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We still don't have a name for this.


We're not the cucks. Right.


I think protect your neck is best. That's the best one.




Let's go with protecting.


Protecting neck.


Protect your neck.


Wu Tang theme song.


Yeah, Wu Tang.


Already done for us.


Got it.


There's two Wu Tang songs I always listen to when I'm going to an arena, when I'm doing a show. It's protecting neck and gravel pit. Those two just get you gravel pit. Oh, there it is. There's our theme song, boys.


I like.


That's all we got with it. Without getting kicked off of YouTube. Even that might get us in trouble. You all right there, Rollo?


Are you fingering?


Not hearing anything right now.


All right, we're gonna pause real quick, see if Jamie can fix this. We'll pause.


Can you hear now, Rollo?


Yes, sir.


You know what we never tried?




The smelling salts.


We got. We gotta show. We gotta show dean the sheathing. Oh, it's when. When metal rings.


We were.


All three of us have rings on with the rubber.


Don't wear a ring on the mata ever.


All right, all right.


Turn it off.


Don't wear a ring to the gym. Like, you could drop a weight on or rip your finger off, like, for real. You wear.


These are great.


Exactly right?


These are great.


Just don't wear nothing. That way. You could cheat, too.


I think the goofiest looking one is a tattooed ring.




Yeah, that one's goofy. It's almost as the bicep with the fucking chain with the. You know.


I'm actually. I'm actually wearing my marvel ring. It says marvel.


There you go.


Good. Man. Your wife must shave your fucking. This fucking dork. I married a door. You could use it like a slingshot.


That's great.


Yeah, I heard about a dude in. God, I forget. Who's. Who's Jim? One of the. One of some big name dude. And he took a photo of one of his students who said, don't ever come onto my mat with a ring on, ever. Oh, my God. This is what happens. He posted it. I remember who posted it. But fuck, man's. It's like you can't. It's just too dangerous. We have a metal wedge on your finger. You're doing anything heavy. If you're in the outdoors, if you're climbing something, it can just dig right into your meat and rip your fucking finger apart.


When I was, um. When I was, uh, when I was fighting, when I was champ, I had the, uh. I just got married. I was telling you earlier, and when I had the ring on. This is before they had the rubber rings, you know, and guys get excited to see you. So sometimes you give them the hand. They. They squeeze your fingers, and it's sort of. You try to be nice, and it's like, give me my hand.


That's why you wear a wedding ring on your left hand. So you shake hands with your right.


Yeah, I mean, that's good. It's good.


That totally makes sense.


It does. Especially, I hate those douchebags that always try to give you that fucking. They have a nice squeeze.


They try to break tips, and they don't like that.


Break your hands.


On my fucking nerves. When they squeeze your fingers.




Shake your hand.


It's a bitch move. Like a firm handshake. I like a man with a firm handshake and not the little dead fish. I like a firm handshake, but I don't like that finger squeezing bullshit.


Yeah, yeah. You know, I don't have a good.


Grip when you're squeezing anyway. That's a douchebag move. A nice person would relax their hand. You squeeze and allow your hand.


There you go.


And you give each other a nice, firm handshake.


That's right. For sure.


Even that, like, when guys try to over, like, they got a real strong grip and they try to fucking give you that squeeze. I just feel especially my right hand, like, I got a fucking bump here from Shoney. Caught his head after I got done with that second fight.


Remember that shit?


And it's still like, I start to double wrap it when I hit with longo after a while. So when guys squeeze that shit, I feel like, all right, dude. All right, you got me beat with the grip, but I'll fucking strangle the fuck out of here. What are you trying to shoot?


What are you trying to. Oh, yeah, good.


Do you do that gripping thing?




It's like men feel so uncomfortable when they're around a guy like you, they don't know how to behave.


Can I grab some coffee? Yeah, for you, I'll do, like, a sneak and I can.


Do you want the espresso? Do you want a cup? There's a cup. Cause it's just.


Oh, that's a lot better. Yeah, I make a mess.


Cause, like, you know, when they get around a guy like you, they don't know what to do because guys, like, always like to pretend that they could beat another guy's ass even. They're just posturing a little. I'll fuck that guy up. They meet a guy like you, all of a sudden, they're like, how are you?


That's why I put on some weight. That's why I'm trying to get over 200, just so I can posture on them back. You know what I'm saying?


Flex a little bit. Like, if you're meeting Francis Ngannou, how fucking terrifying.


Oh, yeah, no doubt.


You're a regular dude. You're a regular dude. And you shake that guy's hand, you're like, oh, what the Fuck, Mandy? My first time I interviewed him, I was standing next to. I'm like, what the fuck, man? That guy is so powerful.


He's fighting a guy bigger than him.


He is good.


He's like six eight.


He ko'd Ryan Bader and real quick, right?


Wasn't like he like 20 jab or something.


Clean right hand. Yeah, let's watch that. Because this guy's good, dude.


Like, this fight has seen the size of after.


You have to think, you know, he fights Anthony Joshua. That was a bad ko from one of the best knockout artists in boxing. Right?


How tall is this guy's big. He's really athletic, too, because he's a lot taller.


He's super fast, man, and he does a lot of wild shit. He throws a lot of kicks and knees, dude. He's good.


How much taller is he than a few inches?


I think Francis is like. Francis is like six four or six five? Is he something like that? This guy's. He's taller. Francis is bigger, though, for sure. But this guy's fucking dangerous, man. And he's real long. Like, watch this combination when he lands it on Bader. See, Bader can't close the distance here. He's having a hard. This guy's from the outside, son. Look at that right hand.


He waited for him to.


That again. That shit was perfect. Watch that again. Look at the timing on this guy, man. Watch this. Bader's trying to close. He's trying to close. Check out this dude. Watch this. Fade away a little to his left. Boom.


Oh, I mean, that's right over top of the jab, right over the jail.


That guy's dangerous, man. He's fucking dangerous, dude.


His footwork was real, real nice.


Also 40 and, you know, 100%.


100%. But Bader at heavyweight's been doing pretty good, especially then Bellator testing. How many times did Bobby Lashley compete? No disrespect to Bobby Lashley, but still.


We know what's up.


He was always on an indian reservation somewhere.


No real.


What a body, though. Bobby Lashley's the only guy who ever fought in mma that looked like you'd enter a bodybuilding competition the day of the fight. Yep. Mark Kerr, his prime, too.


But Bob Marshall.


He could fight, what.


Like a d two national champ or something like that? As a wrestler?


Yeah, he was. Yeah, he was a real legit.


He's a legit fighter. Legit fighter. But they know why you touched him? Positive or negative?


Yeah, because he wrestled it, like, 189 in college.


Also, he's 48.




You know this, but look, I know disrespect. Guy looks fucking great. It's amazing. Some guys are natural. Like Paulo Costa. He's just got the genes, son.


Now, is he natural? I mean, maybe.


What do you think?


And he plays it up with the secret juice, right?


You'd be talking that much shit if you. I think every. He always looks the same. He never tests positive. And the guy has crazy genetics. Like, look how handsome he is. Look at that.


That is true, Joe. That is true.


The guy's got freak genetics just in looks and also in his build.


He's been tested a billion times.


A billion times.


Have chemists out there. Hey, you used to work for american top team. Tell us the secrets. Tell us the secrets that they got.


Over in that fucking.


Tell us.


What the happens over.


I am not going to Juliana Pena. This one. No, I am not. No, I'm not doing that.


You're not doing that.


Oh, my God.


Oh, my God.


By the way, great work with Sean Brady.


Oh, yeah.


He looked great. He looked great.


Yeah, man, he's. He's a hard working kid. He's young.


I know.


He was on this show before. He's young, hard working, and like, bro.


He'S got a double sized back.


He's got a turtle show.




Like, it's double.


And that's genetic. Like his father has that.


That's crazy.


His fight the other night with Gilbert Burns was fucking smart, man. It's impressive he know, because I even know he has really, really good wrestling. He knew not to shoot his wide trying to get him down because Gilbert's fucking. What I love about Gilbert, and it happened in the Damian Meyer fight, is if he's getting out, wrestled, the second he hits his floor. The floor, right into jiu jitsu sweeps. Half guards. He's playing jujitsu. They go to play back. He's back to his feet.


Yeah, it's really one of the very best ever on the ground.




It's like we've just seen him in so many stand up wars cuz it's so hard to get people to the ground.




Right. Ultimately that. That's where it becomes a problem. Right. It's just so hard to get a war class guy to the ground.


Well, I mean, so when Hamzat fought Gilbert, Hamzat was on top for a second. And as soon as Gilbert started playing jujitsu, Hamzat was like, get me the fuck outta here. He stood up quick.


But that's what's so smart about Brady though, because he was patient up against the cage and then he waited till the later rounds. He's the younger guy, he's banking on his cardio. Then he started committing to those doubles and now he's got a better chance of getting more time.


If you look at him in comparison to like, he doesn't have the same accolades as far as jiu jitsu competitions as Gilbert does, but he's like world class. He's straight up.


Sure, for sure.


He's really jonesy.


Yeah, it was a special rules thing. There were no leg locks.


That was it. There were no legs.


Which is, you know, with Craig Jones.


That'S a big part of his game.


If you're gonna compete against that guy, you gotta let him use the whole game. It's the whole game. Don't say you can't use your best stuff.


And they were, yeah, it was pretty stale. But. But Brady can hang with anybody on the ground. Like he's so strong he can hang with anybody.


I firmly believe that Craig Nelson, Craig Jones rather, if Craig Jones got him in any kind of a position, like a heel hook, he would never rip his shit apart, right?


Yeah, no doubt.


There's no chance.


But I understand these, the fighters, the current fighters, like look what happened to Cub Swanson. I'm all for these guys taking grappling matches, but I'm also for them taking it with certain rules. Cause that'll fuck.


I was trying to tell that to Khalil roundtree. Cause Khalil roundtree, before he got the title fight was in here. He was telling me he was gonna take a grappling match. I go think about Cub Swanson. ACL out.




He's gone for 910 months and he's in the thirties. He's already in his thirties.


That's a death sentence almost.


It can mean he came back. You can come back, but it's so unnecessary. Yeah, I get you're a badass. But you're also a professional athlete.




You can't be motorbike riding. Well, Cerrone did it. Cerrone must be the biggest headache in the UFC. He's out there fucking riding Poleskis.


I don't remember him getting. Pulling out of too many fights, though.


No, I don't believe he ever did. I don't remember a single fight. I mean, there might have been one his whole career, but it had. He had to have a broken fucking.


But he was still. But he was still reckless as fuck.


Like, adrenaline junkie, man.




Yeah, he's a freak.


Still out there doing it.


He's still out there doing.


Stick around too long in the game.


Yeah, but that's also why he's so much fun to watch, man, because he genuinely didn't give a fuck. You know, in the early days of his career, man, he was very interesting because he's a wild kickboxer that had a great triangle.


Yeah, yeah.


He finished off a lot of his jiu jitsu, right? Yeah, he was.


He was good off his back. He was good off his back. So, like, guys would want to take him down, and then he thought that triangle was like, oh, fuck. I didn't expect him.


His first fight with Benson, Henderson was one of the sickest fights ever. He had Benson in a hundred different submissions, and Benson got out all of them. It was. It was pretty sick.


Several triangles. Benson doesn't get enough.


Yeah, it was a great fight. When they were in the. We see.


Damn, dude, do you think about all the fucking wars? A lot of people have forgot about, you know, so many fights now, right?


Like, it's like when I was. When we were fighting back in a day, it was.


It was far, and it was an event because there was only a few a year.




Right. People forgot about Jose. All those beginnings, man. I didn't.


When he was in the.


We see. Was there anybody really better? He's a complete fighter.


Yeah, he's. For short of we see fight, you.


Can'T look, you can't keep that pace, whatever that pace is. When a guy is at the top of the food chain, you can't keep that pace up for very long.


He kept it for ten years.


I always say you have to look at a guy by where he was, when he was at its best. Like, if we're gonna do this, like, who's the best guy? Everything. That's why I always throw BJ Penn in there. Me, too, cuz.


B Penn.


And you fought him. BJ Penn in his fucking prime. Was a demon.


And he ran through everybody.




But when he was in his private, was like, BJ and then everybody else. Yes, for sure.


You just can't keep that up forever. For sure. If you look at Aldo, like, the aldo that fought Uriah, remember what he did to Uriah's leg.




And how tough is your liar? How many dudes would attack? How many dudes would have just rolled over and that would have been the end?


I think Alder respected him and actually, like, backed off towards the end.


I think he did too. You know, guy might lost his leg. I mean, he almost got compartment syndrome.


Yeah, he did.


He had, right. He had to go in a hyperbaric chamber every day to try to heal that fucking thing.


Yeah, man, full disclosure, like, at the end of my career, when I was fighting in 45, I was like, I'll fight anybody, but. Although I ain't trying to get my leg. Yeah, I ain't fighting.


That guy that was missing from him later was the heat. You know, the frequency of his leg kicks, you think it was just cause of injuries or.


Well, he started boxing a lot, like, you know. Yeah, he started boxing back.


Now he is back. He is back. Yeah. I think your fucking shins just go, man. I mean, think about. That's what was going on with Amanda, right? She was having nerve damage in her shins.


Yeah, just think about.


Especially now with the calf kick. How many guys that fought behavior are gonna be fucked up for the rest of their life? You know? How many guys are gonna have, like, some weird thing with their foot and.


Get, like, dry foot or something from nerve?




My biggest fear was that shin break. Like, what happened to Chris that even bet even before it happened in the UFC, I seen it in kickboxing, and I'm like, yeah, like, you know, it's horrible. Like, you gotta really, like, you could trust your shins, but, like, could you? How do you know? How the fuck do you know? You know? I mean, I don't know. I. It was always something in the back of my head when I was throwing kicks.


Spontaneous, too. Even when I'm watching fights now, like, when it happens, I always, like, have this responsive. Be ready to look away. Cause if a leg snaps, I don't wanna see that.


Nobody wants to see that.


Yeah. You know, it's interesting the way Perjeda does everything. Cause he doesn't. I don't think he runs the risk as much of that. Because, first of all, he kinda kicks around the outside of your leg always. He never goes shin to shin, right. And even when he kicks the thigh, he's, like, kicking up.


Yeah, it's like an upward. Even on the back. Yeah, for sure. He always catches that back angle or.


Up until he wants to smoke you. Like Yuri. Yeah, like Yuri. He came across and just smoked him. But it wasn't just about touching. He knew he already had him. He almost knocked him out the end of the first. He knew he had him. Yeah, but it's just his. The power that he can generate from no hip at all. He's just slapping you.


He don't have a big. He doesn't really have a tell. It just flicks.


It's crazy because the perfect combination of a guy who has this insane God given power, like, he's got insane one touch of death power, left hook. And then the intelligence to not wind up. It's kind of crazy.




He's just tapping you with it. Tapping you with it. But the thuds are so bad and they're so.


It's such a clean shot. Yeah, it's a clean shot.


I think this is gonna be a. A wild take. I don't think it's gonna be a popular take. I think that Pereira is gonna mix in a takedown. I think. What? Young.


I think against Khalil.


I don't know. Maybe I'm retarded.


It's already been.


Hear me out.


Hear me out.


Yes. He's. I mean, listen, he's. You don't get more confident on the feet than him, but he hangs out with our good friend, the great glover Texera.




And you see him sparring. You see him mixing that shit in? Is he doing it for shits and giggles? Is he doing it to work his cardio, maybe? Or he could be dealing with Khalil Roundtree and say, you know what? Let me show them.


I don't give him a wrinkle just to give him something to think about.


Well, he's got to learn it, right? And he is learning it. And why not just do that, too? If he could just mix that in, how many more strikes would he land, too? Because then if there's a real threat of him.


Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah.


And by the way, how fucking strong is that guy on the ground? Probably. I know.


His hands are probably so big, he.


Just got baseball mitts.


That dude's made out of wood.




To talk to him. He's made out of wood.




What does the comma mean when he says comma means everything?


It means, like, fight means like. Like, fuck. Yeah. Shama, it's cool. When someone says, like, they want to fight, he's like, shama, and you're like, shama, you don't want to hear that from that.


You'd rather hear him talk some shit than hearing Shaman.


He's got the scariest walkout of all time in that octagon waiting for him. And you see that stomp?


Think about.


But think about his come up, man. Like, he had. He was able to come up this year without talking shit.


Yeah. At all.


Like, he.




Yeah. So, like, all these fighters think they got to talk shit to come up. He did it by just stepping up to the plate and fighting and knocking motherfuckers out.


He doesn't even smile.


Into that Easter island thing, too, he'll wear.


Very seriously. He thought him and Jamal were going to be cool with each other. And then Jamal started clowning up, right? And he got angry.


I was really angry. It was a mistake.


You don't want that guy angry. But Jamal liked it, that fight. Like, there was that weird moment where he kicked Jamal in the nuts, you know? Or Jamal kicked him in the nuts, right?




And he waved when he did a little stuff.




Right. He got in the kitchen.


Yeah. But Jamal. I talked to Jamal about that. Like, Jamal called all of us on the broadcast. He was like, yo, and he was like. He stepped on and got the angle, and I couldn't move because Herb Dean was there.


He's definitely right. But we didn't see it, right? I didn't. I didn't see that. All I was thinking is, so there's so much happens, right? A guy gets kicked in nuts, I'm like, oh, shit. Are they gonna. Is he hurt? First question is always, is this gonna fuck the fight up? Like, how long is this gonna be okay? He's got to take a break. Is he gonna be okay? Cause I think, like, every time you get kicked in the nuts, one point. Every time you get eye Pokemon, one point. Cuz even if it's an accident, if you get slammed in your nuts and then you have to go back to fighting too many, you've been affected.


Yeah, no doubt.


Two minutes ago, you couldn't even fight.


Yeah, no doubt.


Now, son, you're supposed to fight full clip against the guy who's trying to kill you, who just cracked you in the nuts. Who's that? Is that you, Dean? Is that you, Matt? Not me.


I'm a professional.


Who is it?


I'm on airplane mode.


Hold on.


Let me see.


I think it's a Eugene. It's his son.


It is me.


Oh, it is. Son of a bitch.


No, I've been listening to you motherfuckers. He's telling me to get an iPhone, and I don't know how to work it.


Button on the top. It should shut it off.




So you can do do not disturb. You know how to do that?


No, I don't know how to do anything.


Look, put it on airplane, open your phone up, and then scroll down. Like, scroll down from the top, and then you can get to airplane.


No, I would rather just turn it off.


Do not disturb. All right. Just turn it off.


Yeah, here we go. I turned it off.


All right, so we're talking about Alex and Jamal. But. So we didn't notice it. We didn't notice it because, okay, he gets kicked in nuts. Like, oh, shit. They stopping the fight. What's going on? So I didn't notice that little hop in he had already did. He already got close.


Yeah, you see, now you got the foot on the outside.


It's brilliant on his part.


But on the flip side, Herb wasn't in Jamal's way. He could definitely have moved, right?


But Jamal did relax. Look, he relaxed legs. He gave him the thumbs up. Are we cool? And it looked like he was trying to touch gloves, so they touched gloves. But he's already way closer than he's ever been before.


But wait.


Most of the fight up until this point was fought with Jamal about a foot per past where they are right now. He was in the outside, and he was touching him from the outside, and that was his game plan. I talked to him on the phone about it. He was explaining me his game plan. Everything was going great.


Who, Jamal?






He had a fucking.


Did he call you, too?


Yeah. Wicked. But he's right, because we didn't notice it. But this is. This is one of those moments where you're like, are they stopping the fight? No. Okay. They're not stopping the fight. Like, I didn't realize any made that.


Right. The little.


That little hop pop he does.




That little hop. Hop is legit, dude. It's. It's a. It's such a good move. Watch it now.




Watch. So Herb moves to him. He's gonna stop the fight. He puts his hand up. Watch this. He touches him. Nope, but look how close he is now. See how close he is now? Yeah, he's a lot closer. Back it up, back it up. So back it up before the nut shot. Now look at the distance now. See the distance? Big difference.


Big. Jamal does fire all first, though, doesn't he watch? He did after he gets kicked?


Yeah, probably.


Let's see who throws the first punch. Jamal throws it first, though, I think.


Does he? Right?


He might be. He's getting a corner. Look at Jamal Ray. Jamal throw.


They throw it the same.


He did, but also looks is coming in.


But he also put his hand on the outside of Jamal's hand to clear the angle for him to throw the left hook over top of it.


And, dude, his left hook that. It's like a shovel hook. Half an uppercut, half a hook, and it's just perfect. Perfect.


All right, maybe he won't shoot on Khalil.


Khalil knocked out. Go, Khan Psaki, man. Dude, he's fucking dangerous.


Yeah, I know. Khalil knocked out my boy Anthony Smith. Had him in slow motion. I was like, damn.


Off speed uppercut he drew. That was slick, dude. He's fucking terrifying.


Khalil roundtree, he came back from Thailand like, a different fighter once. I think once he went over there, like, and was training full time. Like, there was a. I mean, it was a big change in him.


I thought, well, Khalil's, like, had moments in his career where he hasn't been dialed in. You know, there was a few fights where he admittedly, like, wasn't all in, and now he's all in. Like, now he's, like, super focused. Like, the Anthony Smith fight, you're like, holy shit. Like, that's a dangerous contender.


We're gonna find out.


But do you think. Do you think the UFC would want Khalil to be champ? You know what I'm saying? Because they just don't really have, like, that championship thing about him where, like, you go, oh, that's my champ right there. Like, he don't really have that.


Yeah, but nobody does until they do. Or Oliveira didn't have it until he got it right. And Oliveira was a guy that everybody was beating, man.


That's true.


So many guys beat Paul fell, right, right. Chubb Swanson knocked him out for sure. A lot of guys have beat Oliveira. Cause he was cutting too much fucking weight, right. And he just didn't have any energy.


Well, I'm just saying, like, every time you see Khalil roundtree do interviews, he crying and stuff like that. Like, is that the type of guy like, that we really want, man, you don't.


Sensitive guy.


You don't cry, you know?


I'm saying, sometimes the whole.


Nothing wrong with someone who's sensitive who could fuck you up.


No, there's.


I'm not saying there's something wrong? What I'm just saying is that the guy that we want holding the.


Maybe that's what we need in 2024.




As you guys get older, do you get more emotional? You find yourself.


I'm emotional. I'm an emotional guy.


I don't see that.


I'm an emotional.


You guys don't get all emotional.




Let's talk.


We just. We just. We're not toxic. We just don't have a filter.




It's just what actual men are like when there's no one around, when you're bullshitting your boys. Yeah. When there's no one around, they can yell at you.




You know, if we had the same conversation with our wives, you're like, what the fuck are you saying? Are you thinking down the fucking air?




Like, this is what people would be talking about if you were hanging out in your living room.


It's true.


Four buddies hanging out your living. How would you talk?


This is it.


Yeah, for sure.


Just do it in front of the world.


In that case, I don't cry at all.


Yeah, I was just gonna see if.


You do watching chimp crazy.




There's a show. Oh, my God, there's an HBO show. What's Max now? Whatever it is, it's a docuseries about people that own chimpanzees. Dude, can't.


And about that.


It's horrific, man.


Oh, wait, wait, this.


When the Chimps tear people apart, they tear your face.


I know.


They bite your fingers off, pull your dick off. Dude. It was. There's so many moments in that show where you just like, what the fuck? It's just. It's so sad.


Is there anything happening or.


No, no, no. There's nothing happy in this show. There's nothing happening to show. This show is all about what happens when people have pet chimps and the chimps get to be about five years old and they don't want to listen to you anymore because they're a 200 pound fucking super predator.


For real.


They can do whatever they want. Like what they are. They're our closest relatives and they're really fucking smart. And when they get to be like five years old, you can't even put them in a combination lock. They were telling me, because they can figure out the combination. They'll watch you do it. Oh, shit. And then they'll do it. They'll see what you do to get out and then they'll replicate. They're really smart, man. They just can't talk. They're not as smart as people. But they also, they're vindictive and spiteful, and they're angry and jealous.


Fighters. They do that a lot with the wild animals, like the fucking people who own hippos. But the thing about gang thing is.


When they hit, like, five, you just got to keep them in cages all the time. So when they're babies, everybody's hanging around with them. You can bring them to the pizza place. Oh, my God, it's the lady with the chimpanzee. But then they get to be five, and then they rip someone's face off for no fucking reason at all.


What was the Netflix series?


Oh, yeah, chimps. Chimp empire thought that was crazy. Incredible.


Crazy show.


Because that one, these scientists were embedded in this. This group of chimpanzees for 20 years. So these people that, these chimpanzees, their whole lives, they had seen scientists, they had these rules. You have to stay 20 yards away. Don't look them in the eye. No food. You can't have any food anywhere near them. So they gremlins with the chimpanzees. If they decide you have something, you.


Got to see this.


If they decide that you have something they want, there ain't shit you can do about that.


Like, they were. They were fighting, you can, over territory. I mean, you got to see the hierarchy within, you know, their clans or whatever you want to call it. It's a badass. And the guy to have the guy on your show.


Yeah, the guy was. Who produced it.


That's how I heard it.


The show. So good, dude, it's. This is much better than chimp crazy. This is like the opposite of chimp crazy.


Yeah. This is real shit, Jim.


Crazy is sad, but this is amazing. It's amazing because they. They. These chimps are so accustomed to these scientists that they acted completely normal around them, like they were just a part of the. Of nature to them. Because their whole life they had had scientists around. Cameras, right? It was just the thing in the forest. It was just like, that's a different kind of tree or something. As long as you don't have food. If you only don't look them in the eye and don't get any closer than 20 yards, those are the rules. So if the chimps start moving towards you, you move away. Don't look them in the eye. You look away, don't have any fucking food. If you got a candy bar, they'll rip your dick off for that candy bar. They don't have any sense of what's appropriate. They don't you know there's no remorse. They bite each other's hands off. Oh, my God, bro, they're ruthless. And that's our closest relative.


You know what you do? You just get a dog. You don't get a fucking. You don't get a fucking. It's not DJ in the bed type of shit. Get the fuck out of here.


Nobody needs that shit. All that shit you see in those movies, though, those are all young chimps. You can't even train them when they get older. They're not listening to nothing.


Oh, listen, I gotta watch this cleaner movie.


Fucking any which way but loose.




They heard they're still fighting and then it's, you know, guys, there are different. Oh, let's get on the plane and.


Let'S go see the fight.


Dude, they're fighting for fucking 2 hours.


These guys, like across the state and the.


Who's that guy's name? Tank Murdoch.


In the first one, I remember all that shit. Philo Meadow was click.


Yeah, yeah, they had the right turn, Clyde.


It's funny because back then, you would never think that people were actually having bare knuckle fights for money. And now it's on pay per view. Never gonna be bare knuckle box. I'll tell you, man, as a sport, that's crazy. So this is just some backyard shit that people would do. Like this is the. This is the big killer. This is the guy that's like the. The big money champion. He's gonna eventually fight him. He's watching Clint and he steps in to help him and he starts fucking some people up.


Know what real fighting was back.


Yeah. Somebody needs to redo. Well, all those things he did would work. I mean, it's not crazy. He's not doing any, like, jump, split kicks.


I used to like these movies as a kid.


Movies were great.


This movie was great. Clint Eastwood was the fucking man. Yeah, he has the. The best western movie of all time. What's it forgiven?




Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I saw that.


I did see, man, I'm a fan of Tombstone. It would Val Kilmer to that one scene.


That one scene made that whole movie. That one was so intense.


On which one? Unforgiven or I'm your huckleberry. Yeah.


When he's looking, anytime you get.


Get Kurt night. And we did this in a hurry. Text. We talk. We talked about bone, Tom.


That's right.


Oh, yeah.


Now this is all heard about. It came out like, 2015. Yeah, I saw it on Netflix. I thought it was new. And I didn't know, so I started watching it. Holy fuck. What? You see that?


Good one? Yeah.


It's like a western. Horror Indians, almost like predators.


Well, they're completely different. Like a different species of purse. They have these things in their windpipes. Remember? They.


Yeah. Matthew Fox in this. This guy is the guy from lost. He was phenomenal.


Very good.


This movie is. Now I get, like, obsessed with some movie. This is my latest obsession. I fucking love this movie.


I never seen this.


It's a great movie. It's a fun horror movie. And the fact that it didn't get the attention that it deserves, it's just, I think there's too many movies out.


I never heard of this.


That's true.


So many shows, so much stuff.


Everybody's like, have you seen this show?


I love Shogun. I haven't finished it.


There's certain things, like, takes a while to get through. I blew right through Shogun, bro.


I just blew right through Peaky Blinders.


Peaky Blinders. The first season, slow as fuck. Once you get out of the first.


Season, man, it gets hot how good Tom Hardy and Peaky Blindfucker can act, man.


Any act.


He's like, on a totally different level. Like even just everything about it. You buy that eccentric psychopath. You buy it. You buy everything about, like, this guy. He's got rules.


Yeah, but, yeah, he was. He was the man.




No, no, I like. I'll tell you what. I tapped out on the on. And I. And you know me, I like superhero shit. And I. This show, the boys I was in. And there's some good stuff in that show. You ever hear the boys?


I've heard. I haven't watched.


It gets redundant. No, no, but no, this is. We don't want to know what I seen, where I fucking tapped out. Now. You know, in, like, X Men. You ever hear of multiple man? He can make, like, a multiple of himself. Like, other. Yeah, clones of himself. All right, now I'm. Listen, I'm not a prude, okay? I could deal with some sex scenes and some. Some freaky shit, but my thing is this. There's a scene. Now they go, now this. I don't need to see a guy's face in another guy's asshole, even if it's his own body. So multiple man. Oh, this. This little, like, like version of him in his. They go into a sauna, right? And I guess this happens sometimes in gay gyms.


There's a superhero show.


There's a close up of, like, a human centipede. It's a human centipede.


Is that an. Wait a minute.


I know.


They're trying to normalize this exact. This is a bizarre.


This is exactly talking about.


This is an asshole. He's inside an asshole.


So now this guy is. He think they open up the thing and they see that. I hope it was worth it. Was.


It came full size. Full size. And he blew the guy apart.


Yeah, that's like ant man inside someone's asshole.


Yeah, this is not necessary, dude.


That's what I'm saying.


But picture that crazy picture. Let me see that again. I want to see him explode. So what happens? Does he just decide to get bigger.


Sneezes and I guess his ability to control it.


Oh, my God.


There's some good stuff in the show. Yeah. That's gross.


The first few seasons was cool. This past season, they. Scott woke on.




I'm trying to explain that to the cops.


And then multiple, man. He's got pink eye because he had his face in an asshole.


100%. Someone's trying to normalize things like that because that's probably, like every bottom's dream is to actually climb inside a guy's asshole. I just want to be inside of you.


But, Matt, I know exactly you're talking about.


Yeah, that's unnecessary. I would tap out after that. I tapped out on the walking dead when they killed Glenn with the baseball bat.


You know what's fucked up, though? They actually did that in the comic book.


Oh, I'm sure they didn't have to show it to me like that.




I loved Glenn. I saw Glenn at the UFC, and he looked sad, but you made like, that's your character. Your character for all these years. Everybody loves it. And they kill him off with them. Baseball bat. And you're like. And then you. No more. No more show. Bye.




Yeah, we're done with you.


The show with that shit.


Well, it's. You can't keep doing that. All the people are the monsters. You can't keep doing that forever. It gets bored. Figure it out. Find out who the cunts are. Kill them.


What's community shows jump stupid to, you know, like, fucking cobra kai. I like that first season.


How. Why? They're still zombies. They would. They walk 2 miles an hour. You haven't killed.


I know, right? Like, how hard is this to figure out how to kill these things? And they're so easy.


Yeah. All you need is that lady with the sword. Every day, run out, kill 30 of them.


Nobody's gonna be left.


This is crazy. They still run into zombies. Gee, you haven't killed all the zombies. Only five years.


I think there was a spin off with Daryl Dixon I didn't watch.


There's a bunch of spinoffs. There's the LA one too. La spinoff too. It was pretty good. It was fear of the walking dead. Yeah. Oh yeah. That might have been the best.




Yeah, it was really good. Especially in the beginning. It was really good because it was like no one knows what the fuck is going on. But it gave you like a real sense of like dread and fear. Like these people are trapped in the middle of this outbreak and the military moves in and no one gives anybody any answers. Which is really how it would go. Right? That's what the LA one fear of the Walking Dead is much more realistic. This is how it would go. Like the guy waking up in the hospital in the walking dead. The problem with that scene is 28 days later, that's how it starts. Same exact scene, 28 days later. Killian Murphy, also from Peaky Blinders. Right. He's in the hospital and he wakes up. He doesn't know what the fuck happened because he got hit by a car or something like that.




By the way, was he riding a bike? Got hit by a car? I think so. He wakes up, he has no idea what the fuck's going on. And then in getting out of the hospital, he realizes that the world has ended and there's a zombie apocalypse have broken out while he was in a coma.


So they just stole the whole thing out first.


That's a very good question. It's a very good question. What year did the Walking Dead graphic novel come out?




It's a great Thanksgiving. You know those movies, you can't find them on streaming. You can't find 28 days later I'm streaming. That's why I think you can find 28 weeks later. But 28 days later, I don't think you can find. I think you have to buy because I just bought it. I ordered it on DVD and I.


Felt you or you bought. How do you even have a DVD player?


I do. Ask me if I wanted one. I said, yeah, I'll take one of them. And I haven't used it ever. I've been in this house for four years. I never use that fucking DVD player. But I'm gonna use it.


Gonna get broken into to especially.


They look really good, like blue, blueberry, like resolution. Yeah, those DVD's look, it's probably as good or better than streaming.


Hmm. I just don't know anybody with a DVD player that's like VHS.


I don't have that. Oh, I had that for a long time now because I used to get all the pride videos, right? I used to get like, k one video. Weird shit. From Japan from a friend of mine. He would send it all in VHs. When it was the graphic novel, I saw a Reddit discussion that they both. So that for the record, on what? To answer your question, the Walking Dead came out within the same year that the movie came out. But someone noted that they both were taking from another movie that came out in the sixties. Oh, what was that movie? The day of the Triffids.


Ooh, they are the triffids.


That's a zombie movie too. It's on my next. Is that a monster movie or a zombie movie? Zombies or something like that.


Oh, look.


What is it?


After being splashed with triffid poisonous from a stinger, three's recovery is told of an unexpected green meteor shot. What? Yeah, that's some 1976 shit. For the record, I guess 28 days later may have. Or, sorry, walking Dead may have taken from.




Yeah, it's. Well, 28 days later was a lot earlier, right? What year did 28 days later come out? No, it's not saying they came out. It says the comics came out less than a year after. 28 days later was first. And so. Yeah, so 28 days later was first.


This guy just got into Game of Thrones like 20 years later.


I know. I didn't. I never had Max. I just got Max just so I watched that shit. So.


And I like it.


Season two.




I ain't gonna lie. It is good.


Real good.


I liked it so much, I told Dean after the first season I didn't want to wait to the second season. So I got the book and I ended up reading all five and that.




Oh, it's fucking great. I loved it so much. I did it on my iPad, and because of my add, I made the font real big. So it's like two paragraphs. My guy. I'm going, right?


I didn't even know Matt Karid well.


You know, I started with comic books, but I loved it so much. Why just.


Sorry. So why is 28 days later been removed from streaming? Says indeed, Disney lost the rights to the independently financed original film, with them now only owning the rights to searchlight finance sequel 28 weeks later. So. Well, who the fuck owns it? And they what, they don't want to put it on Netflix?


Why wouldn't they?


It's one of the best zombie movies of all time. It is great.


It's great because it's when they weren't slow, they get rabbit.


Could be one of those VPN things. It could be another country. And maybe you sneak around and maybe.


Maybe that was a great movie. And they come. They're coming out with 28 years later. Yeah, they are. Yeah.


Is there anybody left?


Yeah, I think it's that guy, the piggy volley. The guy is left.


What kind of life is that? What kind of life is it? Like, if they. If some fucking Wuhan China lab comes up with some zombie virus and releases it? That sounds crazy, but rabies is real. Yeah, that's exactly what rabies is. Animals that are not, that never want to bite people and turns them into an animal that needs to bite you. They run at you. They're not scared of you. Rats will run at you. Foxes, they run at you when they have rabies.


I thought about that.




Rabies is just zombies.


It is zombie because it kills people before we figured out how to stop it, like. And you have to.


Crazy shots in the stomach.


Shots before you start having symptoms, like they have to find out you got bit and then give you those shots. And it has to happen really quickly, because if you don't, it kills most people.




Rabies kill something like 99% of the people that get it. What? Yeah, it's an old disease. And so one of the things they figured out is that if they slow down everything in your body and put you into a medically induced coma, it gives your body the resources to fight it off. Because your body can fight it off, but it can't fight it off as quick as the virus moves forward. It's a Cr. It's an old virus, man. It's an old. It's a weird.


Oh, that's crazy.


So, like, when you think about what that is, it's a crazy old virus that spreads itself by making its host violent. It is rage. It's that so. So saying that no one would ever do that. These fucking psychopath eggheads that they give these grants to, that do this fucking. This gain of function research shit on viruses, making them more infectious to human beings, do you think they would stop at a corona virus? Why wouldn't they fuck with rabies?


You know? Why would they have rabies, mirab?


You know, I used to say that about Liam Harrison, and, you know, people.


Make it a big thing about, oh, he's got to get him down. He's got to get him down. He didn't get. Listen, he gets him down. He's in trouble, sugar. Sean. But look what he did to Jose Aldo, he didn't get him down too much. And him up against the cage, that all that height is the difference in height, the reach, that's at a disadvantage once he gets a hold of him. So he could beat the shit out of him up against the cage, he doesn't get him down for a round now there's a little less. It's a little less pop and Sean's and fucking his in his punches and strikes. That length is going to be a problem when he closes the distance.




So I gotta ask you, because you know Marab better than anybody here, I'm sure. And from that, like, when I see him now, like, he's just a different animal.


A different animal.


Like a complete different character. Has he always been like this type of character? Like making jokes and always been funny.


And when he first came to us, the English wasn't great at all. I mean, it's not what it is now. He's always been a sweetheart. Just sweetheart.


That's what I thought of him.


Yeah. Imagine having Matt and Ray Longo as your english teachers.


Oh, no, he's funny.


Oh my God, he's always been funny.


Come on.


And Ray, I love you. You know that.


A reality show with you and Ray Longo, my God, cornering fighters and just train fighters, you know, big.


That showed me, you know, it's funny. I just had a moment. I want to thank you, by the way. I just did my own, I'm doing once a week, I'm doing my own podge podcast, geeking out with Matt Serra. Thank you. You're the one who pushed me to do.


Listen. You are a natural.


Thank you though.


We have natural for this.


It's actually. It's out today and the second episode I did, I did one with my buddy Phoenix Carnivale. She's great. We talked about our worst to best X Men movies. This is right up my alley.


Are you doing this on YouTube too? Yes.


It is on Spotify. Yeah. And I did two episodes, one with Phoenix about the X Men movies. And the second one was myself and Ray Long. This is my studio is nine minutes from Longo school and we did our top five gangster movies. That's on our list that. I didn't know this fact until it came out, cuz I don't know why. And people didn't see this movie. Did you ever see State of Grace? Phenomenal.


Yeah, we talked about my wife before.


I did the show. Just the back in my head because I knew it was gonna be on the list and I wondered why so many people didn't see this movie? So fucking the great Ray Longo brought up a great point. It came out the opening weekend as good. Same as Goodfellas. Same opening weekend. That's why it was fucking under the radar. You never seen it.


I never said, I never even heard of it until you just said it.


Right now I remember the west.


Very good movie. Very good.


Yeah, so that's the second episode me and long ago.


So that just maybe that's a good one to remember. I forgot about that data.


Grace is great. Another one on the list that a lot of people, a lot of people seen this because piggy smalls raps about him. Is the king of New York.


Yeah. Great movie.


You ever seen the king of New York? Christmas?




All right, let me ask you this. Does he count? Is that a mob?


You know what? I was thinking about putting it in it, but it is more of a heist.


It's a heist move, but it's organized crime. It is the guy who got out of jail. The, the. It's based on a real dude. The guy who was the De Niro character who got out of jail, that's based on a real dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He did a bunch of robberies, and then he went to jail for a long ass time and got out and did a bunch more robbery.


Was he a mobile dude?


He was organized crime for sure. But it's like, who was he connected to? Was he connected to the mafia? Was he independent? Organized crime? But he was like, super smooth.


Fantastic movie.


Phenomenal movie.


Does american gangster count?


Right. That's a great movie. It's a fucking great movie.


You know, the.


Also based on a real dude.


Yeah, the heat.


The movie the heat. A funny thing about, um, Al Pacino in that movie, he's over the top of it. You know, she's got a. When I seen him, he spoke about his role in that. He goes, what they didn't. When he goes, what influenced him about playing that character is that he. He was. The character was chipping off pieces of cocaine. Like he was like a cokehead. And they kind of took that out of the movie, but that's how he was playing, like, all coked up. And so that kind of, it kind of explains it, like how he was so out of.


So they didn't show it in the movie, but that was how it was written.


He said it was. Yes. That his. He had. He was like a chipping off piece of cocaine.


Did they just edit that out? I have no clue.


But he definitely said it in an interview.


Was it in the movie?


I don't believe you have him do it in the movie. That's why.


Imagine you're doing that. You're doing this all coked up character. He's doing coke, and then they cut out all the coke down there.


Like, everybody's like, what the fuck's wrong with him?


You're playing a drunk.


You were going to remove the alcohol.


It made perfect sense, though, once he said it. He goes. He goes, that's why, you know, I chose some of the choices I made for that character.


If there was no math, what? How much less crime would there be? Oh, 50%.


Yeah, for sure.


How many ridiculous crimes get cooked up while they're on meth? Literally.


Or to get the meth.


Yeah, right.


Meth influence.


Remember that North Hollywood shootout? It was just like the movie.




Body armor. They had, like, fucking big giant machine guns and shit.


They were literally just walking up the street. Blast. And people.


They were roided out of their fucking minds. These dudes are roided out of their minds doing coke. And they robbed this bank in North Hollywood, and the cops boxed them in. They had a shootout on the street.


Oh, yeah.


I was. I was on news radio at the time. We stopped production of the show to watch it on television. Really? Everybody was like, what the fuck is going on? It was so crazy from you. Was it real close? Real close. Like, we. We were in Studio City. North Hollywood's 15 minutes away. Ten minutes away. Real close. The middle of the street footage.


It's crazy. The news footage is.


The footage is crazy. And here's. Here's what's crazy. One of the cops shot one of the dudes and then did not call for ambulance. Did not. And then people were criticizing him that he let the guy bleed out.




Yeah, I remember these fucking crazy liberals. They were criticized because this psychopathic murderer who just robbed a bank, who was gunning down cops because he let them bleed out and didn't get them to an ambulance in time. Shit, yo, exactly. I think we know that guy's guilty.


In 1996, saved the taxpayer.


You can find that, Jamie, because it's crazy to watch, man. It was the best footage on, I'd say, in the middle of the street, dude.


In the middle.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. So these guys were having a shootout with Cubs guys walking down the street. Damn. Just blast.


Like a movie.


Yeah, like a fucking shooting at cops, dude. And this is just one part of it. Sometimes he was ducking behind cars with giant rifles and shit. I mean, they were just armed to the tits.


Oh, they got him.


This is him at the end. So I think at the end he's probably trying to die.


It's a pretty long scene too. Like what? The real, real shit went down.


I forgot how it ends. Oh, we got him with another show. Keeps going because then the other guy comes, so he's trying to die. He's probably already been shot.


This guy's doing little GTA action. Now.


This, it went on for a long time too. And this is back when if something happened, they would. We interrupt General Hospital to show you, bro, this is in the caveman days. I lived in the caveman days. Yeah. What year was this? This is like 97.






Really? Oh, I thought.


See, I don't even remember this.


Yeah, I remember it big time.


Yeah, I do too.


Because it was great. Cuz I have a friend, my friend Justin, he's always said, he goes, dude, let me tell you something. Six armed dudes that know what the fuck they're doing could take over a whole city. I was like, really? He goes, cities are so vulnerable. We're so vulnerable. Six dudes, you know, six. Six operators really know what they're doing.


To take over a whole city.


Got guys like, you used to work for Blackwater. Yeah, come over. Yeah, yeah. He's like, you should be fucking surprised. So when you see something like this happen, it's like, how do they keep these fucking crazy people from like, well, you know, we need to do a better job of finding out where the methods going. I know, you know, you want to trace the illegal aliens, but find out who's bringing in the meth, who's bringing. Where's that fucking method coming in?




They just make it a can make it precursors. They try to lock down most of the drugs for it now, like the Sudafed and shit. Let me go get a license to get that.


Right. That's why these clown, the people that are making that, they're not using that. They're getting real chemicals. They're getting the real precursors. But you have to get them from like China. So they're getting them from China. Cooking it up in Mexico, bringing it across the border. We truck stop, we're driving all night long.


Break it, break. Bad break.


Say Walter White doing that shit.


Great. Another great tv show.


But I've talked about a thousand times. But it. There's a book that we just read. It's called blitzed. This dude, Norman. Oh, her. It's all about the Nazis. They gave them Nazi Smith.


Oh, yeah, there's that scene of Hitler fucking watching the fucking games.


Yeah. But apparently that what they did was they would give it a mess. So they can go three days through Poland, so they could just storm through Poland. And so when they did this, no one thought they could get across the whole country in three days, and you really couldn't unless you didn't sleep. So all they did is gave these guys, and they gave different meth to different doses to different jobs. So, like, if you were in the tanks, they gave you the most meth. You're at the front of the line, so you just, like, yelling in German and just boom, boom, tank.


Fucking movie. I was watching it last night since you said that. A Brad Pitt.


Oh, yeah.


That's fucking pretty badass. John Bernin Thal.


That's about Bertha.


Yeah, he's a good ass.


Great man. He's a good dude. Very interesting guy.


The Punisher.


Yeah. He's very smart.




Genuine thinker. You know, he really thinks. He's like. Sometimes you talk to actors and they're, like, pretending to be a guy that you would want to talk to. Yeah, that's what it feels like when you talk to them. Like they're not really there. But John's, like, right there.


He's also phenomenal in a movie that a lot of people didn't see called shot caller. Oh, fucking great. Oh, basically, Jamie Lannister. I just know Miss Jamie Lannister. He's, you know, he's like a yuppie guy. He's going out to eat with another couple. He goes through a reduced light. He gets to a car accident. Next thing you know, he's facing prison time, and he's like, not a guy you made for prison. Remember that old Tom Hank. Not Tom Hanks. Tom Selleck movie? Innocent man. Yeah, but he really did the accident. Next thing you know, he gets the prison. He doesn't want to be no bitch. And it goes from there, and he becomes a hardcore fucking guy. They call him money, and that's how he ends up. But he didn't start off like that. And.


Oh, man.


Is it a. You know who's in it? Keith, sure.




Yeah. Keith Jardine's a cellmate in there. He's creating it.


Oh, he's a must book for any prison movie.


You could be in that movie easily. You'd be part of that fucking Aryan Hood.


I remember when Keith Jardine beat Chuck Liddell. I was like, yeah, right. That was a big win.


And then he suffered some of the same losses.


Well, the, like, Houston Alexander.


Houston Alexander. One was crazy housing, like smoke slam.


Dumb shit guy.


He did him.


Just had a bare knuckle boxing fight recently.




Houston Alexander, bare knucking bound baron. He's in his fifties. It's either bare knuckle boxing or maybe like celebrity boxing. I forget some kind of boxing thing he just did. But Houston Alexander and his probably was terrifying. Yeah, he was terrifying.


Yeah, he had power. Yeah. Like, if he, like, if he did bare knuckle when he was younger, he would have been perfect for.


Oh, he's built for it. Yeah.


He was a victim of his own success. That's what happened.


Look at that. May 19, 2023. Bare knuckle. He won.


Look at them.


Results be Jerry beat Joey Belly Belcher into Joey Beltran. Yeah. Jeremy Smith. Damn, look at. He's still out there fighting. But he always was in phenomenal shape. Like, that dude was jacked. Yeah, definitely with that Keith Jardine fight. Jardine had him hurt. And so Jardine got a little overzealous and game after him, and Houston Alexander caught him. That was a shocker. Was a name.




And this just upstart, this guy coming out of nowhere. I think he was a radio, didn't he?


I think he really was Sakara after that italian.




Yeah, Kimbo.


But I think he was a radio dj at the time. Radio DJ. Why? He's fucking people up. It's kind of crazy.


It's like you in the barbershop. Dean Thomas.


That's right.


They complain about that fade?


No, ain't no complain about my fate.


You did a nice every week when I still had hair, yo. That's how we became friends, because they brought it on, the ultimate fighter. For. They brought in some chick because they know we, you know, we're not seeing our fiances or girlfriends or anything. We have no women. We got no porn. We're not jerking off in the same rooms. So fucking, they bring in some girl to do our hair code, but. So they brought in some stylists, and she's not giving me a fade. So I'm like, get the fuck out. Dean's like, I got you.


I said I got you, man.


You. Yeah. You know, to look good is to feel good. You probably reason why I won that show.


You can never repay me.


Few of the best season. Are they on now?




That's crazy.


You know what's sad, man? The other day I just did, a camera crew from Toronto came down. They're doing a thing called dark side of the cage, and they want to interview me about war machine. And they came out and I did a thing for that, and I. It's just depressing me. It just. It was just. It just brought me down because that was a kid. Do you know him?


I had him on the podcast when he was.


That's right, when. When he was on the show. There's some guys that are just evil and there's other guys that. I think that if they had the right people around them, they could have made different choices. And that's. He was like a goofy. He had issues. He was emotional. He always felt like the stack was against cards, was stacked against the type of thing, but. But he was still. There was something likable about him on the show. When he was on season six of the Ultimate Fighter, he was like a prankster. He did it up with Decker and fucking the guy's toilet. He was like a silly guy, but I felt that if there was somebody, if he had the right people around him, I think he could have made, obviously, a lot better choices.


But think about that. But that goes for all of us, right? Because we all kind of came from the same shit from back in the day, right? And then me and Matt, we still in the game. Yeah, but then look at guys like him and Phil Barone.


Well, that's the guy who was.


Listen, that you could have too much, you know, you can have too much bravado. You can have too much crazy, and then it'll ruin your life.




And there's like, every fighter has a certain amount of crazy. And some guys keep their crazy charm behind that mask, but some guys, they just can't. The crazy burns them down. It burns down everything around them. And then, you know, you got the CTE, and the CTE comes into play. Then there's a lot of guys that just get real impulsive. They become addicts. They fuck up all relationships. They can't keep their shit together. They're either crying or they're. They're angry.


Some guys that are just bad eggs.


There are guys that are bad eggs. But there are guys for sure that are bad eggs that then get CTE.


No, there's probably both. Yeah, but, like, war machine, the one guy to show up at his trial, to be there for. For him. And again, you show me your friends. You show me who you are. And it was Phil Barone. Now, Phil Brony is not a good guy. I know the guy's from Long island. Million stories about him and, well, isn't.


He in jail right now?


Well, that's what I'm saying, not only did he be there for war machine, he outdid him. You know, his girl in the hospital beat the shit out of her. And now, you know, Brody's in jail for, you know, allegedly, you know, murder. Yeah, murder in Mexico.


Yeah. Puerto Vallarta, I think, you know, it.


Was like a bad one, too. Beating to death.


Oh, yeah. And now that guy. I mean, listen, allegedly. Allegedly, yeah, but it's brutal, man. So I, you know, these guys come, you know, again, but the back to war machine, I don't know, it's. It makes me more like Phil I always knew was a piece of shit, but war machine, I felt, could have been helped. I really do. I mean, it is.




What it's done is done. But I don't know, it depresses me because I thought there was some hope. There was some. You had him on the show. Didn't you think there was something about.


I never would have imagined that he would have done that, right, but I would imagine that he would lose his cool if anybody, like, challenged him. A male. A male. I just never thought that he would.


Do that to a girl, to did that too. I mean, I was shot.


The whole thing's. It's just. Just awful. Every part about is awful.


Press the hell out of me.


And how many guys that are doing this, like, have also experienced that in their life? Like seeing their mother been beaten. Been beaten by their father. Grew up in an abusive household where everybody hits everybody. There's a lot of kids, unfortunately, in this world, that grow up with parents beating the shit out of them and beating the shit out of each other. Yeah. And, you know, if you ever talk to Joe Piper, man. Joe Piper.


Oh, yeah. Oh, my God.


Reason why he's a fucking assassin. Yeah, right. Cause that. That dude's angry.


Angry, angry all the time.


Angry all the time. And he hits like a fucking neutron bomb. He's terrifying.


I was working with him last week when I was with Brady and him, and we were doing elbows, and my wrist still ain't the same right now, bro.


When he banged out barrio, I was like, jesus Christ. I mean, with more seasoning. Jack Della. I mean, Jack Hermans. Yeah, Jack Hermanson fought a beautiful fight. Yeah, he outsmarted him, outsmarted him out, had more time in the game. And Jack's standup has gotten a lot better over the years. He used to be just this wicked grappler, but he can. I mean, he held his own on the feet and won the fight mostly with striking, right?


Yeah, for sure.


I mean, and pace and just not knowing not to empty the gas tank. But Piper is so scary that everybody. He gets everybody out of there so quick.


Pfeiffer is going to be up there with the best of them. Oh, I promise you that.


I believe you 100%. He's terrifying. And like, a dude like that, he needs a fight like that. Just like, put it.


Put him in check. He said, all right, I got a lot more to learn.


Yeah. This you got to learn the gas tank.




How many guys don't learn the gas tank?




You know, that's what's great about Brady the other day.




He knew when to how to pace himself on the gas.


I was more impressed with the stand up.


Thank you. Earlier, it was always grappling, and I'm thinking, this guy, I text and I gotta give.


I gotta give props to John Marquez out in Philly. John Marquez be putting it together. He put in work with them guys.


You can tell he's a good student, too, man. Because every fight you see him. And I think in the Bilal Mohammed fight, early in the fight, he was giving Bilal some trouble standing up, but Bilal just put it, I don't belong. Gets nearly the respect, bro. The way he put it on Leon handled. How the fuck do you not give that guy all the props? He handles everybody standing up, Sean. Standing up. You know? And then when you see what he did to Leon, you're like, good Lord.




It just overwhelmed him. Overwhelming pressure. Yeah, on the feet.


On the feet.


Yeah, the feet. Real fucking dangerous. Never lets you get set.


Hadley back had Leon making excuses about the time change. Put it that way.


Yeah, man. It's a different kind of.


Leonore never. Never found his timing, ever.




And, bro, that guy going to Dagestan was like the ultimate move. Yeah. You get involved with Khabib, especially with his kind of style and his work ethic.




Like, that dude has a work ethic.


Made his. His top control, you know, look death, definitely.


I also think it's good that he didn't get the props because it keeps him. Keeps you fucking 100%. I'll show you bitches.


He's still, like, he still. Yo, he's still like that too many still. He's still hungry, is still down to earth. Like, he ain't get all, you know, high class.


No, no. Well, he's just begun, right? So this is a championship run. He proved everybody wrong. He won the title. Tell everybody. Fuck you. Even though he doesn't even swear, he says fudge. He'll say like, fudge you.


What's wrong with you, man?


You probably cuss crazy, but, like, that guy's just beginning his run, you know? So who know? But that division, who do you think.


They give him next?


I think they give him Kamara. That's what I thought. Smart fight and shop. But they owe Kamaru for Kamaru taking Hamzan on ten days notice.




And also in a three rounder instead of a five when he won the third, right?




So he's got the l, which is if it's going five rounds, maybe he doesn't get it.


I think. I think he doesn't get that.


It looked to me like he was coming on in the third. He had to figure him out. And also he had to trust his gas tank. The guy trained ten days. One of the scariest motherfuckers on earth. On earth. I say you got to give it to Camaro because I think Camaro earned it.


He had the weather, that fucking storm of a first round. You're getting off the couch. Even if you're in great shape, you have to weather something like that. That could get your endurance down already.


And he didn't. He had to know, like what? How much do I have? Like, how do I manage this? But he did manage it. He didn't get stopped. He didn't get finished. And then he comes on and wins the third round. You gotta go. Come on, man. You all have any more years of Kamaru. He's like 37 and he doesn't have.


Time to go on another run.




He's got to be 37.


How old's tomorrow? I say given.


I say give him a shot.


Shot. You know? Not only that, every win he gets, he's a legend. Bigger and bigger legend.




Bigger and bigger legend. 37. See? Give it to him. Give it to Kamara.


Badass knees, too, man. We can't.


Yeah, exactly. I send him every time I find something on stem cells. I said, do you? Yeah, because they're regenerating cartilage now.


No, kid.


Thinking about doing that shit for my. I'm starting to feel my shit shoulders, man.


You should. You should do it. How long you in town for?




What time tomorrow do you leave?


In the morning?


What time in the morning?


I think, like seven or so.


Get you in at 530 stem cells.


I might be able to. Noon. Yeah, yeah. Let me see when we get a Columbia for that. No, no, no. No ways to, well, can do stuff here. They do different things in Colombia. In Colombia, what they could do is they can multiply the stem cells so they can take, take stem cells. They do that in siege. The CPI down Tijuana, that's the place, that's. And they have a whole arrangement with the UFC. They have a partnership with the UFC. CPI is incredible. They're in Tijuana.




My buddy has a spot at home called life Med. They have a deal with the UFC as well. Petrol sky goes there like a bunch of these guys doing that stuff.


Stem cells are absolutely legit.


Yeah, because, I mean, listen, I got a new knee and it's holding up great, but I hear stuff with the shoulders. You're fucked. You can't get soldier surgeries and shit.


It's gonna take some time. It's a complicated joint. But do you do anything to strengthen your shoulders? You do any workouts?


I mean, now, I mean, I do my push ups and I hang from my bar.


Anybody that has shoulder problems, I have no affiliation with these people. Get yourself crossover symmetry bands, get yourself these bands. They're there. They start with like five pounds or something like that. I use a 25 pound one. It's nothing, not a lot of force. And I do a series of exercises just to stabilize my shoulders. A whole series of different things that I do every week no matter what, I do these.


It's just like that thing with the coils back in the day.


It is, but it's like a bungee cord. It's like a cord, like a, you know, a rubber strap that you're pulling on. Different ones have different weights to them so you can start off low, but the whole idea is there's a whole chart that comes with it and shows you all different thing and it just strengthens all the shit that you don't strengthen when you're just lifting weights. Okay, if you're just lifting weights or especially just rolling, how often are you really using those shoulder muscles? You're using everything, right? So are your shoulder muscles getting a good workout or is your cardiovascular system and your legs and your biceps and your back, that can be a good workout, but you're gonna miss some muscle groups. Jiu jitsu misses muscle groups and the only way to like really strengthen joints, I think, is exercise. And I think you got to do weights and bands and a bunch of shit just to protect your joints. That's like that.


Knees over toes, guys you're talking about too, helps to really stabilize the, you know, the connective, the ligaments, all the stabilizers up. And that's the, that's the thing everybody neglects because if you go too heavy, your delt takes over, and your rotator cuffs. Not getting it, so.




You know, this kind of. This kind of stuff is definitely, definitely should be used.


That knees over toes. Guy got a whole shoulder bulletproofing program too, with, like, light dumbbells redoing a bunch of these.


I love his knees.


See, I got to do that because holding pads for people. Oh, it tears your shoulders.


Isn't it crazy how some dudes just have crack? Just have some extra crack.


I'm tight. Joe Piper. Oh, extra crack.


Yeah, for sure.


Crack, for sure.


I wouldn't want to hold pats for that. Dude, you're gonna get carpal tunnel syndrome.


Yeah, and that's what happened to me.


All in one week, you had extra crack.




People. You would catch people, and you'd see this, like, oh, no. Look on their face, like, when you caught GSP. I remember thinking, like, because we already knew by then that you could knock people out with one shot, which was so odd for a jujitsu guy. So, like, everybody had to worry about your ground game, but they always have to worry about being in the pocket because one of those hammers drops in there, you got a real problem on your hands.


I ain't gonna lie. When I fought Matt, I was like, ain't let him hit me with that right hand.


He gonna take me down before that thing. But you didn't have a background in striking as a child, right?


No. My father used to hold pads for me. I had a wooden dummy in my garage. I used to do all wing Chun. Right now, if you're doing Wing Chun as a something to add on, that's fun. But the trapping range, the grappling is right there. Anytime I got into a real fight, I'd start with a chain punch, and I do my double leg.


So I think there's something to it for transitions. I think there's something to having all those moves. Think about how many times you see boxers literally swat a guy's hand down to land a punch.


Oh, the pucks out. Kamara Usman, Jorge Masvidal.


Yes, but by itself, it's shit, of course, but Taekwondo by itself is shit too.


Everything by itself is shit.


Exactly. All those things by the. But I think I knew a dude who was really good at Wing Chun, and he was explaining some things to me and what some of the things that he was showing me. There's. There's certain vulnerabilities if you're inside with someone where they can really easily manipulate your arms back and forth and move your guard around and drop elbows on you. Like Wing. Wing Chun. And then moi Thai. You see some of the muay Thai stuff where guys grab rich elbows. Yeah, there's a lot. That's a lot of wing chunks.


Differences. When you look at two muay Thai guys get into a street fight, it'll probably look something like you're watching them in a muay Thai fight. You put two kung fu masters in there.


Winning guys are dropping Frank a lot.


But I feel the western boxing, like Longo got me, obviously got them. You know, I had to learn on the job, you know, because it's different back in the day because everybody started moving when the UFC came out. Everybody's like, oh, fuck. All the striking. So I was like, I. In my mentality, I'm like, all right, I gotta just close the distance. You can't trade. And then I had to relearn, like, no, no, no. Sometimes you gotta be in the fall and you have to learn those mechanics and. And whatnot.


Well, that's the difference between guys who are pretty good and guys become champions is like this ability to absorb other skills and then implement them at a world class level while you're an adult. Yeah, crazy.


It's not easy to do.


It's very hard to do. And most guys they, like, are always going to be a step behind the guys who started out as a child.


100% more natural to them. Right. A crack. Mark Delagrotti says that you have the hardest kick that he's ever held for.


And that's something.


Pretty hard.


Yeah. Not a lot of people might give.


You that credit for. He said, joe, give him a line if you give him a call. I like Mark Delagrotti. On season four, we didn't have set coaches. He was like an assistant coach, and he gave above and beyond for everybody.




No shout out.


He's a great dude and a great coach. I love training with him. Yeah, he shows. He showed me all kinds of things that tightened up my technique. All kinds of things. All kinds of things. Like, just in transitions, like transitional techniques, like different things to do off of different kicks and shit.


He's still teaching as a school, right?




He still has a school, yeah. What is it called? That's what I was gonna say.




To hurt him.


You try to hurt.


Hurt those arms.


Oh, yeah.


You know, he was letting us hit the pads, take him down, hit on the floor like he beat. Earned his cash on fucking ultimate fight.


He's a man, he's a man. He's a great coach. And, you know, speaks tie fluent.


Does he really? I didn't.


Fluently. Speaks to wild. Yeah, he can go to Thailand. Just talk to people.


No kidding.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's gone. We've got a thai restaurant and he's just orders accent. Yeah, he does. He speaks Thai. He fought in Thailand a bunch.


Yeah, I knew that.


He's an interesting dude. Very interesting dude.


Hey, are we breaking out the smell insults? I am scared.




You should also.


What are they do.


This is the strongest I know. I mean, maybe there's some stronger shit I'm not aware of. But this is a juju mufu. We should give us, like, a discount code. Who's called? Ah, this dude. Juju Mufu. Do you know who he is? I've never heard him.


Power lifter athlete, super athletic.


Crazy athletic, but built like Bobby Lashley. Okay. And do full splits over tables. Like, doing like. So pound overhead squash. Yeah, bro. He's crazy flexible, and he weighs a thong. He's a nut. He's a nut. He's, like, always doing nutty shit for the Internet.


So. The smell of salt to get me looking like that.


No, no, no. I think you need some other things.


Take the smell before you lift that weight.


I'm not gonna smell this enough to shit myself.


Smelling sauce before you go across the border with 15 pounds of steroids.




You have to use the bathroom.


No, no, no. So again, this is a fresh one. The fresh ones are the strongest.


Jesus Christ.


This is so strong that I'm gonna open it. It's a sealed bottle. The bottle sealed. And the bag is sealed. God damn, my hands are sweaty. This. Just smell it. It stinks already. I haven't even opened the bag yet. The bag is still sealed.


Guys are gonna find.


The bag is still sealed. So I'm gonna open this. Just. Okay, smell that. So smell that. Just get a whiff and it's sealed inside the bag.


I get sealed.


Fully sealed. You go. You don't even know what's happening.


This is ammonia.


This is.


Yeah, that's this.


This is where it goes on.


It's bad.


Let's go.


Let's go, Eddie.


Here we go.


Oh, we're going this side, counterclockwise.


Take a dig. Big, deep, deep. Rest a few inches from the nose and just go for it.


That's no Vicks vaporub.


Oh, my God. Rallo probably did it this morning before he woke up.


Yo, man, it's been many, many years.


Wow. So I never get in there. Rollout.


You're. That'll cure snoring for sure.


I stood three, motherfucker.


Yeah, I'm sweating.


What movie is this from?


Blade. Opening superhero movie of all time.


Did you see that poem, Wolverine?


No, but I give it back with this. I cannot fuck with the opening scene in Blade when they all turn to vampires and he thought he was gonna fuck Tracy Lords.


Oh, yeah.


So he's down there hanging out with Tracy Lords, and he doesn't know she's a vampire. And she leads him down in this basement where he sees bodies hanging from meat hooks. He doesn't suck. What the fuck is this place? And then the. The sprinkler starts spraying blood, and everybody turns into a vampire around him, and he's freaking out. He's trying to get out of there.


And she's like, hey, baby, this is a great movie.


He gets his ass kicked, and they're all beating him up, and they're about to kill him. And Wesley Snipe shows up. So is Wesley Snipes back as blade? They're gonna have him back as blade now, right?




Because you haven't seen Wolverine. Should we say they should have brought.


Him back as blade right when he got out of prison?


What, you ain't like. You didn't like sticky fingers?


Here it is. Here it is. This is a scene. Jesus. Like, oh, shit's the day walker. They're like, oh, no. Come on, bro. Any martial arts slash superhero movie ever. Then he fucks everybody up. Of course.


That was great.


So what is. What do people do to smelling salts for?


They do it before they lift.


Yeah, power lifters. Before they take a big lift. A lot.


Oh, just like, one before would have.


This shit in their gym bags, and they bring it with them. And when they're ready to go for.


Something crazy, they want to do some big deadlift.




That's it.


It's got to be good for your sinuses.


Yeah, I was about to say that.


I think it's good for America. I think it's good for everything. We have them at the studio or at the comedy club. Dudes take smell and smells before they go on stage. Really take a hit. Yeah, it's fun. Pass it around the room. And it was like, let me try.


Let me try my wife.




They make those stuff we have at the comedy club, those. Not this strong. This is the strongest one. This one fucks you up. The other ones, you can kind of get in there a little bit.


Yeah, yeah.


You get too close with that one, and it'll burn the inside of your head.


I like it.


I felt that. I felt like. I felt it in my brain.


Brain. You want to get ready to go round to do it? I went round to feel, like, round three. That's what happens with everybody. Everybody, like, they get it and they're like, wow, that was terrible. That was terrible.


Let me do it again.


Threes. You know why?


Make me feel like a crackhead. I do this. He got me into the sixes.


Yeah. I backed off because I was realizing, I think I like these things too much.




Gets the body to hit a little adrenaline.


Oh, really?


That does? Yeah, we're talking about the nicotines, doesn't.


Oh, no, no.


I like the nicotine, so. I like them when I'm having conversations.


What you do to me now?


They're good. I don't think it's bad. I just think you got to be careful. Like, I like to take days off, see if it's freaking me out. So far, no problems.


I'm having fun. It's the trifecta.


Now, I told y'all, whatever y'all doing today, I'm times.


Yeah, I'm good.


This is dying out.


Yeah, if you keep the lid off.


Oh, like it's dying out already.


In between uses.


Keep it.


Well, I think it's. You know, it's probably.


Jesus, how consistent.


Makes your eyes water, Dean.


You do cry. I'm about to pull a khalil raltree on y'all.


No, no, no.


I'm. Khalil, I'm sorry. I just want to tell you I'm.


Sorry, but that is gonna be a wild fight. I'll tell you. That's gonna be a wild fight.


It's gonna be fan friendly, for sure.


Yeah. Khalil is probably never shot takedown. His entire career has, I think. Khalil.


No, he's never shot a takedown in the UFC, ref.


Khalil hits anybody. He can knock you out.


Alex gets hit. You know, I mean, it's.


He does well. He puts himself. He's got that crazy style, man. That style, that snake like style that he has in the hands kind of hold.


Yeah, it's.


Holds his hands right here and just, like, pop up.


You've seen him sparring, right? You've seen some of those videos of his farm, like, really good boxers, man.


He stay in the pocket with him, too.


And that style is hard to handle because it's so weird. Like, that one boxer that he was training with is like, I don't know if he's professional, but he's a big heavyweight, very skillful but everything was, like, real traditional. And then you see Pereira's moving at you like a cobra. Like, it's so hard to figure out what the fuck he's doing. And you're lucky he's not kicking you. You know, he's just punching this dude.


But, hey, like you said, Khalil, if.


He lands, if he lands, everybody goes night.


For sure.


Everybody goes night night. And that guy's fast as fucked.


I know.


And he fights angry.


How old is Pereira?


They're both about the same age, I believe.


34, maybe.


How old is Khalil? I think Pereira's 35, and I think Khalil is probably in that same range. How old's Khalil?




Yeah. So I didn't.


I had no idea. Was that old?


37, but that's like, 34. And fight.


Well, it's very Amazon warrior years, you know, it's like, yo, 34.


Speaking of superhero.


Yeah, he doesn't. He has some damage, though. Some kickboxing fights. He. You know, he. And, you know, the one with the bad one, with Izzy, that was a bad one. That was a bad ko. And that's a weight drain ko, you know? Yeah, definitely ko at 85, and just Izzy caught him with that perfect right hand.


Well, I asked when guys. Guys that fight, like. Like Roy Jones. Amazing, but an amazing athlete. He was so much faster than everybody fought with. He could keep his hands down and still never get hit. But when he started to slow down, everybody knocked him out. So I'm. That's why I asked how old prayer was, because I'm like, maybe when he slows a bit and the hands are down, that's when starts to get pushed.


I think this is my opinion. With. With Roy, what happened was he went up and he fought John Ruiz, and then he went down tar.


I don't think he was.


He was not the same, I think. And I don't know, but I would imagine if you want to get really.


Big, what do you do?


There's not a lot of ways to get really big. How do you want to. How do you go from 168 to 200 pounds? How do you do that? Well, you lift some weights, and you get a little help. You got some friends. So then you have to get off of that, and then you have to drop 25 pounds from your body so your body's fully acclimated to this new frame. That's a hard cut. And he looks. If you look at the way he looked, pre Tarver fight. Like, if you go back and watch him fight like James Tony when he was in his prime, you watch him fight like, some. Some of the better fights of his career, like the Vinnie Pasiens fight, where he didn't get hit with one punch.


He was so nasty.


But he was also shredded. Yeah, he was shredded. And he looked, like, hard.


Like he had the most rock defined.


Bicep twice as big as his.




So. But when you see him after the Tarver fight, he looks way more smooth. I think that cut was hard, man. I think that cut was hard. And then he probably got off whatever he got on for sure.


And then your system's not working right.


And if you don't have a good doctor and you do this with Jim Bros.


Right, next thing you know, you're in a shitty matrix.


Sequels didn't have any HCG.


And all of a sudden, remember the granddaddy Johnson? One Glenn Johnson.


Man, I felt bad for him after.


He was getting worse.




That was a bad one. And that was off the Tarver fight.




And so you see, like, all of a sudden, this dude just can't take a shot anymore. And Glenn Johnson, who was one of those unheralded, dangerous dudes that could really kind of beat anybody, that crazy clamshell.


Who was the boy that knocked him out in Australia?


I don't know. Didn't knock him out. Right.


But he shut him out, though.


He shut him out.


Kawasaki would just throw volume.


Yeah. Yeah, for sure. He. Roy Jones. Roy Jones. He was in his face like Roy Jones.


Yeah. If you. If you fought the Roy Jones that James Tony had a fight, then. Yeah.


That's it. That's not happening.


One of the purest power punchers was Julian Jackson.


Oh, my God.




The Hulk. Oh. Oh, my God.


You know, Kevin. Kevin Holland's coach works what? Used to work with him.






They're, like, really good friends.


That guy savage.


That guy had power.


Play. That play. The Terry Norris fight. Julian Jackson. Terry. Danny Green in Australia.


Yeah. Danny Green. Danny Green. Yeah.


Yo, do. I'm gonna use the head real quick. You don't have to say, you know, my ass.


Terry Norrison. Julie. Julian Jackson. Terry Norris.


Right. Dude, you just do.


Yeah, Julie.


This one highlights.


This one's terrifying. This one's terrifying.


Well, terrifying. Norris. That poor guy.


Yeah, he's. He's in real.


Nobody had more one punch power than.


No, no. Short punches, too.


Just block off. I used to love him.




Orland Norris. He's good, too.


Oh, they were. Yeah. His brother was a heavyweight, and he was a 47, remember? 47 and 54. Right. But watch this. Julian Jackson ko. It's so crazy because it's like he just shut him off. He hit, he hit.


And Terry Norris was a killer.


Oh, this is a prime Terry Norris is a prime Terry Norris. This is a dangerous Terry Norris here. But he just catches him. Watch this. Okay, so that was the first one. So you heard him with that left hand, but he catches him with the right hand and just freezes him. Oh my God. I mean, my haircut, like one punch.


Fighter I know was just.


Some guys just like to say, look, I'm stalking.


I would be terrified. I would be terrified if that guy was stalking me like that.


It's just he knows all he has to do is get you once and every time he hits you, you know it too, cuz you like, oh shit.




This is fucking terrifying. Oh, so he's already softened him up in there?


Oh man, he took two more either.


I know he took two more. He was out on his feet, bro. And those were wind up ones. The last two he took were wind up ones. Julian Jackson was terrifying and Gerald McClellan.


Had his number. Like, I felt so bad for him, like because he got slept so fast in those fights.


No, Jeremy McClellan was a 75 pounder.


Oh, they fought twice.


Jeremy McClelland fought Terry Norris, Julian Jackson. Oh, oh, that's right. But that's when Julian went up. Right? So was Julian a middleweight at this time?


I believe so.


I mean, the crazy thing is like, I didn't know that because Gerald McClelland and Julian Jackson were at the same weight class.


Yeah, they wound up fighting twice. I was at one of the fights.


McClellan though was like 175 though, right?


The MGM.


McClellan was so dangerous, man, my first.


Live boxing card I ever went to was in Vegas at the MGM and it was all rematches. It was a Jesse James, Lejan, Azuma Nelson. Yeah, I think it was Simon Brown and Vincent Petway. It was Julian Jackson and Gerald McClellan. And it was Julio Cesar Chavez and Frankie Randall.


What weight is this at? What weight is this at? Because I know they were trying to set up middleweight. Crazy. So that's, that's, so that's before. Well, they were talking about a Roy Jones junior fight and I think he.


Was really struggling big time.


Yeah, because Gerald McClellan was really struggling to make weight.


Gerald took his belt and then they rematched and he slept him like.


And so the Nigel Ben fight, that was middleweight as well.


Nigel Ben, man, he, that was the.


One that ended his career.


Joe McClellan. Yeah, dude, he was. I mean, in my opinion, there was a lot of rabbit punching, and he wound up having a blood clot in the back of his head.


Well, there's also. There was a nasty headbutt in that fight, too. But it's also Nigel Ben came back from that first round, which. Oh, look at that ko. Oh, my God. Goodness.


And in the rematch, he sleeps and fast.


Oh, my goodness.


What is going on with his hair?


It was also what they did back.


But I mean, it's like that and like the little sides.


You need him. Oh, my God. Gerald McClelland just coming after you for the kill. Terrifying. That's it. Are they going to let him count?


He just had. He had his number, man, beat him both times.


Well, he was one of the scariest punchers of all time.


Yeah, both.


But he's another guy who tried to empty the gas tank with Nigel Ben that first round. And Ben survived. Then he winds up having that brain bleed. That's. That's one of the scariest ones ever, man, because. Is this the rematch? Okay, let's watch this execution. I remember this.


I was at this one.


This was in Vegas.


Yeah, MgM.


Well, once Gerald McClellan knew that he could put it on you, it's like his power was just so nuts for that weight class. But I always wanted to know, like, what is he really way? He's like one of those Benavidez guys. Like, when you get in there, what do you really weigh? Because he. He really struggled with the weight cut. And that's one. Oh, my God. Right?


He gets him early.


Teeing off, dude. Teeing off. That shot to the body. My goodness.


He can't even look up.


He's not even chance to get off.


Just getting executed. Every shot's got murder on it. Oh, that left to the body. Oh, my goodness. The power in these fucking punches, man, just overwhelmed.


Liver shot.


They're giving him a standing eight. Isn't it crazy? Standing eight count is kind of nuts.


This dumbest rule ever.


It's kind of nuts because 8 seconds.


To clear your head and get Ma.


Is the way to do it. It really is.


Well, you remember when Shudo used to do standing eight counts?


Mm hmm.


Yeah, back in the day.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. What do you think about red cards or yellow cards?


I think they should bring them back.


What would you bring them back for? Stalling.






Yeah. That's probably about the only thing you should bring them back for. Stalling, like, hanging. Hanging out too long. Like, hey, man, get to work.


I sleep. There was a submission and, like, pride. And they, the referee be like, what do you say, Sean?


Was it catch, catch, catch.


Yeah, yeah. When someone caught something. Yeah.


What do you guys think of a Ortega and Lopez?


That's a good fight.


I think Lopez won't get him.


I mean, Lopez went through a roller coaster ride his last fight.


I know.


Imagine that you got three different opponents. You got three different weight classes. Everything's changing. Well, you got two different opponents, right. But a bunch of different weight classes. And then Ortega can't make it. And so Ortega steps out and then he winds up fighting Danny gay on like 40 minutes notice.




Dan's just chilling that day.


Like something. I didn't know about that, but I was watching, DC was actually talking about this and he said that E. Gay had been training for five or six weeks. Obviously he took the fight on like a two hour call. They said Lopez had only been training for three weeks. He got tired in the fight and everybody's thinking he's got a bad gas tank.


We had a cut weight too.


It's what I'm saying.


He cut weight to 45.


Yes. He had three weeks of training weight up and down everywhere and they thought it 60 and he was able to pull it out.


Didn't they fight it?


Yeah, it was same day when.


Yes. It's crazy. And that was just really, like, no one should be cutting weight, kids.


Right. Like at this point, like, if you make the fight happen, just letheme show up.


I think what they really should do, they really should do is just find out what you fucking actually weigh and just stop fighting. Nonsense. It should be looked at the same way steroids are looked at. It should be looked at the same way all other kind of cheating is looked at. It's sanctioned cheating. It is not really with you.


Just whatever you weigh, just fight there.


Exactly. And more options for weight classes.


Do you think same day weigh ins would change it?


But it would get more guys hurt.


I mean, they say hydration stuff.


This is the reason why McClellan. One of the things they say about head injuries and death in boxing, the vast majority of them don't take place at heavyweight. So the guys who hit the hardest are not the guys who are getting these like horrible brain injuries where they get dead in the ring because they're not cutting weight, they're not cutting weight. And the guys who die a lot like the duck ku Kim's like, if you look at the guys who die.


A lot of never the same after.


How could you be? You killed I guy, right? A lot of those guys that are dying are dying. In the weight classes, where they cut a lot of weight.


Well, I mean, you're right. So, like. Like Sean Brady and Gilbert burns over.


The weekend, like, there ain't no way Sean Brady's 170.


That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. Like, just let them fight it 20 minutes. Let them fight at 190, right? They walk into the cage at 190. They should just be fighting at one.


Should be fighting at 190. And this way, they both agree to. To it. You know, you can't get any heavier than 194, whatever. But you. We know what you weigh. Like, let's just make sure. Yeah, fuck all this weight cutting. It's just cheating if. And also the fucking drama of seeing if a guy dehydrated himself enough 24 hours before a cage fight is somehow another interesting to people where Daniel Cormier's pushing down on that towel. Remember that shit. And if you don't have ridiculous. Jon Jones and Daniel Cormier were both fucking killers. Let them eat.


Yeah, let him.


Let him hydrate themselves. Fuck all this weighing in. You know what you weigh? Figure out what you wave when you make the contract.


Yeah. And then just what it is.


That's your way. And. And be loose about it. But, guys, a pound over a pound under, who gives a fuck? Well, how about dehydrate yourself?


How about what they did, the Mikey Musa mechi situation? Well, I mean, he was going up in wait to fight Kade Ratolo. So he went up to 170, and then like, a couple days, like a week before, they're like, no, you got to go back down to 135k. Ratolo is outsource, and he's the champion. And they treated him like this, and they're like, you got to go back down and cut 30 pounds. He gets sick cutting 30 pounds.


Well, he almost died.


And then they took his belt.


That's fucked up.


Wait a minute for me.


Missing weight.


Wait a minute. Really?


Yes. That's what I'm saying. Like, they, like, one totally fucked him.


I didn't hear that.


Yes, they took his belt.


I saw, man, I saw an article.


When he's in the hospital for trying to do you a favor.


Exactly my point exactly.


I was shocked, because that's really not what they're supposed to be about.


Gonna make this fucking guy fight after him.


They had a statement.


Or after he's cutting 30 pounds. How are you making him do that? He's cutting 30 pounds and three days. What's their statement? One speaks out. Okay, what do they say? After recent events, we feel it is necessary to provide additional context on Mikey Misumichi's withdrawal from the 168 Denver card. Sid Yotong and Musumechi said of Musumechy, Mikey was obviously put in a difficult spot when Kade Rotolo withdrew due to injury. When that happened, we worked closely with him and his team on a new opponent. Competing at flyweight was something that he personally requested as he felt confident that he could make the hydrated limit of 135 pounds for a world title defense. This is not something we pushed to him to do on short notice or would have ever demanded of a one athlete, given how much we prioritize fighter safety. After Mikey failed weight and hydration tests on Thursday, he requested an opponent submission grappling contest against Roberto Oliveira, and we continued to work with him to try to keep him on the cards. He ultimately felt it was his best interest to withdraw from the contest and we are honoring that. This writing is uncertain when Musumetchi will return to one or who will compete for the now vacant belt.


Musameci was diagnosed with phenomena media stenum pneumo. Mediastinum, a rare condition which air leaks from a part of the lung. Oh, jesus.




How do you. How do you fucking strip a guy when he winds up in the hospital? Like, they didn't fight, right?




That doesn't make any sense. Like, imagine if Alex is fighting Khalil roundtree and in making weight, he winds up in the hospital and the fights canceled. He doesn't lose his belt.


Well, in this organization it does.


That's crazy. That's crazy.


See, another reason why weight cutting should be nonsense.


It's nonsense. It's terrible.


They're always gonna fucking do it, though.


Yeah, but you know what, man? I think it's a part of the culture that can be eradicated. I don't think it's impossible to eradicate it. That's like saying, oh, they can always do steroids. Well, USADA came along and they fixed that, right? You know, and now drug free sport, they fixed it. It's like most of these athletes are pretty clean. There might be a few instances of questionable behavior. Perhaps a trip to a foreign land is difficult to get to.


You're right. For the most part. It is most part because we've seen like, deteriorations of performance, because guys have had to clean up.


The Uber eam era was the best era when it was just. It was an IQ test.


I was just looking at pictures of him today versus Uber Eam. And it's pretty crazy.


How he looks down.


Yeah, yeah.


Now he's like. He's on a vegan diet, and he's all spiritual.




Yeah. Alistair's, like, real thin now. Yeah.


What is it? He's maybe, what, 200 pounds?


Yeah, he's. He's. He's thinner than he was when he was five fighting. That's a weird picture. It's hard to tell from that picture. I could find he looked bigger than the other ones. Well, you mean he's still a big fan?


They have, like, side by sides of him then and now.


It's hard to tell in that picture. He's always gonna be a big guy. You know, he's a massive man. But, you know, when he fought Brock Lesnar, he was just a freak of science.




He was the freakiest of all freaks. If you just let that dude juice it up like that. That guy back in the day.




He was the most dangerous because those kickboxing skills were top notch.


How about v tour?


When he was on baby, baby traps.


Up to his ears.


I know. He had them turtle shells.


Robbed us of the real uber him. Like, if Uber him could have stayed Uber. Yeah, could have stayed Uber and just continued at 265 when he fought rock. Baby, baby, baby. He'd still be champion. Skills. His kickboxing skills were super legit. I think I was a K one grand Prix champion, that super legit kickboxing skills.


And he wasn't a bad rapper, neither. Had a good guillotine.


Yeah. He won the Abu Dhabi trials in Europe.




Yeah, no, he's legit. And, man, that fucking. The kickboxing, though. Oh, it's funny how, you know, you look back on those days, like, especially the juicy days, and you wonder, like, what would the world look like now if we were under the same sort of protocols? There were. There were under. Then if there was no real. To forget about the TRT days, because that was. Everybody lost their fucking mind. That was crazy. You're allowing guys to juice up. That was crazy. But when there was just tests at the weigh ins. Yeah, that's a different thing. Just testing at the weigh in.




No randoms, right?


Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's for sure.


Iv's are fine. That's the old days.


That is true.


It is rough to get hydrated back up, though, without.


Yeah, I don't like. What was the explanation for that? Use it to mask.


Yeah. Apparently there's some ways that you can mask. You just over flood your system with fluids and include all the traces of whatever metabolites would be in there. I guess that, you know, there's probably a window where it would get back in your urine.


Hard to get hydrated.


Yeah, that was kind of my point because it kind of takes away from safety.


But I guess, bro, they shouldn't be doing that. They shouldn't be dehydrating themselves.


But they are.


I know, but. But it seems like, you know, this. I actually said this to the guys that bought the UFC. When I was talking to Ari about it, I was like, dude, this is the first thing you should do. Figure out a way to get rid of the weight glasses as they are. Like, whoever is a champion in that, keep them as champion. Let them defend the belt at what they actually weigh. You gotta this weight cuttings the most. The thing is gonna fuck us more than anything is just somebody gets really badly hurt because they had a really bad weight cut. Like, you know, guys have kidney failure, for sure.


You lose all the water around your brain. How many weights?


Weight limit. I mean, weight classes, more weight classes.


You need a weight class. I think you need one every ten pounds. But I think we should be a little bit looser on, like, what a person weighs. I think you should make a contractual obligation to, like, fight each other. You find out what a person weighs. He weighs. His natural weight is 175. Do you want to fight him? Your natural weight is 169. You agree that you can't get any higher than 176? Are you cool with that? Yeah. Okay.


I'm cool with that.


That's, like, total. You don't have to think at all about cutting weight at all. And so the day before the fight, instead of almost dying, you're filling yourself up with carbs and nutrients. You're relaxing. You're going to have a better performance. It's better for the sport. It's better for the healthy, the athletes. Athletes. It's more representation of what a real 155 pound guy looks like, because you see those guys and they get in there, and they're 180. Like trickus.




That is not a 185 pound man. He's fucking massive.


Maybe they need to weigh in the day they're signing a contract to see where both of them are. That way. Shenanigans.


They need to hydrate you, too. Dudes will fuck around.


They'll still cut away.


So if we have a hydration thing, like, say, if you're going to compete, you need to be in shape in your fighting weight, and then we're going to weigh you in, and we're going to check your water levels, we're going to check your hydration. Okay. This is what you actually weigh. You weigh 182 pounds in your prime. Ready to go. Okay? So this is what you guys are contractually obligated to stay in this range. So you can't get any higher than 183 or 184. You just give them, like, a two pound. Nobody's. I have to dig a shit.


No one's going to be saying their real weight to begin with.


Fucking hydrate test.


Yeah, they test.


So if they show up, you say to a guy like, look, we're going to show up. We're going to test you at the weight that you're going to fight at. So you can't get any higher than this. And we're going to make sure that you're not dehydrated. So we're going to check you to make sure that you're not fucking around, like, pretending that you're 182 pounds. Really? 200 new dehydrated stuff for the last 4 hours. Let's find out what you really weigh.


What they do, like, Maryland for, like, high school wrestling before the season, the kids have to get the electric, you know, body composition.




And it sees what they weigh. It sees where their body fat percentage is. And it says, you can't go no lower than this. So they basically dictate to that.


They should do a little bit more. They should do blood. They should do blood hydration levels. They should check your urine. They should.


I think that would cost a lot for. They should just go system to do it.


Well, I. No, not school systems. What school system is doing is great. I mean, for the UFC, they just need to be sure. Don't let anybody fuck around. Like, he showed up at 196. You still want to take the fight? Like, what the fuck? It's 182. What are we doing?




Well, 96.


The problem is the UFC has the ability to do this. No other organization would have the ability to do it.


That's what I'm saying.


That's the problem, is it? And the UFC obviously could do it, like, at the PI, like, every year. This is what we do. But no other or, like, regional level organizations wouldn't be able to do it. So it'd be a little tougher.


I heard. Doesn't California do some kind, like, Andy Foster do some kind of hydration testing there for athletes?


I think he has a limit on how much you can gain. I think he has a percentage.


Yeah, North Carolina does that, too. They have a.


Then you're just making sure the guys dehydrated because guys are knuckleheads. They're going to dehydrate themselves anyway to have that size advantage. Especially guy like McClellan, who's think he's going to take you out in the first round anyway. And they're size bullies.




You should find out what you fucking really weigh and fight at what you really weigh at. It shouldn't be the ultimate weight cutting championship.


Better for your chin not to be.




Better for the longevity, better for the health of your physical body. That is literally your weapon, for sure. Yes, for everything. Recovery, performance, there'd be better fights.


I like the PI. That's pretty. That's a good.


Yeah, look, it can be done, because if it wasn't and then all of a sudden people started doing it, it would be something people would call out if nobody ever cut weight. And then all of a sudden, everybody started cutting weight. Everybody. What the fuck is this shit? You're not 170 pounds. This is a lie, right? How are you the 170 pound champion when you weigh 200 pounds? That's crazy.


My wife hates that. That's her biggest peeve with MMA, is weight cutting. She's like, that's not even fair, you know?


Well, it is fair because you're both doing it, but it's not right.




It's tweeners, though, stupid.


It's bad for everybody.


155 was brutal for me to make. And 165, that would have been great for me.


That's what I'm saying.


170. I was. I was small for one.


So all you need is ten pounds. Every ten pounds we go. 170 goes to 107. 58595, 205, maybe 225, and then it's super big as the fucking guy is. I don't like this 265 bullshit, either. When was last time you weighed 265?


I mean, actually, right now.


You were. How big were you?


Three oh five.


Damn. So you would have to lose a fuck load of weight. You'd have to lose 40 fucking pounds. That's crazy.


Yeah. Now that's.


That's crazy. That's so hard to do. Like, when you got a guy like Ngannou, there's a natural 265, which is nuts. Like, he falls right there, right? Like, right in the hot zone. Zone. Like a natural, shredded 265. But that's what he really weighs.


I mean, obvious, you can see it.


He's not cutting weight right away. Weight.




What's the weight? Do they have the same shit in Bella or PFL?


I think they have a super heavyweight. Anybody has an active super heavyweight division in MMA that I'm aware of. No. No big organization. I don't think PFL has it Japan.


Really was the only place to put on the crazy freak shows. Steroids.


No. Let a guy fight a gorilla. Gabby Garcia fight. Housewives.


Took on all kinds of giants.


Crack. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that guy. Remember that time we had a boxing match against some football player? Somebody let some poor football player have a boxing match with Butterbean. It might have been a celebrity boxing match. And Butterbean knocked him into another dimension.


He's a tough man, bro.


He was, what do they used to call him? The king of the four rounds.


450 fucking pounds. Four rounds.


So he could go out there and windmill.


What a goddamn nightmare that guy was. You could hit anything on him.


He's. He was doing horribly.


He's like 150 sweaters on. You're not gonna hurt him.


Like 150 sweaters. And that other guy looks natural.




It's gotta be Japan.


Who is that?


Yeah, who's he fighting there?


Many's leg kicking. This guy Royster.


Also, this is a kickboxing match.


When I was at my heaviest. I kind of look like, is this a football player?


I have no idea that in that's just. Oh, well, it might have been. It might be a football player. Trained MMA. Marcus Royster. I could look. Oh, nice to eat the body.


He's big. He's big enough.


We see if you could find. There was a boxing match that he had against some. Some football player. Dude.


Dude. Poor Butterbean. That guy was. Couldn't walk, couldn't anything.


But now he's fucked up.


Oh, celebrity boxing. That's probably it. Yeah, these.


I'm Paige brought it. Like really did another brought him back, man. Shout out the DDP. Such a positive guy. Yeah, like put him up in the house. Feeding them all that.


Everybody such a good.


You should like, it's something. See, like he really brought him back. Butterbean couldn't even be inverse.


This poor dude. This poor dude got shot into another dimension.


Oh, he looks like.


He looks like he's getting shot and.


Deserves it for that fucking stick.


This is one of them guys that, you know, somebody should have told them like, this is a bad idea. Eventually this fucking crazy looking dude is gonna catch you. One of these meat bombs gonna hit.


You right in your porn stash.




There's a thing about winning with a porn stash, you know? But you get ko'd with a porn stash on people, they don't feel sympathetic to you. They should. You stupid ass with that mustache. See if you can find out where this ends. Yeah.


Butterbean, right? Come on. This is a highlight. Whoever they. This is a clickbait on us.


Oh, so does it. Does he stop them here?


Maybe goes the distance.


The guy that I saw him. Oh, there. Oh, Mandy, good.


Yeah, yeah.




He could punch, dude. He could punch. It was just crazy to watch a guy who's only willing to fight four rounds.


King of the four rounders is awesome.


He's used to that tough, man. Shit. I was 18.


There's a place for everything, right? Like. Like the bare knuckle thing. Like, we were talking about Mike Perry before.




Started doing this. That. That's the perfect spot for that. Dude. He should have told Jake. Paul, listen, we need to fight, but let's do bare knuckle.


Yeah, let's go this, you do that.


You know, different thing, man. It's a different thing with that guy.


Well, it's like Matt always has play to your strengths.


Yeah, but, you know, you got to take that payday. I mean, what did he make out of that fight? He probably made $10 million.




And Jake Paul's very smart, man. Like, he gets guys that he's. He's bigger than another boxer. His size was Tom Fury, and he lost. Tom Fury, good.


Tommy Fury.


Very good fight. Very good fight. You know, I think he's like any other young, up and coming boxer. It's just everybody dismisses him because he's a youtuber for sure.


It's easy to dismiss him. But I was there when he knocked out Tyron, and I was like, man, I'm done with this kid. I never wanted to corner another fight in my life, man. I was like, yo, he just knocked my boy flat out on his face, man. It was. I was heartbroken, bro.


He has power, his real power.


And that's why, like, everybody's talking about this Mike Tyson thing. I was like, mandy, they should not be letting this thing happen.


I really hope he doesn't knock Mike Tyson out.


To me.


I'll just be real bummed out to see Mike get ko. 58 years old, 60 base.


What other sport are we where we let a 58 year old man compete other than golf?




But, you know, like, why are we letting this happen?


It's kind of crazy, but he's made for it, man.


Like, he's made.


Mike is.


Yeah, I mean, it's.


Listen, I'm.


Dude, he's perfectly capable of knocking him out.


He is perfectly capable. If he zigs when he should have zagged, if Mike can close the distance in a way that he doesn't expect. And Mike also has layers upon layers of attacks that are, in his mind. He's forgotten more about boxing than Jake Paul has ever remembered.


It's just how quickly can it happen? Because how much gas is a guy like that going to have?


How has he feel now? He might have been excited when he said he was wanting to do it, but how's he feel now? You got months and months and months of this.


I just want to see some wearing on him mitts.


Does he dismiss the. Does he wish he didn't say yes to it? How's his health houses back?


How's he seems to be having fun when he's promoting it? Yeah, he seems to be.


It's probably on mushrooms, bro.


And it's also risk first reward. Like, if he loses. He's also almost 60. If he wins. Fuck, man. That's another great.


He's a monster. Look at the, at the end of the day, Mike Tyson's a monster. And if he can get that monster to just move in and close the door distance, and if he uncorks all boom boom on Jake Paul and watch Jake Paul going to queer street, that will be wild. To watch a 58 year old Mike would be case scenario for the world. Someone gets hurt.


Yeah. Best case scenario for the world is that he knocks Jake Paul out.


Yeah. Best case scenario is Jake Paul realizes immediately he's in there with Mike Tyson. That Mike Tyson, at least for a round or two, first time he gets cracked, it's gonna.


I guarantee his head's gonna be like.


Oh, it's gonna be interesting to see what happens.


How many rounds is it?


I think it's eight, eight two minute.


Rounds that are two minutes.


Yeah, they're doing two minute rounds and I think they have better. Do they have ten ounce gloves or twelve ounce gloves?


Jamie, better. The two minute rounds.


Yeah, I think they're making them have slightly bigger gloves which announce 14oz. That's so sparring.


Yeah. And it's not sanctioned, right? It can't be sanctioned.


It's sanctioned.


It's sanctioned. How do you sanction that?


Texas. Yeehaw. My wife was driving home one day, she saw a zebra.


Same place, has more time.


I go, she goes, this is zebra. Loose. I go, welcome to Texas, baby. A zebra. Yeah, you can have a zebra here.


They got a few tigers here, right?


More joint.


There's more tigers in captivity in Texas, in private collections than in all of the wide of earth. Yes, that's true.


Tigers getting loose in people's yards.


They fence them in, bro.


So how many of these tigers like.


Their tiger, tiger, tiger there's thousands of tigers in private collections in Texas.




Bro, this is a crazy place. It's a crazy place.


Oh, it's so tight with the weed.


They gotta bail on that there. Also tight with fentanyl tests, which is even crazier. Escaped tiger that had Texas communities on edge finally caught. Oh, yeah, that was around Houston. Bengal tiger was on loose for nearly a week.


Jesus, what was it eating?


That's. That's Houston. That's. So you got all that oil money down there in Houston and that's where dudes have their own tigers.


That's what I like about New York. You just got to worry about some raccoons and shit.


There's a guy in New York that had a fucking tiger in his house in Harlem.




Yeah, there's a photograph, a famous photograph of these cops. See if you find that photo, Jamie. The cops are looking through the foot right there, looking through the window. This guy had a tiger in his fucking apartment. Oh, my God, bro, how insane is that photo?


Was the guy in there? Was he eaten?


I don't think the guy got killed. I think they just found out the guy had a tiger in there and they had to go in and dart him. Then they had to drag him out of there and take him to crazy. Yeah, the dude had a 450 pound cat in his fucking apartment.


Like, how do you clean up after that?


Not well.


Get a big lit up.


First of all, that thing's gonna piss everywhere.


I know.


They mark their territory by pissing on things.


They got a smell.


They would have even. That guy was just tigered out. He was all in.


Regular cat urine's bad enough.


Tiger tigers just pissing on your walls. What are you gonna do? Tell it. Don't do that. You hit it with a fucking newspaper.


Is he in jail still?


Yeah, still in jail. I had the people who did the documentary on yesterday.


That thing was crazy, though, with that. Killing himself by accident crazy, anybody? First of all, that dead fuck. I mean, first of all, you don't find more white trash than that. But fucking, you know what's chimp?


Crazy? Crazy. They take it to the next level.


Yeah, I'm not watching that.


I am gonna watch that, bro.


It's nuts. It's nuts. It's fucking nutty, man. Who? The people's desire to have these things that could kill them. It's so strange.


I'll just watch the new planet the apes movie. That king came out.


Is that supposed to be good? What's out now?


From what I seen, those aren't bad.


How's that alien movie? Do you see that?


The new one?


No, I heard it's good. Really? Yeah, it's real good. I heard it's scary as fuck. I heard it, like, goes back to, like, the first alien where they're, like, hard to find. It's scary. After a while, they were everywhere and you just shoot them.




You know, like the first one. You couldn't even find that fucker sneaking around.


Aliena Blood.


Yeah, he was.


Aliens was phenomenal. Aliens was such a great sequel to Alien because it was a different take on it. And then the space. The marine. Space marines and fucking newt and fucking Hicks. Hicks was great. Hudson was good. Hudson was fucking great. Bill Pax.


Oh, yeah, good movie.


It was a totally different kind of movie.




So you got Ridley Scott does the first alien suspense, and you got the suspenseful, terrifying thing, and people start coming up missing, and, you know, it's fucking hiding in the ceiling.


Tom Everett's gonna be the hero, right? And then also he gets taken out. You're like, wait, wait, what? Oh, it's gonna be Sigourney. She's the hero.


She was the first male or female lead of a monster movie, action movie, where you didn't go, oh, they're pushing a woman on me.


You believe.


Yes, yes.


You believe that this lady scientist got stuck in this fucking spaceship with a demon.


Oh, this is great.


Oh, that movie's so good. Aliens is good, but alien is better? No, because it's hard to kill aliens. They're shooting them left and right. They're all over the place. In the people. In aliens, alien one would have been done in five minutes, like. But in this one, they kill so many of them until they get to the mother. And then when the mother doesn't kill her, when she's wearing the robots suit, I'm like, shut the fuck up, bitch.


But I like what? She's like, get away from her.


The first one, in the first, know what was going on. In the second one, they were prepared for what they were coming up against.


The thing is, there's too much exposed. I don't buy it. If she's in a robot thing where she's completely encased, okay, but she's just all out. This is a giant. A alien. How is that thing not gonna fucking moves way quicker than people? How's that? I'm gonna fuck you up instantaneously with your stupid ass slow robot.


Moments. In that, though, that movie, when they're like, when they barricade themselves in the. In the. In the. In the one room, and they're like. They have the monitor, and they're like. They threw the wall. That's. That's inside the room. It can't be inside the room also. They look up, and he put. And then you see hicks. He looks. He pushes up the tile, and you see them all crawling in the fire. That was fucking money.


What a great movie. It's a great movie. It's just a different kind of movie. You know, I was.


I was hoping they would have got more into, like, the engineers, like, when they did that Prometheus. That they would have got into those people, but they really. It wasn't much of the movie.


Prometheus was good, but the one after Prometheus was better. What was that one? Jeremy was the last one with Kenny.


McBride in it, right?




That ended fucked up.


Covenant. Yeah. It wasn't Jussie Smollett in that one too? This one's good. Please tell me this is another. No, man. He's in there. He's in the spaceship. He's working the controls. This is.


Oh, there's a real good one.


This one's fucking good. This is. This one's really good. And again, the aliens in this one, they're hard to get a hold.


Hold on.


Is that Michael Fassbender?




Yes. So these are the things that gets me here. Little spores get inside you from that egg. It's a good one, man. This is a really good one.




When these dudes start shaking. When it gets them.




It's fucking great. That's a good one. Yeah, I. But I heard the new one is really good, too. I think the new ones. Really? Scott too, as well. Right?


And he's doing a new. Is he doing a new gladiator? Really?


Did he do the new goddamn.


I mean. I know.


Oh, yeah.


I can't wait.


Yeah, I'm on the fence with that. I'm on the fence with it.




I don't know.


I don't know. I mean, looks like he's like. I don't know. Is he talking, like, New York slang? Denzel, on the fucking thing.


No, man.


Oh, did. People said something about his accent, right? What is the accent that people have an issue with? That's what I hear. Denzel. Let's hear his accent.


Where were you born?


I don't know.


Never knew a mother nor a father.


You will be my instrument. Who are you?




Sound like a regular dude. Yeah, they want to have a british accent. They always want people when they're speaking another language is translated English. They always want them to have a british accent.


I know, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter where. It's Rome.


Isn't that weird? Everyone talks in a different way. Yeah, yeah, it's weird. It is kind of.


This is an I India. I mean, you know, I'm saying no matter where it is, they want to have a british accent.


This is in Rome. This is in Italy.




Why would they. Why do they talk like this? But there's something about, like, hearing regular modern English.




Old timey movie. Like.


Nah, no, like, you don't buy it now.


You need an accent. Like Tyrion Lannister.




People in Game of Thrones, they all had an english accent. Did they speak. Yeah. Accent back then or did that. That's a good question. I don't think they speak Latin. I don't think these people were speaking Latin.


Were they in Rome? They may have been.


Were they speaking Italian or were they speaking Latin? They would have been speaking Latin back then. Okay, but here's the question. The reason why I asked this, when Martin Luther was translating the Bible in the 15 hundreds or the 14 hundreds, whenever that was the reason why the Bible was, the priests would be the only one that could tell you the word of God because they're the only one who could read Latin. So no one spoke Latin. No one read Latin, couldn't read it. So these people didn't know what was in the Bible until Martin Luther. He translated into phonetic languages, translated, I think, German and a couple other languages. It got eventually translated too. So then people could read the Bible for themselves, whereas before it was just Latin. So when did Latin die off? When did they stop using Latin?




Because Latin's a weird one. Like, you learn it in school, but you're never gonna fucking use it in school. They spoke Latin and Greek. Like, when did Latin go? Isn't it crazy? So the roman empire, they spoke a language that's dead. It's a dead language, which is 476.


That's probably.


People stopped speaking it, but priests probably still knew because of everything was right. So there it is. After the fall of Roman 476 AD, Latin began to die out and distinct local Latin dialects developed. Wow. So these dialects eventually evolved to modern Romance language like Italian and Spanish, which is crazy. That means those languages are only 500 fucking years old. That's nuts.


But if you see a movie about it, it was English with an english accent, right? Yes.


Crazy that those languages, like Italian, is only like 500 years old. Who the fuck would have guessed there's.


A lot of similarities between Spanish and Italian.


Oh yeah, they all. Well, Texas is way bigger than all those places, you know, which is nuts. Like Europe. When you look at America, it's basically like Europe. Right, but we don't call it different countries. Right, but Kentucky is so much different than Los Angeles. You know, maybe 1500 years old, not 500. Oh, that's right, 20.


Yeah, and none of us caught that either.


You're just seeing it. You're seeing it, saying it. Okay, so I'm sorry. 1500 years still languages developing that you would think they're older than that.


Did you guys ever watch. And I watched it more than once. I watched it like at least a few times. This the series Rome on HBO.


I have the box.


You ever see that?


It's only two seasons.


They. They crammed it into two seasons.


Budget was high.


Budget was super high at the time. And it is a fucking great series.


It is very pullio.


Oh, they're badass. Oh my God.


It's supposedly that guys real. Such a great show who they watch.


It holds up.


I never heard anything about it.


You should watch this where this is his name, Ray Stevens.


I highly recommend.


Played the punisher too.


And since he was what put him on and the other guy, Lucius is phenomenal.


I want to say that Lucius was based that on a real guy.


Listen, it is. It is so great. And even if you go into YouTube and watch Lucius and Titus just being badass or Titus Puglio being badass, is this. Oh my God, it's a good series. Such a great series.


No shit about it. That's amazing. Good watch.


It's all just finished.


The Peaky Blinders. Yeah.


You go through this, it's only two seasons. And again, I revisited a lot.


Have you been to room?


You know, me and my wife, she's waiting for my stomach to get better. Fucking gork up my ass, cuz I'm.


Not gonna just go. Yeah, you can.


And I heard you can eat the food over there and it's not as bad for you.


Not nervous. Wait, well, we've got some weird shit going on, on with our food, that's for sure. You can eat pasta over there. You feel normal? No, I definitely feel fine. They don't have so good.


They don't have poison in their foods over there.


We, you know, fruit loops in America are different than fruit loops in fucking Canada because we put so many different dirty chemicals, we allow all those funky dyes that are horrible for you. And european countries, they're like, no, that's just that shit's poison. We're like, give it to the kids, right? Give it to the babies. Give the babies the poisonous.


Loaded with sugar.


I plan loaded with sugar. But we never know. When we were kids. No, we were told just all it did was rot your teeth. No big deal, right?


So that shit, that's what it felt like.


Yeah. You didn't think it was gonna kill you?


I grew up on that shit.


I take frosted frakes and put sugar. Remember those days?


And if I had no milk, I had Kool aid in there, water in it.


I remember. Remember Travis Luther?




Guys are like, too smart. They're all good. I remember I'm eating raisins in there, and I'm. And he's eating fucking kit Kats and he's like, sugar, sugar. I got. I don't think it works like that. I'm not a rock. I'm far from a fucking nutritionist. But I don't think, you know, there.


Is something to be said for drinking things that have a high sugar content after hard training. That's fact. And you know who used to do that? Floyd Mayweather. Floyd Mayweather used to be having these crazy workouts, and he would crack open a Pepsi and people were like, what the fuck is he doing? Like, he's crazy, but no, he's not. He's smart. Like, you. As hard as that guy worked out replenishing, you're getting that muscle glycogen in a crazy way that you're really not going to get any other way. Like, I don't recommend drinking soda. I like it. It's fun. I like to drink a soda every now and then. A real one. But he used to drink it after training.


Well, that's what, like, Paul Felder does. Like, after, like, a long bike ride.




He would talk about, like, drinking a soda.




The best times to do it are, like they say, either when you wake up just because you're fasted, or after a big workout. They're the safest times.


Yeah. I mean, he's there drinking a coke, and you would think, like, there's no way this guy, he treats his body like a temple, but he does. He's smart. That guy did it the right way. Never drank.




Never partied, never was out of shape, never got fat. Would run home from the club at 02:00 in the morning in his jeans.




Just fucking getting in words. He got all the mistakes.




He's like, I'm not making any of these.


Yeah. He was built different, too. Like, he's smarter. Yes, smarter than everybody.


And also, I can't knock everybody out, but I can get everybody to want me to get knocked out. And so people come to see me get knocked down. I beat everybody. That's right. Yep.


I mean, he's definitely the greatest defensive fighter of all time.


If boxing is hit and doesn't get and don't get hit, who's better than Floyd? Zero people. Who, how many people cracked him in his career? Yeah, right. Shane cracked him.


I mean, that's chop chop. DeMarcus corally crack.


Cracked him once.


And then Conor McGregor Madonna.


Fight was pretty.


Knocked his tooth out and then would carry it around on a necklace. My Donna has Floyd Mayweather's tooth. Show it, Jamie Madonna has. Floyd may not know that, like, on a gold necklace.


A lot of people thought my Donna won the first one, but think about that.


Like, if he cracked, he definitely cracked him at the end of that round and wobbled him. And then it was right at the bell. And so then Floyd got back on his bike and started out boxing him. But my Donna seat. There it is. There's his tooth. See, there it is. He's got knocked out and he keeps it around. He keeps around his fucking.


Think about how good defensively you have to be that we can count how many times you've been cracked.


Amazing. Yeah, amazing. But also could recover. Yeah, recover. He just had a lot of hand injuries.


How do you find his tooth in that motherfucker? So he's like probably telling his.


In the fight, it flies out of his mouth and one of the corner men saw it and grabbed it.




Yeah, that's great. Great. That's hilarious.




Like, we need that. That's second fire.


He, Floyd got the rat the the ring bigger, and he just destroyed him in the second one because he had more room to run. The first one, my Donna was kept getting him on the ropes, getting him on the ropes and beating him up.


Well, if you're gonna have a rematch with a master technician, he's gonna figure.


Out all your little shot caller. So did you see how big the ring is?


And super lack in one. Fc.


I didn't see that, no.


What is that? Dude, Superlak is this badass muay Thai fighter, and he fought Jonathan Hagerty, who.


Was the that when he hit him with the elbow. Yeah, yeah, I heard about that. Yeah.


But I saw an interesting breakdown here. It is so haggard. Look at this. He caught him with that over top elbow, like, real quick in the fight, I think was like 40 seconds. Beautiful. Ko. So they had a real good fight in the first fight, it was six years ago and he became the champion. And everybody thought, you know, like, this can be much different fight. But what I saw that was interesting was someone broke down. There was a video breakdown of his, tells that Hagerty has a certain hop, hop and then he goes in and then Superleck had timed it and he tried it earlier in the round and didn't catch it. And in this one, look at this. Perfect timing.


Gets his head off the center line, Freddie.


Oh, my God. Elbow. This is the thing that I love that one FC is doing. I don't love what they did to Mikey Moose. Imagine. But what I love what they're doing is they're having world class muay Thai fighters and they're putting them in these giant cards where like tens of thousands of people. So millions of people are gonna see it around the world on Amazon and it's on the Internet. So all these people are gonna be able to see it on YouTube and it's exposing people to these guys that are just like super high level strikers that you're not gonna hear about 200 fights, like rotting. Who would have heard of rotting if it wasn't for one? For sure, right now everybody knows who.




That fucking elbow reminded me. It just brought me back to Weidman versus Mark Muniz.


That's the fucking elbow. Exactly.


That fight, I think, was what inspired Chris Padilla to use the elbow against Ron Zoo over the weekend.


Really? Yeah.


And busted his eye wide open. They stopped the fight because that's interesting.




Incredible. This is prime timing on that.


He was.


Wideman was a motherfucker, dude. He was a motherfucker.


Look at his elbows.


So clean.




Ready? Bang.


White man timing.


Yeah, Chris. He's fighting on soon.


Eric Anderson.


What is that?


That's a medicine.


Square garden, November 16. Who?


That's a crazy fight.


Yeah, I don't see. Chris is in South Carolina now. I don't see. We don't see him so much. South Carolina, Chris. Now we go.


Is he training with wonder boy who's training with down there? Is he lived.


He's got like his own people with like Brian Barbarina. They got a decent little squad down there from what I hear.


Well, he was throwing kicks in the last fight. Yeah, throwing hard kicks. That right?


Like, I can't watch it.


It's crazy.


I can't.


I can't watch it.


But it seemed like he was trying to prove a point. Like.


He'S such a nut. He's such a beast.


Chris White, man, that last fight was a bummer, though. The eye poke thing was a real bummer.


It kind of made it.


Yeah, it took away from it a lot you wanted.


It was a bummer. I feel like I keep saying it, but I feel like they should cover those fingertips. There's no reason why they're exposed. Doesn't make any sense. Do it like a bad glove. Cover it like a bad glove.


I mean, I just don't understand why, like, how they thought this was going to solve the problem. They were like, new gloves and this guys are still getting poked in eye.


Yeah. It's still the same setup.




You know, if you really want, like, I feel like for. If you're going to have the fingerless ones. Trevor. Witness. Trevor Whitman's are the best.


They curve down, right? Yeah.


Your hands stay in this position. Like, you have to struggle to do this.




Your hand naturally goes in this position. The UFC gloves are still like this.


Yeah. Like, how did they think that was going to be the answer?


You got to cover the fingers. There's no reason to not cover the fingers like a bad glove. Just have a piece of leather that goes over the fingertips. So you have one thing. It's not going to invade your grappling. It's not going to change your striking. It's not going to change any piece.


Of elastic in there.


Yeah, just keep it closed. And this way, you. At least if you get poked in the eye, you're getting a full thing like this. You're not getting something that goes into your eyeball. Right. So have them all covered with something like. And have, like, a ridge over the top of it, like a soft foam ridge. So even if you're getting poked in the eyes, you're not definitely better than a family. You're not getting an individual thing going deep into your eyeball with a fingernail, which is what people get right now. And so get fucking fingernails.


Yeah. Dirty ass fingernail in your eyeball.


Even if you trim your nails like, my nails are trimmed, I wouldn't want that in my asshole.


Let me look at me today.


Imagine if that's in your asshole.




Scratching around inside your asshole. Right. When your eyeball is just like the boys.


That's worse than little ants, man.


My head went straight there, of course. Scarred.


That's where I was going with it. It's like soft tissue in your eyeballs is the scariest soft tissue, where we're allowing fingernails to go in there for no reason. You could fix that. You really could fix that by just covering the tips of the fingertips.


I think you should just use Trevor Whitman's glove.


Trevor Whitman's gloves. The best.


Yeah, I do, too.


You're always gonna have thumbs, you know. You remember Roberto Durant? Davey Moore?




Thumbed him right near right.


Do you want them to use the Trevor Whitman gloves because you feel bad about taking his fucking job?


Well, listen, I can't help the job, so he could work on them gloves, so you might as well give the love.


Whitman has the best gloves.




He has the best training gloves. Yes.


All his equipment is top.


It's top. He's just. He uses the best materials. Like, the foam he uses is very different. It's like super high tech density foam. It feels better when you're hitting things. I think would protect people from hand injuries better.




So they should talk to him.


They did. Apparently, he wanted some crazy amount of money that the UFC wasn't willing. That's UFC's perspective. I don't know what Trevor. I love Trevor, but I'm a big fan of his stuff. If I. If it was up to me, I would figure out a way to make that work.


Yeah, for sure.


But, you know, apparently, he wanted, like, something crazy. Yeah.


Not only that.


Nobody dresses better.


Yeah, I got to, man, because, like, I'm working with y'all, you know, Joe Rogan, DC, and now I got. I gotta have my own thing.


You have a flair.




Your own Dean Thomas flair.


Yeah, I got. I got to show up somehow.


He showed up.


Hey, there's some good fights on this car this weekend, you know?


I know.


Bob undes is a bad motherfucker.


He is a bad motherfucker.


That's about Monday. Yeah, that's. That's an interesting fight on the undercard.


Let's see.


He's fighting Manuel Torres, who's also good. Yeah, that's a good fight, man. That's a real good fight.




That's one of them under the radar fights.


They put people in here to, like, the throw most of this course, people like the who manual.


Torres fight is, like, last fight he beat. He beat the hell out of somebody last night.


He did Baja Mondays. Throw some wild shit.


Oh, yeah. Chris Duncan. Yeah. He busted Chris Duncan. Yeah.


Yeah. This is. That's going to be an interesting fight, but for me, go scroll all the way up to the top, Jamie. No, no, no. The. The end of the card. I'm very, very interested in the rematch of Alexa Grasso and Valentina.


Yes. Me too.


I felt like Valentina did enough to get the nod in the second fight.


Did too.


I felt like she and some judge gave the last round, Alexa Grasso, ten eight, two points, which I thought was kind of.


Well, you know.


Yeah, she had.


Because he had her in the choke.




Like, he was just kind of biased from the first choke, right. So he thought I was close enough.


It was kind of close, but it wasn't, you know, I mean, it means something if you're gonna do that. You should do that all the time. Anytime someone gets you in a choke and you defend, that's a ten nine already. You already got a ten nine. Anything more than that, now it's ten eight. You know, like. Like boxmen with knockdowns, right? The scoring is too subjective.


Ten eight round is more like when Aljamain had yan on his back the entire round, threatening. You know what I'm saying?


Smashing them, getting it at the end.


Of the round, doesn't earn two points.


Right? A ten eight is a dominant round. You, like, you dominated the whole round.


And I don't even. Did they give aljermain two point. Like, I don't even think he got ten for that.


All I know is poor, I don't know. Didn't get the respect he deserves after that Calvin Kader fight, which was a fucking beautiful masterpiece. It was a. It was a great fight.


I think Al Joe is just a 45 er who was a bad motherfucker at 35. But I think we'll see the real Al Joe 45.


I think so, too. I think he's gonna beat old boy in a couple weeks.


He's so big, man. I was always like, how, though? I saw him in between fights.


He's gonna beat mosquito starting a couple weeks.


Interesting fight.


High level grappling.




Interested? Very. Back when he got Sandhagen's back, bro, that was the quickness.


Hell, yeah.


That rear naked choke of his is about as good as it gets in MMA right now. These top three fights gonna be crazy. That's gonna be fucking crazy.


How do you think? Or take like, what happened to Ortega last time where he pulled out like.


Something was up with supposedly gonna cut or something.


Yeah. Real bad. Oh, yeah, he got real because they.


Made that fight on. Like I said, it was a three week notice fight.


Look good the day of the weigh ins, you know, I do the interviews with fighters. I did an interview with him and he was like. He just looked tired. Yeah, I think he just. I mean, he didn't make weight that fight either. Remember, it was a medical with y'all. So he missed a weight. And then on top of that, like, they changed the weight class. And on top of that, he never makes it to the, he was sick.


It's gonna be a wild fight.


Diego Lopez is a fucking assassin.


Zell Hubert is an assassin too.


I was getting ready.




Who do you like, who do you like going, that one I heard old cejudo talking about. Ribovic apparently trains at his gym. And.


Very good. This is a very fun fight. Very fun fight. There's a lot of, like, under the radar fights on this card.


I think it's going to live up to it. I mean, they got a lot of hype on the fear and, like, the names may not be there, but all these guys are bangers.


Here's the question. Do they, you know, how they show, like, on the big screens, you get to see the fights if you're in the stands? Like, so you could see things that maybe you don't see. Are they gonna have it on the whole ceiling?


That's what I look it up and.


Seeing, you know, like, so I've been, I was at the apex all week last week. And, like, it's so secretive.


Like, everybody, I think they should have the fight on the whole ceiling and then everybody would not know where to look.




It'd be getting knockouts and people wouldn't even be looking at them.




Because if you. It's way cooler. It's only gonna do it once. Have the shit on this.


It's gonna be two production trucks. Like, the people, like, people at home aren't gonna be seeing the whole visual because, you know, it's produced for, that's.


A very, apparently they got, apparently got, like, they hired another director.


Like, yeah.


So it's like, yeah. Like, it's just been like, crazy smart.


Which they are. They should make some kind of documentary or something about the making of this show.


They probably, you know what I mean?


And, and so people get to try to see what was going on inside of there that weren't able to get tickets.


I think there's six mini movies that play about the history of combat, sports.


Data, something like that.


Yeah. That's crazy.


Crazy. Say he spent $20 million on this fucking place. Nuts.


I think what the, but original budget was ten and they just went over to.


So Sean O'Malley and Marab is a perfect fight for it.


Oh, yeah.


I know that neither one of them is Mexican, but let that go for a little bit.


Mexico. They adopted Marab.


He fights like a Mexican. He really does. God damn, that guy's. Gas tank is terrifying. He's terrifying because that's a guy that if you empty out early on Marab, you got real problems. No doubt.


I got a chin on him.


He survived.


Apparently so.


He fucking. The Marlin Marlin fight was nuts, man.




And the second half of the round, he got dropped in. He beat him to death.


Beat him to death. I know.


He almost got on top.


That's why the second round happened. How it did. He just beat. He took it out of him in the first round.


Yeah, but Rob is an animal. But Marise was like a front runner like no other.


No, you're right.


First round with Henry Cejudo, I thought, hey, Henry Sudo is going to sleep.


Yeah, right.


Dude, when. When Marlin was in his prime, when he was. When he knocked out Aljo with that switch kick, bro, he was terrifying. People forgot how good.


Marlon Marlin, he was good, good.


But he is too big for the weight class too. He was another guy. There's no way that was healthy, right? He was so big for 35 and just shredded.


Explosive, man.




He had that Mickey Mouse voice to go with fireplug with that little voice.


What Arlene had that was so tricky was that left high kick off the front leg.


He caught a lot of people.


He did it so slick. It was so fast.


Yeah, he was explosive. He was accurate. He was well rounded. But he did the gas tank. I think maybe for making the weight.


Or whatever it had to do with. There was psychological aspects to it too. I think there was like something when he was the nail, it wasn't as, you know, he just didn't stand up. He wasn't like Marab. Like Marab finds a fucking eye. There's a Georgia memory in there of some fucking street fight with a goat. There's some deep memory of some fucking chaotic thing on a mountain that happened that's in his brain forever.


You know, you got Sean O'Malley saying that he has goat. Sean O'Malley says he has no losses. He points out that Cheeto vera thing, that it's a fluke. If you look at Maraab's record, that fight with Frankie Sighs was a fucking. I don't say it often. It's a fucking robbery if you watch that. And he was just getting over fucking. What do you have? Not in the morning, he had something. He had lingering effects or something. And he still went through that fight. He. I don't give a fuck. Watch that fight. He won that fight. And then the other one, which would, uh. Simone. Ricky Simone. It was controversial because he was in the choke and the round ended. And then he was like, half in, half out. And they're like, oh, he's out. And then. So it was a weird.


I haven't seen that. Let me see that, mom. I forgot about.


He's shaken to the end of it, and then when it's end of it, it's like out, but in and out. So it's like. It was a weird. But he made it to the house.


Yan Xiao non against Zhang Weili. Remember at the end of the round, she was out cold. Oh, yeah. Unconscious. But he won because he was the first guy to wake up. Yeah. So here it is. Ricky Simone gets him in a guillotine.


And is the very.


Oh, my God, that's so nasty. Look how nasty that is.


It's on.


That's so tight. It's so tight. He's out. He's out. Right?


He's out. The arms hang, but he doesn't stop shaking.


Okay, so he's hanging in there. He's hanging in there.


But where's the second stuff?


He's not tapping. God damn, that guy's got willpower, huh?


For real.


He's not tapping. He's not defending with his arms either. This is crazy. He's not even defending with his arms. He's just using, using his neck.


He's gave him the thumbs up.




10 seconds.


He's still moving his legs.


I mean, that's the horn.


But now he's like.


He's breathing.




What the fuck? They stopped the fight.


No, no, no. You can't say he's out there.


That's what I'm saying.


Can't say.


Rest in peace, Doctor Sherry, right?


That was the team Doctor Walken.


Yeah. That's kind of crazy.


That's fucked up. After the fight was over.


Yeah, they. After the round was over, they decided he was out.


Yeah. So, I mean, so look. You could look at his record immediately.


He was just laying there with his eyes open and it looked like he was out because he was fucking exhausted. Yeah.


Like, you could be like a side.


There's no way he would have known if the guy says it's over and he immediately protests. There's no way he could have known to protest if he wasn't awake.


And who was the ref? I don't even recognize him in this.


So it's like you could look at his record and be like, yo, this guy hasn't lost the fight.


Yeah, there's some, you know, refs are human.


That's a no.


So it's like a bad one.


And if you look at the fight before that, but that's the robbery of Frankie. Sigh. So you could literally look at this guy and say, he never lost. I mean, if you want to.


I think all these moments of adversity just strengthened his resolve anyway, because the guy's a monster now. The Henry Cejudo fight was so crazy. When he was carrying Henry Cejudo like a little kid with his tongue hanging out, I was like, this is mad.


It was kind of embarrassing, but he felt bad for Henry.


Henry. He wasn't just doing it to some guy who didn't belong in the cage with him. He's doing it to a two division world champion who's Olympic gold medalist in wrestling, and he's carrying around like a pillow, and he walks over to Mark.




And then he's talking shit while he's choking him.


He was having a great old time when he had him in that ten finger guillotine, bro. That's a nasty shit. I thought he was gonna get him there with that. Like, that's a nasty choke.


Yeah, I think he's gonna have his night.


I think the craziest moment like that, though, was when Hamzat picked up the leech.


Give me tighter shots.


I killed him all. He's like, carrying him. Just carrying him over to Dana, and he starts fucking him up right in front of Dana. That. That dude's wild for leech, though.


Like, Leech can't get. I mean, they just feed him to every Carlos protest.


Smoking cigarettes in the locker room. Everybody up.


Striking was beautiful.


He's good.


He need that look easy, man.


He's very, very, very good. That guy's scary.


Where the fuck did he come from?


The fighting nerds right here. Yeah, fighting nerds, man. They got a great team. But this guy, he's just a fucking killer, man. Carlos just knows how to put it on you. This knee to the body, man, was so nasty. Oh, oh, see the knee to the body before that? They didn't have that in that video. Well, he had him hurt before this, but he's just fucking accurate, dude.


He's a limbs dude.


There's some good fighters coming up, man. These kids that are coming up, they come into the cage so much better than guys just five years ago. So much better.


Getting so much help from the UFC prior.




You know, like, especially, like, if you have, like, the PI behind you, like, like in Mexico. They're, like, sponsoring these guys. Yeah, they're sponsoring these guys.


There's so many videos to watch now. Yeah, that's a big factor because, like, when you were coming up, you had vhs tape. What the fuck you gonna watch? Nobody got a chance to see anything you didn't really get unless you saw them in your gym. You didn't get a chance to see, like, real high level stuff. And now guys, they have a standard in their head that's way higher than everybody's standard from 1015. It is true.


Yeah, no doubt about that.


Come in so well rounded off.


And plus they start so much younger.


Oh, yeah.


And kids, you know, the UFC is boosted, you know, wrestling in high schools and junior leagues and things. So these, they're just more complete. Like they're, they're growing up now. Complete martial artists, you know, there's no secrets anymore.


I remember back in the day, we'd be like, this is a new move.


Don't show anybody the calf kicks. Only a few years old. That's what's best. Bank said he won his whole career without kicked in the cap.


Me too. Thank God. I'm glad that wasn't around.


Did everybody miss that?


I know, right?


Benson Henderson used to throw it. He did use it, but he never had the kind of results that these guys are having. It was. It's different.


Where did it come from? Like, I.


They've always done it. It just wasn't done that often. Because guys check it, never. If they check it and they turn out and you catch it on your foot. I think they do it a lot more in Muay Thai now, though, because I think everybody would make sense when effectiveness one a lot in glory. You see it now a lot. Guys throwing it a lot, man. It's so effective.


Well, you know, it's weird. Like in karate combat, like, you can't throw it to the thigh. Like, it has to be a calf kick.


That's ridiculous.


Yeah, it's weird to me. I'm like, what? It has to be a cafe.


That's really.


What do you mean, you can't throw it to the thigh?


You can't. It's illegal to kick above the knee.




Karate combat?


That's ridiculous.


What's the matter with that point of karate?


Yeah, that literally makes no sense. Yeah, because what about kyokushin? What about ones where they kick the legs all the time? That's karate, too.


Not sure why.


You know, take out some of the best karate from karate.


Not sure why that's a rule.


But you can ground and pound for like 10 seconds or something.


You ground a pound until you stop?


Oh, yeah.


You can ground and pound until you stop, and then you break it up.


Leg kick.


Right. But you can't kick to the side.


That seems crazy.




That doesn't make sense. What's your feeling on that sidekick to the knee? Like what khalil did to modestae?


Hate it.


No, I don't hate it. I love it.


I hate it.


You hate it?


Yeah. I think it does nothing but damage a fighter. Like people say, oh, you can knee bar. Well, you can tap to a knee bar. You can't tap to that kick, and if kick lands, you're done.


Can't tap to a head kick either.


Yeah, I mean, whatever. You go to sleep. You go to sleep. That's different to me, but some head.


Kicks are probably worse than getting knee kicked, you know? I mean, Leon Edwards and Camaro. If you ask Kamaru, would you rather take a shot to the knee or that shot to the head? He might take a shot to the knee.


I mean, you gotta defend.


You hit on time like Khalil did. I think I'd rather get kicked in my head.


That one was horrific.


Horrible to watch. But, like, you gotta defend it, you know? It's not like you can't defend it. You gotta defend it.


It's. You remember when Darren till started using on everybody? He was like one of the first guys using it on everybody. Jon Jones, of course.


He's the guy with it.




He's so long.


Yeah. That's a shitty one against. I mean, you can't really. You can't use that.


Like, there's no intention.


You can't know. You definitely can't.


Can't do that sparring. You'd be taking out your.


I've had guys tell me that they were sparring with guys they didn't know, and they did shit like that to them. Sidekicks. The knees. Like, what the real. In a sparring match, the guy was telling me about the ATT, they bring in some crazy Russians who were sidekicking your knees.


I mean, not only that, but they was doing, like, spinning wheel kicks to the. To the head with. Just hitting you with the heel. And I'm like, yo, what are you doing?


That's crazy. Yeah, that's crazy. That's so hard to. That's so hard. If you're in a high level sparring match with a guy, it's like you getting emotional and then you throw a spinning kick. It's so hard to, like, slap him with the foot. Well, I'm just saying, like, you wear.


Shim pads for a reason to protect.




But then you're doing a spinning kick where there's no protection.


Well, that's why gloves are nuts, right? Because you can knee somebody in the face, you can elbow in the face, you can shin them in the fucking skull, right? But you're not. God forbid, it's kind of crazy.


Yeah. Once barred with the new. I mean, they came later on, like, the. The gloves that you could, they're not quite. They're not the boxing gloves.




I always use the 16 ounce gloves. Cause I wanna be able to fucking throw and I grapple in them. But then, like, you, I get in, I get under the butt. You obviously can't make a grip, but then it's that much easier when I can make a grip. So, like, I get in, I'd lose it, but it would help my endurance. And when I'm able to make grips, I'm like, ah, when they had the new gloves and people are fucking around with them, I'm like, yeah, but now we gotta. Just now we're playing. I didn't have the luxury. I'm fucking five six. I have to triple jab in and fight. Like, I can't play by just. I have to have throw. So I couldn't throw, like, realistically with those little gloves, right? So when I see sometimes there's some people sparring, I had one of my girls sparring and. And, uh, this girl Lauren, and she brought in another girl, and they were doing it with those gloves. I go, look, next time you want me to watch this shit you're playing right now. I can't. I'm not gonna be telling you to fucking do certain things and throw certain things.


If you could be play. It's playing. You're playing. It's okay to play a graph. I like to grapple in them, but we have to fight. So, I mean, you know, put on some bigger gloves.


We did the same thing.


Do you think that there's a time in a fighter's career where they don't have to spar? Is there ever a time where they don't have to spar hard if they.


Clock in enough hours? Like, I guess, like Max Holloway, whoever.


Else, like, possibly, but even Holloway, when he's getting ready for Gaethje, decided spar.


You have to simulate the fight as much as possible because you don't want to feel that for the first time in there. So the reason we used to really.


Spoil asking is because, like, I was watching Izzy's fight with Dracus, and the thing about that fight is that it looks like at the end, Izzy's very tired, you know, and he gets clocked like drick is. Catches him with some of those winging punches, which he was getting away from in the earlier rounds, and he catches him, rocks him, and then he hits him with a couple more right hands against the cage, and then immediately gets him into choke when he goes to the ground. Then Izzy taps. And I always wonder, because that school thought of, like, the Marinovitch school of thought when BJ was in his prime, was those guys were just doing wild plyometrics and cardio, and that's it. They just, like, you know how to fight. We're just going to give you the most fucking insane gas tank you've ever had in your career. And if you can get through this crazy camp of doing box jumps and plyometrics and those fucking. All those things they were doing, systems wild, wild shit. And Nick Kherson, who I talked about, is trained underneath.


He's doing it now.


They have this philosophy that a fighter, like a guy like you or a guy like you, you're. You have so many fights. You know how to fight. You've been there. You've done it. What you really need to do for this camp, because you're getting ready for a fight, is not get injured and have a fucking insane gas tank.


The flip side of that most recently. And it's not the same thing, because the guy could be weathered a little bit. Who had that philosophy with Tony Ferguson? You've got Goggins put it.


Now, look, that's Tony Ferguson after Gaethje.


But Goggins put him through a fucking.


Cardio sessions after Gaethje is a different human.


Yeah, he's been compromised.


And I like David Goggins, but I don't. I mean, I don't think he should have been in the corner. I mean, you got him in the corner yelling from the stand, I'm not shit on Goggins. I like all the shit. But he's in the corner going, get up, Tony. It's like. It's one of those things where it's like, you know, no shit.


Agreed. Look, when it comes to willpower and when it comes to, like, discipline, there's no one like Goggins.


Mm hmm.


But that doesn't matter if you mount him and strangle him. Yeah, doesn't matter. You all fucking never quit. You're gonna quit, bitch. Yeah. What kind of will you have? Get behind you and put that in there. You gonna pee your pants. That's how it goes. You're a human being. You. You have neck muscles, you have veins that provide all that blood to your brain, and I'm going to cut that off. And if you can't get all that he needs from a guy like that, but you can get something. You can get something. But Tony at that time was already on a long skid of multiple losses. The Chandler knockout, he gets front kicked in the face, and an epic Ko loss. The Gaethje fight was horrific. And then you got to go before that, he blows his fucking knee out back stage. He was the boogeyman. We were gonna see the boogeyman versus Khabib. It was the fight. Everybody was pumped. And then Al steps in on super. Had a great fucking account of himself. Big, very good, very good fight against 4 hours Khabib in his prime. Yeah.


Five rounds.


Yeah, bro. I always wonder, man, if Toaddez Ferguson just doesn't step on those wires and we get to see that fight. My God, how? Yeah, cuz that was Tony Ferguson when he was the fucking boogeyman, when everybody was scared of him. Yeah, he was beating the fuck out of everybody.


Who was the guy that left them wires there? Hopefully they fired that guy because he ruined his, he ruined history.


There's always gonna be wires. Didn't randomly camera fall backstage right before the fight. He fell in, stepped on some like.


Loose pipe, pipe or something, went up.


In the air, banged his head, got knocked out, was bleeding.


Yeah, everybody's going to be guessing, but like, even when he was in his prime, like, he fought Kevin Lee. Kevin Lee got him down, mounted him.


But then he triangled him.


He did triangle him, but Kevin Lee mountain you. No offense to Kevin Lee, it's not like a beeb on top of you. So, I mean, is he ever surviving that?


You got to remember, Kevin Lee maybe didn't achieve his potential, but Kevin Lee choke out Kiesta, remember that? Kevin Lee was a motherfucker.


Yeah, he had his moments.


He did have his moments potential. Yeah, when he knocked out what's his face, the wrestler.


Oh, Gregor.


Kevin Lee was a fucking beast, man. He just was inconsistent and then had a bunch of knee injuries, like severe knee injuries.


And that's the thing. Like a fighter's window is only open for so long, right? So you got to try to maximize that, right. Do what you can when your window was open, right.


If you saw Fedor fight Ryan Baderhead, you can't, you can't judge fador.


And that's. We tend to do that.


We always do. We judge B. That's why I would say BJ. Because we judge BJ. By the end of his career, it.


Was like Tony Ferguson. I mean, I think Tony beat that. Beat Bj's. It's not a good record that I have, but as far as how many losses in a row.




So these guys got to throw these guys names in, fight past the. All these young kids and see them in their glory days, because that's when you should really watch them.


Yeah, but it's. That's the thing about fighters is, like, whatever that window is, they say it's nine years at your very best. From your contender to your champion, whatever. You left fucking redlining.


I think it's about five, really? You know, I think. I think it's shorter than not. I think it's about five years where you're just, like, in it. Like you in it. Let's get it right now.






Anderson is prime.




It's like five years of just destruction.


And then afterward, just like.


Also injuries, you know, with Anderson, injury first was widemande left hook.


Mm hmm.


You know, that was.


That was the start of it all.




Wyman's left, bro.


That was crazy. Crazy. Same one. He landed on Uriah hall, remember?




Oh, yeah.


Before Uriah hall was like, the next big thing when he was in the ultimate fighter. Chris had fought him in New Jersey. Yep.


Lou Neglia, bro.


He had a long left hook. Weidman's got that. That extra foot to that hook. You know, it's a long, extended arm at the end.




It's a good hook, man, because the guys don't think it's gonna be able to reach him. And then all sudden, it's there.


Pop, I'm interested to see him in Eric Anders.


It's gonna be a war.


Yeah. Cuz Eric's.


He's game. Yeah, Eric is game.


But remember, we fought Khalil and didn't even flinch. Khalil was just blasting his legs.


Talk about being tough enough to take a beating, bro.


I asked him about it. I was like, what was that like? He said, every one of them hurt. Everyone. They hurt so bad.


Good poker face.


He had the best poker face. For real. He just took it.




Good fights coming up, kids. Some real good fights.


Oh, fuck, yeah. I can't wait. I love it. I love a Saturday when the fight. I hate when there's just so many fights on every weekend that when there's.


Not one on, I'm like, oh, you know what? I'm looking forward to more than any holloway in Taporia. Yeah, the one for me.


When is that?


That's October.


That's Abu Dhabi, right? Yeah, that's the one, son. That's what?


He's 26.


That's the one for me. Because I see that fight, I go, I don't fucking know. I love a fight where I don't fucking know. I know a lot of people would have counted out him on the Gaethje fight. I thought Gagey was going to beat him insane. And now you're giving him a lot of time to prepare and get ready for this fight. And then Hamzat and Whitaker. Is that going to happen? Is that going to happen?


If he's not sick again?


It's a nice fucking card, though.


Card is a good card.


Chef Neil.


I didn't know that was happening.


Armin Petrosian and Magametoff. Ooh, yeah, there's some good fights on that car.




They bust out anybody. That's a great card on that card.




That main event is. That main event is so uncomfortable, unpredictable. Like toporia. Everybody he hits goes night night.


I know.


Everybody he hits, he's fucking Max is hard to hit. Barry Max got a chance. New sneaky, spinning back kick while he's stepping away.


It was working, right.


That might have been a game changer.


It's a game changer.


Landed at the end of that first round.


Change the fight.


Change the fight.


Change the fight.


And it was a skill that he really didn't use a lot earlier in his career. Yeah, no, and he had it all of a sudden dialed in crazy. And it was a hard one to do because he's moving away. It's like a hop away spin to.


The face and talk about a hero fucking ending to that fucking. You can't. I don't think there's another fight that ended.


You wouldn't believe that if it was in a movie, right? Shut up.




Shut up with your stupid.


Clearly ahead. He fucking takes that chance of clearly.




With a guy, you know, throws hammers.


Yeah. You know, and he's been dropped in that fight already, right. He got dropped, we ended. Oh, it's just stuff of legends. And the fact that it's for the BMF belt, what a perfect fight for the BMF real.


It's crazy cuz, like, I'm sitting right behind you guys and I'm watching you guys is like natural reactions. Like, it's such a natural reaction. And I know you guys take a lot of shit and they make memes about you guys but watching you do it in those moments is the best thing ever.


You don't even know what's happening. Yeah, I think that was the first fight I ever stood up. I got out of my chair, I couldn't. I literally couldn't take it. I couldn't take it. I could. I can't be sitting down. I had to stand up. Anecdote. Anak doesn't stand up very often either, I don't think. I couldn't. I couldn't sit down. I was like, I can't believe I just saw that. I can't believe was real. And then when. Fucking wild, man. That was wild.


Max be giving us some moments, right?


He might be all time favorite.


Myself and Dean Thomas were there not a lot of people there alive. It was. I think it was in Abu Dhabi, when he's looking away, he's like, I'm the best boxer.


I still gave him the second fight with Volkanovski. So imagine if he wins and then he doesn't go through this skid, you know? And you see all the Calvin Kater fight was brutal. He changed Calvin Katie's career.




He changed Calvin Kater's career in that fight. That was a bad beating. It was a bad beating. And it was kind of should have.


Never talked shit to him.


And this is the apex, right?


No, this is Abu Dhabi.


Oh, that's right. No, but no audience. Right? That's why. Look at that.


He's not even looking at him. Avoiding all the punches.


That's the worst. But is the other thing about Max two is that fucking gas tank. That gas tank, it's a weapon, man. The volume in the gas tank, it's a weapon. And that powers legit too. And Max seems to be even more powerful at 55 than he is at 40.


That's what I thought.


So. But my question is, does he maintain that when he gets down to 45, like, how hard that cut?


Especially time to kind of time it out.




So I think it's gonna help him.


I hope so. I would not want to see him drained at all. He's fighting Ilya because Ilya will expose you.


Has yet mom hands.


I know you see the video of him hitting in mitts.


I saw his. Even his brother hit like that.




I watched his brother hit mitts and.


I was like, God damn, bro. He hits mitts like a world champion boxer.


Yeah, I was gonna say we haven't seen. The other guy tested Ilya. But then again, we did. He got kicked in. He came back like a fucking beast.


He did that in the next round.


Yeah, yeah.


But Ilia's hands are some of the most impressive hands in the sport. It's no fat in his technique, no wasted movement.


Well, then we'll see who's the best box.


Get ready to say. Gonna find out.


This is good, Jamie. But there's a video that's, like, recently on his Instagram that's fucking insane because he's going full clip trying of show off, and you get to really, like he's working here. It's all good, but see if you can find the clip that's on his Instagram page. His instagram has an insane video of him just cracking mitts. We played it on the podcast the other day, remember? Yeah, that's it right there. Give me some volume. So you hear this shit, bro?


That's crazy.


Crispy, clean everything. No wasted motion.


Here's the thing with Max, is Max's movement. Like, Max ain't gonna be there for that.




Yeah, man. Can't be. Yeah.


Tall as fuck.




Yeah. And if Max can catch him and hurt him the way Jai Herbert did, you know Max? Max something sneaky. And you know Max is prepping, right? He's watching that guy like a hawk.


Does Volkanovski have anything else on the radar?


No, I think they're waiting to see what happens. Poor Volk.


May not personally like to see him rest a little bit anyway.


I would 100% want to see him rest a lot. I think after those two, he should have two. Never taken a ten days notice fight with Islam. Never, never, never. Don't do it. I don't care how much it's tempting. And then immediately, three months later, he fights after he gets Ko'd with a head kick. That seems crazy.


I mean, I wish. I mean, I thought as soon as I saw that fight, I was like, are you kidding me, man?


I brought him.


He was probably, you know, before that. He probably felt like I felt it before I felt it. I've seen what's coming. You know, he told me, look, I.


Don'T begrudge him for taking that shot. I think the second fight was even the bigger mistake, because you had just been flatlined, and now you got to cut back down and go back out there on such short notes.


Right? But no other sport would want a champion to go in there and fight for a title with ten notice. They would never ask me to do that anywhere else. There's never. That would never happen in boxing. It's never for sure. Never.


But, you know, they shouldn't take advantage of MMA guys because they know we crazy, right?


That's part of it.


You have all the fighters are still under your control, under contract.


So it's a bit of a problem. That's a bit of a problem. But also, Volkanovsky could he. He had the choice.


He's just like, he's savage. He's going to go down.


He's a savage. We crazy.


In hindsight was a bad idea, but in his mind, he's thinking, this is an opportunity for me to become a legend.




Of course, hindsight's always 2020.


Trying to build his legacy course.


And look, that's what Aspinall did, and he won the title.


Right, exactly. So had that been different for Aspinall, we'd have been like, he shouldn't have took that fight.


Exactly. Pavlov, that guy's an animal.




Why is it. How's he fighting Pavlich with fucking. What did he have? Like, how many days notice did he have?


It was like seven days notice.


Seven days notice. Fucked up rib.




Yeah. It's a wild sport, you know, it's like, sometimes guys step in on short notice and it's exciting and they win, you know, so it's like, the key is, like, never get out of shape.




And I think with Volkanovski, he was drinking a lot, and that was probably more still thinking.


I mean, you saw physically how he looked for the second, and he always.


Looks like a tank.


It was dad bod instead of him, you know, looking. Right.


I would never take it back in the day. I need my camp. I'm not gonna. I would never. Cause you peek at the right. You should be peaking at the right time 100%. So you can say when people like, well, you should always be fight ready. But. Yeah, but that's. That's easier said than done. You could always be in shape, but that's not fight shape. And you don't know that until you're fucking back into sparring and you're like, I still had abs, but holy fuck.


I think if you're always about four weeks out, like, that's probably about the right, right.


And you get ten days notice, you.


Might be able to pull it out of.


Pull that out. And if you maintain a respectable level of cardio. But what if you're volk and you're drinking, getting it cheese?


Not again. Not a good dog.


And then you got to lose all that fucking weight.


Yeah, I can't. I used to be a fatty between shit, too. When you're staying away from the pizza and pasta for two months, you're like.


Ah, well, every fighter says that they develop an eating disorder.


How about Patty? Yeah, that's Patty's. Patty the baddie.


That's a real eating disorder.


Those cheeks on him, he gets huge.


He goes hard. He gains a 40 pounds in a week.


God damn.


What about when he was retired? Eventually.


Oh, he's gonna be butterbean.


He already beat right between fights.


It's crazy butterbean with that crazy hair. That's him.


He does it proudly too.


He don't give a fuck, bro. That Bobby Green fight was a big.


Deal, and that was about his.


Yeah, that was a big deal.


The way he did that was beautiful, man. He came at kicking range, and I didn't expect Bobby to shoot, but the second he did, Patti's got nice jiu.


Jitsu, very sharp off his back. The other thing was like, you notice how big he looked? Because Bobby's big. Bobby's not a small 55 or, damn. You might underestimate how big Patty is at 55. He's fucking pretty big. And those kicks were good.


Yeah, he's not. He's not a bad fighter, but Bobby's.


A very good stand up fighter. Bobby get his legs lit up that quick? That was a big deal.


I expected to see him get tested, and he didn't. Wasn't tested well, he got an a.


Plus, but do you think he's ready for, like, the top guys now? Like, would you put him in there with an Arman Sarookian? You know, I'm saying, like, I put.


Him in there with the winner, the Morno and St. Denis.


That's good.






I would love to see him fight more. Kano, I like McCann has been going more with his jujitsu lately.


Yeah, really good. I saw him saying, I saw him ball up Chase Hooper in a yemenite grappling tournament.






Ball him up.


And how good is that fucking post fight interview? Oh.


He'S got the character all of a sudden, like, he's good.


Well, he figured it out, man. You know, some guys figured out, like Colby, how to figure it out. He did it his way. Everybody figures it out. You figure out, you gotta figure out.


The big what once you get into fam.




The second he spoke about Leon Edwards dead father, it shows you that he's a. He's a fucking piece of shit, Kobe. You're a piece of shit, dude.


I'm down for none of that. I mean, you talk about Poirier's wife, like, come on, man.


Well, that's why.


That's, like, I'm fine, and you want.


That's why it's so interesting that a guy like prayer gets as high as he gets with none of that. Zero.


Well, I mean, it's proof that you don't need it.




You don't. You don't need to cross that line.


You just need to fuck people up. You don't even need to speak English.


He's got social media presence, so, like, he shows a sense of humor in, you know what I mean, on social media. So I think that endears people to him as well, bro.


And that thing he did when he kicked the soccer ball and then hit it with an arrow, that is to.


Do what he do.


He kicked a soccer ball and then shot it with an arrow. So he kicks it.


Oh, he really shoots arrows. I thought he was just fucking around.


No, no, he's really good, man. He's really good at that.


Guy's right out of the Amazon.


But he does that kind of archery. I don't even do that kind of archery. He. I do archery with, like, releases and fucking. Everything's like this. He nails it. And that's before he beat Adesanya. Listen, give me some volume on this, because when he screams, imagine being the neighbor in here. In this here. He hits it. Imagine being a neighborhood.


Yeah. Get this guy out of here.


And then you watch him on pay per view, like, oh, Jesus Christ. You can't even complain. You can't even say, man, I'm trying to figure out.


That's pretty sick.


Yeah, some guys don't need it. They don't need that extra fucking whatever it is.


Well, he's got, the swag with him is just the stoic warrior coming out and shooting an arrow at you and screaming.


Well, I mean, at the end of the day, like, people are attracted to violence.




And at the end, like, even Robbie Lawler, like, people love Robbie. He never said he hated doing. It was the violence that attracted people.


Talking about wars, him and both Rory McDonald, him and Carlos condoned.




That was crazy. He was kicking Robbie's leg so bad. It was lifting it, his leg up in the air.


He's probably having flashbacks of Pete Spratt.


Oh, yeah, that's right. About Pete Spratt.


He was a good striker.


Very good striker. Dude, what a crazy time this sport has gone through. And all these years, like, this fight was so horrible to watch, man. These guys were so busted up. Look at Rory's nose. It's gone. It's just the one where. And then it just. He can't take it anymore.


He's split open. His lips split open.


Yeah. His lips hanging off.


Yeah. This is easy to easily the best fight of all time.


Certainly in the conversation.


Robbie, he left. Nice. He knocked out. I forgot who he finished.


Nico Price.


Nico Price.


And then he went off to the.


Sunset and he knocked him out without taking a shot. Yeah.


And that's so easy to say, I want one more after that.


He played the ride off, but he's going to be a great coach, too, and I'm sure he is. But he's also a guy like, you want that guy to be proud of you.


Yeah. Yeah.


It's Robbie law.


Yeah, for sure.


Like, there's something to that if you're getting coached by a guy like that. Look at his face, man.


Stay in school, kids.


Yeah. You better really know what you want if you're gonna do this for a living.


Yeah, dude.


And you gotta look across and see that, right?




Guys got a fucking joker smile on.


He's ready to go to war for the fucking final round.


Ooh, what a sick fight.




Shit, we've seen some wild fights, boys.


We're gonna see some wild ones this weekend.


Yeah. I'm excited. I don't know what's going to happen in the main event. I know you're partial to Marab, but I just don't know what's going to happen. I'm very interested. Very interested.


He gets past that first round, he's.


Got to keep him one clinch.


Yeah, it's going to be very saying.


He needs one shot. I'm saying Marab needs one clinch, not to end the fight, but to do enough damage.


I feel like sugar is a better striker than Marlon, and Marlon had Marab in trouble, and that's what gives me pause on the feet. Like, you can only take so many of those sniper shots from sugar, the other thing. But can he land them and can Marab keep. Keep moving and keep threatening and pressure? You know, the argument is there's one guy is going to win by taking him down and smashing them, and the other guy's going to win by knocking him out on the feet. And we don't, you know, we don't know what's going to play out. It's going to be interesting.


It's going to be fucking phenomenal.


The thing that I think that Sean does well, like he got Aljo with it, is, I mean, you know, Marab is going to be pressuring. Cause that's how he's gonna. He has to beat him. Sean took out Aljo backing up. You know what I mean? So a lot of guys can't fight moving backwards. He does have the ability to fight moving backwards.


He's also a great game planner.


You gotta put him on that.


Him and Tim Welch have a great relationship. They study shit. They find the holes. You know, they knew that. Aljo has this tendency to get, like, a little over anxious, lunge with strikes. He was ready for that. I'm just interested to see if he can capitalized, because if he can't, if Marab can get ahold of him, Morava's just a different kind of wolverine on top of you.


I think he needs one round. Mushing him in the fence. Just like, wear Matt, like, kind of like GSP did with BJ. You know, wear him out a little bit, slow him down a little bit, and then you can put the pace on him.


It's going to be very exciting.


Some guys are afraid of extending too much energy on a takedown. He's not going to. And that same energy you felt I.


In the first, it's coming.


You're gonna feel in the fifth.


Yeah, yeah. Thousand.


That's what we're dealing with.


Look, I'm rooting. Rooting for Marab. I like. I like him. I think he's great.


Having a gas tank is such a weapon.


It's another weapon in the arsenal.


It really is.


Might be the most important, because what's the difference? What, you know, if you can't get out there and apply it?


And me, Rob's one of them nutty dudes at spars. Up until the day of the fight, right?


He's made it to him. I see that guy clocking around. That was just ridiculous. I'm like, wait, he already did five rounds. Why is he going back? It's insane what he does. It's not normal. And again, I think that if he doesn't get caught with that perfect shot, he's a hard guy to put away, and he's not going to stop. He's a little terminator, and he also.


Knows this is his big moment.




Also, the pressure is not going to. He's not. I've already. When he was going to fight the Petey on Peter on, when he had that Petey on fight before, that fight got us on the table. Like, they were talking about it. He told me Maria was like, he didn't until he accepted it. Like, he was like, there's so much pressure in this fight. He goes, you know, the history between Georgia and Russia. He goes, this is not just a fight for me. If I lose this. He was so. The pressure was so much country.


That's different.


That's one of my proudest. When he took that fight and the way. Way he handled it, he was different in that fight. Even the lead up, he's calling him a bitch. He's. He's dealing with the russian bully. And so when he won that, he. That was like. That was like the title fight.


It was a dominant performance.


Oh, my goodness.


That was a wake up call for everybody in division. Like, he can do that to yawn.


Oh, my God.


Yon's a strong motherfucker, man.


And Rob was able to stand with guys like yon and things. So he's definitely not. He's not. Definitely not incapable there.


No. He can fuck you up on the feet, too. And that's part of the problem with the guy who's trying to take you down all the time. Time, yeah. And then these bombs get on your way, get off a few. But Sean is such a fucking sniper, and he's so agile. His movement is switching stances, fighting just as good off the left is off the right. You can switch stances in the middle of a combination, choose angles. It's just, can he keep that fucking animal off of them?


And they're both extremely confident.


Yeah, that's.


That's what I'm saying. I like when his. And, yeah, I love that shit.


Exciting. It's.


It's a real clash of styles.


So many fucking good fights these days, man. What a good time to be a fan, right?


Fuck, yeah, man.


We're spoiled.


We're so spoiled. The most.


I mean, box is making a little comeback, too, I think. You know, once Gervonta and Ryan Garcia got it on, now it seems like they're starting to make some more fights.


Well, the Saudis.


Bringing the money to them. They're talking. I mean, are they really doing Canelo for $20 or something? You saw what they were saying on.


The pay per view. $20.


I don't. Don't quote me, but the prince who runs that Riyadh stuff said he's gonna make all pay per views.


He did.


Because he believes that, you know, make it more, expose it to more people, grow to audience. We'd still make money, and everybody will be able to.


I wonder if, how many more people would buy it. If it's 20 rather than 70, they might make their money.


That's. I mean, it's what he said he.


Was talking about if he said he might for free, that people would stop pirating that, too.


They might.




$70 is a lot. It's like, isn't 79 sometimes a lot? It was $20. I wonder. I wonder how much. I mean, it'd be an interesting thing to try.


Yeah. I didn't know they were gonna start with Canelo, although they were starting with better beef, but, I mean, that'd be. We're talking about doing that for fit, like, 15.


Nobody even knows them. They should know, these two.


I know.


I mean, they're both sick.


Sick boxers isn't better be 20. No. With 20 knockouts.


Yeah, yeah, but he's 39 even. Watch the fucking box. I can't watch it after the MMA. I just watched the fights.


It's hard for me not picked my spots.


You see, Ben Whitaker did it.




Ben Whitaker?


No, Ben Whitaker.


You know, Ben Whitaker, that dude who's got that crazy drunken style?




Big, tall, light heavyweight. He's got this wild style.




So much for your $20.




What's out there?


Next time? 20 you can find. Oh, that's a good deal. So you pay for the paper, and then other fights are $20 bucks. That's a good deal.


Yeah, I think so.


All right, gentlemen, this was a lot of fun. Oh, protect your neck. That's our new name.


Yeah, that's it.


That's it. But our chat group is still cuckoo. All right, gentlemen, tell everybody where they can see your new podcast, and thank you for doing it. I'm very glad you do it.


Thank you for pushing me and put planting that seed in my mind. The Matt Sarah channel on YouTube, geeking out with Matt Serra. And I have a good time. It's once a week you're gonna see me, Phoenix Carnival, doing X Men movies. Me and Ray Longo talking about our top five gangster movies.


And you said it's on everything else, too, like Spotify.


It's on YouTube. The first episode dropped today, so I.


Knew you was gonna ask me this, so I had the Oscar award, this shit. You can catch me at the modern roads in Hollywood, Florida, or you can catch me on mma today on Sirius XM's Fight nation, theoretically speaking, on ESPN. West Palm fight court on YouTube. Lars Sanko's one on one, and I'm also partnering with Valerie. Energy. Energy drinks. My film brotherhood is making its way around the film festival. Circuitous.




See me in the street.


John Rollo.


Yep. I have ground control back home. Anybody looking to train any mixed martial arts, it's at be more mma and also Shogun fights, which we have another show coming up on October 5, and I'm getting ready to open a gym probably within a month or so called fit factory. So keep your eyes out for that.


Boom. All right, gentlemen, thank you very much. Done. Good times.


Always fun.