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Clay Thompson. Why doesn't he have an extension?


If you give him a four year contract where he's getting paid $40 million in the fourth year of the contract?


What? It's okay. It's not for what you're doing now. It's for what you did up and coming to this point.


But if they're trying to build their roster, I feel like their perspective is that that could hamstring them.


Man, Bronx championships to that organization, like, was on their way to get another one. You don't fuck up his knee. They just won a championship two years ago off so many championships that. Amen. But we have moved to another city. It wasn't a splash, brother. It was splash brothers. I understand the business part of it. The sprinkler is just a little human part of it.


Oh, the human part of it. You have to shine him.


You own business. Workers working his or her ass off. And the time there, they're part, a big part of your business. Success. You get a ton of money. You take care of your person. You let your person walk.


Pay the man his money.


Give that man his money. What are you talking about?