Six days after that, I did. Did ten rounds on the bag. I worked out five days after I got sick. And I'm like, I feel pretty good. Next day, I'm gonna push it. And then the next day, I said, all right, there's one way to find out how good I feel. Set the timer up. Let's do some rounds. And I did ten solid rounds on the bag. At the end, I was like, I feel 100%. It's totally normal.I swear by it. I knew when you talked about it, I knew you was right, because I had learned about it, like, a while ago, a little bit before, when Covid first thought happening, because I got this friend, she used to box with, Floyd Mayweather's dad, and her name is Miss Knockout. She got this assistant from some south american country, and they had symptoms like Covid years ago, like, maybe 1520 years ago. And they took ivermectin. And so she told me about it. She said, if you get Covid, let me know. I'm gonna get you some ivermectin. I had never heard of it. She said, my sister had Covid, and she got rid of in six days and have it, you know, negative to give a negative test. I said, okay, I keep it on my radar. And my son caught Covid. I never caught Covid, but my son caught Covid, and I got the medicine and I gave it to him.They could have saved a lot of lives. And they still, to this day, ridicule it. Still to this day, people ridicule it. But meanwhile, doctors prescribed it. And one of the reasons why they prescribed it is because there's a reason. There's a medical reason. It stops viral replication in vitro. That means in cell cultures, when you put ivermectin in with the virus, it stops the virus from replicating. So it just makes sense that it would stop it in the human body, too. It stops yellow fever. And dengue. They used it for river blindness. They've used it for a bunch of different diseases. It's also very healthy. It doesn't. It's not a dangerous drug. It's one of the safest drug profiles of any drug. It's not a dangerous thing to take.But do you think your body get used to it? Because I take it for colds. Because I hate colds.I don't think it's something that you get used to. No.Because I remember when I first started. When I first started taking it because I stocked up on in case I got Covid and I got like, a runny nose and a cold. And I. And I took it and took it away. Right? Right away, right. And then the next couple times it took away. Then, like, the fourth time I got a cold, it didn't.They tried to. Well, that could have been just a different cold or different, you know, different intensity of the cold. But they tried to ban a lot of other things secretly that also proved people. One of the things was thymosin. Thymosin is a peptide. It's a safe peptide. There's no history of, like, negative side effects. And they. They tried to ban it because people were using thymosin to get over Covid. They tried to do everything they could to make people take the vaccine because that's what was profitable. Everything. They tried to stop people from taking monoclonal antibodies, which also helped heal you. But they didn't want any alternatives. So when they started attacking me, they were only attacking me because people could say, oh, Joe Rogan got better. Oh, he's healthy and he works out. I don't need that fucking vaccine. If that 55 year old man took it, and he's fine, quick. And they didn't, like, they exaggerated how many people died. The whole thing was fucked, man. The whole thing was fucked. They treated us like we were a bunch of sheep. And a lot of people acted like they're a bunch of sheep.A lot of people. And they didn't have any alternative news sources other than podcasts. And so then they were just ridiculed. Why are people listening to podcasts? They should be listening to doctors. Well, because we don't lie. That's why.Right.I might be wrong. I may be wrong about things. I'll be wrong about things, I'm sure. But I don't fucking lie.Right?Not a lie. They're liars. They're liars and they're on tv. The tv is filled with liars.I don't even watch the news. No. Motherfucker. Yeah, I don't trust that shit.You shouldn't trust that shit. I mean, I don't trust mainstream news anymore. If they're telling you something, someone's telling them to tell you something. Some of the things might be true, but the reasons for those things being true, they're probably not telling you the truth.I'm gonna tell you, Covid. And all this stuff that happened, it woke me up to a lot of things where just not trust the government and stuff and everything. And I'm gonna be 100 right now. The main reason why I decided not to take the vaccine is because I saw the he's right about that. I think that there's too much evidence that it's not true. Also, it's like the way planets are formed. We know how planets are formed. There's a reason why they're all circular. It's like all the mass coalesces in the center. And the gravity and the way things spin it all forms balls. But the idea that we know what the fuck is going on in the ocean is ridiculous. We don't know what's going on in 90% of the ocean. And the water surface is three quarters of the earth, so three quarters of the earth, we don't know 90% about it.I know that's.And there's a lot of people that see things coming out of the water and going into the water. Also, if I was from another planet and I wanted to come here and make a base, I just do it in the water. They can't see shit. If they have the kind of capability that allows them to come here from other galaxies, they could easily make a base under the water.Yeah. That's probably what the Bermuda triangle is. We don't fucking know.Well, they think the Bermuda triangle is methane getting released under the floor of the ocean. And what it does is when it comes up, it kills all the buoyancy. You know, it makes boats sink. No, no, they have, like. They know where it is.That sounds like when I watch the men in black and right when they hit you with that thing.They hit you with that thing.It's not like that's the excuse they tell you.It could be there's something under the water that's sinking boats. I don't think it is, though. I think there's, like, a valid scientific reason. So these gasses get released. And apparently, if there's a boat above, when all these gas, like, we're talking about immense spaces of this gas gets released, those boats just sink. And it's not just that. It's like the updraft of this stuff can fuck up planes. There's a lot of theories about what causes. It's also like, there's so many storms in that area of Bermuda, so that it makes sense that more ships would go down in those areas, too. Yeah, but I still think there's probably something in there. There's probably something in the water. Have you seen that video, that one craft that they're watching on night vision, and it flies over the water and then goes down into the water?No, I haven't seen.Yeah, they call them trans medium crafts. They've been observed by multiple fighter Luxor in Vegas, they have a chunk of it you could see, like this big piece that they pulled up, and different artifacts they pulled up. So they did go down there and attach things with manned crafts, and then they pulled them up with. With some kind of drone. They did. But I do think people have actually. I think. I think James Cameron actually went down there. Here it is. The 14th trip. Yeah. The Titan made the first of several dives, the famous shipwreck of the world. While generally successful, these expeditions hadn't been without their own problems. The fatal dive was the vessel's 14th trip to the remains of the Titanic.Oh, it probably just wore out then. It probably just probably.Well, apparently the people that designed it and built it were telling them there was flaws in it, and there was a lot of lawsuits coming, I'm sure, because there was a lot of whistleblowers that wound up leaving the corporation, the company, rather than that develop these things. They're like, this is not tested for the kind of pressure that's down there. And you're sending people down there.I just believe there's certain things that man shouldn't. Certain places man shouldn't go.Bottom of the ocean.We just shouldn't go.Why go? Why? Why?Certain things we shouldn't do. I don't think we should be jumping out of planes and all that shit either. I just don't believe that. I'm not interested.I'm not interested in that. People. You should go skybuking. No, you go skydiving?Yeah, fuck that.My friend, his dad used to work with this lady, and when he would go into work, she was like, you should go skydiving with us. And then one day he goes to work and she's not there. And he said, what happened? It's like skydiving.But I tell you what looks fun, though. You seen them motherfuckers in those squirrels looking suits? Oh, yeah, that shit look fun. But I see it on TikTok. But they scared. Like, they be like, what if they hit a tree going that motherfucking fast?You ever see the one where the guy hits the bridge?No.We'll watch this and we'll end this podcast show. The one where the guy hits the bridge in the squirrel suit. So this dude was trying to go through the arches of the bridge, and he missed it. Here, watch this. So he's on the thing, and he's trying to fly past the bridge, and he's got a bunch of people on the bridge watching this dude. Like, oh, my God, this is amazing.It looks fine.Yeah, I mean, he's going like a hundred and something miles an hour, too, so he's trying to figure out how to get through this bridge, but watch this. Oh, fuck, bro, that sound he. That's a horrible sound.He just misjudged. What? He just exploded, huh? Yeah. Yeah, just misjudged. Why would you try to go through the bridge? Showing off.Showing off? Yeah. Just want to do something for. People have done things like that. They fly between buildings. They do a bunch of wild shit with those coral suits on. But if you misjudge it, that's your ass showing up.Hey.Showing off. Quentin. Thank you, sir.Man, thank you for having me.Great to hang you.It's been a great experience.It's been great to be here and to hang out with you, man. See you after all these years.Yeah, I know. It's been a long time. I'm gonna hold you to those. Those tickets.Yes, sir. I got you. I got you for two tickets.Tiki always let me down. I get two. Bring me somebody.Somebody. Yeah, I think that's September 14, so.I got you September 14.Yes, sir. I'll be there.All right.It's gonna be a banging car. It's gonna be crazy. Inside that thing with all the. The whole ceiling is a screen.Yeah.So, I mean, who knows what they're gonna put up there? It's gonna be wild. Apparently they've been working on it this entire time. They've been working on it for months. I think they're already spent $9 million just on the production. 1616 now.Jesus, they get fucking. They work billions now, so.Yeah. Throwing that money.Yeah.Tell everybody where to get your podcast.Oh, they can go to what? Jackson on YouTube, right? I think it's on Spotify. Just here.It's two x's or what?Two x's.Oh, like, you sure like the shirt. There you go.Thanks for the plug.No, no worries. So it's Jackson podcast on YouTube. And is it on everything like Spotify?I think we just got on Spotify. But tell them about the energy drink.And your energy drink for help.Good for. I'm glad you like it.It's very good. That's my favorite f three energy drink ginseng. It's got all sorts of good stuff. Bcaas, theanine. What else they got in here?But it won't make you Copeloba.It won't make you dick. Not yet.Not yet.Version two.If they come out with one that says rent page punch or something.It is.No, you're gonna make it bigger.Japanese letters. All right, brother. Thank you for being here. Bye, everybody.


know you can fight. Now at this time, I'm like 15 years old. He telling me this. He said, I seen you fight, but I don't think you can fight five motherfuckers. And I thought about it. I was like, damn, you know, I used to get jumped a lot, but five motherfuckers in prison, five grown men. And I was like, wow. I said, really? He said, yeah, man, they raped kids. I said, this is what God want me to tell you that? You know, I don't think nobody told you. I don't think, you know, wow, you know, so whatever you doing, you want to get off that path. And then I was thinking, a lot of my friends was coming up dead and they was going to prison and they was getting hooked on drugs. So I was like, wow. That. That conversation right there changed. Changed my life. And we moved to a different side of Memphis. And then I started wrestling, and nobody knew anything about me, that I used to smoke weed. They didn't know anything.


I just changed my whole life from that one conversation. So that's why then I found it. I had been to juvenile before I got caught, like, driving. Like, I got sale. You sell crack? So I gave this junk. He had an eye rock, so I gave him some crack. Well, I'm like 14 years old. Yeah, for a couple of days, you know, I gave him some crack for his car and I was driving it, motherfucker. Then the police saw me. I took this one, one lady, she wanted to go to these projects. I didn't know what she was doing, but, you know, you know, she was doing. She had me take over there and the police saw me. I guess it was a hotspot and I didn't know. And I was waiting in the car and it's like 08:00 in the morning. And the police come up to me like, what the fuck? A little kid driving his car. He said, don't your ass. Don't be in school. I couldn't lie my way out of it. And fuck I went to do now. And my mom came and got me out.


What the fuck are you doing?


I said, shit. My friend and me borrowed a car. My mom had no idea I was selling drugs. I kept lying to her. She didn't know. And then that was just doing. That's just like one getting out, you know what I'm saying? I got some trouble one time. I was innocent for what happened, but I was in there for two weeks. I didn't think about it. It wasn't that bad. But when I went to jail in college, I'm like, fuck this. I'm never coming back.




But I'm kind of glad it happened. Cause it changed my life. And I can kind of control my temper better now. That's why I was walking out of that room in the ultimate fighter. Cause I knew I was losing my temper. I threw that water bottle, and I was trying to get out of there, and that door got in my fucking way. So I didn't want to lose my temper because I didn't know. Cause I didn't know if I was gonna punch Rashard or. Or anybody came up to me, right? I didn't know. I just wanted to get out of there. And I was like, fuck this shit. But I'm glad that shit happened to me in college. Changed my fucking life.




I can. I can control. I can control myself now. Long as long as nobody don't punch me out of, like, violence or nothing like that, I think I can control it. Everything else, I. You know, I just think about, I am going back to prison. Fuck that.


Well, you've been able to control your mind in so many fights, you know, that alone. I mean, the. How many people get tested like that?


Fights don't bother me. Sparring is where I have to control myself.




Yeah. Fights don't bother me. Sparring is where I lose my temper a little bit. But I'm scared because I feel like I'm gonna go hog wild and lose, and lose my cardio. That's the only reason why I try to control it in fighting and sparring.


Oh, the worst is like, losing your temper when you're sparring.


Yeah, that's where I lose it.


Cause he attired quick, bro.


I sparred. I sparred. Luke Rockhold. I hadn't sparred in a long time. And he's a southpaw. He's tall. His stand up is fucking good. And I just. I thought I was gonna be fighting Shannon, so I let me start sparring, and he kicked the shit out of me. I'm like. He didn't even fucking let up. It's like it was fucking field day for his ass. I was so fucking mad. I tried to knock him the fuck out, and I was so rusted. Hadn't sparred in years. My old ass in there with himself. I hate southpaws. And he kicked the shit out of me. I was like, oh, all right. And then next day I started running because my cardio was bad. Everything was bad. I started running. I was waiting to spar his ass back. I said, I'm gonna knock this motherfucker out.


So right now, are you training at all?


Yeah, I'm training. I've been sparring and moving around. I just did, like, my first japanese pro wrestling match with Josh Barnett Bluster. Yeah. So I started training mma with my son. I didn't have anybody to train with because my times is fucking crazy. Cause I got a podcast now because of your ass. You got everybody doing fucking podcasts.


Crazy, huh?


It's crazy, man. Everybody. Everybody mama got a fucking podcast cause of your motherfucking ass. That shit is so time consuming.


It takes some time, but it's a great way to be your own boss. Yeah, that's the best thing. And you're a funny guy. Like you, your Jackson podcast, that's a great podcast.


It's fun.


I watch it all the time for watching a bunch of times.


Yeah, thanks, man.


Yeah, yeah, you have great clips, guys. It's good, man. You're. It's a good thing for you to do because you could do that forever.


People were asking me to do it for years and I was like, man, I don't have the drive to do this shit myself. But my friend Barrett, he got everything set up and he does everything, and I just come and sit down and people start liking us. Okay, so I guess I'm doing podcast now.


That's all you have to do. Someone has to set it up for you. If someone's got a good personality, they should totally do it because it's a way that. That your podcast was more listened to than the news, and people was hating on you. Like, when. When you was talking about, I make that. Oh, my God.Well, they were threatened. They were trouble. That was also. They were being paid off by the medical establishment. They were being paid off. They were being paid to promote this one thing, and that was the vaccine. And anybody that said anything other than the vaccine, I mean, CNN did me so dirty. They changed the color of my skin to make me look yellow and sick. They kept saying I was taking horse dewormer. I got prescribed medicine by a doctor. Not only that, it was only one of the things that I took. I took a bunch of things, but they did not want this video of me saying, I got better in three days. So it's a video of me. You see the real video? I look fine. I was fine. I wasn't lying. I wouldn't lie. And I had to cancel these shows because I was doing shows with Chappelle that weekend. We were supposed to be doing this arena, and I had to say, I'm sorry, we're going to reschedule it. But I got Covid. That's the only reason why I made that video. If I didn't have shows that I had to cancel, I would have never made that video.I only made that video because I had to cancel the shows. So I said, I feel great. It was three days ago. We threw the kitchen sink at it. I said, all these drugs I took, iv multivitamins, monoclonal antibodies. I said all this stuff that I took, z pac. But they locked in on this horse dewormer a fool. But what they didn't know back then, because people did. I didn't talk about it. I never knew. But they didn't know how big the podcast.Oh, no, no, no. They didn't know how big that.That's the problem.They knew the drug worked, right?They did know the drug work, and it did work, and it worked for a lot of people that didn't take all the other stuff that I took. I was better quick. Six days after that, I did. Did ten rounds on the bag. I worked out five days after I got sick. And I'm like, I feel pretty good. Next day, I'm gonna push it. And then the next day, I said, all right, there's one way to find out how good I feel. Set the timer up. Let's do some rounds. And I did ten solid rounds on the bag. At the end, I was like, I feel 100%. It's totally normal.I swear by it. I knew when you talked about it, I knew you was right, because I had learned about it, like, a while ago, a little bit before, when Covid first thought happening, because I got this friend, she used to box with, Floyd Mayweather's dad, and her name is Miss Knockout. She got this assistant from some south american country, and they had symptoms like Covid years ago, like, maybe 1520 years ago. And they took ivermectin. And so she told me about it. She said, if you get Covid, let me know. I'm gonna get you some ivermectin. I had never heard of it. She said, my sister had Covid, and she got rid of in six days and have it, you know, negative to give a negative test. I said, okay, I keep it on my radar. And my son caught Covid. I never caught Covid, but my son caught Covid, and I got the medicine and I gave it to him.They could have saved a lot of lives. And they still, to this day, ridicule it. Still to this day, people ridicule it. But meanwhile, doctors prescribed it. And one of the reasons why they prescribed it is because there's a reason. There's a medical reason. It stops viral replication in vitro. That means in cell cultures, when you put ivermectin in with the virus, it stops the virus from replicating. So it just makes sense that it would stop it in the human body, too. It stops yellow fever. And dengue. They used it for river blindness. They've used it for a bunch of different diseases. It's also very healthy. It doesn't. It's not a dangerous drug. It's one of the safest drug profiles of any drug. It's not a dangerous thing to take.But do you think your body get used to it? Because I take it for colds. Because I hate colds.I don't think it's something that you get used to. No.Because I remember when I first started. When I first started taking it because I stocked up on in case I got Covid and I got like, a runny nose and a cold. And I. And I took it and took it away. Right? Right away, right. And then the next couple times it took away. Then, like, the fourth time I got a cold, it didn't.They tried to. Well, that could have been just a different cold or different, you know, different intensity of the cold. But they tried to ban a lot of other things secretly that also proved people. One of the things was thymosin. Thymosin is a peptide. It's a safe peptide. There's no history of, like, negative side effects. And they. They tried to ban it because people were using thymosin to get over Covid. They tried to do everything they could to make people take the vaccine because that's what was profitable. Everything. They tried to stop people from taking monoclonal antibodies, which also helped heal you. But they didn't want any alternatives. So when they started attacking me, they were only attacking me because people could say, oh, Joe Rogan got better. Oh, he's healthy and he works out. I don't need that fucking vaccine. If that 55 year old man took it, and he's fine, quick. And they didn't, like, they exaggerated how many people died. The whole thing was fucked, man. The whole thing was fucked. They treated us like we were a bunch of sheep. And a lot of people acted like they're a bunch of sheep.A lot of people. And they didn't have any alternative news sources other than podcasts. And so then they were just ridiculed. Why are people listening to podcasts? They should be listening to doctors. Well, because we don't lie. That's why.Right.I might be wrong. I may be wrong about things. I'll be wrong about things, I'm sure. But I don't fucking lie.Right?Not a lie. They're liars. They're liars and they're on tv. The tv is filled with liars.I don't even watch the news. No. Motherfucker. Yeah, I don't trust that shit.You shouldn't trust that shit. I mean, I don't trust mainstream news anymore. If they're telling you something, someone's telling them to tell you something. Some of the things might be true, but the reasons for those things being true, they're probably not telling you the truth.I'm gonna tell you, Covid. And all this stuff that happened, it woke me up to a lot of things where just not trust the government and stuff and everything. And I'm gonna be 100 right now. The main reason why I decided not to take the vaccine is because I saw the he's right about that. I think that there's too much evidence that it's not true. Also, it's like the way planets are formed. We know how planets are formed. There's a reason why they're all circular. It's like all the mass coalesces in the center. And the gravity and the way things spin it all forms balls. But the idea that we know what the fuck is going on in the ocean is ridiculous. We don't know what's going on in 90% of the ocean. And the water surface is three quarters of the earth, so three quarters of the earth, we don't know 90% about it.I know that's.And there's a lot of people that see things coming out of the water and going into the water. Also, if I was from another planet and I wanted to come here and make a base, I just do it in the water. They can't see shit. If they have the kind of capability that allows them to come here from other galaxies, they could easily make a base under the water.Yeah. That's probably what the Bermuda triangle is. We don't fucking know.Well, they think the Bermuda triangle is methane getting released under the floor of the ocean. And what it does is when it comes up, it kills all the buoyancy. You know, it makes boats sink. No, no, they have, like. They know where it is.That sounds like when I watch the men in black and right when they hit you with that thing.They hit you with that thing.It's not like that's the excuse they tell you.It could be there's something under the water that's sinking boats. I don't think it is, though. I think there's, like, a valid scientific reason. So these gasses get released. And apparently, if there's a boat above, when all these gas, like, we're talking about immense spaces of this gas gets released, those boats just sink. And it's not just that. It's like the updraft of this stuff can fuck up planes. There's a lot of theories about what causes. It's also like, there's so many storms in that area of Bermuda, so that it makes sense that more ships would go down in those areas, too. Yeah, but I still think there's probably something in there. There's probably something in the water. Have you seen that video, that one craft that they're watching on night vision, and it flies over the water and then goes down into the water?No, I haven't seen.Yeah, they call them trans medium crafts. They've been observed by multiple fighter Luxor in Vegas, they have a chunk of it you could see, like this big piece that they pulled up, and different artifacts they pulled up. So they did go down there and attach things with manned crafts, and then they pulled them up with. With some kind of drone. They did. But I do think people have actually. I think. I think James Cameron actually went down there. Here it is. The 14th trip. Yeah. The Titan made the first of several dives, the famous shipwreck of the world. While generally successful, these expeditions hadn't been without their own problems. The fatal dive was the vessel's 14th trip to the remains of the Titanic.Oh, it probably just wore out then. It probably just probably.Well, apparently the people that designed it and built it were telling them there was flaws in it, and there was a lot of lawsuits coming, I'm sure, because there was a lot of whistleblowers that wound up leaving the corporation, the company, rather than that develop these things. They're like, this is not tested for the kind of pressure that's down there. And you're sending people down there.I just believe there's certain things that man shouldn't. Certain places man shouldn't go.Bottom of the ocean.We just shouldn't go.Why go? Why? Why?Certain things we shouldn't do. I don't think we should be jumping out of planes and all that shit either. I just don't believe that. I'm not interested.I'm not interested in that. People. You should go skybuking. No, you go skydiving?Yeah, fuck that.My friend, his dad used to work with this lady, and when he would go into work, she was like, you should go skydiving with us. And then one day he goes to work and she's not there. And he said, what happened? It's like skydiving.But I tell you what looks fun, though. You seen them motherfuckers in those squirrels looking suits? Oh, yeah, that shit look fun. But I see it on TikTok. But they scared. Like, they be like, what if they hit a tree going that motherfucking fast?You ever see the one where the guy hits the bridge?No.We'll watch this and we'll end this podcast show. The one where the guy hits the bridge in the squirrel suit. So this dude was trying to go through the arches of the bridge, and he missed it. Here, watch this. So he's on the thing, and he's trying to fly past the bridge, and he's got a bunch of people on the bridge watching this dude. Like, oh, my God, this is amazing.It looks fine.Yeah, I mean, he's going like a hundred and something miles an hour, too, so he's trying to figure out how to get through this bridge, but watch this. Oh, fuck, bro, that sound he. That's a horrible sound.He just misjudged. What? He just exploded, huh? Yeah. Yeah, just misjudged. Why would you try to go through the bridge? Showing off.Showing off? Yeah. Just want to do something for. People have done things like that. They fly between buildings. They do a bunch of wild shit with those coral suits on. But if you misjudge it, that's your ass showing up.Hey.Showing off. Quentin. Thank you, sir.Man, thank you for having me.Great to hang you.It's been a great experience.It's been great to be here and to hang out with you, man. See you after all these years.Yeah, I know. It's been a long time. I'm gonna hold you to those. Those tickets.Yes, sir. I got you. I got you for two tickets.Tiki always let me down. I get two. Bring me somebody.Somebody. Yeah, I think that's September 14, so.I got you September 14.Yes, sir. I'll be there.All right.It's gonna be a banging car. It's gonna be crazy. Inside that thing with all the. The whole ceiling is a screen.Yeah.So, I mean, who knows what they're gonna put up there? It's gonna be wild. Apparently they've been working on it this entire time. They've been working on it for months. I think they're already spent $9 million just on the production. 1616 now.Jesus, they get fucking. They work billions now, so.Yeah. Throwing that money.Yeah.Tell everybody where to get your podcast.Oh, they can go to what? Jackson on YouTube, right? I think it's on Spotify. Just here.It's two x's or what?Two x's.Oh, like, you sure like the shirt. There you go.Thanks for the plug.No, no worries. So it's Jackson podcast on YouTube. And is it on everything like Spotify?I think we just got on Spotify. But tell them about the energy drink.And your energy drink for help.Good for. I'm glad you like it.It's very good. That's my favorite f three energy drink ginseng. It's got all sorts of good stuff. Bcaas, theanine. What else they got in here?But it won't make you Copeloba.It won't make you dick. Not yet.Not yet.Version two.If they come out with one that says rent page punch or something.It is.No, you're gonna make it bigger.Japanese letters. All right, brother. Thank you for being here. Bye, everybody.


that. That your podcast was more listened to than the news, and people was hating on you. Like, when. When you was talking about, I make that. Oh, my God.


Well, they were threatened. They were trouble. That was also. They were being paid off by the medical establishment. They were being paid off. They were being paid to promote this one thing, and that was the vaccine. And anybody that said anything other than the vaccine, I mean, CNN did me so dirty. They changed the color of my skin to make me look yellow and sick. They kept saying I was taking horse dewormer. I got prescribed medicine by a doctor. Not only that, it was only one of the things that I took. I took a bunch of things, but they did not want this video of me saying, I got better in three days. So it's a video of me. You see the real video? I look fine. I was fine. I wasn't lying. I wouldn't lie. And I had to cancel these shows because I was doing shows with Chappelle that weekend. We were supposed to be doing this arena, and I had to say, I'm sorry, we're going to reschedule it. But I got Covid. That's the only reason why I made that video. If I didn't have shows that I had to cancel, I would have never made that video.


I only made that video because I had to cancel the shows. So I said, I feel great. It was three days ago. We threw the kitchen sink at it. I said, all these drugs I took, iv multivitamins, monoclonal antibodies. I said all this stuff that I took, z pac. But they locked in on this horse dewormer a fool. But what they didn't know back then, because people did. I didn't talk about it. I never knew. But they didn't know how big the podcast.


Oh, no, no, no. They didn't know how big that.


That's the problem.


They knew the drug worked, right?


They did know the drug work, and it did work, and it worked for a lot of people that didn't take all the other stuff that I took. I was better quick. Six days after that, I did. Did ten rounds on the bag. I worked out five days after I got sick. And I'm like, I feel pretty good. Next day, I'm gonna push it. And then the next day, I said, all right, there's one way to find out how good I feel. Set the timer up. Let's do some rounds. And I did ten solid rounds on the bag. At the end, I was like, I feel 100%. It's totally normal.


I swear by it. I knew when you talked about it, I knew you was right, because I had learned about it, like, a while ago, a little bit before, when Covid first thought happening, because I got this friend, she used to box with, Floyd Mayweather's dad, and her name is Miss Knockout. She got this assistant from some south american country, and they had symptoms like Covid years ago, like, maybe 1520 years ago. And they took ivermectin. And so she told me about it. She said, if you get Covid, let me know. I'm gonna get you some ivermectin. I had never heard of it. She said, my sister had Covid, and she got rid of in six days and have it, you know, negative to give a negative test. I said, okay, I keep it on my radar. And my son caught Covid. I never caught Covid, but my son caught Covid, and I got the medicine and I gave it to him.


They could have saved a lot of lives. And they still, to this day, ridicule it. Still to this day, people ridicule it. But meanwhile, doctors prescribed it. And one of the reasons why they prescribed it is because there's a reason. There's a medical reason. It stops viral replication in vitro. That means in cell cultures, when you put ivermectin in with the virus, it stops the virus from replicating. So it just makes sense that it would stop it in the human body, too. It stops yellow fever. And dengue. They used it for river blindness. They've used it for a bunch of different diseases. It's also very healthy. It doesn't. It's not a dangerous drug. It's one of the safest drug profiles of any drug. It's not a dangerous thing to take.


But do you think your body get used to it? Because I take it for colds. Because I hate colds.


I don't think it's something that you get used to. No.


Because I remember when I first started. When I first started taking it because I stocked up on in case I got Covid and I got like, a runny nose and a cold. And I. And I took it and took it away. Right? Right away, right. And then the next couple times it took away. Then, like, the fourth time I got a cold, it didn't.


They tried to. Well, that could have been just a different cold or different, you know, different intensity of the cold. But they tried to ban a lot of other things secretly that also proved people. One of the things was thymosin. Thymosin is a peptide. It's a safe peptide. There's no history of, like, negative side effects. And they. They tried to ban it because people were using thymosin to get over Covid. They tried to do everything they could to make people take the vaccine because that's what was profitable. Everything. They tried to stop people from taking monoclonal antibodies, which also helped heal you. But they didn't want any alternatives. So when they started attacking me, they were only attacking me because people could say, oh, Joe Rogan got better. Oh, he's healthy and he works out. I don't need that fucking vaccine. If that 55 year old man took it, and he's fine, quick. And they didn't, like, they exaggerated how many people died. The whole thing was fucked, man. The whole thing was fucked. They treated us like we were a bunch of sheep. And a lot of people acted like they're a bunch of sheep.


A lot of people. And they didn't have any alternative news sources other than podcasts. And so then they were just ridiculed. Why are people listening to podcasts? They should be listening to doctors. Well, because we don't lie. That's why.




I might be wrong. I may be wrong about things. I'll be wrong about things, I'm sure. But I don't fucking lie.




Not a lie. They're liars. They're liars and they're on tv. The tv is filled with liars.


I don't even watch the news. No. Motherfucker. Yeah, I don't trust that shit.


You shouldn't trust that shit. I mean, I don't trust mainstream news anymore. If they're telling you something, someone's telling them to tell you something. Some of the things might be true, but the reasons for those things being true, they're probably not telling you the truth.


I'm gonna tell you, Covid. And all this stuff that happened, it woke me up to a lot of things where just not trust the government and stuff and everything. And I'm gonna be 100 right now. The main reason why I decided not to take the vaccine is because I saw the he's right about that. I think that there's too much evidence that it's not true. Also, it's like the way planets are formed. We know how planets are formed. There's a reason why they're all circular. It's like all the mass coalesces in the center. And the gravity and the way things spin it all forms balls. But the idea that we know what the fuck is going on in the ocean is ridiculous. We don't know what's going on in 90% of the ocean. And the water surface is three quarters of the earth, so three quarters of the earth, we don't know 90% about it.I know that's.And there's a lot of people that see things coming out of the water and going into the water. Also, if I was from another planet and I wanted to come here and make a base, I just do it in the water. They can't see shit. If they have the kind of capability that allows them to come here from other galaxies, they could easily make a base under the water.Yeah. That's probably what the Bermuda triangle is. We don't fucking know.Well, they think the Bermuda triangle is methane getting released under the floor of the ocean. And what it does is when it comes up, it kills all the buoyancy. You know, it makes boats sink. No, no, they have, like. They know where it is.That sounds like when I watch the men in black and right when they hit you with that thing.They hit you with that thing.It's not like that's the excuse they tell you.It could be there's something under the water that's sinking boats. I don't think it is, though. I think there's, like, a valid scientific reason. So these gasses get released. And apparently, if there's a boat above, when all these gas, like, we're talking about immense spaces of this gas gets released, those boats just sink. And it's not just that. It's like the updraft of this stuff can fuck up planes. There's a lot of theories about what causes. It's also like, there's so many storms in that area of Bermuda, so that it makes sense that more ships would go down in those areas, too. Yeah, but I still think there's probably something in there. There's probably something in the water. Have you seen that video, that one craft that they're watching on night vision, and it flies over the water and then goes down into the water?No, I haven't seen.Yeah, they call them trans medium crafts. They've been observed by multiple fighter Luxor in Vegas, they have a chunk of it you could see, like this big piece that they pulled up, and different artifacts they pulled up. So they did go down there and attach things with manned crafts, and then they pulled them up with. With some kind of drone. They did. But I do think people have actually. I think. I think James Cameron actually went down there. Here it is. The 14th trip. Yeah. The Titan made the first of several dives, the famous shipwreck of the world. While generally successful, these expeditions hadn't been without their own problems. The fatal dive was the vessel's 14th trip to the remains of the Titanic.Oh, it probably just wore out then. It probably just probably.Well, apparently the people that designed it and built it were telling them there was flaws in it, and there was a lot of lawsuits coming, I'm sure, because there was a lot of whistleblowers that wound up leaving the corporation, the company, rather than that develop these things. They're like, this is not tested for the kind of pressure that's down there. And you're sending people down there.I just believe there's certain things that man shouldn't. Certain places man shouldn't go.Bottom of the ocean.We just shouldn't go.Why go? Why? Why?Certain things we shouldn't do. I don't think we should be jumping out of planes and all that shit either. I just don't believe that. I'm not interested.I'm not interested in that. People. You should go skybuking. No, you go skydiving?Yeah, fuck that.My friend, his dad used to work with this lady, and when he would go into work, she was like, you should go skydiving with us. And then one day he goes to work and she's not there. And he said, what happened? It's like skydiving.But I tell you what looks fun, though. You seen them motherfuckers in those squirrels looking suits? Oh, yeah, that shit look fun. But I see it on TikTok. But they scared. Like, they be like, what if they hit a tree going that motherfucking fast?You ever see the one where the guy hits the bridge?No.We'll watch this and we'll end this podcast show. The one where the guy hits the bridge in the squirrel suit. So this dude was trying to go through the arches of the bridge, and he missed it. Here, watch this. So he's on the thing, and he's trying to fly past the bridge, and he's got a bunch of people on the bridge watching this dude. Like, oh, my God, this is amazing.It looks fine.Yeah, I mean, he's going like a hundred and something miles an hour, too, so he's trying to figure out how to get through this bridge, but watch this. Oh, fuck, bro, that sound he. That's a horrible sound.He just misjudged. What? He just exploded, huh? Yeah. Yeah, just misjudged. Why would you try to go through the bridge? Showing off.Showing off? Yeah. Just want to do something for. People have done things like that. They fly between buildings. They do a bunch of wild shit with those coral suits on. But if you misjudge it, that's your ass showing up.Hey.Showing off. Quentin. Thank you, sir.Man, thank you for having me.Great to hang you.It's been a great experience.It's been great to be here and to hang out with you, man. See you after all these years.Yeah, I know. It's been a long time. I'm gonna hold you to those. Those tickets.Yes, sir. I got you. I got you for two tickets.Tiki always let me down. I get two. Bring me somebody.Somebody. Yeah, I think that's September 14, so.I got you September 14.Yes, sir. I'll be there.All right.It's gonna be a banging car. It's gonna be crazy. Inside that thing with all the. The whole ceiling is a screen.Yeah.So, I mean, who knows what they're gonna put up there? It's gonna be wild. Apparently they've been working on it this entire time. They've been working on it for months. I think they're already spent $9 million just on the production. 1616 now.Jesus, they get fucking. They work billions now, so.Yeah. Throwing that money.Yeah.Tell everybody where to get your podcast.Oh, they can go to what? Jackson on YouTube, right? I think it's on Spotify. Just here.It's two x's or what?Two x's.Oh, like, you sure like the shirt. There you go.Thanks for the plug.No, no worries. So it's Jackson podcast on YouTube. And is it on everything like Spotify?I think we just got on Spotify. But tell them about the energy drink.And your energy drink for help.Good for. I'm glad you like it.It's very good. That's my favorite f three energy drink ginseng. It's got all sorts of good stuff. Bcaas, theanine. What else they got in here?But it won't make you Copeloba.It won't make you dick. Not yet.Not yet.Version two.If they come out with one that says rent page punch or something.It is.No, you're gonna make it bigger.Japanese letters. All right, brother. Thank you for being here. Bye, everybody.


he's right about that. I think that there's too much evidence that it's not true. Also, it's like the way planets are formed. We know how planets are formed. There's a reason why they're all circular. It's like all the mass coalesces in the center. And the gravity and the way things spin it all forms balls. But the idea that we know what the fuck is going on in the ocean is ridiculous. We don't know what's going on in 90% of the ocean. And the water surface is three quarters of the earth, so three quarters of the earth, we don't know 90% about it.


I know that's.


And there's a lot of people that see things coming out of the water and going into the water. Also, if I was from another planet and I wanted to come here and make a base, I just do it in the water. They can't see shit. If they have the kind of capability that allows them to come here from other galaxies, they could easily make a base under the water.


Yeah. That's probably what the Bermuda triangle is. We don't fucking know.


Well, they think the Bermuda triangle is methane getting released under the floor of the ocean. And what it does is when it comes up, it kills all the buoyancy. You know, it makes boats sink. No, no, they have, like. They know where it is.


That sounds like when I watch the men in black and right when they hit you with that thing.


They hit you with that thing.


It's not like that's the excuse they tell you.


It could be there's something under the water that's sinking boats. I don't think it is, though. I think there's, like, a valid scientific reason. So these gasses get released. And apparently, if there's a boat above, when all these gas, like, we're talking about immense spaces of this gas gets released, those boats just sink. And it's not just that. It's like the updraft of this stuff can fuck up planes. There's a lot of theories about what causes. It's also like, there's so many storms in that area of Bermuda, so that it makes sense that more ships would go down in those areas, too. Yeah, but I still think there's probably something in there. There's probably something in the water. Have you seen that video, that one craft that they're watching on night vision, and it flies over the water and then goes down into the water?


No, I haven't seen.


Yeah, they call them trans medium crafts. They've been observed by multiple fighter Luxor in Vegas, they have a chunk of it you could see, like this big piece that they pulled up, and different artifacts they pulled up. So they did go down there and attach things with manned crafts, and then they pulled them up with. With some kind of drone. They did. But I do think people have actually. I think. I think James Cameron actually went down there. Here it is. The 14th trip. Yeah. The Titan made the first of several dives, the famous shipwreck of the world. While generally successful, these expeditions hadn't been without their own problems. The fatal dive was the vessel's 14th trip to the remains of the Titanic.Oh, it probably just wore out then. It probably just probably.Well, apparently the people that designed it and built it were telling them there was flaws in it, and there was a lot of lawsuits coming, I'm sure, because there was a lot of whistleblowers that wound up leaving the corporation, the company, rather than that develop these things. They're like, this is not tested for the kind of pressure that's down there. And you're sending people down there.I just believe there's certain things that man shouldn't. Certain places man shouldn't go.Bottom of the ocean.We just shouldn't go.Why go? Why? Why?Certain things we shouldn't do. I don't think we should be jumping out of planes and all that shit either. I just don't believe that. I'm not interested.I'm not interested in that. People. You should go skybuking. No, you go skydiving?Yeah, fuck that.My friend, his dad used to work with this lady, and when he would go into work, she was like, you should go skydiving with us. And then one day he goes to work and she's not there. And he said, what happened? It's like skydiving.But I tell you what looks fun, though. You seen them motherfuckers in those squirrels looking suits? Oh, yeah, that shit look fun. But I see it on TikTok. But they scared. Like, they be like, what if they hit a tree going that motherfucking fast?You ever see the one where the guy hits the bridge?No.We'll watch this and we'll end this podcast show. The one where the guy hits the bridge in the squirrel suit. So this dude was trying to go through the arches of the bridge, and he missed it. Here, watch this. So he's on the thing, and he's trying to fly past the bridge, and he's got a bunch of people on the bridge watching this dude. Like, oh, my God, this is amazing.It looks fine.Yeah, I mean, he's going like a hundred and something miles an hour, too, so he's trying to figure out how to get through this bridge, but watch this. Oh, fuck, bro, that sound he. That's a horrible sound.He just misjudged. What? He just exploded, huh? Yeah. Yeah, just misjudged. Why would you try to go through the bridge? Showing off.Showing off? Yeah. Just want to do something for. People have done things like that. They fly between buildings. They do a bunch of wild shit with those coral suits on. But if you misjudge it, that's your ass showing up.Hey.Showing off. Quentin. Thank you, sir.Man, thank you for having me.Great to hang you.It's been a great experience.It's been great to be here and to hang out with you, man. See you after all these years.Yeah, I know. It's been a long time. I'm gonna hold you to those. Those tickets.Yes, sir. I got you. I got you for two tickets.Tiki always let me down. I get two. Bring me somebody.Somebody. Yeah, I think that's September 14, so.I got you September 14.Yes, sir. I'll be there.All right.It's gonna be a banging car. It's gonna be crazy. Inside that thing with all the. The whole ceiling is a screen.Yeah.So, I mean, who knows what they're gonna put up there? It's gonna be wild. Apparently they've been working on it this entire time. They've been working on it for months. I think they're already spent $9 million just on the production. 1616 now.Jesus, they get fucking. They work billions now, so.Yeah. Throwing that money.Yeah.Tell everybody where to get your podcast.Oh, they can go to what? Jackson on YouTube, right? I think it's on Spotify. Just here.It's two x's or what?Two x's.Oh, like, you sure like the shirt. There you go.Thanks for the plug.No, no worries. So it's Jackson podcast on YouTube. And is it on everything like Spotify?I think we just got on Spotify. But tell them about the energy drink.And your energy drink for help.Good for. I'm glad you like it.It's very good. That's my favorite f three energy drink ginseng. It's got all sorts of good stuff. Bcaas, theanine. What else they got in here?But it won't make you Copeloba.It won't make you dick. Not yet.Not yet.Version two.If they come out with one that says rent page punch or something.It is.No, you're gonna make it bigger.Japanese letters. All right, brother. Thank you for being here. Bye, everybody.


Luxor in Vegas, they have a chunk of it you could see, like this big piece that they pulled up, and different artifacts they pulled up. So they did go down there and attach things with manned crafts, and then they pulled them up with. With some kind of drone. They did. But I do think people have actually. I think. I think James Cameron actually went down there. Here it is. The 14th trip. Yeah. The Titan made the first of several dives, the famous shipwreck of the world. While generally successful, these expeditions hadn't been without their own problems. The fatal dive was the vessel's 14th trip to the remains of the Titanic.


Oh, it probably just wore out then. It probably just probably.


Well, apparently the people that designed it and built it were telling them there was flaws in it, and there was a lot of lawsuits coming, I'm sure, because there was a lot of whistleblowers that wound up leaving the corporation, the company, rather than that develop these things. They're like, this is not tested for the kind of pressure that's down there. And you're sending people down there.


I just believe there's certain things that man shouldn't. Certain places man shouldn't go.


Bottom of the ocean.


We just shouldn't go.


Why go? Why? Why?


Certain things we shouldn't do. I don't think we should be jumping out of planes and all that shit either. I just don't believe that. I'm not interested.


I'm not interested in that. People. You should go skybuking. No, you go skydiving?


Yeah, fuck that.


My friend, his dad used to work with this lady, and when he would go into work, she was like, you should go skydiving with us. And then one day he goes to work and she's not there. And he said, what happened? It's like skydiving.


But I tell you what looks fun, though. You seen them motherfuckers in those squirrels looking suits? Oh, yeah, that shit look fun. But I see it on TikTok. But they scared. Like, they be like, what if they hit a tree going that motherfucking fast?


You ever see the one where the guy hits the bridge?




We'll watch this and we'll end this podcast show. The one where the guy hits the bridge in the squirrel suit. So this dude was trying to go through the arches of the bridge, and he missed it. Here, watch this. So he's on the thing, and he's trying to fly past the bridge, and he's got a bunch of people on the bridge watching this dude. Like, oh, my God, this is amazing.


It looks fine.


Yeah, I mean, he's going like a hundred and something miles an hour, too, so he's trying to figure out how to get through this bridge, but watch this. Oh, fuck, bro, that sound he. That's a horrible sound.


He just misjudged. What? He just exploded, huh? Yeah. Yeah, just misjudged. Why would you try to go through the bridge? Showing off.


Showing off? Yeah. Just want to do something for. People have done things like that. They fly between buildings. They do a bunch of wild shit with those coral suits on. But if you misjudge it, that's your ass showing up.




Showing off. Quentin. Thank you, sir.


Man, thank you for having me.


Great to hang you.


It's been a great experience.


It's been great to be here and to hang out with you, man. See you after all these years.


Yeah, I know. It's been a long time. I'm gonna hold you to those. Those tickets.


Yes, sir. I got you. I got you for two tickets.


Tiki always let me down. I get two. Bring me somebody.


Somebody. Yeah, I think that's September 14, so.


I got you September 14.


Yes, sir. I'll be there.


All right.


It's gonna be a banging car. It's gonna be crazy. Inside that thing with all the. The whole ceiling is a screen.




So, I mean, who knows what they're gonna put up there? It's gonna be wild. Apparently they've been working on it this entire time. They've been working on it for months. I think they're already spent $9 million just on the production. 1616 now.


Jesus, they get fucking. They work billions now, so.


Yeah. Throwing that money.




Tell everybody where to get your podcast.


Oh, they can go to what? Jackson on YouTube, right? I think it's on Spotify. Just here.


It's two x's or what?


Two x's.


Oh, like, you sure like the shirt. There you go.


Thanks for the plug.


No, no worries. So it's Jackson podcast on YouTube. And is it on everything like Spotify?


I think we just got on Spotify. But tell them about the energy drink.


And your energy drink for help.


Good for. I'm glad you like it.


It's very good. That's my favorite f three energy drink ginseng. It's got all sorts of good stuff. Bcaas, theanine. What else they got in here?


But it won't make you Copeloba.


It won't make you dick. Not yet.


Not yet.


Version two.


If they come out with one that says rent page punch or something.


It is.


No, you're gonna make it bigger.


Japanese letters. All right, brother. Thank you for being here. Bye, everybody.