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Jt, you know you're my favorite on the team. I don't even fool Jayla Brown like that. He cold, but you're my favorite player on the team, bro. They got the picture, bro.


The video isn't so bad. No, bro. The still shot makes it look crazy. The still shot is crazy. You did throw your head back.


He did draw the boat. Jt, you threw your head back.


That was nuts. That's out of pocket. Sam can still out of pocket. I'm going to put that on Sam. Sam, don't do that. I'm going to do my mans like that. That was in his eyes, though.


Oh, that's even worse. Yeah. Why are you See what I mean?


That's crazy.


You ain't going to do my dog like that.


You're not going to change T. You're fucking in your life, bro.