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I didn't want to guard anyone else but Austin Reeves last night. How dare you come in Chicago in my hood and hit me with the too little and don't think that I'm going to come for your neck? It's cool. He go field raffed from now on. I'm picking his ass up 94 feet. It's not personal, just business.


It didn't really seem that chippy.


No, it was the bump after. The bump was crucial. Yeah, the bump was needed.


You stood there like a brick wall in.


Front of a train. Yeah, good bump too. I put my hand I got a little elbow to the head as he walked through like this. You clipped him? I clipped him. I clipped him. Good call. I clipped him. I clipped him. Every time I seen it like his entire retire, whatever team Austin Reays is on, I'm on his ass. Because of this? Because of that.


You had nothing but glowing things to say about him and you defended him personally.


When it was against his sons. That's what made me angry about it, because I did time for him.


You were in that box.


I literally did time.


For him. You paid money out of pocket.


Pocket for him. Hit me with this. I'd be your own people, say less.