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All right, guys, let's talk about Body Armor. Body Armor, we were just talking about, obviously, Kaitlyn Clarke, our MVP of the week, and that is brought to you by Body Armor. You know what time it is with Body Armor. I mean, I've been drinking it the entire time. It's the best way to stay hydrated. The entire segment, in fact, the entire show is brought to you by Body Armor Sportwater. This alkaline water provides real hydration with electrolytes for a little bit of taste. Here's my second Body Armor Sportwater. I have it on me at all times, and I am making sure that I am hydrated because that is the key to all of life. Most of the world's water, most of your body's water, and most of what I drink is Body Armor. Everybody's always drinking it in the office. The sports drink the zero sugar, even the flash IV after a long weekend, whatever it is. We can't get enough of the Body Armor. Head on over to your local 711 and get your Body Armor Sportwater today.