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The PatBev pod, with Ron, before we say anything else, subscribe to the podcast.


Wow, that's fucked up. That's fucked up. Why? Before you say anything else, Merry Christmas.


Okay, wow, you're right.


Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas. Not subscribe. Subscribe to the fucking podcast. Now that we've gotten the nice of these out of the way, one thing was important, and that's the birth of our beautiful baby, Jesus. But the other thing that's important is that you subscribe to the pod. We love you guys. It's the best and easiest way that you can support us. Straight up. Subscribe. Subscribe to the pod, like the videos, comment.


Turn on notifications. If you all listen to this pod today, it should be the day after Christmas.




So we got the hoodies.


On sale. Hoodies on sale?


I mean- We got the hoodies on sale. If you're a real one- If you're a real one and you listen to the show, today is the 26th, the only day that we're going to have the hoodies on sale.


No better logos than this. Embroidered, Insignia's, it's got it all going on. Everybody wants these. I know my family members are getting real ones, hoodies.


Day after Christmas sale.


Yeah, day after Christmas sale. Best time to buy. Buy some today. Let's get into the show.


How you all church go? You all be...


How you all? Yeah, it's like (dung, dung, dung, dung). They have the bells out.


No, ours is different.


What's yours like?


(dung, dung, dung) (claps) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (dung) (painline) (painline) (painline) (painline) (painline) Tell him what you want. Oh, Jesus. Yeah, I should be lit. Damn. Call him. Call him. Yeah, ours should be lit.


I remember one time.


They brought like-[Nurse] No beat, though. It's all hand clap. That's the start church. That's impressive. That's the warm up.


That probably gives you.


The tingles. Then I'm talking about, I'm going to get up there. I should get up there and see. Will. Jesus is on the main. I thought.


You were to say, Will, it's the big show.


The Big Show. The Big Show comes out here. No, I'm telling you, yeah. Church would get wild. All right.


The Pat Bev Pod with Rone, I'll say it again. Merry Christmas, bro.




Christmas. Merry Christmas, bro. A gift for you.


I don't want that.


Well, that's not how gifts work. This is a gift for you.


Why are you just whip that out of.


Pocket like that? Because I'm ready for it. Wow, is that Dior? Wow, does this guy love Dior? What's that jacket you have on? Dior. Well, you know what would go great with it? That gift.


Dior. Shirt. Dior. Shoes.


Come on, man. Don't play it. So open it up, bro.


No, I'm away.


For what? What is there to wait for? Christmas. Christmas. What do you.


Mean I'm wait for Christmas?


It's not Christmas. But this is for the pod, for the pod people that's.


After Christmas. That's a white thing. You understand what I'm saying?


Yeah, my family was trying to open up gifts on the 23rd. I was like, Whoa.


It's not even to eat. I know. Our family was like, You get your ass beat the fuck down. You over anything? Yeah. Not even at night neither. Not 12:01, not none of that. Really? The next morning, yeah.


Well, what about this stack of gifts that I have for you as well. You got to at least.


Open this. No, I can't.


Why? It's not Christmas. It's perishable, though. It'll go bad.


I could eat it.


Yeah, you.


Could eat it. Let's eat it together.


All right, let's eat it together. Wait, do you remember what the... Because the cheat sheet's on the side of this.


Yeah, I remember about a couple of them. But all of them are not.


There though. Right, exactly. So you won't be able to get them all.


With a camera. This one?




Twelve drummers drumming. A lever piper's piping. Ten lords are leaping. Nine ladies dancing. Eight maids are milking. Seven songs of swimming. Six geese and the lane.


Five, four, a human bird. Four, a human bird. Three Frenchans, two turtle doves.


And the.


Parches and the parishes. Damn, dude, this guy was locked in. That's like learning the fucking presidents. So you can slide that out. Yep. What do you think is going.


To be in there? I don't know. The parches might pop out of this thing.


Yeah. I got hands, Mikey. And I'm not Jeremy. Hands, yeah.


Yeah, so we got some chocolate up there on top. Why not, dude? Why not? See, and we have to give credit to ourselves because a lot of podcasts are doing best of this week. A lot of podcasts are taking the time off. A lot of podcasts are dipping into the past or they're not being active. We're recording on Christmas. Basically, you're flying and we're still putting the pod and everybody involved in it. There are priority right now. Everybody who's part of the team is the priority.


I have a flight at four o'clock.


Today to Miami. Yeah, exactly. We're going to have to leave. By the time this is out, people are going to know that you beat the heat, that you followed the NBA script. These sound like they're like, Chewy. It sounds like if I'm going to bite into this, it's going to stick with my teeth for like 15 minutes. What is it, Ch-You've got.


Something to wash it down with. I see you brought alcohol. That's one thing I did see you do good.


I did, dude. I wasn't playing around. Pennsylvania, Dutch, Eggnog. Have you ever had eggnog before?


I've never had Eggnog.


What is yourWhat's your anticipation of what eggnog is going.


To be like? I don't know. I hear egg. I hear egg first. Right. So I don't know what the taste is going to be like. I don't even remember any of my family members drinking Eggnog.


This also might be a white thing. It might not.


It's creamy. That's thick too, bro.


This is 15 % alcohol. Mike, I'm pouring you an eggnog as well.


I want this with us.


The slide one, the stallone?




You are, my friend. Time to dip into the dirtledovs. Have the.


Eggnog, Michael? I'm not supposed to have this with the Makers.


You could pour some on top of it, but this already does have a rum, brandy, and blended whiskey in it. So you want to take a whack of it, and then if it requires it, then we also have some unlabeled alcohol over here that you could also pour on top of that.


Cheers, boys.


Cheers. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to you guys. And Merry Christmas to the viewer. I hope you're pouring up eggnog at home. Why is your eye twitching?


I don't like that. I don't like that at all. I don't like that. I don't like egg, no. That's a white thing for sure. Really?


Because I love it.




It tastes like Pancake Better. I've never seen that look on your.


Face before. I don't like this. I'm a drinker, though, because I'm a gangster.


It's not nasty to you.


No, I don't like egg, no. I'm like, Oh, my.


Teeth hurt. From even just like, look at what it's doing to the side of the glass and then imagine how it's coating your insides, dude. This is reverse phlegm. You're putting phlegm back into your body.


That's you. Thank you for your gifts.


And also, I didn't know which of the other producers would be here, but Mike, this is for you and all the producers. Oh, thanks. Of course. Here, come on over, brother.


Go, come on over here. Shout out to Mike.


You all. Shout out to Mike from Labstone and Hammer. You could dig on through there, I think. What the hell are you doing? They threw a hat, a bandaid, or bandana, the hat. What did you get? The hat. It just gets.


Late-night vibes.


Late-night vibes. They just do the sweatpants. They do the socks, but there should be the gift card should be in there, and that's the main thing. So a little $200 gift card for each of the boys.


They going to throw your.


Gift card. No, it's on the socks. It's in the socks. $200 to lap, start on.


The hammer for all the boys. You sat across this year.


My boy. I need to get Tyler and Jordan there too, because I mean, lap, start on the hammer. They get something fresh for them, some shoes or some shit like that.


I ain't going to.


Christmas shopping yet. Get the boys right.


Yeah, some nigger shit.


What do you mean?


I ain't even been Christmas shopping. Yeah. I'm getting all my presents when I land in Miami.


What's everybody getting? Fucking-bags. -fountain Blue.


-bags. Really? Everybody getting bag.


-bags of cash or like...


No, just bags. Just Nail back here, Louis back here, Gucci back here. We'll be back here.


Baggars are the easiest in.




-it's like nice. It's high end. It feels like you're getting something nice from somebody. I mean, you are getting something nice. What's the number one bag? What's the bag of the year?


I don't know.




I don't know.


The Mark Jacobs' tote? Oh, that one sounded chocolatey. That would sound like it had a little bit of a crunch to it.


That was all right. Yeah? That was better than the first one.


The first one sounded like it was like a nasty sound that I don't want to make into the microphone again.


Okay, speaking of microphones.


Damn, gold mic. It suits you. It fits you well. The gold mic and the eggnog. Cheers. Gold mic.


Bro, Mike. The producer, Mike, and the crew got me this for Christmas, so shout to the guy.


Cheers. I know that those things don't come cheap. The does the eggnog taste better with.


The chocolate going with it? Hey, tell me why we do, I say something crazy. It gets likes, it gets reposted and all that. Me and the Sixers do collab, but we take 10 kids from Philly. Shout out to the normal group who help put it together, too. But we take 10-year-old kids from Philly and give them a $1,000 shopping spread. So it was $10,000 given out. I don't see no ESPN, NBA, Repost. I don't seesee no, what's a legion, hoops, reposts. I don't see no was a Legion, Hoops, repost. I don't see no Bleacher report. Repost. But as soon as somebody talk about pulling the basketball like an orange, a while, a motherfucker getting choked out. It's publicized. It's everywhere. It's click-based. You can find it as soon as somebody want to do something good for a community, you got to go look for that. I was like that.


Do you think it's more about the state of humanity or do you think it's more about the state of the media? Is it about what people want to see as consumers, humanity? Or is it about what the media is feeding people? Yeah, I want to let you. That's why I was trying to restate it, Philibuster, a little bit, because those chocolates, they're going to get stuck in your teeth. They're going to get stuck in the listeners' ears, the podcast, viewers' eyes. You guys probably got to wash it down. It's that milk.


So what him and wouldn't want to see that? Not to a point where, okay, not to a point where it's like, Pat, not to a point where it's like, Pat, Beth, and Sixth Street did this. But man, to not honor real kids, man, from City of Philly, inner City of Philly. I know it's a ton of honor roll kids, but the environment I grew in when you had to look over your shoulders on the way to school and after school, enduring school, the type of people that were in my school, we were talking about fights every day to even stay focused, even think about honor roll, is you don't like three waves at once. I always wonder why none of the good shit we put out there like that. I think it's contagious. It's like you put the bad shit out there, everybody repost it. You put the good shit out there, everybody catch it too. I just don't know why it's like that.


I studied journalism in college, and they talked about a thing in the classes. They said if it bleeds, it leads.


No, no propaganda.


They're saying that if somebody gets shot, that means that's making the front page. But it seems like there's no rhyme scheme for if something nice happens, then it winds up in the probably last page of the newspaper. Nobody cares about it.


We can rewrite because we're part of the new media, so we can rewrite that. Shout out to those kids. Shout out to those kids. Shout out to No Mo. Shout out to the Sixers that even putting it on my plate for me to even know anything about it. We did it at Snipes. First time at Snipes that shit was fire. The guy got mad as hell. I said, Man, it's like a footlocker. What do you mean? Kind of like a footlocker. So yeah, shout out to the guy who got mad at me at Snipes.


What did he want it to be like?


I don't know, but it was nice to say it was my first time in there. I couldn't only compare it to what I know. So yeah, shout out to those kids. And the energy was great, man. The energy is so humble, so down to earth and so relatable and had conversations with them, could talk to them. It was great. The whole thing was a vibe.


Being smart and planning a career for yourself is so admirable as a kid. I think people get trapped up in what they think is cool or going to take them a far away in a cool way. Or they probably don't even think that far into the future because something's cool. Some of the things that are cool when you're young, you'll wind up as a loser if you follow those paths. And some things like getting good grades, maybe not the coolest thing, but that's a narrative to rewrite. Getting some good grades is.


Pretty cool. Yeah, so we're showing love, man. So all those athletes out there who did give back and will always give back. Shout out to you all to a way to make the world. It's a little bit better place. It's a little bit, you know?


Hell, yes. Using basketball to further a good agenda. Well, so.


You all didn't see it. Check it out. It's on my page. Go check it out, man. Those kids is dope, man. If you all watching kids, shout out to you all. You all keep killing. I hope to see you all again next year.


Shout out to the fucking kids. Yeah, straight up. I was sad to see that you didn't play in a Sixers game.


Man, cry at the time. I think he tried to get me back because I told him he didn't help. I took a charge. He landed on my motherfucking heel. I barely could walk.


Yeah, I was trying to figure out what happened with.


The heel. Yeah, I took charge. Boom, boom, boom. With all this weight landing on the bottom of it like a heel contusion. So it hurt when I step on it and shit. So obviously, running, jumping, all that stuff. I wanted to give a couple of days try to be good for this Christmas game.


I know it was your goal to play every game this season.


It was, G. I think Kat did it on purpose. Because he was too apologetic so fast. He knew what he was doing it. As soon as he hit me, You okay? You okay?


Try to choke out your ankle?


Well, yeah, that's my dog, Kat. Speaking of that, Beltaz.


Best team in.


The League. Beltaz.


Best team.


Best record. Yeah, that was fun.


They came into Philly and B put up a... What's a 51 burger? That's a whole different... That's a horse of a different color. I thought he wasn't going to get it. He missed the free throw, followed up, hit that jumper from the top of the key. That man is playing incredibly. I can't say.


It enough -Oh, a defensive player of the year. 50, you're a defensive player of the year? Somebody can get you 50? I'm going to style you out.


You can't be a defensive player of the year. I'm going to foul you out.


I mean, you can be. Obviously, that's only one guy. But nobody ever gave me 50. Nobody? I'm fouling out at 33, fighting 34. Feel me? Not the nifty-fifty, though. Fifty? '51. Fuck that.


I mean, that's what happens when he plays a full game. It's dangerous. He's just on a different plane as a.


Basketball player. But we did take L to the Bulls.


That was tough. Tough. Yeah, we talked about that last episode a little bit.


We did? Yeah, we talked- I wanted to give them their flowers.


Yeah, Bulls get flowers, but you took it out on.


The wolves. Yeah, say that.


Bulls to wolves.




Animal to the next. And those are both two games that are personal for you, and it seemed like the wolves game. Those are guys that you love and respect. And especially Anthony Edwards, that's your young bull. But he tried to do something nasty to Embiid. Did you see what he tried to do to Embiid?


He tried to dunk them.


Yeah, he'd go, but not just a dunk.


He tried to end him. They say Slamma-jama. Slamma-jama. And then B, he wasn't going.


He really wasn't.


But I'm saying you got to think. So T-Wools, you talk about their big man lineup. B did that shit on Rudy, Kat, Nazreed.




Nazreed. It was a small, Kyle Anderson. You know what I'm saying? I went through the whole crew, man. He a beast.


Yeah, there's only so much that you can say about him every single week because it seems like he's topping himself, besting himself. Marilyn Mason, bro, keeps topping himself. But I think that when you look at him coming back to the bench, what's your guys' discourse when you're talking about it? What are you guys saying? What's the conversation on the bench like when he's doing something extraordinary like that? It seems like it's good vibes.


Yeah, I'm really locked in during the game, but I say some shit because I'm a fan of basketball, too. So if we had time for the coaches coming in, I'd be like, Hey, Joe. Bro, that's fucking impressive, bro. I ain't going to lie. That's impressive, Joe, bro. You got 30 and a half, 30 and 12 and a half, efficient as shit. Feel me? I think Tobias, Max, and Joe all had 30. It's impressive as hell.


That's the next game. We're about to get to that one for sure.


You know what I'm saying? So the things that... You know me, I like to show love anyway. So the things my mother is doing on the basketball court, I'm the first mother. 50, that's impressive. And I was on the court for both 50s.


He's having a- You know.


What I'm saying? I ain't never been on the court with my father score 50 like that a couple of times, like 30 and a half.


It's not easy, but it looks easy.


No, it's easy for him.


Yeah, it's so impressive. He's also having the most efficient season by an NBA player by a decent margin. Yeah. Like the P. E. R, I don't know how much people look into those advanced stats and you take them for what they're worth because they're flawed. But he's so efficient. He's so elite. He's performing at such a high level.


I mean, the whole team is, though. Our plus, minus, as far as our star is our offensive rating is elite. Our defense is elite. Our bench is elite. Our bench.


Is elite. We're the top five.


Off the bench, plus, minus, number one in the, this year.


Yeah, you really have to... You've got to tip the cap to the boys. But it seems like you, Maxie, and Embiid at the end of the bench have a little fun thing going on. Oh, no.


I don't even look at it like that. It'd be so locked in.


Really? Yeah. Because I'll look over at the bench, I'll be sitting there somewhere in the stadium, and I'll see you guys. All three of you guys powling around. It just seemed like it was easy for you to infiltrate the inner circle of the team.


Oh, man, I don't try to infiltrate anything. I just go out there and just be me. You feel me? I work hard. I put my hard hat, bring my lunch I still go to work every day. You feel me? I'm just a non-American worker. You feel me? They see that. I try to tell the hard truth all the time. People flock to it or people appreciate it. I've been fortunate to be on the team like this with a coach like this. What a coach like this to me.


Kelly Ubre has only lost two games in his sixth year.


That's impressive.




Impressive. But I'm trying to think. One of the homies say, Yo, Pat, what do you think your record is from the Chicago Bulls up to now?


I think we could do the math on it.


I think we only lost eight or nine games with the Bulls.


Right. It was nine. And then you.


Guys -Yeah, I was going to do the count. If we were to lose nine games, I was going to do the count.


So you're 35 and 17. So that means that you win two quick math. I think you were 15 and nine, and you guys are 20 and eight right now. So I think that's 35 and 17. So that means that you win two games for every one game you lose. That's a 66 % winning percentage. Pretty fucking good.


Pretty impressive.


Especially because the Bulls are now they're in the play in. They're still a team that's growing, but it just showed how much you offered to a team like that. Yeah, for sure. Winning percentage is super high.


It was.


Fun, too. And then you get back into the next game with Tobias, going off. And you have three players on the sixer score in 30, Maxi and beat in Tobias. And that's the first time that happens, I think, since 1962?




That three sixers score 30 points?


I mean, but you've seen it coming. Obviously, everybody wants to play well, but it's hard to play well when you're only playing three quarters. So you go home, you got seven, eight points. It's like, oh, did I play well? Some guys think like that. I don't think like that. I think as long as we get to win, you know what I mean? It's the only thing that matters. We finished these games mostly in December, two, three weeks. We beat teams by 40, beating teams by 50, beating teams by 53. We don't even play the fourth quarter. So your numbers, you look up, you might have six points to assist, four rebounds. You're, Damn, bro, I had a bad night. In our reality, you really didn't. You just-Incompletion teams. -incompletion teams. You know what I'm saying? I played a good team. I played a team that battle, played hard in Toronto Raptors. No Dog's Raptors. It's too early. Shout out to Toronto Raptors though. Shout out to my guy, Dennis Roder, too. That's my dog.


Yeah, I feel like early on in the season there was a lot going on with the Toronto Raptors. But what's going on right now? What was their temperature? I guess you weren't playing, so you couldn't really tep.


I can't even speak on it because I didn't play.


Couldn't dip toe in water. Goose.


But it's about that time, though. That trade talk time. I ain't going to lie to you. If you on an expiring contract, not for any player, right? If you're an expiring contract for any player in the League, or you're not playing well, you just got a contract. This time, as to like, Valentine's Day. Are you on Twitter? Are you looking in that trade machine? You saying what my fuckers is gathering together? Well, if you want to appreciate it or accept it or whatever the fuck it is, you ain't playing well, you're not going to win them one year. You know, one of them, you feel me? Like money-friendly deals was the last year we deal and a team can take. Tough time.


Tough time. Yeah. What does.


That feel like? As a hooper and as a guy who's been traded.


Yeah, what does that feel like to be anticipating it?


I mean, this year I'm not anticipating it. Of course. But I've been on teams with the Clippers. They wanted to upgrade. I've been on teams withthem. You try not to hear the noise, but you hear it, right? You try to, I'm cool. Back in my mind, damn, did I play well? Why do you want to get that guy? Or why they want to get that guy? Youknow what I'm saying? Am I getting traded? Obviously, we're not talking about the-.


The present.


Yeah, but in the past.


It's a reality for other.


Teams, though.


Coming into a season teams have these high expectations of what they're going to be in the offseason, the potential is endless and you can convince yourself that things are going to go great. But then you wake up one morning and you're the Detroit Pistons. You wake up one morning and you're the Washington Wizards. And things didn't go the way that you wanted to. And so it looks like guys are going to get offloaded from those teams. Some guys are talking about the Pistons.


Trading K. Cunningham. Yeah, I know. The Lakers benched D-low. And I look back on it, I think it was very strategic with the what Darvon Ham did to able to have the ability to bench a player like what's a Westbrook? Now you can bench anybody.


But Russell took it differently.


I understand. But I don't know if he meant to do that on purpose or that was a strategic move either way it is. Any type of guard that comes to the lake as well, he's coached. I bench Russell. I bench you. I bench you. I've bent you. You know what I'm saying? To get what I want in the team. Obviously, they came out. They played well against OKC. They won. Dilo actually played well off the bench. He has 17 points. He was in a plus, minus also. So you get a new contract, you hear the talks, you've been bent. You've been demoted. You got to look at that. You got to look at a lot of stuff around this time of year. Health, you know what I'm saying? Man, man, there's a contract here, man. Do we want to pay this guy that number? Do we want to get someone else? You know what I'm saying? It's that time of year with guys. They don't want to accept it, but motherfuckers just.


- Someone's going to.


Get treated? I don't know if I'm looking over their back like this.


All right, guys, let's take a second and talk about twisted tea. Hang on. Oh, yeah. Twisted tea. Favorite drink of the holidays. I know I'm going to be enjoying a holiday twisted tea for this entire break, and you should too. Whether you're with your family, gathered around the Christmas tree, singing Yuletide carols, going from door to door, lighting luminaria. If you find yourself sucked into the Charlie Brown's Christmas tale and you're dancing with Linus on the piano and Pigpen stinking up in the corner over there, one thing that won't stink is the delicious, real brewed, ice tea taste of twisted tea. Only 110 calories in these twisted tea lights and man, are they delicious. Down to the Sixers game, I feel like they were flying off the shelves. And at our company, Barstool Sports, they recently had a survey, six different pairings. Who would you most like to drink a twisted tea with? The answer was Ronan Patbev, Cacophony throughout the office. Everyone was saying they want to enjoy a twisted tea with us. Well, guess what? We want to enjoy twisted tea with you. But the first way you can start is by buying some twisted teas for yourself.


They definitely have different types of holiday packs. They have one that tastes like the Firecracker, the Popsicle. They have so many different flavors. Each one is better than the last. Twisted tea is just a sublimed flavor. Whether you're in Philly, whether you're anywhere in the United States, whether you're anywhere in the world, Twisted T can be your companion, the original Hard Ice Tweet Tweet T. Oh, man, this ad read is getting twisted right now. But you can get twisted yourself by grabbing a refreshing twisted tea today.


Was there one Christmas you didn't get? Anything that you wanted?


I didn't really get like... No, there wasn't. I wouldn't say there was one Christmas where I was like, This sucks.




I do remember is that it used to snow on Christmas. Now it doesn't snow anymore. At all. Fucking sucks, dude. If I'd known that, I would have cared about global warming fucking 10 years ago when they started warning us.


But I was fucking- Like that in Chicago too. Huh? You're right, it was like that in.


Chicago too. It still snows some in Chicago though.


Yeah, more rain.


Yeah, it's bullshit.


I'm pissed. You want to see Rudolph?


I want to see Rudolph. I want to see fucking... I've been dreaming of a white Christmas. Like the ones I used to know. Even when that song came out, it's like, Was he experiencing global warming? Just like the ones I used to know. Because at that time... Because that came out in the 60s. Is he talking about there weren't any more white Christmases then? Have you ever even had a White Christmas? I probably had one. I had one. When?




What's Christmas like in Russia?


I don't know. Like Christmas was in the United States.


You get presents in Russia?




I was-Nuclear Warhead.


No, no. No nuclear Warhead.




You didn't get any presents?


Did the family come out? Itibila. Choo-choo. Yeah, I speak Russian a little bit. Choo-choo.






The fuck were you guys doing? Your family didn't come out to Russia for Christmas? Fuck, no.


No. We had a Christmas break, but we went back. But I don't like really flying back to the States back and forth. So maybe I came back once. By the time I go to Dubai, I go to Paris. I appreciate my holidays over there.


I was looking at a list of the most overrated travel destinations in the world based on their perception and how influencers sell them with how they wind up in person. The top of the list is at Dubai.


That's crazy. Wife is she in Dubai right now.


You think it's overrated?


I don't know anything she's showing me. They don't look overrated. They taking a boat to breakfast. She showed me some wild shit today. Like, I heard the fam, you take Boat to breakfast. She in Bentley one day, You rent them cars? She said, No, it's just in a family car. Next day in Rolls-Royce.


They said, Dubai is like a Sim City city, though. It's like fake. You know what I mean? It's like, so just like dropped in like a Lego set.


I heard they make rain there.


Clear it out?


Or they get the clouds pregnant too. I'm trying to make more water come out.


It's a true story. Interesting.


So, yes, she over to having her way.


So you don't think Dubai is overrated? No. What do you think is overrated as a travel destination?


I heard a lot of.


People saying Tulum was overrated. I thought Tulum.


Fucking rocked. I've never been to Tulum.




It's a Cabo vibe.


No, you got to go to... I mean, I've never been to Cabo, so I can't speak to it. But I would highly recommend to loom. Guy with money, guy who likes.


Beach, walked.


Down the dirt road.


South of France. Overrated?


Not even close. Yeah, underrated almost. Almost. And everybody knows how good it is.


Oh, man. Like two o'clock in the morning, AP on.


And he's not talking about the.


Vikings running back. Oh, relax.


Come on, bro. Relax. The APAD.


Yeah, she living up over there, catching the vibe. Yeah. Christmas, man. I woke up alone in the day.


Damn. You must miss her.


I miss everybody. Obviously, my family is meeting me in Miami and all that, but I woke up alone the day on Christmas. I can't believe.


You get a little bit sad?


I had Cooot with me.




Dog. My dog? That's my dog. That's my dog. That's my dog. That's my dog. So yeah, I've been cool, though.


Yeah, damn. That sounds a little bit depressing.


No, it was a.


Good time.


Gray-ass Philadelphia? No, it was crazy. I had to clean the people come through. I made up my bed this morning, burn some sage. You know what I'm saying? I got my hair done, got my hair cut. It does look nice. Give me some little me time. Trump to nails, Trump to toe nails. Do you feel me like- Pubes. Yeah, good vibes. Self self-careness.


Who does braids?


Lady named AJ said she used to do AI braids. Yeah. And her daughter fuck with the pod, too. So I don't know if you watch the pod, tell your mom, Thank you so much. Ai breaks. You feel me? So yeah.


Remember when-.


My guy C, he cut my hair, though. He'd be telling me all about to be from North Philly. He'd be telling me all about the Benning Segel. Yeah, man, you just listened to Benning Segel this morning. Yeah, it was good. For breakfast, Captain Crunch at night, our kids eat lunch at night in their beds all bunched up tight, no less than three or four. You know how I go two by the foot, two by the head. Boy, man, I'm getting scared for it. I know, so I feel for it. I got to put the shorties on the block. All they do is smoke weed and drink 40s. Pop their little 40s. You have to get the latest rock and it was Glock old Jordan. Yeah, I'm locked in. Wow. Yeah, I'm locked.


Philly Pat.


That's fucking dangerous. Hey, chill. Holy shit, man.


I didn't know you had beans in your bag like that.


Everything, what you mean?


Fuck. Because you said you stopped listening to music.


Yeah, I did. But that's retro shit. That's like, I love you, Barney shit. I mean, how I grew up.


Yeah, honestly. But Freeway was at the fights. Did you ever get to link up with Freeway when he was at the Gilly Waller fights?


I would have been inI might put a beat on. I might put.


A bead on. No, chill, dude. You can't be putting smuddle.


His name like that. No, but it's just sad.


But that was L for him that day.


I know, I know. It's fucked up. You're bringing up the losses. Everybody take Ls.




That's true. He didn't apply pressure to a bunch of motherfuckers.


Motherfuckers take Ls. I take N0, it's like New.


Orleans, bro. No, I like that. And guess who reached out? The Jazzy Jeff. Oh, really? It was crazy. He reached out to me on Instagram. I thought, Damn. Fresh principal. This is just like, Wow.




Jazzy Jeff. That's crazy. So yeah, Philly been showing a lot. So yeah, I woke up at Philly New Year's Eve. You see my Philly tried to give me a Philly beard, you see? Aki. Yeah, Aki. You feel me? You feel me? Yeah, I'm here.


Philly's got that deep Muslim population. I think biggest Muslim population outside of the Middle East in Philadelphia. You see the Sunni beards. You know it's good. That's why.


People keep asking, Are you Muslim?


Salam alaykham either way.


Salam, salam, salam, salam. I love Aki.




He is all the time.


But yeah, it's great that you're ingratiating yourself to Philly like that. Do you remember when Iverson used to get his braid? He was getting his braids done on the bench. On the bench.




Legendary. That is legendary. Imagine now, NBA card would have on a hat on the bench. Tell Pat to take off that damn hat. I just, my fuck. Imagine what my fuck.


Adam Silver is really watching it like.


Fucking Skylink. I don't think him, but somebody from... They want me all the time. I'm scullyed out. I take the hat off off the bench. I'm not taking my hat off. You come take it off.


You said Adam Silver down here to take it off, take.


It off himself. Then they hit me with the... Because I always keep my ball on the bench. They hit me with the, I got that ball on the bench. I'm a basketball player. I got a ball on the bench.


How important is it the ball that people pick before the game?


I like to pick each ball, but then I get overruled sometimes by either Tobias or Maxie. And then Joel come out the blue. Joe, he like the old school, no grip on him off. I'm over the motherfucker. That motherfucker was like bowling ball, shiny and everything. The the quick one? Oh, it's the worst ball. But for him, it's cool.


Because he's sweating anyway.


Every time. So that bit's grippy. He touching it all the time. When you get a motherfucker off the bench, you put that ball in his hand, that motherfucker feel like glass. So yeah, man, we do a little thing before every game. Because? You know they give us three balls to choose from. I don't know if you know. Yeah, that's why I was asking. Rebs come out there, three balls that you choose and reach. Well, one ball is brand new. The second ball is supposed to be a little bit broken, and the third ball is supposed to be the most broken. So you got to pick between those three.


Earlier in the season, Lakers game, someone spilled on the ball, and LeBron's like, Just try off the ball. Don't switch the ball. You can't switch the ball. What is it that people fall in love with.


About some balls? I don't know. You're having a good game. You don't want to change ball. You want to change how it feel. You see your hands are used to how it feel. Because when the league ball get a little wet on it, it absorbs the moisture. So when you sweat and you do this, it don't get slippery. It gives you more grip sometimes. He'd be lucky I wasn't playing because if we was losing that game, I'd, Nope, no, no, no. Rule's our rules. Change ball.


Lick the ball. Change the ball. Change the ball, Brian. Nope, we got Bach on here. I can't play basketball with Bach on my hand. You know what I'm saying? I've got to change the ball. They gave him a pass. They gave him a pass to that one. Speaking of LeBron.


Well, he had a great game. Fuck a great game. What was he? 48 and eight?


He's 40 years old.


40 and 40, like Jay Z.


It's just like he's rewriting this shit, bro.


He could just be like a point guard for the rest of his shit.


He can play for another- Ten? Seven, at least.


On a braided type of thing? Tom versus Ty'n? I mean- Bron versus Ty'n? He's showing no signs of slowing down the same way that other people slowed down: mentally, physically, shot-wise. Nothing seems to be slowing down. Recovery, health. Everything seems to be at the exact same level. I saw a tweet the other day. They were like, Where are we looking at the decline of LeBron James? I was like, What are you looking at, dude? What are you watching? Because then he goes out and puts out 48 and eight.


Casually. Casually.


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We had a conversation. Every team likes to say you have a dog. I'd say, You all, you're a dog. I'd say, You have a dog.




For Toronto, though. Sure, sure, sure. How many dogs do you think is on each team? I asked one of my coaches. He said two. I said one and a half. Itry to think Marcus Morris. I asked Marcus Morris. Marcus Morris said like a half.


But Marcus Morris is a dog.


I know. But you got like, on this team, you might have. Then you have up and coming dogs.




Not puppies, but you don't stand by.


They're just getting their teeth. They're getting their dog teeth in.


Right, right, right, right, right, right, right. They're still toothing. So yeah, how many dogs do you think on each team?


It's interesting because it's like when you look at the superstar conversation, you know who those guys are. But I think some fans don't know who a dog is. And I think the NBA players would know who a dog is.


Does Washington have any dogs?




Okay. Go to Memphis. Does Memphis have any dogs?




How many?


I mean, Ja, dog. What? Dylan Brooks was a dog.


No, no. He's not on Memphis. So current. Marcus Smart.


Oh, yeah. So that's two dogs.




D-rows. Rows to a still dog status? I mean.


You get out there and smoke.


Yeah? See, I don't know. Yeah, that's something that an NBA player would know.


That I don't know. So I'll go two.




Clippers. Russ. Dog.




Dog. So that's what I mean. So two? Sometimes I have two, three.


Kauai, that's what Kauai, D-Rows, those are different types.


Of dogs. Yeah, but even James Harden's a dog, you feel me? To a certain extent. People put PG as a dog. You know what I'm saying? So some teams have three or four, some teams have none. You know what I'm saying? So that's where we get to one and a half. You feel me?


So the average is out. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Let's go through the Sixers.


All right, Marcus Morris. I'm not counting myself.


I'll count you.


All right, standby, Kelly Huber. But you got to put Joe in there. The dog.


Well, let's define it.


You know what.


I'm saying? What is it? Is it mindset? Is it how you act on the court? I don't think it's act. Is it the fact that you're willing to fight someone?


No, I don't think it's a willing to fight. I just think that I'm down. However this game go, I'm down to do whatever it takes to... Not even do whatever it takes, but ain't no pushover over here. And everybody on the court know it. Ain't no pushover. Ain't no-You go pick on me all game. You go call me up for screens so I can get the ISO. You feel me like, no, I'm applying pressure. You know what it is? You come through the lane, I'm bumping you. You go field me out there. No matter what, you go feel me out there. You know what I'm saying?


Let's go all NBA dog team.


Out now?


Out now. It's out now.


My dog's different than a lot of people.


Well, let's go to your dogs.


At center, I'm putting Joe. Dog. Dog.


Yeah, I'm trying to think if there's any more dog-ish centers than him. Hard to say. Let's go, Joe.


I got Draymond in there for sure.




I got myself in there for sure.




I got a-.


Do you need two more dogs?


I got Anna in there.


And Edwards?


He's a dog.


He's a dog. He's full dog status? Yeah. Applies pressure?


Yeah, and he'll guard you.


He's criminally underrated in 2k. Would they have him at like a 89 or a 91 or some shit like that. Okay. Not that it matters. And then your final dog. You're talking about a three or a four, depending on where you put Jermong.


Yeah. Don't count me.


Okay, take you out.


Take me out. The honest.




Dog. Guard. I'm putting Carusel in there, bitch.




Hell, yeah.


Because of his mentality or his playing style?




He's got a dog mentality? Yeah. I feel like people don't know a lot about his mentality.


Yeah, and for him to be a minority in this league.


Yeah, affirmative action hire.


You know what I'm saying? If you're affirming to be a minority in this League, that's stand a lot.


Yeah, wow. Tip of the cat to him. That's a fucking dahlhawk.


You're a dahlhawk.


Underrated, understated dahlhawk.


You're a dahlhawk.


Bringing White to the forefront.


Wow. Sure.


That was nice of you to include him, though.


That's the truth. Ac go hard.


Who else was it? Because I'm trying to think of the difference between all NBA, all defensive, and dog. Because you got to be a dog to be all defensive.


Yeah, you got to do both.


But then it's a very interesting conversation.


Yeah, because a lot of people think, a lot of fans have been thinking like, Okay, yeah. How are you going to say he ain't a dog? He's average 30. It's just different.


Finest 30 is a whole different brand of 30.


I like to play off Jimmy Butler, too.


Oh, that guy's a dog.


He a damn animal. Yeah. Yeah, he's different. Do you feel me? Obviously, LeBron is definitely that. But you feel what I'm saying? Guys that.


- Jimmy Butler really encapsulates that.


Yeah. He turned it on and like... I'm like, Damn, he out there. I don't know exactly what he's doing. I don't know if I even like what he's doing, but I know he's defending it. He's rebounding it. He's diamond it. He's putting it in the ground.


You're giving dog status to Dylan Brooks?


Yeah. He's got to do it a little little.


He's like one of those weird dogs, though.


He got to do it a little longer. Yeah. Yeah, that's all. A little mix. Yeah, a little mix. Mix. Brooks is a little mix. But you're a dog, though. I respect what he do. I thought I always always like Brooks.


What What his Stair Downs.


I fuck with everything he's doing. I fuck with with it. Game with with basketball an entertainment game. He's He's entertaining. I fuck with it.


He's trying to be the undertaker.


I fuck what he's trying to to do. He's and they playing well. He's playing well. He's playing well. He's playing well for his country too. You know what I'm saying? He played well well something like- Canada?




Canadian boy? Yeah. So yeah, you got to give him some credit. You got to give him credit.


St. Goon had, I think, a career high.


Yeah, I like St. Goon.


Yeah, he's playing well. Who else is playing well? I like watching the Sacramento Kings as a team.


Team. And came came short against Minnesota. Yeah. It's a good fight. It's a good fight.


Yeah, they held the Aaron Fox to no points in the fourth quarter. I saw it, which is tough to do because that's a clutch player and a closer. I always liked Mylik Monk.


I did.


I loved him at Kentucky.


He just is coming-When was he at first? I didn't like him on the team he was at first. I didn't like him there.


Why not?


Because losing gives you losing mentality. He He around good good coach. Around some guys that's proven. Do you know what I mean? Like, Sabon is a proven proven Foxes a proven proven Aaron Sabon is a great vet. Great vet. So he around guys like that makes him much better.


He's a guy that he's pretty normal-sized height, and he'll throw down the most powerful, offensive dunks that you've ever seen in your life. And he could shoot the shit out of the ball. Straight up.




Really really the shit out of the ball. Impressive work by him. Impressive work. We're across the NBA. Fun to watch. All right, guys, let's take a second and talk about about straight talk, Not Loop to D-Loop Talk, not not squiggly No, we're talking about Straight Talk Wireless. It should be your new partner. And plus, they're offering absolutely incredible incredible where you can get a a Walmart membership included on on Straight Straight Wireless plans for free. Unbelievable. So you're getting these great great like 25 bucks a line, up to four lines, stuff like that. But then you're getting the the Walmart benefits also. You can get get Paramount with that. It's free shipping with no order minimum, free delivery from Walmart Walmart and member prices on fuel and gas. So when you look at Straight Talk Wireless, all these things that they're adding in are going to alleviate the other parts of your life where Straight Talk starts to pay for itself. And that's just me giving you some straight talk. Only Straight Talk Wireless gives you unlimited data, talk, and text plus a Walmart-plus membership included on Select Plans for free. Straight Talk Wireless is available at Walmart and Walmart.


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Like that? No, I just think they they were.


Underestimated their.


Their -underestimated their opponent, yeah. They came in lacking a little little bit. They they a little scared. They came, a buddy came back with a little one, two. My co, the Coke.


Well, then by home alone, too, then-.


You got to know what's up. Up. He me twice. Yeah, my op, he's dangerous. Let me go ahead and get my affairs in order to get right. Yeah, Yeah.


I feel like would have been easy to kill. If that's what they're trying to do.


I think they were just trying to scam and rob him.


Yeah, but they got got He.


Was burning my fucking heads off. This is my fucking crazy.


People are stepping on. I mean, mean, he dropping bowling balls and fucking people are stepping through nails and shit like that.


He's from the Chicago area. Him and my shop run to the same school.


Kevin McAllister?


We went to to Old Park River What?


I think he's a fictional character.


What's his real name?


Mccauley Colcom. Yeah. He's from Chicago?


Yeah, he went... I'm on, I went to to Imon Schampard. I went the same same school. School. Really? Really? Old Park River They used to pull up up a red type of car or something when he was in high school.


I guess if he's in... I mean, you forget that guys like that went to regular high school because he was.


Fucking-no, move. Move.


Hey, away from the Dior. But you're really not going to open up the Dior?


No, wait.


Just open it up. What are you going to bring it on the plane with you? You're going to forget it.


I'm not. I'm going to pack it.


Well, don't forget that.


It's It's I can't.


How did.


You know that? That? Shop at Dior.


Well, the good thing about cologne is, even when you run out of the next bottle, there's some more cologne right there. There you go. This makes me feel better that you're doing this.


Who wrapped it? Dior?


Yeah, the Dior stuff. Yeah. It's the best one.


Which one is that?


That? Dior Salvage. I want to smell that thing before we end this show. What's that? We got to wind down with some Dior Salvage.


You are my grandad, grandad, rest a piece of soul. Man. Took care of of kids. None of the kids were his.


Because they were his his.


Because Because dated my grandma. Oh, got it. They never got married, but they were together for ages. Ages. When the time in, in, she already starting to adopt the process.


Oh, she was literally adopting them like that? Yeah.


You got to think it was some kids. It was some parents coming with my grandma, I babysit a kid, be a month old, old, babysit mother never come come back. It'd be some mothers, feel me that my grandma had two kids. But the parent had six, seven more kids. She'd take them in too. Shout out to my grandad because he was the male of the house and none of them was was his. Still took care of everything.


That's a real man.


Straight up. He used to be in the hood hood they used to ask for money and shit in the hood. He's no, I can't afford afford I got nine pairs of George and one pair of Pippens to buy. One of my cousins likes how you're a pippus. That was his thing. I got nine pairs of of one pair of of Pippens.


To He was really buying pairs of of for people like that.


Oh, my God.


It's nice, right?


If you adore him, Dior him.


If you adore her, J'adore her. No, I.


Don't know what.


J'adore mean. J'adore is the female fragrance that they have. J'adore Dior. Oh, that smells good.


You smell that?


I heard it's the number one most complimented cologne.


I love that.


I hope your compliments are are in this new year. I think this is our last show before New Year's. You want to hit a a.


I'm thinking about the game tomorrow. I hit a Hezzy. Pool.


Damn. I'm thinking about locking and loading the the is really what I'm thinking about.


You meditated, motherfucker.


No, never. Never, never, never. Never. Banks, the comedian.


But -He's great.


Great. But yeah, my New Year's resolution is just to be more myself.


What does that mean?


To be the most genuine version of myself. Myself. To be, excuse me, put on on anything, create anything for to try to be someone or something I'm not. Just to grow more into myself, reach my potential, become better. I'm a better person, grow, be a better friend, husband.


Do you read the Bible?


No, but I'm going to church tonight.


In order to get all those things you want, have a relationship with God.


I'm going to church tonight. I'll probably shed tear.


Why is that? Every time I go to church, shed tear. Every time I go to church, church, I have Because.


You feel the spirituality.


Yeah, every time I die, I'm feeling this shit. Yeah. Yeah.


Just Just one.


Feels nice. Tap your shoulder to get you napkins out. Good Good too. It It me with you. You can feel feel lighter and.


Yeah, it's a nice tier.


How you all church go? You all be like...


How you all? Yeah, it's like (dung, dung, dung, dung, dung, dung). Have the bells out.


No, ours is different.


What's yours like?


Fucking Fucking mad Jesus is on the the main telling what you want. Oh, Jesus. Yeah, I should be lit. Damn. Call him. Call him. Yeah, I should be lit.


I remember one.


Time they brought like- No beat, though. It's all hand claps. That's the start church. That's impressive. That's the warm up.


That probably gives you.


The tingles. I'm talking about, I'm going to get up there. I should get up there and see. Well, Jesus is is on, I thought you were.


Going to say, Well, it's The Big Show.


The Big Show Show out here. No, I'm telling you, yeah, church would be wild.


I used to buy Kirk Franklin CDs when I was growing growing just because I fucking fucking I just liked how he was putting it.


Down, dude. Yeah, Kirk Franklin. Ain't no care. We got the church in going nowhere.


Gp, are you with me?


Hey, he was getting wild.


Gds, are you with me?


Oh, yeah, we are. Stunk. Oh, yeah. Makes me clap my head. Makes me want to to dance. Damn.


Fucking Fucking black sounds so much more fun than than.


White For Christmas Christmas White Church. I'm trying to tell them they let the song, but you feel me like Black Church, you play church song. And if the crowd is feeling it, church songs don't go off. So service supposed to be over at one. Service Service was be over at 1:15, 1:16. All the the church they know that extra 15, 16, it feels like eternity in there. You feel me? Me? It get get quiet, steady steady rocking, sing in in acappella, drop drop again, go over it again. You rocking, crying. They rocking, crying. Beat drop again. It drop drop again? You We can't can't get it back up. We can't get it back Yeah, church be lit.


I know you guys are a season in the the over over.


There black church. I'm talking about about Black church be getting down.


Down. Yeah, they're good I know you have a little bit bit spice to the blood of.


Christ over there. Yeah, especially you're coming on that day where they got them crackers in that wine. Oh, that's a good day too.


Dude, but ours is is.


You'll be pinched. Yeah, this shit is is fucking- how you all be pinching people because you're supposed to be falling asleep.


Yeah, it really is.


None of that. You can do none of that in our church.


You look around, everybody's.


Everybody's like- in our church would be like this. What's going on on here? What's going on on here? Why Why is so lit? Lit? Damn.




Well, Merry Christmas, bro. Merry Christmas, brother.


Thank you. Catch that flight. I hope you smell nice.


I do smell nice. Thank you.