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Hey, it's your friend Mel, and welcome to the Mel Robbins podcast.


So, the other day, I was scrolling on social media, and I saw this random video that blew my freaking mind, and it was all about how you can squeeze the juice fromjust want you to use it. All right, that's hack number one. Next up, you are going to learn how to use two different types of music to prime your brain for learning, productivity, memory, and better concentration. And look, if you want to perform better, you need to know this research.If you want to do well at work, you got to know this. If you want to know how to use music and the cool science to prime your brain for peak performance, you have to hear and know this research. And in fact, I'm also going to be playing some of the specific music that primes you to be able to concentrate right after the break. And while you're and alert? Wouldn't life be so much better? Of course it would.And you know it would, too. I want that for you. And that's why I love bringing you these little science back tips that can help you do exactly that, that you have access to right now. In fact, so many of you that are fans of the Mel Robbins podcast, around the world, you're writing in, and you're like, how do I change my mindset? How do I stay positive?How do I be more optimistic? And I am sitting here telling you, this is a tool. It's in your tool chest right now. And you know what's also so cool is that the Mel Robbins podcast, which is helping you improve your life, is adjacent to this tool right on your smartphone. Because if you're listening in audio, whether you're on Spotify or Apple or Amazon Music or whatever, you, you can also listen to music in that same app.You're like, boop. One click away from building a playlist and tap it into this research, whether you're going to use the neural nostalgia to immediately transport you to happy memories and a lifted mood, or you're going to use this research around what I'm calling the hype music and the beta band in your brain to put you in a state of peak performance. Two different playlists, profound research, immediate results. All right, let's say pause for a quick second so that you and I can hear a word from our amazing sponsors. And while you're listening to our amazing sponsors, share this with your amazing friends and families.Because when you have a study where researchers are excited about the impact of this and you've got a free way to boost your mood and prime yourself for peak performance, every single person you care about should have access to this information. So, all right, we got more to cover. Believe it or not, when we come back, you're going to hear about another type of music called binaural beats that will help you focus and relax. You're going to absolutely love it. And a little later, you're going to learn about a fourth type of music.And researchers have proven that this fourth type will help you heal. Stay with us.Welcome back. I'm so excited that you're here listening to this and I'm really excited that you're learning all about this amazing research related to music and how it can help you tap into your potential for better learning to boost your mood. And a little later, you're going to learn about a type of music that you should listen to for healing. It's so cool. But right now, I want to jump into that second type of music that researchers have proven will boost your focus and concentration.So just before the break, we unpacked all the research around this hype music that you listen to before. You're going to do something that stimulates your beta band in your brain and primes your brain for peak performance and productivity. Now, I want to introduce you to a second type of music that's called binaural beats. And this binaural beat stuff is proven based on the research to be something that can help your brain work better. The research has shown that binaural beats help you focus, relax.They can help you sleep better, be more creative, do deep thinking for problem solving or creating new ideas. In fact, listening to binaural beats, which is a specific type of soundtrack, is extremely popular here with a lot of the producers on the Mel Robbins podcast. So what is this thing that is not really music, this binaural beats thing, but can help your brain get into a state of focus, calm, or creative thinking. Great question. So I'm going to play a track for you right now, little excerpthenne, so that you can understand what it sounds like.And then I'm going to explain the science of binaural beats. And look, I'm going to warn you. Sounds a little weird, okay? It almost sounds like there's a fluttering in the background. Check this out.Yeah, I kind of think it's like, were there some whales that just swam by? I mean, what the heck was that? It's kind of weird, right? But you want to know something fascinating? If you google binaural beats, or you search for it on Spotify or Apple or Amazon music, you will find all kinds of playlists curated with this specific kind of sound.This stuff is really popular, and there's kind of two ways you can use it. You can either use it while you are trying to do something so you actually put the headphones on and you listen while youre trying to focus or concentrate. Or you can use binaural beats as a way to get yourself ready and so you can listen to it before you need to focus or concentrate. So lets dig into the science of this kind of weird sound, right? So binaural beats are what scientists call an auditory illusion.And here's how they work. They work by putting your headphones on. And headphones are really important here because you need to experience binaural beats with individual sound coming into each one of your ears. Plus, you know, if you play this weird whale song stuff over the speakers, your family's gonna be like, you lost your mind. So once you have your headphones in, what's so cool is the binaural beats track does the work with your brain.And I want you to understand what's happening as you listen to something like this. So let me play a small clip again.Now, the track is designed so that the sound in your ears are slightly different. So there are two notes that are almost the same, but one note is coming into one ear and it's a little higher pitch. And the other note that's coming in the other ear is a little lower pitch. And your brain then takes in these two different notes and then mixes them together. And when your brain mixes the two different notes together, your brain is creating a new kind of sound that you hear, which has been created from these two different notes, each one coming in a different ear and creates this original sound, resulting in this sort of gentle humming sensation and sound inside of your brain.And this is the really cool part. The thing that you're hearing in your brain isn't actually playing. I must say that again, the thing that you're hearing in your brain isn't actually playing because, , whether you want to stop worrying and feeling kind of glum and transport yourself to a happier memory. Whether you're going to use the research that we learned today about kind of having hype music that gets you all excited and primes your brain. Remember the beta band to get you ready to do something, or whether you're going to use the amazing research that we unpacked about binaural beats so that you can help yourself, focus or relax. Because, I mean, it's just kind of incredible.And you can search for these playlists online, but to make it easy, you know, I always like to put my arm around you and say, come on, you're coming with us. We have listed all of the studies, all of the resources we always do in the show notes. So if you look in the description, just click on show notes, it'll take you. There is. I'm going to send you a link to my favorite private playlist that I created that really gets me moving and grooving.And I think you can tell how excited I am by this. It's because I feel the impact of all of this research in my own life, and I want you to feel it, too. And that's also why I want you to share this episode with people that you love. And one more thing that I would love for you to share. What's your favorite playlist?What is the song that makes you just feel like you're ready to just destroy it or do your best or it's the song that really makes you come alive. And I'd love for you to drop it in the comments. If you're on Spotify, you can leave that in a review on Apple so that we can see it. But let us know what is the music that makes you happy, that makes you more productive? Because I bet we could probably crowdsource the world's greatest playlist.And wouldn't that be amazing? Alrighty. One more thing. In case no one else tells you today, there's something else you need to hear. That I love you, and I believe in you, and I believe in your ability to create a better life.And all of the research that you learned today is going to help you do it. Now go press play and do it. I'll talk to you in a few days.All right, here we go. You ready, Trace? Let's go. Okay, here we go. We'll check this out.This is where the science comes in.Now, you already heard about having this hype music that stimulates the beta brain and the beta band. Oh, my God. At a very, very particular hearse. Hertz, how are my feet? Dirty after I took a bath last night and I just got out of the shower.That's summertime. The hell?Oh, and one more thing. And no, this is not a blooper. This is the legal language. You know, what the lawyers write and what I need to read to you. This podcast is presented solely for educational and entertainment purposes.I'm just your friend. I am not a licensed therapist, and this podcast is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional. Got it? Good. I'll see you in the next episode.Stitcher.


just want you to use it. All right, that's hack number one. Next up, you are going to learn how to use two different types of music to prime your brain for learning, productivity, memory, and better concentration. And look, if you want to perform better, you need to know this research.


If you want to do well at work, you got to know this. If you want to know how to use music and the cool science to prime your brain for peak performance, you have to hear and know this research. And in fact, I'm also going to be playing some of the specific music that primes you to be able to concentrate right after the break. And while you're and alert? Wouldn't life be so much better? Of course it would.And you know it would, too. I want that for you. And that's why I love bringing you these little science back tips that can help you do exactly that, that you have access to right now. In fact, so many of you that are fans of the Mel Robbins podcast, around the world, you're writing in, and you're like, how do I change my mindset? How do I stay positive?How do I be more optimistic? And I am sitting here telling you, this is a tool. It's in your tool chest right now. And you know what's also so cool is that the Mel Robbins podcast, which is helping you improve your life, is adjacent to this tool right on your smartphone. Because if you're listening in audio, whether you're on Spotify or Apple or Amazon Music or whatever, you, you can also listen to music in that same app.You're like, boop. One click away from building a playlist and tap it into this research, whether you're going to use the neural nostalgia to immediately transport you to happy memories and a lifted mood, or you're going to use this research around what I'm calling the hype music and the beta band in your brain to put you in a state of peak performance. Two different playlists, profound research, immediate results. All right, let's say pause for a quick second so that you and I can hear a word from our amazing sponsors. And while you're listening to our amazing sponsors, share this with your amazing friends and families.Because when you have a study where researchers are excited about the impact of this and you've got a free way to boost your mood and prime yourself for peak performance, every single person you care about should have access to this information. So, all right, we got more to cover. Believe it or not, when we come back, you're going to hear about another type of music called binaural beats that will help you focus and relax. You're going to absolutely love it. And a little later, you're going to learn about a fourth type of music.And researchers have proven that this fourth type will help you heal. Stay with us.Welcome back. I'm so excited that you're here listening to this and I'm really excited that you're learning all about this amazing research related to music and how it can help you tap into your potential for better learning to boost your mood. And a little later, you're going to learn about a type of music that you should listen to for healing. It's so cool. But right now, I want to jump into that second type of music that researchers have proven will boost your focus and concentration.So just before the break, we unpacked all the research around this hype music that you listen to before. You're going to do something that stimulates your beta band in your brain and primes your brain for peak performance and productivity. Now, I want to introduce you to a second type of music that's called binaural beats. And this binaural beat stuff is proven based on the research to be something that can help your brain work better. The research has shown that binaural beats help you focus, relax.They can help you sleep better, be more creative, do deep thinking for problem solving or creating new ideas. In fact, listening to binaural beats, which is a specific type of soundtrack, is extremely popular here with a lot of the producers on the Mel Robbins podcast. So what is this thing that is not really music, this binaural beats thing, but can help your brain get into a state of focus, calm, or creative thinking. Great question. So I'm going to play a track for you right now, little excerpthenne, so that you can understand what it sounds like.And then I'm going to explain the science of binaural beats. And look, I'm going to warn you. Sounds a little weird, okay? It almost sounds like there's a fluttering in the background. Check this out.Yeah, I kind of think it's like, were there some whales that just swam by? I mean, what the heck was that? It's kind of weird, right? But you want to know something fascinating? If you google binaural beats, or you search for it on Spotify or Apple or Amazon music, you will find all kinds of playlists curated with this specific kind of sound.This stuff is really popular, and there's kind of two ways you can use it. You can either use it while you are trying to do something so you actually put the headphones on and you listen while youre trying to focus or concentrate. Or you can use binaural beats as a way to get yourself ready and so you can listen to it before you need to focus or concentrate. So lets dig into the science of this kind of weird sound, right? So binaural beats are what scientists call an auditory illusion.And here's how they work. They work by putting your headphones on. And headphones are really important here because you need to experience binaural beats with individual sound coming into each one of your ears. Plus, you know, if you play this weird whale song stuff over the speakers, your family's gonna be like, you lost your mind. So once you have your headphones in, what's so cool is the binaural beats track does the work with your brain.And I want you to understand what's happening as you listen to something like this. So let me play a small clip again.Now, the track is designed so that the sound in your ears are slightly different. So there are two notes that are almost the same, but one note is coming into one ear and it's a little higher pitch. And the other note that's coming in the other ear is a little lower pitch. And your brain then takes in these two different notes and then mixes them together. And when your brain mixes the two different notes together, your brain is creating a new kind of sound that you hear, which has been created from these two different notes, each one coming in a different ear and creates this original sound, resulting in this sort of gentle humming sensation and sound inside of your brain.And this is the really cool part. The thing that you're hearing in your brain isn't actually playing. I must say that again, the thing that you're hearing in your brain isn't actually playing because, , whether you want to stop worrying and feeling kind of glum and transport yourself to a happier memory. Whether you're going to use the research that we learned today about kind of having hype music that gets you all excited and primes your brain. Remember the beta band to get you ready to do something, or whether you're going to use the amazing research that we unpacked about binaural beats so that you can help yourself, focus or relax. Because, I mean, it's just kind of incredible.And you can search for these playlists online, but to make it easy, you know, I always like to put my arm around you and say, come on, you're coming with us. We have listed all of the studies, all of the resources we always do in the show notes. So if you look in the description, just click on show notes, it'll take you. There is. I'm going to send you a link to my favorite private playlist that I created that really gets me moving and grooving.And I think you can tell how excited I am by this. It's because I feel the impact of all of this research in my own life, and I want you to feel it, too. And that's also why I want you to share this episode with people that you love. And one more thing that I would love for you to share. What's your favorite playlist?What is the song that makes you just feel like you're ready to just destroy it or do your best or it's the song that really makes you come alive. And I'd love for you to drop it in the comments. If you're on Spotify, you can leave that in a review on Apple so that we can see it. But let us know what is the music that makes you happy, that makes you more productive? Because I bet we could probably crowdsource the world's greatest playlist.And wouldn't that be amazing? Alrighty. One more thing. In case no one else tells you today, there's something else you need to hear. That I love you, and I believe in you, and I believe in your ability to create a better life.And all of the research that you learned today is going to help you do it. Now go press play and do it. I'll talk to you in a few days.All right, here we go. You ready, Trace? Let's go. Okay, here we go. We'll check this out.This is where the science comes in.Now, you already heard about having this hype music that stimulates the beta brain and the beta band. Oh, my God. At a very, very particular hearse. Hertz, how are my feet? Dirty after I took a bath last night and I just got out of the shower.That's summertime. The hell?Oh, and one more thing. And no, this is not a blooper. This is the legal language. You know, what the lawyers write and what I need to read to you. This podcast is presented solely for educational and entertainment purposes.I'm just your friend. I am not a licensed therapist, and this podcast is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional. Got it? Good. I'll see you in the next episode.Stitcher.


and alert? Wouldn't life be so much better? Of course it would.


And you know it would, too. I want that for you. And that's why I love bringing you these little science back tips that can help you do exactly that, that you have access to right now. In fact, so many of you that are fans of the Mel Robbins podcast, around the world, you're writing in, and you're like, how do I change my mindset? How do I stay positive?


How do I be more optimistic? And I am sitting here telling you, this is a tool. It's in your tool chest right now. And you know what's also so cool is that the Mel Robbins podcast, which is helping you improve your life, is adjacent to this tool right on your smartphone. Because if you're listening in audio, whether you're on Spotify or Apple or Amazon Music or whatever, you, you can also listen to music in that same app.


You're like, boop. One click away from building a playlist and tap it into this research, whether you're going to use the neural nostalgia to immediately transport you to happy memories and a lifted mood, or you're going to use this research around what I'm calling the hype music and the beta band in your brain to put you in a state of peak performance. Two different playlists, profound research, immediate results. All right, let's say pause for a quick second so that you and I can hear a word from our amazing sponsors. And while you're listening to our amazing sponsors, share this with your amazing friends and families.


Because when you have a study where researchers are excited about the impact of this and you've got a free way to boost your mood and prime yourself for peak performance, every single person you care about should have access to this information. So, all right, we got more to cover. Believe it or not, when we come back, you're going to hear about another type of music called binaural beats that will help you focus and relax. You're going to absolutely love it. And a little later, you're going to learn about a fourth type of music.


And researchers have proven that this fourth type will help you heal. Stay with us.


Welcome back. I'm so excited that you're here listening to this and I'm really excited that you're learning all about this amazing research related to music and how it can help you tap into your potential for better learning to boost your mood. And a little later, you're going to learn about a type of music that you should listen to for healing. It's so cool. But right now, I want to jump into that second type of music that researchers have proven will boost your focus and concentration.


So just before the break, we unpacked all the research around this hype music that you listen to before. You're going to do something that stimulates your beta band in your brain and primes your brain for peak performance and productivity. Now, I want to introduce you to a second type of music that's called binaural beats. And this binaural beat stuff is proven based on the research to be something that can help your brain work better. The research has shown that binaural beats help you focus, relax.


They can help you sleep better, be more creative, do deep thinking for problem solving or creating new ideas. In fact, listening to binaural beats, which is a specific type of soundtrack, is extremely popular here with a lot of the producers on the Mel Robbins podcast. So what is this thing that is not really music, this binaural beats thing, but can help your brain get into a state of focus, calm, or creative thinking. Great question. So I'm going to play a track for you right now, little excerpthenne, so that you can understand what it sounds like.


And then I'm going to explain the science of binaural beats. And look, I'm going to warn you. Sounds a little weird, okay? It almost sounds like there's a fluttering in the background. Check this out.


Yeah, I kind of think it's like, were there some whales that just swam by? I mean, what the heck was that? It's kind of weird, right? But you want to know something fascinating? If you google binaural beats, or you search for it on Spotify or Apple or Amazon music, you will find all kinds of playlists curated with this specific kind of sound.


This stuff is really popular, and there's kind of two ways you can use it. You can either use it while you are trying to do something so you actually put the headphones on and you listen while youre trying to focus or concentrate. Or you can use binaural beats as a way to get yourself ready and so you can listen to it before you need to focus or concentrate. So lets dig into the science of this kind of weird sound, right? So binaural beats are what scientists call an auditory illusion.


And here's how they work. They work by putting your headphones on. And headphones are really important here because you need to experience binaural beats with individual sound coming into each one of your ears. Plus, you know, if you play this weird whale song stuff over the speakers, your family's gonna be like, you lost your mind. So once you have your headphones in, what's so cool is the binaural beats track does the work with your brain.


And I want you to understand what's happening as you listen to something like this. So let me play a small clip again.


Now, the track is designed so that the sound in your ears are slightly different. So there are two notes that are almost the same, but one note is coming into one ear and it's a little higher pitch. And the other note that's coming in the other ear is a little lower pitch. And your brain then takes in these two different notes and then mixes them together. And when your brain mixes the two different notes together, your brain is creating a new kind of sound that you hear, which has been created from these two different notes, each one coming in a different ear and creates this original sound, resulting in this sort of gentle humming sensation and sound inside of your brain.


And this is the really cool part. The thing that you're hearing in your brain isn't actually playing. I must say that again, the thing that you're hearing in your brain isn't actually playing because, , whether you want to stop worrying and feeling kind of glum and transport yourself to a happier memory. Whether you're going to use the research that we learned today about kind of having hype music that gets you all excited and primes your brain. Remember the beta band to get you ready to do something, or whether you're going to use the amazing research that we unpacked about binaural beats so that you can help yourself, focus or relax. Because, I mean, it's just kind of incredible.And you can search for these playlists online, but to make it easy, you know, I always like to put my arm around you and say, come on, you're coming with us. We have listed all of the studies, all of the resources we always do in the show notes. So if you look in the description, just click on show notes, it'll take you. There is. I'm going to send you a link to my favorite private playlist that I created that really gets me moving and grooving.And I think you can tell how excited I am by this. It's because I feel the impact of all of this research in my own life, and I want you to feel it, too. And that's also why I want you to share this episode with people that you love. And one more thing that I would love for you to share. What's your favorite playlist?What is the song that makes you just feel like you're ready to just destroy it or do your best or it's the song that really makes you come alive. And I'd love for you to drop it in the comments. If you're on Spotify, you can leave that in a review on Apple so that we can see it. But let us know what is the music that makes you happy, that makes you more productive? Because I bet we could probably crowdsource the world's greatest playlist.And wouldn't that be amazing? Alrighty. One more thing. In case no one else tells you today, there's something else you need to hear. That I love you, and I believe in you, and I believe in your ability to create a better life.And all of the research that you learned today is going to help you do it. Now go press play and do it. I'll talk to you in a few days.All right, here we go. You ready, Trace? Let's go. Okay, here we go. We'll check this out.This is where the science comes in.Now, you already heard about having this hype music that stimulates the beta brain and the beta band. Oh, my God. At a very, very particular hearse. Hertz, how are my feet? Dirty after I took a bath last night and I just got out of the shower.That's summertime. The hell?Oh, and one more thing. And no, this is not a blooper. This is the legal language. You know, what the lawyers write and what I need to read to you. This podcast is presented solely for educational and entertainment purposes.I'm just your friend. I am not a licensed therapist, and this podcast is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional. Got it? Good. I'll see you in the next episode.Stitcher.


, whether you want to stop worrying and feeling kind of glum and transport yourself to a happier memory. Whether you're going to use the research that we learned today about kind of having hype music that gets you all excited and primes your brain. Remember the beta band to get you ready to do something, or whether you're going to use the amazing research that we unpacked about binaural beats so that you can help yourself, focus or relax. Because, I mean, it's just kind of incredible.


And you can search for these playlists online, but to make it easy, you know, I always like to put my arm around you and say, come on, you're coming with us. We have listed all of the studies, all of the resources we always do in the show notes. So if you look in the description, just click on show notes, it'll take you. There is. I'm going to send you a link to my favorite private playlist that I created that really gets me moving and grooving.


And I think you can tell how excited I am by this. It's because I feel the impact of all of this research in my own life, and I want you to feel it, too. And that's also why I want you to share this episode with people that you love. And one more thing that I would love for you to share. What's your favorite playlist?


What is the song that makes you just feel like you're ready to just destroy it or do your best or it's the song that really makes you come alive. And I'd love for you to drop it in the comments. If you're on Spotify, you can leave that in a review on Apple so that we can see it. But let us know what is the music that makes you happy, that makes you more productive? Because I bet we could probably crowdsource the world's greatest playlist.


And wouldn't that be amazing? Alrighty. One more thing. In case no one else tells you today, there's something else you need to hear. That I love you, and I believe in you, and I believe in your ability to create a better life.


And all of the research that you learned today is going to help you do it. Now go press play and do it. I'll talk to you in a few days.


All right, here we go. You ready, Trace? Let's go. Okay, here we go. We'll check this out.


This is where the science comes in.


Now, you already heard about having this hype music that stimulates the beta brain and the beta band. Oh, my God. At a very, very particular hearse. Hertz, how are my feet? Dirty after I took a bath last night and I just got out of the shower.


That's summertime. The hell?


Oh, and one more thing. And no, this is not a blooper. This is the legal language. You know, what the lawyers write and what I need to read to you. This podcast is presented solely for educational and entertainment purposes.


I'm just your friend. I am not a licensed therapist, and this podcast is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional. Got it? Good. I'll see you in the next episode.

