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Listen, once you hit the climbing of stair dance, you're definitely up either a couple shots or a couple brewskis for show. You just, you feel it's like a shoulder movement or a couple million.


Honestly, bro, you feel me?


Like, you know, it's a shoulder movement. It's not really hands. I'm really giving you shoulders. So, yeah, shout out to the climbing the stair dance.


The pap f pod with Roan Ron. The Celtics. The Celtics are the NBA champions, which.


Are the NBA champions first and foremost. We want to. This is a basketball pod and we have to speak basketball, obviously. El presidente, the man himself, Dave Portnoy. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Happy to do it.


Happy do it.


Guys, your Celtics. You, everyone knows you've been a longtime fan for ages. You've done a lot of criticisms about other players, never about the Celtics. You guys are the most winningest franchise in NBA history with 18 banners.


Thank you.


You also guys have one of the youngest coaches to ever to ever win an NBA championship. Jalen Brown is the highest paid player ever. Jason Tatum is great. Drew holiday. Talk about Celtics. Dave, you got ten minutes on your show, but my show, if you know what I mean.


Well, I mean, I think you got to put in discussion one of the great teams of all time, dominant during the regular season, dominant during the playoffs. Young and what we do here in Boston. So we got 18 now 18 championships. I don't even either. Lakers got 16, they don't get 17. The bubble doesn't count. This team's this. Well, I mean, if you don't have to play a road game, that's sports. I'm looking forward. I don't look back. That's what we do here. I think we're poised. So we have no free agents. The whole team is back, you know, two, three. I think we're on the precipice of one of the great runs because there's no answer for this team. Yeah, they throw in one bad game, a series, because when you shoot the three, they have some off games. But, you know, Patrick, I heard, well, this guy's hurt. This guy doesn't play. Porzingis didn't play 90% of playoffs for us. Big seven. This big seven something. Latvian guy. So, I mean, we were so deep, so talented, so well coached. Everyone. I saw a clip I didn't put together. You were in it, Pat, the video, I saw that.


Like, you think the cell, that's you, like, no. Tatum Brown, same player.


Can't be. I think that was at the. That was at the bars event.




Yeah. That's before you guys had Drew holiday, though.


And what drew holiday, you and I. Because I know basketball. When they got drew holiday, I saw this team's. This team's gonna be big promise because they need a true point guard. They need someone to distribute the ball, be the team guy, do all the dirty work. So I said, you know, because Boston, there were some fans because they gotten so close and they're like, should we resign Brown? I went up, I dug up. I like, I like document. I like pulling the receipts. I go, listen, people who don't want to sign Brown are crazy. Like, we got two young superstars. You're never going to get better. Mix the pot, find the right guys and what they, and I, and I like Marcus smart. I do. But that trade, that took balls. They get rid of him yet? Porzing is get a holiday. This team can't be stopped with that.


I feel like a lot of people. You have to give Brad Stevens a lot of credit.


Ton of credit.


You have to give Brad Stevens a lot of credit. Right? They've been. They've been super competitive. Not just only this year, but the last two, three knocking.


They've been knocking.


They've been at the door. I mean, Dave, I hate to do it. I hate to do it. Congratulations.


Thank you. Patrick.




I texted you last night. Congratulations.


I had to initiate it.


That's true. Okay.


Who is your favorite people that you. You give us, who you were texting, who have you been? Your favorite, like, layup line. People that you've been able to dunk on that you've been able to. I saw you giving KFC the business. Who else were you texting? Who have you been gloating?


It's not about them. It's not about them. It's about us. I did say I put my Kyrie beef away.


Okay. I'm glad. I'm glad you did that. I'm glad you're done with that because I was going to talk to you about that. I'm glad you did that.


Yeah. He changed his tune a lot during the series, but I was going to change. We're trying to win a championship in which it's the first time I ever heard him really be like, maybe some of the hate that Boston asked me, maybe I caused some of it by the way I acted when I was there. So that's the first time I've ever heard him say that. If he said that all earlier, it probably wouldn't have developed to the. To the way it did. And then, obviously, anytime you play in the finals, you're going to hate who you're playing. He came in with hate, but I don't care. Now that. That. That beef is. That beef's behind me. It couldn't have gone better for us. I mean, he did not play well.


Did you see what Evan Turner said? He. I think he said, get off that man's dick, or something like that.


Yeah, I did see that. I don't know what the fuck.


And we. And we watch. I have kids that watch the pod, so. Private parts. Thank you. Not.


Yeah, I was like. I was like the movie. Yeah. Listen, he's entitled. He's doing a show. He can say whatever he wants. I'm not a disrespectful fan. So, like, you can wear a clown shirt to the game. That's. That. That's in bounds.


Yeah, I agree with that. And that's. That was my argument. Right? All right, et. You can be angry, but, I mean, I got. You got fans out there that's, you know, saying, draymond's a bitch and f U c K, Pat Bev. So he's a. He's a Boston fan, so he's entitled to do that. As a Boston fan. What I don't agree with is the. You gotta. You gotta stop this day, and I know you won't, but you have to stop this. Caitlyn Clark is great. Angel Reese is great also. Angel Reese is great also.


Angela Reese is a very good player, but she's ugly to watch. Have you watched her play? She's. She's a typical WNBA. She's off great on the offensive glass, rebounding, but watching her play, terrible layups. The way. The reason people are captivated by Clark is the way she plays like Steph Curry. And the thing that I don't like, people making it race. I don't think it's in the league. That's racist jealousy that she's so popular. But there's lots of major white female WNBA mega stars that nobody cared about. She just plays different. And Angel Reese and I. You should, I think, be able to appreciate this. I would respect and like angel more if she just ate it. She's like. If she was just like, you know what? I fucking hate her. And I'm going to go at her and I'm going to make my mission to make her life miserable. But she doesn't do that. She acts that way. And then she asks, like, people are making it up. Well, you did the Lombarda once. You got cheap shotted. You did this in college. You've done one thing after another. You, you. And then you're like, no, I like Caitlin Clark.


People read into it. Well. You act very differently. I like our teammate more who actually hit her is like, yeah, I don't like her. I respect that. It's the back and forth that drives me nuts with her.


She has a good game. She plays well. She's one of the. Probably one of the best rookies. This is hard.


I don't. She's great on the glass, but he's a winner.


She's a winner.


Esthetically watching her, it's like. What it's watching her is why the NBA people are watching. It's not pretty. Basketball. Caitlin Clark plays differently.


Okay, well, congratulations to the Boston Celtics again.


I got a question for you, Dave. I want to. I want to do it. Let's. Let's do a starting. We could even make the new Amsterdam starting five. Give us your. Your starting five. Celtics of all time.


Oh, damn. What a question. You got to go. I think Russell won.


Not at position two. So position conscious. Not just five. Random. So like point guard through center.


All right.


I want to see if any current guys are making it. That's basically the.


Center is Russell.


No doubt.


Forwards. You're going to have to go bird. No doubt, Mikhail. Yeah, right.


No doubt.


You could go Mikhail. I mean, Garnett, maybe in conversation. Maybe a Paul Pearson conversation.


This is a tough squad. I think the point guard is clearly DJ. So I got one guy left.


You got one guy left to two guard between Rondo.


Paul Pierce, probably Pierce.


Pierce had two guards. A havlicek could be in the conversation.


Yeah, I think I'm good with that squad, by the way. I love the way you don't see a lot of expo athletes root. The way Paul Pierce roots for the Celtics. I love it. Like, he gloats. Like he's a fan. I love it.


What is the. And I don't know if I could talk about this wrong because he's won. He's won a ton of money doing this. Can you finish my sentence, please?


I mean, a hundred thousand dollars to win 1.5 is pretty fucking sick.


That was my best bet. So what happened with that? The Celtics were like crazy favorites basically the entire season. Vegas always knows like incredibly low odds. Like to go through the gauntlet and win a championships hard. But I didn't have any money on them because they're always like even money or very low shepler. And golf was red hot on Saturday. He was in, like, 10th place, four shots off, but he was coming. So I did a parlay. Scheffler to win that tournament, celtics to win. So I got 16 to one odds on him.


Detail. Can you detail your last? Like, that was crazy. Eight bets.


It's been the. It's been, it's been the. It's been. 2024 has been my year, so I don't bet as much as I usually do. I bet a million dollars on Michigan because I went there and I was going to the Rose Bowl. I was like, fuck it. If I lose it, I lose it. I'm going. I believe in them. They won. Once they did that, that opened the door. You're playing with house money. So I took Washington the next game against Texas. They won. I took the Chiefs in the Super bowl. They won. I took UConn to win the national championship. They won. I took Scheffler to win the Masters. He won. And then I did this parlay, and I have the Edmund Delirium with Stanley cup, but I think they lose tonight.


So this is all seven figure winners.


For the most closest up. Seven or 8 million this year.




At what point do you start, like, does that start trickling into the force?


That was just cold when you. When you said that. And then the smoke came out your mouth, like the. Yeah, that was cold. I like that. That's gangster shit. I give you that one.


Nobody is trained in winning like I have been. Pat, you're relatively new to this. 13. Boston has 13 world championships since I started barstool. It's an amazing run.


Hey, look, and before we let you go. Cause we all know you're probably busy spending all that money. Tom Brady, the Fantastic four, he gave you guys a hell of a shout out. Could you speak about that a little bit? The Tom Brady experience?


Well, yeah, that's one of those things that's been a ride. So Brady and I are the same year in Michigan. So we both graduated. We both. I came home. Where I'm from, he followed, basically, to Boston area. So I followed my whole life. And his rise coincided with barstool, and Barstool became, really the face of New England patriots, like, fans, and they went through so much shit. So we became bigger as he became bigger. And I do think it's fair to ask, if he didn't exist, would barstool look and feel the same? It really. It was like a springboard for us. So he means a lot to me and on a business level, and I went to, you know, I went to jail. For him. I posted his kid's dick. Got in trouble for that. It's been a roller coaster. Roller coaster adventure with him.


Hey, listen, when you go to jail with somebody, that's different type of love right there. Yeah, everybody fucking Dave port noy on this bitch. I'm sorry, in this thing, the pad Bev pile with wrong question.




Can you continue, please?


I just didn't know which one happened first. Did you posted his kid's dick first or you went to jail for him first?


Kids dick.


And so then you made up for it by.


Let me let people who don't. This is gonna be like days of fucking pedophile some shit. Let me. Let me clarify. It was a infant like the garber baby. And I was trying to take a shot at Peyton Manning because Peyton Manning was my original guy. I hated in my rival because it was Brady buttonheads of Peyton. And everyone would give Peyton all the credit, and we'd go win the Super Bowl. I fucking hated Peyton Manning. So Brady had a baby. Giselle was toting around Brazil or South Beach. Paparazzi took a picture. Kid had a big hog. I go, Peyton Manning could never have a kid that would have a hog like this. And people are like, oh, what do you do? It was a joke. It was a garber baby. You been in the locker room?


Who doesn't want to walk in the.


Locker room, be like, hey, pat your kid. Big hog. Like, was an issue, though.


Oh, okay, okay.


Then you went to jail for him. Made up for all of it.


And then, no, we're good now.


You guys are like this.


We're good.


Thick at thieves, you guys, he had.


Boston Celtics reach out to you. Are you like, they know you on a personal basis? Cause I see you court side.


I see you, like, before every. It doesn't matter if the president. They're like, Dave, you want your court side seats? It's the best hookup. I thank them greatly. Like, I couldn't make the other game. Like, should we hold your tickets? Um, it. Yeah, they've been nothing. They were the first pro team that ever reached out. Like, I text Wick after the game, I'm like, attaboy, Wick. So, yeah, I have a good relationship with them, and they respect the fact I've been doing it. Like, one year. LeBron knocked them out. They sent four security guards right in front of me. Dave, don't say anything, LeBron. Don't say anything, LeBron. So they know. They know all my little beefs and everything I got.


What about with Kyrie? Did they send someone over? Like, did you have any type of interaction? I contact Kyrie.


I think they know well enough I'm not going to because they give me the tickets and I won't do it anyways. I'm never going to.


Yeah, you don't do that. I agree with that.


You never cross the line.


Never cross the line. You never cross the line. You. You flirt with it a little bit, but never cross it. I give you that.


I didn't know if he was going to say hello to me because Kyrie at one point did challenge me to one on one and we had pretty lengthy Texas change. He was going to come to my house and meet my parents, which would have been interesting. We have film it. He bailed on that. But I've never met him, like, face to face. I don't even know if he knows what I look like, to be totally honest. So I wasn't sure if he was going to say. I thought he was going to try to kill me with kindness, which maybe give me a hug. And then I would. In the middle of finals, I would head to Kembe and be like, no, no, no. Let's wait till finals are over.


Hey, man. Hey, Dave, man, a lot of people give me because. Because you the boss man and I work for you. And a lot of people give me shit about it. You know me, I think I don't give a fuck.


I appreciate that.


In and out my blood, my boy. You feel me?


I appreciate it, Pat. I know that. I know that.


No, I wear that shit on my back. Me. And we're on both. So, yeah, it's barstool versus everybody. This way.


I appreciate it.


How many cigars is this, though, Dave?


Every motherfucker had lung cancer, anything.


Listen, I see a cigar, I buy it. And this is really a celtic thing because it's almost a red rbac, you.


Know, that's the only way he's doing it, sitting in a big chair. Big.


My favorite celtic clip of all time after they beat the Lakers when the Lakers were supposed to be unbeatable. And he's in the locker room with bird, he says, how about that Lakers rival dynasty? This is the real dynasty. So it's an homage to red.




Well, that's all we had, Dave, we appreciate you taking your time out, brother.


All right, thanks, fellas.




Thank you. Thank you. Number 19. The next banner is the best one.


And the chair is circling around as he leaves, so shout out to El presidente.


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Ron, we got to give it to him, man. We got to give it to him. They are the champion.


No, it makes me sick. But, I mean, we talked about this before, like, I'm not surprised that the Celtics won. They're team. You are.


I mean, I just.


This series or the whole thing?


The whole thing.


You thought there would be another team.


Shout, is the bucks. Well, coming to a situation where you think was, okay, man, you know, we jail, you know, really good. But, you know, it's not about us, not about the Bucks. Gotta give. Gotta give credit to what credit is due. Gotta give it to Boston Celtics. And then people try to clown me when I said Jason Tatum in the Jalen Brown thing. That was obviously before they had Drew holiday. You add drew holiday with any team. It makes them. It makes you. It takes your team to another caliber. You know, so Drew holiday. The drew holiday types, you know, so you gotta give Boston. Gotta give Boston a lot of credit, man. They. They were dominant during the regular season. They were dominant in the postseason. Like, each sears for ones, four ones, four, one. So gotta give it to him.


Is it surprising to you that Dave, when he was doing his new Amsterdam starting five, by the way, New Amsterdam vodka, literally the best stuff on earth. I mean, look at this. Five times distilled, three times filtered. The. The best vodka. New Amsterdam mule. New Amsterdam martini. New Amsterdam shots. New Amsterdam Rocks. No. No matter how you enjoy your vodka, make sure that it's new Amsterdam vodka. It's literally built like the Empire State Building because New Amsterdam was the original name of New York. And whether you're in New York, LA, or anywhere in between, you're going to be enjoying New Amsterdam. Baca, when he was given his new Amsterdam starting five, he didn't say any current Celtics on that.


That was a great question.


Also, is that surprising? Thank you for saying that.


I mean, I think just because of the history they have, right. That you kind of have to. I mean, you couldn't go. I mean, you couldn't go wrong, right?


Paul Pierce has the same amount of championships as Jalen Brown. Yeah, but so Jalen Brown's automatic on the team or me, not Paul Pierce, automatic, automatic.


You know, he's. He's celtic, in and out. And you just remember that. You know, you remember jumping on, you know. You know, before Papa, I got that from KG and I got jumping on a score stable from him. You know, you remember stuff like that. So, like I said, I don't think it's wrong. I don't think he's. I don't think you can go wrong. And his decision and his. His picks, I don't think you can go wrong in that situation.


Do you think that they got the MVP correct in this series or is that another one? You can't go wrong. Tatum or Brown, you can't go.


I mean, you add Drew holiday in there also, but, you know, mainstream MVP's and you know what people think. Real MVP's are not what people think real MVP's, but my type of MVP. A player that's impacted the game, he had the guard time, the offensive rebounds, timely buckets. Buckets when he needed them. Are we getting dried? The ball not moving is getting dried up. Okay, Drew, let me. Drew scores, I don't know, 910 points one quarter. You know, so you couldn't go wrong. But, you know, I'm a, you know, obviously a Drew holiday fan, so. Fan. So mine was a draw.


Yeah, I think that's completely fair. Plus, the defense that he played, he is proven to be.


You can't take anything away from Jalen Brown. You can't. You know, that's what I'm saying. You can't. Either way, if you would have closed your eyes and picked, you wouldn't have been wrong. You wouldn't have been wrong.


A lot of people like to be like, since he won the championship and he was the MVP on that championship team, he's like the best player in the world right now. Is that. Do you subscribe to that level of thinking or does that. Is that a useless rhetoric?


No, I don't think that. I like that useless rhetoric. I like that. But no, I was. Each series is different consistently. Every game has been Jalen Brown. And he's also had the task of guarding Luka Dantic, also picking him up for. We speak about his offense, but we don't really speak about his rebounding. I thought his rebounding was great. I thought he attacked a rim a ton and put so much pressure on the paint. So this series, in the series before, I think for sure, Jalen Brown, he must deserve. But again, if he was to pick Tatum, you wouldn't be wrong. And if he was to pick Drew holiday, you wouldn't be wrong. And if the first series, if that was the championship, you would have picked Derrick White, you wouldn't have been wrong. You know what I'm saying? So I think it goes either way.


The Celtics got to do their fair share of gloating via social media. Their account basically had receipts of everybody picking the Mavericks. And I think one of the main people that. One of the main talking points that they were having about the Mavericks was a, the Mavericks are more. Have more depth than the Celtics. And I think that that's the weakest talking point against them, because if you watch the Celtics at all this year, you're familiar with how much depth they have. Not even just going like one to nine or one to eleven, whatever it is, but the depth among their top, uh, seven or eight guys, how each one of them can fill out the stat sheet, score a bunch of points. Like they're just, it's a very complete team. And I think that that's a different type of depth, rather than just starters and backups.


And you gotta get coach, you gotta get, you gotta get a coach. You gotta give him a lot of credit. You have to he last game, you know, you rarely see coaches do this. He literally wrote, they rolled the ball down. They just played. He didn't. We are gonna end the season plan extreme. We could start the season playing hard as fuck, and we're gonna end the season plan extremely hard. Right? You could have. I think they made their first subs out at like two minutes. You could have did that at six months, right? He could have did it at seven minutes. Game has been over. Everyone was watching the game. Game has been over. Fuck that. We set a precedent of being the most dominant team, and that's not stopping tonight. So you got to give us, him and his coaching staff, a lot of credit. Shout out to Sam Cassell also.


Yeah. Sam Cassell wanted as a player in zero eight and then four or whatever, however many years later.


I can't believe this shit, man. This motherfucker Dave, man, I gotta hit this motherfucker mouth all month. Oh, my God.


It sucks.


Those Celtics. Patrick, he's hitting you with Patrick. He. Wow.


Patrick is crazy.


Patrick is my name.


It is. But I've never heard him call you Patrick before, to be honest.


Yeah. So I guess.


I guess fucking congratulations. If we're giving out congratulations, maybe we can be bitter.


Can be.


I'm saying small bouquet of flowers to the Dallas Mavericks for making it this far.


No one, no one seen them coming. I tell you that. No one thought that they were going to come out the west. No one.


Their fans were worried about getting out the play in a couple months ago.


Yeah. So you got to get them a lot of credit also. Jake hit is great. All right. Luca, Kyrie, those guys are great. You talking about a fairly young team, too. We talking about too many old guys. You know, I usually go back to the drawing board. What do we need to get better at? Well, I think Dallas virus, man, they go be. They gonna be knocking at the front door for a lot of years coming. Lucas there live is there. I like the additions of PJ Washington. I thought it. I thought he was great during the playoffs. You know, you want guys to be great every playoff series, but, you know, they kind of came up short in the championship. So, you know, they was, they were tough out. They were tough out for any team in the west, I'll tell you that.


I mean, I I kind of disagree that they're. They're going to be right back there next year. I think that this was kind of a unique opportunity with how deep the west is. They would have to make kind of wholesale changes to round out their starting lineup around Luca and Kyrie, because I think that those two guys just didn't have enough help at the end of the day.


Yeah, but, you know, we coming in before the season, if we would have said that Dallas Mavericks gonna be in championship, that's, that'd be your answer again, you know what I'm saying? But it's different when you roll the balls out there. You gotta play, you gotta guard Kyrie, you gotta guard Luca, you gotta watch live threats, you know, PJ Washington, big guy, three and D guy, but he's six eight, Derek Jones throughout the playoffs, three and D guy, but he's six seven and long. Plays like he's 610, you know, so you can't, you know, you know, they western conference champions for a reason. You gotta give them the credit.


Yeah, definitely give them their flowers. And I think that whenever a team loses in the playoffs, everybody's instinct is to kind of try to poke holes in their, in their squad. But, I mean, Luca has ascended to a point where he is like, pretty much, I mean, right there with being indelibly one of the greatest players of this generation.


Yeah, you got, you know, me, I've, I've seen Luke in the playoffs, so I know firsthand what he does. A lot of people talk about his size, a lot of people talk about his shooting ability is his iq, but fucking six eight. Fucking six eight point guard and, and burly, too.


Not like Sean Livingston. Six eight. No shade, right?


No shade like smell. Fuck. Six eight, man. Two some, two something, you know, I'm saying, so, like, people forget his, and he got like the best muscle physique, but, but, but when it comes to size, he's little inches shorter than LeBron James, you know, so, but his, Luke is going to be steady, you know, his whole career. You know, his game isn't built on a lot of athleticism, but his size, his ability to be crafty with the ball. He can post. You just pick and roll. You can't never get in front of him. His shoulder, hip, you know, I'm saying, you can't really get, get back in front of him. He's so strong, he knows what to do. He knows how to get fouls called. He knows how to get to the free throw line. He throws the lobby, those corner pass on, on the dime. So he's a tough cover. Yeah.


That dude's a beast, man. This, this sucks. Honestly, as a, as a, and it's.


Like a depressing thing all over again. You know, you lose the playoffs is.


Fuck, man.


Fucking lost, man. I'm depressed for three, four days and then once the championship is over, as basketball players, you depressed again. You motherfuckers don't want. And I'm in the house. I don't. Took a four hour nap today, man.


That's depressing.


Like, I fucking. Like I fucking played or some shit, man. Like, am season with Boston one. You feel me? Like, man, we supposed to be right there. You kind of play back in your head all the time that you kind of play Boston. You kind of. Oh, man, we could have did this in the playoffs. You got to go through it all over again. So. Yeah, life as an athlete.


Meanwhile, Tyler, our producer of the show, was literally, like, throwing his head back and laughing. Boston fan, Chacha, sliding up and down the stairways like this. Yeah, probably this dance here. Yeah. Hitting my head.


Anytime you see a white person do this, I call it the climbing stair dance.


My mom and my sister hit that shit all the time.


Donald Trump be hitting that shit all the time. He'd be in that motherfucker like, trump you hitting that shit out his mother.


What does it mean to you when you see it in the whites? Hitting the climbing the stair dance.


The climbing stair dance? Oh, it's either. Listen, listen. Once you hit the climbing of stair dance, you're definitely up either a couple shots or a couple brewski's for show. You just. You feel it's like a shoulder move.


Or a couple million. Honestly, bro, you feel me?


Like, you know, it's a shoulder movement. It's not really hands. I'm really giving you shoulders. So, yeah, shout out to the climbing the stair dance.


That's crazy because my mom and my sister definitely do that when they have, like, it might just be like one tall beer and, you know, one glass of wine, and they just start hitting.


The shoulders be perked up. The shoulders be perked up. So I wanted to. People don't understand. So Tyler, he's one of the younger producers on our pod. A killer, right? He's great, he's phenomenal. He cuts the edits.


Johnny on the spot.


Who on the spot? People who've been around the pod for, I don't know, a year, and I don't know, half understand the importance of Tyler. And Tyler is originally Boston kid, right? Mom's Boston, dad's Boston. We talking about. I'm talking about Boston, in and out. Motherfucker got white, white hair, blue eyes. I'm talking about Boston. I'm talking about motherfucker. He Boston, in and out, right? So throughout our process with the pod, you know, I'm the basketball player who's never played for Boston. So when I come to the. It was good when I was on the west, right? It was cool when I was on the west, you know?


No smoke.


No smoke. But as soon as I got to the east, not only the east, when I got to Philly, that's what things kind of changed a little bit for me entirely. Cause I started to see how Boston he really was. You know? Like, we. I play a good game, but we lose, and it's like, well, Pat, it is Boston, Pat. You know? Like, you know, what could I say? You know? So that's Tyler. He's Boston in and out. I didn't know he was a fan of this much until we got eliminated out of the playoffs. That's what kind of surprised me. He. He had on all green. It felt like he was wearing green every day after we were eliminated out the playoffs.


Superman. He had it on underneath.


He wrestled. Yeah. And the Miller. Shout out to the Millers. Also, I don't. I'm pretty sure they watched the pod shout out to the Millers, congratulations, Boston Celtics.


There's so many Celtics fans around the office, and they're all like, you know what even pisses me off more? They're not even really popping their shit that much because they've won so many championships with the Patriots, the Bruins, the Red Sox. Like, these guys are so used to winning that it doesn't even really, like. They don't. They're not like, jubilant. You know what I mean? Like, they didn't even really party.


And the coach, he's so gangster, man.


He's such a gangster.


He's such a gangster. He put out the second unit. Everybody know this, too, man, the league, man. He put out that second unit. Four white dudes. Motherfuckers was like, damn. In a championship game.


Yeah, and Tyler, hero white guys either, bro. They're.


I'm talking about. I'm talking about. Ring'em Luke Cornettes and Peyton Pritchards and Sam Houser. Housers. We talk about. Yeah, we talk about. He put them on. Time out. He rolled four. Four white dudes. Four white dudes, one black dude. Let's go. This our second unit, which is even.


More of a flex.


Which is even more of a flex. You got to give it to him, man. Shout out to the Boston Celtics. His intensity, dominant season.


Yeah. Being top seed, taking care of business in the west like that. And plus his intensity. And then you go back to the fact that the Celtics lose Udoka at the start of last season. And everybody's like, what's going on? Like, how could they even get past this? He steps in, no fucking problem. Elevates the squad to where, like, they're better than they ever even were.


With Tor meniscus.


Torm, 35 years old, he's hobbling around since March. He needs surgery.


Torn meniscus. It's got to give a lot of credit to Brad Stevens. Gotta get a lot of credit to the coach. Great organization. Congratulations, Boston.


Where are you at with it? What's your. I heard you're back in basketball mode.


Yeah, today was my second day, yesterday my first. Great. Like riding a bike, baby. Like riding the bike. Wrist feels great. Bodies feels great. I put on some muscle. Been working on the back, try to take a little load off the hips a little bit this summer. So we've been prioritizing back a lot, you know? So, yeah, preseason, I mean, you know, right around the corner again, back at it.


It's so fast. I mean, free agency. Fucking like two weeks away.


I mean, actually, now, if you're the new rule, if you're a free agent, which are in the current team, they can start doing negotiations as quick as after the championship. So. It's already started.


So what's the word?


One thing we go announce is on the pod. That's one thing we will announce, but we'll see.


Okay. Love to hear it. Yeah, it's an exciting time. Any. Any personal plans or things you're looking forward to enjoying, man, you know, I just.


I got the kids out here with me, man. They just been keeping Father's day.


Happy Father's day, bro.


I appreciate that, your comment. I'm talking about just crib vibes, you know, water gun fights, water balloon fights.


You got a pool?




What's the pool maintenance. Like, who cleans it? Who. Who has to do all that shit?


I come once a week. Once every two weeks. It's pretty good.


Oh, so it's easy.


Easy breezy. Got a big ass bee in the bottom of the pool. Yeah. And that doesn't mean banks. It means Beverly, if you know what I mean.


I thought it meant the billions that we're about to get.


Okay? Right. But, yeah. So, yeah, that's been super dad vibe. Super dad vibes. You know, heavy on the workouts. Super dad wise has been a vibe.


How's. How's the bro spank.


Spank has been. Spank is an interesting character.


Is he at summer camp? What's his. Where's he going? Where's his.


So I'm gonna put him in flag football. But, you know, I just got him about a week ago, so I was just in the dad phase of kissing and hugging lately, you know, don't leave my side phase. But now I'm in that phase. It's time for you motherfuckers get out the house. Yeah, it's time for you motherfuckers get out your house. And time for you to earn keep. That's what I earned. Get outside. Earn keep. I don't fuck what you do.


Let me know.


Come back. Start up. I don't fuck what you do. Earn keep.


Box of snickers bars and M and Ms. Fuck.


How you upsell popcorn, son. I don't know if you gotta do 20, I bet you can't beat me in jumping jacks. Yeah, better, motherfucker. Come back. Earn keep.


Love that.


So, yeah, that's the vibe this summer. Earn keep. And earn. And keep comes with, you know, a little bit of this. You know, you earn your keep, sometimes you up, sometimes you're down. So little life lessons can pass through. In the Beverly household, well, it's always a wave.


And I happen to be riding the wave with you, my friends.


Let me show you. I don't know if y'all can see it, but. Yeah, that's the crib.


The ceiling looks. The ceilings looks immaculate. The sun shining in the background.


Oh, yeah, this is good. Little fine threads. You know, I've been blessed. Can't complain.


You got a good little echo in there or what, yo? Oh, shit.


Yeah, you do a little bit, bro.


You know where I'm about to. You know where I'm about to go on a week from Thursday?


Tell me.


Japan, bro.


How young I've been.


I've been where? I heard that you were nice with the chopsticks. So I've been working on the chopsticks every day, bro. Rain. You can pick up rain.


I'm telling. I pick up rain with them.


I was trying to catch a cold with them.


Dude, I'm picking rain, I'll get thirsty. I pick rain out air. I'm so nice.


Chopsticks finally getting better, bro. I was going to be. I was nervous about it. I got my Google translate and the chopsticks. I should be ready to go.


But I meant to tell you something. Is this a black thing or a white thing? Have you ever had braids?


I came back from Turks and Caicos in 7th grade with. I went on a family vacation. I came back with some braids, some beads on.


But have you got braids? I don't know, since you've been up. No adult age.


No, bro. I don't think that people would take kindly to me having braids, I think.


Okay, so it's this thing you get when you have braids, right? And you keep them in, like, I don't know, longer than usual. But the longer you keep a man, the more your hair grows, as they say. Right? Yeah, but what they don't tell you is it itches.


So what do you do?


Ooh, I'm talking about. I'm Pat.


Those things.


I'm talking about I'm back scratcher, but in scalp, I'm. I'm hanger bent up, the one from the cleaners in that motherfucker.


I'm smacking them.


Padding, you know? Understand? I got a motherfucker headache at the end of the night. Yeah. Pat. Beverly, you understand what I'm saying? Heavy on the pats. You feel me? So I just wanted to know if that was a colored thing or a white thing.


You got the OT seven quantity. The loose guys going all over the place.


Not too.


They look good, though. That looks good right now.


Elite. Elite. Not too much.


Bob, you still need to get that, that heavy mustache for picture day next year. Okay, guys, let's talk about a new sponsor of ours, greatness wins. I just got the package sent to my home. My wife called me. She said, that package you've been waiting for just hit the doorstep. It's my new, fresh package of beautiful clothing from greatness wins. Because you ever wonder what happens when the brightest mind in sports and fashion join forces to create the next great athletic brand? Well, I've been wondering about it, and my wonders have been answered, because greatness wins. Athletic clothing has completely transformed the workout game. I have a pair of their shorts already. Okay. I didn't get the full package yet, but I have a pair of their shorts. They're the best shorts on the market. They feel good. They look good. They play good. You have the inner lining, but also they're cut right. They make you look strong, a little bit stronger than you are, but enough where you could still be aspirational against stronger. It's a real sweet spot. Greatness wins has been able to create an absolute game changer. The comfort is unmatched.


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I so check it out. Sick draft store. And I'm gonna let you go out to this. Wrong. Wrong.


Oh, take your time.


So the NBA draft is coming up, right? If you're a young guy in the NBA and you're getting drafted, hear me loud and clear, right? It's a ton of podcasts is going around. It's a tougher opera. It's a ton of other opportunities going around besides basketball, right. In this new day and age, young guys in the draft make basketball your priority for the next three years, right? For the next three years. And it's gonna be tough because it's gonna be new. You're gonna be, you'll be you fanned out a little bit. You don't see guys that NBA life is fast. You in one city, you out another, you might play. You don't like young guys for the next three, four years. Cause sometimes, you know, sometimes young guys go to teams where it's not like a lot of good bets, you know? So, as a vet and as I would tell all my young guys, prioritize basketball for the next three or four years, right, when I. And when I mean prioritize, I mean, obviously everyone goes to the gym, everyone gets their work in, but limit your distractions, right? Try to, try to, try to help.


Try to, try to build yourself a routine. I think routine is huge, especially being a professional basketball player. Help build, like, find someone on your team, coach someone older than you that can help. Help you build your routine, right? Save all of your money. Save all your money. And I know it's tempting, trust me. I was a young guy, right? I had rookie contracts and all that. Save your money first three or four years so you can be good for the rest of your life. I think if you have that foundation of prioritizing basketball, of limiting your distractions and saving your money, I think that's half the battle already right there. And you put yourself in position to be successful throughout your career. So all guys that get drafted, all guys who don't get drafted, you know, that's my two cent of the day when it comes to the draft. Quick draft story, though, right?


Talk to me.


So I'm in a draft, right? I'm in a draft. It's me, it's Nick collectors. It's Johnny Flynn. It's Steph Curry. It's Ricky Rubio.


It's Jeff Syracuse, it's Davidson. Brandon Jennings, Wake Forest.


It's Patty Mills, right?


Same man.


You talk about like a draft class field with point guards. Filled with point guards, 30 guards might have got drafted. I'm talking about field with point guards. Demar derose. And like, I'm talking about field with point guards. Top to bottom, John Wall. No, no, no. I don't think so.


Different drafts.


Yeah. So my road to the draft in NBA was different than a ton of people. You know, I played in Europe, so I was fortunate to get invited to the Treviso basketball euro camp, right? I go there, mind you, right? This is my first year out to Ukraine, right? I fucking probably spoke 50 words of English the whole year, you know? So I'm leaving Ukraine, and before I head back to the States, I'm gonna take a pit stop in Treviso for Euro camp. A ton of scouts there, right? Eurocamp was where we seen James Harden. He was coaching the pick and roll stuff this past summer. It's in Chaviso, Italy. They have it every year. I was fortunate to earn an mvp of that year, right? And we talking about, this is a year where Patty Mills is there, rockrique brobos there, Nicholas Batum is there, Alex Ajinka is there, Joe Ingalls is there, right? All the european players, you know, my age or younger, they're there. I meet a guy named Patty Mills, right? And I'm mind, I'm just leaving Ukraine. I'm Ukraine. Treviso, Italy. Treviso, Italy states, right? So I'm, I see Patty Mills and I'm like, oh, man, I see rock week boba, okay?


Some black motherfuckers in this bitch with me, right? Pat, man, what's going on? What's up? What's up, man? I know your name. Patty. And my name Pat, man. Nice to meet you. Patty. How are you, bro? Where the fuck you from?


Good time Pat, what's going on?


I'm from Australia. So every draft workout, right? Every draft workout, I see Patty Mills. We work out. Patty Mills, Brandon, Jen. I mean, we just. Every workout, right? Every workout, it's a, it's a group of us that's on the cuffs, right? The end of the first round type of guys and early second type of guys, right? So Patty come to me like, I think we playing Cleveland. He Patsy. Oh, yeah. What up, Pat? He are you. You're going to the draft, mate. Pat ain't no motherfucker want to drive Pat, man. We fucking, we second round. Pat. We gonna be in that bitch 3 hours, mate. It's for the experience, mate. Yeah, I feel that, Patty, but we don't know. If we don't get drafted, then we just in that bitches by ourselves. Patty, like what we like, we go through whole conversation, right? Whole, I don't know, 2030 minutes conversation. Patty trying to talk. Patty Mills trying to talk me and going New York for the draft. I know. Fuck that. Patty. I'm at Granny house, man. We throwing the kickback, man. I'm chilling with the fans. He made. I'm a go, man. I Patti, man.


Your ass better not go to that draft, man. He, man, brother. I'ma go. I'm a go. All right, cool. I'm watching draft, right? I'm watching draft. Feel me? Names get back called. I'm excited. But I'm 41, 42, I believe. And Patty might have been 55 or 60, right? So I get drafted. Okay, cool. You know, drafted by the Lakers, trade to the heat draft. But now I'm only watching the draft. I'm watching. Okay. My boy Patti, man, I hope you get drafted. I hope you get drafted. Come on, man. Come on, Patty. Come on, Patty, right. Name get called 47 pick, 49th, 56 pick. I mean, 52nd pick, 55th pick, 56. I think he might have been a 6th pick. I might be wrong. But they call his name, Patty Mills. The camera switched three times to try to find them.


They're just sweeping around.


He comes up there from the second.


Floor like a wrestling entrance.


Walks on state.


Mind you, ultimately, if he's a sixties Cynthia pick, no one's there anymore, right? Walks on stage, that's me and my Patty Mills store. And that's how he got.


He went on stage.


He did that shit that's legendary. So. So, yeah. Draft these. You get a chance to walk. Walk.


You regret not going?


Hell, yeah. Now.


Yeah. Right.


But I was just so. No, I know if I was gonna.


Get drafted shaking David Stern's hand or whatever.


No. So for me, that would have been Adam Silver. That was Adam Silver.


Second round.


Second. You know, that was his last year of being in the second round. So, yeah, that's my, that's my draft story. So you get drafted, guys, enjoy the whole experience. Go to New York, behave yourselves. Listen to your parents subscribe to the motherfucking pod?


You got any guys you like in the draft?


Mother freaking pod.


I'm gonna give you some of my favorites.


I like mine. I like, I like one person. I mean, I don't know a lot about a lot of people in the draft, but I'm very interested to see. I want to see Bronnie. I ain't gonna lie. I want to see Bronnie. Yeah, I want to see Bronny. I know, and I know he, you.


Know, his teammate Isaiah Collier is sick, rock.


Yeah, but I just want to see, I just feel like I've been watching Bronnie since he's been, I don't know, 6th grade. Right.


But that's not fair to the other guys that are the top prospects.


I just said, well, who I wanted to see. I didn't. I just wanted to see, I want to see him. I want to see him. I want to see him play out. I want to see him compete. I want to see him with all that behind him. I want to see him at summer league and how crazy some league will be this summer, you know what I'm saying? Because obviously, of who he is and his last name and who his dad is and his game. It's gonna be a huge crowd that follows them in Vegas. I just wanna, I'm happy. I'm happy to see it all he deserves. I'm happy to see it all.


I'm excited to see Rob Dillingham from Kentucky. I'm excited. Jared McCain from duke. McCain with the painted nails from Duke. I think he's gonna be sick. And I think what my Eden guy, I like Eden Eaton's nice.




Yep. But my favorite guy is Jacoby Walter from Baylor. Keep an eye on this dude.


Okay. Put me on. Like, yeah, put me on.


He got some decent length he has. He could get up, he could get to the cup. I think this dude is going to be an absolute problem. Dude. Jacoby.


What about, what about any euro prospects that you like or don't like?


I like, it depends on how the dude, the next joke, the next nickel. Nikola Jokic, part three. Topic. Nikola topic. It depends on what position they put him in. I mean, if he's just a pure point guard, he would be very interesting on the spurs.




Like, if he's playing alongside, like, the spurs need a point guard. I think they're the most interesting spot in the draft because who you pair with. Wembanyama could, like, change the league in the future. You know, it could change the, the if they hit this, if they get two young studs, look at what. Okay. See did by just getting a couple young studs, surrounding them all with one another. I think that that's the most exciting and most important spot in the draft, but I think there's going to be weird value at different parts in the draft, and I don't know, it could be interesting. A lot of people are mocking him. Fourth overall to the spurs. So there's a lot of euro guys. Sar, this other dude, I don't even know how to say his name. Rice.


Yeah. Don't attempt to. Yeah, we don't want to get in, disrespect anyone's last name. I know I feel about my last name, so.


Exactly. But I'm excited for the. Excited for the draft, for sure.


Sick patty meal story.


Sick, incredible fucking.


Only motherfucking and draft night. I didn't call everybody. Patty meal. Still get drafted. Still in NBA, too. Shout out to Patty Mills, man. I don't know if you watch a pod, but shout out to Patty Mills.


Yeah, legend. I got to. I got. I got the tr. The trivia. Semifinals right now or quarterfinals.


Well, you better get your ass to work.


I bet you.


I wanted to give you a pass, but then I say, I am going to give him a pass. But then I thought about it, like, nah, fuck that. Don't give him a pass. Hey, them legs, man. Angle them up. Legs.


Angle the camera down, bro, I've been working the legs every day. You're just seeing the lower legs.


Listen, I promise you, Ron. Ron, I promise you that motherfucker microphone was the same color as your legs. You couldn't tell the difference. Yeah, bro.


I don't know what you're talking about, bro. Check these fucking stems out now.


Keep going. Keep going down. Keep going down. Keep going down. Show the whole thing.


Keep going down. Keep going down.


You. Ooh. Okay. You cool? Okay. Yeah. Better, better, better. You go try to press his calves on the. On a couch to try to get a little bit more girth. You. Wow. He's wild. He's wild. Wow. You. Wow. Okay, now you play sports. Okay. Ron is always a pleasure, brother.


All right, bro. See you next week. Subscribe to the.


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