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Parents, help me out. Siblings fighting. You break it up all the time. You let them duke it out. I don't know.


I think it's got to be you and your daughter against your son. You got a tag team. That's the only thing that makes sense to me. He has an advantage over her. So you need to show him that, hey.


Yeah, she's wild. She blow her nose, throw tissue on them. She called me like, Dad, I count to 10. It's not working. I count to 20, son. But she's rubbing her boogers on me. You know, stuff like that. So I'm trying to be cool, dad, but I'm trying to be like-Campy, man.


You got to be disciplinary, dad.


I know.


I did. They don't need a friend at this point in life.


So I'm like, You need to be focused on school and your school work, but make sure you're nice.


It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. Yeah.


White people like to put on the, shout on the leash type of-Yeah. Clamp Adam in.


Clamp Adam in. There he goes again. Nail that leash into the ground.


Get your ass back. He's choked out.