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Hey, it's your friend Mel, and welcome to the Mel Robbins podcast.


Hey, it's your buddy Mel. And you know what we're gonna piece of paper and you know what you're going to experience based on the research. A boost of energy and a boost in your mood because research shows just planning the adventure actually makes you feel better. So you do that and I will be waiting for you after this short break.Stay with me.Welcome back. It's your buddy, Mel. I'm so excited you're still here with me. We are talking about a simple way, based on research, to shake up your life, boost your mood, give you energy, make things sparkly again, and it's right in your own backyard. And I'm walking you through the five things you should add to this list.We've covered checking out a new store. Now we're going to talk about the second way to add to your never been there, done that list. And that's drive, walk, or bike down a new street. And I just love this. I stole this idea from my colleague Amy, who has the best tradition ever.Whenever Amy and her daughter drive by a street that they've never been down before. Check this out. They just turned down it. I mean, imagine that. Simply turning down a street.They've, hey, let's just go this way. Your gps will reroute. But simply doing it, they found incredible farms, beautiful gardens, fresh vegetable and fruit stands. And more importantly, she and her daughter have a blast exploring new places together. And you don't need a car to make this work.If energy. The research is playing out.It's true. Simply planning to do something, one boost. I got all excited looking for starter recipes, doing the thing, another boost. And now I'm getting a third boost because I'm telling you a story about it, and I'm kind of reliving it. And here's another example of how simply trying a new place can change your life.So a year ago, I discovered one of my all time favorite coffee shop cafe places on the planet. I mean, I probably go to this place three times a week. I go for coffee, I go for matcha, I go for the homemade croissants. On the weekends, my husband and I go out back and we have an al fresco dinner. Now, here's the catch.This place has been open for seven years. I have driven past this place for seven years. Why did I not go inside. Well, because my friend Jesse, who I referred to, told me, oh, have you been to such and such? And I was like, no.What is that place? And shes like, oh, its like a beer garden. They serve, you know, amazing beer and tinned fish. And im like, why would I go to a place that serves beer and tinned fish? That sounds disgusting.Well, I'll tell you why. Because as my mother said, try it, you might like it. Seriously. So I walk into this place one day.It turns out it's like beer garden in the back, french pastry phenomenon. In the front, they make the best coffee. They have the single best croissants on the planet that they hand pull, hand roll. They sell out within 15 minutes of the doors opening every Saturday and Sunday. I didn't realize that outback was not necessarily a beer garden.It's like this al fresco dining place where they make sourdough pizzas and like oysters and incredible. Like, it is like being in Napa Valley in my own backyard. Oh, my God. I had dismissed it before I even tried it. I was so wrong.And you're so wrong about a place that you keep driving by. So even if you're like, eh, I don't know how I feel about fondue. I don't know if I like old cars. Add it to the list. And speaking of the list, the final thing that you should add to your never been there.Never done that. Listen, join a sports league. Sign up for a community service group or volunteer somewhere. And this is a huge, huge thing to do, especially if you are in a new city. If you're young in a new city, you want to know one of the best ways you can make new friends?Join a kickball league. You don't have to be an athlete. Hell, you don't even have to be able to climb up a flight of stairs to be able to join a kickball league. You just show up, you make friends, you laugh, you hang out afterwards. It is so much fun.Another way to build community instantly and explore your backyard. Volunteer. You know, our son Oakley had this experience freshman year in high school when it was after school and he wandered into the cafeteria because he thought he had forgotten something in there after school. And these are his words, not mine. There were a group of grandmas in the school cafeteria just chopping up a storm and cooking and chatting away.And Oakley walked up to them and was like, hey, what are you doing? And they explained that they are this organization called Grateful Hearts that takes all kinds of food donations from farmers markets and farms, and they then chop it all up and cook it all into people in our community who are food insecure. And so Oakley put down the book that he left in the cafeteria and said, can I help? Put on an apron. And for four years, he's been hanging out with the grandmas in our communities doing what they called chat and chop and cooking food, which is how he got interested in cooking.It changed his life because when you volunteer, you not only feel connected with the other volunteers, but you connect more deeply with yourself. You learn more about your community. So you could sign up to weed a local garden. You could be a hospice volunteer. That's what my husband Chris does every single Thursday.He picks up meals from local restaurants that are donated, and then he drives them and drops them off to hospice patients in and around the southern Vermont area. You can chat and chop with all the grandmas like Oakley does. You could help out at a five k or a half marathon. I could go on and on and on. And if you don't know of any place to volunteer, just look for the Facebook group for your town.Go online, call the town clerk's office, walk into your local library, and I guarantee you people will be filled with ideas. Add them to the list. All right, there you have it. You got five simple ways to start your never been there, never done that adventure. So let me remind you of them again.Go to a new store, drive, walk, or bike down a new street. Go into museums, art galleries, libraries. Try a new type of food or cook a new recipe. It doesn't even have to be good. Mediocre is good enough because just doing something different shakes it up.Or join a sports league, a community service group, or volunteer. Because you can shake things up. You can be more adventurous. You can design and live a more purposeful life. And you can do it in your own backyard.In fact, your next adventure is just waiting for you. All you have to do is open that door and walk in. And in case no one else tells you, let me be the first person to tell you today that I love you. And I believe in you. And I believe in your ability to create a better life.And it starts with one. Never been there, never done that list. Alrighty. I'll talk to you in a few days.My husband and I have never talked about this on the podcast. We used to have a little retail store. It was a paint your own pottery studio. Everybody loved it. It didn't make any money at all.Let's go to the Caribbean. Let's go to the Patagonia. Let's go to the car. But let's be honest with each other. I've said that a couple of times, so I gotta say.But let's get real. Let's. Apparently there's also this place, another town over where there's this cross, where there's this cross, where this. And being able is the second. Okay, sorry.Never been there, never done it. Never been there, never done that. Never been there, never done that.Oh, and one more thing. And no, this is not a blooper. This is the legal language. You know, what the lawyers write and what I need to read to you. This podcast is presented solely for educational and entertainment purposes.I'm just your friend. I am not a licensed therapist, and this podcast is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional. Got it? Good. I'll see you in the next episode, Stitcher.


piece of paper and you know what you're going to experience based on the research. A boost of energy and a boost in your mood because research shows just planning the adventure actually makes you feel better. So you do that and I will be waiting for you after this short break.


Stay with me.


Welcome back. It's your buddy, Mel. I'm so excited you're still here with me. We are talking about a simple way, based on research, to shake up your life, boost your mood, give you energy, make things sparkly again, and it's right in your own backyard. And I'm walking you through the five things you should add to this list.


We've covered checking out a new store. Now we're going to talk about the second way to add to your never been there, done that list. And that's drive, walk, or bike down a new street. And I just love this. I stole this idea from my colleague Amy, who has the best tradition ever.


Whenever Amy and her daughter drive by a street that they've never been down before. Check this out. They just turned down it. I mean, imagine that. Simply turning down a street.


They've, hey, let's just go this way. Your gps will reroute. But simply doing it, they found incredible farms, beautiful gardens, fresh vegetable and fruit stands. And more importantly, she and her daughter have a blast exploring new places together. And you don't need a car to make this work.


If energy. The research is playing out.It's true. Simply planning to do something, one boost. I got all excited looking for starter recipes, doing the thing, another boost. And now I'm getting a third boost because I'm telling you a story about it, and I'm kind of reliving it. And here's another example of how simply trying a new place can change your life.So a year ago, I discovered one of my all time favorite coffee shop cafe places on the planet. I mean, I probably go to this place three times a week. I go for coffee, I go for matcha, I go for the homemade croissants. On the weekends, my husband and I go out back and we have an al fresco dinner. Now, here's the catch.This place has been open for seven years. I have driven past this place for seven years. Why did I not go inside. Well, because my friend Jesse, who I referred to, told me, oh, have you been to such and such? And I was like, no.What is that place? And shes like, oh, its like a beer garden. They serve, you know, amazing beer and tinned fish. And im like, why would I go to a place that serves beer and tinned fish? That sounds disgusting.Well, I'll tell you why. Because as my mother said, try it, you might like it. Seriously. So I walk into this place one day.It turns out it's like beer garden in the back, french pastry phenomenon. In the front, they make the best coffee. They have the single best croissants on the planet that they hand pull, hand roll. They sell out within 15 minutes of the doors opening every Saturday and Sunday. I didn't realize that outback was not necessarily a beer garden.It's like this al fresco dining place where they make sourdough pizzas and like oysters and incredible. Like, it is like being in Napa Valley in my own backyard. Oh, my God. I had dismissed it before I even tried it. I was so wrong.And you're so wrong about a place that you keep driving by. So even if you're like, eh, I don't know how I feel about fondue. I don't know if I like old cars. Add it to the list. And speaking of the list, the final thing that you should add to your never been there.Never done that. Listen, join a sports league. Sign up for a community service group or volunteer somewhere. And this is a huge, huge thing to do, especially if you are in a new city. If you're young in a new city, you want to know one of the best ways you can make new friends?Join a kickball league. You don't have to be an athlete. Hell, you don't even have to be able to climb up a flight of stairs to be able to join a kickball league. You just show up, you make friends, you laugh, you hang out afterwards. It is so much fun.Another way to build community instantly and explore your backyard. Volunteer. You know, our son Oakley had this experience freshman year in high school when it was after school and he wandered into the cafeteria because he thought he had forgotten something in there after school. And these are his words, not mine. There were a group of grandmas in the school cafeteria just chopping up a storm and cooking and chatting away.And Oakley walked up to them and was like, hey, what are you doing? And they explained that they are this organization called Grateful Hearts that takes all kinds of food donations from farmers markets and farms, and they then chop it all up and cook it all into people in our community who are food insecure. And so Oakley put down the book that he left in the cafeteria and said, can I help? Put on an apron. And for four years, he's been hanging out with the grandmas in our communities doing what they called chat and chop and cooking food, which is how he got interested in cooking.It changed his life because when you volunteer, you not only feel connected with the other volunteers, but you connect more deeply with yourself. You learn more about your community. So you could sign up to weed a local garden. You could be a hospice volunteer. That's what my husband Chris does every single Thursday.He picks up meals from local restaurants that are donated, and then he drives them and drops them off to hospice patients in and around the southern Vermont area. You can chat and chop with all the grandmas like Oakley does. You could help out at a five k or a half marathon. I could go on and on and on. And if you don't know of any place to volunteer, just look for the Facebook group for your town.Go online, call the town clerk's office, walk into your local library, and I guarantee you people will be filled with ideas. Add them to the list. All right, there you have it. You got five simple ways to start your never been there, never done that adventure. So let me remind you of them again.Go to a new store, drive, walk, or bike down a new street. Go into museums, art galleries, libraries. Try a new type of food or cook a new recipe. It doesn't even have to be good. Mediocre is good enough because just doing something different shakes it up.Or join a sports league, a community service group, or volunteer. Because you can shake things up. You can be more adventurous. You can design and live a more purposeful life. And you can do it in your own backyard.In fact, your next adventure is just waiting for you. All you have to do is open that door and walk in. And in case no one else tells you, let me be the first person to tell you today that I love you. And I believe in you. And I believe in your ability to create a better life.And it starts with one. Never been there, never done that list. Alrighty. I'll talk to you in a few days.My husband and I have never talked about this on the podcast. We used to have a little retail store. It was a paint your own pottery studio. Everybody loved it. It didn't make any money at all.Let's go to the Caribbean. Let's go to the Patagonia. Let's go to the car. But let's be honest with each other. I've said that a couple of times, so I gotta say.But let's get real. Let's. Apparently there's also this place, another town over where there's this cross, where there's this cross, where this. And being able is the second. Okay, sorry.Never been there, never done it. Never been there, never done that. Never been there, never done that.Oh, and one more thing. And no, this is not a blooper. This is the legal language. You know, what the lawyers write and what I need to read to you. This podcast is presented solely for educational and entertainment purposes.I'm just your friend. I am not a licensed therapist, and this podcast is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional. Got it? Good. I'll see you in the next episode, Stitcher.


energy. The research is playing out.


It's true. Simply planning to do something, one boost. I got all excited looking for starter recipes, doing the thing, another boost. And now I'm getting a third boost because I'm telling you a story about it, and I'm kind of reliving it. And here's another example of how simply trying a new place can change your life.


So a year ago, I discovered one of my all time favorite coffee shop cafe places on the planet. I mean, I probably go to this place three times a week. I go for coffee, I go for matcha, I go for the homemade croissants. On the weekends, my husband and I go out back and we have an al fresco dinner. Now, here's the catch.


This place has been open for seven years. I have driven past this place for seven years. Why did I not go inside. Well, because my friend Jesse, who I referred to, told me, oh, have you been to such and such? And I was like, no.


What is that place? And shes like, oh, its like a beer garden. They serve, you know, amazing beer and tinned fish. And im like, why would I go to a place that serves beer and tinned fish? That sounds disgusting.


Well, I'll tell you why. Because as my mother said, try it, you might like it. Seriously. So I walk into this place one day.


It turns out it's like beer garden in the back, french pastry phenomenon. In the front, they make the best coffee. They have the single best croissants on the planet that they hand pull, hand roll. They sell out within 15 minutes of the doors opening every Saturday and Sunday. I didn't realize that outback was not necessarily a beer garden.


It's like this al fresco dining place where they make sourdough pizzas and like oysters and incredible. Like, it is like being in Napa Valley in my own backyard. Oh, my God. I had dismissed it before I even tried it. I was so wrong.


And you're so wrong about a place that you keep driving by. So even if you're like, eh, I don't know how I feel about fondue. I don't know if I like old cars. Add it to the list. And speaking of the list, the final thing that you should add to your never been there.


Never done that. Listen, join a sports league. Sign up for a community service group or volunteer somewhere. And this is a huge, huge thing to do, especially if you are in a new city. If you're young in a new city, you want to know one of the best ways you can make new friends?


Join a kickball league. You don't have to be an athlete. Hell, you don't even have to be able to climb up a flight of stairs to be able to join a kickball league. You just show up, you make friends, you laugh, you hang out afterwards. It is so much fun.


Another way to build community instantly and explore your backyard. Volunteer. You know, our son Oakley had this experience freshman year in high school when it was after school and he wandered into the cafeteria because he thought he had forgotten something in there after school. And these are his words, not mine. There were a group of grandmas in the school cafeteria just chopping up a storm and cooking and chatting away.


And Oakley walked up to them and was like, hey, what are you doing? And they explained that they are this organization called Grateful Hearts that takes all kinds of food donations from farmers markets and farms, and they then chop it all up and cook it all into people in our community who are food insecure. And so Oakley put down the book that he left in the cafeteria and said, can I help? Put on an apron. And for four years, he's been hanging out with the grandmas in our communities doing what they called chat and chop and cooking food, which is how he got interested in cooking.


It changed his life because when you volunteer, you not only feel connected with the other volunteers, but you connect more deeply with yourself. You learn more about your community. So you could sign up to weed a local garden. You could be a hospice volunteer. That's what my husband Chris does every single Thursday.


He picks up meals from local restaurants that are donated, and then he drives them and drops them off to hospice patients in and around the southern Vermont area. You can chat and chop with all the grandmas like Oakley does. You could help out at a five k or a half marathon. I could go on and on and on. And if you don't know of any place to volunteer, just look for the Facebook group for your town.


Go online, call the town clerk's office, walk into your local library, and I guarantee you people will be filled with ideas. Add them to the list. All right, there you have it. You got five simple ways to start your never been there, never done that adventure. So let me remind you of them again.


Go to a new store, drive, walk, or bike down a new street. Go into museums, art galleries, libraries. Try a new type of food or cook a new recipe. It doesn't even have to be good. Mediocre is good enough because just doing something different shakes it up.


Or join a sports league, a community service group, or volunteer. Because you can shake things up. You can be more adventurous. You can design and live a more purposeful life. And you can do it in your own backyard.


In fact, your next adventure is just waiting for you. All you have to do is open that door and walk in. And in case no one else tells you, let me be the first person to tell you today that I love you. And I believe in you. And I believe in your ability to create a better life.


And it starts with one. Never been there, never done that list. Alrighty. I'll talk to you in a few days.


My husband and I have never talked about this on the podcast. We used to have a little retail store. It was a paint your own pottery studio. Everybody loved it. It didn't make any money at all.


Let's go to the Caribbean. Let's go to the Patagonia. Let's go to the car. But let's be honest with each other. I've said that a couple of times, so I gotta say.


But let's get real. Let's. Apparently there's also this place, another town over where there's this cross, where there's this cross, where this. And being able is the second. Okay, sorry.


Never been there, never done it. Never been there, never done that. Never been there, never done that.


Oh, and one more thing. And no, this is not a blooper. This is the legal language. You know, what the lawyers write and what I need to read to you. This podcast is presented solely for educational and entertainment purposes.


I'm just your friend. I am not a licensed therapist, and this podcast is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician, professional coach, psychotherapist, or other qualified professional. Got it? Good. I'll see you in the next episode, Stitcher.