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We got to talk to him about the women's sports right now. We got to talk. Not the Caitlin Clark, not the controversial stuff, but where the sport is going right now. Do you think it's a phase, or do you think it's headed somewhere?


I think it's headed in a direction it should have been a long time ago. Candice Parker years. Candice Parker, Diana Tarassi. It reminds me of Jordan in '80s '88, '89, where that '87, '88 year when the NBA decided this is the dude, and they took the wings off and put the logo on. It became the logo. Then he won every award. Magic and Bird like, Yo, he ain't won nothing. He ain't won nothing. How are you just going to give this man this? And that's when the close line started, and then from there, rules changed. Rules changed for him. That's why if you hear-Bad boys. Yeah, I see. Thomas is talking about, Hey, man, there was no what's the name? And you all didn't change the rule for me, Bird. He's him. Expansion. Let's fluff this shit around a little bit. Let's go ahead and mix this, get Hey, take some of them players off the team. Let's dilute it. Let's dilute it. Make some more teams. Give them a chance to beat up on somebody. It was for him.


They could also fist fight then, too. I think we're really just.


But I'm not going to let you fist fight him. You're not. That's what I said. Okay, you all fist fight, but wait, hold on because he talks, too. And we're not going to just let you hit him. We're going to add some P. So it was a design.


Then you get Charles Oakley out the Blue. Dennis Robin. Ron Harper. Everybody that played him, that played him tough was his teammate.




So we think that Kaitlyn Clarke needs Charles Oakley?


She's going to have that song.


No, but it's just like all the way. We've been looking at the game and say, Okay, it's a little rough. They doing anything. Okay. They're missing something for the global part of it. And it came. The problem is-Want nobody ready for it. No. Not for her. You're not ready for it. Even though we've seen it for two years coming, right? I don't think the league itself was built for it because more talented girls has came through.


Bigger You're Duncan.


Yeah, but no one gravitated to it. I think the success is Steph Curry, too. Steph Curry shooting and this and that helped. Now you got somebody who's shooting like a man From that, it's exciting.


Do you blame the women who are being physical with her and giving her a hard time? I'm asking you because, Pat, I know you can't because I watched Alonso Ball's first game. I don't.


I think it helps her be a better basketball player.


No, it helps her be a better basketball player because she has to go through it, but the league itself is going to step in. They're going to change the rules. She can cry all she wants. They're going to listen to it. If you listen to Isaiah, Jordan used to go to the Commissioner crying, He hit me. He listened. They're going to listen. No matter what the league looks like today, it won't be there tomorrow. That physical play is going to leave, which helps to lead because all the girls- 70-point games turned into a 100 in teams. All those girls built like her get to have an advantage, too, where we can shoot. So to get rid of the less talented and the more physical. The less talented and physical is going to remove them and it's going to bring in more skilled players. The scoring is going to go up. Fan base, money, advertisement. They just don't see it now.


Rides away for 20 years, changed rules back.


They just don't see.


They just changed it back this year with the NBA. Oh, you can hit people. You can hand check people. They let you do everything now.


Yeah, ball's hand. They don't see it now because They're in it. No one... Just like Magic and Bird, like, What about us? And then they're like, Yeah, you all did good. You all holding it together. Diana, Taras, and them, the league didn't fold.


They kept it afloat.


You all kept it afloat. No, you did, Jodef. Is she better than you? No. No, that is not the question. She's not better than you. She's not better than Candice Parker was. My Amour.




But that's not what we're talking about here.


Is the marketability dies.


The market chose. The people chose her. The fan base chose her.


But she also doesn't suck either. It's not like she was just chosen.


But when Steph Curry coming in the league, you're not going to think Steph Curry, Steph Curry now. That's what we're saying. You know what I'm saying? That's exactly what we're saying. When Steph Curry came in the league, everybody was hitting him around, throwing him, even his own teammate. I'll get him the ball for him. Monte, I'll get him the ball for him. Give me the ball. I'm going to down the line. Who got the record? So they didn't see it in the beginning. Like Gil said, they didn't see it in the beginning, but the league started to change. Next thing, you know what? Every guy and girl wants to be like Steph Curry.


That opened the doors. Aau, what we see now.


Yeah, people are jacking from the volleyball line.


So she's going to be-I've seen a kid on AAU the other day, man, come down half-court Liza.


I mean, LaVar Ball, shoot them up for three times in a row from half-court. I said, I can't watch this.


But when it goes in, it's super exciting.


When it goes in one for seven, I don't see that shit.


It was so funny as I was at the-Your son, though. I was at the Sparse game. I was at the Sparse game. She made two threes at the end.


Oh, yeah, that was it?


The whole crowd lit up.


That's when That's when it lit up.


Like she had 50. That's all. They're coming to see her shoot that. 20,000 people coming to the game. Listen, people don't realize the WMBA girls don't realize this. They're not coming to see her win.


Because they're not winning.


They're two and nine. They're coming to see her shoot shots from half court. If she goes over 20, she hit the one, they're going, it's your job. Your job to do great while they're watching her. That's what you do. Asia Wilson, all them girls. You do what you do when the eyes were on you. Like, man, that nigga on the other team had about 35 and 14. What's her name? I think I want to market her. I think she can do well in these shoes, and that's what happened.


But LA also has... I mean, they have a nice marketing piece over there, too, in their rookie. And Cameron Brink. She has the shoe deal. She has Kim Kardashian in the locker room.


The whole class has put this whole class.


It's built off the Candice Parker's work, the Diane Tarasi's work, the Sabrina.


Who haven't known the three-point contest with Steph Curry. I can't even get a three-point contest with Steph Curry, and I'm going to leave with.


You know what I'm saying? She's automatic. Who going to be in there this year? Kaylyn Clarke.


Kaylyn Clarke. Both of them.


Going against somebody. They don't care who it goes. They might put Ben Simmons. Don't let her win.


They don't Don't let her.


They might put Ben just so she can get to win.


Don't let her run. She beat the man.


I like where it's going. I like where it's going. I think you're about to start seeing more NBA players possibly coaching WNBA games. Really? I'm telling you. I think the announcement is going to change. I think the coaching is going to change.


Every aspect, because right now it's been so handicapped. The Aces, they have a great job because obviously, they got one of the richest owners, and they're handicapping him from spending his money.


Because of salary cap.


Because of salary cap. And he's ready to... Because he knows you can't afford your players. I can, though. So once they open up the floodgates and say, All right, do you? Now, if I want to compete with you, I got to spend money, too. Now, I got to get a new investor if I ain't got that bread. Now, he can buy a plane. Now, I got to buy a plane because you got a plane.


Or, you know what? Fuck that. Let me buy your team. New guy, new company, new lady. Let me buy your team.


And that's what they don't see. They don't see that. They don't see the competitive in business. Just like people didn't know in '87, Detroit had the first private plane. Really? I didn't know that. Yeah. So the two years they won the Championship, they get to fly early.


So was everybody thanking Isaiah Thomas for the private plane? No, they hated it. They hated it.


They hated it. You're all cheating. You all get into the city.


Because back then- You all get into the city before us.


Yes. When we play, we got to stay over. So let's say we have a back to back, right? We play the night, we stay the night, leave in the morning, go to the hotel, freshen up, and then go to the game. Detroit already there. So they won a Championship, and everybody's like, No, we need a plane, too.


Damn, Detroit before the Lakers is crazy.


We need a plane, too.


And then- And now Guys, if you don't have a plane, it's crazy.


They said Bulls was on the whole... John Sal. They said Bulls was on a whole nother level.




They come pull up to the hotel. They got gourmet meal just waiting for them. They're Kings.


So does everyone not have... Everyone has planes now, right? Everyone has planes now.


The plane service is now the plane. You own Delta? I got a deal for you. I need about 50 planes. You got the NBA contract, though, but I need 50 of your planes. So mostly everyone, except when I was with the Rockets, we had our on a plane, but everyone else that I played for, it was all Delta plane.


Who was the last one to get a plane? Was there somebody who was late to the party?


Clippers. I don't know if it ever sounds like Clipper is probably the last.


Donald Sterling is cheap man. You are spending money on.


When I was in a spinman now. When I was in a league, they didn't have practice facility. They worked at the Boys and Girls Club. Who? The Clippers. 2005, '06, '07. Blake was the guy that they build the arena around. Practice facility. Everybody before that, early 2000s, they had a nail on the wall. That's where they put their practice uniform. So there was no going back after to the gym. There was none of that. So when they pulled up to the Boys and Girls Club, they had to crack the door because nobody was going to get robbed out there.


Damn. No wonder they shot.


I'm over here practicing They bring them in my car. I'm in a boys and girls club in the hood.


They say they was getting robbed out there.


They're robbing Chris Kamen. They're robbing Oliver Candy, bro. That's nasty, bro.




How do you like WMBA as a fan? I've been watching more this year. I never really watched that because of Kaitlyn Clarke. But I'm not even just... I'm watching the Liberty Games. I'm not even just watching Kaitlyn Clarke. I'm watching across the board.


Yeah, makes you watch everybody.


Yeah, more interested because I know more players. It's a little bit more interesting. I want to see which one of them is going to beat the shit out of her, pull her hair, whatever. I like that shit, but maybe a lot of people can't admit that, but it makes it more intriguing. There's more for people to talk about, and she didn't really get hurt. It was like a tough foul. I think tough fouls happened in the basketball.


I did that to Liza Ball. Like I said, I did that to Liza Ball. They made like I was the best thing in the world, all because no one liked his dad.




Not anything that had to do with him. Great basketball player, went to UCLA, left early, Cali kid. But why didn't- First game. I get the message, they, Oh, Pat, you see what they gave you first game?




No way. Lines of ball. First game. The first game, you put Lons of ball against Pat Bia. First game, his rookie, first game.


So you did the same thing you wanted to make an example, or what was your mentality? You wanted to make a fucking example.


I don't want to be his dad talking about me the next day. The only thing I kept hearing is LaVar, LaVar. Remember LaVar, he all on ESPN, he doing What? He doing, Man, this man, Daddy, about to be talking to me crazy. I ain't even got a daddy. I'm not even even calling my daddy, take up for me. You feel me? This motherfucking daddy coming and talking about me. No, I'm jealous, too. You got daddy. I'm jealous. So I'm with you, your brother, all these motherfuckers. Why am I playing? All because it's a daddy. So yeah, that's why I'm. He's got a gil. Yeah, this is La Bar, Lanzos. Who the other one? It's the third one. Jello. I see him in smoke, too. Yeah, all because of La Bar. I mean, you got it. That's how it is, though.


But you were on the Bulls with him. I know.


He was hurt, though. It was hard though. But Dilo would tell you the same thing. I first got to... He played in the game, him and Kobe was on the same team. The only thing I just think of him, I can't look at me crazy. I know I can't lock up Kobe. Fuck, let me get Jorge Clark and Dilo as I pop their ass. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, Kobe, this is who you want these light skin motherfuckers. Say less. I got you. Type shit like that.


Welcome to the League moments are a thing, though. It's like everybody's always asking, Hey, what was your Welcome to the League? But then Kylin Clark has a Welcome to the League moment, and everyone's like, Because usually, the Welcome to the League moment is usually on some gifted player, giving you buckets or something, making you fall, dunking on you.


Usually, it ain't getting close line or nothing like that.


Got it. It was excessive.


It's excessive if that's not what you do. If that's not the type of player you are and you're going out your way to do something, then yeah. But if you are that type of player, and you're aggressive, you like to hit-And Kennedy, she's one of those type players. So with Kennedy, she's like, Yeah, she do that. You know what I mean? It's expected.