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Wndri Plus subscribers can listen to The Offensive Line ad-free and access weekly bonus episodes right now. Join WNDRI Plus in the WNDRI app or on Apple podcast. The Olympics are going on, in case you guys didn't know, but we're here to talk some football because we're about to go from watching the best athletes in the world to watching the Patriots. Today, we'll be talking about Gen Z's finest new quarterbacks, Aaron Rodgers doing Aaron Rodgers' things, and who I'm picking to win the AFC North. I'm Wondering. I'm Annie Agar, and this is The Offensive Line.


Put it all on the line.


You guys, welcome in to The Offensive Line. We're here to make some pics, talk some shit, and hopefully make some money. I'm Annie Agar with our guest co-host today. He has the voice of an angel and has seen less bathrooms than Russell Wilson's house. Here with us for a bit less than seven hours of commercial free football, the Scott Hanson. Give it up, everyone. Scott, thank you for joining us. I don't think I even did justice with the introduction, but I appreciate you being here today.


100%, and I understand that I was right at the top of the list when the podcast was kicking off. So let's make this something that the Broadcasting Hall of Fame can be proud of and that will go in the Annie Agar time capsule forever.


Absolutely. Starting with the fact that you worked a full day with Gold Zone in the Olympics, and you still agreed to be put through this misery of being on a podcast. Yeah.


I got Ledecky-like stamina. Don't worry about me.


Let's start with that. Let's talk a little Olympics for a second, because Katie Ledecky is probably my favorite story with the Olympics. The fact that no one else is in frame when she wins gold is crazy to me. You don't even see any other swimmer. There's no waves from the other swimmers. It's incredible.


I believe she's launching herself into the conversation of most dominant American athletes of all time. In her discipline, in her sport, she could hang with anybody. You could take Michael Jordan's accomplishments in NBA basketball and Katie Ledecky's in distance swimming, and they're right there. It's phenomenal what she's doing. And how about this one? The other name that is really launching out in the first week of the games, of course, is Simone Biles, the GOAT gymnast male or female. But now when you put in the disappointment and the surprise, the shock of her not competing in Tokyo, and then that is completely erased and vindicated with whatever doubt anyone foolishly I arrived to her, it's amazing. And then I bring up her name because get this, Annie. March 1997, a young girl is born by the name of Simone Biles. Three days later in 1997, a young girl by the name of Katie Ledecky was born. How about that? They are, I think it's March 14th and March 17th, 1997. Two of the greatest female American athletes in history were born. It's It was a fun, neat story.


Something was in the water nine months prior. Let me explain the show. The show is very simple. I'm going to hand out new awards each week based on whatever social media is talking about in the football world. And then you and I, Scott, are going to go head to head on our pics. We're still a few weeks away from the regular season. So today we're going to start with a little offseason recap, and we're going to talk some AFC season long bets.


I'm in Olympics mode, but I can transition for you.


This is going to show your depth. You're a multitasker, I know. So let's get into it. Up first, we have the Jerry Jones is an idiot award. Many quarterbacks got paid this offseason, but not Doug Prescott. Will that come back to bite Jerry? Of the ones who did get the bag, which quarterback is most deserving of their payday? Our colonies are Trevor Lawrence, Tua, and Jordan Love. If you would have told me Jordan Love was going to be better than Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers, I would 100 % give him the money immediately. And it's proven to projection-wise, it can happen. Since week 11, he was 21 and one. Okay, 21 touch-out, one interceptions. The man was unstable, and everybody's saying, Oh, will you just pay him for half a season, not even a full season? Don't give me that. Sign him immediately. Tua and Trevor, a lot of question marks there. Trevor with the fumbles, Trevor with the issues. He's won one playoff game in four years. Don't give me that with Trevor. And Tua can't win a game in cold weather. Can't make a play happen outside the pocket. We blame Tua when they lose.


We thank Tirek when they win. I can't buy into Tua right now. Those are my opinions. Scott, lay it on me. Give me all the Jordan love hate you want. Tell me what you're thinking.


Well, first of all, let's identify the Bucky Badger in the room as you are wearing your red sweat. Yeah, exactly. I didn't even think about it. Online, you have Let your allegiances be known. So as soon as you put up the three multiple choice options, I knew where you were going. I have great news for you. Had you asked me to do this before giving your answer, I think I may have gone Jordan Love. It's only because I think we still need a little more sample size for Jordan Love. I'm more comfortable with a little bit of a smaller sample size out of Jordan Love than I am with Tua or Trevor Lawrence. We've seen more games out of both of them. Not saying they're not worthy of their money. Their franchises, respectively, said, We've seen enough. You're a franchise quarterback. And the other dynamic that comes into play here is if you don't pay Jordan Love now this much money, And he goes out and has a season that people are predicting with some of the best young weapons in the game. And granted, the running game is changing a little bit, but there's still talent there.


This packer's offense is going to put up some points. You're going to pay him five more million per season on top of he already got. And that's that much more chunk of the salary cap. It's once you've made the decision, A, the quarterback. I realize the money is slot machine money, but the packers had seen enough. The quarterbacks were going one by one with the contracts, and the next one has to come in over the top by a couple of dollars. I think Jordan Love, I think they paid him when they had to, and I think it's a pretty good bet for the Green Bay packers, which, are you kidding me? Have they hit on three straight franchise quarterbacks. Now, the other two- Who would have thought? The other two are Super Bowl winners. We'll see if Love can get there. But you just said it, touch down to interception ratio. The guy is a leader. He's already well, well respected and liked in that room. I'll add another thing to his game that I don't think people understand. I did a public appearance with him in Vegas at the Super Bowl. During the week, the players fly into the Super Bowl city to sell whatever flavor of sport drink they're hocking.


So the other thing with Jordan, he's huge, Annie. He is a big quarterback, and I think there's durability there that's the name of the game, especially when you're playing cold weather games, outdoors in Green Bay, outdoors in late in the season when they have to go to Chicago and these type of things. That's a big deal to me. There are smaller quarterbacks that are considered to be franchise guys. The number one pick in the draft is a tiny quarterback who's going to get blasted sometimes. I think Jordan Love can absorb those. I like his game start to finish, so my pick would be Love as well.


All right, we agree on the first one. That's great. Oh, boy. Okay, Jordan Love. Look at that. That's very not normal for us to have. Put it all on the line. Let's move on to the next award. Next up, we have the Love Island Award. This offseason, there was a big recoupling in the NFL Villa. Some of the new duos include Stefan Diggs and C. J. Stroud, Derrick Henry and Lamar, and Hollywood Brown and Mahomes. My winner here is Derrick Henry and Lamar. This might be the best quarterback, running back, tight-end group that we have other than the Chiefs with Mark Andrews. I absolutely love Derrick. Someone put out a tweet the other day and said Derrick Henry doesn't have a decline. He doesn't have a super off year. He just keeps getting better, even though he's 30 years old. And Derrick Henry has the most rushing yards of a running back since 2018. Guess who has the most rushing yards of a quarterback since 2018? Lamar Jackson. You think? Lamar Jackson. Everybody could see that coming. Just don't suddenly stop running the ball in the playoff, Harba. But other than that, this is my favorite, Pairing my favorite couple in the Villa.


What do you think, Scott?


Would it be boring If I say we're two for two? Wow. I think this one's a bigger slam dunk than the Jordan love.


Hey, if I agree with the Scott Hansen, that's a benefit to me. That's a compliment to me.


I love this pairing. Everybody likes to talk about the tread on the tire of a 30 plus year old running back. Anybody who sees social media at all knows that Derrick Henry is one of the greatest workout warriors in the running back position. This guy has his body finally tuned I'd be willing to bet he can get at least a season or two out of his body at a thousand-yard level, maybe a 1,200, 1,400-yard level. But I'll just say this, Lamar Jackson, independently of Derrick Henry, Henry is an MVP caliber quarterback, okay? Right. And he's arguably the ultimate dual threat quarterback. He's going to take the shotgun snap every time with Derrick Henry in the pistol formation to his left or to his right, and he's going to go into his belly every time, and you're going to have a steam shovel like Derrick Henry running between this tackle and this tackle. Whether it's a run fake or he has the ball, you have to respect that. And then Lamar is a threat to dart outside the tight end or outside had the tackle on the other side. I don't know how NFL defensive coordinators are going to be able to put their finger in the dam enough with all the different weapons that are coming at you there.


Young Zee flowers, the wide receiver, the first-round pick out of Boston College, had a really nice year last year. He's going to take that first to second year leap. Derrick Henry may be the perfect missing piece in the offseason for an offense to help a team go from being a playoff contender to being a true Super Bowl contender.


And let's not forget their defense. It's like we're watching the 2000 Ravens again.


No, they're great. Now, if you say Patrick Mahomes is one of the other options, Patrick Mahomes and fill in the blank is a good option.


But we give him enough credit. We don't need to give him any more credit.


As for the Texans, Stefan Diggs, the hourglass, the sands through the hourglass, you put Stefan Diggs on your offense. You turn the hourglass upside down. And boy, There is production that's going to come, but that hour glass is going to run out at some point, and there is friction that develops in a short period of time. It didn't happen immediately with Buffalo, but his time ran out in Minnesota. His time ran out in Buffalo. So that one would be my third of the three options there. But I love Derrick Henry to the Ravens.


Two for two, Scott. We got to disagree on something here. All right, this one, I think, is a personal favorite award, and I think you're really going to appreciate this one, Scott. Are you ready? Lay it on me. Next, we have the Gen Z quarterback Award. A record six quarterbacks were selected in the top 12 picks this past season. This is a new era of signal callers, not because they play differently, but because they were born literally in a different era. The colonies are Caleb Williams, Jaden Daniels or Drake May. The caveat with this award is that we're going to try to loop in as many Gen Z terms as we can while we're talking about this. Here are the Gen Z terms. Do you know any these, Scott? If you do, I will be so impressed.


I don't even think I know when Gen Z begins and ends. What is the year?


We are off to a great start. We're off to a great start.


No. Annie, you know I got that Riz.


Yeah. Okay, see, I knew you were up today. If you're on social media- Oh, did I just drop one?


Oh, was that me? Yeah.


Look at you. Was that me? Didn't even plan to do it. Oh, he so knows. Have you heard of So Brat? Have you heard of that?


I think, yeah. I've seen that.


That's a new one. I just learned that one. Ick, pooky, dlulu, and mid. So I'll give an Here's an example here. Everybody knows. I have an opinion about Caleb Williams, obviously, with the bears. If we want to talk about the definition for the word mid, I'll start there. Caleb Williams, come for me, bears fans. Or dalulu, like the entire fan base thinking that they finally solved their quarterback issues. We We got a Tina Nelen. We signed the. I know. Best pest catcher. Pest catcher, running back. I've heard it all. I don't want to hear anything else from bears fans. You guys are to Lulu, okay? I'm going to go with Daniels on this one because I love Terry McLaurin and Jahaan Dotson. Big 10 guy. They signed Austin Ackler. A little shaky O-line, but I think Jaden Daniels, if he can stay healthy and not submit himself to needless tackles, if he can do that, I think he'll be great. He is pooky. He's got Riz. Give me Jaden Daniels.


I'm going off the board.


Oh, no. You can't stop me. If you say JJ McCarthy, we're done with this podcast right now.


I'm saying JJ McCarthy.




Because he's got that Riz. Undefeated final season for the Michigan Wolverines who won the national championship. Near and dear to your heart, your favorite, Go Blue. And he meditates at the goal post before games, during warmups. He goes down into this cross-legged Zen position with his headphones on, and then he goes out there and just puts passes where he needs to, when he needs to. In college, he didn't throw for 350 yards and five touch downs the way Jaden Daniels did, the way Caleb Williams. He didn't have to because football is about wins. It's not about completions. It's not even about touch downs. It's about wins. Jj found the way. Jj with the Riz is the pick.


Cheers. Sorry. I officially have gotten the it.


Double whammy, Michigan Wolverines and Minnesota Vikings.


I hate it. I hate everything about it.


Double Hagar Whammy.


I hate everything about it. I've gotten the it, guys. I've got nick. And finally, we have the Dumb & Dumber Award for the coach or player who will totally redeem themselves this year. The nominations are Russell Wilson or Justin Fields. It's got to be one of them, right? Jim Harbaugh or Aaron Rodgers. This one is It's pretty clear to be Jim Harbaugh. We just talked about Michigan. I'll get into that later. A lot to say about Jim Harbaugh. Aaron Rodgers also will get into that later. But Russell Wilson and Justin Fields, I don't think they even know at this point. Mike Tomlin came out and said Russell Wilson was in pole position. But then the calf strain happened, giving Justin Fields an opportunity to show himself. Mike Tomlin is not a coach to come out and do like coach talk. He came out this week and said Justin Fields is using every opportunity that he's had, and that got to mean something. I like Justin Fields. I think the bears screwed him over, and I think he is going to do really well with the Steelers in terms of, I mean, look at their quarterback grand from last year.


It's got to be better than that. So I'm going with Russell Wilson/ Justin Fields leaning towards Justin Fields.


This one's called the Dumb & Dumber Award.


Which is so ironically convenient for Justin Fields and Russell Wilson.


You want to hear the most annoying sound in the world? It's Jim Harbaugh at a Wednesday Media Availability News Conference. Oh, and as I just said, I love it. The lights went out in my studio here. Oh, they're back on. Here we go. But I'll finish my thought. Jim Harbaugh at news conference is painfully awkward. He'll be asked a question about his third and long offense, and he'll say something that is just a complete non-sequitur to whatever, wherever. I had a chance to talk to him with no cameras around for about an hour right after he won the national title and had decided to go back to the NFL and got the charger job. He is completely different when he's not in front of the cameras there because he does it so consistently, you think that's his personality, almost awkward. Or he's not that way. He is a sharp thinker. He is all about ball. He wins everywhere he goes. So if you're talking about someone who looks one way, and then by the end, the beautiful dumb and dumber redemption story, give me Jim Harbaugh.


This is going to play very well into my rant that I go on later. So I'll let you have right now. Jim Harba. Thank you. Okay, we'll take it. We're going to move on to possibly my favorite segment. Every week, we're going to do this, you guys, and I'll take nominations. So please enjoy. And now it's time for Real Men of genius. Every week, I'll pick someone who has done something so stupid. Arthur Smith, I'm looking at you. They can only be real men of genius. Real men of genius. Today, Today, we salute you, Aaron Rodgers. No other quarterback could float running as a VP quite like you. You don't even like politics. Then start unneeded drama before the season has even started by ditching mandatory camp to ride camels. Doesn't he always do that? But thankfully, you didn't do anything recently, like shout at your own teammates at practice. Why does anyone like you? So here's to you, Aaron. Go into the fridge and crack open a cold one. Here's If you still believe in electricity, that is.


There is that Agar creativity that we have come to know and love and now expect on this podcast.


Those were my favorite commercials. They were good. They were good. And we're going to do that weekly now because people continue to impress me with how stupid they can be. Let's talk about Aaron for a second. What do we think about the Jets this season? What is the outcome that is most gratifying for what they've done this offseason? What would be the positive outcome for the Jets?


If If Aaron Rodgers plays 17 games, the Jets are going to the playoffs.


Man, if he plays more than four plays, that's a bonus.


If he plays more than four plays, he will have given them more output than last year. But if he plays 17 games, they're going to the playoffs. Their defense is top five, maybe top three. They have some weapons on the outside, and Aaron has not... No matter what else he's learned in his ayahuasca tour of the world, he has not forgotten how to play football. I think the arm strength is still there, and the mind is as quick as ever. I'm in on the Jets, but he has to prove that he's not a briddle old man. And the only way to find that out is to roll the football out there.


I don't know how I feel about it. I want him to do well, but then I also... I'm just glad I don't have to deal with the drama in the offseason anymore, to be completely honest. I love.


I zig when the rest of the world zags. I find him to be a compelling individual. Have you met him before? I I have. I met him. Well, I met him several times, but I met him. I had an interaction with him at the White House, of all places, after your beloved Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl.


When he was running for VP.


You know what? I actually knew him the first time he actually got to the White House. It was during their media session with the President. And somehow I ended up with Rogers. I want to say maybe A. J. Hawk was with him. They had broken away from the pack, and we were in this these rooms in the White House are crazy. They're huge. Ended up with these old, old paintings. And Rogers was admiring them the way a toddler looks at the ice cream truck coming down the street, just wide-eye. And He's always been fancied himself as a renaissance man, a polyglot interested in everything. And I've had some conversations with him. I don't have a problem with him as much as the football world does because of his eccentricities. I'm good with him.


Good. I've heard he's a very nice guy, and I don't doubt it. I just think it's also fun to make fun of him. We'll see. But I agree with you. The Jets, they're scary. It's a scary division this year. Well, other than the Patriots. All right, here's what I want to do for you, Scott. Since you came on this podcast and you're so generous, you spend seven hours every Sunday telling people what they want to hear, but now I want you to tell them what they need to hear. Sometimes what you need to hear isn't always nice. I'm going to go on a rant. You can go on a rant, and I'll show you how this goes. But we got to I'll start it with no offense because everyone knows when you say no offense, you're not going to say anything offensive, right? I'll start. With this place perfectly into your Jim Harba talk earlier. Are you ready for this? No offense, but Jim Harba will not have a good year this year with the Chargers. Here's why. Like you said, everybody knows he turns franchises around, back from his time in San Diego. He's great with that.


However, we're talking about the Chargers that lost 63 to 21 last this year to the Raiders on Thursday Night Football. That's what caused Brandon Staley's job. This Chargers team looked atrocious. Now, Justin Herbert has some plantar fasciitis issue. They lost Mike Williams and Keenan Allen, and they have Greg Roman as their OC, so they're not even going to throw the ball. The Chargers can't catch a break, which is very convenient because neither can Quentin Johnston because he can't catch anything. That is my rant. The Chargers will not be as good this year. Jim Harbaugh is going to have to prove himself a little bit more. Thank you for coming to my TikTok.


Scott, your turn. No offense. And remember, I said no offense.




But the kickoff rule change I am not excited about whatsoever. I think there are going to be unintended consequences. And I completely am in agreement with the league in trying to make football as safe as possible. And if you and I have been on a sideline of football games back when the rules allowed complete collisions on the opening kickoff, they were like mini car crashes that would happen guaranteed at about the 20-yard line when the blocking wall, back when there was a blocking wall, would meet the kick team. But the drastic nature of this change, I'll predict we could have double digit kickoff returns for touch downs this season. Wow. If people keep the ball in bounds and keep it out of the end zone, which they're incentivized to do because of where you bring the ball to, if you kick it, obviously out of bounds or even into the end zone, you get penalized another 5 or 10 yards it And I think it's going to be like playing cover zero on defense. There's no safety back there, baby. So you get through that first line and that return guy is gone. And while that's an exciting play, if it happens too much, it's going to be an unintended consequence.


So no offense. My prediction would be they're going to tweak the kickoff rules again, even after seeing a season of this new format.


I completely agree with that. And people were all up in arms on social media about it when it first happened. It's not the no fun league. We want to have fun. After those rants, we need to take a little break. When we come back, it's time for Scott and I to break down some AFC season-long lines to determine which of those is the most offensive. So we'll be right back. All right, I'm sure you guys already know, the beautiful thing about being a sports fan is there are only two days all year without a game. Two days. And with so much happening and so much action, that makes almost everyday game day a DraftKings Sportsbook. And if you're a first-timer, super easy to get started. Try betting on something simple, like picking a team to win. Go to the DraftKings Sportsbook app, select your team, and place your first bet. That is it. I'm a packer fan. It looks like they have some pretty good odds this season, I can't lie. I'm taking Jordan Love plus 110 to have over 4,000 passing yards this season. I'm also not going to pass up a Packers money line.


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Welcome back to the Offensive Line. You guys, it's time for us to make our AFC season-long bets, AKA another way to lose money because the chips will always find a way to win, it seems like. Let's get into it. First up, we have the Michael Scott Award, We're picking a good team to fall short of expectations, just like Michael Scott in the Scott's Tots episode where he promised money and looked like an idiot. The nominations are Bills under ten and a half wins, Stealers under eight and a half wins, and Chargers under eight and a half wins. Based on my little rant that I just did, you guys probably know where I'm going with this one. However, I might switch it up a little bit because ten and a half seems like a lot. The Bills have a tough schedule. They play the Patriots twice. That's two easy wins. They might split with Miami based on where that One's at home, one's away. Play the Chiefs, Ravens, 49ers, lions, and rams. I might take the Bills under. Ten and a half is a... That's a lot. That is a lot of wins.


I'm going to go off the board because I have to, as an employee of the NFL, I have to navigate totals a certain way, numbers a certain way. Josh Allen is an immense NFL Red Zone fan. I don't know if you're aware of that or not.


I think he's close about it, right?


Yes. He looks forward to the bye week so he can spend the Sunday with Uncle Scott. He likes playing on Thursday night football or Monday night football when he can watch, just like Tom braided used to tell me. And I realized I'm name dropping, which gets gauche. Bill Belichick told me never to name drop, but I'm doing it anyway. What is Bill know? Yeah, exactly. I like the Bills. I still like the Bills in that division because I'm not so sure that Aaron Rodgers is going to play it out. I think it's going to come down to the Bills and the Dolphins. Buffalo, even with the exodus of wide receivers there, I think Josh Allen makes enough plays to get them a nice season.


Next is the Hawk Tua Award for the team that will surprise us all by staying in the conversation way longer than expected by making the playoffs. The nominees are the Raiders, plus 300, the Broncos, at plus 700, and the Patriots, at plus 900. This is in reference to a virus. Do you know what that means, the Hawk Tua?


No, I have no idea.


We're going to save that for another time. We'll let the Internet tell you about that. Just everybody tag Scott in it.


I'm aware. I have an Internet connection.


All right, let's talk Raiders. Devante doesn't want to be there. Raiders, I'm not super high on the Raiders. Broncos, however, I probably lower on because they might have the worst quarterback room than the Steelers did last year. It's pitiful. Corland Sudna, I'm amazing at that deal done, but I wouldn't want to catch passes from any of those guys. Sorry. But the Patriots plus 900 is hilarious to me. Drake May will be happy to be alive at the end of the season, let alone make the playoffs. There's no way they're making the playoffs. So I probably will go Broncos on this one, which is crazy, just because of Courtland Sutton. That man, probably going to be put through hell this year. So good luck in the playoffs.


I have to pick one of these three teams most likely to go to the playoffs?


I know. Just take the odds. Let's just take... Let's say the Patriots for the fun of it. Take the odds. Bet a dollar on them.


Just list those three teams again for me. How loud?


Raiders, Broncos, Patriots.


You have just named the draft order for the 2025 NFL. No, it's the NFL. Nobody knows nothing. Oh, I love it. But you handle that business there. I would probably take the Raiders, but then you just look at the division and I think, uff. Right? Yeah.


No, it's We'll take that as an answer. Okay, let's move on to the next one. The next category is called the Fuck It, He's Down There, Somewhere Award for Most Regular Season, Passing TDs. Pick a quarterback in the AFC to toss the most touch downs in the league. Mahomes at plus 6:50, Burrow at plus 11:00, and Josh Allen at plus 1,200. Josh Allen being plus 1,200 is crazy. I can't not take that. He has more touch downs in the first six seasons in the NFL than anyone ever. That's other than Moreno, Cam Newton, Andrew luck. This man is addicted to throwing touch downs and throw interceptions, and they've never happened in the Super Bowl. Beside the point, I'm taking Josh Allen plus 1,200.


What do you think, Scott? I could make a case for any one of these three guys. I think Burrow has the best targets to throw to. Granted, he's coming off an injury. We need to see him play the full season to win this distinction. Josh Allen, like you said, could lead the league in touch downs and interceptions. Both could be true. But I'll just be contrarian and go Patrick Mahomes. I'll be boring guy. Mahomes knows how to get it to the end zone, and their running game still hasn't become impressive enough that it's going to take all the pressure off him needing to throw. They also do 19 different pages of shovel passes inside the five-yard line in their red zone offense that count as shutdown passes. Give me Mahomes.


That's true. I forgot about the shovel passes.


Can you think it?


I can't rethink now. The are too good. The odds are two in my favor. Okay, we have one last award. We call this next category the Group of Death Award. For the AFC North Division Champ, just like in the Olympics, this group could either be deadly or terrible. Our options are the Ravens at plus 140, the Bans at plus 145, the Browns at plus 600, and the Steelers at plus 800. This one, again, seems pretty obvious. I think we have to go to Baltimore on this one. From what we talked about earlier, Eric Henry I'm feeling Baltimore. Not the best odds, but I'll take it.


Wait a minute. Just clarify this category for me, who we think is going to win the division.


Win the division.


It is, like you said, group of death because-Nice little Olympic pun there.


Did you like that? Yeah, exactly.


Very good. Yeah, Baltimore. They ultimately had home field advantage throughout the playoffs, and they couldn't close Mahomes out at M&T Bank. I think they could be in a similar circumstance where they could be the number one seed going into the playoff, so I'll take the Ravens. But it's going to be a bumpy ride, especially if the Browns and Steelers figure out the quarterback position. Right.


Just Lamar, stop choking in the playoff. I wanted it to be Lion's Baltimore last year for Super Bowl. Just Don't choke. Run the dang ball. Like they say in the blindside, run the dang ball. All right, you guys, sadly, we are out of time. Scott, thank you so much for joining us on the offensive line. I don't think I made you say anything too offensive. I'll take that, and you can just do what you best, which is talk for seven hours.


I'll still fight the good fight against the commercials. Oh, absolutely. If anyone hits me up on the social medias and says, Why don't you go to the blank game? Because I'm on this game, and they want their favorite team on. Don't come complaining to me. Go complaining to the quarterback of your team. Get your butt inside the 20.


Exactly. Get inside the red zone. The ironic thing was the Falcons were probably on all the time, and then they'd fumble or turn the ball over in the red zone every Every time. So you guys would cut to them, and then two seconds later, we'd be on to a new game. So don't screw it up, guys. Listen to Scott. Listen to the voice of an angel. Get in the red zone. You'll be on TV.


Annie, love to love you. Thank you so much for having me.


Thank you so much, Scott. That's it, you guys, for this week on The Offensive Line. Be sure to follow us wherever you get your podcast. You can watch full podcast episodes on YouTube, but make sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode. All right, you guys. Thank you so much. And remember, as always, Des didn't catch it.


See you next week.


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